Spider's Homepage

<html><head> <title>Spider's Homepage</title> <link rev="owner" title="Contact Maintainer" href=""> <meta name="keywords" content="Astronomy, Deep Sky, Messier, NGC, Mars, Schiefspiegler, OS/2, PS/2, Arizona, Hartmut Frommert, Homepage, spider, spider at"> <meta name="author" content="Hartmut Frommert"> <meta name="distribution" content="global"> </head> <body> <center> -- <a href="#top">top</a> -- <a href="#M">Messier</a> -- <a href="#NGC">NGC</a> -- <a href="#schief">Schiefspiegler</a> -- <a href="#mars">Mars</a> -- <a href="#OS2">OS/2|PS/2</a> -- <a href="#misc">other</a> -- </center> <hr> <ul> <li><!a href=""><b>Hommage for Anton Kutter</b><!/a> - a tribute to <a href="scopes/kutter.html">Anton Kutter</a>, inventor of the <a href="scopes/schief.html">Schiefspiegler</a>, also on the occasion of his 115th birthday, <a href=""> Biberach/Riss, June 15-16-17, 2018</a> - organized by the <a href="">University of Gent</a> and <a href="">Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien</a><br> <a href="scopes/kutter2018/presentations.html"> International Kutter &amp; ATM Days: Presentation Archive</a> <li><a href="scopes/kutter2018/kutterdays.html">Our account of the Kutter Days 2018</a> <li><a href="scopes/dstevick/weird.html">David Stevick's Weird Telescope</a> pages recovered - <i>reconstruction in progress!</i> <p> <li><a href="spider/Comets/halley.html">Comet Halley</a> (1P/Halley) has passed its aphelion on December 9, 2023 or December 7, 2023 (depending on authority), and is now closing in again, for its 2061 apparition. </ul> <hr> <p> <li>The Messier Marathon community mourns the loss of <a href=""> <b>Don Machholz</b></a> (October 7, 1952 - August 9, 2022), co-inventor and record-breaking Messier Marathoner. <a href="">Don Machholz commemorative site</a> <li><b><a href=""> Messier Marathoners</a></b>: If not already done so, please <a href="Contact/spider.html">contribute</a> your <a href="">results</a>! (<a href="">2024</a> or earlier) <li><b><a href=""> Messier Marathon Holders</a></b>: Please <a href="Contact/contact.html">notify us</a> of any scheduled events for the <a href=""> Messier Marathon 2025</a>! <li><a href=""> A.J. Crayon's Analysis of Messier Marathons, as of April 27, 2015</a> - <a href=""> A.J.'s First Analysis as of 2011</a> <li><a href="">Messier Features</a> <p> <li><a href=""> Supernovae in Messier Catalog Galaxies</a> - Supernova 2023dbc in M108 and 2023ixf in M101 <p> <li><a href="spider/Mars/m2020.html"><b>Perseverance</b> Mars 2020 Rover and <b>Ingenuity</b> helicopter</a> doing science on Mars surface <li><b>Observe Mars</b> during its <a href="spider/Mars/mars2025.html">2024-2025 apparition</a>! <hr> <a href="upd-s.html">Webmasters: Semi-recent updates for linking our pages</a> <a name="top"><hr></a> <a href="flags/flags.html"> <img src="Jco/flag_a17.jpg" alt="[US Flag]" border=0 align=right></a> <center> <h1>Spider's Homepage</h1> </center> -- ... always under construction, but growing older and hopefully better as time goes by ... -- <br clear=all> <h2>Major Projects</h2> <a href="" name="M"> <img src="Jco/messier.jpg" alt="" border=0> The Messier Pages at SEDS</a> <li><a href=""> Messier Marathon homepage</a> <p> <!a href=""> <img border=0 alt="" src="Jco/maa_s.jpg" align=right><!/a> <a href=""> <img border=0 src="Jco/constS_s.jpg" alt=""> Constellation Pages</a> and <a href="">Maps Pages Mirror at SEDS</a> of <!a href="">Chris Kronberg<!/a>'s <!a href="">MAA<!/a> <h2>Other pages and services</h2> <a href="ngc/ngc.html" name="NGC"> <img src="Jco/ngc.jpg" alt="" border=0> NGC Online</a>: Searchable index for the NGC 2000 catalog, with some features. <p> <a href="hot/hot.html"><img src="Jco/hot.ico.jpg" alt="" border=0> Spider's <b>HOT</b> links</a> (Astronomy, space, and other) <p> <a href="spider/Deepsky/deepsky.html"><img src="Jco/deepsky.jpg" alt="" border=0> A Guide to the Deepsky Astronomy Resources at SEDS</a> <p> Some hopefully useful lists: <ul> <li><a href="sl9-list.html">List of Sites Holding Images of the SL9-Jupiter crash</a>, former "Preliminary List" (also in the original <a href="sl9-list.txt">plain text</a> version) <li><a href="obs-ims.html">List of Observatories</a> making Astronomical Photographs publicly available. [<a href="obs-ims.txt">plain text</a>] <li>List of <a href="">Messier Goodies</a> (<a href="">plain text</a>); List of <a href=""> Common Names for Messier Objects</a> (<a href="">plain text</a>) <li>List of <a href=""> Deep Sky Object Names</a> (<a href="">plain text</a>) <li><a href="oaos/oaos.html">Orbiting Telescopes</a>: Astronomy from Space; <a href="oaos/oaos-l.html">Launch Sequence</a> <li> <a href="shuttle/iss-sche.html">International Space Station Schedule</a>; <a href="shuttle/iss_p.html">ISS Historic Flights</a>; <a href="shuttle/past.html">List of all Space Shuttle Flights</a> <br> - historic <a href="shuttle/shu-sche.html">Unofficial Shuttle Launch Schedule</a> </ul> <p> Some more informations: <ul> <li><a name="schief" href="scopes/scopes.html">Unusual telescopes</a>, especially <a href="scopes/schief.html">Schiefspiegler</a> after <a href="scopes/kutter.html">Anton Kutter</a> (1903-1985) </ul> <br clear=all> <a href="mars/mars.html" name="mars"> <img border=0 src="Jco/mars.ico.jpg" alt="" align=left></a> <ul> <li>SEDS <a href="mars/mars.html">Mars link and exploration page</a> (including scheduled Mars missions) <li><a href="spider/Mars/m2020.html"><b>Perseverance</b> Mars 2020 Rover</a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/insight.html"><b>InSight</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/maven.html"><b>Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN)</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/msl.html"><b>Mars Science Laboratory (MSL, Curiosity)</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/phoenix.html"><b>Phoenix</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/2005mro.html"><b>Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/2003mer.html"><b>Mars Exploration Rovers</b></a>, <a href="spider/Mars/marsexpr.html"><b>Mars Express</b></a> and <a href="spider/Mars/nozomi.html"><b>Nozomi</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/odyssey.html"><b>2001 Mars Odyssey</a></b> <li><a href="spider/Mars/ms98mco.html"><b>Mars Climate Orbiter</b></a> and <a href="spider/Mars/ms98mpl.html"><b>Mars Polar Lander</b></a> <li><a href="spider/Mars/mpf.html"><b>Mars Pathfinder</b></a> and <a href="spider/Mars/mgs.html"><b>Mars Global Surveyor</b></a> <li>Nasa and Stanford <a href="spider/Mars/mmetlife.html">scientists have announced evidence</a> for <a href="spider/Mars/marslife.html"><b>Life on Mars</b></a> <li><a href="mars/mars-l.html">Mars Mission Launch Sequence</a>: All the historic and scheduled Mars probes. <li><a href="spider/Mars/marsopps.html">Mars Oppositions</a> - <a href="spider/Mars/mars2025.html">Mars 2024/2025</a> </ul> <br clear=all> <a href="ps2/ps2.html" name="PS2"> <img src="Jco/ps2.ico.jpg" align="right" alt="" border=0></a> <a href="os2/os2.html" name="OS2"> <img src="Jco/os2.ico.jpg" !align="left" alt="" border=0></a> <!p> <a href="os2/os2.html"><b>OS/2</b></a>: Most of the stuff here is astronomy and space, but there's also a bit on IBM's OS/2: <menu> <li><a href="os2/spider2.html">Spider/2: My OS/2 info</a>; <a href="os2/os2.html">OS/2 overview</a>; <a href="os2/astro2.html">Guide to Astronomical and Space-Related OS/2 Software</a>; <a href="ps2/ps2.html">my PS/2 page</a> </menu> <br clear=all> <ul> <li>Historic homepage of the historic <a href="ig/ig.html"> "Interessengemeinschaft Astronomie an der Universit&auml;t Konstanz" (Astronomy Interest Group at the University of Constance)</a> [also in <a href="ig/ig-d.html">German</a>] - <a href="ig/kn-pix.html">their Astronomical Images</a> [<a href="spider/Hyakutake/hyakutake.html">Comet Hyakutake 1996</a>; <a href="spider/HB/hb.html">Comet Hale-Bopp 1997</a>] </ul> <br clear=all> <h2><a name="misc">Other interesting stuff</a></h2> <h3>Astronomy</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">The hottest Messier stuff</a> <li><a href="hot/hot.html">Other hot stuff</a> (Astronomy, space, and other); <li>My <a href="comets.html">comet link page</a> (SL9, Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake, and others) <li>Leos Ondra's <a href="spider/Spectra/spectra.html"> gallery of stellar spectra</a> <li><a href="">Leos Ondra</a>'s <a href="sclock.html">StarClock</a> program (stellar evolution in HRD demo) <li><a href="spider/Misc/sn.html">Supernovae Stuff</a>: Recent, Messier Galaxies', and Historical Supernovae. <li><a href="spider/LG/lg.html">The Local Group of Galaxies</a> <li><a href="spider/MWGC/mwgc.html">The Milky Way Globular Clusters</a> (now 157 known, and counting ..) <li><a href="spider/Vars/vars.html">The First Known Variable Stars</a> <li><a href="spider/Misc/naming.html">Naming Stars</a> - note there is <a href="spider/Misc/naming.html#noway">NO way</a> to get stars named for payment... <li><a href="spider/Misc/misc.html">Miscellaneous astronomical fragments</a> <li>My personal <a href="hf/hf-astro.html">astronomical activities</a> </ul> <h3>Other</h3> <a href="spider/az/az.html"> <img border=0 src="Jco/az.ico.jpg" alt=""> Some Arizona stuff</a> <li><a href="lynxtips.html">Nice Webpages for Lynx</a> (Web hints) <li><a href="animals/animals.html">Some Earthlings</a> (animals) - <a href="animals/sp_space.html">Spiders in Space</a> <p> <hr> <li><a href="Contact/spider.html">Send me</a> info on beautiful images of astronomical objects and space stuff (Messiers, above all) not yet on SEDS ! <li><a href="hf/hf.html">Some personal information</a> <hr> <p> If there is <a href="noresponse.html">no response to your email for some time</a> .. <p> <hr> <b>Note:</b> Because of massive amounts of work pending, responses to any kind of correspondence may be significantly delayed (actually so significantly that I think this note is required - don't wonder or worry if it should take months in some cases). Nevertheless, your input is appreciated. Also, updates of these webpages are still in slow mode with a long queue of stuff waiting to be worked in; sorry for any inconveniences this may cause. <hr> <img src="Jco/spider.ico.jpg" alt="" align=left border=0> <a href=""> <img src="Jco/seds1.jpg" alt="" align=right border=0></a> <center> &copy; 1995 to current <a href="Contact/spider.html">Spider</a> (<a href="hf/hf.html">Hartmut Frommert</a>) at <a href="">SEDS</a> <p> ... but free for non-profit use ... <p> <a href=".sig.html">See my .sig</a> (clickable) <br clear=all> </body></html>

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