-ENDIAN: Meaning and related words - OneLook

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"Daily game: " : "") + msgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * msgs.length)]; return msgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * msgs.length)]; } const init_cyj_game = () => { const add_tracker = (container, action, msg) => { const is_daily = 1; const rand = Math.random(); const img = document.createElement('img'); = 'none'; img.src = `img/0.gif?x=cyj6&rand=${rand}&w=${is_daily}&action=${action}&msg=${msg}`; container.append(img); } const container = document.querySelector('#CONTAINER'); const is_daily = 1; const { starting_board, compound_info, min_moves } = {"puzzle_id": 63148139047701307, "starting_board": ["support", "home", "music", "free", "group", "country", "stand"], "compound_info": [{"compound": ["support", "group"], "name": "support group", "connection_type": "C", "description": "A group of people who informally support each other over a problem which all members share."}, {"compound": ["group", "home"], "name": "group home", "connection_type": "C", "description": "A place of residence intended to provide assisted living, medical care, discipline and a structured environment for people with complex health needs, minors in foster care or the juvenile justice system, adults with at least one intellectual or developmental disability, mental illness, etc."}, {"compound": ["home", "free"], "name": "home free", "connection_type": "C", "description": "Able to reach a goal without expending any considerable effort; either without or in spite of impediments."}, {"compound": ["free", "country"], "name": "free country", "connection_type": "C", "description": "A country that protects the civil liberties of its citizens; a country whose government is not despotic."}, {"compound": ["country", "music"], "name": "country music", "connection_type": "C", "description": "(music) A style of popular music that originated in the folk music of the rural population of the southern and western United States and characterized by string-band instruments and simple melodies."}, {"compound": ["music", "stand"], "name": "music stand", "connection_type": "C", "description": "A stand made for holding pages or books of sheet music."}], "difficulty": 47.15, "winning_board": ["support", "group", "home", "free", "country", "music", "stand"], "min_moves": 2} ; const call_to_action_msg = get_call_to_action_msg().replace("[X]", starting_board[0]).replace("[Y]", starting_board[starting_board.length - 1]); /* add_tracker(container, 'render', call_to_action_msg); */ let helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a chain in which every adjacent pair of words is a familiar two-word phrase like "hot dog". The pink words are the start and end of the chain and cannot be moved. When you have finished linking the words we\'ll show you the definitions of the phrases.'; if ("20250222".startsWith("def_")) helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a valid definition for the word on the left.'; else if ("20250222".startsWith("proverb_")) helpstr = 'Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a grammatical proverb.'; helpstr = helpstr + ' If you want an extra challenge, try to make the chain in no more than ' + min_moves.toString() + ' moves.'; CompoundYourJoy.FromStandard(20250221, container, starting_board, compound_info, { help: helpstr, call_to_action: call_to_action_msg, play_again: "" }, { on_first_interaction: () => { add_tracker(container, 'first_interaction', ''); }, on_win: (num_moves, min_moves, duration) => { add_tracker(container, 'win', num_moves.toString() + '_' + min_moves.toString() + '_' + duration.toString()); }, on_share: () => { add_tracker(container, 'share', ''); }, on_definitions: () => { add_tracker(container, 'definitions', ''); }, }, min_moves ); } init_cyj_game(); </script> <center><br>Our daily word games <a href=/threepeat>Threepeat</a> and <a href=/cyj>Compound Your Joy</a> are going strong.<br>Sign up for our new mailing list <a href="/games">here</a>!</center> <!-- <br><center><a href="">Harvey Beeferman, 1942–2024</a></center><br> --> <script src=""></script> <script> function ol(isForward, mode) { var x = $( "#olinput" ).val(); var url = "/"; if (isForward) { url = "/?w=" + encodeURIComponent(x); } else { url = "/thesaurus/"; if (x !== "") { url += "?s=" + encodeURIComponent(x); } } if (mode) { url += "&" + mode + "=1"; } if (url !== "/") { window.location.replace(url); } } $(function() { last_req = ""; const body = document.body; if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { const savedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme'); if (savedTheme) { body.className = savedTheme; } else { body.className = 'light-theme'; } } $(".darkModeToggle").click(() => { body.classList.toggle('dark-theme'); body.classList.toggle('light-theme'); if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { $("#olinput").append('<img src="/img/0.gif?q=hometheme_' + body.className + '">'); localStorage.setItem('theme', body.className); } }); $( "#olinput" ).autocomplete({ minLength: 3, delay: 100, open: function(event, ui) { $('.ui-autocomplete').off('menufocus hover mouseenter mouseover'); }, select: function(event, ui) { $('<input>').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'loc', value: 'home_ac_' + last_req }).appendTo('#olform'); $( "#olinput" ).val(ui.item.value); $( "#olform" ).submit(); }, source: function( request, response ) { var res = request.term.split(":"); var url; if (res.length > 1) { url = '//' + encodeURIComponent(res[0]) + '&ml=' + encodeURIComponent(res[1]); } else { url = '//' + encodeURIComponent(request.term.replace(/[:].*/,'')); } $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type : 'Get', url: url, success: function(data) { response( $.map( data, function(item) { if (item["tags"] && item["tags"].indexOf("prop") >= 0) {return item["word"].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item["word"].slice(1); } else return item["word"]; })) }, }); last_req = request.term; } }); }); $(function() { init(); }); </script> <br><br><br><br> </body></html>

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