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This group aims to support all academics facing such difficult times and make visible their plight by issuing declarations and reports. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ACTIV-VOL-CIT"/> <a href="../../lists/ACTIV-VOL-CIT.html" class="links">ACTIV-VOL-CIT</a> <br/>This list provides a forum for discussion emerging from the ESRC seminar series, Activism, Volunteering and Citizenship. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="AFRICANPROTEST"/> <a href="../../lists/AFRICANPROTEST.html" class="links">AFRICANPROTEST</a> <br/>To provide a forum for academics and activists to discuss African social movements. To circulate information about upcoming events and mobilise support. To provide linkages between activists and academics in Africa and the UK. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ALTERNATIVES-TO-CAPITALISM"/> <a href="../../lists/ALTERNATIVES-TO-CAPITALISM.html" class="links">ALTERNATIVES-TO-CAPITALISM</a> <br/>The broad aim of this research network is to advance the international, comparative and interdisciplinary study of alternatives to capitalism. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ARSN"/> <a href="../../lists/ARSN.html" class="links">ARSN</a> <br/>The Argentina Research Network (ARN) brings together academics, researchers and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines who share a research interest in Argentina. It provides a forum that aims to improve interaction, the dissemination of information, sharing of research and fostering of academic discussion among researchers of Argentina, primarily in the UK and Ireland. It collaborates with broader European and Latin American networks and institutions to stage joint workshops and events whilst maintaining a country-specific focus. ARN was formed in 2009 due to the growing level of academic interest in Argentina. Please see our website and click "follow" to receive information about our events </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ARTANDPOLITICSSPECIALISTGROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/ARTANDPOLITICSSPECIALISTGROUP.html" class="links">ARTANDPOLITICSSPECIALISTGROUP</a> <br/>This is the mailing list of the Art and Politics Specialist Group of the UK Political Studies Association and British International Studies Association. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ASENE"/> <a href="../../lists/ASENE.html" class="links">ASENE</a> <br/>ASEN Edinburgh is the first branch of (Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism) ASEN and launched on 26 May 2017. ASEN Edinburgh organise local activity to advance the study of ethnicity and nationalism. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ASSESSINGACCESSION"/> <a href="../../lists/ASSESSINGACCESSION.html" class="links">ASSESSINGACCESSION</a> <br/>Assessing Accession - Central & Eastern Europe in the EU is a Research Forum that aims to bring together researchers, academics, students and practitioners with a specific interest in developing a broader understanding of how the EU's political institutions and policy-making structures have impacted on, and been impacted by, the EU's new Central and East European member states. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ATTITUDES"/> <a href="../../lists/ATTITUDES.html" class="links">ATTITUDES</a> <br/>This is a discussion list for anyone involved in attitudes research whether it is methodological, theoretical or applied. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BACES"/> <a href="../../lists/BACES.html" class="links">BACES</a> <br/>BACES aim is to promote the subject area of European Studies in Higher Education in Britain, on behalf of UK institutions. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BAKS"/> <a href="../../lists/BAKS.html" class="links">BAKS</a> <br/>Announcements and discussion list for the Korean Studies community in the United Kingdom. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BASEES-MEMBERS"/> <a href="../../lists/BASEES-MEMBERS.html" class="links">BASEES-MEMBERS</a> <br/>For use by BASEES members to promote discussion and make announcements about events in Slavonic and East European Studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BATH-CONFLICT-NETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/BATH-CONFLICT-NETWORK.html" class="links">BATH-CONFLICT-NETWORK</a> <br/>A research network devoted to developing research and knowledge exchange on conflict, terrorism and related issues. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BBC-HISTORY"/> <a href="../../lists/BBC-HISTORY.html" class="links">BBC-HISTORY</a> <br/>This list is for those who are working on or who are interested in any aspect of BBC history, to keep members in touch with each other,with current work and to publicise events. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BEHAVIOUR-AND-EXPERIMENTS"/> <a href="../../lists/BEHAVIOUR-AND-EXPERIMENTS.html" class="links">BEHAVIOUR-AND-EXPERIMENTS</a> <br/>The list aims to circulate information on seminars, events and opportunities among behavioural and experimental researchers in the (broadly defined) London area. It also aims to promote the organisation of joint events to share ideas and build collaborative networks in the area of behavioural and experimental social sciences. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BISA-IPEG"/> <a href="../../lists/BISA-IPEG.html" class="links">BISA-IPEG</a> <br/>Official mailing list of the British International Studies Association's International Political Economy working group </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BISA-ISMMEA"/> <a href="../../lists/BISA-ISMMEA.html" class="links">BISA-ISMMEA</a> <br/>The BISA Working Group on the International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Asia (ISMMEA) aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum in which to bring a diverse range of scholars and practitioners together </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BISA-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/BISA-RESEARCH.html" class="links">BISA-RESEARCH</a> <br/>The BISA Postgraduate Network (BISAPGN) is here to provide postgraduate members of the British International Studies Association with a more fulfilling membership experience through academic/professional development and networking opportunities. The list will help facilitate postgraduate discussions about international studies by linking students from all universities from across the UK and further afield, and will help organise postgraduate oriented workshops and conferences. <HTML> = </HTML> </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BISA-SEEWG"/> <a href="../../lists/BISA-SEEWG.html" class="links">BISA-SEEWG</a> <br/>The BISA South East Europe working group was established in 2002. We provide a space for debate and research on issues related to the political, economic, and social transformations of the region, broadly understood as covering areas of former Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BISAIRSOCIALSCIENCE"/> <a href="../../lists/BISAIRSOCIALSCIENCE.html" class="links">BISAIRSOCIALSCIENCE</a> <br/>This is the mailing list for the members of the British International Studies Association (BISA) working group International Relations as a Social Science </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BNAC"/> <a href="../../lists/BNAC.html" class="links">BNAC</a> <br/>This list will be used by and for members of the Britain Nepal Academic Council, and associated academic colleagues, for sharing information on conferences, workshops and #other events in relation to Nepal studies </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BRITGOVLSE"/> <a href="../../lists/BRITGOVLSE.html" class="links">BRITGOVLSE</a> <br/>British Government@LSE is an new initiative currently based in the Government Department to promote and develop research on British Government being conducted at the LSE. We hold public events and produce research publications. British Government@LSE will be a focus for scholars in the Government Department and around the School who are analyzing and commenting on these developments. It will also host high profile public lectures, seminars, symposia and visiting speaker programmes addressing scholars, civil and public servants and students of British politics and it #will support the British Politics and Policy Blog. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSA-BOURDIEU-STUDY-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/BSA-BOURDIEU-STUDY-GROUP.html" class="links">BSA-BOURDIEU-STUDY-GROUP</a> <br/>Encourage discussion and application of Bourdieuian social theory within sociology Connect Bourdieuian researchers to generate and consolidate theoretical knowledge To facilitate networking and discussion through organised activities To support postgraduate students who are engaging with Bourdieu </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSA-CITIZENSHIP-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/BSA-CITIZENSHIP-GROUP.html" class="links">BSA-CITIZENSHIP-GROUP</a> <br/>To foster a network of scholars, practitioners and students interested in Citizenship Studies. Encourage collaboration and support to sociologists working in the area of Citizenship Studies by increasing the visibility of the discipline. To provide a space to allow for the critical engagement and elaboration of Citizenship Studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSA-RACE-ETHNICITY"/> <a href="../../lists/BSA-RACE-ETHNICITY.html" class="links">BSA-RACE-ETHNICITY</a> <br/>This list is used by the Race & Ethnicity Study Group (British Sociological Association), to make announcements of forthcoming events and programmes. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSA-VIOLENCE-AND-SOCIETY-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/BSA-VIOLENCE-AND-SOCIETY-GROUP.html" class="links">BSA-VIOLENCE-AND-SOCIETY-GROUP</a> <br/>It is a forum for presentation of theory and research in the sociology of violence. It will address all forms of violence â& 128;“ interpersonal, collective, nonstate and state. Though based in the BSA it aims to be international and interdisciplinary in focus. We organize events to promote debate on violence and organize the theory stream at the BSA conference. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY.html" class="links">BSADIGITALSOCIOLOGY</a> <br/>This is the email list for members of the British Sociological Association's Digital Sociology group. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BSAHISTORICAL"/> <a href="../../lists/BSAHISTORICAL.html" class="links">BSAHISTORICAL</a> <br/>This list is for all those interested in historical and comparative sociology. It is a list connected to the BSA Historical and Comparative Study Group but you do not need to be a member of the BSA to subscribe </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BURUNDIRESEARCHNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/BURUNDIRESEARCHNETWORK.html" class="links">BURUNDIRESEARCHNETWORK</a> <br/>The Burundi Research Network is a group for all researchers working on and/or in Burundi. This mailing list would enable researchers to share information and know about new projects, publications, conferences calls, etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BYREFUGEES"/> <a href="../../lists/BYREFUGEES.html" class="links">BYREFUGEES</a> <br/>This list is for those interested in developing a ByRefugees network, to increase local and forcibly displaced researchers in Refugee & Forced Migration Studies research. It is used to share information on relevant research, events, and opportunities for those affected by and researching displacement. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CAPITAL-AND-CLASS"/> <a href="../../lists/CAPITAL-AND-CLASS.html" class="links">CAPITAL-AND-CLASS</a> <br/>The list will complement the journal 'Capital and Class' (ISSN 0 309 8786) The intention is to have a forum for open discussion of research and teaching issues around marxist political economy. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CENTRIFUGAL-EU"/> <a href="../../lists/CENTRIFUGAL-EU.html" class="links">CENTRIFUGAL-EU</a> <br/>The list caters primarily the communication needs of the collaborative research network "Centrifugal Europe: State, Sovereignty and the future of European integration", wider community of scholars of European Studies and scholars working on aspects of societal, national and European integration processes across the EU member-states. The mailing list will be used to facilitate exchange, communicate news and updates of research activities of the network. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CHILDPARTICIPATIONNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/CHILDPARTICIPATIONNETWORK.html" class="links">CHILDPARTICIPATIONNETWORK</a> <br/>This Network provides a space for critical learning, dialogue and exchange between practitioners, academics, policy makers and children and young people to innovate thinking and practice concerning children's participation </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CII"/> <a href="../../lists/CII.html" class="links">CII</a> <br/>cii Mail Group will keep interested parties informed of its events, projects and publications. The Group will also allow members to post relevant information to the list. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CITY-FAITH-FORUM"/> <a href="../../lists/CITY-FAITH-FORUM.html" class="links">CITY-FAITH-FORUM</a> <br/>Academic discussion of the relationship between urban change and religion. Key themes: geographies of secularisation and the 'post-secular'; Significance of 'faith-based organisations' in urban planning and policy; Significance of religion for urban politics and urban social cohesion. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CMRB"/> <a href="../../lists/CMRB.html" class="links">CMRB</a> <br/>This is a list for academics, students, faith organisations and activists working in the field of migration, refugees and the politics of belonging. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMMUNITIESRESEARCHNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/COMMUNITIESRESEARCHNETWORK.html" class="links">COMMUNITIESRESEARCHNETWORK</a> <br/>Practitioner,academic, community member research and knowledge exchange network </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMMUNITY-OWNERSHIP-FORUM"/> <a href="../../lists/COMMUNITY-OWNERSHIP-FORUM.html" class="links">COMMUNITY-OWNERSHIP-FORUM</a> <br/>This list has been retained, and is therefore no longer active The list provides a forum for discussion and debate between academics studying forms of community asset and land ownership. This is a growing area of public policy and the list is aimed at academics engaged with community ownership and control of public services, housing, community facilities and cooperatives. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMPARATIVE-EUROPEAN-POLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/COMPARATIVE-EUROPEAN-POLITICS.html" class="links">COMPARATIVE-EUROPEAN-POLITICS</a> <br/>The Comparative European Politics PSA Specialist group brings together country experts and comparativists who are interested in European politics. We seek to apply and further the theory and methods of comparative analysis, and to contribute to empirical knowledge about European politics. Our research includes a wide range of topics including security or development policy, the welfare state and party politics, regional comparisons such as Central and East European politics, as well as European influences on the politics, policies and polities of European states. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COMPLICITY"/> <a href="../../lists/COMPLICITY.html" class="links">COMPLICITY</a> <br/>Complicity is a longstanding feature of everyday moral experience, this list focuses on practical and theoretical examinations of complicity, including discussion, CFP and research news. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CPDBISA"/> <a href="../../lists/CPDBISA.html" class="links">CPDBISA</a> <br/>CPD is a working group within the British International Studies Association. Its remit is to study the "colonial question" in international relations. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV"/> <a href="../../lists/CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV.html" class="links">CPERI-POL-ECON-RESEARCH-INNOV</a> <br/>This list aims to keep all scholars of Science & Technology Studies and Political Economy interested in the conjunction of these disciplines updated with the plans and organization for the annual CPERI workshop. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CPHN"/> <a href="../../lists/CPHN.html" class="links">CPHN</a> <br/>Mailing list for Critical Public Health Network, for researchers in the area of critical approaches to public health </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRITFINCOLLECTIVE"/> <a href="../../lists/CRITFINCOLLECTIVE.html" class="links">CRITFINCOLLECTIVE</a> <br/>Forums and Announcement list for all critical scholars of finance. All welcome! </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRITICAL-LABOUR-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/CRITICAL-LABOUR-STUDIES.html" class="links">CRITICAL-LABOUR-STUDIES</a> <br/>To discuss key features of work and employment from a radical and labour focused perspective </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRITICALEXPLANATION"/> <a href="../../lists/CRITICALEXPLANATION.html" class="links">CRITICALEXPLANATION</a> <br/>This listserv connects scholars in organisation studies and political theory using the 'Logics of Critical Explanation' of Glynos and Howarth in their work. The scope is to connect people, propose ideas like special issues or events, and support each other. Anyone with an interest in post-structuralism or wanting to learn more is welcome! </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRONEM"/> <a href="../../lists/CRONEM.html" class="links">CRONEM</a> <br/>RESEARCHING HOW EUROPEAN INTEGRATION SHAPES THE WAY WE LIVE The Centre for Research on the European Matrix (CRonEM) is a new multidisciplinary research centre housed in the School of Politics at the University of Surrey. At CRonEM, we research European integration as a matrix of overlapping layers of governance, institutions and processes that shape how people of this continent live their lives and are governed, as well as how Europe engages the rest of the world. Our Mail Group will keep interested parties informed of our events and will also allow members to exchange information with each other. CRONEM was previously known as the Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism. A legacy page which hosts information about CRONEM’s previous work and events (2004-12) will be available soon at Please see below an archive of previous postings (September 2005 - August 2012). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CSE-TPWG"/> <a href="../../lists/CSE-TPWG.html" class="links">CSE-TPWG</a> <br/>The Trans-Pennine Working Group is an international, democratic membership organisation committed to developing a materialist critique of capitalism, unconstrained by conventional academic divisions between subjects. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CTC"/> <a href="../../lists/CTC.html" class="links">CTC</a> <br/>CTC is an international network considering the use of Greco-Roman antiquity in contemporary political discourse. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CULTURAL-RELATIONS-DIPLOMACY"/> <a href="../../lists/CULTURAL-RELATIONS-DIPLOMACY.html" class="links">CULTURAL-RELATIONS-DIPLOMACY</a> <br/>The members of this list share information on and discuss issues related to international cultural relations across disciplines. Keywords include (but are not limited to): cultural relations/dialogue, arts/cultural policy, diplomacy, foreign policy, national identity, cultural/linguistic diversity, globalization, power, hegemony. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CURANETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/CURANETWORK.html" class="links">CURANETWORK</a> <br/>A network for those interested in discussing issues linked to cities, urbanism, austerity and resistance. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CYBER-SOCIETY-LIVE"/> <a href="../../lists/CYBER-SOCIETY-LIVE.html" class="links">CYBER-SOCIETY-LIVE</a> <br/>The Cyber-Society-Live mailing list is a moderated discussion list for those who are interested in the interdisciplinary and academic study of Cyber Society in all its manifestations. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DECOLONIAL-TERRORISM-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/DECOLONIAL-TERRORISM-STUDIES.html" class="links">DECOLONIAL-TERRORISM-STUDIES</a> <br/>I recently organized a webinar series titled ‘Non-Western Perspectives on Terrorism Industry’, which was quite successful, and I received quite a few people asked me to set up an emailing list/network. The aim of the list/network is to allow members from different parts of the world to share/discuss ideas pertaining to decolonisation/decoloniality and the terrorism industry, share their publications, and share information about research funding and webinars/workshops/conferences. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DECOLONISECHESTER"/> <a href="../../lists/DECOLONISECHESTER.html" class="links">DECOLONISECHESTER</a> <br/>Network for the decolonisation of Higher Education at the University of Chester and beyond. Join to make connections with students, academics and staff working to decolonise the university. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIS-SOC"/> <a href="../../lists/DIS-SOC.html" class="links">DIS-SOC</a> <br/>A critical approach to the sociology of disability is timely given the challenges facing disabled people under the current coalition government in the UK. This Study Group aims to reclaim the alost sociology of disability </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DRAMA-THEORY"/> <a href="../../lists/DRAMA-THEORY.html" class="links">DRAMA-THEORY</a> <br/>Drama Theory generalises game theory by applying the metaphor of drama to human interaction. Analysis focuses on how characters frame, resolve and are transformed by interactions. It embraces irrationality and emotions. Applications in peace studies, politics, psychology, economics and HCI. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ECPA"/> <a href="../../lists/ECPA.html" class="links">ECPA</a> <br/>This list is for the discussion of issues relating to the European Cultural Policy and Practice and the related subject pedagogy of universities and independent organisations. Cross disciplinary approaches including Museums, Heritage, Galleries, Performing/Visual Arts, Festivals, etc are encouraged. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ECPR-3RD-WORLD-POLITICS-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/ECPR-3RD-WORLD-POLITICS-GROUP.html" class="links">ECPR-3RD-WORLD-POLITICS-GROUP</a> <br/>This list is for circulating information to members of the Standing Group on Third World Politics of the European Consortium for Political Research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ECPRSGPARTICIPATIONMOBILISATION"/> <a href="../../lists/ECPRSGPARTICIPATIONMOBILISATION.html" class="links">ECPRSGPARTICIPATIONMOBILISATION</a> <br/>This is the official list of the ECPR Standing Group Participation and Mobilisation. It serves as one of the main communication channels of the Standing Group members. The list will be used to communicate activities organised by the Standing Group or the ECPR, as well as a means of communications among members in relation to research activities, publications or other pieces of information of general interest to the research community interested in topics relating to participation and mobilization. The Standing Group and this list is open to academics in any region of the world. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EHPG"/> <a href="../../lists/EHPG.html" class="links">EHPG</a> <br/>The European Health Policy Group is organised by a Steering Committee made up of John Appleby, Anna Dixon, Zeynep Or and Jan Kees Helderman. The objective of the group is to provide a forum for health policy analysts, political scientists, economists and policy makers to discuss the structure of, and changes to, health care systems. The EHPG also meets twice a year in autumn and spring at which research papers are discussed from a comparative and multi disciplinary perspective. Autumn meetings are held in London and are now hosted by The King's Fund. Spring meetings are held in another European location and hosted by a national organisation. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EIGPEMAIL"/> <a href="../../lists/EIGPEMAIL.html" class="links">EIGPEMAIL</a> <br/>JISCMAIL for CES' European Integration and Global Political Economy Network </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EMPLOYMENT-POLICY-SPA"/> <a href="../../lists/EMPLOYMENT-POLICY-SPA.html" class="links">EMPLOYMENT-POLICY-SPA</a> <br/>This list is used by the employment policy groups established by the Social Policy Association to share information about their activities and promote discussion of employment policy issues </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ENVIRONMENTAL-LABOUR-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/ENVIRONMENTAL-LABOUR-RESEARCH.html" class="links">ENVIRONMENTAL-LABOUR-RESEARCH</a> <br/> is a multidisciplinary mailing list for researchers who are interested in the relationship between labour, trade unions, production, sustainable development and globalisation/North-South relations. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EQUIP"/> <a href="../../lists/EQUIP.html" class="links">EQUIP</a> <br/>This list will facilitate the sharing of relevant information between researchers interested in working together within the social sciences and humanities, specifically with a focus on Europe-India multilateral collaboration. This will include academics that have common links through the EU-India Social Sciences and Humanities Platform (EqUIP - Many of those included on the list will have attended EqUIP events or subscribed to updates on the platforms website. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ESCVICTIMSWG"/> <a href="../../lists/ESCVICTIMSWG.html" class="links">ESCVICTIMSWG</a> <br/>This is an email list for individuals who are interested or involved in the work of the European Society of Criminology's Victims Working Group </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ESRANET"/> <a href="../../lists/ESRANET.html" class="links">ESRANET</a> <br/>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply to the INDIVIDUAL sender, chose 'reply' in your email client. To reply to the ENTIRE list, chose 'reply all' in your email client. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email discussion list for the European Survey Research Association -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ETHMIGSURVEYDATA-ALL"/> <a href="../../lists/ETHMIGSURVEYDATA-ALL.html" class="links">ETHMIGSURVEYDATA-ALL</a> <br/>This is the generic communication list of the COST Action ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, which includes all members of the network from all workgroups regardless of whether also in the Management Committee or not. The list homepage is available at The email address for the list is ETHMIGSURVEYDATA-ALL@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Any emails sent to this address will be distributed to all subscribers of the list. Any replies sent to an email coming to the list will be sent to the whole list of subscribers. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ETHNOPOLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/ETHNOPOLITICS.html" class="links">ETHNOPOLITICS</a> <br/>To encourage scholarly research and exchange between academics on issues related to ethnic minorities, minority rights, and the origin, development and settlement of ethnic conflicts Keywords: ethnic minorities; minority rights; origin, development and settlement of ethnic conflicts. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EUAIM"/> <a href="../../lists/EUAIM.html" class="links">EUAIM</a> <br/>This list is established to announce events including workshops, publications, and projects related to the EU's role as international mediator. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EUHEALTHGOV"/> <a href="../../lists/EUHEALTHGOV.html" class="links">EUHEALTHGOV</a> <br/>This is the mailing list for EUHealthGov - the European Union Health Governance research network. List members are welcome to post upcoming events, publications and projects of interest. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EUROENVI"/> <a href="../../lists/EUROENVI.html" class="links">EUROENVI</a> <br/>The list aims to provide a channel of communication and information for members about activities and events in the field of EU environmental politics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EVIDENCE-SPACES"/> <a href="../../lists/EVIDENCE-SPACES.html" class="links">EVIDENCE-SPACES</a> <br/>This list is used to make announcements relevant to the study of evidence-based policy in health, development, economics and more. Suitable announcements include calls for papers, relevant conferences/other events, programs and publications. The list will be publicly archived at the JISCMAIL site. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FEMINIST-HCI"/> <a href="../../lists/FEMINIST-HCI.html" class="links">FEMINIST-HCI</a> <br/>This mailing list was established after the Feminist HCI Special Interest Group at CHI2018. It was instigated by - a group of intersectional feminists who aim to raise awareness of feminist issues in HCI by being overtly critical and political of the field, raising voices of underrepresented groups and topics, presenting tangible outcomes, and taking on an activist role for this. We create a supportive and collaborative environment within Open Lab (Newcastle University), academia, industry, and beyond. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FINDEES"/> <a href="../../lists/FINDEES.html" class="links">FINDEES</a> <br/>This list aims to bring together UK and global scholars working on issues of finance, financialisation, and financial integration in developing and emerging economies </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FOODBANKRESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/FOODBANKRESEARCH.html" class="links">FOODBANKRESEARCH</a> <br/>A discussion forum for those studying food banks, food security and food poverty in the UK. Includes ethnography, discursive, political, economic and critical research approaches. Share information about events, meetings, publications and research proposals. Takes an international perspective on food banks around the world. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FRIENDSOFWISDOM"/> <a href="../../lists/FRIENDSOFWISDOM.html" class="links">FRIENDSOFWISDOM</a> <br/>A group concerned that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means. Wisdom is taken to be the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. It includes knowledge, understanding and technological know-how, and much else besides. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FRIENDSOFWISDOM-D"/> <a href="../../lists/FRIENDSOFWISDOM-D.html" class="links">FRIENDSOFWISDOM-D</a> <br/>A group concerned to discuss issues arising in connection with the view that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means. Wisdom is taken to be the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. It includes knowledge, understanding and technological know-how, and much else besides. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FUEL-POVERTY-POSTGRADUATES"/> <a href="../../lists/FUEL-POVERTY-POSTGRADUATES.html" class="links">FUEL-POVERTY-POSTGRADUATES</a> <br/>This list supports the Fuel Poverty Postgraduate Network and provides a virtual forum for postgraduate researchers to share ongoing research on fuel poverty, seek out potential collaborations, and develop an understanding of how findings can be effectively disseminated. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GATEDCOMMUNITESPRIVATEGOVERNANCE"/> <a href="../../lists/GATEDCOMMUNITESPRIVATEGOVERNANCE.html" class="links">GATEDCOMMUNITESPRIVATEGOVERNANCE</a> <br/>This list connects a multi disciplinary and international community of researchers investigating the growth of private urban governance. The list-owner co-founded this community in 1999, which meets F2F every two years. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GLOBALCIRCLE"/> <a href="../../lists/GLOBALCIRCLE.html" class="links">GLOBALCIRCLE</a> <br/>The Global Circle consists of philosophers sympathetic to the idea that philosophy should tackle, and promote awareness of, global problems - global intellectually, and global in the sense of concerning the planet and the future of humanity. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GREENPOLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/GREENPOLITICS.html" class="links">GREENPOLITICS</a> <br/>Email list and networking facility for academics working on environmental politics in any country - a forum for requests and information (primarily announcements of academic jobs, and calls for papers for conferences). The list was previously the discussion list of the ECPR Environmental Politics (previously 'Green Politics') Standing Group, formed in 1991. GDPR regulations mean that the list is now formally independent of the European Consortium for Political Research, but most of the members are also members of the SG. If you wish to also join the Standing Group - you can do so at: and follow the links to groups and networks. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GSAPGFORUM"/> <a href="../../lists/GSAPGFORUM.html" class="links">GSAPGFORUM</a> <br/>This list is designed to create an online forum for postgraduate and early career members of the Global Studies Association. The forum will allow networking, exchange, information on events, funding and discussion on issues relevant to researchers conducting multi-disciplinary research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GSP-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/GSP-STUDIES.html" class="links">GSP-STUDIES</a> <br/>A forum for researchers and policy experts in the field of Global Social Policy to share information and discuss about publications, research projects, policy initiatives, and upcoming events. Of interest to individuals working in the areas of Social Policy, Sociology, Politics, Economics, Development Studies and International Relations. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HEALTHFUTURESUK"/> <a href="../../lists/HEALTHFUTURESUK.html" class="links">HEALTHFUTURESUK</a> <br/>This list is for academics and practitioners engaged or interested in the field of health policy futures research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="IARG"/> <a href="../../lists/IARG.html" class="links">IARG</a> <br/>This list is for scholars researching religion and gender and linked to the International Association for the study of Religion & Gender </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ICGG-BOARD"/> <a href="../../lists/ICGG-BOARD.html" class="links">ICGG-BOARD</a> <br/>This is a sub-list of the ICGG -International Critical Geography Group. The list is restricted to the members of the Steering Group </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ICGG-STEERINGCOMMITEE"/> <a href="../../lists/ICGG-STEERINGCOMMITEE.html" class="links">ICGG-STEERINGCOMMITEE</a> <br/>This is a list of the steering committee of the International Critical Geography Group. This is a sub-list of ICGG </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ICSP"/> <a href="../../lists/ICSP.html" class="links">ICSP</a> <br/>This list is used by the International and Comparative Social Policy Group of the Social Policy Association to support its wider activities and to promote and facilitate discussion and networks between researchers and teachers in the fields of international and comparative Social Policy </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ILPAN"/> <a href="../../lists/ILPAN.html" class="links">ILPAN</a> <br/>This list is for an interdisciplinary research network on International Law and Policy in Africa. The network is made up of a group of scholars and practitioners in this area. The list provides opportunities to share information, knowledge and research, debate issues, make announcements, arrange workshops, and enhance research collaboration. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="INOSS"/> <a href="../../lists/INOSS.html" class="links">INOSS</a> <br/>The purpose of INOSS is to develop and to promote the interdisciplinary study of statelessness through the sharing of news, projects, and examples of good practices. It includes scholars working in academia, in professional settings, and in a myriad of other ways to deepen and broaden our collective understanding of statelessness. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="INT-BOUNDARIES"/> <a href="../../lists/INT-BOUNDARIES.html" class="links">INT-BOUNDARIES</a> <br/>International boundaries, both on land and at sea, are often a major source of stress between states. This list provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas relating to the delimitation, demarcation and management of international borders, particularly the peaceful resolution of boundary-related conflict. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="INTERDISCIPLINARY-INSTITUTIONS"/> <a href="../../lists/INTERDISCIPLINARY-INSTITUTIONS.html" class="links">INTERDISCIPLINARY-INSTITUTIONS</a> <br/>This list aims to connect individuals and groups involved in or interested in interdisciplinary research on institutions or institutional thought. Members can use the list to post announcements about events, publications, calls for papers, job postings, etc. Please note that the list is moderated to ensure that only relevant announcements are circulated. Please note that personal data collected when joining the INTERDISCIPLINARY-INSTITUTIONS mailing list is used exclusively for the purposes of building the network and for informing members of activities within and related to it. This personal information will not be passed on to others. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="IPMRD"/> <a href="../../lists/IPMRD.html" class="links">IPMRD</a> <br/>This is a mailing list of the members of the "International Politics of Migration, Refugees, and Diasporas" Working Group at the British International Studies Association </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="IPSA-RCS"/> <a href="../../lists/IPSA-RCS.html" class="links">IPSA-RCS</a> <br/>International Political Science Association (IPSA) conducts research activities in political science, its Research Committees (RC) provide members in sub-fields of the discipline an opportunity to associate with colleagues and are the backbone of the Association. This list will allow effective coordination of RCs voice viz. their own members and the association in pursuit of their interests. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JAMANDJUSTICE"/> <a href="../../lists/JAMANDJUSTICE.html" class="links">JAMANDJUSTICE</a> <br/>This is an info-list for people interested in being kept up-to-date with the Jam & Justice project </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JISCWW1"/> <a href="../../lists/JISCWW1.html" class="links">JISCWW1</a> <br/>This list has been retained 27/07/20 no one can subscribe to this list and no one can post to this list. Contact for all enquiries regarding this list This group is aimed at joining individuals and organisations within HE, the cultural heritage sector and public service broadcasting, in order to join up ways in which each area plans to digitally commemorate the events of the First World war. This join-up will deliver content from across the public sector in order to increase education and research on WW1 </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="KURDISHSTUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/KURDISHSTUDIES.html" class="links">KURDISHSTUDIES</a> <br/>This group aims to bring together the UK based academics studying the issues related to the Kurds and Kurdistan. It aims to provide a forum for networking, exchange of ideas, informing about the ongoing and/or future research, seminars, conference and discussions on the above mentioned subjects </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LABOURWORKDEVELOPMENTNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/LABOURWORKDEVELOPMENTNETWORK.html" class="links">LABOURWORKDEVELOPMENTNETWORK</a> <br/>Launched at De Montfort University (in collaboration with the University of Sussex) in June 2016, the Labour, Work, and Development Network brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines and universities across the UK and Europe conducting research on labour, work, and development in the Global South. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LASP"/> <a href="../../lists/LASP.html" class="links">LASP</a> <br/>To build and strengthen links among students, academics and policy-makers interested in the social policy of Latin American countries. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LIVINGMAPS"/> <a href="../../lists/LIVINGMAPS.html" class="links">LIVINGMAPS</a> <br/>Livingmaps Network was established to develop a network of researchers, community activists, artists and others with a common interest in the use of mapping for social change, public engagement, critical debate and creative forms of community campaigning </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LOVE-ETHICS"/> <a href="../../lists/LOVE-ETHICS.html" class="links">LOVE-ETHICS</a> <br/>Drawing from bell hooks's concept of a love ethic, this list connects social researchers and practitioners who are currently engaged or interested in thinking and making with love. The list follows on from a workshop on love ethics, held in Sheffield in May 2022. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LPEN"/> <a href="../../lists/LPEN.html" class="links">LPEN</a> <br/>This list is used by the London Political Economy Network (LPEN) to make announcements about upcoming events. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LSEMEC"/> <a href="../../lists/LSEMEC.html" class="links">LSEMEC</a> <br/>This network focuses on the theme of social movements, mobilization and contestation in the MENA. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LSRG"/> <a href="../../lists/LSRG.html" class="links">LSRG</a> <br/>The Labour and Society Research Group (LSRG) was established in 2009 by academics from Newcastle University and Northumbria University. <HTML> </HTML> </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MARITIMESECURITY"/> <a href="../../lists/MARITIMESECURITY.html" class="links">MARITIMESECURITY</a> <br/>This Network intends to share information about events and recent publications and to facilitate the discussion on maritime security studies and maritime security sector reform. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MARKETIZATION-IN-EUROPE"/> <a href="../../lists/MARKETIZATION-IN-EUROPE.html" class="links">MARKETIZATION-IN-EUROPE</a> <br/>The list arises from a series of workshops on marketization that is defined as the introduction and intensification of price-based competition. The list aims to bring together researchers from various areas and disciplines and other interested public, who focus on structural and subjective effects of marketization on societies in Europe. It provides a space for sharing information and stimulating the discussions on changing markets and subjectivities within Europe and the ways we approach these issues theoretically, methodologically and in practice. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MDCPUBLIC"/> <a href="../../lists/MDCPUBLIC.html" class="links">MDCPUBLIC</a> <br/>This is the public announcement mailing list for the Media Discourse Centre led by Prof. Stuart Price at De Montfort University, Leicester England. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MECCSA-POLICY"/> <a href="../../lists/MECCSA-POLICY.html" class="links">MECCSA-POLICY</a> <br/>The aim of the MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) Policy Network is to exchange ideas and research findings, but also to join with civil society in their debates with the regulators, the broadcasters and the Government. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MIGRANTCITY"/> <a href="../../lists/MIGRANTCITY.html" class="links">MIGRANTCITY</a> <br/>This list is for academics, activists and policy makers to come together to work towards a new agenda for urban strategies for residents with complex and precarious migration status. The list will provide a platform to draw connections between the political economy of cities, the security practices at the heart of contemporary racial and colonial capitalism and the migration apparatus. We will learn/share about both the nature of the contemporary capitalist security state as well as how it might be possible to contest it. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MIGRATIONLAW"/> <a href="../../lists/MIGRATIONLAW.html" class="links">MIGRATIONLAW</a> <br/>This list is an activity of the Migration and Law Network. It is open to those whose research or teaching interests include UK immigration and asylum law. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MINORITIES-ON-CAMPUS"/> <a href="../../lists/MINORITIES-ON-CAMPUS.html" class="links">MINORITIES-ON-CAMPUS</a> <br/>This jisclist is the discussion forum for the AHRC-funded Minorities on Campus research network. This multidisciplinary network will use jisc to share understandings and develop research on the impact of social inequalities around religion, ethnicity and gender on lived experiences of discrimination and equality on HE campuses in India. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MSU"/> <a href="../../lists/MSU.html" class="links">MSU</a> <br/>The LSE Migration Studies Unit MSU was founded in 2007. It promotes the cross-disciplinary study of migration and is open to academics, students and policy-makers. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NEWSFILM"/> <a href="../../lists/NEWSFILM.html" class="links">NEWSFILM</a> <br/>For all those interested in discussing newsfilm, as well as sharing and advocating its use in research and teaching. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NGO-BISA"/> <a href="../../lists/NGO-BISA.html" class="links">NGO-BISA</a> <br/>The NGO Working Group aims to promote the study of non-governmental organisations in world politics. It provides a forum to facilitate networking and collaboration between scholars and practitioners of similar interests. The activities of the group can be found at: <HTML> BISA NGO Working Group <HTML> The NGO Working Group aims to promote the study of non-governmental organisations in world politics. It provides a forum to facilitate networking and collaboration between scholars and practitioners of similar interests. The Group's website is: <a href=""></a> The list is maintained by <a href="http:// 2/home/"> Erla Thrandardottir and Angela Crack</a> </HTML> </HTML> </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NSRN-ANNOUNCE"/> <a href="../../lists/NSRN-ANNOUNCE.html" class="links">NSRN-ANNOUNCE</a> <br/>This list is used by the Non-religion and Secularity Research Network (NSRN) to make announcements regarding the academic study of non-religion and secularity. The NSRN-DISCUSS list is available for enquiries and discussion. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NSRN-DISCUSS"/> <a href="../../lists/NSRN-DISCUSS.html" class="links">NSRN-DISCUSS</a> <br/>This list is used by the Non-religion and Secularity Research Network NSRN to make enquiries and hold discussion related to study of non-religion and secularity. The NSRN-ANNOUNCE list is available for more formal announcements. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NUCLEARWARWOMEN"/> <a href="../../lists/NUCLEARWARWOMEN.html" class="links">NUCLEARWARWOMEN</a> <br/>A group to exchange ideas and provide support for women who research and work across nuclear policy, nuclear geopolitics, nuclear geographies, nuclear culture and similar disciplines relating to nuclear warfare. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="OCEANLAW"/> <a href="../../lists/OCEANLAW.html" class="links">OCEANLAW</a> <br/>The OceanLaw Mailing List is an un-moderated academic and professional e-mail list for the discussion of issues and the exchange of information relating to the international law of fisheries and related law of the sea and international law subjects, such as the protection of the marine environment or maritime boundary claims. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ORGANISED-CRIME"/> <a href="../../lists/ORGANISED-CRIME.html" class="links">ORGANISED-CRIME</a> <br/>The list is to help establish an international network of those (academics, crime and justice practitioners) interested in organised crime and extortion racket systems. It is linked to GLODERS (the Global Dynamics of Extortion Racket Systems), a European Commission funded research project, Announcements of conferences, jobs, and projects welcome. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ORGANISEDPERSUASIVECOMMUNICATION"/> <a href="../../lists/ORGANISEDPERSUASIVECOMMUNICATION.html" class="links">ORGANISEDPERSUASIVECOMMUNICATION</a> <br/>A list for research on Organised Persuasive Communication, including propaganda, public relations, information warfare, psyops, marketing, lobbying and other promotional activities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PADZAHR"/> <a href="../../lists/PADZAHR.html" class="links">PADZAHR</a> <br/>Padzahr is a social enterprise. We want to democratise data, giving communities, organisations and individuals a platform from which to make decisions and influence policy. Big data has long been the domain of multinational companies and governments. With all the knowledge comes all the power. Affecting change is a challenge without hard facts to back up arguments. Our aim is to level the playing field </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PCWP-ANNOUNCE"/> <a href="../../lists/PCWP-ANNOUNCE.html" class="links">PCWP-ANNOUNCE</a> <br/>This list, associated with the annual Popular Culture and World Politics conference, is primarily used to circulate calls for papers and other announcements related to scholarship in the field of Popular Culture and World Politics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PDW"/> <a href="../../lists/PDW.html" class="links">PDW</a> <br/>This list is for people researching paid domestic work and au pairing. The purpose is to share announcements and news. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POETSWRITERSFORENVIRONMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/POETSWRITERSFORENVIRONMENT.html" class="links">POETSWRITERSFORENVIRONMENT</a> <br/>A forum for discussion of how and where literature segues with environmental issues. A zone of literary activism and advocacy for the environment. For poets, writers, and academics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POL-MOD"/> <a href="../../lists/POL-MOD.html" class="links">POL-MOD</a> <br/>A list for those developing and using computational models in the governance policy cycle </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLICINGNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/POLICINGNETWORK.html" class="links">POLICINGNETWORK</a> <br/>The list provides a forum for communication between members of the Policing Network of the British Society of Criminology. Anyone interested in joining the Network can do so by contacting the list owner. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICAL-DISCOURSE"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICAL-DISCOURSE.html" class="links">POLITICAL-DISCOURSE</a> <br/>Mailing list for announcements and academic exchange in the field of political discourse analysis </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICAL-ECONOMY-RN"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICAL-ECONOMY-RN.html" class="links">POLITICAL-ECONOMY-RN</a> <br/>Official mailinglist of the Critical Political Economy Research Network of the European Sociological Association. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICALCOMMUNITY"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICALCOMMUNITY.html" class="links">POLITICALCOMMUNITY</a> <br/>The list is open to anyone with an interest in the topic, but it originated in a workshop on Political Community: Authority in the Name of Community hosted by the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law (CISRUL) at the University of Aberdeen in June 2014. You can access the full topic description at We confirmed in a previous workshop that the term “political community” was appropriate for identifying a core set of issues that interest us at CISRUL, even though it was evident that no term will ever carry all the right connotations and none of the wrong ones. Though we each have our own preferred approach, reflecting the wide range of perspectives in CISRUL, several of us are using the term “political community” for one whose members feel somehow represented within its structures of authority, and thus somehow obliged to their fellow-members to follow its norms and accept its decisions. We prefer, on the whole, to reserve the term “political community” for those that claim a degree of self-sufficiency and we distinguish political communities from political collectives such as trade unions or churches which see themselves as players in a broader political community. In a political community, (more or less) ultimate authority is claimed in the name of some kind of (more or less) encompassing community of members. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICALSETTLEMENTS"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICALSETTLEMENTS.html" class="links">POLITICALSETTLEMENTS</a> <br/>The Political Settlements Research Group The term ‘political settlements’ can be understood in different ways. However, a useful working definition of a political settlement is: ‘the forging of a common understanding usually between political elites that their best interests or beliefs are served through acquiescence to a framework for administering political power’ (di John & Putzel 2009:4). This mailing list is for the use of researchers, policy-makers, academics and other interested individuals to engage others working on political settlements research, a forum to air ideas, debate, and share resources. This list is open to any interested individual or organisation. It is administered by PSRP at the Global Justice Academy at Edinburgh Law School. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICSANDLAWOFDOCTORWHO"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICSANDLAWOFDOCTORWHO.html" class="links">POLITICSANDLAWOFDOCTORWHO</a> <br/>To analyse the political and legal aspects of the BBC's longest running drama series "Doctor Who" </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POPULISMFASCISMDEMOCRACY"/> <a href="../../lists/POPULISMFASCISMDEMOCRACY.html" class="links">POPULISMFASCISMDEMOCRACY</a> <br/>The list links scholars across the UK, and other parts of the world completing research on populist politics - and democracy, and fascist politics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POST-WAGE"/> <a href="../../lists/POST-WAGE.html" class="links">POST-WAGE</a> <br/>This list is used by members of the Post-Wage network to share information about research events, projects and publications related to experiences of work beyond the wage. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PPN-CITIZEN-PARTICIPATION-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/PPN-CITIZEN-PARTICIPATION-GROUP.html" class="links">PPN-CITIZEN-PARTICIPATION-GROUP</a> <br/>The Working Group on Citizen Participation includes researchers and practitioners working in a range of policy fields in Scotland, and is open to anyone interested in related issues. It aims to foster dialogue and knowledge exchange; build a network that cuts across disciplinary boundaries and policy silos; create a platform for practice-led collaborative research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PRIORITYINPRACTICE"/> <a href="../../lists/PRIORITYINPRACTICE.html" class="links">PRIORITYINPRACTICE</a> <br/>Research network designed to look at emerging issues in egalitarian political philosophy and public policy. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PROFESSIONS"/> <a href="../../lists/PROFESSIONS.html" class="links">PROFESSIONS</a> <br/>This list provides a forum through which researchers interested in the professions and concepts of professionalism can share insights, debate current topics, and announce events and projects of interest to list members. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PROTESTSASEVENTS"/> <a href="../../lists/PROTESTSASEVENTS.html" class="links">PROTESTSASEVENTS</a> <br/>This list was inspired by the successful symposium Protests as Events / Events as Protests. The conceptualisation of protests as events and vice versa involves consideration of the temporalities of protests as well as the mobilities that are enacted to bring together an assemblage that may be on the move or fixed at a still point. The symposium involved conversations between activists and non-activists, as well as academics as activists in order to explore the complex construction of protests as events / events as protests. The event was held at Leeds Metropolitan University in June 2013 ( and covered the following topics: -Conceptualisations of protests as events -The academic/activist interface -Timings and rhythms of protests -Discursive constructions of protests -Protest and political tourism -Mobile assemblages and protests -Embodiments of protest events -Sustaining protests in the face of cultural changes -Protests and sports events -Critical hospitality and protests -Governance and the governmentalities of protest events </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PSA-POLMETH"/> <a href="../../lists/PSA-POLMETH.html" class="links">PSA-POLMETH</a> <br/>This is the list of the Political Methodology Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PSA-SOUTHASIA"/> <a href="../../lists/PSA-SOUTHASIA.html" class="links">PSA-SOUTHASIA</a> <br/>Electronic discussion and announcement list for South Asian politics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PSAWOMEN"/> <a href="../../lists/PSAWOMEN.html" class="links">PSAWOMEN</a> <br/>This is the official e-list of the PSA women and politics group. It is open to members of the PSA women and politics group. The PSA women and politics group exists for women in the profession and for those researching sex, gender and politics (broadly defined). The list will faciliate discussion amongst members and encourage the exhchange of research and conference announcements. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PSSTNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/PSSTNETWORK.html" class="links">PSSTNETWORK</a> <br/>This email services a network concerned with developments in surveillance and its multifaceted impacts. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PSYCHOANALYSIS-NET-POLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/PSYCHOANALYSIS-NET-POLITICS.html" class="links">PSYCHOANALYSIS-NET-POLITICS</a> <br/>This list is used by members of the Network at the IGRS to discuss issues related to psychoanalysis and politics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PUBLIC-AFFAIRS"/> <a href="../../lists/PUBLIC-AFFAIRS.html" class="links">PUBLIC-AFFAIRS</a> <br/>The list is for Corporate and Public Affairs academics and practitioners interested in International Research. ie Campaigns, Lobbying and Regulation </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PUBLIC-THEOLOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/PUBLIC-THEOLOGY.html" class="links">PUBLIC-THEOLOGY</a> <br/>A group convened through the British and Irish Association for Practical Theology (, which brings together academics, research students and researching professionals in the field of pastoral care, practical theology and Christian social ethics. This group aims to facilitate networking amongst BIAPT members interested in developing issues in public theology, or the interaction between faith traditions and social policy, political economy and civil society. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PUPOL"/> <a href="../../lists/PUPOL.html" class="links">PUPOL</a> <br/>The Public and Political Leadership network provides a bridge between (European) academics conducting research on leadership in the public domain. The aim of the list is to further international collaboration between leadership researchers by providing a forum to post, for instance, research/methodology questions, queries to submit conference panels, notifications of new publications and conferences, and ideas for submitting grant proposals. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="QUANTITATIVE-METHODS-TEACHING"/> <a href="../../lists/QUANTITATIVE-METHODS-TEACHING.html" class="links">QUANTITATIVE-METHODS-TEACHING</a> <br/>A list for discussion about quantitative methods teaching, especially in the social sciences. It replaced a previous NCRM list in December 2019. List owners are Jen Buckley (UK Data Service) and Nick Bearman (UCL). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="QUEER-GLOBLAW-LSACRN"/> <a href="../../lists/QUEER-GLOBLAW-LSACRN.html" class="links">QUEER-GLOBLAW-LSACRN</a> <br/>Queer Theory in Law and Global Society-Law and Society Collaborative Research Network (CRN) Queer theory in law and global society focuses on disrupting established meanings. The aim is to investigate (and disrupt) law's role in global structures of oppression. We deploy queer theory to go beyond identity " to study the global political economy. We invite all to examine our own roles in structures of oppression - and resistance. THIS GROUP IS FOR CRN MATTERS ONLY. FOR NOTIFICATIONS ON THE SUBJECT (EVENTS, PUBLICATIONS, CASES, ETC), SEE THE GROUP QUEER-GLOBLAW-NOTICES FOR DISCUSSIONS ON THE SUBJECT, SEE THE GROUP QUEER-GLOBLAW-DISCUSS </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RADICALPROTEST"/> <a href="../../lists/RADICALPROTEST.html" class="links">RADICALPROTEST</a> <br/>The list is for discussions following a workshop in October 2017. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RADIX"/> <a href="../../lists/RADIX.html" class="links">RADIX</a> <br/>Radix - Radical Interpretations of Disasters and Radical Solutions </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RADSTATS-ANNOUNCE"/> <a href="../../lists/RADSTATS-ANNOUNCE.html" class="links">RADSTATS-ANNOUNCE</a> <br/>List for announcements relating to statistics about society, and their political context and impact. Moderated by Radical Statistics Group Troika. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RANCIERE-AND-CLASSICAL-ANTIQUITY"/> <a href="../../lists/RANCIERE-AND-CLASSICAL-ANTIQUITY.html" class="links">RANCIERE-AND-CLASSICAL-ANTIQUITY</a> <br/>A discussion list dedicated to discussions of the place, use and function of all aspects of classical antiquity, its philosophy, history, literature and reception, in the work of contemporary French philosopher Jacques Ranciere </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RELIGIONANDPOLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/RELIGIONANDPOLITICS.html" class="links">RELIGIONANDPOLITICS</a> <br/>Its purpose is to link researchers interested in the topic of religion and politics in various national and international contexts. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RESEARCHINGBREXITNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/RESEARCHINGBREXITNETWORK.html" class="links">RESEARCHINGBREXITNETWORK</a> <br/>The Researching Brexit Network is for those who are involved in researching Brexit. We are aiming towards organising two small conferences per year, as well as encouraging collaboration across disciplines, methodologies and universities. All involved in researching Brexit are welcome to join and share ideas, events etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="REUSE-PSI"/> <a href="../../lists/REUSE-PSI.html" class="links">REUSE-PSI</a> <br/>To discuss implications of the Re-Use of Public Sector Regulations and consequent implications for Research Institutions </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RUSSIA-CIVIL-MILITARY"/> <a href="../../lists/RUSSIA-CIVIL-MILITARY.html" class="links">RUSSIA-CIVIL-MILITARY</a> <br/>This list welcomes participation from researchers and others interested in contemporary and historical aspects of civil-military relations in Russia. Key words and phrases: civil-military relations society-military relations civilian control legitimacy and the armed forces military in politics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCIENCECOMMUNICATION"/> <a href="../../lists/SCIENCECOMMUNICATION.html" class="links">SCIENCECOMMUNICATION</a> <br/>This list is for researchers interested in the communication of science and the strategic use of science by interests in society. It is a working group of the Public Interest Research Network </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCIENCEDIPLOMACY"/> <a href="../../lists/SCIENCEDIPLOMACY.html" class="links">SCIENCEDIPLOMACY</a> <br/>This list operates as the mailing list for the International Commission for the History of Science and Technology Diplomacy. Announcements of scholarly interest, eg conferences, book launches, special issues; business related to the commission; and research queries may all be communicated here. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCOTTISH-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/SCOTTISH-STUDIES.html" class="links">SCOTTISH-STUDIES</a> <br/>This list is used by an international group of academics and practitioners dedicated to analysing and producing material on Scotland, in a variety of disciplines (i.e. history, literature, language, politics, etc.). It will be used primarily for the announcement of relevant events, and as a discussion forum. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SCOTTISHCULTURALPOLICYNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/SCOTTISHCULTURALPOLICYNETWORK.html" class="links">SCOTTISHCULTURALPOLICYNETWORK</a> <br/>This list is intended to support the development of a community of scholars interested in the specificities of Scottish Cultural Policy and Management. It will make announcements about research, publications, projects and events. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SECRECY-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/SECRECY-RESEARCH.html" class="links">SECRECY-RESEARCH</a> <br/>This list is used by the Secrecy, Power, and Ignorance Network (SPIN) to share network and member related news, events, and research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SERVICELEARNING"/> <a href="../../lists/SERVICELEARNING.html" class="links">SERVICELEARNING</a> <br/>The purpose of this list is to develop a network for sharing and support relating to the service learning activities in HE and the community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SEX-ETHICS-POLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/SEX-ETHICS-POLITICS.html" class="links">SEX-ETHICS-POLITICS</a> <br/>Jiscmail for the International Network for Sexual Ethics and Politics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SEXUALITIES-IN-CEE"/> <a href="../../lists/SEXUALITIES-IN-CEE.html" class="links">SEXUALITIES-IN-CEE</a> <br/>this is an academic mailing list focused on sexuality and gender in central and eastern europe. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SGFA"/> <a href="../../lists/SGFA.html" class="links">SGFA</a> <br/>On May 17th 2012, the research event, Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism took place at CRiSAP (Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice), London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. This was a postgraduate event focused on the role of gender in the sonic arts with the aim to stimulate dialogue around discourses related to feminism and sound, and to establish a network of researchers and practitioners working in these areas. This list is established as a means to extend the networking capabilities for researchers and practitioners working within these areas, to further dialogue and to make announcements to the research community about programs, events, publications and projects of interest. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SLAVONIC-EE-POSTGRAD"/> <a href="../../lists/SLAVONIC-EE-POSTGRAD.html" class="links">SLAVONIC-EE-POSTGRAD</a> <br/>This list is for announcements of relevance to postgraduate students in Slavonic and East European studies at UK universities, or postgraduate members of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SMCA"/> <a href="../../lists/SMCA.html" class="links">SMCA</a> <br/>This is the official email list for the Scottish Media and Communication Association. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SNA"/> <a href="../../lists/SNA.html" class="links">SNA</a> <br/>The list will facilitate discussion of social network analysis amongst interested UK academics, and will facilitate organisation of off-line meetings. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOC-WAR-TERROR-SECURITY"/> <a href="../../lists/SOC-WAR-TERROR-SECURITY.html" class="links">SOC-WAR-TERROR-SECURITY</a> <br/>This list is for interdisciplinary academic discussion in the social sciences and humanities on war, terror and security in relation to wider society in the UK, the EU, and on a global scale. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCIAL-ECONOMY-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCIAL-ECONOMY-RESEARCH.html" class="links">SOCIAL-ECONOMY-RESEARCH</a> <br/>This list focuses on the key research issues of Social Economy in the UK and across Europe. This includes discussions, potential collaboration between researchers, and dissemination of outputs on topics related to social enterprise, social value, mutual exchange networks, and alternative social economies. The list will also promote projects carried out by the different Social Economy stakeholders and practitioners. We are looking for a way to facilitate European collaboration in the broad field of Social Economy between researchers and practitioners. The sharing of knowledge in the field and building potential partnerships in research and/or practice would be outcomes to be encouraged between list members. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCIAL-POLICY-INDIA"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCIAL-POLICY-INDIA.html" class="links">SOCIAL-POLICY-INDIA</a> <br/>This list is owned by the Executive Committee of the Indian Social Policy Association. It aims to bring together individuals and organisations in the UK and India (not exclusively) whose work centres on emerging social policy issues in India and South Asia. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCIAL-POLICY-PORTAL"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCIAL-POLICY-PORTAL.html" class="links">SOCIAL-POLICY-PORTAL</a> <br/> </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCIALJUSTICE"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCIALJUSTICE.html" class="links">SOCIALJUSTICE</a> <br/>This list has been established to facilitate ongoing discussion among participants at seminars in the ESRC Social Justice and Public Policy series. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCMH"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCMH.html" class="links">SOCMH</a> <br/>This group is a mailing list for the BSA Sociology of Mental Health study group. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOCSCISLIBRARIES"/> <a href="../../lists/SOCSCISLIBRARIES.html" class="links">SOCSCISLIBRARIES</a> <br/>This list is used by social sciences librarians within the University of London's many Libraries to exchange information about research, information provision, resources etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SONICREBELLIONS"/> <a href="../../lists/SONICREBELLIONS.html" class="links">SONICREBELLIONS</a> <br/>Sonic Rebellions, May 2022 asks 'what is the relationship between sound and social justice?' This list is for staying up to date with further developments. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SOUTH-EAST-EUROPE-FORUM"/> <a href="../../lists/SOUTH-EAST-EUROPE-FORUM.html" class="links">SOUTH-EAST-EUROPE-FORUM</a> <br/>An interdisciplinary forum of academics and others to facilitate exchange of knowledge and information referring to the region of SE Europe. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SPORTANDEU"/> <a href="../../lists/SPORTANDEU.html" class="links">SPORTANDEU</a> <br/>This is used by the members of the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union, a research network of academics interested in the impact of European politics and policies on sport and vice-versa. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SPORTSOCIALTRANSFORMATION"/> <a href="../../lists/SPORTSOCIALTRANSFORMATION.html" class="links">SPORTSOCIALTRANSFORMATION</a> <br/>The list is created as a result of the workshop organised under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and Fund de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de Paulo - FAPESP (2004/50504-8), in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil on 10-13th March, 2015. # The aim of the list of to connect researchers, policy makers and activists interested in examining the complex range of sociocultural impacts that arise from the design, management and legacy planning for mega sport events. The impacts on local populations, spaces and community identities are deeply interconnected with processes of social and political transformation that occur via urban redevelopment and relocation, the promotion of sport development to enhance social cohesion, tourism development, and education, health and employment programs. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SSPN"/> <a href="../../lists/SSPN.html" class="links">SSPN</a> <br/>This list has been retained 04/06/2020 no one can subscribe to this list and no one can post to this list. Contact for all enquiries regarding this list This list exists to promote the exchange of information and ideas related to social policy in Scotland. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEACHING-POLITICS"/> <a href="../../lists/TEACHING-POLITICS.html" class="links">TEACHING-POLITICS</a> <br/>This list is relevant to all those who teach politics courses in Higher Education. Its purpose is to discuss any issues around the teaching and learning of politics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEXTANALYSIS"/> <a href="../../lists/TEXTANALYSIS.html" class="links">TEXTANALYSIS</a> <br/>The list is used by Edinburgh Text Analysis Research Group (based in the University of Edinburgh, but open to researchers across UK and beyond) to discuss projects and ideas related to Text Analysis (aka Automated Content Analysis, Quantitative Content Analysis, Text as Data, Text Mining etc). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TRRR"/> <a href="../../lists/TRRR.html" class="links">TRRR</a> <br/>An academic and community based grouping focusing on issues of race, religion and social justice with particular attention paid to issues impacting African descendant communities </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UACES"/> <a href="../../lists/UACES.html" class="links">UACES</a> <br/>The UACES members' email list for members to circulate information about events, jobs, etc. subject to the usage policy that can be viewed at </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UNIONFUTURES"/> <a href="../../lists/UNIONFUTURES.html" class="links">UNIONFUTURES</a> <br/>This list is for people involved in the Unionising the Future research project, which looks at understanding and supporting joint working between Trade Unions and Students' Unions from 1970 to the present day. It will be used to share ideas, resources and to communicate research outcomes, training materials and to promote events. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="URUGUAYRESEARCHNETWORK"/> <a href="../../lists/URUGUAYRESEARCHNETWORK.html" class="links">URUGUAYRESEARCHNETWORK</a> <br/>The Uruguay Research Network (URN) aims to bring together students, academics and researchers from a variety of academic disciplines united by a common interest in Uruguay. The network wishes to draw together people working on Uruguay that may otherwise not know each other; in this way, the network aims facilitate debate and discussion, exchange information on relevant conferences and news on Uruguay, organise events and establish a forum for continued interaction and communication among scholars on Uruguay. The network is open to students (both undergraduate and postgraduate), academic staff and researchers. It is a UK based network but anyone is welcome to join; we particularly welcome members from Uruguay itself. English and Spanish are the working languages of the network. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="USER-INVOLVEMENT"/> <a href="../../lists/USER-INVOLVEMENT.html" class="links">USER-INVOLVEMENT</a> <br/>The User Involvement Research mailing list aims to bring together people with expertise in user involvement and public participation in the evaluation and delivery of public services. We seek to take forward theoretical, conceptual and practical thinking around different types and mechanisms of user involvement. We seek to promote engagement with researchers, providers, policy makers across the higher education, voluntary and public sectors. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WHITE-SPACES"/> <a href="../../lists/WHITE-SPACES.html" class="links">WHITE-SPACES</a> <br/>This list facilitates networking between participants of the 'White Spaces'conference stream at Gender Work and Organization 07 and others. </p> <!-- /lists --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Sub-categories</h3> <!-- category subjects --> <a href="Social_Studies.html" class="links">Social Studies</a><br/>--<a href="L6.html" class="links">Anthropology</a> (159) <a href="L13.html" class="links">Cultural Diveristy</a> (65) <a href="L2.html" class="links">Demographic Studies</a> (35) <a href="L1.html" class="links">Economics</a> (108) <a href="L7.html" class="links">Gender Studies</a> (120) <a href="L8.html" class="links">Geography</a> (206) <a href="L12.html" class="links">Law</a> (107) <a href="L11.html" class="links">Papers in Economics</a> (3) >Politics <a href="L4.html" class="links">Psychology</a> (181) <a href="L5.html" class="links">Social Work</a> (80) <a href="L3.html" class="links">Sociology</a> (425) <!-- /category subjects --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Other Categories</h3> <!-- categories --> <a href="index.html" class="links">Art & Design</a> | <a href="Biological_Sciences.html" class="links">Biological Sciences</a> | <a href="Business_Studies.html" class="links">Business Studies</a> | <a href="Computing.html" class="links">Computing</a> | <a href="Education.html" class="links">Education</a> | <a href="Engineering_&_Technology.html" class="links">Engineering & Technology</a> | <a href="FE_&_HE_Administration.html" class="links">FE & HE Administration</a> | <a href="General_University.html" class="links">General University</a> | <a href="Humanities.html" class="links">Humanities</a> | <a href="Information_Resources.html" class="links">Information Resources</a> | <a href="JISC_&_JISCMail.html" class="links">JISC & JISCMail</a> | <a href="Land_Use_&_Environment.html" class="links">Land Use & Environment</a> | <a href="Language_&_Cultural_Studies.html" class="links">Language & Cultural Studies</a> | <a href="Library.html" class="links">Library</a> | <a href="Maths_&_Statistics.html" class="links">Maths & Statistics</a> | <a href="Medicine_&_Health.html" class="links">Medicine & Health</a> | <a href="Physical_Sciences.html" class="links">Physical Sciences</a> | <a href="Teaching_&_Learning.html" class="links">Teaching & Learning</a> | <!-- /categories --> </div> </div> <div class="span-24 last footer"> <br /> <hr/> <div class="span-7 colborder"> <address> JiscMail<br/> Jisc<br/> 4 Portwall Lane<br/> Bristol<br/> BS1 6NB </address> <br/> </div> <div class="span-8 colborder"> <p align="center"> <i><b>Email:</b> <a href="" accesskey="9"></a><br /> <b>Tel:</b> 0300 300 2212 <br/> <br /> </i> </div> <div class="span-7 last"> <p align="right"> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/rss.png" class="bookmarks" alt="rss" /></a> <!--<a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/twitter.png" class="bookmarks" alt="twitter" /></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/facebook.png" class="bookmarks" alt="facebook" /></a>--> <br /><br /> <a href=""><img src="/images/Jisc-logo-2013.png" alt="Jisc" style="border: 0px"/></a> </p> </div> <div class="span-24 last"> <div class="span-6"> <p>Copyright © JISCMail 2000-2025</p> </div> <div class="span-18 last"> <p align="right"><a href="/sitemap.html">Site Map</a> | <a href="/policyandsecurity/index.html">Service Usage Policies</a> | <a href="">Privacy notice </a> | <a href="">Cookies</a> | <a href="">Accessibility</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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