Miami Cancer Institute | Baptist Health South Florida
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class="page-header__seo-title">Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute</h1> <span class="page-header__seo-message ">National Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month</span> <div class="page-header__desc heading--h5 typeset"> <p>If you are diagnosed with gallbladder or bile duct cancer, Miami Cancer Institute’s renowned gastrointestinal cancer specialists combine medical expertise and compassionate care to provide the best treatment option for you. Our cancer specialists have access to a range of cutting-edge technologies to diagnose and treat your specific cancer, with the goal of creating a personalized plan that effectively treats your disease.</p> </div> <div class="page-header__desc typeset"> <p><br /> <a class="button " href="">Learn More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page-header__image"> <div class="page-header__image-half"> <img src="/-/media/Images/MCI/Headers/MCI_FebHomepageBanner3_MCIBNR_ENG_1900x1258_01172024.jpg" alt="National Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section top-tasks top-tasks--stacked"> <div class="container "> <ul class="top-tasks__items"> <li class="top-tasks__item"> <a class="top-tasks__link" href="/doctors/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute" > <span class="top-tasks__icon"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> 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65.84375 23.785156 65.820312 23.886719 65.789062 C 24.257812 65.945312 24.695312 65.964844 25.070312 65.835938 C 25.652344 65.636719 26.078125 65.140625 26.1875 64.546875 L 26.25 64.175781 L 26.199219 64.175781 C 26.171875 63.273438 25.433594 62.542969 24.527344 62.542969 C 24.011719 62.542969 23.539062 62.773438 23.226562 63.152344 C 23.183594 63.035156 23.148438 62.910156 23.105469 62.773438 C 23.089844 62.71875 23.066406 62.664062 23.050781 62.609375 C 23.035156 62.546875 23.011719 62.488281 22.992188 62.429688 C 22.007812 59.515625 22.679688 56.566406 24.460938 55.867188 C 26.402344 55.335938 28.683594 57.304688 29.660156 60.191406 C 29.699219 60.292969 29.734375 60.386719 29.78125 60.527344 L 29.804688 60.59375 C 29.824219 60.644531 29.839844 60.695312 29.859375 60.746094 C 29.71875 60.757812 29.574219 60.789062 29.441406 60.835938 C 29.019531 60.972656 28.679688 61.273438 28.480469 61.671875 C 28.28125 62.070312 28.253906 62.527344 28.398438 62.949219 C 28.625 63.628906 29.257812 64.085938 29.976562 64.085938 C 30.164062 64.085938 30.339844 64.054688 30.515625 63.996094 C 30.929688 63.851562 31.261719 63.566406 31.460938 63.183594 C 31.867188 62.980469 32.304688 62.546875 32.304688 61.625 C 32.304688 61.390625 32.277344 61.136719 32.222656 60.855469 C 32.148438 60.472656 32.03125 60.144531 31.914062 59.828125 L 31.886719 59.757812 C 31.847656 59.65625 31.820312 59.558594 31.785156 59.449219 C 30.601562 55.972656 27.84375 53.539062 25.085938 53.539062 C 24.929688 53.539062 24.761719 53.550781 24.570312 53.574219 C 24.359375 53.1875 24.175781 52.839844 24.011719 52.511719 C 23.8125 52.128906 23.625 51.738281 23.460938 51.382812 L 23.484375 51.371094 C 23.675781 51.273438 23.859375 51.179688 24.058594 51.078125 L 25.015625 50.582031 C 25.445312 50.363281 25.875 50.144531 26.320312 49.933594 L 26.34375 49.925781 C 27.09375 49.578125 27.71875 49.335938 28.335938 49.148438 C 28.371094 49.132812 28.410156 49.121094 28.453125 49.101562 L 28.511719 49.199219 C 28.664062 49.433594 28.8125 49.664062 28.972656 49.890625 C 29.578125 50.777344 30.089844 51.496094 30.570312 52.152344 C 31.523438 53.464844 32.480469 54.699219 33.289062 55.730469 C 33.515625 56.019531 33.746094 56.304688 33.980469 56.597656 C 34.210938 56.886719 34.445312 57.179688 34.679688 57.476562 C 34.726562 57.539062 34.777344 57.597656 34.828125 57.65625 C 34.875 57.710938 34.917969 57.765625 34.964844 57.820312 L 35.394531 58.367188 L 35.519531 57.683594 C 35.792969 56.238281 36.152344 54.253906 36.1875 53.945312 L 36.207031 53.699219 C 36.207031 53.671875 36.199219 53.636719 36.195312 53.625 L 36.164062 53.457031 C 36.128906 53.378906 36.085938 53.296875 36.027344 53.207031 L 35.726562 52.746094 C 35.566406 52.5 35.40625 52.257812 35.257812 52.011719 C 35.25 52.003906 35.25 51.980469 35.25 51.964844 L 35.296875 51.828125 C 35.363281 51.632812 35.429688 51.429688 35.511719 51.230469 L 35.597656 50.964844 C 35.699219 50.695312 35.796875 50.417969 35.890625 50.148438 C 35.90625 50.140625 35.917969 50.128906 35.925781 50.125 C 36.027344 50.09375 36.585938 50.046875 37.507812 50.046875 C 38.472656 50.046875 39.054688 50.097656 39.148438 50.125 L 39.195312 50.144531 C 39.257812 50.34375 39.328125 50.546875 39.398438 50.746094 L 39.621094 51.367188 C 39.691406 51.570312 39.761719 51.777344 39.828125 51.945312 C 39.832031 51.960938 39.824219 52 39.824219 52.007812 C 39.667969 52.257812 39.507812 52.503906 39.347656 52.75 L 39.042969 53.222656 C 38.988281 53.300781 38.953125 53.378906 38.921875 53.457031 L 38.898438 53.539062 C 38.878906 53.601562 38.878906 53.664062 38.878906 53.699219 L 38.898438 53.953125 C 38.933594 54.246094 39.273438 56.164062 39.546875 57.605469 L 39.679688 58.328125 L 40.109375 57.738281 C 40.171875 57.652344 40.242188 57.570312 40.320312 57.480469 C 40.582031 57.148438 40.84375 56.820312 41.105469 56.496094 L 41.859375 55.554688 C 42.691406 54.480469 43.582031 53.335938 44.425781 52.160156 C 45.015625 51.347656 45.546875 50.597656 46.046875 49.867188 C 46.214844 49.617188 46.378906 49.363281 46.550781 49.101562 C 46.59375 49.117188 46.640625 49.132812 46.691406 49.15625 C 47.289062 49.335938 47.914062 49.582031 48.660156 49.925781 L 48.691406 49.941406 C 49.125 50.144531 49.558594 50.363281 49.984375 50.582031 L 50.960938 51.082031 C 51.441406 51.332031 51.953125 51.601562 52.472656 51.882812 C 52.351562 52.378906 52.222656 52.851562 52.082031 53.292969 C 51.671875 54.574219 51.144531 55.765625 50.519531 56.835938 C 50.015625 56.636719 49.476562 56.527344 48.933594 56.527344 C 46.601562 56.527344 44.710938 58.425781 44.710938 60.753906 C 44.710938 62.960938 46.429688 64.808594 48.625 64.964844 C 48.726562 64.972656 48.835938 64.972656 48.933594 64.972656 C 49.980469 64.972656 50.976562 64.59375 51.738281 63.910156 C 52.644531 63.109375 53.160156 61.960938 53.160156 60.753906 C 53.160156 59.851562 52.867188 58.960938 52.324219 58.230469 C 52.996094 57.121094 53.570312 55.910156 54.027344 54.613281 C 54.191406 54.15625 54.34375 53.652344 54.496094 53.085938 C 54.929688 53.363281 55.402344 53.683594 55.855469 54.027344 C 57.230469 55.050781 58.632812 56.175781 59.296875 57.644531 C 59.871094 58.921875 59.820312 60.472656 59.773438 61.972656 Z M 59.773438 61.972656 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.902344 60.753906 C 50.902344 61.835938 50.015625 62.71875 48.9375 62.71875 C 47.855469 62.71875 46.976562 61.835938 46.976562 60.753906 C 46.976562 59.671875 47.855469 58.789062 48.9375 58.789062 C 49.164062 58.789062 49.390625 58.832031 49.605469 58.90625 C 50.058594 59.074219 50.4375 59.402344 50.671875 59.832031 C 50.820312 60.117188 50.902344 60.429688 50.902344 60.753906 Z M 50.902344 60.753906 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.214844 32.898438 C 48.246094 32.351562 47.9375 31.605469 47.351562 31.46875 C 47.054688 31.398438 46.785156 31.523438 46.640625 31.203125 C 46.5625 31.019531 46.695312 30.539062 46.71875 30.34375 C 46.773438 29.859375 46.800781 29.34375 46.917969 28.871094 C 47.136719 27.992188 47.273438 27.089844 47.308594 26.183594 C 47.410156 23.394531 46.03125 21.097656 43.480469 19.960938 C 43.1875 19.832031 42.894531 19.714844 42.601562 19.605469 C 40.957031 19 39.25 18.703125 37.5 18.6875 C 37.121094 18.683594 36.742188 18.695312 36.363281 18.71875 C 35.140625 18.789062 33.835938 18.886719 32.71875 19.425781 C 32.609375 19.480469 32.503906 19.539062 32.398438 19.605469 C 31.988281 19.871094 31.640625 20.230469 31.371094 20.640625 C 31.09375 21.054688 31 21.289062 30.59375 21.617188 C 30.234375 21.90625 29.910156 22.121094 29.507812 22.296875 C 29.152344 22.453125 28.835938 22.703125 28.644531 23.046875 C 28.25 23.75 28.109375 24.601562 28.078125 25.398438 C 28.035156 26.394531 28.078125 27.390625 28.148438 28.386719 C 28.171875 28.738281 28.242188 29.09375 28.3125 29.445312 C 28.421875 29.984375 28.535156 30.523438 28.515625 31.066406 C 28.507812 31.234375 28.4375 31.332031 28.335938 31.390625 C 28.300781 31.398438 28.265625 31.40625 28.230469 31.410156 C 28.039062 31.433594 27.839844 31.425781 27.648438 31.46875 C 27.066406 31.605469 26.753906 32.351562 26.785156 32.898438 C 26.785156 32.933594 26.789062 32.96875 26.789062 33.003906 C 26.773438 33.257812 26.785156 33.515625 26.800781 33.769531 C 26.828125 34.285156 26.933594 34.789062 26.996094 35.304688 C 27.136719 36.4375 27.667969 37.53125 28.753906 38.070312 C 28.980469 38.253906 29.128906 38.4375 29.214844 38.761719 C 29.863281 41.296875 31.132812 43.339844 33.195312 44.746094 C 33.449219 44.921875 33.714844 45.085938 33.992188 45.238281 C 34.328125 45.410156 34.773438 45.609375 35.351562 45.804688 C 35.382812 45.820312 35.414062 45.835938 35.449219 45.847656 C 35.800781 46 36.148438 46.105469 36.507812 46.171875 C 36.839844 46.234375 37.167969 46.261719 37.5 46.253906 C 37.832031 46.261719 38.164062 46.234375 38.503906 46.171875 C 38.851562 46.105469 39.203125 46 39.554688 45.847656 C 39.585938 45.835938 39.617188 45.820312 39.652344 45.816406 C 40.226562 45.609375 40.675781 45.410156 41.011719 45.238281 C 41.289062 45.085938 41.554688 44.921875 41.808594 44.75 C 42.878906 44.023438 43.78125 43.066406 44.460938 41.964844 C 44.804688 41.40625 45.085938 40.816406 45.328125 40.207031 C 45.566406 39.613281 45.5625 38.960938 45.976562 38.449219 C 46.277344 38.074219 46.675781 37.789062 47.03125 37.464844 C 47.671875 36.878906 47.902344 36.148438 48.003906 35.304688 C 48.066406 34.792969 48.171875 34.285156 48.203125 33.769531 C 48.214844 33.519531 48.226562 33.261719 48.210938 33.003906 C 48.214844 32.972656 48.214844 32.933594 48.214844 32.902344 Z M 48.214844 32.898438 "/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Find a Doctor</span> </a> </li> <li class="top-tasks__item"> <a class="top-tasks__link" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/about-us/our-locations" > <span class="top-tasks__icon"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.199219 0 75 16.800781 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.199219 58.199219 90 37.5 90 C 16.800781 90 0 73.199219 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.800781 16.800781 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.898438 55.199219 L 42.300781 56.25 C 49.726562 56.851562 54.523438 58.875 54.523438 60.675781 C 54.523438 62.851562 47.550781 65.324219 37.425781 65.324219 C 27.300781 65.324219 20.476562 62.925781 20.476562 60.75 C 20.476562 58.949219 25.273438 56.925781 32.699219 56.324219 L 32.101562 55.273438 C 25.273438 55.949219 19.351562 57.824219 19.351562 60.824219 C 19.351562 64.574219 28.726562 66.601562 37.5 66.601562 C 46.273438 66.601562 55.648438 64.5 55.648438 60.75 C 55.648438 57.75 49.800781 55.875 42.898438 55.199219 Z M 42.898438 55.199219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 51.523438 33.675781 C 51.148438 26.324219 45 20.398438 37.5 20.398438 C 30 20.398438 23.851562 26.25 23.476562 33.675781 C 23.476562 33.898438 23.476562 34.199219 23.476562 34.425781 C 23.476562 36.300781 23.851562 38.175781 24.523438 39.824219 C 24.75 40.351562 24.976562 40.800781 25.125 41.101562 C 25.875 42.523438 27.148438 44.773438 29.25 47.925781 L 33.375 54.976562 L 33.976562 56.023438 L 35.476562 58.648438 L 36.75 60.898438 C 36.898438 61.199219 37.199219 61.351562 37.5 61.351562 C 37.800781 61.351562 38.101562 61.199219 38.25 60.898438 C 38.699219 60.148438 39.148438 59.398438 39.523438 58.648438 L 41.023438 56.023438 L 41.625 54.976562 L 45.75 48 C 47.773438 44.851562 49.050781 42.601562 49.800781 41.175781 C 49.949219 40.800781 50.25 40.425781 50.476562 39.824219 C 51.148438 38.175781 51.523438 36.300781 51.523438 34.425781 C 51.523438 34.199219 51.523438 33.976562 51.523438 33.675781 Z M 42.148438 36.074219 C 41.699219 38.175781 39.75 39.675781 37.574219 39.675781 C 34.949219 39.675781 32.851562 37.574219 32.851562 34.949219 C 32.851562 34.5 32.925781 34.050781 33 33.675781 C 33.523438 31.648438 35.398438 30.226562 37.574219 30.226562 C 39.75 30.226562 41.550781 31.726562 42.148438 33.675781 C 42.300781 34.425781 42.300781 35.25 42.148438 36.074219 Z M 42.148438 36.074219 "/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Find a Location</span> </a> </li> <li class="top-tasks__item"> <a class="top-tasks__link" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/our-approach" > <span class="top-tasks__icon"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 17.796875 29.46875 L 57.203125 29.46875 C 59.050781 29.46875 60.550781 30.96875 60.550781 32.816406 L 60.550781 57.183594 C 60.550781 59.03125 59.050781 60.53125 57.203125 60.53125 L 17.796875 60.53125 C 15.949219 60.53125 14.449219 59.03125 14.449219 57.183594 L 14.449219 32.816406 C 14.449219 30.96875 15.949219 29.46875 17.796875 29.46875 Z M 17.796875 29.46875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.03125 54.640625 C 34.597656 54.640625 34.214844 54.347656 34.101562 53.925781 L 32.269531 47.117188 L 31.457031 51.128906 C 31.378906 51.535156 31.046875 51.84375 30.636719 51.894531 C 30.226562 51.949219 29.828125 51.734375 29.644531 51.363281 L 27.652344 47.289062 L 20.40625 47.289062 C 19.871094 47.289062 19.4375 46.859375 19.4375 46.324219 C 19.4375 45.792969 19.871094 45.359375 20.40625 45.359375 L 28.253906 45.359375 C 28.621094 45.359375 28.957031 45.570312 29.121094 45.902344 L 30.128906 47.964844 L 31.191406 42.714844 C 31.28125 42.277344 31.660156 41.957031 32.109375 41.941406 C 32.554688 41.925781 32.953125 42.222656 33.070312 42.65625 L 34.789062 49.050781 L 36.828125 36.175781 C 36.902344 35.707031 37.304688 35.363281 37.777344 35.359375 L 37.78125 35.359375 C 38.25 35.359375 38.652344 35.699219 38.734375 36.160156 L 40.417969 45.957031 L 41.914062 43.839844 C 42.132812 43.53125 42.511719 43.378906 42.882812 43.449219 C 43.253906 43.519531 43.550781 43.800781 43.640625 44.167969 L 44.792969 48.894531 L 45.976562 46.101562 C 46.128906 45.746094 46.476562 45.515625 46.867188 45.515625 L 54.597656 45.515625 C 55.128906 45.515625 55.5625 45.945312 55.5625 46.480469 C 55.5625 47.011719 55.128906 47.445312 54.597656 47.445312 L 47.503906 47.445312 L 45.433594 52.328125 C 45.273438 52.710938 44.890625 52.945312 44.46875 52.914062 C 44.054688 52.878906 43.707031 52.582031 43.609375 52.179688 L 42.269531 46.6875 L 40.648438 48.976562 C 40.425781 49.292969 40.03125 49.445312 39.648438 49.359375 C 39.269531 49.273438 38.976562 48.964844 38.910156 48.582031 L 37.820312 42.246094 L 35.984375 53.828125 C 35.914062 54.277344 35.539062 54.613281 35.082031 54.640625 C 35.066406 54.640625 35.050781 54.640625 35.03125 54.640625 Z M 35.03125 54.640625 "/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Our Services</span> </a> </li> <li class="top-tasks__item"> <a class="top-tasks__link" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/patient-support" > <span class="top-tasks__icon"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.140625 47.554688 C 36.757812 47.949219 36.398438 48.25 36.15625 48.421875 L 35.046875 49.226562 L 36.023438 50.183594 C 36.359375 50.515625 36.773438 50.808594 37.246094 51.046875 L 35.976562 54.574219 C 35 55.277344 34.152344 56.164062 33.621094 57.257812 C 32.144531 57.402344 30.667969 57.476562 29.183594 57.476562 L 29.105469 57.476562 C 24.058594 57.476562 19.0625 56.636719 14.210938 54.976562 C 14.210938 52.601562 14.675781 50.769531 16.085938 49.367188 C 17.429688 48.019531 26.0625 47.082031 26.0625 44.964844 L 26.0625 42.769531 C 26.039062 42.746094 26.015625 42.722656 25.988281 42.699219 C 25.070312 41.777344 23.570312 39.175781 23.570312 38.140625 C 23.570312 38.140625 22.28125 37.59375 22.28125 35.71875 C 22.28125 34.511719 23.097656 34.390625 23.429688 34.390625 C 23.519531 34.390625 23.570312 34.398438 23.570312 34.398438 C 23.570312 31.511719 22.4375 27.535156 29.128906 27.535156 L 29.234375 27.535156 C 35.925781 27.535156 34.800781 31.511719 34.800781 34.398438 C 34.800781 34.398438 34.851562 34.390625 34.933594 34.390625 C 35.265625 34.390625 36.089844 34.511719 36.089844 35.71875 C 36.089844 37.59375 34.800781 38.140625 34.800781 38.140625 C 34.800781 39.175781 33.292969 41.777344 32.375 42.699219 C 32.355469 42.722656 32.324219 42.746094 32.300781 42.769531 L 32.300781 44.964844 C 32.300781 46.074219 34.6875 46.863281 37.140625 47.554688 Z M 37.140625 47.554688 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 60.785156 59.972656 C 56.933594 61.636719 53.863281 62.464844 47.480469 62.464844 C 41.097656 62.464844 38.03125 61.636719 34.167969 59.972656 C 34.167969 59.371094 34.265625 58.824219 34.433594 58.332031 C 34.507812 58.113281 34.589844 57.910156 34.695312 57.714844 C 34.800781 57.496094 34.917969 57.289062 35.0625 57.09375 C 35.0625 57.085938 35.070312 57.078125 35.078125 57.070312 C 35.363281 56.65625 35.707031 56.28125 36.097656 55.945312 C 36.367188 55.707031 36.660156 55.488281 36.960938 55.277344 C 39.964844 53.238281 44.308594 52.585938 44.308594 51.207031 L 44.308594 49.359375 C 43.425781 50.238281 42.023438 50.644531 40.621094 50.644531 C 39.964844 50.644531 39.3125 50.554688 38.722656 50.378906 C 38.527344 50.328125 38.347656 50.269531 38.167969 50.191406 C 37.988281 50.125 37.808594 50.042969 37.640625 49.953125 C 37.335938 49.78125 37.0625 49.585938 36.832031 49.359375 C 36.832031 49.359375 37.605469 48.804688 38.375 47.898438 C 38.496094 47.753906 38.617188 47.605469 38.730469 47.441406 C 38.839844 47.289062 38.953125 47.132812 39.058594 46.960938 C 39.523438 46.21875 39.875 45.332031 39.875 44.378906 L 39.875 38.140625 C 39.875 35.914062 42.050781 32.523438 46.214844 32.523438 C 48.621094 32.523438 50.324219 33.460938 50.324219 33.460938 C 50.609375 33.347656 50.894531 33.296875 51.179688 33.296875 C 53.144531 33.296875 55.078125 35.808594 55.078125 38.140625 L 55.078125 44.378906 C 55.078125 47.183594 58.125 49.359375 58.125 49.359375 C 57.285156 50.191406 55.8125 50.644531 54.34375 50.644531 C 52.941406 50.644531 51.53125 50.238281 50.648438 49.359375 L 50.648438 51.207031 C 50.648438 53.3125 60.785156 53.726562 60.785156 59.972656 Z M 60.785156 59.972656 "/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Patient Support</span> </a> </li> <li class="top-tasks__item"> <a class="top-tasks__link" href="/lp/pineapp" > <span class="top-tasks__icon"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.785156 18.386719 L 26.210938 18.386719 C 23.625 18.386719 21.515625 20.492188 21.515625 23.082031 L 21.515625 66.917969 C 21.515625 69.511719 23.625 71.613281 26.210938 71.613281 L 48.785156 71.613281 C 51.375 71.613281 53.480469 69.511719 53.480469 66.917969 L 53.480469 23.082031 C 53.480469 20.492188 51.375 18.386719 48.785156 18.386719 Z M 51.472656 66.917969 C 51.472656 68.402344 50.265625 69.609375 48.785156 69.609375 L 26.210938 69.609375 C 24.734375 69.609375 23.527344 68.402344 23.527344 66.917969 L 23.527344 23.082031 C 23.527344 21.59375 24.734375 20.394531 26.210938 20.394531 L 48.785156 20.394531 C 50.265625 20.394531 51.472656 21.59375 51.472656 23.082031 Z M 51.472656 66.917969 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 41.144531 24.640625 C 41.144531 25.359375 40.558594 25.945312 39.832031 25.945312 L 35.167969 25.945312 C 34.4375 25.945312 33.855469 25.359375 33.855469 24.640625 C 33.855469 23.914062 34.4375 23.328125 35.167969 23.328125 L 39.832031 23.328125 C 40.558594 23.328125 41.144531 23.914062 41.144531 24.640625 Z M 41.144531 24.640625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.46875 57.378906 L 49.453125 57.664062 L 49.453125 58.144531 C 49.453125 58.488281 49.230469 59.101562 48.847656 59.328125 C 48.792969 59.359375 48.742188 59.386719 48.703125 59.417969 C 48.285156 59.679688 47.828125 59.949219 47.355469 60.167969 C 45.847656 60.835938 44.089844 61.316406 41.839844 61.667969 C 41.085938 61.789062 40.371094 61.878906 39.660156 61.9375 C 38.984375 61.992188 38.316406 62.019531 37.613281 62.019531 L 37.394531 62.019531 C 36.6875 62.019531 36.023438 61.992188 35.339844 61.9375 C 34.625 61.878906 33.914062 61.789062 33.164062 61.667969 C 30.90625 61.316406 29.152344 60.835938 27.652344 60.167969 C 27.179688 59.949219 26.722656 59.679688 26.308594 59.425781 C 26.257812 59.386719 26.210938 59.359375 26.160156 59.328125 C 25.777344 59.101562 25.550781 58.496094 25.550781 58.144531 C 25.550781 57.96875 25.550781 57.789062 25.542969 57.65625 L 25.527344 57.347656 C 25.507812 56.554688 25.484375 55.726562 25.792969 55.054688 C 26.152344 54.257812 26.902344 53.65625 27.644531 53.109375 C 27.988281 52.847656 28.378906 52.585938 28.800781 52.339844 C 28.898438 52.539062 29.007812 52.765625 29.144531 53.035156 C 29.210938 53.164062 29.277344 53.289062 29.355469 53.417969 C 28.378906 54.289062 28.011719 55.9375 28.445312 57.59375 C 28.476562 57.722656 28.515625 57.867188 28.566406 58.007812 L 28.625 58.203125 C 28.6875 58.382812 28.738281 58.5625 28.835938 58.75 C 29.085938 59.261719 29.398438 59.515625 29.765625 59.515625 C 29.835938 59.515625 29.910156 59.5 29.984375 59.484375 L 30.023438 59.476562 C 30.089844 59.457031 30.132812 59.449219 30.1875 59.433594 C 30.390625 59.515625 30.621094 59.523438 30.824219 59.457031 C 31.140625 59.351562 31.363281 59.082031 31.425781 58.765625 L 31.453125 58.5625 L 31.433594 58.5625 C 31.417969 58.074219 31.019531 57.683594 30.53125 57.683594 C 30.253906 57.683594 30 57.8125 29.835938 58.015625 C 29.8125 57.949219 29.789062 57.878906 29.765625 57.8125 C 29.757812 57.78125 29.746094 57.753906 29.738281 57.722656 C 29.730469 57.683594 29.714844 57.65625 29.707031 57.625 C 29.175781 56.058594 29.542969 54.476562 30.496094 54.101562 C 31.535156 53.816406 32.765625 54.871094 33.292969 56.417969 C 33.308594 56.476562 33.328125 56.53125 33.351562 56.605469 L 33.367188 56.636719 C 33.375 56.664062 33.390625 56.695312 33.398438 56.71875 C 33.320312 56.726562 33.246094 56.742188 33.171875 56.769531 C 32.945312 56.84375 32.757812 57.003906 32.652344 57.21875 C 32.550781 57.429688 32.535156 57.679688 32.609375 57.902344 C 32.730469 58.269531 33.074219 58.511719 33.457031 58.511719 C 33.5625 58.511719 33.652344 58.496094 33.75 58.464844 C 33.972656 58.390625 34.148438 58.234375 34.257812 58.03125 C 34.476562 57.917969 34.710938 57.683594 34.710938 57.191406 C 34.710938 57.0625 34.695312 56.929688 34.664062 56.777344 C 34.625 56.574219 34.558594 56.394531 34.5 56.230469 L 34.484375 56.183594 C 34.460938 56.132812 34.445312 56.082031 34.433594 56.019531 C 33.792969 54.152344 32.316406 52.847656 30.832031 52.847656 C 30.75 52.847656 30.660156 52.855469 30.554688 52.863281 C 30.441406 52.660156 30.34375 52.472656 30.253906 52.292969 C 30.148438 52.089844 30.042969 51.878906 29.953125 51.691406 L 29.96875 51.683594 C 30.074219 51.632812 30.171875 51.582031 30.277344 51.527344 L 30.792969 51.257812 C 31.027344 51.136719 31.257812 51.027344 31.492188 50.914062 L 31.507812 50.90625 C 31.910156 50.71875 32.25 50.589844 32.578125 50.492188 C 32.59375 50.476562 32.617188 50.46875 32.640625 50.464844 L 32.667969 50.515625 C 32.75 50.644531 32.835938 50.761719 32.917969 50.890625 C 33.246094 51.363281 33.515625 51.753906 33.777344 52.105469 C 34.289062 52.808594 34.808594 53.46875 35.242188 54.027344 C 35.363281 54.183594 35.480469 54.332031 35.609375 54.492188 C 35.738281 54.648438 35.855469 54.804688 35.984375 54.964844 C 36.015625 54.992188 36.035156 55.03125 36.066406 55.058594 C 36.089844 55.089844 36.113281 55.121094 36.140625 55.152344 L 36.367188 55.441406 L 36.433594 55.074219 C 36.585938 54.296875 36.777344 53.230469 36.792969 53.066406 L 36.800781 52.929688 L 36.800781 52.894531 L 36.777344 52.804688 C 36.765625 52.765625 36.742188 52.71875 36.710938 52.667969 L 36.546875 52.421875 C 36.464844 52.292969 36.375 52.15625 36.300781 52.03125 C 36.292969 52.023438 36.292969 52.007812 36.292969 52 L 36.3125 51.925781 C 36.351562 51.820312 36.390625 51.714844 36.433594 51.601562 L 36.480469 51.460938 C 36.53125 51.316406 36.585938 51.167969 36.636719 51.027344 C 36.644531 51.019531 36.652344 51.019531 36.660156 51.011719 C 36.710938 50.996094 37.011719 50.972656 37.507812 50.972656 C 38.023438 50.972656 38.339844 50.996094 38.382812 51.011719 L 38.414062 51.027344 C 38.445312 51.128906 38.480469 51.242188 38.519531 51.347656 L 38.640625 51.679688 C 38.675781 51.789062 38.714844 51.902344 38.75 51.992188 L 38.75 52.023438 C 38.667969 52.15625 38.578125 52.292969 38.496094 52.421875 L 38.332031 52.675781 C 38.300781 52.71875 38.277344 52.765625 38.265625 52.804688 L 38.25 52.847656 C 38.242188 52.886719 38.242188 52.914062 38.242188 52.929688 L 38.25 53.074219 C 38.273438 53.230469 38.453125 54.257812 38.601562 55.03125 L 38.675781 55.421875 L 38.902344 55.105469 C 38.9375 55.058594 38.976562 55.015625 39.015625 54.964844 C 39.15625 54.78125 39.300781 54.609375 39.433594 54.4375 L 39.839844 53.929688 C 40.289062 53.351562 40.769531 52.734375 41.21875 52.105469 C 41.542969 51.671875 41.828125 51.265625 42.097656 50.875 C 42.1875 50.742188 42.269531 50.605469 42.367188 50.464844 C 42.390625 50.46875 42.410156 50.476562 42.441406 50.492188 C 42.757812 50.589844 43.09375 50.71875 43.5 50.90625 L 43.515625 50.914062 C 43.746094 51.027344 43.980469 51.136719 44.203125 51.257812 L 44.730469 51.527344 C 44.992188 51.664062 45.269531 51.804688 45.546875 51.957031 C 45.480469 52.226562 45.410156 52.480469 45.335938 52.714844 C 45.113281 53.402344 44.835938 54.046875 44.496094 54.617188 C 44.226562 54.511719 43.933594 54.453125 43.640625 54.453125 C 42.390625 54.453125 41.375 55.472656 41.375 56.726562 C 41.375 57.910156 42.300781 58.902344 43.476562 58.984375 C 43.527344 58.992188 43.589844 58.992188 43.640625 58.992188 C 44.203125 58.992188 44.746094 58.789062 45.148438 58.421875 C 45.636719 57.984375 45.914062 57.371094 45.914062 56.726562 C 45.914062 56.238281 45.757812 55.757812 45.464844 55.367188 C 45.824219 54.777344 46.132812 54.121094 46.378906 53.425781 C 46.46875 53.179688 46.550781 52.90625 46.632812 52.601562 C 46.867188 52.75 47.121094 52.921875 47.363281 53.109375 C 48.105469 53.65625 48.855469 54.265625 49.214844 55.054688 C 49.523438 55.742188 49.492188 56.574219 49.46875 57.378906 Z M 49.46875 57.378906 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.699219 56.726562 C 44.699219 57.304688 44.226562 57.777344 43.640625 57.777344 C 43.0625 57.777344 42.589844 57.304688 42.589844 56.726562 C 42.589844 56.140625 43.0625 55.667969 43.640625 55.667969 C 43.769531 55.667969 43.890625 55.691406 44 55.726562 C 44.25 55.824219 44.453125 55.996094 44.578125 56.230469 C 44.652344 56.378906 44.699219 56.554688 44.699219 56.726562 Z M 44.699219 56.726562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.257812 41.753906 C 43.257812 41.777344 43.257812 41.792969 43.25 41.816406 C 43.265625 41.949219 43.257812 42.09375 43.25 42.226562 C 43.238281 42.496094 43.175781 42.777344 43.148438 43.046875 C 43.085938 43.503906 42.964844 43.894531 42.621094 44.207031 C 42.433594 44.386719 42.214844 44.539062 42.050781 44.742188 C 41.835938 45.011719 41.835938 45.363281 41.707031 45.683594 C 41.570312 46.007812 41.429688 46.332031 41.242188 46.628906 C 40.875 47.214844 40.386719 47.734375 39.816406 48.121094 C 39.683594 48.214844 39.539062 48.304688 39.390625 48.386719 C 39.210938 48.476562 38.96875 48.589844 38.652344 48.691406 C 38.640625 48.699219 38.625 48.707031 38.601562 48.714844 C 38.414062 48.796875 38.226562 48.851562 38.039062 48.886719 C 37.859375 48.925781 37.679688 48.933594 37.5 48.933594 C 37.320312 48.933594 37.148438 48.925781 36.964844 48.886719 C 36.773438 48.851562 36.585938 48.796875 36.398438 48.714844 C 36.382812 48.707031 36.367188 48.699219 36.34375 48.691406 C 36.035156 48.589844 35.796875 48.476562 35.617188 48.386719 C 35.464844 48.304688 35.324219 48.214844 35.1875 48.121094 C 34.078125 47.367188 33.398438 46.269531 33.050781 44.90625 C 33.007812 44.734375 32.925781 44.636719 32.804688 44.539062 C 32.21875 44.246094 31.933594 43.660156 31.859375 43.046875 C 31.820312 42.777344 31.769531 42.496094 31.753906 42.226562 C 31.746094 42.09375 31.738281 41.949219 31.746094 41.816406 L 31.746094 41.753906 C 31.730469 41.464844 31.898438 41.066406 32.210938 40.992188 C 32.308594 40.96875 32.414062 40.96875 32.519531 40.960938 C 32.542969 40.953125 32.558594 40.953125 32.578125 40.945312 C 32.632812 40.914062 32.667969 40.863281 32.675781 40.773438 C 32.683594 40.480469 32.625 40.1875 32.5625 39.902344 C 32.527344 39.714844 32.488281 39.519531 32.472656 39.332031 C 32.4375 38.800781 32.414062 38.261719 32.4375 37.726562 C 32.460938 37.300781 32.535156 36.84375 32.746094 36.46875 C 32.847656 36.28125 33.015625 36.144531 33.210938 36.0625 C 33.425781 35.964844 33.597656 35.851562 33.785156 35.695312 C 34.011719 35.523438 34.058594 35.394531 34.207031 35.171875 C 34.355469 34.953125 34.535156 34.757812 34.761719 34.617188 C 34.8125 34.578125 34.875 34.546875 34.933594 34.519531 C 35.535156 34.234375 36.230469 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cancer and staying healthy is by getting your recommended screenings. </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> <a class="button" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/prevention-and-screening" >Book a Screening</a> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading heading--h4">Newly Diagnosed</h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc "> Miami Cancer Institute is here to help you every step of the way after a cancer diagnosis. </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> <a class="button" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/patient-support/newly-diagnosed" >Learn More</a> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div><div class="container"> <div class="form-collapsible"> <button class="button-text--close">Close</button> <h2 class="form-collapsible__title">Discover our approach to comprehensive cancer care.</h2> <button class="form-collapsible__trigger btn-show-form" id="cancer-request-appointment">Learn More</button> <div 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We uncover what’s driving your cancer and deliver precise and effective treatments. </div> </li> <li class="promo__item"> <h3 class="promo__title">Expertise With Your Cancer</h3> <div class="promo__teaser">At Miami Cancer Institute, molecular diagnostics are used to fully understand the molecular makeup of a patient’s cancer, which helps our experts create personalized and targeted treatment plans. Unmatched in South Florida, our Institute is at the forefront of cancer treatment and prevention, with its use of molecular diagnostics and genetic risk assessment. With a full understanding of the genomic architecture behind each cancer, we’re able to successfully leverage our precision therapies and provide better outcomes.</div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/BHSF-Main/CTA/clinical-trials-site-microscope-Ahluwalia-cta-595x446.jpg" alt="Clinical Trials"> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Clinical Trials</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>Miami Cancer Institute can provide access to clinical trials not widely available elsewhere. Clinical trials find new ways to treat and diagnose cancer and are ongoing. If an appropriate trial is available, we will talk to you about the benefits and risks.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> <a class="button" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/clinical-trials" >Search Clinical Trials</a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white "> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Logos/MCI_Building_595x446.png" alt="Welcome to Compassionate Cancer Care"> <button class="js-modal-btn simple-cta-image__video" data-video-id="392528562" data-video-channel="vimeo" type="button" name="Watch Video" title="Watch Video">Play Video</button> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Welcome to Compassionate Cancer Care</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>At Miami Cancer Institute, we understand that the true definition of compassionate care is that nothing is more important than the patient sitting in front of you. We are ready to care for you. </p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/MCI/CTA/MCI_AAHRPP_Logo_595x446.png" alt="Miami Cancer Institute Achieves AAHRPP Accreditation"> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Miami Cancer Institute Achieves AAHRPP Accreditation</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>The Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs has recognized Miami Cancer Institute for promoting ethically sound and safe human subject research practices.</p> <p> Miami Cancer Institute has been awarded full accreditation by the Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), after having completed the accreditation process with zero deficiencies. This is a significant achievement and a testament to our commitment to the highest standards in promoting ethically sound and safe human subject research practices.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> <a class="button" href="" >Learn More</a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image section--deep-blue simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/MCI/About-Us/mci-msklogos.png" alt="Top-Notch Cancer Care Near You"> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Top-Notch Cancer Care Near You</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>We’re Florida's only member of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance. That means our physicians collaborate with national cancer care leaders to give patients the best cancer care, right here at home. We also share knowledge to improve cancer care now and for future generations.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> <a class="button button--secondary" href="/services/cancer-care/miami-cancer-institute/about-us/memorial-sloan-kettering-alliance" >Learn More About Our Partnership</a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <div class="simple-cta-image__image-poval"> <div class="simple-cta-image__spotlight"> <h3 class="simple-cta-image__spotlight-name heading--h6"> Ian C. Bostock, M.D., MS, FACS </h3> <div class="simple-cta-image__spotlight-subline body--tiny"> Thoracic Surgeon </div> </div> <img src="/-/media/Images/MCI/CTA/Bostock-Spotlight.png" alt="Ian C. Bostock, M.D., MS, FACS"> </div> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Physician Spotlight</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>Ian C. Bostock, M.D., MS, FACS, is a board-certified thoracic surgeon at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute. He specializes in treating lung and esophageal cancer, mesothelioma, mediastinal and chest wall tumors, and benign esophageal diseases such as reflux, achalasia, and paraesophageal hernias.</p> <p>Dr. Bostock serves as an associate professor of surgery at Florida International University. Prior to joining Baptist Health, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina.</p> <p>Dr. Bostock earned his medical degree and a master’s degree in Science and Clinical Investigation at Anáhuac University Medical School in Mexico City, Mexico. He completed a general surgery internship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and a general surgery residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. He also completed a cardiothoracic surgery fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas.</p> <p>Dr. Bostock has received several awards for his research in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, abstracts and book chapters and has presented at many national academic conferences. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and member of several professional associations.</p> <p>The focus of Dr. Bostock’s care philosophy is patient-centered care and shared-decision making. He believes that each patient should be viewed as an individual and care plans should reflect the patient’s values, goals and motivations.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> <a class="button" href="" >Learn More</a> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <div><!--<style> .simple-cta-overlap__image { transform: scaleX(-1); } .badge { position: absolute; bottom: 20px; left: 50px; height: 175px; width: auto; z-index: 2; } @media (max-width: 900px) { .badge { top: 20px; left: auto; right: 50px; } } @media (max-width: 600px) { .badge { height: 125px; width: auto; z-index: 2; } } @media (max-width: 400px) { .badge { height: 90px; width: auto; z-index: 2; } } </style> <section class="section simple-cta-overlap bg-white simple-cta-overlap-- scEnabledChrome" sc-part-of="placeholder rendering"> <img class="badge" src="" ></img> <div class="simple-cta__wrap"> <div class="simple-cta-overlap__image" style="background-image: url('');"> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="simple-cta-overlap__content bg-white"> <h3 class="simple-cta-overlap__heading">Best Cancer Hospital</h3> <div class="simple-cta-overlap__desc typeset--lede"> <p>Miami Cancer Institute was recognized as a top 3 Best Cancer Hospital in the South Florida region by <em>U.S. News & World Report</em>.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-overlap__footer"> <a class="button " href="">Learn More</a> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </section> --></div> <div><style> .slick-prev, .slick-next { position: absolute; display: block; height: 20px; width: 20px; line-height: 0; font-size: 0; cursor: pointer; background: #2ea84a; color: transparent; top: 50%; transform: translate(0, -50%); padding: 0; border: none; } </style> <section class="section carousel-multi "> <header class="section-header section-header--centered"> <div class="section-header__heading-wrap"> <h2 class="section-header__heading ">Best Cancer Hospital</h2> <div class="container "> <p class="lede">Baptist Health Cancer Care was ranked among the top 10 percent in the Country, and Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute was ranked #1 in South Florida, with High Performing ratings in complex cancer care, prostate cancer surgery, lung cancer surgery and treating patients with leukemia, lymphoma & myeloma cancers. The Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute, part of Baptist Health, at Boca Raton Regional Hospital and Miami Cancer Institute both received High Performing ratings in colon cancer surgery.</p> <p><a class="button " href="">Learn More</a></p> </div> </div> </header> <div class="carousel-multi-items has-heading"> <div> <a href="#"> <img src="-/media/Images/MCI/Awards/Cancer-Hospital-2024-2025--405x270.png" alt="Slide Alt Text"> </a> </div> <div> <a href="#"> <img src="-/media/Images/MCI/Awards/Colon-Cancer-Surgery-2024-2025--405x270.png" alt="Slide Alt Text"> </a> </div> <div> <a href="#"> <img src="-/media/Images/MCI/Awards/Leukemia-Lymphoma-Myeloma-2024-2025--405x270.png" alt="Slide Alt Text"> </a> </div> <div> <a href="#"> <img src="-/media/Images/MCI/Awards/Lung-Cancer-Surgery-2024-2025--405x270.png" alt="Slide Alt Text"> </a> </div> <div> <a href="#"> <img src="-/media/Images/MCI/Awards/Prostate-Cancer-Surgery-2024-2025--405x270.png" alt="Slide Alt Text"> </a> </div> </div> </section></div> <section class="section news-list "> <div class="container "> <header class="section-header "> <div class="section-header__heading-wrap"> <h2 class="section-header__heading ">Recent News</h2> </div> </header> <div class="news-list__content grid--2col"> <div class="news-list__featured l-2up--1"> <div class="news-card"> <div class="news-card__image standard-image"> <img src="-/media/Brand-Refresh---Resource-Blog/Leaky-valve-HERO.jpg" alt="Non-Surgical Treatments for Leaky Heart Valve"> </div> <h3 class="news-card__title"><a href="">Non-Surgical Treatments for Leaky Heart Valve</a></h3> <div class="news-card__desc">A leaky heart valve, or heart valve regurgitation, occurs when one or more of the heart’s valves don’t close properly, causing blood to flow backward into the heart. 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148.777344 159.085938 150.699219 160.859375 150.699219 164.007812 Z M 150.699219 164.011719" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 162.234375 168.207031 C 161.085938 169.332031 159.8125 169.8125 158.332031 169.8125 C 155.371094 169.8125 152.90625 167.957031 152.90625 164.410156 C 152.90625 160.863281 155.351562 159.003906 158.332031 159.003906 C 159.753906 159.003906 160.941406 159.445312 162.046875 160.53125 L 160.671875 161.972656 C 160.023438 161.34375 159.167969 161.054688 158.351562 161.054688 C 156.496094 161.054688 155.054688 162.367188 155.054688 164.414062 C 155.054688 166.585938 156.558594 167.730469 158.332031 167.730469 C 159.207031 167.730469 160.105469 167.460938 160.769531 166.773438 L 162.234375 168.214844 Z M 162.234375 168.207031" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 172.371094 163.386719 C 172.246094 161.757812 171.054688 160.902344 169.324219 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180.4375 159.027344 181.542969 159.027344 C 182.546875 159.027344 183.503906 159.378906 184.089844 159.902344 Z M 184.09375 159.902344" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 189.921875 169.648438 L 189.921875 155.042969 L 192.238281 155.042969 L 192.238281 169.648438 Z M 189.921875 169.648438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 204.402344 164.011719 L 204.402344 169.539062 L 202.234375 169.539062 L 202.234375 164.03125 C 202.234375 162.257812 201.234375 161.070312 199.460938 161.070312 C 197.746094 161.070312 196.582031 162.464844 196.582031 164.15625 L 196.582031 169.539062 L 194.429688 169.539062 L 194.429688 159.230469 L 196.390625 159.230469 L 196.515625 160.734375 C 197.496094 159.628906 198.640625 159.085938 199.980469 159.085938 C 202.484375 159.085938 204.402344 160.859375 204.402344 164.007812 Z M 204.402344 164.011719" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 214.960938 166.597656 C 214.941406 168.515625 213.25 169.851562 210.578125 169.851562 C 208.910156 169.851562 207.238281 169.476562 205.886719 167.953125 L 207.011719 166.429688 C 207.96875 167.492188 209.410156 167.933594 210.621094 167.953125 C 211.644531 167.953125 212.792969 167.578125 212.8125 166.617188 C 212.835938 165.699219 211.957031 165.347656 210.433594 165.203125 C 208.492188 165.015625 206.261719 164.386719 206.242188 162.117188 C 206.242188 159.84375 208.601562 158.988281 210.515625 158.988281 C 212.105469 158.988281 213.332031 159.339844 214.480469 160.363281 L 213.269531 161.78125 C 212.457031 161.027344 211.582031 160.820312 210.558594 160.820312 C 209.246094 160.800781 208.363281 161.234375 208.363281 162.050781 C 208.386719 162.90625 209.285156 163.238281 210.597656 163.363281 C 212.496094 163.527344 214.976562 163.949219 214.957031 166.59375 Z M 214.960938 166.597656" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 220.460938 161.453125 L 220.460938 165.84375 C 220.460938 167.042969 220.992188 167.710938 222.097656 167.710938 C 222.347656 167.710938 222.621094 167.660156 222.890625 167.578125 L 222.890625 169.769531 C 222.589844 169.820312 222.285156 169.855469 221.960938 169.855469 C 219.492188 169.925781 218.085938 168.515625 218.085938 165.84375 L 218.085938 161.453125 L 215.890625 161.453125 L 215.890625 159.398438 L 218.085938 159.398438 L 218.085938 156.3125 L 220.480469 156.3125 L 220.480469 159.398438 L 223.804688 159.398438 L 223.804688 161.453125 Z M 220.460938 161.453125" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 225.691406 169.542969 L 225.691406 159.210938 L 227.84375 159.210938 L 227.84375 169.542969 Z M 225.441406 156.230469 C 225.441406 154.476562 228.113281 154.476562 228.113281 156.230469 C 228.113281 158.003906 225.441406 158.003906 225.441406 156.230469 Z M 225.441406 156.230469" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 233.964844 161.453125 L 233.964844 165.84375 C 233.964844 167.042969 234.496094 167.710938 235.601562 167.710938 C 235.851562 167.710938 236.121094 167.660156 236.390625 167.578125 L 236.390625 169.769531 C 236.089844 169.820312 235.785156 169.855469 235.460938 169.855469 C 232.992188 169.925781 231.585938 168.515625 231.585938 165.84375 L 231.585938 161.453125 L 229.390625 161.453125 L 229.390625 159.398438 L 231.585938 159.398438 L 231.585938 156.3125 L 233.980469 156.3125 L 233.980469 159.398438 L 237.304688 159.398438 L 237.304688 161.453125 L 233.960938 161.453125 Z M 233.964844 161.453125" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 248.941406 159.296875 L 248.941406 169.601562 L 247 169.601562 L 246.875 168.078125 C 245.875 169.222656 244.769531 169.746094 243.328125 169.746094 C 240.800781 169.746094 238.988281 167.933594 238.988281 164.824219 L 238.988281 159.296875 L 241.136719 159.296875 L 241.136719 164.804688 C 241.136719 166.558594 242.136719 167.765625 243.929688 167.765625 C 245.621094 167.765625 246.789062 166.367188 246.789062 164.65625 L 246.789062 159.292969 L 248.941406 159.292969 Z M 248.941406 159.296875" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 254.925781 161.453125 L 254.925781 165.84375 C 254.925781 167.042969 255.457031 167.710938 256.5625 167.710938 C 256.8125 167.710938 257.085938 167.660156 257.355469 167.578125 L 257.355469 169.769531 C 257.050781 169.820312 256.75 169.855469 256.425781 169.855469 C 253.957031 169.925781 252.550781 168.515625 252.550781 165.84375 L 252.550781 161.453125 L 250.355469 161.453125 L 250.355469 159.398438 L 252.550781 159.398438 L 252.550781 156.3125 L 254.945312 156.3125 L 254.945312 159.398438 L 258.269531 159.398438 L 258.269531 161.453125 Z M 254.925781 161.453125" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 267.890625 163.386719 C 267.765625 161.757812 266.578125 160.902344 264.839844 160.902344 C 263.273438 160.902344 261.984375 161.757812 261.652344 163.386719 Z M 269.953125 165.203125 L 261.609375 165.203125 C 261.796875 166.769531 263.089844 167.789062 264.96875 167.789062 C 266.011719 167.789062 267.328125 167.394531 267.953125 166.683594 L 269.351562 168.042969 C 268.289062 169.210938 266.515625 169.796875 264.929688 169.796875 C 261.546875 169.796875 259.378906 167.648438 259.378906 164.351562 C 259.378906 161.21875 261.570312 158.988281 264.78125 158.988281 C 268.101562 158.988281 270.351562 161.011719 269.957031 165.207031 Z M 269.953125 165.203125" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 58.472656 129.316406 C 58.472656 130.230469 58.925781 130.769531 60.773438 130.769531 C 64.214844 130.769531 66.097656 128.304688 66.125 125.769531 C 66.160156 122.558594 63.5 121.003906 58.46875 121.105469 L 58.46875 129.3125 Z M 58.472656 119.753906 C 63.210938 119.753906 65.089844 118.203125 65.089844 114.890625 C 65.089844 112.390625 63.472656 110.5 60.226562 110.5 C 59.09375 110.5 58.472656 110.941406 58.472656 112.054688 Z M 51.074219 132.121094 L 51.074219 131.246094 C 53.445312 131.144531 54.058594 130.871094 54.058594 128.472656 L 54.058594 112.796875 C 54.058594 110.398438 53.445312 110.125 51.074219 110.027344 L 51.074219 109.152344 L 60.808594 109.152344 C 66.128906 109.152344 69.503906 111.109375 69.503906 114.824219 C 69.503906 117.734375 67.296875 119.621094 64.605469 120.097656 L 64.605469 120.164062 C 67.457031 120.734375 70.667969 122.257812 70.667969 125.769531 C 70.667969 129.488281 67.882812 132.121094 62.042969 132.121094 Z M 51.074219 132.121094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 81.792969 123.40625 C 79.195312 124.148438 76.34375 125.164062 76.34375 127.664062 C 76.34375 129.085938 77.253906 130.097656 78.644531 130.097656 C 79.777344 130.097656 80.980469 129.289062 81.789062 128.40625 L 81.789062 123.40625 Z M 85.683594 129.554688 C 85.683594 129.996094 85.847656 130.296875 86.203125 130.296875 C 86.527344 130.296875 86.949219 129.960938 87.175781 129.757812 L 87.695312 130.363281 C 86.917969 131.679688 85.492188 132.527344 83.933594 132.527344 C 82.050781 132.527344 81.792969 131.3125 81.792969 130.164062 C 80.234375 131.515625 78.746094 132.527344 76.539062 132.527344 C 74.265625 132.527344 72.453125 131.515625 72.453125 128.40625 C 72.453125 123.644531 78.839844 122.867188 81.792969 121.917969 C 81.792969 117.898438 81.078125 117.1875 79.070312 117.1875 C 77.347656 117.1875 77.058594 118 77.058594 119.484375 C 77.058594 120.703125 76.28125 121.242188 75.339844 121.242188 C 74.394531 121.242188 73.617188 120.703125 73.617188 119.484375 C 73.617188 116.984375 76.667969 115.839844 79.585938 115.839844 C 82.832031 115.839844 85.683594 117.15625 85.683594 120.9375 Z M 85.683594 129.554688" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 94.183594 125.703125 C 94.183594 129.757812 95.222656 131.179688 97.234375 131.179688 C 99.175781 131.179688 100.605469 129.625 100.605469 124.761719 C 100.605469 120.371094 98.917969 118.410156 96.875 118.410156 C 95.578125 118.410156 94.765625 119.289062 94.183594 119.863281 L 94.183594 125.707031 Z M 94.183594 136.445312 C 94.183594 138.234375 94.414062 138.4375 96.808594 138.539062 L 96.808594 139.414062 L 88.3125 139.414062 L 88.3125 138.539062 C 90.0625 138.4375 90.289062 138.234375 90.289062 136.445312 L 90.289062 119.890625 C 90.289062 118.273438 89.898438 117.933594 88.3125 117.933594 L 88.3125 117.054688 C 89.28125 116.886719 93.761719 115.839844 93.957031 115.839844 C 94.117188 115.839844 94.183594 116.007812 94.183594 116.175781 L 94.183594 118.300781 C 95.453125 117.019531 97.039062 115.835938 98.886719 115.835938 C 101.96875 115.835938 104.5 119.046875 104.5 123.230469 C 104.5 128.199219 101.382812 132.523438 97.6875 132.523438 C 95.898438 132.523438 95.023438 131.882812 94.183594 131.242188 Z M 94.183594 136.445312" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 115.074219 117.933594 L 111.503906 117.933594 L 111.503906 127.863281 C 111.503906 129.148438 111.828125 129.824219 112.671875 129.824219 C 113.484375 129.824219 114.035156 129.25 114.945312 128.335938 L 115.59375 129.015625 C 114.394531 130.769531 113.257812 132.527344 110.859375 132.527344 C 108.523438 132.527344 107.613281 131.109375 107.613281 128.578125 L 107.613281 117.9375 L 105.664062 117.9375 L 105.664062 116.789062 C 108.035156 116.417969 109.847656 114.492188 110.46875 110.910156 L 111.503906 110.910156 L 111.503906 116.25 L 115.074219 116.25 L 115.074219 117.941406 Z M 115.074219 117.933594" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 117.828125 110.972656 C 117.828125 109.65625 118.867188 108.609375 120.101562 108.609375 C 121.332031 108.609375 122.371094 109.65625 122.371094 110.972656 C 122.371094 112.222656 121.332031 113.335938 120.101562 113.335938 C 118.867188 113.335938 117.828125 112.222656 117.828125 110.972656 Z M 116.175781 132.121094 L 116.175781 131.246094 C 117.859375 131.109375 118.152344 130.5 118.152344 129.082031 L 118.152344 120.636719 C 118.152344 118.371094 117.570312 118.003906 116.175781 118.003906 L 116.175781 117.125 C 118.023438 116.988281 121.460938 115.84375 121.753906 115.84375 C 122.042969 115.84375 122.042969 116.078125 122.042969 116.449219 L 122.042969 129.085938 C 122.042969 130.503906 122.628906 131.25 123.960938 131.25 L 123.960938 132.125 L 116.175781 132.125 Z M 116.175781 132.121094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 125.226562 126.71875 L 126.070312 126.71875 C 126.71875 128.8125 128.175781 131.179688 130.835938 131.179688 C 132.039062 131.179688 133.078125 130.566406 133.078125 129.152344 C 133.078125 127.664062 132.105469 127.15625 130.613281 126.3125 L 128.210938 124.925781 C 126.6875 124.050781 125.425781 123.101562 125.425781 120.234375 C 125.425781 117.9375 127.210938 115.84375 130.261719 115.84375 C 132.59375 115.84375 132.953125 116.71875 133.796875 116.71875 C 134.347656 116.71875 134.445312 116.382812 134.570312 115.910156 L 135.414062 115.910156 L 135.414062 121.3125 L 134.375 121.3125 C 133.730469 119.148438 132.429688 117.191406 130.03125 117.191406 C 128.925781 117.191406 128.082031 117.800781 128.082031 119.285156 C 128.082031 120.234375 128.441406 120.773438 129.769531 121.484375 L 132.496094 122.902344 C 134.667969 124.015625 136.0625 125.101562 136.0625 127.769531 C 136.0625 130.875 133.925781 132.53125 130.972656 132.53125 C 129.804688 132.53125 129.027344 132.398438 128.40625 132.230469 C 127.566406 131.992188 127.140625 131.65625 126.65625 131.65625 C 126.332031 131.65625 126.136719 132.027344 126.074219 132.53125 L 125.230469 132.53125 L 125.230469 126.722656 Z M 125.226562 126.71875" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 146.339844 117.933594 L 142.773438 117.933594 L 142.773438 127.863281 C 142.773438 129.148438 143.097656 129.824219 143.9375 129.824219 C 144.75 129.824219 145.300781 129.25 146.210938 128.335938 L 146.859375 129.015625 C 145.660156 130.769531 144.523438 132.527344 142.125 132.527344 C 139.789062 132.527344 138.878906 131.109375 138.878906 128.578125 L 138.878906 117.9375 L 136.9375 117.9375 L 136.9375 116.789062 C 139.304688 116.417969 141.117188 114.492188 141.738281 110.910156 L 142.777344 110.910156 L 142.777344 116.25 L 146.34375 116.25 L 146.34375 117.941406 Z M 146.339844 117.933594" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 162.332031 121.378906 L 162.332031 128.472656 C 162.332031 130.871094 162.945312 131.144531 165.058594 131.246094 L 165.058594 132.121094 L 155.195312 132.121094 L 155.195312 131.246094 C 157.304688 131.144531 157.921875 130.871094 157.921875 128.472656 L 157.921875 112.796875 C 157.921875 110.398438 157.304688 110.125 155.195312 110.027344 L 155.195312 109.152344 L 165.058594 109.152344 L 165.058594 110.027344 C 162.945312 110.132812 162.332031 110.398438 162.332031 112.796875 L 162.332031 119.484375 L 172 119.484375 L 172 112.796875 C 172 110.398438 171.382812 110.125 169.273438 110.027344 L 169.273438 109.152344 L 179.132812 109.152344 L 179.132812 110.027344 C 177.023438 110.132812 176.410156 110.398438 176.410156 112.796875 L 176.410156 128.472656 C 176.410156 130.871094 177.023438 131.144531 179.132812 131.246094 L 179.132812 132.121094 L 169.273438 132.121094 L 169.273438 131.246094 C 171.378906 131.144531 172 130.871094 172 128.472656 L 172 121.378906 Z M 162.332031 121.378906" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 189.1875 121.714844 C 189.1875 119.792969 188.734375 117.390625 186.5625 117.390625 C 184.324219 117.390625 183.9375 119.792969 183.9375 121.714844 L 189.191406 121.714844 Z M 183.933594 123.066406 C 183.933594 127.1875 185.421875 129.554688 188.308594 129.554688 C 190.226562 129.554688 191.554688 128.574219 192.789062 126.851562 L 193.402344 127.421875 C 192.296875 129.820312 190.515625 132.523438 186.820312 132.523438 C 182.636719 132.523438 180.039062 128.945312 180.039062 124.71875 C 180.039062 119.414062 182.894531 115.835938 186.789062 115.835938 C 190.746094 115.835938 192.886719 119.078125 193.082031 123.066406 Z M 183.933594 123.066406" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 203.527344 123.40625 C 200.929688 124.148438 198.074219 125.164062 198.074219 127.664062 C 198.074219 129.085938 198.984375 130.097656 200.382812 130.097656 C 201.515625 130.097656 202.714844 129.289062 203.53125 128.40625 L 203.53125 123.40625 Z M 207.414062 129.554688 C 207.414062 129.996094 207.574219 130.296875 207.933594 130.296875 C 208.257812 130.296875 208.679688 129.960938 208.90625 129.757812 L 209.425781 130.363281 C 208.648438 131.679688 207.21875 132.527344 205.660156 132.527344 C 203.78125 132.527344 203.523438 131.3125 203.523438 130.164062 C 201.964844 131.515625 200.472656 132.527344 198.265625 132.527344 C 195.996094 132.527344 194.179688 131.515625 194.179688 128.40625 C 194.179688 123.644531 200.570312 122.867188 203.523438 121.917969 C 203.523438 117.898438 202.808594 117.1875 200.796875 117.1875 C 199.078125 117.1875 198.785156 118 198.785156 119.484375 C 198.785156 120.703125 198.007812 121.242188 197.066406 121.242188 C 196.125 121.242188 195.347656 120.703125 195.347656 119.484375 C 195.347656 116.984375 198.394531 115.839844 201.316406 115.839844 C 204.558594 115.839844 207.414062 117.15625 207.414062 120.9375 Z M 207.414062 129.554688" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 209.816406 132.121094 L 209.816406 131.246094 C 211.566406 131.144531 211.792969 130.566406 211.792969 128.40625 L 211.792969 112.527344 C 211.792969 110.835938 211.402344 110.5 209.816406 110.5 L 209.816406 109.625 C 210.785156 109.453125 215.265625 108.203125 215.460938 108.203125 C 215.621094 108.203125 215.683594 108.375 215.683594 108.539062 L 215.683594 128.402344 C 215.683594 130.566406 215.914062 131.140625 217.664062 131.242188 L 217.664062 132.117188 L 209.816406 132.117188 Z M 209.816406 132.121094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 227.785156 117.933594 L 224.214844 117.933594 L 224.214844 127.863281 C 224.214844 129.148438 224.539062 129.824219 225.382812 129.824219 C 226.195312 129.824219 226.746094 129.25 227.65625 128.335938 L 228.304688 129.015625 C 227.101562 130.769531 225.96875 132.527344 223.566406 132.527344 C 221.234375 132.527344 220.324219 131.109375 220.324219 128.578125 L 220.324219 117.9375 L 218.378906 117.9375 L 218.378906 116.789062 C 220.746094 116.417969 222.5625 114.492188 223.183594 110.910156 L 224.21875 110.910156 L 224.21875 116.25 L 227.789062 116.25 L 227.789062 117.941406 Z M 227.785156 117.933594" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 234.597656 129.148438 C 234.597656 130.9375 234.820312 131.140625 236.476562 131.242188 L 236.476562 132.117188 L 228.824219 132.117188 L 228.824219 131.242188 C 230.476562 131.140625 230.703125 130.9375 230.703125 129.113281 L 230.703125 112.21875 C 230.703125 110.734375 230.21875 110.496094 228.824219 110.496094 L 228.824219 109.621094 C 230.636719 109.351562 234.171875 108.199219 234.367188 108.199219 C 234.53125 108.199219 234.597656 108.304688 234.597656 108.574219 L 234.597656 117.933594 C 236.023438 116.785156 237.707031 115.839844 239.234375 115.839844 C 242.511719 115.839844 243.933594 117.527344 243.933594 121.109375 L 243.933594 129.152344 C 243.933594 130.941406 244.164062 131.144531 245.816406 131.246094 L 245.816406 132.121094 L 238.160156 132.121094 L 238.160156 131.246094 C 239.8125 131.144531 240.042969 130.941406 240.042969 129.152344 L 240.042969 120.839844 C 240.042969 118.675781 239.199219 118.136719 238.09375 118.136719 C 236.601562 118.136719 235.566406 118.8125 234.59375 119.484375 L 234.59375 129.148438 Z M 234.597656 129.148438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.921875 113.664062 C 19.390625 110.367188 16.046875 108.078125 12.167969 108.078125 C 10.796875 108.078125 9.492188 108.367188 8.308594 108.878906 C 8.535156 108.863281 8.769531 108.851562 9 108.851562 C 12.402344 108.851562 15.34375 110.8125 16.765625 113.660156 L 20.921875 113.660156 Z M 20.921875 113.664062" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 32.839844 108.855469 C 33.074219 108.855469 33.304688 108.863281 33.535156 108.886719 C 32.355469 108.371094 31.050781 108.082031 29.675781 108.082031 C 25.800781 108.082031 22.457031 110.371094 20.917969 113.671875 C 20.917969 113.671875 25.074219 113.671875 25.074219 113.671875 C 26.492188 110.820312 29.433594 108.859375 32.835938 108.859375 Z M 32.839844 108.855469" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 27.867188 105.863281 C 27.574219 105.777344 27.269531 105.710938 26.957031 105.664062 C 26.808594 105.644531 26.660156 105.625 26.503906 105.613281 C 26.320312 105.59375 26.132812 105.585938 25.941406 105.585938 C 25.6875 105.585938 25.433594 105.597656 25.1875 105.628906 C 23.507812 105.8125 22.007812 106.609375 20.917969 107.792969 C 19.832031 106.613281 18.335938 105.816406 16.648438 105.628906 C 16.398438 105.597656 16.148438 105.585938 15.898438 105.585938 C 15.707031 105.585938 15.519531 105.59375 15.332031 105.613281 C 15.179688 105.625 15.027344 105.640625 14.878906 105.664062 C 14.566406 105.710938 14.265625 105.777344 13.96875 105.863281 C 13.679688 105.953125 13.390625 106.054688 13.117188 106.179688 C 13.230469 106.1875 13.347656 106.203125 13.460938 106.21875 C 16.8125 106.640625 19.535156 108.730469 20.917969 111.546875 C 22.300781 108.730469 25.03125 106.640625 28.375 106.21875 C 28.492188 106.207031 28.601562 106.191406 28.71875 106.179688 C 28.445312 106.054688 28.160156 105.953125 27.867188 105.863281 Z M 27.867188 105.863281" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.921875 106.191406 C 21.992188 105.015625 23.464844 104.222656 25.117188 104.039062 C 25.363281 104.007812 25.609375 103.996094 25.859375 103.996094 C 25.96875 103.996094 26.085938 103.996094 26.199219 104.003906 C 25.730469 103.808594 25.238281 103.671875 24.730469 103.605469 C 24.480469 103.570312 24.222656 103.550781 23.960938 103.550781 C 23.765625 103.550781 23.574219 103.558594 23.382812 103.582031 C 23.222656 103.597656 23.070312 103.617188 22.917969 103.648438 C 22.597656 103.703125 22.285156 103.792969 21.980469 103.898438 C 21.195312 104.1875 20.46875 104.636719 19.828125 105.222656 C 20.226562 105.503906 20.589844 105.828125 20.917969 106.1875 Z M 20.921875 106.191406" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 22.226562 129.246094 L 19.128906 126.75 L 21.625 123.652344 L 24.722656 126.148438 Z M 22.226562 129.246094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 19.976562 134.648438 L 22.476562 131.546875 L 25.574219 134.042969 L 23.074219 137.148438 Z M 19.976562 134.648438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 23.875 118.246094 L 21.378906 121.347656 L 18.28125 118.851562 L 20.777344 115.75 Z M 23.875 118.246094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 29.097656 129.675781 L 26.601562 132.773438 L 23.503906 130.273438 L 26 127.175781 Z M 29.097656 129.675781" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 13.480469 122.199219 L 11.648438 120.722656 C 12.132812 119.402344 12.789062 118.203125 13.578125 117.167969 L 15.980469 119.101562 L 13.484375 122.203125 Z M 13.480469 122.199219" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.355469 122.621094 L 17.851562 125.71875 L 14.753906 123.222656 L 17.25 120.125 Z M 20.355469 122.621094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 11.226562 127.597656 L 13.726562 124.5 L 16.828125 126.996094 L 14.332031 130.09375 Z M 11.226562 127.597656" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 18.949219 135.921875 L 21.996094 138.378906 C 21.671875 138.398438 21.335938 138.410156 20.992188 138.410156 C 19.644531 138.410156 18.429688 138.234375 17.355469 137.898438 Z M 18.949219 135.921875" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 11.132812 122.40625 L 12.453125 123.46875 L 10.679688 125.671875 C 10.726562 124.539062 10.878906 123.445312 11.132812 122.40625 Z M 11.132812 122.40625" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 21.203125 130.523438 L 18.699219 133.621094 L 15.601562 131.125 L 18.101562 128.023438 Z M 21.203125 130.523438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 27.875 133.800781 L 30.371094 130.699219 L 30.773438 131.019531 C 30.398438 132.449219 29.828125 133.703125 29.066406 134.753906 L 27.875 133.796875 Z M 27.875 133.800781" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 31.179688 124.132812 C 31.273438 124.847656 31.324219 125.582031 31.324219 126.335938 C 31.324219 126.535156 31.324219 126.730469 31.316406 126.925781 L 30.128906 128.398438 L 27.027344 125.902344 L 29.527344 122.804688 L 31.179688 124.136719 Z M 31.179688 124.132812" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 26.851562 135.074219 L 27.980469 135.984375 C 27.042969 136.855469 25.902344 137.515625 24.554688 137.925781 Z M 26.851562 135.074219" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 12.804688 134.59375 L 14.574219 132.398438 L 17.675781 134.894531 L 15.78125 137.246094 C 14.570312 136.601562 13.578125 135.707031 12.804688 134.59375 Z M 12.804688 134.59375" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 29.277344 120.5 L 26.175781 118.003906 L 27.613281 116.21875 C 28.53125 117.199219 29.3125 118.375 29.921875 119.703125 Z M 29.277344 120.5" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 13.300781 131.371094 L 11.9375 133.058594 C 11.445312 131.980469 11.09375 130.761719 10.886719 129.421875 L 13.300781 131.367188 Z M 13.300781 131.371094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 25.753906 124.871094 L 22.65625 122.375 L 25.152344 119.277344 L 28.25 121.773438 Z M 25.753906 124.871094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 14.65625 115.929688 C 14.984375 115.601562 15.328125 115.300781 15.6875 115.023438 L 19.261719 115.023438 L 17.003906 117.824219 Z M 14.65625 115.929688" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 26.410156 115.105469 L 24.90625 116.972656 L 22.488281 115.023438 L 26.300781 115.023438 C 26.339844 115.054688 26.371094 115.078125 26.410156 115.105469 Z M 26.410156 115.105469" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 41.847656 100.0625 L 0 100.0625 L 0 141.90625 L 41.847656 141.90625 Z M 40.382812 101.523438 L 40.382812 140.445312 L 1.460938 140.445312 L 1.460938 101.523438 L 40.382812 101.523438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.921875 113.664062 C 19.390625 110.367188 16.046875 108.078125 12.167969 108.078125 C 10.796875 108.078125 9.492188 108.367188 8.308594 108.878906 C 8.535156 108.863281 8.769531 108.851562 9 108.851562 C 12.402344 108.851562 15.34375 110.8125 16.765625 113.660156 L 20.921875 113.660156 Z M 20.921875 113.664062" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 32.839844 108.855469 C 33.074219 108.855469 33.304688 108.863281 33.535156 108.886719 C 32.355469 108.371094 31.050781 108.082031 29.675781 108.082031 C 25.800781 108.082031 22.457031 110.371094 20.917969 113.671875 L 25.074219 113.671875 C 26.492188 110.820312 29.433594 108.859375 32.835938 108.859375 Z M 32.839844 108.855469" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 27.867188 105.863281 C 27.574219 105.777344 27.269531 105.710938 26.957031 105.664062 C 26.808594 105.644531 26.660156 105.625 26.503906 105.613281 C 26.320312 105.59375 26.132812 105.585938 25.941406 105.585938 C 25.6875 105.585938 25.433594 105.597656 25.1875 105.628906 C 23.507812 105.8125 22.007812 106.609375 20.917969 107.792969 C 19.832031 106.613281 18.335938 105.816406 16.652344 105.628906 C 16.402344 105.597656 16.15625 105.585938 15.902344 105.585938 C 15.710938 105.585938 15.523438 105.59375 15.335938 105.613281 C 15.183594 105.625 15.03125 105.640625 14.882812 105.664062 C 14.570312 105.710938 14.269531 105.777344 13.972656 105.863281 C 13.683594 105.953125 13.394531 106.054688 13.121094 106.179688 C 13.234375 106.1875 13.351562 106.203125 13.464844 106.21875 C 16.816406 106.640625 19.539062 108.730469 20.921875 111.546875 C 22.304688 108.730469 25.035156 106.640625 28.378906 106.21875 C 28.496094 106.207031 28.609375 106.191406 28.722656 106.179688 C 28.449219 106.054688 28.164062 105.953125 27.871094 105.863281 Z M 27.867188 105.863281" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.921875 106.191406 C 21.992188 105.015625 23.464844 104.222656 25.117188 104.039062 C 25.363281 104.007812 25.609375 103.996094 25.859375 103.996094 C 25.96875 103.996094 26.085938 103.996094 26.199219 104.003906 C 25.730469 103.808594 25.238281 103.671875 24.730469 103.605469 C 24.480469 103.570312 24.222656 103.550781 23.960938 103.550781 C 23.765625 103.550781 23.574219 103.558594 23.382812 103.582031 C 23.222656 103.597656 23.070312 103.617188 22.917969 103.648438 C 22.597656 103.703125 22.285156 103.792969 21.980469 103.898438 C 21.195312 104.1875 20.46875 104.636719 19.828125 105.222656 C 20.226562 105.503906 20.589844 105.828125 20.917969 106.1875 Z M 20.921875 106.191406" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 22.226562 129.246094 L 19.128906 126.75 L 21.625 123.652344 L 24.722656 126.148438 Z M 22.226562 129.246094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 19.976562 134.648438 L 22.476562 131.546875 L 25.574219 134.042969 L 23.074219 137.148438 Z M 19.976562 134.648438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 23.875 118.246094 L 21.378906 121.347656 L 18.28125 118.851562 L 20.777344 115.75 Z M 23.875 118.246094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 29.097656 129.675781 L 26.601562 132.773438 L 23.503906 130.273438 L 26 127.175781 Z M 29.097656 129.675781" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 13.480469 122.199219 L 11.648438 120.722656 C 12.132812 119.402344 12.789062 118.203125 13.578125 117.167969 L 15.980469 119.101562 L 13.484375 122.203125 Z M 13.480469 122.199219" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 20.355469 122.621094 L 17.851562 125.71875 L 14.753906 123.222656 L 17.25 120.125 Z M 20.355469 122.621094" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 11.226562 127.597656 L 13.726562 124.5 L 16.828125 126.996094 L 14.332031 130.09375 Z M 11.226562 127.597656" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 18.949219 135.921875 L 21.996094 138.378906 C 21.671875 138.398438 21.335938 138.410156 20.992188 138.410156 C 19.644531 138.410156 18.429688 138.234375 17.355469 137.898438 Z M 18.949219 135.921875" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 11.132812 122.40625 L 12.453125 123.46875 L 10.679688 125.671875 C 10.726562 124.539062 10.878906 123.445312 11.132812 122.40625 Z M 11.132812 122.40625" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 21.203125 130.523438 L 18.699219 133.621094 L 15.601562 131.125 L 18.101562 128.023438 Z M 21.203125 130.523438" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 27.875 133.800781 L 30.371094 130.699219 L 30.773438 131.019531 C 30.398438 132.449219 29.828125 133.703125 29.066406 134.753906 L 27.875 133.796875 Z M 27.875 133.800781" style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"></path> <path d="M 31.179688 124.132812 C 31.273438 124.847656 31.324219 125.582031 31.324219 126.335938 C 31.324219 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5.66699C118.71 6.29099 118.768 6.92174 118.78 7.5542C118.783 7.8374 118.783 8.1416 118.783 8.44434C118.791 8.81934 118.791 9.17627 118.791 9.53613V30.4648C118.791 30.8281 118.791 31.1826 118.783 31.54C118.783 31.8652 118.783 32.1631 118.779 32.4697C118.768 33.0909 118.711 33.7104 118.608 34.3232C118.515 34.9043 118.333 35.4675 118.068 35.9932C117.805 36.5056 117.462 36.9733 117.053 37.3789C116.644 37.7927 116.172 38.1379 115.653 38.4014C115.128 38.6674 114.566 38.8527 113.985 38.9512C113.367 39.0522 112.742 39.1067 112.116 39.1143C111.823 39.1211 111.517 39.125 111.219 39.125L110.135 39.127L8.44487 39.125Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M24.9968 19.8894C25.008 19.0214 25.2385 18.1704 25.667 17.4154C26.0954 16.6605 26.7079 16.0263 27.4474 15.5716C26.9776 14.9007 26.3579 14.3486 25.6374 13.9591C24.917 13.5696 24.1156 13.3535 23.297 13.3279C21.5507 13.1446 19.8578 14.3728 18.968 14.3728C18.0609 14.3728 16.6908 13.3461 15.2155 13.3764C14.2612 13.4073 13.3312 13.6848 12.516 14.1819C11.7009 14.679 11.0284 15.3788 10.5641 16.2131C8.55303 19.6951 10.0531 24.8125 11.9796 27.6271C12.9435 29.0054 14.07 30.5449 15.544 30.4903C16.9864 30.4305 17.5251 29.5705 19.2662 29.5705C20.9912 29.5705 21.4966 30.4903 23.0005 30.4556C24.5483 30.4305 25.5234 29.0712 26.4535 27.6799C27.146 26.6979 27.679 25.6125 28.0325 24.4641C27.1333 24.0837 26.3659 23.4471 25.8261 22.6336C25.2863 21.8201 24.9978 20.8657 24.9968 19.8894Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M22.1561 11.4768C23 10.4637 23.4158 9.1616 23.3151 7.84692C22.0258 7.98234 20.8349 8.59854 19.9795 9.57274C19.5614 10.0487 19.2411 10.6023 19.037 11.2021C18.8329 11.8019 18.7491 12.436 18.7902 13.0682C19.4351 13.0749 20.0731 12.9351 20.6561 12.6594C21.2391 12.3838 21.752 11.9794 22.1561 11.4768V11.4768Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M42.3018 27.1396H37.5684L36.4316 30.4961H34.4268L38.9102 18.0781H40.9932L45.4766 30.4961H43.4375L42.3018 27.1396ZM38.0586 25.5908H41.8106L39.961 20.1435H39.9092L38.0586 25.5908Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M55.1592 25.9697C55.1592 28.7832 53.6533 30.5908 51.3809 30.5908C50.8052 30.6209 50.2327 30.4883 49.7289 30.2082C49.2251 29.928 48.8104 29.5117 48.5323 29.0068H48.4893V33.4912H46.6309V21.4424H48.4297V22.9482H48.4639C48.7548 22.4458 49.1766 22.0316 49.6842 21.7497C50.1918 21.4679 50.7664 21.3289 51.3467 21.3476C53.6446 21.3477 55.1592 23.1641 55.1592 25.9697ZM53.249 25.9697C53.249 24.1367 52.3018 22.9316 50.8565 22.9316C49.4365 22.9316 48.4815 24.1621 48.4815 25.9697C48.4815 27.7939 49.4365 29.0156 50.8565 29.0156C52.3018 29.0156 53.249 27.8193 53.249 25.9697H53.249Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M65.1245 25.9697C65.1245 28.7832 63.6182 30.5908 61.3457 30.5908C60.7701 30.6209 60.1976 30.4883 59.6938 30.2082C59.19 29.928 58.7753 29.5117 58.4971 29.0068H58.4541V33.4912H56.5957V21.4424H58.3945V22.9482H58.4287C58.7197 22.4458 59.1414 22.0316 59.649 21.7497C60.1567 21.4679 60.7312 21.3289 61.3115 21.3476C63.6094 21.3477 65.1245 23.1641 65.1245 25.9697ZM63.2139 25.9697C63.2139 24.1367 62.2666 22.9316 60.8213 22.9316C59.4014 22.9316 58.4463 24.1621 58.4463 25.9697C58.4463 27.7939 59.4014 29.0156 60.8213 29.0156C62.2666 29.0156 63.2139 27.8193 63.2139 25.9697V25.9697Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M71.7095 27.0361C71.8472 28.2676 73.0435 29.0761 74.6783 29.0761C76.2447 29.0761 77.3716 28.2675 77.3716 27.1572C77.3716 26.1933 76.6919 25.6162 75.0826 25.2207L73.4732 24.833C71.1929 24.2822 70.1343 23.2158 70.1343 21.4853C70.1343 19.3427 72.0015 17.871 74.6519 17.871C77.2769 17.871 79.0757 19.3427 79.1363 21.4853H77.2603C77.148 20.246 76.1236 19.498 74.6265 19.498C73.1294 19.498 72.105 20.2548 72.105 21.3564C72.105 22.2343 72.7593 22.7509 74.3599 23.1464L75.7281 23.4823C78.2759 24.0849 79.3335 25.1083 79.3335 26.9247C79.3335 29.248 77.4839 30.703 74.5405 30.703C71.7866 30.703 69.9272 29.2821 69.8071 27.036L71.7095 27.0361Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M83.3462 19.2998V21.4424H85.0679V22.9141H83.3462V27.9053C83.3462 28.6807 83.6909 29.042 84.4477 29.042C84.6521 29.0384 84.8562 29.0241 85.0591 28.999V30.4619C84.7188 30.5255 84.3729 30.5543 84.0268 30.5478C82.1938 30.5478 81.479 29.8593 81.479 28.1035V22.9141H80.1626V21.4424H81.479V19.2998H83.3462Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M86.064 25.9697C86.064 23.1211 87.7417 21.3311 90.3579 21.3311C92.9829 21.3311 94.6528 23.1211 94.6528 25.9697C94.6528 28.8262 92.9917 30.6084 90.3579 30.6084C87.7251 30.6084 86.064 28.8262 86.064 25.9697ZM92.7593 25.9697C92.7593 24.0156 91.8638 22.8623 90.3579 22.8623C88.852 22.8623 87.9565 24.0244 87.9565 25.9697C87.9565 27.9316 88.852 29.0762 90.3579 29.0762C91.8638 29.0762 92.7593 27.9316 92.7593 25.9697H92.7593Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M96.1851 21.4424H97.9575V22.9834H98.0005C98.1205 22.5021 98.4024 22.0768 98.799 21.7789C99.1956 21.481 99.6826 21.3287 100.178 21.3476C100.392 21.3469 100.606 21.3702 100.815 21.417V23.1553C100.545 23.0726 100.263 23.0347 99.98 23.043C99.71 23.032 99.4409 23.0796 99.191 23.1825C98.9412 23.2854 98.7166 23.4411 98.5326 23.639C98.3486 23.8369 98.2096 24.0723 98.1252 24.3289C98.0408 24.5856 98.0129 24.8575 98.0435 25.126V30.4961H96.1851L96.1851 21.4424Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M109.383 27.8369C109.133 29.4805 107.533 30.6084 105.485 30.6084C102.851 30.6084 101.216 28.8437 101.216 26.0127C101.216 23.1729 102.86 21.3311 105.407 21.3311C107.912 21.3311 109.487 23.0518 109.487 25.7969V26.4336H103.092V26.5459C103.063 26.8791 103.104 27.2148 103.215 27.5306C103.325 27.8464 103.501 28.1352 103.731 28.3778C103.962 28.6203 104.241 28.8111 104.551 28.9374C104.86 29.0637 105.194 29.1226 105.528 29.1103C105.967 29.1515 106.408 29.0498 106.784 28.8203C107.161 28.5909 107.454 28.246 107.619 27.8369L109.383 27.8369ZM103.101 25.1348H107.627C107.644 24.8352 107.599 24.5354 107.494 24.2541C107.389 23.9729 107.228 23.7164 107.019 23.5006C106.811 23.2849 106.56 23.1145 106.282 23.0003C106.005 22.8861 105.707 22.8305 105.407 22.8369C105.104 22.8351 104.804 22.8933 104.524 23.008C104.244 23.1227 103.989 23.2918 103.775 23.5054C103.561 23.7191 103.391 23.973 103.275 24.2527C103.159 24.5323 103.1 24.8321 103.101 25.1348V25.1348Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M37.8262 8.73101C38.2158 8.70305 38.6067 8.76191 38.9709 8.90335C39.335 9.04478 39.6632 9.26526 39.9317 9.54889C40.2003 9.83251 40.4026 10.1722 40.524 10.5435C40.6454 10.9148 40.6829 11.3083 40.6338 11.6959C40.6338 13.6021 39.6035 14.6979 37.8262 14.6979H35.6709V8.73101H37.8262ZM36.5976 13.854H37.7226C38.0011 13.8707 38.2797 13.825 38.5382 13.7204C38.7967 13.6158 39.0287 13.4548 39.2172 13.2493C39.4057 13.0437 39.546 12.7987 39.6278 12.5321C39.7097 12.2655 39.7311 11.9839 39.6904 11.708C39.7281 11.4332 39.7046 11.1534 39.6215 10.8887C39.5383 10.6241 39.3977 10.3811 39.2096 10.1771C39.0216 9.97322 38.7907 9.81341 38.5337 9.70917C38.2766 9.60494 37.9996 9.55885 37.7226 9.57422H36.5976V13.854Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M41.6807 12.4443C41.6524 12.1484 41.6862 11.8499 41.7801 11.5678C41.8739 11.2857 42.0257 11.0264 42.2256 10.8064C42.4256 10.5864 42.6693 10.4107 42.9411 10.2904C43.213 10.1701 43.507 10.108 43.8042 10.108C44.1015 10.108 44.3955 10.1701 44.6673 10.2904C44.9392 10.4107 45.1829 10.5864 45.3828 10.8064C45.5828 11.0264 45.7345 11.2857 45.8284 11.5678C45.9222 11.8499 45.9561 12.1484 45.9278 12.4443C45.9566 12.7406 45.9232 13.0396 45.8296 13.3221C45.736 13.6046 45.5843 13.8644 45.3843 14.0848C45.1843 14.3052 44.9404 14.4814 44.6683 14.6019C44.3962 14.7225 44.1019 14.7847 43.8042 14.7847C43.5066 14.7847 43.2123 14.7225 42.9402 14.6019C42.668 14.4814 42.4241 14.3052 42.2241 14.0848C42.0242 13.8644 41.8725 13.6046 41.7789 13.3221C41.6853 13.0396 41.6519 12.7406 41.6807 12.4443V12.4443ZM45.0137 12.4443C45.0137 11.4683 44.5752 10.8975 43.8057 10.8975C43.0332 10.8975 42.5987 11.4683 42.5987 12.4444C42.5987 13.4282 43.0333 13.9946 43.8057 13.9946C44.5752 13.9946 45.0137 13.4243 45.0137 12.4443H45.0137Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M51.5732 14.6978H50.6514L49.7207 11.3813H49.6504L48.7236 14.6978H47.8105L46.5693 10.1948H47.4707L48.2773 13.6308H48.3438L49.2695 10.1948H50.1221L51.0479 13.6308H51.1182L51.9209 10.1948H52.8096L51.5732 14.6978Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M53.8535 10.1948H54.709V10.9102H54.7754C54.888 10.6532 55.0781 10.4379 55.3189 10.2941C55.5598 10.1503 55.8395 10.0852 56.1191 10.1079C56.3382 10.0914 56.5582 10.1245 56.7628 10.2046C56.9674 10.2847 57.1514 10.4098 57.3011 10.5706C57.4508 10.7315 57.5623 10.9239 57.6275 11.1337C57.6927 11.3436 57.7099 11.5654 57.6777 11.7827V14.6977H56.7891V12.0059C56.7891 11.2822 56.4746 10.9224 55.8174 10.9224C55.6686 10.9154 55.5201 10.9408 55.3821 10.9966C55.244 11.0524 55.1197 11.1375 55.0175 11.2458C54.9154 11.3542 54.8379 11.4834 54.7904 11.6245C54.7429 11.7657 54.7264 11.9154 54.7422 12.0635V14.6978H53.8535L53.8535 10.1948Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M59.0938 8.43701H59.9824V14.6978H59.0938V8.43701Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M61.2178 12.4443C61.1895 12.1484 61.2234 11.8498 61.3172 11.5677C61.4111 11.2857 61.5629 11.0263 61.7628 10.8063C61.9628 10.5863 62.2065 10.4106 62.4784 10.2903C62.7503 10.17 63.0443 10.1079 63.3416 10.1079C63.6389 10.1079 63.9329 10.17 64.2047 10.2903C64.4766 10.4106 64.7203 10.5863 64.9203 10.8063C65.1203 11.0263 65.272 11.2857 65.3659 11.5677C65.4598 11.8498 65.4936 12.1484 65.4653 12.4443C65.4942 12.7406 65.4607 13.0396 65.3671 13.3221C65.2734 13.6046 65.1217 13.8644 64.9217 14.0848C64.7217 14.3052 64.4778 14.4814 64.2057 14.6019C63.9335 14.7224 63.6392 14.7847 63.3416 14.7847C63.0439 14.7847 62.7496 14.7224 62.4775 14.6019C62.2053 14.4814 61.9614 14.3052 61.7614 14.0848C61.5614 13.8644 61.4097 13.6046 61.3161 13.3221C61.2225 13.0396 61.189 12.7406 61.2178 12.4443V12.4443ZM64.5508 12.4443C64.5508 11.4683 64.1123 10.8975 63.3428 10.8975C62.5703 10.8975 62.1358 11.4683 62.1358 12.4444C62.1358 13.4282 62.5704 13.9946 63.3428 13.9946C64.1123 13.9946 64.5508 13.4243 64.5508 12.4443H64.5508Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M66.4009 13.4243C66.4009 12.6138 67.0044 12.1465 68.0757 12.0801L69.2954 12.0098V11.6211C69.2954 11.1455 68.981 10.877 68.3735 10.877C67.8774 10.877 67.5337 11.0591 67.4351 11.3775H66.5747C66.6655 10.604 67.3931 10.1079 68.4146 10.1079C69.5435 10.1079 70.1802 10.6699 70.1802 11.6211V14.6978H69.3247V14.065H69.2544C69.1117 14.292 68.9113 14.477 68.6737 14.6012C68.436 14.7254 68.1697 14.7844 67.9019 14.772C67.7128 14.7916 67.5218 14.7715 67.341 14.7128C67.1602 14.6541 66.9938 14.5581 66.8524 14.4312C66.711 14.3042 66.5977 14.149 66.52 13.9756C66.4422 13.8022 66.4016 13.6144 66.4009 13.4243V13.4243ZM69.2954 13.0396V12.6631L68.1958 12.7334C67.5757 12.7749 67.2944 12.9859 67.2944 13.3828C67.2944 13.7881 67.646 14.0239 68.1294 14.0239C68.2711 14.0383 68.4142 14.024 68.5502 13.9819C68.6862 13.9398 68.8123 13.8708 68.9211 13.7789C69.0299 13.6871 69.1191 13.5743 69.1834 13.4473C69.2477 13.3203 69.2858 13.1816 69.2954 13.0396V13.0396Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M71.3481 12.4444C71.3481 11.0215 72.0796 10.1201 73.2173 10.1201C73.4987 10.1072 73.778 10.1746 74.0225 10.3145C74.267 10.4544 74.4667 10.661 74.5981 10.9101H74.6646V8.43701H75.5532V14.6978H74.7017V13.9863H74.6314C74.4897 14.2338 74.2831 14.4378 74.0339 14.5763C73.7846 14.7148 73.5022 14.7825 73.2173 14.772C72.0718 14.772 71.3481 13.8706 71.3481 12.4444ZM72.2661 12.4444C72.2661 13.3994 72.7163 13.9741 73.4693 13.9741C74.2183 13.9741 74.6812 13.3911 74.6812 12.4483C74.6812 11.5098 74.2134 10.9185 73.4693 10.9185C72.7212 10.9185 72.2661 11.4971 72.2661 12.4444H72.2661Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M79.23 12.4443C79.2017 12.1484 79.2356 11.8499 79.3294 11.5678C79.4232 11.2857 79.575 11.0264 79.7749 10.8064C79.9749 10.5864 80.2186 10.4107 80.4904 10.2904C80.7623 10.1701 81.0563 10.108 81.3536 10.108C81.6508 10.108 81.9448 10.1701 82.2167 10.2904C82.4885 10.4107 82.7322 10.5864 82.9322 10.8064C83.1321 11.0264 83.2839 11.2857 83.3777 11.5678C83.4715 11.8499 83.5054 12.1484 83.4771 12.4443C83.5059 12.7406 83.4725 13.0396 83.3789 13.3221C83.2853 13.6046 83.1336 13.8644 82.9336 14.0848C82.7336 14.3052 82.4897 14.4814 82.2176 14.6019C81.9455 14.7225 81.6512 14.7847 81.3536 14.7847C81.0559 14.7847 80.7616 14.7225 80.4895 14.6019C80.2173 14.4814 79.9735 14.3052 79.7735 14.0848C79.5735 13.8644 79.4218 13.6046 79.3282 13.3221C79.2346 13.0396 79.2012 12.7406 79.23 12.4443V12.4443ZM82.563 12.4443C82.563 11.4683 82.1245 10.8975 81.355 10.8975C80.5826 10.8975 80.148 11.4683 80.148 12.4444C80.148 13.4282 80.5826 13.9946 81.355 13.9946C82.1245 13.9946 82.563 13.4243 82.563 12.4443Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M84.6694 10.1948H85.5249V10.9102H85.5913C85.704 10.6532 85.894 10.4379 86.1348 10.2941C86.3757 10.1503 86.6555 10.0852 86.9351 10.1079C87.1542 10.0914 87.3742 10.1245 87.5788 10.2046C87.7834 10.2847 87.9673 10.4098 88.117 10.5706C88.2667 10.7315 88.3783 10.9239 88.4435 11.1337C88.5087 11.3436 88.5258 11.5654 88.4937 11.7827V14.6977H87.605V12.0059C87.605 11.2822 87.2905 10.9224 86.6333 10.9224C86.4846 10.9154 86.336 10.9408 86.198 10.9966C86.0599 11.0524 85.9356 11.1375 85.8335 11.2458C85.7313 11.3542 85.6539 11.4834 85.6063 11.6245C85.5588 11.7657 85.5423 11.9154 85.5581 12.0635V14.6978H84.6694V10.1948Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M93.5151 9.07373V10.2153H94.4907V10.9639H93.5151V13.2793C93.5151 13.751 93.7095 13.9575 94.1519 13.9575C94.2651 13.9572 94.3783 13.9503 94.4907 13.937V14.6772C94.3311 14.7058 94.1694 14.721 94.0073 14.7226C93.019 14.7226 92.6255 14.375 92.6255 13.5068V10.9638H91.9106V10.2153H92.6255V9.07373H93.5151Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M95.7046 8.43701H96.5854V10.9185H96.6558C96.7739 10.6591 96.9691 10.4425 97.2148 10.2982C97.4605 10.1539 97.7447 10.0888 98.0288 10.1118C98.2467 10.1 98.4646 10.1364 98.6669 10.2184C98.8692 10.3004 99.0508 10.4261 99.199 10.5864C99.3471 10.7468 99.458 10.9378 99.5238 11.146C99.5896 11.3541 99.6086 11.5742 99.5795 11.7905V14.6978H98.69V12.0098C98.69 11.2905 98.355 10.9263 97.7271 10.9263C97.5743 10.9137 97.4207 10.9347 97.2769 10.9878C97.1332 11.0408 97.0027 11.1247 96.8947 11.2334C96.7867 11.3421 96.7038 11.4732 96.6517 11.6173C96.5997 11.7614 96.5797 11.9152 96.5933 12.0679V14.6977H95.7046L95.7046 8.43701Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M104.761 13.4819C104.64 13.8935 104.379 14.2495 104.022 14.4876C103.665 14.7258 103.236 14.8309 102.81 14.7847C102.513 14.7925 102.218 14.7357 101.946 14.6182C101.673 14.5006 101.43 14.3252 101.232 14.1041C101.034 13.8829 100.887 13.6214 100.8 13.3376C100.713 13.0537 100.689 12.7544 100.73 12.4605C100.69 12.1656 100.715 11.8656 100.801 11.581C100.888 11.2963 101.034 11.0335 101.231 10.8105C101.428 10.5874 101.671 10.4092 101.942 10.288C102.214 10.1668 102.509 10.1054 102.806 10.1079C104.059 10.1079 104.815 10.9639 104.815 12.3779V12.688H101.635V12.7378C101.621 12.9031 101.642 13.0694 101.696 13.2261C101.75 13.3829 101.837 13.5266 101.949 13.6481C102.062 13.7695 102.199 13.866 102.352 13.9314C102.504 13.9968 102.669 14.0297 102.834 14.0278C103.047 14.0533 103.262 14.0151 103.453 13.9178C103.644 13.8206 103.801 13.6689 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