Otwórz sklep internetowy - wybierz IdoSell
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For license information please see main.da409d90.js.LICENSE.txt */ (() => { var e = { 318: () => { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (e) { setTimeout(() => { (() => { const e = [ { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Niemiec z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Niemczech?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Niemiec', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Niemczech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Niemcy', population: '84,7 mln', language: 'niemiecki', popularPayment: 'PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, Klarna, portfele cyfrowe', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '93,42%', trends: [ 'Zakupy na Amazon to prawie 1/3 sprzeda\u017cy online', 'Najwy\u017cszy wska\u017anik zwrot\xf3w w Europie \u2013 ponad 50 proc. zakupionych towar\xf3w ', 'Najpopularniejsze p\u0142atno\u015bci to PayPal i Klarna', ], growthRate: '4.6%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Niemczech', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Niemczech', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 do Niemiec w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w Niemczech', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Niemczech. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu i eksportuj towary do popularnych por\xf3wnywarek cenowych,, Twoi klienci b\u0119d\u0105 mogli zap\u0142aci\u0107 poprzez PayPal, Klarna lub Stripe. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Czech z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Czechach?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Czech', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Czechach', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Czechy', population: '10.8 mln', language: 'czeski', popularPayment: 'p\u0142atno\u015b\u0107 za pobraniem', currency: 'CZK', numberOfEstores: '93%', trends: [ 'Punkty odbioru to ulubiona forma dostawy', 'Wi\u0119kszo\u015b\u0107\u202fp\u0142atno\u015bci jest za pobraniem', 'Najpopularniejsze bran\u017ce to moda, \u017cywno\u015b\u0107 i elektronika. ', ], growthRate: '8,3%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Czechach', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Czechach', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Czechach. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez por\xf3wnywarki oraz Dzi\u0119ki integracji z Packeta twoi klienci odbior\u0105 zakupy w swoim ulubionym punkcie odbioru lub automacie paczkowym. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 29, 35, 41, 42, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Rumunii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Rumunii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Rumunii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Rumunii', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Rumunia', population: '19 mln', language: 'rumu\u0144ski', popularPayment: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci za pobraniem, p\u0142atno\u015bci kartowe, bankowo\u015b\u0107 online', currency: 'RON', numberOfEstores: '91,56%', trends: [ 'Dla konsument\xf3w w Rumunii istotna jest niska cena, szybka dostawa oraz rekomendacje, kt\xf3re pochodz\u0105 z grona znajomych ', 'Najni\u017cszy podatek VAT w Europie -19% ', 'Najwi\u0119kszy marketplace -', ], growthRate: '7,4%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Rumunii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Rumunii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Rumunii. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez popularn\u0105 por\xf3wnywark\u0119 cenow\u0105 Integracja z us\u0142ug\u0105 fulfillmentu Frisbo umo\u017cliwi dostaw\u0119 towar\xf3w na nast\u0119pny dzie\u0144 na terenie ca\u0142ej Rumunii w cenie kuriera lokalnego. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 35, 46, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do W\u0119gier z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce na W\u0119grzech?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do W\u0119gier', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w W\u0119grzech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'W\u0119gry', population: '9,6 mln', language: 'w\u0119gierski', popularPayment: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci za pobraniem', currency: 'HUF', numberOfEstores: '92%', trends: [ 'W\u0119gierscy konsumenci ch\u0119tnie wybieraj\u0105 p\u0142atno\u015b\u0107 za pobraniem', 'Klienci dokonuj\u0105 \u015bwiadomych zakup\xf3w - dok\u0142adnie analizuj\u0105 oferty oraz rzadko zwracaj\u0105 produkty ', 'W\u0119grzy ch\u0119tnie kupuj\u0105 zza granicy - ceny wielu towar\xf3w s\u0105 ni\u017csze', ], growthRate: '9,7%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o W\u0119grzech', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w W\u0119grzech', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy na W\u0119grzech. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez popularne por\xf3wnywarki cenowe oraz Dzi\u0119ki integracji z PayU rozliczysz p\u0142atno\u015bci w forintach. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 35, 40, 47, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Bu\u0142garii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Bu\u0142garii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Bu\u0142garii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Bu\u0142garii', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Bu\u0142garia', population: '6,45 mln', language: 'bu\u0142garski', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe', currency: 'BGN', numberOfEstores: '83%', trends: [ 'E-commerce to tylko 1,3 proc. ca\u0142o\u015bci sprzeda\u017cy detalicznej', 'Bu\u0142garzy nie s\u0105 zamo\u017cni, o zakupie decyduje g\u0142\xf3wnie cena', 'Zdecydowana wi\u0119kszo\u015b\u0107 konsument\xf3w kupuje online za pomoc\u0105 komputera', ], growthRate: '13,7%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Bu\u0142garii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Bu\u0142garii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Bu\u0142garii. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez popularn\u0105 por\xf3wnywark\u0119 cenow\u0105 Zakupione towary dostarczysz do ulubionych przez klient\xf3w punkt\xf3w odbioru lub automat\xf3w paczkowych dzi\u0119ki integracji z Packeta. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 35, 45, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do S\u0142owacji z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w S\u0142owacji?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do S\u0142owacji', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w S\u0142owacji', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'S\u0142owacja', population: '5,4 mln', language: 's\u0142owacki', popularPayment: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci za pobraniem', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '89%', trends: [ 'S\u0142owacy najcz\u0119\u015bciej kupuj\u0105 z Chin (45%), Czech (32%) oraz z Polski (5%)', 'Najcz\u0119\u015bciej wybierane s\u0105 p\u0142atno\u015bci za pobraniem', 'Konsumenci w S\u0142owacji dok\u0142adnie analizuj\u0105 ceny i por\xf3wnuj\u0105 oferty przed zakupem', ], growthRate: '7,9%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o S\u0142owacji', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w S\u0142owacji', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do S\u0142owacji. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez popularn\u0105 por\xf3wnywark\u0119 cenow\u0105 Szybkie i tanie dostawy umo\u017cliwi ci integracja z Packeta. Dzi\u0119ki integracji z PayU rozliczysz p\u0142atno\u015bci w forintach. Aktywuj IdoPay i rozliczaj p\u0142atno\u015bci w euro bez przewalutowania.', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 29, 35, 41, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Grecji z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Grecji?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Grecji', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Grecji', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Grecja', population: '10,3 mln', language: 'grecki', popularPayment: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci za pobraniem', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '79%', trends: [ 'Cena odgrywa kluczow\u0105 rol\u0119 przy zakupie', '35 proc. kupuj\u0105cych online ju\u017c kupuje w modelu cross-border', 'Najpopularniejsza bran\u017ca to Fashion', ' daje dost\u0119p do 8,5 mln u\u017cytkownik\xf3w', ], growthRate: '13,4%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Grecji', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Grecji', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Grecji. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Skieruj ruch bezpo\u015brednio do sklepu poprzez popularn\u0105 por\xf3wnywark\u0119 cenow\u0105 Dzi\u0119ki integracji z Packeta otrzymasz dost\u0119p do sieci lokalnych kurier\xf3w oraz punkt\xf3w odbioru. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 29, 35, 43, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Austrii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Austrii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Austrii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce w Austrii', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Austria', population: '9,1 mln', language: 'niemiecki', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe, otwarte faktury', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '95,72%', trends: [ 'Najpopularniejsza metoda dostawy to austriacka poczta, DHL jest na drugim miejscu (30% sklep\xf3w)', 'Ponad jedna trzecia Austriak\xf3w robi zakupy na smartfonie', 'Oko\u0142o 72% mieszka\u0144c\xf3w Austrii zrobi\u0142o zakupy online w ci\u0105gu ostatnich 12 miesi\u0119cy', ], growthRate: '4.6%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Austrii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Austrii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'Bez dodatkowych prac uruchomisz integracje z serwisami i dostawcami us\u0142ug dla handlu cross-border. Testuj nowe rynki poprzez marketplace lub od razu uruchom sklep zagraniczny, wspierany ruchem z lokalnych por\xf3wnywarek cenowych i Google Ads.\u202f', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Francji z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce we Frencji?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Francji', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '}&ext=.png', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce we Francji', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Francja', population: '67,97 mln', language: 'francuski', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '93,79%', trends: [ 'Silna pozycja lokalnego marketplace Cdiscount, kt\xf3ry jest cz\u0119\u015bciej odwiedzany ni\u017c Amazon', 'A\u017c 85% kupuj\u0105cych wybiera dostaw\u0119 do domu i ponad 1/3 oczekuje, \u017ce b\u0119dzie ona darmowa', 'Francuzi szczeg\xf3lnie upodobali sobie model zakup\xf3w "click and collect" (kliknij i odbierz), gdzie produkty zamawiane s\u0105 online, a odbierane w fizycznych punktach', ], growthRate: '4,6%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Francji', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy we Francji', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Francji. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w kupuj\u0105cych dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace - nie tylko Amazon, eBay oraz Wish. Sprzedawaj swoje towary r\xf3wnie\u017c na popularnym we Francji CDiscount. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do W\u0142och z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce we W\u0142oszech?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do W\u0142och', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce we W\u0142oszech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'W\u0142ochy', population: '59 mln', language: 'w\u0142oski', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, Klarna', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '87,71%', trends: [ 'Najwi\u0119cej dostaw dla e-commerce obs\u0142uguje BRT Bartollini, firma nale\u017c\u0105ca do DPD', 'Najcz\u0119\u015bciej odwiedzanym lokalnym marketplace jest (specjalize si\u0119 w sprzeda\u017cy rzeczy u\u017cywanych). Wyprzedza go tylko eBay i Amazon', 'P\u0142atno\u015b\u0107 kart\u0105 VISA to najcz\u0119\u015bciej wybierana opcja w sklepach internetowych (a\u017c 41%). Obserwuje si\u0119 wzrost popularno\u015bci innych p\u0142atno\u015bci - PayPal, Apple Pay czy Google Pay', ], growthRate: '8%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o W\u0142oszech', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy we W\u0142oszech', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do W\u0142och. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w kupuj\u0105cych dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace Amazon, eBay oraz Wish. P\u0142atno\u015bci w euro w swoim sklepie rozliczysz bez przewalutowania dzi\u0119ki IdoPay. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29, 35, 37, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Wielkiej Brytanii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Wielkiej Brytanii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Wielkiej Brytanii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce we W\u0142oszech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'WielkaBrytania', population: '67 mln', language: 'angielski', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe, klarna', currency: 'GBP', numberOfEstores: '99%', trends: [ 'Szczeg\xf3lnie popularne s\u0105 zakupy na urz\u0105dzeniach mobilnych. Tylko 30% transakcji dokonywanych jest przez desktop', 'Brytyjczycy przywi\u0105zuj\u0105 du\u017c\u0105 wag\u0119 do rekomendacji innych klient\xf3w \u2013 ponad po\u0142owa konsument\xf3w czyta opinie przed zakupem', 'Royal Mail obs\u0142uguje 35% dostaw zakup\xf3w online. Amazon Logistics i Hermes maj\u0105 odpowiednio 15% i 10% udzia\u0142u w rynku', ], growthRate: '6,4%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Wielkiej Brytanii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Wielkiej Brytanii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Wielkiej Brytanii. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w kupuj\u0105cych dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace Amazon, eBay oraz Wish. P\u0142atno\u015bci w funtach w swoim sklepie rozliczysz bez przewalutowania dzi\u0119ki IdoPay. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Hiszpanii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Hiszpanii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Hiszpanii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce we W\u0142oszech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Hiszpania', population: '48 mln', language: 'hiszpa\u0144ski', popularPayment: 'Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe, Klarna', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '96%', trends: [ 'Najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 liczb\u0119 przesy\u0142ek dostarczaj\u0105 UPS, DHL i GLS - ale nie ma tu jednego wyra\u017anego lidera', 'Hiszpanie ch\u0119tnie robi\u0105 zakupy na zagranicznych stronach (Chiny, USA, Niemcy)', 'Ekologiczne produkty i marki oraz odpowiedzialno\u015b\u0107 spo\u0142eczna staj\u0105 si\u0119 kluczowym trendem w bran\u017cy fashion', ], growthRate: '9,9%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Hiszpanii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Hiszpanii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Hiszpanii. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w kupuj\u0105cych dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace Amazon, eBay oraz Wish. P\u0142atno\u015bci w euro w swoim sklepie rozliczysz bez przewalutowania dzi\u0119ki IdoPay. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 29, 35, 37, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Holandii z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce w Holandii?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Holandii', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', webinars: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119\xa0wi\u0119cej o e-commerce we W\u0142oszech', elements: [ { img: '', link: '', }, { img: '', link: '', }, ], }, }, name: 'Holandia', population: '17,8 mln', language: 'holenderski', popularPayment: 'iDEAL, Mastercard, Visa, portfele cyfrowe, Klarna', currency: 'EUR', numberOfEstores: '99%', trends: [ 'Ulubion\u0105 form\u0105 p\u0142atno\u015bci jest jest holenderski system mi\u0119dzybankowy iDEAL (prawie 3/4 wszystkich zakup\xf3w)', 'Bardzo silna pozycja lokalnego marketplace, kt\xf3ry ma wi\u0119kszy udzia\u0142 regularnych kupuj\u0105cych ni\u017c Amazon', 'Holendrzy najcz\u0119\u015bciej zamawiaj\u0105 z dostaw\u0105 do domu a 3/4 dostaw obs\u0142uguje holenderska poczta', ], growthRate: '4,2%', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Holandii', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy w Holandii', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do Holandii. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy ci gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w kupuj\u0105cych dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace Amazon, eBay oraz Wish. Klienci w twoim sklepie b\u0119d\u0105 mogli zap\u0142aci\u0107 poprzez PayPal, Klarna lub Stripe. ', }, ], }, integrations: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 29, 35, 44, ], }, { infoOnSpecificPage: { pageTitle: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 do Ukrainy z IdoSell', howSaleLooks: 'Jak wygl\u0105da e-commerce na Ukrainie?', turnOnBtnText: 'W\u0142\u0105cz sprzeda\u017c do Ukrainy', heroImg: '', countryOutlineImg: '', }, name: 'Ukraina', population: 'X mln', language: 'X', popularPayment: 'XX', currency: 'xxx', numberOfEstores: 'X', trends: ['XXX', 'XXX', 'XXX'], growthRate: 'X', cta: { name: 'Przejd\u017c do podstrony o Ukrainie', link: '', }, img: '', integrationsTitle: 'Zobacz proponowane rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy na Ukrainie', whyCrossBorderIdosell: { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawa\u0107 w cross-border z IdoSell?', description: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Rynek w Polsce jest ju\u017c bardzo konkurencyjny, dlatego warto wyj\u015b\u0107 z ofert\u0105 tak\u017ce do innych kraj\xf3w. Wykorzystaj ten potencja\u0142 i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 ju\u017c teraz. Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell b\u0119dzie to proste i skuteczne:', elements: [ { header: 'Znamy zwyczaje i preferencje kupuj\u0105cych w ka\u017cdym kraju', content: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich. Pomo\u017cemy ci dobra\u0107 odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych i zacz\u0105\u0107 skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107 w modelu cross-border.\u202f', }, { header: 'IdoSell to proste i gotowe rozwi\u0105zania. Zacznij ju\u017c teraz!', content: 'Bez dodatkowych prac uruchomisz integracje z serwisami i dostawcami us\u0142ug dla handlu cross-border. Testuj nowe rynki poprzez marketplace lub od razu uruchom sklep zagraniczny, wspierany ruchem z lokalnych por\xf3wnywarek cenowych i Google Ads.\u202f', }, ], }, integrations: [16, 22], }, ], t = document.querySelector('.crossBorder-countryInfo'), n = document.querySelector('.crossBorder-map'), a = document.querySelector('.crossBorder-list'), i = document.querySelector('.switchViewMode input'), o = document.getElementById('country__info'), r = document.querySelectorAll( '.crossBorder-map svg > g > g >g ', ), l = (document.querySelector( '.crossBorder-integrations__logistics', ), document.querySelector( '.crossBorder-integrations__payments', ), document.querySelector( '.crossBorder-integrations__traffic', ), () => { (t.innerHTML = '\n <div class="crossBorder-countryInfo-default">\n <h2 class="map_title">Poznaj najwa\u017cniejsze informacje oraz lokalne trendy danego kraju</h2>\n <p class="map_adding">Kliknij w kraj i poznaj dedykowane rozwi\u0105zania od IdoSell</p>\n </div>\n '), (o.innerHTML = ''), ( = 'inline-block'), ( = '15px'), document .querySelectorAll('.crossBorder-list button') .forEach(e => { e.classList.remove('active'); }), r.forEach(e => { e.classList.remove( 'country--dimmed', 'country--active', ); }); }); (() => { if ((console.log('corssborder', t), !t)) return; const s = () => { n.classList.toggle('off'), a.classList.toggle('off'); }, c = n => { console.log('name', n); const a = document.querySelector( '.btnOnList-'.concat(n), ), i = document.querySelector( '#'.concat(n), ).parentNode; var s, c; i.classList.contains('country--active') ? l() : ((n => { const a = e.find(e => === n), i = a.trends .map(e => '<li>'.concat(e, '</li>')) .join(''); let r =; 'WielkaBrytania' == && (r = 'Wielka Brytania'); const s = ''.concat(, ); t.innerHTML = '\n <div class="crossBorder-countryInfo-country">\n <div>\n \n <div class="country_info__name_flag_contaianer"><span><strong>' .concat( r, '</strong></span><img src=', ) .concat( a.img, ' alt=\'flaga\' /></div>\n <div class="country_info__container"><span class="country_info__name">Liczba mieszka\u0144c\xf3w</span><span class="country_info__value"> ', ) .concat( a.population, '</span></div>\n <div class="country_info__container"><span class="country_info__name">Mieszka\u0144cy z dost\u0119pem do internetu:</span><span class="country_info__value">', ) .concat( a.numberOfEstores, '</span></div>\n <div class="country_info__container"><span class="country_info__name">Prognozowany wzrost rynku e-commerce (2024-2028)</span><span class="country_info__value">', ) .concat( a.growthRate, '</span></div>\n \n <div class="country_info__local_trends">\n <span class="local_trends__title">Lokalne trendy: </span>\n <ul class="local_trends__list">\n ', ) .concat( i, '\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div> \n </div>\n ', ); const c = document.createElement('img'); (o.innerHTML = '<a href=' .concat( s, ' target="_blank" class="link --underline">', ) .concat(, '</a>')), (c.src = ''), (c.className = 'crossBorder__closeBtn'), c.addEventListener('click', l), t.appendChild(c); })(n), (s = a), document .querySelectorAll('.crossBorder-list button') .forEach(e => { e == s ? e.classList.add('active') : e.classList.remove('active'); }), (c = i), r.forEach(e => { e == c ? (c.classList.add('country--active'), c.classList.remove('country--dimmed')) : (e.classList.add('country--dimmed'), e.classList.remove('country--active')); })); }; r.forEach(e => { e.addEventListener('click', t => { c(e.querySelector('text').id); }); }), i.addEventListener('change', s), window.matchMedia('(max-width: 370px)').matches && (s(), (i.checked = !1)), (() => { let t = document.createDocumentFragment(); => { const n = document.createElement('button'); let a =; 'WielkaBrytania' == && (a = 'Wielka Brytania'), (n.textContent = a), n.classList.add('btnOnList-'.concat(, n.addEventListener('click', () => { c(; }), t.appendChild(n); }), a.appendChild(t); })(), console.log('countriesOnMap', r); const d =, u = new URLSearchParams(d).get('country'); u ? c(u) : l(); })(); })(); }, 1e3); }); }, 703: function (e) { e.exports = (function () { 'use strict'; const { entries: e, setPrototypeOf: t, isFrozen: n, getPrototypeOf: a, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: i, } = Object; let { freeze: o, seal: r, create: l } = Object, { apply: s, construct: c } = 'undefined' !== typeof Reflect && Reflect; o || (o = function (e) { return e; }), r || (r = function (e) { return e; }), s || (s = function (e, t, n) { return e.apply(t, n); }), c || (c = function (e, t) { return new e(...t); }); const d = v(Array.prototype.forEach), u = v(Array.prototype.pop), p = v(Array.prototype.push), m = v(String.prototype.toLowerCase), h = v(String.prototype.toString), f = v(String.prototype.match), g = v(String.prototype.replace), w = v(String.prototype.indexOf), y = v(String.prototype.trim), x = v(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), b = v(RegExp.prototype.test), z = k(TypeError); function v(e) { return function (t) { for ( var n = arguments.length, a = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++ ) a[i - 1] = arguments[i]; return s(e, t, a); }; } function k(e) { return function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return c(e, n); }; } function j(e, a) { let i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : m; t && t(e, null); let o = a.length; for (; o--; ) { let t = a[o]; if ('string' === typeof t) { const e = i(t); e !== t && (n(a) || (a[o] = e), (t = e)); } e[t] = !0; } return e; } function S(e) { for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) x(e, t) || (e[t] = null); return e; } function E(t) { const n = l(null); for (const [a, i] of e(t)) x(t, a) && (Array.isArray(i) ? (n[a] = S(i)) : i && 'object' === typeof i && i.constructor === Object ? (n[a] = E(i)) : (n[a] = i)); return n; } function _(e, t) { for (; null !== e; ) { const n = i(e, t); if (n) { if (n.get) return v(n.get); if ('function' === typeof n.value) return v(n.value); } e = a(e); } function n() { return null; } return n; } const C = o([ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blink', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'content', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'decorator', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'element', 'em', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'font', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meter', 'nav', 'nobr', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'section', 'select', 'shadow', 'small', 'source', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr', ]), I = o([ 'svg', 'a', 'altglyph', 'altglyphdef', 'altglyphitem', 'animatecolor', 'animatemotion', 'animatetransform', 'circle', 'clippath', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'filter', 'font', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphref', 'hkern', 'image', 'line', 'lineargradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialgradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'style', 'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textpath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'view', 'vkern', ]), T = o([ 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feDropShadow', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence', ]), P = o([ 'animate', 'color-profile', 'cursor', 'discard', 'font-face', 'font-face-format', 'font-face-name', 'font-face-src', 'font-face-uri', 'foreignobject', 'hatch', 'hatchpath', 'mesh', 'meshgradient', 'meshpatch', 'meshrow', 'missing-glyph', 'script', 'set', 'solidcolor', 'unknown', 'use', ]), A = o([ 'math', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mlabeledtr', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mspace', 'msqrt', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msup', 'msubsup', 'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover', 'mprescripts', ]), R = o([ 'maction', 'maligngroup', 'malignmark', 'mlongdiv', 'mscarries', 'mscarry', 'msgroup', 'mstack', 'msline', 'msrow', 'semantics', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml', 'mprescripts', 'none', ]), D = o(['#text']), N = o([ 'accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autopictureinpicture', 'autoplay', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'capture', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'controlslist', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'decoding', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'disablepictureinpicture', 'disableremoteplayback', 'download', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'enterkeyhint', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'inputmode', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loading', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'nonce', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'popover', 'popovertarget', 'popovertargetaction', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'translate', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'wrap', 'xmlns', 'slot', ]), L = o([ 'accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'amplitude', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clippathunits', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'exponent', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'intercept', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'slope', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'startoffset', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'systemlanguage', 'tabindex', 'tablevalues', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'transform-origin', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan', ]), O = o([ 'accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns', ]), M = o([ 'xlink:href', 'xml:id', 'xlink:title', 'xml:space', 'xmlns:xlink', ]), B = r(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), U = r(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), W = r(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), V = r(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), F = r(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), H = r( /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|sms|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i, ), G = r(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), Z = r(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g), $ = r(/^html$/i), X = r(/^[a-z][.\w]*(-[.\w]+)+$/i); var K = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, MUSTACHE_EXPR: B, ERB_EXPR: U, TMPLIT_EXPR: W, DATA_ATTR: V, ARIA_ATTR: F, IS_ALLOWED_URI: H, IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA: G, ATTR_WHITESPACE: Z, DOCTYPE_NAME: $, CUSTOM_ELEMENT: X, }); const q = { element: 1, attribute: 2, text: 3, cdataSection: 4, entityReference: 5, entityNode: 6, progressingInstruction: 7, comment: 8, document: 9, documentType: 10, documentFragment: 11, notation: 12, }, Y = function () { return 'undefined' === typeof window ? null : window; }, Q = function (e, t) { if ('object' !== typeof e || 'function' !== typeof e.createPolicy) return null; let n = null; const a = 'data-tt-policy-suffix'; t && t.hasAttribute(a) && (n = t.getAttribute(a)); const i = 'dompurify' + (n ? '#' + n : ''); try { return e.createPolicy(i, { createHTML: e => e, createScriptURL: e => e, }); } catch (o) { return ( console.warn( 'TrustedTypes policy ' + i + ' could not be created.', ), null ); } }; function J() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : Y(); const n = e => J(e); if ( ((n.version = '3.1.7'), (n.removed = []), !t || !t.document || t.document.nodeType !== q.document) ) return (n.isSupported = !1), n; let { document: a } = t; const i = a, r = i.currentScript, { DocumentFragment: s, HTMLTemplateElement: c, Node: v, Element: k, NodeFilter: S, NamedNodeMap: B = t.NamedNodeMap || t.MozNamedAttrMap, HTMLFormElement: U, DOMParser: W, trustedTypes: V, } = t, F = k.prototype, G = _(F, 'cloneNode'), Z = _(F, 'remove'), X = _(F, 'nextSibling'), ee = _(F, 'childNodes'), te = _(F, 'parentNode'); if ('function' === typeof c) { const e = a.createElement('template'); e.content && e.content.ownerDocument && (a = e.content.ownerDocument); } let ne, ae = ''; const { implementation: ie, createNodeIterator: oe, createDocumentFragment: re, getElementsByTagName: le, } = a, { importNode: se } = i; let ce = {}; n.isSupported = 'function' === typeof e && 'function' === typeof te && ie && void 0 !== ie.createHTMLDocument; const { MUSTACHE_EXPR: de, ERB_EXPR: ue, TMPLIT_EXPR: pe, DATA_ATTR: me, ARIA_ATTR: he, IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA: fe, ATTR_WHITESPACE: ge, CUSTOM_ELEMENT: we, } = K; let { IS_ALLOWED_URI: ye } = K, xe = null; const be = j({}, [...C, ...I, ...T, ...A, ...D]); let ze = null; const ve = j({}, [...N, ...L, ...O, ...M]); let ke = Object.seal( l(null, { tagNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null, }, attributeNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null, }, allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: !1, }, }), ), je = null, Se = null, Ee = !0, _e = !0, Ce = !1, Ie = !0, Te = !1, Pe = !0, Ae = !1, Re = !1, De = !1, Ne = !1, Le = !1, Oe = !1, Me = !0, Be = !1; const Ue = 'user-content-'; let We = !0, Ve = !1, Fe = {}, He = null; const Ge = j({}, [ 'annotation-xml', 'audio', 'colgroup', 'desc', 'foreignobject', 'head', 'iframe', 'math', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mtext', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'plaintext', 'script', 'style', 'svg', 'template', 'thead', 'title', 'video', 'xmp', ]); let Ze = null; const $e = j({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image', 'track']); let Xe = null; const Ke = j({}, [ 'alt', 'class', 'for', 'id', 'label', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'role', 'summary', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'xmlns', ]), qe = '', Ye = '', Qe = ''; let Je = Qe, et = !1, tt = null; const nt = j({}, [qe, Ye, Qe], h); let at = null; const it = ['application/xhtml+xml', 'text/html'], ot = 'text/html'; let rt = null, lt = null; const st = a.createElement('form'), ct = function (e) { return e instanceof RegExp || e instanceof Function; }, dt = function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if (!lt || lt !== e) { if ( ((e && 'object' === typeof e) || (e = {}), (e = E(e)), (at = -1 === it.indexOf(e.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) ? ot : e.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE), (rt = 'application/xhtml+xml' === at ? h : m), (xe = x(e, 'ALLOWED_TAGS') ? j({}, e.ALLOWED_TAGS, rt) : be), (ze = x(e, 'ALLOWED_ATTR') ? j({}, e.ALLOWED_ATTR, rt) : ve), (tt = x(e, 'ALLOWED_NAMESPACES') ? j({}, e.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, h) : nt), (Xe = x(e, 'ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR') ? j(E(Ke), e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, rt) : Ke), (Ze = x(e, 'ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS') ? j(E($e), e.ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS, rt) : $e), (He = x(e, 'FORBID_CONTENTS') ? j({}, e.FORBID_CONTENTS, rt) : Ge), (je = x(e, 'FORBID_TAGS') ? j({}, e.FORBID_TAGS, rt) : {}), (Se = x(e, 'FORBID_ATTR') ? j({}, e.FORBID_ATTR, rt) : {}), (Fe = !!x(e, 'USE_PROFILES') && e.USE_PROFILES), (Ee = !1 !== e.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR), (_e = !1 !== e.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR), (Ce = e.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1), (Ie = !1 !== e.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR), (Te = e.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1), (Pe = !1 !== e.SAFE_FOR_XML), (Ae = e.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1), (Ne = e.RETURN_DOM || !1), (Le = e.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1), (Oe = e.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1), (De = e.FORCE_BODY || !1), (Me = !1 !== e.SANITIZE_DOM), (Be = e.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1), (We = !1 !== e.KEEP_CONTENT), (Ve = e.IN_PLACE || !1), (ye = e.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || H), (Je = e.NAMESPACE || Qe), (ke = e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}), e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && ct(e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (ke.tagNameCheck = e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && ct(e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (ke.attributeNameCheck = e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && 'boolean' === typeof e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING .allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (ke.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = e.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), Te && (_e = !1), Le && (Ne = !0), Fe && ((xe = j({}, D)), (ze = []), !0 === Fe.html && (j(xe, C), j(ze, N)), !0 === Fe.svg && (j(xe, I), j(ze, L), j(ze, M)), !0 === Fe.svgFilters && (j(xe, T), j(ze, L), j(ze, M)), !0 === Fe.mathMl && (j(xe, A), j(ze, O), j(ze, M))), e.ADD_TAGS && (xe === be && (xe = E(xe)), j(xe, e.ADD_TAGS, rt)), e.ADD_ATTR && (ze === ve && (ze = E(ze)), j(ze, e.ADD_ATTR, rt)), e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && j(Xe, e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, rt), e.FORBID_CONTENTS && (He === Ge && (He = E(He)), j(He, e.FORBID_CONTENTS, rt)), We && (xe['#text'] = !0), Ae && j(xe, ['html', 'head', 'body']), xe.table && (j(xe, ['tbody']), delete je.tbody), e.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) ) { if ( 'function' !== typeof e.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML ) throw z( 'TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.', ); if ( 'function' !== typeof e.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL ) throw z( 'TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.', ); (ne = e.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY), (ae = ne.createHTML('')); } else void 0 === ne && (ne = Q(V, r)), null !== ne && 'string' === typeof ae && (ae = ne.createHTML('')); o && o(e), (lt = e); } }, ut = j({}, ['mi', 'mo', 'mn', 'ms', 'mtext']), pt = j({}, ['annotation-xml']), mt = j({}, ['title', 'style', 'font', 'a', 'script']), ht = j({}, [...I, ...T, ...P]), ft = j({}, [...A, ...R]), gt = function (e) { let t = te(e); (t && t.tagName) || (t = { namespaceURI: Je, tagName: 'template' }); const n = m(e.tagName), a = m(t.tagName); return ( !!tt[e.namespaceURI] && (e.namespaceURI === Ye ? t.namespaceURI === Qe ? 'svg' === n : t.namespaceURI === qe ? 'svg' === n && ('annotation-xml' === a || ut[a]) : Boolean(ht[n]) : e.namespaceURI === qe ? t.namespaceURI === Qe ? 'math' === n : t.namespaceURI === Ye ? 'math' === n && pt[a] : Boolean(ft[n]) : e.namespaceURI === Qe ? !(t.namespaceURI === Ye && !pt[a]) && !(t.namespaceURI === qe && !ut[a]) && !ft[n] && (mt[n] || !ht[n]) : !( 'application/xhtml+xml' !== at || !tt[e.namespaceURI] )) ); }, wt = function (e) { p(n.removed, { element: e }); try { te(e).removeChild(e); } catch (t) { Z(e); } }, yt = function (e, t) { try { p(n.removed, { attribute: t.getAttributeNode(e), from: t }); } catch (a) { p(n.removed, { attribute: null, from: t }); } if ((t.removeAttribute(e), 'is' === e && !ze[e])) if (Ne || Le) try { wt(t); } catch (a) {} else try { t.setAttribute(e, ''); } catch (a) {} }, xt = function (e) { let t = null, n = null; if (De) e = '<remove></remove>' + e; else { const t = f(e, /^[\r\n\t ]+/); n = t && t[0]; } 'application/xhtml+xml' === at && Je === Qe && (e = '<html xmlns=""><head></head><body>' + e + '</body></html>'); const i = ne ? ne.createHTML(e) : e; if (Je === Qe) try { t = new W().parseFromString(i, at); } catch (r) {} if (!t || !t.documentElement) { t = ie.createDocument(Je, 'template', null); try { t.documentElement.innerHTML = et ? ae : i; } catch (r) {} } const o = t.body || t.documentElement; return ( e && n && o.insertBefore( a.createTextNode(n), o.childNodes[0] || null, ), Je === Qe ?, Ae ? 'html' : 'body')[0] : Ae ? t.documentElement : o ); }, bt = function (e) { return e.ownerDocument || e, e, S.SHOW_ELEMENT | S.SHOW_COMMENT | S.SHOW_TEXT | S.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION | S.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION, null, ); }, zt = function (e) { return ( e instanceof U && ('string' !== typeof e.nodeName || 'string' !== typeof e.textContent || 'function' !== typeof e.removeChild || !(e.attributes instanceof B) || 'function' !== typeof e.removeAttribute || 'function' !== typeof e.setAttribute || 'string' !== typeof e.namespaceURI || 'function' !== typeof e.insertBefore || 'function' !== typeof e.hasChildNodes) ); }, vt = function (e) { return 'function' === typeof v && e instanceof v; }, kt = function (e, t, a) { ce[e] && d(ce[e], e => {, t, a, lt); }); }, jt = function (e) { let t = null; if ((kt('beforeSanitizeElements', e, null), zt(e))) return wt(e), !0; const a = rt(e.nodeName); if ( (kt('uponSanitizeElement', e, { tagName: a, allowedTags: xe, }), e.hasChildNodes() && !vt(e.firstElementChild) && b(/<[/\w]/g, e.innerHTML) && b(/<[/\w]/g, e.textContent)) ) return wt(e), !0; if (e.nodeType === q.progressingInstruction) return wt(e), !0; if (Pe && e.nodeType === q.comment && b(/<[/\w]/g, return wt(e), !0; if (!xe[a] || je[a]) { if (!je[a] && Et(a)) { if ( ke.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && b(ke.tagNameCheck, a) ) return !1; if ( ke.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ke.tagNameCheck(a) ) return !1; } if (We && !He[a]) { const t = te(e) || e.parentNode, n = ee(e) || e.childNodes; if (n && t) for (let a = n.length - 1; a >= 0; --a) { const i = G(n[a], !0); (i.__removalCount = (e.__removalCount || 0) + 1), t.insertBefore(i, X(e)); } } return wt(e), !0; } return e instanceof k && !gt(e) ? (wt(e), !0) : ('noscript' !== a && 'noembed' !== a && 'noframes' !== a) || !b(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, e.innerHTML) ? (Te && e.nodeType === q.text && ((t = e.textContent), d([de, ue, pe], e => { t = g(t, e, ' '); }), e.textContent !== t && (p(n.removed, { element: e.cloneNode() }), (e.textContent = t))), kt('afterSanitizeElements', e, null), !1) : (wt(e), !0); }, St = function (e, t, n) { if (Me && ('id' === t || 'name' === t) && (n in a || n in st)) return !1; if (_e && !Se[t] && b(me, t)); else if (Ee && b(he, t)); else if (!ze[t] || Se[t]) { if ( !( (Et(e) && ((ke.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && b(ke.tagNameCheck, e)) || (ke.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ke.tagNameCheck(e))) && ((ke.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && b(ke.attributeNameCheck, t)) || (ke.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && ke.attributeNameCheck(t)))) || ('is' === t && ke.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && ((ke.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && b(ke.tagNameCheck, n)) || (ke.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ke.tagNameCheck(n)))) ) ) return !1; } else if (Xe[t]); else if (b(ye, g(n, ge, ''))); else if ( ('src' !== t && 'xlink:href' !== t && 'href' !== t) || 'script' === e || 0 !== w(n, 'data:') || !Ze[e] ) if (Ce && !b(fe, g(n, ge, ''))); else if (n) return !1; return !0; }, Et = function (e) { return 'annotation-xml' !== e && f(e, we); }, _t = function (e) { kt('beforeSanitizeAttributes', e, null); const { attributes: t } = e; if (!t) return; const a = { attrName: '', attrValue: '', keepAttr: !0, allowedAttributes: ze, }; let i = t.length; for (; i--; ) { const r = t[i], { name: l, namespaceURI: s, value: c } = r, p = rt(l); let m = 'value' === l ? c : y(c); if ( ((a.attrName = p), (a.attrValue = m), (a.keepAttr = !0), (a.forceKeepAttr = void 0), kt('uponSanitizeAttribute', e, a), (m = a.attrValue), a.forceKeepAttr) ) continue; if ((yt(l, e), !a.keepAttr)) continue; if (!Ie && b(/\/>/i, m)) { yt(l, e); continue; } Te && d([de, ue, pe], e => { m = g(m, e, ' '); }); const h = rt(e.nodeName); if (St(h, p, m)) if ( (!Be || ('id' !== p && 'name' !== p) || (yt(l, e), (m = Ue + m)), Pe && b(/((--!?|])>)|<\/(style|title)/i, m)) ) yt(l, e); else { if ( ne && 'object' === typeof V && 'function' === typeof V.getAttributeType ) if (s); else switch (V.getAttributeType(h, p)) { case 'TrustedHTML': m = ne.createHTML(m); break; case 'TrustedScriptURL': m = ne.createScriptURL(m); } try { s ? e.setAttributeNS(s, l, m) : e.setAttribute(l, m), zt(e) ? wt(e) : u(n.removed); } catch (o) {} } } kt('afterSanitizeAttributes', e, null); }, Ct = function e(t) { let n = null; const a = bt(t); for ( kt('beforeSanitizeShadowDOM', t, null); (n = a.nextNode()); ) kt('uponSanitizeShadowNode', n, null), jt(n) || (n.content instanceof s && e(n.content), _t(n)); kt('afterSanitizeShadowDOM', t, null); }; return ( (n.sanitize = function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, a = null, o = null, r = null, l = null; if ( ((et = !e), et && (e = '\x3c!--\x3e'), 'string' !== typeof e && !vt(e)) ) { if ('function' !== typeof e.toString) throw z('toString is not a function'); if ('string' !== typeof (e = e.toString())) throw z('dirty is not a string, aborting'); } if (!n.isSupported) return e; if ( (Re || dt(t), (n.removed = []), 'string' === typeof e && (Ve = !1), Ve) ) { if (e.nodeName) { const t = rt(e.nodeName); if (!xe[t] || je[t]) throw z( 'root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place', ); } } else if (e instanceof v) (a = xt('\x3c!----\x3e')), (o = a.ownerDocument.importNode(e, !0)), (o.nodeType === q.element && 'BODY' === o.nodeName) || 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? (a = o) : a.appendChild(o); else { if (!Ne && !Te && !Ae && -1 === e.indexOf('<')) return ne && Oe ? ne.createHTML(e) : e; if (((a = xt(e)), !a)) return Ne ? null : Oe ? ae : ''; } a && De && wt(a.firstChild); const c = bt(Ve ? e : a); for (; (r = c.nextNode()); ) jt(r) || (r.content instanceof s && Ct(r.content), _t(r)); if (Ve) return e; if (Ne) { if (Le) for (l =; a.firstChild; ) l.appendChild(a.firstChild); else l = a; return ( (ze.shadowroot || ze.shadowrootmode) && (l =, l, !0)), l ); } let u = Ae ? a.outerHTML : a.innerHTML; return ( Ae && xe['!doctype'] && a.ownerDocument && a.ownerDocument.doctype && && b($, && (u = '<!DOCTYPE ' + + '>\n' + u), Te && d([de, ue, pe], e => { u = g(u, e, ' '); }), ne && Oe ? ne.createHTML(u) : u ); }), (n.setConfig = function () { dt( arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, ), (Re = !0); }), (n.clearConfig = function () { (lt = null), (Re = !1); }), (n.isValidAttribute = function (e, t, n) { lt || dt({}); const a = rt(e), i = rt(t); return St(a, i, n); }), (n.addHook = function (e, t) { 'function' === typeof t && ((ce[e] = ce[e] || []), p(ce[e], t)); }), (n.removeHook = function (e) { if (ce[e]) return u(ce[e]); }), (n.removeHooks = function (e) { ce[e] && (ce[e] = []); }), (n.removeAllHooks = function () { ce = {}; }), n ); } return J(); })(); }, 110: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; var a = n(441), i = { childContextTypes: !0, contextType: !0, contextTypes: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, getDefaultProps: !0, getDerivedStateFromError: !0, getDerivedStateFromProps: !0, mixins: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0, }, o = { name: !0, length: !0, prototype: !0, caller: !0, callee: !0, arguments: !0, arity: !0, }, r = { $$typeof: !0, compare: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0, }, l = {}; function s(e) { return a.isMemo(e) ? r : l[e.$$typeof] || i; } (l[a.ForwardRef] = { $$typeof: !0, render: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0, }), (l[a.Memo] = r); var c = Object.defineProperty, d = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, m = Object.getPrototypeOf, h = Object.prototype; e.exports = function e(t, n, a) { if ('string' !== typeof n) { if (h) { var i = m(n); i && i !== h && e(t, i, a); } var r = d(n); u && (r = r.concat(u(n))); for (var l = s(t), f = s(n), g = 0; g < r.length; ++g) { var w = r[g]; if (!o[w] && (!a || !a[w]) && (!f || !f[w]) && (!l || !l[w])) { var y = p(n, w); try { c(t, w, y); } catch (x) {} } } } return t; }; }, 464: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; var a = n(791); function i(e) { return; } function o(e, t) { var n = Math.floor(e); return n === t || n + 1 === t ? e : t; } function r() { return; } function l(e, t, n) { if (((t = 'data-keen-slider-' + t), null === n)) return e.removeAttribute(t); e.setAttribute(t, n || ''); } function s(e, t) { return ( (t = t || document), 'function' == typeof e && (e = e(t)), Array.isArray(e) ? e : 'string' == typeof e ? i(t.querySelectorAll(e)) : e instanceof HTMLElement ? [e] : e instanceof NodeList ? i(e) : [] ); } function c(e) { e.raw && (e = e.raw), e.cancelable && !e.defaultPrevented && e.preventDefault(); } function d(e) { e.raw && (e = e.raw), e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); } function u() { var e = []; return { add: function (t, n, a, i) { t.addListener ? t.addListener(a) : t.addEventListener(n, a, i), e.push([t, n, a, i]); }, input: function (e, t, n, a) { this.add( e, t, (function (e) { return function (t) { t.nativeEvent && (t = t.nativeEvent); var n = t.changedTouches || [], a = t.targetTouches || [], i = t.detail && t.detail.x ? t.detail : null; return e({ id: i ? i.identifier ? i.identifier : 'i' : a[0] ? a[0] ? a[0].identifier : 'e' : 'd', idChanged: i ? i.identifier ? i.identifier : 'i' : n[0] ? n[0] ? n[0].identifier : 'e' : 'd', raw: t, x: i && i.x ? i.x : a[0] ? a[0].screenX : i ? i.x : t.pageX, y: i && i.y ? i.y : a[0] ? a[0].screenY : i ? i.y : t.pageY, }); }; })(n), a, ); }, purge: function () { e.forEach(function (e) { e[0].removeListener ? e[0].removeListener(e[2]) : e[0].removeEventListener(e[1], e[2], e[3]); }), (e = []); }, }; } function p(e, t, n) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, t), n); } function m(e) { return (e > 0 ? 1 : 0) - (e < 0 ? 1 : 0) || +e; } function h(e) { var t = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return { height: o(t.height, e.offsetHeight), width: o(t.width, e.offsetWidth), }; } function f(e, t, n, a) { var i = e && e[t]; return null == i ? n : a && 'function' == typeof i ? i() : i; } function g(e) { return Math.round(1e6 * e) / 1e6; } function w(e, t) { if (e === t) return !0; var n = typeof e; if (n !== typeof t) return !1; if ('object' !== n || null === e || null === t) return 'function' === n && e.toString() === t.toString(); if ( e.length !== t.length || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length ) return !1; for (var a in e) if (!w(e[a], t[a])) return !1; return !0; } var y = function () { return ( (y = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, a = arguments.length; n < a; n++) for (var i in (t = arguments[n])), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }), y.apply(this, arguments) ); }; function x(e, t, n) { if (n || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) (!a && i in t) || (a || (a =, 0, i)), (a[i] = t[i])); return e.concat(a ||; } function b(e) { var t, n, a, i, o, l, s, c, d, u, h, w, y, b, z = 1 / 0, v = [], k = null, j = 0; function S(e) { D(j + e); } function E(e) { var t = _(j + e).abs; return T(t) ? t : null; } function _(e) { var t = Math.floor(Math.abs(g(e / n))), a = g(((e % n) + n) % n); a === n && (a = 0); var i = m(e), o = s.indexOf( x([], s, !0).reduce(function (e, t) { return Math.abs(t - a) < Math.abs(e - a) ? t : e; }), ), r = o; return ( i < 0 && t++, o === l && ((r = 0), (t += i > 0 ? 1 : -1)), { abs: r + t * l * i, origin: o, rel: r } ); } function C(e, t, n) { var a; if (t || !A()) return I(e, n); if (!T(e)) return null; var i = _(null != n ? n : j), o = i.abs, r = e - i.rel, s = o + r; a = I(s); var c = I(s - l * m(r)); return ( ((null !== c && Math.abs(c) < Math.abs(a)) || null === a) && (a = c), g(a) ); } function I(e, t) { if ((null == t && (t = g(j)), !T(e) || null === e)) return null; e = Math.round(e); var a = _(t), i = a.abs, o = a.rel, r = a.origin, c = R(e), d = ((t % n) + n) % n, u = s[r], p = Math.floor((e - (i - o)) / l) * n; return g(u - d - u + s[c] + p + (r === l ? n : 0)); } function T(e) { return P(e) === e; } function P(e) { return p(e, d, u); } function A() { return i.loop; } function R(e) { return ((e % l) + l) % l; } function D(t) { var n; (n = t - j), v.push({ distance: n, timestamp: r() }), v.length > 6 && (v = v.slice(-6)), (j = g(t)); var a = N().abs; if (a !== k) { var i = null !== k; (k = a), i && e.emit('slideChanged'); } } function N(r) { var s = r ? null : (function () { if (l) { var e = A(), t = e ? ((j % n) + n) % n : j, r = (e ? j % n : j) - o[0][2], s = 0 - (r < 0 && e ? n - Math.abs(r) : r), c = 0, p = _(j), f = p.abs, g = p.rel, x = o[g][2], z = (t, a) { var o = s + c; (o < 0 - t[0] || o > 1) && (o += (Math.abs(o) > n - 1 && e ? n : 0) * m(-o)); var r = a - g, d = m(r), u = r + f; e && (-1 === d && o > x && (u += l), 1 === d && o < x && (u -= l), null !== h && u < h && (o += n), null !== w && u > w && (o -= n)); var p = o + t[0] + t[1], y = Math.max( o >= 0 && p <= 1 ? 1 : p < 0 || o > 1 ? 0 : o < 0 ? Math.min(1, (t[0] + o) / t[0]) : (1 - o) / t[0], 0, ); return ( (c += t[0] + t[1]), { abs: u, distance: i.rtl ? -1 * o + 1 - t[0] : o, portion: y, size: t[0], } ); }); return ( (f = P(f)), (g = R(f)), { abs: P(f), length: a, max: b, maxIdx: u, min: y, minIdx: d, position: j, progress: e ? t / n : j / a, rel: g, slides: z, slidesLength: n, } ); } })(); return (t.details = s), e.emit('detailsChanged'), s; } return (t = { absToRel: R, add: S, details: null, distToIdx: E, idxToDist: C, init: function (t) { if ( ((function () { if ( ((i = e.options), (o = (i.trackConfig || []).map(function (e) { return [ f(e, 'size', 1), f(e, 'spacing', 0), f(e, 'origin', 0), ]; })), (l = o.length)) ) { n = g( o.reduce(function (e, t) { return e + t[0] + t[1]; }, 0), ); var t, r = l - 1; (a = g(n + o[0][2] - o[r][0] - o[r][2] - o[r][1])), (s = o.reduce(function (e, n) { if (!e) return [0]; var a = o[e.length - 1], i = e[e.length - 1] + (a[0] + a[2]) + a[1]; return ( (i -= n[2]), e[e.length - 1] > i && (i = e[e.length - 1]), (i = g(i)), e.push(i), (!t || t < i) && (c = e.length - 1), (t = i), e ); }, null)), 0 === a && (c = 0), s.push(g(n)); } })(), !l) ) return N(!0); var r; !(function () { var t = e.options.range, n = e.options.loop; (h = d = n ? f(n, 'min', -1 / 0) : 0), (w = u = n ? f(n, 'max', z) : c); var a = f(t, 'min', null), i = f(t, 'max', null); null !== a && (d = a), null !== i && (u = i), (y = d === -1 / 0 ? d : e.track.idxToDist(d || 0, !0, 0)), (b = u === z ? u : C(u, !0, 0)), null === i && (w = u), f(t, 'align', !1) && u !== z && 0 === o[R(u)][2] && ((b -= 1 - o[R(u)][0]), (u = E(b - j))), (y = g(y)), (b = g(b)); })(), (r = t), Number(r) === r ? S(I(P(t))) : N(); }, to: D, velocity: function () { var e = r(), t = v.reduce( function (t, n) { var a = n.distance, i = n.timestamp; return ( e - i > 200 || (m(a) !== m(t.distance) && t.distance && (t = { distance: 0, lastTimestamp: 0, time: 0, }), t.time && (t.distance += a), t.lastTimestamp && (t.time += i - t.lastTimestamp), (t.lastTimestamp = i)), t ); }, { distance: 0, lastTimestamp: 0, time: 0 }, ); return t.distance / t.time || 0; }, }); } function z(e) { var t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s; function c(e) { return 2 * e; } function d(e) { return p(e, l, s); } function u(e) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - e, 3); } function h() { return a ? e.track.velocity() : 0; } function f(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = 1e3); var n = 147e-9 + (e = Math.abs(e)) / t; return { dist: Math.pow(e, 2) / n, dur: e / n }; } function g() { var t = e.track.details; t && ((o = t.min), (r = t.max), (l = t.minIdx), (s = t.maxIdx)); } function w() { e.animator.stop(); } e.on('updated', g), e.on('optionsChanged', g), e.on('created', g), e.on('dragStarted', function () { (a = !1), w(), (t = n = e.track.details.abs); }), e.on('dragChecked', function () { a = !0; }), e.on('dragEnded', function () { var a = e.options.mode; 'snap' === a && (function () { var a = e.track, i = e.track.details, l = i.position, s = m(h()); (l > r || l < o) && (s = 0); var c = t + s; 0 === i.slides[a.absToRel(c)].portion && (c -= s), t !== n && (c = n), m(a.idxToDist(c, !0)) !== s && (c += s), (c = d(c)); var u = a.idxToDist(c, !0); e.animator.start([ { distance: u, duration: 500, easing: function (e) { return 1 + --e * e * e * e * e; }, }, ]); })(), ('free' !== a && 'free-snap' !== a) || (function () { w(); var t = 'free-snap' === e.options.mode, n = e.track, a = h(); i = m(a); var l = e.track.details, s = []; if (a || !t) { var p = f(a), g = p.dist, y = p.dur; if (((y = c(y)), (g *= i), t)) { var x = n.idxToDist(n.distToIdx(g), !0); x && (g = x); } s.push({ distance: g, duration: y, easing: u }); var b = l.position, z = b + g; if (z < o || z > r) { var v = z < o ? o - b : r - b, k = 0, j = a; if (m(v) === i) { var S = Math.min( Math.abs(v) / Math.abs(g), 1, ), E = (function (e) { return ( 1 - Math.pow(1 - e, 1 / 3) ); })(S) * y; (s[0].earlyExit = E), (j = a * (1 - S)); } else (s[0].earlyExit = 0), (k += v); var _ = f(j, 100), C = _.dist * i; e.options.rubberband && (s.push({ distance: C, duration: c(_.dur), easing: u, }), s.push({ distance: -C + k, duration: 500, easing: u, })); } e.animator.start(s); } else e.moveToIdx(d(l.abs), !0, { duration: 500, easing: function (e) { return 1 + --e * e * e * e * e; }, }); })(); }), e.on('dragged', function () { n = e.track.details.abs; }); } function v(e) { var t, n, a, i, o, r, l, h, f, g, w, y, x, b, z, v, k, j, S = u(); function E(t) { if (r && h === { var s = T(t); if (f) { if (!I(t)) return C(t); (g = s), (f = !1), e.emit('dragChecked'); } if (v) return (g = s); c(t); var u = (function (t) { if (k === -1 / 0 && j === 1 / 0) return t; var a = e.track.details, r = a.length, l = a.position, s = p(t, k - l, j - l); if (0 === r) return 0; if (!e.options.rubberband) return s; if (l <= j && l >= k) return t; if ((l < k && n > 0) || (l > j && n < 0)) return t; var c = (l < k ? l - k : l - j) / r, d = i * r, u = Math.abs(c * d), m = Math.max(0, 1 - (u / o) * 2); return m * m * t; })((l(g - s) / i) * a); n = m(u); var x = e.track.details.position; ((x > k && x < j) || (x === k && n > 0) || (x === j && n < 0)) && d(t), (w += u), !y && Math.abs(w * i) > 5 && (y = !0), e.track.add(u), (g = s), e.emit('dragged'); } } function _(t) { !r && e.track.details && e.track.details.length && ((w = 0), (r = !0), (y = !1), (f = !0), (h =, I(t), (g = T(t)), e.emit('dragStarted')); } function C(t) { r && h === t.idChanged && ((r = !1), e.emit('dragEnded')); } function I(e) { var t = P(), n = t ? e.y : e.x, a = t ? e.x : e.y, i = void 0 !== x && void 0 !== b && Math.abs(b - a) <= Math.abs(x - n); return (x = n), (b = a), i; } function T(e) { return P() ? e.y : e.x; } function P() { return e.options.vertical; } function A() { (i = e.size), (o = P() ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth); var t = e.track.details; t && ((k = t.min), (j = t.max)); } function R(e) { y && (d(e), c(e)); } function D() { if ((S.purge(), e.options.drag && !e.options.disabled)) { var n; (n = e.options.dragSpeed || 1), (l = 'function' == typeof n ? n : function (e) { return e * n; }), (a = e.options.rtl ? -1 : 1), A(), (t = e.container), (function () { var e = 'data-keen-slider-clickable'; s('['.concat(e, ']:not([').concat(e, '=false])'), t).map( function (e) { S.add(e, 'dragstart', d), S.add(e, 'mousedown', d), S.add(e, 'touchstart', d); }, ); })(), S.add(t, 'dragstart', function (e) { c(e); }), S.add(t, 'click', R, { capture: !0 }), S.input(t, 'ksDragStart', _), S.input(t, 'ksDrag', E), S.input(t, 'ksDragEnd', C), S.input(t, 'mousedown', _), S.input(t, 'mousemove', E), S.input(t, 'mouseleave', C), S.input(t, 'mouseup', C), S.input(t, 'touchstart', _, { passive: !0 }), S.input(t, 'touchmove', E, { passive: !1 }), S.input(t, 'touchend', C), S.input(t, 'touchcancel', C), S.add(window, 'wheel', function (e) { r && c(e); }); var i = 'data-keen-slider-scrollable'; s('['.concat(i, ']:not([').concat(i, '=false])'), e.container).map( function (e) { return (function (e) { var t; S.input( e, 'touchstart', function (e) { (t = T(e)), (v = !0), (z = !0); }, { passive: !0 }, ), S.input(e, 'touchmove', function (n) { var a = P(), i = a ? e.scrollHeight - e.clientHeight : e.scrollWidth - e.clientWidth, o = t - T(n), r = a ? e.scrollTop : e.scrollLeft, l = (a && 'scroll' === || (!a && 'scroll' ===; if ( ((t = T(n)), ((o < 0 && r > 0) || (o > 0 && r < i)) && z && l) ) return (v = !0); (z = !1), c(n), (v = !1); }), S.input(e, 'touchend', function () { v = !1; }); })(e); }, ); } } e.on('updated', A), e.on('optionsChanged', D), e.on('created', D), e.on('destroyed', S.purge); } function k(e) { var t, n, a = null; function i(t, n, a) { ? r(t, n, a) : requestAnimationFrame(function () { return r(t, n, a); }); } function o() { i(!1, !1, n); } function r(n, i, o) { var r = 0, l = e.size, d = e.track.details; if (d && t) { var u = d.slides; t.forEach(function (e, t) { if (n) !a && i && s(e, null, o), c(e, null, o); else { if (!u[t]) return; var d = u[t].size * l; !a && i && s(e, d, o), c(e, u[t].distance * l - r, o), (r += d); } }); } } function l(t) { return 'performance' === e.options.renderMode ? Math.round(t) : t; } function s(e, t, n) { var a = n ? 'height' : 'width'; null !== t && (t = l(t) + 'px'), (['min-' + a] = t), (['max-' + a] = t); } function c(e, t, n) { if (null !== t) { t = l(t); var a = n ? t : 0; t = 'translate3d('.concat(n ? 0 : t, 'px, ').concat(a, 'px, 0)'); } ( = t), (['-webkit-transform'] = t); } function d() { t && (r(!0, !0, n), (t = null)), e.on('detailsChanged', o, !0); } function u() { i(!1, !0, n); } function p() { d(), (n = e.options.vertical), e.options.disabled || 'custom' === e.options.renderMode || ((a = 'auto' === f(e.options.slides, 'perView', null)), e.on('detailsChanged', o), (t = e.slides).length && u()); } e.on('created', p), e.on('optionsChanged', p), e.on('beforeOptionsChanged', function () { d(); }), e.on('updated', u), e.on('destroyed', d); } function j(e, t) { return function (n) { var a, i, o, r, c, d = u(); function p(e) { var t; l( n.container, 'reverse', 'rtl' !== ((t = n.container), window .getComputedStyle(t, null) .getPropertyValue('direction')) || e ? null : '', ), l(n.container, 'v', n.options.vertical && !e ? '' : null), l( n.container, 'disabled', n.options.disabled && !e ? '' : null, ); } function m() { g() && v(); } function g() { var e = null; if ( (r.forEach(function (t) { t.matches && (e = t.__media); }), e === a) ) return !1; a || n.emit('beforeOptionsChanged'), (a = e); var t = e ? o.breakpoints[e] : o; return (n.options = y(y({}, o), t)), p(), _(), C(), j(), !0; } function w(e) { var t = h(e); return (n.options.vertical ? t.height : t.width) / n.size || 1; } function x() { return n.options.trackConfig.length; } function b(e) { for (var l in ((a = !1), (o = y(y({}, t), e)), d.purge(), (i = n.size), (r = []), o.breakpoints || [])) { var s = window.matchMedia(l); (s.__media = l), r.push(s), d.add(s, 'change', m); } d.add(window, 'orientationchange', E), d.add(window, 'resize', S), g(); } function z(e) { n.animator.stop(); var t = n.track.details; n.track.init(null != e ? e : t ? t.abs : 0); } function v(e) { z(e), n.emit('optionsChanged'); } function k(e, t) { if (e) return b(e), void v(t); _(), C(); var a = x(); j(), x() !== a ? v(t) : z(t), n.emit('updated'); } function j() { var e = n.options.slides; if ('function' == typeof e) return (n.options.trackConfig = e(n.size, n.slides)); for ( var t = n.slides, a = t.length, i = 'number' == typeof e ? e : f(e, 'number', a, !0), o = [], r = f(e, 'perView', 1, !0), l = f(e, 'spacing', 0, !0) / n.size || 0, s = 'auto' === r ? l : l / r, c = f(e, 'origin', 'auto'), d = 0, u = 0; u < i; u++ ) { var p = 'auto' === r ? w(t[u]) : 1 / r - l + s, m = 'center' === c ? 0.5 - p / 2 : 'auto' === c ? 0 : c; o.push({ origin: m, size: p, spacing: l }), (d += p); } if ( ((d += l * (i - 1)), 'auto' === c && !n.options.loop && 1 !== r) ) { var h = 0; (e) { var t = d - h; return ( (h += e.size + l), t >= 1 || (e.origin = 1 - t - (d > 1 ? 0 : 1 - d)), e ); }); } n.options.trackConfig = o; } function S() { _(); var e = n.size; n.options.disabled || e === i || ((i = e), k()); } function E() { S(), setTimeout(S, 500), setTimeout(S, 2e3); } function _() { var e = h(n.container); n.size = (n.options.vertical ? e.height : e.width) || 1; } function C() { n.slides = s(n.options.selector, n.container); } (n.container = (c = s(e, document)).length ? c[0] : null), (n.destroy = function () { d.purge(), n.emit('destroyed'), p(!0); }), (n.prev = function () { n.moveToIdx(n.track.details.abs - 1, !0); }), ( = function () { n.moveToIdx(n.track.details.abs + 1, !0); }), (n.update = k), b(n.options); }; } var S = function (e, t, n) { try { return (function (e, t) { var n, a = {}; return ( (n = { emit: function (e) { a[e] && a[e].forEach(function (e) { e(n); }); var t = n.options && n.options[e]; t && t(n); }, moveToIdx: function (e, t, a) { var i = n.track.idxToDist(e, t); if (i) { var o = n.options.defaultAnimation; n.animator.start([ { distance: i, duration: f(a || o, 'duration', 500), easing: f(a || o, 'easing', function (e) { return 1 + --e * e * e * e * e; }), }, ]); } }, on: function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !1), a[e] || (a[e] = []); var i = a[e].indexOf(t); i > -1 ? n && delete a[e][i] : n || a[e].push(t); }, options: e, }), (function () { if ( ((n.track = b(n)), (n.animator = (function (e) { var t, n, a, i, o, r; function l(t) { r || (r = t), s(!0); var o = t - r; o > a && (o = a); var u = i[n]; if (u[3] < o) return n++, l(t); var p = u[2], m = u[4], h = u[0], f = u[1] * (0, u[5])(0 === m ? 1 : (o - p) / m); if ((f && + f), o < a)) return d(); (r = null), s(!1), c(null), e.emit('animationEnded'); } function s(e) { = e; } function c(e) { t.targetIdx = e; } function d() { var e; (e = l), (o = window.requestAnimationFrame(e)); } function u() { var t; (t = o), window.cancelAnimationFrame(t), s(!1), c(null), r && e.emit('animationStopped'), (r = null); } return (t = { active: !1, start: function (t) { if ((u(), e.track.details)) { var o = 0, r = e.track.details.position; (n = 0), (a = 0), (i = (e) { var t, n = Number(r), i = null !== (t = e.earlyExit) && void 0 !== t ? t : e.duration, l = e.easing, s = e.distance * l(i / e.duration) || 0; r += s; var c = a; return ( (a += i), (o += s), [ n, e.distance, c, a, e.duration, l, ] ); })), c(e.track.distToIdx(o)), d(), e.emit('animationStarted'); } }, stop: u, targetIdx: null, }); })(n)), t) ) for (var e = 0, a = t; e < a.length; e++) (0, a[e])(n); n.track.init(n.options.initial || 0), n.emit('created'); })(), n ); })( t, x( [ j(e, { drag: !0, mode: 'snap', renderMode: 'precision', rubberband: !0, selector: '.keen-slider__slide', }), k, v, z, ], n || [], !0, ), ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; t.E = function (e, t) { var n = a.useRef(null), i = a.useRef(!1), o = a.useRef(e), r = a.useCallback(function (a) { a ? ((o.current = e), (n.current = new S(a, e, t)), (i.current = !1)) : (n.current && n.current.destroy && n.current.destroy(), (n.current = null)); }, []); return ( a.useEffect( function () { w(o.current, e) || ((o.current = e), n.current && n.current.update(o.current)); }, [e], ), [r, n] ); }; }, 198: (e, t, n) => { e = n.nmd(e); var a = '__lodash_hash_undefined__', i = 9007199254740991, o = '[object Arguments]', r = '[object AsyncFunction]', l = '[object Function]', s = '[object GeneratorFunction]', c = '[object Null]', d = '[object Object]', u = '[object Proxy]', p = '[object Undefined]', m = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, h = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, f = {}; (f['[object Float32Array]'] = f['[object Float64Array]'] = f['[object Int8Array]'] = f['[object Int16Array]'] = f['[object Int32Array]'] = f['[object Uint8Array]'] = f['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = f['[object Uint16Array]'] = f['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0), (f[o] = f['[object Array]'] = f['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = f['[object Boolean]'] = f['[object DataView]'] = f['[object Date]'] = f['[object Error]'] = f[l] = f['[object Map]'] = f['[object Number]'] = f[d] = f['[object RegExp]'] = f['[object Set]'] = f['[object String]'] = f['[object WeakMap]'] = !1); var g = 'object' == typeof n.g && n.g && n.g.Object === Object && n.g, w = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, y = g || w || Function('return this')(), x = t && !t.nodeType && t, b = x && e && !e.nodeType && e, z = b && b.exports === x, v = z && g.process, k = (function () { try { var e = b && b.require && b.require('util').types; return e || (v && v.binding && v.binding('util')); } catch (t) {} })(), j = k && k.isTypedArray; var S, E, _ = Array.prototype, C = Function.prototype, I = Object.prototype, T = y['__core-js_shared__'], P = C.toString, A = I.hasOwnProperty, R = (function () { var e = /[^.]+$/.exec((T && T.keys && T.keys.IE_PROTO) || ''); return e ? 'Symbol(src)_1.' + e : ''; })(), D = I.toString, N =, L = RegExp( '^' + .replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, '\\$&') .replace( /hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?', ) + '$', ), O = z ? y.Buffer : void 0, M = y.Symbol, B = y.Uint8Array, U = O ? O.allocUnsafe : void 0, W = ((S = Object.getPrototypeOf), (E = Object), function (e) { return S(E(e)); }), V = Object.create, F = I.propertyIsEnumerable, H = _.splice, G = M ? M.toStringTag : void 0, Z = (function () { try { var e = ye(Object, 'defineProperty'); return e({}, '', {}), e; } catch (t) {} })(), $ = O ? O.isBuffer : void 0, X = Math.max, K =, q = ye(y, 'Map'), Y = ye(Object, 'create'), Q = (function () { function e() {} return function (t) { if (!Te(t)) return {}; if (V) return V(t); e.prototype = t; var n = new e(); return (e.prototype = void 0), n; }; })(); function J(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var a = e[t]; this.set(a[0], a[1]); } } function ee(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var a = e[t]; this.set(a[0], a[1]); } } function te(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var a = e[t]; this.set(a[0], a[1]); } } function ne(e) { var t = (this.__data__ = new ee(e)); this.size = t.size; } function ae(e, t) { var n = Se(e), a = !n && je(e), i = !n && !a && _e(e), o = !n && !a && !i && Ae(e), r = n || a || i || o, l = r ? (function (e, t) { for (var n = -1, a = Array(e); ++n < e; ) a[n] = t(n); return a; })(e.length, String) : [], s = l.length; for (var c in e) (!t && !, c)) || (r && ('length' == c || (i && ('offset' == c || 'parent' == c)) || (o && ('buffer' == c || 'byteLength' == c || 'byteOffset' == c)) || xe(c, s))) || l.push(c); return l; } function ie(e, t, n) { ((void 0 !== n && !ke(e[t], n)) || (void 0 === n && !(t in e))) && le(e, t, n); } function oe(e, t, n) { var a = e[t]; (, t) && ke(a, n) && (void 0 !== n || t in e)) || le(e, t, n); } function re(e, t) { for (var n = e.length; n--; ) if (ke(e[n][0], t)) return n; return -1; } function le(e, t, n) { '__proto__' == t && Z ? Z(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: n, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n); } (J.prototype.clear = function () { (this.__data__ = Y ? Y(null) : {}), (this.size = 0); }), (J.prototype.delete = function (e) { var t = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e]; return (this.size -= t ? 1 : 0), t; }), (J.prototype.get = function (e) { var t = this.__data__; if (Y) { var n = t[e]; return n === a ? void 0 : n; } return, e) ? t[e] : void 0; }), (J.prototype.has = function (e) { var t = this.__data__; return Y ? void 0 !== t[e] :, e); }), (J.prototype.set = function (e, t) { var n = this.__data__; return ( (this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1), (n[e] = Y && void 0 === t ? a : t), this ); }), (ee.prototype.clear = function () { (this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0); }), (ee.prototype.delete = function (e) { var t = this.__data__, n = re(t, e); return ( !(n < 0) && (n == t.length - 1 ? t.pop() :, n, 1), --this.size, !0) ); }), (ee.prototype.get = function (e) { var t = this.__data__, n = re(t, e); return n < 0 ? void 0 : t[n][1]; }), (ee.prototype.has = function (e) { return re(this.__data__, e) > -1; }), (ee.prototype.set = function (e, t) { var n = this.__data__, a = re(n, e); return a < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([e, t])) : (n[a][1] = t), this; }), (te.prototype.clear = function () { (this.size = 0), (this.__data__ = { hash: new J(), map: new (q || ee)(), string: new J(), }); }), (te.prototype.delete = function (e) { var t = we(this, e).delete(e); return (this.size -= t ? 1 : 0), t; }), (te.prototype.get = function (e) { return we(this, e).get(e); }), (te.prototype.has = function (e) { return we(this, e).has(e); }), (te.prototype.set = function (e, t) { var n = we(this, e), a = n.size; return n.set(e, t), (this.size += n.size == a ? 0 : 1), this; }), (ne.prototype.clear = function () { (this.__data__ = new ee()), (this.size = 0); }), (ne.prototype.delete = function (e) { var t = this.__data__, n = t.delete(e); return (this.size = t.size), n; }), (ne.prototype.get = function (e) { return this.__data__.get(e); }), (ne.prototype.has = function (e) { return this.__data__.has(e); }), (ne.prototype.set = function (e, t) { var n = this.__data__; if (n instanceof ee) { var a = n.__data__; if (!q || a.length < 199) return a.push([e, t]), (this.size = ++n.size), this; n = this.__data__ = new te(a); } return n.set(e, t), (this.size = n.size), this; }); var se, ce = function (e, t, n) { for (var a = -1, i = Object(e), o = n(e), r = o.length; r--; ) { var l = o[se ? r : ++a]; if (!1 === t(i[l], l, i)) break; } return e; }; function de(e) { return null == e ? void 0 === e ? p : c : G && G in Object(e) ? (function (e) { var t =, G), n = e[G]; try { e[G] = void 0; var a = !0; } catch (o) {} var i =; a && (t ? (e[G] = n) : delete e[G]); return i; })(e) : (function (e) { return; })(e); } function ue(e) { return Pe(e) && de(e) == o; } function pe(e) { return ( !( !Te(e) || (function (e) { return !!R && R in e; })(e) ) && (Ce(e) ? L : m).test( (function (e) { if (null != e) { try { return; } catch (t) {} try { return e + ''; } catch (t) {} } return ''; })(e), ) ); } function me(e) { if (!Te(e)) return (function (e) { var t = []; if (null != e) for (var n in Object(e)) t.push(n); return t; })(e); var t = be(e), n = []; for (var a in e) ('constructor' != a || (!t &&, a))) && n.push(a); return n; } function he(e, t, n, a, i) { e !== t && ce( t, function (o, r) { if ((i || (i = new ne()), Te(o))) !(function (e, t, n, a, i, o, r) { var l = ze(e, n), s = ze(t, n), c = r.get(s); if (c) return void ie(e, n, c); var u = o ? o(l, s, n + '', e, t, r) : void 0, p = void 0 === u; if (p) { var m = Se(s), h = !m && _e(s), f = !m && !h && Ae(s); (u = s), m || h || f ? Se(l) ? (u = l) : Pe((g = l)) && Ee(g) ? (u = (function (e, t) { var n = -1, a = e.length; t || (t = Array(a)); for (; ++n < a; ) t[n] = e[n]; return t; })(l)) : h ? ((p = !1), (u = (function (e, t) { if (t) return e.slice(); var n = e.length, a = U ? U(n) : new e.constructor(n); return e.copy(a), a; })(s, !0))) : f ? ((p = !1), (u = (function (e, t) { var n = t ? (function (e) { var t = new e.constructor( e.byteLength, ); return ( new B(t).set( new B(e), ), t ); })(e.buffer) : e.buffer; return new e.constructor( n, e.byteOffset, e.length, ); })(s, !0))) : (u = []) : (function (e) { if (!Pe(e) || de(e) != d) return !1; var t = W(e); if (null === t) return !0; var n =, 'constructor') && t.constructor; return ( 'function' == typeof n && n instanceof n && == N ); })(s) || je(s) ? ((u = l), je(l) ? (u = (function (e) { return (function (e, t, n, a) { var i = !n; n || (n = {}); var o = -1, r = t.length; for (; ++o < r; ) { var l = t[o], s = a ? a( n[l], e[l], l, n, e, ) : void 0; void 0 === s && (s = e[l]), i ? le(n, l, s) : oe(n, l, s); } return n; })(e, Re(e)); })(l)) : (Te(l) && !Ce(l)) || (u = (function (e) { return 'function' != typeof e.constructor || be(e) ? {} : Q(W(e)); })(s))) : (p = !1); } var g; p && (r.set(s, u), i(u, s, a, o, r), r.delete(s)); ie(e, n, u); })(e, t, r, n, he, a, i); else { var l = a ? a(ze(e, r), o, r + '', e, t, i) : void 0; void 0 === l && (l = o), ie(e, r, l); } }, Re, ); } function fe(e, t) { return ve( (function (e, t, n) { return ( (t = X(void 0 === t ? e.length - 1 : t, 0)), function () { for ( var a = arguments, i = -1, o = X(a.length - t, 0), r = Array(o); ++i < o; ) r[i] = a[t + i]; i = -1; for (var l = Array(t + 1); ++i < t; ) l[i] = a[i]; return ( (l[t] = n(r)), (function (e, t, n) { switch (n.length) { case 0: return; case 1: return, n[0]); case 2: return, n[0], n[1]); case 3: return, n[0], n[1], n[2]); } return e.apply(t, n); })(e, this, l) ); } ); })(e, t, Le), e + '', ); } var ge = Z ? function (e, t) { return Z(e, 'toString', { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: ((n = t), function () { return n; }), writable: !0, }); var n; } : Le; function we(e, t) { var n = e.__data__; return (function (e) { var t = typeof e; return 'string' == t || 'number' == t || 'symbol' == t || 'boolean' == t ? '__proto__' !== e : null === e; })(t) ? n['string' == typeof t ? 'string' : 'hash'] :; } function ye(e, t) { var n = (function (e, t) { return null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; })(e, t); return pe(n) ? n : void 0; } function xe(e, t) { var n = typeof e; return ( !!(t = null == t ? i : t) && ('number' == n || ('symbol' != n && h.test(e))) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t ); } function be(e) { var t = e && e.constructor; return e === (('function' == typeof t && t.prototype) || I); } function ze(e, t) { if (('constructor' !== t || 'function' !== typeof e[t]) && '__proto__' != t) return e[t]; } var ve = (function (e) { var t = 0, n = 0; return function () { var a = K(), i = 16 - (a - n); if (((n = a), i > 0)) { if (++t >= 800) return arguments[0]; } else t = 0; return e.apply(void 0, arguments); }; })(ge); function ke(e, t) { return e === t || (e !== e && t !== t); } var je = ue( (function () { return arguments; })(), ) ? ue : function (e) { return Pe(e) &&, 'callee') && !, 'callee'); }, Se = Array.isArray; function Ee(e) { return null != e && Ie(e.length) && !Ce(e); } var _e = $ || function () { return !1; }; function Ce(e) { if (!Te(e)) return !1; var t = de(e); return t == l || t == s || t == r || t == u; } function Ie(e) { return 'number' == typeof e && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= i; } function Te(e) { var t = typeof e; return null != e && ('object' == t || 'function' == t); } function Pe(e) { return null != e && 'object' == typeof e; } var Ae = j ? (function (e) { return function (t) { return e(t); }; })(j) : function (e) { return Pe(e) && Ie(e.length) && !!f[de(e)]; }; function Re(e) { return Ee(e) ? ae(e, !0) : me(e); } var De, Ne = ((De = function (e, t, n, a) { he(e, t, n, a); }), fe(function (e, t) { var n = -1, a = t.length, i = a > 1 ? t[a - 1] : void 0, o = a > 2 ? t[2] : void 0; for ( i = De.length > 3 && 'function' == typeof i ? (a--, i) : void 0, o && (function (e, t, n) { if (!Te(n)) return !1; var a = typeof t; return ( !!('number' == a ? Ee(n) && xe(t, n.length) : 'string' == a && (t in n)) && ke(n[t], e) ); })(t[0], t[1], o) && ((i = a < 3 ? void 0 : i), (a = 1)), e = Object(e); ++n < a; ) { var r = t[n]; r && De(e, r, n, i); } return e; })); function Le(e) { return e; } e.exports = Ne; }, 463: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; var a = n(791), i = n(296); function o(e) { for ( var t = '' + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++ ) t += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]); return ( 'Minified React error #' + e + '; visit ' + t + ' for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.' ); } var r = new Set(), l = {}; function s(e, t) { c(e, t), c(e + 'Capture', t); } function c(e, t) { for (l[e] = t, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) r.add(t[e]); } var d = !( 'undefined' === typeof window || 'undefined' === typeof window.document || 'undefined' === typeof window.document.createElement ), u = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, p = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/, m = {}, h = {}; function f(e, t, n, a, i, o, r) { (this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === t || 3 === t || 4 === t), (this.attributeName = a), (this.attributeNamespace = i), (this.mustUseProperty = n), (this.propertyName = e), (this.type = t), (this.sanitizeURL = o), (this.removeEmptyString = r); } var g = {}; 'children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 0, !1, e, null, !1, !1); }), [ ['acceptCharset', 'accept-charset'], ['className', 'class'], ['htmlFor', 'for'], ['httpEquiv', 'http-equiv'], ].forEach(function (e) { var t = e[0]; g[t] = new f(t, 1, !1, e[1], null, !1, !1); }), ['contentEditable', 'draggable', 'spellCheck', 'value'].forEach(function ( e, ) { g[e] = new f(e, 2, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), [ 'autoReverse', 'externalResourcesRequired', 'focusable', 'preserveAlpha', ].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 2, !1, e, null, !1, !1); }), 'allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 3, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), ['checked', 'multiple', 'muted', 'selected'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 3, !0, e, null, !1, !1); }), ['capture', 'download'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 4, !1, e, null, !1, !1); }), ['cols', 'rows', 'size', 'span'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 6, !1, e, null, !1, !1); }), ['rowSpan', 'start'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 5, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }); var w = /[\-:]([a-z])/g; function y(e) { return e[1].toUpperCase(); } function x(e, t, n, a) { var i = g.hasOwnProperty(t) ? g[t] : null; (null !== i ? 0 !== i.type : a || !(2 < t.length) || ('o' !== t[0] && 'O' !== t[0]) || ('n' !== t[1] && 'N' !== t[1])) && ((function (e, t, n, a) { if ( null === t || 'undefined' === typeof t || (function (e, t, n, a) { if (null !== n && 0 === n.type) return !1; switch (typeof t) { case 'function': case 'symbol': return !0; case 'boolean': return ( !a && (null !== n ? !n.acceptsBooleans : 'data-' !== (e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)) && 'aria-' !== e) ); default: return !1; } })(e, t, n, a) ) return !0; if (a) return !1; if (null !== n) switch (n.type) { case 3: return !t; case 4: return !1 === t; case 5: return isNaN(t); case 6: return isNaN(t) || 1 > t; } return !1; })(t, n, i, a) && (n = null), a || null === i ? (function (e) { return ( !!, e) || (!, e) && (p.test(e) ? (h[e] = !0) : ((m[e] = !0), !1))) ); })(t) && (null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, '' + n)) : i.mustUseProperty ? (e[i.propertyName] = null === n ? 3 !== i.type && '' : n) : ((t = i.attributeName), (a = i.attributeNamespace), null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : ((n = 3 === (i = i.type) || (4 === i && !0 === n) ? '' : '' + n), a ? e.setAttributeNS(a, t, n) : e.setAttribute(t, n)))); } 'accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(w, y); g[t] = new f(t, 1, !1, e, null, !1, !1); }), 'xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(w, y); g[t] = new f(t, 1, !1, e, '', !1, !1); }), ['xml:base', 'xml:lang', 'xml:space'].forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(w, y); g[t] = new f( t, 1, !1, e, '', !1, !1, ); }), ['tabIndex', 'crossOrigin'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), (g.xlinkHref = new f( 'xlinkHref', 1, !1, 'xlink:href', '', !0, !1, )), ['src', 'href', 'action', 'formAction'].forEach(function (e) { g[e] = new f(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !0, !0); }); var b = a.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, z = Symbol.for('react.element'), v = Symbol.for('react.portal'), k = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), j = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), S = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), E = Symbol.for('react.provider'), _ = Symbol.for('react.context'), C = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), I = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), T = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list'), P = Symbol.for('react.memo'), A = Symbol.for('react.lazy'); Symbol.for('react.scope'), Symbol.for('react.debug_trace_mode'); var R = Symbol.for('react.offscreen'); Symbol.for('react.legacy_hidden'), Symbol.for('react.cache'), Symbol.for('react.tracing_marker'); var D = Symbol.iterator; function N(e) { return null === e || 'object' !== typeof e ? null : 'function' === typeof (e = (D && e[D]) || e['@@iterator']) ? e : null; } var L, O = Object.assign; function M(e) { if (void 0 === L) try { throw Error(); } catch (n) { var t = n.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); L = (t && t[1]) || ''; } return '\n' + L + e; } var B = !1; function U(e, t) { if (!e || B) return ''; B = !0; var n = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; try { if (t) if ( ((t = function () { throw Error(); }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'props', { set: function () { throw Error(); }, }), 'object' === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) ) { try { Reflect.construct(t, []); } catch (c) { var a = c; } Reflect.construct(e, [], t); } else { try {; } catch (c) { a = c; }; } else { try { throw Error(); } catch (c) { a = c; } e(); } } catch (c) { if (c && a && 'string' === typeof c.stack) { for ( var i = c.stack.split('\n'), o = a.stack.split('\n'), r = i.length - 1, l = o.length - 1; 1 <= r && 0 <= l && i[r] !== o[l]; ) l--; for (; 1 <= r && 0 <= l; r--, l--) if (i[r] !== o[l]) { if (1 !== r || 1 !== l) do { if ((r--, 0 > --l || i[r] !== o[l])) { var s = '\n' + i[r].replace(' at new ', ' at '); return ( e.displayName && s.includes('<anonymous>') && (s = s.replace( '<anonymous>', e.displayName, )), s ); } } while (1 <= r && 0 <= l); break; } } } finally { (B = !1), (Error.prepareStackTrace = n); } return (e = e ? e.displayName || : '') ? M(e) : ''; } function W(e) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: return M(e.type); case 16: return M('Lazy'); case 13: return M('Suspense'); case 19: return M('SuspenseList'); case 0: case 2: case 15: return (e = U(e.type, !1)); case 11: return (e = U(e.type.render, !1)); case 1: return (e = U(e.type, !0)); default: return ''; } } function V(e) { if (null == e) return null; if ('function' === typeof e) return e.displayName || || null; if ('string' === typeof e) return e; switch (e) { case k: return 'Fragment'; case v: return 'Portal'; case S: return 'Profiler'; case j: return 'StrictMode'; case I: return 'Suspense'; case T: return 'SuspenseList'; } if ('object' === typeof e) switch (e.$$typeof) { case _: return (e.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer'; case E: return (e._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider'; case C: var t = e.render; return ( (e = e.displayName) || (e = '' !== (e = t.displayName || || '') ? 'ForwardRef(' + e + ')' : 'ForwardRef'), e ); case P: return null !== (t = e.displayName || null) ? t : V(e.type) || 'Memo'; case A: (t = e._payload), (e = e._init); try { return V(e(t)); } catch (n) {} } return null; } function F(e) { var t = e.type; switch (e.tag) { case 24: return 'Cache'; case 9: return (t.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer'; case 10: return (t._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider'; case 18: return 'DehydratedFragment'; case 11: return ( (e = (e = t.render).displayName || || ''), t.displayName || ('' !== e ? 'ForwardRef(' + e + ')' : 'ForwardRef') ); case 7: return 'Fragment'; case 5: return t; case 4: return 'Portal'; case 3: return 'Root'; case 6: return 'Text'; case 16: return V(t); case 8: return t === j ? 'StrictMode' : 'Mode'; case 22: return 'Offscreen'; case 12: return 'Profiler'; case 21: return 'Scope'; case 13: return 'Suspense'; case 19: return 'SuspenseList'; case 25: return 'TracingMarker'; case 1: case 0: case 17: case 2: case 14: case 15: if ('function' === typeof t) return t.displayName || || null; if ('string' === typeof t) return t; } return null; } function H(e) { switch (typeof e) { case 'boolean': case 'number': case 'string': case 'undefined': case 'object': return e; default: return ''; } } function G(e) { var t = e.type; return ( (e = e.nodeName) && 'input' === e.toLowerCase() && ('checkbox' === t || 'radio' === t) ); } function Z(e) { e._valueTracker || (e._valueTracker = (function (e) { var t = G(e) ? 'checked' : 'value', n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t), a = '' + e[t]; if ( !e.hasOwnProperty(t) && 'undefined' !== typeof n && 'function' === typeof n.get && 'function' === typeof n.set ) { var i = n.get, o = n.set; return ( Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return; }, set: function (e) { (a = '' + e),, e); }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: n.enumerable }), { getValue: function () { return a; }, setValue: function (e) { a = '' + e; }, stopTracking: function () { (e._valueTracker = null), delete e[t]; }, } ); } })(e)); } function $(e) { if (!e) return !1; var t = e._valueTracker; if (!t) return !0; var n = t.getValue(), a = ''; return ( e && (a = G(e) ? (e.checked ? 'true' : 'false') : e.value), (e = a) !== n && (t.setValue(e), !0) ); } function X(e) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof (e = e || ('undefined' !== typeof document ? document : void 0)) ) return null; try { return e.activeElement || e.body; } catch (t) { return e.body; } } function K(e, t) { var n = t.checked; return O({}, t, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: null != n ? n : e._wrapperState.initialChecked, }); } function q(e, t) { var n = null == t.defaultValue ? '' : t.defaultValue, a = null != t.checked ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked; (n = H(null != t.value ? t.value : n)), (e._wrapperState = { initialChecked: a, initialValue: n, controlled: 'checkbox' === t.type || 'radio' === t.type ? null != t.checked : null != t.value, }); } function Y(e, t) { null != (t = t.checked) && x(e, 'checked', t, !1); } function Q(e, t) { Y(e, t); var n = H(t.value), a = t.type; if (null != n) 'number' === a ? ((0 === n && '' === e.value) || e.value != n) && (e.value = '' + n) : e.value !== '' + n && (e.value = '' + n); else if ('submit' === a || 'reset' === a) return void e.removeAttribute('value'); t.hasOwnProperty('value') ? ee(e, t.type, n) : t.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue') && ee(e, t.type, H(t.defaultValue)), null == t.checked && null != t.defaultChecked && (e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked); } function J(e, t, n) { if (t.hasOwnProperty('value') || t.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) { var a = t.type; if ( !( ('submit' !== a && 'reset' !== a) || (void 0 !== t.value && null !== t.value) ) ) return; (t = '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue), n || t === e.value || (e.value = t), (e.defaultValue = t); } '' !== (n = && ( = ''), (e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked), '' !== n && ( = n); } function ee(e, t, n) { ('number' === t && X(e.ownerDocument) === e) || (null == n ? (e.defaultValue = '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue) : e.defaultValue !== '' + n && (e.defaultValue = '' + n)); } var te = Array.isArray; function ne(e, t, n, a) { if (((e = e.options), t)) { t = {}; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) t['$' + n[i]] = !0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) (i = t.hasOwnProperty('$' + e[n].value)), e[n].selected !== i && (e[n].selected = i), i && a && (e[n].defaultSelected = !0); } else { for (n = '' + H(n), t = null, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (e[i].value === n) return ( (e[i].selected = !0), void (a && (e[i].defaultSelected = !0)) ); null !== t || e[i].disabled || (t = e[i]); } null !== t && (t.selected = !0); } } function ae(e, t) { if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) throw Error(o(91)); return O({}, t, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue, }); } function ie(e, t) { var n = t.value; if (null == n) { if (((n = t.children), (t = t.defaultValue), null != n)) { if (null != t) throw Error(o(92)); if (te(n)) { if (1 < n.length) throw Error(o(93)); n = n[0]; } t = n; } null == t && (t = ''), (n = t); } e._wrapperState = { initialValue: H(n) }; } function oe(e, t) { var n = H(t.value), a = H(t.defaultValue); null != n && ((n = '' + n) !== e.value && (e.value = n), null == t.defaultValue && e.defaultValue !== n && (e.defaultValue = n)), null != a && (e.defaultValue = '' + a); } function re(e) { var t = e.textContent; t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && '' !== t && null !== t && (e.value = t); } function le(e) { switch (e) { case 'svg': return ''; case 'math': return ''; default: return ''; } } function se(e, t) { return null == e || '' === e ? le(t) : '' === e && 'foreignObject' === t ? '' : e; } var ce, de, ue = ((de = function (e, t) { if ( '' !== e.namespaceURI || 'innerHTML' in e ) e.innerHTML = t; else { for ( (ce = ce || document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = '<svg>' + t.valueOf().toString() + '</svg>', t = ce.firstChild; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); for (; t.firstChild; ) e.appendChild(t.firstChild); } }), 'undefined' !== typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function (e, t, n, a) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return de(e, t); }); } : de); function pe(e, t) { if (t) { var n = e.firstChild; if (n && n === e.lastChild && 3 === n.nodeType) return void (n.nodeValue = t); } e.textContent = t; } var me = { animationIterationCount: !0, aspectRatio: !0, borderImageOutset: !0, borderImageSlice: !0, borderImageWidth: !0, boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, boxOrdinalGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, columns: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, flexOrder: !0, gridArea: !0, gridRow: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridRowSpan: !0, gridRowStart: !0, gridColumn: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridColumnSpan: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, tabSize: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, floodOpacity: !0, stopOpacity: !0, strokeDasharray: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeMiterlimit: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0, }, he = ['Webkit', 'ms', 'Moz', 'O']; function fe(e, t, n) { return null == t || 'boolean' === typeof t || '' === t ? '' : n || 'number' !== typeof t || 0 === t || (me.hasOwnProperty(e) && me[e]) ? ('' + t).trim() : t + 'px'; } function ge(e, t) { for (var n in ((e =, t)) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var a = 0 === n.indexOf('--'), i = fe(n, t[n], a); 'float' === n && (n = 'cssFloat'), a ? e.setProperty(n, i) : (e[n] = i); } } Object.keys(me).forEach(function (e) { he.forEach(function (t) { (t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)), (me[t] = me[e]); }); }); var we = O( { menuitem: !0 }, { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0, }, ); function ye(e, t) { if (t) { if (we[e] && (null != t.children || null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(o(137, e)); if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) { if (null != t.children) throw Error(o(60)); if ( 'object' !== typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML || !('__html' in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) ) throw Error(o(61)); } if (null != && 'object' !== typeof throw Error(o(62)); } } function xe(e, t) { if (-1 === e.indexOf('-')) return 'string' === typeof; switch (e) { case 'annotation-xml': case 'color-profile': case 'font-face': case 'font-face-src': case 'font-face-uri': case 'font-face-format': case 'font-face-name': case 'missing-glyph': return !1; default: return !0; } } var be = null; function ze(e) { return ( (e = || e.srcElement || window).correspondingUseElement && (e = e.correspondingUseElement), 3 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e ); } var ve = null, ke = null, je = null; function Se(e) { if ((e = xi(e))) { if ('function' !== typeof ve) throw Error(o(280)); var t = e.stateNode; t && ((t = zi(t)), ve(e.stateNode, e.type, t)); } } function Ee(e) { ke ? (je ? je.push(e) : (je = [e])) : (ke = e); } function _e() { if (ke) { var e = ke, t = je; if (((je = ke = null), Se(e), t)) for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) Se(t[e]); } } function Ce(e, t) { return e(t); } function Ie() {} var Te = !1; function Pe(e, t, n) { if (Te) return e(t, n); Te = !0; try { return Ce(e, t, n); } finally { (Te = !1), (null !== ke || null !== je) && (Ie(), _e()); } } function Ae(e, t) { var n = e.stateNode; if (null === n) return null; var a = zi(n); if (null === a) return null; n = a[t]; e: switch (t) { case 'onClick': case 'onClickCapture': case 'onDoubleClick': case 'onDoubleClickCapture': case 'onMouseDown': case 'onMouseDownCapture': case 'onMouseMove': case 'onMouseMoveCapture': case 'onMouseUp': case 'onMouseUpCapture': case 'onMouseEnter': (a = !a.disabled) || (a = !( 'button' === (e = e.type) || 'input' === e || 'select' === e || 'textarea' === e )), (e = !a); break e; default: e = !1; } if (e) return null; if (n && 'function' !== typeof n) throw Error(o(231, t, typeof n)); return n; } var Re = !1; if (d) try { var De = {}; Object.defineProperty(De, 'passive', { get: function () { Re = !0; }, }), window.addEventListener('test', De, De), window.removeEventListener('test', De, De); } catch (de) { Re = !1; } function Ne(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { var c =, 3); try { t.apply(n, c); } catch (d) { this.onError(d); } } var Le = !1, Oe = null, Me = !1, Be = null, Ue = { onError: function (e) { (Le = !0), (Oe = e); }, }; function We(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { (Le = !1), (Oe = null), Ne.apply(Ue, arguments); } function Ve(e) { var t = e, n = e; if (e.alternate) for (; t.return; ) t = t.return; else { e = t; do { 0 !== (4098 & (t = e).flags) && (n = t.return), (e = t.return); } while (e); } return 3 === t.tag ? n : null; } function Fe(e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = e.memoizedState; if ( (null === t && null !== (e = e.alternate) && (t = e.memoizedState), null !== t) ) return t.dehydrated; } return null; } function He(e) { if (Ve(e) !== e) throw Error(o(188)); } function Ge(e) { return null !== (e = (function (e) { var t = e.alternate; if (!t) { if (null === (t = Ve(e))) throw Error(o(188)); return t !== e ? null : e; } for (var n = e, a = t; ; ) { var i = n.return; if (null === i) break; var r = i.alternate; if (null === r) { if (null !== (a = i.return)) { n = a; continue; } break; } if (i.child === r.child) { for (r = i.child; r; ) { if (r === n) return He(i), e; if (r === a) return He(i), t; r = r.sibling; } throw Error(o(188)); } if (n.return !== a.return) (n = i), (a = r); else { for (var l = !1, s = i.child; s; ) { if (s === n) { (l = !0), (n = i), (a = r); break; } if (s === a) { (l = !0), (a = i), (n = r); break; } s = s.sibling; } if (!l) { for (s = r.child; s; ) { if (s === n) { (l = !0), (n = r), (a = i); break; } if (s === a) { (l = !0), (a = r), (n = i); break; } s = s.sibling; } if (!l) throw Error(o(189)); } } if (n.alternate !== a) throw Error(o(190)); } if (3 !== n.tag) throw Error(o(188)); return n.stateNode.current === n ? e : t; })(e)) ? Ze(e) : null; } function Ze(e) { if (5 === e.tag || 6 === e.tag) return e; for (e = e.child; null !== e; ) { var t = Ze(e); if (null !== t) return t; e = e.sibling; } return null; } var $e = i.unstable_scheduleCallback, Xe = i.unstable_cancelCallback, Ke = i.unstable_shouldYield, qe = i.unstable_requestPaint, Ye = i.unstable_now, Qe = i.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel, Je = i.unstable_ImmediatePriority, et = i.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, tt = i.unstable_NormalPriority, nt = i.unstable_LowPriority, at = i.unstable_IdlePriority, it = null, ot = null; var rt = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : function (e) { return (e >>>= 0), 0 === e ? 32 : (31 - ((lt(e) / st) | 0)) | 0; }, lt = Math.log, st = Math.LN2; var ct = 64, dt = 4194304; function ut(e) { switch (e & -e) { case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; case 4: return 4; case 8: return 8; case 16: return 16; case 32: return 32; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return 4194240 & e; case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: return 130023424 & e; case 134217728: return 134217728; case 268435456: return 268435456; case 536870912: return 536870912; case 1073741824: return 1073741824; default: return e; } } function pt(e, t) { var n = e.pendingLanes; if (0 === n) return 0; var a = 0, i = e.suspendedLanes, o = e.pingedLanes, r = 268435455 & n; if (0 !== r) { var l = r & ~i; 0 !== l ? (a = ut(l)) : 0 !== (o &= r) && (a = ut(o)); } else 0 !== (r = n & ~i) ? (a = ut(r)) : 0 !== o && (a = ut(o)); if (0 === a) return 0; if ( 0 !== t && t !== a && 0 === (t & i) && ((i = a & -a) >= (o = t & -t) || (16 === i && 0 !== (4194240 & o))) ) return t; if ((0 !== (4 & a) && (a |= 16 & n), 0 !== (t = e.entangledLanes))) for (e = e.entanglements, t &= a; 0 < t; ) (i = 1 << (n = 31 - rt(t))), (a |= e[n]), (t &= ~i); return a; } function mt(e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 4: return t + 250; case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return t + 5e3; default: return -1; } } function ht(e) { return 0 !== (e = -1073741825 & e.pendingLanes) ? e : 1073741824 & e ? 1073741824 : 0; } function ft() { var e = ct; return 0 === (4194240 & (ct <<= 1)) && (ct = 64), e; } function gt(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0; 31 > n; n++) t.push(e); return t; } function wt(e, t, n) { (e.pendingLanes |= t), 536870912 !== t && ((e.suspendedLanes = 0), (e.pingedLanes = 0)), ((e = e.eventTimes)[(t = 31 - rt(t))] = n); } function yt(e, t) { var n = (e.entangledLanes |= t); for (e = e.entanglements; n; ) { var a = 31 - rt(n), i = 1 << a; (i & t) | (e[a] & t) && (e[a] |= t), (n &= ~i); } } var xt = 0; function bt(e) { return 1 < (e &= -e) ? 4 < e ? 0 !== (268435455 & e) ? 16 : 536870912 : 4 : 1; } var zt, vt, kt, jt, St, Et = !1, _t = [], Ct = null, It = null, Tt = null, Pt = new Map(), At = new Map(), Rt = [], Dt = 'mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit'.split( ' ', ); function Nt(e, t) { switch (e) { case 'focusin': case 'focusout': Ct = null; break; case 'dragenter': case 'dragleave': It = null; break; case 'mouseover': case 'mouseout': Tt = null; break; case 'pointerover': case 'pointerout': Pt.delete(t.pointerId); break; case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': At.delete(t.pointerId); } } function Lt(e, t, n, a, i, o) { return null === e || e.nativeEvent !== o ? ((e = { blockedOn: t, domEventName: n, eventSystemFlags: a, nativeEvent: o, targetContainers: [i], }), null !== t && null !== (t = xi(t)) && vt(t), e) : ((e.eventSystemFlags |= a), (t = e.targetContainers), null !== i && -1 === t.indexOf(i) && t.push(i), e); } function Ot(e) { var t = yi(; if (null !== t) { var n = Ve(t); if (null !== n) if (13 === (t = n.tag)) { if (null !== (t = Fe(n))) return ( (e.blockedOn = t), void St(e.priority, function () { kt(n); }) ); } else if ( 3 === t && n.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated ) return void (e.blockedOn = 3 === n.tag ? n.stateNode.containerInfo : null); } e.blockedOn = null; } function Mt(e) { if (null !== e.blockedOn) return !1; for (var t = e.targetContainers; 0 < t.length; ) { var n = Kt(e.domEventName, e.eventSystemFlags, t[0], e.nativeEvent); if (null !== n) return null !== (t = xi(n)) && vt(t), (e.blockedOn = n), !1; var a = new (n = e.nativeEvent).constructor(n.type, n); (be = a),, (be = null), t.shift(); } return !0; } function Bt(e, t, n) { Mt(e) && n.delete(t); } function Ut() { (Et = !1), null !== Ct && Mt(Ct) && (Ct = null), null !== It && Mt(It) && (It = null), null !== Tt && Mt(Tt) && (Tt = null), Pt.forEach(Bt), At.forEach(Bt); } function Wt(e, t) { e.blockedOn === t && ((e.blockedOn = null), Et || ((Et = !0), i.unstable_scheduleCallback(i.unstable_NormalPriority, Ut))); } function Vt(e) { function t(t) { return Wt(t, e); } if (0 < _t.length) { Wt(_t[0], e); for (var n = 1; n < _t.length; n++) { var a = _t[n]; a.blockedOn === e && (a.blockedOn = null); } } for ( null !== Ct && Wt(Ct, e), null !== It && Wt(It, e), null !== Tt && Wt(Tt, e), Pt.forEach(t), At.forEach(t), n = 0; n < Rt.length; n++ ) (a = Rt[n]).blockedOn === e && (a.blockedOn = null); for (; 0 < Rt.length && null === (n = Rt[0]).blockedOn; ) Ot(n), null === n.blockedOn && Rt.shift(); } var Ft = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Ht = !0; function Gt(e, t, n, a) { var i = xt, o = Ft.transition; Ft.transition = null; try { (xt = 1), $t(e, t, n, a); } finally { (xt = i), (Ft.transition = o); } } function Zt(e, t, n, a) { var i = xt, o = Ft.transition; Ft.transition = null; try { (xt = 4), $t(e, t, n, a); } finally { (xt = i), (Ft.transition = o); } } function $t(e, t, n, a) { if (Ht) { var i = Kt(e, t, n, a); if (null === i) Ha(e, t, a, Xt, n), Nt(e, a); else if ( (function (e, t, n, a, i) { switch (t) { case 'focusin': return (Ct = Lt(Ct, e, t, n, a, i)), !0; case 'dragenter': return (It = Lt(It, e, t, n, a, i)), !0; case 'mouseover': return (Tt = Lt(Tt, e, t, n, a, i)), !0; case 'pointerover': var o = i.pointerId; return ( Pt.set(o, Lt(Pt.get(o) || null, e, t, n, a, i)), !0 ); case 'gotpointercapture': return ( (o = i.pointerId), At.set(o, Lt(At.get(o) || null, e, t, n, a, i)), !0 ); } return !1; })(i, e, t, n, a) ) a.stopPropagation(); else if ((Nt(e, a), 4 & t && -1 < Dt.indexOf(e))) { for (; null !== i; ) { var o = xi(i); if ( (null !== o && zt(o), null === (o = Kt(e, t, n, a)) && Ha(e, t, a, Xt, n), o === i) ) break; i = o; } null !== i && a.stopPropagation(); } else Ha(e, t, a, null, n); } } var Xt = null; function Kt(e, t, n, a) { if (((Xt = null), null !== (e = yi((e = ze(a)))))) if (null === (t = Ve(e))) e = null; else if (13 === (n = t.tag)) { if (null !== (e = Fe(t))) return e; e = null; } else if (3 === n) { if (t.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) return 3 === t.tag ? t.stateNode.containerInfo : null; e = null; } else t !== e && (e = null); return (Xt = e), null; } function qt(e) { switch (e) { case 'cancel': case 'click': case 'close': case 'contextmenu': case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'dragend': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': case 'focusin': case 'focusout': case 'input': case 'invalid': case 'keydown': case 'keypress': case 'keyup': case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'paste': case 'pause': case 'play': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointerup': case 'ratechange': case 'reset': case 'resize': case 'seeked': case 'submit': case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchstart': case 'volumechange': case 'change': case 'selectionchange': case 'textInput': case 'compositionstart': case 'compositionend': case 'compositionupdate': case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': case 'beforeinput': case 'blur': case 'fullscreenchange': case 'focus': case 'hashchange': case 'popstate': case 'select': case 'selectstart': return 1; case 'drag': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'scroll': case 'toggle': case 'touchmove': case 'wheel': case 'mouseenter': case 'mouseleave': case 'pointerenter': case 'pointerleave': return 4; case 'message': switch (Qe()) { case Je: return 1; case et: return 4; case tt: case nt: return 16; case at: return 536870912; default: return 16; } default: return 16; } } var Yt = null, Qt = null, Jt = null; function en() { if (Jt) return Jt; var e, t, n = Qt, a = n.length, i = 'value' in Yt ? Yt.value : Yt.textContent, o = i.length; for (e = 0; e < a && n[e] === i[e]; e++); var r = a - e; for (t = 1; t <= r && n[a - t] === i[o - t]; t++); return (Jt = i.slice(e, 1 < t ? 1 - t : void 0)); } function tn(e) { var t = e.keyCode; return ( 'charCode' in e ? 0 === (e = e.charCode) && 13 === t && (e = 13) : (e = t), 10 === e && (e = 13), 32 <= e || 13 === e ? e : 0 ); } function nn() { return !0; } function an() { return !1; } function on(e) { function t(t, n, a, i, o) { for (var r in ((this._reactName = t), (this._targetInst = a), (this.type = n), (this.nativeEvent = i), ( = o), (this.currentTarget = null), e)) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && ((t = e[r]), (this[r] = t ? t(i) : i[r])); return ( (this.isDefaultPrevented = ( null != i.defaultPrevented ? i.defaultPrevented : !1 === i.returnValue ) ? nn : an), (this.isPropagationStopped = an), this ); } return ( O(t.prototype, { preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = !0; var e = this.nativeEvent; e && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : 'unknown' !== typeof e.returnValue && (e.returnValue = !1), (this.isDefaultPrevented = nn)); }, stopPropagation: function () { var e = this.nativeEvent; e && (e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : 'unknown' !== typeof e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = !0), (this.isPropagationStopped = nn)); }, persist: function () {}, isPersistent: nn, }), t ); } var rn, ln, sn, cn = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function (e) { return e.timeStamp ||; }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0, }, dn = on(cn), un = O({}, cn, { view: 0, detail: 0 }), pn = on(un), mn = O({}, un, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: Sn, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function (e) { return void 0 === e.relatedTarget ? e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement : e.relatedTarget; }, movementX: function (e) { return 'movementX' in e ? e.movementX : (e !== sn && (sn && 'mousemove' === e.type ? ((rn = e.screenX - sn.screenX), (ln = e.screenY - sn.screenY)) : (ln = rn = 0), (sn = e)), rn); }, movementY: function (e) { return 'movementY' in e ? e.movementY : ln; }, }), hn = on(mn), fn = on(O({}, mn, { dataTransfer: 0 })), gn = on(O({}, un, { relatedTarget: 0 })), wn = on(O({}, cn, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })), yn = O({}, cn, { clipboardData: function (e) { return 'clipboardData' in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData; }, }), xn = on(yn), bn = on(O({}, cn, { data: 0 })), zn = { Esc: 'Escape', Spacebar: ' ', Left: 'ArrowLeft', Up: 'ArrowUp', Right: 'ArrowRight', Down: 'ArrowDown', Del: 'Delete', Win: 'OS', Menu: 'ContextMenu', Apps: 'ContextMenu', Scroll: 'ScrollLock', MozPrintableKey: 'Unidentified', }, vn = { 8: 'Backspace', 9: 'Tab', 12: 'Clear', 13: 'Enter', 16: 'Shift', 17: 'Control', 18: 'Alt', 19: 'Pause', 20: 'CapsLock', 27: 'Escape', 32: ' ', 33: 'PageUp', 34: 'PageDown', 35: 'End', 36: 'Home', 37: 'ArrowLeft', 38: 'ArrowUp', 39: 'ArrowRight', 40: 'ArrowDown', 45: 'Insert', 46: 'Delete', 112: 'F1', 113: 'F2', 114: 'F3', 115: 'F4', 116: 'F5', 117: 'F6', 118: 'F7', 119: 'F8', 120: 'F9', 121: 'F10', 122: 'F11', 123: 'F12', 144: 'NumLock', 145: 'ScrollLock', 224: 'Meta', }, kn = { Alt: 'altKey', Control: 'ctrlKey', Meta: 'metaKey', Shift: 'shiftKey', }; function jn(e) { var t = this.nativeEvent; return t.getModifierState ? t.getModifierState(e) : !!(e = kn[e]) && !!t[e]; } function Sn() { return jn; } var En = O({}, un, { key: function (e) { if (e.key) { var t = zn[e.key] || e.key; if ('Unidentified' !== t) return t; } return 'keypress' === e.type ? 13 === (e = tn(e)) ? 'Enter' : String.fromCharCode(e) : 'keydown' === e.type || 'keyup' === e.type ? vn[e.keyCode] || 'Unidentified' : ''; }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: Sn, charCode: function (e) { return 'keypress' === e.type ? tn(e) : 0; }, keyCode: function (e) { return 'keydown' === e.type || 'keyup' === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0; }, which: function (e) { return 'keypress' === e.type ? tn(e) : 'keydown' === e.type || 'keyup' === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0; }, }), _n = on(En), Cn = on( O({}, mn, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0, }), ), In = on( O({}, un, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: Sn, }), ), Tn = on(O({}, cn, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })), Pn = O({}, mn, { deltaX: function (e) { return 'deltaX' in e ? e.deltaX : 'wheelDeltaX' in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0; }, deltaY: function (e) { return 'deltaY' in e ? e.deltaY : 'wheelDeltaY' in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : 'wheelDelta' in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0; }, deltaZ: 0, deltaMode: 0, }), An = on(Pn), Rn = [9, 13, 27, 32], Dn = d && 'CompositionEvent' in window, Nn = null; d && 'documentMode' in document && (Nn = document.documentMode); var Ln = d && 'TextEvent' in window && !Nn, On = d && (!Dn || (Nn && 8 < Nn && 11 >= Nn)), Mn = String.fromCharCode(32), Bn = !1; function Un(e, t) { switch (e) { case 'keyup': return -1 !== Rn.indexOf(t.keyCode); case 'keydown': return 229 !== t.keyCode; case 'keypress': case 'mousedown': case 'focusout': return !0; default: return !1; } } function Wn(e) { return 'object' === typeof (e = e.detail) && 'data' in e ? : null; } var Vn = !1; var Fn = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, 'datetime-local': !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0, }; function Hn(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return 'input' === t ? !!Fn[e.type] : 'textarea' === t; } function Gn(e, t, n, a) { Ee(a), 0 < (t = Za(t, 'onChange')).length && ((n = new dn('onChange', 'change', null, n, a)), e.push({ event: n, listeners: t })); } var Zn = null, $n = null; function Xn(e) { Ma(e, 0); } function Kn(e) { if ($(bi(e))) return e; } function qn(e, t) { if ('change' === e) return t; } var Yn = !1; if (d) { var Qn; if (d) { var Jn = 'oninput' in document; if (!Jn) { var ea = document.createElement('div'); ea.setAttribute('oninput', 'return;'), (Jn = 'function' === typeof ea.oninput); } Qn = Jn; } else Qn = !1; Yn = Qn && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode); } function ta() { Zn && (Zn.detachEvent('onpropertychange', na), ($n = Zn = null)); } function na(e) { if ('value' === e.propertyName && Kn($n)) { var t = []; Gn(t, $n, e, ze(e)), Pe(Xn, t); } } function aa(e, t, n) { 'focusin' === e ? (ta(), ($n = n), (Zn = t).attachEvent('onpropertychange', na)) : 'focusout' === e && ta(); } function ia(e) { if ('selectionchange' === e || 'keyup' === e || 'keydown' === e) return Kn($n); } function oa(e, t) { if ('click' === e) return Kn(t); } function ra(e, t) { if ('input' === e || 'change' === e) return Kn(t); } var la = 'function' === typeof ? : function (e, t) { return ( (e === t && (0 !== e || 1 / e === 1 / t)) || (e !== e && t !== t) ); }; function sa(e, t) { if (la(e, t)) return !0; if ( 'object' !== typeof e || null === e || 'object' !== typeof t || null === t ) return !1; var n = Object.keys(e), a = Object.keys(t); if (n.length !== a.length) return !1; for (a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var i = n[a]; if (!, i) || !la(e[i], t[i])) return !1; } return !0; } function ca(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild; ) e = e.firstChild; return e; } function da(e, t) { var n, a = ca(e); for (e = 0; a; ) { if (3 === a.nodeType) { if (((n = e + a.textContent.length), e <= t && n >= t)) return { node: a, offset: t - e }; e = n; } e: { for (; a; ) { if (a.nextSibling) { a = a.nextSibling; break e; } a = a.parentNode; } a = void 0; } a = ca(a); } } function ua(e, t) { return ( !(!e || !t) && (e === t || ((!e || 3 !== e.nodeType) && (t && 3 === t.nodeType ? ua(e, t.parentNode) : 'contains' in e ? e.contains(t) : !!e.compareDocumentPosition && !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t))))) ); } function pa() { for (var e = window, t = X(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement; ) { try { var n = 'string' === typeof t.contentWindow.location.href; } catch (a) { n = !1; } if (!n) break; t = X((e = t.contentWindow).document); } return t; } function ma(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ( t && (('input' === t && ('text' === e.type || 'search' === e.type || 'tel' === e.type || 'url' === e.type || 'password' === e.type)) || 'textarea' === t || 'true' === e.contentEditable) ); } function ha(e) { var t = pa(), n = e.focusedElem, a = e.selectionRange; if ( t !== n && n && n.ownerDocument && ua(n.ownerDocument.documentElement, n) ) { if (null !== a && ma(n)) if ( ((t = a.start), void 0 === (e = a.end) && (e = t), 'selectionStart' in n) ) (n.selectionStart = t), (n.selectionEnd = Math.min(e, n.value.length)); else if ( (e = ((t = n.ownerDocument || document) && t.defaultView) || window).getSelection ) { e = e.getSelection(); var i = n.textContent.length, o = Math.min(a.start, i); (a = void 0 === a.end ? o : Math.min(a.end, i)), !e.extend && o > a && ((i = a), (a = o), (o = i)), (i = da(n, o)); var r = da(n, a); i && r && (1 !== e.rangeCount || e.anchorNode !== i.node || e.anchorOffset !== i.offset || e.focusNode !== r.node || e.focusOffset !== r.offset) && ((t = t.createRange()).setStart(i.node, i.offset), e.removeAllRanges(), o > a ? (e.addRange(t), e.extend(r.node, r.offset)) : (t.setEnd(r.node, r.offset), e.addRange(t))); } for (t = [], e = n; (e = e.parentNode); ) 1 === e.nodeType && t.push({ element: e, left: e.scrollLeft, top: e.scrollTop }); for ( 'function' === typeof n.focus && n.focus(), n = 0; n < t.length; n++ ) ((e = t[n]).element.scrollLeft = e.left), (e.element.scrollTop =; } } var fa = d && 'documentMode' in document && 11 >= document.documentMode, ga = null, wa = null, ya = null, xa = !1; function ba(e, t, n) { var a = n.window === n ? n.document : 9 === n.nodeType ? n : n.ownerDocument; xa || null == ga || ga !== X(a) || ('selectionStart' in (a = ga) && ma(a) ? (a = { start: a.selectionStart, end: a.selectionEnd }) : (a = { anchorNode: (a = ( (a.ownerDocument && a.ownerDocument.defaultView) || window ).getSelection()).anchorNode, anchorOffset: a.anchorOffset, focusNode: a.focusNode, focusOffset: a.focusOffset, }), (ya && sa(ya, a)) || ((ya = a), 0 < (a = Za(wa, 'onSelect')).length && ((t = new dn('onSelect', 'select', null, t, n)), e.push({ event: t, listeners: a }), ( = ga)))); } function za(e, t) { var n = {}; return ( (n[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase()), (n['Webkit' + e] = 'webkit' + t), (n['Moz' + e] = 'moz' + t), n ); } var va = { animationend: za('Animation', 'AnimationEnd'), animationiteration: za('Animation', 'AnimationIteration'), animationstart: za('Animation', 'AnimationStart'), transitionend: za('Transition', 'TransitionEnd'), }, ka = {}, ja = {}; function Sa(e) { if (ka[e]) return ka[e]; if (!va[e]) return e; var t, n = va[e]; for (t in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(t) && t in ja) return (ka[e] = n[t]); return e; } d && ((ja = document.createElement('div').style), 'AnimationEvent' in window || (delete va.animationend.animation, delete va.animationiteration.animation, delete va.animationstart.animation), 'TransitionEvent' in window || delete va.transitionend.transition); var Ea = Sa('animationend'), _a = Sa('animationiteration'), Ca = Sa('animationstart'), Ia = Sa('transitionend'), Ta = new Map(), Pa = 'abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel'.split( ' ', ); function Aa(e, t) { Ta.set(e, t), s(t, [e]); } for (var Ra = 0; Ra < Pa.length; Ra++) { var Da = Pa[Ra]; Aa(Da.toLowerCase(), 'on' + (Da[0].toUpperCase() + Da.slice(1))); } Aa(Ea, 'onAnimationEnd'), Aa(_a, 'onAnimationIteration'), Aa(Ca, 'onAnimationStart'), Aa('dblclick', 'onDoubleClick'), Aa('focusin', 'onFocus'), Aa('focusout', 'onBlur'), Aa(Ia, 'onTransitionEnd'), c('onMouseEnter', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']), c('onMouseLeave', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']), c('onPointerEnter', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']), c('onPointerLeave', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']), s( 'onChange', 'change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange'.split( ' ', ), ), s( 'onSelect', 'focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange'.split( ' ', ), ), s('onBeforeInput', ['compositionend', 'keypress', 'textInput', 'paste']), s( 'onCompositionEnd', 'compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' '), ), s( 'onCompositionStart', 'compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' '), ), s( 'onCompositionUpdate', 'compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split( ' ', ), ); var Na = 'abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting'.split( ' ', ), La = new Set( 'cancel close invalid load scroll toggle'.split(' ').concat(Na), ); function Oa(e, t, n) { var a = e.type || 'unknown-event'; (e.currentTarget = n), (function (e, t, n, a, i, r, l, s, c) { if ((We.apply(this, arguments), Le)) { if (!Le) throw Error(o(198)); var d = Oe; (Le = !1), (Oe = null), Me || ((Me = !0), (Be = d)); } })(a, t, void 0, e), (e.currentTarget = null); } function Ma(e, t) { t = 0 !== (4 & t); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var a = e[n], i = a.event; a = a.listeners; e: { var o = void 0; if (t) for (var r = a.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--) { var l = a[r], s = l.instance, c = l.currentTarget; if (((l = l.listener), s !== o && i.isPropagationStopped())) break e; Oa(i, l, c), (o = s); } else for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) { if ( ((s = (l = a[r]).instance), (c = l.currentTarget), (l = l.listener), s !== o && i.isPropagationStopped()) ) break e; Oa(i, l, c), (o = s); } } } if (Me) throw ((e = Be), (Me = !1), (Be = null), e); } function Ba(e, t) { var n = t[fi]; void 0 === n && (n = t[fi] = new Set()); var a = e + '__bubble'; n.has(a) || (Fa(t, e, 2, !1), n.add(a)); } function Ua(e, t, n) { var a = 0; t && (a |= 4), Fa(n, e, a, t); } var Wa = '_reactListening' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); function Va(e) { if (!e[Wa]) { (e[Wa] = !0), r.forEach(function (t) { 'selectionchange' !== t && (La.has(t) || Ua(t, !1, e), Ua(t, !0, e)); }); var t = 9 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument; null === t || t[Wa] || ((t[Wa] = !0), Ua('selectionchange', !1, t)); } } function Fa(e, t, n, a) { switch (qt(t)) { case 1: var i = Gt; break; case 4: i = Zt; break; default: i = $t; } (n = i.bind(null, t, n, e)), (i = void 0), !Re || ('touchstart' !== t && 'touchmove' !== t && 'wheel' !== t) || (i = !0), a ? void 0 !== i ? e.addEventListener(t, n, { capture: !0, passive: i }) : e.addEventListener(t, n, !0) : void 0 !== i ? e.addEventListener(t, n, { passive: i }) : e.addEventListener(t, n, !1); } function Ha(e, t, n, a, i) { var o = a; if (0 === (1 & t) && 0 === (2 & t) && null !== a) e: for (;;) { if (null === a) return; var r = a.tag; if (3 === r || 4 === r) { var l = a.stateNode.containerInfo; if (l === i || (8 === l.nodeType && l.parentNode === i)) break; if (4 === r) for (r = a.return; null !== r; ) { var s = r.tag; if ( (3 === s || 4 === s) && ((s = r.stateNode.containerInfo) === i || (8 === s.nodeType && s.parentNode === i)) ) return; r = r.return; } for (; null !== l; ) { if (null === (r = yi(l))) return; if (5 === (s = r.tag) || 6 === s) { a = o = r; continue e; } l = l.parentNode; } } a = a.return; } Pe(function () { var a = o, i = ze(n), r = []; e: { var l = Ta.get(e); if (void 0 !== l) { var s = dn, c = e; switch (e) { case 'keypress': if (0 === tn(n)) break e; case 'keydown': case 'keyup': s = _n; break; case 'focusin': (c = 'focus'), (s = gn); break; case 'focusout': (c = 'blur'), (s = gn); break; case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': s = gn; break; case 'click': if (2 === n.button) break e; case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'mousedown': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseup': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'contextmenu': s = hn; break; case 'drag': case 'dragend': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': s = fn; break; case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchmove': case 'touchstart': s = In; break; case Ea: case _a: case Ca: s = wn; break; case Ia: s = Tn; break; case 'scroll': s = pn; break; case 'wheel': s = An; break; case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'paste': s = xn; break; case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'pointerup': s = Cn; } var d = 0 !== (4 & t), u = !d && 'scroll' === e, p = d ? (null !== l ? l + 'Capture' : null) : l; d = []; for (var m, h = a; null !== h; ) { var f = (m = h).stateNode; if ( (5 === m.tag && null !== f && ((m = f), null !== p && null != (f = Ae(h, p)) && d.push(Ga(h, f, m))), u) ) break; h = h.return; } 0 < d.length && ((l = new s(l, c, null, n, i)), r.push({ event: l, listeners: d })); } } if (0 === (7 & t)) { if ( ((s = 'mouseout' === e || 'pointerout' === e), (!(l = 'mouseover' === e || 'pointerover' === e) || n === be || !(c = n.relatedTarget || n.fromElement) || (!yi(c) && !c[hi])) && (s || l) && ((l = i.window === i ? i : (l = i.ownerDocument) ? l.defaultView || l.parentWindow : window), s ? ((s = a), null !== (c = (c = n.relatedTarget || n.toElement) ? yi(c) : null) && (c !== (u = Ve(c)) || (5 !== c.tag && 6 !== c.tag)) && (c = null)) : ((s = null), (c = a)), s !== c)) ) { if ( ((d = hn), (f = 'onMouseLeave'), (p = 'onMouseEnter'), (h = 'mouse'), ('pointerout' !== e && 'pointerover' !== e) || ((d = Cn), (f = 'onPointerLeave'), (p = 'onPointerEnter'), (h = 'pointer')), (u = null == s ? l : bi(s)), (m = null == c ? l : bi(c)), ((l = new d(f, h + 'leave', s, n, i)).target = u), (l.relatedTarget = m), (f = null), yi(i) === a && (((d = new d(p, h + 'enter', c, n, i)).target = m), (d.relatedTarget = u), (f = d)), (u = f), s && c) ) e: { for (p = c, h = 0, m = d = s; m; m = $a(m)) h++; for (m = 0, f = p; f; f = $a(f)) m++; for (; 0 < h - m; ) (d = $a(d)), h--; for (; 0 < m - h; ) (p = $a(p)), m--; for (; h--; ) { if (d === p || (null !== p && d === p.alternate)) break e; (d = $a(d)), (p = $a(p)); } d = null; } else d = null; null !== s && Xa(r, l, s, d, !1), null !== c && null !== u && Xa(r, u, c, d, !0); } if ( 'select' === (s = (l = a ? bi(a) : window).nodeName && l.nodeName.toLowerCase()) || ('input' === s && 'file' === l.type) ) var g = qn; else if (Hn(l)) if (Yn) g = ra; else { g = ia; var w = aa; } else (s = l.nodeName) && 'input' === s.toLowerCase() && ('checkbox' === l.type || 'radio' === l.type) && (g = oa); switch ( (g && (g = g(e, a)) ? Gn(r, g, n, i) : (w && w(e, l, a), 'focusout' === e && (w = l._wrapperState) && w.controlled && 'number' === l.type && ee(l, 'number', l.value)), (w = a ? bi(a) : window), e) ) { case 'focusin': (Hn(w) || 'true' === w.contentEditable) && ((ga = w), (wa = a), (ya = null)); break; case 'focusout': ya = wa = ga = null; break; case 'mousedown': xa = !0; break; case 'contextmenu': case 'mouseup': case 'dragend': (xa = !1), ba(r, n, i); break; case 'selectionchange': if (fa) break; case 'keydown': case 'keyup': ba(r, n, i); } var y; if (Dn) e: { switch (e) { case 'compositionstart': var x = 'onCompositionStart'; break e; case 'compositionend': x = 'onCompositionEnd'; break e; case 'compositionupdate': x = 'onCompositionUpdate'; break e; } x = void 0; } else Vn ? Un(e, n) && (x = 'onCompositionEnd') : 'keydown' === e && 229 === n.keyCode && (x = 'onCompositionStart'); x && (On && 'ko' !== n.locale && (Vn || 'onCompositionStart' !== x ? 'onCompositionEnd' === x && Vn && (y = en()) : ((Qt = 'value' in (Yt = i) ? Yt.value : Yt.textContent), (Vn = !0))), 0 < (w = Za(a, x)).length && ((x = new bn(x, e, null, n, i)), r.push({ event: x, listeners: w }), y ? ( = y) : null !== (y = Wn(n)) && ( = y))), (y = Ln ? (function (e, t) { switch (e) { case 'compositionend': return Wn(t); case 'keypress': return 32 !== t.which ? null : ((Bn = !0), Mn); case 'textInput': return (e = === Mn && Bn ? null : e; default: return null; } })(e, n) : (function (e, t) { if (Vn) return 'compositionend' === e || (!Dn && Un(e, t)) ? ((e = en()), (Jt = Qt = Yt = null), (Vn = !1), e) : null; switch (e) { case 'paste': default: return null; case 'keypress': if ( !(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || (t.ctrlKey && t.altKey) ) { if (t.char && 1 < t.char.length) return t.char; if (t.which) return String.fromCharCode(t.which); } return null; case 'compositionend': return On && 'ko' !== t.locale ? null :; } })(e, n)) && 0 < (a = Za(a, 'onBeforeInput')).length && ((i = new bn('onBeforeInput', 'beforeinput', null, n, i)), r.push({ event: i, listeners: a }), ( = y)); } Ma(r, t); }); } function Ga(e, t, n) { return { instance: e, listener: t, currentTarget: n }; } function Za(e, t) { for (var n = t + 'Capture', a = []; null !== e; ) { var i = e, o = i.stateNode; 5 === i.tag && null !== o && ((i = o), null != (o = Ae(e, n)) && a.unshift(Ga(e, o, i)), null != (o = Ae(e, t)) && a.push(Ga(e, o, i))), (e = e.return); } return a; } function $a(e) { if (null === e) return null; do { e = e.return; } while (e && 5 !== e.tag); return e || null; } function Xa(e, t, n, a, i) { for (var o = t._reactName, r = []; null !== n && n !== a; ) { var l = n, s = l.alternate, c = l.stateNode; if (null !== s && s === a) break; 5 === l.tag && null !== c && ((l = c), i ? null != (s = Ae(n, o)) && r.unshift(Ga(n, s, l)) : i || (null != (s = Ae(n, o)) && r.push(Ga(n, s, l)))), (n = n.return); } 0 !== r.length && e.push({ event: t, listeners: r }); } var Ka = /\r\n?/g, qa = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g; function Ya(e) { return ('string' === typeof e ? e : '' + e) .replace(Ka, '\n') .replace(qa, ''); } function Qa(e, t, n) { if (((t = Ya(t)), Ya(e) !== t && n)) throw Error(o(425)); } function Ja() {} var ei = null, ti = null; function ni(e, t) { return ( 'textarea' === e || 'noscript' === e || 'string' === typeof t.children || 'number' === typeof t.children || ('object' === typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html) ); } var ai = 'function' === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0, ii = 'function' === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0, oi = 'function' === typeof Promise ? Promise : void 0, ri = 'function' === typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : 'undefined' !== typeof oi ? function (e) { return oi.resolve(null).then(e).catch(li); } : ai; function li(e) { setTimeout(function () { throw e; }); } function si(e, t) { var n = t, a = 0; do { var i = n.nextSibling; if ((e.removeChild(n), i && 8 === i.nodeType)) if ('/$' === (n = { if (0 === a) return e.removeChild(i), void Vt(t); a--; } else ('$' !== n && '$?' !== n && '$!' !== n) || a++; n = i; } while (n); Vt(t); } function ci(e) { for (; null != e; e = e.nextSibling) { var t = e.nodeType; if (1 === t || 3 === t) break; if (8 === t) { if ('$' === (t = || '$!' === t || '$?' === t) break; if ('/$' === t) return null; } } return e; } function di(e) { e = e.previousSibling; for (var t = 0; e; ) { if (8 === e.nodeType) { var n =; if ('$' === n || '$!' === n || '$?' === n) { if (0 === t) return e; t--; } else '/$' === n && t++; } e = e.previousSibling; } return null; } var ui = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), pi = '__reactFiber$' + ui, mi = '__reactProps$' + ui, hi = '__reactContainer$' + ui, fi = '__reactEvents$' + ui, gi = '__reactListeners$' + ui, wi = '__reactHandles$' + ui; function yi(e) { var t = e[pi]; if (t) return t; for (var n = e.parentNode; n; ) { if ((t = n[hi] || n[pi])) { if ( ((n = t.alternate), null !== t.child || (null !== n && null !== n.child)) ) for (e = di(e); null !== e; ) { if ((n = e[pi])) return n; e = di(e); } return t; } n = (e = n).parentNode; } return null; } function xi(e) { return !(e = e[pi] || e[hi]) || (5 !== e.tag && 6 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag) ? null : e; } function bi(e) { if (5 === e.tag || 6 === e.tag) return e.stateNode; throw Error(o(33)); } function zi(e) { return e[mi] || null; } var vi = [], ki = -1; function ji(e) { return { current: e }; } function Si(e) { 0 > ki || ((e.current = vi[ki]), (vi[ki] = null), ki--); } function Ei(e, t) { ki++, (vi[ki] = e.current), (e.current = t); } var _i = {}, Ci = ji(_i), Ii = ji(!1), Ti = _i; function Pi(e, t) { var n = e.type.contextTypes; if (!n) return _i; var a = e.stateNode; if (a && a.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t) return a.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext; var i, o = {}; for (i in n) o[i] = t[i]; return ( a && (((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = o)), o ); } function Ai(e) { return null !== (e = e.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== e; } function Ri() { Si(Ii), Si(Ci); } function Di(e, t, n) { if (Ci.current !== _i) throw Error(o(168)); Ei(Ci, t), Ei(Ii, n); } function Ni(e, t, n) { var a = e.stateNode; if (((t = t.childContextTypes), 'function' !== typeof a.getChildContext)) return n; for (var i in (a = a.getChildContext())) if (!(i in t)) throw Error(o(108, F(e) || 'Unknown', i)); return O({}, n, a); } function Li(e) { return ( (e = ((e = e.stateNode) && e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) || _i), (Ti = Ci.current), Ei(Ci, e), Ei(Ii, Ii.current), !0 ); } function Oi(e, t, n) { var a = e.stateNode; if (!a) throw Error(o(169)); n ? ((e = Ni(e, t, Ti)), (a.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = e), Si(Ii), Si(Ci), Ei(Ci, e)) : Si(Ii), Ei(Ii, n); } var Mi = null, Bi = !1, Ui = !1; function Wi(e) { null === Mi ? (Mi = [e]) : Mi.push(e); } function Vi() { if (!Ui && null !== Mi) { Ui = !0; var e = 0, t = xt; try { var n = Mi; for (xt = 1; e < n.length; e++) { var a = n[e]; do { a = a(!0); } while (null !== a); } (Mi = null), (Bi = !1); } catch (i) { throw (null !== Mi && (Mi = Mi.slice(e + 1)), $e(Je, Vi), i); } finally { (xt = t), (Ui = !1); } } return null; } var Fi = [], Hi = 0, Gi = null, Zi = 0, $i = [], Xi = 0, Ki = null, qi = 1, Yi = ''; function Qi(e, t) { (Fi[Hi++] = Zi), (Fi[Hi++] = Gi), (Gi = e), (Zi = t); } function Ji(e, t, n) { ($i[Xi++] = qi), ($i[Xi++] = Yi), ($i[Xi++] = Ki), (Ki = e); var a = qi; e = Yi; var i = 32 - rt(a) - 1; (a &= ~(1 << i)), (n += 1); var o = 32 - rt(t) + i; if (30 < o) { var r = i - (i % 5); (o = (a & ((1 << r) - 1)).toString(32)), (a >>= r), (i -= r), (qi = (1 << (32 - rt(t) + i)) | (n << i) | a), (Yi = o + e); } else (qi = (1 << o) | (n << i) | a), (Yi = e); } function eo(e) { null !== e.return && (Qi(e, 1), Ji(e, 1, 0)); } function to(e) { for (; e === Gi; ) (Gi = Fi[--Hi]), (Fi[Hi] = null), (Zi = Fi[--Hi]), (Fi[Hi] = null); for (; e === Ki; ) (Ki = $i[--Xi]), ($i[Xi] = null), (Yi = $i[--Xi]), ($i[Xi] = null), (qi = $i[--Xi]), ($i[Xi] = null); } var no = null, ao = null, io = !1, oo = null; function ro(e, t) { var n = Ac(5, null, null, 0); (n.elementType = 'DELETED'), (n.stateNode = t), (n.return = e), null === (t = e.deletions) ? ((e.deletions = [n]), (e.flags |= 16)) : t.push(n); } function lo(e, t) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: var n = e.type; return ( null !== (t = 1 !== t.nodeType || n.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t) && ((e.stateNode = t), (no = e), (ao = ci(t.firstChild)), !0) ); case 6: return ( null !== (t = '' === e.pendingProps || 3 !== t.nodeType ? null : t) && ((e.stateNode = t), (no = e), (ao = null), !0) ); case 13: return ( null !== (t = 8 !== t.nodeType ? null : t) && ((n = null !== Ki ? { id: qi, overflow: Yi } : null), (e.memoizedState = { dehydrated: t, treeContext: n, retryLane: 1073741824, }), ((n = Ac(18, null, null, 0)).stateNode = t), (n.return = e), (e.child = n), (no = e), (ao = null), !0) ); default: return !1; } } function so(e) { return 0 !== (1 & e.mode) && 0 === (128 & e.flags); } function co(e) { if (io) { var t = ao; if (t) { var n = t; if (!lo(e, t)) { if (so(e)) throw Error(o(418)); t = ci(n.nextSibling); var a = no; t && lo(e, t) ? ro(a, n) : ((e.flags = (-4097 & e.flags) | 2), (io = !1), (no = e)); } } else { if (so(e)) throw Error(o(418)); (e.flags = (-4097 & e.flags) | 2), (io = !1), (no = e); } } } function uo(e) { for ( e = e.return; null !== e && 5 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag; ) e = e.return; no = e; } function po(e) { if (e !== no) return !1; if (!io) return uo(e), (io = !0), !1; var t; if ( ((t = 3 !== e.tag) && !(t = 5 !== e.tag) && (t = 'head' !== (t = e.type) && 'body' !== t && !ni(e.type, e.memoizedProps)), t && (t = ao)) ) { if (so(e)) throw (mo(), Error(o(418))); for (; t; ) ro(e, t), (t = ci(t.nextSibling)); } if ((uo(e), 13 === e.tag)) { if (!(e = null !== (e = e.memoizedState) ? e.dehydrated : null)) throw Error(o(317)); e: { for (e = e.nextSibling, t = 0; e; ) { if (8 === e.nodeType) { var n =; if ('/$' === n) { if (0 === t) { ao = ci(e.nextSibling); break e; } t--; } else ('$' !== n && '$!' !== n && '$?' !== n) || t++; } e = e.nextSibling; } ao = null; } } else ao = no ? ci(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null; return !0; } function mo() { for (var e = ao; e; ) e = ci(e.nextSibling); } function ho() { (ao = no = null), (io = !1); } function fo(e) { null === oo ? (oo = [e]) : oo.push(e); } var go = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; function wo(e, t) { if (e && e.defaultProps) { for (var n in ((t = O({}, t)), (e = e.defaultProps))) void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e[n]); return t; } return t; } var yo = ji(null), xo = null, bo = null, zo = null; function vo() { zo = bo = xo = null; } function ko(e) { var t = yo.current; Si(yo), (e._currentValue = t); } function jo(e, t, n) { for (; null !== e; ) { var a = e.alternate; if ( ((e.childLanes & t) !== t ? ((e.childLanes |= t), null !== a && (a.childLanes |= t)) : null !== a && (a.childLanes & t) !== t && (a.childLanes |= t), e === n) ) break; e = e.return; } } function So(e, t) { (xo = e), (zo = bo = null), null !== (e = e.dependencies) && null !== e.firstContext && (0 !== (e.lanes & t) && (bl = !0), (e.firstContext = null)); } function Eo(e) { var t = e._currentValue; if (zo !== e) if (((e = { context: e, memoizedValue: t, next: null }), null === bo)) { if (null === xo) throw Error(o(308)); (bo = e), (xo.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: e }); } else bo = = e; return t; } var _o = null; function Co(e) { null === _o ? (_o = [e]) : _o.push(e); } function Io(e, t, n, a) { var i = t.interleaved; return ( null === i ? (( = n), Co(t)) : (( =, ( = n)), (t.interleaved = n), To(e, a) ); } function To(e, t) { e.lanes |= t; var n = e.alternate; for (null !== n && (n.lanes |= t), n = e, e = e.return; null !== e; ) (e.childLanes |= t), null !== (n = e.alternate) && (n.childLanes |= t), (n = e), (e = e.return); return 3 === n.tag ? n.stateNode : null; } var Po = !1; function Ao(e) { e.updateQueue = { baseState: e.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null, }; } function Ro(e, t) { (e = e.updateQueue), t.updateQueue === e && (t.updateQueue = { baseState: e.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: e.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: e.lastBaseUpdate, shared: e.shared, effects: e.effects, }); } function Do(e, t) { return { eventTime: e, lane: t, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null, }; } function No(e, t, n) { var a = e.updateQueue; if (null === a) return null; if (((a = a.shared), 0 !== (2 & Is))) { var i = a.pending; return ( null === i ? ( = t) : (( =, ( = t)), (a.pending = t), To(e, n) ); } return ( null === (i = a.interleaved) ? (( = t), Co(a)) : (( =, ( = t)), (a.interleaved = t), To(e, n) ); } function Lo(e, t, n) { if (null !== (t = t.updateQueue) && ((t = t.shared), 0 !== (4194240 & n))) { var a = t.lanes; (n |= a &= e.pendingLanes), (t.lanes = n), yt(e, n); } } function Oo(e, t) { var n = e.updateQueue, a = e.alternate; if (null !== a && n === (a = a.updateQueue)) { var i = null, o = null; if (null !== (n = n.firstBaseUpdate)) { do { var r = { eventTime: n.eventTime, lane: n.lane, tag: n.tag, payload: n.payload, callback: n.callback, next: null, }; null === o ? (i = o = r) : (o = = r), (n =; } while (null !== n); null === o ? (i = o = t) : (o = = t); } else i = o = t; return ( (n = { baseState: a.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: i, lastBaseUpdate: o, shared: a.shared, effects: a.effects, }), void (e.updateQueue = n) ); } null === (e = n.lastBaseUpdate) ? (n.firstBaseUpdate = t) : ( = t), (n.lastBaseUpdate = t); } function Mo(e, t, n, a) { var i = e.updateQueue; Po = !1; var o = i.firstBaseUpdate, r = i.lastBaseUpdate, l = i.shared.pending; if (null !== l) { i.shared.pending = null; var s = l, c =; ( = null), null === r ? (o = c) : ( = c), (r = s); var d = e.alternate; null !== d && (l = (d = d.updateQueue).lastBaseUpdate) !== r && (null === l ? (d.firstBaseUpdate = c) : ( = c), (d.lastBaseUpdate = s)); } if (null !== o) { var u = i.baseState; for (r = 0, d = c = s = null, l = o; ; ) { var p = l.lane, m = l.eventTime; if ((a & p) === p) { null !== d && (d = = { eventTime: m, lane: 0, tag: l.tag, payload: l.payload, callback: l.callback, next: null, }); e: { var h = e, f = l; switch (((p = t), (m = n), f.tag)) { case 1: if ('function' === typeof (h = f.payload)) { u =, u, p); break e; } u = h; break e; case 3: h.flags = (-65537 & h.flags) | 128; case 0: if ( null === (p = 'function' === typeof (h = f.payload) ?, u, p) : h) || void 0 === p ) break e; u = O({}, u, p); break e; case 2: Po = !0; } } null !== l.callback && 0 !== l.lane && ((e.flags |= 64), null === (p = i.effects) ? (i.effects = [l]) : p.push(l)); } else (m = { eventTime: m, lane: p, tag: l.tag, payload: l.payload, callback: l.callback, next: null, }), null === d ? ((c = d = m), (s = u)) : (d = = m), (r |= p); if (null === (l = { if (null === (l = i.shared.pending)) break; (l = (p = l).next), ( = null), (i.lastBaseUpdate = p), (i.shared.pending = null); } } if ( (null === d && (s = u), (i.baseState = s), (i.firstBaseUpdate = c), (i.lastBaseUpdate = d), null !== (t = i.shared.interleaved)) ) { i = t; do { (r |= i.lane), (i =; } while (i !== t); } else null === o && (i.shared.lanes = 0); (Os |= r), (e.lanes = r), (e.memoizedState = u); } } function Bo(e, t, n) { if (((e = t.effects), (t.effects = null), null !== e)) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var a = e[t], i = a.callback; if (null !== i) { if (((a.callback = null), (a = n), 'function' !== typeof i)) throw Error(o(191, i));; } } } var Uo = new a.Component().refs; function Wo(e, t, n, a) { (n = null === (n = n(a, (t = e.memoizedState))) || void 0 === n ? t : O({}, t, n)), (e.memoizedState = n), 0 === e.lanes && (e.updateQueue.baseState = n); } var Vo = { isMounted: function (e) { return !!(e = e._reactInternals) && Ve(e) === e; }, enqueueSetState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternals; var a = tc(), i = nc(e), o = Do(a, i); (o.payload = t), void 0 !== n && null !== n && (o.callback = n), null !== (t = No(e, o, i)) && (ac(t, e, i, a), Lo(t, e, i)); }, enqueueReplaceState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternals; var a = tc(), i = nc(e), o = Do(a, i); (o.tag = 1), (o.payload = t), void 0 !== n && null !== n && (o.callback = n), null !== (t = No(e, o, i)) && (ac(t, e, i, a), Lo(t, e, i)); }, enqueueForceUpdate: function (e, t) { e = e._reactInternals; var n = tc(), a = nc(e), i = Do(n, a); (i.tag = 2), void 0 !== t && null !== t && (i.callback = t), null !== (t = No(e, i, a)) && (ac(t, e, a, n), Lo(t, e, a)); }, }; function Fo(e, t, n, a, i, o, r) { return 'function' === typeof (e = e.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(a, o, r) : !t.prototype || !t.prototype.isPureReactComponent || !sa(n, a) || !sa(i, o); } function Ho(e, t, n) { var a = !1, i = _i, o = t.contextType; return ( 'object' === typeof o && null !== o ? (o = Eo(o)) : ((i = Ai(t) ? Ti : Ci.current), (o = (a = null !== (a = t.contextTypes) && void 0 !== a) ? Pi(e, i) : _i)), (t = new t(n, o)), (e.memoizedState = null !== t.state && void 0 !== t.state ? t.state : null), (t.updater = Vo), (e.stateNode = t), (t._reactInternals = e), a && (((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = i), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = o)), t ); } function Go(e, t, n, a) { (e = t.state), 'function' === typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps && t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, a), 'function' === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, a), t.state !== e && Vo.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null); } function Zo(e, t, n, a) { var i = e.stateNode; (i.props = n), (i.state = e.memoizedState), (i.refs = Uo), Ao(e); var o = t.contextType; 'object' === typeof o && null !== o ? (i.context = Eo(o)) : ((o = Ai(t) ? Ti : Ci.current), (i.context = Pi(e, o))), (i.state = e.memoizedState), 'function' === typeof (o = t.getDerivedStateFromProps) && (Wo(e, t, o, n), (i.state = e.memoizedState)), 'function' === typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps || 'function' === typeof i.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || ('function' !== typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' !== typeof i.componentWillMount) || ((t = i.state), 'function' === typeof i.componentWillMount && i.componentWillMount(), 'function' === typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), t !== i.state && Vo.enqueueReplaceState(i, i.state, null), Mo(e, n, i, a), (i.state = e.memoizedState)), 'function' === typeof i.componentDidMount && (e.flags |= 4194308); } function $o(e, t, n) { if ( null !== (e = n.ref) && 'function' !== typeof e && 'object' !== typeof e ) { if (n._owner) { if ((n = n._owner)) { if (1 !== n.tag) throw Error(o(309)); var a = n.stateNode; } if (!a) throw Error(o(147, e)); var i = a, r = '' + e; return null !== t && null !== t.ref && 'function' === typeof t.ref && t.ref._stringRef === r ? t.ref : ((t = function (e) { var t = i.refs; t === Uo && (t = i.refs = {}), null === e ? delete t[r] : (t[r] = e); }), (t._stringRef = r), t); } if ('string' !== typeof e) throw Error(o(284)); if (!n._owner) throw Error(o(290, e)); } return e; } function Xo(e, t) { throw ( ((e =, Error( o( 31, '[object Object]' === e ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(t).join(', ') + '}' : e, ), )) ); } function Ko(e) { return (0, e._init)(e._payload); } function qo(e) { function t(t, n) { if (e) { var a = t.deletions; null === a ? ((t.deletions = [n]), (t.flags |= 16)) : a.push(n); } } function n(n, a) { if (!e) return null; for (; null !== a; ) t(n, a), (a = a.sibling); return null; } function a(e, t) { for (e = new Map(); null !== t; ) null !== t.key ? e.set(t.key, t) : e.set(t.index, t), (t = t.sibling); return e; } function i(e, t) { return ((e = Dc(e, t)).index = 0), (e.sibling = null), e; } function r(t, n, a) { return ( (t.index = a), e ? null !== (a = t.alternate) ? (a = a.index) < n ? ((t.flags |= 2), n) : a : ((t.flags |= 2), n) : ((t.flags |= 1048576), n) ); } function l(t) { return e && null === t.alternate && (t.flags |= 2), t; } function s(e, t, n, a) { return null === t || 6 !== t.tag ? (((t = Mc(n, e.mode, a)).return = e), t) : (((t = i(t, n)).return = e), t); } function c(e, t, n, a) { var o = n.type; return o === k ? u(e, t, n.props.children, a, n.key) : null !== t && (t.elementType === o || ('object' === typeof o && null !== o && o.$$typeof === A && Ko(o) === t.type)) ? (((a = i(t, n.props)).ref = $o(e, t, n)), (a.return = e), a) : (((a = Nc(n.type, n.key, n.props, null, e.mode, a)).ref = $o( e, t, n, )), (a.return = e), a); } function d(e, t, n, a) { return null === t || 4 !== t.tag || t.stateNode.containerInfo !== n.containerInfo || t.stateNode.implementation !== n.implementation ? (((t = Bc(n, e.mode, a)).return = e), t) : (((t = i(t, n.children || [])).return = e), t); } function u(e, t, n, a, o) { return null === t || 7 !== t.tag ? (((t = Lc(n, e.mode, a, o)).return = e), t) : (((t = i(t, n)).return = e), t); } function p(e, t, n) { if (('string' === typeof t && '' !== t) || 'number' === typeof t) return ((t = Mc('' + t, e.mode, n)).return = e), t; if ('object' === typeof t && null !== t) { switch (t.$$typeof) { case z: return ( ((n = Nc(t.type, t.key, t.props, null, e.mode, n)).ref = $o(e, null, t)), (n.return = e), n ); case v: return ((t = Bc(t, e.mode, n)).return = e), t; case A: return p(e, (0, t._init)(t._payload), n); } if (te(t) || N(t)) return ((t = Lc(t, e.mode, n, null)).return = e), t; Xo(e, t); } return null; } function m(e, t, n, a) { var i = null !== t ? t.key : null; if (('string' === typeof n && '' !== n) || 'number' === typeof n) return null !== i ? null : s(e, t, '' + n, a); if ('object' === typeof n && null !== n) { switch (n.$$typeof) { case z: return n.key === i ? c(e, t, n, a) : null; case v: return n.key === i ? d(e, t, n, a) : null; case A: return m(e, t, (i = n._init)(n._payload), a); } if (te(n) || N(n)) return null !== i ? null : u(e, t, n, a, null); Xo(e, n); } return null; } function h(e, t, n, a, i) { if (('string' === typeof a && '' !== a) || 'number' === typeof a) return s(t, (e = e.get(n) || null), '' + a, i); if ('object' === typeof a && null !== a) { switch (a.$$typeof) { case z: return c( t, (e = e.get(null === a.key ? n : a.key) || null), a, i, ); case v: return d( t, (e = e.get(null === a.key ? n : a.key) || null), a, i, ); case A: return h(e, t, n, (0, a._init)(a._payload), i); } if (te(a) || N(a)) return u(t, (e = e.get(n) || null), a, i, null); Xo(t, a); } return null; } function f(i, o, l, s) { for ( var c = null, d = null, u = o, f = (o = 0), g = null; null !== u && f < l.length; f++ ) { u.index > f ? ((g = u), (u = null)) : (g = u.sibling); var w = m(i, u, l[f], s); if (null === w) { null === u && (u = g); break; } e && u && null === w.alternate && t(i, u), (o = r(w, o, f)), null === d ? (c = w) : (d.sibling = w), (d = w), (u = g); } if (f === l.length) return n(i, u), io && Qi(i, f), c; if (null === u) { for (; f < l.length; f++) null !== (u = p(i, l[f], s)) && ((o = r(u, o, f)), null === d ? (c = u) : (d.sibling = u), (d = u)); return io && Qi(i, f), c; } for (u = a(i, u); f < l.length; f++) null !== (g = h(u, i, f, l[f], s)) && (e && null !== g.alternate && u.delete(null === g.key ? f : g.key), (o = r(g, o, f)), null === d ? (c = g) : (d.sibling = g), (d = g)); return ( e && u.forEach(function (e) { return t(i, e); }), io && Qi(i, f), c ); } function g(i, l, s, c) { var d = N(s); if ('function' !== typeof d) throw Error(o(150)); if (null == (s = throw Error(o(151)); for ( var u = (d = null), f = l, g = (l = 0), w = null, y =; null !== f && !y.done; g++, y = ) { f.index > g ? ((w = f), (f = null)) : (w = f.sibling); var x = m(i, f, y.value, c); if (null === x) { null === f && (f = w); break; } e && f && null === x.alternate && t(i, f), (l = r(x, l, g)), null === u ? (d = x) : (u.sibling = x), (u = x), (f = w); } if (y.done) return n(i, f), io && Qi(i, g), d; if (null === f) { for (; !y.done; g++, y = null !== (y = p(i, y.value, c)) && ((l = r(y, l, g)), null === u ? (d = y) : (u.sibling = y), (u = y)); return io && Qi(i, g), d; } for (f = a(i, f); !y.done; g++, y = null !== (y = h(f, i, g, y.value, c)) && (e && null !== y.alternate && f.delete(null === y.key ? g : y.key), (l = r(y, l, g)), null === u ? (d = y) : (u.sibling = y), (u = y)); return ( e && f.forEach(function (e) { return t(i, e); }), io && Qi(i, g), d ); } return function e(a, o, r, s) { if ( ('object' === typeof r && null !== r && r.type === k && null === r.key && (r = r.props.children), 'object' === typeof r && null !== r) ) { switch (r.$$typeof) { case z: e: { for (var c = r.key, d = o; null !== d; ) { if (d.key === c) { if ((c = r.type) === k) { if (7 === d.tag) { n(a, d.sibling), ((o = i( d, r.props.children, )).return = a), (a = o); break e; } } else if ( d.elementType === c || ('object' === typeof c && null !== c && c.$$typeof === A && Ko(c) === d.type) ) { n(a, d.sibling), ((o = i(d, r.props)).ref = $o(a, d, r)), (o.return = a), (a = o); break e; } n(a, d); break; } t(a, d), (d = d.sibling); } r.type === k ? (((o = Lc( r.props.children, a.mode, s, r.key, )).return = a), (a = o)) : (((s = Nc( r.type, r.key, r.props, null, a.mode, s, )).ref = $o(a, o, r)), (s.return = a), (a = s)); } return l(a); case v: e: { for (d = r.key; null !== o; ) { if (o.key === d) { if ( 4 === o.tag && o.stateNode.containerInfo === r.containerInfo && o.stateNode.implementation === r.implementation ) { n(a, o.sibling), ((o = i(o, r.children || [])).return = a), (a = o); break e; } n(a, o); break; } t(a, o), (o = o.sibling); } ((o = Bc(r, a.mode, s)).return = a), (a = o); } return l(a); case A: return e(a, o, (d = r._init)(r._payload), s); } if (te(r)) return f(a, o, r, s); if (N(r)) return g(a, o, r, s); Xo(a, r); } return ('string' === typeof r && '' !== r) || 'number' === typeof r ? ((r = '' + r), null !== o && 6 === o.tag ? (n(a, o.sibling), ((o = i(o, r)).return = a), (a = o)) : (n(a, o), ((o = Mc(r, a.mode, s)).return = a), (a = o)), l(a)) : n(a, o); }; } var Yo = qo(!0), Qo = qo(!1), Jo = {}, er = ji(Jo), tr = ji(Jo), nr = ji(Jo); function ar(e) { if (e === Jo) throw Error(o(174)); return e; } function ir(e, t) { switch ((Ei(nr, t), Ei(tr, e), Ei(er, Jo), (e = t.nodeType))) { case 9: case 11: t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : se(null, ''); break; default: t = se( (t = (e = 8 === e ? t.parentNode : t).namespaceURI || null), (e = e.tagName), ); } Si(er), Ei(er, t); } function or() { Si(er), Si(tr), Si(nr); } function rr(e) { ar(nr.current); var t = ar(er.current), n = se(t, e.type); t !== n && (Ei(tr, e), Ei(er, n)); } function lr(e) { tr.current === e && (Si(er), Si(tr)); } var sr = ji(0); function cr(e) { for (var t = e; null !== t; ) { if (13 === t.tag) { var n = t.memoizedState; if ( null !== n && (null === (n = n.dehydrated) || '$?' === || '$!' === ) return t; } else if (19 === t.tag && void 0 !== t.memoizedProps.revealOrder) { if (0 !== (128 & t.flags)) return t; } else if (null !== t.child) { (t.child.return = t), (t = t.child); continue; } if (t === e) break; for (; null === t.sibling; ) { if (null === t.return || t.return === e) return null; t = t.return; } (t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling); } return null; } var dr = []; function ur() { for (var e = 0; e < dr.length; e++) dr[e]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null; dr.length = 0; } var pr = b.ReactCurrentDispatcher, mr = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, hr = 0, fr = null, gr = null, wr = null, yr = !1, xr = !1, br = 0, zr = 0; function vr() { throw Error(o(321)); } function kr(e, t) { if (null === t) return !1; for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++) if (!la(e[n], t[n])) return !1; return !0; } function jr(e, t, n, a, i, r) { if ( ((hr = r), (fr = t), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.updateQueue = null), (t.lanes = 0), (pr.current = null === e || null === e.memoizedState ? ll : sl), (e = n(a, i)), xr) ) { r = 0; do { if (((xr = !1), (br = 0), 25 <= r)) throw Error(o(301)); (r += 1), (wr = gr = null), (t.updateQueue = null), (pr.current = cl), (e = n(a, i)); } while (xr); } if ( ((pr.current = rl), (t = null !== gr && null !==, (hr = 0), (wr = gr = fr = null), (yr = !1), t) ) throw Error(o(300)); return e; } function Sr() { var e = 0 !== br; return (br = 0), e; } function Er() { var e = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null, }; return null === wr ? (fr.memoizedState = wr = e) : (wr = = e), wr; } function _r() { if (null === gr) { var e = fr.alternate; e = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null; } else e =; var t = null === wr ? fr.memoizedState :; if (null !== t) (wr = t), (gr = e); else { if (null === e) throw Error(o(310)); (e = { memoizedState: (gr = e).memoizedState, baseState: gr.baseState, baseQueue: gr.baseQueue, queue: gr.queue, next: null, }), null === wr ? (fr.memoizedState = wr = e) : (wr = = e); } return wr; } function Cr(e, t) { return 'function' === typeof t ? t(e) : t; } function Ir(e) { var t = _r(), n = t.queue; if (null === n) throw Error(o(311)); n.lastRenderedReducer = e; var a = gr, i = a.baseQueue, r = n.pending; if (null !== r) { if (null !== i) { var l =; ( =, ( = l); } (a.baseQueue = i = r), (n.pending = null); } if (null !== i) { (r =, (a = a.baseState); var s = (l = null), c = null, d = r; do { var u = d.lane; if ((hr & u) === u) null !== c && (c = = { lane: 0, action: d.action, hasEagerState: d.hasEagerState, eagerState: d.eagerState, next: null, }), (a = d.hasEagerState ? d.eagerState : e(a, d.action)); else { var p = { lane: u, action: d.action, hasEagerState: d.hasEagerState, eagerState: d.eagerState, next: null, }; null === c ? ((s = c = p), (l = a)) : (c = = p), (fr.lanes |= u), (Os |= u); } d =; } while (null !== d && d !== r); null === c ? (l = a) : ( = s), la(a, t.memoizedState) || (bl = !0), (t.memoizedState = a), (t.baseState = l), (t.baseQueue = c), (n.lastRenderedState = a); } if (null !== (e = n.interleaved)) { i = e; do { (r = i.lane), (fr.lanes |= r), (Os |= r), (i =; } while (i !== e); } else null === i && (n.lanes = 0); return [t.memoizedState, n.dispatch]; } function Tr(e) { var t = _r(), n = t.queue; if (null === n) throw Error(o(311)); n.lastRenderedReducer = e; var a = n.dispatch, i = n.pending, r = t.memoizedState; if (null !== i) { n.pending = null; var l = (i =; do { (r = e(r, l.action)), (l =; } while (l !== i); la(r, t.memoizedState) || (bl = !0), (t.memoizedState = r), null === t.baseQueue && (t.baseState = r), (n.lastRenderedState = r); } return [r, a]; } function Pr() {} function Ar(e, t) { var n = fr, a = _r(), i = t(), r = !la(a.memoizedState, i); if ( (r && ((a.memoizedState = i), (bl = !0)), (a = a.queue), Hr(Nr.bind(null, n, a, e), [e]), a.getSnapshot !== t || r || (null !== wr && 1 & wr.memoizedState.tag)) ) { if ( ((n.flags |= 2048), Br(9, Dr.bind(null, n, a, i, t), void 0, null), null === Ts) ) throw Error(o(349)); 0 !== (30 & hr) || Rr(n, t, i); } return i; } function Rr(e, t, n) { (e.flags |= 16384), (e = { getSnapshot: t, value: n }), null === (t = fr.updateQueue) ? ((t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (fr.updateQueue = t), (t.stores = [e])) : null === (n = t.stores) ? (t.stores = [e]) : n.push(e); } function Dr(e, t, n, a) { (t.value = n), (t.getSnapshot = a), Lr(t) && Or(e); } function Nr(e, t, n) { return n(function () { Lr(t) && Or(e); }); } function Lr(e) { var t = e.getSnapshot; e = e.value; try { var n = t(); return !la(e, n); } catch (a) { return !0; } } function Or(e) { var t = To(e, 1); null !== t && ac(t, e, 1, -1); } function Mr(e) { var t = Er(); return ( 'function' === typeof e && (e = e()), (t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e), (e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Cr, lastRenderedState: e, }), (t.queue = e), (e = e.dispatch = nl.bind(null, fr, e)), [t.memoizedState, e] ); } function Br(e, t, n, a) { return ( (e = { tag: e, create: t, destroy: n, deps: a, next: null }), null === (t = fr.updateQueue) ? ((t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (fr.updateQueue = t), (t.lastEffect = = e)) : null === (n = t.lastEffect) ? (t.lastEffect = = e) : ((a =, ( = e), ( = a), (t.lastEffect = e)), e ); } function Ur() { return _r().memoizedState; } function Wr(e, t, n, a) { var i = Er(); (fr.flags |= e), (i.memoizedState = Br(1 | t, n, void 0, void 0 === a ? null : a)); } function Vr(e, t, n, a) { var i = _r(); a = void 0 === a ? null : a; var o = void 0; if (null !== gr) { var r = gr.memoizedState; if (((o = r.destroy), null !== a && kr(a, r.deps))) return void (i.memoizedState = Br(t, n, o, a)); } (fr.flags |= e), (i.memoizedState = Br(1 | t, n, o, a)); } function Fr(e, t) { return Wr(8390656, 8, e, t); } function Hr(e, t) { return Vr(2048, 8, e, t); } function Gr(e, t) { return Vr(4, 2, e, t); } function Zr(e, t) { return Vr(4, 4, e, t); } function $r(e, t) { return 'function' === typeof t ? ((e = e()), t(e), function () { t(null); }) : null !== t && void 0 !== t ? ((e = e()), (t.current = e), function () { t.current = null; }) : void 0; } function Xr(e, t, n) { return ( (n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null), Vr(4, 4, $r.bind(null, t, e), n) ); } function Kr() {} function qr(e, t) { var n = _r(); t = void 0 === t ? null : t; var a = n.memoizedState; return null !== a && null !== t && kr(t, a[1]) ? a[0] : ((n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e); } function Yr(e, t) { var n = _r(); t = void 0 === t ? null : t; var a = n.memoizedState; return null !== a && null !== t && kr(t, a[1]) ? a[0] : ((e = e()), (n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e); } function Qr(e, t, n) { return 0 === (21 & hr) ? (e.baseState && ((e.baseState = !1), (bl = !0)), (e.memoizedState = n)) : (la(n, t) || ((n = ft()), (fr.lanes |= n), (Os |= n), (e.baseState = !0)), t); } function Jr(e, t) { var n = xt; (xt = 0 !== n && 4 > n ? n : 4), e(!0); var a = mr.transition; mr.transition = {}; try { e(!1), t(); } finally { (xt = n), (mr.transition = a); } } function el() { return _r().memoizedState; } function tl(e, t, n) { var a = nc(e); if ( ((n = { lane: a, action: n, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null, }), al(e)) ) il(t, n); else if (null !== (n = Io(e, t, n, a))) { ac(n, e, a, tc()), ol(n, t, a); } } function nl(e, t, n) { var a = nc(e), i = { lane: a, action: n, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null, }; if (al(e)) il(t, i); else { var o = e.alternate; if ( 0 === e.lanes && (null === o || 0 === o.lanes) && null !== (o = t.lastRenderedReducer) ) try { var r = t.lastRenderedState, l = o(r, n); if (((i.hasEagerState = !0), (i.eagerState = l), la(l, r))) { var s = t.interleaved; return ( null === s ? (( = i), Co(t)) : (( =, ( = i)), void (t.interleaved = i) ); } } catch (c) {} null !== (n = Io(e, t, i, a)) && (ac(n, e, a, (i = tc())), ol(n, t, a)); } } function al(e) { var t = e.alternate; return e === fr || (null !== t && t === fr); } function il(e, t) { xr = yr = !0; var n = e.pending; null === n ? ( = t) : (( =, ( = t)), (e.pending = t); } function ol(e, t, n) { if (0 !== (4194240 & n)) { var a = t.lanes; (n |= a &= e.pendingLanes), (t.lanes = n), yt(e, n); } } var rl = { readContext: Eo, useCallback: vr, useContext: vr, useEffect: vr, useImperativeHandle: vr, useInsertionEffect: vr, useLayoutEffect: vr, useMemo: vr, useReducer: vr, useRef: vr, useState: vr, useDebugValue: vr, useDeferredValue: vr, useTransition: vr, useMutableSource: vr, useSyncExternalStore: vr, useId: vr, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, ll = { readContext: Eo, useCallback: function (e, t) { return (Er().memoizedState = [e, void 0 === t ? null : t]), e; }, useContext: Eo, useEffect: Fr, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { return ( (n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null), Wr(4194308, 4, $r.bind(null, t, e), n) ); }, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return Wr(4194308, 4, e, t); }, useInsertionEffect: function (e, t) { return Wr(4, 2, e, t); }, useMemo: function (e, t) { var n = Er(); return ( (t = void 0 === t ? null : t), (e = e()), (n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e ); }, useReducer: function (e, t, n) { var a = Er(); return ( (t = void 0 !== n ? n(t) : t), (a.memoizedState = a.baseState = t), (e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: e, lastRenderedState: t, }), (a.queue = e), (e = e.dispatch = tl.bind(null, fr, e)), [a.memoizedState, e] ); }, useRef: function (e) { return (e = { current: e }), (Er().memoizedState = e); }, useState: Mr, useDebugValue: Kr, useDeferredValue: function (e) { return (Er().memoizedState = e); }, useTransition: function () { var e = Mr(!1), t = e[0]; return (e = Jr.bind(null, e[1])), (Er().memoizedState = e), [t, e]; }, useMutableSource: function () {}, useSyncExternalStore: function (e, t, n) { var a = fr, i = Er(); if (io) { if (void 0 === n) throw Error(o(407)); n = n(); } else { if (((n = t()), null === Ts)) throw Error(o(349)); 0 !== (30 & hr) || Rr(a, t, n); } i.memoizedState = n; var r = { value: n, getSnapshot: t }; return ( (i.queue = r), Fr(Nr.bind(null, a, r, e), [e]), (a.flags |= 2048), Br(9, Dr.bind(null, a, r, n, t), void 0, null), n ); }, useId: function () { var e = Er(), t = Ts.identifierPrefix; if (io) { var n = Yi; (t = ':' + t + 'R' + (n = (qi & ~(1 << (32 - rt(qi) - 1))).toString(32) + n)), 0 < (n = br++) && (t += 'H' + n.toString(32)), (t += ':'); } else t = ':' + t + 'r' + (n = zr++).toString(32) + ':'; return (e.memoizedState = t); }, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, sl = { readContext: Eo, useCallback: qr, useContext: Eo, useEffect: Hr, useImperativeHandle: Xr, useInsertionEffect: Gr, useLayoutEffect: Zr, useMemo: Yr, useReducer: Ir, useRef: Ur, useState: function () { return Ir(Cr); }, useDebugValue: Kr, useDeferredValue: function (e) { return Qr(_r(), gr.memoizedState, e); }, useTransition: function () { return [Ir(Cr)[0], _r().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Pr, useSyncExternalStore: Ar, useId: el, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, cl = { readContext: Eo, useCallback: qr, useContext: Eo, useEffect: Hr, useImperativeHandle: Xr, useInsertionEffect: Gr, useLayoutEffect: Zr, useMemo: Yr, useReducer: Tr, useRef: Ur, useState: function () { return Tr(Cr); }, useDebugValue: Kr, useDeferredValue: function (e) { var t = _r(); return null === gr ? (t.memoizedState = e) : Qr(t, gr.memoizedState, e); }, useTransition: function () { return [Tr(Cr)[0], _r().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Pr, useSyncExternalStore: Ar, useId: el, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }; function dl(e, t) { try { var n = '', a = t; do { (n += W(a)), (a = a.return); } while (a); var i = n; } catch (o) { i = '\nError generating stack: ' + o.message + '\n' + o.stack; } return { value: e, source: t, stack: i, digest: null }; } function ul(e, t, n) { return { value: e, source: null, stack: null != n ? n : null, digest: null != t ? t : null, }; } function pl(e, t) { try { console.error(t.value); } catch (n) { setTimeout(function () { throw n; }); } } var ml = 'function' === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map; function hl(e, t, n) { ((n = Do(-1, n)).tag = 3), (n.payload = { element: null }); var a = t.value; return ( (n.callback = function () { Gs || ((Gs = !0), (Zs = a)), pl(0, t); }), n ); } function fl(e, t, n) { (n = Do(-1, n)).tag = 3; var a = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError; if ('function' === typeof a) { var i = t.value; (n.payload = function () { return a(i); }), (n.callback = function () { pl(0, t); }); } var o = e.stateNode; return ( null !== o && 'function' === typeof o.componentDidCatch && (n.callback = function () { pl(0, t), 'function' !== typeof a && (null === $s ? ($s = new Set([this])) : $s.add(this)); var e = t.stack; this.componentDidCatch(t.value, { componentStack: null !== e ? e : '', }); }), n ); } function gl(e, t, n) { var a = e.pingCache; if (null === a) { a = e.pingCache = new ml(); var i = new Set(); a.set(t, i); } else void 0 === (i = a.get(t)) && ((i = new Set()), a.set(t, i)); i.has(n) || (i.add(n), (e = Ec.bind(null, e, t, n)), t.then(e, e)); } function wl(e) { do { var t; if ( ((t = 13 === e.tag) && (t = null === (t = e.memoizedState) || null !== t.dehydrated), t) ) return e; e = e.return; } while (null !== e); return null; } function yl(e, t, n, a, i) { return 0 === (1 & e.mode) ? (e === t ? (e.flags |= 65536) : ((e.flags |= 128), (n.flags |= 131072), (n.flags &= -52805), 1 === n.tag && (null === n.alternate ? (n.tag = 17) : (((t = Do(-1, 1)).tag = 2), No(n, t, 1))), (n.lanes |= 1)), e) : ((e.flags |= 65536), (e.lanes = i), e); } var xl = b.ReactCurrentOwner, bl = !1; function zl(e, t, n, a) { t.child = null === e ? Qo(t, null, n, a) : Yo(t, e.child, n, a); } function vl(e, t, n, a, i) { n = n.render; var o = t.ref; return ( So(t, i), (a = jr(e, t, n, a, o, i)), (n = Sr()), null === e || bl ? (io && n && eo(t), (t.flags |= 1), zl(e, t, a, i), t.child) : ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.flags &= -2053), (e.lanes &= ~i), Gl(e, t, i)) ); } function kl(e, t, n, a, i) { if (null === e) { var o = n.type; return 'function' !== typeof o || Rc(o) || void 0 !== o.defaultProps || null !== || void 0 !== n.defaultProps ? (((e = Nc(n.type, null, a, t, t.mode, i)).ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e)) : ((t.tag = 15), (t.type = o), jl(e, t, o, a, i)); } if (((o = e.child), 0 === (e.lanes & i))) { var r = o.memoizedProps; if ((n = null !== (n = ? n : sa)(r, a) && e.ref === t.ref) return Gl(e, t, i); } return ( (t.flags |= 1), ((e = Dc(o, a)).ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e) ); } function jl(e, t, n, a, i) { if (null !== e) { var o = e.memoizedProps; if (sa(o, a) && e.ref === t.ref) { if (((bl = !1), (t.pendingProps = a = o), 0 === (e.lanes & i))) return (t.lanes = e.lanes), Gl(e, t, i); 0 !== (131072 & e.flags) && (bl = !0); } } return _l(e, t, n, a, i); } function Sl(e, t, n) { var a = t.pendingProps, i = a.children, o = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null; if ('hidden' === a.mode) if (0 === (1 & t.mode)) (t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null, }), Ei(Ds, Rs), (Rs |= n); else { if (0 === (1073741824 & n)) return ( (e = null !== o ? o.baseLanes | n : n), (t.lanes = t.childLanes = 1073741824), (t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null, }), (t.updateQueue = null), Ei(Ds, Rs), (Rs |= e), null ); (t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null, }), (a = null !== o ? o.baseLanes : n), Ei(Ds, Rs), (Rs |= a); } else null !== o ? ((a = o.baseLanes | n), (t.memoizedState = null)) : (a = n), Ei(Ds, Rs), (Rs |= a); return zl(e, t, i, n), t.child; } function El(e, t) { var n = t.ref; ((null === e && null !== n) || (null !== e && e.ref !== n)) && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)); } function _l(e, t, n, a, i) { var o = Ai(n) ? Ti : Ci.current; return ( (o = Pi(t, o)), So(t, i), (n = jr(e, t, n, a, o, i)), (a = Sr()), null === e || bl ? (io && a && eo(t), (t.flags |= 1), zl(e, t, n, i), t.child) : ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.flags &= -2053), (e.lanes &= ~i), Gl(e, t, i)) ); } function Cl(e, t, n, a, i) { if (Ai(n)) { var o = !0; Li(t); } else o = !1; if ((So(t, i), null === t.stateNode)) Hl(e, t), Ho(t, n, a), Zo(t, n, a, i), (a = !0); else if (null === e) { var r = t.stateNode, l = t.memoizedProps; r.props = l; var s = r.context, c = n.contextType; 'object' === typeof c && null !== c ? (c = Eo(c)) : (c = Pi(t, (c = Ai(n) ? Ti : Ci.current))); var d = n.getDerivedStateFromProps, u = 'function' === typeof d || 'function' === typeof r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate; u || ('function' !== typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' !== typeof r.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((l !== a || s !== c) && Go(t, r, a, c)), (Po = !1); var p = t.memoizedState; (r.state = p), Mo(t, a, r, i), (s = t.memoizedState), l !== a || p !== s || Ii.current || Po ? ('function' === typeof d && (Wo(t, n, d, a), (s = t.memoizedState)), (l = Po || Fo(t, n, l, a, p, s, c)) ? (u || ('function' !== typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' !== typeof r.componentWillMount) || ('function' === typeof r.componentWillMount && r.componentWillMount(), 'function' === typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && r.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), 'function' === typeof r.componentDidMount && (t.flags |= 4194308)) : ('function' === typeof r.componentDidMount && (t.flags |= 4194308), (t.memoizedProps = a), (t.memoizedState = s)), (r.props = a), (r.state = s), (r.context = c), (a = l)) : ('function' === typeof r.componentDidMount && (t.flags |= 4194308), (a = !1)); } else { (r = t.stateNode), Ro(e, t), (l = t.memoizedProps), (c = t.type === t.elementType ? l : wo(t.type, l)), (r.props = c), (u = t.pendingProps), (p = r.context), 'object' === typeof (s = n.contextType) && null !== s ? (s = Eo(s)) : (s = Pi(t, (s = Ai(n) ? Ti : Ci.current))); var m = n.getDerivedStateFromProps; (d = 'function' === typeof m || 'function' === typeof r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || ('function' !== typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' !== typeof r.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((l !== u || p !== s) && Go(t, r, a, s)), (Po = !1), (p = t.memoizedState), (r.state = p), Mo(t, a, r, i); var h = t.memoizedState; l !== u || p !== h || Ii.current || Po ? ('function' === typeof m && (Wo(t, n, m, a), (h = t.memoizedState)), (c = Po || Fo(t, n, c, a, p, h, s) || !1) ? (d || ('function' !== typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && 'function' !== typeof r.componentWillUpdate) || ('function' === typeof r.componentWillUpdate && r.componentWillUpdate(a, h, s), 'function' === typeof r.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && r.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(a, h, s)), 'function' === typeof r.componentDidUpdate && (t.flags |= 4), 'function' === typeof r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (t.flags |= 1024)) : ('function' !== typeof r.componentDidUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 4), 'function' !== typeof r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 1024), (t.memoizedProps = a), (t.memoizedState = h)), (r.props = a), (r.state = h), (r.context = s), (a = c)) : ('function' !== typeof r.componentDidUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 4), 'function' !== typeof r.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 1024), (a = !1)); } return Il(e, t, n, a, o, i); } function Il(e, t, n, a, i, o) { El(e, t); var r = 0 !== (128 & t.flags); if (!a && !r) return i && Oi(t, n, !1), Gl(e, t, o); (a = t.stateNode), (xl.current = t); var l = r && 'function' !== typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : a.render(); return ( (t.flags |= 1), null !== e && r ? ((t.child = Yo(t, e.child, null, o)), (t.child = Yo(t, null, l, o))) : zl(e, t, l, o), (t.memoizedState = a.state), i && Oi(t, n, !0), t.child ); } function Tl(e) { var t = e.stateNode; t.pendingContext ? Di(0, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && Di(0, t.context, !1), ir(e, t.containerInfo); } function Pl(e, t, n, a, i) { return ho(), fo(i), (t.flags |= 256), zl(e, t, n, a), t.child; } var Al, Rl, Dl, Nl, Ll = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 }; function Ol(e) { return { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; } function Ml(e, t, n) { var a, i = t.pendingProps, r = sr.current, l = !1, s = 0 !== (128 & t.flags); if ( ((a = s) || (a = (null === e || null !== e.memoizedState) && 0 !== (2 & r)), a ? ((l = !0), (t.flags &= -129)) : (null !== e && null === e.memoizedState) || (r |= 1), Ei(sr, 1 & r), null === e) ) return ( co(t), null !== (e = t.memoizedState) && null !== (e = e.dehydrated) ? (0 === (1 & t.mode) ? (t.lanes = 1) : '$!' === ? (t.lanes = 8) : (t.lanes = 1073741824), null) : ((s = i.children), (e = i.fallback), l ? ((i = t.mode), (l = t.child), (s = { mode: 'hidden', children: s }), 0 === (1 & i) && null !== l ? ((l.childLanes = 0), (l.pendingProps = s)) : (l = Oc(s, i, 0, null)), (e = Lc(e, i, n, null)), (l.return = t), (e.return = t), (l.sibling = e), (t.child = l), (t.child.memoizedState = Ol(n)), (t.memoizedState = Ll), e) : Bl(t, s)) ); if (null !== (r = e.memoizedState) && null !== (a = r.dehydrated)) return (function (e, t, n, a, i, r, l) { if (n) return 256 & t.flags ? ((t.flags &= -257), Ul(e, t, l, (a = ul(Error(o(422)))))) : null !== t.memoizedState ? ((t.child = e.child), (t.flags |= 128), null) : ((r = a.fallback), (i = t.mode), (a = Oc( { mode: 'visible', children: a.children }, i, 0, null, )), ((r = Lc(r, i, l, null)).flags |= 2), (a.return = t), (r.return = t), (a.sibling = r), (t.child = a), 0 !== (1 & t.mode) && Yo(t, e.child, null, l), (t.child.memoizedState = Ol(l)), (t.memoizedState = Ll), r); if (0 === (1 & t.mode)) return Ul(e, t, l, null); if ('$!' === { if ((a = i.nextSibling && i.nextSibling.dataset)) var s = a.dgst; return ( (a = s), Ul(e, t, l, (a = ul((r = Error(o(419))), a, void 0))) ); } if (((s = 0 !== (l & e.childLanes)), bl || s)) { if (null !== (a = Ts)) { switch (l & -l) { case 4: i = 2; break; case 16: i = 8; break; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: i = 32; break; case 536870912: i = 268435456; break; default: i = 0; } 0 !== (i = 0 !== (i & (a.suspendedLanes | l)) ? 0 : i) && i !== r.retryLane && ((r.retryLane = i), To(e, i), ac(a, e, i, -1)); } return gc(), Ul(e, t, l, (a = ul(Error(o(421))))); } return '$?' === ? ((t.flags |= 128), (t.child = e.child), (t = Cc.bind(null, e)), (i._reactRetry = t), null) : ((e = r.treeContext), (ao = ci(i.nextSibling)), (no = t), (io = !0), (oo = null), null !== e && (($i[Xi++] = qi), ($i[Xi++] = Yi), ($i[Xi++] = Ki), (qi =, (Yi = e.overflow), (Ki = t)), (t = Bl(t, a.children)), (t.flags |= 4096), t); })(e, t, s, i, a, r, n); if (l) { (l = i.fallback), (s = t.mode), (a = (r = e.child).sibling); var c = { mode: 'hidden', children: i.children }; return ( 0 === (1 & s) && t.child !== r ? (((i = t.child).childLanes = 0), (i.pendingProps = c), (t.deletions = null)) : ((i = Dc(r, c)).subtreeFlags = 14680064 & r.subtreeFlags), null !== a ? (l = Dc(a, l)) : ((l = Lc(l, s, n, null)).flags |= 2), (l.return = t), (i.return = t), (i.sibling = l), (t.child = i), (i = l), (l = t.child), (s = null === (s = e.child.memoizedState) ? Ol(n) : { baseLanes: s.baseLanes | n, cachePool: null, transitions: s.transitions, }), (l.memoizedState = s), (l.childLanes = e.childLanes & ~n), (t.memoizedState = Ll), i ); } return ( (e = (l = e.child).sibling), (i = Dc(l, { mode: 'visible', children: i.children })), 0 === (1 & t.mode) && (i.lanes = n), (i.return = t), (i.sibling = null), null !== e && (null === (n = t.deletions) ? ((t.deletions = [e]), (t.flags |= 16)) : n.push(e)), (t.child = i), (t.memoizedState = null), i ); } function Bl(e, t) { return ( ((t = Oc({ mode: 'visible', children: t }, e.mode, 0, null)).return = e), (e.child = t) ); } function Ul(e, t, n, a) { return ( null !== a && fo(a), Yo(t, e.child, null, n), ((e = Bl(t, t.pendingProps.children)).flags |= 2), (t.memoizedState = null), e ); } function Wl(e, t, n) { e.lanes |= t; var a = e.alternate; null !== a && (a.lanes |= t), jo(e.return, t, n); } function Vl(e, t, n, a, i) { var o = e.memoizedState; null === o ? (e.memoizedState = { isBackwards: t, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: a, tail: n, tailMode: i, }) : ((o.isBackwards = t), (o.rendering = null), (o.renderingStartTime = 0), (o.last = a), (o.tail = n), (o.tailMode = i)); } function Fl(e, t, n) { var a = t.pendingProps, i = a.revealOrder, o = a.tail; if ((zl(e, t, a.children, n), 0 !== (2 & (a = sr.current)))) (a = (1 & a) | 2), (t.flags |= 128); else { if (null !== e && 0 !== (128 & e.flags)) e: for (e = t.child; null !== e; ) { if (13 === e.tag) null !== e.memoizedState && Wl(e, n, t); else if (19 === e.tag) Wl(e, n, t); else if (null !== e.child) { (e.child.return = e), (e = e.child); continue; } if (e === t) break e; for (; null === e.sibling; ) { if (null === e.return || e.return === t) break e; e = e.return; } (e.sibling.return = e.return), (e = e.sibling); } a &= 1; } if ((Ei(sr, a), 0 === (1 & t.mode))) t.memoizedState = null; else switch (i) { case 'forwards': for (n = t.child, i = null; null !== n; ) null !== (e = n.alternate) && null === cr(e) && (i = n), (n = n.sibling); null === (n = i) ? ((i = t.child), (t.child = null)) : ((i = n.sibling), (n.sibling = null)), Vl(t, !1, i, n, o); break; case 'backwards': for (n = null, i = t.child, t.child = null; null !== i; ) { if (null !== (e = i.alternate) && null === cr(e)) { t.child = i; break; } (e = i.sibling), (i.sibling = n), (n = i), (i = e); } Vl(t, !0, n, null, o); break; case 'together': Vl(t, !1, null, null, void 0); break; default: t.memoizedState = null; } return t.child; } function Hl(e, t) { 0 === (1 & t.mode) && null !== e && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.flags |= 2)); } function Gl(e, t, n) { if ( (null !== e && (t.dependencies = e.dependencies), (Os |= t.lanes), 0 === (n & t.childLanes)) ) return null; if (null !== e && t.child !== e.child) throw Error(o(153)); if (null !== t.child) { for ( n = Dc((e = t.child), e.pendingProps), t.child = n, n.return = t; null !== e.sibling; ) (e = e.sibling), ((n = n.sibling = Dc(e, e.pendingProps)).return = t); n.sibling = null; } return t.child; } function Zl(e, t) { if (!io) switch (e.tailMode) { case 'hidden': t = e.tail; for (var n = null; null !== t; ) null !== t.alternate && (n = t), (t = t.sibling); null === n ? (e.tail = null) : (n.sibling = null); break; case 'collapsed': n = e.tail; for (var a = null; null !== n; ) null !== n.alternate && (a = n), (n = n.sibling); null === a ? t || null === e.tail ? (e.tail = null) : (e.tail.sibling = null) : (a.sibling = null); } } function $l(e) { var t = null !== e.alternate && e.alternate.child === e.child, n = 0, a = 0; if (t) for (var i = e.child; null !== i; ) (n |= i.lanes | i.childLanes), (a |= 14680064 & i.subtreeFlags), (a |= 14680064 & i.flags), (i.return = e), (i = i.sibling); else for (i = e.child; null !== i; ) (n |= i.lanes | i.childLanes), (a |= i.subtreeFlags), (a |= i.flags), (i.return = e), (i = i.sibling); return (e.subtreeFlags |= a), (e.childLanes = n), t; } function Xl(e, t, n) { var a = t.pendingProps; switch ((to(t), t.tag)) { case 2: case 16: case 15: case 0: case 11: case 7: case 8: case 12: case 9: case 14: return $l(t), null; case 1: case 17: return Ai(t.type) && Ri(), $l(t), null; case 3: return ( (a = t.stateNode), or(), Si(Ii), Si(Ci), ur(), a.pendingContext && ((a.context = a.pendingContext), (a.pendingContext = null)), (null !== e && null !== e.child) || (po(t) ? (t.flags |= 4) : null === e || (e.memoizedState.isDehydrated && 0 === (256 & t.flags)) || ((t.flags |= 1024), null !== oo && (lc(oo), (oo = null)))), Rl(e, t), $l(t), null ); case 5: lr(t); var i = ar(nr.current); if (((n = t.type), null !== e && null != t.stateNode)) Dl(e, t, n, a, i), e.ref !== t.ref && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)); else { if (!a) { if (null === t.stateNode) throw Error(o(166)); return $l(t), null; } if (((e = ar(er.current)), po(t))) { (a = t.stateNode), (n = t.type); var r = t.memoizedProps; switch ( ((a[pi] = t), (a[mi] = r), (e = 0 !== (1 & t.mode)), n) ) { case 'dialog': Ba('cancel', a), Ba('close', a); break; case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': Ba('load', a); break; case 'video': case 'audio': for (i = 0; i < Na.length; i++) Ba(Na[i], a); break; case 'source': Ba('error', a); break; case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': Ba('error', a), Ba('load', a); break; case 'details': Ba('toggle', a); break; case 'input': q(a, r), Ba('invalid', a); break; case 'select': (a._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!r.multiple }), Ba('invalid', a); break; case 'textarea': ie(a, r), Ba('invalid', a); } for (var s in (ye(n, r), (i = null), r)) if (r.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var c = r[s]; 'children' === s ? 'string' === typeof c ? a.textContent !== c && (!0 !== r.suppressHydrationWarning && Qa(a.textContent, c, e), (i = ['children', c])) : 'number' === typeof c && a.textContent !== '' + c && (!0 !== r.suppressHydrationWarning && Qa(a.textContent, c, e), (i = ['children', '' + c])) : l.hasOwnProperty(s) && null != c && 'onScroll' === s && Ba('scroll', a); } switch (n) { case 'input': Z(a), J(a, r, !0); break; case 'textarea': Z(a), re(a); break; case 'select': case 'option': break; default: 'function' === typeof r.onClick && (a.onclick = Ja); } (a = i), (t.updateQueue = a), null !== a && (t.flags |= 4); } else { (s = 9 === i.nodeType ? i : i.ownerDocument), '' === e && (e = le(n)), '' === e ? 'script' === n ? (((e = s.createElement('div')).innerHTML = '<script><\/script>'), (e = e.removeChild(e.firstChild))) : 'string' === typeof ? (e = s.createElement(n, { is: })) : ((e = s.createElement(n)), 'select' === n && ((s = e), a.multiple ? (s.multiple = !0) : a.size && (s.size = a.size))) : (e = s.createElementNS(e, n)), (e[pi] = t), (e[mi] = a), Al(e, t, !1, !1), (t.stateNode = e); e: { switch (((s = xe(n, a)), n)) { case 'dialog': Ba('cancel', e), Ba('close', e), (i = a); break; case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': Ba('load', e), (i = a); break; case 'video': case 'audio': for (i = 0; i < Na.length; i++) Ba(Na[i], e); i = a; break; case 'source': Ba('error', e), (i = a); break; case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': Ba('error', e), Ba('load', e), (i = a); break; case 'details': Ba('toggle', e), (i = a); break; case 'input': q(e, a), (i = K(e, a)), Ba('invalid', e); break; case 'option': default: i = a; break; case 'select': (e._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!a.multiple, }), (i = O({}, a, { value: void 0 })), Ba('invalid', e); break; case 'textarea': ie(e, a), (i = ae(e, a)), Ba('invalid', e); } for (r in (ye(n, i), (c = i))) if (c.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var d = c[r]; 'style' === r ? ge(e, d) : 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === r ? null != (d = d ? d.__html : void 0) && ue(e, d) : 'children' === r ? 'string' === typeof d ? ('textarea' !== n || '' !== d) && pe(e, d) : 'number' === typeof d && pe(e, '' + d) : 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== r && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== r && 'autoFocus' !== r && (l.hasOwnProperty(r) ? null != d && 'onScroll' === r && Ba('scroll', e) : null != d && x(e, r, d, s)); } switch (n) { case 'input': Z(e), J(e, a, !1); break; case 'textarea': Z(e), re(e); break; case 'option': null != a.value && e.setAttribute('value', '' + H(a.value)); break; case 'select': (e.multiple = !!a.multiple), null != (r = a.value) ? ne(e, !!a.multiple, r, !1) : null != a.defaultValue && ne( e, !!a.multiple, a.defaultValue, !0, ); break; default: 'function' === typeof i.onClick && (e.onclick = Ja); } switch (n) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': a = !!a.autoFocus; break e; case 'img': a = !0; break e; default: a = !1; } } a && (t.flags |= 4); } null !== t.ref && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)); } return $l(t), null; case 6: if (e && null != t.stateNode) Nl(e, t, e.memoizedProps, a); else { if ('string' !== typeof a && null === t.stateNode) throw Error(o(166)); if (((n = ar(nr.current)), ar(er.current), po(t))) { if ( ((a = t.stateNode), (n = t.memoizedProps), (a[pi] = t), (r = a.nodeValue !== n) && null !== (e = no)) ) switch (e.tag) { case 3: Qa(a.nodeValue, n, 0 !== (1 & e.mode)); break; case 5: !0 !== e.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning && Qa(a.nodeValue, n, 0 !== (1 & e.mode)); } r && (t.flags |= 4); } else ((a = ( 9 === n.nodeType ? n : n.ownerDocument ).createTextNode(a))[pi] = t), (t.stateNode = a); } return $l(t), null; case 13: if ( (Si(sr), (a = t.memoizedState), null === e || (null !== e.memoizedState && null !== e.memoizedState.dehydrated)) ) { if ( io && null !== ao && 0 !== (1 & t.mode) && 0 === (128 & t.flags) ) mo(), ho(), (t.flags |= 98560), (r = !1); else if (((r = po(t)), null !== a && null !== a.dehydrated)) { if (null === e) { if (!r) throw Error(o(318)); if ( !(r = null !== (r = t.memoizedState) ? r.dehydrated : null) ) throw Error(o(317)); r[pi] = t; } else ho(), 0 === (128 & t.flags) && (t.memoizedState = null), (t.flags |= 4); $l(t), (r = !1); } else null !== oo && (lc(oo), (oo = null)), (r = !0); if (!r) return 65536 & t.flags ? t : null; } return 0 !== (128 & t.flags) ? ((t.lanes = n), t) : ((a = null !== a) !== (null !== e && null !== e.memoizedState) && a && ((t.child.flags |= 8192), 0 !== (1 & t.mode) && (null === e || 0 !== (1 & sr.current) ? 0 === Ns && (Ns = 3) : gc())), null !== t.updateQueue && (t.flags |= 4), $l(t), null); case 4: return ( or(), Rl(e, t), null === e && Va(t.stateNode.containerInfo), $l(t), null ); case 10: return ko(t.type._context), $l(t), null; case 19: if ((Si(sr), null === (r = t.memoizedState))) return $l(t), null; if (((a = 0 !== (128 & t.flags)), null === (s = r.rendering))) if (a) Zl(r, !1); else { if (0 !== Ns || (null !== e && 0 !== (128 & e.flags))) for (e = t.child; null !== e; ) { if (null !== (s = cr(e))) { for ( t.flags |= 128, Zl(r, !1), null !== (a = s.updateQueue) && ((t.updateQueue = a), (t.flags |= 4)), t.subtreeFlags = 0, a = n, n = t.child; null !== n; ) (e = a), ((r = n).flags &= 14680066), null === (s = r.alternate) ? ((r.childLanes = 0), (r.lanes = e), (r.child = null), (r.subtreeFlags = 0), (r.memoizedProps = null), (r.memoizedState = null), (r.updateQueue = null), (r.dependencies = null), (r.stateNode = null)) : ((r.childLanes = s.childLanes), (r.lanes = s.lanes), (r.child = s.child), (r.subtreeFlags = 0), (r.deletions = null), (r.memoizedProps = s.memoizedProps), (r.memoizedState = s.memoizedState), (r.updateQueue = s.updateQueue), (r.type = s.type), (e = s.dependencies), (r.dependencies = null === e ? null : { lanes: e.lanes, firstContext: e.firstContext, })), (n = n.sibling); return Ei(sr, (1 & sr.current) | 2), t.child; } e = e.sibling; } null !== r.tail && Ye() > Fs && ((t.flags |= 128), (a = !0), Zl(r, !1), (t.lanes = 4194304)); } else { if (!a) if (null !== (e = cr(s))) { if ( ((t.flags |= 128), (a = !0), null !== (n = e.updateQueue) && ((t.updateQueue = n), (t.flags |= 4)), Zl(r, !0), null === r.tail && 'hidden' === r.tailMode && !s.alternate && !io) ) return $l(t), null; } else 2 * Ye() - r.renderingStartTime > Fs && 1073741824 !== n && ((t.flags |= 128), (a = !0), Zl(r, !1), (t.lanes = 4194304)); r.isBackwards ? ((s.sibling = t.child), (t.child = s)) : (null !== (n = r.last) ? (n.sibling = s) : (t.child = s), (r.last = s)); } return null !== r.tail ? ((t = r.tail), (r.rendering = t), (r.tail = t.sibling), (r.renderingStartTime = Ye()), (t.sibling = null), (n = sr.current), Ei(sr, a ? (1 & n) | 2 : 1 & n), t) : ($l(t), null); case 22: case 23: return ( pc(), (a = null !== t.memoizedState), null !== e && (null !== e.memoizedState) !== a && (t.flags |= 8192), a && 0 !== (1 & t.mode) ? 0 !== (1073741824 & Rs) && ($l(t), 6 & t.subtreeFlags && (t.flags |= 8192)) : $l(t), null ); case 24: case 25: return null; } throw Error(o(156, t.tag)); } function Kl(e, t) { switch ((to(t), t.tag)) { case 1: return ( Ai(t.type) && Ri(), 65536 & (e = t.flags) ? ((t.flags = (-65537 & e) | 128), t) : null ); case 3: return ( or(), Si(Ii), Si(Ci), ur(), 0 !== (65536 & (e = t.flags)) && 0 === (128 & e) ? ((t.flags = (-65537 & e) | 128), t) : null ); case 5: return lr(t), null; case 13: if ( (Si(sr), null !== (e = t.memoizedState) && null !== e.dehydrated) ) { if (null === t.alternate) throw Error(o(340)); ho(); } return 65536 & (e = t.flags) ? ((t.flags = (-65537 & e) | 128), t) : null; case 19: return Si(sr), null; case 4: return or(), null; case 10: return ko(t.type._context), null; case 22: case 23: return pc(), null; default: return null; } } (Al = function (e, t) { for (var n = t.child; null !== n; ) { if (5 === n.tag || 6 === n.tag) e.appendChild(n.stateNode); else if (4 !== n.tag && null !== n.child) { (n.child.return = n), (n = n.child); continue; } if (n === t) break; for (; null === n.sibling; ) { if (null === n.return || n.return === t) return; n = n.return; } (n.sibling.return = n.return), (n = n.sibling); } }), (Rl = function () {}), (Dl = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = e.memoizedProps; if (i !== a) { (e = t.stateNode), ar(er.current); var o, r = null; switch (n) { case 'input': (i = K(e, i)), (a = K(e, a)), (r = []); break; case 'select': (i = O({}, i, { value: void 0 })), (a = O({}, a, { value: void 0 })), (r = []); break; case 'textarea': (i = ae(e, i)), (a = ae(e, a)), (r = []); break; default: 'function' !== typeof i.onClick && 'function' === typeof a.onClick && (e.onclick = Ja); } for (d in (ye(n, a), (n = null), i)) if (!a.hasOwnProperty(d) && i.hasOwnProperty(d) && null != i[d]) if ('style' === d) { var s = i[d]; for (o in s) s.hasOwnProperty(o) && (n || (n = {}), (n[o] = '')); } else 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' !== d && 'children' !== d && 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== d && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== d && 'autoFocus' !== d && (l.hasOwnProperty(d) ? r || (r = []) : (r = r || []).push(d, null)); for (d in a) { var c = a[d]; if ( ((s = null != i ? i[d] : void 0), a.hasOwnProperty(d) && c !== s && (null != c || null != s)) ) if ('style' === d) if (s) { for (o in s) !s.hasOwnProperty(o) || (c && c.hasOwnProperty(o)) || (n || (n = {}), (n[o] = '')); for (o in c) c.hasOwnProperty(o) && s[o] !== c[o] && (n || (n = {}), (n[o] = c[o])); } else n || (r || (r = []), r.push(d, n)), (n = c); else 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === d ? ((c = c ? c.__html : void 0), (s = s ? s.__html : void 0), null != c && s !== c && (r = r || []).push(d, c)) : 'children' === d ? ('string' !== typeof c && 'number' !== typeof c) || (r = r || []).push(d, '' + c) : 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== d && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== d && (l.hasOwnProperty(d) ? (null != c && 'onScroll' === d && Ba('scroll', e), r || s === c || (r = [])) : (r = r || []).push(d, c)); } n && (r = r || []).push('style', n); var d = r; (t.updateQueue = d) && (t.flags |= 4); } }), (Nl = function (e, t, n, a) { n !== a && (t.flags |= 4); }); var ql = !1, Yl = !1, Ql = 'function' === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set, Jl = null; function es(e, t) { var n = e.ref; if (null !== n) if ('function' === typeof n) try { n(null); } catch (a) { Sc(e, t, a); } else n.current = null; } function ts(e, t, n) { try { n(); } catch (a) { Sc(e, t, a); } } var ns = !1; function as(e, t, n) { var a = t.updateQueue; if (null !== (a = null !== a ? a.lastEffect : null)) { var i = (a =; do { if ((i.tag & e) === e) { var o = i.destroy; (i.destroy = void 0), void 0 !== o && ts(t, n, o); } i =; } while (i !== a); } } function is(e, t) { if (null !== (t = null !== (t = t.updateQueue) ? t.lastEffect : null)) { var n = (t =; do { if ((n.tag & e) === e) { var a = n.create; n.destroy = a(); } n =; } while (n !== t); } } function os(e) { var t = e.ref; if (null !== t) { var n = e.stateNode; e.tag, (e = n), 'function' === typeof t ? t(e) : (t.current = e); } } function rs(e) { var t = e.alternate; null !== t && ((e.alternate = null), rs(t)), (e.child = null), (e.deletions = null), (e.sibling = null), 5 === e.tag && null !== (t = e.stateNode) && (delete t[pi], delete t[mi], delete t[fi], delete t[gi], delete t[wi]), (e.stateNode = null), (e.return = null), (e.dependencies = null), (e.memoizedProps = null), (e.memoizedState = null), (e.pendingProps = null), (e.stateNode = null), (e.updateQueue = null); } function ls(e) { return 5 === e.tag || 3 === e.tag || 4 === e.tag; } function ss(e) { e: for (;;) { for (; null === e.sibling; ) { if (null === e.return || ls(e.return)) return null; e = e.return; } for ( e.sibling.return = e.return, e = e.sibling; 5 !== e.tag && 6 !== e.tag && 18 !== e.tag; ) { if (2 & e.flags) continue e; if (null === e.child || 4 === e.tag) continue e; (e.child.return = e), (e = e.child); } if (!(2 & e.flags)) return e.stateNode; } } function cs(e, t, n) { var a = e.tag; if (5 === a || 6 === a) (e = e.stateNode), t ? 8 === n.nodeType ? n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t) : n.insertBefore(e, t) : (8 === n.nodeType ? (t = n.parentNode).insertBefore(e, n) : (t = n).appendChild(e), (null !== (n = n._reactRootContainer) && void 0 !== n) || null !== t.onclick || (t.onclick = Ja)); else if (4 !== a && null !== (e = e.child)) for (cs(e, t, n), e = e.sibling; null !== e; ) cs(e, t, n), (e = e.sibling); } function ds(e, t, n) { var a = e.tag; if (5 === a || 6 === a) (e = e.stateNode), t ? n.insertBefore(e, t) : n.appendChild(e); else if (4 !== a && null !== (e = e.child)) for (ds(e, t, n), e = e.sibling; null !== e; ) ds(e, t, n), (e = e.sibling); } var us = null, ps = !1; function ms(e, t, n) { for (n = n.child; null !== n; ) hs(e, t, n), (n = n.sibling); } function hs(e, t, n) { if (ot && 'function' === typeof ot.onCommitFiberUnmount) try { ot.onCommitFiberUnmount(it, n); } catch (l) {} switch (n.tag) { case 5: Yl || es(n, t); case 6: var a = us, i = ps; (us = null), ms(e, t, n), (ps = i), null !== (us = a) && (ps ? ((e = us), (n = n.stateNode), 8 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode.removeChild(n) : e.removeChild(n)) : us.removeChild(n.stateNode)); break; case 18: null !== us && (ps ? ((e = us), (n = n.stateNode), 8 === e.nodeType ? si(e.parentNode, n) : 1 === e.nodeType && si(e, n), Vt(e)) : si(us, n.stateNode)); break; case 4: (a = us), (i = ps), (us = n.stateNode.containerInfo), (ps = !0), ms(e, t, n), (us = a), (ps = i); break; case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if ( !Yl && null !== (a = n.updateQueue) && null !== (a = a.lastEffect) ) { i = a =; do { var o = i, r = o.destroy; (o = o.tag), void 0 !== r && (0 !== (2 & o) || 0 !== (4 & o)) && ts(n, t, r), (i =; } while (i !== a); } ms(e, t, n); break; case 1: if ( !Yl && (es(n, t), 'function' === typeof (a = n.stateNode).componentWillUnmount) ) try { (a.props = n.memoizedProps), (a.state = n.memoizedState), a.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (l) { Sc(n, t, l); } ms(e, t, n); break; case 21: ms(e, t, n); break; case 22: 1 & n.mode ? ((Yl = (a = Yl) || null !== n.memoizedState), ms(e, t, n), (Yl = a)) : ms(e, t, n); break; default: ms(e, t, n); } } function fs(e) { var t = e.updateQueue; if (null !== t) { e.updateQueue = null; var n = e.stateNode; null === n && (n = e.stateNode = new Ql()), t.forEach(function (t) { var a = Ic.bind(null, e, t); n.has(t) || (n.add(t), t.then(a, a)); }); } } function gs(e, t) { var n = t.deletions; if (null !== n) for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var i = n[a]; try { var r = e, l = t, s = l; e: for (; null !== s; ) { switch (s.tag) { case 5: (us = s.stateNode), (ps = !1); break e; case 3: case 4: (us = s.stateNode.containerInfo), (ps = !0); break e; } s = s.return; } if (null === us) throw Error(o(160)); hs(r, l, i), (us = null), (ps = !1); var c = i.alternate; null !== c && (c.return = null), (i.return = null); } catch (d) { Sc(i, t, d); } } if (12854 & t.subtreeFlags) for (t = t.child; null !== t; ) ws(t, e), (t = t.sibling); } function ws(e, t) { var n = e.alternate, a = e.flags; switch (e.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if ((gs(t, e), ys(e), 4 & a)) { try { as(3, e, e.return), is(3, e); } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } try { as(5, e, e.return); } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 1: gs(t, e), ys(e), 512 & a && null !== n && es(n, n.return); break; case 5: if ( (gs(t, e), ys(e), 512 & a && null !== n && es(n, n.return), 32 & e.flags) ) { var i = e.stateNode; try { pe(i, ''); } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } if (4 & a && null != (i = e.stateNode)) { var r = e.memoizedProps, l = null !== n ? n.memoizedProps : r, s = e.type, c = e.updateQueue; if (((e.updateQueue = null), null !== c)) try { 'input' === s && 'radio' === r.type && null != && Y(i, r), xe(s, l); var d = xe(s, r); for (l = 0; l < c.length; l += 2) { var u = c[l], p = c[l + 1]; 'style' === u ? ge(i, p) : 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === u ? ue(i, p) : 'children' === u ? pe(i, p) : x(i, u, p, d); } switch (s) { case 'input': Q(i, r); break; case 'textarea': oe(i, r); break; case 'select': var m = i._wrapperState.wasMultiple; i._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!r.multiple; var h = r.value; null != h ? ne(i, !!r.multiple, h, !1) : m !== !!r.multiple && (null != r.defaultValue ? ne( i, !!r.multiple, r.defaultValue, !0, ) : ne( i, !!r.multiple, r.multiple ? [] : '', !1, )); } i[mi] = r; } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 6: if ((gs(t, e), ys(e), 4 & a)) { if (null === e.stateNode) throw Error(o(162)); (i = e.stateNode), (r = e.memoizedProps); try { i.nodeValue = r; } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } break; case 3: if ( (gs(t, e), ys(e), 4 & a && null !== n && n.memoizedState.isDehydrated) ) try { Vt(t.containerInfo); } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } break; case 4: default: gs(t, e), ys(e); break; case 13: gs(t, e), ys(e), 8192 & (i = e.child).flags && ((r = null !== i.memoizedState), (i.stateNode.isHidden = r), !r || (null !== i.alternate && null !== i.alternate.memoizedState) || (Vs = Ye())), 4 & a && fs(e); break; case 22: if ( ((u = null !== n && null !== n.memoizedState), 1 & e.mode ? ((Yl = (d = Yl) || u), gs(t, e), (Yl = d)) : gs(t, e), ys(e), 8192 & a) ) { if ( ((d = null !== e.memoizedState), (e.stateNode.isHidden = d) && !u && 0 !== (1 & e.mode)) ) for (Jl = e, u = e.child; null !== u; ) { for (p = Jl = u; null !== Jl; ) { switch (((h = (m = Jl).child), m.tag)) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: as(4, m, m.return); break; case 1: es(m, m.return); var f = m.stateNode; if ( 'function' === typeof f.componentWillUnmount ) { (a = m), (n = m.return); try { (t = a), (f.props = t.memoizedProps), (f.state = t.memoizedState), f.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (g) { Sc(a, n, g); } } break; case 5: es(m, m.return); break; case 22: if (null !== m.memoizedState) { vs(p); continue; } } null !== h ? ((h.return = m), (Jl = h)) : vs(p); } u = u.sibling; } e: for (u = null, p = e; ; ) { if (5 === p.tag) { if (null === u) { u = p; try { (i = p.stateNode), d ? 'function' === typeof (r = ? r.setProperty( 'display', 'none', 'important', ) : (r.display = 'none') : ((s = p.stateNode), (l = void 0 !== (c = && null !== c && c.hasOwnProperty('display') ? c.display : null), ( = fe('display', l))); } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } } else if (6 === p.tag) { if (null === u) try { p.stateNode.nodeValue = d ? '' : p.memoizedProps; } catch (g) { Sc(e, e.return, g); } } else if ( ((22 !== p.tag && 23 !== p.tag) || null === p.memoizedState || p === e) && null !== p.child ) { (p.child.return = p), (p = p.child); continue; } if (p === e) break e; for (; null === p.sibling; ) { if (null === p.return || p.return === e) break e; u === p && (u = null), (p = p.return); } u === p && (u = null), (p.sibling.return = p.return), (p = p.sibling); } } break; case 19: gs(t, e), ys(e), 4 & a && fs(e); case 21: } } function ys(e) { var t = e.flags; if (2 & t) { try { e: { for (var n = e.return; null !== n; ) { if (ls(n)) { var a = n; break e; } n = n.return; } throw Error(o(160)); } switch (a.tag) { case 5: var i = a.stateNode; 32 & a.flags && (pe(i, ''), (a.flags &= -33)), ds(e, ss(e), i); break; case 3: case 4: var r = a.stateNode.containerInfo; cs(e, ss(e), r); break; default: throw Error(o(161)); } } catch (l) { Sc(e, e.return, l); } e.flags &= -3; } 4096 & t && (e.flags &= -4097); } function xs(e, t, n) { (Jl = e), bs(e, t, n); } function bs(e, t, n) { for (var a = 0 !== (1 & e.mode); null !== Jl; ) { var i = Jl, o = i.child; if (22 === i.tag && a) { var r = null !== i.memoizedState || ql; if (!r) { var l = i.alternate, s = (null !== l && null !== l.memoizedState) || Yl; l = ql; var c = Yl; if (((ql = r), (Yl = s) && !c)) for (Jl = i; null !== Jl; ) (s = (r = Jl).child), 22 === r.tag && null !== r.memoizedState ? ks(i) : null !== s ? ((s.return = r), (Jl = s)) : ks(i); for (; null !== o; ) (Jl = o), bs(o, t, n), (o = o.sibling); (Jl = i), (ql = l), (Yl = c); } zs(e); } else 0 !== (8772 & i.subtreeFlags) && null !== o ? ((o.return = i), (Jl = o)) : zs(e); } } function zs(e) { for (; null !== Jl; ) { var t = Jl; if (0 !== (8772 & t.flags)) { var n = t.alternate; try { if (0 !== (8772 & t.flags)) switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Yl || is(5, t); break; case 1: var a = t.stateNode; if (4 & t.flags && !Yl) if (null === n) a.componentDidMount(); else { var i = t.elementType === t.type ? n.memoizedProps : wo(t.type, n.memoizedProps); a.componentDidUpdate( i, n.memoizedState, a.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate, ); } var r = t.updateQueue; null !== r && Bo(t, r, a); break; case 3: var l = t.updateQueue; if (null !== l) { if (((n = null), null !== t.child)) switch (t.child.tag) { case 5: case 1: n = t.child.stateNode; } Bo(t, l, n); } break; case 5: var s = t.stateNode; if (null === n && 4 & t.flags) { n = s; var c = t.memoizedProps; switch (t.type) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': c.autoFocus && n.focus(); break; case 'img': c.src && (n.src = c.src); } } break; case 6: case 4: case 12: case 19: case 17: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 25: break; case 13: if (null === t.memoizedState) { var d = t.alternate; if (null !== d) { var u = d.memoizedState; if (null !== u) { var p = u.dehydrated; null !== p && Vt(p); } } } break; default: throw Error(o(163)); } Yl || (512 & t.flags && os(t)); } catch (m) { Sc(t, t.return, m); } } if (t === e) { Jl = null; break; } if (null !== (n = t.sibling)) { (n.return = t.return), (Jl = n); break; } Jl = t.return; } } function vs(e) { for (; null !== Jl; ) { var t = Jl; if (t === e) { Jl = null; break; } var n = t.sibling; if (null !== n) { (n.return = t.return), (Jl = n); break; } Jl = t.return; } } function ks(e) { for (; null !== Jl; ) { var t = Jl; try { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: var n = t.return; try { is(4, t); } catch (s) { Sc(t, n, s); } break; case 1: var a = t.stateNode; if ('function' === typeof a.componentDidMount) { var i = t.return; try { a.componentDidMount(); } catch (s) { Sc(t, i, s); } } var o = t.return; try { os(t); } catch (s) { Sc(t, o, s); } break; case 5: var r = t.return; try { os(t); } catch (s) { Sc(t, r, s); } } } catch (s) { Sc(t, t.return, s); } if (t === e) { Jl = null; break; } var l = t.sibling; if (null !== l) { (l.return = t.return), (Jl = l); break; } Jl = t.return; } } var js, Ss = Math.ceil, Es = b.ReactCurrentDispatcher, _s = b.ReactCurrentOwner, Cs = b.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Is = 0, Ts = null, Ps = null, As = 0, Rs = 0, Ds = ji(0), Ns = 0, Ls = null, Os = 0, Ms = 0, Bs = 0, Us = null, Ws = null, Vs = 0, Fs = 1 / 0, Hs = null, Gs = !1, Zs = null, $s = null, Xs = !1, Ks = null, qs = 0, Ys = 0, Qs = null, Js = -1, ec = 0; function tc() { return 0 !== (6 & Is) ? Ye() : -1 !== Js ? Js : (Js = Ye()); } function nc(e) { return 0 === (1 & e.mode) ? 1 : 0 !== (2 & Is) && 0 !== As ? As & -As : null !== go.transition ? (0 === ec && (ec = ft()), ec) : 0 !== (e = xt) ? e : (e = void 0 === (e = window.event) ? 16 : qt(e.type)); } function ac(e, t, n, a) { if (50 < Ys) throw ((Ys = 0), (Qs = null), Error(o(185))); wt(e, n, a), (0 !== (2 & Is) && e === Ts) || (e === Ts && (0 === (2 & Is) && (Ms |= n), 4 === Ns && sc(e, As)), ic(e, a), 1 === n && 0 === Is && 0 === (1 & t.mode) && ((Fs = Ye() + 500), Bi && Vi())); } function ic(e, t) { var n = e.callbackNode; !(function (e, t) { for ( var n = e.suspendedLanes, a = e.pingedLanes, i = e.expirationTimes, o = e.pendingLanes; 0 < o; ) { var r = 31 - rt(o), l = 1 << r, s = i[r]; -1 === s ? (0 !== (l & n) && 0 === (l & a)) || (i[r] = mt(l, t)) : s <= t && (e.expiredLanes |= l), (o &= ~l); } })(e, t); var a = pt(e, e === Ts ? As : 0); if (0 === a) null !== n && Xe(n), (e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackPriority = 0); else if (((t = a & -a), e.callbackPriority !== t)) { if ((null != n && Xe(n), 1 === t)) 0 === e.tag ? (function (e) { (Bi = !0), Wi(e); })(cc.bind(null, e)) : Wi(cc.bind(null, e)), ri(function () { 0 === (6 & Is) && Vi(); }), (n = null); else { switch (bt(a)) { case 1: n = Je; break; case 4: n = et; break; case 16: default: n = tt; break; case 536870912: n = at; } n = Tc(n, oc.bind(null, e)); } (e.callbackPriority = t), (e.callbackNode = n); } } function oc(e, t) { if (((Js = -1), (ec = 0), 0 !== (6 & Is))) throw Error(o(327)); var n = e.callbackNode; if (kc() && e.callbackNode !== n) return null; var a = pt(e, e === Ts ? As : 0); if (0 === a) return null; if (0 !== (30 & a) || 0 !== (a & e.expiredLanes) || t) t = wc(e, a); else { t = a; var i = Is; Is |= 2; var r = fc(); for ( (Ts === e && As === t) || ((Hs = null), (Fs = Ye() + 500), mc(e, t)); ; ) try { xc(); break; } catch (s) { hc(e, s); } vo(), (Es.current = r), (Is = i), null !== Ps ? (t = 0) : ((Ts = null), (As = 0), (t = Ns)); } if (0 !== t) { if ( (2 === t && 0 !== (i = ht(e)) && ((a = i), (t = rc(e, i))), 1 === t) ) throw ((n = Ls), mc(e, 0), sc(e, a), ic(e, Ye()), n); if (6 === t) sc(e, a); else { if ( ((i = e.current.alternate), 0 === (30 & a) && !(function (e) { for (var t = e; ; ) { if (16384 & t.flags) { var n = t.updateQueue; if (null !== n && null !== (n = n.stores)) for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var i = n[a], o = i.getSnapshot; i = i.value; try { if (!la(o(), i)) return !1; } catch (l) { return !1; } } } if ( ((n = t.child), 16384 & t.subtreeFlags && null !== n) ) (n.return = t), (t = n); else { if (t === e) break; for (; null === t.sibling; ) { if (null === t.return || t.return === e) return !0; t = t.return; } (t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling); } } return !0; })(i) && (2 === (t = wc(e, a)) && 0 !== (r = ht(e)) && ((a = r), (t = rc(e, r))), 1 === t)) ) throw ((n = Ls), mc(e, 0), sc(e, a), ic(e, Ye()), n); switch (((e.finishedWork = i), (e.finishedLanes = a), t)) { case 0: case 1: throw Error(o(345)); case 2: case 5: vc(e, Ws, Hs); break; case 3: if ( (sc(e, a), (130023424 & a) === a && 10 < (t = Vs + 500 - Ye())) ) { if (0 !== pt(e, 0)) break; if (((i = e.suspendedLanes) & a) !== a) { tc(), (e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & i); break; } e.timeoutHandle = ai(vc.bind(null, e, Ws, Hs), t); break; } vc(e, Ws, Hs); break; case 4: if ((sc(e, a), (4194240 & a) === a)) break; for (t = e.eventTimes, i = -1; 0 < a; ) { var l = 31 - rt(a); (r = 1 << l), (l = t[l]) > i && (i = l), (a &= ~r); } if ( ((a = i), 10 < (a = (120 > (a = Ye() - a) ? 120 : 480 > a ? 480 : 1080 > a ? 1080 : 1920 > a ? 1920 : 3e3 > a ? 3e3 : 4320 > a ? 4320 : 1960 * Ss(a / 1960)) - a)) ) { e.timeoutHandle = ai(vc.bind(null, e, Ws, Hs), a); break; } vc(e, Ws, Hs); break; default: throw Error(o(329)); } } } return ic(e, Ye()), e.callbackNode === n ? oc.bind(null, e) : null; } function rc(e, t) { var n = Us; return ( e.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (mc(e, t).flags |= 256), 2 !== (e = wc(e, t)) && ((t = Ws), (Ws = n), null !== t && lc(t)), e ); } function lc(e) { null === Ws ? (Ws = e) : Ws.push.apply(Ws, e); } function sc(e, t) { for ( t &= ~Bs, t &= ~Ms, e.suspendedLanes |= t, e.pingedLanes &= ~t, e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < t; ) { var n = 31 - rt(t), a = 1 << n; (e[n] = -1), (t &= ~a); } } function cc(e) { if (0 !== (6 & Is)) throw Error(o(327)); kc(); var t = pt(e, 0); if (0 === (1 & t)) return ic(e, Ye()), null; var n = wc(e, t); if (0 !== e.tag && 2 === n) { var a = ht(e); 0 !== a && ((t = a), (n = rc(e, a))); } if (1 === n) throw ((n = Ls), mc(e, 0), sc(e, t), ic(e, Ye()), n); if (6 === n) throw Error(o(345)); return ( (e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate), (e.finishedLanes = t), vc(e, Ws, Hs), ic(e, Ye()), null ); } function dc(e, t) { var n = Is; Is |= 1; try { return e(t); } finally { 0 === (Is = n) && ((Fs = Ye() + 500), Bi && Vi()); } } function uc(e) { null !== Ks && 0 === Ks.tag && 0 === (6 & Is) && kc(); var t = Is; Is |= 1; var n = Cs.transition, a = xt; try { if (((Cs.transition = null), (xt = 1), e)) return e(); } finally { (xt = a), (Cs.transition = n), 0 === (6 & (Is = t)) && Vi(); } } function pc() { (Rs = Ds.current), Si(Ds); } function mc(e, t) { (e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedLanes = 0); var n = e.timeoutHandle; if ((-1 !== n && ((e.timeoutHandle = -1), ii(n)), null !== Ps)) for (n = Ps.return; null !== n; ) { var a = n; switch ((to(a), a.tag)) { case 1: null !== (a = a.type.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== a && Ri(); break; case 3: or(), Si(Ii), Si(Ci), ur(); break; case 5: lr(a); break; case 4: or(); break; case 13: case 19: Si(sr); break; case 10: ko(a.type._context); break; case 22: case 23: pc(); } n = n.return; } if ( ((Ts = e), (Ps = e = Dc(e.current, null)), (As = Rs = t), (Ns = 0), (Ls = null), (Bs = Ms = Os = 0), (Ws = Us = null), null !== _o) ) { for (t = 0; t < _o.length; t++) if (null !== (a = (n = _o[t]).interleaved)) { n.interleaved = null; var i =, o = n.pending; if (null !== o) { var r =; ( = i), ( = r); } n.pending = a; } _o = null; } return e; } function hc(e, t) { for (;;) { var n = Ps; try { if ((vo(), (pr.current = rl), yr)) { for (var a = fr.memoizedState; null !== a; ) { var i = a.queue; null !== i && (i.pending = null), (a =; } yr = !1; } if ( ((hr = 0), (wr = gr = fr = null), (xr = !1), (br = 0), (_s.current = null), null === n || null === n.return) ) { (Ns = 1), (Ls = t), (Ps = null); break; } e: { var r = e, l = n.return, s = n, c = t; if ( ((t = As), (s.flags |= 32768), null !== c && 'object' === typeof c && 'function' === typeof c.then) ) { var d = c, u = s, p = u.tag; if ( 0 === (1 & u.mode) && (0 === p || 11 === p || 15 === p) ) { var m = u.alternate; m ? ((u.updateQueue = m.updateQueue), (u.memoizedState = m.memoizedState), (u.lanes = m.lanes)) : ((u.updateQueue = null), (u.memoizedState = null)); } var h = wl(l); if (null !== h) { (h.flags &= -257), yl(h, l, s, 0, t), 1 & h.mode && gl(r, d, t), (c = d); var f = (t = h).updateQueue; if (null === f) { var g = new Set(); g.add(c), (t.updateQueue = g); } else f.add(c); break e; } if (0 === (1 & t)) { gl(r, d, t), gc(); break e; } c = Error(o(426)); } else if (io && 1 & s.mode) { var w = wl(l); if (null !== w) { 0 === (65536 & w.flags) && (w.flags |= 256), yl(w, l, s, 0, t), fo(dl(c, s)); break e; } } (r = c = dl(c, s)), 4 !== Ns && (Ns = 2), null === Us ? (Us = [r]) : Us.push(r), (r = l); do { switch (r.tag) { case 3: (r.flags |= 65536), (t &= -t), (r.lanes |= t), Oo(r, hl(0, c, t)); break e; case 1: s = c; var y = r.type, x = r.stateNode; if ( 0 === (128 & r.flags) && ('function' === typeof y.getDerivedStateFromError || (null !== x && 'function' === typeof x.componentDidCatch && (null === $s || !$s.has(x)))) ) { (r.flags |= 65536), (t &= -t), (r.lanes |= t), Oo(r, fl(r, s, t)); break e; } } r = r.return; } while (null !== r); } zc(n); } catch (b) { (t = b), Ps === n && null !== n && (Ps = n = n.return); continue; } break; } } function fc() { var e = Es.current; return (Es.current = rl), null === e ? rl : e; } function gc() { (0 !== Ns && 3 !== Ns && 2 !== Ns) || (Ns = 4), null === Ts || (0 === (268435455 & Os) && 0 === (268435455 & Ms)) || sc(Ts, As); } function wc(e, t) { var n = Is; Is |= 2; var a = fc(); for ((Ts === e && As === t) || ((Hs = null), mc(e, t)); ; ) try { yc(); break; } catch (i) { hc(e, i); } if ((vo(), (Is = n), (Es.current = a), null !== Ps)) throw Error(o(261)); return (Ts = null), (As = 0), Ns; } function yc() { for (; null !== Ps; ) bc(Ps); } function xc() { for (; null !== Ps && !Ke(); ) bc(Ps); } function bc(e) { var t = js(e.alternate, e, Rs); (e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps), null === t ? zc(e) : (Ps = t), (_s.current = null); } function zc(e) { var t = e; do { var n = t.alternate; if (((e = t.return), 0 === (32768 & t.flags))) { if (null !== (n = Xl(n, t, Rs))) return void (Ps = n); } else { if (null !== (n = Kl(n, t))) return (n.flags &= 32767), void (Ps = n); if (null === e) return (Ns = 6), void (Ps = null); (e.flags |= 32768), (e.subtreeFlags = 0), (e.deletions = null); } if (null !== (t = t.sibling)) return void (Ps = t); Ps = t = e; } while (null !== t); 0 === Ns && (Ns = 5); } function vc(e, t, n) { var a = xt, i = Cs.transition; try { (Cs.transition = null), (xt = 1), (function (e, t, n, a) { do { kc(); } while (null !== Ks); if (0 !== (6 & Is)) throw Error(o(327)); n = e.finishedWork; var i = e.finishedLanes; if (null === n) return null; if ( ((e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedLanes = 0), n === e.current) ) throw Error(o(177)); (e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackPriority = 0); var r = n.lanes | n.childLanes; if ( ((function (e, t) { var n = e.pendingLanes & ~t; (e.pendingLanes = t), (e.suspendedLanes = 0), (e.pingedLanes = 0), (e.expiredLanes &= t), (e.mutableReadLanes &= t), (e.entangledLanes &= t), (t = e.entanglements); var a = e.eventTimes; for (e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < n; ) { var i = 31 - rt(n), o = 1 << i; (t[i] = 0), (a[i] = -1), (e[i] = -1), (n &= ~o); } })(e, r), e === Ts && ((Ps = Ts = null), (As = 0)), (0 === (2064 & n.subtreeFlags) && 0 === (2064 & n.flags)) || Xs || ((Xs = !0), Tc(tt, function () { return kc(), null; })), (r = 0 !== (15990 & n.flags)), 0 !== (15990 & n.subtreeFlags) || r) ) { (r = Cs.transition), (Cs.transition = null); var l = xt; xt = 1; var s = Is; (Is |= 4), (_s.current = null), (function (e, t) { if (((ei = Ht), ma((e = pa())))) { if ('selectionStart' in e) var n = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd, }; else e: { var a = (n = ((n = e.ownerDocument) && n.defaultView) || window).getSelection && n.getSelection(); if (a && 0 !== a.rangeCount) { n = a.anchorNode; var i = a.anchorOffset, r = a.focusNode; a = a.focusOffset; try { n.nodeType, r.nodeType; } catch (z) { n = null; break e; } var l = 0, s = -1, c = -1, d = 0, u = 0, p = e, m = null; t: for (;;) { for ( var h; p !== n || (0 !== i && 3 !== p.nodeType) || (s = l + i), p !== r || (0 !== a && 3 !== p.nodeType) || (c = l + a), 3 === p.nodeType && (l += p.nodeValue .length), null !== (h = p.firstChild); ) (m = p), (p = h); for (;;) { if (p === e) break t; if ( (m === n && ++d === i && (s = l), m === r && ++u === a && (c = l), null !== (h = p.nextSibling)) ) break; m = (p = m).parentNode; } p = h; } n = -1 === s || -1 === c ? null : { start: s, end: c }; } else n = null; } n = n || { start: 0, end: 0 }; } else n = null; for ( ti = { focusedElem: e, selectionRange: n }, Ht = !1, Jl = t; null !== Jl; ) if ( ((e = (t = Jl).child), 0 !== (1028 & t.subtreeFlags) && null !== e) ) (e.return = t), (Jl = e); else for (; null !== Jl; ) { t = Jl; try { var f = t.alternate; if (0 !== (1024 & t.flags)) switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: case 5: case 6: case 4: case 17: break; case 1: if (null !== f) { var g = f.memoizedProps, w = f.memoizedState, y = t.stateNode, x = y.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate( t.elementType === t.type ? g : wo( t.type, g, ), w, ); y.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = x; } break; case 3: var b = t.stateNode .containerInfo; 1 === b.nodeType ? (b.textContent = '') : 9 === b.nodeType && b.documentElement && b.removeChild( b.documentElement, ); break; default: throw Error(o(163)); } } catch (z) { Sc(t, t.return, z); } if (null !== (e = t.sibling)) { (e.return = t.return), (Jl = e); break; } Jl = t.return; } (f = ns), (ns = !1); })(e, n), ws(n, e), ha(ti), (Ht = !!ei), (ti = ei = null), (e.current = n), xs(n, e, i), qe(), (Is = s), (xt = l), (Cs.transition = r); } else e.current = n; if ( (Xs && ((Xs = !1), (Ks = e), (qs = i)), (r = e.pendingLanes), 0 === r && ($s = null), (function (e) { if (ot && 'function' === typeof ot.onCommitFiberRoot) try { ot.onCommitFiberRoot( it, e, void 0, 128 === (128 & e.current.flags), ); } catch (t) {} })(n.stateNode), ic(e, Ye()), null !== t) ) for (a = e.onRecoverableError, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) (i = t[n]), a(i.value, { componentStack: i.stack, digest: i.digest, }); if (Gs) throw ((Gs = !1), (e = Zs), (Zs = null), e); 0 !== (1 & qs) && 0 !== e.tag && kc(), (r = e.pendingLanes), 0 !== (1 & r) ? e === Qs ? Ys++ : ((Ys = 0), (Qs = e)) : (Ys = 0), Vi(); })(e, t, n, a); } finally { (Cs.transition = i), (xt = a); } return null; } function kc() { if (null !== Ks) { var e = bt(qs), t = Cs.transition, n = xt; try { if (((Cs.transition = null), (xt = 16 > e ? 16 : e), null === Ks)) var a = !1; else { if (((e = Ks), (Ks = null), (qs = 0), 0 !== (6 & Is))) throw Error(o(331)); var i = Is; for (Is |= 4, Jl = e.current; null !== Jl; ) { var r = Jl, l = r.child; if (0 !== (16 & Jl.flags)) { var s = r.deletions; if (null !== s) { for (var c = 0; c < s.length; c++) { var d = s[c]; for (Jl = d; null !== Jl; ) { var u = Jl; switch (u.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: as(8, u, r); } var p = u.child; if (null !== p) (p.return = u), (Jl = p); else for (; null !== Jl; ) { var m = (u = Jl).sibling, h = u.return; if ((rs(u), u === d)) { Jl = null; break; } if (null !== m) { (m.return = h), (Jl = m); break; } Jl = h; } } } var f = r.alternate; if (null !== f) { var g = f.child; if (null !== g) { f.child = null; do { var w = g.sibling; (g.sibling = null), (g = w); } while (null !== g); } } Jl = r; } } if (0 !== (2064 & r.subtreeFlags) && null !== l) (l.return = r), (Jl = l); else e: for (; null !== Jl; ) { if (0 !== (2048 & (r = Jl).flags)) switch (r.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: as(9, r, r.return); } var y = r.sibling; if (null !== y) { (y.return = r.return), (Jl = y); break e; } Jl = r.return; } } var x = e.current; for (Jl = x; null !== Jl; ) { var b = (l = Jl).child; if (0 !== (2064 & l.subtreeFlags) && null !== b) (b.return = l), (Jl = b); else e: for (l = x; null !== Jl; ) { if (0 !== (2048 & (s = Jl).flags)) try { switch (s.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: is(9, s); } } catch (v) { Sc(s, s.return, v); } if (s === l) { Jl = null; break e; } var z = s.sibling; if (null !== z) { (z.return = s.return), (Jl = z); break e; } Jl = s.return; } } if ( ((Is = i), Vi(), ot && 'function' === typeof ot.onPostCommitFiberRoot) ) try { ot.onPostCommitFiberRoot(it, e); } catch (v) {} a = !0; } return a; } finally { (xt = n), (Cs.transition = t); } } return !1; } function jc(e, t, n) { (e = No(e, (t = hl(0, (t = dl(n, t)), 1)), 1)), (t = tc()), null !== e && (wt(e, 1, t), ic(e, t)); } function Sc(e, t, n) { if (3 === e.tag) jc(e, e, n); else for (; null !== t; ) { if (3 === t.tag) { jc(t, e, n); break; } if (1 === t.tag) { var a = t.stateNode; if ( 'function' === typeof t.type.getDerivedStateFromError || ('function' === typeof a.componentDidCatch && (null === $s || !$s.has(a))) ) { (t = No(t, (e = fl(t, (e = dl(n, e)), 1)), 1)), (e = tc()), null !== t && (wt(t, 1, e), ic(t, e)); break; } } t = t.return; } } function Ec(e, t, n) { var a = e.pingCache; null !== a && a.delete(t), (t = tc()), (e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & n), Ts === e && (As & n) === n && (4 === Ns || (3 === Ns && (130023424 & As) === As && 500 > Ye() - Vs) ? mc(e, 0) : (Bs |= n)), ic(e, t); } function _c(e, t) { 0 === t && (0 === (1 & e.mode) ? (t = 1) : ((t = dt), 0 === (130023424 & (dt <<= 1)) && (dt = 4194304))); var n = tc(); null !== (e = To(e, t)) && (wt(e, t, n), ic(e, n)); } function Cc(e) { var t = e.memoizedState, n = 0; null !== t && (n = t.retryLane), _c(e, n); } function Ic(e, t) { var n = 0; switch (e.tag) { case 13: var a = e.stateNode, i = e.memoizedState; null !== i && (n = i.retryLane); break; case 19: a = e.stateNode; break; default: throw Error(o(314)); } null !== a && a.delete(t), _c(e, n); } function Tc(e, t) { return $e(e, t); } function Pc(e, t, n, a) { (this.tag = e), (this.key = n), (this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null), (this.index = 0), (this.ref = null), (this.pendingProps = t), (this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null), (this.mode = a), (this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0), (this.deletions = null), (this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0), (this.alternate = null); } function Ac(e, t, n, a) { return new Pc(e, t, n, a); } function Rc(e) { return !(!(e = e.prototype) || !e.isReactComponent); } function Dc(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; return ( null === n ? (((n = Ac(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)).elementType = e.elementType), (n.type = e.type), (n.stateNode = e.stateNode), (n.alternate = e), (e.alternate = n)) : ((n.pendingProps = t), (n.type = e.type), (n.flags = 0), (n.subtreeFlags = 0), (n.deletions = null)), (n.flags = 14680064 & e.flags), (n.childLanes = e.childLanes), (n.lanes = e.lanes), (n.child = e.child), (n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps), (n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState), (n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t = e.dependencies), (n.dependencies = null === t ? null : { lanes: t.lanes, firstContext: t.firstContext }), (n.sibling = e.sibling), (n.index = e.index), (n.ref = e.ref), n ); } function Nc(e, t, n, a, i, r) { var l = 2; if (((a = e), 'function' === typeof e)) Rc(e) && (l = 1); else if ('string' === typeof e) l = 5; else e: switch (e) { case k: return Lc(n.children, i, r, t); case j: (l = 8), (i |= 8); break; case S: return ( ((e = Ac(12, n, t, 2 | i)).elementType = S), (e.lanes = r), e ); case I: return ( ((e = Ac(13, n, t, i)).elementType = I), (e.lanes = r), e ); case T: return ( ((e = Ac(19, n, t, i)).elementType = T), (e.lanes = r), e ); case R: return Oc(n, i, r, t); default: if ('object' === typeof e && null !== e) switch (e.$$typeof) { case E: l = 10; break e; case _: l = 9; break e; case C: l = 11; break e; case P: l = 14; break e; case A: (l = 16), (a = null); break e; } throw Error(o(130, null == e ? e : typeof e, '')); } return ( ((t = Ac(l, n, t, i)).elementType = e), (t.type = a), (t.lanes = r), t ); } function Lc(e, t, n, a) { return ((e = Ac(7, e, a, t)).lanes = n), e; } function Oc(e, t, n, a) { return ( ((e = Ac(22, e, a, t)).elementType = R), (e.lanes = n), (e.stateNode = { isHidden: !1 }), e ); } function Mc(e, t, n) { return ((e = Ac(6, e, null, t)).lanes = n), e; } function Bc(e, t, n) { return ( ((t = Ac(4, null !== e.children ? e.children : [], e.key, t)).lanes = n), (t.stateNode = { containerInfo: e.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: e.implementation, }), t ); } function Uc(e, t, n, a, i) { (this.tag = t), (this.containerInfo = e), (this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null), (this.timeoutHandle = -1), (this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null), (this.callbackPriority = 0), (this.eventTimes = gt(0)), (this.expirationTimes = gt(-1)), (this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0), (this.entanglements = gt(0)), (this.identifierPrefix = a), (this.onRecoverableError = i), (this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null); } function Wc(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { return ( (e = new Uc(e, t, n, l, s)), 1 === t ? ((t = 1), !0 === o && (t |= 8)) : (t = 0), (o = Ac(3, null, null, t)), (e.current = o), (o.stateNode = e), (o.memoizedState = { element: a, isDehydrated: n, cache: null, transitions: null, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null, }), Ao(o), e ); } function Vc(e) { if (!e) return _i; e: { if (Ve((e = e._reactInternals)) !== e || 1 !== e.tag) throw Error(o(170)); var t = e; do { switch (t.tag) { case 3: t = t.stateNode.context; break e; case 1: if (Ai(t.type)) { t = t.stateNode .__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext; break e; } } t = t.return; } while (null !== t); throw Error(o(171)); } if (1 === e.tag) { var n = e.type; if (Ai(n)) return Ni(e, n, t); } return t; } function Fc(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { return ( ((e = Wc(n, a, !0, e, 0, o, 0, l, s)).context = Vc(null)), (n = e.current), ((o = Do((a = tc()), (i = nc(n)))).callback = void 0 !== t && null !== t ? t : null), No(n, o, i), (e.current.lanes = i), wt(e, i, a), ic(e, a), e ); } function Hc(e, t, n, a) { var i = t.current, o = tc(), r = nc(i); return ( (n = Vc(n)), null === t.context ? (t.context = n) : (t.pendingContext = n), ((t = Do(o, r)).payload = { element: e }), null !== (a = void 0 === a ? null : a) && (t.callback = a), null !== (e = No(i, t, r)) && (ac(e, i, r, o), Lo(e, i, r)), r ); } function Gc(e) { return (e = e.current).child ? (e.child.tag, e.child.stateNode) : null; } function Zc(e, t) { if (null !== (e = e.memoizedState) && null !== e.dehydrated) { var n = e.retryLane; e.retryLane = 0 !== n && n < t ? n : t; } } function $c(e, t) { Zc(e, t), (e = e.alternate) && Zc(e, t); } js = function (e, t, n) { if (null !== e) if (e.memoizedProps !== t.pendingProps || Ii.current) bl = !0; else { if (0 === (e.lanes & n) && 0 === (128 & t.flags)) return ( (bl = !1), (function (e, t, n) { switch (t.tag) { case 3: Tl(t), ho(); break; case 5: rr(t); break; case 1: Ai(t.type) && Li(t); break; case 4: ir(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo); break; case 10: var a = t.type._context, i = t.memoizedProps.value; Ei(yo, a._currentValue), (a._currentValue = i); break; case 13: if (null !== (a = t.memoizedState)) return null !== a.dehydrated ? (Ei(sr, 1 & sr.current), (t.flags |= 128), null) : 0 !== (n & t.child.childLanes) ? Ml(e, t, n) : (Ei(sr, 1 & sr.current), null !== (e = Gl(e, t, n)) ? e.sibling : null); Ei(sr, 1 & sr.current); break; case 19: if ( ((a = 0 !== (n & t.childLanes)), 0 !== (128 & e.flags)) ) { if (a) return Fl(e, t, n); t.flags |= 128; } if ( (null !== (i = t.memoizedState) && ((i.rendering = null), (i.tail = null), (i.lastEffect = null)), Ei(sr, sr.current), a) ) break; return null; case 22: case 23: return (t.lanes = 0), Sl(e, t, n); } return Gl(e, t, n); })(e, t, n) ); bl = 0 !== (131072 & e.flags); } else (bl = !1), io && 0 !== (1048576 & t.flags) && Ji(t, Zi, t.index); switch (((t.lanes = 0), t.tag)) { case 2: var a = t.type; Hl(e, t), (e = t.pendingProps); var i = Pi(t, Ci.current); So(t, n), (i = jr(null, t, a, e, i, n)); var r = Sr(); return ( (t.flags |= 1), 'object' === typeof i && null !== i && 'function' === typeof i.render && void 0 === i.$$typeof ? ((t.tag = 1), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.updateQueue = null), Ai(a) ? ((r = !0), Li(t)) : (r = !1), (t.memoizedState = null !== i.state && void 0 !== i.state ? i.state : null), Ao(t), (i.updater = Vo), (t.stateNode = i), (i._reactInternals = t), Zo(t, a, e, n), (t = Il(null, t, a, !0, r, n))) : ((t.tag = 0), io && r && eo(t), zl(null, t, i, n), (t = t.child)), t ); case 16: a = t.elementType; e: { switch ( (Hl(e, t), (e = t.pendingProps), (a = (i = a._init)(a._payload)), (t.type = a), (i = t.tag = (function (e) { if ('function' === typeof e) return Rc(e) ? 1 : 0; if (void 0 !== e && null !== e) { if ((e = e.$$typeof) === C) return 11; if (e === P) return 14; } return 2; })(a)), (e = wo(a, e)), i) ) { case 0: t = _l(null, t, a, e, n); break e; case 1: t = Cl(null, t, a, e, n); break e; case 11: t = vl(null, t, a, e, n); break e; case 14: t = kl(null, t, a, wo(a.type, e), n); break e; } throw Error(o(306, a, '')); } return t; case 0: return ( (a = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), _l(e, t, a, (i = t.elementType === a ? i : wo(a, i)), n) ); case 1: return ( (a = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), Cl(e, t, a, (i = t.elementType === a ? i : wo(a, i)), n) ); case 3: e: { if ((Tl(t), null === e)) throw Error(o(387)); (a = t.pendingProps), (i = (r = t.memoizedState).element), Ro(e, t), Mo(t, a, null, n); var l = t.memoizedState; if (((a = l.element), r.isDehydrated)) { if ( ((r = { element: a, isDehydrated: !1, cache: l.cache, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: l.pendingSuspenseBoundaries, transitions: l.transitions, }), (t.updateQueue.baseState = r), (t.memoizedState = r), 256 & t.flags) ) { t = Pl(e, t, a, n, (i = dl(Error(o(423)), t))); break e; } if (a !== i) { t = Pl(e, t, a, n, (i = dl(Error(o(424)), t))); break e; } for ( ao = ci(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild), no = t, io = !0, oo = null, n = Qo(t, null, a, n), t.child = n; n; ) (n.flags = (-3 & n.flags) | 4096), (n = n.sibling); } else { if ((ho(), a === i)) { t = Gl(e, t, n); break e; } zl(e, t, a, n); } t = t.child; } return t; case 5: return ( rr(t), null === e && co(t), (a = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (r = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : null), (l = i.children), ni(a, i) ? (l = null) : null !== r && ni(a, r) && (t.flags |= 32), El(e, t), zl(e, t, l, n), t.child ); case 6: return null === e && co(t), null; case 13: return Ml(e, t, n); case 4: return ( ir(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo), (a = t.pendingProps), null === e ? (t.child = Yo(t, null, a, n)) : zl(e, t, a, n), t.child ); case 11: return ( (a = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), vl(e, t, a, (i = t.elementType === a ? i : wo(a, i)), n) ); case 7: return zl(e, t, t.pendingProps, n), t.child; case 8: case 12: return zl(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n), t.child; case 10: e: { if ( ((a = t.type._context), (i = t.pendingProps), (r = t.memoizedProps), (l = i.value), Ei(yo, a._currentValue), (a._currentValue = l), null !== r) ) if (la(r.value, l)) { if (r.children === i.children && !Ii.current) { t = Gl(e, t, n); break e; } } else for ( null !== (r = t.child) && (r.return = t); null !== r; ) { var s = r.dependencies; if (null !== s) { l = r.child; for (var c = s.firstContext; null !== c; ) { if (c.context === a) { if (1 === r.tag) { (c = Do(-1, n & -n)).tag = 2; var d = r.updateQueue; if (null !== d) { var u = (d = d.shared).pending; null === u ? ( = c) : (( =, ( = c)), (d.pending = c); } } (r.lanes |= n), null !== (c = r.alternate) && (c.lanes |= n), jo(r.return, n, t), (s.lanes |= n); break; } c =; } } else if (10 === r.tag) l = r.type === t.type ? null : r.child; else if (18 === r.tag) { if (null === (l = r.return)) throw Error(o(341)); (l.lanes |= n), null !== (s = l.alternate) && (s.lanes |= n), jo(l, n, t), (l = r.sibling); } else l = r.child; if (null !== l) l.return = r; else for (l = r; null !== l; ) { if (l === t) { l = null; break; } if (null !== (r = l.sibling)) { (r.return = l.return), (l = r); break; } l = l.return; } r = l; } zl(e, t, i.children, n), (t = t.child); } return t; case 9: return ( (i = t.type), (a = t.pendingProps.children), So(t, n), (a = a((i = Eo(i)))), (t.flags |= 1), zl(e, t, a, n), t.child ); case 14: return ( (i = wo((a = t.type), t.pendingProps)), kl(e, t, a, (i = wo(a.type, i)), n) ); case 15: return jl(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, n); case 17: return ( (a = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (i = t.elementType === a ? i : wo(a, i)), Hl(e, t), (t.tag = 1), Ai(a) ? ((e = !0), Li(t)) : (e = !1), So(t, n), Ho(t, a, i), Zo(t, a, i, n), Il(null, t, a, !0, e, n) ); case 19: return Fl(e, t, n); case 22: return Sl(e, t, n); } throw Error(o(156, t.tag)); }; var Xc = 'function' === typeof reportError ? reportError : function (e) { console.error(e); }; function Kc(e) { this._internalRoot = e; } function qc(e) { this._internalRoot = e; } function Yc(e) { return !(!e || (1 !== e.nodeType && 9 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType)); } function Qc(e) { return !( !e || (1 !== e.nodeType && 9 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType && (8 !== e.nodeType || ' react-mount-point-unstable ' !== e.nodeValue)) ); } function Jc() {} function ed(e, t, n, a, i) { var o = n._reactRootContainer; if (o) { var r = o; if ('function' === typeof i) { var l = i; i = function () { var e = Gc(r);; }; } Hc(t, r, e, i); } else r = (function (e, t, n, a, i) { if (i) { if ('function' === typeof a) { var o = a; a = function () { var e = Gc(r);; }; } var r = Fc(t, a, e, 0, null, !1, 0, '', Jc); return ( (e._reactRootContainer = r), (e[hi] = r.current), Va(8 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e), uc(), r ); } for (; (i = e.lastChild); ) e.removeChild(i); if ('function' === typeof a) { var l = a; a = function () { var e = Gc(s);; }; } var s = Wc(e, 0, !1, null, 0, !1, 0, '', Jc); return ( (e._reactRootContainer = s), (e[hi] = s.current), Va(8 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e), uc(function () { Hc(t, s, n, a); }), s ); })(n, t, e, i, a); return Gc(r); } (qc.prototype.render = Kc.prototype.render = function (e) { var t = this._internalRoot; if (null === t) throw Error(o(409)); Hc(e, t, null, null); }), (qc.prototype.unmount = Kc.prototype.unmount = function () { var e = this._internalRoot; if (null !== e) { this._internalRoot = null; var t = e.containerInfo; uc(function () { Hc(null, e, null, null); }), (t[hi] = null); } }), (qc.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function (e) { if (e) { var t = jt(); e = { blockedOn: null, target: e, priority: t }; for ( var n = 0; n < Rt.length && 0 !== t && t < Rt[n].priority; n++ ); Rt.splice(n, 0, e), 0 === n && Ot(e); } }), (zt = function (e) { switch (e.tag) { case 3: var t = e.stateNode; if (t.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { var n = ut(t.pendingLanes); 0 !== n && (yt(t, 1 | n), ic(t, Ye()), 0 === (6 & Is) && ((Fs = Ye() + 500), Vi())); } break; case 13: uc(function () { var t = To(e, 1); if (null !== t) { var n = tc(); ac(t, e, 1, n); } }), $c(e, 1); } }), (vt = function (e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = To(e, 134217728); if (null !== t) ac(t, e, 134217728, tc()); $c(e, 134217728); } }), (kt = function (e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = nc(e), n = To(e, t); if (null !== n) ac(n, e, t, tc()); $c(e, t); } }), (jt = function () { return xt; }), (St = function (e, t) { var n = xt; try { return (xt = e), t(); } finally { xt = n; } }), (ve = function (e, t, n) { switch (t) { case 'input': if ((Q(e, n), (t =, 'radio' === n.type && null != t)) { for (n = e; n.parentNode; ) n = n.parentNode; for ( n = n.querySelectorAll( 'input[name=' + JSON.stringify('' + t) + '][type="radio"]', ), t = 0; t < n.length; t++ ) { var a = n[t]; if (a !== e && a.form === e.form) { var i = zi(a); if (!i) throw Error(o(90)); $(a), Q(a, i); } } } break; case 'textarea': oe(e, n); break; case 'select': null != (t = n.value) && ne(e, !!n.multiple, t, !1); } }), (Ce = dc), (Ie = uc); var td = { usingClientEntryPoint: !1, Events: [xi, bi, zi, Ee, _e, dc] }, nd = { findFiberByHostInstance: yi, bundleType: 0, version: '18.2.0', rendererPackageName: 'react-dom', }, ad = { bundleType: nd.bundleType, version: nd.version, rendererPackageName: nd.rendererPackageName, rendererConfig: nd.rendererConfig, overrideHookState: null, overrideHookStateDeletePath: null, overrideHookStateRenamePath: null, overrideProps: null, overridePropsDeletePath: null, overridePropsRenamePath: null, setErrorHandler: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: b.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function (e) { return null === (e = Ge(e)) ? null : e.stateNode; }, findFiberByHostInstance: nd.findFiberByHostInstance || function () { return null; }, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, reconcilerVersion: '18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608', }; if ('undefined' !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) { var id = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; if (!id.isDisabled && id.supportsFiber) try { (it = id.inject(ad)), (ot = id); } catch (de) {} } (t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = td), (t.createPortal = function (e, t) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null; if (!Yc(t)) throw Error(o(200)); return (function (e, t, n) { var a = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null; return { $$typeof: v, key: null == a ? null : '' + a, children: e, containerInfo: t, implementation: n, }; })(e, t, null, n); }), (t.createRoot = function (e, t) { if (!Yc(e)) throw Error(o(299)); var n = !1, a = '', i = Xc; return ( null !== t && void 0 !== t && (!0 === t.unstable_strictMode && (n = !0), void 0 !== t.identifierPrefix && (a = t.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== t.onRecoverableError && (i = t.onRecoverableError)), (t = Wc(e, 1, !1, null, 0, n, 0, a, i)), (e[hi] = t.current), Va(8 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e), new Kc(t) ); }), (t.findDOMNode = function (e) { if (null == e) return null; if (1 === e.nodeType) return e; var t = e._reactInternals; if (void 0 === t) { if ('function' === typeof e.render) throw Error(o(188)); throw ((e = Object.keys(e).join(',')), Error(o(268, e))); } return (e = null === (e = Ge(t)) ? null : e.stateNode); }), (t.flushSync = function (e) { return uc(e); }), (t.hydrate = function (e, t, n) { if (!Qc(t)) throw Error(o(200)); return ed(null, e, t, !0, n); }), (t.hydrateRoot = function (e, t, n) { if (!Yc(e)) throw Error(o(405)); var a = (null != n && n.hydratedSources) || null, i = !1, r = '', l = Xc; if ( (null !== n && void 0 !== n && (!0 === n.unstable_strictMode && (i = !0), void 0 !== n.identifierPrefix && (r = n.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== n.onRecoverableError && (l = n.onRecoverableError)), (t = Fc(t, null, e, 1, null != n ? n : null, i, 0, r, l)), (e[hi] = t.current), Va(e), a) ) for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) (i = (i = (n = a[e])._getVersion)(n._source)), null == t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData ? (t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [n, i]) : t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(n, i); return new qc(t); }), (t.render = function (e, t, n) { if (!Qc(t)) throw Error(o(200)); return ed(null, e, t, !1, n); }), (t.unmountComponentAtNode = function (e) { if (!Qc(e)) throw Error(o(40)); return ( !!e._reactRootContainer && (uc(function () { ed(null, null, e, !1, function () { (e._reactRootContainer = null), (e[hi] = null); }); }), !0) ); }), (t.unstable_batchedUpdates = dc), (t.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function (e, t, n, a) { if (!Qc(n)) throw Error(o(200)); if (null == e || void 0 === e._reactInternals) throw Error(o(38)); return ed(e, t, n, !1, a); }), (t.version = '18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608'); }, 250: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; var a = n(164); (t.createRoot = a.createRoot), (t.hydrateRoot = a.hydrateRoot); }, 164: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; !(function e() { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && 'function' === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE ) try { __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(e); } catch (t) { console.error(t); } })(), (e.exports = n(463)); }, 77: e => { var t = 'undefined' !== typeof Element, n = 'function' === typeof Map, a = 'function' === typeof Set, i = 'function' === typeof ArrayBuffer && !!ArrayBuffer.isView; function o(e, r) { if (e === r) return !0; if (e && r && 'object' == typeof e && 'object' == typeof r) { if (e.constructor !== r.constructor) return !1; var l, s, c, d; if (Array.isArray(e)) { if ((l = e.length) != r.length) return !1; for (s = l; 0 !== s--; ) if (!o(e[s], r[s])) return !1; return !0; } if (n && e instanceof Map && r instanceof Map) { if (e.size !== r.size) return !1; for (d = e.entries(); !(s =; ) if (!r.has(s.value[0])) return !1; for (d = e.entries(); !(s =; ) if (!o(s.value[1], r.get(s.value[0]))) return !1; return !0; } if (a && e instanceof Set && r instanceof Set) { if (e.size !== r.size) return !1; for (d = e.entries(); !(s =; ) if (!r.has(s.value[0])) return !1; return !0; } if (i && ArrayBuffer.isView(e) && ArrayBuffer.isView(r)) { if ((l = e.length) != r.length) return !1; for (s = l; 0 !== s--; ) if (e[s] !== r[s]) return !1; return !0; } if (e.constructor === RegExp) return e.source === r.source && e.flags === r.flags; if ( e.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf && 'function' === typeof e.valueOf && 'function' === typeof r.valueOf ) return e.valueOf() === r.valueOf(); if ( e.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && 'function' === typeof e.toString && 'function' === typeof r.toString ) return e.toString() === r.toString(); if ((l = (c = Object.keys(e)).length) !== Object.keys(r).length) return !1; for (s = l; 0 !== s--; ) if (!, c[s])) return !1; if (t && e instanceof Element) return !1; for (s = l; 0 !== s--; ) if ( (('_owner' !== c[s] && '__v' !== c[s] && '__o' !== c[s]) || !e.$$typeof) && !o(e[c[s]], r[c[s]]) ) return !1; return !0; } return e !== e && r !== r; } e.exports = function (e, t) { try { return o(e, t); } catch (n) { if ((n.message || '').match(/stack|recursion/i)) return ( console.warn('react-fast-compare cannot handle circular refs'), !1 ); throw n; } }; }, 372: (e, t) => { 'use strict'; var n = 'function' === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, a = n ? Symbol.for('react.element') : 60103, i = n ? Symbol.for('react.portal') : 60106, o = n ? Symbol.for('react.fragment') : 60107, r = n ? Symbol.for('react.strict_mode') : 60108, l = n ? Symbol.for('react.profiler') : 60114, s = n ? Symbol.for('react.provider') : 60109, c = n ? Symbol.for('react.context') : 60110, d = n ? Symbol.for('react.async_mode') : 60111, u = n ? Symbol.for('react.concurrent_mode') : 60111, p = n ? Symbol.for('react.forward_ref') : 60112, m = n ? Symbol.for('react.suspense') : 60113, h = n ? Symbol.for('react.suspense_list') : 60120, f = n ? Symbol.for('react.memo') : 60115, g = n ? Symbol.for('react.lazy') : 60116, w = n ? Symbol.for('react.block') : 60121, y = n ? Symbol.for('react.fundamental') : 60117, x = n ? Symbol.for('react.responder') : 60118, b = n ? Symbol.for('react.scope') : 60119; function z(e) { if ('object' === typeof e && null !== e) { var t = e.$$typeof; switch (t) { case a: switch ((e = e.type)) { case d: case u: case o: case l: case r: case m: return e; default: switch ((e = e && e.$$typeof)) { case c: case p: case g: case f: case s: return e; default: return t; } } case i: return t; } } } function v(e) { return z(e) === u; } (t.AsyncMode = d), (t.ConcurrentMode = u), (t.ContextConsumer = c), (t.ContextProvider = s), (t.Element = a), (t.ForwardRef = p), (t.Fragment = o), (t.Lazy = g), (t.Memo = f), (t.Portal = i), (t.Profiler = l), (t.StrictMode = r), (t.Suspense = m), (t.isAsyncMode = function (e) { return v(e) || z(e) === d; }), (t.isConcurrentMode = v), (t.isContextConsumer = function (e) { return z(e) === c; }), (t.isContextProvider = function (e) { return z(e) === s; }), (t.isElement = function (e) { return 'object' === typeof e && null !== e && e.$$typeof === a; }), (t.isForwardRef = function (e) { return z(e) === p; }), (t.isFragment = function (e) { return z(e) === o; }), (t.isLazy = function (e) { return z(e) === g; }), (t.isMemo = function (e) { return z(e) === f; }), (t.isPortal = function (e) { return z(e) === i; }), (t.isProfiler = function (e) { return z(e) === l; }), (t.isStrictMode = function (e) { return z(e) === r; }), (t.isSuspense = function (e) { return z(e) === m; }), (t.isValidElementType = function (e) { return ( 'string' === typeof e || 'function' === typeof e || e === o || e === u || e === l || e === r || e === m || e === h || ('object' === typeof e && null !== e && (e.$$typeof === g || e.$$typeof === f || e.$$typeof === s || e.$$typeof === c || e.$$typeof === p || e.$$typeof === y || e.$$typeof === x || e.$$typeof === b || e.$$typeof === w)) ); }), (t.typeOf = z); }, 441: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; e.exports = n(372); }, 374: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; var a = n(791), i = Symbol.for('react.element'), o = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, l = a.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, s = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; function c(e, t, n) { var a, o = {}, c = null, d = null; for (a in (void 0 !== n && (c = '' + n), void 0 !== t.key && (c = '' + t.key), void 0 !== t.ref && (d = t.ref), t)), a) && !s.hasOwnProperty(a) && (o[a] = t[a]); if (e && e.defaultProps) for (a in (t = e.defaultProps)) void 0 === o[a] && (o[a] = t[a]); return { $$typeof: i, type: e, key: c, ref: d, props: o, _owner: l.current, }; } (t.Fragment = o), (t.jsx = c), (t.jsxs = c); }, 117: (e, t) => { 'use strict'; var n = Symbol.for('react.element'), a = Symbol.for('react.portal'), i = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), o = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), r = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), l = Symbol.for('react.provider'), s = Symbol.for('react.context'), c = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), d = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), u = Symbol.for('react.memo'), p = Symbol.for('react.lazy'), m = Symbol.iterator; var h = { isMounted: function () { return !1; }, enqueueForceUpdate: function () {}, enqueueReplaceState: function () {}, enqueueSetState: function () {}, }, f = Object.assign, g = {}; function w(e, t, n) { (this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = g), (this.updater = n || h); } function y() {} function x(e, t, n) { (this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = g), (this.updater = n || h); } (w.prototype.isReactComponent = {}), (w.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { if ('object' !== typeof e && 'function' !== typeof e && null != e) throw Error( 'setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.', ); this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, 'setState'); }), (w.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, 'forceUpdate'); }), (y.prototype = w.prototype); var b = (x.prototype = new y()); (b.constructor = x), f(b, w.prototype), (b.isPureReactComponent = !0); var z = Array.isArray, v = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, k = { current: null }, j = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; function S(e, t, a) { var i, o = {}, r = null, l = null; if (null != t) for (i in (void 0 !== t.ref && (l = t.ref), void 0 !== t.key && (r = '' + t.key), t)), i) && !j.hasOwnProperty(i) && (o[i] = t[i]); var s = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === s) o.children = a; else if (1 < s) { for (var c = Array(s), d = 0; d < s; d++) c[d] = arguments[d + 2]; o.children = c; } if (e && e.defaultProps) for (i in (s = e.defaultProps)) void 0 === o[i] && (o[i] = s[i]); return { $$typeof: n, type: e, key: r, ref: l, props: o, _owner: k.current, }; } function E(e) { return 'object' === typeof e && null !== e && e.$$typeof === n; } var _ = /\/+/g; function C(e, t) { return 'object' === typeof e && null !== e && null != e.key ? (function (e) { var t = { '=': '=0', ':': '=2' }; return ( '$' + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function (e) { return t[e]; }) ); })('' + e.key) : t.toString(36); } function I(e, t, i, o, r) { var l = typeof e; ('undefined' !== l && 'boolean' !== l) || (e = null); var s = !1; if (null === e) s = !0; else switch (l) { case 'string': case 'number': s = !0; break; case 'object': switch (e.$$typeof) { case n: case a: s = !0; } } if (s) return ( (r = r((s = e))), (e = '' === o ? '.' + C(s, 0) : o), z(r) ? ((i = ''), null != e && (i = e.replace(_, '$&/') + '/'), I(r, t, i, '', function (e) { return e; })) : null != r && (E(r) && (r = (function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: n, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner, }; })( r, i + (!r.key || (s && s.key === r.key) ? '' : ('' + r.key).replace(_, '$&/') + '/') + e, )), t.push(r)), 1 ); if (((s = 0), (o = '' === o ? '.' : o + ':'), z(e))) for (var c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { var d = o + C((l = e[c]), c); s += I(l, t, i, d, r); } else if ( ((d = (function (e) { return null === e || 'object' !== typeof e ? null : 'function' === typeof (e = (m && e[m]) || e['@@iterator']) ? e : null; })(e)), 'function' === typeof d) ) for (e =, c = 0; !(l =; ) s += I((l = l.value), t, i, (d = o + C(l, c++)), r); else if ('object' === l) throw ( ((t = String(e)), Error( 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: ' + ('[object Object]' === t ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(e).join(', ') + '}' : t) + '). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.', )) ); return s; } function T(e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var a = [], i = 0; return ( I(e, a, '', '', function (e) { return, e, i++); }), a ); } function P(e) { if (-1 === e._status) { var t = e._result; (t = t()).then( function (t) { (0 !== e._status && -1 !== e._status) || ((e._status = 1), (e._result = t)); }, function (t) { (0 !== e._status && -1 !== e._status) || ((e._status = 2), (e._result = t)); }, ), -1 === e._status && ((e._status = 0), (e._result = t)); } if (1 === e._status) return e._result.default; throw e._result; } var A = { current: null }, R = { transition: null }, D = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: A, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: R, ReactCurrentOwner: k, }; (t.Children = { map: T, forEach: function (e, t, n) { T( e, function () { t.apply(this, arguments); }, n, ); }, count: function (e) { var t = 0; return ( T(e, function () { t++; }), t ); }, toArray: function (e) { return ( T(e, function (e) { return e; }) || [] ); }, only: function (e) { if (!E(e)) throw Error( 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.', ); return e; }, }), (t.Component = w), (t.Fragment = i), (t.Profiler = r), (t.PureComponent = x), (t.StrictMode = o), (t.Suspense = d), (t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = D), (t.cloneElement = function (e, t, a) { if (null === e || void 0 === e) throw Error( 'React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed ' + e + '.', ); var i = f({}, e.props), o = e.key, r = e.ref, l = e._owner; if (null != t) { if ( (void 0 !== t.ref && ((r = t.ref), (l = k.current)), void 0 !== t.key && (o = '' + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps) ) var s = e.type.defaultProps; for (c in t), c) && !j.hasOwnProperty(c) && (i[c] = void 0 === t[c] && void 0 !== s ? s[c] : t[c]); } var c = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === c) i.children = a; else if (1 < c) { s = Array(c); for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) s[d] = arguments[d + 2]; i.children = s; } return { $$typeof: n, type: e.type, key: o, ref: r, props: i, _owner: l, }; }), (t.createContext = function (e) { return ( ((e = { $$typeof: s, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null, }).Provider = { $$typeof: l, _context: e }), (e.Consumer = e) ); }), (t.createElement = S), (t.createFactory = function (e) { var t = S.bind(null, e); return (t.type = e), t; }), (t.createRef = function () { return { current: null }; }), (t.forwardRef = function (e) { return { $$typeof: c, render: e }; }), (t.isValidElement = E), (t.lazy = function (e) { return { $$typeof: p, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: P }; }), (t.memo = function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: u, type: e, compare: void 0 === t ? null : t }; }), (t.startTransition = function (e) { var t = R.transition; R.transition = {}; try { e(); } finally { R.transition = t; } }), (t.unstable_act = function () { throw Error('act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.'); }), (t.useCallback = function (e, t) { return A.current.useCallback(e, t); }), (t.useContext = function (e) { return A.current.useContext(e); }), (t.useDebugValue = function () {}), (t.useDeferredValue = function (e) { return A.current.useDeferredValue(e); }), (t.useEffect = function (e, t) { return A.current.useEffect(e, t); }), (t.useId = function () { return A.current.useId(); }), (t.useImperativeHandle = function (e, t, n) { return A.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, n); }), (t.useInsertionEffect = function (e, t) { return A.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t); }), (t.useLayoutEffect = function (e, t) { return A.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t); }), (t.useMemo = function (e, t) { return A.current.useMemo(e, t); }), (t.useReducer = function (e, t, n) { return A.current.useReducer(e, t, n); }), (t.useRef = function (e) { return A.current.useRef(e); }), (t.useState = function (e) { return A.current.useState(e); }), (t.useSyncExternalStore = function (e, t, n) { return A.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, n); }), (t.useTransition = function () { return A.current.useTransition(); }), (t.version = '18.2.0'); }, 791: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; e.exports = n(117); }, 184: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; e.exports = n(374); }, 813: (e, t) => { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var n = e.length; e.push(t); e: for (; 0 < n; ) { var a = (n - 1) >>> 1, i = e[a]; if (!(0 < o(i, t))) break e; (e[a] = t), (e[n] = i), (n = a); } } function a(e) { return 0 === e.length ? null : e[0]; } function i(e) { if (0 === e.length) return null; var t = e[0], n = e.pop(); if (n !== t) { e[0] = n; e: for (var a = 0, i = e.length, r = i >>> 1; a < r; ) { var l = 2 * (a + 1) - 1, s = e[l], c = l + 1, d = e[c]; if (0 > o(s, n)) c < i && 0 > o(d, s) ? ((e[a] = d), (e[c] = n), (a = c)) : ((e[a] = s), (e[l] = n), (a = l)); else { if (!(c < i && 0 > o(d, n))) break e; (e[a] = d), (e[c] = n), (a = c); } } } return t; } function o(e, t) { var n = e.sortIndex - t.sortIndex; return 0 !== n ? n : -; } if ('object' === typeof performance && 'function' === typeof { var r = performance; t.unstable_now = function () { return; }; } else { var l = Date, s =; t.unstable_now = function () { return - s; }; } var c = [], d = [], u = 1, p = null, m = 3, h = !1, f = !1, g = !1, w = 'function' === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : null, y = 'function' === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : null, x = 'undefined' !== typeof setImmediate ? setImmediate : null; function b(e) { for (var t = a(d); null !== t; ) { if (null === t.callback) i(d); else { if (!(t.startTime <= e)) break; i(d), (t.sortIndex = t.expirationTime), n(c, t); } t = a(d); } } function z(e) { if (((g = !1), b(e), !f)) if (null !== a(c)) (f = !0), R(v); else { var t = a(d); null !== t && D(z, t.startTime - e); } } function v(e, n) { (f = !1), g && ((g = !1), y(E), (E = -1)), (h = !0); var o = m; try { for ( b(n), p = a(c); null !== p && (!(p.expirationTime > n) || (e && !I())); ) { var r = p.callback; if ('function' === typeof r) { (p.callback = null), (m = p.priorityLevel); var l = r(p.expirationTime <= n); (n = t.unstable_now()), 'function' === typeof l ? (p.callback = l) : p === a(c) && i(c), b(n); } else i(c); p = a(c); } if (null !== p) var s = !0; else { var u = a(d); null !== u && D(z, u.startTime - n), (s = !1); } return s; } finally { (p = null), (m = o), (h = !1); } } 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling.isInputPending && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); var k, j = !1, S = null, E = -1, _ = 5, C = -1; function I() { return !(t.unstable_now() - C < _); } function T() { if (null !== S) { var e = t.unstable_now(); C = e; var n = !0; try { n = S(!0, e); } finally { n ? k() : ((j = !1), (S = null)); } } else j = !1; } if ('function' === typeof x) k = function () { x(T); }; else if ('undefined' !== typeof MessageChannel) { var P = new MessageChannel(), A = P.port2; (P.port1.onmessage = T), (k = function () { A.postMessage(null); }); } else k = function () { w(T, 0); }; function R(e) { (S = e), j || ((j = !0), k()); } function D(e, n) { E = w(function () { e(t.unstable_now()); }, n); } (t.unstable_IdlePriority = 5), (t.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1), (t.unstable_LowPriority = 4), (t.unstable_NormalPriority = 3), (t.unstable_Profiling = null), (t.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2), (t.unstable_cancelCallback = function (e) { e.callback = null; }), (t.unstable_continueExecution = function () { f || h || ((f = !0), R(v)); }), (t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function (e) { 0 > e || 125 < e ? console.error( 'forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported', ) : (_ = 0 < e ? Math.floor(1e3 / e) : 5); }), (t.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () { return m; }), (t.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () { return a(c); }), (t.unstable_next = function (e) { switch (m) { case 1: case 2: case 3: var t = 3; break; default: t = m; } var n = m; m = t; try { return e(); } finally { m = n; } }), (t.unstable_pauseExecution = function () {}), (t.unstable_requestPaint = function () {}), (t.unstable_runWithPriority = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: e = 3; } var n = m; m = e; try { return t(); } finally { m = n; } }), (t.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (e, i, o) { var r = t.unstable_now(); switch ( ('object' === typeof o && null !== o ? (o = 'number' === typeof (o = o.delay) && 0 < o ? r + o : r) : (o = r), e) ) { case 1: var l = -1; break; case 2: l = 250; break; case 5: l = 1073741823; break; case 4: l = 1e4; break; default: l = 5e3; } return ( (e = { id: u++, callback: i, priorityLevel: e, startTime: o, expirationTime: (l = o + l), sortIndex: -1, }), o > r ? ((e.sortIndex = o), n(d, e), null === a(c) && e === a(d) && (g ? (y(E), (E = -1)) : (g = !0), D(z, o - r))) : ((e.sortIndex = l), n(c, e), f || h || ((f = !0), R(v))), e ); }), (t.unstable_shouldYield = I), (t.unstable_wrapCallback = function (e) { var t = m; return function () { var n = m; m = t; try { return e.apply(this, arguments); } finally { m = n; } }; }); }, 296: (e, t, n) => { 'use strict'; e.exports = n(813); }, 613: e => { e.exports = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = n ?, e, t) : void 0; if (void 0 !== i) return !!i; if (e === t) return !0; if ('object' !== typeof e || !e || 'object' !== typeof t || !t) return !1; var o = Object.keys(e), r = Object.keys(t); if (o.length !== r.length) return !1; for ( var l = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(t), s = 0; s < o.length; s++ ) { var c = o[s]; if (!l(c)) return !1; var d = e[c], u = t[c]; if ( !1 === (i = n ?, d, u, c) : void 0) || (void 0 === i && d !== u) ) return !1; } return !0; }; }, }, t = {}; function n(a) { var i = t[a]; if (void 0 !== i) return i.exports; var o = (t[a] = { id: a, loaded: !1, exports: {} }); return e[a].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), (o.loaded = !0), o.exports; } (n.n = e => { var t = e && e.__esModule ? () => e.default : () => e; return n.d(t, { a: t }), t; }), (() => { var e, t = Object.getPrototypeOf ? e => Object.getPrototypeOf(e) : e => e.__proto__; n.t = function (a, i) { if ((1 & i && (a = this(a)), 8 & i)) return a; if ('object' === typeof a && a) { if (4 & i && a.__esModule) return a; if (16 & i && 'function' === typeof a.then) return a; } var o = Object.create(null); n.r(o); var r = {}; e = e || [null, t({}), t([]), t(t)]; for (var l = 2 & i && a; 'object' == typeof l && !~e.indexOf(l); l = t(l)) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(l).forEach(e => (r[e] = () => a[e])); return (r.default = () => a), n.d(o, r), o; }; })(), (n.d = (e, t) => { for (var a in t) n.o(t, a) && !n.o(e, a) && Object.defineProperty(e, a, { enumerable: !0, get: t[a] }); }), (n.g = (function () { if ('object' === typeof globalThis) return globalThis; try { return this || new Function('return this')(); } catch (e) { if ('object' === typeof window) return window; } })()), (n.o = (e, t) =>, t)), (n.r = e => { 'undefined' !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }), (n.nmd = e => ((e.paths = []), e.children || (e.children = []), e)), ( = void 0), (() => { 'use strict'; var e = n(791), t = n.t(e, 2), a = n(250), i = n.t(a, 2); const o = Symbol.for('r2wc.reactRender'), r = Symbol.for('r2wc.shouldRender'), l = Symbol.for('r2wc.root'); var s = function (e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return n; }, set: function (e) { (n = e), this[o](); }, }), e[o](); }; function c(e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; var i = { isConnected: 'isConnected' in HTMLElement.prototype }, c = !1, d = function () { var e = Reflect.construct(HTMLElement, arguments, this.constructor); return a.shadow && e.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }), e; }, u = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); u.constructor = d; var p = new Proxy(u, { has: function (t, n) { return n in e.propTypes || n in u; }, set: function (e, t, n, a) { return ( c && (i[t] = !0), 'symbol' === typeof t || i[t] || t in e ? Reflect.set(e, t, n, a) : (s(a, t, n), !0) ); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (t, n) { var a = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n); return ( a || (n in e.propTypes ? { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, value: void 0, } : void 0) ); }, }); return ( (d.prototype = p), (u.connectedCallback = function () { (this[r] = !0), this[o](); }), (u.disconnectedCallback = function () { 'function' === typeof n.createRoot ? this[l].unmount() : n.unmountComponentAtNode(this); }), (u[o] = function () { if (!0 === this[r]) { var o = {}; Object.keys(this).forEach(function (e) { !1 !== i[e] && (o[e] = this[e]); }, this), (c = !0); const r = a.shadow ? this.shadowRoot : this, s = t.createElement(e, o); 'function' === typeof n.createRoot ? (this[l] || (this[l] = n.createRoot(r)), this[l].render(s)) : n.render(s, r), (c = !1); } }), e.propTypes && ((d.observedAttributes = a.dashStyleAttributes ? Object.keys(e.propTypes).map(function (e) { return (function () { return ( arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '' ) .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') .toLowerCase(); })(e); }) : Object.keys(e.propTypes)), (u.attributeChangedCallback = function (e, t, n) { var i = a.dashStyleAttributes ? (function () { return ( arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '' ).replace(/-([a-z0-9])/g, function (e) { return e[1].toUpperCase(); }); })(e) : e; this[i] = n; })), d ); } function d(e, t) { return ( t || (t = e.slice(0)), Object.freeze( Object.defineProperties(e, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(t) } }), ) ); } var u = (function () { function e(e) { var t = this; (this._insertTag = function (e) { var n; (n = 0 === t.tags.length ? t.insertionPoint ? t.insertionPoint.nextSibling : t.prepend ? t.container.firstChild : t.before : t.tags[t.tags.length - 1].nextSibling), t.container.insertBefore(e, n), t.tags.push(e); }), (this.isSpeedy = void 0 === e.speedy || e.speedy), (this.tags = []), (this.ctr = 0), (this.nonce = e.nonce), (this.key = e.key), (this.container = e.container), (this.prepend = e.prepend), (this.insertionPoint = e.insertionPoint), (this.before = null); } var t = e.prototype; return ( (t.hydrate = function (e) { e.forEach(this._insertTag); }), (t.insert = function (e) { this.ctr % (this.isSpeedy ? 65e3 : 1) === 0 && this._insertTag( (function (e) { var t = document.createElement('style'); return ( t.setAttribute('data-emotion', e.key), void 0 !== e.nonce && t.setAttribute('nonce', e.nonce), t.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')), t.setAttribute('data-s', ''), t ); })(this), ); var t = this.tags[this.tags.length - 1]; if (this.isSpeedy) { var n = (function (e) { if (e.sheet) return e.sheet; for (var t = 0; t < document.styleSheets.length; t++) if (document.styleSheets[t].ownerNode === e) return document.styleSheets[t]; })(t); try { n.insertRule(e, n.cssRules.length); } catch (a) { 0; } } else t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)); this.ctr++; }), (t.flush = function () { this.tags.forEach(function (e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }), (this.tags = []), (this.ctr = 0); }), e ); })(), p = Math.abs, m = String.fromCharCode, h = Object.assign; function f(e) { return e.trim(); } function g(e, t, n) { return e.replace(t, n); } function w(e, t) { return e.indexOf(t); } function y(e, t) { return 0 | e.charCodeAt(t); } function x(e, t, n) { return e.slice(t, n); } function b(e) { return e.length; } function z(e) { return e.length; } function v(e, t) { return t.push(e), e; } var k = 1, j = 1, S = 0, E = 0, _ = 0, C = ''; function I(e, t, n, a, i, o, r) { return { value: e, root: t, parent: n, type: a, props: i, children: o, line: k, column: j, length: r, return: '', }; } function T(e, t) { return h(I('', null, null, '', null, null, 0), e, { length: -e.length }, t); } function P() { return (_ = E > 0 ? y(C, --E) : 0), j--, 10 === _ && ((j = 1), k--), _; } function A() { return (_ = E < S ? y(C, E++) : 0), j++, 10 === _ && ((j = 1), k++), _; } function R() { return y(C, E); } function D() { return E; } function N(e, t) { return x(C, e, t); } function L(e) { switch (e) { case 0: case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: return 5; case 33: case 43: case 44: case 47: case 62: case 64: case 126: case 59: case 123: case 125: return 4; case 58: return 3; case 34: case 39: case 40: case 91: return 2; case 41: case 93: return 1; } return 0; } function O(e) { return (k = j = 1), (S = b((C = e))), (E = 0), []; } function M(e) { return (C = ''), e; } function B(e) { return f(N(E - 1, V(91 === e ? e + 2 : 40 === e ? e + 1 : e))); } function U(e) { for (; (_ = R()) && _ < 33; ) A(); return L(e) > 2 || L(_) > 3 ? '' : ' '; } function W(e, t) { for ( ; --t && A() && !(_ < 48 || _ > 102 || (_ > 57 && _ < 65) || (_ > 70 && _ < 97)); ); return N(e, D() + (t < 6 && 32 == R() && 32 == A())); } function V(e) { for (; A(); ) switch (_) { case e: return E; case 34: case 39: 34 !== e && 39 !== e && V(_); break; case 40: 41 === e && V(e); break; case 92: A(); } return E; } function F(e, t) { for (; A() && e + _ !== 57 && (e + _ !== 84 || 47 !== R()); ); return '/*' + N(t, E - 1) + '*' + m(47 === e ? e : A()); } function H(e) { for (; !L(R()); ) A(); return N(e, E); } var G = '-ms-', Z = '-moz-', $ = '-webkit-', X = 'comm', K = 'rule', q = 'decl', Y = '@keyframes'; function Q(e, t) { for (var n = '', a = z(e), i = 0; i < a; i++) n += t(e[i], i, e, t) || ''; return n; } function J(e, t, n, a) { switch (e.type) { case '@layer': if (e.children.length) break; case '@import': case q: return (e.return = e.return || e.value); case X: return ''; case Y: return (e.return = e.value + '{' + Q(e.children, a) + '}'); case K: e.value = e.props.join(','); } return b((n = Q(e.children, a))) ? (e.return = e.value + '{' + n + '}') : ''; } function ee(e) { return M(te('', null, null, null, [''], (e = O(e)), 0, [0], e)); } function te(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { for ( var c = 0, d = 0, u = r, p = 0, h = 0, f = 0, x = 1, z = 1, k = 1, j = 0, S = '', E = i, _ = o, C = a, I = S; z; ) switch (((f = j), (j = A()))) { case 40: if (108 != f && 58 == y(I, u - 1)) { -1 != w((I += g(B(j), '&', '&\f')), '&\f') && (k = -1); break; } case 34: case 39: case 91: I += B(j); break; case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: I += U(f); break; case 92: I += W(D() - 1, 7); continue; case 47: switch (R()) { case 42: case 47: v(ae(F(A(), D()), t, n), s); break; default: I += '/'; } break; case 123 * x: l[c++] = b(I) * k; case 125 * x: case 59: case 0: switch (j) { case 0: case 125: z = 0; case 59 + d: -1 == k && (I = g(I, /\f/g, '')), h > 0 && b(I) - u && v( h > 32 ? ie(I + ';', a, n, u - 1) : ie(g(I, ' ', '') + ';', a, n, u - 2), s, ); break; case 59: I += ';'; default: if ( (v( (C = ne( I, t, n, c, d, i, l, S, (E = []), (_ = []), u, )), o, ), 123 === j) ) if (0 === d) te(I, t, C, C, E, o, u, l, _); else switch (99 === p && 110 === y(I, 3) ? 100 : p) { case 100: case 108: case 109: case 115: te( e, C, C, a && v( ne( e, C, C, 0, 0, i, l, S, i, (E = []), u, ), _, ), i, _, u, l, a ? E : _, ); break; default: te(I, C, C, C, [''], _, 0, l, _); } } (c = d = h = 0), (x = k = 1), (S = I = ''), (u = r); break; case 58: (u = 1 + b(I)), (h = f); default: if (x < 1) if (123 == j) --x; else if (125 == j && 0 == x++ && 125 == P()) continue; switch (((I += m(j)), j * x)) { case 38: k = d > 0 ? 1 : ((I += '\f'), -1); break; case 44: (l[c++] = (b(I) - 1) * k), (k = 1); break; case 64: 45 === R() && (I += B(A())), (p = R()), (d = u = b((S = I += H(D())))), j++; break; case 45: 45 === f && 2 == b(I) && (x = 0); } } return o; } function ne(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s, c, d) { for ( var u = i - 1, m = 0 === i ? o : [''], h = z(m), w = 0, y = 0, b = 0; w < a; ++w ) for (var v = 0, k = x(e, u + 1, (u = p((y = r[w])))), j = e; v < h; ++v) (j = f(y > 0 ? m[v] + ' ' + k : g(k, /&\f/g, m[v]))) && (s[b++] = j); return I(e, t, n, 0 === i ? K : l, s, c, d); } function ae(e, t, n) { return I(e, t, n, X, m(_), x(e, 2, -2), 0); } function ie(e, t, n, a) { return I(e, t, n, q, x(e, 0, a), x(e, a + 1, -1), a); } var oe = function (e, t, n) { for ( var a = 0, i = 0; (a = i), (i = R()), 38 === a && 12 === i && (t[n] = 1), !L(i); ) A(); return N(e, E); }, re = function (e, t) { return M( (function (e, t) { var n = -1, a = 44; do { switch (L(a)) { case 0: 38 === a && 12 === R() && (t[n] = 1), (e[n] += oe(E - 1, t, n)); break; case 2: e[n] += B(a); break; case 4: if (44 === a) { (e[++n] = 58 === R() ? '&\f' : ''), (t[n] = e[n].length); break; } default: e[n] += m(a); } } while ((a = A())); return e; })(O(e), t), ); }, le = new WeakMap(), se = function (e) { if ('rule' === e.type && e.parent && !(e.length < 1)) { for ( var t = e.value, n = e.parent, a = e.column === n.column && e.line === n.line; 'rule' !== n.type; ) if (!(n = n.parent)) return; if ( (1 !== e.props.length || 58 === t.charCodeAt(0) || le.get(n)) && !a ) { le.set(e, !0); for ( var i = [], o = re(t, i), r = n.props, l = 0, s = 0; l < o.length; l++ ) for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++, s++) e.props[s] = i[l] ? o[l].replace(/&\f/g, r[c]) : r[c] + ' ' + o[l]; } } }, ce = function (e) { if ('decl' === e.type) { var t = e.value; 108 === t.charCodeAt(0) && 98 === t.charCodeAt(2) && ((e.return = ''), (e.value = '')); } }; function de(e, t) { switch ( (function (e, t) { return 45 ^ y(e, 0) ? (((((((t << 2) ^ y(e, 0)) << 2) ^ y(e, 1)) << 2) ^ y(e, 2)) << 2) ^ y(e, 3) : 0; })(e, t) ) { case 5103: return $ + 'print-' + e + e; case 5737: case 4201: case 3177: case 3433: case 1641: case 4457: case 2921: case 5572: case 6356: case 5844: case 3191: case 6645: case 3005: case 6391: case 5879: case 5623: case 6135: case 4599: case 4855: case 4215: case 6389: case 5109: case 5365: case 5621: case 3829: return $ + e + e; case 5349: case 4246: case 4810: case 6968: case 2756: return $ + e + Z + e + G + e + e; case 6828: case 4268: return $ + e + G + e + e; case 6165: return $ + e + G + 'flex-' + e + e; case 5187: return ( $ + e + g(e, /(\w+).+(:[^]+)/, $ + 'box-$1$2' + G + 'flex-$1$2') + e ); case 5443: return $ + e + G + 'flex-item-' + g(e, /flex-|-self/, '') + e; case 4675: return ( $ + e + G + 'flex-line-pack' + g(e, /align-content|flex-|-self/, '') + e ); case 5548: return $ + e + G + g(e, 'shrink', 'negative') + e; case 5292: return $ + e + G + g(e, 'basis', 'preferred-size') + e; case 6060: return ( $ + 'box-' + g(e, '-grow', '') + $ + e + G + g(e, 'grow', 'positive') + e ); case 4554: return $ + g(e, /([^-])(transform)/g, '$1' + $ + '$2') + e; case 6187: return ( g( g(g(e, /(zoom-|grab)/, $ + '$1'), /(image-set)/, $ + '$1'), e, '', ) + e ); case 5495: case 3959: return g(e, /(image-set\([^]*)/, $ + '$1$`$1'); case 4968: return ( g( g( e, /(.+:)(flex-)?(.*)/, $ + 'box-pack:$3' + G + 'flex-pack:$3', ), /s.+-b[^;]+/, 'justify', ) + $ + e + e ); case 4095: case 3583: case 4068: case 2532: return g(e, /(.+)-inline(.+)/, $ + '$1$2') + e; case 8116: case 7059: case 5753: case 5535: case 5445: case 5701: case 4933: case 4677: case 5533: case 5789: case 5021: case 4765: if (b(e) - 1 - t > 6) switch (y(e, t + 1)) { case 109: if (45 !== y(e, t + 4)) break; case 102: return ( g( e, /(.+:)(.+)-([^]+)/, '$1' + $ + '$2-$3$1' + Z + (108 == y(e, t + 3) ? '$3' : '$2-$3'), ) + e ); case 115: return ~w(e, 'stretch') ? de(g(e, 'stretch', 'fill-available'), t) + e : e; } break; case 4949: if (115 !== y(e, t + 1)) break; case 6444: switch (y(e, b(e) - 3 - (~w(e, '!important') && 10))) { case 107: return g(e, ':', ':' + $) + e; case 101: return ( g( e, /(.+:)([^;!]+)(;|!.+)?/, '$1' + $ + (45 === y(e, 14) ? 'inline-' : '') + 'box$3$1' + $ + '$2$3$1' + G + '$2box$3', ) + e ); } break; case 5936: switch (y(e, t + 11)) { case 114: return $ + e + G + g(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb') + e; case 108: return $ + e + G + g(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb-rl') + e; case 45: return $ + e + G + g(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'lr') + e; } return $ + e + G + e + e; } return e; } var ue = [ function (e, t, n, a) { if (e.length > -1 && !e.return) switch (e.type) { case q: e.return = de(e.value, e.length); break; case Y: return Q([T(e, { value: g(e.value, '@', '@' + $) })], a); case K: if (e.length) return (function (e, t) { return''); })(e.props, function (t) { switch ( (function (e, t) { return (e = t.exec(e)) ? e[0] : e; })(t, /(::plac\w+|:read-\w+)/) ) { case ':read-only': case ':read-write': return Q( [ T(e, { props: [ g( t, /:(read-\w+)/, ':-moz-$1', ), ], }), ], a, ); case '::placeholder': return Q( [ T(e, { props: [ g( t, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + $ + 'input-$1', ), ], }), T(e, { props: [ g( t, /:(plac\w+)/, ':-moz-$1', ), ], }), T(e, { props: [ g( t, /:(plac\w+)/, G + 'input-$1', ), ], }), ], a, ); } return ''; }); } }, ], pe = function (e) { var t = e.key; if ('css' === t) { var n = document.querySelectorAll('style[data-emotion]:not([data-s])');, function (e) { -1 !== e.getAttribute('data-emotion').indexOf(' ') && (document.head.appendChild(e), e.setAttribute('data-s', '')); }); } var a = e.stylisPlugins || ue; var i, o, r = {}, l = []; (i = e.container || document.head), document.querySelectorAll('style[data-emotion^="' + t + ' "]'), function (e) { for ( var t = e.getAttribute('data-emotion').split(' '), n = 1; n < t.length; n++ ) r[t[n]] = !0; l.push(e); }, ); var s, c, d = [ J, ((c = function (e) { s.insert(e); }), function (e) { e.root || ((e = e.return) && c(e)); }), ], p = (function (e) { var t = z(e); return function (n, a, i, o) { for (var r = '', l = 0; l < t; l++) r += e[l](n, a, i, o) || ''; return r; }; })([se, ce].concat(a, d)); o = function (e, t, n, a) { (s = n), (function (e) { Q(ee(e), p); })(e ? e + '{' + t.styles + '}' : t.styles), a && (m.inserted[] = !0); }; var m = { key: t, sheet: new u({ key: t, container: i, nonce: e.nonce, speedy: e.speedy, prepend: e.prepend, insertionPoint: e.insertionPoint, }), nonce: e.nonce, inserted: r, registered: {}, insert: o, }; return m.sheet.hydrate(l), m; }; function me() { return ( (me = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var a in n), a) && (e[a] = n[a]); } return e; }), me.apply(this, arguments) ); } var he = function (e) { var t = new WeakMap(); return function (n) { if (t.has(n)) return t.get(n); var a = e(n); return t.set(n, a), a; }; }; var fe = { animationIterationCount: 1, aspectRatio: 1, borderImageOutset: 1, borderImageSlice: 1, borderImageWidth: 1, boxFlex: 1, boxFlexGroup: 1, boxOrdinalGroup: 1, columnCount: 1, columns: 1, flex: 1, flexGrow: 1, flexPositive: 1, flexShrink: 1, flexNegative: 1, flexOrder: 1, gridRow: 1, gridRowEnd: 1, gridRowSpan: 1, gridRowStart: 1, gridColumn: 1, gridColumnEnd: 1, gridColumnSpan: 1, gridColumnStart: 1, msGridRow: 1, msGridRowSpan: 1, msGridColumn: 1, msGridColumnSpan: 1, fontWeight: 1, lineHeight: 1, opacity: 1, order: 1, orphans: 1, tabSize: 1, widows: 1, zIndex: 1, zoom: 1, WebkitLineClamp: 1, fillOpacity: 1, floodOpacity: 1, stopOpacity: 1, strokeDasharray: 1, strokeDashoffset: 1, strokeMiterlimit: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWidth: 1, }; function ge(e) { var t = Object.create(null); return function (n) { return void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e(n)), t[n]; }; } var we = /[A-Z]|^ms/g, ye = /_EMO_([^_]+?)_([^]*?)_EMO_/g, xe = function (e) { return 45 === e.charCodeAt(1); }, be = function (e) { return null != e && 'boolean' !== typeof e; }, ze = ge(function (e) { return xe(e) ? e : e.replace(we, '-$&').toLowerCase(); }), ve = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case 'animation': case 'animationName': if ('string' === typeof t) return t.replace(ye, function (e, t, n) { return (je = { name: t, styles: n, next: je }), t; }); } return 1 === fe[e] || xe(e) || 'number' !== typeof t || 0 === t ? t : t + 'px'; }; function ke(e, t, n) { if (null == n) return ''; if (void 0 !== n.__emotion_styles) return n; switch (typeof n) { case 'boolean': return ''; case 'object': if (1 === n.anim) return (je = { name:, styles: n.styles, next: je }),; if (void 0 !== n.styles) { var a =; if (void 0 !== a) for (; void 0 !== a; ) (je = { name:, styles: a.styles, next: je }), (a =; return n.styles + ';'; } return (function (e, t, n) { var a = ''; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) a += ke(e, t, n[i]) + ';'; else for (var o in n) { var r = n[o]; if ('object' !== typeof r) null != t && void 0 !== t[r] ? (a += o + '{' + t[r] + '}') : be(r) && (a += ze(o) + ':' + ve(o, r) + ';'); else if ( !Array.isArray(r) || 'string' !== typeof r[0] || (null != t && void 0 !== t[r[0]]) ) { var l = ke(e, t, r); switch (o) { case 'animation': case 'animationName': a += ze(o) + ':' + l + ';'; break; default: a += o + '{' + l + '}'; } } else for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++) be(r[s]) && (a += ze(o) + ':' + ve(o, r[s]) + ';'); } return a; })(e, t, n); case 'function': if (void 0 !== e) { var i = je, o = n(e); return (je = i), ke(e, t, o); } } if (null == t) return n; var r = t[n]; return void 0 !== r ? r : n; } var je, Se = /label:\s*([^\s;\n{]+)\s*(;|$)/g; var Ee = function (e, t, n) { if ( 1 === e.length && 'object' === typeof e[0] && null !== e[0] && void 0 !== e[0].styles ) return e[0]; var a = !0, i = ''; je = void 0; var o = e[0]; null == o || void 0 === o.raw ? ((a = !1), (i += ke(n, t, o))) : (i += o[0]); for (var r = 1; r < e.length; r++) (i += ke(n, t, e[r])), a && (i += o[r]); Se.lastIndex = 0; for (var l, s = ''; null !== (l = Se.exec(i)); ) s += '-' + l[1]; var c = (function (e) { for (var t, n = 0, a = 0, i = e.length; i >= 4; ++a, i -= 4) (t = 1540483477 * (65535 & (t = (255 & e.charCodeAt(a)) | ((255 & e.charCodeAt(++a)) << 8) | ((255 & e.charCodeAt(++a)) << 16) | ((255 & e.charCodeAt(++a)) << 24))) + ((59797 * (t >>> 16)) << 16)), (n = (1540483477 * (65535 & (t ^= t >>> 24)) + ((59797 * (t >>> 16)) << 16)) ^ (1540483477 * (65535 & n) + ((59797 * (n >>> 16)) << 16))); switch (i) { case 3: n ^= (255 & e.charCodeAt(a + 2)) << 16; case 2: n ^= (255 & e.charCodeAt(a + 1)) << 8; case 1: n = 1540483477 * (65535 & (n ^= 255 & e.charCodeAt(a))) + ((59797 * (n >>> 16)) << 16); } return ( ((n = 1540483477 * (65535 & (n ^= n >>> 13)) + ((59797 * (n >>> 16)) << 16)) ^ (n >>> 15)) >>> 0 ).toString(36); })(i) + s; return { name: c, styles: i, next: je }; }, _e = !!t.useInsertionEffect && t.useInsertionEffect, Ce = _e || function (e) { return e(); }, Ie = _e || e.useLayoutEffect, Te = e.createContext( 'undefined' !== typeof HTMLElement ? pe({ key: 'css' }) : null, ); Te.Provider; var Pe = function (t) { return (0, e.forwardRef)(function (n, a) { var i = (0, e.useContext)(Te); return t(n, i, a); }); }; var Ae = e.createContext({}); var Re = he(function (e) { return he(function (t) { return (function (e, t) { return 'function' === typeof t ? t(e) : me({}, e, t); })(e, t); }); }), De = function (t) { var n = e.useContext(Ae); return ( t.theme !== n && (n = Re(n)(t.theme)), e.createElement(Ae.Provider, { value: n }, t.children) ); }; var Ne = function (e, t, n) { var a = e.key + '-' +; !1 === n && void 0 === e.registered[a] && (e.registered[a] = t.styles); }, Le = function (e, t, n) { Ne(e, t, n); var a = e.key + '-' +; if (void 0 === e.inserted[]) { var i = t; do { e.insert(t === i ? '.' + a : '', i, e.sheet, !0), (i =; } while (void 0 !== i); } }, Oe = (n(110), Pe(function (t, n) { var a = t.styles, i = Ee([a], void 0, e.useContext(Ae)), o = e.useRef(); return ( Ie( function () { var e = n.key + '-global', t = new n.sheet.constructor({ key: e, nonce: n.sheet.nonce, container: n.sheet.container, speedy: n.sheet.isSpeedy, }), a = !1, r = document.querySelector( 'style[data-emotion="' + e + ' ' + + '"]', ); return ( n.sheet.tags.length && (t.before = n.sheet.tags[0]), null !== r && ((a = !0), r.setAttribute('data-emotion', e), t.hydrate([r])), (o.current = [t, a]), function () { t.flush(); } ); }, [n], ), Ie( function () { var e = o.current, t = e[0]; if (e[1]) e[1] = !1; else { if ( (void 0 !== && Le(n,, !0), t.tags.length) ) { var a = t.tags[t.tags.length - 1].nextElementSibling; (t.before = a), t.flush(); } n.insert('', i, t, !1); } }, [n,], ), null ); })); function Me() { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return Ee(t); } var Be, Ue, We = n(184), Ve = String.raw, Fe = Ve( Be || (Be = d([ '\n :root,\n :host {\n --chakra-vh: 100vh;\n }\n\n @supports (height: -webkit-fill-available) {\n :root,\n :host {\n --chakra-vh: -webkit-fill-available;\n }\n }\n\n @supports (height: -moz-fill-available) {\n :root,\n :host {\n --chakra-vh: -moz-fill-available;\n }\n }\n\n @supports (height: 100dvh) {\n :root,\n :host {\n --chakra-vh: 100dvh;\n }\n }\n', ])), ), He = () => (0, We.jsx)(Oe, { styles: Fe }), Ge = e => { let { scope: t = '' } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(Oe, { styles: Ve( Ue || (Ue = d([ '\n html {\n line-height: 1.5;\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n touch-action: manipulation;\n }\n\n body {\n position: relative;\n min-height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n font-feature-settings: "kern";\n }\n\n ', ' :where(*, *::before, *::after) {\n border-width: 0;\n border-style: solid;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n }\n\n main {\n display: block;\n }\n\n ', ' hr {\n border-top-width: 1px;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n height: 0;\n overflow: visible;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(pre, code, kbd,samp) {\n font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, monospace;\n font-size: 1em;\n }\n\n ', ' a {\n background-color: transparent;\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: inherit;\n }\n\n ', ' abbr[title] {\n border-bottom: none;\n text-decoration: underline;\n -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;\n text-decoration: underline dotted;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(b, strong) {\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n\n ', ' small {\n font-size: 80%;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(sub,sup) {\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n }\n\n ', ' sub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n }\n\n ', ' sup {\n top: -0.5em;\n }\n\n ', ' img {\n border-style: none;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(button, input, optgroup, select, textarea) {\n font-family: inherit;\n font-size: 100%;\n line-height: 1.15;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(button, input) {\n overflow: visible;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(button, select) {\n text-transform: none;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(\n button::-moz-focus-inner,\n [type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner,\n [type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner,\n [type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner\n ) {\n border-style: none;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' fieldset {\n padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em;\n }\n\n ', ' legend {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n color: inherit;\n display: table;\n max-width: 100%;\n padding: 0;\n white-space: normal;\n }\n\n ', ' progress {\n vertical-align: baseline;\n }\n\n ', ' textarea {\n overflow: auto;\n }\n\n ', ' :where([type="checkbox"], [type="radio"]) {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\n ', ' input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n -webkit-appearance: none !important;\n }\n\n ', ' input[type="number"] {\n -moz-appearance: textfield;\n }\n\n ', ' input[type="search"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield;\n outline-offset: -2px;\n }\n\n ', ' input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none !important;\n }\n\n ', ' ::-webkit-file-upload-button {\n -webkit-appearance: button;\n font: inherit;\n }\n\n ', ' details {\n display: block;\n }\n\n ', ' summary {\n display: list-item;\n }\n\n template {\n display: none;\n }\n\n [hidden] {\n display: none !important;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(\n blockquote,\n dl,\n dd,\n h1,\n h2,\n h3,\n h4,\n h5,\n h6,\n hr,\n figure,\n p,\n pre\n ) {\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' button {\n background: transparent;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' fieldset {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(ol, ul) {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n ', ' textarea {\n resize: vertical;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(button, [role="button"]) {\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n ', ' button::-moz-focus-inner {\n border: 0 !important;\n }\n\n ', ' table {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {\n font-size: inherit;\n font-weight: inherit;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(button, input, optgroup, select, textarea) {\n padding: 0;\n line-height: inherit;\n color: inherit;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(img, svg, video, canvas, audio, iframe, embed, object) {\n display: block;\n }\n\n ', ' :where(img, video) {\n max-width: 100%;\n height: auto;\n }\n\n [data-js-focus-visible]\n :focus:not([data-focus-visible-added]):not(\n [data-focus-visible-disabled]\n ) {\n outline: none;\n box-shadow: none;\n }\n\n ', ' select::-ms-expand {\n display: none;\n }\n\n ', '\n ', ])), t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, Fe, ), }); }; function Ze() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { name: n, strict: a = !0, hookName: i = 'useContext', providerName: o = 'Provider', errorMessage: r, defaultValue: l, } = t, s = (0, e.createContext)(l); return ( (s.displayName = n), [ s.Provider, function t() { var n; const l = (0, e.useContext)(s); if (!l && a) { const e = new Error( null != r ? r : ((c = o), '' .concat( i, ' returned `undefined`. Seems you forgot to wrap component within ', ) .concat(c)), ); throw ( (( = 'ContextError'), null == (n = Error.captureStackTrace) ||, e, t), e) ); } var c; return l; }, s, ] ); } var [$e, Xe] = Ze({ strict: !1, name: 'PortalManagerContext' }); function Ke(e) { const { children: t, zIndex: n } = e; return (0, We.jsx)($e, { value: { zIndex: n }, children: t }); } Ke.displayName = 'PortalManager'; var qe = (0, e.createContext)({}); function Ye() { const t = (0, e.useContext)(qe); if (void 0 === t) throw new Error('useColorMode must be used within a ColorModeProvider'); return t; } qe.displayName = 'ColorModeContext'; var Qe = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return t.filter(Boolean).join(' '); }; function Je(e) { const t = typeof e; return null != e && ('object' === t || 'function' === t) && !Array.isArray(e); } var et = e => { const { condition: t, message: n } = e; }; function tt(e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return nt(e) ? e(...n) : e; } var nt = e => 'function' === typeof e, at = e => (e ? '' : void 0); function it() { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return function (e) { t.some(t => (null == t || t(e), null == e ? void 0 : e.defaultPrevented)); }; } var ot = n(198), rt = e => ('string' === typeof e ? e.replace(/!(important)?$/, '').trim() : e), lt = (e, t) => n => { const a = String(t), i = (e => /!(important)?$/.test(e))(a), o = rt(a), r = e ? ''.concat(e, '.').concat(o) : o; let l = Je(n.__cssMap) && r in n.__cssMap ? n.__cssMap[r].varRef : t; return (l = rt(l)), i ? ''.concat(l, ' !important') : l; }; function st(e) { const { scale: t, transform: n, compose: a } = e; return (e, i) => { var o; const r = lt(t, e)(i); let l = null != (o = null == n ? void 0 : n(r, i)) ? o : r; return a && (l = a(l, i)), l; }; } var ct = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return e => t.reduce((e, t) => t(e), e); }; function dt(e, t) { return n => { const a = { property: n, scale: e }; return (a.transform = st({ scale: e, transform: t })), a; }; } var ut = e => { let { rtl: t, ltr: n } = e; return e => ('rtl' === e.direction ? t : n); }; var pt = [ 'rotate(var(--chakra-rotate, 0))', 'scaleX(var(--chakra-scale-x, 1))', 'scaleY(var(--chakra-scale-y, 1))', 'skewX(var(--chakra-skew-x, 0))', 'skewY(var(--chakra-skew-y, 0))', ]; var mt = { '--chakra-blur': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-brightness': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-contrast': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-grayscale': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-hue-rotate': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-invert': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-saturate': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-sepia': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-drop-shadow': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', filter: [ 'var(--chakra-blur)', 'var(--chakra-brightness)', 'var(--chakra-contrast)', 'var(--chakra-grayscale)', 'var(--chakra-hue-rotate)', 'var(--chakra-invert)', 'var(--chakra-saturate)', 'var(--chakra-sepia)', 'var(--chakra-drop-shadow)', ].join(' '), }, ht = { backdropFilter: [ 'var(--chakra-backdrop-blur)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-brightness)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-contrast)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-grayscale)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-hue-rotate)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-invert)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-opacity)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-saturate)', 'var(--chakra-backdrop-sepia)', ].join(' '), '--chakra-backdrop-blur': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-brightness': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-contrast': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-grayscale': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-hue-rotate': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-invert': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-opacity': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-saturate': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-backdrop-sepia': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', }; var ft = { 'row-reverse': { space: '--chakra-space-x-reverse', divide: '--chakra-divide-x-reverse', }, 'column-reverse': { space: '--chakra-space-y-reverse', divide: '--chakra-divide-y-reverse', }, }, gt = { 'to-t': 'to top', 'to-tr': 'to top right', 'to-r': 'to right', 'to-br': 'to bottom right', 'to-b': 'to bottom', 'to-bl': 'to bottom left', 'to-l': 'to left', 'to-tl': 'to top left', }, wt = new Set(Object.values(gt)), yt = new Set(['none', '-moz-initial', 'inherit', 'initial', 'revert', 'unset']), xt = e => e.trim(); var bt = e => 'string' === typeof e && e.includes('(') && e.includes(')'); var zt = e => t => ''.concat(e, '(').concat(t, ')'), vt = { filter: e => ('auto' !== e ? e : mt), backdropFilter: e => ('auto' !== e ? e : ht), ring: e => (function (e) { return { '--chakra-ring-offset-shadow': 'var(--chakra-ring-inset) 0 0 0 var(--chakra-ring-offset-width) var(--chakra-ring-offset-color)', '--chakra-ring-shadow': 'var(--chakra-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(var(--chakra-ring-width) + var(--chakra-ring-offset-width)) var(--chakra-ring-color)', '--chakra-ring-width': e, boxShadow: [ 'var(--chakra-ring-offset-shadow)', 'var(--chakra-ring-shadow)', 'var(--chakra-shadow, 0 0 #0000)', ].join(', '), }; })(vt.px(e)), bgClip: e => 'text' === e ? { color: 'transparent', backgroundClip: 'text' } : { backgroundClip: e }, transform: e => 'auto' === e ? [ 'translateX(var(--chakra-translate-x, 0))', 'translateY(var(--chakra-translate-y, 0))',, ].join(' ') : 'auto-gpu' === e ? [ 'translate3d(var(--chakra-translate-x, 0), var(--chakra-translate-y, 0), 0)',, ].join(' ') : e, vh: e => ('$100vh' === e ? 'var(--chakra-vh)' : e), px(e) { if (null == e) return e; const { unitless: t } = (e => { const t = parseFloat(e.toString()), n = e.toString().replace(String(t), ''); return { unitless: !n, value: t, unit: n }; })(e); return t || 'number' === typeof e ? ''.concat(e, 'px') : e; }, fraction: e => 'number' !== typeof e || e > 1 ? e : ''.concat(100 * e, '%'), float: (e, t) => 'rtl' === t.direction ? { left: 'right', right: 'left' }[e] : e, degree(e) { if ( (function (e) { return /^var\(--.+\)$/.test(e); })(e) || null == e ) return e; const t = 'string' === typeof e && !e.endsWith('deg'); return 'number' === typeof e || t ? ''.concat(e, 'deg') : e; }, gradient: (e, t) => (function (e, t) { if (null == e || yt.has(e)) return e; if (!bt(e) && !yt.has(e)) return "url('".concat(e, "')"); const n = /(^[a-z-A-Z]+)\((.*)\)/g.exec(e), a = null == n ? void 0 : n[1], i = null == n ? void 0 : n[2]; if (!a || !i) return e; const o = a.includes('-gradient') ? a : ''.concat(a, '-gradient'), [r, ...l] = i.split(',').map(xt).filter(Boolean); if (0 === (null == l ? void 0 : l.length)) return e; const s = r in gt ? gt[r] : r; l.unshift(s); const c = => { if (wt.has(e)) return e; const n = e.indexOf(' '), [a, i] = -1 !== n ? [e.substr(0, n), e.substr(n + 1)] : [e], o = bt(i) ? i : i && i.split(' '), r = 'colors.'.concat(a), l = r in t.__cssMap ? t.__cssMap[r].varRef : a; return o ? [l, ...(Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o])].join(' ') : l; }); return ''.concat(o, '(').concat(c.join(', '), ')'); })(e, null != t ? t : {}), blur: zt('blur'), opacity: zt('opacity'), brightness: zt('brightness'), contrast: zt('contrast'), dropShadow: zt('drop-shadow'), grayscale: zt('grayscale'), hueRotate: e => zt('hue-rotate')(, invert: zt('invert'), saturate: zt('saturate'), sepia: zt('sepia'), bgImage(e) { if (null == e) return e; return bt(e) || yt.has(e) ? e : 'url('.concat(e, ')'); }, outline(e) { const t = '0' === String(e) || 'none' === String(e); return null !== e && t ? { outline: '2px solid transparent', outlineOffset: '2px' } : { outline: e }; }, flexDirection(e) { var t; const { space: n, divide: a } = null != (t = ft[e]) ? t : {}, i = { flexDirection: e }; return n && (i[n] = 1), a && (i[a] = 1), i; }, }, kt = { borderWidths: dt('borderWidths'), borderStyles: dt('borderStyles'), colors: dt('colors'), borders: dt('borders'), gradients: dt('gradients', vt.gradient), radii: dt('radii', vt.px), space: dt('space', ct(vt.vh, vt.px)), spaceT: dt('space', ct(vt.vh, vt.px)), degreeT: e => ({ property: e, transform: }), prop: (e, t, n) => ({ property: e, scale: t, ...(t && { transform: st({ scale: t, transform: n }) }), }), propT: (e, t) => ({ property: e, transform: t }), sizes: dt('sizes', ct(vt.vh, vt.px)), sizesT: dt('sizes', ct(vt.vh, vt.fraction)), shadows: dt('shadows'), logical: function (e) { const { property: t, scale: n, transform: a } = e; return { scale: n, property: ut(t), transform: n ? st({ scale: n, compose: a }) : a, }; }, blur: dt('blur', vt.blur), }, jt = { background: kt.colors('background'), backgroundColor: kt.colors('backgroundColor'), backgroundImage: kt.gradients('backgroundImage'), backgroundSize: !0, backgroundPosition: !0, backgroundRepeat: !0, backgroundAttachment: !0, backgroundClip: { transform: vt.bgClip }, bgSize: kt.prop('backgroundSize'), bgPosition: kt.prop('backgroundPosition'), bg: kt.colors('background'), bgColor: kt.colors('backgroundColor'), bgPos: kt.prop('backgroundPosition'), bgRepeat: kt.prop('backgroundRepeat'), bgAttachment: kt.prop('backgroundAttachment'), bgGradient: kt.gradients('backgroundImage'), bgClip: { transform: vt.bgClip }, }; Object.assign(jt, { bgImage: jt.backgroundImage, bgImg: jt.backgroundImage }); var St = { border: kt.borders('border'), borderWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderWidth'), borderStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderStyle'), borderColor: kt.colors('borderColor'), borderRadius: kt.radii('borderRadius'), borderTop: kt.borders('borderTop'), borderBlockStart: kt.borders('borderBlockStart'), borderTopLeftRadius: kt.radii('borderTopLeftRadius'), borderStartStartRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: 'borderTopLeftRadius', rtl: 'borderTopRightRadius' }, }), borderEndStartRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: 'borderBottomLeftRadius', rtl: 'borderBottomRightRadius' }, }), borderTopRightRadius: kt.radii('borderTopRightRadius'), borderStartEndRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: 'borderTopRightRadius', rtl: 'borderTopLeftRadius' }, }), borderEndEndRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: 'borderBottomRightRadius', rtl: 'borderBottomLeftRadius' }, }), borderRight: kt.borders('borderRight'), borderInlineEnd: kt.borders('borderInlineEnd'), borderBottom: kt.borders('borderBottom'), borderBlockEnd: kt.borders('borderBlockEnd'), borderBottomLeftRadius: kt.radii('borderBottomLeftRadius'), borderBottomRightRadius: kt.radii('borderBottomRightRadius'), borderLeft: kt.borders('borderLeft'), borderInlineStart: { property: 'borderInlineStart', scale: 'borders' }, borderInlineStartRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: ['borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius'], rtl: ['borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius'], }, }), borderInlineEndRadius: kt.logical({ scale: 'radii', property: { ltr: ['borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius'], rtl: ['borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius'], }, }), borderX: kt.borders(['borderLeft', 'borderRight']), borderInline: kt.borders('borderInline'), borderY: kt.borders(['borderTop', 'borderBottom']), borderBlock: kt.borders('borderBlock'), borderTopWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderTopWidth'), borderBlockStartWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderBlockStartWidth'), borderTopColor: kt.colors('borderTopColor'), borderBlockStartColor: kt.colors('borderBlockStartColor'), borderTopStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderTopStyle'), borderBlockStartStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderBlockStartStyle'), borderBottomWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderBottomWidth'), borderBlockEndWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderBlockEndWidth'), borderBottomColor: kt.colors('borderBottomColor'), borderBlockEndColor: kt.colors('borderBlockEndColor'), borderBottomStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderBottomStyle'), borderBlockEndStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderBlockEndStyle'), borderLeftWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderLeftWidth'), borderInlineStartWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderInlineStartWidth'), borderLeftColor: kt.colors('borderLeftColor'), borderInlineStartColor: kt.colors('borderInlineStartColor'), borderLeftStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderLeftStyle'), borderInlineStartStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderInlineStartStyle'), borderRightWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderRightWidth'), borderInlineEndWidth: kt.borderWidths('borderInlineEndWidth'), borderRightColor: kt.colors('borderRightColor'), borderInlineEndColor: kt.colors('borderInlineEndColor'), borderRightStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderRightStyle'), borderInlineEndStyle: kt.borderStyles('borderInlineEndStyle'), borderTopRadius: kt.radii(['borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius']), borderBottomRadius: kt.radii([ 'borderBottomLeftRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', ]), borderLeftRadius: kt.radii(['borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius']), borderRightRadius: kt.radii([ 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', ]), }; Object.assign(St, { rounded: St.borderRadius, roundedTop: St.borderTopRadius, roundedTopLeft: St.borderTopLeftRadius, roundedTopRight: St.borderTopRightRadius, roundedTopStart: St.borderStartStartRadius, roundedTopEnd: St.borderStartEndRadius, roundedBottom: St.borderBottomRadius, roundedBottomLeft: St.borderBottomLeftRadius, roundedBottomRight: St.borderBottomRightRadius, roundedBottomStart: St.borderEndStartRadius, roundedBottomEnd: St.borderEndEndRadius, roundedLeft: St.borderLeftRadius, roundedRight: St.borderRightRadius, roundedStart: St.borderInlineStartRadius, roundedEnd: St.borderInlineEndRadius, borderStart: St.borderInlineStart, borderEnd: St.borderInlineEnd, borderTopStartRadius: St.borderStartStartRadius, borderTopEndRadius: St.borderStartEndRadius, borderBottomStartRadius: St.borderEndStartRadius, borderBottomEndRadius: St.borderEndEndRadius, borderStartRadius: St.borderInlineStartRadius, borderEndRadius: St.borderInlineEndRadius, borderStartWidth: St.borderInlineStartWidth, borderEndWidth: St.borderInlineEndWidth, borderStartColor: St.borderInlineStartColor, borderEndColor: St.borderInlineEndColor, borderStartStyle: St.borderInlineStartStyle, borderEndStyle: St.borderInlineEndStyle, }); var Et = { color: kt.colors('color'), textColor: kt.colors('color'), fill: kt.colors('fill'), stroke: kt.colors('stroke'), }, _t = { boxShadow: kt.shadows('boxShadow'), mixBlendMode: !0, blendMode: kt.prop('mixBlendMode'), backgroundBlendMode: !0, bgBlendMode: kt.prop('backgroundBlendMode'), opacity: !0, }; Object.assign(_t, { shadow: _t.boxShadow }); var Ct = { filter: { transform: vt.filter }, blur: kt.blur('--chakra-blur'), brightness: kt.propT('--chakra-brightness', vt.brightness), contrast: kt.propT('--chakra-contrast', vt.contrast), hueRotate: kt.propT('--chakra-hue-rotate', vt.hueRotate), invert: kt.propT('--chakra-invert', vt.invert), saturate: kt.propT('--chakra-saturate', vt.saturate), dropShadow: kt.propT('--chakra-drop-shadow', vt.dropShadow), backdropFilter: { transform: vt.backdropFilter }, backdropBlur: kt.blur('--chakra-backdrop-blur'), backdropBrightness: kt.propT('--chakra-backdrop-brightness', vt.brightness), backdropContrast: kt.propT('--chakra-backdrop-contrast', vt.contrast), backdropHueRotate: kt.propT('--chakra-backdrop-hue-rotate', vt.hueRotate), backdropInvert: kt.propT('--chakra-backdrop-invert', vt.invert), backdropSaturate: kt.propT('--chakra-backdrop-saturate', vt.saturate), }, It = { alignItems: !0, alignContent: !0, justifyItems: !0, justifyContent: !0, flexWrap: !0, flexDirection: { transform: vt.flexDirection }, flex: !0, flexFlow: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexBasis: kt.sizes('flexBasis'), justifySelf: !0, alignSelf: !0, order: !0, placeItems: !0, placeContent: !0, placeSelf: !0, gap:'gap'), rowGap:'rowGap'), columnGap:'columnGap'), }; Object.assign(It, { flexDir: It.flexDirection }); var Tt = { gridGap:'gridGap'), gridColumnGap:'gridColumnGap'), gridRowGap:'gridRowGap'), gridColumn: !0, gridRow: !0, gridAutoFlow: !0, gridAutoColumns: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridRowStart: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridAutoRows: !0, gridTemplate: !0, gridTemplateColumns: !0, gridTemplateRows: !0, gridTemplateAreas: !0, gridArea: !0, }, Pt = { appearance: !0, cursor: !0, resize: !0, userSelect: !0, pointerEvents: !0, outline: { transform: vt.outline }, outlineOffset: !0, outlineColor: kt.colors('outlineColor'), }, At = { width: kt.sizesT('width'), inlineSize: kt.sizesT('inlineSize'), height: kt.sizes('height'), blockSize: kt.sizes('blockSize'), boxSize: kt.sizes(['width', 'height']), minWidth: kt.sizes('minWidth'), minInlineSize: kt.sizes('minInlineSize'), minHeight: kt.sizes('minHeight'), minBlockSize: kt.sizes('minBlockSize'), maxWidth: kt.sizes('maxWidth'), maxInlineSize: kt.sizes('maxInlineSize'), maxHeight: kt.sizes('maxHeight'), maxBlockSize: kt.sizes('maxBlockSize'), overflow: !0, overflowX: !0, overflowY: !0, overscrollBehavior: !0, overscrollBehaviorX: !0, overscrollBehaviorY: !0, display: !0, aspectRatio: !0, hideFrom: { scale: 'breakpoints', transform: (e, t) => { var n, a, i; const o = null != (i = null == (a = null == (n = t.__breakpoints) ? void 0 : n.get(e)) ? void 0 : a.minW) ? i : e; return { ['@media screen and (min-width: '.concat(o, ')')]: { display: 'none', }, }; }, }, hideBelow: { scale: 'breakpoints', transform: (e, t) => { var n, a, i; const o = null != (i = null == (a = null == (n = t.__breakpoints) ? void 0 : n.get(e)) ? void 0 : a._minW) ? i : e; return { ['@media screen and (max-width: '.concat(o, ')')]: { display: 'none', }, }; }, }, verticalAlign: !0, boxSizing: !0, boxDecorationBreak: !0, float: kt.propT('float', vt.float), objectFit: !0, objectPosition: !0, visibility: !0, isolation: !0, }; Object.assign(At, { w: At.width, h: At.height, minW: At.minWidth, maxW: At.maxWidth, minH: At.minHeight, maxH: At.maxHeight, overscroll: At.overscrollBehavior, overscrollX: At.overscrollBehaviorX, overscrollY: At.overscrollBehaviorY, }); var Rt = { listStyleType: !0, listStylePosition: !0, listStylePos: kt.prop('listStylePosition'), listStyleImage: !0, listStyleImg: kt.prop('listStyleImage'), }; var Dt = (e => { const t = new WeakMap(); return (n, a, i, o) => { if ('undefined' === typeof n) return e(n, a, i); t.has(n) || t.set(n, new Map()); const r = t.get(n); if (r.has(a)) return r.get(a); const l = e(n, a, i, o); return r.set(a, l), l; }; })(function (e, t, n, a) { const i = 'string' === typeof t ? t.split('.') : [t]; for (a = 0; a < i.length && e; a += 1) e = e[i[a]]; return void 0 === e ? n : e; }), Nt = { border: '0px', clip: 'rect(0, 0, 0, 0)', width: '1px', height: '1px', margin: '-1px', padding: '0px', overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', position: 'absolute', }, Lt = { position: 'static', width: 'auto', height: 'auto', clip: 'auto', padding: '0', margin: '0', overflow: 'visible', whiteSpace: 'normal', }, Ot = (e, t, n) => { const a = {}, i = Dt(e, t, {}); for (const o in i) { (o in n && null != n[o]) || (a[o] = i[o]); } return a; }, Mt = { srOnly: { transform: e => (!0 === e ? Nt : 'focusable' === e ? Lt : {}) }, layerStyle: { processResult: !0, transform: (e, t, n) => Ot(t, 'layerStyles.'.concat(e), n), }, textStyle: { processResult: !0, transform: (e, t, n) => Ot(t, 'textStyles.'.concat(e), n), }, apply: { processResult: !0, transform: (e, t, n) => Ot(t, e, n) }, }, Bt = { position: !0, pos: kt.prop('position'), zIndex: kt.prop('zIndex', 'zIndices'), inset: kt.spaceT('inset'), insetX: kt.spaceT(['left', 'right']), insetInline: kt.spaceT('insetInline'), insetY: kt.spaceT(['top', 'bottom']), insetBlock: kt.spaceT('insetBlock'), top: kt.spaceT('top'), insetBlockStart: kt.spaceT('insetBlockStart'), bottom: kt.spaceT('bottom'), insetBlockEnd: kt.spaceT('insetBlockEnd'), left: kt.spaceT('left'), insetInlineStart: kt.logical({ scale: 'space', property: { ltr: 'left', rtl: 'right' }, }), right: kt.spaceT('right'), insetInlineEnd: kt.logical({ scale: 'space', property: { ltr: 'right', rtl: 'left' }, }), }; Object.assign(Bt, { insetStart: Bt.insetInlineStart, insetEnd: Bt.insetInlineEnd }); var Ut = { ring: { transform: vt.ring }, ringColor: kt.colors('--chakra-ring-color'), ringOffset: kt.prop('--chakra-ring-offset-width'), ringOffsetColor: kt.colors('--chakra-ring-offset-color'), ringInset: kt.prop('--chakra-ring-inset'), }, Wt = { margin: kt.spaceT('margin'), marginTop: kt.spaceT('marginTop'), marginBlockStart: kt.spaceT('marginBlockStart'), marginRight: kt.spaceT('marginRight'), marginInlineEnd: kt.spaceT('marginInlineEnd'), marginBottom: kt.spaceT('marginBottom'), marginBlockEnd: kt.spaceT('marginBlockEnd'), marginLeft: kt.spaceT('marginLeft'), marginInlineStart: kt.spaceT('marginInlineStart'), marginX: kt.spaceT(['marginInlineStart', 'marginInlineEnd']), marginInline: kt.spaceT('marginInline'), marginY: kt.spaceT(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']), marginBlock: kt.spaceT('marginBlock'), padding:'padding'), paddingTop:'paddingTop'), paddingBlockStart:'paddingBlockStart'), paddingRight:'paddingRight'), paddingBottom:'paddingBottom'), paddingBlockEnd:'paddingBlockEnd'), paddingLeft:'paddingLeft'), paddingInlineStart:'paddingInlineStart'), paddingInlineEnd:'paddingInlineEnd'), paddingX:['paddingInlineStart', 'paddingInlineEnd']), paddingInline:'paddingInline'), paddingY:['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom']), paddingBlock:'paddingBlock'), }; Object.assign(Wt, { m: Wt.margin, mt: Wt.marginTop, mr: Wt.marginRight, me: Wt.marginInlineEnd, marginEnd: Wt.marginInlineEnd, mb: Wt.marginBottom, ml: Wt.marginLeft, ms: Wt.marginInlineStart, marginStart: Wt.marginInlineStart, mx: Wt.marginX, my: Wt.marginY, p: Wt.padding, pt: Wt.paddingTop, py: Wt.paddingY, px: Wt.paddingX, pb: Wt.paddingBottom, pl: Wt.paddingLeft, ps: Wt.paddingInlineStart, paddingStart: Wt.paddingInlineStart, pr: Wt.paddingRight, pe: Wt.paddingInlineEnd, paddingEnd: Wt.paddingInlineEnd, }); var Vt = { textDecorationColor: kt.colors('textDecorationColor'), textDecoration: !0, textDecor: { property: 'textDecoration' }, textDecorationLine: !0, textDecorationStyle: !0, textDecorationThickness: !0, textUnderlineOffset: !0, textShadow: kt.shadows('textShadow'), }, Ft = { clipPath: !0, transform: kt.propT('transform', vt.transform), transformOrigin: !0, translateX: kt.spaceT('--chakra-translate-x'), translateY: kt.spaceT('--chakra-translate-y'), skewX: kt.degreeT('--chakra-skew-x'), skewY: kt.degreeT('--chakra-skew-y'), scaleX: kt.prop('--chakra-scale-x'), scaleY: kt.prop('--chakra-scale-y'), scale: kt.prop(['--chakra-scale-x', '--chakra-scale-y']), rotate: kt.degreeT('--chakra-rotate'), }, Ht = { transition: !0, transitionDelay: !0, animation: !0, willChange: !0, transitionDuration: kt.prop('transitionDuration', 'transition.duration'), transitionProperty: kt.prop('transitionProperty', ''), transitionTimingFunction: kt.prop( 'transitionTimingFunction', 'transition.easing', ), }, Gt = { fontFamily: kt.prop('fontFamily', 'fonts'), fontSize: kt.prop('fontSize', 'fontSizes', vt.px), fontWeight: kt.prop('fontWeight', 'fontWeights'), lineHeight: kt.prop('lineHeight', 'lineHeights'), letterSpacing: kt.prop('letterSpacing', 'letterSpacings'), textAlign: !0, fontStyle: !0, textIndent: !0, wordBreak: !0, overflowWrap: !0, textOverflow: !0, textTransform: !0, whiteSpace: !0, isTruncated: { transform(e) { if (!0 === e) return { overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', }; }, }, noOfLines: { static: { overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', display: '-webkit-box', WebkitBoxOrient: 'vertical', WebkitLineClamp: 'var(--chakra-line-clamp)', }, property: '--chakra-line-clamp', }, }, Zt = { scrollBehavior: !0, scrollSnapAlign: !0, scrollSnapStop: !0, scrollSnapType: !0, scrollMargin: kt.spaceT('scrollMargin'), scrollMarginTop: kt.spaceT('scrollMarginTop'), scrollMarginBottom: kt.spaceT('scrollMarginBottom'), scrollMarginLeft: kt.spaceT('scrollMarginLeft'), scrollMarginRight: kt.spaceT('scrollMarginRight'), scrollMarginX: kt.spaceT(['scrollMarginLeft', 'scrollMarginRight']), scrollMarginY: kt.spaceT(['scrollMarginTop', 'scrollMarginBottom']), scrollPadding: kt.spaceT('scrollPadding'), scrollPaddingTop: kt.spaceT('scrollPaddingTop'), scrollPaddingBottom: kt.spaceT('scrollPaddingBottom'), scrollPaddingLeft: kt.spaceT('scrollPaddingLeft'), scrollPaddingRight: kt.spaceT('scrollPaddingRight'), scrollPaddingX: kt.spaceT(['scrollPaddingLeft', 'scrollPaddingRight']), scrollPaddingY: kt.spaceT(['scrollPaddingTop', 'scrollPaddingBottom']), }; function $t(e) { return Je(e) && e.reference ? e.reference : String(e); } var Xt = function (e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return$t).join(' '.concat(e, ' ')).replace(/calc/g, ''); }, Kt = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(Xt('+', ...t), ')'); }, qt = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(Xt('-', ...t), ')'); }, Yt = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(Xt('*', ...t), ')'); }, Qt = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(Xt('/', ...t), ')'); }, Jt = e => { const t = $t(e); return null == t || Number.isNaN(parseFloat(t)) ? Yt(t, -1) : String(t).startsWith('-') ? String(t).slice(1) : '-'.concat(t); }, en = Object.assign( e => ({ add: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return en(Kt(e, ...n)); }, subtract: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return en(qt(e, ...n)); }, multiply: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return en(Yt(e, ...n)); }, divide: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return en(Qt(e, ...n)); }, negate: () => en(Jt(e)), toString: () => e.toString(), }), { add: Kt, subtract: qt, multiply: Yt, divide: Qt, negate: Jt }, ); function tn(e) { const t = (function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '-'; return e.replace(/\s+/g, t); })(e.toString()); return (function (e) { return e.replace(/[!-,/:-@[-^`{-~]/g, '\\$&'); })( (function (e) { if (e.includes('\\.')) return e; const t = !Number.isInteger(parseFloat(e.toString())); return t ? e.replace('.', '\\.') : e; })(t), ); } function nn(e, t) { return 'var('.concat(e).concat(t ? ', '.concat(t) : '', ')'); } function an(e) { return tn( '--'.concat( (function (e) { return [ arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '', e, ] .filter(Boolean) .join('-'); })( e, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '', ), ), ); } function on(e, t, n) { const a = an(e, n); return { variable: a, reference: nn(a, t) }; } function rn(e) { const t = null == e ? 0 : e.length; return t ? e[t - 1] : void 0; } function ln(e) { if (null == e) return e; const { unitless: t } = (function (e) { const t = parseFloat(e.toString()), n = e.toString().replace(String(t), ''); return { unitless: !n, value: t, unit: n }; })(e); return t || 'number' === typeof e ? ''.concat(e, 'px') : e; } var sn = (e, t) => (parseInt(e[1], 10) > parseInt(t[1], 10) ? 1 : -1), cn = e => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(e).sort(sn)); function dn(e) { const t = cn(e); return Object.assign(Object.values(t), t); } function un(e) { var t; if (!e) return e; e = null != (t = ln(e)) ? t : e; return 'number' === typeof e ? ''.concat(e + -0.02) : e.replace(/(\d+\.?\d*)/u, e => ''.concat(parseFloat(e) + -0.02)); } function pn(e, t) { const n = ['@media screen']; return ( e && n.push('and', '(min-width: '.concat(ln(e), ')')), t && n.push('and', '(max-width: '.concat(ln(t), ')')), n.join(' ') ); } function mn(e) { var t; if (!e) return null; e.base = null != (t = e.base) ? t : '0px'; const n = dn(e), a = Object.entries(e) .sort(sn) .map((e, t, n) => { let [a, i] = e; var o; let [, r] = null != (o = n[t + 1]) ? o : []; return ( (r = parseFloat(r) > 0 ? un(r) : void 0), { _minW: un(i), breakpoint: a, minW: i, maxW: r, maxWQuery: pn(null, r), minWQuery: pn(i), minMaxQuery: pn(i, r), } ); }), i = (function (e) { const t = Object.keys(cn(e)); return new Set(t); })(e), o = Array.from(i.values()); return { keys: i, normalized: n, isResponsive(e) { const t = Object.keys(e); return t.length > 0 && t.every(e => i.has(e)); }, asObject: cn(e), asArray: dn(e), details: a, get: e => a.find(t => t.breakpoint === e), media: [null, => pn(e)).slice(1)], toArrayValue(e) { if (!Je(e)) throw new Error('toArrayValue: value must be an object'); const t = => { var n; return null != (n = e[t]) ? n : null; }); for (; null === rn(t); ) t.pop(); return t; }, toObjectValue(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error('toObjectValue: value must be an array'); return e.reduce((e, t, n) => { const a = o[n]; return null != a && null != t && (e[a] = t), e; }, {}); }, }; } var hn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':hover ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-hover] ') .concat(t), fn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':focus ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-focus] ') .concat(t), gn = (e, t) => ''.concat(e, ':focus-visible ').concat(t), wn = (e, t) => ''.concat(e, ':focus-within ').concat(t), yn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':active ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-active] ') .concat(t), xn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':disabled ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-disabled] ') .concat(t), bn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':invalid ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-invalid] ') .concat(t), zn = (e, t) => '' .concat(e, ':checked ') .concat(t, ', ') .concat(e, '[data-checked] ') .concat(t), vn = (e, t) => ''.concat(e, ':placeholder-shown ').concat(t), kn = e => Sn(t => e(t, '&'), '[role=group]', '[data-group]', '.group'), jn = e => Sn(t => e(t, '~ &'), '[data-peer]', '.peer'), Sn = function (e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return', '); }, En = { _hover: '&:hover, &[data-hover]', _active: '&:active, &[data-active]', _focus: '&:focus, &[data-focus]', _highlighted: '&[data-highlighted]', _focusWithin: '&:focus-within', _focusVisible: '&:focus-visible, &[data-focus-visible]', _disabled: '&:disabled, &[disabled], &[aria-disabled=true], &[data-disabled]', _readOnly: '&[aria-readonly=true], &[readonly], &[data-readonly]', _before: '&::before', _after: '&::after', _empty: '&:empty', _expanded: '&[aria-expanded=true], &[data-expanded]', _checked: '&[aria-checked=true], &[data-checked]', _grabbed: '&[aria-grabbed=true], &[data-grabbed]', _pressed: '&[aria-pressed=true], &[data-pressed]', _invalid: '&[aria-invalid=true], &[data-invalid]', _valid: '&[data-valid], &[data-state=valid]', _loading: '&[data-loading], &[aria-busy=true]', _selected: '&[aria-selected=true], &[data-selected]', _hidden: '&[hidden], &[data-hidden]', _autofill: '&:-webkit-autofill', _even: '&:nth-of-type(even)', _odd: '&:nth-of-type(odd)', _first: '&:first-of-type', _firstLetter: '&::first-letter', _last: '&:last-of-type', _notFirst: '&:not(:first-of-type)', _notLast: '&:not(:last-of-type)', _visited: '&:visited', _activeLink: '&[aria-current=page]', _activeStep: '&[aria-current=step]', _indeterminate: '&:indeterminate, &[aria-checked=mixed], &[data-indeterminate]', _groupHover: kn(hn), _peerHover: jn(hn), _groupFocus: kn(fn), _peerFocus: jn(fn), _groupFocusVisible: kn(gn), _peerFocusVisible: jn(gn), _groupActive: kn(yn), _peerActive: jn(yn), _groupDisabled: kn(xn), _peerDisabled: jn(xn), _groupInvalid: kn(bn), _peerInvalid: jn(bn), _groupChecked: kn(zn), _peerChecked: jn(zn), _groupFocusWithin: kn(wn), _peerFocusWithin: jn(wn), _peerPlaceholderShown: jn(vn), _placeholder: '&::placeholder', _placeholderShown: '&:placeholder-shown', _fullScreen: '&:fullscreen', _selection: '&::selection', _rtl: '[dir=rtl] &, &[dir=rtl]', _ltr: '[dir=ltr] &, &[dir=ltr]', _mediaDark: '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)', _mediaReduceMotion: '@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)', _dark: '.chakra-ui-dark &:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=dark] &:not([data-theme]),&[data-theme=dark]', _light: '.chakra-ui-light &:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=light] &:not([data-theme]),&[data-theme=light]', _horizontal: '&[data-orientation=horizontal]', _vertical: '&[data-orientation=vertical]', }, _n = Object.keys(En); function Cn(e, t) { return on(String(e).replace(/\./g, '-'), void 0, t); } function In(e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; const { stop: a, getKey: i } = n; return (function e(n) { let o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []; var r; if ( (function (e) { return 'object' === typeof e && null != e && !Array.isArray(e); })(n) || Array.isArray(n) ) { const l = {}; for (const [s, c] of Object.entries(n)) { const d = null != (r = null == i ? void 0 : i(s)) ? r : s, u = [...o, d]; if (null == a ? void 0 : a(n, u)) return t(n, o); l[d] = e(c, u); } return l; } return t(n, o); })(e); } var Tn = [ 'colors', 'borders', 'borderWidths', 'borderStyles', 'fonts', 'fontSizes', 'fontWeights', 'gradients', 'letterSpacings', 'lineHeights', 'radii', 'space', 'shadows', 'sizes', 'zIndices', 'transition', 'blur', 'breakpoints', ]; var Pn = e => _n.includes(e) || 'default' === e; function An(e) { var t; const n = (function (e) { const { __cssMap: t, __cssVars: n, __breakpoints: a, ...i } = e; return i; })(e), a = (function (e) { return (function (e, t) { const n = {}; for (const a of t) a in e && (n[a] = e[a]); return n; })(e, Tn); })(n), i = (function (e) { return e.semanticTokens; })(n), o = (function (e) { let { tokens: t, semanticTokens: n } = e; const a = {}; return ( In(t, (e, t) => { null != e && (a[t.join('.')] = { isSemantic: !1, value: e }); }), In( n, (e, t) => { null != e && (a[t.join('.')] = { isSemantic: !0, value: e }); }, { stop: e => Object.keys(e).every(Pn) }, ), a ); })({ tokens: a, semanticTokens: i }), r = null == (t = n.config) ? void 0 : t.cssVarPrefix, { cssMap: l, cssVars: s } = (function (e, t) { let n = {}; const a = {}; for (const [i, o] of Object.entries(e)) { const { isSemantic: r, value: l } = o, { variable: s, reference: c } = Cn( i, null == t ? void 0 : t.cssVarPrefix, ); if (!r) { if (i.startsWith('space')) { const e = i.split('.'), [t, ...n] = e, o = ''.concat(t, '.-').concat(n.join('.')), r = en.negate(l), d = en.negate(c); a[o] = { value: r, var: s, varRef: d }; } (n[s] = l), (a[i] = { value: l, var: s, varRef: c }); continue; } const d = n => { const a = [String(i).split('.')[0], n].join('.'); if (!e[a]) return n; const { reference: o } = Cn( a, null == t ? void 0 : t.cssVarPrefix, ); return o; }, u = Je(l) ? l : { default: l }; (n = ot( n, Object.entries(u).reduce((e, t) => { let [n, a] = t; var i, o; if (!a) return e; const r = d(''.concat(a)); return 'default' === n ? ((e[s] = r), e) : ((e[ null != (o = null == (i = En) ? void 0 : i[n]) ? o : n ] = { [s]: r }), e); }, {}), )), (a[i] = { value: c, var: s, varRef: c }); } return { cssVars: n, cssMap: a }; })(o, { cssVarPrefix: r }); return ( Object.assign(n, { __cssVars: { '--chakra-ring-inset': 'var(--chakra-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)', '--chakra-ring-offset-width': '0px', '--chakra-ring-offset-color': '#fff', '--chakra-ring-color': 'rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.6)', '--chakra-ring-offset-shadow': '0 0 #0000', '--chakra-ring-shadow': '0 0 #0000', '--chakra-space-x-reverse': '0', '--chakra-space-y-reverse': '0', ...s, }, __cssMap: l, __breakpoints: mn(n.breakpoints), }), n ); } var Rn = ot( {}, jt, St, Et, It, At, Ct, Ut, Pt, Tt, Mt, Bt, _t, Wt, Zt, Gt, Vt, Ft, Rt, Ht, ), Dn = Object.assign({}, Wt, At, It, Tt, Bt), Nn = (Object.keys(Dn), [...Object.keys(Rn), ..._n]), Ln = { ...Rn, ...En }, On = e => e in Ln; var Mn = (e, t) => e.startsWith('--') && 'string' === typeof t && !(function (e) { return /^var\(--.+\)$/.test(e); })(t), Bn = (e, t) => { var n, a; if (null == t) return t; const i = t => { var n, a; return null == (a = null == (n = e.__cssMap) ? void 0 : n[t]) ? void 0 : a.varRef; }, o = e => { var t; return null != (t = i(e)) ? t : e; }, [r, l] = (function (e) { const t = []; let n = '', a = !1; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { const o = e[i]; '(' === o ? ((a = !0), (n += o)) : ')' === o ? ((a = !1), (n += o)) : ',' !== o || a ? (n += o) : (t.push(n), (n = '')); } return (n = n.trim()), n && t.push(n), t; })(t); return (t = null != (a = null != (n = i(r)) ? n : o(l)) ? a : o(t)); }; function Un(e) { const { configs: t = {}, pseudos: n = {}, theme: a } = e, i = function (e) { let o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; var r, l, s; const c = tt(e, a), d = (e => t => { if (!t.__breakpoints) return e; const { isResponsive: n, toArrayValue: a, media: i, } = t.__breakpoints, o = {}; for (const r in e) { let l = tt(e[r], t); if (null == l) continue; if (((l = Je(l) && n(l) ? a(l) : l), !Array.isArray(l))) { o[r] = l; continue; } const s = l.slice(0, i.length).length; for (let e = 0; e < s; e += 1) { const t = null == i ? void 0 : i[e]; t ? ((o[t] = o[t] || {}), null != l[e] && (o[t][r] = l[e])) : (o[r] = l[e]); } } return o; })(c)(a); let u = {}; for (let p in d) { let e = tt(d[p], a); p in n && (p = n[p]), Mn(p, e) && (e = Bn(a, e)); let m = t[p]; if ((!0 === m && (m = { property: p }), Je(e))) { (u[p] = null != (r = u[p]) ? r : {}), (u[p] = ot({}, u[p], i(e, !0))); continue; } let h = null != (s = null == (l = null == m ? void 0 : m.transform) ? void 0 :, e, a, c)) ? s : e; h = (null == m ? void 0 : m.processResult) ? i(h, !0) : h; const f = tt(null == m ? void 0 :, a); if (!o && (null == m ? void 0 : m.static)) { const e = tt(m.static, a); u = ot({}, u, e); } if (f && Array.isArray(f)) for (const t of f) u[t] = h; else f ? '&' === f && Je(h) ? (u = ot({}, u, h)) : (u[f] = h) : Je(h) ? (u = ot({}, u, h)) : (u[p] = h); } return u; }; return i; } var Wn = e => t => Un({ theme: t, pseudos: En, configs: Rn })(e); function Vn(e) { return { definePartsStyle: e => e, defineMultiStyleConfig: t => ({ parts: e, ...t }), }; } function Fn(e, t) { for (let n = t + 1; n < e.length; n++) if (null != e[n]) return n; return -1; } function Hn(e) { const t = e.__breakpoints; return function (e, n, a, i) { var o, r; if (!t) return; const l = {}, s = (function (e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e : Je(e) ? t(e) : null != e ? [e] : void 0; })(a, t.toArrayValue); if (!s) return l; const c = s.length, d = 1 === c, u = !!; for (let p = 0; p < c; p++) { const a = t.details[p], c = t.details[Fn(s, p)], m = pn(a.minW, null == c ? void 0 : c._minW), h = tt(null == (o = e[n]) ? void 0 : o[s[p]], i); h && (u ? null == (r = || r.forEach(e => { ot(l, { [e]: d ? h[e] : { [m]: h[e] } }); }) : u ? (l[m] = h) : d ? ot(l, h) : (l[m] = h)); } return l; }; } function Gn(e) { return (function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []; const n = Object.assign({}, e); for (const a of t) a in n && delete n[a]; return n; })(e, ['styleConfig', 'size', 'variant', 'colorScheme']); } var Zn = (e => { const t = new WeakMap(); return (n, a, i, o) => { if ('undefined' === typeof n) return e(n, a, i); t.has(n) || t.set(n, new Map()); const r = t.get(n); if (r.has(a)) return r.get(a); const l = e(n, a, i, o); return r.set(a, l), l; }; })(function (e, t, n, a) { const i = 'string' === typeof t ? t.split('.') : [t]; for (a = 0; a < i.length && e; a += 1) e = e[i[a]]; return void 0 === e ? n : e; }); function $n(e, t) { const n = {}; return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(a => { const i = e[a]; t(i, a, e) && (n[a] = i); }), n ); } var Xn = e => $n(e, e => null !== e && void 0 !== e); function Kn(e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return 'function' === typeof e ? e(...n) : e; } function qn() { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return function (e) { t.some(t => (null == t || t(e), null == e ? void 0 : e.defaultPrevented)); }; } function Yn(t) { const { cssVarsRoot: n, theme: a, children: i } = t, o = (0, e.useMemo)(() => An(a), [a]); return (0, We.jsxs)(De, { theme: o, children: [(0, We.jsx)(Qn, { root: n }), i], }); } function Qn(e) { let { root: t = ':host, :root' } = e; const n = [t, '[data-theme]'].join(','); return (0, We.jsx)(Oe, { styles: e => ({ [n]: e.__cssVars }) }); } var [Jn, ea] = (function () { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { strict: n = !0, errorMessage: a = 'useContext: `context` is undefined. Seems you forgot to wrap component within the Provider', name: i, } = t, o = (0, e.createContext)(void 0); return ( (o.displayName = i), [ o.Provider, function t() { var i; const r = (0, e.useContext)(o); if (!r && n) { const e = new Error(a); throw ( (( = 'ContextError'), null == (i = Error.captureStackTrace) ||, e, t), e) ); } return r; }, o, ] ); })({ name: 'StylesContext', errorMessage: 'useStyles: `styles` is undefined. Seems you forgot to wrap the components in `<StylesProvider />` ', }); function ta() { const { colorMode: e } = Ye(); return (0, We.jsx)(Oe, { styles: t => { const n = Kn(Zn(t, ''), { theme: t, colorMode: e }); if (!n) return; return Wn(n)(t); }, }); } var na = { light: 'chakra-ui-light', dark: 'chakra-ui-dark' }; var aa = 'chakra-ui-color-mode'; var ia, oa = ((ia = aa), { ssr: !1, type: 'localStorage', get(e) { if (!(null == globalThis ? void 0 : globalThis.document)) return e; let t; try { t = localStorage.getItem(ia) || e; } catch (n) {} return t || e; }, set(e) { try { localStorage.setItem(ia, e); } catch (t) {} }, }); function ra(e, t) { const n = e.match(new RegExp('(^| )'.concat(t, '=([^;]+)'))); return null == n ? void 0 : n[2]; } function la(e, t) { return { ssr: !!t, type: 'cookie', get: n => t ? ra(t, e) : ((null == globalThis ? void 0 : globalThis.document) && ra(document.cookie, e)) || n, set(t) { document.cookie = '' .concat(e, '=') .concat(t, '; max-age=31536000; path=/'); }, }; } la(aa); var sa = Boolean(null == globalThis ? void 0 : globalThis.document) ? e.useLayoutEffect : e.useEffect, ca = () => {}; function da(e, t) { return 'cookie' === e.type && e.ssr ? e.get(t) : t; } function ua(t) { const { value: n, children: a, options: { useSystemColorMode: i, initialColorMode: o, disableTransitionOnChange: r, } = {}, colorModeManager: l = oa, } = t, s = 'dark' === o ? 'dark' : 'light', [c, d] = (0, e.useState)(() => da(l, s)), [u, p] = (0, e.useState)(() => da(l)), { getSystemTheme: m, setClassName: h, setDataset: f, addListener: g, } = (0, e.useMemo)( () => (function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { preventTransition: t = !0 } = e, n = { setDataset: e => { const a = t ? n.preventTransition() : void 0; (document.documentElement.dataset.theme = e), ( = e), null == a || a(); }, setClassName(e) { document.body.classList.add(e ? na.dark : na.light), document.body.classList.remove( e ? na.light : na.dark, ); }, query: () => window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'), getSystemTheme(e) { var t; return ( null != (t = n.query().matches) ? t : 'dark' === e ) ? 'dark' : 'light'; }, addListener(e) { const t = n.query(), a = t => { e(t.matches ? 'dark' : 'light'); }; return ( 'function' === typeof t.addListener ? t.addListener(a) : t.addEventListener('change', a), () => { 'function' === typeof t.removeListener ? t.removeListener(a) : t.removeEventListener('change', a); } ); }, preventTransition() { const e = document.createElement('style'); return ( e.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '*{-webkit-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;transition:none!important}', ), ), document.head.appendChild(e), () => { window.getComputedStyle(document.body), requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { document.head.removeChild(e); }); }); } ); }, }; return n; })({ preventTransition: r }), [r], ), w = 'system' !== o || c ? c : u, y = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { const t = 'system' === e ? m() : e; d(t), h('dark' === t), f(t), l.set(t); }, [l, m, h, f], ); sa(() => { 'system' === o && p(m()); }, []), (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = l.get(); y(e || ('system' !== o ? s : 'system')); }, [l, s, o, y]); const x = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { y('dark' === w ? 'light' : 'dark'); }, [w, y]); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { if (i) return g(y); }, [i, g, y]); const b = (0, e.useMemo)( () => ({ colorMode: null != n ? n : w, toggleColorMode: n ? ca : x, setColorMode: n ? ca : y, forced: void 0 !== n, }), [w, x, y, n], ); return (0, We.jsx)(qe.Provider, { value: b, children: a }); } ua.displayName = 'ColorModeProvider'; var pa = (0, e.createContext)({ getDocument: () => document, getWindow: () => window, }); function ma(t) { const { children: n, environment: a, disabled: i } = t, o = (0, e.useRef)(null), r = (0, e.useMemo)( () => a || { getDocument: () => { var e, t; return null != (t = null == (e = o.current) ? void 0 : e.ownerDocument) ? t : document; }, getWindow: () => { var e, t; return null != (t = null == (e = o.current) ? void 0 : e.ownerDocument.defaultView) ? t : window; }, }, [a], ), l = !i || !a; return (0, We.jsxs)(pa.Provider, { value: r, children: [ n, l && (0, We.jsx)('span', { id: '__chakra_env', hidden: !0, ref: o }), ], }); } (pa.displayName = 'EnvironmentContext'), (ma.displayName = 'EnvironmentProvider'); var ha = e => { const { children: t, colorModeManager: n, portalZIndex: a, resetScope: i, resetCSS: o = !0, theme: r = {}, environment: l, cssVarsRoot: s, disableEnvironment: c, disableGlobalStyle: d, } = e, u = (0, We.jsx)(ma, { environment: l, disabled: c, children: t }); return (0, We.jsx)(Yn, { theme: r, cssVarsRoot: s, children: (0, We.jsxs)(ua, { colorModeManager: n, options: r.config, children: [ o ? (0, We.jsx)(Ge, { scope: i }) : (0, We.jsx)(He, {}), !d && (0, We.jsx)(ta, {}), a ? (0, We.jsx)(Ke, { zIndex: a, children: u }) : u, ], }), }); }, fa = { property: { common: 'background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke, opacity, box-shadow, transform', colors: 'background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke', dimensions: 'width, height', position: 'left, right, top, bottom', background: 'background-color, background-image, background-position', }, easing: { 'ease-in': 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)', 'ease-out': 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', 'ease-in-out': 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)', }, duration: { 'ultra-fast': '50ms', faster: '100ms', fast: '150ms', normal: '200ms', slow: '300ms', slower: '400ms', 'ultra-slow': '500ms', }, }, ga = { hide: -1, auto: 'auto', base: 0, docked: 10, dropdown: 1e3, sticky: 1100, banner: 1200, overlay: 1300, modal: 1400, popover: 1500, skipLink: 1600, toast: 1700, tooltip: 1800, }, wa = { none: 0, '1px': '1px solid', '2px': '2px solid', '4px': '4px solid', '8px': '8px solid', }, ya = { base: '0em', sm: '30em', md: '48em', lg: '62em', xl: '80em', '2xl': '96em', }, xa = { transparent: 'transparent', current: 'currentColor', black: '#000000', white: '#FFFFFF', whiteAlpha: { 50: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.04)', 100: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06)', 200: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)', 300: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)', 400: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.24)', 500: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.36)', 600: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48)', 700: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.64)', 800: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.80)', 900: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.92)', }, blackAlpha: { 50: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)', 100: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', 200: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)', 300: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)', 400: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24)', 500: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36)', 600: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.48)', 700: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.64)', 800: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.80)', 900: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.92)', }, gray: { 50: '#F7FAFC', 100: '#EDF2F7', 200: '#E2E8F0', 300: '#CBD5E0', 400: '#A0AEC0', 500: '#718096', 600: '#4A5568', 700: '#2D3748', 800: '#1A202C', 900: '#171923', }, red: { 50: '#FFF5F5', 100: '#FED7D7', 200: '#FEB2B2', 300: '#FC8181', 400: '#F56565', 500: '#E53E3E', 600: '#C53030', 700: '#9B2C2C', 800: '#822727', 900: '#63171B', }, orange: { 50: '#FFFAF0', 100: '#FEEBC8', 200: '#FBD38D', 300: '#F6AD55', 400: '#ED8936', 500: '#DD6B20', 600: '#C05621', 700: '#9C4221', 800: '#7B341E', 900: '#652B19', }, yellow: { 50: '#FFFFF0', 100: '#FEFCBF', 200: '#FAF089', 300: '#F6E05E', 400: '#ECC94B', 500: '#D69E2E', 600: '#B7791F', 700: '#975A16', 800: '#744210', 900: '#5F370E', }, green: { 50: '#F0FFF4', 100: '#C6F6D5', 200: '#9AE6B4', 300: '#68D391', 400: '#48BB78', 500: '#38A169', 600: '#2F855A', 700: '#276749', 800: '#22543D', 900: '#1C4532', }, teal: { 50: '#E6FFFA', 100: '#B2F5EA', 200: '#81E6D9', 300: '#4FD1C5', 400: '#38B2AC', 500: '#319795', 600: '#2C7A7B', 700: '#285E61', 800: '#234E52', 900: '#1D4044', }, blue: { 50: '#ebf8ff', 100: '#bee3f8', 200: '#90cdf4', 300: '#63b3ed', 400: '#4299e1', 500: '#3182ce', 600: '#2b6cb0', 700: '#2c5282', 800: '#2a4365', 900: '#1A365D', }, cyan: { 50: '#EDFDFD', 100: '#C4F1F9', 200: '#9DECF9', 300: '#76E4F7', 400: '#0BC5EA', 500: '#00B5D8', 600: '#00A3C4', 700: '#0987A0', 800: '#086F83', 900: '#065666', }, purple: { 50: '#FAF5FF', 100: '#E9D8FD', 200: '#D6BCFA', 300: '#B794F4', 400: '#9F7AEA', 500: '#805AD5', 600: '#6B46C1', 700: '#553C9A', 800: '#44337A', 900: '#322659', }, pink: { 50: '#FFF5F7', 100: '#FED7E2', 200: '#FBB6CE', 300: '#F687B3', 400: '#ED64A6', 500: '#D53F8C', 600: '#B83280', 700: '#97266D', 800: '#702459', 900: '#521B41', }, linkedin: { 50: '#E8F4F9', 100: '#CFEDFB', 200: '#9BDAF3', 300: '#68C7EC', 400: '#34B3E4', 500: '#00A0DC', 600: '#008CC9', 700: '#0077B5', 800: '#005E93', 900: '#004471', }, facebook: { 50: '#E8F4F9', 100: '#D9DEE9', 200: '#B7C2DA', 300: '#6482C0', 400: '#4267B2', 500: '#385898', 600: '#314E89', 700: '#29487D', 800: '#223B67', 900: '#1E355B', }, messenger: { 50: '#D0E6FF', 100: '#B9DAFF', 200: '#A2CDFF', 300: '#7AB8FF', 400: '#2E90FF', 500: '#0078FF', 600: '#0063D1', 700: '#0052AC', 800: '#003C7E', 900: '#002C5C', }, whatsapp: { 50: '#dffeec', 100: '#b9f5d0', 200: '#90edb3', 300: '#65e495', 400: '#3cdd78', 500: '#22c35e', 600: '#179848', 700: '#0c6c33', 800: '#01421c', 900: '#001803', }, twitter: { 50: '#E5F4FD', 100: '#C8E9FB', 200: '#A8DCFA', 300: '#83CDF7', 400: '#57BBF5', 500: '#1DA1F2', 600: '#1A94DA', 700: '#1681BF', 800: '#136B9E', 900: '#0D4D71', }, telegram: { 50: '#E3F2F9', 100: '#C5E4F3', 200: '#A2D4EC', 300: '#7AC1E4', 400: '#47A9DA', 500: '#0088CC', 600: '#007AB8', 700: '#006BA1', 800: '#005885', 900: '#003F5E', }, }, ba = { none: '0', sm: '0.125rem', base: '0.25rem', md: '0.375rem', lg: '0.5rem', xl: '0.75rem', '2xl': '1rem', '3xl': '1.5rem', full: '9999px', }, za = { xs: '0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', sm: '0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', base: '0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', md: '0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', lg: '0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', xl: '0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)', '2xl': '0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', outline: '0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.6)', inner: 'inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.06)', none: 'none', 'dark-lg': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 0px 0px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 10px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 15px 40px', }, va = { none: 0, sm: '4px', base: '8px', md: '12px', lg: '16px', xl: '24px', '2xl': '40px', '3xl': '64px', }, ka = { letterSpacings: { tighter: '-0.05em', tight: '-0.025em', normal: '0', wide: '0.025em', wider: '0.05em', widest: '0.1em', }, lineHeights: { normal: 'normal', none: 1, shorter: 1.25, short: 1.375, base: 1.5, tall: 1.625, taller: '2', 3: '.75rem', 4: '1rem', 5: '1.25rem', 6: '1.5rem', 7: '1.75rem', 8: '2rem', 9: '2.25rem', 10: '2.5rem', }, fontWeights: { hairline: 100, thin: 200, light: 300, normal: 400, medium: 500, semibold: 600, bold: 700, extrabold: 800, black: 900, }, fonts: { heading: '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"', body: '-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"', mono: 'SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Liberation Mono","Courier New",monospace', }, fontSizes: { '3xs': '0.45rem', '2xs': '0.625rem', xs: '0.75rem', sm: '0.875rem', md: '1rem', lg: '1.125rem', xl: '1.25rem', '2xl': '1.5rem', '3xl': '1.875rem', '4xl': '2.25rem', '5xl': '3rem', '6xl': '3.75rem', '7xl': '4.5rem', '8xl': '6rem', '9xl': '8rem', }, }, ja = { px: '1px', 0.5: '0.125rem', 1: '0.25rem', 1.5: '0.375rem', 2: '0.5rem', 2.5: '0.625rem', 3: '0.75rem', 3.5: '0.875rem', 4: '1rem', 5: '1.25rem', 6: '1.5rem', 7: '1.75rem', 8: '2rem', 9: '2.25rem', 10: '2.5rem', 12: '3rem', 14: '3.5rem', 16: '4rem', 20: '5rem', 24: '6rem', 28: '7rem', 32: '8rem', 36: '9rem', 40: '10rem', 44: '11rem', 48: '12rem', 52: '13rem', 56: '14rem', 60: '15rem', 64: '16rem', 72: '18rem', 80: '20rem', 96: '24rem', }, Sa = { ...ja, max: 'max-content', min: 'min-content', full: '100%', '3xs': '14rem', '2xs': '16rem', xs: '20rem', sm: '24rem', md: '28rem', lg: '32rem', xl: '36rem', '2xl': '42rem', '3xl': '48rem', '4xl': '56rem', '5xl': '64rem', '6xl': '72rem', '7xl': '80rem', '8xl': '90rem', prose: '60ch', container: { sm: '640px', md: '768px', lg: '1024px', xl: '1280px' }, }, Ea = { breakpoints: ya, zIndices: ga, radii: ba, blur: va, colors: xa, ...ka, sizes: Sa, shadows: za, space: ja, borders: wa, transition: fa, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: _a, definePartsStyle: Ca } = Vn([ 'stepper', 'step', 'title', 'description', 'indicator', 'separator', 'icon', 'number', ]), Ia = on('stepper-indicator-size'), Ta = on('stepper-icon-size'), Pa = on('stepper-title-font-size'), Aa = on('stepper-description-font-size'), Ra = on('stepper-accent-color'), Da = Ca(e => { let { colorScheme: t } = e; return { stepper: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', gap: '4', '&[data-orientation=vertical]': { flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', }, '&[data-orientation=horizontal]': { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }, [Ra.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.500'), _dark: { [Ra.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200') }, }, title: { fontSize: Pa.reference, fontWeight: 'medium' }, description: { fontSize: Aa.reference, color: 'chakra-subtle-text' }, number: { fontSize: Pa.reference }, step: { flexShrink: 0, position: 'relative', display: 'flex', gap: '2', '&[data-orientation=horizontal]': { alignItems: 'center' }, flex: '1', '&:last-of-type:not([data-stretch])': { flex: 'initial' }, }, icon: { flexShrink: 0, width: Ta.reference, height: Ta.reference }, indicator: { flexShrink: 0, borderRadius: 'full', width: Ia.reference, height: Ia.reference, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', '&[data-status=active]': { borderWidth: '2px', borderColor: Ra.reference, }, '&[data-status=complete]': { bg: Ra.reference, color: 'chakra-inverse-text', }, '&[data-status=incomplete]': { borderWidth: '2px' }, }, separator: { bg: 'chakra-border-color', flex: '1', '&[data-status=complete]': { bg: Ra.reference }, '&[data-orientation=horizontal]': { width: '100%', height: '2px', marginStart: '2', }, '&[data-orientation=vertical]': { width: '2px', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', maxHeight: 'calc(100% - '.concat(Ia.reference, ' - 8px)'), top: 'calc('.concat(Ia.reference, ' + 4px)'), insetStart: 'calc('.concat(Ia.reference, ' / 2 - 1px)'), }, }, }; }), Na = _a({ baseStyle: Da, sizes: { xs: Ca({ stepper: { [Ia.variable]: 'sizes.4', [Ta.variable]: 'sizes.3', [Pa.variable]: 'fontSizes.xs', [Aa.variable]: 'fontSizes.xs', }, }), sm: Ca({ stepper: { [Ia.variable]: 'sizes.6', [Ta.variable]: 'sizes.4', [Pa.variable]: '', [Aa.variable]: 'fontSizes.xs', }, }), md: Ca({ stepper: { [Ia.variable]: 'sizes.8', [Ta.variable]: 'sizes.5', [Pa.variable]: '', [Aa.variable]: '', }, }), lg: Ca({ stepper: { [Ia.variable]: 'sizes.10', [Ta.variable]: 'sizes.6', [Pa.variable]: 'fontSizes.lg', [Aa.variable]: '', }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }); function La(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = !1; function a(t) { const n = ( ['container', 'root'].includes(null != t ? t : '') ? [e] : [e, t] ) .filter(Boolean) .join('__'), a = 'chakra-'.concat(n); return { className: a, selector: '.'.concat(a), toString: () => t }; } return { parts: function () { !(function () { if (n) throw new Error( '[anatomy] .part(...) should only be called once. Did you mean to use .extend(...) ?', ); n = !0; })(); for (var i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i), r = 0; r < i; r++) o[r] = arguments[r]; for (const e of o) t[e] = a(e); return La(e, t); }, toPart: a, extend: function () { for (var n = arguments.length, i = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++) i[o] = arguments[o]; for (const e of i) e in t || (t[e] = a(e)); return La(e, t); }, selectors: function () { const e = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(t).map(e => { let [t, n] = e; return [t, n.selector]; }), ); return e; }, classnames: function () { const e = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(t).map(e => { let [t, n] = e; return [t, n.className]; }), ); return e; }, get keys() { return Object.keys(t); }, __type: {}, }; } var Oa = La('accordion') .parts('root', 'container', 'button', 'panel') .extend('icon'), Ma = La('alert') .parts('title', 'description', 'container') .extend('icon', 'spinner'), Ba = La('avatar') .parts('label', 'badge', 'container') .extend('excessLabel', 'group'), Ua = La('breadcrumb').parts('link', 'item', 'container').extend('separator'), Wa = (La('button').parts(), La('checkbox').parts('control', 'icon', 'container').extend('label')), Va = (La('progress').parts('track', 'filledTrack').extend('label'), La('drawer') .parts('overlay', 'dialogContainer', 'dialog') .extend('header', 'closeButton', 'body', 'footer')), Fa = La('editable').parts('preview', 'input', 'textarea'), Ha = La('form').parts('container', 'requiredIndicator', 'helperText'), Ga = La('formError').parts('text', 'icon'), Za = La('input').parts('addon', 'field', 'element', 'group'), $a = La('list').parts('container', 'item', 'icon'), Xa = La('menu') .parts('button', 'list', 'item') .extend('groupTitle', 'icon', 'command', 'divider'), Ka = La('modal') .parts('overlay', 'dialogContainer', 'dialog') .extend('header', 'closeButton', 'body', 'footer'), qa = La('numberinput').parts('root', 'field', 'stepperGroup', 'stepper'), Ya = (La('pininput').parts('field'), La('popover') .parts('content', 'header', 'body', 'footer') .extend('popper', 'arrow', 'closeButton')), Qa = La('progress').parts('label', 'filledTrack', 'track'), Ja = La('radio').parts('container', 'control', 'label'), ei = La('select').parts('field', 'icon'), ti = La('slider').parts('container', 'track', 'thumb', 'filledTrack', 'mark'), ni = La('stat').parts('container', 'label', 'helpText', 'number', 'icon'), ai = La('switch').parts('container', 'track', 'thumb', 'label'), ii = La('table').parts( 'table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'tfoot', 'caption', ), oi = La('tabs').parts( 'root', 'tab', 'tablist', 'tabpanel', 'tabpanels', 'indicator', ), ri = La('tag').parts('container', 'label', 'closeButton'), li = La('card').parts('container', 'header', 'body', 'footer'); La('stepper').parts( 'stepper', 'step', 'title', 'description', 'indicator', 'separator', 'icon', 'number', ); function si(e) { const t = (function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '-'; return e.replace(/\s+/g, t); })(e.toString()); return t.includes('\\.') ? e : (function (e) { return !Number.isInteger(parseFloat(e.toString())); })(e) ? t.replace('.', '\\.') : e; } function ci(e, t) { return 'var('.concat(si(e)).concat(t ? ', '.concat(t) : '', ')'); } function di(e) { return '--'.concat( (function (e) { return [ arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '', si(e), ] .filter(Boolean) .join('-'); })(e, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : ''), ); } function ui(e, t) { const n = di(e, null == t ? void 0 : t.prefix); return { variable: n, reference: ci(n, pi(null == t ? void 0 : t.fallback)) }; } function pi(e) { return 'string' === typeof e ? e : null == e ? void 0 : e.reference; } function mi(e) { return Je(e) && e.reference ? e.reference : String(e); } var hi = function (e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return' '.concat(e, ' ')).replace(/calc/g, ''); }, fi = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(hi('+', ...t), ')'); }, gi = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(hi('-', ...t), ')'); }, wi = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(hi('*', ...t), ')'); }, yi = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return 'calc('.concat(hi('/', ...t), ')'); }, xi = e => { const t = mi(e); return null == t || Number.isNaN(parseFloat(t)) ? wi(t, -1) : String(t).startsWith('-') ? String(t).slice(1) : '-'.concat(t); }, bi = Object.assign( e => ({ add: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return bi(fi(e, ...n)); }, subtract: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return bi(gi(e, ...n)); }, multiply: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return bi(wi(e, ...n)); }, divide: function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return bi(yi(e, ...n)); }, negate: () => bi(xi(e)), toString: () => e.toString(), }), { add: fi, subtract: gi, multiply: wi, divide: yi, negate: xi }, ), { defineMultiStyleConfig: zi, definePartsStyle: vi } = Vn(ai.keys), ki = ui('switch-track-width'), ji = ui('switch-track-height'), Si = ui('switch-track-diff'), Ei = bi.subtract(ki, ji), _i = ui('switch-thumb-x'), Ci = ui('switch-bg'), Ii = e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { borderRadius: 'full', p: '0.5', width: [ki.reference], height: [ji.reference], transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'fast', [Ci.variable]: 'colors.gray.300', _dark: { [Ci.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.400' }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed' }, _checked: { [Ci.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.500'), _dark: { [Ci.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200') }, }, bg: Ci.reference, }; }, Ti = { bg: 'white', transitionProperty: 'transform', transitionDuration: 'normal', borderRadius: 'inherit', width: [ji.reference], height: [ji.reference], _checked: { transform: 'translateX('.concat(_i.reference, ')') }, }, Pi = zi({ baseStyle: vi(e => ({ container: { [Si.variable]: Ei, [_i.variable]: Si.reference, _rtl: { [_i.variable]: bi(Si).negate().toString() }, }, track: Ii(e), thumb: Ti, })), sizes: { sm: vi({ container: { [ki.variable]: '1.375rem', [ji.variable]: 'sizes.3' }, }), md: vi({ container: { [ki.variable]: '1.875rem', [ji.variable]: 'sizes.4' }, }), lg: vi({ container: { [ki.variable]: '2.875rem', [ji.variable]: 'sizes.6' }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }); function Ai(e, t) { return n => ('dark' === n.colorMode ? t : e); } function Ri(e) { const { orientation: t, vertical: n, horizontal: a } = e; return t ? ('vertical' === t ? n : a) : {}; } var { defineMultiStyleConfig: Di, definePartsStyle: Ni } = Vn(ii.keys), Li = Ni({ table: { fontVariantNumeric: 'lining-nums tabular-nums', borderCollapse: 'collapse', width: 'full', }, th: { fontFamily: 'heading', fontWeight: 'bold', textTransform: 'uppercase', letterSpacing: 'wider', textAlign: 'start', }, td: { textAlign: 'start' }, caption: { mt: 4, fontFamily: 'heading', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'medium', }, }), Oi = { '&[data-is-numeric=true]': { textAlign: 'end' } }, Mi = Di({ baseStyle: Li, variants: { simple: Ni(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { th: { color: Ai('gray.600', 'gray.400')(e), borderBottom: '1px', borderColor: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), ...Oi, }, td: { borderBottom: '1px', borderColor: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), ...Oi, }, caption: { color: Ai('gray.600', 'gray.100')(e) }, tfoot: { tr: { '&:last-of-type': { th: { borderBottomWidth: 0 } } }, }, }; }), striped: Ni(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { th: { color: Ai('gray.600', 'gray.400')(e), borderBottom: '1px', borderColor: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), ...Oi, }, td: { borderBottom: '1px', borderColor: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), ...Oi, }, caption: { color: Ai('gray.600', 'gray.100')(e) }, tbody: { tr: { '&:nth-of-type(odd)': { 'th, td': { borderBottomWidth: '1px', borderColor: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), }, td: { background: Ai( ''.concat(t, '.100'), ''.concat(t, '.700'), )(e), }, }, }, }, tfoot: { tr: { '&:last-of-type': { th: { borderBottomWidth: 0 } } }, }, }; }), unstyled: {}, }, sizes: { sm: Ni({ th: { px: '4', py: '1', lineHeight: '4', fontSize: 'xs' }, td: { px: '4', py: '2', fontSize: 'sm', lineHeight: '4' }, caption: { px: '4', py: '2', fontSize: 'xs' }, }), md: Ni({ th: { px: '6', py: '3', lineHeight: '4', fontSize: 'xs' }, td: { px: '6', py: '4', lineHeight: '5' }, caption: { px: '6', py: '2', fontSize: 'sm' }, }), lg: Ni({ th: { px: '8', py: '4', lineHeight: '5', fontSize: 'sm' }, td: { px: '8', py: '5', lineHeight: '6' }, caption: { px: '6', py: '2', fontSize: 'md' }, }), }, defaultProps: { variant: 'simple', size: 'md', colorScheme: 'gray' }, }); function Bi(e, t, n) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, n), t); } class Ui extends Error { constructor(e) { super('Failed to parse color: "'.concat(e, '"')); } } var Wi = Ui; function Vi(e) { if ('string' !== typeof e) throw new Wi(e); if ('transparent' === e.trim().toLowerCase()) return [0, 0, 0, 0]; let t = e.trim(); t = qi.test(e) ? (function (e) { const t = e.toLowerCase().trim(), n = Hi[ (function (e) { let t = 5381, n = e.length; for (; n; ) t = (33 * t) ^ e.charCodeAt(--n); return (t >>> 0) % 2341; })(t) ]; if (!n) throw new Wi(e); return '#'.concat(n); })(e) : e; const n = Zi.exec(t); if (n) { const e = Array.from(n).slice(1); return [ ...e.slice(0, 3).map(e => parseInt(Gi(e, 2), 16)), parseInt(Gi(e[3] || 'f', 2), 16) / 255, ]; } const a = $i.exec(t); if (a) { const e = Array.from(a).slice(1); return [ ...e.slice(0, 3).map(e => parseInt(e, 16)), parseInt(e[3] || 'ff', 16) / 255, ]; } const i = Xi.exec(t); if (i) { const e = Array.from(i).slice(1); return [ ...e.slice(0, 3).map(e => parseInt(e, 10)), parseFloat(e[3] || '1'), ]; } const o = Ki.exec(t); if (o) { const [t, n, a, i] = Array.from(o).slice(1).map(parseFloat); if (Bi(0, 100, n) !== n) throw new Wi(e); if (Bi(0, 100, a) !== a) throw new Wi(e); return [...Qi(t, n, a), Number.isNaN(i) ? 1 : i]; } throw new Wi(e); } const Fi = e => parseInt(e.replace(/_/g, ''), 36), Hi = '1q29ehhb 1n09sgk7 1kl1ekf_ _yl4zsno 16z9eiv3 1p29lhp8 _bd9zg04 17u0____ _iw9zhe5 _to73___ _r45e31e _7l6g016 _jh8ouiv _zn3qba8 1jy4zshs 11u87k0u 1ro9yvyo 1aj3xael 1gz9zjz0 _3w8l4xo 1bf1ekf_ _ke3v___ _4rrkb__ 13j776yz _646mbhl _nrjr4__ _le6mbhl 1n37ehkb _m75f91n _qj3bzfz 1939yygw 11i5z6x8 _1k5f8xs 1509441m 15t5lwgf _ae2th1n _tg1ugcv 1lp1ugcv 16e14up_ _h55rw7n _ny9yavn _7a11xb_ 1ih442g9 _pv442g9 1mv16xof 14e6y7tu 1oo9zkds 17d1cisi _4v9y70f _y98m8kc 1019pq0v 12o9zda8 _348j4f4 1et50i2o _8epa8__ _ts6senj 1o350i2o 1mi9eiuo 1259yrp0 1ln80gnw _632xcoy 1cn9zldc _f29edu4 1n490c8q _9f9ziet 1b94vk74 _m49zkct 1kz6s73a 1eu9dtog _q58s1rz 1dy9sjiq __u89jo3 _aj5nkwg _ld89jo3 13h9z6wx _qa9z2ii _l119xgq _bs5arju 1hj4nwk9 1qt4nwk9 1ge6wau6 14j9zlcw 11p1edc_ _ms1zcxe _439shk6 _jt9y70f _754zsow 1la40eju _oq5p___ _x279qkz 1fa5r3rv _yd2d9ip _424tcku _8y1di2_ _zi2uabw _yy7rn9h 12yz980_ __39ljp6 1b59zg0x _n39zfzp 1fy9zest _b33k___ _hp9wq92 1il50hz4 _io472ub _lj9z3eo 19z9ykg0 _8t8iu3a 12b9bl4a 1ak5yw0o _896v4ku _tb8k8lv _s59zi6t _c09ze0p 1lg80oqn 1id9z8wb _238nba5 1kq6wgdi _154zssg _tn3zk49 _da9y6tc 1sg7cv4f _r12jvtt 1gq5fmkz 1cs9rvci _lp9jn1c _xw1tdnb 13f9zje6 16f6973h _vo7ir40 _bt5arjf _rc45e4t _hr4e100 10v4e100 _hc9zke2 _w91egv_ _sj2r1kk 13c87yx8 _vqpds__ _ni8ggk8 _tj9yqfb 1ia2j4r4 _7x9b10u 1fc9ld4j 1eq9zldr _5j9lhpx _ez9zl6o _md61fzm' .split(' ') .reduce((e, t) => { const n = Fi(t.substring(0, 3)), a = Fi(t.substring(3)).toString(16); let i = ''; for (let o = 0; o < 6 - a.length; o++) i += '0'; return (e[n] = ''.concat(i).concat(a)), e; }, {}); const Gi = (e, t) => Array.from(Array(t)) .map(() => e) .join(''), Zi = new RegExp('^#'.concat(Gi('([a-f0-9])', 3), '([a-f0-9])?$'), 'i'), $i = new RegExp('^#'.concat(Gi('([a-f0-9]{2})', 3), '([a-f0-9]{2})?$'), 'i'), Xi = new RegExp( '^rgba?\\(\\s*(\\d+)\\s*'.concat( Gi(',\\s*(\\d+)\\s*', 2), '(?:,\\s*([\\d.]+))?\\s*\\)$', ), 'i', ), Ki = /^hsla?\(\s*([\d.]+)\s*,\s*([\d.]+)%\s*,\s*([\d.]+)%(?:\s*,\s*([\d.]+))?\s*\)$/i, qi = /^[a-z]+$/i, Yi = e => Math.round(255 * e), Qi = (e, t, n) => { let a = n / 100; if (0 === t) return [a, a, a].map(Yi); const i = (((e % 360) + 360) % 360) / 60, o = (1 - Math.abs(2 * a - 1)) * (t / 100), r = o * (1 - Math.abs((i % 2) - 1)); let l = 0, s = 0, c = 0; i >= 0 && i < 1 ? ((l = o), (s = r)) : i >= 1 && i < 2 ? ((l = r), (s = o)) : i >= 2 && i < 3 ? ((s = o), (c = r)) : i >= 3 && i < 4 ? ((s = r), (c = o)) : i >= 4 && i < 5 ? ((l = r), (c = o)) : i >= 5 && i < 6 && ((l = o), (c = r)); const d = a - o / 2; return [l + d, s + d, c + d].map(Yi); }; function Ji(e, t, n, a) { return 'rgba(' .concat(Bi(0, 255, e).toFixed(), ', ') .concat(Bi(0, 255, t).toFixed(), ', ') .concat(Bi(0, 255, n).toFixed(), ', ') .concat(parseFloat(Bi(0, 1, a).toFixed(3)), ')'); } function eo(e, t) { const [n, a, i, o] = Vi(e); return Ji(n, a, i, o - t); } var to = (e, t, n) => { const a = (function (e, t, n, a, i) { for (t = t.split ? t.split('.') : t, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) e = e ? e[t[a]] : i; return e === i ? n : e; })(e, 'colors.'.concat(t), t); try { return ( (function (e) { const [t, n, a, i] = Vi(e); let o = e => { const t = Bi(0, 255, e).toString(16); return 1 === t.length ? '0'.concat(t) : t; }; '#' .concat(o(t)) .concat(o(n)) .concat(o(a)) .concat(i < 1 ? o(Math.round(255 * i)) : ''); })(a), a ); } catch { return null != n ? n : '#000000'; } }, no = e => t => { const n = (e => { const [t, n, a] = Vi(e); return (299 * t + 587 * n + 114 * a) / 1e3; })(to(t, e)); return n < 128 ? 'dark' : 'light'; }, ao = (e, t) => n => eo(to(n, e), 1 - t); function io() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '1rem', t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)'; return { backgroundImage: 'linear-gradient(\n 45deg,\n ' .concat(t, ' 25%,\n transparent 25%,\n transparent 50%,\n ') .concat(t, ' 50%,\n ') .concat(t, ' 75%,\n transparent 75%,\n transparent\n )'), backgroundSize: ''.concat(e, ' ').concat(e), }; } function oo(e) { const t = '#'.concat( Math.floor(16777215 * Math.random()) .toString(16) .padEnd(6, '0'), ); return e && ((n = e), 0 !== Object.keys(n).length) ? e.string && e.colors ? (function (e, t) { let n = 0; if (0 === e.length) return t[0]; for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1) (n = e.charCodeAt(a) + ((n << 5) - n)), (n &= n); return (n = ((n % t.length) + t.length) % t.length), t[n]; })(e.string, e.colors) : e.string && !e.colors ? (function (e) { let t = 0; if (0 === e.length) return t.toString(); for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1) (t = e.charCodeAt(a) + ((t << 5) - t)), (t &= t); let n = '#'; for (let a = 0; a < 3; a += 1) { n += '00' .concat(((t >> (8 * a)) & 255).toString(16)) .substr(-2); } return n; })(e.string) : e.colors && !e.string ? (function (e) { return e[Math.floor(Math.random() * e.length)]; })(e.colors) : t : t; var n; } var ro = on('tabs-color'), lo = on('tabs-bg'), so = on('tabs-border-color'), { defineMultiStyleConfig: co, definePartsStyle: uo } = Vn(oi.keys), po = e => { const { orientation: t } = e; return { display: 'vertical' === t ? 'flex' : 'block' }; }, mo = e => { const { isFitted: t } = e; return { flex: t ? 1 : void 0, transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', _focusVisible: { zIndex: 1, boxShadow: 'outline' }, _disabled: { cursor: 'not-allowed', opacity: 0.4 }, }; }, ho = e => { const { align: t = 'start', orientation: n } = e; return { justifyContent: { end: 'flex-end', center: 'center', start: 'flex-start', }[t], flexDirection: 'vertical' === n ? 'column' : 'row', }; }, fo = { p: 4 }, go = uo(e => ({ root: po(e), tab: mo(e), tablist: ho(e), tabpanel: fo })), wo = { sm: uo({ tab: { py: 1, px: 4, fontSize: 'sm' } }), md: uo({ tab: { fontSize: 'md', py: 2, px: 4 } }), lg: uo({ tab: { fontSize: 'lg', py: 3, px: 4 } }), }, yo = uo(e => { const { colorScheme: t, orientation: n } = e, a = 'vertical' === n, i = a ? 'borderStart' : 'borderBottom'; return { tablist: { [i]: '2px solid', borderColor: 'inherit' }, tab: { [i]: '2px solid', borderColor: 'transparent', [a ? 'marginStart' : 'marginBottom']: '-2px', _selected: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), _dark: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.300') }, borderColor: 'currentColor', }, _active: { [lo.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [lo.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.300' }, }, _disabled: { _active: { bg: 'none' } }, color: ro.reference, bg: lo.reference, }, }; }), xo = uo(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { tab: { borderTopRadius: 'md', border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'transparent', mb: '-1px', [so.variable]: 'transparent', _selected: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), [so.variable]: 'colors.white', _dark: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.300'), [so.variable]: 'colors.gray.800', }, borderColor: 'inherit', borderBottomColor: so.reference, }, color: ro.reference, }, tablist: { mb: '-1px', borderBottom: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', }, }; }), bo = uo(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { tab: { border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', [lo.variable]: 'colors.gray.50', _dark: { [lo.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.50' }, mb: '-1px', _notLast: { marginEnd: '-1px' }, _selected: { [lo.variable]: 'colors.white', [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), _dark: { [lo.variable]: 'colors.gray.800', [ro.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.300'), }, borderColor: 'inherit', borderTopColor: 'currentColor', borderBottomColor: 'transparent', }, color: ro.reference, bg: lo.reference, }, tablist: { mb: '-1px', borderBottom: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', }, }; }), zo = uo(e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n } = e; return { tab: { borderRadius: 'full', fontWeight: 'semibold', color: 'gray.600', _selected: { color: to(n, ''.concat(t, '.700')), bg: to(n, ''.concat(t, '.100')), }, }, }; }), vo = co({ baseStyle: go, sizes: wo, variants: { line: yo, enclosed: xo, 'enclosed-colored': bo, 'soft-rounded': zo, 'solid-rounded': uo(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { tab: { borderRadius: 'full', fontWeight: 'semibold', [ro.variable]: 'colors.gray.600', _dark: { [ro.variable]: 'inherit' }, _selected: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.white', [lo.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), _dark: { [ro.variable]: 'colors.gray.800', [lo.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.300'), }, }, color: ro.reference, bg: lo.reference, }, }; }), unstyled: uo({}), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', variant: 'line', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }), ko = (function (e, t) { const n = {}; for (const a of t) if (Array.isArray(a)) { const [t, i] = a; n[t] = on(''.concat(e, '-').concat(t), i); } else n[a] = on(''.concat(e, '-').concat(a)); return n; })('badge', ['bg', 'color', 'shadow']), jo = e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n } = e, a = ao(''.concat(t, '.500'), 0.6)(n); return { []: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.500'), [ko.color.variable]: 'colors.white', _dark: { []: a, [ko.color.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.800', }, }; }, So = e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n } = e, a = ao(''.concat(t, '.200'), 0.16)(n); return { []: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.100'), [ko.color.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.800'), _dark: { []: a, [ko.color.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200'), }, }; }, Eo = e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n } = e, a = ao(''.concat(t, '.200'), 0.8)(n); return { [ko.color.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.500'), _dark: { [ko.color.variable]: a }, [ko.shadow.variable]: 'inset 0 0 0px 1px '.concat(ko.color.reference), }; }, _o = { baseStyle: { px: 1, textTransform: 'uppercase', fontSize: 'xs', borderRadius: 'sm', fontWeight: 'bold', bg:, color: ko.color.reference, boxShadow: ko.shadow.reference, }, variants: { solid: jo, subtle: So, outline: Eo }, defaultProps: { variant: 'subtle', colorScheme: 'gray' }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: Co, definePartsStyle: Io } = Vn(ri.keys), To = on('tag-bg'), Po = on('tag-color'), Ao = on('tag-shadow'), Ro = on('tag-min-height'), Do = on('tag-min-width'), No = on('tag-font-size'), Lo = on('tag-padding-inline'), Oo = Io({ container: { fontWeight: 'medium', lineHeight: 1.2, outline: 0, [Po.variable]: ko.color.reference, [To.variable]:, [Ao.variable]: ko.shadow.reference, color: Po.reference, bg: To.reference, boxShadow: Ao.reference, borderRadius: 'md', minH: Ro.reference, minW: Do.reference, fontSize: No.reference, px: Lo.reference, _focusVisible: { [Ao.variable]: 'shadows.outline' }, }, label: { lineHeight: 1.2, overflow: 'visible' }, closeButton: { fontSize: 'lg', w: '5', h: '5', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', borderRadius: 'full', marginStart: '1.5', marginEnd: '-1', opacity: 0.5, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4 }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline', bg: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14)' }, _hover: { opacity: 0.8 }, _active: { opacity: 1 }, }, }), Mo = { sm: Io({ container: { [Ro.variable]: 'sizes.5', [Do.variable]: 'sizes.5', [No.variable]: 'fontSizes.xs', [Lo.variable]: 'space.2', }, closeButton: { marginEnd: '-2px', marginStart: '0.35rem' }, }), md: Io({ container: { [Ro.variable]: 'sizes.6', [Do.variable]: 'sizes.6', [No.variable]: '', [Lo.variable]: 'space.2', }, }), lg: Io({ container: { [Ro.variable]: 'sizes.8', [Do.variable]: 'sizes.8', [No.variable]: '', [Lo.variable]: 'space.3', }, }), }, Bo = { subtle: Io(e => { var t; return { container: null == (t = _o.variants) ? void 0 : t.subtle(e) }; }), solid: Io(e => { var t; return { container: null == (t = _o.variants) ? void 0 : t.solid(e) }; }), outline: Io(e => { var t; return { container: null == (t = _o.variants) ? void 0 : t.outline(e) }; }), }, Uo = Co({ variants: Bo, baseStyle: Oo, sizes: Mo, defaultProps: { size: 'md', variant: 'subtle', colorScheme: 'gray' }, }), { definePartsStyle: Wo, defineMultiStyleConfig: Vo } = Vn(Za.keys), Fo = on('input-height'), Ho = on('input-font-size'), Go = on('input-padding'), Zo = on('input-border-radius'), $o = Wo({ addon: { height: Fo.reference, fontSize: Ho.reference, px: Go.reference, borderRadius: Zo.reference, }, field: { width: '100%', height: Fo.reference, fontSize: Ho.reference, px: Go.reference, borderRadius: Zo.reference, minWidth: 0, outline: 0, position: 'relative', appearance: 'none', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed' }, }, }), Xo = { lg: { [Ho.variable]: 'fontSizes.lg', [Go.variable]: 'space.4', [Zo.variable]: '', [Fo.variable]: 'sizes.12', }, md: { [Ho.variable]: '', [Go.variable]: 'space.4', [Zo.variable]: '', [Fo.variable]: 'sizes.10', }, sm: { [Ho.variable]: '', [Go.variable]: 'space.3', [Zo.variable]: '', [Fo.variable]: 'sizes.8', }, xs: { [Ho.variable]: 'fontSizes.xs', [Go.variable]: 'space.2', [Zo.variable]: '', [Fo.variable]: 'sizes.6', }, }, Ko = { lg: Wo({ field: Xo.lg, group: Xo.lg }), md: Wo({ field:, group: }), sm: Wo({ field:, group: }), xs: Wo({ field: Xo.xs, group: Xo.xs }), }; function qo(e) { const { focusBorderColor: t, errorBorderColor: n } = e; return { focusBorderColor: t || Ai('blue.500', 'blue.300')(e), errorBorderColor: n || Ai('red.500', 'red.300')(e), }; } var Yo, Qo, Jo, er, tr, nr, ar, ir, or, rr, lr, sr = Wo(e => { const { theme: t } = e, { focusBorderColor: n, errorBorderColor: a } = qo(e); return { field: { border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', bg: 'inherit', _hover: { borderColor: Ai('gray.300', 'whiteAlpha.400')(e) }, _readOnly: { boxShadow: 'none !important', userSelect: 'all' }, _invalid: { borderColor: to(t, a), boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px '.concat(to(t, a)), }, _focusVisible: { zIndex: 1, borderColor: to(t, n), boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px '.concat(to(t, n)), }, }, addon: { border: '1px solid', borderColor: Ai('inherit', 'whiteAlpha.50')(e), bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e), }, }; }), cr = Wo(e => { const { theme: t } = e, { focusBorderColor: n, errorBorderColor: a } = qo(e); return { field: { border: '2px solid', borderColor: 'transparent', bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.50')(e), _hover: { bg: Ai('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.100')(e) }, _readOnly: { boxShadow: 'none !important', userSelect: 'all' }, _invalid: { borderColor: to(t, a) }, _focusVisible: { bg: 'transparent', borderColor: to(t, n) }, }, addon: { border: '2px solid', borderColor: 'transparent', bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.50')(e), }, }; }), dr = Wo(e => { const { theme: t } = e, { focusBorderColor: n, errorBorderColor: a } = qo(e); return { field: { borderBottom: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', borderRadius: '0', px: '0', bg: 'transparent', _readOnly: { boxShadow: 'none !important', userSelect: 'all' }, _invalid: { borderColor: to(t, a), boxShadow: '0px 1px 0px 0px '.concat(to(t, a)), }, _focusVisible: { borderColor: to(t, n), boxShadow: '0px 1px 0px 0px '.concat(to(t, n)), }, }, addon: { borderBottom: '2px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', borderRadius: '0', px: '0', bg: 'transparent', }, }; }), ur = Vo({ baseStyle: $o, sizes: Ko, variants: { outline: sr, filled: cr, flushed: dr, unstyled: Wo({ field: { bg: 'transparent', px: '0', height: 'auto' }, addon: { bg: 'transparent', px: '0', height: 'auto' }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', variant: 'outline' }, }), pr = { ...(null == (Yo = ur.baseStyle) ? void 0 : Yo.field), paddingY: '2', minHeight: '20', lineHeight: 'short', verticalAlign: 'top', }, mr = { outline: e => { var t, n; return null != (n = null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.outline(e).field) ? n : {}; }, flushed: e => { var t, n; return null != (n = null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.flushed(e).field) ? n : {}; }, filled: e => { var t, n; return null != (n = null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.filled(e).field) ? n : {}; }, unstyled: null != (Jo = null == (Qo = ur.variants) ? void 0 : Qo.unstyled.field) ? Jo : {}, }, hr = { baseStyle: pr, sizes: { xs: null != (tr = null == (er = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : er.xs.field) ? tr : {}, sm: null != (ar = null == (nr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : ? ar : {}, md: null != (or = null == (ir = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : ? or : {}, lg: null != (lr = null == (rr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : rr.lg.field) ? lr : {}, }, variants: mr, defaultProps: { size: 'md', variant: 'outline' }, }, fr = ui('tooltip-bg'), gr = ui('tooltip-fg'), wr = ui('popper-arrow-bg'), yr = { baseStyle: { bg: fr.reference, color: gr.reference, [fr.variable]: 'colors.gray.700', [gr.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.900', _dark: { [fr.variable]: 'colors.gray.300', [gr.variable]: 'colors.gray.900', }, [wr.variable]: fr.reference, px: '2', py: '0.5', borderRadius: 'sm', fontWeight: 'medium', fontSize: 'sm', boxShadow: 'md', maxW: 'xs', zIndex: 'tooltip', }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: xr, definePartsStyle: br } = Vn(Qa.keys), zr = e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n, isIndeterminate: a, hasStripe: i } = e, o = Ai(io(), io('1rem', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'))(e), r = Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), l = 'linear-gradient(\n to right,\n transparent 0%,\n '.concat( to(n, r), ' 50%,\n transparent 100%\n )', ); return { ...(!a && i && o), ...(a ? { bgImage: l } : { bgColor: r }) }; }, vr = { lineHeight: '1', fontSize: '0.25em', fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'white', }, kr = e => ({ bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e) }), jr = e => ({ transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'slow', ...zr(e), }), Sr = br(e => ({ label: vr, filledTrack: jr(e), track: kr(e) })), Er = xr({ sizes: { xs: br({ track: { h: '1' } }), sm: br({ track: { h: '2' } }), md: br({ track: { h: '3' } }), lg: br({ track: { h: '4' } }), }, baseStyle: Sr, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }); function _r(e) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; return 'function' === typeof e ? e(...n) : e; } var Cr, Ir, Tr, Pr, Ar, Rr, Dr, Nr, Lr, { definePartsStyle: Or, defineMultiStyleConfig: Mr } = Vn(Wa.keys), Br = on('checkbox-size'), Ur = e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { w: Br.reference, h: Br.reference, transitionProperty: 'box-shadow', transitionDuration: 'normal', border: '2px solid', borderRadius: 'sm', borderColor: 'inherit', color: 'white', _checked: { bg: Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), borderColor: Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), color: Ai('white', 'gray.900')(e), _hover: { bg: Ai(''.concat(t, '.600'), ''.concat(t, '.300'))(e), borderColor: Ai(''.concat(t, '.600'), ''.concat(t, '.300'))(e), }, _disabled: { borderColor: Ai('gray.200', 'transparent')(e), bg: Ai('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e), color: Ai('gray.500', 'whiteAlpha.500')(e), }, }, _indeterminate: { bg: Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), borderColor: Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), color: Ai('white', 'gray.900')(e), }, _disabled: { bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.100')(e), borderColor: Ai('gray.100', 'transparent')(e), }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _invalid: { borderColor: Ai('red.500', 'red.300')(e) }, }; }, Wr = { _disabled: { cursor: 'not-allowed' } }, Vr = { userSelect: 'none', _disabled: { opacity: 0.4 } }, Fr = { transitionProperty: 'transform', transitionDuration: 'normal' }, Hr = Mr({ baseStyle: Or(e => ({ icon: Fr, container: Wr, control: _r(Ur, e), label: Vr, })), sizes: { sm: Or({ control: { [Br.variable]: 'sizes.3' }, label: { fontSize: 'sm' }, icon: { fontSize: '3xs' }, }), md: Or({ control: { [Br.variable]: 'sizes.4' }, label: { fontSize: 'md' }, icon: { fontSize: '2xs' }, }), lg: Or({ control: { [Br.variable]: 'sizes.5' }, label: { fontSize: 'lg' }, icon: { fontSize: '2xs' }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }), { defineMultiStyleConfig: Gr, definePartsStyle: Zr } = Vn(Ja.keys), $r = e => { var t; const n = null == (t = _r(Hr.baseStyle, e)) ? void 0 : t.control; return { ...n, borderRadius: 'full', _checked: { ...(null == n ? void 0 : n._checked), _before: { content: '""', display: 'inline-block', pos: 'relative', w: '50%', h: '50%', borderRadius: '50%', bg: 'currentColor', }, }, }; }, Xr = Zr(e => { var t, n, a, i; return { label: null == (n = (t = Hr).baseStyle) ? void 0 :, e).label, container: null == (i = (a = Hr).baseStyle) ? void 0 :, e).container, control: $r(e), }; }), Kr = Gr({ baseStyle: Xr, sizes: { md: Zr({ control: { w: '4', h: '4' }, label: { fontSize: 'md' } }), lg: Zr({ control: { w: '5', h: '5' }, label: { fontSize: 'lg' } }), sm: Zr({ control: { width: '3', height: '3' }, label: { fontSize: 'sm' }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }), { defineMultiStyleConfig: qr, definePartsStyle: Yr } = Vn(ei.keys), Qr = on('select-bg'), Jr = { paddingInlineEnd: '8' }, el = qr({ baseStyle: Yr({ field: { ...(null == (Cr = ur.baseStyle) ? void 0 : Cr.field), appearance: 'none', paddingBottom: '1px', lineHeight: 'normal', bg: Qr.reference, [Qr.variable]: 'colors.white', _dark: { [Qr.variable]: 'colors.gray.700' }, '> option, > optgroup': { bg: Qr.reference }, }, icon: { width: '6', height: '100%', insetEnd: '2', position: 'relative', color: 'currentColor', fontSize: 'xl', _disabled: { opacity: 0.5 }, }, }), sizes: { lg: { ...(null == (Ir = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : Ir.lg), field: { ...(null == (Tr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : Tr.lg.field), ...Jr, }, }, md: { ...(null == (Pr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 :, field: { ...(null == (Ar = ur.sizes) ? void 0 :, ...Jr, }, }, sm: { ...(null == (Rr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 :, field: { ...(null == (Dr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 :, ...Jr, }, }, xs: { ...(null == (Nr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : Nr.xs), field: { ...(null == (Lr = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : Lr.xs.field), ...Jr, }, icon: { insetEnd: '1' }, }, }, variants: ur.variants, defaultProps: ur.defaultProps, }), tl = on('skeleton-start-color'), nl = on('skeleton-end-color'), al = { baseStyle: { [tl.variable]: 'colors.gray.100', [nl.variable]: 'colors.gray.400', _dark: { [tl.variable]: 'colors.gray.800', [nl.variable]: 'colors.gray.600', }, background: tl.reference, borderColor: nl.reference, opacity: 0.7, borderRadius: 'sm', }, }, il = on('skip-link-bg'), ol = { baseStyle: { borderRadius: 'md', fontWeight: 'semibold', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline', padding: '4', position: 'fixed', top: '6', insetStart: '6', [il.variable]: 'colors.white', _dark: { [il.variable]: 'colors.gray.700' }, bg: il.reference, }, }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: rl, definePartsStyle: ll } = Vn(ti.keys), sl = on('slider-thumb-size'), cl = on('slider-track-size'), dl = on('slider-bg'), ul = e => { const { orientation: t } = e; return { display: 'inline-block', position: 'relative', cursor: 'pointer', _disabled: { opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'default', pointerEvents: 'none' }, ...Ri({ orientation: t, vertical: { h: '100%' }, horizontal: { w: '100%' }, }), }; }, pl = e => ({ ...Ri({ orientation: e.orientation, horizontal: { h: cl.reference }, vertical: { w: cl.reference }, }), overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: 'sm', [dl.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [dl.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.200' }, _disabled: { [dl.variable]: 'colors.gray.300', _dark: { [dl.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.300' }, }, bg: dl.reference, }), ml = e => { const { orientation: t } = e; return { ...Ri({ orientation: t, vertical: { left: '50%', transform: 'translateX(-50%)', _active: { transform: 'translateX(-50%) scale(1.15)' }, }, horizontal: { top: '50%', transform: 'translateY(-50%)', _active: { transform: 'translateY(-50%) scale(1.15)' }, }, }), w: sl.reference, h: sl.reference, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', position: 'absolute', outline: 0, zIndex: 1, borderRadius: 'full', bg: 'white', boxShadow: 'base', border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'transparent', transitionProperty: 'transform', transitionDuration: 'normal', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _disabled: { bg: 'gray.300' }, }; }, hl = e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { width: 'inherit', height: 'inherit', [dl.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.500'), _dark: { [dl.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200') }, bg: dl.reference, }; }, fl = rl({ baseStyle: ll(e => ({ container: ul(e), track: pl(e), thumb: ml(e), filledTrack: hl(e), })), sizes: { lg: ll({ container: { [sl.variable]: 'sizes.4', [cl.variable]: 'sizes.1' }, }), md: ll({ container: { [sl.variable]: 'sizes.3.5', [cl.variable]: 'sizes.1' }, }), sm: ll({ container: { [sl.variable]: 'sizes.2.5', [cl.variable]: 'sizes.0.5', }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }), gl = ui('spinner-size'), wl = { baseStyle: { width: [gl.reference], height: [gl.reference] }, sizes: { xs: { [gl.variable]: 'sizes.3' }, sm: { [gl.variable]: 'sizes.4' }, md: { [gl.variable]: 'sizes.6' }, lg: { [gl.variable]: 'sizes.8' }, xl: { [gl.variable]: 'sizes.12' }, }, defaultProps: { size: 'md' }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: yl, definePartsStyle: xl } = Vn(ni.keys), bl = yl({ baseStyle: xl({ container: {}, label: { fontWeight: 'medium' }, helpText: { opacity: 0.8, marginBottom: '2' }, number: { verticalAlign: 'baseline', fontWeight: 'semibold' }, icon: { marginEnd: 1, w: '3.5', h: '3.5', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, }), sizes: { md: xl({ label: { fontSize: 'sm' }, helpText: { fontSize: 'sm' }, number: { fontSize: '2xl' }, }), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md' }, }), zl = on('kbd-bg'), vl = { baseStyle: { [zl.variable]: 'colors.gray.100', _dark: { [zl.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.100' }, bg: zl.reference, borderRadius: 'md', borderWidth: '1px', borderBottomWidth: '3px', fontSize: '0.8em', fontWeight: 'bold', lineHeight: 'normal', px: '0.4em', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', }, }, kl = { baseStyle: { transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'fast', transitionTimingFunction: 'ease-out', cursor: 'pointer', textDecoration: 'none', outline: 'none', color: 'inherit', _hover: { textDecoration: 'underline' }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: jl, definePartsStyle: Sl } = Vn($a.keys), El = jl({ baseStyle: Sl({ icon: { marginEnd: '2', display: 'inline', verticalAlign: 'text-bottom', }, }), }), { defineMultiStyleConfig: _l, definePartsStyle: Cl } = Vn(Xa.keys), Il = on('menu-bg'), Tl = on('menu-shadow'), Pl = _l({ baseStyle: Cl({ button: { transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal' }, list: { [Il.variable]: '#fff', [Tl.variable]: '', _dark: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.gray.700', [Tl.variable]: 'shadows.dark-lg', }, color: 'inherit', minW: '3xs', py: '2', zIndex: 1, borderRadius: 'md', borderWidth: '1px', bg: Il.reference, boxShadow: Tl.reference, }, item: { py: '1.5', px: '3', transitionProperty: 'background', transitionDuration: 'ultra-fast', transitionTimingFunction: 'ease-in', _focus: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.gray.100', _dark: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.100' }, }, _active: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.200' }, }, _expanded: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.gray.100', _dark: { [Il.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.100' }, }, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed' }, bg: Il.reference, }, groupTitle: { mx: 4, my: 2, fontWeight: 'semibold', fontSize: 'sm' }, icon: { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexShrink: 0, }, command: { opacity: 0.6 }, divider: { border: 0, borderBottom: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', my: '2', opacity: 0.6, }, }), }), { defineMultiStyleConfig: Al, definePartsStyle: Rl } = Vn(Ka.keys), Dl = on('modal-bg'), Nl = on('modal-shadow'), Ll = { bg: 'blackAlpha.600', zIndex: 'modal' }, Ol = e => { const { isCentered: t, scrollBehavior: n } = e; return { display: 'flex', zIndex: 'modal', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: t ? 'center' : 'flex-start', overflow: 'inside' === n ? 'hidden' : 'auto', overscrollBehaviorY: 'none', }; }, Ml = e => { const { isCentered: t, scrollBehavior: n } = e; return { borderRadius: 'md', color: 'inherit', my: t ? 'auto' : '16', mx: t ? 'auto' : void 0, zIndex: 'modal', maxH: 'inside' === n ? 'calc(100% - 7.5rem)' : void 0, [Dl.variable]: 'colors.white', [Nl.variable]: 'shadows.lg', _dark: { [Dl.variable]: 'colors.gray.700', [Nl.variable]: 'shadows.dark-lg', }, bg: Dl.reference, boxShadow: Nl.reference, }; }, Bl = { px: '6', py: '4', fontSize: 'xl', fontWeight: 'semibold' }, Ul = { position: 'absolute', top: '2', insetEnd: '3' }, Wl = e => { const { scrollBehavior: t } = e; return { px: '6', py: '2', flex: '1', overflow: 'inside' === t ? 'auto' : void 0, }; }, Vl = { px: '6', py: '4' }; function Fl(e) { return Rl( 'full' === e ? { dialog: { maxW: '100vw', minH: '$100vh', my: '0', borderRadius: '0', }, } : { dialog: { maxW: e } }, ); } var Hl = Al({ baseStyle: Rl(e => ({ overlay: Ll, dialogContainer: _r(Ol, e), dialog: _r(Ml, e), header: Bl, closeButton: Ul, body: _r(Wl, e), footer: Vl, })), sizes: { xs: Fl('xs'), sm: Fl('sm'), md: Fl('md'), lg: Fl('lg'), xl: Fl('xl'), '2xl': Fl('2xl'), '3xl': Fl('3xl'), '4xl': Fl('4xl'), '5xl': Fl('5xl'), '6xl': Fl('6xl'), full: Fl('full'), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md' }, }), { defineMultiStyleConfig: Gl, definePartsStyle: Zl } = Vn(qa.keys), $l = ui('number-input-stepper-width'), Xl = ui('number-input-input-padding'), Kl = bi($l).add('0.5rem').toString(), ql = ui('number-input-bg'), Yl = ui('number-input-color'), Ql = ui('number-input-border-color'), Jl = { [$l.variable]: 'sizes.6', [Xl.variable]: Kl }, es = e => { var t, n; return null != (n = null == (t = _r(ur.baseStyle, e)) ? void 0 : t.field) ? n : {}; }, ts = { width: $l.reference }, ns = { borderStart: '1px solid', borderStartColor: Ql.reference, color: Yl.reference, bg: ql.reference, [Yl.variable]: 'colors.chakra-body-text', [Ql.variable]: 'colors.chakra-border-color', _dark: { [Yl.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.800', [Ql.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.300', }, _active: { [ql.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [ql.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.300' }, }, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed' }, }, as = Zl(e => { var t; return { root: Jl, field: null != (t = _r(es, e)) ? t : {}, stepperGroup: ts, stepper: ns, }; }); function is(e) { var t, n, a; const i = null == (t = ur.sizes) ? void 0 : t[e], o = { lg: 'md', md: 'md', sm: 'sm', xs: 'sm' }, r = null != (a = null == (n = i.field) ? void 0 : n.fontSize) ? a : 'md', l = ka.fontSizes[r]; return Zl({ field: { ...i.field, paddingInlineEnd: Xl.reference, verticalAlign: 'top' }, stepper: { fontSize: bi(l).multiply(0.75).toString(), _first: { borderTopEndRadius: o[e] }, _last: { borderBottomEndRadius: o[e], mt: '-1px', borderTopWidth: 1 }, }, }); } var os, rs, ls, ss = Gl({ baseStyle: as, sizes: { xs: is('xs'), sm: is('sm'), md: is('md'), lg: is('lg') }, variants: ur.variants, defaultProps: ur.defaultProps, }), cs = { ...(null == (os = ur.baseStyle) ? void 0 : os.field), textAlign: 'center', }, ds = { lg: { fontSize: 'lg', w: 12, h: 12, borderRadius: 'md' }, md: { fontSize: 'md', w: 10, h: 10, borderRadius: 'md' }, sm: { fontSize: 'sm', w: 8, h: 8, borderRadius: 'sm' }, xs: { fontSize: 'xs', w: 6, h: 6, borderRadius: 'sm' }, }, us = { outline: e => { var t, n, a; return null != (a = null == (n = _r(null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.outline, e)) ? void 0 : n.field) ? a : {}; }, flushed: e => { var t, n, a; return null != (a = null == (n = _r(null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.flushed, e)) ? void 0 : n.field) ? a : {}; }, filled: e => { var t, n, a; return null != (a = null == (n = _r(null == (t = ur.variants) ? void 0 : t.filled, e)) ? void 0 : n.field) ? a : {}; }, unstyled: null != (ls = null == (rs = ur.variants) ? void 0 : rs.unstyled.field) ? ls : {}, }, ps = { baseStyle: cs, sizes: ds, variants: us, defaultProps: ur.defaultProps }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: ms, definePartsStyle: hs } = Vn(Ya.keys), fs = ui('popper-bg'), gs = ui('popper-arrow-bg'), ws = ui('popper-arrow-shadow-color'), ys = ms({ baseStyle: hs({ popper: { zIndex: 10 }, content: { [fs.variable]: 'colors.white', bg: fs.reference, [gs.variable]: fs.reference, [ws.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [fs.variable]: 'colors.gray.700', [ws.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.300', }, width: 'xs', border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'inherit', borderRadius: 'md', boxShadow: 'sm', zIndex: 'inherit', _focusVisible: { outline: 0, boxShadow: 'outline' }, }, header: { px: 3, py: 2, borderBottomWidth: '1px' }, body: { px: 3, py: 2 }, footer: { px: 3, py: 2, borderTopWidth: '1px' }, closeButton: { position: 'absolute', borderRadius: 'md', top: 1, insetEnd: 2, padding: 2, }, }), }), { definePartsStyle: xs, defineMultiStyleConfig: bs } = Vn(Va.keys), zs = on('drawer-bg'), vs = on('drawer-box-shadow'); function ks(e) { return xs( 'full' === e ? { dialog: { maxW: '100vw', h: '100vh' } } : { dialog: { maxW: e } }, ); } var js = { bg: 'blackAlpha.600', zIndex: 'modal' }, Ss = { display: 'flex', zIndex: 'modal', justifyContent: 'center' }, Es = e => { const { isFullHeight: t } = e; return { ...(t && { height: '100vh' }), zIndex: 'modal', maxH: '100vh', color: 'inherit', [zs.variable]: 'colors.white', [vs.variable]: 'shadows.lg', _dark: { [zs.variable]: 'colors.gray.700', [vs.variable]: 'shadows.dark-lg', }, bg: zs.reference, boxShadow: vs.reference, }; }, _s = { px: '6', py: '4', fontSize: 'xl', fontWeight: 'semibold' }, Cs = { position: 'absolute', top: '2', insetEnd: '3' }, Is = { px: '6', py: '2', flex: '1', overflow: 'auto' }, Ts = { px: '6', py: '4' }, Ps = bs({ baseStyle: xs(e => ({ overlay: js, dialogContainer: Ss, dialog: _r(Es, e), header: _s, closeButton: Cs, body: Is, footer: Ts, })), sizes: { xs: ks('xs'), sm: ks('md'), md: ks('lg'), lg: ks('2xl'), xl: ks('4xl'), full: ks('full'), }, defaultProps: { size: 'xs' }, }), { definePartsStyle: As, defineMultiStyleConfig: Rs } = Vn(Fa.keys), Ds = Rs({ baseStyle: As({ preview: { borderRadius: 'md', py: '1', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', }, input: { borderRadius: 'md', py: '1', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', width: 'full', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _placeholder: { opacity: 0.6 }, }, textarea: { borderRadius: 'md', py: '1', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', width: 'full', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _placeholder: { opacity: 0.6 }, }, }), }), { definePartsStyle: Ns, defineMultiStyleConfig: Ls } = Vn(Ha.keys), Os = on('form-control-color'), Ms = Ls({ baseStyle: Ns({ container: { width: '100%', position: 'relative' }, requiredIndicator: { marginStart: '1', [Os.variable]: '', _dark: { [Os.variable]: '' }, color: Os.reference, }, helperText: { mt: '2', [Os.variable]: 'colors.gray.600', _dark: { [Os.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.600' }, color: Os.reference, lineHeight: 'normal', fontSize: 'sm', }, }), }), { definePartsStyle: Bs, defineMultiStyleConfig: Us } = Vn(Ga.keys), Ws = on('form-error-color'), Vs = Us({ baseStyle: Bs({ text: { [Ws.variable]: '', _dark: { [Ws.variable]: '' }, color: Ws.reference, mt: '2', fontSize: 'sm', lineHeight: 'normal', }, icon: { marginEnd: '0.5em', [Ws.variable]: '', _dark: { [Ws.variable]: '' }, color: Ws.reference, }, }), }), Fs = { baseStyle: { fontSize: 'md', marginEnd: '3', mb: '2', fontWeight: 'medium', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', opacity: 1, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4 }, }, }, Hs = { baseStyle: { fontFamily: 'heading', fontWeight: 'bold' }, sizes: { '4xl': { fontSize: ['6xl', null, '7xl'], lineHeight: 1 }, '3xl': { fontSize: ['5xl', null, '6xl'], lineHeight: 1 }, '2xl': { fontSize: ['4xl', null, '5xl'], lineHeight: [1.2, null, 1] }, xl: { fontSize: ['3xl', null, '4xl'], lineHeight: [1.33, null, 1.2] }, lg: { fontSize: ['2xl', null, '3xl'], lineHeight: [1.33, null, 1.2] }, md: { fontSize: 'xl', lineHeight: 1.2 }, sm: { fontSize: 'md', lineHeight: 1.2 }, xs: { fontSize: 'sm', lineHeight: 1.2 }, }, defaultProps: { size: 'xl' }, }, { defineMultiStyleConfig: Gs, definePartsStyle: Zs } = Vn(Ua.keys), $s = on('breadcrumb-link-decor'), Xs = Gs({ baseStyle: Zs({ link: { transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'fast', transitionTimingFunction: 'ease-out', outline: 'none', color: 'inherit', textDecoration: $s.reference, [$s.variable]: 'none', '&:not([aria-current=page])': { cursor: 'pointer', _hover: { [$s.variable]: 'underline' }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, }, }, }), }), Ks = e => { const { colorScheme: t, theme: n } = e; if ('gray' === t) return { color: Ai('gray.800', 'whiteAlpha.900')(e), _hover: { bg: Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.200')(e) }, _active: { bg: Ai('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e) }, }; const a = ao(''.concat(t, '.200'), 0.12)(n), i = ao(''.concat(t, '.200'), 0.24)(n); return { color: Ai(''.concat(t, '.600'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), bg: 'transparent', _hover: { bg: Ai(''.concat(t, '.50'), a)(e) }, _active: { bg: Ai(''.concat(t, '.100'), i)(e) }, }; }, qs = { yellow: { bg: 'yellow.400', color: 'black', hoverBg: 'yellow.500', activeBg: 'yellow.600', }, cyan: { bg: 'cyan.400', color: 'black', hoverBg: 'cyan.500', activeBg: 'cyan.600', }, }, Ys = e => { var t; const { colorScheme: n } = e; if ('gray' === n) { const t = Ai('gray.100', 'whiteAlpha.200')(e); return { bg: t, color: Ai('gray.800', 'whiteAlpha.900')(e), _hover: { bg: Ai('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e), _disabled: { bg: t }, }, _active: { bg: Ai('gray.300', 'whiteAlpha.400')(e) }, }; } const { bg: a = ''.concat(n, '.500'), color: i = 'white', hoverBg: o = ''.concat(n, '.600'), activeBg: r = ''.concat(n, '.700'), } = null != (t = qs[n]) ? t : {}, l = Ai(a, ''.concat(n, '.200'))(e); return { bg: l, color: Ai(i, 'gray.800')(e), _hover: { bg: Ai(o, ''.concat(n, '.300'))(e), _disabled: { bg: l } }, _active: { bg: Ai(r, ''.concat(n, '.400'))(e) }, }; }, Qs = { baseStyle: { lineHeight: '1.2', borderRadius: 'md', fontWeight: 'semibold', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed', boxShadow: 'none' }, _hover: { _disabled: { bg: 'initial' } }, }, variants: { ghost: Ks, outline: e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e, n = Ai('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.300')(e); return { border: '1px solid', borderColor: 'gray' === t ? n : 'currentColor', '.chakra-button__group[data-attached][data-orientation=horizontal] > &:not(:last-of-type)': { marginEnd: '-1px' }, '.chakra-button__group[data-attached][data-orientation=vertical] > &:not(:last-of-type)': { marginBottom: '-1px' }, ..._r(Ks, e), }; }, solid: Ys, link: e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { padding: 0, height: 'auto', lineHeight: 'normal', verticalAlign: 'baseline', color: Ai(''.concat(t, '.500'), ''.concat(t, '.200'))(e), _hover: { textDecoration: 'underline', _disabled: { textDecoration: 'none' }, }, _active: { color: Ai(''.concat(t, '.700'), ''.concat(t, '.500'))(e), }, }; }, unstyled: { bg: 'none', color: 'inherit', display: 'inline', lineHeight: 'inherit', m: '0', p: '0', }, }, sizes: { lg: { h: '12', minW: '12', fontSize: 'lg', px: '6' }, md: { h: '10', minW: '10', fontSize: 'md', px: '4' }, sm: { h: '8', minW: '8', fontSize: 'sm', px: '3' }, xs: { h: '6', minW: '6', fontSize: 'xs', px: '2' }, }, defaultProps: { variant: 'solid', size: 'md', colorScheme: 'gray' }, }, { definePartsStyle: Js, defineMultiStyleConfig: ec } = Vn(li.keys), tc = on('card-bg'), nc = on('card-padding'), ac = on('card-shadow'), ic = on('card-radius'), oc = on('card-border-width', '0'), rc = on('card-border-color'), lc = Js({ container: { [tc.variable]: 'colors.chakra-body-bg', backgroundColor: tc.reference, boxShadow: ac.reference, borderRadius: ic.reference, color: 'chakra-body-text', borderWidth: oc.reference, borderColor: rc.reference, }, body: { padding: nc.reference, flex: '1 1 0%' }, header: { padding: nc.reference }, footer: { padding: nc.reference }, }), sc = { sm: Js({ container: { [ic.variable]: 'radii.base', [nc.variable]: 'space.3' }, }), md: Js({ container: { [ic.variable]: '', [nc.variable]: 'space.5' }, }), lg: Js({ container: { [ic.variable]: 'radii.xl', [nc.variable]: 'space.7' }, }), }, cc = ec({ baseStyle: lc, variants: { elevated: Js({ container: { [ac.variable]: 'shadows.base', _dark: { [tc.variable]: 'colors.gray.700' }, }, }), outline: Js({ container: { [oc.variable]: '1px', [rc.variable]: 'colors.chakra-border-color', }, }), filled: Js({ container: { [tc.variable]: 'colors.chakra-subtle-bg' } }), unstyled: { body: { [nc.variable]: 0 }, header: { [nc.variable]: 0 }, footer: { [nc.variable]: 0 }, }, }, sizes: sc, defaultProps: { variant: 'elevated', size: 'md' }, }), dc = ui('close-button-size'), uc = ui('close-button-bg'), pc = { baseStyle: { w: [dc.reference], h: [dc.reference], borderRadius: 'md', transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed', boxShadow: 'none' }, _hover: { [uc.variable]: 'colors.blackAlpha.100', _dark: { [uc.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.100' }, }, _active: { [uc.variable]: 'colors.blackAlpha.200', _dark: { [uc.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.200' }, }, _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, bg: uc.reference, }, sizes: { lg: { [dc.variable]: 'sizes.10', fontSize: 'md' }, md: { [dc.variable]: 'sizes.8', fontSize: 'xs' }, sm: { [dc.variable]: 'sizes.6', fontSize: '2xs' }, }, defaultProps: { size: 'md' }, }, { variants: mc, defaultProps: hc } = _o, fc = { baseStyle: { fontFamily: 'mono', fontSize: 'sm', px: '0.2em', borderRadius: 'sm', bg:, color: ko.color.reference, boxShadow: ko.shadow.reference, }, variants: mc, defaultProps: hc, }, gc = { baseStyle: { w: '100%', mx: 'auto', maxW: 'prose', px: '4' } }, wc = { baseStyle: { opacity: 0.6, borderColor: 'inherit' }, variants: { solid: { borderStyle: 'solid' }, dashed: { borderStyle: 'dashed' }, }, defaultProps: { variant: 'solid' }, }, { definePartsStyle: yc, defineMultiStyleConfig: xc } = Vn(Oa.keys), bc = xc({ baseStyle: yc({ container: { borderTopWidth: '1px', borderColor: 'inherit', _last: { borderBottomWidth: '1px' }, }, button: { transitionProperty: 'common', transitionDuration: 'normal', fontSize: 'md', _focusVisible: { boxShadow: 'outline' }, _hover: { bg: 'blackAlpha.50' }, _disabled: { opacity: 0.4, cursor: 'not-allowed' }, px: '4', py: '2', }, panel: { pt: '2', px: '4', pb: '5' }, icon: { fontSize: '1.25em' }, }), }), { definePartsStyle: zc, defineMultiStyleConfig: vc } = Vn(Ma.keys), kc = on('alert-fg'), jc = on('alert-bg'); function Sc(e) { const { theme: t, colorScheme: n } = e, a = ao(''.concat(n, '.200'), 0.16)(t); return { light: 'colors.'.concat(n, '.100'), dark: a }; } var Ec = vc({ baseStyle: zc({ container: { bg: jc.reference, px: '4', py: '3' }, title: { fontWeight: 'bold', lineHeight: '6', marginEnd: '2' }, description: { lineHeight: '6' }, icon: { color: kc.reference, flexShrink: 0, marginEnd: '3', w: '5', h: '6', }, spinner: { color: kc.reference, flexShrink: 0, marginEnd: '3', w: '5', h: '5', }, }), variants: { subtle: zc(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e, n = Sc(e); return { container: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), [jc.variable]: n.light, _dark: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200'), [jc.variable]: n.dark, }, }, }; }), 'left-accent': zc(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e, n = Sc(e); return { container: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), [jc.variable]: n.light, _dark: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200'), [jc.variable]: n.dark, }, paddingStart: '3', borderStartWidth: '4px', borderStartColor: kc.reference, }, }; }), 'top-accent': zc(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e, n = Sc(e); return { container: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), [jc.variable]: n.light, _dark: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200'), [jc.variable]: n.dark, }, pt: '2', borderTopWidth: '4px', borderTopColor: kc.reference, }, }; }), solid: zc(e => { const { colorScheme: t } = e; return { container: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.white', [jc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.600'), _dark: { [kc.variable]: 'colors.gray.900', [jc.variable]: 'colors.'.concat(t, '.200'), }, color: kc.reference, }, }; }), }, defaultProps: { variant: 'subtle', colorScheme: 'blue' }, }), { definePartsStyle: _c, defineMultiStyleConfig: Cc } = Vn(Ba.keys), Ic = on('avatar-border-color'), Tc = on('avatar-bg'), Pc = on('avatar-font-size'), Ac = on('avatar-size'), Rc = { borderRadius: 'full', border: '0.2em solid', borderColor: Ic.reference, [Ic.variable]: 'white', _dark: { [Ic.variable]: 'colors.gray.800' }, }, Dc = { bg: Tc.reference, fontSize: Pc.reference, width: Ac.reference, height: Ac.reference, lineHeight: '1', [Tc.variable]: 'colors.gray.200', _dark: { [Tc.variable]: 'colors.whiteAlpha.400' }, }, Nc = e => { const { name: t, theme: n } = e, a = t ? oo({ string: t }) : 'colors.gray.400', i = ( e => t => 'dark' === no(e)(t) )(a)(n); let o = 'white'; return ( i || (o = 'gray.800'), { bg: Tc.reference, fontSize: Pc.reference, color: o, borderColor: Ic.reference, verticalAlign: 'top', width: Ac.reference, height: Ac.reference, '&:not([data-loaded])': { [Tc.variable]: a }, [Ic.variable]: 'colors.white', _dark: { [Ic.variable]: 'colors.gray.800' }, } ); }, Lc = { fontSize: Pc.reference, lineHeight: '1' }; function Oc(e) { const t = '100%' !== e ? Sa[e] : void 0; return _c({ container: { [Ac.variable]: null != t ? t : e, [Pc.variable]: 'calc('.concat(null != t ? t : e, ' / 2.5)'), }, excessLabel: { [Ac.variable]: null != t ? t : e, [Pc.variable]: 'calc('.concat(null != t ? t : e, ' / 2.5)'), }, }); } var Mc = { Accordion: bc, Alert: Ec, Avatar: Cc({ baseStyle: _c(e => ({ badge: _r(Rc, e), excessLabel: _r(Dc, e), container: _r(Nc, e), label: Lc, })), sizes: { '2xs': Oc(4), xs: Oc(6), sm: Oc(8), md: Oc(12), lg: Oc(16), xl: Oc(24), '2xl': Oc(32), full: Oc('100%'), }, defaultProps: { size: 'md' }, }), Badge: _o, Breadcrumb: Xs, Button: Qs, Checkbox: Hr, CloseButton: pc, Code: fc, Container: gc, Divider: wc, Drawer: Ps, Editable: Ds, Form: Ms, FormError: Vs, FormLabel: Fs, Heading: Hs, Input: ur, Kbd: vl, Link: kl, List: El, Menu: Pl, Modal: Hl, NumberInput: ss, PinInput: ps, Popover: ys, Progress: Er, Radio: Kr, Select: el, Skeleton: al, SkipLink: ol, Slider: fl, Spinner: wl, Stat: bl, Switch: Pi, Table: Mi, Tabs: vo, Tag: Uo, Textarea: hr, Tooltip: yr, Card: cc, Stepper: Na, }, Bc = { colors: { 'chakra-body-text': { _light: 'gray.800', _dark: 'whiteAlpha.900' }, 'chakra-body-bg': { _light: 'white', _dark: 'gray.800' }, 'chakra-border-color': { _light: 'gray.200', _dark: 'whiteAlpha.300' }, 'chakra-inverse-text': { _light: 'white', _dark: 'gray.800' }, 'chakra-subtle-bg': { _light: 'gray.100', _dark: 'gray.700' }, 'chakra-subtle-text': { _light: 'gray.600', _dark: 'gray.400' }, 'chakra-placeholder-color': { _light: 'gray.500', _dark: 'whiteAlpha.400', }, }, }, Uc = { global: { body: { fontFamily: 'body', color: 'chakra-body-text', bg: 'chakra-body-bg', transitionProperty: 'background-color', transitionDuration: 'normal', lineHeight: 'base', }, '*::placeholder': { color: 'chakra-placeholder-color' }, '*, *::before, &::after': { borderColor: 'chakra-border-color' }, }, }, Wc = { useSystemColorMode: !1, initialColorMode: 'light', cssVarPrefix: 'chakra', }, Vc = { semanticTokens: Bc, direction: 'ltr', ...Ea, components: Mc, styles: Uc, config: Wc, }, Fc = { semanticTokens: Bc, direction: 'ltr', components: {}, ...Ea, styles: Uc, config: Wc, }, Hc = (e, t) => e.find(e => === t); function Gc(e, t) { const n = Zc(e, t); return { position: n, index: n ? e[n].findIndex(e => === t) : -1 }; } function Zc(e, t) { for (const [n, a] of Object.entries(e)) if (Hc(a, t)) return n; } function $c(e) { return { position: 'fixed', zIndex: 'var(--toast-z-index, 5500)', pointerEvents: 'none', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', margin: 'top' === e || 'bottom' === e ? '0 auto' : void 0, top: e.includes('top') ? 'env(safe-area-inset-top, 0px)' : void 0, bottom: e.includes('bottom') ? 'env(safe-area-inset-bottom, 0px)' : void 0, right: e.includes('left') ? void 0 : 'env(safe-area-inset-right, 0px)', left: e.includes('right') ? void 0 : 'env(safe-area-inset-left, 0px)', }; } function Xc(t) { let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []; const a = (0, e.useRef)(t); return ( (0, e.useEffect)(() => { a.current = t; }), (0, e.useCallback)(function () { for (var e, t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) n[i] = arguments[i]; return null == (e = a.current) ? void 0 :, ...n); }, n) ); } function Kc(t, n) { const a = (0, e.useRef)(!1), i = (0, e.useRef)(!1); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { if (a.current && i.current) return t(); i.current = !0; }, n), (0, e.useEffect)( () => ( (a.current = !0), () => { a.current = !1; } ), [], ); } const qc = (0, e.createContext)(null); function Yc() { const t = (0, e.useContext)(qc); if (null === t) return [!0, null]; const { isPresent: n, onExitComplete: a, register: i } = t, o = (0, e.useId)(); (0, e.useEffect)(() => i(o), []); return !n && a ? [!1, () => a && a(o)] : [!0]; } function Qc() { return null === (t = (0, e.useContext)(qc)) || t.isPresent; var t; } const Jc = (0, e.createContext)({ transformPagePoint: e => e, isStatic: !1, reducedMotion: 'never', }), ed = (0, e.createContext)({}), td = 'undefined' !== typeof document, nd = td ? e.useLayoutEffect : e.useEffect, ad = (0, e.createContext)({ strict: !1 }); function id(e) { return ( 'object' === typeof e &&, 'current') ); } function od(e) { return 'string' === typeof e || Array.isArray(e); } function rd(e) { return 'object' === typeof e && 'function' === typeof e.start; } const ld = [ 'animate', 'whileInView', 'whileFocus', 'whileHover', 'whileTap', 'whileDrag', 'exit', ], sd = ['initial', ...ld]; function cd(e) { return rd(e.animate) || sd.some(t => od(e[t])); } function dd(e) { return Boolean(cd(e) || e.variants); } function ud(t) { const { initial: n, animate: a } = (function (e, t) { if (cd(e)) { const { initial: t, animate: n } = e; return { initial: !1 === t || od(t) ? t : void 0, animate: od(n) ? n : void 0, }; } return !1 !== e.inherit ? t : {}; })(t, (0, e.useContext)(ed)); return (0, e.useMemo)(() => ({ initial: n, animate: a }), [pd(n), pd(a)]); } function pd(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e.join(' ') : e; } const md = { animation: [ 'animate', 'variants', 'whileHover', 'whileTap', 'exit', 'whileInView', 'whileFocus', 'whileDrag', ], exit: ['exit'], drag: ['drag', 'dragControls'], focus: ['whileFocus'], hover: ['whileHover', 'onHoverStart', 'onHoverEnd'], tap: ['whileTap', 'onTap', 'onTapStart', 'onTapCancel'], pan: ['onPan', 'onPanStart', 'onPanSessionStart', 'onPanEnd'], inView: ['whileInView', 'onViewportEnter', 'onViewportLeave'], layout: ['layout', 'layoutId'], }, hd = {}; for (const n in md) hd[n] = { isEnabled: e => md[n].some(t => !!e[t]) }; const fd = (0, e.createContext)({}), gd = (0, e.createContext)({}), wd = Symbol.for('motionComponentSymbol'); function yd(t) { let { preloadedFeatures: n, createVisualElement: a, useRender: i, useVisualState: o, Component: r, } = t; n && (function (e) { for (const t in e) hd[t] = { ...hd[t], ...e[t] }; })(n); const l = (0, e.forwardRef)(function (t, l) { let s; const c = { ...(0, e.useContext)(Jc), ...t, layoutId: xd(t) }, { isStatic: d } = c, u = ud(t), p = o(t, d); if (!d && td) { u.visualElement = (function (t, n, a, i) { const { visualElement: o } = (0, e.useContext)(ed), r = (0, e.useContext)(ad), l = (0, e.useContext)(qc), s = (0, e.useContext)(Jc).reducedMotion, c = (0, e.useRef)(); (i = i || r.renderer), !c.current && i && (c.current = i(t, { visualState: n, parent: o, props: a, presenceContext: l, blockInitialAnimation: !!l && !1 === l.initial, reducedMotionConfig: s, })); const d = c.current; (0, e.useInsertionEffect)(() => { d && d.update(a, l); }); const u = (0, e.useRef)(Boolean(window.HandoffAppearAnimations)); return ( nd(() => { d && (d.render(), u.current && d.animationState && d.animationState.animateChanges()); }), (0, e.useEffect)(() => { d && (d.updateFeatures(), !u.current && d.animationState && d.animationState.animateChanges(), (window.HandoffAppearAnimations = void 0), (u.current = !1)); }), d ); })(r, p, c, a); const t = (0, e.useContext)(gd), i = (0, e.useContext)(ad).strict; u.visualElement && (s = u.visualElement.loadFeatures(c, i, n, t)); } return e.createElement( ed.Provider, { value: u }, s && u.visualElement ? e.createElement(s, { visualElement: u.visualElement, ...c }) : null, i( r, t, (function (t, n, a) { return (0, e.useCallback)( e => { e && t.mount && t.mount(e), n && (e ? n.mount(e) : n.unmount()), a && ('function' === typeof a ? a(e) : id(a) && (a.current = e)); }, [n], ); })(p, u.visualElement, l), p, d, u.visualElement, ), ); }); return (l[wd] = r), l; } function xd(t) { let { layoutId: n } = t; const a = (0, e.useContext)(fd).id; return a && void 0 !== n ? a + '-' + n : n; } function bd(e) { function t(t) { return yd( e( t, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, ), ); } if ('undefined' === typeof Proxy) return t; const n = new Map(); return new Proxy(t, { get: (e, a) => (n.has(a) || n.set(a, t(a)), n.get(a)) }); } const zd = [ 'animate', 'circle', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'g', 'image', 'line', 'filter', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rect', 'stop', 'switch', 'symbol', 'svg', 'text', 'tspan', 'use', 'view', ]; function vd(e) { return ( 'string' === typeof e && !e.includes('-') && !!(zd.indexOf(e) > -1 || /[A-Z]/.test(e)) ); } const kd = {}; const jd = [ 'transformPerspective', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ', 'scale', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'rotate', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'skew', 'skewX', 'skewY', ], Sd = new Set(jd); function Ed(e, t) { let { layout: n, layoutId: a } = t; return ( Sd.has(e) || e.startsWith('origin') || ((n || void 0 !== a) && (!!kd[e] || 'opacity' === e)) ); } const _d = e => Boolean(e && e.getVelocity), Cd = { x: 'translateX', y: 'translateY', z: 'translateZ', transformPerspective: 'perspective', }, Id = jd.length; const Td = e => t => 'string' === typeof t && t.startsWith(e), Pd = Td('--'), Ad = Td('var(--'), Rd = (e, t) => (t && 'number' === typeof e ? t.transform(e) : e), Dd = (e, t, n) => Math.min(Math.max(n, e), t), Nd = { test: e => 'number' === typeof e, parse: parseFloat, transform: e => e }, Ld = { ...Nd, transform: e => Dd(0, 1, e) }, Od = { ...Nd, default: 1 }, Md = e => Math.round(1e5 * e) / 1e5, Bd = /(-)?([\d]*\.?[\d])+/g, Ud = /(#[0-9a-f]{3,8}|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?[\d\.]+%?[,\s]+){2}(-?[\d\.]+%?)\s*[\,\/]?\s*[\d\.]*%?\))/gi, Wd = /^(#[0-9a-f]{3,8}|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?[\d\.]+%?[,\s]+){2}(-?[\d\.]+%?)\s*[\,\/]?\s*[\d\.]*%?\))$/i; function Vd(e) { return 'string' === typeof e; } const Fd = e => ({ test: t => Vd(t) && t.endsWith(e) && 1 === t.split(' ').length, parse: parseFloat, transform: t => ''.concat(t).concat(e), }), Hd = Fd('deg'), Gd = Fd('%'), Zd = Fd('px'), $d = Fd('vh'), Xd = Fd('vw'), Kd = { ...Gd, parse: e => Gd.parse(e) / 100, transform: e => Gd.transform(100 * e), }, qd = { ...Nd, transform: Math.round }, Yd = { borderWidth: Zd, borderTopWidth: Zd, borderRightWidth: Zd, borderBottomWidth: Zd, borderLeftWidth: Zd, borderRadius: Zd, radius: Zd, borderTopLeftRadius: Zd, borderTopRightRadius: Zd, borderBottomRightRadius: Zd, borderBottomLeftRadius: Zd, width: Zd, maxWidth: Zd, height: Zd, maxHeight: Zd, size: Zd, top: Zd, right: Zd, bottom: Zd, left: Zd, padding: Zd, paddingTop: Zd, paddingRight: Zd, paddingBottom: Zd, paddingLeft: Zd, margin: Zd, marginTop: Zd, marginRight: Zd, marginBottom: Zd, marginLeft: Zd, rotate: Hd, rotateX: Hd, rotateY: Hd, rotateZ: Hd, scale: Od, scaleX: Od, scaleY: Od, scaleZ: Od, skew: Hd, skewX: Hd, skewY: Hd, distance: Zd, translateX: Zd, translateY: Zd, translateZ: Zd, x: Zd, y: Zd, z: Zd, perspective: Zd, transformPerspective: Zd, opacity: Ld, originX: Kd, originY: Kd, originZ: Zd, zIndex: qd, fillOpacity: Ld, strokeOpacity: Ld, numOctaves: qd, }; function Qd(e, t, n, a) { const { style: i, vars: o, transform: r, transformOrigin: l } = e; let s = !1, c = !1, d = !0; for (const u in t) { const e = t[u]; if (Pd(u)) { o[u] = e; continue; } const n = Yd[u], a = Rd(e, n); if (Sd.has(u)) { if (((s = !0), (r[u] = a), !d)) continue; e !== (n.default || 0) && (d = !1); } else u.startsWith('origin') ? ((c = !0), (l[u] = a)) : (i[u] = a); } if ( (t.transform || (s || a ? (i.transform = (function (e, t, n, a) { let { enableHardwareAcceleration: i = !0, allowTransformNone: o = !0, } = t, r = ''; for (let l = 0; l < Id; l++) { const t = jd[l]; if (void 0 !== e[t]) { const n = Cd[t] || t; r += ''.concat(n, '(').concat(e[t], ') '); } } return ( i && !e.z && (r += 'translateZ(0)'), (r = r.trim()), a ? (r = a(e, n ? '' : r)) : o && n && (r = 'none'), r ); })(e.transform, n, d, a)) : i.transform && (i.transform = 'none')), c) ) { const { originX: e = '50%', originY: t = '50%', originZ: n = 0 } = l; i.transformOrigin = ''.concat(e, ' ').concat(t, ' ').concat(n); } } const Jd = () => ({ style: {}, transform: {}, transformOrigin: {}, vars: {} }); function eu(e, t, n) { for (const a in t) _d(t[a]) || Ed(a, n) || (e[a] = t[a]); } function tu(t, n, a) { const i = {}; return ( eu(i, || {}, t), Object.assign( i, (function (t, n, a) { let { transformTemplate: i } = t; return (0, e.useMemo)(() => { const e = Jd(); return ( Qd(e, n, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !a }, i), Object.assign({}, e.vars, ); }, [n]); })(t, n, a), ), t.transformValues ? t.transformValues(i) : i ); } function nu(e, t, n) { const a = {}, i = tu(e, t, n); return ( e.drag && !1 !== e.dragListener && ((a.draggable = !1), (i.userSelect = i.WebkitUserSelect = i.WebkitTouchCallout = 'none'), (i.touchAction = !0 === e.drag ? 'none' : 'pan-'.concat('x' === e.drag ? 'y' : 'x'))), void 0 === e.tabIndex && (e.onTap || e.onTapStart || e.whileTap) && (a.tabIndex = 0), ( = i), a ); } const au = new Set([ 'animate', 'exit', 'variants', 'initial', 'style', 'values', 'variants', 'transition', 'transformTemplate', 'transformValues', 'custom', 'inherit', 'onLayoutAnimationStart', 'onLayoutAnimationComplete', 'onLayoutMeasure', 'onBeforeLayoutMeasure', 'onAnimationStart', 'onAnimationComplete', 'onUpdate', 'onDragStart', 'onDrag', 'onDragEnd', 'onMeasureDragConstraints', 'onDirectionLock', 'onDragTransitionEnd', '_dragX', '_dragY', 'onHoverStart', 'onHoverEnd', 'onViewportEnter', 'onViewportLeave', 'ignoreStrict', 'viewport', ]); function iu(e) { return ( e.startsWith('while') || (e.startsWith('drag') && 'draggable' !== e) || e.startsWith('layout') || e.startsWith('onTap') || e.startsWith('onPan') || au.has(e) ); } let ou = e => !iu(e); try { (ru = require('@emotion/is-prop-valid').default) && (ou = e => (e.startsWith('on') ? !iu(e) : ru(e))); } catch (Yo) {} var ru; function lu(e, t, n) { return 'string' === typeof e ? e : Zd.transform(t + n * e); } const su = { offset: 'stroke-dashoffset', array: 'stroke-dasharray' }, cu = { offset: 'strokeDashoffset', array: 'strokeDasharray' }; function du(e, t, n, a, i) { let { attrX: o, attrY: r, attrScale: l, originX: s, originY: c, pathLength: d, pathSpacing: u = 1, pathOffset: p = 0, ...m } = t; if ((Qd(e, m, n, i), a)) return void ( && (e.attrs.viewBox =; (e.attrs =, ( = {}); const { attrs: h, style: f, dimensions: g } = e; h.transform && (g && (f.transform = h.transform), delete h.transform), g && (void 0 !== s || void 0 !== c || f.transform) && (f.transformOrigin = (function (e, t, n) { const a = lu(t, e.x, e.width), i = lu(n, e.y, e.height); return ''.concat(a, ' ').concat(i); })(g, void 0 !== s ? s : 0.5, void 0 !== c ? c : 0.5)), void 0 !== o && (h.x = o), void 0 !== r && (h.y = r), void 0 !== l && (h.scale = l), void 0 !== d && (function (e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, i = !(arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4]) || arguments[4]; e.pathLength = 1; const o = i ? su : cu; e[o.offset] = Zd.transform(-a); const r = Zd.transform(t), l = Zd.transform(n); e[o.array] = ''.concat(r, ' ').concat(l); })(h, d, u, p, !1); } const uu = () => ({ ...Jd(), attrs: {} }), pu = e => 'string' === typeof e && 'svg' === e.toLowerCase(); function mu(t, n, a, i) { const o = (0, e.useMemo)(() => { const e = uu(); return ( du( e, n, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !1 }, pu(i), t.transformTemplate, ), { ...e.attrs, style: { } } ); }, [n]); if ( { const e = {}; eu(e,, t), ( = { ...e, }); } return o; } function hu() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; return (n, a, i, o, r) => { let { latestValues: l } = o; const s = (vd(n) ? mu : nu)(a, l, r, n), c = (function (e, t, n) { const a = {}; for (const i in e) ('values' === i && 'object' === typeof e.values) || ((ou(i) || (!0 === n && iu(i)) || (!t && !iu(i)) || (e.draggable && i.startsWith('onDrag'))) && (a[i] = e[i])); return a; })(a, 'string' === typeof n, t), d = { ...c, ...s, ref: i }, { children: u } = a, p = (0, e.useMemo)(() => (_d(u) ? u.get() : u), [u]); return (0, e.createElement)(n, { ...d, children: p }); }; } const fu = e => e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(); function gu(e, t, n, a) { let { style: i, vars: o } = t; Object.assign(, i, a && a.getProjectionStyles(n)); for (const r in o), o[r]); } const wu = new Set([ 'baseFrequency', 'diffuseConstant', 'kernelMatrix', 'kernelUnitLength', 'keySplines', 'keyTimes', 'limitingConeAngle', 'markerHeight', 'markerWidth', 'numOctaves', 'targetX', 'targetY', 'surfaceScale', 'specularConstant', 'specularExponent', 'stdDeviation', 'tableValues', 'viewBox', 'gradientTransform', 'pathLength', 'startOffset', 'textLength', 'lengthAdjust', ]); function yu(e, t, n, a) { gu(e, t, void 0, a); for (const i in t.attrs) e.setAttribute(wu.has(i) ? i : fu(i), t.attrs[i]); } function xu(e, t) { const { style: n } = e, a = {}; for (const i in n) (_d(n[i]) || ( && _d([i])) || Ed(i, e)) && (a[i] = n[i]); return a; } function bu(e, t) { const n = xu(e, t); for (const a in e) if (_d(e[a]) || _d(t[a])) { n[ -1 !== jd.indexOf(a) ? 'attr' + a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substring(1) : a ] = e[a]; } return n; } function zu(e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}, i = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : {}; return ( 'function' === typeof t && (t = t(void 0 !== n ? n : e.custom, a, i)), 'string' === typeof t && (t = e.variants && e.variants[t]), 'function' === typeof t && (t = t(void 0 !== n ? n : e.custom, a, i)), t ); } function vu(t) { const n = (0, e.useRef)(null); return null === n.current && (n.current = t()), n.current; } const ku = e => Array.isArray(e), ju = e => Boolean(e && 'object' === typeof e && e.mix && e.toValue), Su = e => (ku(e) ? e[e.length - 1] || 0 : e); function Eu(e) { const t = _d(e) ? e.get() : e; return ju(t) ? t.toValue() : t; } const _u = t => (n, a) => { const i = (0, e.useContext)(ed), o = (0, e.useContext)(qc), r = () => (function (e, t, n, a) { let { scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: i, createRenderState: o, onMount: r, } = e; const l = { latestValues: Cu(t, n, a, i), renderState: o() }; return r && (l.mount = e => r(t, e, l)), l; })(t, n, i, o); return a ? r() : vu(r); }; function Cu(e, t, n, a) { const i = {}, o = a(e, {}); for (const p in o) i[p] = Eu(o[p]); let { initial: r, animate: l } = e; const s = cd(e), c = dd(e); t && c && !s && !1 !== e.inherit && (void 0 === r && (r = t.initial), void 0 === l && (l = t.animate)); let d = !!n && !1 === n.initial; d = d || !1 === r; const u = d ? l : r; if (u && 'boolean' !== typeof u && !rd(u)) { (Array.isArray(u) ? u : [u]).forEach(t => { const n = zu(e, t); if (!n) return; const { transitionEnd: a, transition: o, ...r } = n; for (const e in r) { let t = r[e]; if (Array.isArray(t)) { t = t[d ? t.length - 1 : 0]; } null !== t && (i[e] = t); } for (const e in a) i[e] = a[e]; }); } return i; } const Iu = e => e; class Tu { constructor() { (this.order = []), (this.scheduled = new Set()); } add(e) { if (!this.scheduled.has(e)) return this.scheduled.add(e), this.order.push(e), !0; } remove(e) { const t = this.order.indexOf(e); -1 !== t && (this.order.splice(t, 1), this.scheduled.delete(e)); } clear() { (this.order.length = 0), this.scheduled.clear(); } } const Pu = ['prepare', 'read', 'update', 'preRender', 'render', 'postRender']; const { schedule: Au, cancel: Ru, state: Du, steps: Nu, } = (function (e, t) { let n = !1, a = !0; const i = { delta: 0, timestamp: 0, isProcessing: !1 }, o = Pu.reduce( (e, t) => ( (e[t] = (function (e) { let t = new Tu(), n = new Tu(), a = 0, i = !1, o = !1; const r = new WeakSet(), l = { schedule: function (e) { const o = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2] && i, l = o ? t : n; return ( arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1] && r.add(e), l.add(e) && o && i && (a = t.order.length), e ); }, cancel: e => { n.remove(e), r.delete(e); }, process: s => { if (i) o = !0; else { if ( ((i = !0), ([t, n] = [n, t]), n.clear(), (a = t.order.length), a) ) for (let n = 0; n < a; n++) { const a = t.order[n]; a(s), r.has(a) && (l.schedule(a), e()); } (i = !1), o && ((o = !1), l.process(s)); } }, }; return l; })(() => (n = !0))), e ), {}, ), r = e => o[e].process(i), l = () => { const o =; (n = !1), ( = a ? 1e3 / 60 : Math.max(Math.min(o - i.timestamp, 40), 1)), (i.timestamp = o), (i.isProcessing = !0), Pu.forEach(r), (i.isProcessing = !1), n && t && ((a = !1), e(l)); }, s = Pu.reduce((t, r) => { const s = o[r]; return ( (t[r] = function (t) { let o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2]; return ( n || ((n = !0), (a = !0), i.isProcessing || e(l)), s.schedule(t, o, r) ); }), t ); }, {}); return { schedule: s, cancel: e => Pu.forEach(t => o[t].cancel(e)), state: i, steps: o, }; })( 'undefined' !== typeof requestAnimationFrame ? requestAnimationFrame : Iu, !0, ), Lu = { useVisualState: _u({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: bu, createRenderState: uu, onMount: (e, t, n) => { let { renderState: a, latestValues: i } = n; => { try { a.dimensions = 'function' === typeof t.getBBox ? t.getBBox() : t.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (e) { a.dimensions = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } }), Au.render(() => { du( a, i, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !1 }, pu(t.tagName), e.transformTemplate, ), yu(t, a); }); }, }), }, Ou = { useVisualState: _u({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: xu, createRenderState: Jd, }), }; function Mu(e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : { passive: !0 }; return e.addEventListener(t, n, a), () => e.removeEventListener(t, n); } const Bu = e => 'mouse' === e.pointerType ? 'number' !== typeof e.button || e.button <= 0 : !1 !== e.isPrimary; function Uu(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'page'; return { point: { x: e[t + 'X'], y: e[t + 'Y'] } }; } const Wu = e => t => Bu(t) && e(t, Uu(t)); function Vu(e, t, n, a) { return Mu(e, t, Wu(n), a); } const Fu = (e, t) => n => t(e(n)), Hu = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return t.reduce(Fu); }; function Gu(e) { let t = null; return () => { const n = () => { t = null; }; return null === t && ((t = e), n); }; } const Zu = Gu('dragHorizontal'), $u = Gu('dragVertical'); function Xu(e) { let t = !1; if ('y' === e) t = $u(); else if ('x' === e) t = Zu(); else { const e = Zu(), n = $u(); e && n ? (t = () => { e(), n(); }) : (e && e(), n && n()); } return t; } function Ku() { const e = Xu(!0); return !e || (e(), !1); } class qu { constructor(e) { (this.isMounted = !1), (this.node = e); } update() {} } function Yu(e, t) { const n = 'pointer' + (t ? 'enter' : 'leave'), a = 'onHover' + (t ? 'Start' : 'End'); return Vu( e.current, n, (n, i) => { if ('touch' === n.type || Ku()) return; const o = e.getProps(); e.animationState && o.whileHover && e.animationState.setActive('whileHover', t), o[a] && Au.update(() => o[a](n, i)); }, { passive: !e.getProps()[a] }, ); } const Qu = (e, t) => !!t && (e === t || Qu(e, t.parentElement)); function Ju(e, t) { if (!t) return; const n = new PointerEvent('pointer' + e); t(n, Uu(n)); } const ep = new WeakMap(), tp = new WeakMap(), np = e => { const t = ep.get(; t && t(e); }, ap = e => { e.forEach(np); }; function ip(e, t, n) { const a = (function (e) { let { root: t, ...n } = e; const a = t || document; tp.has(a) || tp.set(a, {}); const i = tp.get(a), o = JSON.stringify(n); return ( i[o] || (i[o] = new IntersectionObserver(ap, { root: t, ...n })), i[o] ); })(t); return ( ep.set(e, n), a.observe(e), () => { ep.delete(e), a.unobserve(e); } ); } const op = { some: 0, all: 1 }; const rp = { inView: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.hasEnteredView = !1), (this.isInView = !1); } startObserver() { this.unmount(); const { viewport: e = {} } = this.node.getProps(), { root: t, margin: n, amount: a = 'some', once: i } = e, o = { root: t ? t.current : void 0, rootMargin: n, threshold: 'number' === typeof a ? a : op[a], }; return ip(this.node.current, o, e => { const { isIntersecting: t } = e; if (this.isInView === t) return; if (((this.isInView = t), i && !t && this.hasEnteredView)) return; t && (this.hasEnteredView = !0), this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive('whileInView', t); const { onViewportEnter: n, onViewportLeave: a } = this.node.getProps(), o = t ? n : a; o && o(e); }); } mount() { this.startObserver(); } update() { if ('undefined' === typeof IntersectionObserver) return; const { props: e, prevProps: t } = this.node, n = ['amount', 'margin', 'root'].some( (function (e) { let { viewport: t = {} } = e, { viewport: n = {} } = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return e => t[e] !== n[e]; })(e, t), ); n && this.startObserver(); } unmount() {} }, }, tap: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.removeStartListeners = Iu), (this.removeEndListeners = Iu), (this.removeAccessibleListeners = Iu), (this.startPointerPress = (e, t) => { if ((this.removeEndListeners(), this.isPressing)) return; const n = this.node.getProps(), a = Vu( window, 'pointerup', (e, t) => { if (!this.checkPressEnd()) return; const { onTap: n, onTapCancel: a } = this.node.getProps(); Au.update(() => { Qu(this.node.current, ? n && n(e, t) : a && a(e, t); }); }, { passive: !(n.onTap || n.onPointerUp) }, ), i = Vu( window, 'pointercancel', (e, t) => this.cancelPress(e, t), { passive: !(n.onTapCancel || n.onPointerCancel) }, ); (this.removeEndListeners = Hu(a, i)), this.startPress(e, t); }), (this.startAccessiblePress = () => { const e = Mu(this.node.current, 'keydown', e => { if ('Enter' !== e.key || this.isPressing) return; this.removeEndListeners(), (this.removeEndListeners = Mu( this.node.current, 'keyup', e => { 'Enter' === e.key && this.checkPressEnd() && Ju('up', (e, t) => { const { onTap: n } = this.node.getProps(); n && Au.update(() => n(e, t)); }); }, )), Ju('down', (e, t) => { this.startPress(e, t); }); }), t = Mu(this.node.current, 'blur', () => { this.isPressing && Ju('cancel', (e, t) => this.cancelPress(e, t)); }); this.removeAccessibleListeners = Hu(e, t); }); } startPress(e, t) { this.isPressing = !0; const { onTapStart: n, whileTap: a } = this.node.getProps(); a && this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive('whileTap', !0), n && Au.update(() => n(e, t)); } checkPressEnd() { this.removeEndListeners(), (this.isPressing = !1); return ( this.node.getProps().whileTap && this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive('whileTap', !1), !Ku() ); } cancelPress(e, t) { if (!this.checkPressEnd()) return; const { onTapCancel: n } = this.node.getProps(); n && Au.update(() => n(e, t)); } mount() { const e = this.node.getProps(), t = Vu( this.node.current, 'pointerdown', this.startPointerPress, { passive: !(e.onTapStart || e.onPointerStart) }, ), n = Mu(this.node.current, 'focus', this.startAccessiblePress); this.removeStartListeners = Hu(t, n); } unmount() { this.removeStartListeners(), this.removeEndListeners(), this.removeAccessibleListeners(); } }, }, focus: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.isActive = !1); } onFocus() { let e = !1; try { e = this.node.current.matches(':focus-visible'); } catch (t) { e = !0; } e && this.node.animationState && (this.node.animationState.setActive('whileFocus', !0), (this.isActive = !0)); } onBlur() { this.isActive && this.node.animationState && (this.node.animationState.setActive('whileFocus', !1), (this.isActive = !1)); } mount() { this.unmount = Hu( Mu(this.node.current, 'focus', () => this.onFocus()), Mu(this.node.current, 'blur', () => this.onBlur()), ); } unmount() {} }, }, hover: { Feature: class extends qu { mount() { this.unmount = Hu(Yu(this.node, !0), Yu(this.node, !1)); } unmount() {} }, }, }; function lp(e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(t)) return !1; const n = t.length; if (n !== e.length) return !1; for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) if (t[a] !== e[a]) return !1; return !0; } function sp(e, t, n) { const a = e.getProps(); return zu( a, t, void 0 !== n ? n : a.custom, (function (e) { const t = {}; return e.values.forEach((e, n) => (t[n] = e.get())), t; })(e), (function (e) { const t = {}; return e.values.forEach((e, n) => (t[n] = e.getVelocity())), t; })(e), ); } const cp = 'data-' + fu('framerAppearId'); let dp = Iu, up = Iu; const pp = e => 1e3 * e, mp = e => e / 1e3, hp = !1, fp = e => Array.isArray(e) && 'number' === typeof e[0]; function gp(e) { return Boolean( !e || ('string' === typeof e && yp[e]) || fp(e) || (Array.isArray(e) && e.every(gp)), ); } const wp = e => { let [t, n, a, i] = e; return 'cubic-bezier(' .concat(t, ', ') .concat(n, ', ') .concat(a, ', ') .concat(i, ')'); }, yp = { linear: 'linear', ease: 'ease', easeIn: 'ease-in', easeOut: 'ease-out', easeInOut: 'ease-in-out', circIn: wp([0, 0.65, 0.55, 1]), circOut: wp([0.55, 0, 1, 0.45]), backIn: wp([0.31, 0.01, 0.66, -0.59]), backOut: wp([0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99]), }; function xp(e) { if (e) return fp(e) ? wp(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? : yp[e]; } const bp = (e, t, n) => (((1 - 3 * n + 3 * t) * e + (3 * n - 6 * t)) * e + 3 * t) * e, zp = 1e-7, vp = 12; function kp(e, t, n, a) { if (e === t && n === a) return Iu; const i = t => (function (e, t, n, a, i) { let o, r, l = 0; do { (r = t + (n - t) / 2), (o = bp(r, a, i) - e), o > 0 ? (n = r) : (t = r); } while (Math.abs(o) > zp && ++l < vp); return r; })(t, 0, 1, e, n); return e => (0 === e || 1 === e ? e : bp(i(e), t, a)); } const jp = kp(0.42, 0, 1, 1), Sp = kp(0, 0, 0.58, 1), Ep = kp(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1), _p = e => Array.isArray(e) && 'number' !== typeof e[0], Cp = e => t => t <= 0.5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : (2 - e(2 * (1 - t))) / 2, Ip = e => t => 1 - e(1 - t), Tp = e => 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(e)), Pp = Ip(Tp), Ap = Cp(Pp), Rp = kp(0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99), Dp = Ip(Rp), Np = Cp(Dp), Lp = { linear: Iu, easeIn: jp, easeInOut: Ep, easeOut: Sp, circIn: Tp, circInOut: Ap, circOut: Pp, backIn: Dp, backInOut: Np, backOut: Rp, anticipate: e => (e *= 2) < 1 ? 0.5 * Dp(e) : 0.5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * (e - 1))), }, Op = e => { if (Array.isArray(e)) { up( 4 === e.length, 'Cubic bezier arrays must contain four numerical values.', ); const [t, n, a, i] = e; return kp(t, n, a, i); } return 'string' === typeof e ? (up(void 0 !== Lp[e], "Invalid easing type '".concat(e, "'")), Lp[e]) : e; }, Mp = (e, t) => n => Boolean( (Vd(n) && Wd.test(n) && n.startsWith(e)) || (t &&, t)), ), Bp = (e, t, n) => a => { if (!Vd(a)) return a; const [i, o, r, l] = a.match(Bd); return { [e]: parseFloat(i), [t]: parseFloat(o), [n]: parseFloat(r), alpha: void 0 !== l ? parseFloat(l) : 1, }; }, Up = { ...Nd, transform: e => Math.round((e => Dd(0, 255, e))(e)) }, Wp = { test: Mp('rgb', 'red'), parse: Bp('red', 'green', 'blue'), transform: e => { let { red: t, green: n, blue: a, alpha: i = 1 } = e; return ( 'rgba(' + Up.transform(t) + ', ' + Up.transform(n) + ', ' + Up.transform(a) + ', ' + Md(Ld.transform(i)) + ')' ); }, }; const Vp = { test: Mp('#'), parse: function (e) { let t = '', n = '', a = '', i = ''; return ( e.length > 5 ? ((t = e.substring(1, 3)), (n = e.substring(3, 5)), (a = e.substring(5, 7)), (i = e.substring(7, 9))) : ((t = e.substring(1, 2)), (n = e.substring(2, 3)), (a = e.substring(3, 4)), (i = e.substring(4, 5)), (t += t), (n += n), (a += a), (i += i)), { red: parseInt(t, 16), green: parseInt(n, 16), blue: parseInt(a, 16), alpha: i ? parseInt(i, 16) / 255 : 1, } ); }, transform: Wp.transform, }, Fp = { test: Mp('hsl', 'hue'), parse: Bp('hue', 'saturation', 'lightness'), transform: e => { let { hue: t, saturation: n, lightness: a, alpha: i = 1 } = e; return ( 'hsla(' + Math.round(t) + ', ' + Gd.transform(Md(n)) + ', ' + Gd.transform(Md(a)) + ', ' + Md(Ld.transform(i)) + ')' ); }, }, Hp = { test: e => Wp.test(e) || Vp.test(e) || Fp.test(e), parse: e => Wp.test(e) ? Wp.parse(e) : Fp.test(e) ? Fp.parse(e) : Vp.parse(e), transform: e => Vd(e) ? e : e.hasOwnProperty('red') ? Wp.transform(e) : Fp.transform(e), }, Gp = (e, t, n) => -n * e + n * t + e; function Zp(e, t, n) { return ( n < 0 && (n += 1), n > 1 && (n -= 1), n < 1 / 6 ? e + 6 * (t - e) * n : n < 0.5 ? t : n < 2 / 3 ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - n) * 6 : e ); } const $p = (e, t, n) => { const a = e * e; return Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, n * (t * t - a) + a)); }, Xp = [Vp, Wp, Fp]; function Kp(e) { const t = (e => Xp.find(t => t.test(e)))(e); up( Boolean(t), "'".concat( e, "' is not an animatable color. Use the equivalent color code instead.", ), ); let n = t.parse(e); return ( t === Fp && (n = (function (e) { let { hue: t, saturation: n, lightness: a, alpha: i } = e; (t /= 360), (n /= 100), (a /= 100); let o = 0, r = 0, l = 0; if (n) { const e = a < 0.5 ? a * (1 + n) : a + n - a * n, i = 2 * a - e; (o = Zp(i, e, t + 1 / 3)), (r = Zp(i, e, t)), (l = Zp(i, e, t - 1 / 3)); } else o = r = l = a; return { red: Math.round(255 * o), green: Math.round(255 * r), blue: Math.round(255 * l), alpha: i, }; })(n)), n ); } const qp = (e, t) => { const n = Kp(e), a = Kp(t), i = { ...n }; return e => ( ( = $p(,, e)), ( = $p(,, e)), ( = $p(,, e)), (i.alpha = Gp(n.alpha, a.alpha, e)), Wp.transform(i) ); }; const Yp = { regex: /var\s*\(\s*--[\w-]+(\s*,\s*(?:(?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)+)?\s*\)/g, countKey: 'Vars', token: '${v}', parse: Iu, }, Qp = { regex: Ud, countKey: 'Colors', token: '${c}', parse: Hp.parse }, Jp = { regex: Bd, countKey: 'Numbers', token: '${n}', parse: Nd.parse }; function em(e, t) { let { regex: n, countKey: a, token: i, parse: o } = t; const r = e.tokenised.match(n); r && ((e['num' + a] = r.length), (e.tokenised = e.tokenised.replace(n, i)), e.values.push(; } function tm(e) { const t = e.toString(), n = { value: t, tokenised: t, values: [], numVars: 0, numColors: 0, numNumbers: 0, }; return n.value.includes('var(--') && em(n, Yp), em(n, Qp), em(n, Jp), n; } function nm(e) { return tm(e).values; } function am(e) { const { values: t, numColors: n, numVars: a, tokenised: i } = tm(e), o = t.length; return e => { let t = i; for (let i = 0; i < o; i++) t = i < a ? t.replace(Yp.token, e[i]) : i < a + n ? t.replace(Qp.token, Hp.transform(e[i])) : t.replace(Jp.token, Md(e[i])); return t; }; } const im = e => ('number' === typeof e ? 0 : e); const om = { test: function (e) { var t, n; return ( isNaN(e) && Vd(e) && ((null === (t = e.match(Bd)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.length) || 0) + ((null === (n = e.match(Ud)) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.length) || 0) > 0 ); }, parse: nm, createTransformer: am, getAnimatableNone: function (e) { const t = nm(e); return am(e)(; }, }, rm = (e, t) => n => ''.concat(n > 0 ? t : e); function lm(e, t) { return 'number' === typeof e ? n => Gp(e, t, n) : Hp.test(e) ? qp(e, t) : e.startsWith('var(') ? rm(e, t) : dm(e, t); } const sm = (e, t) => { const n = [...e], a = n.length, i =, n) => lm(e, t[n])); return e => { for (let t = 0; t < a; t++) n[t] = i[t](e); return n; }; }, cm = (e, t) => { const n = { ...e, ...t }, a = {}; for (const i in n) void 0 !== e[i] && void 0 !== t[i] && (a[i] = lm(e[i], t[i])); return e => { for (const t in a) n[t] = a[t](e); return n; }; }, dm = (e, t) => { const n = om.createTransformer(t), a = tm(e), i = tm(t); return a.numVars === i.numVars && a.numColors === i.numColors && a.numNumbers >= i.numNumbers ? Hu(sm(a.values, i.values), n) : (dp( !0, "Complex values '" .concat(e, "' and '") .concat( t, "' too different to mix. Ensure all colors are of the same type, and that each contains the same quantity of number and color values. Falling back to instant transition.", ), ), rm(e, t)); }, um = (e, t, n) => { const a = t - e; return 0 === a ? 1 : (n - e) / a; }, pm = (e, t) => n => Gp(e, t, n); function mm(e, t, n) { const a = [], i = n || (function (e) { return 'number' === typeof e ? pm : 'string' === typeof e ? Hp.test(e) ? qp : dm : Array.isArray(e) ? sm : 'object' === typeof e ? cm : pm; })(e[0]), o = e.length - 1; for (let r = 0; r < o; r++) { let n = i(e[r], e[r + 1]); if (t) { const e = Array.isArray(t) ? t[r] || Iu : t; n = Hu(e, n); } a.push(n); } return a; } function hm(e, t) { let { clamp: n = !0, ease: a, mixer: i, } = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; const o = e.length; if ( (up(o === t.length, 'Both input and output ranges must be the same length'), 1 === o) ) return () => t[0]; e[0] > e[o - 1] && ((e = [...e].reverse()), (t = [...t].reverse())); const r = mm(t, a, i), l = r.length, s = t => { let n = 0; if (l > 1) for (; n < e.length - 2 && !(t < e[n + 1]); n++); const a = um(e[n], e[n + 1], t); return r[n](a); }; return n ? t => s(Dd(e[0], e[o - 1], t)) : s; } function fm(e) { const t = [0]; return ( (function (e, t) { const n = e[e.length - 1]; for (let a = 1; a <= t; a++) { const i = um(0, t, a); e.push(Gp(n, 1, i)); } })(t, e.length - 1), t ); } function gm(e) { let { duration: t = 300, keyframes: n, times: a, ease: i = 'easeInOut' } = e; const o = _p(i) ? : Op(i), r = { done: !1, value: n[0] }, l = (function (e, t) { return => e * t); })(a && a.length === n.length ? a : fm(n), t), s = hm(l, n, { ease: Array.isArray(o) ? o : ((c = n), (d = o), => d || Ep).splice(0, c.length - 1)), }); var c, d; return { calculatedDuration: t, next: e => ((r.value = s(e)), (r.done = e >= t), r), }; } function wm(e, t) { return t ? e * (1e3 / t) : 0; } const ym = 5; function xm(e, t, n) { const a = Math.max(t - ym, 0); return wm(n - e(a), t - a); } const bm = 0.001, zm = 0.01, vm = 10, km = 0.05, jm = 1; function Sm(e) { let t, n, { duration: a = 800, bounce: i = 0.25, velocity: o = 0, mass: r = 1 } = e; dp(a <= pp(vm), 'Spring duration must be 10 seconds or less'); let l = 1 - i; (l = Dd(km, jm, l)), (a = Dd(zm, vm, mp(a))), l < 1 ? ((t = e => { const t = e * l, n = t * a, i = t - o, r = _m(e, l), s = Math.exp(-n); return bm - (i / r) * s; }), (n = e => { const n = e * l * a, i = n * o + o, r = Math.pow(l, 2) * Math.pow(e, 2) * a, s = Math.exp(-n), c = _m(Math.pow(e, 2), l); return ((-t(e) + bm > 0 ? -1 : 1) * ((i - r) * s)) / c; })) : ((t = e => Math.exp(-e * a) * ((e - o) * a + 1) - bm), (n = e => Math.exp(-e * a) * (a * a * (o - e)))); const s = (function (e, t, n) { let a = n; for (let i = 1; i < Em; i++) a -= e(a) / t(a); return a; })(t, n, 5 / a); if (((a = pp(a)), isNaN(s))) return { stiffness: 100, damping: 10, duration: a }; { const e = Math.pow(s, 2) * r; return { stiffness: e, damping: 2 * l * Math.sqrt(r * e), duration: a }; } } const Em = 12; function _m(e, t) { return e * Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); } const Cm = ['duration', 'bounce'], Im = ['stiffness', 'damping', 'mass']; function Tm(e, t) { return t.some(t => void 0 !== e[t]); } function Pm(e) { let { keyframes: t, restDelta: n, restSpeed: a, ...i } = e; const o = t[0], r = t[t.length - 1], l = { done: !1, value: o }, { stiffness: s, damping: c, mass: d, velocity: u, duration: p, isResolvedFromDuration: m, } = (function (e) { let t = { velocity: 0, stiffness: 100, damping: 10, mass: 1, isResolvedFromDuration: !1, ...e, }; if (!Tm(e, Im) && Tm(e, Cm)) { const n = Sm(e); (t = { ...t, ...n, velocity: 0, mass: 1 }), (t.isResolvedFromDuration = !0); } return t; })(i), h = u ? -mp(u) : 0, f = c / (2 * Math.sqrt(s * d)), g = r - o, w = mp(Math.sqrt(s / d)), y = Math.abs(g) < 5; let x; if ((a || (a = y ? 0.01 : 2), n || (n = y ? 0.005 : 0.5), f < 1)) { const e = _m(w, f); x = t => { const n = Math.exp(-f * w * t); return ( r - n * (((h + f * w * g) / e) * Math.sin(e * t) + g * Math.cos(e * t)) ); }; } else if (1 === f) x = e => r - Math.exp(-w * e) * (g + (h + w * g) * e); else { const e = w * Math.sqrt(f * f - 1); x = t => { const n = Math.exp(-f * w * t), a = Math.min(e * t, 300); return ( r - (n * ((h + f * w * g) * Math.sinh(a) + e * g * Math.cosh(a))) / e ); }; } return { calculatedDuration: (m && p) || null, next: e => { const t = x(e); if (m) l.done = e >= p; else { let i = h; 0 !== e && (i = f < 1 ? xm(x, e, t) : 0); const o = Math.abs(i) <= a, s = Math.abs(r - t) <= n; l.done = o && s; } return (l.value = l.done ? r : t), l; }, }; } function Am(e) { let { keyframes: t, velocity: n = 0, power: a = 0.8, timeConstant: i = 325, bounceDamping: o = 10, bounceStiffness: r = 500, modifyTarget: l, min: s, max: c, restDelta: d = 0.5, restSpeed: u, } = e; const p = t[0], m = { done: !1, value: p }, h = e => void 0 === s ? c : void 0 === c || Math.abs(s - e) < Math.abs(c - e) ? s : c; let f = a * n; const g = p + f, w = void 0 === l ? g : l(g); w !== g && (f = w - p); const y = e => -f * Math.exp(-e / i), x = e => w + y(e), b = e => { const t = y(e), n = x(e); (m.done = Math.abs(t) <= d), (m.value = m.done ? w : n); }; let z, v; const k = e => { (e => (void 0 !== s && e < s) || (void 0 !== c && e > c))(m.value) && ((z = e), (v = Pm({ keyframes: [m.value, h(m.value)], velocity: xm(x, e, m.value), damping: o, stiffness: r, restDelta: d, restSpeed: u, }))); }; return ( k(0), { calculatedDuration: null, next: e => { let t = !1; return ( v || void 0 !== z || ((t = !0), b(e), k(e)), void 0 !== z && e > z ? - z) : (!t && b(e), m) ); }, } ); } const Rm = e => { const t = t => { let { timestamp: n } = t; return e(n); }; return { start: () => Au.update(t, !0), stop: () => Ru(t), now: () => (Du.isProcessing ? Du.timestamp :, }; }, Dm = 2e4; function Nm(e) { let t = 0; let n =; for (; !n.done && t < Dm; ) (t += 50), (n =; return t >= Dm ? 1 / 0 : t; } const Lm = { decay: Am, inertia: Am, tween: gm, keyframes: gm, spring: Pm }; function Om(e) { let t, n, { autoplay: a = !0, delay: i = 0, driver: o = Rm, keyframes: r, type: l = 'keyframes', repeat: s = 0, repeatDelay: c = 0, repeatType: d = 'loop', onPlay: u, onStop: p, onComplete: m, onUpdate: h, ...f } = e, g = 1, w = !1; const y = () => { n = new Promise(e => { t = e; }); }; let x; y(); const b = Lm[l] || gm; let z; b !== gm && 'number' !== typeof r[0] && ((z = hm([0, 100], r, { clamp: !1 })), (r = [0, 100])); const v = b({ ...f, keyframes: r }); let k; 'mirror' === d && (k = b({ ...f, keyframes: [...r].reverse(), velocity: -(f.velocity || 0), })); let j = 'idle', S = null, E = null, _ = null; null === v.calculatedDuration && s && (v.calculatedDuration = Nm(v)); const { calculatedDuration: C } = v; let I = 1 / 0, T = 1 / 0; null !== C && ((I = C + c), (T = I * (s + 1) - c)); let P = 0; const A = e => { if (null === E) return; g > 0 && (E = Math.min(E, e)), g < 0 && (E = Math.min(e - T / g, E)), (P = null !== S ? S : Math.round(e - E) * g); const t = P - i * (g >= 0 ? 1 : -1), n = g >= 0 ? t < 0 : t > T; (P = Math.max(t, 0)), 'finished' === j && null === S && (P = T); let a = P, o = v; if (s) { const e = P / I; let t = Math.floor(e), n = e % 1; !n && e >= 1 && (n = 1), 1 === n && t--, (t = Math.min(t, s + 1)); const i = Boolean(t % 2); i && ('reverse' === d ? ((n = 1 - n), c && (n -= c / I)) : 'mirror' === d && (o = k)); let r = Dd(0, 1, n); P > T && (r = 'reverse' === d && i ? 1 : 0), (a = r * I); } const l = n ? { done: !1, value: r[0] } :; z && (l.value = z(l.value)); let { done: u } = l; n || null === C || (u = g >= 0 ? P >= T : P <= 0); const p = null === S && ('finished' === j || ('running' === j && u)); return h && h(l.value), p && N(), l; }, R = () => { x && x.stop(), (x = void 0); }, D = () => { (j = 'idle'), R(), t(), y(), (E = _ = null); }, N = () => { (j = 'finished'), m && m(), R(), t(); }, L = () => { if (w) return; x || (x = o(A)); const e =; u && u(), null !== S ? (E = e - S) : (E && 'finished' !== j) || (E = e), 'finished' === j && y(), (_ = E), (S = null), (j = 'running'), x.start(); }; a && L(); const O = { then: (e, t) => n.then(e, t), get time() { return mp(P); }, set time(e) { (e = pp(e)), (P = e), null === S && x && 0 !== g ? (E = - e / g) : (S = e); }, get duration() { const e = null === v.calculatedDuration ? Nm(v) : v.calculatedDuration; return mp(e); }, get speed() { return g; }, set speed(e) { e !== g && x && ((g = e), (O.time = mp(P))); }, get state() { return j; }, play: L, pause: () => { (j = 'paused'), (S = P); }, stop: () => { (w = !0), 'idle' !== j && ((j = 'idle'), p && p(), D()); }, cancel: () => { null !== _ && A(_), D(); }, complete: () => { j = 'finished'; }, sample: e => ((E = 0), A(e)), }; return O; } const Mm = (function (e) { let t; return () => (void 0 === t && (t = e()), t); })(() =>, 'animate')), Bm = new Set(['opacity', 'clipPath', 'filter', 'transform', 'backgroundColor']); function Um(e, t, n) { let { onUpdate: a, onComplete: i, ...o } = n; if ( !( Mm() && Bm.has(t) && !o.repeatDelay && 'mirror' !== o.repeatType && 0 !== o.damping && 'inertia' !== o.type ) ) return !1; let r, l, s = !1; const c = () => { l = new Promise(e => { r = e; }); }; c(); let { keyframes: d, duration: u = 300, ease: p, times: m } = o; if ( ((e, t) => 'spring' === t.type || 'backgroundColor' === e || !gp(t.ease))( t, o, ) ) { const e = Om({ ...o, repeat: 0, delay: 0 }); let t = { done: !1, value: d[0] }; const n = []; let a = 0; for (; !t.done && a < 2e4; ) (t = e.sample(a)), n.push(t.value), (a += 10); (m = void 0), (d = n), (u = a - 10), (p = 'linear'); } const h = (function (e, t, n) { let { delay: a = 0, duration: i, repeat: o = 0, repeatType: r = 'loop', ease: l, times: s, } = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; const c = { [t]: n }; s && (c.offset = s); const d = xp(l); return ( Array.isArray(d) && (c.easing = d), e.animate(c, { delay: a, duration: i, easing: Array.isArray(d) ? 'linear' : d, fill: 'both', iterations: o + 1, direction: 'reverse' === r ? 'alternate' : 'normal', }) ); })(e.owner.current, t, d, { ...o, duration: u, ease: p, times: m }); o.syncStart && (h.startTime = Du.isProcessing ? Du.timestamp : document.timeline ? document.timeline.currentTime :; const f = () => h.cancel(), g = () => { Au.update(f), r(), c(); }; h.onfinish = () => { e.set( (function (e, t) { let { repeat: n, repeatType: a = 'loop' } = t; return e[n && 'loop' !== a && n % 2 === 1 ? 0 : e.length - 1]; })(d, o), ), i && i(), g(); }; return { then: (e, t) => l.then(e, t), attachTimeline: e => ((h.timeline = e), (h.onfinish = null), Iu), get time() { return mp(h.currentTime || 0); }, set time(e) { h.currentTime = pp(e); }, get speed() { return h.playbackRate; }, set speed(e) { h.playbackRate = e; }, get duration() { return mp(u); }, play: () => { s || (, Ru(f)); }, pause: () => h.pause(), stop: () => { if (((s = !0), 'idle' === h.playState)) return; const { currentTime: t } = h; if (t) { const n = Om({ ...o, autoplay: !1 }); e.setWithVelocity(n.sample(t - 10).value, n.sample(t).value, 10); } g(); }, complete: () => h.finish(), cancel: g, }; } const Wm = { type: 'spring', stiffness: 500, damping: 25, restSpeed: 10 }, Vm = { type: 'keyframes', duration: 0.8 }, Fm = { type: 'keyframes', ease: [0.25, 0.1, 0.35, 1], duration: 0.3 }, Hm = (e, t) => { let { keyframes: n } = t; return n.length > 2 ? Vm : Sd.has(e) ? e.startsWith('scale') ? { type: 'spring', stiffness: 550, damping: 0 === n[1] ? 2 * Math.sqrt(550) : 30, restSpeed: 10, } : Wm : Fm; }, Gm = (e, t) => 'zIndex' !== e && (!('number' !== typeof t && !Array.isArray(t)) || !( 'string' !== typeof t || (!om.test(t) && '0' !== t) || t.startsWith('url(') )), Zm = new Set(['brightness', 'contrast', 'saturate', 'opacity']); function $m(e) { const [t, n] = e.slice(0, -1).split('('); if ('drop-shadow' === t) return e; const [a] = n.match(Bd) || []; if (!a) return e; const i = n.replace(a, ''); let o = Zm.has(t) ? 1 : 0; return a !== n && (o *= 100), t + '(' + o + i + ')'; } const Xm = /([a-z-]*)\(.*?\)/g, Km = {, getAnimatableNone: e => { const t = e.match(Xm); return t ?$m).join(' ') : e; }, }, qm = { ...Yd, color: Hp, backgroundColor: Hp, outlineColor: Hp, fill: Hp, stroke: Hp, borderColor: Hp, borderTopColor: Hp, borderRightColor: Hp, borderBottomColor: Hp, borderLeftColor: Hp, filter: Km, WebkitFilter: Km, }, Ym = e => qm[e]; function Qm(e, t) { let n = Ym(e); return ( n !== Km && (n = om), n.getAnimatableNone ? n.getAnimatableNone(t) : void 0 ); } const Jm = e => /^0[^.\s]+$/.test(e); function eh(e) { return 'number' === typeof e ? 0 === e : null !== e ? 'none' === e || '0' === e || Jm(e) : void 0; } function th(e, t) { return e[t] || e.default || e; } const nh = function (e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; return i => { const o = th(a, e) || {}, r = o.delay || a.delay || 0; let { elapsed: l = 0 } = a; l -= pp(r); const s = (function (e, t, n, a) { const i = Gm(t, n); let o; o = Array.isArray(n) ? [...n] : [null, n]; const r = void 0 !== a.from ? a.from : e.get(); let l; const s = []; for (let c = 0; c < o.length; c++) null === o[c] && (o[c] = 0 === c ? r : o[c - 1]), eh(o[c]) && s.push(c), 'string' === typeof o[c] && 'none' !== o[c] && '0' !== o[c] && (l = o[c]); if (i && s.length && l) for (let c = 0; c < s.length; c++) o[s[c]] = Qm(t, l); return o; })(t, e, n, o), c = s[0], d = s[s.length - 1], u = Gm(e, c), p = Gm(e, d); dp( u === p, 'You are trying to animate ' .concat(e, ' from "') .concat(c, '" to "') .concat(d, '". ') .concat( c, ' is not an animatable value - to enable this animation set ', ) .concat(c, ' to a value animatable to ') .concat(d, ' via the `style` property.'), ); let m = { keyframes: s, velocity: t.getVelocity(), ease: 'easeOut', ...o, delay: -l, onUpdate: e => { t.set(e), o.onUpdate && o.onUpdate(e); }, onComplete: () => { i(), o.onComplete && o.onComplete(); }, }; if ( ((function (e) { let { when: t, delay: n, delayChildren: a, staggerChildren: i, staggerDirection: o, repeat: r, repeatType: l, repeatDelay: s, from: c, elapsed: d, ...u } = e; return !!Object.keys(u).length; })(o) || (m = { ...m, ...Hm(e, m) }), m.duration && (m.duration = pp(m.duration)), m.repeatDelay && (m.repeatDelay = pp(m.repeatDelay)), !u || !p || hp || !1 === o.type) ) return (function (e) { let { keyframes: t, delay: n, onUpdate: a, onComplete: i } = e; const o = () => ( a && a(t[t.length - 1]), i && i(), { time: 0, speed: 1, duration: 0, play: Iu, pause: Iu, stop: Iu, then: e => (e(), Promise.resolve()), cancel: Iu, complete: Iu, } ); return n ? Om({ keyframes: [0, 1], duration: 0, delay: n, onComplete: o, }) : o(); })(hp ? { ...m, delay: 0 } : m); if ( t.owner && t.owner.current instanceof HTMLElement && !t.owner.getProps().onUpdate ) { const n = Um(t, e, m); if (n) return n; } return Om(m); }; }; function ah(e) { return Boolean(_d(e) && e.add); } const ih = e => /^\-?\d*\.?\d+$/.test(e); function oh(e, t) { -1 === e.indexOf(t) && e.push(t); } function rh(e, t) { const n = e.indexOf(t); n > -1 && e.splice(n, 1); } class lh { constructor() { this.subscriptions = []; } add(e) { return oh(this.subscriptions, e), () => rh(this.subscriptions, e); } notify(e, t, n) { const a = this.subscriptions.length; if (a) if (1 === a) this.subscriptions[0](e, t, n); else for (let i = 0; i < a; i++) { const a = this.subscriptions[i]; a && a(e, t, n); } } getSize() { return this.subscriptions.length; } clear() { this.subscriptions.length = 0; } } const sh = { current: void 0 }; class ch { constructor(e) { var t = this; let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; var a; (this.version = '10.16.4'), (this.timeDelta = 0), (this.lastUpdated = 0), (this.canTrackVelocity = !1), ( = {}), (this.updateAndNotify = function (e) { let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; (t.prev = t.current), (t.current = e); const { delta: a, timestamp: i } = Du; t.lastUpdated !== i && ((t.timeDelta = a), (t.lastUpdated = i), Au.postRender(t.scheduleVelocityCheck)), t.prev !== t.current && &&, &&, n && &&; }), (this.scheduleVelocityCheck = () => Au.postRender(this.velocityCheck)), (this.velocityCheck = e => { let { timestamp: t } = e; t !== this.lastUpdated && ((this.prev = this.current), &&; }), (this.hasAnimated = !1), (this.prev = this.current = e), (this.canTrackVelocity = ((a = this.current), !isNaN(parseFloat(a)))), (this.owner = n.owner); } onChange(e) { return this.on('change', e); } on(e, t) {[e] || ([e] = new lh()); const n =[e].add(t); return 'change' === e ? () => { n(), => { || this.stop(); }); } : n; } clearListeners() { for (const e in[e].clear(); } attach(e, t) { (this.passiveEffect = e), (this.stopPassiveEffect = t); } set(e) { let t = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; t && this.passiveEffect ? this.passiveEffect(e, this.updateAndNotify) : this.updateAndNotify(e, t); } setWithVelocity(e, t, n) { this.set(t), (this.prev = e), (this.timeDelta = n); } jump(e) { this.updateAndNotify(e), (this.prev = e), this.stop(), this.stopPassiveEffect && this.stopPassiveEffect(); } get() { return sh.current && sh.current.push(this), this.current; } getPrevious() { return this.prev; } getVelocity() { return this.canTrackVelocity ? wm(parseFloat(this.current) - parseFloat(this.prev), this.timeDelta) : 0; } start(e) { return ( this.stop(), new Promise(t => { (this.hasAnimated = !0), (this.animation = e(t)), &&; }).then(() => { &&, this.clearAnimation(); }) ); } stop() { this.animation && (this.animation.stop(), &&, this.clearAnimation(); } isAnimating() { return !!this.animation; } clearAnimation() { delete this.animation; } destroy() { this.clearListeners(), this.stop(), this.stopPassiveEffect && this.stopPassiveEffect(); } } function dh(e, t) { return new ch(e, t); } const uh = e => t => t.test(e), ph = [Nd, Zd, Gd, Hd, Xd, $d, { test: e => 'auto' === e, parse: e => e }], mh = e => ph.find(uh(e)), hh = [, Hp, om], fh = e => hh.find(uh(e)); function gh(e, t, n) { e.hasValue(t) ? e.getValue(t).set(n) : e.addValue(t, dh(n)); } function wh(e, t) { const n = sp(e, t); let { transitionEnd: a = {}, transition: i = {}, ...o } = n ? e.makeTargetAnimatable(n, !1) : {}; o = { ...o, ...a }; for (const r in o) { gh(e, r, Su(o[r])); } } function yh(e, t) { if (!t) return; return (t[e] || t.default || t).from; } function xh(e, t) { let { protectedKeys: n, needsAnimating: a } = e; const i = n.hasOwnProperty(t) && !0 !== a[t]; return (a[t] = !1), i; } function bh(e, t) { let { delay: n = 0, transitionOverride: a, type: i, } = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, { transition: o = e.getDefaultTransition(), transitionEnd: r, ...l } = e.makeTargetAnimatable(t); const s = e.getValue('willChange'); a && (o = a); const c = [], d = i && e.animationState && e.animationState.getState()[i]; for (const u in l) { const t = e.getValue(u), a = l[u]; if (!t || void 0 === a || (d && xh(d, u))) continue; const i = { delay: n, elapsed: 0, ...o }; if (window.HandoffAppearAnimations && !t.hasAnimated) { const n = e.getProps()[cp]; n && ((i.elapsed = window.HandoffAppearAnimations(n, u, t, Au)), (i.syncStart = !0)); } t.start(nh(u, t, a, e.shouldReduceMotion && Sd.has(u) ? { type: !1 } : i)); const r = t.animation; ah(s) && (s.add(u), r.then(() => s.remove(u))), c.push(r); } return ( r && Promise.all(c).then(() => { r && wh(e, r); }), c ); } function zh(e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; const a = sp(e, t, n.custom); let { transition: i = e.getDefaultTransition() || {} } = a || {}; n.transitionOverride && (i = n.transitionOverride); const o = a ? () => Promise.all(bh(e, a, n)) : () => Promise.resolve(), r = e.variantChildren && e.variantChildren.size ? function () { let a = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0; const { delayChildren: o = 0, staggerChildren: r, staggerDirection: l, } = i; return (function (e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0, i = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 1, o = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0; const r = [], l = (e.variantChildren.size - 1) * a, s = 1 === i ? function () { return ( (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0) * a ); } : function () { return ( l - (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0) * a ); }; return ( Array.from(e.variantChildren) .sort(vh) .forEach((e, a) => { e.notify('AnimationStart', t), r.push( zh(e, t, { ...o, delay: n + s(a), }).then(() => e.notify('AnimationComplete', t), ), ); }), Promise.all(r) ); })(e, t, o + a, r, l, n); } : () => Promise.resolve(), { when: l } = i; if (l) { const [e, t] = 'beforeChildren' === l ? [o, r] : [r, o]; return e().then(() => t()); } return Promise.all([o(), r(n.delay)]); } function vh(e, t) { return e.sortNodePosition(t); } const kh = [...ld].reverse(), jh = ld.length; function Sh(e) { return t => Promise.all( => { let { animation: n, options: a } = t; return (function (e, t) { let n, a = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; if ((e.notify('AnimationStart', t), Array.isArray(t))) { const i = => zh(e, t, a)); n = Promise.all(i); } else if ('string' === typeof t) n = zh(e, t, a); else { const i = 'function' === typeof t ? sp(e, t, a.custom) : t; n = Promise.all(bh(e, i, a)); } return n.then(() => e.notify('AnimationComplete', t)); })(e, n, a); }), ); } function Eh(e) { let t = Sh(e); const n = { animate: Ch(!0), whileInView: Ch(), whileHover: Ch(), whileTap: Ch(), whileDrag: Ch(), whileFocus: Ch(), exit: Ch(), }; let a = !0; const i = (t, n) => { const a = sp(e, n); if (a) { const { transition: e, transitionEnd: n, ...i } = a; t = { ...t, ...i, ...n }; } return t; }; function o(o, r) { const l = e.getProps(), s = e.getVariantContext(!0) || {}, c = [], d = new Set(); let u = {}, p = 1 / 0; for (let t = 0; t < jh; t++) { const m = kh[t], h = n[m], f = void 0 !== l[m] ? l[m] : s[m], g = od(f), w = m === r ? h.isActive : null; !1 === w && (p = t); let y = f === s[m] && f !== l[m] && g; if ( (y && a && e.manuallyAnimateOnMount && (y = !1), (h.protectedKeys = { ...u }), (!h.isActive && null === w) || (!f && !h.prevProp) || rd(f) || 'boolean' === typeof f) ) continue; const x = _h(h.prevProp, f); let b = x || (m === r && h.isActive && !y && g) || (t > p && g); const z = Array.isArray(f) ? f : [f]; let v = z.reduce(i, {}); !1 === w && (v = {}); const { prevResolvedValues: k = {} } = h, j = { ...k, ...v }, S = e => { (b = !0), d.delete(e), (h.needsAnimating[e] = !0); }; for (const e in j) { const t = v[e], n = k[e]; u.hasOwnProperty(e) || (t !== n ? ku(t) && ku(n) ? !lp(t, n) || x ? S(e) : (h.protectedKeys[e] = !0) : void 0 !== t ? S(e) : d.add(e) : void 0 !== t && d.has(e) ? S(e) : (h.protectedKeys[e] = !0)); } (h.prevProp = f), (h.prevResolvedValues = v), h.isActive && (u = { ...u, ...v }), a && e.blockInitialAnimation && (b = !1), b && !y && c.push( => ({ animation: e, options: { type: m, ...o }, })), ); } if (d.size) { const t = {}; d.forEach(n => { const a = e.getBaseTarget(n); void 0 !== a && (t[n] = a); }), c.push({ animation: t }); } let m = Boolean(c.length); return ( a && !1 === l.initial && !e.manuallyAnimateOnMount && (m = !1), (a = !1), m ? t(c) : Promise.resolve() ); } return { animateChanges: o, setActive: function (t, a, i) { var r; if (n[t].isActive === a) return Promise.resolve(); null === (r = e.variantChildren) || void 0 === r || r.forEach(e => { var n; return null === (n = e.animationState) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.setActive(t, a); }), (n[t].isActive = a); const l = o(i, t); for (const e in n) n[e].protectedKeys = {}; return l; }, setAnimateFunction: function (n) { t = n(e); }, getState: () => n, }; } function _h(e, t) { return 'string' === typeof t ? t !== e : !!Array.isArray(t) && !lp(t, e); } function Ch() { return { isActive: arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], protectedKeys: {}, needsAnimating: {}, prevResolvedValues: {}, }; } let Ih = 0; const Th = { animation: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor(e) { super(e), e.animationState || (e.animationState = Eh(e)); } updateAnimationControlsSubscription() { const { animate: e } = this.node.getProps(); this.unmount(), rd(e) && (this.unmount = e.subscribe(this.node)); } mount() { this.updateAnimationControlsSubscription(); } update() { const { animate: e } = this.node.getProps(), { animate: t } = this.node.prevProps || {}; e !== t && this.updateAnimationControlsSubscription(); } unmount() {} }, }, exit: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor() { super(...arguments), ( = Ih++); } update() { if (!this.node.presenceContext) return; const { isPresent: e, onExitComplete: t, custom: n, } = this.node.presenceContext, { isPresent: a } = this.node.prevPresenceContext || {}; if (!this.node.animationState || e === a) return; const i = this.node.animationState.setActive('exit', !e, { custom: null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : this.node.getProps().custom, }); t && !e && i.then(() => t(; } mount() { const { register: e } = this.node.presenceContext || {}; e && (this.unmount = e(; } unmount() {} }, }, }, Ph = (e, t) => Math.abs(e - t); class Ah { constructor(e, t) { let { transformPagePoint: n } = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; if ( ((this.startEvent = null), (this.lastMoveEvent = null), (this.lastMoveEventInfo = null), (this.handlers = {}), (this.updatePoint = () => { if (!this.lastMoveEvent || !this.lastMoveEventInfo) return; const e = Nh(this.lastMoveEventInfo, this.history), t = null !== this.startEvent, n = (function (e, t) { const n = Ph(e.x, t.x), a = Ph(e.y, t.y); return Math.sqrt(n ** 2 + a ** 2); })(e.offset, { x: 0, y: 0 }) >= 3; if (!t && !n) return; const { point: a } = e, { timestamp: i } = Du; this.history.push({ ...a, timestamp: i }); const { onStart: o, onMove: r } = this.handlers; t || (o && o(this.lastMoveEvent, e), (this.startEvent = this.lastMoveEvent)), r && r(this.lastMoveEvent, e); }), (this.handlePointerMove = (e, t) => { (this.lastMoveEvent = e), (this.lastMoveEventInfo = Rh(t, this.transformPagePoint)), Au.update(this.updatePoint, !0); }), (this.handlePointerUp = (e, t) => { if ((this.end(), !this.lastMoveEvent || !this.lastMoveEventInfo)) return; const { onEnd: n, onSessionEnd: a } = this.handlers, i = Nh( 'pointercancel' === e.type ? this.lastMoveEventInfo : Rh(t, this.transformPagePoint), this.history, ); this.startEvent && n && n(e, i), a && a(e, i); }), !Bu(e)) ) return; (this.handlers = t), (this.transformPagePoint = n); const a = Rh(Uu(e), this.transformPagePoint), { point: i } = a, { timestamp: o } = Du; this.history = [{ ...i, timestamp: o }]; const { onSessionStart: r } = t; r && r(e, Nh(a, this.history)), (this.removeListeners = Hu( Vu(window, 'pointermove', this.handlePointerMove), Vu(window, 'pointerup', this.handlePointerUp), Vu(window, 'pointercancel', this.handlePointerUp), )); } updateHandlers(e) { this.handlers = e; } end() { this.removeListeners && this.removeListeners(), Ru(this.updatePoint); } } function Rh(e, t) { return t ? { point: t(e.point) } : e; } function Dh(e, t) { return { x: e.x - t.x, y: e.y - t.y }; } function Nh(e, t) { let { point: n } = e; return { point: n, delta: Dh(n, Oh(t)), offset: Dh(n, Lh(t)), velocity: Mh(t, 0.1), }; } function Lh(e) { return e[0]; } function Oh(e) { return e[e.length - 1]; } function Mh(e, t) { if (e.length < 2) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; let n = e.length - 1, a = null; const i = Oh(e); for (; n >= 0 && ((a = e[n]), !(i.timestamp - a.timestamp > pp(t))); ) n--; if (!a) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; const o = mp(i.timestamp - a.timestamp); if (0 === o) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; const r = { x: (i.x - a.x) / o, y: (i.y - a.y) / o }; return r.x === 1 / 0 && (r.x = 0), r.y === 1 / 0 && (r.y = 0), r; } function Bh(e) { return e.max - e.min; } function Uh(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0.01; return Math.abs(e - t) <= n; } function Wh(e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0.5; (e.origin = a), (e.originPoint = Gp(t.min, t.max, e.origin)), (e.scale = Bh(n) / Bh(t)), (Uh(e.scale, 1, 1e-4) || isNaN(e.scale)) && (e.scale = 1), (e.translate = Gp(n.min, n.max, e.origin) - e.originPoint), (Uh(e.translate) || isNaN(e.translate)) && (e.translate = 0); } function Vh(e, t, n, a) { Wh(e.x, t.x, n.x, a ? a.originX : void 0), Wh(e.y, t.y, n.y, a ? a.originY : void 0); } function Fh(e, t, n) { (e.min = n.min + t.min), (e.max = e.min + Bh(t)); } function Hh(e, t, n) { (e.min = t.min - n.min), (e.max = e.min + Bh(t)); } function Gh(e, t, n) { Hh(e.x, t.x, n.x), Hh(e.y, t.y, n.y); } function Zh(e, t, n) { return { min: void 0 !== t ? e.min + t : void 0, max: void 0 !== n ? e.max + n - (e.max - e.min) : void 0, }; } function $h(e, t) { let n = t.min - e.min, a = t.max - e.max; return t.max - t.min < e.max - e.min && ([n, a] = [a, n]), { min: n, max: a }; } const Xh = 0.35; function Kh(e, t, n) { return { min: qh(e, t), max: qh(e, n) }; } function qh(e, t) { return 'number' === typeof e ? e : e[t] || 0; } const Yh = () => ({ x: { translate: 0, scale: 1, origin: 0, originPoint: 0 }, y: { translate: 0, scale: 1, origin: 0, originPoint: 0 }, }), Qh = () => ({ x: { min: 0, max: 0 }, y: { min: 0, max: 0 } }); function Jh(e) { return [e('x'), e('y')]; } function ef(e) { let { top: t, left: n, right: a, bottom: i } = e; return { x: { min: n, max: a }, y: { min: t, max: i } }; } function tf(e) { return void 0 === e || 1 === e; } function nf(e) { let { scale: t, scaleX: n, scaleY: a } = e; return !tf(t) || !tf(n) || !tf(a); } function af(e) { return nf(e) || of(e) || e.z || e.rotate || e.rotateX || e.rotateY; } function of(e) { return rf(e.x) || rf(e.y); } function rf(e) { return e && '0%' !== e; } function lf(e, t, n) { return n + t * (e - n); } function sf(e, t, n, a, i) { return void 0 !== i && (e = lf(e, i, a)), lf(e, n, a) + t; } function cf(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, a = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0; (e.min = sf(e.min, t, n, a, i)), (e.max = sf(e.max, t, n, a, i)); } function df(e, t) { let { x: n, y: a } = t; cf(e.x, n.translate, n.scale, n.originPoint), cf(e.y, a.translate, a.scale, a.originPoint); } function uf(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) || e > 1.0000000000001 || e < 0.999999999999 ? e : 1; } function pf(e, t) { (e.min = e.min + t), (e.max = e.max + t); } function mf(e, t, n) { let [a, i, o] = n; const r = void 0 !== t[o] ? t[o] : 0.5, l = Gp(e.min, e.max, r); cf(e, t[a], t[i], l, t.scale); } const hf = ['x', 'scaleX', 'originX'], ff = ['y', 'scaleY', 'originY']; function gf(e, t) { mf(e.x, t, hf), mf(e.y, t, ff); } function wf(e, t) { return ef( (function (e, t) { if (!t) return e; const n = t({ x: e.left, y: }), a = t({ x: e.right, y: e.bottom }); return { top: n.y, left: n.x, bottom: a.y, right: a.x }; })(e.getBoundingClientRect(), t), ); } const yf = new WeakMap(); class xf { constructor(e) { (this.openGlobalLock = null), (this.isDragging = !1), (this.currentDirection = null), (this.originPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }), (this.constraints = !1), (this.hasMutatedConstraints = !1), (this.elastic = Qh()), (this.visualElement = e); } start(e) { let { snapToCursor: t = !1 } = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; const { presenceContext: n } = this.visualElement; if (n && !1 === n.isPresent) return; this.panSession = new Ah( e, { onSessionStart: e => { this.stopAnimation(), t && this.snapToCursor(Uu(e, 'page').point); }, onStart: (e, t) => { const { drag: n, dragPropagation: a, onDragStart: i, } = this.getProps(); if ( n && !a && (this.openGlobalLock && this.openGlobalLock(), (this.openGlobalLock = Xu(n)), !this.openGlobalLock) ) return; (this.isDragging = !0), (this.currentDirection = null), this.resolveConstraints(), this.visualElement.projection && ((this.visualElement.projection.isAnimationBlocked = !0), ( = void 0)), Jh(e => { let t = this.getAxisMotionValue(e).get() || 0; if (Gd.test(t)) { const { projection: n } = this.visualElement; if (n && n.layout) { const a = n.layout.layoutBox[e]; if (a) { t = Bh(a) * (parseFloat(t) / 100); } } } this.originPoint[e] = t; }), i && Au.update(() => i(e, t), !1, !0); const { animationState: o } = this.visualElement; o && o.setActive('whileDrag', !0); }, onMove: (e, t) => { const { dragPropagation: n, dragDirectionLock: a, onDirectionLock: i, onDrag: o, } = this.getProps(); if (!n && !this.openGlobalLock) return; const { offset: r } = t; if (a && null === this.currentDirection) return ( (this.currentDirection = (function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 10, n = null; Math.abs(e.y) > t ? (n = 'y') : Math.abs(e.x) > t && (n = 'x'); return n; })(r)), void ( null !== this.currentDirection && i && i(this.currentDirection) ) ); this.updateAxis('x', t.point, r), this.updateAxis('y', t.point, r), this.visualElement.render(), o && o(e, t); }, onSessionEnd: (e, t) => this.stop(e, t), }, { transformPagePoint: this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint() }, ); } stop(e, t) { const n = this.isDragging; if ((this.cancel(), !n)) return; const { velocity: a } = t; this.startAnimation(a); const { onDragEnd: i } = this.getProps(); i && Au.update(() => i(e, t)); } cancel() { this.isDragging = !1; const { projection: e, animationState: t } = this.visualElement; e && (e.isAnimationBlocked = !1), this.panSession && this.panSession.end(), (this.panSession = void 0); const { dragPropagation: n } = this.getProps(); !n && this.openGlobalLock && (this.openGlobalLock(), (this.openGlobalLock = null)), t && t.setActive('whileDrag', !1); } updateAxis(e, t, n) { const { drag: a } = this.getProps(); if (!n || !bf(e, a, this.currentDirection)) return; const i = this.getAxisMotionValue(e); let o = this.originPoint[e] + n[e]; this.constraints && this.constraints[e] && (o = (function (e, t, n) { let { min: a, max: i } = t; return ( void 0 !== a && e < a ? (e = n ? Gp(a, e, n.min) : Math.max(e, a)) : void 0 !== i && e > i && (e = n ? Gp(i, e, n.max) : Math.min(e, i)), e ); })(o, this.constraints[e], this.elastic[e])), i.set(o); } resolveConstraints() { const { dragConstraints: e, dragElastic: t } = this.getProps(), { layout: n } = this.visualElement.projection || {}, a = this.constraints; e && id(e) ? this.constraints || (this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints()) : (this.constraints = !(!e || !n) && (function (e, t) { let { top: n, left: a, bottom: i, right: o } = t; return { x: Zh(e.x, a, o), y: Zh(e.y, n, i) }; })(n.layoutBox, e)), (this.elastic = (function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : Xh; return ( !1 === e ? (e = 0) : !0 === e && (e = Xh), { x: Kh(e, 'left', 'right'), y: Kh(e, 'top', 'bottom') } ); })(t)), a !== this.constraints && n && this.constraints && !this.hasMutatedConstraints && Jh(e => { this.getAxisMotionValue(e) && (this.constraints[e] = (function (e, t) { const n = {}; return ( void 0 !== t.min && (n.min = t.min - e.min), void 0 !== t.max && (n.max = t.max - e.min), n ); })(n.layoutBox[e], this.constraints[e])); }); } resolveRefConstraints() { const { dragConstraints: e, onMeasureDragConstraints: t } = this.getProps(); if (!e || !id(e)) return !1; const n = e.current; up( null !== n, "If `dragConstraints` is set as a React ref, that ref must be passed to another component's `ref` prop.", ); const { projection: a } = this.visualElement; if (!a || !a.layout) return !1; const i = (function (e, t, n) { const a = wf(e, n), { scroll: i } = t; return i && (pf(a.x, i.offset.x), pf(a.y, i.offset.y)), a; })(n, a.root, this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint()); let o = (function (e, t) { return { x: $h(e.x, t.x), y: $h(e.y, t.y) }; })(a.layout.layoutBox, i); if (t) { const e = t( (function (e) { let { x: t, y: n } = e; return { top: n.min, right: t.max, bottom: n.max, left: t.min }; })(o), ); (this.hasMutatedConstraints = !!e), e && (o = ef(e)); } return o; } startAnimation(e) { const { drag: t, dragMomentum: n, dragElastic: a, dragTransition: i, dragSnapToOrigin: o, onDragTransitionEnd: r, } = this.getProps(), l = this.constraints || {}, s = Jh(r => { if (!bf(r, t, this.currentDirection)) return; let s = (l && l[r]) || {}; o && (s = { min: 0, max: 0 }); const c = a ? 200 : 1e6, d = a ? 40 : 1e7, u = { type: 'inertia', velocity: n ? e[r] : 0, bounceStiffness: c, bounceDamping: d, timeConstant: 750, restDelta: 1, restSpeed: 10, ...i, ...s, }; return this.startAxisValueAnimation(r, u); }); return Promise.all(s).then(r); } startAxisValueAnimation(e, t) { const n = this.getAxisMotionValue(e); return n.start(nh(e, n, 0, t)); } stopAnimation() { Jh(e => this.getAxisMotionValue(e).stop()); } getAxisMotionValue(e) { const t = '_drag' + e.toUpperCase(), n = this.visualElement.getProps(), a = n[t]; return ( a || this.visualElement.getValue(e, (n.initial ? n.initial[e] : void 0) || 0) ); } snapToCursor(e) { Jh(t => { const { drag: n } = this.getProps(); if (!bf(t, n, this.currentDirection)) return; const { projection: a } = this.visualElement, i = this.getAxisMotionValue(t); if (a && a.layout) { const { min: n, max: o } = a.layout.layoutBox[t]; i.set(e[t] - Gp(n, o, 0.5)); } }); } scalePositionWithinConstraints() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; const { drag: e, dragConstraints: t } = this.getProps(), { projection: n } = this.visualElement; if (!id(t) || !n || !this.constraints) return; this.stopAnimation(); const a = { x: 0, y: 0 }; Jh(e => { const t = this.getAxisMotionValue(e); if (t) { const n = t.get(); a[e] = (function (e, t) { let n = 0.5; const a = Bh(e), i = Bh(t); return ( i > a ? (n = um(t.min, t.max - a, e.min)) : a > i && (n = um(e.min, e.max - i, t.min)), Dd(0, 1, n) ); })({ min: n, max: n }, this.constraints[e]); } }); const { transformTemplate: i } = this.visualElement.getProps(); ( = i ? i({}, '') : 'none'), n.root && n.root.updateScroll(), n.updateLayout(), this.resolveConstraints(), Jh(t => { if (!bf(t, e, null)) return; const n = this.getAxisMotionValue(t), { min: i, max: o } = this.constraints[t]; n.set(Gp(i, o, a[t])); }); } addListeners() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; yf.set(this.visualElement, this); const e = Vu(this.visualElement.current, 'pointerdown', e => { const { drag: t, dragListener: n = !0 } = this.getProps(); t && n && this.start(e); }), t = () => { const { dragConstraints: e } = this.getProps(); id(e) && (this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints()); }, { projection: n } = this.visualElement, a = n.addEventListener('measure', t); n && !n.layout && (n.root && n.root.updateScroll(), n.updateLayout()), t(); const i = Mu(window, 'resize', () => this.scalePositionWithinConstraints()), o = n.addEventListener('didUpdate', e => { let { delta: t, hasLayoutChanged: n } = e; this.isDragging && n && (Jh(e => { const n = this.getAxisMotionValue(e); n && ((this.originPoint[e] += t[e].translate), n.set(n.get() + t[e].translate)); }), this.visualElement.render()); }); return () => { i(), e(), a(), o && o(); }; } getProps() { const e = this.visualElement.getProps(), { drag: t = !1, dragDirectionLock: n = !1, dragPropagation: a = !1, dragConstraints: i = !1, dragElastic: o = Xh, dragMomentum: r = !0, } = e; return { ...e, drag: t, dragDirectionLock: n, dragPropagation: a, dragConstraints: i, dragElastic: o, dragMomentum: r, }; } } function bf(e, t, n) { return (!0 === t || t === e) && (null === n || n === e); } const zf = e => (t, n) => { e && Au.update(() => e(t, n)); }; const vf = { hasAnimatedSinceResize: !0, hasEverUpdated: !1 }; function kf(e, t) { return t.max === t.min ? 0 : (e / (t.max - t.min)) * 100; } const jf = { correct: (e, t) => { if (! return e; if ('string' === typeof e) { if (!Zd.test(e)) return e; e = parseFloat(e); } const n = kf(e,, a = kf(e,; return ''.concat(n, '% ').concat(a, '%'); }, }, Sf = { correct: (e, t) => { let { treeScale: n, projectionDelta: a } = t; const i = e, o = om.parse(e); if (o.length > 5) return i; const r = om.createTransformer(e), l = 'number' !== typeof o[0] ? 1 : 0, s = a.x.scale * n.x, c = a.y.scale * n.y; (o[0 + l] /= s), (o[1 + l] /= c); const d = Gp(s, c, 0.5); return ( 'number' === typeof o[2 + l] && (o[2 + l] /= d), 'number' === typeof o[3 + l] && (o[3 + l] /= d), r(o) ); }, }; class Ef extends e.Component { componentDidMount() { const { visualElement: e, layoutGroup: t, switchLayoutGroup: n, layoutId: a, } = this.props, { projection: i } = e; var o; (o = Cf), Object.assign(kd, o), i && ( &&, n && n.register && a && n.register(i), i.root.didUpdate(), i.addEventListener('animationComplete', () => { this.safeToRemove(); }), i.setOptions({ ...i.options, onExitComplete: () => this.safeToRemove(), })), (vf.hasEverUpdated = !0); } getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(e) { const { layoutDependency: t, visualElement: n, drag: a, isPresent: i, } = this.props, o = n.projection; return o ? ((o.isPresent = i), a || e.layoutDependency !== t || void 0 === t ? o.willUpdate() : this.safeToRemove(), e.isPresent !== i && (i ? o.promote() : o.relegate() || Au.postRender(() => { const e = o.getStack(); (e && e.members.length) || this.safeToRemove(); })), null) : null; } componentDidUpdate() { const { projection: e } = this.props.visualElement; e && (e.root.didUpdate(), queueMicrotask(() => { !e.currentAnimation && e.isLead() && this.safeToRemove(); })); } componentWillUnmount() { const { visualElement: e, layoutGroup: t, switchLayoutGroup: n, } = this.props, { projection: a } = e; a && (a.scheduleCheckAfterUnmount(), t && &&, n && n.deregister && n.deregister(a)); } safeToRemove() { const { safeToRemove: e } = this.props; e && e(); } render() { return null; } } function _f(t) { const [n, a] = Yc(), i = (0, e.useContext)(fd); return e.createElement(Ef, { ...t, layoutGroup: i, switchLayoutGroup: (0, e.useContext)(gd), isPresent: n, safeToRemove: a, }); } const Cf = { borderRadius: { ...jf, applyTo: [ 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', ], }, borderTopLeftRadius: jf, borderTopRightRadius: jf, borderBottomLeftRadius: jf, borderBottomRightRadius: jf, boxShadow: Sf, }, If = ['TopLeft', 'TopRight', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight'], Tf = If.length, Pf = e => ('string' === typeof e ? parseFloat(e) : e), Af = e => 'number' === typeof e || Zd.test(e); function Rf(e, t) { return void 0 !== e[t] ? e[t] : e.borderRadius; } const Df = Lf(0, 0.5, Pp), Nf = Lf(0.5, 0.95, Iu); function Lf(e, t, n) { return a => (a < e ? 0 : a > t ? 1 : n(um(e, t, a))); } function Of(e, t) { (e.min = t.min), (e.max = t.max); } function Mf(e, t) { Of(e.x, t.x), Of(e.y, t.y); } function Bf(e, t, n, a, i) { return (e = lf((e -= t), 1 / n, a)), void 0 !== i && (e = lf(e, 1 / i, a)), e; } function Uf(e, t, n, a, i) { let [o, r, l] = n; !(function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1, a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0.5, i = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0, o = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : e, r = arguments.length > 6 && void 0 !== arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : e; Gd.test(t) && ((t = parseFloat(t)), (t = Gp(r.min, r.max, t / 100) - r.min)); if ('number' !== typeof t) return; let l = Gp(o.min, o.max, a); e === o && (l -= t), (e.min = Bf(e.min, t, n, l, i)), (e.max = Bf(e.max, t, n, l, i)); })(e, t[o], t[r], t[l], t.scale, a, i); } const Wf = ['x', 'scaleX', 'originX'], Vf = ['y', 'scaleY', 'originY']; function Ff(e, t, n, a) { Uf(e.x, t, Wf, n ? n.x : void 0, a ? a.x : void 0), Uf(e.y, t, Vf, n ? n.y : void 0, a ? a.y : void 0); } function Hf(e) { return 0 === e.translate && 1 === e.scale; } function Gf(e) { return Hf(e.x) && Hf(e.y); } function Zf(e, t) { return ( Math.round(e.x.min) === Math.round(t.x.min) && Math.round(e.x.max) === Math.round(t.x.max) && Math.round(e.y.min) === Math.round(t.y.min) && Math.round(e.y.max) === Math.round(t.y.max) ); } function $f(e) { return Bh(e.x) / Bh(e.y); } class Xf { constructor() { this.members = []; } add(e) { oh(this.members, e), e.scheduleRender(); } remove(e) { if ( (rh(this.members, e), e === this.prevLead && (this.prevLead = void 0), e === this.lead) ) { const e = this.members[this.members.length - 1]; e && this.promote(e); } } relegate(e) { const t = this.members.findIndex(t => e === t); if (0 === t) return !1; let n; for (let a = t; a >= 0; a--) { const e = this.members[a]; if (!1 !== e.isPresent) { n = e; break; } } return !!n && (this.promote(n), !0); } promote(e, t) { const n = this.lead; if (e !== n && ((this.prevLead = n), (this.lead = e),, n)) { n.instance && n.scheduleRender(), e.scheduleRender(), (e.resumeFrom = n), t && (e.resumeFrom.preserveOpacity = !0), n.snapshot && ((e.snapshot = n.snapshot), (e.snapshot.latestValues = n.animationValues || n.latestValues)), e.root && e.root.isUpdating && (e.isLayoutDirty = !0); const { crossfade: a } = e.options; !1 === a && n.hide(); } } exitAnimationComplete() { this.members.forEach(e => { const { options: t, resumingFrom: n } = e; t.onExitComplete && t.onExitComplete(), n && n.options.onExitComplete && n.options.onExitComplete(); }); } scheduleRender() { this.members.forEach(e => { e.instance && e.scheduleRender(!1); }); } removeLeadSnapshot() { this.lead && this.lead.snapshot && (this.lead.snapshot = void 0); } } function Kf(e, t, n) { let a = ''; const i = e.x.translate / t.x, o = e.y.translate / t.y; if ( ((i || o) && (a = 'translate3d('.concat(i, 'px, ').concat(o, 'px, 0) ')), (1 === t.x && 1 === t.y) || (a += 'scale('.concat(1 / t.x, ', ').concat(1 / t.y, ') ')), n) ) { const { rotate: e, rotateX: t, rotateY: i } = n; e && (a += 'rotate('.concat(e, 'deg) ')), t && (a += 'rotateX('.concat(t, 'deg) ')), i && (a += 'rotateY('.concat(i, 'deg) ')); } const r = e.x.scale * t.x, l = e.y.scale * t.y; return ( (1 === r && 1 === l) || (a += 'scale('.concat(r, ', ').concat(l, ')')), a || 'none' ); } const qf = (e, t) => e.depth - t.depth; class Yf { constructor() { (this.children = []), (this.isDirty = !1); } add(e) { oh(this.children, e), (this.isDirty = !0); } remove(e) { rh(this.children, e), (this.isDirty = !0); } forEach(e) { this.isDirty && this.children.sort(qf), (this.isDirty = !1), this.children.forEach(e); } } const Qf = ['', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']; let Jf = 0; const eg = { type: 'projectionFrame', totalNodes: 0, resolvedTargetDeltas: 0, recalculatedProjection: 0, }; function tg(e) { let { attachResizeListener: t, defaultParent: n, measureScroll: a, checkIsScrollRoot: i, resetTransform: o, } = e; return class { constructor() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n(); ( = Jf++), (this.animationId = 0), (this.children = new Set()), (this.options = {}), (this.isTreeAnimating = !1), (this.isAnimationBlocked = !1), (this.isLayoutDirty = !1), (this.isProjectionDirty = !1), (this.isSharedProjectionDirty = !1), (this.isTransformDirty = !1), (this.updateManuallyBlocked = !1), (this.updateBlockedByResize = !1), (this.isUpdating = !1), (this.isSVG = !1), (this.needsReset = !1), (this.shouldResetTransform = !1), (this.treeScale = { x: 1, y: 1 }), (this.eventHandlers = new Map()), (this.hasTreeAnimated = !1), (this.updateScheduled = !1), (this.checkUpdateFailed = () => { this.isUpdating && ((this.isUpdating = !1), this.clearAllSnapshots()); }), (this.updateProjection = () => { var e; (eg.totalNodes = eg.resolvedTargetDeltas = eg.recalculatedProjection = 0), this.nodes.forEach(ig), this.nodes.forEach(ug), this.nodes.forEach(pg), this.nodes.forEach(og), (e = eg), window.MotionDebug && window.MotionDebug.record(e); }), (this.hasProjected = !1), (this.isVisible = !0), (this.animationProgress = 0), (this.sharedNodes = new Map()), (this.latestValues = e), (this.root = t ? t.root || t : this), (this.path = t ? [...t.path, t] : []), (this.parent = t), (this.depth = t ? t.depth + 1 : 0); for (let n = 0; n < this.path.length; n++) this.path[n].shouldResetTransform = !0; this.root === this && (this.nodes = new Yf()); } addEventListener(e, t) { return ( this.eventHandlers.has(e) || this.eventHandlers.set(e, new lh()), this.eventHandlers.get(e).add(t) ); } notifyListeners(e) { const t = this.eventHandlers.get(e); for ( var n = arguments.length, a = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++ ) a[i - 1] = arguments[i]; t && t.notify(...a); } hasListeners(e) { return this.eventHandlers.has(e); } mount(e) { let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.root.hasTreeAnimated; if (this.instance) return; var a; (this.isSVG = (a = e) instanceof SVGElement && 'svg' !== a.tagName), (this.instance = e); const { layoutId: i, layout: o, visualElement: r } = this.options; if ( (r && !r.current && r.mount(e), this.root.nodes.add(this), this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this), n && (o || i) && (this.isLayoutDirty = !0), t) ) { let n; const a = () => (this.root.updateBlockedByResize = !1); t(e, () => { (this.root.updateBlockedByResize = !0), n && n(), (n = (function (e, t) { const n =, a = i => { let { timestamp: o } = i; const r = o - n; r >= t && (Ru(a), e(r - t)); }; return, !0), () => Ru(a); })(a, 250)), vf.hasAnimatedSinceResize && ((vf.hasAnimatedSinceResize = !1), this.nodes.forEach(dg)); }); } i && this.root.registerSharedNode(i, this), !1 !== this.options.animate && r && (i || o) && this.addEventListener('didUpdate', e => { let { delta: t, hasLayoutChanged: n, hasRelativeTargetChanged: a, layout: i, } = e; if (this.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) return ( ( = void 0), void (this.relativeTarget = void 0) ); const o = this.options.transition || r.getDefaultTransition() || yg, { onLayoutAnimationStart: l, onLayoutAnimationComplete: s, } = r.getProps(), c = !this.targetLayout || !Zf(this.targetLayout, i) || a, d = !n && a; if ( this.options.layoutRoot || (this.resumeFrom && this.resumeFrom.instance) || d || (n && (c || !this.currentAnimation)) ) { this.resumeFrom && ((this.resumingFrom = this.resumeFrom), (this.resumingFrom.resumingFrom = void 0)), this.setAnimationOrigin(t, d); const e = {, 'layout'), onPlay: l, onComplete: s, }; (r.shouldReduceMotion || this.options.layoutRoot) && ((e.delay = 0), (e.type = !1)), this.startAnimation(e); } else n || dg(this), this.isLead() && this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete(); this.targetLayout = i; }); } unmount() { this.options.layoutId && this.willUpdate(), this.root.nodes.remove(this); const e = this.getStack(); e && e.remove(this), this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this), (this.instance = void 0), Ru(this.updateProjection); } blockUpdate() { this.updateManuallyBlocked = !0; } unblockUpdate() { this.updateManuallyBlocked = !1; } isUpdateBlocked() { return this.updateManuallyBlocked || this.updateBlockedByResize; } isTreeAnimationBlocked() { return ( this.isAnimationBlocked || (this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) || !1 ); } startUpdate() { this.isUpdateBlocked() || ((this.isUpdating = !0), this.nodes && this.nodes.forEach(mg), this.animationId++); } getTransformTemplate() { const { visualElement: e } = this.options; return e && e.getProps().transformTemplate; } willUpdate() { let e = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0]; if (((this.root.hasTreeAnimated = !0), this.root.isUpdateBlocked())) return void ( this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete() ); if ( (!this.root.isUpdating && this.root.startUpdate(), this.isLayoutDirty) ) return; this.isLayoutDirty = !0; for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const e = this.path[i]; (e.shouldResetTransform = !0), e.updateScroll('snapshot'), e.options.layoutRoot && e.willUpdate(!1); } const { layoutId: t, layout: n } = this.options; if (void 0 === t && !n) return; const a = this.getTransformTemplate(); (this.prevTransformTemplateValue = a ? a(this.latestValues, '') : void 0), this.updateSnapshot(), e && this.notifyListeners('willUpdate'); } update() { this.updateScheduled = !1; if (this.isUpdateBlocked()) return ( this.unblockUpdate(), this.clearAllSnapshots(), void this.nodes.forEach(lg) ); this.isUpdating || this.nodes.forEach(sg), (this.isUpdating = !1), this.nodes.forEach(cg), this.nodes.forEach(ng), this.nodes.forEach(ag), this.clearAllSnapshots(); const e =; ( = Dd(0, 1e3 / 60, e - Du.timestamp)), (Du.timestamp = e), (Du.isProcessing = !0), Nu.update.process(Du), Nu.preRender.process(Du), Nu.render.process(Du), (Du.isProcessing = !1); } didUpdate() { this.updateScheduled || ((this.updateScheduled = !0), queueMicrotask(() => this.update())); } clearAllSnapshots() { this.nodes.forEach(rg), this.sharedNodes.forEach(hg); } scheduleUpdateProjection() { Au.preRender(this.updateProjection, !1, !0); } scheduleCheckAfterUnmount() { Au.postRender(() => { this.isLayoutDirty ? this.root.didUpdate() : this.root.checkUpdateFailed(); }); } updateSnapshot() { !this.snapshot && this.instance && (this.snapshot = this.measure()); } updateLayout() { if (!this.instance) return; if ( (this.updateScroll(), (!this.options.alwaysMeasureLayout || !this.isLead()) && !this.isLayoutDirty) ) return; if (this.resumeFrom && !this.resumeFrom.instance) for (let n = 0; n < this.path.length; n++) { this.path[n].updateScroll(); } const e = this.layout; (this.layout = this.measure(!1)), (this.layoutCorrected = Qh()), (this.isLayoutDirty = !1), (this.projectionDelta = void 0), this.notifyListeners('measure', this.layout.layoutBox); const { visualElement: t } = this.options; t && t.notify( 'LayoutMeasure', this.layout.layoutBox, e ? e.layoutBox : void 0, ); } updateScroll() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 'measure', t = Boolean(this.options.layoutScroll && this.instance); this.scroll && this.scroll.animationId === this.root.animationId && this.scroll.phase === e && (t = !1), t && (this.scroll = { animationId: this.root.animationId, phase: e, isRoot: i(this.instance), offset: a(this.instance), }); } resetTransform() { if (!o) return; const e = this.isLayoutDirty || this.shouldResetTransform, t = this.projectionDelta && !Gf(this.projectionDelta), n = this.getTransformTemplate(), a = n ? n(this.latestValues, '') : void 0, i = a !== this.prevTransformTemplateValue; e && (t || af(this.latestValues) || i) && (o(this.instance, a), (this.shouldResetTransform = !1), this.scheduleRender()); } measure() { let e = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0]; const t = this.measurePageBox(); let n = this.removeElementScroll(t); var a; return ( e && (n = this.removeTransform(n)), zg((a = n).x), zg(a.y), { animationId: this.root.animationId, measuredBox: t, layoutBox: n, latestValues: {}, source:, } ); } measurePageBox() { const { visualElement: e } = this.options; if (!e) return Qh(); const t = e.measureViewportBox(), { scroll: n } = this.root; return n && (pf(t.x, n.offset.x), pf(t.y, n.offset.y)), t; } removeElementScroll(e) { const t = Qh(); Mf(t, e); for (let n = 0; n < this.path.length; n++) { const a = this.path[n], { scroll: i, options: o } = a; if (a !== this.root && i && o.layoutScroll) { if (i.isRoot) { Mf(t, e); const { scroll: n } = this.root; n && (pf(t.x, -n.offset.x), pf(t.y, -n.offset.y)); } pf(t.x, i.offset.x), pf(t.y, i.offset.y); } } return t; } applyTransform(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; const n = Qh(); Mf(n, e); for (let a = 0; a < this.path.length; a++) { const e = this.path[a]; !t && e.options.layoutScroll && e.scroll && e !== e.root && gf(n, { x: -e.scroll.offset.x, y: -e.scroll.offset.y }), af(e.latestValues) && gf(n, e.latestValues); } return af(this.latestValues) && gf(n, this.latestValues), n; } removeTransform(e) { const t = Qh(); Mf(t, e); for (let n = 0; n < this.path.length; n++) { const e = this.path[n]; if (!e.instance) continue; if (!af(e.latestValues)) continue; nf(e.latestValues) && e.updateSnapshot(); const a = Qh(); Mf(a, e.measurePageBox()), Ff( t, e.latestValues, e.snapshot ? e.snapshot.layoutBox : void 0, a, ); } return af(this.latestValues) && Ff(t, this.latestValues), t; } setTargetDelta(e) { (this.targetDelta = e), this.root.scheduleUpdateProjection(), (this.isProjectionDirty = !0); } setOptions(e) { this.options = { ...this.options, ...e, crossfade: void 0 === e.crossfade || e.crossfade, }; } clearMeasurements() { (this.scroll = void 0), (this.layout = void 0), (this.snapshot = void 0), (this.prevTransformTemplateValue = void 0), (this.targetDelta = void 0), ( = void 0), (this.isLayoutDirty = !1); } forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget() { this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.resolvedRelativeTargetAt !== Du.timestamp && this.relativeParent.resolveTargetDelta(!0); } resolveTargetDelta() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; var t; const n = this.getLead(); this.isProjectionDirty || (this.isProjectionDirty = n.isProjectionDirty), this.isTransformDirty || (this.isTransformDirty = n.isTransformDirty), this.isSharedProjectionDirty || (this.isSharedProjectionDirty = n.isSharedProjectionDirty); const a = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== n; if ( !( e || (a && this.isSharedProjectionDirty) || this.isProjectionDirty || (null === (t = this.parent) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.isProjectionDirty) || this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget ) ) return; const { layout: i, layoutId: o } = this.options; if (this.layout && (i || o)) { if ( ((this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt = Du.timestamp), !this.targetDelta && !this.relativeTarget) ) { const e = this.getClosestProjectingParent(); e && e.layout && 1 !== this.animationProgress ? ((this.relativeParent = e), this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(), (this.relativeTarget = Qh()), (this.relativeTargetOrigin = Qh()), Gh( this.relativeTargetOrigin, this.layout.layoutBox, e.layout.layoutBox, ), Mf(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin)) : (this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = void 0); } if (this.relativeTarget || this.targetDelta) { var r, l, s; if ( ( || (( = Qh()), (this.targetWithTransforms = Qh())), this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.relativeParent && ? (this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(), (r =, (l = this.relativeTarget), (s =, Fh(r.x, l.x, s.x), Fh(r.y, l.y, s.y)) : this.targetDelta ? (Boolean(this.resumingFrom) ? ( = this.applyTransform( this.layout.layoutBox, )) : Mf(, this.layout.layoutBox), df(, this.targetDelta)) : Mf(, this.layout.layoutBox), this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget) ) { this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !1; const e = this.getClosestProjectingParent(); e && Boolean(e.resumingFrom) === Boolean(this.resumingFrom) && !e.options.layoutScroll && && 1 !== this.animationProgress ? ((this.relativeParent = e), this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(), (this.relativeTarget = Qh()), (this.relativeTargetOrigin = Qh()), Gh(this.relativeTargetOrigin,,, Mf(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin)) : (this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = void 0); } eg.resolvedTargetDeltas++; } } } getClosestProjectingParent() { if ( this.parent && !nf(this.parent.latestValues) && !of(this.parent.latestValues) ) return this.parent.isProjecting() ? this.parent : this.parent.getClosestProjectingParent(); } isProjecting() { return Boolean( (this.relativeTarget || this.targetDelta || this.options.layoutRoot) && this.layout, ); } calcProjection() { var e; const t = this.getLead(), n = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== t; let a = !0; if ( ((this.isProjectionDirty || (null === (e = this.parent) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.isProjectionDirty)) && (a = !1), n && (this.isSharedProjectionDirty || this.isTransformDirty) && (a = !1), this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt === Du.timestamp && (a = !1), a) ) return; const { layout: i, layoutId: o } = this.options; if ( ((this.isTreeAnimating = Boolean( (this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimating) || this.currentAnimation || this.pendingAnimation, )), this.isTreeAnimating || (this.targetDelta = this.relativeTarget = void 0), !this.layout || (!i && !o)) ) return; Mf(this.layoutCorrected, this.layout.layoutBox); const r = this.treeScale.x, l = this.treeScale.y; !(function (e, t, n) { let a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3]; const i = n.length; if (!i) return; let o, r; t.x = t.y = 1; for (let l = 0; l < i; l++) { (o = n[l]), (r = o.projectionDelta); const i = o.instance; (i && && 'contents' === || (a && o.options.layoutScroll && o.scroll && o !== o.root && gf(e, { x: -o.scroll.offset.x, y: -o.scroll.offset.y }), r && ((t.x *= r.x.scale), (t.y *= r.y.scale), df(e, r)), a && af(o.latestValues) && gf(e, o.latestValues)); } (t.x = uf(t.x)), (t.y = uf(t.y)); })(this.layoutCorrected, this.treeScale, this.path, n), !t.layout || || (1 === this.treeScale.x && 1 === this.treeScale.y) || ( = t.layout.layoutBox); const { target: s } = t; if (!s) return void ( this.projectionTransform && ((this.projectionDelta = Yh()), (this.projectionTransform = 'none'), this.scheduleRender()) ); this.projectionDelta || ((this.projectionDelta = Yh()), (this.projectionDeltaWithTransform = Yh())); const c = this.projectionTransform; Vh(this.projectionDelta, this.layoutCorrected, s, this.latestValues), (this.projectionTransform = Kf( this.projectionDelta, this.treeScale, )), (this.projectionTransform === c && this.treeScale.x === r && this.treeScale.y === l) || ((this.hasProjected = !0), this.scheduleRender(), this.notifyListeners('projectionUpdate', s)), eg.recalculatedProjection++; } hide() { this.isVisible = !1; } show() { this.isVisible = !0; } scheduleRender() { let e = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0]; if ((this.options.scheduleRender && this.options.scheduleRender(), e)) { const e = this.getStack(); e && e.scheduleRender(); } this.resumingFrom && !this.resumingFrom.instance && (this.resumingFrom = void 0); } setAnimationOrigin(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; const n = this.snapshot, a = n ? n.latestValues : {}, i = { ...this.latestValues }, o = Yh(); (this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) || (this.relativeTarget = this.relativeTargetOrigin = void 0), (this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !t); const r = Qh(), l = (n ? n.source : void 0) !== (this.layout ? this.layout.source : void 0), s = this.getStack(), c = !s || s.members.length <= 1, d = Boolean( l && !c && !0 === this.options.crossfade && !this.path.some(wg), ); let u; (this.animationProgress = 0), (this.mixTargetDelta = t => { const n = t / 1e3; fg(o.x, e.x, n), fg(o.y, e.y, n), this.setTargetDelta(o), this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.layout && this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.layout && (Gh( r, this.layout.layoutBox, this.relativeParent.layout.layoutBox, ), (function (e, t, n, a) { gg(e.x, t.x, n.x, a), gg(e.y, t.y, n.y, a); })( this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin, r, n, ), u && (function (e, t) { return ( e.x.min === t.x.min && e.x.max === t.x.max && e.y.min === t.y.min && e.y.max === t.y.max ); })(this.relativeTarget, u) && (this.isProjectionDirty = !1), u || (u = Qh()), Mf(u, this.relativeTarget)), l && ((this.animationValues = i), (function (e, t, n, a, i, o) { i ? ((e.opacity = Gp( 0, void 0 !== n.opacity ? n.opacity : 1, Df(a), )), (e.opacityExit = Gp( void 0 !== t.opacity ? t.opacity : 1, 0, Nf(a), ))) : o && (e.opacity = Gp( void 0 !== t.opacity ? t.opacity : 1, void 0 !== n.opacity ? n.opacity : 1, a, )); for (let r = 0; r < Tf; r++) { const i = 'border'.concat(If[r], 'Radius'); let o = Rf(t, i), l = Rf(n, i); (void 0 === o && void 0 === l) || (o || (o = 0), l || (l = 0), 0 === o || 0 === l || Af(o) === Af(l) ? ((e[i] = Math.max( Gp(Pf(o), Pf(l), a), 0, )), (Gd.test(l) || Gd.test(o)) && (e[i] += '%')) : (e[i] = l)); } (t.rotate || n.rotate) && (e.rotate = Gp( t.rotate || 0, n.rotate || 0, a, )); })(i, a, this.latestValues, n, d, c)), this.root.scheduleUpdateProjection(), this.scheduleRender(), (this.animationProgress = n); }), this.mixTargetDelta(this.options.layoutRoot ? 1e3 : 0); } startAnimation(e) { this.notifyListeners('animationStart'), this.currentAnimation && this.currentAnimation.stop(), this.resumingFrom && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation.stop(), this.pendingAnimation && (Ru(this.pendingAnimation), (this.pendingAnimation = void 0)), (this.pendingAnimation = Au.update(() => { (vf.hasAnimatedSinceResize = !0), (this.currentAnimation = (function (e, t, n) { const a = _d(e) ? e : dh(e); return a.start(nh('', a, t, n)), a.animation; })(0, 1e3, { ...e, onUpdate: t => { this.mixTargetDelta(t), e.onUpdate && e.onUpdate(t); }, onComplete: () => { e.onComplete && e.onComplete(), this.completeAnimation(); }, })), this.resumingFrom && (this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = this.currentAnimation), (this.pendingAnimation = void 0); })); } completeAnimation() { this.resumingFrom && ((this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = void 0), (this.resumingFrom.preserveOpacity = void 0)); const e = this.getStack(); e && e.exitAnimationComplete(), (this.resumingFrom = this.currentAnimation = this.animationValues = void 0), this.notifyListeners('animationComplete'); } finishAnimation() { this.currentAnimation && (this.mixTargetDelta && this.mixTargetDelta(1e3), this.currentAnimation.stop()), this.completeAnimation(); } applyTransformsToTarget() { const e = this.getLead(); let { targetWithTransforms: t, target: n, layout: a, latestValues: i, } = e; if (t && n && a) { if ( this !== e && this.layout && a && vg( this.options.animationType, this.layout.layoutBox, a.layoutBox, ) ) { n = || Qh(); const t = Bh(this.layout.layoutBox.x); (n.x.min =, (n.x.max = n.x.min + t); const a = Bh(this.layout.layoutBox.y); (n.y.min =, (n.y.max = n.y.min + a); } Mf(t, n), gf(t, i), Vh( this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.layoutCorrected, t, i, ); } } registerSharedNode(e, t) { this.sharedNodes.has(e) || this.sharedNodes.set(e, new Xf()); this.sharedNodes.get(e).add(t); const n = t.options.initialPromotionConfig; t.promote({ transition: n ? n.transition : void 0, preserveFollowOpacity: n && n.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity ? n.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity(t) : void 0, }); } isLead() { const e = this.getStack(); return !e || e.lead === this; } getLead() { var e; const { layoutId: t } = this.options; return ( (t && (null === (e = this.getStack()) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.lead)) || this ); } getPrevLead() { var e; const { layoutId: t } = this.options; return t ? null === (e = this.getStack()) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.prevLead : void 0; } getStack() { const { layoutId: e } = this.options; if (e) return this.root.sharedNodes.get(e); } promote() { let { needsReset: e, transition: t, preserveFollowOpacity: n, } = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const a = this.getStack(); a && a.promote(this, n), e && ((this.projectionDelta = void 0), (this.needsReset = !0)), t && this.setOptions({ transition: t }); } relegate() { const e = this.getStack(); return !!e && e.relegate(this); } resetRotation() { const { visualElement: e } = this.options; if (!e) return; let t = !1; const { latestValues: n } = e; if (((n.rotate || n.rotateX || n.rotateY || n.rotateZ) && (t = !0), !t)) return; const a = {}; for (let i = 0; i < Qf.length; i++) { const t = 'rotate' + Qf[i]; n[t] && ((a[t] = n[t]), e.setStaticValue(t, 0)); } e.render(); for (const i in a) e.setStaticValue(i, a[i]); e.scheduleRender(); } getProjectionStyles() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; var t, n; const a = {}; if (!this.instance || this.isSVG) return a; if (!this.isVisible) return { visibility: 'hidden' }; a.visibility = ''; const i = this.getTransformTemplate(); if (this.needsReset) return ( (this.needsReset = !1), (a.opacity = ''), (a.pointerEvents = Eu(e.pointerEvents) || ''), (a.transform = i ? i(this.latestValues, '') : 'none'), a ); const o = this.getLead(); if (!this.projectionDelta || !this.layout || ! { const t = {}; return ( this.options.layoutId && ((t.opacity = void 0 !== this.latestValues.opacity ? this.latestValues.opacity : 1), (t.pointerEvents = Eu(e.pointerEvents) || '')), this.hasProjected && !af(this.latestValues) && ((t.transform = i ? i({}, '') : 'none'), (this.hasProjected = !1)), t ); } const r = o.animationValues || o.latestValues; this.applyTransformsToTarget(), (a.transform = Kf( this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.treeScale, r, )), i && (a.transform = i(r, a.transform)); const { x: l, y: s } = this.projectionDelta; (a.transformOrigin = '' .concat(100 * l.origin, '% ') .concat(100 * s.origin, '% 0')), o.animationValues ? (a.opacity = o === this ? null !== (n = null !== (t = r.opacity) && void 0 !== t ? t : this.latestValues.opacity) && void 0 !== n ? n : 1 : this.preserveOpacity ? this.latestValues.opacity : r.opacityExit) : (a.opacity = o === this ? void 0 !== r.opacity ? r.opacity : '' : void 0 !== r.opacityExit ? r.opacityExit : 0); for (const c in kd) { if (void 0 === r[c]) continue; const { correct: e, applyTo: t } = kd[c], n = 'none' === a.transform ? r[c] : e(r[c], o); if (t) { const e = t.length; for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) a[t[i]] = n; } else a[c] = n; } return ( this.options.layoutId && (a.pointerEvents = o === this ? Eu(e.pointerEvents) || '' : 'none'), a ); } clearSnapshot() { this.resumeFrom = this.snapshot = void 0; } resetTree() { this.root.nodes.forEach(e => { var t; return null === (t = e.currentAnimation) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.stop(); }), this.root.nodes.forEach(lg), this.root.sharedNodes.clear(); } }; } function ng(e) { e.updateLayout(); } function ag(e) { var t; const n = (null === (t = e.resumeFrom) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.snapshot) || e.snapshot; if (e.isLead() && e.layout && n && e.hasListeners('didUpdate')) { const { layoutBox: t, measuredBox: a } = e.layout, { animationType: i } = e.options, o = n.source !== e.layout.source; 'size' === i ? Jh(e => { const a = o ? n.measuredBox[e] : n.layoutBox[e], i = Bh(a); (a.min = t[e].min), (a.max = a.min + i); }) : vg(i, n.layoutBox, t) && Jh(a => { const i = o ? n.measuredBox[a] : n.layoutBox[a], r = Bh(t[a]); (i.max = i.min + r), e.relativeTarget && !e.currentAnimation && ((e.isProjectionDirty = !0), (e.relativeTarget[a].max = e.relativeTarget[a].min + r)); }); const r = Yh(); Vh(r, t, n.layoutBox); const l = Yh(); o ? Vh(l, e.applyTransform(a, !0), n.measuredBox) : Vh(l, t, n.layoutBox); const s = !Gf(r); let c = !1; if (!e.resumeFrom) { const a = e.getClosestProjectingParent(); if (a && !a.resumeFrom) { const { snapshot: i, layout: o } = a; if (i && o) { const r = Qh(); Gh(r, n.layoutBox, i.layoutBox); const l = Qh(); Gh(l, t, o.layoutBox), Zf(r, l) || (c = !0), a.options.layoutRoot && ((e.relativeTarget = l), (e.relativeTargetOrigin = r), (e.relativeParent = a)); } } } e.notifyListeners('didUpdate', { layout: t, snapshot: n, delta: l, layoutDelta: r, hasLayoutChanged: s, hasRelativeTargetChanged: c, }); } else if (e.isLead()) { const { onExitComplete: t } = e.options; t && t(); } e.options.transition = void 0; } function ig(e) { eg.totalNodes++, e.parent && (e.isProjecting() || (e.isProjectionDirty = e.parent.isProjectionDirty), e.isSharedProjectionDirty || (e.isSharedProjectionDirty = Boolean( e.isProjectionDirty || e.parent.isProjectionDirty || e.parent.isSharedProjectionDirty, )), e.isTransformDirty || (e.isTransformDirty = e.parent.isTransformDirty)); } function og(e) { e.isProjectionDirty = e.isSharedProjectionDirty = e.isTransformDirty = !1; } function rg(e) { e.clearSnapshot(); } function lg(e) { e.clearMeasurements(); } function sg(e) { e.isLayoutDirty = !1; } function cg(e) { const { visualElement: t } = e.options; t && t.getProps().onBeforeLayoutMeasure && t.notify('BeforeLayoutMeasure'), e.resetTransform(); } function dg(e) { e.finishAnimation(), (e.targetDelta = e.relativeTarget = = void 0), (e.isProjectionDirty = !0); } function ug(e) { e.resolveTargetDelta(); } function pg(e) { e.calcProjection(); } function mg(e) { e.resetRotation(); } function hg(e) { e.removeLeadSnapshot(); } function fg(e, t, n) { (e.translate = Gp(t.translate, 0, n)), (e.scale = Gp(t.scale, 1, n)), (e.origin = t.origin), (e.originPoint = t.originPoint); } function gg(e, t, n, a) { (e.min = Gp(t.min, n.min, a)), (e.max = Gp(t.max, n.max, a)); } function wg(e) { return e.animationValues && void 0 !== e.animationValues.opacityExit; } const yg = { duration: 0.45, ease: [0.4, 0, 0.1, 1] }, xg = e => 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes(e), bg = xg('applewebkit/') && !xg('chrome/') ? Math.round : Iu; function zg(e) { (e.min = bg(e.min)), (e.max = bg(e.max)); } function vg(e, t, n) { return 'position' === e || ('preserve-aspect' === e && !Uh($f(t), $f(n), 0.2)); } const kg = tg({ attachResizeListener: (e, t) => Mu(e, 'resize', t), measureScroll: () => ({ x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop, }), checkIsScrollRoot: () => !0, }), jg = { current: void 0 }, Sg = tg({ measureScroll: e => ({ x: e.scrollLeft, y: e.scrollTop }), defaultParent: () => { if (!jg.current) { const e = new kg({}); e.mount(window), e.setOptions({ layoutScroll: !0 }), (jg.current = e); } return jg.current; }, resetTransform: (e, t) => { = void 0 !== t ? t : 'none'; }, checkIsScrollRoot: e => Boolean('fixed' === window.getComputedStyle(e).position), }), Eg = { pan: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.removePointerDownListener = Iu); } onPointerDown(e) { this.session = new Ah(e, this.createPanHandlers(), { transformPagePoint: this.node.getTransformPagePoint(), }); } createPanHandlers() { const { onPanSessionStart: e, onPanStart: t, onPan: n, onPanEnd: a, } = this.node.getProps(); return { onSessionStart: zf(e), onStart: zf(t), onMove: n, onEnd: (e, t) => { delete this.session, a && Au.update(() => a(e, t)); }, }; } mount() { this.removePointerDownListener = Vu( this.node.current, 'pointerdown', e => this.onPointerDown(e), ); } update() { this.session && this.session.updateHandlers(this.createPanHandlers()); } unmount() { this.removePointerDownListener(), this.session && this.session.end(); } }, }, drag: { Feature: class extends qu { constructor(e) { super(e), (this.removeGroupControls = Iu), (this.removeListeners = Iu), (this.controls = new xf(e)); } mount() { const { dragControls: e } = this.node.getProps(); e && (this.removeGroupControls = e.subscribe(this.controls)), (this.removeListeners = this.controls.addListeners() || Iu); } unmount() { this.removeGroupControls(), this.removeListeners(); } }, ProjectionNode: Sg, MeasureLayout: _f, }, }, _g = /var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+),? ?([a-zA-Z0-9 ()%#.,-]+)?\)/; const Cg = 4; function Ig(e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1; up( n <= Cg, 'Max CSS variable fallback depth detected in property "'.concat( e, '". This may indicate a circular fallback dependency.', ), ); const [a, i] = (function (e) { const t = _g.exec(e); if (!t) return [,]; const [, n, a] = t; return [n, a]; })(e); if (!a) return; const o = window.getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(a); if (o) { const e = o.trim(); return ih(e) ? parseFloat(e) : e; } return Ad(i) ? Ig(i, t, n + 1) : i; } const Tg = new Set([ 'width', 'height', 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'x', 'y', 'translateX', 'translateY', ]), Pg = e => Tg.has(e), Ag = e => e === Nd || e === Zd, Rg = (e, t) => parseFloat(e.split(', ')[t]), Dg = (e, t) => (n, a) => { let { transform: i } = a; if ('none' === i || !i) return 0; const o = i.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/); if (o) return Rg(o[1], t); { const t = i.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/); return t ? Rg(t[1], e) : 0; } }, Ng = new Set(['x', 'y', 'z']), Lg = jd.filter(e => !Ng.has(e)); const Og = { width: (e, t) => { let { x: n } = e, { paddingLeft: a = '0', paddingRight: i = '0' } = t; return n.max - n.min - parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(i); }, height: (e, t) => { let { y: n } = e, { paddingTop: a = '0', paddingBottom: i = '0' } = t; return n.max - n.min - parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(i); }, top: (e, t) => { let { top: n } = t; return parseFloat(n); }, left: (e, t) => { let { left: n } = t; return parseFloat(n); }, bottom: (e, t) => { let { y: n } = e, { top: a } = t; return parseFloat(a) + (n.max - n.min); }, right: (e, t) => { let { x: n } = e, { left: a } = t; return parseFloat(a) + (n.max - n.min); }, x: Dg(4, 13), y: Dg(5, 14), }; (Og.translateX = Og.x), (Og.translateY = Og.y); const Mg = function (e, t) { let n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; (t = { ...t }), (a = { ...a }); const i = Object.keys(t).filter(Pg); let o = [], r = !1; const l = []; if ( (i.forEach(i => { const s = e.getValue(i); if (!e.hasValue(i)) return; let c = n[i], d = mh(c); const u = t[i]; let p; if (ku(u)) { const e = u.length, t = null === u[0] ? 1 : 0; (c = u[t]), (d = mh(c)); for (let n = t; n < e && null !== u[n]; n++) p ? up( mh(u[n]) === p, 'All keyframes must be of the same type', ) : ((p = mh(u[n])), up( p === d || (Ag(d) && Ag(p)), 'Keyframes must be of the same dimension as the current value', )); } else p = mh(u); if (d !== p) if (Ag(d) && Ag(p)) { const e = s.get(); 'string' === typeof e && s.set(parseFloat(e)), 'string' === typeof u ? (t[i] = parseFloat(u)) : Array.isArray(u) && p === Zd && (t[i] =; } else (null === d || void 0 === d ? void 0 : d.transform) && (null === p || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.transform) && (0 === c || 0 === u) ? 0 === c ? s.set(p.transform(c)) : (t[i] = d.transform(u)) : (r || ((o = (function (e) { const t = []; return ( Lg.forEach(n => { const a = e.getValue(n); void 0 !== a && (t.push([n, a.get()]), a.set(n.startsWith('scale') ? 1 : 0)); }), t.length && e.render(), t ); })(e)), (r = !0)), l.push(i), (a[i] = void 0 !== a[i] ? a[i] : t[i]), s.jump(u)); }), l.length) ) { const n = l.indexOf('height') >= 0 ? window.pageYOffset : null, i = ((e, t, n) => { const a = t.measureViewportBox(), i = t.current, o = getComputedStyle(i), { display: r } = o, l = {}; 'none' === r && t.setStaticValue('display', e.display || 'block'), n.forEach(e => { l[e] = Og[e](a, o); }), t.render(); const s = t.measureViewportBox(); return ( n.forEach(n => { const a = t.getValue(n); a && a.jump(l[n]), (e[n] = Og[n](s, o)); }), e ); })(t, e, l); return ( o.length && o.forEach(t => { let [n, a] = t; e.getValue(n).set(a); }), e.render(), td && null !== n && window.scrollTo({ top: n }), { target: i, transitionEnd: a } ); } return { target: t, transitionEnd: a }; }; function Bg(e, t, n, a) { return (e => Object.keys(e).some(Pg))(t) ? Mg(e, t, n, a) : { target: t, transitionEnd: a }; } const Ug = (e, t, n, a) => { const i = (function (e, t, n) { let { ...a } = t; const i = e.current; if (!(i instanceof Element)) return { target: a, transitionEnd: n }; n && (n = { ...n }), e.values.forEach(e => { const t = e.get(); if (!Ad(t)) return; const n = Ig(t, i); n && e.set(n); }); for (const o in a) { const e = a[o]; if (!Ad(e)) continue; const t = Ig(e, i); t && ((a[o] = t), n || (n = {}), void 0 === n[o] && (n[o] = e)); } return { target: a, transitionEnd: n }; })(e, t, a); return Bg(e, (t =, n, (a = i.transitionEnd)); }, Wg = { current: null }, Vg = { current: !1 }; const Fg = new WeakMap(), Hg = Object.keys(hd), Gg = Hg.length, Zg = [ 'AnimationStart', 'AnimationComplete', 'Update', 'BeforeLayoutMeasure', 'LayoutMeasure', 'LayoutAnimationStart', 'LayoutAnimationComplete', ], $g = sd.length; class Xg { constructor(e) { let { parent: t, props: n, presenceContext: a, reducedMotionConfig: i, visualState: o, } = e, r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; (this.current = null), (this.children = new Set()), (this.isVariantNode = !1), (this.isControllingVariants = !1), (this.shouldReduceMotion = null), (this.values = new Map()), (this.features = {}), (this.valueSubscriptions = new Map()), (this.prevMotionValues = {}), ( = {}), (this.propEventSubscriptions = {}), (this.notifyUpdate = () => this.notify('Update', this.latestValues)), (this.render = () => { this.current && (this.triggerBuild(), this.renderInstance( this.current, this.renderState,, this.projection, )); }), (this.scheduleRender = () => Au.render(this.render, !1, !0)); const { latestValues: l, renderState: s } = o; (this.latestValues = l), (this.baseTarget = { ...l }), (this.initialValues = n.initial ? { ...l } : {}), (this.renderState = s), (this.parent = t), (this.props = n), (this.presenceContext = a), (this.depth = t ? t.depth + 1 : 0), (this.reducedMotionConfig = i), (this.options = r), (this.isControllingVariants = cd(n)), (this.isVariantNode = dd(n)), this.isVariantNode && (this.variantChildren = new Set()), (this.manuallyAnimateOnMount = Boolean(t && t.current)); const { willChange: c, ...d } = this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(n, {}); for (const u in d) { const e = d[u]; void 0 !== l[u] && _d(e) && (e.set(l[u], !1), ah(c) && c.add(u)); } } scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(e, t) { return {}; } mount(e) { (this.current = e), Fg.set(e, this), this.projection && !this.projection.instance && this.projection.mount(e), this.parent && this.isVariantNode && !this.isControllingVariants && (this.removeFromVariantTree = this.parent.addVariantChild(this)), this.values.forEach((e, t) => this.bindToMotionValue(t, e)), Vg.current || (function () { if (((Vg.current = !0), td)) if (window.matchMedia) { const e = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)'), t = () => (Wg.current = e.matches); e.addListener(t), t(); } else Wg.current = !1; })(), (this.shouldReduceMotion = 'never' !== this.reducedMotionConfig && ('always' === this.reducedMotionConfig || Wg.current)), this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this), this.update(this.props, this.presenceContext); } unmount() { Fg.delete(this.current), this.projection && this.projection.unmount(), Ru(this.notifyUpdate), Ru(this.render), this.valueSubscriptions.forEach(e => e()), this.removeFromVariantTree && this.removeFromVariantTree(), this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this); for (const e in[e].clear(); for (const e in this.features) this.features[e].unmount(); this.current = null; } bindToMotionValue(e, t) { const n = Sd.has(e), a = t.on('change', t => { (this.latestValues[e] = t), this.props.onUpdate && Au.update(this.notifyUpdate, !1, !0), n && this.projection && (this.projection.isTransformDirty = !0); }), i = t.on('renderRequest', this.scheduleRender); this.valueSubscriptions.set(e, () => { a(), i(); }); } sortNodePosition(e) { return this.current && this.sortInstanceNodePosition && this.type === e.type ? this.sortInstanceNodePosition(this.current, e.current) : 0; } loadFeatures(e, t, n, a) { let i, o, { children: r, ...l } = e; for (let s = 0; s < Gg; s++) { const e = Hg[s], { isEnabled: t, Feature: n, ProjectionNode: a, MeasureLayout: r, } = hd[e]; a && (i = a), t(l) && (!this.features[e] && n && (this.features[e] = new n(this)), r && (o = r)); } if (!this.projection && i) { this.projection = new i( this.latestValues, this.parent && this.parent.projection, ); const { layoutId: e, layout: t, drag: n, dragConstraints: o, layoutScroll: r, layoutRoot: s, } = l; this.projection.setOptions({ layoutId: e, layout: t, alwaysMeasureLayout: Boolean(n) || (o && id(o)), visualElement: this, scheduleRender: () => this.scheduleRender(), animationType: 'string' === typeof t ? t : 'both', initialPromotionConfig: a, layoutScroll: r, layoutRoot: s, }); } return o; } updateFeatures() { for (const e in this.features) { const t = this.features[e]; t.isMounted ? t.update() : (t.mount(), (t.isMounted = !0)); } } triggerBuild() {, this.latestValues, this.options, this.props); } measureViewportBox() { return this.current ? this.measureInstanceViewportBox(this.current, this.props) : Qh(); } getStaticValue(e) { return this.latestValues[e]; } setStaticValue(e, t) { this.latestValues[e] = t; } makeTargetAnimatable(e) { let t = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; return this.makeTargetAnimatableFromInstance(e, this.props, t); } update(e, t) { (e.transformTemplate || this.props.transformTemplate) && this.scheduleRender(), (this.prevProps = this.props), (this.props = e), (this.prevPresenceContext = this.presenceContext), (this.presenceContext = t); for (let n = 0; n < Zg.length; n++) { const t = Zg[n]; this.propEventSubscriptions[t] && (this.propEventSubscriptions[t](), delete this.propEventSubscriptions[t]); const a = e['on' + t]; a && (this.propEventSubscriptions[t] = this.on(t, a)); } (this.prevMotionValues = (function (e, t, n) { const { willChange: a } = t; for (const i in t) { const o = t[i], r = n[i]; if (_d(o)) e.addValue(i, o), ah(a) && a.add(i); else if (_d(r)) e.addValue(i, dh(o, { owner: e })), ah(a) && a.remove(i); else if (r !== o) if (e.hasValue(i)) { const t = e.getValue(i); !t.hasAnimated && t.set(o); } else { const t = e.getStaticValue(i); e.addValue(i, dh(void 0 !== t ? t : o, { owner: e })); } } for (const i in n) void 0 === t[i] && e.removeValue(i); return t; })( this, this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(e, this.prevProps), this.prevMotionValues, )), this.handleChildMotionValue && this.handleChildMotionValue(); } getProps() { return this.props; } getVariant(e) { return this.props.variants ? this.props.variants[e] : void 0; } getDefaultTransition() { return this.props.transition; } getTransformPagePoint() { return this.props.transformPagePoint; } getClosestVariantNode() { return this.isVariantNode ? this : this.parent ? this.parent.getClosestVariantNode() : void 0; } getVariantContext() { if (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]) return this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() : void 0; if (!this.isControllingVariants) { const e = (this.parent && this.parent.getVariantContext()) || {}; return ( void 0 !== this.props.initial && (e.initial = this.props.initial), e ); } const e = {}; for (let t = 0; t < $g; t++) { const n = sd[t], a = this.props[n]; (od(a) || !1 === a) && (e[n] = a); } return e; } addVariantChild(e) { const t = this.getClosestVariantNode(); if (t) return ( t.variantChildren && t.variantChildren.add(e), () => t.variantChildren.delete(e) ); } addValue(e, t) { t !== this.values.get(e) && (this.removeValue(e), this.bindToMotionValue(e, t)), this.values.set(e, t), (this.latestValues[e] = t.get()); } removeValue(e) { this.values.delete(e); const t = this.valueSubscriptions.get(e); t && (t(), this.valueSubscriptions.delete(e)), delete this.latestValues[e], this.removeValueFromRenderState(e, this.renderState); } hasValue(e) { return this.values.has(e); } getValue(e, t) { if (this.props.values && this.props.values[e]) return this.props.values[e]; let n = this.values.get(e); return ( void 0 === n && void 0 !== t && ((n = dh(t, { owner: this })), this.addValue(e, n)), n ); } readValue(e) { var t; return void 0 === this.latestValues[e] && this.current ? null !== (t = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, e)) && void 0 !== t ? t : this.readValueFromInstance(this.current, e, this.options) : this.latestValues[e]; } setBaseTarget(e, t) { this.baseTarget[e] = t; } getBaseTarget(e) { var t; const { initial: n } = this.props, a = 'string' === typeof n || 'object' === typeof n ? null === (t = zu(this.props, n)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t[e] : void 0; if (n && void 0 !== a) return a; const i = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, e); return void 0 === i || _d(i) ? void 0 !== this.initialValues[e] && void 0 === a ? void 0 : this.baseTarget[e] : i; } on(e, t) { return[e] || ([e] = new lh()),[e].add(t); } notify(e) { if ([e]) { for ( var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < t; a++ ) n[a - 1] = arguments[a];[e].notify(...n); } } } class Kg extends Xg { sortInstanceNodePosition(e, t) { return 2 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t) ? 1 : -1; } getBaseTargetFromProps(e, t) { return ?[t] : void 0; } removeValueFromRenderState(e, t) { let { vars: n, style: a } = t; delete n[e], delete a[e]; } makeTargetAnimatableFromInstance(e, t, n) { let { transition: a, transitionEnd: i, ...o } = e, { transformValues: r } = t, l = (function (e, t, n) { const a = {}; for (const i in e) { const e = yh(i, t); if (void 0 !== e) a[i] = e; else { const e = n.getValue(i); e && (a[i] = e.get()); } } return a; })(o, a || {}, this); if ((r && (i && (i = r(i)), o && (o = r(o)), l && (l = r(l))), n)) { !(function (e, t, n) { var a, i; const o = Object.keys(t).filter(t => !e.hasValue(t)), r = o.length; if (r) for (let l = 0; l < r; l++) { const r = o[l], s = t[r]; let c = null; Array.isArray(s) && (c = s[0]), null === c && (c = null !== (i = null !== (a = n[r]) && void 0 !== a ? a : e.readValue(r)) && void 0 !== i ? i : t[r]), void 0 !== c && null !== c && ('string' === typeof c && (ih(c) || Jm(c)) ? (c = parseFloat(c)) : !fh(c) && om.test(s) && (c = Qm(r, s)), e.addValue(r, dh(c, { owner: e })), void 0 === n[r] && (n[r] = c), null !== c && e.setBaseTarget(r, c)); } })(this, o, l); const e = Ug(this, o, l, i); (i = e.transitionEnd), (o =; } return { transition: a, transitionEnd: i, ...o }; } } class qg extends Kg { readValueFromInstance(e, t) { if (Sd.has(t)) { const e = Ym(t); return (e && e.default) || 0; } { const a = ((n = e), window.getComputedStyle(n)), i = (Pd(t) ? a.getPropertyValue(t) : a[t]) || 0; return 'string' === typeof i ? i.trim() : i; } var n; } measureInstanceViewportBox(e, t) { let { transformPagePoint: n } = t; return wf(e, n); } build(e, t, n, a) { Qd(e, t, n, a.transformTemplate); } scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(e, t) { return xu(e, t); } handleChildMotionValue() { this.childSubscription && (this.childSubscription(), delete this.childSubscription); const { children: e } = this.props; _d(e) && (this.childSubscription = e.on('change', e => { this.current && (this.current.textContent = ''.concat(e)); })); } renderInstance(e, t, n, a) { gu(e, t, n, a); } } class Yg extends Kg { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.isSVGTag = !1); } getBaseTargetFromProps(e, t) { return e[t]; } readValueFromInstance(e, t) { if (Sd.has(t)) { const e = Ym(t); return (e && e.default) || 0; } return (t = wu.has(t) ? t : fu(t)), e.getAttribute(t); } measureInstanceViewportBox() { return Qh(); } scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(e, t) { return bu(e, t); } build(e, t, n, a) { du(e, t, n, this.isSVGTag, a.transformTemplate); } renderInstance(e, t, n, a) { yu(e, t, 0, a); } mount(e) { (this.isSVGTag = pu(e.tagName)), super.mount(e); } } const Qg = (e, t) => vd(e) ? new Yg(t, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !1 }) : new qg(t, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !0 }), Jg = { ...Th, ...rp, ...Eg, ...{ layout: { ProjectionNode: Sg, MeasureLayout: _f } }, }, ew = bd((e, t) => (function (e, t, n, a) { let { forwardMotionProps: i = !1 } = t; return { ...(vd(e) ? Lu : Ou), preloadedFeatures: n, useRender: hu(i), createVisualElement: a, Component: e, }; })(e, t, Jg, Qg), ); var tw = new Set([ ...Nn, 'textStyle', 'layerStyle', 'apply', 'noOfLines', 'focusBorderColor', 'errorBorderColor', 'as', '__css', 'css', 'sx', ]), nw = new Set(['htmlWidth', 'htmlHeight', 'htmlSize', 'htmlTranslate']); function aw(e) { return nw.has(e) || !tw.has(e); } var iw, ow = /^((children|dangerouslySetInnerHTML|key|ref|autoFocus|defaultValue|defaultChecked|innerHTML|suppressContentEditableWarning|suppressHydrationWarning|valueLink|abbr|accept|acceptCharset|accessKey|action|allow|allowUserMedia|allowPaymentRequest|allowFullScreen|allowTransparency|alt|async|autoComplete|autoPlay|capture|cellPadding|cellSpacing|challenge|charSet|checked|cite|classID|className|cols|colSpan|content|contentEditable|contextMenu|controls|controlsList|coords|crossOrigin|data|dateTime|decoding|default|defer|dir|disabled|disablePictureInPicture|download|draggable|encType|enterKeyHint|form|formAction|formEncType|formMethod|formNoValidate|formTarget|frameBorder|headers|height|hidden|high|href|hrefLang|htmlFor|httpEquiv|id|inputMode|integrity|is|keyParams|keyType|kind|label|lang|list|loading|loop|low|marginHeight|marginWidth|max|maxLength|media|mediaGroup|method|min|minLength|multiple|muted|name|nonce|noValidate|open|optimum|pattern|placeholder|playsInline|poster|preload|profile|radioGroup|readOnly|referrerPolicy|rel|required|reversed|role|rows|rowSpan|sandbox|scope|scoped|scrolling|seamless|selected|shape|size|sizes|slot|span|spellCheck|src|srcDoc|srcLang|srcSet|start|step|style|summary|tabIndex|target|title|translate|type|useMap|value|width|wmode|wrap|about|datatype|inlist|prefix|property|resource|typeof|vocab|autoCapitalize|autoCorrect|autoSave|color|incremental|fallback|inert|itemProp|itemScope|itemType|itemID|itemRef|on|option|results|security|unselectable|accentHeight|accumulate|additive|alignmentBaseline|allowReorder|alphabetic|amplitude|arabicForm|ascent|attributeName|attributeType|autoReverse|azimuth|baseFrequency|baselineShift|baseProfile|bbox|begin|bias|by|calcMode|capHeight|clip|clipPathUnits|clipPath|clipRule|colorInterpolation|colorInterpolationFilters|colorProfile|colorRendering|contentScriptType|contentStyleType|cursor|cx|cy|d|decelerate|descent|diffuseConstant|direction|display|divisor|dominantBaseline|dur|dx|dy|edgeMode|elevation|enableBackground|end|exponent|externalResourcesRequired|fill|fillOpacity|fillRule|filter|filterRes|filterUnits|floodColor|floodOpacity|focusable|fontFamily|fontSize|fontSizeAdjust|fontStretch|fontStyle|fontVariant|fontWeight|format|from|fr|fx|fy|g1|g2|glyphName|glyphOrientationHorizontal|glyphOrientationVertical|glyphRef|gradientTransform|gradientUnits|hanging|horizAdvX|horizOriginX|ideographic|imageRendering|in|in2|intercept|k|k1|k2|k3|k4|kernelMatrix|kernelUnitLength|kerning|keyPoints|keySplines|keyTimes|lengthAdjust|letterSpacing|lightingColor|limitingConeAngle|local|markerEnd|markerMid|markerStart|markerHeight|markerUnits|markerWidth|mask|maskContentUnits|maskUnits|mathematical|mode|numOctaves|offset|opacity|operator|order|orient|orientation|origin|overflow|overlinePosition|overlineThickness|panose1|paintOrder|pathLength|patternContentUnits|patternTransform|patternUnits|pointerEvents|points|pointsAtX|pointsAtY|pointsAtZ|preserveAlpha|preserveAspectRatio|primitiveUnits|r|radius|refX|refY|renderingIntent|repeatCount|repeatDur|requiredExtensions|requiredFeatures|restart|result|rotate|rx|ry|scale|seed|shapeRendering|slope|spacing|specularConstant|specularExponent|speed|spreadMethod|startOffset|stdDeviation|stemh|stemv|stitchTiles|stopColor|stopOpacity|strikethroughPosition|strikethroughThickness|string|stroke|strokeDasharray|strokeDashoffset|strokeLinecap|strokeLinejoin|strokeMiterlimit|strokeOpacity|strokeWidth|surfaceScale|systemLanguage|tableValues|targetX|targetY|textAnchor|textDecoration|textRendering|textLength|to|transform|u1|u2|underlinePosition|underlineThickness|unicode|unicodeBidi|unicodeRange|unitsPerEm|vAlphabetic|vHanging|vIdeographic|vMathematical|values|vectorEffect|version|vertAdvY|vertOriginX|vertOriginY|viewBox|viewTarget|visibility|widths|wordSpacing|writingMode|x|xHeight|x1|x2|xChannelSelector|xlinkActuate|xlinkArcrole|xlinkHref|xlinkRole|xlinkShow|xlinkTitle|xlinkType|xmlBase|xmlns|xmlnsXlink|xmlLang|xmlSpace|y|y1|y2|yChannelSelector|z|zoomAndPan|for|class|autofocus)|(([Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]|[Aa][Rr][Ii][Aa]|x)-.*))$/, rw = ge(function (e) { return ( ow.test(e) || (111 === e.charCodeAt(0) && 110 === e.charCodeAt(1) && e.charCodeAt(2) < 91) ); }), lw = function (e) { return 'theme' !== e; }, sw = function (e) { return 'string' === typeof e && e.charCodeAt(0) > 96 ? rw : lw; }, cw = function (e, t, n) { var a; if (t) { var i = t.shouldForwardProp; a = e.__emotion_forwardProp && i ? function (t) { return e.__emotion_forwardProp(t) && i(t); } : i; } return 'function' !== typeof a && n && (a = e.__emotion_forwardProp), a; }, dw = function (e) { var t = e.cache, n = e.serialized, a = e.isStringTag; return ( Ne(t, n, a), Ce(function () { return Le(t, n, a); }), null ); }, uw = function t(n, a) { var i, o, r = n.__emotion_real === n, l = (r && n.__emotion_base) || n; void 0 !== a && ((i = a.label), (o =; var s = cw(n, a, r), c = s || sw(l), d = !c('as'); return function () { var u = arguments, p = r && void 0 !== n.__emotion_styles ? n.__emotion_styles.slice(0) : []; if ( (void 0 !== i && p.push('label:' + i + ';'), null == u[0] || void 0 === u[0].raw) ) p.push.apply(p, u); else { 0, p.push(u[0][0]); for (var m = u.length, h = 1; h < m; h++) p.push(u[h], u[0][h]); } var f = Pe(function (t, n, a) { var i = (d && || l, r = '', u = [], m = t; if (null == t.theme) { for (var h in ((m = {}), t)) m[h] = t[h]; m.theme = e.useContext(Ae); } 'string' === typeof t.className ? (r = (function (e, t, n) { var a = ''; return ( n.split(' ').forEach(function (n) { void 0 !== e[n] ? t.push(e[n] + ';') : (a += n + ' '); }), a ); })(n.registered, u, t.className)) : null != t.className && (r = t.className + ' '); var f = Ee(p.concat(u), n.registered, m); (r += n.key + '-' +, void 0 !== o && (r += ' ' + o); var g = d && void 0 === s ? sw(i) : c, w = {}; for (var y in t) (d && 'as' === y) || (g(y) && (w[y] = t[y])); return ( (w.className = r), (w.ref = a), e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, e.createElement(dw, { cache: n, serialized: f, isStringTag: 'string' === typeof i, }), e.createElement(i, w), ) ); }); return ( (f.displayName = void 0 !== i ? i : 'Styled(' + ('string' === typeof l ? l : l.displayName || || 'Component') + ')'), (f.defaultProps = n.defaultProps), (f.__emotion_real = f), (f.__emotion_base = l), (f.__emotion_styles = p), (f.__emotion_forwardProp = s), Object.defineProperty(f, 'toString', { value: function () { return '.' + o; }, }), (f.withComponent = function (e, n) { return t( e, me({}, a, n, { shouldForwardProp: cw(f, n, !0) }), ).apply(void 0, p); }), f ); }; }.bind(); [ 'a', 'abbr', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'base', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'keygen', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'meter', 'nav', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'param', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'small', 'source', 'span', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr', 'circle', 'clipPath', 'defs', 'ellipse', 'foreignObject', 'g', 'image', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'mask', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialGradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'svg', 'text', 'tspan', ].forEach(function (e) { uw[e] = uw(e); }); var pw = null != (iw = uw.default) ? iw : uw, mw = e => { let { baseStyle: t } = e; return e => { const { theme: n, css: a, __css: i, sx: o, ...r } = e, l = $n(r, (e, t) => On(t)), s = (function (e) { if (null == e) throw new TypeError( 'Cannot convert undefined or null to object', ); const t = { ...e }; for ( var n = arguments.length, a = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++ ) a[i - 1] = arguments[i]; for (const o of a) if (null != o) for (const e in o), e) && (e in t && delete t[e], (t[e] = o[e])); return t; })({}, i, Kn(t, e), Xn(l), o), c = Wn(s)(e.theme); return a ? [c, a] : c; }; }; function hw(t, n) { const { baseStyle: a, ...i } = null != n ? n : {}; i.shouldForwardProp || (i.shouldForwardProp = aw); const o = mw({ baseStyle: a }), r = pw(t, i)(o); return e.forwardRef(function (t, n) { const { colorMode: a, forced: i } = Ye(); return e.createElement(r, { ref: n, 'data-theme': i ? a : void 0, ...t }); }); } var fw = (function () { const e = new Map(); return new Proxy(hw, { apply: (e, t, n) => hw(...n), get: (t, n) => (e.has(n) || e.set(n, hw(n)), e.get(n)), }); })(), gw = { initial: e => { const { position: t } = e, n = ['top', 'bottom'].includes(t) ? 'y' : 'x'; let a = ['top-right', 'bottom-right'].includes(t) ? 1 : -1; return 'bottom' === t && (a = 1), { opacity: 0, [n]: 24 * a }; }, animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0, x: 0, scale: 1, transition: { duration: 0.4, ease: [0.4, 0, 0.2, 1] }, }, exit: { opacity: 0, scale: 0.85, transition: { duration: 0.2, ease: [0.4, 0, 1, 1] }, }, }, ww = (0, e.memo)(t => { const { id: n, message: a, onCloseComplete: i, onRequestRemove: o, requestClose: r = !1, position: l = 'bottom', duration: s = 5e3, containerStyle: c, motionVariants: d = gw, toastSpacing: u = '0.5rem', } = t, [p, m] = (0, e.useState)(s), h = Qc(); Kc(() => { h || null == i || i(); }, [h]), Kc(() => { m(s); }, [s]); const f = () => { h && o(); }; (0, e.useEffect)(() => { h && r && o(); }, [h, r, o]), (function (t, n) { const a = Xc(t); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { if (null == n) return; let e = null; return ( (e = window.setTimeout(() => { a(); }, n)), () => { e && window.clearTimeout(e); } ); }, [n, a]); })(f, p); const g = (0, e.useMemo)( () => ({ pointerEvents: 'auto', maxWidth: 560, minWidth: 300, margin: u, ...c, }), [c, u], ), w = (0, e.useMemo)( () => (function (e) { let t = 'center'; return ( e.includes('right') && (t = 'flex-end'), e.includes('left') && (t = 'flex-start'), { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: t, } ); })(l), [l], ); return (0, We.jsx)(ew.div, { layout: !0, className: 'chakra-toast', variants: d, initial: 'initial', animate: 'animate', exit: 'exit', onHoverStart: () => m(null), onHoverEnd: () => m(s), custom: { position: l }, style: w, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { role: 'status', 'aria-atomic': 'true', className: 'chakra-toast__inner', __css: g, children: tt(a, { id: n, onClose: f }), }), }); }); function yw(t) { return (0, e.forwardRef)(t); } function xw() { const t = (0, e.useContext)(Ae); if (!t) throw Error( 'useTheme: `theme` is undefined. Seems you forgot to wrap your app in `<ChakraProvider />` or `<ThemeProvider />`', ); return t; } function bw(e, t, n) { const a = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t], i = Array.isArray(n) ? n : [n]; return n => { const o = i.filter(Boolean), r =, a) => { var i, r; if ('breakpoints' === e) return (function (e, t, n) { var a, i; if (null == t) return t; const o = t => { var n, a; return null == (a = null == (n = e.__breakpoints) ? void 0 : n.asArray) ? void 0 : a[t]; }; return null != (i = null != (a = o(t)) ? a : o(n)) ? i : n; })(n, t, null != (i = o[a]) ? i : t); const l = ''.concat(e, '.').concat(t); return (function (e, t, n) { var a, i; if (null == t) return t; const o = t => { var n, a; return null == (a = null == (n = e.__cssMap) ? void 0 : n[t]) ? void 0 : a.value; }; return null != (i = null != (a = o(t)) ? a : o(n)) ? i : n; })(n, l, null != (r = o[a]) ? r : t); }); return Array.isArray(t) ? r : r[0]; }; } ww.displayName = 'ToastComponent'; var zw = n(77); function vw(t) { let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; var a; const { styleConfig: i, ...o } = n, { theme: r, colorMode: l } = { ...Ye(), theme: xw() }, s = t ? Zn(r, 'components.'.concat(t)) : void 0, c = i || s, d = ot( { theme: r, colorMode: l }, null != (a = null == c ? void 0 : c.defaultProps) ? a : {}, Xn( (function (e, t) { const n = {}; return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(a => { t.includes(a) || (n[a] = e[a]); }), n ); })(o, ['children']), ), ), u = (0, e.useRef)({}); if (c) { const e = (function (e) { return t => { var n; const { variant: a, size: i, theme: o } = t, r = Hn(o); return ot( {}, tt(null != (n = e.baseStyle) ? n : {}, t), r(e, 'sizes', i, t), r(e, 'variants', a, t), ); }; })(c), t = e(d); zw(u.current, t) || (u.current = t); } return u.current; } function kw(e) { return vw( e, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, ); } function jw(e) { return vw( e, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, ); } var Sw = { path: (0, We.jsxs)('g', { stroke: 'currentColor', strokeWidth: '1.5', children: [ (0, We.jsx)('path', { strokeLinecap: 'round', fill: 'none', d: 'M9,9a3,3,0,1,1,4,2.829,1.5,1.5,0,0,0-1,1.415V14.25', }), (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', strokeLinecap: 'round', d: 'M12,17.25a.375.375,0,1,0,.375.375A.375.375,0,0,0,12,17.25h0', }), (0, We.jsx)('circle', { fill: 'none', strokeMiterlimit: '10', cx: '12', cy: '12', r: '11.25', }), ], }), viewBox: '0 0 24 24', }, Ew = yw((e, t) => { const { as: n, viewBox: a, color: i = 'currentColor', focusable: o = !1, children: r, className: l, __css: s, ...c } = e, d = { ref: t, focusable: o, className: Qe('chakra-icon', l), __css: { w: '1em', h: '1em', display: 'inline-block', lineHeight: '1em', flexShrink: 0, color: i, ...s,'Icon', e), }, }, u = null != a ? a : Sw.viewBox; if (n && 'string' !== typeof n) return (0, We.jsx)(fw.svg, { as: n, ...d, ...c }); const p = null != r ? r : Sw.path; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.svg, { verticalAlign: 'middle', viewBox: u, ...d, ...c, children: p, }); }); Ew.displayName = 'Icon'; function _w(e) { return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', ...e, children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M11.983,0a12.206,12.206,0,0,0-8.51,3.653A11.8,11.8,0,0,0,0,12.207,11.779,11.779,0,0,0,11.8,24h.214A12.111,12.111,0,0,0,24,11.791h0A11.766,11.766,0,0,0,11.983,0ZM10.5,16.542a1.476,1.476,0,0,1,1.449-1.53h.027a1.527,1.527,0,0,1,1.523,1.47,1.475,1.475,0,0,1-1.449,1.53h-.027A1.529,1.529,0,0,1,10.5,16.542ZM11,12.5v-6a1,1,0,0,1,2,0v6a1,1,0,1,1-2,0Z', }), }); } var Cw = (function () { var e = Me.apply(void 0, arguments), t = 'animation-' +; return { name: t, styles: '@keyframes ' + t + '{' + e.styles + '}', anim: 1, toString: function () { return '_EMO_' + + '_' + this.styles + '_EMO_'; }, }; })({ '0%': { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' }, '100%': { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' }, }), Iw = yw((e, t) => { const n = kw('Spinner', e), { label: a = 'Loading...', thickness: i = '2px', speed: o = '0.45s', emptyColor: r = 'transparent', className: l, ...s } = Gn(e), c = Qe('chakra-spinner', l), d = { display: 'inline-block', borderColor: 'currentColor', borderStyle: 'solid', borderRadius: '99999px', borderWidth: i, borderBottomColor: r, borderLeftColor: r, animation: ''.concat(Cw, ' ').concat(o, ' linear infinite'), ...n, }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, __css: d, className: c, ...s, children: a && (0, We.jsx)(fw.span, { srOnly: !0, children: a }), }); }); Iw.displayName = 'Spinner'; var [Tw, Pw] = Ze({ name: 'AlertContext', hookName: 'useAlertContext', providerName: '<Alert />', }), [Aw, Rw] = Ze({ name: 'AlertStylesContext', hookName: 'useAlertStyles', providerName: '<Alert />', }), Dw = { info: { icon: function (e) { return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', ...e, children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M12,0A12,12,0,1,0,24,12,12.013,12.013,0,0,0,12,0Zm.25,5a1.5,1.5,0,1,1-1.5,1.5A1.5,1.5,0,0,1,12.25,5ZM14.5,18.5h-4a1,1,0,0,1,0-2h.75a.25.25,0,0,0,.25-.25v-4.5a.25.25,0,0,0-.25-.25H10.5a1,1,0,0,1,0-2h1a2,2,0,0,1,2,2v4.75a.25.25,0,0,0,.25.25h.75a1,1,0,1,1,0,2Z', }), }); }, colorScheme: 'blue', }, warning: { icon: _w, colorScheme: 'orange' }, success: { icon: function (e) { return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', ...e, children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M12,0A12,12,0,1,0,24,12,12.014,12.014,0,0,0,12,0Zm6.927,8.2-6.845,9.289a1.011,1.011,0,0,1-1.43.188L5.764,13.769a1,1,0,1,1,1.25-1.562l4.076,3.261,6.227-8.451A1,1,0,1,1,18.927,8.2Z', }), }); }, colorScheme: 'green', }, error: { icon: _w, colorScheme: 'red' }, loading: { icon: Iw, colorScheme: 'blue' }, }; var Nw = yw(function (e, t) { var n; const { status: a = 'info', addRole: i = !0, ...o } = Gn(e), r = null != (n = e.colorScheme) ? n : (function (e) { return Dw[e].colorScheme; })(a), l = jw('Alert', { ...e, colorScheme: r }), s = { width: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', ...l.container, }; return (0, We.jsx)(Tw, { value: { status: a }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Aw, { value: l, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { 'data-status': a, role: i ? 'alert' : void 0, ref: t, ...o, className: Qe('chakra-alert', e.className), __css: s }) }) }); }); function Lw(e) { const { status: t } = Pw(), n = (function (e) { return Dw[e].icon; })(t), a = Rw(), i = 'loading' === t ? a.spinner : a.icon; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.span, { display: 'inherit', 'data-status': t, ...e, className: Qe('chakra-alert__icon', e.className), __css: i, children: e.children || (0, We.jsx)(n, { h: '100%', w: '100%' }), }); } (Nw.displayName = 'Alert'), (Lw.displayName = 'AlertIcon'); var Ow = yw(function (e, t) { const n = Rw(), { status: a } = Pw(); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, 'data-status': a, ...e, className: Qe('chakra-alert__title', e.className), __css: n.title }); }); Ow.displayName = 'AlertTitle'; var Mw = yw(function (e, t) { const n = Rw(), { status: a } = Pw(), i = { display: 'inline', ...n.description }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, 'data-status': a, ...e, className: Qe('chakra-alert__desc', e.className), __css: i }); }); function Bw(e) { return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { focusable: 'false', 'aria-hidden': !0, ...e, children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M.439,21.44a1.5,1.5,0,0,0,2.122,2.121L11.823,14.3a.25.25,0,0,1,.354,0l9.262,9.263a1.5,1.5,0,1,0,2.122-2.121L14.3,12.177a.25.25,0,0,1,0-.354l9.263-9.262A1.5,1.5,0,0,0,21.439.44L12.177,9.7a.25.25,0,0,1-.354,0L2.561.44A1.5,1.5,0,0,0,.439,2.561L9.7,11.823a.25.25,0,0,1,0,.354Z', }), }); } Mw.displayName = 'AlertDescription'; var Uw = yw(function (e, t) { const n = kw('CloseButton', e), { children: a, isDisabled: i, __css: o, ...r } = Gn(e); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.button, { type: 'button', 'aria-label': 'Close', ref: t, disabled: i, __css: { outline: 0, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexShrink: 0, ...n, ...o }, ...r, children: a || (0, We.jsx)(Bw, { width: '1em', height: '1em' }) }); }); Uw.displayName = 'CloseButton'; var Ww = (function (e) { let t = e; const n = new Set(), a = e => { (t = e(t)), n.forEach(e => e()); }; return { getState: () => t, subscribe: t => ( n.add(t), () => { a(() => e), n.delete(t); } ), removeToast: (e, t) => { a(n => ({ ...n, [t]: n[t].filter(t => != e) })); }, notify: (e, t) => { const n = (function (e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; var n, a; Vw += 1; const i = null != (n = ? n : Vw, o = null != (a = t.position) ? a : 'bottom'; return { id: i, message: e, position: o, duration: t.duration, onCloseComplete: t.onCloseComplete, onRequestRemove: () => Ww.removeToast(String(i), o), status: t.status, requestClose: !1, containerStyle: t.containerStyle, }; })(e, t), { position: i, id: o } = n; return ( a(e => { var t, a; const o = i.includes('top') ? [n, ...(null != (t = e[i]) ? t : [])] : [...(null != (a = e[i]) ? a : []), n]; return { ...e, [i]: o }; }), o ); }, update: (e, t) => { e && a(n => { const a = { ...n }, { position: i, index: o } = Gc(a, e); return ( i && -1 !== o && (a[i][o] = { ...a[i][o], ...t, message: Hw(t) }), a ); }); }, closeAll: function () { let { positions: e } = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; a(t => (null != e ? e : [ 'bottom', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top', 'top-left', 'top-right', ] ).reduce( (e, n) => ( (e[n] = t[n].map(e => ({ ...e, requestClose: !0 }))), e ), { ...t }, ), ); }, close: e => { a(t => { const n = Zc(t, e); return n ? { ...t, [n]: t[n].map(t => == e ? { ...t, requestClose: !0 } : t, ), } : t; }); }, isActive: e => Boolean(Gc(Ww.getState(), e).position), }; })({ top: [], 'top-left': [], 'top-right': [], 'bottom-left': [], bottom: [], 'bottom-right': [], }); var Vw = 0; var Fw = e => { const { status: t, variant: n = 'solid', id: a, title: i, isClosable: o, onClose: r, description: l, colorScheme: s, icon: c, } = e, d = a ? { root: 'toast-'.concat(a), title: 'toast-'.concat(a, '-title'), description: 'toast-'.concat(a, '-description'), } : void 0; return (0, We.jsxs)(Nw, { addRole: !1, status: t, variant: n, id: null == d ? void 0 : d.root, alignItems: 'start', borderRadius: 'md', boxShadow: 'lg', paddingEnd: 8, textAlign: 'start', width: 'auto', colorScheme: s, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lw, { children: c }), (0, We.jsxs)(fw.div, { flex: '1', maxWidth: '100%', children: [ i && (0, We.jsx)(Ow, { id: null == d ? void 0 : d.title, children: i, }), l && (0, We.jsx)(Mw, { id: null == d ? void 0 : d.description, display: 'block', children: l, }), ], }), o && (0, We.jsx)(Uw, { size: 'sm', onClick: r, position: 'absolute', insetEnd: 1, top: 1, }), ], }); }; function Hw() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { render: t, toastComponent: n = Fw } = e; return a => 'function' === typeof t ? t({ ...a, ...e }) : (0, We.jsx)(n, { ...a, ...e }); } function Gw() { const t = (0, e.useRef)(!1); return ( nd( () => ( (t.current = !0), () => { t.current = !1; } ), [], ), t ); } class Zw extends e.Component { getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(e) { const t = this.props.childRef.current; if (t && e.isPresent && !this.props.isPresent) { const e = this.props.sizeRef.current; (e.height = t.offsetHeight || 0), (e.width = t.offsetWidth || 0), ( = t.offsetTop), (e.left = t.offsetLeft); } return null; } componentDidUpdate() {} render() { return this.props.children; } } function $w(t) { let { children: n, isPresent: a } = t; const i = (0, e.useId)(), o = (0, e.useRef)(null), r = (0, e.useRef)({ width: 0, height: 0, top: 0, left: 0 }); return ( (0, e.useInsertionEffect)(() => { const { width: e, height: t, top: n, left: l } = r.current; if (a || !o.current || !e || !t) return; o.current.dataset.motionPopId = i; const s = document.createElement('style'); return ( document.head.appendChild(s), s.sheet && s.sheet.insertRule( '\n [data-motion-pop-id="' .concat( i, '"] {\n position: absolute !important;\n width: ', ) .concat(e, 'px !important;\n height: ') .concat(t, 'px !important;\n top: ') .concat(n, 'px !important;\n left: ') .concat(l, 'px !important;\n }\n '), ), () => { document.head.removeChild(s); } ); }, [a]), e.createElement( Zw, { isPresent: a, childRef: o, sizeRef: r }, e.cloneElement(n, { ref: o }), ) ); } const Xw = t => { let { children: n, initial: a, isPresent: i, onExitComplete: o, custom: r, presenceAffectsLayout: l, mode: s, } = t; const c = vu(Kw), d = (0, e.useId)(), u = (0, e.useMemo)( () => ({ id: d, initial: a, isPresent: i, custom: r, onExitComplete: e => { c.set(e, !0); for (const t of c.values()) if (!t) return; o && o(); }, register: e => (c.set(e, !1), () => c.delete(e)), }), l ? void 0 : [i], ); return ( (0, e.useMemo)(() => { c.forEach((e, t) => c.set(t, !1)); }, [i]), e.useEffect(() => { !i && !c.size && o && o(); }, [i]), 'popLayout' === s && (n = e.createElement($w, { isPresent: i }, n)), e.createElement(qc.Provider, { value: u }, n) ); }; function Kw() { return new Map(); } const qw = e => e.key || ''; const Yw = t => { let { children: n, custom: a, initial: i = !0, onExitComplete: o, exitBeforeEnter: r, presenceAffectsLayout: l = !0, mode: s = 'sync', } = t; up(!r, "Replace exitBeforeEnter with mode='wait'"); const c = (0, e.useContext)(fd).forceRender || (function () { const t = Gw(), [n, a] = (0, e.useState)(0), i = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { t.current && a(n + 1); }, [n]); return [(0, e.useCallback)(() => Au.postRender(i), [i]), n]; })()[0], d = Gw(), u = (function (t) { const n = []; return ( e.Children.forEach(t, t => { (0, e.isValidElement)(t) && n.push(t); }), n ); })(n); let p = u; const m = (0, e.useRef)(new Map()).current, h = (0, e.useRef)(p), f = (0, e.useRef)(new Map()).current, g = (0, e.useRef)(!0); var w; if ( (nd(() => { (g.current = !1), (function (e, t) { e.forEach(e => { const n = qw(e); t.set(n, e); }); })(u, f), (h.current = p); }), (w = () => { (g.current = !0), f.clear(), m.clear(); }), (0, e.useEffect)(() => () => w(), []), g.current) ) return e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, => e.createElement( Xw, { key: qw(t), isPresent: !0, initial: !!i && void 0, presenceAffectsLayout: l, mode: s, }, t, ), ), ); p = [...p]; const y =, x =, b = y.length; for (let e = 0; e < b; e++) { const t = y[e]; -1 !== x.indexOf(t) || m.has(t) || m.set(t, void 0); } return ( 'wait' === s && m.size && (p = []), m.forEach((t, n) => { if (-1 !== x.indexOf(n)) return; const i = f.get(n); if (!i) return; const r = y.indexOf(n); let g = t; if (!g) { const t = () => { f.delete(n), m.delete(n); const e = h.current.findIndex(e => e.key === n); if ((h.current.splice(e, 1), !m.size)) { if (((h.current = u), !1 === d.current)) return; c(), o && o(); } }; (g = e.createElement( Xw, { key: qw(i), isPresent: !1, onExitComplete: t, custom: a, presenceAffectsLayout: l, mode: s, }, i, )), m.set(n, g); } p.splice(r, 0, g); }), (p = => { const n = t.key; return m.has(n) ? t : e.createElement( Xw, { key: qw(t), isPresent: !0, presenceAffectsLayout: l, mode: s, }, t, ); })), e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, m.size ? p : => (0, e.cloneElement)(t)), ) ); }; var Qw = n(164), [Jw, ey] = Ze({ strict: !1, name: 'PortalContext' }), ty = 'chakra-portal', ny = e => (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'chakra-portal-zIndex', style: { position: 'absolute', zIndex: e.zIndex, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, }, children: e.children, }), ay = t => { const { appendToParentPortal: n, children: a } = t, [i, o] = (0, e.useState)(null), r = (0, e.useRef)(null), [, l] = (0, e.useState)({}); (0, e.useEffect)(() => l({}), []); const s = ey(), c = Xe(); sa(() => { if (!i) return; const e = i.ownerDocument, t = n && null != s ? s : e.body; if (!t) return; (r.current = e.createElement('div')), (r.current.className = ty), t.appendChild(r.current), l({}); const a = r.current; return () => { t.contains(a) && t.removeChild(a); }; }, [i]); const d = (null == c ? void 0 : c.zIndex) ? (0, We.jsx)(ny, { zIndex: null == c ? void 0 : c.zIndex, children: a, }) : a; return r.current ? (0, Qw.createPortal)( (0, We.jsx)(Jw, { value: r.current, children: d }), r.current, ) : (0, We.jsx)('span', { ref: e => { e && o(e); }, }); }, iy = t => { const { children: n, containerRef: a, appendToParentPortal: i } = t, o = a.current, r = null != o ? o : 'undefined' !== typeof window ? document.body : void 0, l = (0, e.useMemo)(() => { const e = null == o ? void 0 : o.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); return e && (e.className = ty), e; }, [o]), [, s] = (0, e.useState)({}); return ( sa(() => s({}), []), sa(() => { if (l && r) return ( r.appendChild(l), () => { r.removeChild(l); } ); }, [l, r]), r && l ? (0, Qw.createPortal)( (0, We.jsx)(Jw, { value: i ? l : null, children: n }), l, ) : null ); }; function oy(e) { const t = { appendToParentPortal: !0, ...e }, { containerRef: n, ...a } = t; return n ? (0, We.jsx)(iy, { containerRef: n, ...a }) : (0, We.jsx)(ay, { ...a }); } (oy.className = ty), (oy.selector = '.chakra-portal'), (oy.displayName = 'Portal'); var [ry, ly] = Ze({ name: 'ToastOptionsContext', strict: !1 }), sy = t => { const n = (0, e.useSyncExternalStore)( Ww.subscribe, Ww.getState, Ww.getState, ), { motionVariants: a, component: i = ww, portalProps: o } = t, r = Object.keys(n).map(e => { const t = n[e]; return (0, We.jsx)( 'div', { role: 'region', 'aria-live': 'polite', 'aria-label': 'Notifications-'.concat(e), id: 'chakra-toast-manager-'.concat(e), style: $c(e), children: (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { initial: !1, children: => (0, We.jsx)(i, { motionVariants: a, ...e },, ), }), }, e, ); }); return (0, We.jsx)(oy, { ...o, children: r }); }, cy = e => function (t) { let { children: n, theme: a = e, toastOptions: i, ...o } = t; return (0, We.jsxs)(ha, { theme: a, ...o, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(ry, { value: null == i ? void 0 : i.defaultOptions, children: n, }), (0, We.jsx)(sy, { ...i }), ], }); }, dy = cy(Vc), uy = (cy(Fc), [ 'borders', 'breakpoints', 'colors', 'components', 'config', 'direction', 'fonts', 'fontSizes', 'fontWeights', 'letterSpacings', 'lineHeights', 'radii', 'shadows', 'sizes', 'space', 'styles', 'transition', 'zIndices', ]); function py(e) { return 'function' === typeof e; } var my = e => function () { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; let i = [...n], o = n[n.length - 1]; var r; return ( Je((r = o)) && uy.every(e =>, e)) && i.length > 1 ? (i = i.slice(0, i.length - 1)) : (o = e), (function () { for ( var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++ ) t[n] = arguments[n]; return e => t.reduce((e, t) => t(e), e); })( e => t => py(e) ? e(t) : (function () { for ( var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++ ) t[n] = arguments[n]; return ot({}, ...t, fy); })(t, e), ), )(o) ); }, hy = my(Vc); my(Fc); function fy(e, t, n, a) { if ((py(e) || py(t)) &&, n)) return function () { const n = py(e) ? e(...arguments) : e, a = py(t) ? t(...arguments) : t; return ot({}, n, a, fy); }; } const gy = { baseStyle: { h1: { fontSize: { base: '36px', md: '54px' }, lineHeight: { base: '42px', md: '69px' }, fontWeight: '600', }, h2: { fontSize: { base: '26px', sm: '30px', md: '30px' }, lineHeight: { base: '1.5', sm: '37px', md: '48px' }, fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'center', }, h3: { fontSize: { base: '21px', sm: '21px' }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '31.5px', textAlign: 'center', }, h4: { fontSize: { base: '16px', sm: '18px' }, lineHeight: '27px' }, }, variants: { label: { color: 'dark.5', fontSize: { base: '24px', md: '26px' }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: { base: '36px', md: '30px' }, textAlign: 'center', }, }, }, wy = hy({ fonts: { heading: "'Poppins', Arial, sans-serif", body: "'Poppins', Arial, sans-serif", }, colors: { primary: '#1AAC7A', dark: { 1: '#EEEEEE', 2: '#C8C8C8', 3: '#818181', 4: '#515151', 5: '#171717', }, white: '#FFFFFF', red: { 50: '#FDE8E7', 100: '#FAC7C3', 200: '#F6A19B', 300: '#F27B73', 400: '#F05F55', 500: '#ED4337', 600: '#EB3D31', 700: '#E8342A', 800: '#E52C23', 900: '#E01E16', }, yellow: { 50: '#FFFCE7', 100: '#FEF8C2', 200: '#FDF39A', 300: '#FCEE71', 400: '#FCEB52', 500: '#FBE734', 600: '#FAE42F', 700: '#FAE027', 800: '#F9DD21', 900: '#F8D715', }, orange: { 25: '#FFF9EB', 50: '#FFF6E0', 100: '#FFE9B3', 200: '#FFDA80', 300: '#FFCB4D', 400: '#FFBF26', 500: '#FFB400', 600: '#FFAD00', 700: '#FFA400', 800: '#FF9C00', 900: '#FF8C00', }, green: { 25: '#F4FAF3', 50: '#EEF7ED', 100: '#D5EBD2', 200: '#B9DDB4', 300: '#9CCF96', 400: '#87C580', 500: '#72BB69', 600: '#6AB561', 700: '#5FAC56', 800: '#55A44C', 900: '#42963B', }, brand: { 50: '#FFEAEA', 100: '#FFC9C9', 200: '#FFA6A6', 300: '#FF8282', 400: '#FF6767', 500: '#FF4C4C', 600: '#FF4545', 700: '#FF3C3C', 800: '#FF3333', 900: '#FF2424', }, secondary: { 25: '#EBF1F8', 50: '#E0EAF4', 100: '#B3CBE3', 200: '#80A8D0', 300: '#4D85BD', 400: '#266AAE', 500: '#0050A0', 600: '#004998', 700: '#00408E', 800: '#003784', 900: '#002773', }, gray: { 50: '#FAFAFA', 100: '#F5F5F5', 200: '#EEEEEE', 300: '#E0E0E0', 400: '#BDBDBD', 500: '#9E9E9E', 600: '#757575', 700: '#616161', 800: '#424242', 900: '#212121', }, success:, warning:, promo: Vc.colors.yellow, danger:, logoPrimary: '#FF3939', }, components: { Heading: { headingTheme: gy } }, }); const yy = function (e) { let { children: t } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(dy, { theme: wy, children: t }); }; var xy = fw('div'); xy.displayName = 'Box'; var by = yw(function (e, t) { const { size: n, centerContent: a = !0, ...i } = e, o = a ? { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' } : {}; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ref: t, boxSize: n, __css: { ...o, flexShrink: 0, flexGrow: 0 }, ...i }); }); by.displayName = 'Square'; var zy = yw(function (e, t) { const { size: n, ...a } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(by, { size: n, ref: t, borderRadius: '9999px', ...a }); }); function vy(e) { return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children: (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'test', children: 'Composer Page', }), }); } function ky(e) { return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children: (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'test', children: 'Case studies', }), }); } zy.displayName = 'Circle'; const jy = JSON.parse( '{"KX":[{"title":"Rozwi\u0144 potencja\u0142 swojego sklepu internetowego <span class=\\"d-block --green\\">Sprawd\u017a mo\u017cliwo\u015bci IdoSell</span>","tile":[{"title":"Gotowe integracje","content":"Posiadamy wbudowany system do obs\u0142ugi wielu magazyn\xf3w, zar\xf3wno w\u0142asnych, jak i dostawc\xf3w. Za pomoc\u0105 intuicyjnych narz\u0119dzi obs\u0142u\u017cysz zwroty, reklamacje i wystawisz niezb\u0119dne dokumenty sprzeda\u017cy.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}},{"title":"Wbudowany WMS","content":"Posiadamy wbudowany system do obs\u0142ugi wielu magazyn\xf3w, zar\xf3wno w\u0142asnych, jak i dostawc\xf3w. Za pomoc\u0105 intuicyjnych narz\u0119dzi obs\u0142u\u017cysz zwroty, reklamacje i wystawisz niezb\u0119dne dokumenty sprzeda\u017cy.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}},{"title":"Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa","content":"Rynek europejski jest w zasi\u0119gu r\u0119ki. Z IdoSell zyskujesz dost\u0119p do wbudowanych integracji z globalnymi partnerami.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}},{"title":"Sklep pod klucz","content":"Nasi eksperci spersonalizuj\u0105 sklep pod twoje potrzeby. Uruchomi\u0105 te integracje i funkcjonalno\u015bci, kt\xf3re s\u0105 najbardziej przydatne i pomog\u0105 ci w szybkim starcie sprzeda\u017cy na IdoSell. Z nami otrzymasz sklep gotowy do sprzeda\u017cy.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}},{"title":"Fulfillment","content":"W IdoSell znajdziesz integracje z najlepszymi partnerami logistycznymi, kt\xf3rzy zrealizuj\u0105 twoje zam\xf3wienia, obs\u0142u\u017c\u0105 zwroty, wynegocjuj\u0105 umowy z kurierami i b\u0119d\u0105 odpowiada\u0107 za pakowanie towar\xf3w.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}},{"title":"Bezpieczny sklep internetowy","content":"W IdoSell otrzymujesz najbezpieczniejszy system. Gwarantujemy Ci niezawodno\u015b\u0107 i dost\u0119pno\u015b\u0107 us\u0142ugi przez 99.98% czasu.","link":{"label":"Przejd\u017a","href":"#","target":"_blank"}}]}]}', ); var Sy = yw(function (e, t) { const { direction: n, align: a, justify: i, wrap: o, basis: r, grow: l, shrink: s, ...c } = e, d = { display: 'flex', flexDirection: n, alignItems: a, justifyContent: i, flexWrap: o, flexBasis: r, flexGrow: l, flexShrink: s, }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, __css: d, ...c }); }); function Ey(e) { const t = Object.assign({}, e); for (let n in t) void 0 === t[n] && delete t[n]; return t; } Sy.displayName = 'Flex'; var _y = yw(function (e, t) { const n = kw('Text', e), { className: a, align: i, decoration: o, casing: r, ...l } = Gn(e), s = Ey({ textAlign: e.align, textDecoration: e.decoration, textTransform: e.casing, }); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.p, { ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-text', e.className), ...s, ...l, __css: n }); }); _y.displayName = 'Text'; var Cy = yw(function (e, t) { const n = kw('Link', e), { className: a, isExternal: i, ...o } = Gn(e); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.a, { target: i ? '_blank' : void 0, rel: i ? 'noopener' : void 0, ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-link', a), ...o, __css: n }); }); function Iy(t) { let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; const { ssr: a = !0, fallback: i } = n, { getWindow: o } = (function () { let { defer: t } = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const [, n] = (0, e.useReducer)(e => e + 1, 0); return ( sa(() => { t && n(); }, [t]), (0, e.useContext)(pa) ); })(), r = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]; let l = Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i]; l = l.filter(e => null != e); const [s, c] = (0, e.useState)(() =>, t) => ({ media: e, matches: a ? !!l[t] : o().matchMedia(e).matches, })), ); return ( (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = o(); c( => ({ media: t, matches: e.matchMedia(t).matches }))); const t = => e.matchMedia(t)), n = e => { c(t => t .slice() .map(t => === ? { ...t, matches: e.matches } : t, ), ); }; return ( t.forEach(e => { 'function' === typeof e.addListener ? e.addListener(n) : e.addEventListener('change', n); }), () => { t.forEach(e => { 'function' === typeof e.removeListener ? e.removeListener(n) : e.removeEventListener('change', n); }); } ); }, [o]), => e.matches) ); } function Ty(e) { const { breakpoint: t, hide: n, children: a, ssr: i } = e, [o] = Iy(t, { ssr: i }); return (n ? !o : o) ? a : null; } Cy.displayName = 'Link'; var Py = (e, t) => { var n, a; return null != (a = null == (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.breakpoints) ? void 0 : n[t]) ? a : t; }; function Ay(e) { const { breakpoint: t = '', below: n, above: a } = e, i = xw(), o = Py(i, n), r = Py(i, a); let l = t; return ( o ? (l = '(max-width: '.concat(o, ')')) : r && (l = '(min-width: '.concat(r, ')')), l ); } function Ry(e) { const { children: t, ssr: n } = e, a = Ay(e); return (0, We.jsx)(Ty, { breakpoint: a, ssr: n, children: t }); } Ry.displayName = 'Show'; var Dy = yw(function (e, t) { const { templateAreas: n, gap: a, rowGap: i, columnGap: o, column: r, row: l, autoFlow: s, autoRows: c, templateRows: d, autoColumns: u, templateColumns: p, ...m } = e, h = { display: 'grid', gridTemplateAreas: n, gridGap: a, gridRowGap: i, gridColumnGap: o, gridAutoColumns: u, gridColumn: r, gridRow: l, gridAutoFlow: s, gridAutoRows: c, gridTemplateRows: d, gridTemplateColumns: p, }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, __css: h, ...m }); }); function Ny(e) { const { children: t, ssr: n } = e, a = Ay(e); return (0, We.jsx)(Ty, { breakpoint: a, hide: !0, ssr: n, children: t }); } (Dy.displayName = 'Grid'), (Ny.displayName = 'Hide'); Object.freeze(['base', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', '2xl']); function Ly(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? => (null === e ? null : t(e))) : Je(e) ? Object.keys(e).reduce((n, a) => ((n[a] = t(e[a])), n), {}) : null != e ? t(e) : null; } function Oy(e) { return Ly(e, e => 'auto' === e ? 'auto' : 'span '.concat(e, '/span ').concat(e), ); } var My = yw(function (e, t) { const { area: n, colSpan: a, colStart: i, colEnd: o, rowEnd: r, rowSpan: l, rowStart: s, ...c } = e, d = Ey({ gridArea: n, gridColumn: Oy(a), gridRow: Oy(l), gridColumnStart: i, gridColumnEnd: o, gridRowStart: s, gridRowEnd: r, }); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: t, __css: d, ...c }); }); My.displayName = 'GridItem'; var By = function () { return ( (By = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, a = arguments.length; n < a; n++) for (var i in (t = arguments[n])), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }), By.apply(this, arguments) ); }; Object.create; function Uy(e, t, n) { if (n || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) (!a && i in t) || (a || (a =, 0, i)), (a[i] = t[i])); return e.concat(a ||; } Object.create; 'function' === typeof SuppressedError && SuppressedError; var Wy = n(613), Vy = n.n(Wy), Fy = '-ms-', Hy = '-moz-', Gy = '-webkit-', Zy = 'comm', $y = 'rule', Xy = 'decl', Ky = '@import', qy = '@keyframes', Yy = '@layer', Qy = Math.abs, Jy = String.fromCharCode, ex = Object.assign; function tx(e) { return e.trim(); } function nx(e, t) { return (e = t.exec(e)) ? e[0] : e; } function ax(e, t, n) { return e.replace(t, n); } function ix(e, t) { return e.indexOf(t); } function ox(e, t) { return 0 | e.charCodeAt(t); } function rx(e, t, n) { return e.slice(t, n); } function lx(e) { return e.length; } function sx(e) { return e.length; } function cx(e, t) { return t.push(e), e; } function dx(e, t) { return e.filter(function (e) { return !nx(e, t); }); } var ux = 1, px = 1, mx = 0, hx = 0, fx = 0, gx = ''; function wx(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l) { return { value: e, root: t, parent: n, type: a, props: i, children: o, line: ux, column: px, length: r, return: '', siblings: l, }; } function yx(e, t) { return ex( wx('', null, null, '', null, null, 0, e.siblings), e, { length: -e.length }, t, ); } function xx(e) { for (; e.root; ) e = yx(e.root, { children: [e] }); cx(e, e.siblings); } function bx() { return ( (fx = hx < mx ? ox(gx, hx++) : 0), px++, 10 === fx && ((px = 1), ux++), fx ); } function zx() { return ox(gx, hx); } function vx() { return hx; } function kx(e, t) { return rx(gx, e, t); } function jx(e) { switch (e) { case 0: case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: return 5; case 33: case 43: case 44: case 47: case 62: case 64: case 126: case 59: case 123: case 125: return 4; case 58: return 3; case 34: case 39: case 40: case 91: return 2; case 41: case 93: return 1; } return 0; } function Sx(e) { return (ux = px = 1), (mx = lx((gx = e))), (hx = 0), []; } function Ex(e) { return (gx = ''), e; } function _x(e) { return tx(kx(hx - 1, Tx(91 === e ? e + 2 : 40 === e ? e + 1 : e))); } function Cx(e) { for (; (fx = zx()) && fx < 33; ) bx(); return jx(e) > 2 || jx(fx) > 3 ? '' : ' '; } function Ix(e, t) { for ( ; --t && bx() && !(fx < 48 || fx > 102 || (fx > 57 && fx < 65) || (fx > 70 && fx < 97)); ); return kx(e, vx() + (t < 6 && 32 == zx() && 32 == bx())); } function Tx(e) { for (; bx(); ) switch (fx) { case e: return hx; case 34: case 39: 34 !== e && 39 !== e && Tx(fx); break; case 40: 41 === e && Tx(e); break; case 92: bx(); } return hx; } function Px(e, t) { for (; bx() && e + fx !== 57 && (e + fx !== 84 || 47 !== zx()); ); return '/*' + kx(t, hx - 1) + '*' + Jy(47 === e ? e : bx()); } function Ax(e) { for (; !jx(zx()); ) bx(); return kx(e, hx); } function Rx(e, t) { for (var n = '', a = 0; a < e.length; a++) n += t(e[a], a, e, t) || ''; return n; } function Dx(e, t, n, a) { switch (e.type) { case Yy: if (e.children.length) break; case Ky: case Xy: return (e.return = e.return || e.value); case Zy: return ''; case qy: return (e.return = e.value + '{' + Rx(e.children, a) + '}'); case $y: if (!lx((e.value = e.props.join(',')))) return ''; } return lx((n = Rx(e.children, a))) ? (e.return = e.value + '{' + n + '}') : ''; } function Nx(e, t, n) { switch ( (function (e, t) { return 45 ^ ox(e, 0) ? (((((((t << 2) ^ ox(e, 0)) << 2) ^ ox(e, 1)) << 2) ^ ox(e, 2)) << 2) ^ ox(e, 3) : 0; })(e, t) ) { case 5103: return Gy + 'print-' + e + e; case 5737: case 4201: case 3177: case 3433: case 1641: case 4457: case 2921: case 5572: case 6356: case 5844: case 3191: case 6645: case 3005: case 6391: case 5879: case 5623: case 6135: case 4599: case 4855: case 4215: case 6389: case 5109: case 5365: case 5621: case 3829: return Gy + e + e; case 4789: return Hy + e + e; case 5349: case 4246: case 4810: case 6968: case 2756: return Gy + e + Hy + e + Fy + e + e; case 5936: switch (ox(e, t + 11)) { case 114: return Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb') + e; case 108: return Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb-rl') + e; case 45: return Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'lr') + e; } case 6828: case 4268: case 2903: return Gy + e + Fy + e + e; case 6165: return Gy + e + Fy + 'flex-' + e + e; case 5187: return ( Gy + e + ax(e, /(\w+).+(:[^]+)/, Gy + 'box-$1$2' + Fy + 'flex-$1$2') + e ); case 5443: return ( Gy + e + Fy + 'flex-item-' + ax(e, /flex-|-self/g, '') + (nx(e, /flex-|baseline/) ? '' : Fy + 'grid-row-' + ax(e, /flex-|-self/g, '')) + e ); case 4675: return ( Gy + e + Fy + 'flex-line-pack' + ax(e, /align-content|flex-|-self/g, '') + e ); case 5548: return Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, 'shrink', 'negative') + e; case 5292: return Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, 'basis', 'preferred-size') + e; case 6060: return ( Gy + 'box-' + ax(e, '-grow', '') + Gy + e + Fy + ax(e, 'grow', 'positive') + e ); case 4554: return Gy + ax(e, /([^-])(transform)/g, '$1' + Gy + '$2') + e; case 6187: return ( ax( ax(ax(e, /(zoom-|grab)/, Gy + '$1'), /(image-set)/, Gy + '$1'), e, '', ) + e ); case 5495: case 3959: return ax(e, /(image-set\([^]*)/, Gy + '$1$`$1'); case 4968: return ( ax( ax( e, /(.+:)(flex-)?(.*)/, Gy + 'box-pack:$3' + Fy + 'flex-pack:$3', ), /s.+-b[^;]+/, 'justify', ) + Gy + e + e ); case 4200: if (!nx(e, /flex-|baseline/)) return Fy + 'grid-column-align' + rx(e, t) + e; break; case 2592: case 3360: return Fy + ax(e, 'template-', '') + e; case 4384: case 3616: return n && n.some(function (e, n) { return (t = n), nx(e.props, /grid-\w+-end/); }) ? ~ix(e + (n = n[t].value), 'span') ? e : Fy + ax(e, '-start', '') + e + Fy + 'grid-row-span:' + (~ix(n, 'span') ? nx(n, /\d+/) : +nx(n, /\d+/) - +nx(e, /\d+/)) + ';' : Fy + ax(e, '-start', '') + e; case 4896: case 4128: return n && n.some(function (e) { return nx(e.props, /grid-\w+-start/); }) ? e : Fy + ax(ax(e, '-end', '-span'), 'span ', '') + e; case 4095: case 3583: case 4068: case 2532: return ax(e, /(.+)-inline(.+)/, Gy + '$1$2') + e; case 8116: case 7059: case 5753: case 5535: case 5445: case 5701: case 4933: case 4677: case 5533: case 5789: case 5021: case 4765: if (lx(e) - 1 - t > 6) switch (ox(e, t + 1)) { case 109: if (45 !== ox(e, t + 4)) break; case 102: return ( ax( e, /(.+:)(.+)-([^]+)/, '$1' + Gy + '$2-$3$1' + Hy + (108 == ox(e, t + 3) ? '$3' : '$2-$3'), ) + e ); case 115: return ~ix(e, 'stretch') ? Nx(ax(e, 'stretch', 'fill-available'), t, n) + e : e; } break; case 5152: case 5920: return ax( e, /(.+?):(\d+)(\s*\/\s*(span)?\s*(\d+))?(.*)/, function (t, n, a, i, o, r, l) { return ( Fy + n + ':' + a + l + (i ? Fy + n + '-span:' + (o ? r : +r - +a) + l : '') + e ); }, ); case 4949: if (121 === ox(e, t + 6)) return ax(e, ':', ':' + Gy) + e; break; case 6444: switch (ox(e, 45 === ox(e, 14) ? 18 : 11)) { case 120: return ( ax( e, /(.+:)([^;\s!]+)(;|(\s+)?!.+)?/, '$1' + Gy + (45 === ox(e, 14) ? 'inline-' : '') + 'box$3$1' + Gy + '$2$3$1' + Fy + '$2box$3', ) + e ); case 100: return ax(e, ':', ':' + Fy) + e; } break; case 5719: case 2647: case 2135: case 3927: case 2391: return ax(e, 'scroll-', 'scroll-snap-') + e; } return e; } function Lx(e, t, n, a) { if (e.length > -1 && !e.return) switch (e.type) { case Xy: return void (e.return = Nx(e.value, e.length, n)); case qy: return Rx([yx(e, { value: ax(e.value, '@', '@' + Gy) })], a); case $y: if (e.length) return (function (e, t) { return''); })((n = e.props), function (t) { switch (nx(t, (a = /(::plac\w+|:read-\w+)/))) { case ':read-only': case ':read-write': xx( yx(e, { props: [ ax(t, /:(read-\w+)/, ':' + Hy + '$1'), ], }), ), xx(yx(e, { props: [t] })), ex(e, { props: dx(n, a) }); break; case '::placeholder': xx( yx(e, { props: [ ax( t, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + Gy + 'input-$1', ), ], }), ), xx( yx(e, { props: [ ax( t, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + Hy + '$1', ), ], }), ), xx( yx(e, { props: [ ax( t, /:(plac\w+)/, Fy + 'input-$1', ), ], }), ), xx(yx(e, { props: [t] })), ex(e, { props: dx(n, a) }); } return ''; }); } } function Ox(e) { return Ex(Mx('', null, null, null, [''], (e = Sx(e)), 0, [0], e)); } function Mx(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s) { for ( var c = 0, d = 0, u = r, p = 0, m = 0, h = 0, f = 1, g = 1, w = 1, y = 0, x = '', b = i, z = o, v = a, k = x; g; ) switch (((h = y), (y = bx()))) { case 40: if (108 != h && 58 == ox(k, u - 1)) { -1 != ix((k += ax(_x(y), '&', '&\f')), '&\f') && (w = -1); break; } case 34: case 39: case 91: k += _x(y); break; case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: k += Cx(h); break; case 92: k += Ix(vx() - 1, 7); continue; case 47: switch (zx()) { case 42: case 47: cx(Ux(Px(bx(), vx()), t, n, s), s); break; default: k += '/'; } break; case 123 * f: l[c++] = lx(k) * w; case 125 * f: case 59: case 0: switch (y) { case 0: case 125: g = 0; case 59 + d: -1 == w && (k = ax(k, /\f/g, '')), m > 0 && lx(k) - u && cx( m > 32 ? Wx(k + ';', a, n, u - 1, s) : Wx(ax(k, ' ', '') + ';', a, n, u - 2, s), s, ); break; case 59: k += ';'; default: if ( (cx( (v = Bx( k, t, n, c, d, i, l, x, (b = []), (z = []), u, o, )), o, ), 123 === y) ) if (0 === d) Mx(k, t, v, v, b, o, u, l, z); else switch (99 === p && 110 === ox(k, 3) ? 100 : p) { case 100: case 108: case 109: case 115: Mx( e, v, v, a && cx( Bx( e, v, v, 0, 0, i, l, x, i, (b = []), u, z, ), z, ), i, z, u, l, a ? b : z, ); break; default: Mx(k, v, v, v, [''], z, 0, l, z); } } (c = d = m = 0), (f = w = 1), (x = k = ''), (u = r); break; case 58: (u = 1 + lx(k)), (m = h); default: if (f < 1) if (123 == y) --f; else if ( 125 == y && 0 == f++ && 125 == ((fx = hx > 0 ? ox(gx, --hx) : 0), px--, 10 === fx && ((px = 1), ux--), fx) ) continue; switch (((k += Jy(y)), y * f)) { case 38: w = d > 0 ? 1 : ((k += '\f'), -1); break; case 44: (l[c++] = (lx(k) - 1) * w), (w = 1); break; case 64: 45 === zx() && (k += _x(bx())), (p = zx()), (d = u = lx((x = k += Ax(vx())))), y++; break; case 45: 45 === h && 2 == lx(k) && (f = 0); } } return o; } function Bx(e, t, n, a, i, o, r, l, s, c, d, u) { for ( var p = i - 1, m = 0 === i ? o : [''], h = sx(m), f = 0, g = 0, w = 0; f < a; ++f ) for (var y = 0, x = rx(e, p + 1, (p = Qy((g = r[f])))), b = e; y < h; ++y) (b = tx(g > 0 ? m[y] + ' ' + x : ax(x, /&\f/g, m[y]))) && (s[w++] = b); return wx(e, t, n, 0 === i ? $y : l, s, c, d, u); } function Ux(e, t, n, a) { return wx(e, t, n, Zy, Jy(fx), rx(e, 2, -2), 0, a); } function Wx(e, t, n, a, i) { return wx(e, t, n, Xy, rx(e, 0, a), rx(e, a + 1, -1), a, i); } var Vx = ('undefined' != typeof process && void 0 !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', } && ({ NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.REACT_APP_SC_ATTR || { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.SC_ATTR)) || 'data-styled', Fx = 'undefined' != typeof window && 'HTMLElement' in window, Hx = Boolean( 'boolean' == typeof SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY ? SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY : 'undefined' != typeof process && void 0 !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', } && void 0 !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.REACT_APP_SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY && '' !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.REACT_APP_SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY ? 'false' !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.REACT_APP_SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY && { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', 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REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY && 'false' !== { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY && { NODE_ENV: 'production', PUBLIC_URL: '/idosell-pages', WDS_SOCKET_HOST: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PATH: void 0, WDS_SOCKET_PORT: void 0, FAST_REFRESH: !0, REACT_APP_VERCEL_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA: '73e6cac7f2230eae1395dd1c61c6273253be3f22', REACT_APP_VERCEL_PROJECT_PRODUCTION_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_ENV: 'production', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PREVIOUS_SHA: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PROVIDER: 'github', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_LOGIN: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'lukasz-iaisa', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG: 'idosell-pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_OWNER: 'kacperlew', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_BRANCH_URL: '', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE: 'Merge pull request #35 from kacperlew/main_pages\n\nMain pages', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_REPO_ID: '673459819', REACT_APP_VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF: 'main', }.SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY, ), Gx = {}, Zx = (new Set(), Object.freeze([])), $x = Object.freeze({}); function Xx(e, t, n) { return ( void 0 === n && (n = $x), (e.theme !== n.theme && e.theme) || t || n.theme ); } var Kx = new Set([ 'a', 'abbr', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'base', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'keygen', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'meter', 'nav', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'param', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'small', 'source', 'span', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'u', 'ul', 'use', 'var', 'video', 'wbr', 'circle', 'clipPath', 'defs', 'ellipse', 'foreignObject', 'g', 'image', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialGradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'svg', 'text', 'tspan', ]), qx = /[!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^`{|}~-]+/g, Yx = /(^-|-$)/g; function Qx(e) { return e.replace(qx, '-').replace(Yx, ''); } var Jx = /(a)(d)/gi, eb = function (e) { return String.fromCharCode(e + (e > 25 ? 39 : 97)); }; function tb(e) { var t, n = ''; for (t = Math.abs(e); t > 52; t = (t / 52) | 0) n = eb(t % 52) + n; return (eb(t % 52) + n).replace(Jx, '$1-$2'); } var nb, ab = function (e, t) { for (var n = t.length; n; ) e = (33 * e) ^ t.charCodeAt(--n); return e; }, ib = function (e) { return ab(5381, e); }; function ob(e) { return tb(ib(e) >>> 0); } function rb(e) { return e.displayName || || 'Component'; } function lb(e) { return 'string' == typeof e && !0; } var sb = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, cb = sb ? Symbol.for('react.memo') : 60115, db = sb ? Symbol.for('react.forward_ref') : 60112, ub = { childContextTypes: !0, contextType: !0, contextTypes: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, getDefaultProps: !0, getDerivedStateFromError: !0, getDerivedStateFromProps: !0, mixins: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0, }, pb = { name: !0, length: !0, prototype: !0, caller: !0, callee: !0, arguments: !0, arity: !0, }, mb = { $$typeof: !0, compare: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0, }, hb = (((nb = {})[db] = { $$typeof: !0, render: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0, }), (nb[cb] = mb), nb); function fb(e) { return ('type' in (t = e) && t.type.$$typeof) === cb ? mb : '$$typeof' in e ? hb[e.$$typeof] : ub; var t; } var gb = Object.defineProperty, wb = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, yb = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, xb = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, bb = Object.getPrototypeOf, zb = Object.prototype; function vb(e, t, n) { if ('string' != typeof t) { if (zb) { var a = bb(t); a && a !== zb && vb(e, a, n); } var i = wb(t); yb && (i = i.concat(yb(t))); for (var o = fb(e), r = fb(t), l = 0; l < i.length; ++l) { var s = i[l]; if (!(s in pb || (n && n[s]) || (r && s in r) || (o && s in o))) { var c = xb(t, s); try { gb(e, s, c); } catch (e) {} } } } return e; } function kb(e) { return 'function' == typeof e; } function jb(e) { return 'object' == typeof e && 'styledComponentId' in e; } function Sb(e, t) { return e && t ? ''.concat(e, ' ').concat(t) : e || t || ''; } function Eb(e, t) { if (0 === e.length) return ''; for (var n = e[0], a = 1; a < e.length; a++) n += t ? t + e[a] : e[a]; return n; } function _b(e) { return ( null !== e && 'object' == typeof e && === && !('props' in e && e.$$typeof) ); } function Cb(e, t, n) { if ((void 0 === n && (n = !1), !n && !_b(e) && !Array.isArray(e))) return t; if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) e[a] = Cb(e[a], t[a]); else if (_b(t)) for (var a in t) e[a] = Cb(e[a], t[a]); return e; } function Ib(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(e, 'toString', { value: t }); } function Tb(e) { for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; return new Error( 'An error occurred. See' .concat(e, ' for more information.') .concat(t.length > 0 ? ' Args: '.concat(t.join(', ')) : ''), ); } var Pb = (function () { function e(e) { (this.groupSizes = new Uint32Array(512)), (this.length = 512), (this.tag = e); } return ( (e.prototype.indexOfGroup = function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e; n++) t += this.groupSizes[n]; return t; }), (e.prototype.insertRules = function (e, t) { if (e >= this.groupSizes.length) { for (var n = this.groupSizes, a = n.length, i = a; e >= i; ) if ((i <<= 1) < 0) throw Tb(16, ''.concat(e)); (this.groupSizes = new Uint32Array(i)), this.groupSizes.set(n), (this.length = i); for (var o = a; o < i; o++) this.groupSizes[o] = 0; } for ( var r = this.indexOfGroup(e + 1), l = ((o = 0), t.length); o < l; o++ ) this.tag.insertRule(r, t[o]) && (this.groupSizes[e]++, r++); }), (e.prototype.clearGroup = function (e) { if (e < this.length) { var t = this.groupSizes[e], n = this.indexOfGroup(e), a = n + t; this.groupSizes[e] = 0; for (var i = n; i < a; i++) this.tag.deleteRule(n); } }), (e.prototype.getGroup = function (e) { var t = ''; if (e >= this.length || 0 === this.groupSizes[e]) return t; for ( var n = this.groupSizes[e], a = this.indexOfGroup(e), i = a + n, o = a; o < i; o++ ) t += ''.concat(this.tag.getRule(o)).concat('/*!sc*/\n'); return t; }), e ); })(), Ab = new Map(), Rb = new Map(), Db = 1, Nb = function (e) { if (Ab.has(e)) return Ab.get(e); for (; Rb.has(Db); ) Db++; var t = Db++; return Ab.set(e, t), Rb.set(t, e), t; }, Lb = function (e, t) { (Db = t + 1), Ab.set(e, t), Rb.set(t, e); }, Ob = 'style[' .concat(Vx, '][') .concat('data-styled-version', '="') .concat('6.1.1', '"]'), Mb = new RegExp('^'.concat(Vx, '\\.g(\\d+)\\[id="([\\w\\d-]+)"\\].*?"([^"]*)')), Bb = function (e, t, n) { for (var a, i = n.split(','), o = 0, r = i.length; o < r; o++) (a = i[o]) && e.registerName(t, a); }, Ub = function (e, t) { for ( var n, a = (null !== (n = t.textContent) && void 0 !== n ? n : '').split( '/*!sc*/\n', ), i = [], o = 0, r = a.length; o < r; o++ ) { var l = a[o].trim(); if (l) { var s = l.match(Mb); if (s) { var c = 0 | parseInt(s[1], 10), d = s[2]; 0 !== c && (Lb(d, c), Bb(e, d, s[3]), e.getTag().insertRules(c, i)), (i.length = 0); } else i.push(l); } } }; function Wb() { return; } var Vb = function (e) { var t = document.head, n = e || t, a = document.createElement('style'), i = (function (e) { var t = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll('style['.concat(Vx, ']'))); return t[t.length - 1]; })(n), o = void 0 !== i ? i.nextSibling : null; a.setAttribute(Vx, 'active'), a.setAttribute('data-styled-version', '6.1.1'); var r = Wb(); return r && a.setAttribute('nonce', r), n.insertBefore(a, o), a; }, Fb = (function () { function e(e) { (this.element = Vb(e)), this.element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')), (this.sheet = (function (e) { if (e.sheet) return e.sheet; for ( var t = document.styleSheets, n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++ ) { var i = t[n]; if (i.ownerNode === e) return i; } throw Tb(17); })(this.element)), (this.length = 0); } return ( (e.prototype.insertRule = function (e, t) { try { return this.sheet.insertRule(t, e), this.length++, !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } }), (e.prototype.deleteRule = function (e) { this.sheet.deleteRule(e), this.length--; }), (e.prototype.getRule = function (e) { var t = this.sheet.cssRules[e]; return t && t.cssText ? t.cssText : ''; }), e ); })(), Hb = (function () { function e(e) { (this.element = Vb(e)), (this.nodes = this.element.childNodes), (this.length = 0); } return ( (e.prototype.insertRule = function (e, t) { if (e <= this.length && e >= 0) { var n = document.createTextNode(t); return ( this.element.insertBefore(n, this.nodes[e] || null), this.length++, !0 ); } return !1; }), (e.prototype.deleteRule = function (e) { this.element.removeChild(this.nodes[e]), this.length--; }), (e.prototype.getRule = function (e) { return e < this.length ? this.nodes[e].textContent : ''; }), e ); })(), Gb = (function () { function e(e) { (this.rules = []), (this.length = 0); } return ( (e.prototype.insertRule = function (e, t) { return ( e <= this.length && (this.rules.splice(e, 0, t), this.length++, !0) ); }), (e.prototype.deleteRule = function (e) { this.rules.splice(e, 1), this.length--; }), (e.prototype.getRule = function (e) { return e < this.length ? this.rules[e] : ''; }), e ); })(), Zb = Fx, $b = { isServer: !Fx, useCSSOMInjection: !Hx }, Xb = (function () { function e(e, t, n) { void 0 === e && (e = $x), void 0 === t && (t = {}); var a = this; (this.options = By(By({}, $b), e)), ( = t), (this.names = new Map(n)), (this.server = !!e.isServer), !this.server && Fx && Zb && ((Zb = !1), (function (e) { for ( var t = document.querySelectorAll(Ob), n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++ ) { var i = t[n]; i && 'active' !== i.getAttribute(Vx) && (Ub(e, i), i.parentNode && i.parentNode.removeChild(i)); } })(this)), Ib(this, function () { return (function (e) { for ( var t = e.getTag(), n = t.length, a = '', i = function (n) { var i = (function (e) { return Rb.get(e); })(n); if (void 0 === i) return 'continue'; var o = e.names.get(i), r = t.getGroup(n); if (void 0 === o || 0 === r.length) return 'continue'; var l = '' .concat(Vx, '.g') .concat(n, '[id="') .concat(i, '"]'), s = ''; void 0 !== o && o.forEach(function (e) { e.length > 0 && (s += ''.concat(e, ',')); }), (a += '' .concat(r) .concat(l, '{content:"') .concat(s, '"}') .concat('/*!sc*/\n')); }, o = 0; o < n; o++ ) i(o); return a; })(a); }); } return ( (e.registerId = function (e) { return Nb(e); }), (e.prototype.reconstructWithOptions = function (t, n) { return ( void 0 === n && (n = !0), new e( By(By({}, this.options), t),, (n && this.names) || void 0, ) ); }), (e.prototype.allocateGSInstance = function (e) { return ([e] = ([e] || 0) + 1); }), (e.prototype.getTag = function () { return ( this.tag || (this.tag = ((e = (function (e) { var t = e.useCSSOMInjection, n =; return e.isServer ? new Gb(n) : t ? new Fb(n) : new Hb(n); })(this.options)), new Pb(e))) ); var e; }), (e.prototype.hasNameForId = function (e, t) { return this.names.has(e) && this.names.get(e).has(t); }), (e.prototype.registerName = function (e, t) { if ((Nb(e), this.names.has(e))) this.names.get(e).add(t); else { var n = new Set(); n.add(t), this.names.set(e, n); } }), (e.prototype.insertRules = function (e, t, n) { this.registerName(e, t), this.getTag().insertRules(Nb(e), n); }), (e.prototype.clearNames = function (e) { this.names.has(e) && this.names.get(e).clear(); }), (e.prototype.clearRules = function (e) { this.getTag().clearGroup(Nb(e)), this.clearNames(e); }), (e.prototype.clearTag = function () { this.tag = void 0; }), e ); })(), Kb = /&/g, qb = /^\s*\/\/.*$/gm; function Yb(e, t) { return (e) { return ( 'rule' === e.type && ((e.value = ''.concat(t, ' ').concat(e.value)), (e.value = e.value.replaceAll(',', ','.concat(t, ' '))), (e.props = (e) { return ''.concat(t, ' ').concat(e); }))), Array.isArray(e.children) && '@keyframes' !== e.type && (e.children = Yb(e.children, t)), e ); }); } function Qb(e) { var t, n, a, i = void 0 === e ? $x : e, o = i.options, r = void 0 === o ? $x : o, l = i.plugins, s = void 0 === l ? Zx : l, c = function (e, a, i) { return i === n || (i.startsWith(n) && i.endsWith(n) && i.replaceAll(n, '').length > 0) ? '.'.concat(t) : e; }, d = s.slice(); d.push(function (e) { e.type === $y && e.value.includes('&') && (e.props[0] = e.props[0].replace(Kb, n).replace(a, c)); }), r.prefix && d.push(Lx), d.push(Dx); var u = function (e, i, o, l) { void 0 === i && (i = ''), void 0 === o && (o = ''), void 0 === l && (l = '&'), (t = l), (n = i), (a = new RegExp('\\'.concat(n, '\\b'), 'g')); var s = e.replace(qb, ''), c = Ox(o || i ? ''.concat(o, ' ').concat(i, ' { ').concat(s, ' }') : s); r.namespace && (c = Yb(c, r.namespace)); var u, p = []; return ( Rx( c, (function (e) { var t = sx(e); return function (n, a, i, o) { for (var r = '', l = 0; l < t; l++) r += e[l](n, a, i, o) || ''; return r; }; })( d.concat( ((u = function (e) { return p.push(e); }), function (e) { e.root || ((e = e.return) && u(e)); }), ), ), ), p ); }; return ( (u.hash = s.length ? s .reduce(function (e, t) { return || Tb(15), ab(e,; }, 5381) .toString() : ''), u ); } var Jb = new Xb(), ez = Qb(), tz = e.createContext({ shouldForwardProp: void 0, styleSheet: Jb, stylis: ez }), nz = (tz.Consumer, e.createContext(void 0)); function az() { return (0, e.useContext)(tz); } function iz(t) { var n = (0, e.useState)(t.stylisPlugins), a = n[0], i = n[1], o = az().styleSheet, r = (0, e.useMemo)( function () { var e = o; return ( t.sheet ? (e = t.sheet) : && (e = e.reconstructWithOptions({ target: }, !1)), t.disableCSSOMInjection && (e = e.reconstructWithOptions({ useCSSOMInjection: !1 })), e ); }, [t.disableCSSOMInjection, t.sheet,, o], ), l = (0, e.useMemo)( function () { return Qb({ options: { namespace: t.namespace, prefix: t.enableVendorPrefixes, }, plugins: a, }); }, [t.enableVendorPrefixes, t.namespace, a], ); (0, e.useEffect)( function () { Vy()(a, t.stylisPlugins) || i(t.stylisPlugins); }, [t.stylisPlugins], ); var s = (0, e.useMemo)( function () { return { shouldForwardProp: t.shouldForwardProp, styleSheet: r, stylis: l, }; }, [t.shouldForwardProp, r, l], ); return e.createElement( tz.Provider, { value: s }, e.createElement(nz.Provider, { value: l }, t.children), ); } var oz = (function () { function e(e, t) { var n = this; (this.inject = function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = ez); var a = + t.hash; e.hasNameForId(, a) || e.insertRules(, a, t(n.rules, a, '@keyframes')); }), ( = e), ( = 'sc-keyframes-'.concat(e)), (this.rules = t), Ib(this, function () { throw Tb(12, String(; }); } return ( (e.prototype.getName = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = ez), + e.hash; }), e ); })(), rz = function (e) { return e >= 'A' && e <= 'Z'; }; function lz(e) { for (var t = '', n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var a = e[n]; if (1 === n && '-' === a && '-' === e[0]) return e; rz(a) ? (t += '-' + a.toLowerCase()) : (t += a); } return t.startsWith('ms-') ? '-' + t : t; } var sz = function (e) { return null == e || !1 === e || '' === e; }, cz = function (e) { var t, n, a = []; for (var i in e) { var o = e[i]; e.hasOwnProperty(i) && !sz(o) && ((Array.isArray(o) && o.isCss) || kb(o) ? a.push(''.concat(lz(i), ':'), o, ';') : _b(o) ? a.push.apply( a, Uy(Uy([''.concat(i, ' {')], cz(o), !1), ['}'], !1), ) : a.push( '' .concat(lz(i), ': ') .concat( ((t = i), null == (n = o) || 'boolean' == typeof n || '' === n ? '' : 'number' != typeof n || 0 === n || t in fe || t.startsWith('--') ? String(n).trim() : ''.concat(n, 'px')), ';', ), )); } return a; }; function dz(e, t, n, a) { return sz(e) ? [] : jb(e) ? ['.'.concat(e.styledComponentId)] : kb(e) ? !kb((i = e)) || (i.prototype && i.prototype.isReactComponent) || !t ? [e] : dz(e(t), t, n, a) : e instanceof oz ? n ? (e.inject(n, a), [e.getName(a)]) : [e] : _b(e) ? cz(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? Array.prototype.concat.apply( Zx, (e) { return dz(e, t, n, a); }), ) : [e.toString()]; var i; } function uz(e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) { var n = e[t]; if (kb(n) && !jb(n)) return !1; } return !0; } var pz = ib('6.1.1'), mz = (function () { function e(e, t, n) { (this.rules = e), (this.staticRulesId = ''), (this.isStatic = (void 0 === n || n.isStatic) && uz(e)), (this.componentId = t), (this.baseHash = ab(pz, t)), (this.baseStyle = n), Xb.registerId(t); } return ( (e.prototype.generateAndInjectStyles = function (e, t, n) { var a = this.baseStyle ? this.baseStyle.generateAndInjectStyles(e, t, n) : ''; if (this.isStatic && !n.hash) if ( this.staticRulesId && t.hasNameForId(this.componentId, this.staticRulesId) ) a = Sb(a, this.staticRulesId); else { var i = Eb(dz(this.rules, e, t, n)), o = tb(ab(this.baseHash, i) >>> 0); if (!t.hasNameForId(this.componentId, o)) { var r = n(i, '.'.concat(o), void 0, this.componentId); t.insertRules(this.componentId, o, r); } (a = Sb(a, o)), (this.staticRulesId = o); } else { for ( var l = ab(this.baseHash, n.hash), s = '', c = 0; c < this.rules.length; c++ ) { var d = this.rules[c]; if ('string' == typeof d) s += d; else if (d) { var u = Eb(dz(d, e, t, n)); (l = ab(l, u + c)), (s += u); } } if (s) { var p = tb(l >>> 0); t.hasNameForId(this.componentId, p) || t.insertRules( this.componentId, p, n(s, '.'.concat(p), void 0, this.componentId), ), (a = Sb(a, p)); } } return a; }), e ); })(), hz = e.createContext(void 0); hz.Consumer; function fz(t) { var n = e.useContext(hz), a = (0, e.useMemo)( function () { return (function (e, t) { if (!e) throw Tb(14); if (kb(e)) return e(t); if (Array.isArray(e) || 'object' != typeof e) throw Tb(8); return t ? By(By({}, t), e) : e; })(t.theme, n); }, [t.theme, n], ); return t.children ? e.createElement(hz.Provider, { value: a }, t.children) : null; } var gz = {}; new Set(); function wz(t, n, a) { var i = jb(t), o = t, r = !lb(t), l = n.attrs, s = void 0 === l ? Zx : l, c = n.componentId, d = void 0 === c ? (function (e, t) { var n = 'string' != typeof e ? 'sc' : Qx(e); gz[n] = (gz[n] || 0) + 1; var a = ''.concat(n, '-').concat(ob('6.1.1' + n + gz[n])); return t ? ''.concat(t, '-').concat(a) : a; })(n.displayName, n.parentComponentId) : c, u = n.displayName, p = void 0 === u ? (function (e) { return lb(e) ? 'styled.'.concat(e) : 'Styled('.concat(rb(e), ')'); })(t) : u, m = n.displayName && n.componentId ? ''.concat(Qx(n.displayName), '-').concat(n.componentId) : n.componentId || d, h = i && o.attrs ? o.attrs.concat(s).filter(Boolean) : s, f = n.shouldForwardProp; if (i && o.shouldForwardProp) { var g = o.shouldForwardProp; if (n.shouldForwardProp) { var w = n.shouldForwardProp; f = function (e, t) { return g(e, t) && w(e, t); }; } else f = g; } var y = new mz(a, m, i ? o.componentStyle : void 0); function x(t, n) { return (function (t, n, a) { var i = t.attrs, o = t.componentStyle, r = t.defaultProps, l = t.foldedComponentIds, s = t.styledComponentId, c =, d = e.useContext(hz), u = az(), p = t.shouldForwardProp || u.shouldForwardProp, m = (function (e, t, n) { for ( var a, i = By(By({}, t), { className: void 0, theme: n }), o = 0; o < e.length; o += 1 ) { var r = kb((a = e[o])) ? a(i) : a; for (var l in r) i[l] = 'className' === l ? Sb(i[l], r[l]) : 'style' === l ? By(By({}, i[l]), r[l]) : r[l]; } return ( t.className && (i.className = Sb(i.className, t.className)), i ); })(i, n, Xx(n, d, r) || $x), h = || c, f = {}; for (var g in m) void 0 === m[g] || '$' === g[0] || 'as' === g || 'theme' === g || ('forwardedAs' === g ? ( = m.forwardedAs) : (p && !p(g, h)) || (f[g] = m[g])); var w = (function (e, t) { var n = az(); return e.generateAndInjectStyles(t, n.styleSheet, n.stylis); })(o, m), y = Sb(l, s); return ( w && (y += ' ' + w), m.className && (y += ' ' + m.className), (f[lb(h) && !Kx.has(h) ? 'class' : 'className'] = y), (f.ref = a), (0, e.createElement)(h, f) ); })(b, t, n); } x.displayName = p; var b = e.forwardRef(x); return ( (b.attrs = h), (b.componentStyle = y), (b.displayName = p), (b.shouldForwardProp = f), (b.foldedComponentIds = i ? Sb(o.foldedComponentIds, o.styledComponentId) : ''), (b.styledComponentId = m), ( = i ? : t), Object.defineProperty(b, 'defaultProps', { get: function () { return this._foldedDefaultProps; }, set: function (e) { this._foldedDefaultProps = i ? (function (e) { for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; for (var a = 0, i = t; a < i.length; a++) Cb(e, i[a], !0); return e; })({}, o.defaultProps, e) : e; }, }), Ib(b, function () { return '.'.concat(b.styledComponentId); }), r && vb(b, t, { attrs: !0, componentStyle: !0, displayName: !0, foldedComponentIds: !0, shouldForwardProp: !0, styledComponentId: !0, target: !0, }), b ); } function yz(e, t) { for (var n = [e[0]], a = 0, i = t.length; a < i; a += 1) n.push(t[a], e[a + 1]); return n; } var xz = function (e) { return Object.assign(e, { isCss: !0 }); }; function bz(e) { for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; if (kb(e) || _b(e)) return xz(dz(yz(Zx, Uy([e], t, !0)))); var a = e; return 0 === t.length && 1 === a.length && 'string' == typeof a[0] ? dz(a) : xz(dz(yz(a, t))); } function zz(e, t, n) { if ((void 0 === n && (n = $x), !t)) throw Tb(1, t); var a = function (a) { for (var i = [], o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) i[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return e(t, n, bz.apply(void 0, Uy([a], i, !1))); }; return ( (a.attrs = function (a) { return zz( e, t, By(By({}, n), { attrs: Array.prototype.concat(n.attrs, a).filter(Boolean), }), ); }), (a.withConfig = function (a) { return zz(e, t, By(By({}, n), a)); }), a ); } var vz = function (e) { return zz(wz, e); }, kz = vz; Kx.forEach(function (e) { kz[e] = vz(e); }); var jz = (function () { function e(e, t) { (this.rules = e), (this.componentId = t), (this.isStatic = uz(e)), Xb.registerId(this.componentId + 1); } return ( (e.prototype.createStyles = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = a(Eb(dz(this.rules, t, n, a)), ''), o = this.componentId + e; n.insertRules(o, o, i); }), (e.prototype.removeStyles = function (e, t) { t.clearRules(this.componentId + e); }), (e.prototype.renderStyles = function (e, t, n, a) { e > 2 && Xb.registerId(this.componentId + e), this.removeStyles(e, n), this.createStyles(e, t, n, a); }), e ); })(); var Sz, Ez, _z, Cz; (function () { function t() { var t = this; (this._emitSheetCSS = function () { var e = t.instance.toString(), n = Wb(), a = Eb( [ n && 'nonce="'.concat(n, '"'), ''.concat(Vx, '="true"'), ''.concat('data-styled-version', '="').concat('6.1.1', '"'), ].filter(Boolean), ' ', ); return '<style '.concat(a, '>').concat(e, '</style>'); }), (this.getStyleTags = function () { if (t.sealed) throw Tb(2); return t._emitSheetCSS(); }), (this.getStyleElement = function () { var n; if (t.sealed) throw Tb(2); var a = (((n = {})[Vx] = ''), (n['data-styled-version'] = '6.1.1'), (n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { __html: t.instance.toString(), }), n), i = Wb(); return ( i && (a.nonce = i), [e.createElement('style', By({}, a, { key: 'sc-0-0' }))] ); }), (this.seal = function () { t.sealed = !0; }), (this.instance = new Xb({ isServer: !0 })), (this.sealed = !1); } (t.prototype.collectStyles = function (t) { if (this.sealed) throw Tb(2); return e.createElement(iz, { sheet: this.instance }, t); }), (t.prototype.interleaveWithNodeStream = function (e) { throw Tb(3); }); })(), '__sc-'.concat(Vx, '__'); const Iz = kz.a( Sz || (Sz = d([ '\n text-decoration: none;\n font-size: 16px;\n padding: 10px 30px;\n border: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n transition: all 0.3s ease;\n display: inline-block;\n text-align: center;\n align-items: center;\n font-weight: 500;\n display: flex;\n postion: relative;\n text-align: center;\n justify-content: center;\n\n @media (max-width: 600px) {\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n @media (min-width: 979px) and (max-width: 1200px) {\n padding: 10px;\n }\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 600px) {\n text-align: center;\n }\n', ])), e => 'default' === e.$style && bz( Ez || (Ez = d([ '\n color: white;\n background-color: black;\n border: 2px solid black;\n\n svg {\n fill: white;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 10px !important;\n }\n\n &:hover {\n background-color: rgba(11, 113, 83, 0.5);\n border-color: transparent;\n color: white;\n\n svg {\n fill: white;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 10px !important;\n }\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'outline' === e.$style && bz( _z || (_z = d([ '\n color: black;\n background-color: transparent;\n border: 2px solid black;\n\n svg {\n fill: #171717;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 10px !important;\n }\n\n &:hover {\n background-color: rgba(11, 113, 83, 0.5);\n border-color: transparent;\n color: white;\n\n svg {\n fill: white;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 10px !important;\n }\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'outline-reverted' === e.$style && bz( Cz || (Cz = d([ '\n color: white;\n background-color: transparent;\n border: 2px solid white;\n svg {\n fill: white;\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 10px !important;\n }\n &:hover {\n background-color: white;\n border-color: white;\n color: black;\n svg {\n fill: black;\n }\n }\n ', ])), ), ), Tz = e => { let { children: t, style: n, href: a, target: i, onClick: o, marginBottom: r, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(Iz, { href: a, $style: n, target: i, onClick: o, style: { marginBottom: r }, children: [ t, (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '9', height: '14', viewBox: '0 0 9 14', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M0 13.6H2.70588L8.4 6.98565L2.70588 0.400024H0L5.69412 6.98565L0 13.6Z', }), }), ], }); }; var Pz, Az, Rz, Dz, Nz, Lz, Oz, Mz, Bz; const Uz = kz.h1( Pz || (Pz = d([ '\n font-size: 46px;\n line-height: 69px;\n font-weight: 600;\n margin: 0;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n\n @media (max-width: 768px) {\n font-size: 33px;\n line-height: 42px;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 375px) {\n font-size: 27px;\n line-height: 1.5;\n }\n', ])), ), Wz = kz.h2( Az || (Az = d([ '\n font-size: 34px;\n line-height: 48px;\n font-weight: 600;\n margin: 0;\n text-align: center;\n\n @media (max-width: 768px) {\n font-size: 25px;\n line-height: 37px;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 375px) {\n font-size: 26px;\n line-height: 1.5;\n }\n', ])), ), Vz = kz.h3( Rz || (Rz = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 27px;\n margin: 0;\n text-align: center;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 768px) {\n font-size: 16px;\n line-height: 24px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'normal' === e.$style && bz(Dz || (Dz = d(['\n font-weight: 400;\n ']))), e => 'bold' === e.$style && bz(Nz || (Nz = d(['\n font-weight: 700;\n ']))), ), Fz = kz.h4( Lz || (Lz = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n line-height: 27px;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n font-size: 16px;\n line-height: 24px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'normal' === e.$style && bz(Oz || (Oz = d(['\n font-weight: 400;\n ']))), e => 'bold' === e.$style && bz(Mz || (Mz = d(['\n font-weight: 700;\n ']))), ), Hz = kz.p( Bz || (Bz = d([ '\n margin: 0;\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\n font-size: ', ';\n line-height: ', '; // Line height for other styles\n font-weight: ', ';\n font-style: ', '; // Font style for quote style\n text-decoration-line: ', '; // Text decoration for sliced style\n', ])), e => { let { $style: t, $small: n } = e; return 'quote' === t ? '16px' : n ? '13px' : '16px'; }, e => { let { $style: t, $small: n } = e; return 'quote' === t ? '25px' : n ? '19px' : '25px'; }, e => { let { $style: t } = e; return 'bold' === t ? 700 : 400; }, e => { let { $style: t } = e; return 'quote' === t ? 'italic' : 'normal'; }, e => { let { $style: t } = e; return 'sliced' === t ? 'strikethrough' : 'none'; }, ); var Gz, Zz, $z, Xz, Kz; const qz = kz.div( Gz || (Gz = d([ '\n display: flex;\n width: 100%;\n gap: 30px;\n margin-top: 25px;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n gap: 15px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( Zz || (Zz = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n justify-content: center;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 600px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz($z || ($z = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ), Yz = (kz.div( Xz || (Xz = d([ '\n display: flex;\n gap: 30px;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n', ])), ), kz(Uz)( Kz || (Kz = d([ '\n color: white;\n margin-bottom: 15px;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n }\n', ])), )), Qz = e => { let { type: t = 'landing', integrationInfo: n, title: a, gap: i, ratio: o, subTitle: r, paddingDesktop: l, stickyImage: s, badgeLabel: c, badgeImage: d, image: u, buttons: p, } = e; const m = 'integration' === t ? { md: '40px 50px', xl: '106px 50px' } : { base: '20px 0', xl: l || '20px 0' }; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { className: 'hero_section', position: 'relative', css: 'landing' === t && Wn({ '&::before': { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, }), children: [ n && (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', padding: '30px 0', maxW: '1200px', margin: '0 auto', width: '95%', flexWrap: 'wrap', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', marginBottom: { base: '20px', md: 'none' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', children: null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.integrationCategory, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', children: null === n || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.integrationName, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ 'Nie masz jeszcze sklepu?', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '#', textDecor: 'underline', children: 'Wypr\xf3buj IdoSell za darmo', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { marginBottom: '10px !important', href: n.integrationHref ? n.integrationHref : '#', style: 'outline', target: '_self', children: 'W\u0142\u0105cz integracje', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { height: '300px', mb: 4, margin: '0 calc(-1 *(100vw - 100%)/2)', children: (0, We.jsx)('img', { fetchpriority: 'high', src: u.url, alt: u.alt, width: '100%', style: { objectFit: 'cover' }, }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { overflow: 'hidden', className: ' containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { templateColumns: { base: '1fr', lg: '3/4' === o ? '3fr 4fr' : '1fr 1fr', }, gap: 'landing' === t ? i ? i + 'px' : '50px' : i ? i + 'px' : '0', alignItems: 'landing' === t ? 'center' : 'stretch', position: 'relative', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { above: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsxs)(My, { order: { base: 2, lg: 1 }, padding: '20px 0', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', css: 'integration' === t && Wn({ '&::before': { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, }), children: [ c && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { display: 'flex', color: 'white', p: 2, mb: 4, fontSize: 'sm', fontWeight: 'bold', border: '2px solid white', children: c, }), d && (0, We.jsx)('img', { fetchpriority: 'high', src: d.url, alt: d.alt, width: '250px', style: { marginBottom: '15px' }, }), (0, We.jsx)(Yz, { style: { textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '15px', }, children: a, }), 'object' === typeof r ? r : (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: { base: 'center', lg: 'left', }, fontSize: { md: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, color: 'white', mt: 1, children: r, }), (0, We.jsx)(qz, { $flex: 'row', children: null === p || void 0 === p ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_self', children: e.title, }), ), }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsxs)(My, { order: { base: 2, lg: 1 }, padding: m, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', css: 'integration' === t && Wn({ background: '#1AAC7A' }), children: [ c && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { display: 'flex', color: 'white', p: 2, mb: 4, fontSize: '11px', fontWeight: 'bold', border: '2px solid white', children: c, }), d && (0, We.jsx)('img', { fetchpriority: 'high', src: d.url, alt: d.alt, width: '250px', style: { marginBottom: '15px' }, }), (0, We.jsx)(Yz, { children: a }), 'object' === typeof r ? r : (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: { base: 'center', lg: 'left', }, fontSize: 'lg', color: 'white', mt: 1, children: r, }), p && (0, We.jsx)(qz, { $flex: 'row', children: null === p || void 0 === p ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_self', children: e.title, }), ), }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(My, { order: 2, children: (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { children: (0, We.jsx)('img', { fetchpriority: 'high', src: u.url, alt: u.alt, style: { marginBottom: s ? '-215px' : '0', }, }), }), }), }), ], }), }), ], }); }; var Jz, ev, tv, nv, av, iv, ov, rv, lv, sv, cv; const dv = kz.section( Jz || (Jz = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: 50px;\n padding: 3.12rem 0;\n flex-direction: column;\n', ])), ), uv = kz.div( ev || (ev = d([ '\n display: flex;\n width: 100%;\n justify-content: center;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n', ])), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( tv || (tv = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz(nv || (nv = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ), pv = (kz.div( av || (av = d([ '\n display: flex;\n gap: 30px;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n', ])), ), kz(Uz)(iv || (iv = d(['\n color: white;\n']))), kz(Wz)(ov || (ov = d(['\n margin-bottom: 10px;\n'])))), mv = kz.div( rv || (rv = d([ '\n display: grid;\n gap: 20px;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0px, 1fr));\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 600px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0px, 1fr));\n }\n', ])), e => '2x3' === e.$layout && bz( lv || (lv = d([ '\n grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0px, 1fr));\n ', ])), ), e => '1x4' === e.$layout && bz( sv || (sv = d([ '\n grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0px, 1fr));\n ', ])), ), ), hv = kz(Vz)(cv || (cv = d(['']))); var fv, gv, wv, yv; const xv = kz.div( fv || (fv = d([ '\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n flex-direction: column;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n max-width: 100%;\n flex: 0 0 100%;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n }\n', ])), ), bv = kz.p( gv || (gv = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n line-height: 27px;\n font-weight: 400;\n text-align: center;\n margin: 0;\n', ])), ), zv = kz.p( wv || (wv = d([ '\n font-size: 2.125rem;\n line-height: 3rem;\n font-weight: 600;\n text-align: center;\n margin: 0;\n color: ', ';\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), vv = kz.span( yv || (yv = d([ '\n font-size: 3rem;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 1.28;\n', ])), ), kv = e => { let { children: t, mainNumber: n, additionalText: a, text: i } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xv, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(zv, { children: [(0, We.jsx)(vv, { children: n }), a], }), (0, We.jsx)(bv, { children: i }), ], }); }, jv = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, items: a, buttons: i, layout: o, ...r } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...r, children: (0, We.jsxs)(dv, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(uv, { $flex: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(pv, { children: t }), (0, We.jsx)(hv, { $style: 'normal', children: n }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(mv, { $layout: o, children: => (0, We.jsx)(kv, { mainNumber: e.mainNumber, additionalText: e.additionalText, text: e.text, }), ), }), (null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.length) && (0, We.jsx)(uv, { $flex: 'row', children: null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_blank', children: e.title, }), ), }), ], }), }); }; var Sv, Ev, _v, Cv, Iv, Tv, Pv; const Av = kz.section( Sv || (Sv = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: 30px;\n padding: 3.12rem 0;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: 15px;\n }\n', ])), ), Rv = (kz.div( Ev || (Ev = d([ '\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr);\n', ])), ), kz.div( _v || (_v = d([ "\n flex-direction: column;\n position: relative;\n padding: 50px 243px 50px 50px;\n height: 332px;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n grid-column: span 8;\n\n &:before {\n content: '';\n background-image: url('');\n background-size: cover;\n background-position: center center;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n z-index: -1;\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n background-image: url('');\n }\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex: 0 0 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n padding: 90px 35px 35px 35px;\n height: unset;\n grid-column: span 12;\n }\n", ])), )), Dv = kz(Wz)( Cv || (Cv = d([ '\n color: white;\n text-align: left;\n margin-bottom: 0.94rem;\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n font-size: 1.875rem;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 2.3125rem;\n }\n', ])), ), Nv = kz(Hz)( Iv || (Iv = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n line-height: 27px;\n color: white;\n', ])), ), Lv = kz.div( Tv || (Tv = d([ '\n display: grid;\n flex-direction: row;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);\n flex: 0 0 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n }\n', ])), ); kz.div(Pv || (Pv = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n']))); var Ov; const Mv = kz.img( Ov || (Ov = d([ '\n max-width: unset;\n mix-blend-mode: multiply;\n max-height: 80px;\n margin: auto;\n max-width: 165px;\n', ])), ), Bv = e => { let { children: t, src: n, alt: a } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(Mv, { src: n, alt: a, loading: 'lazy' }); }, Uv = e => (0, We.jsxs)(Av, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Rv, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Dv, { children: 'Do\u0142\u0105cz do klubu profesjonalist\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(Nv, { $style: 'normal', children: 'Zobacz histori\u0119 sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3re zdecydowa\u0142y si\u0119 na IdoSell. Dowiedz si\u0119, w jaki spos\xf3b do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142y do grona profesjonalist\xf3w i zacz\u0119\u0142y sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Lv, { className: 'trusted_by__brands', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'minti logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'LeeCooper logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'Foods by Ann logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'Denley logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'ezebra logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'Pan Pablo logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: '9design logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(Bv, { src: '', alt: 'Paese logo', }), ], }), ], }); var Wv = 'undefined' !== typeof window; const Vv = function (t, n) { var a = (0, e.useState)( (function (e, t) { return void 0 !== t ? t : !!Wv && window.matchMedia(e).matches; })(t, n), ), i = a[0], o = a[1]; return ( (0, e.useEffect)( function () { var e = !0, n = window.matchMedia(t), a = function () { e && o(!!n.matches); }; return ( n.addListener(a), o(n.matches), function () { (e = !1), n.removeListener(a); } ); }, [t], ), i ); }; var Fv, Hv, Gv, Zv, $v, Xv, Kv, qv = n(464); kz.div( Fv || (Fv = d([ '\n display: flex;\n align-items: flex-start;\n justify-content: space-between;\n flex-direction: column;\n padding: 45px 30px;\n background: rgba(238, 238, 238, 1);\n', ])), ), kz.h3( Hv || (Hv = d([ '\n font-size: 1.625rem;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 2.125rem;\n text-align: left;\n margin: 0;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n', ])), ), kz.div( Gv || (Gv = d([ '\n width: 30px;\n height: 3px;\n background-color: black;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n', ])), ), kz.div(Zv || (Zv = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n']))), kz.div($v || ($v = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n']))), kz(Hz)(Xv || (Xv = d(['\n margin: 0;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n']))); const Yv = kz.a( Kv || (Kv = d([ '\n color: black;\n text-decoration: underline;\n font-size: 1rem;\n line-height: 1.125;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: black;\n }\n', ])), ); var Qv = yw(function (e, t) { const n = kw('Heading', e), { className: a, ...i } = Gn(e); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.h2, { ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-heading', e.className), ...i, __css: n }); }); Qv.displayName = 'Heading'; const Jv = e => { let { title: t, content: n, logoImage: a, link: i, font: o } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'column', padding: '2.8125rem 1.875rem', bg: 'dark.1', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h3', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: { base: 'smaller' === o ? '21px' : '1.625rem' }, lineHeight: { base: 'smaller' === o ? '31.5px' : '2.125rem', }, variant: 'label', marginBottom: '1.25rem', textAlign: 'left', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: '1.875rem', height: '0.1875rem', background: 'black', marginBottom: n ? '1.875rem' : '0', }), n && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { size: 'xl', marginBottom: '1.25rem', children: n, }), ], }), i && (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: (0, We.jsx)(Yv, { href: i.href, target:, children: i.label, }), }), a && (0, We.jsx)('img', { src: a.url, alt: a.alt }), ], }); }; var ek, tk, nk, ak, ik, ok; const rk = kz(Wz)( ek || (ek = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n margin: 0 15px;\n margin-bottom: 10px !important;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), lk = kz.div( tk || (tk = d([ '\n display: grid;\n gap: 30px;\n margin-top: ', ';\n\n ', '\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));\n }\n', ])), e => { let { $marginTop: t } = e; return t; }, e => { let { $tilesSettings: t } = e; switch (t) { case '2x1': return bz( nk || (nk = d([ '\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));\n flex: 1;\n ', ])), ); case '4x1': return bz( ak || (ak = d([ '\n grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr));\n flex: 1;\n ', ])), ); default: return bz( ik || (ik = d([ '\n grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));\n flex: 1;\n ', ])), ); } }, ); lk.defaultProps = { $tilesSettings: '3x1' }; const sk = kz.div( ok || (ok = d([ '\n background: rgba(238, 238, 238, 1);\n width: 100%;\n padding: 1.5rem 1rem;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n font-size: 18px;\n }\n\n & > div {\n width: 8px;\n\n & > svg {\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n', ])), ); var ck, dk; const uk = kz.section( ck || (ck = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: ', ';\n /* padding: 3.12rem 0; */\n padding: ', ';\n flex-direction: column;\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 780px) {\n margin: ', ';\n gap: ', ';\n padding-bottom: ', ';\n padding-top: ', ';\n }\n', ])), e => (e.$gap ? e.$gap : '50px'), e => (e.$customPadding ? e.$customPadding : '3.12rem 0'), e => 'green' === e.$background && bz( dk || (dk = d([ "\n &:before {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n height: 100%;\n top: 0px;\n width: 100vw;\n margin-left: 50%;\n left: -50vw;\n z-index: -2;\n background-color: #1aac7a;\n }\n ", ])), ), e => e.$fullOnMobile && '0 -15px;', e => e.$fullOnMobile && '0', e => e.$paddingBottomNone && '0px;', e => e.$paddingBottomNone && '0px;', ), pk = e => { let { children: t, fullOnMobile: n = !1, paddingBottomNone: a = !1, paddingTopNone: i = !1, background: o, customPadding: r, gap: l, } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(uk, { $background: o, $fullOnMobile: n, $paddingBottomNone: a, $paddingTopNone: i, $customPadding: r, $gap: l, children: t, }); }; function mk(e) { const t = e.disabled ? ' arrow--disabled' : ''; return (0, We.jsxs)('svg', { onClick: e.onClick, className: 'arrow ' .concat(e.left ? 'arrow--left' : 'arrow--right', ' ') .concat(t), xmlns: '', width: '8', height: '13', viewBox: '0 0 8 13', children: [ e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M8.00001 0.730469L5.54012 0.730469L0.363648 6.74354L5.54012 12.7305L8.00001 12.7305L2.82354 6.74354L8.00001 0.730469Z', }), !e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M1.52588e-05 12.7305H2.45991L7.63638 6.7174L2.45991 0.730469H1.52588e-05L5.17649 6.7174L1.52588e-05 12.7305Z', }), ], }); } const hk = t => { let { title: n, subtitle: a, tiles: i, marginTop: o, layoutDesktop: r = '3-in-row', } = t; const l = Vv('(max-width: 780px)'), [s, c] = e.useState(0), [d, u] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [p, m] = (0, qv.E)({ initial: 0, slideChanged(e) { c(e.track.details.rel); }, created() { u(!0); }, }); return (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(pk, { gap: '0', fullOnMobile: !0, paddingBottomNone: !0, children: [ n ? (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', margin: '0', marginBottom: '5px', fontSize: { base: '26px', md: '25px', lg: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '1.5', md: '37px', lg: '48px' }, fontWeight: '600', align: 'center', dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: n }, }) : null, a ? (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: '50px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', marginLeft: { base: '15px', lg: '130px' }, marginRight: { base: '15px', lg: '130px' }, children: a, }) : null, l ? (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { ref: p, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( 'div', { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), style: { marginTop: a ? '0' : '50px', background: '#eee', }, children: (0, We.jsx)( Jv, { title: e.title, content: e.content, link: ? : '', font: '4-in-row' === r ? 'smaller' : 'normal', }, t, ), }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(sk, { children: d && m.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(mk, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = m.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === s, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: [ s + 1, ' / ', i.length, ' ', ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(mk, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = m.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: s === m.current.track.details .slides.length - 1, }), }), ], }), }), ], }) : (0, We.jsx)(lk, { $marginTop: a ? '0' : '50px', $tilesSettings: '4-in-row' === r ? '4x1' : '3x1', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( Jv, { title: e.title, content: e.content, link:, font: '4-in-row' === r ? 'smaller' : 'normal', }, t, ), ), }), ], }), }); }; var fk, gk, wk, yk, xk, bk, zk, vk, kk, jk, Sk, Ek, _k; const Ck = kz.section( fk || (fk = d([ "\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: 50px;\n padding: 3.12rem 0;\n\n &::before {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n width: 100vw;\n height: 100%;\n top: 0;\n left: 50%;\n margin-left: -50vw;\n background-image: url(", ');\n background-size: cover;\n background-position: center center;\n z-index: -1;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n display: none;\n padding: 0;\n }\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 780px) {\n padding-top: 0px;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n margin: 0 -15px;\n }\n', ])), e => e.$imageUrl, ), Ik = kz.div( gk || (gk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n background-color: ', ';\n flex: 0 0 50%;\n max-width: 50%;\n padding: 50px;\n\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex: 0 0 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n padding: 30px;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, e => 'left' === e.$side && bz(wk || (wk = d(['\n margin-right: auto;\n ']))), e => 'right' === e.$side && bz(yk || (yk = d(['\n margin-left: auto;\n ']))), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( xk || (xk = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz(bk || (bk = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ), Tk = kz.div( zk || (zk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n color: black;\n', ])), ), Pk = kz(Wz)( vk || (vk = d([ '\n color: white;\n text-align: left;\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\n', ])), ), Ak = kz.div( kk || (kk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n padding: 1rem 0;\n', ])), ), Rk = kz.h3( jk || (jk = d([ '\n font-size: 1.625rem;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 2.125rem;\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n font-size: 1.5rem;\n }\n', ])), ), Dk = (kz(Hz)(Sk || (Sk = d(['']))), kz.div( Ek || (Ek = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n flex: 0 0 calc(25% - 50px / 2);\n max-width: calc(25% - 50px / 2);\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex: 0 0 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n }\n', ])), ), kz.div( _k || (_k = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n'])), ), e => { let { image: t, boxSide: n, title: a, subtitle: i, children: o, ctaButton: r, ...l } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...l, children: (0, We.jsx)(Ck, { $imageUrl: t.url, children: (0, We.jsxs)(Ik, { $flex: 'column', $side: n, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Tk, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Pk, { children: a }), (0, We.jsx)(Rk, { children: i }), o, ], }), r && (0, We.jsx)(Ak, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: r.href, style: r.variant, target: || '_blank', children: r.title, }), }), ], }), }), }); }); var Nk, Lk, Ok, Mk, Bk, Uk, Wk, Vk, Fk; kz.section( Nk || (Nk = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n padding: 5rem 0;\n flex-direction: column;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n padding: 3.125rem 0;\n }\n', ])), ), kz.div( Lk || (Lk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n gap: 50px;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n gap: 35px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( Ok || (Ok = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz(Mk || (Mk = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ); const Hk = kz(Wz)( Bk || (Bk = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 0.94rem;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), Gk = kz(Wz)(Uk || (Uk = d(['\n display: block;\n']))), Zk = kz(Fz)( Wk || (Wk = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n\n span {\n color: ', ';\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), $k = kz.a( Vk || (Vk = d([ '\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 42px;\n font-weight: 600;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: underline;\n cursor: pointer;\n color: black;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: black;\n }\n', ])), ), Xk = kz.div( Fk || (Fk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n margin-bottom: 3.125rem;\n', ])), ), Kk = e => { let { version: t = 'pl', ...n } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', ...n, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Xk, { children: [ 'pl' === t ? (0, We.jsxs)(Hk, { children: [ 'Chcesz o co\u015b zapyta\u0107?', (0, We.jsx)(Gk, { children: 'Porozmawiaj z ekspertem IdoSell', }), ], }) : (0, We.jsxs)(Hk, { children: [ 'Do you want to ask something?', (0, We.jsx)(Gk, { children: 'Talk to an IdoSell expert', }), ], }), 'pl' === t ? (0, We.jsxs)(Zk, { $style: 'normal', children: [ 'Eksperci z dzia\u0142u sprzeda\u017cy s\u0105 do twojej dyspozycji od poniedzia\u0142ku do pi\u0105tku, w godzinach ', (0, We.jsx)('span', { children: '9:00 - 17:00', }), ], }) : (0, We.jsxs)(Zk, { $style: 'normal', children: [ 'Experts from the sales department are at your service Monday through Friday, from ', (0, We.jsx)('span', { children: '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', gap: { base: 4, lg: 6 }, justifyContent: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)($k, { href: '', children: '', }), (0, We.jsx)($k, { href: 'tel:+48914436600', children: '+48 91 443 66 00', }), ], }), ], }); }; var qk, Yk, Qk, Jk, ej, tj, nj, aj, ij; const oj = kz.section( qk || (qk = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n padding: ', ';\n flex-direction: column;\n', ])), e => e.$padding || '5rem 0', ), rj = kz.div( Yk || (Yk = d([ '\n display: flex;\n gap: 30px;\n width: 100%;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n gap: 15px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( Qk || (Qk = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: center;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz(Jk || (Jk = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ), lj = kz(Wz)( ej || (ej = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 15px;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), sj = (kz(Wz)(tj || (tj = d(['\n display: block;\n']))), kz(Fz)(nj || (nj = d(['\n text-align: center;\n'])))), cj = (kz.a( aj || (aj = d([ '\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 42px;\n font-weight: 600;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: underline;\n', ])), ), kz.div( ij || (ij = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n', ])), )), dj = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, buttons: a, padding: i } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(oj, { $padding: i, children: [ (t || n) && (0, We.jsxs)(cj, { children: [ t && (0, We.jsx)(lj, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: t }, }), n && (0, We.jsx)(sj, { $style: 'normal', children: n }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(rj, { $flex: 'row', children: null === a || void 0 === a ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_blank', children: e.title, }), ), }), ], }); }; var uj, pj, mj, hj, fj, gj, wj, yj, xj, bj; const zj = kz.section( uj || (uj = d([ "\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n padding: 5rem 0;\n flex-direction: column;\n\n &::before {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n height: 100%;\n top: 0;\n width: 100vw;\n margin-left: 50%;\n left: -50vw;\n z-index: -2;\n background-color: ", ';\n }\n\n & > .keen-slider {\n padding: 2rem 0;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n padding: 2.185rem 0 4.375rem 0;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), vj = kz.div( pj || (pj = d([ '\n display: grid;\n gap: 30px;\n padding: 3.125rem 0.94rem;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));\n padding: 3.125rem 0;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));\n padding: 2.185rem 0.94rem;\n }\n', ])), ), kj = kz(Wz)( mj || (mj = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n color: white;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), jj = (kz(Wz)( hj || (hj = d([ '\n display: block;\n text-align: start;\n font-weight: 600;\n', ])), ), kz.h4( fj || (fj = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: normal;\n', ])), ), kz.a( gj || (gj = d([ '\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 42px;\n font-weight: 600;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: underline;\n', ])), ), kz.div( wj || (wj = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n'])), )), Sj = kz.div(yj || (yj = d(['']))), Ej = kz.a( xj || (xj = d([ '\n color: white;\n font-size: 1rem;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 600;\n line-height: 1.125rem;\n text-decoration: underline;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: white;\n }\n', ])), ), _j = kz.div( bj || (bj = d([ '\n background: transparent;\n width: 100%;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n color: white;\n padding-bottom: 2rem;\n\n span {\n font-size: 18px;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n font-size: 16px;\n }\n }\n\n svg {\n fill: white;\n }\n', ])), ); var Cj = yw(function (e, t) { const { htmlWidth: n, htmlHeight: a, alt: i, ...o } = e; return (0, We.jsx)('img', { width: n, height: a, ref: t, alt: i, ...o }); }); Cj.displayName = 'NativeImage'; function Ij(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : []; const n = Object.assign({}, e); for (const a of t) a in n && delete n[a]; return n; } var Tj, Pj, Aj, Rj, Dj, Nj, Lj = yw(function (t, n) { const { fallbackSrc: a, fallback: i, src: o, srcSet: r, align: l, fit: s, loading: c, ignoreFallback: d, crossOrigin: u, fallbackStrategy: p = 'beforeLoadOrError', referrerPolicy: m, ...h } = t, f = null != c || d || !(void 0 !== a || void 0 !== i), g = (function (t) { const { loading: n, src: a, srcSet: i, onLoad: o, onError: r, crossOrigin: l, sizes: s, ignoreFallback: c, } = t, [d, u] = (0, e.useState)('pending'); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { u(a ? 'loading' : 'pending'); }, [a]); const p = (0, e.useRef)(), m = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { if (!a) return; h(); const e = new Image(); (e.src = a), l && (e.crossOrigin = l), i && (e.srcset = i), s && (e.sizes = s), n && (e.loading = n), (e.onload = e => { h(), u('loaded'), null == o || o(e); }), (e.onerror = e => { h(), u('failed'), null == r || r(e); }), (p.current = e); }, [a, l, i, s, o, r, n]), h = () => { p.current && ((p.current.onload = null), (p.current.onerror = null), (p.current = null)); }; return ( sa(() => { if (!c) return ( 'loading' === d && m(), () => { h(); } ); }, [d, m, c]), c ? 'loaded' : d ); })({ ...t, crossOrigin: u, ignoreFallback: f }), w = ((e, t) => ('loaded' !== e && 'beforeLoadOrError' === t) || ('failed' === e && 'onError' === t))(g, p), y = { ref: n, objectFit: s, objectPosition: l, ...(f ? h : Ij(h, ['onError', 'onLoad'])), }; return w ? i || (0, We.jsx)(fw.img, { as: Cj, className: 'chakra-image__placeholder', src: a, ...y, }) : (0, We.jsx)(fw.img, { as: Cj, src: o, srcSet: r, crossOrigin: u, loading: c, referrerPolicy: m, className: 'chakra-image', ...y, }); }); Lj.displayName = 'Image'; const Oj = kz.h3( Tj || (Tj = d([ '\n font-weight: 600;\n font-size: 21px;\n line-height: 31.5px;\n margin-bottom: 0.94rem;\n text-align: start;\n font-weight: 600;\n', ])), ), Mj = (kz.div( Pj || (Pj = d([ '\n width: 30px;\n height: 3px;\n background-color: black;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n', ])), ), kz.div( Aj || (Aj = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n'])), ), kz.div( Rj || (Rj = d(['\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n'])), ), kz(Hz)(Dj || (Dj = d(['\n margin: 0;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n']))), kz.a( Nj || (Nj = d([ '\n color: ', ';\n text-decoration: underline;\n font-size: 1rem;\n line-height: 1.125;\n font-style: normal;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n font-weight: 600;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: ', ';\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, e => e.theme.colors.primary, )), Bj = e => { let { title: t, image: n, link: a } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { background: 'white', alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Oj, { children: t }), (0, We.jsx)(Mj, { href: a.href, target:, children: a.label, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: n.url, alt: n.alt, objectFit: 'cover' }), ], }); }; function Uj(e) { const t = e.disabled ? ' arrow--disabled' : ''; return (0, We.jsxs)('svg', { onClick: e.onClick, className: 'arrow ' .concat(e.left ? 'arrow--left' : 'arrow--right', ' ') .concat(t), xmlns: '', viewBox: '0 0 24 24', children: [ e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M16.67 0l2.83 2.829-9.339 9.175 9.339 9.167-2.83 2.829-12.17-11.996z', }), !e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M5 3l3.057-3 11.943 12-11.943 12-3.057-3 9-9z', }), ], }); } const Wj = t => { let { title: n, blogs: a } = t; const i = Vv('(max-width: 780px)'), [o, r] = e.useState(0), [l, s] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [c, d] = (0, qv.E)({ loop: !0, initial: 0, slideChanged(e) { r(e.track.details.rel); }, created() { s(!0); }, }); return (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(zj, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(jj, { children: (0, We.jsx)(kj, { children: n }) }), i ? (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { ref: c, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( 'div', { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), children: (0, We.jsx)( Bj, { title: e.title, image: e.image, link:, }, t, ), }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(_j, { children: l && d.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Uj, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = d.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === o, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: [ o + 1, ' / ', a.length, ' ', ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Uj, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = d.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: o === d.current.track.details .slides.length - 1, }), }), ], }), }), ], }) : (0, We.jsx)(vj, { children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( Bj, { title: e.title, image: e.image, link: }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sj, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Ej, { target: '_blank', href: '', children: 'Przeczytaj wpisy na naszym blogu', }), }), ], }), }); }; var Vj, Fj, Hj, Gj, Zj, $j, Xj, Kj, qj, Yj, Qj, Jj; kz.section( Vj || (Vj = d([ '\n position: relative;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n padding: 3.12rem 0;\n flex-direction: column;\n', ])), ); const eS = kz.div( Fj || (Fj = d([ '\n display: flex;\n gap: 30px;\n width: 100%;\n justify-content: center;\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n gap: 15px;\n }\n', ])), e => 'row' === e.$flex && bz( Hj || (Hj = d([ '\n flex-direction: row;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n }\n ', ])), ), e => 'column' === e.$flex && bz(Gj || (Gj = d(['\n flex-direction: column;\n ']))), ), tS = kz(Wz)( Zj || (Zj = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 0.94rem;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), nS = (kz(Wz)($j || ($j = d(['\n display: block;\n']))), kz.p( Xj || (Xj = d([ '\n font-size: 18px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: normal;\n padding: 0 200px;\n text-align: center;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n padding: 0;\n }\n', ])), )), aS = (kz.a( Kj || (Kj = d([ '\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 42px;\n font-weight: 600;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: underline;\n', ])), ), kz.div( qj || (qj = d([ '\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n', ])), )), iS = kz.div( Yj || (Yj = d([ '\n padding: 3.125rem 1rem;\n width: 100%;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n padding: 3.125rem 0;\n }\n', ])), ), oS = kz.div( Qj || (Qj = d([ '\n display: grid;\n gap: 30px;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 757px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr));\n }\n\n &.keen-slider__slide {\n margin-left: -16px;\n margin-right: 30px;\n }\n', ])), ), rS = kz.div( Jj || (Jj = d([ '\n margin-top: 15px;\n width: 100%;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n\n & > div {\n width: 8px;\n\n & > svg {\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n', ])), ); var lS, sS, cS, dS, uS; const pS = kz.div(lS || (lS = d(['\n margin-bottom: 0.2rem;\n']))), mS = kz.img( sS || (sS = d([ '\n @media (min-width: 768px) {\n max-height: 215px;\n }\n @media (max-width: 768px) {\n width: 100%;\n }\n', ])), ), hS = kz.p( cS || (cS = d([ '\n margin: 0;\n font-size: 1rem;\n font-style: italic;\n font-weight: 500;\n line-height: 1.5625rem;\n margin-top: 1.2rem;\n margin-bottom: 1.2rem;\n min-height: 75px;\n', ])), ), fS = kz.a( dS || (dS = d([ '\n color: black;\n font-size: 0.9375rem;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 700;\n line-height: 1.25rem;\n display: flex;\n\n &:hover {\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n', ])), ), gS = kz.img( uS || (uS = d([ '\n margin: 0 !important;\n margin-left: 5px !important;\n width: 10px !important;\n height: 10px !important;\n', ])), ), wS = e => { let { image: t, hastags: n, title: a, link: i } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(pS, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(mS, { alt: t.alt, src: t.url }), n && (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { mt: 3, fontWeight: 'bold', children: [' ', n, ' '], }), (0, We.jsxs)(hS, { children: ['\u201c', a, '\u201c'] }), (0, We.jsxs)(fS, { href: i.href, target:, children: [ i.label, (0, We.jsx)(gS, { src: '', alt: 'Arrow', }), ], }), ], }); }; function yS(e) { const t = e.disabled ? ' arrow--disabled' : ''; return (0, We.jsxs)('svg', { onClick: e.onClick, className: 'arrow ' .concat(e.left ? 'arrow--left' : 'arrow--right', ' ') .concat(t), xmlns: '', width: '8', height: '13', viewBox: '0 0 8 13', children: [ e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M8.00001 0.730469L5.54012 0.730469L0.363648 6.74354L5.54012 12.7305L8.00001 12.7305L2.82354 6.74354L8.00001 0.730469Z', }), !e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M1.52588e-05 12.7305H2.45991L7.63638 6.7174L2.45991 0.730469H1.52588e-05L5.17649 6.7174L1.52588e-05 12.7305Z', }), ], }); } const xS = t => { let { title: n, text: a, casestudies: i, bgColor: o, padding: r, ...l } = t; const s = Vv('(max-width: 780px)'), [c, d] = e.useState(0), [u, p] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [m, h] = (0, qv.E)({ initial: 0, slideChanged(e) { d(e.track.details.rel); }, created() { p(!0); }, }); return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: o || 'white' === o ? 'white' : 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, position: 'relative', ...l, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(aS, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(tS, { children: n }), (0, We.jsx)(nS, { children: a }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(eS, { $flex: 'row', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Poznaj historie klient\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'outline', target: '_blank', children: 'Zobacz nasze realizacje', }), ], }), s ? (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(iS, { ref: m, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( 'div', { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), children: (0, We.jsx)( wS, { title: e.title, image: e.image, hastags: e.hastags, link:, }, t, ), }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(rS, { children: u && h.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(yS, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = h.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === c, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: [ c + 1, ' / ', i.length, ' ', ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(yS, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = h.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: c === h.current.track.details.slides .length - 1, }), }), ], }), }), ], }) : (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(iS, { ref: m, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => { if (t % 3 === 0) { const e = i.slice(t, t + 3); return (0, We.jsx)( oS, { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), children:, n) => (0, We.jsx)( wS, { title: e.title, image: e.image, hastags: e.hastags, link:, }, t + n, ), ), }, t, ); } return null; }), }), (0, We.jsx)(rS, { children: u && h.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(yS, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = h.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === c, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: [ c + 1, ' / ', Math.ceil(i.length / 3), ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(yS, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = h.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: c === Math.floor(i.length / 3), }), }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }); }; var bS; const zS = (function (t) { for (var n = [], a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) n[a - 1] = arguments[a]; var i = bz.apply(void 0, Uy([t], n, !1)), o = 'sc-global-'.concat(ob(JSON.stringify(i))), r = new jz(i, o), l = function (t) { var n = az(), a = e.useContext(hz), i = e.useRef(n.styleSheet.allocateGSInstance(o)).current; return ( n.styleSheet.server && s(i, t, n.styleSheet, a, n.stylis), e.useLayoutEffect( function () { if (!n.styleSheet.server) return ( s(i, t, n.styleSheet, a, n.stylis), function () { return r.removeStyles(i, n.styleSheet); } ); }, [i, t, n.styleSheet, a, n.stylis], ), null ); }; function s(e, t, n, a, i) { if (r.isStatic) r.renderStyles(e, Gx, n, i); else { var o = By(By({}, t), { theme: Xx(t, a, l.defaultProps) }); r.renderStyles(e, o, n, i); } } return e.memo(l); })( bS || (bS = d([ "\n\n/*\n 1. Use a more-intuitive box-sizing model.\n*/\n*, *::before, *::after {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n/*\n 2. Remove default margin\n*/\n* {\n margin: 0;\n}\n/*\n Typographic tweaks!\n 3. Add accessible line-height\n 4. Improve text rendering\n*/\nbody {\n line-height: 1.5;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;\n color: #171717;\n /* overflow-x: hidden; */\n}\n/*\n 5. Improve media defaults\n*/\nimg, picture, video, canvas, svg {\n display: block;\n max-width: 100%;\n}\n/*\n 6. Remove built-in form typography styles\n*/\ninput, button, textarea, select {\n font: inherit;\n}\n/*\n 7. Avoid text overflows\n*/\np, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\n overflow-wrap: break-word;\n}\n/*\n 8. Create a root stacking context\n*/\n#root, #__next {\n isolation: isolate;\n}\n\n.containerIdosellPages{\n width: 1200px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n max-width:95%;\n\n}\n.table__minus, .table__plus {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n align-self: center;\n}\n\n.table__plus {\n color: #171717;\n font-size: 35px;\n}\n\n.table__minus {\n opacity: 0.5;\n color: #c8c8c8;\n font-size: 35px;\n}\n.d-block {\n display: block;\n}\n.--green {\n color: rgb(26, 172, 122);\n}\n\n", ])), ); var vS; const kS = kz.div( vS || (vS = d([ '\n padding: 0 50px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n max-height: 100px;\n\n img {\n max-width: 94.25px;\n }\n', ])), ), jS = e => { let { imageUrl: t, alt: n } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(kS, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', src: t, alt: n, }), }); }; var SS, ES, _S, CS; const IS = kz(Wz)( SS || (SS = d([ '\n text-align: center;\n\n & > span.--green {\n color: ', ';\n display: block;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n margin-bottom: 35px;\n }\n', ])), e => e.theme.colors.primary, ), TS = kz.div( ES || (ES = d([ '\n width: 100%;\n padding: 0;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n font-size: 18px;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n font-size: 16px;\n }\n\n & > div {\n width: 8px;\n\n & > svg {\n width: 100%;\n }\n }\n', ])), ), PS = kz.div( _S || (_S = d([ '\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr));\n margin-bottom: 5rem;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));\n }\n', ])), ), AS = kz.div( CS || (CS = d([ '\n padding: 3.125rem 1rem;\n width: 100%;\n\n @media (max-width: 979px) {\n align-items: flex-start;\n padding: 3.125rem 0;\n }\n', ])), ); function RS(e) { const t = e.disabled ? ' arrow--disabled' : ''; return (0, We.jsxs)('svg', { onClick: e.onClick, className: 'arrow ' .concat(e.left ? 'arrow--left' : 'arrow--right', ' ') .concat(t), xmlns: '', width: '8', height: '13', viewBox: '0 0 8 13', children: [ e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M8.00001 0.730469L5.54012 0.730469L0.363648 6.74354L5.54012 12.7305L8.00001 12.7305L2.82354 6.74354L8.00001 0.730469Z', }), !e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M1.52588e-05 12.7305H2.45991L7.63638 6.7174L2.45991 0.730469H1.52588e-05L5.17649 6.7174L1.52588e-05 12.7305Z', }), ], }); } const DS = t => { let { title: n, subTitle: a, sections: i } = t; Vv('(max-width: 780px)'); const [o, r] = e.useState(0), [l, s] = e.useState(!1), [c, d] = (0, qv.E)({ loop: !0, initial: 0, slideChanged(e) { r(e.track.details.rel); }, created() { s(!0); }, }); return (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)('div', { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { mb: 8, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(IS, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: n }, }), a && (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: { base: 'sm', lg: 'md' }, textAlign: 'center', mt: 3, children: [a, ' '], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(TS, { children: l && d.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(RS, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = d.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === o, }), }), (0, We.jsx)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: i[o].label, }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(RS, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = d.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: o === i.length - 1, }), }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(AS, { ref: c, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => { const n = e.items; return (0, We.jsx)( PS, { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), children:, n) => (0, We.jsx)( jS, { imageUrl: t.logo.url, alt: e.label, }, 'PartnersSlide-CarouselImage-'.concat( n, ), ), ), }, t, ); }), }), ], }), ], }), }); }, NS = e => { let { version: t, title: n, eyebrow: a, discountPrice: i, text: o, dueTo: r, buttonText: l, href: s, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, position: 'relative', py: '50px', px: { base: '0', lg: '50px' }, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'green' === t ? '#D4F7E5' : 'black' === t ? 'dark.5' : '#E25E2E', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', paddingRight: { base: '0', lg: '120px' }, marginBottom: { base: 8, lg: '0' }, textAlign: { base: 'center', lg: 'left' }, children: [ a && (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '1.5rem', lineHeight: '2rem', marginBottom: '.3125rem', fontWeight: '900', color: 'green' === t ? '#1AAC7A' : 'black' === t ? '#E25E2E' : 'dark.5', children: [ a, ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { ml: '4px', as: 'span', textDecoration: 'line-through', children: i, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h2', color: 'green' === t ? 'dark.5' : 'white', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '1.25rem', lineHeight: '2rem', children: n, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: 'green' === t ? 'dark.5' : 'white', fontSize: 'xl', children: o, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', paddingLeft: { base: '0', lg: '50px' }, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { marginBottom: '5px', children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: s, target: '_blank', style: 'black' === t ? 'outline-reverted' : 'default', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { whiteSpace: 'pre', children: l, }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', color: 'green' === t ? 'dark.5' : 'white', children: r, }), ], }), ], }); }, LS = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona g\u0142\xf3wna', }; function OS(e) { const [t] = jy.KX; return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Najbardziej efektywna sprzeda\u017cowo platforma dla sklep\xf3w internetowych ', image: LS, buttons: [ { title: 'Wypr\xf3buj demo sklepu', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'outline', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(jv, { title: 'Uruchom sklep internetowy', subtitle: 'Z nami klienci rosn\u0105 i sprzedaj\u0105 wi\u0119cej', layout: '1x4', items: [ { mainNumber: '16,5', additionalText: ' mld z\u0142', text: 'sumaryczna warto\u015b\u0107 transakcji rocznie (GMV)', }, { mainNumber: '~8', additionalText: ' tys.', text: 'aktywnych sklep\xf3w internetowych', }, { mainNumber: '60', additionalText: ' mln', text: 'transakcji rocznie', }, { mainNumber: '25', additionalText: ' lat', text: 'do\u015bwiadczenia w bran\u017cy e-commerce', }, ], data: 'string', }), (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: t.title, tiles: [ { title: 'Gotowe integracje', content: 'Z IdoSell nie musisz szuka\u0107 integracji na w\u0142asn\u0105 r\u0119k\u0119, ani martwi\u0107 si\u0119 o ich aktualizacj\u0119 i poprawno\u015b\u0107 dzia\u0142ania. Korzystaj\u0105c z naszego rozwi\u0105zania, zintegrujesz si\u0119 z systemami p\u0142atno\u015bci, kurierami, por\xf3wnywarkami cen czy serwisami z opiniami.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { title: 'Wbudowany WMS', content: 'Posiadamy wbudowany system do obs\u0142ugi wielu magazyn\xf3w, zar\xf3wno w\u0142asnych, jak i dostawc\xf3w. Za pomoc\u0105 intuicyjnych narz\u0119dzi obs\u0142u\u017cysz zwroty, reklamacje i wystawisz niezb\u0119dne dokumenty sprzeda\u017cy.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { title: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa', content: 'Rynek europejski jest w zasi\u0119gu r\u0119ki. Z IdoSell zyskujesz dost\u0119p do wbudowanych integracji z globalnymi partnerami.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { title: 'Sklep gotowy do sprzeda\u017cy', content: 'Nasi eksperci spersonalizuj\u0105 sklep pod twoje potrzeby. Uruchomi\u0105 te integracje i funkcjonalno\u015bci, kt\xf3re s\u0105 najbardziej przydatne i pomog\u0105 ci w szybkim starcie sprzeda\u017cy na IdoSell. Z nami otrzymasz sklep gotowy do sprzeda\u017cy.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { title: 'Fulfillment', content: 'W IdoSell znajdziesz integracje z najlepszymi partnerami logistycznymi, kt\xf3rzy zrealizuj\u0105 twoje zam\xf3wienia, obs\u0142u\u017c\u0105 zwroty, wynegocjuj\u0105 umowy z kurierami i b\u0119d\u0105 odpowiada\u0107 za pakowanie towar\xf3w.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { title: 'Bezpieczny sklep internetowy', content: 'W IdoSell otrzymujesz najbezpieczniejszy system. Gwarantujemy Ci niezawodno\u015b\u0107 i dost\u0119pno\u015b\u0107 us\u0142ugi przez 99.98% czasu.', link: { label: 'Przejd\u017a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Uv, { data: 'string' }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'left', title: 'Chcesz przenie\u015b\u0107 sw\xf3j sklep internetowy?', subtitle: 'Migruj z dowolnej platformy OpenSource lub SaaS do IdoSell', ctaButton: { title: 'Przenie\u015b\xa0sklep do IdoSell', href: '', variant: 'default', }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: 'Przeniesiemy twoj\u0105 baz\u0119 danych i produkty ze zdj\u0119ciami, skonfigurujemy domen\u0119, zintegrujemy p\u0142atno\u015bci i kurier\xf3w. Dodatkowo zachowasz wypracowan\u0105 pozycj\u0119 SEO.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: 'Ka\u017cdego miesi\u0105ca do IdoSell migruje kilkadziesi\u0105t sklep\xf3w z innych platform. Do\u0142\u0105cz do klubu dla profesjonalist\xf3w.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, { my: 10, py: 4 }), (0, We.jsx)(xS, { py: 8, title: 'Poznaj naszych sprzedawc\xf3w', text: 'Zobacz histori\u0119 sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3re zdecydowa\u0142y si\u0119 na IdoSell. Dowiedz si\u0119, w jaki spos\xf3b do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142y do grona profesjonalist\xf3w i zacz\u0119\u0142y sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', casestudies: [ { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', }, title: 'My robimy myd\u0142o, a IdoSell za\u0142atwia ca\u0142\u0105 reszt\u0119.', link: { label: 'Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Flamqa', }, title: 'Dobra \u015bwieca powinna by\u0107 niczym dobre perfumy.', link: { label: 'Flamqa', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce zielona esencja', }, title: 'W\u0142asna marka w e-commerce oparta o warto\u015bci i platform\u0119 IdoSell', link: { label: 'Zielona Esencja', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Wj, { title: 'Chcesz wiedzie\u0107 wi\u0119cej zanim za\u0142o\u017cysz sw\xf3j e-sklep?', blogs: [ { image: { url: '', alt: 'Cz\u0142owiek wpisuj\u0105cy dane na stronie', }, title: 'Jak za\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 sklep internetowy w 2025 roku?', link: { label: 'Czytaj ca\u0142o\u015b\u0107', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Pani obs\u0142uguj\u0105ca magazyn', }, title: 'Open Source czy SaaS - co wybra\u0107?', link: { label: 'Czytaj ca\u0142o\u015b\u0107', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Wskazywanie wykresu na ekranie', }, title: 'Najcz\u0119stsze b\u0142\u0119dy podczas zak\u0142adania sklepu online', link: { label: 'Czytaj ca\u0142o\u015b\u0107', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(dj, { title: 'Sprawd\u017a mo\u017cliwo\u015bci IdoSell', subtitle: 'Poznaj nasz panel, sprawd\u017a nasz\u0105 technologi\u0119, otw\xf3rz lub migruj sklep i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', buttons: [ { title: 'Wypr\xf3buj demo sklepu', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'outline', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(DS, { title: 'Gotowe, aktualizowane przez nas integracje', subTitle: 'Korzystaj z najwa\u017cniejszych i najpopularniejszych integracji wbudowanych w tw\xf3j sklep internetowy', sections: [ { label: 'Systemy p\u0142atno\u015bci', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Kurierzy', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Marketplaces, por\xf3wnywarki cen', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Operatorzy fulfillment', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Certyfikaty', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Pozostali partnerzy', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, ], }), ], }), ], }); } const MS = e => { let { image: t, title: n, layout_order: a, subtitle: i, children: o, ctaButton: r, padding: l, bgColor: s, titleColor: c, ...d } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(Dy, { _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'gray' == s ? 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)' : '', }, padding: l ? { base: '0', md: l } : { base: '0', md: '5rem 0' }, position: 'relative', ...d, children: (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { templateColumns: 'repeat(, 1fr)', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { sm: 'templateColumns="1fr"', lg: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { justifyContent: { base: 'center', lg: 'left' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { mx: { sm: 'left', lg: 'initial' }, src: t.url, alt: t.alt, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'center', order: 'image_left' === a ? '' : '-1', children: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: '600', color: c || 'black', mb: '30px', as: 'b', textAlign: 'left', children: n, }), i && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', color: '#171717', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', as: 'b', textAlign: 'left', children: i, }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { gap: '15px', flexDirection: 'column', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', marginBottom: '30px', children: o, }), r && (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: r.href, style: r.variant, target: '_blank', children: r.title, }), ], }), }), ], }), }); }, BS = e => { let { logos: t } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(pk, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'center', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { maxWidth: { base: '50%', sm: 'calc(100%/3)', lg: 'calc(100%/7)', }, flex: { base: '0 0 50%', sm: '0 0 calc(100%/3)', lg: '0 0 calc(100%/7)', }, src: e.url, alt: e.alt, filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }), ), }), }); }; function US() { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return e => { t.forEach(t => { !(function (e, t) { if (null != e) if ('function' !== typeof e) try { e.current = t; } catch (n) { throw new Error( "Cannot assign value '" .concat(t, "' to ref '") .concat(e, "'"), ); } else e(t); })(t, e); }); }; } function WS() { for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), a = 0; a < t; a++) n[a] = arguments[a]; return (0, e.useMemo)(() => US(...n), n); } function VS(e) { const t =, { tagName: n, isContentEditable: a } = t; return 'INPUT' !== n && 'TEXTAREA' !== n && !0 !== a; } function FS() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { ref: n, isDisabled: a, isFocusable: i, clickOnEnter: o = !0, clickOnSpace: r = !0, onMouseDown: l, onMouseUp: s, onClick: c, onKeyDown: d, onKeyUp: u, tabIndex: p, onMouseOver: m, onMouseLeave: h, ...f } = t, [g, w] = (0, e.useState)(!0), [y, x] = (0, e.useState)(!1), b = (function () { const t = (0, e.useRef)(new Map()), n = t.current, a = (0, e.useCallback)((e, n, a, i) => { t.current.set(a, { type: n, el: e, options: i }), e.addEventListener(n, a, i); }, []), i = (0, e.useCallback)((e, n, a, i) => { e.removeEventListener(n, a, i), t.current.delete(a); }, []); return ( (0, e.useEffect)( () => () => { n.forEach((e, t) => { i(e.el, e.type, t, e.options); }); }, [i, n], ), { add: a, remove: i } ); })(), z = g ? p : p || 0, v = a && !i, k = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { if (a) return e.stopPropagation(), void e.preventDefault(); e.currentTarget.focus(), null == c || c(e); }, [a, c], ), j = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { y && VS(e) && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), x(!1), b.remove(document, 'keyup', j, !1)); }, [y, b], ), S = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { if ((null == d || d(e), a || e.defaultPrevented || e.metaKey)) return; if (!VS(e.nativeEvent) || g) return; const t = o && 'Enter' === e.key; if ((r && ' ' === e.key && (e.preventDefault(), x(!0)), t)) { e.preventDefault();; } b.add(document, 'keyup', j, !1); }, [a, g, d, o, r, b, j], ), E = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { if ((null == u || u(e), a || e.defaultPrevented || e.metaKey)) return; if (!VS(e.nativeEvent) || g) return; if (r && ' ' === e.key) { e.preventDefault(), x(!1);; } }, [r, g, a, u], ), _ = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { 0 === e.button && (x(!1), b.remove(document, 'mouseup', _, !1)); }, [b], ), C = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { if (0 !== e.button) return; if (a) return e.stopPropagation(), void e.preventDefault(); g || x(!0); e.currentTarget.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), b.add(document, 'mouseup', _, !1), null == l || l(e); }, [a, g, l, b, _], ), I = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { 0 === e.button && (g || x(!1), null == s || s(e)); }, [s, g], ), T = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { a ? e.preventDefault() : null == m || m(e); }, [a, m], ), P = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { y && (e.preventDefault(), x(!1)), null == h || h(e); }, [y, h], ), A = US(n, e => { e && 'BUTTON' !== e.tagName && w(!1); }); return g ? { ...f, ref: A, type: 'button', 'aria-disabled': v ? void 0 : a, disabled: v, onClick: k, onMouseDown: l, onMouseUp: s, onKeyUp: u, onKeyDown: d, onMouseOver: m, onMouseLeave: h, } : { ...f, ref: A, role: 'button', 'data-active': at(y), 'aria-disabled': a ? 'true' : void 0, tabIndex: v ? void 0 : z, onClick: k, onMouseDown: C, onMouseUp: I, onKeyUp: E, onKeyDown: S, onMouseOver: T, onMouseLeave: P, }; } var HS = Object.defineProperty, GS = (e, t, n) => ( ((e, t, n) => { t in e ? HS(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n, }) : (e[t] = n); })(e, 'symbol' !== typeof t ? t + '' : t, n), n ); function ZS(e) { return e.sort((e, t) => { const n = e.compareDocumentPosition(t); if ( n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING || n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY ) return -1; if ( n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING || n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS ) return 1; if ( n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED || n & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC ) throw Error('Cannot sort the given nodes.'); return 0; }); } function $S(e, t, n) { let a = e + 1; return n && a >= t && (a = 0), a; } function XS(e, t, n) { let a = e - 1; return n && a < 0 && (a = t), a; } var KS = 'undefined' !== typeof window ? e.useLayoutEffect : e.useEffect, qS = e => e, YS = class { constructor() { var e = this; GS(this, 'descendants', new Map()), GS(this, 'register', e => { var t; if (null != e) return 'object' == typeof (t = e) && 'nodeType' in t && t.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? this.registerNode(e) : t => { this.registerNode(t, e); }; }), GS(this, 'unregister', e => { this.descendants.delete(e); const t = ZS(Array.from(this.descendants.keys())); this.assignIndex(t); }), GS(this, 'destroy', () => { this.descendants.clear(); }), GS(this, 'assignIndex', e => { this.descendants.forEach(t => { const n = e.indexOf(t.node); (t.index = n), (t.node.dataset.index = t.index.toString()); }); }), GS(this, 'count', () => this.descendants.size), GS(this, 'enabledCount', () => this.enabledValues().length), GS(this, 'values', () => Array.from(this.descendants.values()).sort( (e, t) => e.index - t.index, ), ), GS(this, 'enabledValues', () => this.values().filter(e => !e.disabled), ), GS(this, 'item', e => { if (0 !== this.count()) return this.values()[e]; }), GS(this, 'enabledItem', e => { if (0 !== this.enabledCount()) return this.enabledValues()[e]; }), GS(this, 'first', () => this.item(0)), GS(this, 'firstEnabled', () => this.enabledItem(0)), GS(this, 'last', () => this.item(this.descendants.size - 1)), GS(this, 'lastEnabled', () => { const e = this.enabledValues().length - 1; return this.enabledItem(e); }), GS(this, 'indexOf', e => { var t, n; return e && null != (n = null == (t = this.descendants.get(e)) ? void 0 : t.index) ? n : -1; }), GS(this, 'enabledIndexOf', e => null == e ? -1 : this.enabledValues().findIndex(t => t.node.isSameNode(e)), ), GS(this, 'next', function (t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; const a = $S(t, e.count(), n); return e.item(a); }), GS(this, 'nextEnabled', function (t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; const a = e.item(t); if (!a) return; const i = $S(e.enabledIndexOf(a.node), e.enabledCount(), n); return e.enabledItem(i); }), GS(this, 'prev', function (t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; const a = XS(t, e.count() - 1, n); return e.item(a); }), GS(this, 'prevEnabled', function (t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; const a = e.item(t); if (!a) return; const i = XS(e.enabledIndexOf(a.node), e.enabledCount() - 1, n); return e.enabledItem(i); }), GS(this, 'registerNode', (e, t) => { if (!e || this.descendants.has(e)) return; const n = ZS(Array.from(this.descendants.keys()).concat(e)); (null == t ? void 0 : t.disabled) && (t.disabled = !!t.disabled); const a = { node: e, index: -1, ...t }; this.descendants.set(e, a), this.assignIndex(n); }); } }; var [QS, JS] = Ze({ name: 'DescendantsProvider', errorMessage: 'useDescendantsContext must be used within DescendantsProvider', }); function eE() { return [ qS(QS), () => qS(JS()), () => (function () { const t = (0, e.useRef)(new YS()); return KS(() => () => t.current.destroy()), t.current; })(), t => (function (t) { const n = JS(), [a, i] = (0, e.useState)(-1), o = (0, e.useRef)(null); KS( () => () => { o.current && n.unregister(o.current); }, [], ), KS(() => { if (!o.current) return; const e = Number(o.current.dataset.index); a == e || Number.isNaN(e) || i(e); }); const r = qS(t ? n.register(t) : n.register); return { descendants: n, index: a, enabledIndex: n.enabledIndexOf(o.current), register: US(r, o), }; })(t), ]; } function tE(t) { const { value: n, defaultValue: a, onChange: i, shouldUpdate: o = (e, t) => e !== t, } = t, r = Xc(i), l = Xc(o), [s, c] = (0, e.useState)(a), d = void 0 !== n, u = d ? n : s, p = Xc( e => { const t = 'function' === typeof e ? e(u) : e; l(u, t) && (d || c(t), r(t)); }, [d, r, u, l], ); return [u, p]; } function nE(t) { return e.Children.toArray(t).filter(t => (0, e.isValidElement)(t)); } var [aE, iE, oE, rE] = eE(); var [lE, sE] = Ze({ name: 'TabsContext', errorMessage: 'useTabsContext: `context` is undefined. Seems you forgot to wrap all tabs components within <Tabs />', }); var [cE, dE] = Ze({}); function uE(e, t) { return ''.concat(e, '--tab-').concat(t); } function pE(e, t) { return ''.concat(e, '--tabpanel-').concat(t); } var [mE, hE] = Ze({ name: 'TabsStylesContext', errorMessage: 'useTabsStyles returned is \'undefined\'. Seems you forgot to wrap the components in "<Tabs />" ', }), fE = yw(function (t, n) { const a = jw('Tabs', t), { children: i, className: o, ...r } = Gn(t), { htmlProps: l, descendants: s, ...c } = (function (t) { var n; const { defaultIndex: a, onChange: i, index: o, isManual: r, isLazy: l, lazyBehavior: s = 'unmount', orientation: c = 'horizontal', direction: d = 'ltr', ...u } = t, [p, m] = (0, e.useState)(null != a ? a : 0), [h, f] = tE({ defaultValue: null != a ? a : 0, value: o, onChange: i, }); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { null != o && m(o); }, [o]); const g = oE(), w = (0, e.useId)(), y = null != (n = ? n : w; return { id: 'tabs-'.concat(y), selectedIndex: h, focusedIndex: p, setSelectedIndex: f, setFocusedIndex: m, isManual: r, isLazy: l, lazyBehavior: s, orientation: c, descendants: g, direction: d, htmlProps: u, }; })(r), d = (0, e.useMemo)(() => c, [c]), { isFitted: u, ...p } = l, m = { position: 'relative', ...a.root }; return (0, We.jsx)(aE, { value: s, children: (0, We.jsx)(lE, { value: d, children: (0, We.jsx)(mE, { value: a, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { className: Qe('chakra-tabs', o), ref: n, ...p, __css: m, children: i }) }) }) }); }); fE.displayName = 'Tabs'; var gE = yw(function (t, n) { const a = (function (t) { const { focusedIndex: n, orientation: a, direction: i } = sE(), o = iE(), r = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { const t = () => { var e; const t = o.nextEnabled(n); t && (null == (e = t.node) || e.focus()); }, r = () => { var e; const t = o.prevEnabled(n); t && (null == (e = t.node) || e.focus()); }, l = 'horizontal' === a, s = 'vertical' === a, c = e.key, d = { ['ltr' === i ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight']: () => l && r(), ['ltr' === i ? 'ArrowRight' : 'ArrowLeft']: () => l && t(), ArrowDown: () => s && t(), ArrowUp: () => s && r(), Home: () => { var e; const t = o.firstEnabled(); t && (null == (e = t.node) || e.focus()); }, End: () => { var e; const t = o.lastEnabled(); t && (null == (e = t.node) || e.focus()); }, }, u = d[c]; u && (e.preventDefault(), u(e)); }, [o, n, a, i], ); return { ...t, role: 'tablist', 'aria-orientation': a, onKeyDown: it(t.onKeyDown, r), }; })({ ...t, ref: n }), i = { display: 'flex', ...hE().tablist }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ...a, className: Qe('chakra-tabs__tablist', t.className), __css: i }); }); gE.displayName = 'TabList'; var wE = yw(function (e, t) { const n = hE(), a = (function (e) { const { isDisabled: t = !1, isFocusable: n = !1, ...a } = e, { setSelectedIndex: i, isManual: o, id: r, setFocusedIndex: l, selectedIndex: s, } = sE(), { index: c, register: d } = rE({ disabled: t && !n }), u = c === s; return { ...FS({ ...a, ref: US(d, e.ref), isDisabled: t, isFocusable: n, onClick: it(e.onClick, () => { i(c); }), }), id: uE(r, c), role: 'tab', tabIndex: u ? 0 : -1, type: 'button', 'aria-selected': u, 'aria-controls': pE(r, c), onFocus: t ? void 0 : it(e.onFocus, () => { l(c), !o && (!t || !n) && i(c); }), }; })({ ...e, ref: t }), i = { outline: '0', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center',, }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.button, { ...a, className: Qe('chakra-tabs__tab', e.className), __css: i }); }); wE.displayName = 'Tab'; var yE = yw(function (t, n) { const a = (function (t) { const n = sE(), { id: a, selectedIndex: i } = n, o = nE(t.children).map((t, n) => (0, e.createElement)( cE, { key: n, value: { isSelected: n === i, id: pE(a, n), tabId: uE(a, n), selectedIndex: i, }, }, t, ), ); return { ...t, children: o }; })(t), i = hE(); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ...a, width: '100%', ref: n, className: Qe('chakra-tabs__tab-panels', t.className), __css: i.tabpanels }); }); yE.displayName = 'TabPanels'; var xE = yw(function (t, n) { const a = (function (t) { const { children: n, ...a } = t, { isLazy: i, lazyBehavior: o } = sE(), { isSelected: r, id: l, tabId: s } = dE(), c = (0, e.useRef)(!1); r && (c.current = !0); const d = (function (e) { const { wasSelected: t, enabled: n, isSelected: a, mode: i = 'unmount', } = e; return !n || !!a || !('keepMounted' !== i || !t); })({ wasSelected: c.current, isSelected: r, enabled: i, mode: o }); return { tabIndex: 0, ...a, children: d ? n : null, role: 'tabpanel', 'aria-labelledby': s, hidden: !r, id: l, }; })({ ...t, ref: n }), i = hE(); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { outline: '0', ...a, className: Qe('chakra-tabs__tab-panel', t.className), __css: i.tabpanel }); }); xE.displayName = 'TabPanel'; var bE = yw(function (e, t) { const { columns: n, spacingX: a, spacingY: i, spacing: o, minChildWidth: r, ...l } = e, s = xw(), c = r ? (function (e, t) { return Ly(e, e => { const n = bw( 'sizes', e, 'number' === typeof (a = e) ? ''.concat(a, 'px') : a, )(t); var a; return null === e ? null : 'repeat(auto-fit, minmax('.concat(n, ', 1fr))'); }); })(r, s) : Ly(n, e => null === e ? null : 'repeat('.concat(e, ', minmax(0, 1fr))'), ); return (0, We.jsx)(Dy, { ref: t, gap: o, columnGap: a, rowGap: i, templateColumns: c, ...l }); }); bE.displayName = 'SimpleGrid'; var [zE, vE] = Ze({ name: 'ListStylesContext', errorMessage: 'useListStyles returned is \'undefined\'. Seems you forgot to wrap the components in "<List />" ', }), kE = yw(function (e, t) { const n = jw('List', e), { children: a, styleType: i = 'none', stylePosition: o, spacing: r, ...l } = Gn(e), s = nE(a), c = r ? { '& > *:not(style) ~ *:not(style)': { mt: r } } : {}; return (0, We.jsx)(zE, { value: n, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.ul, { ref: t, listStyleType: i, listStylePosition: o, role: 'list', __css: { ...n.container, ...c }, ...l, children: s }) }); }); (kE.displayName = 'List'), (yw((e, t) => { const { as: n, ...a } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(kE, { ref: t, as: 'ol', styleType: 'decimal', marginStart: '1em', ...a, }); }).displayName = 'OrderedList'); var jE = yw(function (e, t) { const { as: n, ...a } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(kE, { ref: t, as: 'ul', styleType: 'initial', marginStart: '1em', ...a }); }); jE.displayName = 'UnorderedList'; var SE = yw(function (e, t) { const n = vE(); return (0, We.jsx)(, { ref: t, ...e, __css: n.item }); }); SE.displayName = 'ListItem'; var EE = yw(function (e, t) { const n = vE(); return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { ref: t, role: 'presentation', ...e, __css: n.icon }); }); EE.displayName = 'ListIcon'; var _E = (function (t) { const { viewBox: n = '0 0 24 24', d: a, displayName: i, defaultProps: o = {}, } = t, r = e.Children.toArray(t.path), l = yw((e, t) => (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { ref: t, viewBox: n, ...o, ...e, children: r.length ? r : (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: a }), }), ); return (l.displayName = i), l; })({ viewBox: '0 0 14 14', path: (0, We.jsx)('g', { fill: 'currentColor', children: (0, We.jsx)('polygon', { points: '5.5 11.9993304 14 3.49933039 12.5 2 5.5 8.99933039 1.5 4.9968652 0 6.49933039', }), }), }); const CE = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, tabsContent: a, ...i } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { ...i, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { pb: 4, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', className: 'text-main', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(lj, { children: [' ', t] }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 2, textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'lg', children: n, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(fE, { isFitted: !0, variant: 'line', colorScheme: 'teal', mt: 4, w: '100%', defaultIndex: 0, children: [ a.length > 1 && (0, We.jsx)(gE, { overflowX: 'auto', overflowY: 'hidden', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( wE, { _selected: { color: 'black', borderBottom: '3px solid #1AAC7A', outline: 'none', fontWeight: 'bold', }, _focus: { outline: 'none' }, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', pb: 2, children: e.tabName, }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(yE, { className: 'frame-2', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( xE, { className: 'frame-3', mt: 5, children: (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { templateColumns: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { sm: 'templateColumns="1fr"', lg: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { my: 'auto', children: (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { className: 'item-wrapper', children: [ e.tabTitle && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '25px', fontWeight: 'bold', className: 'text-wrapper-2', color: '#1AAC7A', marginBottom: 4, children: e.tabTitle, }),, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg', }, fontWeight: 'bold', display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: '#1AAC7A', marginTop: '10px', marginRight: '30px', fontWeight: '900', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: '2xl', }, }, ), e.href ? (0, We.jsx)( Cy, { href: e.href, isExternal: !0, _hover: { color: '#171717', textDecoration: 'underline', cursor: 'pointer', }, children: e.item, }, ) : e.item, ], }, t, ), ), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: e.imgUrl, my: 'auto', }), ], }), }, t, ), ), }), ], }), ], }); }; var IE = e => (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { className: 'chakra-stack__item', ...e, __css: { display: 'inline-block', flex: '0 0 auto', minWidth: 0, ...e.__css, }, }); IE.displayName = 'StackItem'; var TE = yw((t, n) => { const { isInline: a, direction: i, align: o, justify: r, spacing: l = '0.5rem', wrap: s, children: c, divider: d, className: u, shouldWrapChildren: p, ...m } = t, h = a ? 'row' : null != i ? i : 'column', f = (0, e.useMemo)( () => (function (e) { const { spacing: t, direction: n } = e, a = { column: { my: t, mx: 0, borderLeftWidth: 0, borderBottomWidth: '1px', }, 'column-reverse': { my: t, mx: 0, borderLeftWidth: 0, borderBottomWidth: '1px', }, row: { mx: t, my: 0, borderLeftWidth: '1px', borderBottomWidth: 0, }, 'row-reverse': { mx: t, my: 0, borderLeftWidth: '1px', borderBottomWidth: 0, }, }; return { '&': Ly(n, e => a[e]) }; })({ spacing: l, direction: h }), [l, h], ), g = !!d, w = !p && !g, y = (0, e.useMemo)(() => { const t = nE(c); return w ? t :, a) => { const i = 'undefined' !== typeof n.key ? n.key : a, o = a + 1 === t.length, r = p ? (0, We.jsx)(IE, { children: n }, i) : n; if (!g) return r; const l = (0, e.cloneElement)(d, { __css: f }), s = o ? null : l; return (0, We.jsxs)(e.Fragment, { children: [r, s] }, i); }); }, [d, f, g, w, p, c]), x = Qe('chakra-stack', u); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: n, display: 'flex', alignItems: o, justifyContent: r, flexDirection: h, flexWrap: s, gap: g ? void 0 : l, className: x, ...m, children: y, }); }); TE.displayName = 'Stack'; const PE = e => { let { name: t, text: n, limitText: a, previousPrice: i, currentPrice: o, textBelowPrice: r, } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { bg: '#eee', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', position: 'relative', padding: '0.9375rem', height: '100%', children: (0, We.jsxs)(TE, { spacing: '0.625rem', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '1rem', color: '#171717', children: 'Abonament', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '1.55rem', color: '#1AAC7A', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '0.8125rem', fontStyle: 'normal', color: '#171717', minH: { base: 'auto', md: '20' }, children: n, }), a && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '700', fontSize: 'sm', fontStyle: 'normal', minH: { base: '10', md: '20' }, lineHeight: '1.25rem', children: a, }), i && (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '.75rem', fontWeight: '400', color: '#171717', textDecoration: 'line-through', lineHeight: '1rem', transform: 'translateY(-1rem)', height: 0, children: i, }), o && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '1.55rem', fontWeight: '600', color: '#DD1C4A', lineHeight: '1.8125rem', children: o, }), r && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '.75rem', lineHeight: '1.25rem', fontWeight: '400', color: '#171717', mt: 1, children: r, }), ], }), !i && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ o && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '1.55rem', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '1.8125rem', children: o, }), r && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '.75rem', lineHeight: '1.25rem', fontWeight: '400', color: '#171717', children: r, }), ], }), ], }), }); }, AE = 'Dost\u0119pne plany abonamentowe', RE = 'Dopasuj plan do swoich indywidualnych potrzeb, dzi\u0119ki czemu zaoszcz\u0119dzisz na kosztach prowadzenia sklepu.', DE = [ { name: 'Start', text: 'Optymalny dla ma\u0142ych biznes\xf3w - rozpocznij sprzeda\u017c z IdoSell!', previousPrice: '109 z\u0142', currentPrice: '29 z\u0142', textBelowPrice: '/netto miesi\u0119cznie - p\u0142atno\u015b\u0107 jednorazowa za rok', }, { name: 'Business', text: 'Optymalny dla \u015brednich biznes\xf3w - rozwij z nami skrzyd\u0142a!', currentPrice: '249 z\u0142', textBelowPrice: '/netto miesi\u0119cznie', }, { name: 'Expert', text: 'Optymalny dla \u015brednich i du\u017cych biznes\xf3w - jeszcze wi\u0119cej mo\u017cliwo\u015bci', currentPrice: '619 z\u0142', textBelowPrice: '/netto miesi\u0119cznie', }, { name: 'Enterprise', text: 'Optymalny dla du\u017cych biznes\xf3w - zwi\u0119kszaj z nami sprzeda\u017c', currentPrice: '2099 z\u0142', textBelowPrice: '/netto miesi\u0119cznie', }, { name: 'Individual', text: 'Dla wymagaj\u0105cych \u2013 wiele mo\u017cliwo\u015bci elastycznego dostosowania rozwi\u0105za\u0144', previousPrice: '', currentPrice: 'Do negocjacji', textBelowPrice: '', }, ], NE = [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Um\xf3w si\u0119 na spotkanie', href: '', variant: 'outline', }, ], LE = e => { let { title: t = AE, subtitle: n = RE, subscriptionsInfo: a = DE, buttons: i = NE, ...o } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { ...o, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', className: 'text-main', mb: 8, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(rk, { children: t }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'lg', children: n, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { w: '100%', flexWrap: 'wrap', gap: '20px', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)(xy, { backgroundColor: 'red', w: { base: '100%', md: 'calc(50% - 20px / 2)', xl: 'calc(20% - 20px * 4 / 5)', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(PE, { ...e }, t), }), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { mt: 8, justifyContent: 'center', gap: { base: 6, md: 10 }, flexWrap: 'wrap', children: null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_blank', children: e.title, }), ), }), ], }); }, OE = e => { var t, n; let { title: a, subtitle: i, image: o, tickItem: r, additionalParagraph: l, additionalParagraphMargin: s, type: c = 'default', boxWidth: d, imageWidth: u, background: p, ctaButton: m, imageResponsive: h, ...f } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { ...f, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ a && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', as: 'b', textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: '10px', children: a, }), i && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', color: '#171717', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: '60px', children: i, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, gap: { base: 0, md: '50px' }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, lg: { display: 'none' }, }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { alignItems: 'left', width: { base: h ? '100vw' : '', lg: '100%' }, margin: { base: '0 -15px', lg: '0' }, flex: u ? '0 0 '.concat(u) : '', children: h ? (0, We.jsxs)('picture', { style: { objectFit: 'cover' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)('source', { height: '100%', srcSet: null === (t = || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.url, media: '(min-width: 979px)', }), (0, We.jsx)('img', { height: '270px', src: null === (n = h.base) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.url, alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie', }), ], }) : (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { width: 'full', mx: { sm: 'left', lg: 'initial' }, src: null === o || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.url, alt: null === o || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.alt, objectFit: 'cover', height: { md: '100%' }, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', padding: { base: '30px 0', md: '30px', lg: '30px 50px', }, flex: d ? '0 0 '.concat(d) : '0 0 calc(100% / 3 * 2)', justifyContent: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: 'white', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', margin: s || '', children: l, }),, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { alignItems: 'flex-start', alignContent: 'center', gap: '30px', my: 5, children: [ 'tick' === c && (0, We.jsx)('svg', { style: { marginTop: '5px' }, width: '20', height: '20', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { 'fill-rule': 'evenodd', 'clip-rule': 'evenodd', d: 'M11.058 13.6929L11.0655 13.7004L8.94418 15.8217L3.68945 10.567L5.81077 8.44569L8.9367 11.5716L16.5083 4L18.6296 6.12132L11.058 13.6929Z', fill: '#171717', }, ), }), 'default' === c && (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '21px', color: 'white', w: 'full', children: e.title, }), e.text && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '25px', children: e.text, }), && (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href:, fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '18px', textDecoration: 'underline', _hover: { textDecoration: 'none', }, children:, }), ], }), ], }, t, ), ), m && !m.type && (0, We.jsx)(Ak, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { style: 'default', target: '_blank', href: m.href, children: m.label, }), }), m && (m.type || 'link' === m.type) && (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { fontSize: '16px', textDecoration: 'underline', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', _hover: { textDecoration: 'none' }, target: '_blank', href: m.href, children: m.label, }), ], }), ], }), ], }); }, ME = t => { let { region: n, portalId: a, formId: i } = t; return ( (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = document.createElement('script'); (e.src = ''), document.body.appendChild(e), e.addEventListener('load', () => { window.hbspt && window.hbspt.forms.create({ region: n, portalId: a, formId: i, target: '#hubspotForm', }); }); }, []), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { px: { base: '0', lg: '50px' }, children: (0, We.jsx)('div', { id: 'hubspotForm' }), }) ); }; const BE = function (e) { let { formId: t, portalId: n, region: a, sectionTitle: i, sectionSubtitle: o, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { templateColumns: { base: '1fr', lg: 'repeat(2, 1fr)' }, gap: '50px', position: 'relative', marginTop: { base: '30px', md: '50px' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h2', fontSize: { base: '30px', lg: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '37px', lg: '48px' }, fontWeight: '600', mb: '20px', children: i, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '16px', lg: '18px' }, children: o, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: 'calc(100% + 20rem)', top: '-10rem', width: '100vw', left: '50%', transform: 'translateX(-50%)', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, md: { height: 'calc(100% + 10rem)', width: '100%', left: '0', transform: 'translateX(0)', }, lg: { top: '-5rem' }, xl: { height: 'calc(100% + 12rem)', top: '-6rem' }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(ME, { region: a, portalId: n, formId: t, }), }), ], }); }, UE = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona oferty', }; function WE(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Wybierz platform\u0119 e\u2011commerce, kt\xf3ra pozwoli ci osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 maksymalne zyski ze sprzeda\u017cy', image: UE, buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Um\xf3w si\u0119 na spotkanie', href: '', variant: 'outline-reverted', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: 'calc(100% + 8rem)', top: '-4rem', width: '100vw', left: '-50vw', marginLeft: '50%', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, md: { height: 'calc(100% + 10rem) !important', top: '-5rem !important', }, lg: { display: 'none' }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(BE, { sectionTitle: 'Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz do sprzeda\u017cy online, jest w jednym miejscu', sectionSubtitle: 'Porozmawiajmy o potrzebach Twojego biznesu i razem rozwi\u0144my Twoj\u0105 sprzeda\u017c', region: 'eu1', portalId: '26134891', formId: 'b888235f-8503-473a-a0a9-5b41f1ebeb55', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(BS, { logos: [ { url: '', alt: 'Logo Anna Lewandowska', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo babyhit', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo Denley', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo Minti', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo zoo art', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo Paese', }, { url: '', alt: 'Logo eZebra', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gap: 16, alignItems: 'center', py: 10, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minW: '25%', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', }), }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { style: { textAlign: 'left' }, children: 'IdoSell to SaaS bez ogranicze\u0144', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: 'md', md: 'lg' }, mt: 5, children: 'SaaS (Software as a Service) oznacza oprogramowanie jako us\u0142ug\u0119. W IdoSell otrzymujesz gotowe rozwi\u0105zanie i nie musisz samodzielnie utrzymywa\u0107 ca\u0142ego systemu sklepowego, czy martwi\u0107 si\u0119 o kwestie techniczne. SaaS pozwala Ci skupi\u0107 si\u0119 na sprzeda\u017cy i promocji swojego sklepu.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: 'md', md: 'lg' }, mt: 2, children: 'Dodatkowo udost\u0119pniamy specjalne zaawansowane narz\u0119dzia dla developer\xf3w w ramach idei Open SaaS\u2122. Daj\u0105 one mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 osadzania w\u0142asnych integracji w zamkni\u0119tym systemie SaaS, za kt\xf3rego jako\u015b\u0107 odpowiadamy', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(jv, { py: 4, title: 'Dlaczego IdoSell?', subtitle: 'Obs\u0142ugujemy firmy ka\u017cdej wielko\u015bci i z ka\u017cdej bran\u017cy. Wiemy, jak \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 stabilno\u015b\u0107, nowo\u015bci, wsparcie, skalowalno\u015b\u0107 i efektywno\u015b\u0107 kosztow\u0105.\nIdoSell to nie tylko oprogramowanie sklepu internetowego, to ca\u0142a gama rozwi\u0105za\u0144, w kt\xf3rych mo\u017cesz czu\u0107 si\u0119 swobodnie.', layout: '2x3', items: [ { mainNumber: '>16,5', additionalText: ' mld z\u0142', text: 'sumaryczna warto\u015b\u0107 transakcji rocznie (GMV)', }, { mainNumber: '60', additionalText: ' mln', text: 'transakcji rocznie', }, { mainNumber: '~8', additionalText: ' tys.', text: 'sklep\xf3w', }, { mainNumber: '>20', additionalText: ' %', text: 'udzia\u0142 transakcji cross border', }, { mainNumber: '99,99', additionalText: ' %', text: 'SLA dost\u0119pno\u015bci platformy', }, { mainNumber: '25', additionalText: ' lat', text: 'w bran\u017cy', }, ], data: 'string', _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, position: 'relative', mt: 10, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', pt: 16, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Rozwijaj biznes i sprzedawaj wi\u0119cej z IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(sj, { $style: 'normal', children: 'Sprawd\u017a dla kogo s\u0105 nasze rozwi\u0105zania', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', gap: { base: 4, lg: 0 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 'lg', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Przenie\u015b sklep', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Sprawd\u017a jak sprawnie przeprowadzi\u0107 migracj\u0119 do IdoSell', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Przenosz\u0119 sklep', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 'lg', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Rozwijaj sw\xf3j brand', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 jak skutecznie rozwija\u0107 sw\xf3j brand z nami', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Rozwijam brand', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 'lg', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 online', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Um\xf3w si\u0119 na niezobowi\u0105zuj\u0105c\u0105 rozmow\u0119 z naszym specjalist\u0105', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Otwieram sklep', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 'lg', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Obs\u0142uguj marketplaces', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 jak zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 sprzeda\u017c na marketplace dzi\u0119ki IdoSell', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Rozwijam si\u0119', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(CE, { py: 20, title: 'Poznaj najwa\u017cniejsze funkcjonalno\u015bci IdoSell', subtitle: 'Nasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego chcemy udost\u0119pnia\u0107 najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania rynkowe', tabsContent: [ { tabTitle: 'Dedykowany, customowy wygl\u0105d sklepu', tabName: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Gotowe szablony sklepu z mo\u017cliwo\u015bci\u0105 pe\u0142nej personalizacji', href: '', }, { item: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 przygotowania indywidualnego szablonu strony', }, { item: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 samodzielnego skomponowania w\u0142asnego szablonu sklepu w narz\u0119dziu Composer', }, { item: 'Modu\u0142 bloga i aktualno\u015bci' }, { item: 'Kolekcje i zestawy', href: '', }, { item: 'Strefy rekomendacji produkt\xf3w' }, { item: 'Przyjazna i szybka wersja mobilna sklepu', }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Narz\u0119dzia z gwarancj\u0105 skuteczno\u015bci', tabName: 'Sprzeda\u017c', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'R\xf3\u017cne modele promocji: kody rabatowe, towary gratisowe, rabaty indywidulane, grupowe, progowe, kumulacyjne, oferty specjalne, karty podarunkowe i bony', }, { item: 'Profesjonalne modu\u0142y reklamacji i zwrot\xf3w', }, { item: 'Automatyzacja marketingu' }, { item: 'Program lojalno\u015bciowy oraz partnerski', }, { item: 'Narz\u0119dzia analityczne: Raporty i zestawienia sprzeda\u017cy', }, { item: 'Aplikacja IdoSell POS do sprzeda\u017cy stacjonarnej', }, { item: 'Modu\u0142 B2B' }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo, wsparcie i askepty prawne', tabName: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Pomoc techniczna dost\u0119pna 24/7' }, { item: 'Dost\u0119pono\u015b\u0107 sklep\xf3w na poziomie 99,99% (SLA)', }, { item: 'Gotowy regulamin sklepu zgodny z wymogami prawnymi', }, { item: 'Zgoda na pliki cookies zgodna z prawem UE i RODO', }, { item: 'Szablon sklepu zgodny z dyrektyw\u0105 Omnibus', }, { item: 'Pe\u0142na i zawsze aktualna wersja systemu', }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie klientami', tabName: 'Klienci', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'System CRM do zarz\u0105dzania baz\u0105 klient\xf3w', }, { item: 'Indywidualne i grupowe rabaty dla klient\xf3w', }, { item: 'Automatyczne wystawianie i wysy\u0142anie faktur', }, { item: 'Modu\u0142 do zarz\u0105dania opiniami', }, { item: 'Strefa pyta\u0144 i odpowiedzi (FAQ)', }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Magazyny', tabName: 'Magazyny', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Wudowany system zarz\u0105dzania magazynem (WMS)', }, { item: 'Obs\u0142uga sprzeda\u017cy wielokana\u0142owej (omnichannel)', }, { item: 'Listy towar\xf3w do spakowania' }, { item: 'Automatyzacja wydruku etykiet i przep\u0142ywu zam\xf3wie\u0144', }, { item: 'Integracja z Fulfilmentem' }, { item: 'Obs\u0142uga sprzeda\u017cy w modelach dropshipping i cross-docking', }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Cross-border', tabName: 'Cross-border', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Modu\u0142 t\u0142umacze\u0144 automatycznych', }, { item: 'Lokalne metody p\u0142atno\u015bci i wysy\u0142ki', }, { item: 'Zgodno\u015b\u0107 z wymogami UE' }, { item: 'Modu\u0142 do automatycznego wyliczania stawek VAT OSS', }, { item: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu wersji j\u0119zykowych oraz walut', }, { item: 'Integracje z marketplaces i por\xf3wnywarkami', }, ], }, { tabTitle: 'Zwi\u0119kszanie sprzeda\u017cy', tabName: 'Zwi\u0119kszanie sprzeda\u017cy', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Checkout 2.0 i wbudowany system p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay', }, { item: 'Reklamy Google od IdoSell' }, { item: 'Modu\u0142 do sprzeda\u017cy subskrypcyjnej', }, { item: 'Zaawansowana wyszukiwarka Searching Pro', }, { item: 'Inteligentne rekomendacje produktowe IdoSell RS', }, { item: 'Preferencyjne stawki kurierskie w IdoSell Broker', }, { item: 'Darmowe dostawy dzi\u0119ki us\u0142udze Smile', }, ], }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(DS, { title: 'Gotowe, aktualizowane przez nas integracje', subTitle: 'Korzystaj z najwa\u017cniejszych i najpopularniejszych integracji wbudowanych w tw\xf3j sklep internetowy', sections: [ { label: 'Systemy p\u0142atno\u015bci', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Kurierzy', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Marketplaces, por\xf3wnywarki cen', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Operatorzy fulfillment', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Certyfikaty', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, { label: 'Pozostali partnerzy', items: [ { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, { logo: { url: '', }, }, ], }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'right', title: 'Wybierz sklep, z kt\xf3rym mo\u017cesz \u0142atwo sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119', subtitle: 'Ponad 20% transakcji w sklepach IdoSell to cross-border', ctaButton: { title: 'Rozpocznij sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodow\u0105', href: '', variant: 'default', }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, lg: { display: 'none' }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: 'Rozwi\u0105zania IdoSell u\u0142atwi\u0105 ci rozpocz\u0119cie sprzeda\u017cy mi\u0119dzynarodowej i wyj\u015bcie z ofert\u0105 na nowe rynki. Sklep mo\u017cesz w prosty spos\xf3b przet\u0142umaczy\u0107 i skonfigurowa\u0107 samodzielnie lub zleci\u0107 to naszym specjalistom. W IdoSell wiemy wszystko o sprzeda\u017cy mi\u0119dzynarodowej.', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(OE, { pt: '5rem', pb: { base: 0, lg: '6rem' }, gap: '50px', alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', background: '#1AAC7A', padding: '50px', title: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo twojego sklepu internetowego to dla nas priorytet', subtitle: 'W IdoSell otrzymujesz najbezpieczniejszy system, \u017ceby\u015b m\xf3g\u0142 w pe\u0142ni skupi\u0107 si\u0119 na sprzeda\u017cy', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie pana z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', }, tickItem: [ { title: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo 24/7', text: 'Wsp\xf3\u0142pracujemy z - najbezpieczniejszym centrum danych w Polsce i jednym z najbezpieczniejszych w Unii Europejskiej. W IdoSell dostajesz gotowy system i wsparcie najlepszych specjalist\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy ca\u0142odobowo monitoruj\u0105 dost\u0119pno\u015b\u0107 serwer\xf3w.', link: { url: '', name: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej', }, }, { title: 'Profesjonalne wsparcie', text: 'W IdoSell otrzymujesz dost\u0119p do darmowych webinar\xf3w i materia\u0142\xf3w edukacyjnych. Dodatkowo mo\u017cesz bez ogranicze\u0144 korzysta\u0107 z Centrum Supportu i skontaktowa\u0107 si\u0119 z naszym dzia\u0142em wsparcia z poziomu przegl\u0105darki poprzez po\u0142\u0105czenie wideo, g\u0142osowe lub tradycyjny komunikat.', link: { url: '', name: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej', }, }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(LE, { py: 8, title: 'Dobierz plan abonamentowy do swoich potrzeb', subtitle: 'Nasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego chcemy udost\u0119pnia\u0107 najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania rynkowe.', subscriptionsInfo: [ { name: 'Start', text: 'Optymalny, \u017ceby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c internetow\u0105', }, { name: 'Business', text: 'Dostosowany dla \u015brednich biznes\xf3w, \u017ceby rozwin\u0105\u0107 skrzyd\u0142a', }, { name: 'Expert', text: 'Jeszcze wi\u0119cej mo\u017cliwo\u015bci dla \u015brednich i du\u017cych biznes\xf3w', }, { name: 'Enterprise', text: 'Najlepszy dla du\u017cych biznes\xf3w, \u017ceby zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 z nami sprzeda\u017c', }, { name: 'Individual', text: 'Daj\u0105cy wiele mo\u017cliwo\u015bci elastycznego dostosowania rozwi\u0105za\u0144', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, position: 'relative', mb: { base: 6, md: 10 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(MS, { title: 'Nie masz czasu na samodzieln\u0105 konfiguracj\u0119 sklepu?', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie sklepu klasyka', }, subtitle: 'Nasi eksperci we wszystkim ci pomog\u0105', ctaButton: { title: 'Sprawd\u017a pakiety wdro\u017ceniowe', href: '', variant: 'default', }, layout_order: 'image_right', padding: '3rem 0 3rem 0', bgColor: 'grey', mt: 10, children: (0, We.jsx)('p', { children: 'Spersonalizujemy tw\xf3j sklep i zintegrujemy potrzebne funkcje. Oferujemy gotowe rozwi\u0105zanie, kt\xf3re pozwoli ci szybko rozpocz\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c online i rozwin\u0105\u0107 sw\xf3j biznes.', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xS, { mt: 8, py: 8, pt: 16, title: 'Zaufa\u0142o nam tysi\u0105ce sprzedawc\xf3w', text: 'Zobacz inspiruj\u0105ce historie sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3re wybra\u0142y IdoSell i osi\u0105gn\u0119\u0142y sukces w sprzeda\u017cy online.\nSprawd\u017a, jak do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142y do grona profesjonalist\xf3w i zacz\u0119\u0142y sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', casestudies: [ { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', }, hastags: '#AllinOne', title: 'Decyzja pad\u0142a na IdoSell, kt\xf3ry na ten moment dostarcza nam wszystkich potrzebnych funkcjonalno\u015bci.', link: { label: 'Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Loki koki', }, hastags: '#RekomendacjeProduktowe', title: 'Warto\u015b\u0107 zam\xf3wie\u0144 z rekomendacjami zwi\u0119kszy\u0142a si\u0119 o 25%. (...) co prze\u0142o\u017cy\u0142o si\u0119 na 3% wzrost og\xf3lnych przychod\xf3w.', link: { label: 'Loki koki', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Poszetka', }, hastags: '#Cross-border', title: 'Budowa marki Poszetka r\xf3wnie\u017c za granic\u0105 by\u0142a naturalnym krokiem ju\u017c we wczesnych fazach rozwoju. Pierwsze zam\xf3wienia za granic\u0119 pojawi\u0142y si\u0119 ju\u017c w 2015 roku.', link: { label: 'Poszetka', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, ], bgColor: 'white', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, { pb: 1, mb: 14 }), ], }), ], }); } var [VE, FE] = Ze({ name: 'AccordionStylesContext', hookName: 'useAccordionStyles', providerName: '<Accordion />', }), [HE, GE] = Ze({ name: 'AccordionItemContext', hookName: 'useAccordionItemContext', providerName: '<AccordionItem />', }), [ZE, $E, XE, KE] = eE(); function qE(t) { const { onChange: n, defaultIndex: a, index: i, allowMultiple: o, allowToggle: r, ...l } = t; !(function (e) { const t = e.index || e.defaultIndex, n = null != t && !Array.isArray(t) && e.allowMultiple; et({ condition: !!n, message: "If 'allowMultiple' is passed, then 'index' or 'defaultIndex' must be an array. You passed: ".concat( typeof t, ',', ), }); })(t), (function (e) { et({ condition: !(!e.allowMultiple || !e.allowToggle), message: "If 'allowMultiple' is passed, 'allowToggle' will be ignored. Either remove 'allowToggle' or 'allowMultiple' depending on whether you want multiple accordions visible or not", }); })(t); const s = XE(), [c, d] = (0, e.useState)(-1); (0, e.useEffect)( () => () => { d(-1); }, [], ); const [u, p] = tE({ value: i, defaultValue: () => (o ? (null != a ? a : []) : null != a ? a : -1), onChange: n, }); return { index: u, setIndex: p, htmlProps: l, getAccordionItemProps: e => { let t = !1; null !== e && (t = Array.isArray(u) ? u.includes(e) : u === e); return { isOpen: t, onChange: t => { if (null !== e) if (o && Array.isArray(u)) { const n = t ? u.concat(e) : u.filter(t => t !== e); p(n); } else t ? p(e) : r && p(-1); }, }; }, focusedIndex: c, setFocusedIndex: d, descendants: s, }; } var [YE, QE] = Ze({ name: 'AccordionContext', hookName: 'useAccordionContext', providerName: 'Accordion', }); function JE(t) { const { isDisabled: n, isFocusable: a, id: i, ...o } = t, { getAccordionItemProps: r, setFocusedIndex: l } = QE(), s = (0, e.useRef)(null), c = (0, e.useId)(), d = null != i ? i : c, u = 'accordion-button-'.concat(d), p = 'accordion-panel-'.concat(d); !(function (e) { et({ condition: !(!e.isFocusable || e.isDisabled), message: "Using only 'isFocusable', this prop is reserved for situations where you pass 'isDisabled' but you still want the element to receive focus (A11y). Either remove it or pass 'isDisabled' as well.\n ", }); })(t); const { register: m, index: h, descendants: f } = KE({ disabled: n && !a }), { isOpen: g, onChange: w } = r(-1 === h ? null : h); !(function (e) { et({ condition: e.isOpen && !!e.isDisabled, message: 'Cannot open a disabled accordion item', }); })({ isOpen: g, isDisabled: n }); const y = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { null == w || w(!g), l(h); }, [h, l, g, w]), x = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { const t = { ArrowDown: () => { const e = f.nextEnabled(h); null == e || e.node.focus(); }, ArrowUp: () => { const e = f.prevEnabled(h); null == e || e.node.focus(); }, Home: () => { const e = f.firstEnabled(); null == e || e.node.focus(); }, End: () => { const e = f.lastEnabled(); null == e || e.node.focus(); }, }, n = t[e.key]; n && (e.preventDefault(), n(e)); }, [f, h], ), b = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { l(h); }, [l, h]), z = (0, e.useCallback)( function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null; return { ...e, type: 'button', ref: US(m, s, t), id: u, disabled: !!n, 'aria-expanded': !!g, 'aria-controls': p, onClick: it(e.onClick, y), onFocus: it(e.onFocus, b), onKeyDown: it(e.onKeyDown, x), }; }, [u, n, g, y, b, x, p, m], ), v = (0, e.useCallback)( function () { return { ...(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}), ref: arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, role: 'region', id: p, 'aria-labelledby': u, hidden: !g, }; }, [u, g, p], ); return { isOpen: g, isDisabled: n, isFocusable: a, onOpen: () => { null == w || w(!0); }, onClose: () => { null == w || w(!1); }, getButtonProps: z, getPanelProps: v, htmlProps: o, }; } var e_ = yw(function (t, n) { let { children: a, reduceMotion: i, ...o } = t; const r = jw('Accordion', o), l = Gn(o), { htmlProps: s, descendants: c, ...d } = qE(l), u = (0, e.useMemo)(() => ({ ...d, reduceMotion: !!i }), [d, i]); return (0, We.jsx)(ZE, { value: c, children: (0, We.jsx)(YE, { value: u, children: (0, We.jsx)(VE, { value: r, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: n, ...s, className: Qe('chakra-accordion', o.className), __css: r.root, children: a }) }) }) }); }); e_.displayName = 'Accordion'; var t_ = yw(function (t, n) { const { children: a, className: i } = t, { htmlProps: o, ...r } = JE(t), l = { ...FE().container, overflowAnchor: 'none' }, s = (0, e.useMemo)(() => r, [r]); return (0, We.jsx)(HE, { value: s, children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: n, ...o, className: Qe('chakra-accordion__item', i), __css: l, children: 'function' === typeof a ? a({ isExpanded: !!r.isOpen, isDisabled: !!r.isDisabled }) : a }) }); }); t_.displayName = 'AccordionItem'; var n_ = yw(function (e, t) { const { getButtonProps: n } = GE(), a = n(e, t), i = { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', width: '100%', outline: 0, ...FE().button, }; return (0, We.jsx)(fw.button, { ...a, className: Qe('chakra-accordion__button', e.className), __css: i }); }); function a_(e) { const { isOpen: t, isDisabled: n } = GE(), { reduceMotion: a } = QE(), i = Qe('chakra-accordion__icon', e.className), o = { opacity: n ? 0.4 : 1, transform: t ? 'rotate(-180deg)' : void 0, transition: a ? void 0 : 'transform 0.2s', transformOrigin: 'center', ...FE().icon, }; return (0, We.jsx)(Ew, { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', 'aria-hidden': !0, className: i, __css: o, ...e, children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { fill: 'currentColor', d: 'M16.59 8.59L12 13.17 7.41 8.59 6 10l6 6 6-6z', }), }); } (n_.displayName = 'AccordionButton'), (a_.displayName = 'AccordionIcon'); var i_ = { ease: [0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1], easeIn: [0.4, 0, 1, 1], easeOut: [0, 0, 0.2, 1], easeInOut: [0.4, 0, 0.2, 1], }; var o_ = { enter: { duration: 0.2, ease: i_.easeOut }, exit: { duration: 0.1, ease: i_.easeIn }, }, r_ = (e, t) => ({ ...e, delay: 'number' === typeof t ? t : null == t ? void 0 : t.enter, }), l_ = (e, t) => ({ ...e, delay: 'number' === typeof t ? t : null == t ? void 0 : t.exit, }), s_ = { exit: { height: { duration: 0.2, ease: i_.ease }, opacity: { duration: 0.3, ease: i_.ease }, }, enter: { height: { duration: 0.3, ease: i_.ease }, opacity: { duration: 0.4, ease: i_.ease }, }, }, c_ = { exit: e => { let { animateOpacity: t, startingHeight: n, transition: a, transitionEnd: i, delay: o, } = e; var r, l; return { ...(t && { opacity: ((l = n), null != l && parseInt(l.toString(), 10) > 0 ? 1 : 0), }), height: n, transitionEnd: null == i ? void 0 : i.exit, transition: null != (r = null == a ? void 0 : a.exit) ? r : l_(s_.exit, o), }; }, enter: e => { let { animateOpacity: t, endingHeight: n, transition: a, transitionEnd: i, delay: o, } = e; var r; return { ...(t && { opacity: 1 }), height: n, transitionEnd: null == i ? void 0 : i.enter, transition: null != (r = null == a ? void 0 : a.enter) ? r : r_(s_.enter, o), }; }, }, d_ = (0, e.forwardRef)((t, n) => { const { in: a, unmountOnExit: i, animateOpacity: o = !0, startingHeight: r = 0, endingHeight: l = 'auto', style: s, className: c, transition: d, transitionEnd: u, ...p } = t, [m, h] = (0, e.useState)(!1); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = setTimeout(() => { h(!0); }); return () => clearTimeout(e); }, []), et({ condition: Number(r) > 0 && !!i, message: "startingHeight and unmountOnExit are mutually exclusive. You can't use them together", }); const f = parseFloat(r.toString()) > 0, g = { startingHeight: r, endingHeight: l, animateOpacity: o, transition: m ? d : { enter: { duration: 0 } }, transitionEnd: { enter: null == u ? void 0 : u.enter, exit: i ? null == u ? void 0 : u.exit : { ...(null == u ? void 0 : u.exit), display: f ? 'block' : 'none', }, }, }, w = !i || a, y = a || i ? 'enter' : 'exit'; return (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { initial: !1, custom: g, children: w && (0, We.jsx)(ew.div, { ref: n, ...p, className: Qe('chakra-collapse', c), style: { overflow: 'hidden', display: 'block', ...s }, custom: g, variants: c_, initial: !!i && 'exit', animate: y, exit: 'exit', }), }); }); d_.displayName = 'Collapse'; var u_, p_ = yw(function (e, t) { const { className: n, motionProps: a, ...i } = e, { reduceMotion: o } = QE(), { getPanelProps: r, isOpen: l } = GE(), s = r(i, t), c = Qe('chakra-accordion__panel', n), d = FE(); o || delete s.hidden; const u = (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ...s, __css: d.panel, className: c }); return o ? u : (0, We.jsx)(d_, { in: l, ...a, children: u }); }); p_.displayName = 'AccordionPanel'; const m_ = kz(xy)( u_ || (u_ = d([ '\n @media (min-width: 979px) {\n &:not(:last-child) {\n border-right: 1px solid #c8c8c8;\n }\n }\n', ])), ), h_ = t => { let { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, columns: o, isOpenAll: r, isBlocked: l, } = t; const s = e.useRef(null), c = !!r || void 0, d = e => (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '180px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { p: { base: 4, lg: 5 }, h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none' }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column' }, children:, }), Object.keys(e.values).map((t, n) => (0, We.jsx)(m_, { p: 4, h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center', }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', children: e.values[t], }), ), ], }), u = (0, e.useRef)([]); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { let e = !1; const t = () => { if (r) return ( u.current.forEach((e, t) => { setTimeout(() => { e.querySelector('button').click(); }, 200); }), void window.removeEventListener('scroll', t) ); if (!e && u.current[0]) { const { top: t } = u.current[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (t <= window.innerHeight * 0.6) { const t = u.current[0].querySelector('button'); t && (, (e = !0)); } } }; return ( window.addEventListener('scroll', t), () => { window.removeEventListener('scroll', t); } ); }, []); return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '180px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, textAlign: 'center', color: '#1aac7a', fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textTransform: 'capitalize', position: l ? 'relative' : 'sticky', top: l ? '0' : '80px', background: 'white', zIndex: '5', borderBottom: '1px solid #e0e0e0', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { p: { base: 4, lg: 5 }, h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none' }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column' }, }), Object.keys(i).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsx)(m_, { padding: '10px 15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', children: i[e], }), ), ], }), l ? (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children: Object.keys(a).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '10px 15px', background: 'Prace indywidualne' === a[e] ? '#C8C8C8' : '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: a[e], }), => t.category === a[e] ? (0, We.jsx)(xy, { background: t.isGray ? '#EEE' : '', p: 0, children: d(t), }) : null, ), ], }, 'accordion-item-' + t, ), ), }) : (0, We.jsx)(e_, { allowToggle: !0, onChange: e => { const t = u.current[e]; console.log('handleAccordionChange', t), t && setTimeout(() => { const e = t.offsetTop; window.scrollTo({ top: e, behavior: 'smooth', }); }, 300); }, allowMultiple: c, children: Object.keys(a).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( t_, { ref: e => (u.current[t] = e), children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '10px 15px', background: 'Prace indywidualne' === a[e] ? '#C8C8C8' : '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', ref: 0 === t ? s : void 0, children: [a[e], (0, We.jsx)(a_, {})], }), => t.category === a[e] ? (0, We.jsx)(p_, { background: t.isGray ? '#EEE' : '', p: 0, children: d(t), }) : null, ), ], }, 'accordion-item-' + t, ), ), }), ], }); }, f_ = t => { let { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, isOpenAll: o } = t; const r = !!o || void 0, l = e => (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { mt: 4, mb: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'sm', mb: 3, children:, }), Object.keys(e.values).map((t, n, a) => (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { justifyContent: 'space-around', alignItems: 'center', borderBottom: n !== a.length - 1 ? '1px solid #E3E3E3' : 'none', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { w: '75%', color: '#1aac7a', fontSize: 'md', fontWeight: 'normal', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(m_, { p: 4, h: '100%', display: 'flex', color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', children: e.values[t], }), ], }), ), ], }), s = (0, e.useRef)([]); return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children: (0, We.jsx)(e_, { allowToggle: !0, onChange: e => { const t = s.current[e]; console.log('handleAccordionChange', t), t && setTimeout(() => { const e = t.offsetTop; window.scrollTo({ top: e, behavior: 'smooth' }); }, 300); }, allowMultiple: r, children: Object.keys(a).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsxs)(t_, { ref: e => (s.current[t] = e), children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '10px 15px', background: '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [a[e], (0, We.jsx)(a_, {})], }), => t.category === a[e] ? (0, We.jsx)(p_, { children: l(t) }) : null, ), ], }), ), }), }); }; const g_ = function (e) { let { title: t, tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, tableColumns: o, isOpenAll: r, isBlocked: l, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(rk, { children: t }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { mt: 6, width: '100%', id: 'subscriptions_table', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { above: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(h_, { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, columns: o, isOpenAll: r, isBlocked: !!l &&, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(f_, { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, isOpenAll: r, }), }), ], }), ], }); }, w_ = e => { let { ...t } = e; const n = (0, We.jsx)(_E, { fontSize: 'lg', color: '#1AAC7A' }), a = (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)('span', { className: 'table__minus', children: '-', }), }), i = [ { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c omnichannel - wielokana\u0142owa', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c na marketplaces', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodowa (cross-border)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c stacjonarna', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c subskrypcyjna', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c produkt\xf3w cyfrowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Sprzeda\u017c produkt\xf3w personalizowanych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', name: 'Gotowe integracje', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Integracje z marketplaces i por\xf3wnywarkami', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Lokalne metody p\u0142atno\u015bci i wysy\u0142ki', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Zgodno\u015b\u0107 z wymogami UE', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Modu\u0142 t\u0142umacze\u0144 automatycznych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu wersji j\u0119zykowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu walut', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Cross-border', name: 'Modu\u0142 do automatycznego wyliczania stawek VAT OSS', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Gotowe i darmowe szablony sklepu z mo\u017cliwo\u015bci\u0105 personalizacji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Composer - elastyczny modu\u0142 do skomponowania w\u0142asnego szablonu', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 przygotowania indywidualnego szablonu strony', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Sklep dostosowany do urz\u0105dze\u0144 mobilnych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Personalizacja grafik i baner\xf3w - samodzielnie lub na zlecenie', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Pe\u0142na edycja tre\u015bci na stronach sklepu ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Karta produktu i przegl\u0105danie informacji o towarze', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Galeria produktu na karcie - r\xf3\u017cne wersje do wyboru, zdj\u0119cia i filmy', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Specjalne oznaczenia produkt\xf3w w promocji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 tworzenia kolekcji i zestaw\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Szybkie zakupy z karty produktu (express checkout i 1-click)\xa0', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu list zakupowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Proste wyszukiwanie towar\xf3w i wy\u015bwietlenie listy produkt\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Modu\u0142 bloga i aktualno\u015bci', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', name: 'Paski informacyjne', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Filtrowanie, sortowanie i por\xf3wnywanie towar\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Grupowa edycja towar\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Zaawansowane zarz\u0105dzanie cenami', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Indywidualne i grupowe rabaty dla klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie parametrami towar\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Kategorie produkt\xf3w i marek', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Grupowanie wariant\xf3w towar\xf3w po dowolnym parametrze', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Obs\u0142uga rozmiar\xf3w i wagi', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Prezentowanie jednostek miar', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Zapytanie o dost\u0119pno\u015b\u0107 produktu', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Tworzenie list \u017cycze\u0144 z mo\u017cliwo\u015bci\u0105 udost\u0119pnienia', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Prosty i szybki proces sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wie\u0144', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Jednokrokowy\xa0lub wielokrokowy\xa0procesu sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wienia (do wyboru)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Rozwi\u0105zania express checkout - zakup jednym klikni\u0119ciem', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Weryfikacja stan\xf3w magazynowych podczas sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wienia', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 oznaczania zam\xf3wie\u0144 jako op\u0142acone, wys\u0142ane, dostarczone itp.', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Statusy realizacji zam\xf3wienia i spos\xf3b informowania o zmianie statusu zam\xf3wienia', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Ustawienia powiadomie\u0144 i wiadomo\u015bci automatycznych (np. potwierdzenie zam\xf3wienia, wysy\u0142ka)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Dropshipping i cross-docking', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', name: 'Wyb\xf3r opcji i ilo\u015bci towaru', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Zaawansowany panel klienta do zarz\u0105dzania ca\u0142o\u015bci\u0105 sklepu i integracji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Multishop - mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 obs\u0142ugi wielu sklep\xf3w w jednym panelu', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Konfiguracja ustawie\u0144 og\xf3lnych sklepu (np. waluta, j\u0119zyk, stawki podatkowe)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie u\u017cytkownikami panelu', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie klientami (CRM)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Zaawansowana wyszukiwarka klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Narz\u0119dzie do samodzielnego importu i eksportu klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Zaawansowana wyszukiwarka zam\xf3wie\u0144 ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 r\u0119cznego wprowadzania zam\xf3wie\u0144 ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Strefa pyta\u0144 i odpowiedzi (FAQ)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Modu\u0142 do zarz\u0105dania opiniami', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Indywidualne przypisanie darmowej wysy\u0142ki', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', name: 'Czarna lista klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Wbudowany system zarz\u0105dzania magazynem (WMS) ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu magazyn\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Informacje o stanach magazynowych ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Dokumenty magazynowe (WZ, PZ, MM, RW itp.)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Dostawa z kilku magazyn\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Lokalizacje w magazynach', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Integracja danych do systemu ERP', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Lista towar\xf3w do spakowania', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Baza produkt\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Narz\u0119dzia do weryfikacji zam\xf3wie\u0144', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Modu\u0142 inwentaryzacji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Magazyny', name: 'Integracja z fulfillment', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Pe\u0142na integracja z kurierami', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Automaty paczkowe i punkty odbioru', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Odbi\xf3r osobisty', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Wyb\xf3r opcji dostaw', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Obs\u0142uga wielu adres\xf3w dostawy', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Automatyzacja wydruku etykiet i przep\u0142ywu zam\xf3wie\u0144', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Automatyczne generowanie numer\xf3w przesy\u0142ek oraz wydruk\xf3w dla kuriera', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Generowanie i drukowanie faktur i etykiet wysy\u0142ki', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Udost\u0119pnienie klientowi numeru listu przewozowego', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Wysy\u0142ka zam\xf3wienia w kilku paczkach', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie czasem wysy\u0142ki', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Darmowa dostawa od wskazanej kwoty ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Logistyka', name: 'Przekazanie statusu realizacji zam\xf3wienia', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', name: 'Zaawansowany modu\u0142 do zwrot\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', name: 'Rozbudowany modu\u0142 do reklamacji ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', name: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie zwrotami ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', name: 'Generowanie etykiet zwrot\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', name: 'Monitorowanie statusu zwrot\xf3w i reklamacji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Wbudowany system p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Integracje z zewn\u0119trznymi systemami p\u0142atno\u015bci', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: a, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Automatyczne zarz\u0105dzanie p\u0142atno\u015bciami za zam\xf3wienia', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Automatyczne wystawianie i wysy\u0142anie faktur', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Automatyczne ksi\u0119gowanie p\u0142atno\u015bci', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'E-faktura', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Stawki VAT', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 generowania plik\xf3w JPK', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', name: 'Wydruk dokument\xf3w sprzeda\u017cy, faktur i paragon\xf3w fiskalnych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Zaawansowany modu\u0142 do promocji ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Kupony i kody rabatowe', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 \u015bledzenia efektywno\u015bci promocji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Rekomendowane produkty', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Prezentacja produkt\xf3w powi\u0105zanych ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Zestawy produktowe', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Integracja z narz\u0119dziami Google tj. Analytics 4, Ads, Maps', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Ustawianie parametr\xf3w SEO produkt\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Pe\u0142na integracja z Facebook ( Product Ads, Katalog Produkt\xf3w)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zbierania zg\xf3d marketingowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Narz\u0119dzia do automatyzacji marketingu (porzucone koszyki, personalizowane e-maile)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Wysy\u0142ka newslettera do klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Marketing', name: 'Program lojalno\u015bciowy oraz partnerski', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Statystyki i analityka', name: 'Modu\u0142 raport\xf3w i analityki sprzeda\u017cy', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Statystyki i analityka', name: 'Raport menad\u017cerski', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Statystyki i analityka', name: 'Analiza danych dotycz\u0105cych klient\xf3w ', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Statystyki i analityka', name: 'Raport monitorowania pracy pracownik\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Dost\u0119pono\u015b\u0107 sklep\xf3w na poziomie 99,98% (SLA)', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Pomoc techniczna dost\u0119pna 24/7', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Pe\u0142na i zawsze aktualna wersja systemu', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Gotowy regulamin sklepu zgodny z wymogami prawnymi', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Szablon sklepu zgodny z dyrektyw\u0105 Omnibus', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', name: 'Zgoda na pliki cookies zgodna z prawem UE i RODO', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Dedykowany szablon B2B', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Udost\u0119pnianie strony tylko zalogowanym klientom\xa0- hurtownia \u201ezamkni\u0119ta\u201d', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Akceptacja zam\xf3wie\u0144 od wielu u\u017cytkownik\xf3w w jednej firmie ', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Dowolno\u015b\u0107 zarz\u0105dzania asortymentem sklepu i polityk\u0105 cenow\u0105 dla r\xf3\u017cnych grup klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Cenniki indywidualne dla klient\xf3w hurtowni', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Odr\u0119bne ceny towar\xf3w dla sprzeda\u017cy detalicznej i hurtowej', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Odr\u0119bne profile p\u0142atno\u015bci i dostaw dla klient\xf3w hurtowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Odr\u0119bne progi/grupy rabatowe dla klient\xf3w', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Prezentowanie cen netto/brutto i ukrycie ich dla klient\xf3w niezalogowanych', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Oznaczenie klienta jako hurtownika', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Przypisywanie opiekuna handlowego', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Tworzenie oferty w pdf dla kontrahenta', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Udost\u0119pnianie oferty do integracji dla klienta', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Lista produkt\xf3w wcze\u015bniej zamawianych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Listy produkt\xf3w poszukiwanych i oczekiwanych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Dodawanie do koszyka produkt\xf3w po kodzie producenta lub z pliku csv', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Minimum logistyczne dla zam\xf3wie\u0144 hurtowych', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Wystawianie faktury zbiorczej na koniec miesi\u0105ca', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Dropshipping i cross-docking przez tzw. Customer API', values: { START: a, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Historia zam\xf3wie\u0144 i transakcji', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, { category: 'B2B', name: 'Modu\u0142 aktualno\u015bci', values: { START: n, BUSINESS: n, EXPERT: n, ENTERPRISE: n, INDIVIDUAL: n, }, }, ]; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...t, children: (0, We.jsx)(g_, { title: 'Informacje dodatkowe o abonamentach', valuesName: { START: 'Start', BUSINESS: 'Business', EXPERT: 'Expert', ENTERPRISE: 'Enterprise', INDIVIDUAL: 'Individual', }, mainCategories: { MOZLIWOSCI_I_KANALY_SPRZEDAZY: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci i kana\u0142y sprzeda\u017cy', CROSS_BORDER: 'Cross-border', WYGLAD_SKLEPU: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', SPRZEDAZ_I_ZAMOWIENIA: 'Sprzeda\u017c i zam\xf3wienia', OBSLUGA_KLIENTA_I_PANELU: 'Obs\u0142uga klienta i panelu', MAGAZYNY: 'Magazyny', LOGISTYKA: 'Logistyka', ZWROTY_I_REKLAMACJE: 'Zwroty i reklamacje', PLATNOSCI_I_ROZLICZENIA: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci i rozliczenia', MARKETING: 'Marketing', STATYSTYKI_I_ANALITYKA: 'Statystyki i analityka', BEZPIECZENSTWO: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo', B2B: 'B2B', }, tableSection: i, tableColumns: 5, }), }); }; function y_(t) { const n = (0, e.useRef)(null); return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Dobierz plan abonamentowy do swoich potrzeb', subTitle: 'Nasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego udost\u0119pniamy najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania rynkowe.', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona oferty', }, }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(LE, { buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Um\xf3w si\u0119 na spotkanie', href: '', variant: 'outline', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Hk, { children: 'IdoSell oferuje bogaty wyb\xf3r plan\xf3w abonamentowych i sklepy dostosowane do indywidualnych wymaga\u0144.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { mt: 7, flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: { base: 'center', md: 'space-between', }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, lg: { display: 'none' }, }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { id: 'plany', width: { base: '100%', md: '46%' }, direction: 'column', py: { base: 10, md: 14 }, px: { base: 2, md: 12 }, background: '#1AAC7A', position: 'relative', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { minH: { md: '700px' }, mb: 3, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { m: 'auto', src: '', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', color: 'white', mt: 6, children: 'Dopasowany abonament IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { my: 6, children: 'Wybierz jeden z pi\u0119ciu plan\xf3w abonamentowych IdoSell.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: 3, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { mt: 1, mr: 4, as: _E, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: 'white', children: 'Dla ka\u017cdego rozmiaru biznesu', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { mt: 1, mr: 4, as: _E, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: 'white', children: 'Setki gotowych funkcjonalno\u015bci i integracji dost\u0119pnych w ka\u017cdym planie', }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { onClick: () => (e => { var t; null === (t = e.current) || void 0 === t || t.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', }); })(n), style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Poznaj nasze abonamenty', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: 2, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', w: { base: '100%', md: 'auto' }, position: 'relative', sx: { _before: { content: ['""', null, 'none'], width: '100%', height: '2px', position: 'absolute', left: '0', top: '6px', borderBottom: '3px dotted white', borderLeftStyle: 'dotted', borderRightStyle: 'dotted', borderLeftColor: 'white', borderRightColor: 'white', }, }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Ry, { above: 'md', children: [ ' ', (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '32', height: '32', viewBox: '0 0 32 32', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { d: 'M17.6221 14.3779V3H14.3779V14.3779H3V17.6221H14.3779V29H17.6221V17.6221H29V14.3779H17.6221Z', fill: '#171717', }, ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { zIndex: 2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', px: 2, children: (0, We.jsx)( 'svg', { xmlns: '', width: '14', height: '15', viewBox: '0 0 14 15', fill: 'none', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { 'fill-rule': 'evenodd', 'clip-rule': 'evenodd', d: 'M8.75 0.710938H5.25V5.96094H0V9.46094H5.25V14.7109H8.75V9.46094H14V5.96094H8.75V0.710938Z', fill: 'white', }), }, ), }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { width: { base: '100%', md: '46%' }, direction: 'column', py: { base: 10, md: 14 }, px: { base: 2, md: 12 }, background: '#1AAC7A', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { minH: { md: '700px' }, mb: 3, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { m: 'auto', src: '', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', color: 'white', mt: 6, children: 'Wdro\u017cenie sklepu na miar\u0119', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { my: 6, children: 'W IdoSell mo\u017cesz wdro\u017cy\u0107 sklep sam lub wybra\u0107 jeden z czterech pakiet\xf3w wdro\u017ceniowych, dzi\u0119ki kt\xf3rym nasi eksperci stworz\u0105 dla ciebie sklep skorjony na miar\u0119!', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: 3, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { mt: 1, mr: 4, as: _E, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: 'white', children: 'Wdro\u017cenie szablonu sklepu zgodnie z twoimi wytycznymi', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { mt: 1, mr: 4, as: _E, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: 'white', children: 'Elastyczna mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zlecenia dodatkowych prac deweloperskich', }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Poznaj pakiety wdro\u017ceniowe', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ref: n, children: (0, We.jsx)(w_, {}) }), (0, We.jsx)(xS, { title: 'Zaufa\u0142o nam tysi\u0105ce sprzedawc\xf3w', text: 'Zobacz inspiruj\u0105ce historie sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3re wybra\u0142y IdoSell i osi\u0105gn\u0119\u0142y sukces w sprzeda\u017cy online.\nSprawd\u017a, jak do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142y do grona profesjonalist\xf3w i zacz\u0119\u0142y sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', casestudies: [ { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', }, title: 'Decyzja pad\u0142a na IdoSell, kt\xf3ry na ten moment dostarcza nam wszystkich potrzebnych funkcjonalno\u015bci.', link: { label: 'Ministerstwo Dobrego Myd\u0142a', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce Flamqa', }, title: 'Dobra \u015bwieca powinna by\u0107 niczym dobre perfumy.', link: { label: 'Flamqa', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, { image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce zielona esencja', }, title: 'W\u0142asna marka w e-commerce oparta o warto\u015bci i platform\u0119 IdoSell', link: { label: 'Zielona Esencja', href: '', target: '_blank', }, }, ], bgColor: 'white', }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), }), ], }); } const x_ = e => { let { ...t } = e; const n = { DLA_KOGO: 'Dla kogo', CO_ZAWIERA: 'Co zawiera w skr\xf3cie', INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE: 'Informacje szczeg\xf3\u0142owe', PRACE_GRAFICZNE: 'Prace graficzne', PRACE_INDYWIDUALNE: 'Prace indywidualne', }, a = (0, We.jsx)(_E, { fontSize: 'lg', color: '#1AAC7A' }), i = (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)('span', { className: 'table__minus', children: '-', }), }), o = [ { category: n.DLA_KOGO, name: '', values: { BASIC: 'Idealny wyb\xf3r, je\u015bli otwierasz sw\xf3j biznes lub chcesz poszerzy\u0107 ofert\u0119 stacjonarn\u0105 o rynek e-commerce.', GO: 'Sprawdzi si\u0119, je\u015bli potrzebujesz materia\u0142\xf3w graficznych na BASIC lub przenosisz sw\xf3j sklep z innej platformy.', GO_PLUS: 'Sprawdzi si\u0119, je\u015bli chcesz dostosowa\u0107 wygl\u0105d swojego sklepu lub przenie\u015b\u0107 go z innej platformy.', INDIVIDUAL: 'Wybierz, je\u015bli zale\u017cy ci na unikalnym interfejsie sklepu i rozwi\u0105zaniu dostosowanym dla twojego biznesu.', }, }, { category: n.CO_ZAWIERA, name: '', values: { BASIC: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '<div style="height: inherit;"><ul style="list-style:none"><li>Dedykowany opiekun wdro\u017cenia</li><li>Dost\u0119p do darmowego szablonu sklepu</li><li>Konfiguracja sklepu wraz ze szkoleniem online</li><li>Import towar\xf3w i klient\xf3w</li><li>Przygotowanie sprzeda\u017cy stacjonarnej POS</li><li>Migracja sklepu z innej platformy</li></ul></div>', }, }), GO: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '<div style="height: inherit;"><b>Wszystkie rozwi\u0105zania Pakietu BASIC</b><ul style="list-style:none"><li>W ramach jednego dnia projektowego projektant graficzny dobierze schemat kolorystyczny i czcionki w szablonie, a tak\u017ce pomo\u017ce Ci przygotowa\u0107 materia\u0142y graficzne na BASIC sprzeda\u017cy, takie jak bannery albo proste logo. Zakres wykonywanych prac graficznych jest ustalany indywidualnie podczas um\xf3wionego dnia projektowego.</li></ul></div>', }, }), GO_PLUS: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '<div style="height: inherit;"><b>Wszystkie rozwi\u0105zania Pakietu GO</b><ul style="list-style:none"><li>Udzia\u0142 eksperta UI/UX w procesie modyfikacji szablonu sklepu</li><li>Dostosowanie motywu i zestawu komponent\xf3w szablonu pod typ Twojego biznesu</li><li>3 widoki desktop szablonu sklepu: strona g\u0142\xf3wna, lista towar\xf3w i karta towaru wykonane przez eksperta UI/UX na podstawie gotowych komponent\xf3w</li></ul></div>', }, }), INDIVIDUAL: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '<div style="height: inherit;"><b>Wszystkie rozwi\u0105zania Pakiet\xf3w GO+</b><ul style="list-style:none"><li>Stworzenie unikatowego projektu interfejsu sklepu przez ekspert\xf3w UX/UI</li><li>Wdro\u017cenie gotowego projektu interfejsu sklepu</li><li>Stworzenie specjalistycznych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 dla twojego biznesu</li><li>Niestandardowe integracje i aplikacje wykraczaj\u0105ce poza rozwi\u0105zania systemu IdoSell</li><li>Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 migracji sklepu i przeniesienia indywidualnego rozwi\u0105zania zastosowanego na dotychczasowej platformie</li></ul></div>', }, }), }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Dost\u0119p do darmowego szablonu sklepu', values: { BASIC: a, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Konfiguracja sklepu i szkolenie', values: { BASIC: a, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Konfiguracja sprzeda\u017cy stacjonarnej POS', values: { BASIC: a, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Import towar\xf3w i klient\xf3w z dowolnej platformy', values: { BASIC: a, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Dedykowany opiekun wdro\u017cenia', values: { BASIC: a, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE, name: 'Konsultacja z ekspertem UI/UX w celu om\xf3wienia uk\u0142adu szablonu po zasileniu i skonfigurowaniu sklepu', values: { BASIC: i, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_GRAFICZNE, name: 'Dostosowanie motywu kolorystycznego szablonu sklepu, maili transakcyjnych oraz font\xf3w', values: { BASIC: i, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_GRAFICZNE, name: 'Przygotowanie materia\u0142\xf3w graficznych na BASIC w ramach dnia projektowego (np. proste logo lub banery)', values: { BASIC: i, GO: a, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_GRAFICZNE, name: 'Udzia\u0142 eksperta UI/UX w procesie tworzenia sklepu', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_GRAFICZNE, name: 'Dostosowanie uk\u0142adu komponent\xf3w szablonu pod potrzeby bran\u017cy lub typ sklepu (np. sklep multibrandowy lub jednobrandowy)', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_GRAFICZNE, name: 'Widoki desktop 3 stron wykonane przez eksperta UI/UX w oparciu o gotowe komponenty dostosowane do potrzeb Twojego biznesu', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: a, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_INDYWIDUALNE, isGray: !0, name: 'Niestandardowe integracje i aplikacje wykraczaj\u0105ce poza rozwi\u0105zania systemu Idosell', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: i, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_INDYWIDUALNE, isGray: !0, name: 'Indywidualny projekt interfejsu sklepu wsp\xf3\u0142tworzony z ekspertem UI/UX', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: i, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, { category: n.PRACE_INDYWIDUALNE, isGray: !0, name: 'Indywidualne rozwi\u0105zania pod potrzeby Twojego biznesu', values: { BASIC: i, GO: i, GO_PLUS: i, INDIVIDUAL: a }, }, ]; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...t, children: (0, We.jsx)(g_, { title: 'Informacje dodatkowe o pakietach wdro\u017ceniowych', valuesName: { BASIC: 'Basic', GO: 'Go', GO_PLUS: 'Go+', INDIVIDUAL: 'Wdro\u017cenie indywidualne', }, mainCategories: n, tableSection: o, tableColumns: 4, isOpenAll: !0, }), }); }; function b_(t) { const n = (0, e.useRef)(null); return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Wdro\u017cymy Tw\xf3j sklep internetowy IdoSell', subTitle: 'Sprawd\u017a co mo\u017cemy dla Ciebie zrobi\u0107. \nW IdoSell dajemy Ci wiele mo\u017cliwo\u015bci personalizacji sklepu.', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona pakiet\xf3w wdro\u017ceniowych', }, buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ref: n, children: (0, We.jsx)(x_, {}) }), (0, We.jsx)(dj, { title: 'Odkryj mo\u017cliwo\u015bci IdoSell', subtitle: 'Poznaj nasz panel, odkryj nasz\u0105 technologi\u0119, otw\xf3rz lub migruj sklep i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), }), ], }); } const z_ = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, list: a } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', md: 'row' }, alignItems: 'center', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { w: 'calc(100%/12*4)', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '34px', as: 'b', className: 'text-wrapper', align: { base: 'center', md: 'left' }, mb: { base: '35px', md: '0' }, width: '100%', children: t, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { w: 'calc(100%/12*8)', children: (0, We.jsx)(e_, { children: => (0, We.jsxs)(t_, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('h2', { children: (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '20px 10px', borderBottom: '1px solid rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { as: 'span', flex: '1', textAlign: 'left', children: e.question, }), (0, We.jsx)(a_, {}), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(p_, { pb: 4, children: e.anwser }), ], }), ), }), }), ], }); }; function v_(e) { const t = e.disabled ? ' arrow--disabled' : ''; return (0, We.jsxs)('svg', { onClick: e.onClick, className: 'arrow ' .concat(e.left ? 'arrow--left' : 'arrow--right', ' ') .concat(t), xmlns: '', width: '8', height: '13', viewBox: '0 0 8 13', children: [ e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M8.00001 0.730469L5.54012 0.730469L0.363648 6.74354L5.54012 12.7305L8.00001 12.7305L2.82354 6.74354L8.00001 0.730469Z', }), !e.left && (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M1.52588e-05 12.7305H2.45991L7.63638 6.7174L2.45991 0.730469H1.52588e-05L5.17649 6.7174L1.52588e-05 12.7305Z', }), ], }); } const k_ = t => { let { title: n, subtitle: a, adding: i, titleLeft: o, tiles: r } = t; const l = Vv('(max-width: 780px)'), [s, c] = e.useState(0), [d, u] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [p, m] = (0, qv.E)({ initial: 0, slideChanged(e) { c(e.track.details.rel); }, created() { u(!0); }, }); return (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: o ? '370px' : '100%', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'left', fontSize: '34px', fontWeight: 'bold', className: 'text-wrapper', mb: { base: '20px' }, width: '100%', children: n, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: { base: '20px' }, children: a }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', children: i, }), ], }), l ? (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { ref: p, className: 'keen-slider', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( 'div', { className: 'keen-slider__slide number-slide'.concat( t, ), children: (0, We.jsx)( Jv, { title: e.title, content: e.content, link: ? : '', }, t, ), }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(sk, { children: d && m.current && (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(v_, { left: !0, onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = m.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.prev()) ); }, disabled: 0 === s, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)('span', { style: { margin: '0px 30px' }, children: [ s + 1, ' / ', r.length, ' ', ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { style: { cursor: 'pointer', width: '20px', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(v_, { onClick: e => { var t; return ( e.stopPropagation() || (null === (t = m.current) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : ); }, disabled: s === m.current.track.details .slides.length - 1, }), }), ], }), }), ], }) : (0, We.jsx)(lk, { $tilesSettings: '2x1', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( Jv, { title: e.title, content: e.content, link:, logoImage: e.logoImage, }, t, ), ), }), ], }); }, j_ = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, list: a } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { background: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', padding: '50px 15px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc((100% / 12) * 5)' }, padding: '30px', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '30px', as: 'b', className: 'text-wrapper', align: { base: 'center', md: 'left' }, mb: { base: '35px', md: '0' }, width: '100%', children: t, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc((100% / 12) * 7)' }, flexDir: { base: 'column', md: 'row' }, display: 'flex', children: => (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', md: '50%' }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '54px', color: 'rgba(26, 172, 122, 1)', fontWeight: '600', children: [ e.featuredMainNumber, (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', as: 'span', children: e.featuredAddingNumber, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '18px', mb: '30px', children: e.featuredText, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '12px', children: e.addingText, }), ], }), ), }), ], }); }, S_ = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, layoutSchema: a, benefits: i, noPaddingIn: o, type: r, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '34px', align: 'center', fontWeight: '600', mb: { base: '15px' }, width: '100%', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { align: 'center', children: n }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'grid', px: o ? 16 : 0, py: o ? 20 : 0, gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { base: 'repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr))', md: 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))', lg: '3x1' === a ? 'repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr))' : 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))', }, children: null === i || void 0 === i ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'flex-start', children: [ 'check' === r || (void 0 === r && (0, We.jsx)('img', { src: '', alt: 'Ikona ticka', width: '20px', height: '20px', })), 'check2' === r && (0, We.jsx)('img', { alt: 'Plus tick', src: '', width: '20px', height: '30px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: e.benefitsTitle, }), e.benefitsText && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', children: e.benefitsText, }), ], }), ], }), ), }), ], }); }, E_ = t => { let { title: n, subtitle: a, styles: i, withAdding: o, tabsContent: r, activeTab: l, onTabChange: s, ...c } = t; const [d, u] = (0, e.useState)(l ? r.findIndex(e => e.tabName === l) : 0); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { if (l) { const e = r.findIndex(e => e.tabName === l); u(-1 !== e ? e : 0); } }, [l, r]); return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { ...c, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { pb: 4, alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', className: 'text-main', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '30px', as: 'b', className: 'text-wrapper', children: n, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 2, textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'lg', children: a, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(fE, { isFitted: 'centeredWithSpace' !== i, variant: 'line', colorScheme: 'teal', mt: 4, w: '100%', index: d, onChange: e => { u(e), s && s(r[e].tabName); }, borderBottom: 'none', justifyContent: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(gE, { borderBottom: 'none', justifyContent: 'center', overflowX: 'auto', overflowY: 'hidden', padding: '30px 0 50px 0', children:, t) => { var n; return 0 === t && 'centeredWithSpace' === i ? (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( wE, { _selected: { color: 'black', borderBottom: '4px solid #1AAC7A', outline: 'none', fontWeight: 'bold', }, _focus: { outline: 'none' }, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', pb: 2, children: e.tabName, }, t, ), null !== (n = !0 === o) && void 0 !== n ? n : (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', children: 'lub', }), ], }) : (0, We.jsx)( wE, { _selected: { color: 'black', borderBottom: '4px solid #1AAC7A', outline: 'none', fontWeight: 'bold', }, _focus: { outline: 'none' }, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', pb: 2, children: e.tabName, }, t, ); }), }), (0, We.jsx)(yE, { className: 'frame-2', children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)( xE, { className: 'frame-3', mt: 0, paddingTop: '0', children: (0, We.jsx)(bE, { templateColumns: 'repeat(1, 1fr)', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { sm: 'templateColumns="1fr"', lg: 'repeat(1, 1fr)', }, children: e.content, }), }, t, ), ), }), ], }), ], }); }, __ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona oferty', }; function C_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Szybkie p\u0142atno\u015bci w sklepie internetowym IdoSell', subTitle: 'U\u0142atw i przyspiesz sk\u0142adanie zam\xf3wie\u0144 w sklepie internetowym i zwi\u0119ksz swoj\u0105 konwersj\u0119, dzi\u0119ki us\u0142udze Checkout 2.0 od IdoSell', image: __, buttons: [ { title: 'Wypr\xf3buj demo sklepu', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'outline-reverted', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(k_, { title: 'Poznaj Checkout 2.0 w IdoSell', subtitle: 'W ramach us\u0142ugi Checkout 2.0 oferujemy Ci 4 r\xf3\u017cne mo\u017cliwo\u015bci finalizacji zakup\xf3w dla Twoich klient\xf3w. ', adding: 'Ka\u017cde dopasowane do potrzeb Twoich klient\xf3w. Ponadto korzystaj\u0105c z us\u0142ug Checkout 2.0 i IdoPay nie pobieramy dodatkowych prowizji w ramach IdoPay.', titleLeft: !0, tiles: [ { title: 'Express Checkout', content: 'czyli ekspresowa finalizacja zakup\xf3w za pomoca jednego klikni\u0119cia.', logoImage: { url: '', alt: 'Logo IdoSell', }, }, { title: 'One Step Checkout', content: 'czyli jednokrokowy proces sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wienia. Twoi klienci nie musz\u0105 przeklikiwa\u0107 si\u0119\xa0pomi\u0119dzy kolejnymi stronami.', logoImage: { url: '', alt: 'Logo IdoSell', }, }, { title: '1-Click (Apple Pay & Google Pay)', content: 'szybkie i bezpieczne zakupy za pomoc\u0105 jednego klikni\u0119cia', logoImage: { url: '', alt: 'Logo IdoSell', }, }, { title: 'InPost Pay', content: 'jedna z najpopularniejszych metod finalizacji zakup\xf3w.', logoImage: { url: '', alt: 'Logo IdoSell', }, }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '50px', position: 'relative', color: 'white', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundImage: '', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundSize: 'cover', }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(S_, { title: 'Sprawd\u017a, co zyskasz dzi\u0119ki us\u0142udze Checkout 2.0 ', subtitle: 'Poznaj rozwi\u0105zania dost\u0119pne w us\u0142udze Checkout 2.0. \nNasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego chcemy udost\u0119pnia\u0107 najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania rynkowe.', layoutSchema: '3x1', benefits: [ { benefitsTitle: 'Brak op\u0142at za IdoPay przy w\u0142\u0105czeniu Checkout 2.0.', benefitsText: 'Je\u017celi wybierzesz Checkout 2.0 prowizja za p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay zostanie obni\u017cona do 0%.', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Szybsz\u0105 finalizacj\u0119 zam\xf3wie\u0144 w twoim sklepie', benefitsText: 'czyli nowoczesne rozwi\u0105zania checkoutowe przyspieszaj\u0105 finalizacj\u0119 zam\xf3wie\u0144, co wp\u0142ywa na wzrost konwersji.', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Dost\u0119p do szybkich p\u0142atno\u015bci Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, InPost Pay.', benefitsText: 'Mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z szybkich metod p\u0142atno\u015bci, kt\xf3re zwi\u0119ksz\u0105 Twoj\u0105 konwersj\u0119.', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Jeszcze wy\u017csz\u0105 konwersj\u0119', benefitsText: 'dzi\u0119ki przyspieszonym metodom finalizacji zam\xf3wie\u0144', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Gwarancj\u0119\u202fsta\u0142ego rozwoju i optymalizacji us\u0142ugi', benefitsText: 'W IdoSell dbamy o nieustanny rozw\xf3j naszych rozwi\u0105za\u0144. Dlatego te\u017c, dajemy Ci pewno\u015b\u0107, \u017ce us\u0142uga b\u0119dzie stale rozbudowywana.', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Wiele operator\xf3w p\u0142atniczych', benefitsText: 'W planach abonamentowych ograniczonych domy\u015blnie wy\u0142\u0105cznie do p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '50px', position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(E_, { title: 'Poznaj najwa\u017cniejsze funkcjonalno\u015bci IdoSell', subtitle: 'Nasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego chcemy udost\u0119pnia\u0107 najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania rynkowe', tabsContent: [ { tabTitle: 'Dedykowany, customowy wygl\u0105d sklepu', tabName: 'Express Checkout', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { background: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', mb: '15px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Express Checkout - szybkie zakupy online jednym klikni\u0119ciem', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Wszystko, co musz\u0105 zrobi\u0107 twoi klienci, to wybra\u0107 produkt lub us\u0142ug\u0119, kt\xf3r\u0105 chc\u0105 kupi\u0107. Zostanie ona bezpiecznie op\u0142acona za pomoc\u0105 jednego klikni\u0119cia.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: (0, We.jsxs)( 'picture', { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { media: '(min-width: 430px)', srcSet: '', type: 'video/mp4', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { srcSet: '', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( 'video', { width: '100%', controls: !0, autoPlay: !0, muted: !0, loop: !0, children: (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { src: '', type: 'video/mp4', }, ), }, ), ], }, ), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Szybkie logowanie \u2013 ekspresowa p\u0142atno\u015b\u0107', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', mb: '15px', children: 'Szybkie logowanie dzi\u0119ki biometrii zapewnia klientom wygod\u0119 i bezpiecze\u0144stwo, umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105c logowanie si\u0119 jednym dotkni\u0119ciem lub spojrzeniem. Co wi\u0119cej, opcja logowania za pomoc\u0105 PINu obok biometrii zapewnia elastyczno\u015b\u0107, umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105c klientom korzystanie z tych funkcji r\xf3wnie\u017c na urz\u0105dzeniach, kt\xf3re nie posiadaj\u0105 wbudowanych funkcji biometrycznych.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Tw\xf3j klient mo\u017ce tak\u017ce skorzysta\u0107 z szybkiego logowania za pomoc\u0105 otrzymanego na numer telefonu kodu SMS.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column-reverse', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Synergia sklep\xf3w IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', mb: '15px', children: 'Je\u015bli klient robi\u0142 ju\u017c zakupy w sklepie zbudowanym na IdoSell, to za pomoc\u0105 jednego klikni\u0119cia, b\u0119dzie m\xf3g\u0142 dokona\u0107 szybkich i bezpiecznych zakup\xf3w bez konieczno\u015bci ponownego podawania swoich danych we wszystkich sklepach internetowych IdoSell, kt\xf3re korzystaj\u0105 z Express Checkout.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, { tabTitle: 'Narz\u0119dzia z gwarancj\u0105 skuteczno\u015bci', tabName: 'One Step Checkout', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { background: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', mb: '15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'One Step Checkout', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Jednokrokowy proces sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wienia. Optymalizuje sk\u0142adanie zam\xf3wienia do jednej strony, zamiast standatrdowych czterech krok\xf3w', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, display: 'flex', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, padding: '30ox', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Szybkie i wygodne zakupy dla Twoich klient\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Nawet 2 razy szybsze zakupy (w por\xf3wnaniu do standardowego checkoutu), dzi\u0119ki temu, \u017ce wszystkie niezb\u0119dne elementy do uzupe\u0142nienia znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 na jednej stronie.\u202f', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column-reverse', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: '50%', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'A tak\u017ce', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Mniej porzuconych koszyk\xf3w', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Mniejsze ryzyko porzucenia koszyka, dzi\u0119ki uj\u0119ciu wszystkich etap\xf3w procesu zakupowego na jednej stronie.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Kr\xf3tka \u015bcie\u017cka zakupowa', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'U\u017cytkownik widzi od razu ca\u0142\u0105 \u015bcie\u017ck\u0119, kt\xf3r\u0105 musi przej\u015b\u0107, \u017ceby sfinalizowa\u0107 zakup.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Wi\u0119ksza satysfakcj\u0119 z zakup\xf3w', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki szybkiej finalizacji transakcji klient ma wi\u0119ksz\u0105 satysfakcj\u0119 z zakup\xf3w w twoim sklepie internetowym.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: '50%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, { tabTitle: 'Bezpiecze\u0144stwo, wsparcie i askepty prawne', tabName: '1-Click (Apple Pay & Google Pay)', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { background: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', mb: '15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: [ '1-Click', (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: '(Apple Pay & Google Pay)', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Optymalizuje sk\u0142adanie zam\xf3wienia do jednej strony, zamiast standatrdowych czterech krok\xf3w', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, display: 'flex', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, padding: '30ox', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'P\u0142atno\u015bci 1-Click to', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Mniej porzuconych koszyk\xf3w', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Mniejsze ryzyko porzucenia koszyka, dzi\u0119ki uj\u0119ciu wszystkich etap\xf3w procesu zakupowego na jednej stronie.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Wi\u0119ksza satysfakcj\u0119 z zakup\xf3w', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki szybkiej finalizacji transakcji klient ma wi\u0119ksz\u0105 satysfakcj\u0119 z zakup\xf3w w twoim sklepie internetowym.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, { tabTitle: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie klientami', tabName: 'InPost Pay', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { backgroundImage: { base: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', lg: "url('')", }, padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', objectFit: 'cover', backgroundRepeat: 'round', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', md: 'calc(100%/12*5)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', mb: '15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'InPost Pay', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', mb: '15px', children: 'Skorzystaj z wyj\u0105tkowego rozwi\u0105zania technologicznego, \u0142\u0105cz\u0105cego zakupy, p\u0142atno\u015b\u0107 i dostaw\u0119 w jednym przycisku.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki InPost Pay twoi klienci mog\u0105 wygodnie finalizowa\u0107 zakupy - bez konieczno\u015bci wype\u0142niania formularzy i podawania swoich danych. Aplikacja InPost Mobile pami\u0119ta dane kupuj\u0105cego, ulubion\u0105 form\u0119 dostawy i p\u0142atno\u015bci.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '0%', lg: '50%', }, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '50px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, display: 'flex', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, padding: '30ox', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Zyskaj wi\u0119cej dzi\u0119ki InPost Pay', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', }, ), 'Wzrost konwersji', ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', }, ), 'Mniej porzuconych koszyk\xf3w', ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', }, ), 'Wi\u0119ksz\u0105 cz\u0119stotliwo\u015b\u0107 zam\xf3wie\u0144', ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', }, ), 'Wi\u0119cej nowych kupuj\u0105cych', ], }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { mt: 5, children: (0, We.jsx)(Ak, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { style: 'default', target: '_blank', href: '', children: 'W\u0142\u0105cz InPost Pay', }), }), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(j_, { title: 'Dlaczego szybkie rozwi\u0105zania checkout s\u0105 tak wa\u017cne w twoim sklepie?', list: [ { featuredMainNumber: '62', featuredAddingNumber: ' %', featuredText: 'klient\xf3w rezygnuje z zakupu po 2 minutach, gdzie uko\u0144czenie tego procesu zajmuje \u015brednio ponad 3 minuty', addingText: '* Wed\u0142ug danych Stripe', }, { featuredMainNumber: '80', featuredAddingNumber: ' %', featuredText: 'stron ma zbyt skomplikowane wymagania dotycz\u0105ce tworzenia hase\u0142', addingText: '* Wed\u0142ug danych Baymard Institute', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(dj, { title: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119 z ekspertem IdoSell i w\u0142\u0105cz Checkout 2.0 w swoim sklepie', subtitle: 'Express Checkout dost\u0119pny jest dla wszystkich sklep\xf3w internetowych z w\u0142\u0105czonym systemem p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay i aktualnym szablonem sklepu. Zam\xf3w darmow\u0105 konsultacj\u0119 z naszym specjalist\u0105, kt\xf3ry przeprowadzi ci\u0119 przez ca\u0142y proces w\u0142\u0105czenia us\u0142ugi.', buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w konsultacj\u0119\xa0z ekspertem', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(z_, { title: 'Najcz\u0119\u015bciej zadawane pytania', list: [ { question: 'Czy Checkout 2.0 to tak naprawd\u0119 kilka us\u0142ug w jednej?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Tak, Checkout 2.0 daje Ci wiele mo\u017cliwo\u015bci zastosowania nowoczesnych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 checkotowych \u2013 Express Checkout, One Page Checkout Process, Apple Pay, Google Pay i Inpost Pay. Mo\u017cesz skorzysta\u0107 z wybranych us\u0142ug lub w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 je wszystkie, korzystaj\u0105c z jednej stawki.', }), }, { question: 'Jakie s\u0105 najwa\u017cniejsze korzy\u015bci us\u0142ugi Checkout 2.0?\xa0', anwser: (0, We.jsxs)(jE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Szybsza finalizacja zam\xf3wie\u0144 w twoim sklepie,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'jeszcze wy\u017csza konwersja,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'brak op\u0142at za transakcje przy wyborze IdoPay,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'wiele rozwi\u0105za\u0144 checkoutowych w ramach jednej us\u0142ugi.', }), ], }), }, { question: 'Czy w us\u0142udze Chekout 2.0 p\u0142ac\u0119 za ka\u017cd\u0105 us\u0142ug\u0119 osobno (Express Chekout, One Step Checkout, Apple Pay & Google Pay, InPost Pay)?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Nie, jest jedna stawka za mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 korzystania ze wszystkich lub wybranych us\u0142ug w ramach Checkout 2.0. Dodatkowo, przy w\u0142\u0105czonej us\u0142udze Checkout 2.0, p\u0142atno\u015bci IdoPay s\u0105 ca\u0142kowicie za darmo!', }), }, { question: 'Co gdy chc\u0119 skorzysta\u0107 z us\u0142ugi Checkout 2.0, a nie mog\u0119 skorzysta\u0107 z IdoPay i nie chc\u0119 p\u0142aci\u0107 podw\xf3jnie?', anwser: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '#', isExternal: !0, children: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami', }), ', a wsp\xf3lnie wybierzemy najbardziej optymalne rozwi\u0105zanie dla twojego sklepu internetowego.', ], }), }, { question: 'Co gdy nie chc\u0119 korzysta\u0107 z Checkout 2.0?', anwser: (0, We.jsxs)(jE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Nie masz dost\u0119pu do systemowych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 - Express Checkout i One Page Checkout Process.', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Nie masz mo\u017cliwo\u015bci skorzystania z mechanizm\xf3w silnika, wspieraj\u0105cych systemowe rozwi\u0105zanie One Page Checkout Process.', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'W koszyku masz dost\u0119pne jedynie w pe\u0142ni funkcjonalne rozwi\u0105zanie 4-krokowego procesu sk\u0142adania zam\xf3wienia (Standard Checkout Process).', }), ], }), }, { question: 'Jakie zam\xf3wienia podlegaj\u0105 op\u0142acie za Checkout 2.0?', anwser: (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', gap: 2, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Op\u0142at\u0105 za skorzystanie z us\u0142ugi jest prowizja od ka\u017cdego zam\xf3wienia kwalifikowanego, niezale\u017cnie od metody p\u0142atno\u015bci:', }), (0, We.jsxs)(jE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'karty p\u0142atnicze, PayByLink, Blik, p\u0142atno\u015bci odroczone, Stripe, Klarna, PayPal', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'inni operatorzy (p\u0142atno\u015bci zrealizowane dowolnym z operator\xf3w p\u0142atno\u015bci)', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'pobrania, przelew bankowy, bony, karta podarunkowa, raty, leasing, kredyt kupiecki', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'W ramach Checkout 2.0, zam\xf3wienie kwalifikowane to ka\u017cde zam\xf3wienie sklepowe, sk\u0142adane w interfejsie strony sklepu. Nie podchodz\u0105 pod to zam\xf3wienia generowane r\u0119cznie w panelu czy API.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Rozliczana jest warto\u015b\u0107 zam\xf3wienia, a nie suma wp\u0142at.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Do wyboru stawki jest brana pod uwag\u0119 pierwsza zaksi\u0119gowana wp\u0142ata, a w przypadku jej braku, pierwsza nieanulowana deklaracja wp\u0142aty."', }), ], }), }, { question: 'Czy mog\u0119 uzyska\u0107 wsparcie podczas w\u0142\u0105czenia us\u0142ugi?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Podczas w\u0142\u0105czania us\u0142ugi Checkout 2.0 mo\u017cesz uzyska\u0107 pomoc naszych ekspert\xf3w, korzystaj\u0105c z Centrum Supportu.', }), }, { question: 'Gdzie znajd\u0119 cennik i regulamin us\u0142ugi?', anwser: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ 'Cennik us\u0142ugi: ', '', (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { fontWeight: '700', href: '', children: '', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ 'Regulamin us\u0142ugi: ', '', (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { fontWeight: '700', href: '', children: '', }), ], }), ], }), }, ], }), }), ], }), ], }); } var I_ = yw(function (e, t) { const { borderLeftWidth: n, borderBottomWidth: a, borderTopWidth: i, borderRightWidth: o, borderWidth: r, borderStyle: l, borderColor: s, ...c } = kw('Divider', e), { className: d, orientation: u = 'horizontal', __css: p, ...m } = Gn(e), h = { vertical: { borderLeftWidth: n || o || r || '1px', height: '100%' }, horizontal: { borderBottomWidth: a || i || r || '1px', width: '100%' }, }; return (0, We.jsx)(, { ref: t, 'aria-orientation': u, ...m, __css: { ...c, border: '0', borderColor: s, borderStyle: l, ...h[u], ...p }, className: Qe('chakra-divider', d) }); }); I_.displayName = 'Divider'; const T_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona szablon\xf3w standardowych', }; function P_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ 'Zaczynasz przygod\u0119 z', ' ', (0, We.jsx)('span', { style: { whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }, children: 'e-commerce', }), '?', ], }), image: T_, badgeLabel: 'SZABLON SKLEPU', subTitle: 'Wybierz szablon Standard na start i przekonaj si\u0119, czego dok\u0142adnie potrzebujesz \u017ceby skutecznie sprzedawa\u0107.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', direction: 'column', gap: { base: 16, md: 24 }, py: { base: 16, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gap: 16, alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minW: '25%', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', }), }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { style: { textAlign: 'left' }, children: 'Czy szablon Standard jest dla ciebie?', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: { base: 'md', md: 'lg' }, mt: 5, children: [ 'Szablon Standard jest idealnym wyborem dla przedsi\u0119biorc\xf3w i w\u0142a\u015bcicieli ma\u0142ych firm, kt\xf3rzy stawiaj\u0105 swoje pierwsze kroki w \u015bwiecie e-commerce.', (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), 'Je\u015bli dopiero zaczynasz budowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 obecno\u015b\u0107 online i nie posiadasz jeszcze dok\u0142adnie sprecyzowanych potrzeb czy wymaga\u0144 dotycz\u0105cych personalizacji e-sklepu, to wyb\xf3r szablonu Standard jest dla ciebie najkorzystniejszym rozwi\u0105zaniem.', (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), 'Ten rodzaj szablonu zosta\u0142 zaprojektowany z my\u015bl\u0105 o uniwersalno\u015bci. Dzi\u0119ki temu jest on ', (0, We.jsx)('b', { children: 'odpowiedni dla wielu bran\u017c.', }), ' Szablon Standard oferuje prosty i intuicyjny interfejs u\u017cytkownika, kt\xf3ry u\u0142atwia nawigacj\u0119 zar\xf3wno dla w\u0142a\u015bcicieli sklep\xf3w, jak i dla ich klient\xf3w.', ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { mt: { base: 6, md: 8 }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Zam\xf3w darmowe DEMO i sprawd\u017a szablony Standard', }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(MS, { title: 'Szablon Standard to baza ka\u017cdego sklepu w IdoSell', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie sklepu klasyka', }, subtitle: 'Chcesz rozwija\u0107 biznes i spersonalizowa\u0107 sw\xf3j e-sklep? Wszystkie szablony indywidualne powstaj\u0105 na bazie Standardu.', layout_order: 'image_right', padding: '3rem 0 3rem 0', bgColor: 'grey', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 2, children: 'Na start masz zapewnion\u0105 obs\u0142ug\u0119 wszystkich najnowszych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 od IdoSell oraz mechanizm\xf3w, kt\xf3re umo\u017cliwi\u0105 bezproblemowe prowadzenie sprzeda\u017cy przez\xa0sklep internetowy, przy zachowaniu estetycznej prezentacji produkt\xf3w.', }), }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Warianty szablonu Standard', }), (0, We.jsx)(sj, { $style: 'normal', children: 'Sprawd\u017a, dla kogo s\u0105 nasze rozwi\u0105zania', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', gap: { base: 4, lg: 0 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Uniwersalny', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Idealnie sprawdzi si\u0119 na start w ka\u017cdej bran\u017cy. Je\u015bli nie masz jeszcze sprecyzowanych potrzeb, to jest to szablon dla ciebie!', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Uniwersalny z lew\u0105 kolumn\u0105', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Wyr\xf3\u017cnia si\u0119 dwoma dobrze widocznymi drzewami menu. Idealny wyb\xf3r dla sklep\xf3w potrzebujacych bardziej rozbudowanej nawigacji.\xa0', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Hurtownia B2B', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Zapewnia wygodne dodawanie do koszyka ca\u0142ych rozmiar\xf3w i wielu wariant\xf3w jednego produktu naraz. Hurtownicy go kochaj\u0105!', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Wersje tematyczne', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Wersje Fashion i Decor idealnie sprawdz\u0105 si\u0119 zar\xf3wno w bran\u017cach odzie\u017cowych i home&decor, jak i meblach czy elektronice.', }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(CE, { title: 'Poznaj najwa\u017cniejsze funkcjonalno\u015bci szablon\xf3w Standard', subtitle: 'Szablony Standard maj\u0105 opracowane gotowe funkcjonalno\u015bci, kt\xf3re obs\u0142u\u017cysz wygodnie z panelu. Wykorzystaj sprawdzone i konwertuj\u0105ce rozwi\u0105zania od IdoSell, kt\xf3re pomog\u0105 ci wystartowa\u0107 w e-commerce.', tabsContent: [ { tabName: 'Wygl\u0105d sklepu', imgUrl: '', list: [ { item: 'Gotowe szablony sklepu dost\u0119pne od r\u0119ki - nie musisz czeka\u0107 i p\u0142aci\u0107', }, { item: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 dostosowania w podstawowym zakresie (zmiana g\u0142\xf3wnego fontu, koloru i zaokr\u0105gle\u0144 element\xf3w)', }, { item: 'Dost\u0119p do bezp\u0142atnych integracji i obs\u0142uga najlepszych p\u0142atno\u015bci oraz kurier\xf3w', }, { item: 'Kilka wersji j\u0119zykowych + mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 t\u0142umaczenia AI i sprzeda\u017cy za granic\u0105', }, { item: 'Darmowy dost\u0119p do wszystkich nowo\u015bci produktowych IdoSell', }, ], }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'right', title: 'Rozpocznij sprzeda\u017c na zawsze aktualnym szablonie Standard', subtitle: 'Na start otrzymujesz dost\u0119p do bogatej biblioteki gotowych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 IdoSell', position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#1AAC7A', }, lg: { display: 'none' }, }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: [ 'W szablonie Standard otrzymujesz', (0, We.jsx)('span', { children: ' ' }), (0, We.jsx)('b', { children: 'bezp\u0142atny dost\u0119p do wszystkich nowo\u015bci produktowych IdoSell. ', }), ' Mo\u017cesz z powodzeniem prezentowa\u0107 produkty, kt\xf3re s\u0105 skonfigurowane w zaawansowany spos\xf3b. A to wszystko dzi\u0119ki gotowym i sprawdzonym rozwi\u0105zaniom, kt\xf3re by\u0142y rozwijane od ponad 20 lat przez specjalist\xf3w IdoSell.', (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), 'W miar\u0119 potrzeb i rozwoju twojego biznesu masz zawsze mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wprowadzenia zmian do szablonu, np. poprzez prace kontraktowe, pe\u0142ny redesign lub narz\u0119dzie Composer.', ], }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Rozwijanie szablonu Standard', }), (0, We.jsx)(sj, { $style: 'normal', children: 'Nasz\u0105 ide\u0105 jest maksymalizowanie sprzeda\u017cy naszych klient\xf3w, dlatego udost\u0119pniamy ci najlepsze rozwi\u0105zania na rynku.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', gap: { base: 4, lg: 0 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Zmiany podstawowe', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Composer Lite', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'To narz\u0119dzie optymalne dla ma\u0142ych biznes\xf3w, kt\xf3re nie maj\u0105 jeszcze dok\u0142adnie sprecyzowanych potrzeb. Skorzystaj z gotowych kompozycji zupe\u0142nie za darmo!', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Zmiany zaawansowane', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Prace kontraktowe', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Skorzystaj z wiedzy i do\u015bwiadczenia specjalist\xf3w. Otrzymasz dedykowanego opiekuna, kt\xf3ry b\u0119dzie odpowiedzialny za wszystkie zmiany w twoim e-sklepie.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Wiesz, czego potrzebujesz?', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Pe\u0142ny redesign', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Redesign polega na pobraniu (na nowo) najnowszego szablonu Standard i zbudowaniu na nim nowego e-sklepu w oparciu o do\u015bwiadczenia z poprzedniego biznesu.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '24%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Masz swoich deweloper\xf3w?', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Composer Pro', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Profesjonalne zaprojektowanie twojego e-sklepu bez ogranicze\u0144. Dzi\u0119ki temu narz\u0119dziu stworzysz w pe\u0142ni spersonalizowane kompozycje oraz w\u0142asne komponenty.', }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: { base: 'column', md: 'row' }, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', gap: 5, maxW: { base: '100%', md: '40%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '3xl', fontWeight: 'bold', children: 'Composer', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: 'lg', children: 'Composer to narz\u0119dzie, z kt\xf3rym samodzielnie zaprojektujesz sklep internetowy.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: 'sm', children: 'Zbuduj unikalny wizerunek marki i sam decyduj o tym, jak b\u0119dzie wygl\u0105da\u0142 tw\xf3j e-sklep. Mo\u017cliwo\u015bci s\u0105 nieograniczone!', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Sprawd\u017a szczeg\xf3\u0142y', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { my: { base: 6, md: 0 }, flex: 1, flexDirection: { base: 'row', md: 'column' }, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', h: { base: 'auto', md: '240px' }, w: { base: '100%', md: 'auto' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(I_, { h: 'full', borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'vertical', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { above: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(I_, { w: 'full', borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'horizontal', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { m: 4, children: 'lub' }), (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(I_, { h: 'full', borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'vertical', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { above: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(I_, { w: 'full', borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'horizontal', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', gap: 5, maxW: { base: '100%', md: '40%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '3xl', fontWeight: 'bold', children: 'Prace kontraktowe', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: 'lg', children: 'Skorzystaj z cyklicznych lub pojedynczych prac kontraktowych i wykorzystaj wiedz\u0119 ekspert\xf3w.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: 'sm', children: 'Zakres prac, kt\xf3re mo\u017cemy wykona\u0107, jest bardzo szeroki. S\u0105 to zmiany w kodzie, user experience czy optymalizacja konwersji.', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Sprawd\u017a szczeg\xf3\u0142y', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(I_, { borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'horizontal', }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), ], }); } const A_ = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, layout: a, design: i, articles: o } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '34px', align: 'center', fontWeight: '600', mb: { base: '35px', md: '0' }, width: '100%', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { align: 'center', children: n }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: { base: 'repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr))', lg: '2x1' === a ? 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))' : 'repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr))', }, gap: '30px', children: null === o || void 0 === o ? void 0 : => 2 === i ? (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '26px 20px', border: '3px solid rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', display: 'flex', flexDir: 'column', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', gap: '30px', mb: 'auto', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { maxWidth: '150px', src: e.imgUrl, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDir: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '19px', mb: '15px', children: e.title, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { fontWeight: '800', href:, display: 'flex', gap: '5px', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', target: '_blank', _hover: { color: '#171717', textDecoration: 'none', }, children: [, (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { h: '10px', w: '10px', src: '', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), }) : (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '26px 20px', border: '3px solid rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', display: 'flex', flexDir: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'grid', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))', mb: 'auto', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Logo IdoSell', maxWidth: '70px', mb: '15px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', children: e.title, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: e.imgUrl, }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { fontWeight: '800', href:, display: 'flex', gap: '5px', target: '_blank', children: [, (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { h: '10px', w: '10px', src: '', }), ], }), ], }), ), }), ], }); }; n(318); const R_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona crossborder', }; function D_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Zacznij sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodow\u0105 ze sklepem na IdoSell', image: R_, badgeImage: { url: '', alt: 'Logo crossborder', }, subTitle: 'Z rozwi\u0105zaniami IdoSell mo\u017cesz otworzy\u0107 sklep zagraniczny z dowoln\u0105 walut\u0105 i w ka\u017cdym j\u0119zyku. Sprawd\u017a, jak mo\u017cemy ci pom\xf3c rozpocz\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c mi\u0119dzynarodow\u0105.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', direction: 'column', gap: { base: 16, md: 24 }, py: { base: 12, md: 14 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)('div', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '<section class="map_data_section">\n <div class="crossBorder section section--tight mt-2 mb-3 section--grayBg">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="switchViewMode">\n Widok mapy\n <label>\n <input type="checkbox" checked />\n <span class="slider"></span>\n </label>\n </div>\n \n <div class="mt-1 mb-1 map section">\n <article class="crossBorder-countryInfo"></article>\n \n <article class="crossBorder-map">\n <svg\n class=""\n xmlns=""\n width="919.679"\n viewBox="0 0 919.679 690.215"\n >\n <g\n id="Group_1222"\n data-name="Group 1222"\n transform="translate(-13097.156 1532.486)"\n >\n <g\n id="Group_1210"\n data-name="Group 1210"\n transform="translate(-101 121)"\n >\n 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id="Path_232"\n data-name="Path 232"\n d="M787.924,995.318a13.91,13.91,0,0,0-4.238,2.634c-1.343,1.342-1.009,2.9-1.6,4.688-.534,1.619-1.891,2.583-1.652,4.446.154,1.206,1.561,3.2,3.043,3.178,1.394-.023,2.28-1.954,2.5-3.172.424-2.383-.008-2.562,1.773-4.248a9.229,9.229,0,0,0,2.536-3.922c.615-1.957.007-2.24-2.357-3.6"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_233"\n data-name="Path 233"\n d="M772.032,1020.239c-.555-1.031.282-2.4.2-3.516-.1-1.321-.862-2.09-1.241-4.47-1.324,1.909-2.027,4.72-1.252,6.765a17.825,17.825,0,0,1,1.074,3.4c.218,1.2.222,2.528,1.917,2.725,1.45.169,1.96-.936,1.617-2.372-.36-1.514-1.718-1.427-2.312-2.529"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_234"\n data-name="Path 234"\n d="M738.372,934.709c1.775,1.172,4.3-.331,3.068-2.485-.7-1.222-3.33-2.476-6.282-3.576-3.718.012-5.054,1.485-7.432,4.1,1.248,1.253,4.089,2.591,5.97,1.974.863-.283,1.493-1.657,2.353-1.732,1.049-.093,1.6,1.246,2.323,1.719"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_235"\n data-name="Path 235"\n d="M707.88,916.344c-.112,1.446.56,1.607,1.8,2.076,1.308.494,4.66,1.831,,1.055-4.6-1.749,1.033-3.072,2.621-4.862,3.208-1.236.4-1.779-.33-1.916,1.423"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_236"\n data-name="Path 236"\n d="M722.858,905.3c-1.268.638-4.28,2.627-1.518,3.662,1.57.589,3.552-1.656,1.518-3.662"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_237"\n data-name="Path 237"\n d="M715.549,898.7c-2.706,1.929-.4,1.321,1.26,2.977,1.138-.632,2.859-2.526-1.26-2.977"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_238"\n data-name="Path 238"\n d="M731.058,947.009c-2.346,2.025-.461,2.228.4,4.491.5,1.3.007,5.535,2.059,5.334,1.741-.171,2.56-3.648,2.429-4.909-.2-1.941-.213-4.365-4.889-4.916"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_239"\n data-name="Path 239"\n d="M702,942.909c-1.326-.91-2.775-1.39-,1.442,1.655,2.465,2.641,3.378.3.279.717,1.272,1.111,1.277a4.728,4.728,0,0,0,1.62-1.406c.185-1.393-2.343-1.158-2.869-4.149"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_240"\n data-name="Path 240"\n d="M717.416,972.5c-1.135-2.407-2.7-3.021-6.5-4.1-.1,3.259,1.215,3.557,3.347,5.487,1.6,1.45,3.457,4.29,5.941,3.087,1.518-.735.913-1.09-.42-1.978a4.741,4.741,0,0,1-2.366-2.5"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_241"\n data-name="Path 241"\n d="M729.092,992.118c3.3-.392,3.769-5.86-1.243-5.891,1.74.7-4.939,6.623,1.243,5.891"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n id="Path_242"\n data-name="Path 242"\n d="M711.093,998.527a23.788,23.788,0,0,0-2.855,1.586c-.916.853-.794,2.186-1.325,3.243,2.358.991,9.907-3.058,4.18-4.829"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n <path\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Niemcy"\n transform="translate(13585.475 -1370.744)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="21"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Niemcy</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1219" data-name="Group 1219">\n <path\n id="Path_205"\n data-name="Path 205"\n d="M523.954,746.282c.194-.455.083-.637-.161-1.036a2.458,2.458,0,0,1-.467-1.532,2.828,2.828,0,0,1,.789-1.535,2.419,2.419,0,0,0,.576-.95,3.723,3.723,0,0,0-.576-2.005c-.509-1.047-1.086-2.232-.2-3.485a6.041,6.041,0,0,1,1.213-1.079,7.834,7.834,0,0,0,1.014-.852,15.2,15.2,0,0,1,1.253-1.213c.337-.3.672-.6.968-.916.545-.578.6-.867.582-.988-.036-.27-.558-.586-1.062-.892a6.648,6.648,0,0,1-1.741-1.354,2.319,2.319,0,0,1-.778-1.692c.065-.516.421-.963,1.228-1.545,1.277-.92,1.721-.77,2.93-.158l.157.079c.,1.415.773,3.017,1.648,4.417.85,1.245-.71,1.063-2.136.671-4.072-.1-.47-.185-.917-.228-1.312a21.8,21.8,0,0,1-.055-2.658,12.839,12.839,0,0,0-.323-4.012,6.027,6.027,0,0,0-1.519-2.163,7.036,7.036,0,0,1-1.8-2.638,8.1,8.1,0,0,1-.025-3.836,9.041,9.041,0,0,0,.148-2.835c-.141-.855-.241-.9-.54-1.045a3.279,3.279,0,0,1-1.113-.8,4.3,4.3,0,0,1-.928-2.3,6.537,6.537,0,0,1-2.221-.589c-.47-.178-.858-.343-1.2-.487a3.509,3.509,0,0,0-3.211-.231c-4.118,1.291-6.555.347-10.076-1.36-1.536-.744-1.761-.667-2.365-.46a7.021,7.021,0,0,1-2.006.409,6.52,6.52,0,0,1-3.675-1.209c-.374-.212-.755-.43-1.155-.628-.247-.121-.531-.278-.838-.448-1.137-.629-2.7-1.49-3.568-1.116s-1.045,1.241-1.225,2.622a6.343,6.343,0,0,1-.611,2.342,6.555,6.555,0,0,1-2.615,2.269,6.455,6.455,0,0,0-1.837,1.386,1.193,1.193,0,0,0-.2.929,1.689,1.689,0,0,1-1.031,1.883,2.658,2.658,0,0,1-2.085-.326,3.471,3.471,0,0,0-1.054-.34,6.258,6.258,0,0,0-2.023.475,3.963,3.963,0,0,1-1.473.348,5,5,0,0,1-2.421-.8c-.342-.192-.71-.391-1.092-.6a28.966,28.966,0,0,1-3.467-2.1,8.958,8.958,0,0,1-2.3,4.065,3.653,3.653,0,0,1-2.465.856,2.834,2.834,0,0,0-1.379.317c-.932.617-1.529,2.318-1.85,3.232-1.186,3.384-2.686,4.619-5.825,6.632-2.663,1.708-2.6,2.672-1.212,5.741.3.654,2.861,6.472,1.926,9.419-.483,1.524-1.124,2.333-1.961,2.471-1.35.223-2.534-1.383-3.577-2.8-.272-.37-.522-.712-.742-.966-.885-1.017-1-.995-1.492-.9a5.312,5.312,0,0,1-1.347.1,13.076,13.076,0,0,1-1.974-.334,10.279,10.279,0,0,0-2.2-.342c-.8,0-.944.107-.957.119a1.238,1.238,0,0,0-.064.223,2.684,2.684,0,0,1-1.124,1.709,3.627,3.627,0,0,1-3.27.365,7.406,7.406,0,0,0-1.292-.2c-2.132-.078-4.213,1-6.415,2.129-3.189,1.642-6.487,3.341-10.133,1.482a15.862,15.862,0,0,1-2.281-1.55c-1.72-1.312-3.5-2.669-5.429-2.164-1.448.379-1.311,1.69-.915,3.8.255,1.359.495,2.641-.132,3.483a1.945,1.945,0,0,1-1.433.727,3.855,3.855,0,0,1-.406.022c-2.665,0-3.453-2.927-4.036-5.092a6.373,6.373,0,0,0-.96-2.455c-.94-.818-2.184-.434-3.387-.063-.308.095-.6.185-.871.248a6.732,6.732,0,0,0-.834.256,3.376,3.376,0,0,1-1.63.226c-.348-.019-.794-.064-1.259-.113-.2-.021-.4-.04-.607-.,1.238,2.549-.03,4.094-1.048,5.334a4.739,4.739,0,0,0-1.136,1.88c-.325,1.643.93,2.459,2.738,3.431a10.41,10.41,0,0,1,1.522.926,8.955,8.955,0,0,1,2.1,2.6,5.076,5.076,0,0,0,3.372,2.848,6.16,6.16,0,0,0,1.611.136,4.626,4.626,0,0,1,2.55.5,2.876,2.876,0,0,1,1.167,1.6c.265.671.44,1.114,1.335,1.3l-.061.288c.576-.435,1.169-.838,1.71-1.193l.145-.1c2.244-1.478,2.829-1.354,5.224-.526l.82.293c1.421.515,1.421.515,2.947-.607l.281-.206a28.151,28.151,0,0,1,8.505-4.618c2.213-.688,2.8-.475,4.035.117a15.112,15.112,0,0,0,1.586.676,2.135,2.135,0,0,0,2.246-.117,6.3,6.3,0,0,1,1.748-.693,3.212,3.212,0,0,1,2.661.29c1.015.723,1.167,2.122,1.329,3.6a7.108,7.108,0,0,0,.839,3.219,5.822,5.822,0,0,0,2.98,1.769,12.775,12.775,0,0,1,1.889.8,13.089,13.089,0,0,1,1.791,1.29,13.223,13.223,0,0,0,1.528,1.123c2.1,1.245,3.169.659,4.645-.151A7.891,7.891,0,0,1,469.194,756a10.377,10.377,0,0,1,5.761,1.723,3.7,3.7,0,0,1,1.363,1.575,13.906,13.906,0,0,1,6.763,1.236c.249.123.505.263.769.4a9.5,9.5,0,0,0,2.049.918,1.411,1.411,0,0,0,1.346-.137,3.586,3.586,0,0,1,1.123-.458,8.036,8.036,0,0,1,2.7.012,5.848,5.848,0,0,0,3.55-.317,3.816,3.816,0,0,0,1.833-2.595,5.849,5.849,0,0,1,1.476-2.631c1.088-1,3.593-.466,5.606-.036.411.088.785.169,,4.3,0,0,0,2.108.1,3.62,3.62,0,0,0,1.121-.662,4.3,4.3,0,0,1,1.5-.837,12.273,12.273,0,0,1,2.868-.275,8.654,8.654,0,0,0,3.475-.531c.24-.1.438-.185.6-.251a2.844,2.844,0,0,0,.488-.224,3.256,3.256,0,0,0,.114-.6l.081-.527c.033-.208.058-.4.081-.572a3,3,0,0,1,1.229-2.4,7.942,7.942,0,0,1,2.147-1.05c1.211-.45,2.355-.876,2.816-1.956"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Austria"\n transform="translate(13664.932 -1275.888)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="16"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.01em">Austria</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1225" data-name="Group 1225">\n <path\n id="Path_202"\n data-name="Path 202"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Czechy"\n transform="translate(13673.444 -1329.071)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="16"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Czechy</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1224" data-name="Group 1224">\n <path\n id="Path_204"\n data-name="Path 204"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Rumunia"\n transform="translate(13830.994 -1240.101)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="21"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan y="0">Rumunia</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1218" data-name="Group 1218">\n <path\n id="Path_209"\n data-name="Path 209"\n d="M574.15,769.615c1.99-.665,3.563-1.189,4.958-3.1,1.648-2.261,3.783-4.564,7.075-4.515a4.548,4.548,0,0,1,2.41,1.038,6.546,6.546,0,0,0,1.291.75,6.424,6.424,0,0,0,3.791-.048l.513-.1a29.119,29.119,0,0,1,2.91-.386c.587-.057,1.18-.114,1.8-.2a1.948,1.948,0,0,0,1.657-1.077,7.608,7.608,0,0,1,1.08-1.288c.174-.163.423-.437.707-.746a7.466,7.466,0,0,1,2.348-2.063,2.69,2.69,0,0,1,2.066.212c.515.232.709.32,1.436-.522a8.159,8.159,0,0,0,1.676-4.277,11.073,11.073,0,0,1,1.126-3.654c.341-.6.685-1.174,1.023-1.736a23.277,23.277,0,0,0,2.712-5.633,15.583,15.583,0,0,0,.494-3.207c.043-.509.085-1.027.153-1.571a7.616,7.616,0,0,1,2.221-4.171c.28-.332.623-.666.975-1.009a6.558,6.558,0,0,0,1.649-2.061,6.434,6.434,0,0,0,.282-2.184,6.933,6.933,0,0,1,.449-2.812c.527-1.192,1.151-2.334,1.754-3.438a39.5,39.5,0,0,0,1.926-3.855l.143-.35c.6-1.488,1.038-2.564,3-3a4.56,4.56,0,0,1,1.22-.061,2.837,2.837,0,0,0,1.166-.106,1.745,1.745,0,0,0,.743-.561,3.868,3.868,0,0,1,.789-.709c.2-.133.422-.275.661-.426,1.307-.828,3.1-1.962,3.266-3.25a2.147,2.147,0,0,0-.717-1.722,6.44,6.44,0,0,0-3.31-1.392c-1.569-.365-3.191-.741-4.295-1.985a6.825,6.825,0,0,1-.9-1.38,4.216,4.216,0,0,0-1.217-1.574,9.569,9.569,0,0,0-1.461-.835,9.812,9.812,0,0,1-1.761-1.05c-2.207,2.7-4.38,2.613-5.853,1.987-.99-.422-1.949-.93-2.875-1.421-.765-.406-1.528-.812-2.313-1.17-.222-.1-.479-.24-.755-.39a4.866,4.866,0,0,0-2.135-.8c-.587.056-.764.315-1.086.785a4.228,4.228,0,0,1-1.061,1.157c-1.676,1.193-3.322.145-4.775-.779-.364-.233-.731-.466-1.1-.666-2.035-1.106-2.667-.941-3.978,1.039-.365.551-.69,1.154-1.005,1.737a12.6,12.6,0,0,1-2.276,3.3,24.129,24.129,0,0,1-2.942,2.26c-.589.407-1.176.812-1.725,1.239l-.431.346c-1.226,1-2.31,1.822-3.173,1.784a4.3,4.3,0,0,1-1.882-.868,6.8,6.8,0,0,0-.74-.446c-.849-.4-1.428-.539-1.721-.422s-.491.624-.743,1.267a14.32,14.32,0,0,1-.664,1.5c-1.664,3.15-4.661,3.071-7.308,3-1.965-.052-3.822-.1-5.052,1.065-.826.784-.723,1.839-.614,2.956s.231,2.356-.714,3.248a3.832,3.832,0,0,1-1.958.678,5.15,5.15,0,0,0-1.412.368,6.589,6.589,0,0,0-.87.616,4.83,4.83,0,0,1-1.742,1,6.828,6.828,0,0,1-4.021-.388,6.6,6.6,0,0,0-2.868-.463,10.955,10.955,0,0,0-1.992.57,9.665,9.665,0,0,1-3.1.717,3.632,3.632,0,0,1-1.444-.282,8.777,8.777,0,0,1-2.562-2.136,11.015,11.015,0,0,0-1.913-1.748,9.948,9.948,0,0,0-2.309-.881,12.159,12.159,0,0,1-2.487-.948,20.384,20.384,0,0,0,.05,2.516c.038.366.123.779.212,1.214.347,1.715.824,4.065-1.189,5.213-1.92,1.094-3.883.022-5.46-.841-.264-.144-.519-.284-.763-.406l-.159-.081c-1.013-.511-1.012-.511-1.822.072-.661.475-.78.712-.793.811-.,5.711,0,0,0,1.475,1.126c.752.455,1.462.886,1.568,1.663a2.35,2.35,0,0,1-.865,1.865c-.316.335-.672.655-1.032.978a14.46,14.46,0,0,0-1.165,1.126,8.363,8.363,0,0,1-1.171,1,5.826,5.826,0,0,0-.986.846c-.5.7-.215,1.367.287,2.4a4.637,4.637,0,0,1,.674,2.614,3.148,3.148,0,0,1-.8,1.48,2.2,2.2,0,0,0-.555.928,1.463,1.463,0,0,0,.31.91,1.955,1.955,0,0,1,.233,2.015,4.161,4.161,0,0,1-2.351,2.112c-.569,1.865.226,2.436,1.534,3.337a10.293,10.293,0,0,1,1.808,1.473c.154.167,1.766,2.284,1.579,3.25a1.913,1.913,0,0,1-.147.457,4.677,4.677,0,0,0,1.319,1.235,9.066,9.066,0,0,1,1.325,1.08,13.192,13.192,0,0,0,3.812,2.458,18.937,18.937,0,0,1,3.048,1.755,9.716,9.716,0,0,1,2.389,2.976,7.652,7.652,0,0,0,2.617,3.008l.664.375a7.58,7.58,0,0,1,2.633,2.07,14.423,14.423,0,0,0,2.589,2.616c1.567,1.131,3.868,1,6.093.872.694-.039,1.379-.075,2.009-.077.665,0,1.292.023,1.891.046,2.607.1,4.49.167,6.64-1.735a4.452,4.452,0,0,0,.44-.491,3.508,3.508,0,0,1,1.226-1.085,2.881,2.881,0,0,1,1.588-.142,2.5,2.5,0,0,0,.908,0,6.179,6.179,0,0,0,1.8-.954,9.618,9.618,0,0,1,1.532-.9c.8-.337,1.543-.587,2.266-.828"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="W\u0119gry"\n transform="translate(13737.516 -1262.625)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="19"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan y="0">W\u0119gry</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1216" data-name="Group 1216">\n <path\n id="Path_194"\n data-name="Path 194"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Bu\u0142garia"\n transform="translate(13863.655 -1163.517)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="17"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Bu\u0142garia</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1215" data-name="Group 1215">\n <path\n id="Path_211"\n data-name="Path 211"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Grecja"\n transform="translate(13820.858 -1052.019)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="18"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Grecja</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1214" data-name="Group 1214">\n <path\n id="Path_185"\n data-name="Path 185"\n 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73,1.259,2.589,2.381,3.106a7.615,7.615,0,0,0,1.5.446c1.361.308,3.055.69,2.778,3.27a4.529,4.529,0,0,1-.988,2.164c-.219.3-.492.686-.45.832.,5.4,0,0,0,2.3.308,5.064,5.064,0,0,1,3.365.816l1.067.771c1.053.762,2.09,1.513,3.2,2.26a4.985,4.985,0,0,1,1.836,2.551,3.878,3.878,0,0,0,1.274,1.911,8.072,8.072,0,0,0,1.879.745c.271.085.523.165.73.239l.275.1c.757.275.757.275,,2.413-1.176,3.242-.6,4.5,1.738.979,1.811,1.032,1.8,2.38,1.64.39-.047.862-.1,1.449-.136a7.293,7.293,0,0,1,4.1,1.286,13.58,13.58,0,0,0,1.779.886c1.732.663,2.562-.126,3.938-1.432.189-.179.383-.365.587-.552,1.7-1.561,3.056-.946,4.624-.234.316.144.652.3,1.016.443a8.019,8.019,0,0,1,4.148,3.448l.087.118a5.434,5.434,0,0,0,1.792,1.673,4.1,4.1,0,0,0,1.558.378,4.588,4.588,0,0,1,1.81.463,5.105,5.105,0,0,1,1.835,2.48,5.655,5.655,0,0,0,1.1,1.792,9.963,9.963,0,0,0,2.269,1.413,10.065,10.065,0,0,1,2.737,1.795c1.66,1.656,3.614,1.553,6.089,1.422l.818-.041c.331-.014.662-.055.993-.094a5.925,5.925,0,0,1,2.734.106,4.1,4.1,0,0,1,1.072.551c.325.222.446.3,,1.363-.36,1.7-.485,3.052-.868,,2.2,1.459,3.443,2.366.706.516,1.418,1.032,2.058,1.472-.637-2.042-2.027-3.545-2.309-5.865-.333-2.743-1.426-5.735-.489-8.4,2.01-5.722,9.234-10.762,14.306-13.388,2.906-1.5,9.606-3.891,12.772-2.2,2.259,1.206,2.349,4.518,4.618,6.037,4.5,3.014,10.986,1.673,15.183,5.133,2.028,1.672,3.8,3.576,6.086,4.811,6.7,3.616,12.553.077,17.567-4.8,2.434-2.37,3.746-5.1,7.023-6.7,2.9-1.417,6.253-2.162,9.395-3.093a7.294,7.294,0,0,1,1.364-6.525"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Francja"\n transform="translate(13428.927 -1269.383)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="24"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.025em">Francja</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1213" data-name="Group 1213">\n <path\n id="Path_187"\n data-name="Path 187"\n 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,12.7-.73.941-3.039-1.459-3.787,1-6.649a62.077,62.077,0,0,0,6.012-7.6c3.6-5.7,10.313-4.365,14.862-8.478,5.6-5.062-4.024-8.015-4.7-13.3a35.631,35.631,0,0,1,.008-9.153c.647-3.47,3.707-6.507,5.775-9.222,4.318-5.669,9.759-10.482,15.087-15.048,1.912-1.637,3.868-1.246,5.837-2.508.516-2.63.513-2.669.018-4.935-.67-3.064.186-2.806,2.96-4.178,6.541-3.232,11.047-5.9,18.525-5.581,3.2.136,5.587.634,8.538-1.209,1.555-.973,2.554-2.4,3.987-3.315,2.033-1.295,3.325-.67,5.851-1.067,3.391-.534,6.307-3.07,9.017-5.052,1.756-1.284,4.735-3.081,5.642-5.039,1.111-2.4-1.482-6.739,1.519-7.878-.724-.482-1.561-1.092-2.437-1.732-1.216-.889-2.474-1.808-3.34-2.3"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Hiszpania"\n transform="translate(13291.527 -1124.087)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="24"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Hiszpania</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1211" data-name="Group 1211">\n <path\n id="Path_217"\n data-name="Path 217"\n d="M204.964,433.71c-2.29.224-3.085-2.555-2.653-4.483.612-2.727,1.953-2.432-.779-4.383-5.08-3.628-4.7,4.862-9.047,2.671-1.619,2.614-.343,4.047,1.616,5.474,2.015,1.468,2.682,1.953,3.157,4.546.158.867-.129,2.477.36,3.228.429.659,2.383.929,2.6,1.507.565,1.519-2.267,2.63-3.427,3.808a12.279,12.279,0,0,1,1.262,2.446c-2.979,1.246-3.716-1.343-5.093,2.106-.4,1.01.009,1.893-.709,2.954-.548.81-1.653.74-2.086,1.61-.73,1.466.406,3.76,1.533,4.608,1.807,1.362,3.577.913,5.3-.071,2.62,4.722-3.593,4.947-5.641,7.412-1.652,1.988-.663,1.953-3.477,2.474-2.793.516-3.587.547-3.789,3.7-.131,2.04-.094,2.858,2.205,3.811,2.327.965,2,.824,3.731-1.15,1.262-1.439,6.738-9.084,6.636-3.07-.021,1.175-1.371,2.949-2.078,3.879a10.116,10.116,0,0,0-2.406,4.88c-.32,1.3-1.851,3.875-1.1,5.092,1.461,2.369,2.846.171,3.76-1.089,2.049-2.823,2.245-8.386,6.23-7.819s5.675,4.061,5.289,7.8c-.454,4.4-4.321,5.539-6.964,8.3-2.832,2.955-1.769,9.528-1.566,13.372,1.152-.854,2.209-3.684,3.689-3.839,2.232-.235,2.978,2.982,3.53,4.361,2.158-.97,1.7-2.212,4.238-1.8,2.316.378,1.857,1.181,4.39.048,2.09-.935,8.672-3.593,9.273.428.4,2.712-5.114,5.733-5.645,8.289-.437,2.1.246,4.562.273,6.684.024,1.959-.5,4.68.381,6.4,1.409-.521,2.727-1.624,3.9-.057,2.041-2.379,3.267,1.207,2.686,2.922-.766,2.259-3.371,2.336-3.493,4.912-.139,2.949,1.492,2.44-.2,5.348-.951,1.631-1.824,3.247-2.735,4.812-2.272,3.9-7.57,1.766-11.765,1.6-4.776-.183-7.151-4.217-11.529-4.947-.647,2.182.477,5.546,1.822,7.374-2.761,1.979-6.625,3.55-8.728,6.189-1.112,1.394-1.725,3.814,1.061,3.7,1.5-.06,2.561-2.4,4.1-2.794,5.5-1.411,3.226,5.946,3.165,8.718-.055,2.455,1.038,3.054-.988,4.91-1.471,1.347-3.417,1.683-5.216,2.444a37.487,37.487,0,0,0-4.339,2.481c-2.459,1.454-3.029.716-5.523.633a3.591,3.591,0,0,0-3.841,2.829c-.452,1.391.115,1.721.051,2.978-.045.9-.844,2.49-.81,3.067.281,4.758,6.032,2.8,8.831,1.47,1.6-.763,3.37-1.846,4.94.1,1.706,2.111-1.012,3.176.515,4.945,1.579,1.83,3.912-.15,5.9,1.2,1.782,1.206,1.767,4.078,3.373,4.978,1.5.841,5.675.025,7.111-.393a14.71,14.71,0,0,1,6.4-.621c-1.537.7-5.237,2.857-5.987,4.2-.685,1.225.37,2.746-.838,3.983-1.1,1.125-2.682,1-4.13.6-4.948-1.373-8.908-7.119-14.058-3.02-1.009.8-1.327,2.528-2.1,2.973-1.173.673-3.175-.335-4.46.03-3.435.978-2.918,3.414-4.328,5.9-1.556,2.743-3.935,2.726-6.491,3.73-2.9,1.139-1.941,3.537-4.746,5.139a28.105,28.105,0,0,1-3.469,1.827c-1,.382-3.656.448-4.311,1.031a1.911,1.911,0,0,0,.434,3.205c.809.341,1.355-1.272,2.857-.378,2.813,1.676,1.615,3.967,5.471,1.495,2.789-1.789,4.1-4.13,7.455-4.237,2.725-.087,5-1.281,7.516.331,2.068,1.323,3.58,3.273,5.833,4.414,5.67,2.874,7.244-6.315,11.849-7.869,2.852-.963,5.262,1.754,7.8,2.207,1.467.262,2.394.022,3.879.6s2.774,1.5,4.35,1.81c3.6.713,4.918-2.419,7.7-2.391,1.362.015,1.79,1.687,2.668,2.191,1.7.976,1.618.272,3.341.5,1.642.22,1.619,1.3,3.4.558,1.1-.455,1.741-2.119,2.966-2.3,1.47-.215,1.976,1.1,3.2,1.345,1.709.341,2.881-.469,4.52-.855,2.957-.7,5.854-1.157,8.1.736,1.179,1,1.2,1.941,2.823,2.164.887.122,3.031-.944,3.935-1.258,1.213-.422,2.315-1.113,3.507-1.541,1.918-.69,2.287-.174,4.049-.1,2.917.13,3.8-2.455,6.217-2.966,1.514-.32,2.015.9,3.688-.33,1.594-1.169.963-1.724,1.378-3.481.27-1.145,1.311-2.478.78-3.483-.631-1.191-3.2-1.211-4.244-1.309-1.072-.1-9.209-.2-6.24-2.982,1.007-.945,3.139.375,4.224-.373,1.623-1.12.471-2.588.949-4.139.588-1.909.766-1.385,2.865-1.866,1.329-.3,2.8-.423,3.83-1.451,1.781-1.77,1.614-5.418,3.308-7.229.96-1.027,1.982-.545,2.839-1.981.68-1.138.662-3.036.733-4.3.14-2.455,1.4-6.968.272-8.91-1.308-2.248-10.471-9.121-12.452-9.031-2.436.111-4.272,3.656-6.472,3.987-1.463.22-6.185-2.47-4.769-4.281.514-.658,2.846-.24,3.766-.766a5.1,5.1,0,0,0,2.26-3.14c.99-2.736.082-5.492-.862-8.222-.918-2.658-2.389-3.6-4.3-5.5,4.385-.153,2.294-5.972,1.155-8.863-.657-1.673-1.976-3.342-1.229-5.3s2.558-1.92,2.217-4.268c-.189-1.3-1.859-3.241-2.394-4.573-.6-1.5-.778-3.346-1.755-4.651-1.8-2.4-4.97-2.741-6.975-4.713-1.955-1.925-1.566-4.771-1.829-7.452-.208-2.11-1.257-3.552-1.618-5.6-.383-2.166.279-4.523.489-6.491.332-3.118-.318-4.935-1.494-7.7-1.734-4.075-1.479-7.253-5.681-9.632-1.733-.982-3.488-2.054-5.319-2.937-2.379-1.146-3.346-1.1-5.9-1.335-4.536-.424-1.876-3.687.527-5.141,2.284-1.381,4.515-2.344,6.959-.689,1.148-1.807.678-4.136.889-6.162,4.307.174,4.754-3.437,5.789-6.538,1.138-3.412,2.782-3.166,6.117-3.965.093-2.428.4-6.227,1.907-8.2.717-.943,2.422-1.165,3.09-2.2.416-.645,1.227-4.653.911-5.472-.934-2.419-7.364-4.538-9.89-5.636-1.116-.484-3.555-2.289-4.635-2.369-2-.149-2.256,1.752-4.621,1.535-2.027-.186-2.562-.663-4.745-.209a22.4,22.4,0,0,1-5.466.371,6.651,6.651,0,0,1,1.5-4.257c.832-.826,2.355-.639,2.753-1.839.531-1.606-1.776-2.764-1.317-4.321.54-1.831,4.524-2.949,6.124-3.736a20.851,20.851,0,0,0,3.477-1.783c1.08-.843,1.707-2.427,2.759-3.04,2.11-1.233,1.766.63,3.11-1.855.826-1.526-.29-4.093.534-5.614-3.162,0-6.219.276-9.358.267-3.175-.009-5.444,1.257-8.182-.159-1.934-1-4.033-3.8-5.97-4.391-2.256-.688-4.882,2.681-2.509,4.824-1.968,2.535-6.8,1.627-7.551,4.822-.359,1.531.862,2.515.378,3.735-.622,1.569-3.366.987-1.037,3.494-1.667.577-3.568-.2-5.083.766a10.7,10.7,0,0,0-2.522,3.345,25.455,25.455,0,0,0-1.792,9.687"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="WielkaBrytania"\n data-name="WielkaBrytania"\n transform="translate(13384.406 -1468.297)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="17.72"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Wielka</tspan>\n <tspan x="0" y="21">Brytania</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n <g id="Group_1221" data-name="Group 1221">\n <path\n id="Path_184"\n data-name="Path 184"\n d="M309.9,620.528c.272.238.376.247.376.247a1.018,1.018,0,0,0,.174-.1,1.8,1.8,0,0,1,1.338-.3,21.693,21.693,0,0,1,4.531,1.3c2.79,1.026,3.934.1,5.384-1.063a8.906,8.906,0,0,1,3.663-2.022,9.42,9.42,0,0,1,3.322.069,12.237,12.237,0,0,0,2.225.174,8.241,8.241,0,0,0,1.011-.146,5.52,5.52,0,0,1,2.064-.113c1.287.235,1.527.341,1.832.815a1.884,1.884,0,0,0,.334.4,3.537,3.537,0,0,1,.64.973,3.57,3.57,0,0,0,.837,1.19,3.189,3.189,0,0,0,.931.433,4.014,4.014,0,0,1,1.285.636,12.6,12.6,0,0,1,1.6,1.657,11.013,11.013,0,0,0,1.731,1.747c1.873,1.443,3.569,2.761,4.007,4.845a5.757,5.757,0,0,0,4.633-5.27,11.406,11.406,0,0,0-.02-1.851,7.593,7.593,0,0,1,.287-3.343,3.556,3.556,0,0,1,1.01-1.333,2.122,2.122,0,0,0,.864-1.5,3.483,3.483,0,0,0-1.188-2.743c-.844-1.007-1.8-2.149-1.214-4.056,1.063-3.465,5.035-2.453,6.731-2.021,1.825.466,5.223,1.331,6.363-.743a3.332,3.332,0,0,0-.185-2.318c-.384-1.355-.863-3.04.428-4.5a5.075,5.075,0,0,1,2.394-1.251c1.662-.524,2.509-.885,2.058-2.769-.276-1.15-1.245-1.7-2.271-2.291a4.848,4.848,0,0,1-2.423-2.251c-.3-.756.527-4,1.287-4.515a2.6,2.6,0,0,1,2.473.111,2.582,2.582,0,0,0,.815.243c1.225-.4,1.385-1.806,1.49-3.908a10.88,10.88,0,0,1,.324-2.587l.112-.362.378-.015a2.922,2.922,0,0,0,2.411-.941c.859-1.2.15-3.57-.476-5.657-.131-.44-.255-.864-.368-1.275a6.791,6.791,0,0,1-1.833-1.7c-1.541-1.724-3.089-4.726-5.809-4.677-1.571.027-2.224,1.379-3.757,1.616-1.374.212-2.822-.539-4.279-.549-3.737-.023-5.694.806-7.293,4-1.868,3.729-4.649,5.826-9.284,4.638,1.209-1.374-.6-4.666-1.932-5.621-2.307-1.656-2.7.557-3.686,2.595-2.245,4.62-1.484,8.259-1.336,13.108.116,3.78-2.859,6.984-4.88,9.9-.907,1.31-1.7,3.145-2.927,4.264-1.662,1.512-3.072,1.208-5.027,1.932-3.891,1.44-4.319,4.911-5.662,8.2-4.4.115-3.593,3.848-5.968,5.049-.035,1.02-.069,3.172.472,3.644"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#b7b7b7"\n />\n <text\n id="Holandia"\n transform="translate(13488.734 -1410.783)"\n fill="#6e6e6e"\n font-size="16"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway"\n font-weight="700"\n >\n <tspan y="0">Holandia</tspan>\n </text>\n </g>\n \x3c!-- <g id="Group_1230" data-name="Group 1230"> --\x3e\n <path\n id="Path_190"\n data-name="Path 190"\n 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.735,1.653,7.25,7.25,0,0,1,3.856,1.71,3.686,3.686,0,0,1,.921,1.645c1.233.6,1.76-.084,2.6-1.422.544-.867,1.108-1.763,2.062-1.962a2.5,2.5,0,0,1,1.933.528c.377.257.684.5.963.73a2.7,2.7,0,0,0,2.313.861,15.9,15.9,0,0,0,2.37-.46c.69-.169,1.4-.343,2.092-.441a8.232,8.232,0,0,1,5.013.524,3.465,3.465,0,0,0,2.869.36c.258-.047.55-.1.891-.154.519-.083,1.075-.2,1.65-.322,2.312-.488,4.933-1.041,6.88.212a7.853,7.853,0,0,1,1.346,1.274,5.165,5.165,0,0,0,1.625,1.407c.632.174,2-.469,2.907-.894.371-.175.71-.333.988-.44l.2-.08c1.752-.677,2.067-.8,2.28-2.493.283-2.257.662-2.456,2.667-2.558l.594-.033c.358-.022.73-.039,1.113-.057,2.32-.11,4.949-.235,6.566-1.453a6.68,6.68,0,0,0,1.254-1.473,6.214,6.214,0,0,1,1.611-1.769,2.344,2.344,0,0,1,1.292-.333c.349-.007.493-.01.713-.271a4.634,4.634,0,0,0,.317-1.54c.03-.277.057-.528.092-.706.048-.25.087-.538.128-.844.175-1.307.393-2.934,1.564-3.61a4.353,4.353,0,0,1,2.553-.285,4,4,0,0,0,2.263-.21,6.094,6.094,0,0,0,2.086-2.572c.746-1.348,1.517-2.741,3.274-3.248a8.568,8.568,0,0,1,3.051-.144,6.662,6.662,0,0,0,5.624-1.68c2.515-1.732,4.372-.515,6.167.661a18.026,18.026,0,0,0,1.93,1.153,9.188,9.188,0,0,0,3.859,1.083,6.009,6.009,0,0,0,.94-.076,4.917,4.917,0,0,1,1.4-.055,2.033,2.033,0,0,1,1.455.655,4.9,4.9,0,0,0,.535.485,4.372,4.372,0,0,0,3.85,1.116c2.223-.2,2.536-.028,4.321,1.375a12.759,12.759,0,0,1,1.336,1.349,7.807,7.807,0,0,0,1.964,1.791,1.493,1.493,0,0,0,1.327-.219,1.833,1.833,0,0,1,2.66.546c1.289,1.573,1.4,3.71,1.516,5.777a12.734,12.734,0,0,0,.561,3.772c.566,1.461,1.877,1.677,3.4,1.927,1.6.263,3.419.563,4.2,2.577a10.9,10.9,0,0,1,.549,3.713c.058,1.958.109,3.649,1.807,5.027a9.965,9.965,0,0,0,2.93,1.359c1.9.66,4.052,1.409,4.573,3.5a5.338,5.338,0,0,1-.311,2.866,4.448,4.448,0,0,0-.311,1.828,2.364,2.364,0,0,0,.588,1.033,1.992,1.992,0,0,1,.087,2.961,2.64,2.64,0,0,1-1.96.956,3.854,3.854,0,0,1-2.541-1.053l-.223.225c-1.382,1.392-2.574,2.594-5.074.859l-.35-.246c-.185-.129-.351-.245-.45-.306a4.536,4.536,0,0,1-1.277.419,2.316,2.316,0,0,1-2.331-.51,1.208,1.208,0,0,1-.246-.656c-1.165.631-3.2,2.286-3.318,2.826.014.331.875.709,1.566,1.013,1.058.464,2.257.99,2.474,2.077a9.265,9.265,0,0,1-.542,3.861,10.932,10.932,0,0,0-.431,1.927,6.833,6.833,0,0,0,0,.7,2.543,2.543,0,0,1-1.029,2.439,4.724,4.724,0,0,1-1.184.74c-.362.166-.438.2-.608,1.056a6.037,6.037,0,0,0-.094,1.088,4.294,4.294,0,0,1-.444,2.086,5.565,5.565,0,0,1-.7,1.018c-.35.424-.469.567-.284,1.363a10.87,10.87,0,0,0,.833,2.186,9.028,9.028,0,0,1,1.053,3.535c.1,1.859.728,4.663,1.666,,2.2-.509,4.561-2.814,1.8-1.757,3.342-3.266,6.31-2.965a8.515,8.515,0,0,1,1.218.24,3.274,3.274,0,0,0,1.9.12,28.286,28.286,0,0,0,3.094-1.953l.236-.16c-1.3-1.54-2.656-.882-3.23-3.231-.308-1.258.588-3.976,1.335-4.988,4.246,1.771,6.368-.857,7.492-4.81,1.17-4.1,2.336-5.566,5.191-8.883.726-.842,2.976-2.918,3-4.064.039-1.725-2-2.149-2.692-3.463-1.268-2.4.318-7,3.487-7.99,1.846-.578,3.966.708,6.025.051,1.577-.5,2.122-1.824,3.9-1.884,5.547-.188,1.31,5.589,4.994,7.606,2.31,1.265,2.466-1.05,4.562-.947,1.452.072,2.309,1.2,3.655,1.843,2.512,1.2,6.516,3.024,9.286,2.859,5.383-.32,14.136-7.29,18.055-.63-1.522,1.692-3.66,6.552-5.41,7.614-3.03,1.837-6.146-1.756-8.942,1.8-1.279,1.628-2.6,8.648-.093,9.53,2.291.806,5.78-4.172,8.449-3.893-.406,2.586,1.667,4.236,3.954,4.883,2.589.731,4.05-1.233,6.226-.578,1.607.483,3.358,3.188,3.911,4.646,1.316,3.462-.055,2.487-1.238,5.116-1.4,3.12-1.063,3.322,1.693,4.819,1.284.7,5.076,2.2,6.514,2.1,4.68-.353,6.535-6.2,8.3-9.572.948-1.812,1.883-4.112,3.3-5.593,2-2.082,2.51-1.153,5.085-2.064,5.684-2.013,2.586-6.51,5.779-9.587,1.729-1.666,4.325-.249,6.343-.057,2.973.284,2.693-.134,5.237-1.349,1.751-.837,4.358-.88,5.152-2.821.065-.159-1.073-1.935-1.071-2.434,0-.724,1.078-1.382,1.146-2.212.543-6.609-3.994-5.086-7.453-2.154-.928.786-.953,1.645-2.228,2.2-.6.259-1.715-1.049-2.816-.574-2.45,1.058-1.839,3.586-5.016,3.12-2.708-.4-6.9-4.983-9.547-6.432-3.86-2.113-6.346-4.084-7.036-8.6-.852-5.579,1.36-7.162,5.173-10.659,2.9-2.661,5.65-5.657,8.557-8.27,2.355-2.117,4.087-.6,6.46-2.2.641-.433.66-2.109,1.276-2.623a29.7,29.7,0,0,1,2.7-1.593c3.1-2.179,5.322-4.648,8.817-6.523,2.546-1.366,2.557-1.02,3.653-4.074.639-1.779.978-4.34,2.587-5.609,1.868-1.473,4.243-.682,6.575-1.292,2.679-.7,2.176-1.012,3.487-2.58a2.656,2.656,0,0,1-.383-.353c-1.215-1.426-.865-4-.555-6.276"\n transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n \x3c!-- fill="#b7b7b7" /> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- <text id="Ukraina" transform="translate(13930.103 -1358.355)" fill="#6e6e6e" font-size="21"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway" font-weight="700">\n <tspan x="0" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.005em">Ukraina</tspan>\n </text> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- </g> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- <g id="Group_1223" data-name="Group 1223"> --\x3e\n <path\n id="Path_182"\n data-name="Path 182"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n \x3c!-- fill="#b7b7b7" /> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- <text id="Polska" transform="translate(13720.623 -1393.269)" fill="#6e6e6e" font-size="24"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway" font-weight="700">\n <tspan x="0" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.01em">Polska</tspan>\n </text> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- </g> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- <g id="Group_1229" data-name="Group 1229"> --\x3e\n <path\n id="Path_179"\n data-name="Path 179"\n 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transform="translate(13198.163 -2009.92)"\n fill="#ddd"\n />\n \x3c!-- fill="#b7b7b7" \n /> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- <text id="Litwa" transform="translate(13795.157 -1490.161)" fill="#6e6e6e" font-size="14"\n font-family="Raleway-Bold, Raleway" font-weight="700">\n <tspan x="0" y="0">Litwa</tspan>\n </text> --\x3e\n \x3c!-- </g> --\x3e\n </g>\n </g>\n </svg>\n </article>\n <article class="crossBorder-list off"></article>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id="integrations" class="section section--tight">\n \x3c!-- <div class="container">\n <p class="integrationsCountryInfo"></p>\n <div class=" crossBorder-integrations">\n <div class="crossBorderIntegration crossBorder-integrations__logistics">\n \n </div>\n <div class="crossBorderIntegration crossBorder-integrations__payments">\n \n </div>\n <div class="crossBorderIntegration crossBorder-integrations__traffic">\n \n </div>\n \n </div> --\x3e\n <div class="ctaButtons d-flex flex-column flex-wrap flex-md-row align-items-center">\n <a\n href="#form_section"\n id=""\n title="Skontaktuj si\u0119 z ekspertem"\n class="btn mainButton --black"\n >\n Skontaktuj si\u0119 z ekspertem\n </a>\n <div id="country__info"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </section>', }, }), (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 za granic\u0119 dzi\u0119ki rozwi\u0105zaniom IdoSell', tiles: [ { title: 'T\u0142umaczenie sklepu na ponad 30 j\u0119zyk\xf3w', content: 'Modu\u0142 t\u0142umacze\u0144 automatycznych oparty jest o sztuczn\u0105 inteligencj\u0119 - nie tylko przet\u0142umaczy tw\xf3j e-sklep na start, ale tak\u017ce b\u0119dzie t\u0142umaczy\u0142 tre\u015bci na bie\u017c\u0105co. A dzi\u0119ki us\u0142udze Composer szybko i \u0142atwo przet\u0142umaczysz automatycznie r\xf3wnie\u017c szablon sklepu.', }, { title: 'Lokalne metody p\u0142atno\u015bci i wysy\u0142ki', content: 'Liczne integracje z zagranicznymi systemami p\u0142atno\u015bci, firmami kurierskimi i centrami fulfillment. Klienci zap\u0142ac\u0105 w swojej walucie i dostan\u0105 paczk\u0119 szybko, r\xf3wnie\u017c w popularnych punktach odbioru.', }, { title: 'Integracje z marketplace i por\xf3wnywarkami', content: 'Umo\u017cliwiamy prosty eksport towar\xf3w na zagraniczne marketplace\u2019y i do najpopularniejszych por\xf3wnywarek cenowych w Europie. Dzi\u0119ki temu przyci\u0105gniesz ruch do swojego sklepu internetowego.', }, { title: 'VAT OSS i c\u0142a', content: 'Umo\u017cliwiamy automatyczne wyliczanie stawek VAT dla danego kraju. U\u0142atwiamy tak\u017ce rozliczanie c\u0142a przy sprzeda\u017cy poza UE.', }, { title: 'T\u0142umaczenie zgodne z wymogami SEO', content: 'Dla ka\u017cdego j\u0119zyka umo\u017cliwiamy ustawienie osobnego zestawu s\u0142\xf3w kluczowych, tytu\u0142u i opisu, a tak\u017ce dostosowanie hiper\u0142\u0105cza.', }, { title: 'Sklep internetowy spe\u0142niaj\u0105cy wymogi UE', content: 'W IdoSell dajemy Ci gotowe wzory regulaminu, polityki prywatno\u015bci i cookies oraz funkcj\u0119 aktywnej zgody na polityk\u0119 cookies. Wszystko po to, \u017ceby u\u0142atwi\u0107 Ci sprzeda\u017c na europejskich rynkach.', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(E_, { title: 'Oferta sprzeda\u017cy zagranicznej skrojona pod twoje potrzeby', subtitle: 'T\u0142umaczenie i konfiguracj\u0119 e-sklepu na rynki zagraniczne mo\u017cesz zrobi\u0107 samodzielnie w panelu IdoSell lub zleci\u0107 naszym specjalistom. Zdecyduj, w jaki spos\xf3b chcesz rozpocz\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c za granic\u0119', styles: 'centeredWithSpace', withAdding: !0, tabsContent: [ { tabTitle: 'Zr\xf3b to sam', tabName: 'Zr\xf3b to sam', content: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', padding: { base: '30px', xl: '55px 50px', }, background: '#EEEEEE', width: { base: '100', lg: 'calc(100% / 3)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'h3', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '30px', lineHeight: '37px', color: '#171717', mb: '15px', children: 'Skonfiguruj sw\xf3j e-sklep samodzielnie', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: [ 'Dzi\u0119ki innowacyjnemu', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'kreatorowi sklepu na wybrany kraj', }), ' ', 'wdro\u017cenie i t\u0142umaczenie sklepu na rynki zagraniczne mo\u017cesz w prosty spos\xf3b zrobi\u0107', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'samodzielnie', }), '.', ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', children: 'Wykorzystaj gotowe rozwi\u0105zania od IdoSell i zaprezentuj swoj\u0105 ofert\u0119 na rynkach zagranicznych.', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'W\u0142\u0105cz kreator sklepu', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100', lg: 'calc(100%/3*2)', }, padding: { base: '0px', lg: '55px 50px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Jak kreator IdoSell u\u0142atwi ci konfiguracj\u0119 e-sklepu do sprzeda\u017cy mi\u0119dzynarodowej?', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', width: { base: '100', xl: 'calc(100%/12*10)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Kilkukrokowy kreator sklepu', }, ), ' ', 'to narz\u0119dzie, kt\xf3re pozwoli ci utworzy\u0107 wst\u0119pnie skonfigurowany e-sklep na wybrany kraj. Obs\u0142uga kreatora jest intuicyjna i prosta - wybierasz jeden z dost\u0119pnych w kreatorze kraj\xf3w, w kt\xf3rym chcesz rozpocz\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c, a my na podstawie najlepszych do\u015bwiadcze\u0144 proponujemy domy\u015blne ustawienia, kt\xf3re mo\u017cesz zmieni\u0107 i dostosowa\u0107 do swojej wizji.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'J\u0119zyki i t\u0142umaczenia', }, ), ' ', '- dzi\u0119ki automatycznemu t\u0142umaczeniu, kt\xf3re oparte jest o sztuczn\u0105 inteligencj\u0119, mo\u017cesz przet\u0142umaczy\u0107 najwa\u017cniejsze elementy sklepu, ofert\u0119, bloga, wiadomo\u015bci transakcyjne, menu, kategorie i prezentowa\u0107 je w wybranym j\u0119zyku.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Dostawy i p\u0142atno\u015bci', }, ), ' ', '- zaproponujemy kurier\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy nie tylko dostarcz\u0105 przesy\u0142ki do wybranego kraju z wysy\u0142k\u0105 z Polski, ale r\xf3wnie\u017c b\u0119d\u0105 uwzgl\u0119dnia\u0107 najpopularniejsze formy dostawy, kt\xf3re odpowiadaj\u0105 na potrzeby i przyzwyczajenia lokalnych kupuj\u0105cych.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Szablon sklepu', }, ), ' ', '- dostarczymy gotowy, przet\u0142umaczony na wybrany, dost\u0119pny w kreatorze j\u0119zyk szablon Standard, dostosowany do wymog\xf3w wybranego kraju - obejmuje uwarunkowania dyrektywy Omnibus. Je\u015bli potrzebujesz przet\u0142umaczy\u0107 szablon na inny j\u0119zyk, ni\u017c dost\u0119pny w kreatorze, taka mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 jest dost\u0119pna w ramach us\u0142ugi', ' ', (0, We.jsx)( Cy, { target: '_blank', color: 'rgb(26, 172, 122)', href: '', children: 'Composer', }, ), '.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Marketplace i por\xf3wnywarki', }, ), ' ', '- zarekomendujemy dost\u0119pne martektplace\u2019y i popularne por\xf3wnywarki, kt\xf3re doskonale uzupe\u0142ni\u0105 obecno\u015b\u0107 twojego e-sklepu na nowym rynku.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Regulamin, polityka prywatno\u015bci i zgoda cookies', }, ), ' ', '- dostarczymy tre\u015bci prawne - regulamin, polityk\u0119 prywatno\u015bci i zgody cookies dostosowane do regulacji w wybranym kraju.', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'VAT OSS', }, ), ' ', '- Ustawiamy walut\u0119 oraz naliczenie VAT - udost\u0119pniamy mechanizm do procedur VAT OSS', ], }, ), }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, padding: '50px 0', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { maxW: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc(100%/12 *4)', }, w: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc(100%/12 *4)', }, flexDir: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Jak wygl\u0105da kreator sklepu na wybrany kraj?', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '400', children: 'Kreator sklepu to narz\u0119dzie, kt\xf3re u\u0142atwi konfiguracj\u0119 e-sklepu za granic\u0119. Podczas zaledwie 5 krok\xf3w ustawisz p\u0142atno\u015bci i dostawy, wybierzesz szablon oraz przet\u0142umaczysz sw\xf3j e-sklep.\xa0', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '400', mb: '15px', children: 'Z rozwi\u0105zaniami IdoSell mo\u017cesz wyj\u015b\u0107 na ka\u017cdy zagraniczny rynek. Innowacyjny kreator, kt\xf3ry aktualnie dzia\u0142a na rynek czeski i niemiecki, upro\u015bci to zadanie do kilku klikni\u0119\u0107. Ju\u017c wkr\xf3tce w kreatorze dost\u0119pne b\u0119d\u0105 kolejne kraje.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { maxW: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc(100%/12 *8)', }, w: { base: '100%', lg: 'calc(100%/12 *8)', }, children: (0, We.jsxs)( 'picture', { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { media: '(min-width: 430px)', srcSet: '', type: 'video/mp4', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { srcSet: '', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( 'video', { width: '100%', controls: !0, loop: !0, poster: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'source', { src: '', type: 'video/mp4', }, ), }, ), ], }, ), }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, { tabTitle: 'Zle\u0107 to nam', tabName: 'Zle\u0107 to nam', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDir: 'column', padding: { base: '30px', xl: '55px 50px', }, background: '#EEEEEE', width: { base: '100', lg: 'calc(100% / 3)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'h3', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '30px', lineHeight: '37px', color: '#171717', mb: '15px', children: 'Us\u0142uga Crossborder z IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', mb: '15px', children: '1950 z\u0142 netto', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '57px', children: 'Wdro\u017cenie i t\u0142umaczenie sklepu dostosowane do specyfiki rynku danego kraju Europy. To wszystko z pomoc\u0105 eksperta IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '18px', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', mb: '15px', children: 'Zam\xf3w bezp\u0142atn\u0105 konsultacj\u0119 z ekspertem', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '#', style: 'default', target: '_blank', children: 'Zam\xf3w konsultacj\u0119', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100', lg: 'calc(100% / 3 * 2)', }, padding: { base: '0px', lg: '55px 50px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', children: 'Je\u015bli zlecisz IdoSell konfiguracj\u0119 us\u0142ugi Crossborder, otrzymasz e-sklep:', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'gotowy do sprzeda\u017cy', }, ), ' ', 'w dowolnym kraju plus darmowe przeniesienie bazy danych', ], }, ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'w j\u0119zyku twoich klient\xf3w', }, ), ' ', '- dzi\u0119ki dost\u0119powi do modu\u0142u t\u0142umacze\u0144 automatycznych', ], }, ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { margin: '10px 0', gap: '30px', justifyContent: 'flex-start', flex: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', 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'20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px', children: (0, We.jsx)( _y, { paddingBottom: '10px', fontSize: '16px', color: '#171717', lineHeight: '19px', children: 'z dost\u0119pem do kilkudziesi\u0119ciu gotowych integracji dla handlu crossborder bez dodatkowych op\u0142at i limit\xf3w', }, ), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(OE, { pt: '5rem', pb: { base: 0, lg: '6rem' }, gap: { base: '0px', md: '50px' }, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', boxWidth: 'calc(100%/12*8)', imageWidth: 'calc(100%/12*4)', additionalParagraph: 'Sprzeda\u017c na wielu rynkach i zagraniczne sklepy internetowe to przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 e-commerce. Bariery powoli znikaj\u0105 i w\u0142a\u015bnie dlatego warto budowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 mark\u0119 poza granicami kraju ju\u017c teraz.', additionalParagraphMargin: '0 0 15px 0', imageResponsive: { base: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie sekcji dlaczego warto', }, md: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie sekcji dlaczego warto', }, }, tickItem: [ { notExtended: !0, title: 'Znamy potrzeby i preferencje lokalnych kupuj\u0105cych', text: 'Mamy know-how na temat rynk\xf3w europejskich i wed\u0142ug tego dobieramy odpowiednich partner\xf3w zagranicznych.', }, { notExtended: !0, title: 'Oferujemy gotowe rozwi\u0105zania do sprzeda\u017cy mi\u0119dzynarodowej', text: 'Bez dodatkowych prac uruchomisz integracje z serwisami i dostawcami us\u0142ug dla handlu cross-border. Testuj nowe rynki poprzez marketplace lub od razu uruchom sklep zagraniczny, wspierany ruchem z lokalnych por\xf3wnywarek cenowych i Google Ads.', }, { notExtended: !0, title: 'Budujemy kompletny system dla sklep\xf3w zagranicznych', text: 'Rozwijamy nasz\u0105 platform\u0119 w taki spos\xf3b, by poszczeg\xf3lne modu\u0142y wspieraj\u0105ce ekspansj\u0119 wsp\xf3\u0142pracowa\u0142y ze sob\u0105 i u\u0142atwia\u0142y zarz\u0105dzanie dostawami, rozliczanie podatk\xf3w czy t\u0142umaczenia.', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { id: 'form_section', my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, position: 'relative', _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: 'calc(100% + 16rem)', top: '-4rem', width: '100vw', left: '-50vw', marginLeft: '50%', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, md: { height: 'calc(100% + 16rem) !important', top: '-6rem !important', }, }, children: (0, We.jsx)(BE, { sectionTitle: 'Zam\xf3w darmow\u0105 konsultacj\u0119 z ekspertem', sectionSubtitle: 'Wejd\u017a na nowe rynki i zyskaj miliony nowych klient\xf3w dzi\u0119ki Crossborder z IdoSell', region: 'eu1', portalId: '26134891', formId: 'b888235f-8503-473a-a0a9-5b41f1ebeb55', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(A_, { title: 'Chcesz dowiedzie\u0107 si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o cross-border?', subtitle: 'Zapoznaj si\u0119 z naszymi materia\u0142ami edukacyjnymi i sprzedawaj swoje towary w wielu miejscach na \u015bwiecie. Nasze integracje ci to u\u0142atwi\u0105.', design: 2, layout: '2x1', articles: [ { title: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Jak wygl\u0105daj\u0105 rynki w Niemczech, Czechach, S\u0142owacji czy Rumunii?', }), imgUrl: '', link: { href: '', labelText: 'Sprawd\u017a naszego bloga', }, }, { title: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Jak zadba\u0107 o klient\xf3w z zagranicy?', }), imgUrl: '', link: { href: '', labelText: 'Obejrzyj webinar', }, }, ], }), }), ], }), ], }); } const N_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona Wealthon', }; function L_(e) { const t = [ { svgIcon: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '14', height: '40', viewBox: '0 0 14 40', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M0.944 7.6V0.633998H13.958V40H6.182V7.6H0.944Z', fill: '#1AAC7A', }), }), }), title: 'Z\u0142\xf3\u017c wniosek na', text: 'Potrzebujesz zaledwie kilku danych: NIP, nr telefonu oraz adres e-mail.', }, { svgIcon: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '28', height: '41', viewBox: '0 0 28 41', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M3.238 32.468C6.694 29.588 9.448 27.194 11.5 25.286C13.552 23.342 15.262 21.326 16.63 19.238C17.998 17.15 18.682 15.098 18.682 13.082C18.682 11.246 18.25 9.806 17.386 8.762C16.522 7.718 15.19 7.196 13.39 7.196C11.59 7.196 10.204 7.808 9.232 9.032C8.26 10.22 7.756 11.858 7.72 13.946H0.376C0.52 9.626 1.798 6.35 4.21 4.118C6.658 1.886 9.754 0.769997 13.498 0.769997C17.602 0.769997 20.752 1.868 22.948 4.064C25.144 6.224 26.242 9.086 26.242 12.65C26.242 15.458 25.486 18.14 23.974 20.696C22.462 23.252 20.734 25.484 18.79 27.392C16.846 29.264 14.308 31.532 11.176 34.196H27.106V40.46H0.43V34.844L3.238 32.468Z', fill: '#1AAC7A', }), }), }), title: 'Udost\u0119pnij histori\u0119 rachunku', text: 'Wealthon poprosi o histori\u0119 rachunku firmowego z ostatnich 12 miesi\u0119cy.', }, { svgIcon: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '28', height: '42', viewBox: '0 0 28 42', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M0.97 12.002C1.15 8.402 2.41 5.63 4.75 3.686C7.126 1.706 10.24 0.715997 14.092 0.715997C16.72 0.715997 18.97 1.184 20.842 2.12C22.714 3.02 24.118 4.262 25.054 5.846C26.026 7.394 26.512 9.158 26.512 11.138C26.512 13.406 25.918 15.332 24.73 16.916C23.578 18.464 22.192 19.508 20.572 20.048V20.264C22.66 20.912 24.28 22.064 25.432 23.72C26.62 25.376 27.214 27.5 27.214 30.092C27.214 32.252 26.71 34.178 25.702 35.87C24.73 37.562 23.272 38.894 21.328 39.866C19.42 40.802 17.116 41.27 14.416 41.27C10.348 41.27 7.036 40.244 4.48 38.192C1.924 36.14 0.574 33.116 0.43 29.12H7.774C7.846 30.884 8.44 32.306 9.556 33.386C10.708 34.43 12.274 34.952 14.254 34.952C16.09 34.952 17.494 34.448 18.466 33.44C19.474 32.396 19.978 31.064 19.978 29.444C19.978 27.284 19.294 25.736 17.926 24.8C16.558 23.864 14.434 23.396 11.554 23.396H9.988V17.186H11.554C16.666 17.186 19.222 15.476 19.222 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', }, ]; return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: 'Finansowanie dla twojego e-sklepu', }), image: N_, subTitle: 'Wealthon POSCASH e-commerce to nowoczesne finansowanie, kt\xf3re jest dostosowane do twojego biznesu online. Zyskaj nawet do 500 tys. z\u0142otych i bezpiecznie sp\u0142acaj rat\u0119, kt\xf3rej wysoko\u015b\u0107 jest dostosowana do obrot\xf3w twojej e-firmy.', buttons: [ { title: 'Poznaj szczeg\xf3\u0142y', href: '#modern-financing', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', direction: 'column', gap: { base: 16, md: 24 }, py: { base: 16, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gap: 16, alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ny, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minW: '25%', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', }), }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(lj, { style: { textAlign: 'left' }, children: [ 'Jak dzia\u0142a Wealthon POSCASH', (0, We.jsx)('span', { style: { whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }, children: ' e-commerce', }), '?', ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: { base: 'md', md: 'lg' }, mt: 5, children: [ 'Wealthon POSCASH e-commerce to elastyczna po\u017cyczka dla e-sklepu, kt\xf3r\u0105 mo\u017cesz otrzyma\u0107 na dowolny cel firmowy.', (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), 'Zdolno\u015b\u0107 kredytowa obliczana jest na podstawie obrot\xf3w w sklepie internetowym. Sp\u0142ata nast\u0119puj\u0119 automatycznie, na koniec ka\u017cdego tygodnia i dzi\u0119ki temu jest praktycznie niezauwa\u017calna.', (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), (0, We.jsx)('br', {}), 'Po\u017cyczk\u0119 mo\u017cesz przeznaczy\u0107 na dowolny cel - np. rozbudow\u0119 e-sklepu, inwestycj\u0119 w marketing lub sezonowe zwi\u0119kszenie zatowarowania. Wszystko jest w zasi\u0119gu kilku klikni\u0119\u0107, a Wealthon nie pyta, na co zostan\u0105 wydane pieni\u0105dze.', ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Najwa\u017cniejsze korzy\u015bci finansowania Wealthon', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', rowGap: { base: 4, md: 12 }, columnGap: { base: 4, lg: 1 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Elastyczna sp\u0142ata', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Nie martw si\u0119 wysoko\u015bci\u0105 raty. W Wealthon sp\u0142acasz cyklicznie nisk\u0105 kwot\u0119, ale je\u015bli masz przyp\u0142yw got\xf3wki, mo\u017cesz sp\u0142aci\u0107 po\u017cyczk\u0119 szybciej.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Bezobs\u0142ugowo\u015b\u0107', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Nie musisz pami\u0119ta\u0107 o terminie sp\u0142aty raty, wszystko odbywa si\u0119 automatycznie.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'P\u0142ynno\u015b\u0107 finansowa', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Wysoko\u015b\u0107 raty jest ustalana indywidualnie, po przeanalizowaniu obrot\xf3w twojego e-sklepu. Wealthon okre\u015bla wszystkie koszty z g\xf3ry, dlatego nic ci\u0119 nie zaskoczy.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { base: '30px', md: '305px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Minimum formalno\u015bci', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Do z\u0142o\u017cenia wniosku wystarcz\u0105 podstawowe dane o firmie oraz dow\xf3d osobisty w\u0142a\u015bciciela.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { base: '30px', md: '305px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Brak biurokracji', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Wealthon nie wymaga \u017cadnych dokument\xf3w finansowych, wszystko za\u0142atwisz wygodnie online.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { base: '30px', md: '305px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'B\u0142yskawiczna decyzja', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Wyp\u0142ata \u015brodk\xf3w z po\u017cyczki mo\u017ce nast\u0105pi\u0107 ju\u017c tego samego dnia, w kt\xf3rym z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b wniosek.', }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Jak wnioskowa\u0107 o po\u017cyczk\u0119 w Wealthon w 6 krokach?', }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', columnGap: 5, rowGap: 14, justifyContent: 'space-between', mt: 8, children:, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { gap: 6, width: { base: '100%', lg: '30%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { w: { base: 12, md: 14 }, children: e.svgIcon, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', gap: 1, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '21px', color: 'black', minH: { base: '40px', md: '70px', }, children: e.title, }), e.text && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: e.text, }), ], }), ], }, ''.concat(t, '-').concat(e.title), ), ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { id: 'modern-financing', pt: 5, children: (0, We.jsx)(OE, { alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', background: '#1AAC7A', ctaButton: { label: 'Zyskaj \u015brodki', href: '', }, image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Pani z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', }, tickItem: [ { title: 'Wszystkie formalno\u015bci za\u0142atwisz online ', }, { title: 'Eksperci Wealthon s\u0105 do sta\u0142ej dyspozycji i pomocy', }, { title: 'Wyp\u0142ata po\u017cyczki nast\u0105pi w ci\u0105gu 24 godzin', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(I_, { borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'horizontal', }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), ], }); } const O_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona prac kontraktowych', }; function M_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: 'Ulepsz sw\xf3j sklep i sprzedawaj jeszcze wi\u0119cej', }), image: O_, subTitle: 'Zbadamy, przekszta\u0142cimy, rozwiniemy i zmienimy tw\xf3j sklep.', buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w prace kontraktowe', href: '#', variant: 'outline', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', direction: 'column', gap: { base: 16, md: 24 }, py: { base: 16, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { pb: '6.25rem', children: (0, We.jsx)(BE, { sectionTitle: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119\nz ekspertem IdoSell i zam\xf3w prace kontraktowe', sectionSubtitle: 'Skorzystaj z cyklicznych lub pojedynczych prac kontraktowych i czerp z wiedzy ekspert\xf3w. sklep i sprzedawaj jeszcze wi\u0119cej', region: 'eu1', portalId: '26134891', formId: 'b620a011-02e6-4a86-9eaf-a208c7507848', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { templateColumns: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { sm: 'templateColumns="1fr"', lg: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', my: 'auto', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: 'auto', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: 'bold', className: 'text-wrapper-2', color: '#1AAC7A', marginBottom: 4, children: 'Pi\u0119kny sklep internetowy', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { className: 'item-wrapper', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Zmodyfikujemy szablon Twojego sklepu', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Modyfikujemy szablony od strony wizualnej. Dbamy r\xf3wnie\u017c o aktualno\u015b\u0107 szablonu pod k\u0105tem prawnym.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Wykonamy audyt UI', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Przeprowadzimy audyt sklepu, kt\xf3ry mo\u017ce by\u0107 podstaw\u0105 do dalszych prac na kontraktach z developerem.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Wykonamy prace graficzne', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Stworzymy banery i inne tre\u015bci wizualne na stronie.', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { templateColumns: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', gap: '30px', gridTemplateColumns: { sm: 'templateColumns="1fr"', lg: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: 'auto', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: 'bold', className: 'text-wrapper-2', color: '#1AAC7A', marginBottom: 4, children: 'Zawsze aktualny sklep internetowy', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { className: 'item-wrapper', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Zoptymalizujemy Tw\xf3j sklep', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Optymalizujemy sklep pod k\u0105tem pr\u0119dko\u015bci \u0142adowania i technicznego SEO, zwi\u0119kszaj\u0105c tym mo\u017cliwo\u015bci wzrostu organicznego pozycjonowania. Wprowadzamy sprawdzone rozwi\u0105zania, \u017ceby sklep posiada\u0142 najnowsze mechanizmy sprzeda\u017cowe i techniczne.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Doradzimy i zoptymalizujemy konwersj\u0119', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Sprawdzamy i proponujemy nowe rozwi\u0105zania w ramach test\xf3w A/B w sklepie, kt\xf3re mog\u0105 si\u0119 prze\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na zwi\u0119kszenie sprzeda\u017cy bez dodatkowej inwestycji w marketing.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Zainstalujemy zewn\u0119trze aplikacje', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Wdra\u017camy zewn\u0119trze aplikacje do sklepu (np. chatboty, zdj\u0119cia 360, newslettery).', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { py: 4, className: 'text', fontSize: { base: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, display: 'flex', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Plus tick', width: '20px', height: '20px', marginTop: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Zintegrujemy sklep z zew\u0119trznymi us\u0142ugami', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '25px', children: 'Przygotowujemy specjalne pliki integracyjne (feedy) dla zewn\u0119trznych por\xf3wnywarek i serwis\xf3w.', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', my: 'auto', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(I_, { borderColor: '#C8C8C8', orientation: 'horizontal', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Odkryj mo\u017cliwo\u015bci prac kontraktowych', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', rowGap: { base: 4, md: 12 }, columnGap: { base: 4, lg: 1 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Korzystaj z wiedzy ekspert\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Nowoczesny, ekologiczny, a mo\u017ce klasyczny \u2013 tw\xf3j sklep internetowy mo\u017ce wygl\u0105da\u0107 jak tylko zechcesz.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Dowolnie zmieniaj wygl\u0105d sklepu', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Nowoczesny, ekologiczny, a mo\u017ce klasyczny \u2013 tw\xf3j sklep internetowy mo\u017ce wygl\u0105da\u0107 jak tylko zechcesz.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Zwi\u0119ksz swoj\u0105 konwersj\u0119', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Zoptymalizujemy wygl\u0105d i procesy na swojej stronie. Wiedza i do\u015bwiadczenie ekspert\xf3w pomog\u0105 w stworzeniu sklepu, kt\xf3ry sprzedaje wi\u0119cej. Masz na to nasz\u0105 gwarancj\u0119.', }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { direction: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(lj, { children: 'Gwarancja bezpiecze\u0144stwa', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexWrap: 'wrap', rowGap: { base: 4, md: 12 }, columnGap: { base: 4, lg: 1 }, mt: 7, justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Eksperci IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Prace kontraktowe wykonuj\u0105 do\u015bwiadczeni specjali\u015bci UI z zespo\u0142u UXD oraz Web Developerzy, czyli specjali\u015bci z zakresu programowania, technicznego SEO oraz optymalizacji konwersji.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: 'Doradca przypisany do Twojego sklepu', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'Podczas cyklicznych prac kontraktowych b\u0119dziesz wsp\xf3\u0142pracowa\u0142 z jednym developerem w ramach dnia kontraktowego.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { direction: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#EEE', px: { base: 8, md: 4 }, py: 8, minH: { lg: '350px' }, w: { base: '100%', lg: '31%' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { minH: { base: '30px', md: '75px', }, fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2xl', position: 'relative', _after: { position: 'absolute', height: '3px', width: '40px', content: '""', bottom: '-10px', left: 0, background: 'black', }, children: '60 dni gwarancji', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mt: 8, mb: { base: 6, lg: 0 }, children: 'W przypadku niezadowolenia z efekt\xf3w prac kontraktowych, zapewniamy 60-dniowy okres gwarancji, podczas kt\xf3rego nasi specjali\u015bci wprowadz\u0105 zmiany (...)', }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(g_, { title: 'Prace kontraktowe - cykliczne czy pojedyncze?', valuesName: { CYCLIC: 'Prace cykliczne', ONETIME: 'Prace pojedyncze', }, mainCategories: { DLA_KOGO: 'Informacje podstawowe', CO_ZAWIERA: 'Szczeg\xf3\u0142y', INFORMACJE_SZCZEGOLOWE: 'Dla kogo wybrany tryb pracy?', }, tableSection: [ { category: 'Informacje podstawowe', name: 'Cena prac kontaktowych', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '700', children: '2 x 1200 z\u0142 netto', }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '700', children: '1500 z\u0142 netto', }), }, }, { category: 'Informacje podstawowe', name: 'Minimalny czas kontraktacji', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: '2 dni (w ci\u0105gu 2 miesi\u0119cy)', }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: '1 dzie\u0144', }), }, }, { category: 'Szczeg\xf3\u0142y', name: 'Kiedy si\u0119 odbywaj\u0105?', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: [ 'Sta\u0142e terminy ustalone z g\xf3ry', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: '(dzie\u0144 tygodnia i godzina startu)', }), ], }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: [ 'Ustalany w momencie zam\xf3wienia', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: '(dzie\u0144 miesi\u0105ca i godzina startu)', }), ], }), }, }, { category: 'Szczeg\xf3\u0142y', name: 'Okres trwania', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Zamawiane na czas nieokre\u015blony z mo\u017cliwo\u015bci\u0105 wypowiedzenia na 1 miesi\u0105c przed zako\u0144czeniem', }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: [ 'Tylko w wykupionym dniu lub dniach', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: '(nie ma okresu wypowiedzenia)', }), ], }), }, }, { category: 'Szczeg\xf3\u0142y', name: 'Wsp\xf3\u0142praca z ekspertem', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Sta\u0142y developer', }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: [ 'Tylko w wykupionym dniu lub dniach', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: '(nie ma okresu wypowiedzenia)', }), ], }), }, }, { category: 'Dla kogo wybrany tryb pracy?', name: '', values: { CYCLIC: (0, We.jsxs)(jE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla klient\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy chc\u0105\xa0rozwija\u0107 sw\xf3j sklep w celu zwi\u0119kszenia konwersji i trudno oszacowa\u0107 ile pracy na to potrzeba,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla wi\u0119kszych projekt\xf3w indywidualnych', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla tych, kt\xf3rzy chc\u0105 posiada\u0107 sta\u0142ego opiekuna, kt\xf3ry dobrze zna sklep i potrzeby klienta', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla tych, kt\xf3rzy chc\u0105 mie\u0107 przewidywalny czas reakcji na zam\xf3wione zmiany', }), ], }), ONETIME: (0, We.jsxs)(jE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3re nie potrzebuj\u0105 sta\u0142ego wsparcia,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla niekrytycznych zmian, gdy brak gwarantowanego follow-up nie jest krytycznie wa\u017cny,', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { mb: '15px', children: 'Dla zmian, kt\xf3rych oszacowanie czasoch\u0142onno\u015bci jest mo\u017cliwe z ma\u0142ym ryzykiem', }), ], }), }, }, ], tableColumns: 2, isOpenAll: !0, isBlocked: { md: !0 }, }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '6.25rem 0', position: 'relative', _before: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: 0, width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: '#EEEEEE', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(z_, { title: 'Najcz\u0119\u015bciej zadawane pytania', list: [ { question: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', }), }), }, { question: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', }), }), }, { question: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', }), }), }, { question: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', }), }), }, { question: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', anwser: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Czy przelewy realizowane przez IdoPay w systemie PayByLink s\u0105 bezpieczne dla mnie i moich klient\xf3w?', }), }), }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), ], }); } const B_ = { url: '', alt: 'Prace kontraktowe', }; function U_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: 'Powierz sw\xf3j sklep internetowy profesjonalistom', }), image: B_, subTitle: 'Sprawd\u017a, jak mo\u017cemy Ci pom\xf3c rozwin\u0105\u0107 sprzeda\u017c.', buttons: [ { title: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119 z ekspertem', href: '#contracts_form', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages contractsPage', direction: 'column', 'overflow-x': 'hidden', gap: { base: 16, md: 24 }, py: { base: 0, md: 8 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { className: 'contracts_form', id: 'contracts_form', scrollMarginTop: { base: '55px', lg: '80px' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(BE, { sectionTitle: 'Rozwi\u0144 sw\xf3j sklep internetowy z nami', sectionSubtitle: 'Wype\u0142nij formularz i wybierz us\u0142ugi graficzne lub developerskie dopasowane do Twoich potrzeb.', region: 'eu1', portalId: '26134891', formId: 'd1a8e3c5-60b0-423c-b2bd-8b403f9528aa', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(jv, { className: 'counter_section', title: 'Rozwi\u0144 potencja\u0142 swojego sklepu internetowego', subtitle: 'Postaw na do\u015bwiadczenie z gwarancj\u0105 prowadzonych prac', layout: '1x4', items: [ { mainNumber: '13', additionalText: '', text: 'do\u015bwiadczonych grafik\xf3w i developer\xf3w do dyspozycji', }, { mainNumber: '5+', additionalText: ' tys.', text: 'przepracowanych dni kontraktowych', }, { mainNumber: '850+', additionalText: '', text: 'obs\u0142u\u017conych sklep\xf3w internetowych', }, { mainNumber: '25', additionalText: ' lat', text: 'do\u015bwiadczenia w bran\u017cy e-commerce', }, ], data: 'string', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '30px', md: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '33px', md: '40px' }, marginBottom: { base: '10px', md: '5px' }, fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Sprawd\u017a, jak mo\u017cemy wesprze\u0107 rozw\xf3j Twojego sklepu', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '16px', md: '18px' }, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Oferujemy szeroki zakres prac graficznych i developerskich', }), (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { pt: '50px', columns: { base: 1, sm: 2, lg: 4 }, spacing: '30px', maxWidth: { base: 'calc(100vw - 20px)', md: '100%', }, overflow: 'hidden', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Audyt UX/UI', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Analiza UX/UI sklepu pozwoli zidentyfikowa\u0107 obszary do zmiany i dostarczy wskaz\xf3wki, kt\xf3re poprawi\u0105 konwersj\u0119.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Kreacje graficzne', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Od\u015bwie\u017cenie wizerunku, nowy projekt podstron czy banery reklamowe - tworzymy u\u017cyteczne i atrakcyjne kreacje.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Prace developerskie', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Oferujemy kompleksowe i dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb prace developerskie.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Aktualizacja szablon\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Ka\u017cdy sklep potrzebuje ulepsze\u0144. W IdoSell regularnie wdra\u017camy zmiany i usprawnienia.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Optymalizacja szybko\u015bci', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Ka\u017cda dodatkowa sekunda \u0142adowania sklepu zwi\u0119ksza ryzyko odrzucenia strony o 10%.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Testy A/B', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Regularne testy A/B pomagaj\u0105 dopasowa\u0107 sklep do oczekiwa\u0144 klient\xf3w, co zwi\u0119ksza skuteczno\u015b\u0107 i konwersj\u0119.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Konfiguratory', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Stworzymy konfiguratory, kt\xf3re u\u0142atwi\u0105 klientom personalizacj\u0119 produkt\xf3w i zwi\u0119ksz\u0105 ich zaanga\u017cowanie.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '30px 30px 20px 30px', bg: '#EEEEEE', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'start', marginBottom: '24px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'left', children: 'Logo', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'block', bg: '#000', width: '30px', height: '3px', marginTop: '20px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'left', marginBottom: '10px', children: 'Potrzebujesz nowego logo lub identyfikacji wizualnej? Stworzymy wszystko, by Twoja marka si\u0119 wyr\xf3\u017cnia\u0142a!', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { className: 'cta_section', image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'left', title: 'Rozwijaj sw\xf3j sklep z pracami kontraktowymi', subtitle: '', ctaButton: { title: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami', href: '#contracts_form', variant: 'default', target: '_self', }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: 'IdoSell posiada zesp\xf3\u0142 do\u015bwiadczonych grafik\xf3w i webdeveloper\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy specjalizuj\u0105 si\u0119 w e-commerce. Dzi\u0119ki ich wiedzy i umiej\u0119tno\u015bciom Tw\xf3j sklep mo\u017ce sta\u0107 si\u0119 si\u0119 bardziej atrakcyjny i skuteczny.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '30px', children: 'Wdro\u017cenie to dopiero pocz\u0105tek \u2013 w ka\u017cdej chwili mo\u017cesz zleci\u0107 nam redesign lub rozbudow\u0119 sklepu, bez konieczno\u015bci poszukiwania zewn\u0119trznych specjalist\xf3w.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { className: 'logo_section', maxWidth: { base: '100vw', md: '100%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '30px', md: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '33px', md: '40px' }, marginBottom: { base: '40px', md: '50px' }, fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Zaufali nam', }), (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { className: 'logo_section__logos', columns: { sm: 2, lg: 5 }, spacingX: '20px', spacingY: '10px', paddingLeft: { base: '15px', md: '15px' }, paddingRight: { base: '15px', md: '0' }, display: { base: 'flex', md: 'grid' }, overflowX: { base: 'auto', md: 'hidden' }, flexWrap: { base: 'nowrap' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, overflow: 'hidden', padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', minWidth: { base: '200px', md: 'auto' }, padding: '12px 20px', border: '1px solid #E7E7E7', height: '100px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', _hover: { borderColor: '#1AAC7A' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', maxHeight: '100%', }), }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { paddingBottom: '40px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '30px', md: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '33px', md: '40px' }, marginBottom: { base: '10px', md: '15px' }, fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Poznaj opinie naszych sprzedawc\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '16px', md: '18px' }, fontWeight: '400', textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: '30px', children: 'Zobacz, jak klienci oceniaj\u0105 wsp\xf3\u0142prac\u0119 z nami', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'outline', target: '_blank', children: 'Zobacz nasze realizacje', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { pt: '50px', columns: { base: 1, md: 3 }, spacing: '30px', maxWidth: { base: 'calc(100vw - 40px) !important', md: '100%', }, overflow: 'hidden', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '500', children: '"Przy okazji dwa s\u0142owa o wsp\xf3\u0142pracy z Panem Konradem. Wsp\xf3\u0142praca z Panem, w ka\u017cdym razie ten etap, by\u0142a wyj\u0105tkowo profesjonalna i rzeczowa. Najwa\u017cniejsze, \u017ce zgodnie z harmonogramem, klarownie i efektywnie. Wa\u017cne dla mnie by\u0142o przede wszystkim zrozumienie naszych potrzeb i propozycje dla ich realizacji w zgodzie z trendami. Jako\u015b\u0107 otrzymanych materia\u0142\xf3w na najwy\u017cszym poziomie, a ka\u017cda poprawka, drobne korekty by\u0142y wprowadzane szybko i zgodnie z naszymi wytycznymi. (...) ta wsp\xf3\u0142praca by\u0142a przyk\u0142adem perfekcyjnej koordynacji i zaanga\u017cowania, co prze\u0142o\u017cy\u0142o si\u0119 na to, \u017ce wymazuje z pami\u0119ci te mniej przyjemne do\u015bwiadczenia z zespo\u0142em IAI. Dora robota, dzi\u0119kuj\u0119 Panie Konradzie."', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '15px', fontWeight: '700', marginTop: '15px', display: 'flex', children: [ 'Tomasz \u0141. ', (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', marginLeft: '10px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', textDecoration: 'underline', fontSize: '15px', children: '', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '500', children: '"Z Panem Szymonem pracowali\u015bmy w ramach prac kontraktowych 3 lata i \u015bmia\u0142o mog\u0119 powiedzie\u0107, \u017ce by\u0142a to najbardziej efektywna i profesjonalna wsp\xf3\u0142praca deweloperska w moim do\u015bwiadczeniu. Prace kontraktowe wynosi\u0142y, w zale\u017cno\u015bci od potrzeb, 1 lub 2 dni w tygodniu i obejmowa\u0142y stosunkowo szeroki zakres, poniewa\u017c by\u0142y to zar\xf3wno zmiany koderskie i wsparcie supportowe, jak i integracje z zewn\u0119trznymi rozwi\u0105zaniami, indywidualne funkcjonalno\u015bci, tworzenie feed\xf3w/sterownik\xf3w czy komunikacja z firmami zewn\u0119trznymi. Pan Szymon nie tylko realizowa\u0142 zlecone zadania, ale w razie potrzeby doradza\u0142, rekomendowa\u0142 i proponowa\u0142 alternatywy (szczeg\xf3lnie cenne!) (...)"', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '500', children: 'Stale korzystamy ze stworzonych przez Pana Szymona rozwi\u0105za\u0144 w zakresie prezentacji tre\u015bci na stronie sklepu, w tym np. mechanizm oznaczania produkt\xf3w na zdj\u0119ciach aran\u017cacyjnych.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '500', children: 'W nag\u0142ych sytuacjach, wymagaj\u0105cych pilnej interwencji deweloper niezw\u0142ocznie analizowa\u0142 problem i wprowadza\u0142 poprawki. Zw\u0142aszcza z tej perspektywy wsparcie dewelopera znaj\u0105cego sklep \u201eod podszewki\u201d jest nieocenione, a same prace przebiegaj\u0105 znacznie sprawniej."', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '15px', fontWeight: '700', marginTop: '15px', display: 'flex', children: [ 'Katarzyna W. ', (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', marginLeft: '10px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', textDecoration: 'underline', fontSize: '15px', children: '', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: '500', children: '"Przez d\u0142ugie lata przechodzili\u015bmy z IAI przez r\xf3\u017cne formy wsp\xf3\u0142pracy, pocz\u0105wszy od prac zlecanych w komunikatach i realizowanych na bie\u017c\u0105co, a ko\u0144cz\u0105c na pracach kontraktowych z wyznaczonym terminem realizacji. Ka\u017cda z tych form ma oczywi\u015bcie swoje minusy i plusy jednak\u017ce dla w\u0142a\u015bciciela lub osoby zarz\u0105dzaj\u0105cej sklepem i nieco wi\u0119kszym zespo\u0142em ludzi, prace kontraktowe to znacznie lepsze rozwi\u0105zanie. Wiadomo z g\xf3ry, \u017ce w okre\u015blonym dniu miesi\u0105ca dostajemy do dyspozycji "swojego" cz\u0142owieka, kt\xf3ry prowadzi ca\u0142y czas nasz sklep i wie co w trawie piszczy. Zesp\xf3\u0142 sklepu musi si\u0119 przygotowa\u0107 do takiego dnia, zebra\u0107 pomys\u0142y, ustali\u0107 priorytety wdro\u017ceniowe, przemy\u015ble\u0107 i opisa\u0107 zlecenie. (...)."', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '15px', fontWeight: '700', marginTop: '15px', display: 'flex', children: [ 'Mariusz K. ', (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', height: 'auto', marginLeft: '10px', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', textDecoration: 'underline', fontSize: '15px', children: '', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }); } const W_ = e => { var t, n, a, i; let { title: o, text: r, buttons: l, image: s, layout: c, imageSide: d = 'right', } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: { base: 'repeat(1, 1fr)', md: 'repeat(12, 1fr)' }, gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', marginBottom: { base: 8, lg: '0' }, gridColumn: { base: 'span 1', md: '2/3' === c ? 'span 8' : 'span 9', }, textAlign: { base: 'center', lg: 'left' }, alignItems: { base: 'center', md: 'flex-start' }, justifyContent: 'center', order: 'right' === d ? '1' : '2', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h2', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2.125rem', lineHeight: '3rem', marginBottom: '15px', children: o, }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { color: 'dark.5', fontSize: '1.125rem', lineHeight: 'auto', mb: '15px', children: r, }), null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : => (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: e.href, style: e.variant, target: '_self', children: e.title, }), ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gridColumn: { base: 'span 1', md: '2/3' === c ? 'span 4' : 'span 3', }, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', flex: '1', order: 'right' === d ? '2' : '1', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { display: { md: 'none' }, src: null !== (t = && void 0 !== t && t.url ? null === (n = || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.url : s.url, alt: s.alt, }), (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { display: { base: 'none', md: 'block' }, src: null !== (a = s.desktop) && void 0 !== a && a.url ? null === (i = s.desktop) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.url : s.url, alt: s.alt, }), ], }), ], }); }, V_ = e => { let { image: t, boxSide: n, title: a, subtitle: i, children: o, ctaButton: r, rightSection: l, leftSection: s, ...c } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...c, children: (0, We.jsxs)(Ck, { $imageUrl: t.url, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: 'column', alignItems: 'self-start', justifyContent: 'flex-start', children: 'right' === n ? s : l, }), (0, We.jsx)(Ik, { $flex: 'column', $side: n, children: (0, We.jsx)(Tk, { children: 'left' === n ? s : l, }), }), ], }), }); }, F_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona eMag', }; function H_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { type: 'integration', title: 'Integracja IdoSell z eMAG marketplace', subTitle: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { color: 'white', fontSize: '1.125rem', children: [ 'Wejd\u017a z ofert\u0105 na najpopularniejszy marketplace w Rumunii i dotrzyj do', ' ', (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: '9 milion\xf3w potencjalnych klient\xf3w', }), ' ', 'w trzech krajach: Rumunii, Bu\u0142garii i na W\u0119grzech.', ' ', ], }), badgeLabel: 'MARKETPLACE', image: F_, integrationInfo: { integrationCategory: 'Integracje z IdoSell.', integrationName: 'eMAG', integrationHref: '', }, }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Ciesz si\u0119 wszystkimi mo\u017cliwo\u015bciami eMAG marketplace', tiles: [ { title: '\u0141atwe wej\u015bcie na nowe rynki', content: 'Wykorzystaj ogromny potencja\u0142 eMAG marketplace, kt\xf3ry ma a\u017c 120 mln odwiedzin miesi\u0119cznie. Dzi\u0119ki temu z \u0142atwo\u015bci\u0105 wejdziesz na rynki w Rumunii, Bu\u0142garii i na W\u0119grzech.', }, { title: 'Gotowa baza klient\xf3w', content: 'eMAG to ponad 9 mln aktywnych klient\xf3w miesi\u0119cznie. Zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 na najpopularniejszym marketplace w Rumunii i rozszerz sprzeda\u017c o nowe rynki.', }, { title: 'Wygodne zarz\u0105dzanie ofertami', content: 'Wygodnie zarz\u0105dzaj ofertami, kt\xf3re prezentujesz na eMAG marketplace - wszystkie transakcje obs\u0142u\u017cysz z poziomu panelu IdoSell.', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(W_, { title: 'W Rumunii zakupy zaczynaj\u0105 si\u0119 na eMAG-u', text: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '15px', children: 'Wykorzystaj ogromn\u0105 baz\u0119 klient\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy regularnie robi\u0105 zakupy na platformie eMAG i prezentuj swoje oferty na najpopularniejszym marketplace w Rumunii. Dzi\u0119ki integracji IdoSell z eMAG z \u0142atwo\u015bci\u0105 dotrzesz do konsument\xf3w z trzech kraj\xf3w: Rumunii, Bu\u0142garii i W\u0119gier.', }), (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { display: 'inline', fontWeight: '900', children: 'eMAG marketplace to ponad 120 mln odwiedzin miesi\u0119cznie oraz ponad 9 mln aktywnych u\u017cytkowanik\xf3w.', }), ' ', 'Platforma skupia obecnie ponad 56 tys. sprzedawc\xf3w, a ich liczba stale ro\u015bnie. Je\u015bli my\u015blisz o wyj\u015bciu z ofert\u0105 na nowe rynki, eMAG jest doskona\u0142ym sposobem na dotarcie do wielu aktywnych klient\xf3w za granic\u0105.', ' ', ], }), ], }), buttons: [ { title: 'Rozpocznij ju\u017c teraz', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], image: { alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie ze strony eMag', url: '', mobile: { url: '', }, desktop: { url: '', }, }, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '50px', position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(j_, { title: 'Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w klient\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy kupuj\u0105 na eMAG-u', list: [ { featuredMainNumber: '9', featuredAddingNumber: ' mln', featuredText: 'aktywnych klient\xf3w miesi\u0119cznie', }, { featuredMainNumber: '120', featuredAddingNumber: ' mln', featuredText: 'odwiedzin marketplace miesi\u0119cznie', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '35px', position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(S_, { title: 'Sprzedawaj na eMAG dzi\u0119ki wbudowanej integracji IdoSell', layoutSchema: '3x1', type: 'check2', benefits: [ { benefitsTitle: 'Tworzenie kart produktu w katalogu eMAG', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Dodanie istniej\u0105cego produktu do oferty w katalogu eMAG', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Pobieranie zam\xf3wie\u0144' }, { benefitsTitle: 'Aktualizacja stan\xf3w magazynowych', }, { benefitsTitle: 'Aktualizacja cen' }, { benefitsTitle: 'Mapowanie kurier\xf3w eMAG' }, { benefitsTitle: 'Wysy\u0142ka faktur' }, { benefitsTitle: 'Wysy\u0142ka status\xf3w' }, { benefitsTitle: 'i wiele wi\u0119cej!' }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children: (0, We.jsx)(V_, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'right', rightSection: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '26px', lineHeight: '34px', color: 'white', textAlign: 'center', mb: '30px', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Dotrzyj do milion\xf3w klient\xf3w bez obaw o koszty czy logistyk\u0119!', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: 'white', mb: '30px', children: 'Zero koszt\xf3w wystawienia i pieni\u0105dze bezpo\u015brednio na koncie - na eMAG-u p\u0142acisz prowizj\u0119 tylko od tego, co sprzedasz.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: 'white', mb: '30px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki rozbudowanej integracji IdoSell z eMAG-iem nie martwi\u0107 si\u0119 o baz\u0119 klient\xf3w ani o logistyk\u0119. Dzi\u0119ki integracji z Packet\u0105 wy\u015blesz swoje przesy\u0142ki tanio i bezpiecznie.', }), ], }), leftSection: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h2', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '2.125rem', lineHeight: '3rem', marginBottom: '15px', color: 'white', children: 'Jak sprzedawa\u0107 na eMAG-u?', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: 'white', mb: '30px', children: 'Na platformie eMAG zarejestrujesz si\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 kilku klikni\u0119\u0107. Wystarczy mie\u0107 dane firmy pod r\u0119k\u0105. Wszystko odbywa si\u0119 w j\u0119zyku polskim.', }), (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { href: '', style: 'outline-reverted', target: '_blank', children: 'Za\u0142\xf3\u017c konto na eMAG', }), ], }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '35px', position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), }), ], }), ], }); } const G_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona POS', }; function Z_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Sprzeda\u017c stacjonarna i sklep internetowy w jednym miejscu', subTitle: 'Zintegruj sw\xf3j sklep internetowy i stacjonarny w jednym nowoczesnym systemie kasowym POS. Zwi\u0119ksz sprzeda\u017c i swobodnie zarz\u0105dzaj zam\xf3wieniami z obu kana\u0142\xf3w', image: G_, type: 'landing', }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Dlaczego warto wybra\u0107 nasz system POS?', tiles: [ { title: 'Pe\u0142na integracja z e-sklepem', content: 'System Kasowy POS od IdoSell to pe\u0142na integracja sklepu stacjonarnego z internetowym oraz sp\xf3jno\u015b\u0107 cen w sprzeda\u017cy online i offline.', }, { title: 'Lepsza obs\u0142uga klienta', content: 'Personalizuj oferty i obs\u0142ug\u0119 twoich klient\xf3w dzi\u0119ki zaawansowanym narz\u0119dziom. Dodatkowo, dzi\u0119ki automatycznej aktualizacji, twoje stany magazynowe b\u0119d\u0105 zawsze zsynchronizowane.', }, { title: 'Sp\xf3jne promocje i oferty specjalne', content: 'POS gwarantuje pe\u0142n\u0105 obs\u0142ug\u0119 nowego modu\u0142u promocji IdoSell, ofert specjalnych oraz towar\xf3w gratisowych.', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(W_, { layout: '2/3', title: 'Czym jest system POS?', imageSide: 'left', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona POS', }, text: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '1rem', children: 'System POS od IdoSell to nowoczesne rozwi\u0105zanie kasowe, kt\xf3re umo\u017cliwia prowadzenie sprzeda\u017cy zar\xf3wno w sklepach stacjonarnych, jak i online. Nasz system POS wyr\xf3\u017cnia si\u0119 pe\u0142n\u0105 integracj\u0105 kana\u0142\xf3w sprzeda\u017cy, czyli omnichannel. Oznacza to, \u017ce wszystkie transakcje s\u0105 automatycznie synchronizowane mi\u0119dzy sklepem stacjonarnym a internetowym.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Dzi\u0119ki omnichannel twoi klienci mog\u0105 robi\u0107 zakupy w spos\xf3b wygodny dla nich, a ty mo\u017cesz zarz\u0105dza\u0107 swoim biznesem w jednym miejscu, oszcz\u0119dzaj\u0105c czas i zwi\u0119kszaj\u0105c efektywno\u015b\u0107.', }), ], }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(NS, { eyebrow: 'Gotowy na rozpocz\u0119cie?', title: 'Skorzystaj z naszego systemu POS za darmo przez 30 dni!', version: 'green', buttonText: 'Rozpocznij teraz', href: '', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'System kasowy POS od IdoSell - pe\u0142na integracja sprzeda\u017cy online i offline', layoutDesktop: '4-in-row', tiles: [ { title: 'Automatyczne aktualizacje stan\xf3w magazynowych', }, { title: 'Zaawansowane narz\u0119dzia analityczne ', }, { title: 'Obs\u0142uga terminali p\u0142atniczych i paragon\xf3w fiskalnych', }, { title: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 stosowania rabat\xf3w, promocji i ofert specjalnych z e-sklepu', }, { title: 'Obs\u0142uga odbior\xf3w osobistych (click & collect) oraz zwrot\xf3w towar\xf3w', }, { title: 'Raporty kasowe, lista sprzedanych towar\xf3w + wykaz wystawionych dokument\xf3w', }, { title: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie bonami, kartami podarunkowymi i sta\u0142ego klienta', }, { title: 'Towary gratisowe' }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, { pb: 1, mb: 14 }), ], }), ], }); } const $_ = { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona POS', }; function X_(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Stationary sales and e\u2011commerce in one place', subTitle: 'Integrate your online and stationary store into one modern POS checkout system. Increase sales and freely manage orders from both channels', image: $_, type: 'landing', }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Why should you choose our POS system?', tiles: [ { title: 'Full integration with e-commerce', content: 'POS Checkout System from IdoSell means full integration of a stationary store with an online one, and consistency of pricing across online and offline sales.', }, { title: 'Better customer service', content: 'Personalize offers and service to your customers with advanced tools. Plus, with automatic updates, your inventory will always be in sync.', }, { title: 'Consistent promotions and special offers', content: 'POS guarantees full support for the new IdoSell promotion module, special offers and free goods.', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(W_, { layout: '2/3', title: 'What is a POS system?', imageSide: 'left', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona POS', }, text: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { mb: '1rem', children: 'The POS system from IdoSell is a state-of-the-art POS solution that allows you to make sales in both stationary and online stores. Our POS system is distinguished by full integration of sales channels, or omnichannel. This means that all transactions are automatically synchronized between the stationary store and the online store.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'With omnichannel, your customers can shop at their convenience, and you can manage your business in one place, saving time and increasing efficiency.', }), ], }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(NS, { eyebrow: 'Ready to get started?', title: 'Use our POS system for free for 30 days!', version: 'green', buttonText: 'Start Now', href: '#', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row' }, gap: { base: 6, md: 12 }, position: 'relative', children: (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'POS checkout system from IdoSell - full integration of online and offline sales', layoutDesktop: '4-in-row', tiles: [ { title: 'Automatic inventory updates' }, { title: 'Advanced analytical tools' }, { title: 'Operation of payment terminals and fiscal receipts', }, { title: 'Ability to apply discounts, promotions and special offers from the e-store', }, { title: 'Handling personal pick-ups (click & collect) and returns of goods', }, { title: 'Cash reports, list of goods sold + list of documents issued', }, { title: 'Management of vouchers, gift and loyalty cards', }, { title: 'Complimentary goods' }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, { version: 'en', pb: 1, mb: 14 }), ], }), ], }); } var K_; const q_ = kz(xy)( K_ || (K_ = d([ '\n @media (min-width: 979px) {\n &:not(:last-child) {\n border-right: 1px solid #eee;\n }\n }\n', ])), ); var Y_ = n(703), Q_ = n.n(Y_); const J_ = t => { let { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, columns: o, isOpenAll: r, isBlocked: l, headerValues: s, } = t; const c = e.useRef(null), d = !!r || void 0, u = e => (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '214px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '30px 15px', h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none' }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column' }, borderRight: '1px solid #eee', children:, }), Object.keys(e.values).map((t, n) => (0, We.jsx)(q_, { padding: '30px 15px', h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center', }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', children: e.values[t], }), ), ], }); return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '214px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, textAlign: 'center', color: '#1aac7a', fontSize: '21px', fontWeight: '600', textTransform: 'capitalize', position: l ? 'relative' : 'sticky', top: l ? '0' : '80px', background: '#fff', zIndex: '5', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { p: { base: 4, lg: 5 }, h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none' }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column' }, borderRight: '1px solid #eee', }), Object.keys(i).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsx)(q_, { padding: '10px 15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', children: i[e], }), ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '214px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, background: 'white', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { p: { base: 4, lg: 5 }, h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center' }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none' }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column' }, borderRight: '1px solid #eee', }), => { var t, n; return (0, We.jsxs)(q_, { padding: '10px 15px', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '700', fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '1.6', marginBottom: '13px', children: e.title, }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ e.priceTop && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: 'normal', color: null !== (t = e.priceColor) && void 0 !== t ? t : 'inherit', children: e.priceTop, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '34px', color: null !== (n = e.priceColor) && void 0 !== n ? n : 'inherit', children: e.price, }), e.crossedPrice && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1', textDecoration: 'line-through', margin: '3px 0 0', children: e.crossedPrice, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', color: '#515151', lineHeight: '1.6', margin: '5px 0 15px', children: e.priceInfo, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', fontWeight: '700', marginBottom: '15px', transition: '.2s', _hover: { color: '#DD1C4A', svg: { fill: '#DD1C4A' }, }, href: e.href, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', paddingRight: '10px', fontSize: '14px', children: e.linkName, }), (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '7', height: '10', viewBox: '0 0 9 14', fill: '#171717', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { d: 'M0 13.6H2.70588L8.4 6.98565L2.70588 0.400024H0L5.69412 6.98565L0 13.6Z', }, ), }), ], }), ], }), ], }); }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(e_, { allowToggle: !0, allowMultiple: d, children: Object.keys(a).map((e, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( t_, { borderBottom: 'none', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '10px 15px', background: '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', ref: 0 === t ? c : void 0, children: [ a[e], => t.category === a[e] && null !== t && void 0 !== t && t.subtitle ? (0, We.jsx)(_y, { marginRight: 'auto', fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: '400', paddingLeft: '10px', paddingTop: '4px', children: t.subtitle, }) : null, ), (0, We.jsx)(a_, {}), ], }), => t.category === a[e] ? (0, We.jsx)(xy, { background: t.isGray ? '#EEE' : '', p: 0, children: u(t), }) : null, ), => t.category === a[e] && t.details ? (0, We.jsx)(p_, { background: t.isGray ? '#EEE' : '', p: 0, children: => (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '0.5fr 1fr', lg: '214px repeat(var(--table-cols, '.concat( o, '), minmax(100px, 1fr))', ), }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '30px 15px', h: '100%', display: 'block', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center', }, paddingRight: '10px !important', borderRight: '1px solid #eee', color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', borderBottom: { lg: 'none', }, flexDirection: { lg: 'column', }, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: Q_().sanitize(, ), }, }), Object.values( e.values, ).map(e => (0, We.jsx)(q_, { padding: '30px 15px', h: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center', }, justifyContent: { base: 'flex-start', lg: 'center', }, color: '#171717', fontSize: 'xs', fontWeight: 'normal', lineHeight: '150%', children: e ? (0, We.jsx)( _E, { color: '#1AAC7A', fontSize: '20px', }, ) : (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: '#C8C8C8', fontSize: '35px', children: '-', }, ), }), ), ], }), ), }) : null, ), ], }, 'accordion-item-' + t, ), ), }), ], }); }, eC = t => { let { tableSection: n, mainCategories: a, valuesName: i, columns: o, isOpenAll: r, isBlocked: l, headerValues: s, valuesNameMobile: c, } = t; const d = !!r || void 0, [u, p] = (0, e.useState)(0), [m, h] = (0, e.useState)([]), f = (0, e.useRef)(null), g = e => { h(Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]); }; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { id: 'table_mobile', marginLeft: '-2.5vw', marginRight: '-2.5vw', ref: f, children: (0, We.jsxs)(fE, { index: u, onChange: e => { p(e), h([]), f.current && setTimeout(() => { if (f.current) { const e = f.current.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - 80; window.scrollTo({ top: e, behavior: 'smooth' }); } }, 0); }, variant: 'unstyled', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { position: 'sticky', top: '55px', zIndex: 1, bg: 'white', children: (0, We.jsx)(gE, { width: '100%', children: Object.entries(c).map((e, t, n) => { let [a, i] = e; const o = t === n.length - 1; return (0, We.jsx)( wE, { _selected: { '&::after': { content: '""', position: 'absolute', top: '-1px', left: '-1px', height: '2px', background: '#1AAC7A', right: o ? '0' : '-1px', }, }, _focus: { boxShadow: 'none' }, fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', width: 'auto', flexGrow: '1', py: 2, color: '#1AAC7A', bg: t === u ? '#d4f7e5' : 'white', borderBottom: t === u ? '1px solid #d4f7e5' : '1px solid #EEEEEE', boxSizing: 'content-box', borderTop: '1px solid #EEEEEE', position: 'relative', borderRight: o ? 'none' : '1px solid #EEEEEE', padding: '12px 15px', children: i, }, a, ); }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(yE, { children:, t) => { var a, o; const r = [...Object.keys(i).map(e => e)], l = !!e.type && e.type; return (0, We.jsxs)( xE, { padding: '0', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(q_, { padding: '20px 30px 30px', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '700', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.56', marginBottom: '15px', children: e.title, }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ e.priceTop && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: 'normal', color: null !== (a = e.priceColor) && void 0 !== a ? a : 'inherit', children: e.priceTop, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '34px', color: null !== (o = e.priceColor) && void 0 !== o ? o : 'inherit', children: e.price, }), e.crossedPrice && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1', textDecoration: 'line-through', margin: '3px 0 0', children: e.crossedPrice, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '12px', color: '#515151', lineHeight: '1.6', margin: '5px 0 15px', children: e.priceInfo, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', fontWeight: '700', href: e.href, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', paddingRight: '10px', fontSize: '14px', children: e.linkName, }), (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '7', height: '10', viewBox: '0 0 9 14', fill: '#171717', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { d: 'M0 13.6H2.70588L8.4 6.98565L2.70588 0.400024H0L5.69412 6.98565L0 13.6Z', }, ), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(e_, { allowToggle: !0, allowMultiple: d, index: m, onChange: g, children:, t, n) => (0, We.jsxs)( t_, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '5px 15px', background: '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: '46px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { as: 'span', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-start', lineHeight: 'normal', children: [ e.category, e.subtitle && (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: '400', children: e.subtitle, }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( a_, {}, ), ], }), l && (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', padding: '30px 10px', children: e.values[l], }), (0, We.jsx)(p_, { padding: '0 15px 15px', children: e => (0, We.jsx)( xy, { children: (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { paddingBottom: '15px', alignItems: 'flex-start', children: [ l && (0, We.jsx)( xy, { width: '20px', flexShrink: '0', marginRight: '15px', height: 'auto', children: e .values[ l ] ? (0, We.jsx)( xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', height: '24px', alignItems: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)( _E, { color: '#1AAC7A', fontSize: '15px', }, ), }, ) : (0, We.jsx)( xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', height: '24px', alignItems: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: '#C8C8C8', fontSize: '27px', children: '-', }, ), }, ), }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '15px', color: l && !e .values[ l ] ? '#818181' : 'inherit', dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: Q_().sanitize(, ), }, }, ), ], }, ), }, ), ), }), ], }, t, ), ), }), ], }, r[t], ); }), }), ], }), }); }; const tC = function (e) { let { title: t, subTitle: n, tableSection: a, mainCategories: i, valuesName: o, headerValues: r, tableColumns: l, isOpenAll: s, isBlocked: c, valuesNameMobile: d, } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(rk, { children: t }), 'object' === typeof n ? n : (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: { md: 'md', lg: 'lg' }, color: '#171717', mt: 1, children: n, }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { mt: { base: '30px', lg: '45px' }, width: '100%', id: 'subscriptions_table', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { above: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(J_, { tableSection: a, mainCategories: i, valuesName: o, columns: l, isOpenAll: s, isBlocked: c, headerValues: r, }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)(eC, { tableSection: a, mainCategories: i, valuesName: o, columns: l, isOpenAll: s, isBlocked: c, headerValues: r, valuesNameMobile: d, }), }), ], }), ], }); }, nC = e => { let { ...t } = e; const n = { OPIEKUN_WDROZENIA: 'Opiekun wdro\u017cenia', SZKOLENIA: 'Szkolenia', KONFIGURACJA: 'Konfiguracja', IMPORT_DANYCH: 'Import danych', DOSTOSOWANIE_SZABLONU: 'Dostosowanie szablonu sklepu', }, a = { NULL: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Brak', }), ONE_THIRD: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'W ma\u0142ym stopniu', }), TWO_THIRD: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'W du\u017cym stopniu', }), FULL: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Pe\u0142na skala', }), }, i = [ { category: n.OPIEKUN_WDROZENIA, name: '', values: { BASIC: a.FULL, GO: a.FULL, GO_PLUS: a.FULL, INDIVIDUAL: a.FULL, }, details: [ { name: '<b>Konfiguracja</b> Twojego sklepu zgodna z zakresem wybranego pakietu', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Opieka nad ca\u0142o\u015bci\u0105 procesu</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, ], }, { category: n.SZKOLENIA, subtitle: 'wprowadzaj\u0105ce do IdoSell', name: '', values: { BASIC: a.TWO_THIRD, GO: a.TWO_THIRD, GO_PLUS: a.TWO_THIRD, INDIVIDUAL: a.FULL, }, details: [ { name: 'Dost\u0119p do nagra\u0144 szkoleniowych <b>z instrukcj\u0105 obs\u0142ugi panelu oraz kluczowych integracji</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Sesja Q&A</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Opieka</b> na ka\u017cdym etapie procesu wdro\u017ceniowego', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Dodatkowe <b>dwie dedykowane sesje szkoleniowe</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, ], }, { category: n.KONFIGURACJA, subtitle: 'kluczowych funkcjonalno\u015bci', name: '', values: { BASIC: a.TWO_THIRD, GO: a.TWO_THIRD, GO_PLUS: a.FULL, INDIVIDUAL: a.FULL, }, details: [ { name: 'Ustawienie <b>wybranego, darmowego szablonu</b> standardowego i wgranie przes\u0142anych <b>baner\xf3w oraz logo</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Uzupe\u0142nienie danych w <b>dokumentach sprzeda\u017cowych</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Konfiguracja <b>p\u0142atno\u015bci</b> (na rynek polski i wybrany rynek zagraniczny)', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Konfiguracja <b>magazyn\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Przygotowanie Twojego sklepu do <b>integracji z Allegro</b> oraz innego <b>wybranego markeplace</b> na rynek polski', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Pomoc w po\u0142\u0105czeniu sklepu z <b>por\xf3wnywarkami cenowymi</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Wsparcie w po\u0142\u0105czeniu z <b>Facebookiem i Instagramem</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Uzupe\u0142nienie domy\u015blnych <b>metatag\xf3w pod SEO</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Wsparcie w konfiguracji <b>sprzeda\u017cy B2B</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Instalacja i konfiguracja <b>aplikacji pomocniczych IdoSell: Bridge, POS, Printer, Scanner</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Konfiguracja i przepi\u0119cie <b>domeny Twojego sklepu</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Wi\u0119ksza <b>ilo\u015b\u0107 magazyn\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Konfiguracja <b>oferty dostawcy</b> spoza platformy IdoSell <b>bez dodatkowych op\u0142at</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Przygotowanie panelu do <b>integracji z 5 marketplaces</b> sprzedaj\u0105cymi na rynek polski', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Konfiguracja <b>programu lojalno\u015bciowego</b> dla Twoich klient\xf3w', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Dostosowanie wszelkich mo\u017cliwo\u015bci konfiguracyjnych naszego panelu specjalnie do Twoich potrzeb</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Responsywny szablon standard</b> (RWD)', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Gwarancja na szablon</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, ], }, { category: n.IMPORT_DANYCH, subtitle: 'na start sprzeda\u017cy', name: '', values: { BASIC: a.ONE_THIRD, GO: a.ONE_THIRD, GO_PLUS: a.TWO_THIRD, INDIVIDUAL: a.FULL, }, details: [ { name: 'Import <b>oferty towar\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Import <b>bazy klient\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Import <b>przekierowa\u0144 adres\xf3w towar\xf3w</b> (pod k\u0105tem SEO)', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Import <b>opinii o towarach</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Import <b>wpis\xf3w blogowych</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Import <b>opis\xf3w kategorii lub producent\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Migracja z takich platform jak:</b> WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Shoper, Shopify, Magento, RedCart, BaseLinker, shopGold, Sky-Shop, SOTE, EBEXO, Comarch e-Sklep, TakeDrop, GOshop, WAPRO, Atom Store,, Sellasist, OpenCart, Shopware', values: { BASIC: !0, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Migracja z <b>ka\u017cdej platformy</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, ], }, { category: n.DOSTOSOWANIE_SZABLONU, subtitle: 'obejmuje prace graficzne, UI/UX, deweloperskie', name: '', values: { BASIC: a.NULL, GO: a.ONE_THIRD, GO_PLUS: a.TWO_THIRD, INDIVIDUAL: a.FULL, }, details: [ { name: 'Dzie\u0144 projektowy z projektantem graficznym', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !1, }, }, { name: 'Indywidualny zakres materia\u0142\xf3w graficznych na start sprzeda\u017cy (np. 2-3 banery, projekt prostego logotypu)', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !1, }, }, { name: 'Konsultacja z projektantem UI/UX', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Dostosowanie indywidualnie dobranej kolorystyki i czcionek', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !0, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Indywidualne doradztwo</b> pod k\u0105tem UI/UX, by sk\u0142oni\u0107 u\u017cytkownik\xf3w do <b>pozostania d\u0142u\u017cej w Twoim sklepie</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Indywidualnie dostosowany</b> pod desktop i mobile, responsywny projekt (RWD)', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: 'Realizacja przez naszych <b>do\u015bwiadczonych Web Developer\xf3w</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !0, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 personalizacji szablonu w obr\u0119bie wygl\u0105du sklepu, wybranych stref, integracji i funkcjonalno\u015bci</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, { name: '<b>Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zbudowania indywiduanych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 funkcjonalnych, niestandardowych integracji, unikalnych aplikacji</b>', values: { BASIC: !1, GO: !1, GO_PLUS: !1, INDIVIDUAL: !0, }, }, ], }, ]; return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ...t, children: (0, We.jsx)(tC, { title: 'Poznaj nasze pakiety wdro\u017ceniowe', valuesName: { BASIC: 'Basic', GO: 'Go', GO_PLUS: 'Go+', INDIVIDUAL: 'Wdro\u017cenie indywidualne', }, mainCategories: n, tableSection: i, tableColumns: 4, isOpenAll: !0, isBlocked: !1, headerValues: [ { title: 'Pakiet, dzi\u0119ki kt\xf3remu mo\u017cesz ekspresowo wystartowa\u0107 ze sprzeda\u017c\u0105 internetow\u0105', price: '1 z\u0142 *', crossedPrice: '1199 z\u0142', priceTop: 'ju\u017c od', priceColor: '#DD1C4A', priceInfo: '* w wybranym planie abonamentowym', linkName: 'Sprawd\u017a abonamenty', href: '', type: 'BASIC', }, { title: 'Pakiet, dzi\u0119ki kt\xf3remu rozpoczniesz sprzeda\u017c w profesjonalnym stylu', price: '1 z\u0142 *', crossedPrice: '3999 z\u0142', priceTop: 'ju\u017c od', priceColor: '#DD1C4A', priceInfo: '* w wybranym planie abonamentowym', linkName: 'Sprawd\u017a abonamenty', href: '', type: 'GO', }, { title: 'Pakiet, dzi\u0119ki kt\xf3remu sprawnie przeniesiesz sklep z innej platformy lub dostosujesz wygl\u0105d naszego szablonu do swoich potrzeb', price: '1 z\u0142 *', crossedPrice: '14999 z\u0142', priceTop: 'ju\u017c od', priceColor: '#DD1C4A', priceInfo: '* w wybranym planie abonamentowym', linkName: 'Sprawd\u017a abonamenty', href: '', type: 'GO_PLUS', }, { title: 'Pakiet, dzi\u0119ki kt\xf3remu skorzystasz w pe\u0142ni z zasob\xf3w, jakie daje IdoSell, poprzez rozwi\u0105zania szyte na miar\u0119 Twojego biznesu', price: '190 z\u0142/h', priceInfo: '* w wybranym planie abonamentowym', linkName: 'Sprawd\u017a abonamenty', href: '', type: 'INDIVIDUAL', }, ], valuesNameMobile: { BASIC: 'Basic', GO: 'GO', GO_PLUS: 'GO+', INDIVIDUAL: 'Indywidualny', }, }), }); }; var [aC, iC] = Ze({ strict: !1, name: 'ButtonGroupContext' }); function oC(t) { const { children: n, className: a, ...i } = t, o = (0, e.isValidElement)(n) ? (0, e.cloneElement)(n, { 'aria-hidden': !0, focusable: !1 }) : n, r = Qe('chakra-button__icon', a); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.span, { display: 'inline-flex', alignSelf: 'center', flexShrink: 0, ...i, className: r, children: o, }); } function rC(t) { const { label: n, placement: a, spacing: i = '0.5rem', children: o = (0, We.jsx)(Iw, { color: 'currentColor', width: '1em', height: '1em', }), className: r, __css: l, ...s } = t, c = Qe('chakra-button__spinner', r), d = 'start' === a ? 'marginEnd' : 'marginStart', u = (0, e.useMemo)( () => ({ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', position: n ? 'relative' : 'absolute', [d]: n ? i : 0, fontSize: '1em', lineHeight: 'normal', ...l, }), [l, n, d, i], ); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { className: c, ...s, __css: u, children: o }); } (oC.displayName = 'ButtonIcon'), (rC.displayName = 'ButtonSpinner'); var lC = yw((t, n) => { const a = iC(), i = kw('Button', { ...a, ...t }), { isDisabled: o = null == a ? void 0 : a.isDisabled, isLoading: r, isActive: l, children: s, leftIcon: c, rightIcon: d, loadingText: u, iconSpacing: p = '0.5rem', type: m, spinner: h, spinnerPlacement: f = 'start', className: g, as: w, ...y } = Gn(t), x = (0, e.useMemo)(() => { const e = { ...(null == i ? void 0 : i._focus), zIndex: 1 }; return { display: 'inline-flex', appearance: 'none', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', userSelect: 'none', position: 'relative', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', verticalAlign: 'middle', outline: 'none', ...i, ...(!!a && { _focus: e }), }; }, [i, a]), { ref: b, type: z } = (function (t) { const [n, a] = (0, e.useState)(!t), i = (0, e.useCallback)(e => { e && a('BUTTON' === e.tagName); }, []); return { ref: i, type: n ? 'button' : void 0 }; })(w), v = { rightIcon: d, leftIcon: c, iconSpacing: p, children: s }; return (0, We.jsxs)(fw.button, { ref: WS(n, b), as: w, type: null != m ? m : z, 'data-active': at(l), 'data-loading': at(r), __css: x, className: Qe('chakra-button', g), ...y, disabled: o || r, children: [ r && 'start' === f && (0, We.jsx)(rC, { className: 'chakra-button__spinner--start', label: u, placement: 'start', spacing: p, children: h, }), r ? u || (0, We.jsx)(fw.span, { opacity: 0, children: (0, We.jsx)(sC, { ...v }), }) : (0, We.jsx)(sC, { ...v }), r && 'end' === f && (0, We.jsx)(rC, { className: 'chakra-button__spinner--end', label: u, placement: 'end', spacing: p, children: h, }), ], }); }); function sC(e) { const { leftIcon: t, rightIcon: n, children: a, iconSpacing: i } = e; return (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ t && (0, We.jsx)(oC, { marginEnd: i, children: t }), a, n && (0, We.jsx)(oC, { marginStart: i, children: n }), ], }); } lC.displayName = 'Button'; var cC = Object.defineProperty, dC = (e, t, n) => ( ((e, t, n) => { t in e ? cC(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n, }) : (e[t] = n); })(e, 'symbol' !== typeof t ? t + '' : t, n), n ), uC = new (class { constructor() { dC(this, 'modals'), (this.modals = new Map()); } add(e) { return this.modals.set(e, this.modals.size + 1), this.modals.size; } remove(e) { this.modals.delete(e); } isTopModal(e) { return !!e && this.modals.get(e) === this.modals.size; } })(); function pC(t, n) { const [a, i] = (0, e.useState)(0); return ( (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = t.current; if (e) { if (n) { const t = uC.add(e); i(t); } return () => { uC.remove(e), i(0); }; } }, [n, t]), a ); } var mC = function (e) { return 'undefined' === typeof document ? null : (Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e).ownerDocument.body; }, hC = new WeakMap(), fC = new WeakMap(), gC = {}, wC = 0, yC = function (e) { return e && ( || yC(e.parentNode)); }, xC = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = (function (e, t) { return t .map(function (t) { if (e.contains(t)) return t; var n = yC(t); return n && e.contains(n) ? n : (console.error( 'aria-hidden', t, 'in not contained inside', e, '. Doing nothing', ), null); }) .filter(function (e) { return Boolean(e); }); })(t, Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]); gC[n] || (gC[n] = new WeakMap()); var o = gC[n], r = [], l = new Set(), s = new Set(i), c = function (e) { e && !l.has(e) && (l.add(e), c(e.parentNode)); }; i.forEach(c); var d = function (e) { e && !s.has(e) &&, function (e) { if (l.has(e)) d(e); else { var t = e.getAttribute(a), i = null !== t && 'false' !== t, s = (hC.get(e) || 0) + 1, c = (o.get(e) || 0) + 1; hC.set(e, s), o.set(e, c), r.push(e), 1 === s && i && fC.set(e, !0), 1 === c && e.setAttribute(n, 'true'), i || e.setAttribute(a, 'true'); } }); }; return ( d(t), l.clear(), wC++, function () { r.forEach(function (e) { var t = hC.get(e) - 1, i = o.get(e) - 1; hC.set(e, t), o.set(e, i), t || (fC.has(e) || e.removeAttribute(a), fC.delete(e)), i || e.removeAttribute(n); }), --wC || ((hC = new WeakMap()), (hC = new WeakMap()), (fC = new WeakMap()), (gC = {})); } ); }, bC = function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = 'data-aria-hidden'); var a = Array.from(Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]), i = t || mC(e); return i ? (a.push.apply(a, Array.from(i.querySelectorAll('[aria-live]'))), xC(a, i, n, 'aria-hidden')) : function () { return null; }; }; function zC(t) { const { isOpen: n, onClose: a, id: i, closeOnOverlayClick: o = !0, closeOnEsc: r = !0, useInert: l = !0, onOverlayClick: s, onEsc: c, } = t, d = (0, e.useRef)(null), u = (0, e.useRef)(null), [p, m, h] = (function (t) { for ( var n = arguments.length, a = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++ ) a[i - 1] = arguments[i]; const o = (0, e.useId)(), r = t || o; return (0, e.useMemo)( () => => ''.concat(e, '-').concat(r)), [r, a], ); })(i, 'chakra-modal', 'chakra-modal--header', 'chakra-modal--body'); !(function (t, n) { const a = t.current; (0, e.useEffect)(() => { if (t.current && n) return bC(t.current); }, [n, t, a]); })(d, n && l); const f = pC(d, n), g = (0, e.useRef)(null), w = (0, e.useCallback)(e => { g.current =; }, []), y = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { 'Escape' === e.key && (e.stopPropagation(), r && (null == a || a()), null == c || c()); }, [r, a, c], ), [x, b] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [z, v] = (0, e.useState)(!1), k = (0, e.useCallback)( function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null; return { role: 'dialog', ...e, ref: US(t, d), id: p, tabIndex: -1, 'aria-modal': !0, 'aria-labelledby': x ? m : void 0, 'aria-describedby': z ? h : void 0, onClick: it(e.onClick, e => e.stopPropagation()), }; }, [h, z, p, m, x], ), j = (0, e.useCallback)( e => { e.stopPropagation(), g.current === && uC.isTopModal(d.current) && (o && (null == a || a()), null == s || s()); }, [a, o, s], ), S = (0, e.useCallback)( function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null; return { ...e, ref: US(t, u), onClick: it(e.onClick, j), onKeyDown: it(e.onKeyDown, y), onMouseDown: it(e.onMouseDown, w), }; }, [y, w, j], ); return { isOpen: n, onClose: a, headerId: m, bodyId: h, setBodyMounted: v, setHeaderMounted: b, dialogRef: d, overlayRef: u, getDialogProps: k, getDialogContainerProps: S, index: f, }; } var [vC, kC] = Ze({ name: 'ModalStylesContext', errorMessage: 'useModalStyles returned is \'undefined\'. Seems you forgot to wrap the components in "<Modal />" ', }), [jC, SC] = Ze({ strict: !0, name: 'ModalContext', errorMessage: 'useModalContext: `context` is undefined. Seems you forgot to wrap modal components in `<Modal />`', }), EC = e => { const t = { scrollBehavior: 'outside', autoFocus: !0, trapFocus: !0, returnFocusOnClose: !0, blockScrollOnMount: !0, allowPinchZoom: !1, motionPreset: 'scale', lockFocusAcrossFrames: !0, ...e, }, { portalProps: n, children: a, autoFocus: i, trapFocus: o, initialFocusRef: r, finalFocusRef: l, returnFocusOnClose: s, blockScrollOnMount: c, allowPinchZoom: d, preserveScrollBarGap: u, motionPreset: p, lockFocusAcrossFrames: m, onCloseComplete: h, } = t, f = jw('Modal', t), g = { ...zC(t), autoFocus: i, trapFocus: o, initialFocusRef: r, finalFocusRef: l, returnFocusOnClose: s, blockScrollOnMount: c, allowPinchZoom: d, preserveScrollBarGap: u, motionPreset: p, lockFocusAcrossFrames: m, }; return (0, We.jsx)(jC, { value: g, children: (0, We.jsx)(vC, { value: f, children: (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { onExitComplete: h, children: g.isOpen && (0, We.jsx)(oy, { ...n, children: a }), }), }), }); }; EC.displayName = 'Modal'; var _C = { enter: function () { let { transition: e, transitionEnd: t, delay: n, } = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; var a; return { opacity: 1, transition: null != (a = null == e ? void 0 : e.enter) ? a : r_(o_.enter, n), transitionEnd: null == t ? void 0 : t.enter, }; }, exit: function () { let { transition: e, transitionEnd: t, delay: n, } = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; var a; return { opacity: 0, transition: null != (a = null == e ? void 0 : e.exit) ? a : l_(o_.exit, n), transitionEnd: null == t ? void 0 : t.exit, }; }, }, CC = { initial: 'exit', animate: 'enter', exit: 'exit', variants: _C }, IC = (0, e.forwardRef)(function (e, t) { const { unmountOnExit: n, in: a, className: i, transition: o, transitionEnd: r, delay: l, ...s } = e, c = a || n ? 'enter' : 'exit', d = !n || (a && n), u = { transition: o, transitionEnd: r, delay: l }; return (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { custom: u, children: d && (0, We.jsx)(ew.div, { ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-fade', i), custom: u, ...CC, animate: c, ...s }) }); }); IC.displayName = 'Fade'; var TC = fw(ew.div), PC = yw((e, t) => { const { className: n, transition: a, motionProps: i, ...o } = e, r = Qe('chakra-modal__overlay', n), l = { pos: 'fixed', left: '0', top: '0', w: '100vw', h: '100vh', ...kC().overlay, }, { motionPreset: s } = SC(), c = i || ('none' === s ? {} : CC); return (0, We.jsx)(TC, { ...c, __css: l, ref: t, className: r, ...o }); }); PC.displayName = 'ModalOverlay'; var AC = { initial: e => { let { offsetX: t, offsetY: n, transition: a, transitionEnd: i, delay: o, } = e; var r; return { opacity: 0, x: t, y: n, transition: null != (r = null == a ? void 0 : a.exit) ? r : l_(o_.exit, o), transitionEnd: null == i ? void 0 : i.exit, }; }, enter: e => { let { transition: t, transitionEnd: n, delay: a } = e; var i; return { opacity: 1, x: 0, y: 0, transition: null != (i = null == t ? void 0 : t.enter) ? i : r_(o_.enter, a), transitionEnd: null == n ? void 0 : n.enter, }; }, exit: e => { let { offsetY: t, offsetX: n, transition: a, transitionEnd: i, reverse: o, delay: r, } = e; var l; const s = { x: n, y: t }; return { opacity: 0, transition: null != (l = null == a ? void 0 : a.exit) ? l : l_(o_.exit, r), ...(o ? { ...s, transitionEnd: null == i ? void 0 : i.exit } : { transitionEnd: { ...s, ...(null == i ? void 0 : i.exit) }, }), }; }, }, RC = { initial: 'initial', animate: 'enter', exit: 'exit', variants: AC }, DC = (0, e.forwardRef)(function (e, t) { const { unmountOnExit: n, in: a, reverse: i = !0, className: o, offsetX: r = 0, offsetY: l = 8, transition: s, transitionEnd: c, delay: d, ...u } = e, p = !n || (a && n), m = a || n ? 'enter' : 'exit', h = { offsetX: r, offsetY: l, reverse: i, transition: s, transitionEnd: c, delay: d, }; return (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { custom: h, children: p && (0, We.jsx)(ew.div, { ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-offset-slide', o), custom: h, ...RC, animate: m, ...u }) }); }); DC.displayName = 'SlideFade'; var NC = { exit: e => { let { reverse: t, initialScale: n, transition: a, transitionEnd: i, delay: o, } = e; var r; return { opacity: 0, ...(t ? { scale: n, transitionEnd: null == i ? void 0 : i.exit } : { transitionEnd: { scale: n, ...(null == i ? void 0 : i.exit), }, }), transition: null != (r = null == a ? void 0 : a.exit) ? r : l_(o_.exit, o), }; }, enter: e => { let { transitionEnd: t, transition: n, delay: a } = e; var i; return { opacity: 1, scale: 1, transition: null != (i = null == n ? void 0 : n.enter) ? i : r_(o_.enter, a), transitionEnd: null == t ? void 0 : t.enter, }; }, }, LC = { initial: 'exit', animate: 'enter', exit: 'exit', variants: NC }, OC = (0, e.forwardRef)(function (e, t) { const { unmountOnExit: n, in: a, reverse: i = !0, initialScale: o = 0.95, className: r, transition: l, transitionEnd: s, delay: c, ...d } = e, u = !n || (a && n), p = a || n ? 'enter' : 'exit', m = { initialScale: o, reverse: i, transition: l, transitionEnd: s, delay: c, }; return (0, We.jsx)(Yw, { custom: m, children: u && (0, We.jsx)(ew.div, { ref: t, className: Qe('chakra-offset-slide', r), ...LC, animate: p, custom: m, ...d }) }); }); OC.displayName = 'ScaleFade'; var MC = { slideInBottom: { ...RC, custom: { offsetY: 16, reverse: !0 } }, slideInRight: { ...RC, custom: { offsetX: 16, reverse: !0 } }, slideInTop: { ...RC, custom: { offsetY: -16, reverse: !0 } }, slideInLeft: { ...RC, custom: { offsetX: -16, reverse: !0 } }, scale: { ...LC, custom: { initialScale: 0.95, reverse: !0 } }, none: {}, }, BC = fw(ew.section), UC = e => MC[e || 'none'], WC = (0, e.forwardRef)((e, t) => { const { preset: n, motionProps: a = UC(n), ...i } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(BC, { ref: t, ...a, ...i }); }); WC.displayName = 'ModalTransition'; var VC = 'data-focus-lock', FC = 'data-focus-lock-disabled'; function HC(t, n) { return (function (t, n) { var a = (0, e.useState)(function () { return { value: t, callback: n, facade: { get current() { return a.value; }, set current(e) { var t = a.value; t !== e && ((a.value = e), a.callback(e, t)); }, }, }; })[0]; return (a.callback = n), a.facade; })(n || null, function (e) { return t.forEach(function (t) { return (function (e, t) { return 'function' === typeof e ? e(t) : e && (e.current = t), e; })(t, e); }); }); } var GC = { width: '1px', height: '0px', padding: 0, overflow: 'hidden', position: 'fixed', top: '1px', left: '1px', }, ZC = function (t) { var n = t.children; return e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, e.createElement('div', { key: 'guard-first', 'data-focus-guard': !0, 'data-focus-auto-guard': !0, style: GC, }), n, n && e.createElement('div', { key: 'guard-last', 'data-focus-guard': !0, 'data-focus-auto-guard': !0, style: GC, }), ); }; (ZC.propTypes = {}), (ZC.defaultProps = { children: null }); var $C = function () { return ( ($C = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, a = arguments.length; n < a; n++) for (var i in (t = arguments[n])), i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e; }), $C.apply(this, arguments) ); }; function XC(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var a in e), a) && t.indexOf(a) < 0 && (n[a] = e[a]); if (null != e && 'function' === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var i = 0; for (a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < a.length; i++) t.indexOf(a[i]) < 0 &&, a[i]) && (n[a[i]] = e[a[i]]); } return n; } Object.create; Object.create; function KC(e) { return e; } function qC(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = KC); var n = [], a = !1, i = { read: function () { if (a) throw new Error( 'Sidecar: could not `read` from an `assigned` medium. `read` could be used only with `useMedium`.', ); return n.length ? n[n.length - 1] : e; }, useMedium: function (e) { var i = t(e, a); return ( n.push(i), function () { n = n.filter(function (e) { return e !== i; }); } ); }, assignSyncMedium: function (e) { for (a = !0; n.length; ) { var t = n; (n = []), t.forEach(e); } n = { push: function (t) { return e(t); }, filter: function () { return n; }, }; }, assignMedium: function (e) { a = !0; var t = []; if (n.length) { var i = n; (n = []), i.forEach(e), (t = n); } var o = function () { var n = t; (t = []), n.forEach(e); }, r = function () { return Promise.resolve().then(o); }; r(), (n = { push: function (e) { t.push(e), r(); }, filter: function (e) { return (t = t.filter(e)), n; }, }); }, }; return i; } function YC(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = KC), qC(e, t); } function QC(e) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var t = qC(null); return (t.options = $C({ async: !0, ssr: !1 }, e)), t; } var JC = YC({}, function (e) { return { target:, currentTarget: e.currentTarget }; }), eI = YC(), tI = YC(), nI = QC({ async: !0 }), aI = [], iI = e.forwardRef(function (t, n) { var a, i = e.useState(), o = i[0], r = i[1], l = e.useRef(), s = e.useRef(!1), c = e.useRef(null), d = t.children, u = t.disabled, p = t.noFocusGuards, m = t.persistentFocus, h = t.crossFrame, f = t.autoFocus, g = (t.allowTextSelection,, w = t.className, y = t.whiteList, x = t.hasPositiveIndices, b = t.shards, z = void 0 === b ? aI : b, v =, k = void 0 === v ? 'div' : v, j = t.lockProps, S = void 0 === j ? {} : j, E = t.sideCar, _ = t.returnFocus, C = t.focusOptions, I = t.onActivation, T = t.onDeactivation, P = e.useState({})[0], A = e.useCallback( function () { (c.current = c.current || (document && document.activeElement)), l.current && I && I(l.current), (s.current = !0); }, [I], ), R = e.useCallback( function () { (s.current = !1), T && T(l.current); }, [T], ); (0, e.useEffect)(function () { u || (c.current = null); }, []); var D = e.useCallback( function (e) { var t = c.current; if (t && t.focus) { var n = 'function' === typeof _ ? _(t) : _; if (n) { var a = 'object' === typeof n ? n : void 0; (c.current = null), e ? Promise.resolve().then(function () { return t.focus(a); }) : t.focus(a); } } }, [_], ), N = e.useCallback(function (e) { s.current && JC.useMedium(e); }, []), L = eI.useMedium, O = e.useCallback(function (e) { l.current !== e && ((l.current = e), r(e)); }, []); var M = me((((a = {})[FC] = u && 'disabled'), (a[VC] = g), a), S), B = !0 !== p, U = B && 'tail' !== p, W = HC([n, O]); return e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, B && [ e.createElement('div', { key: 'guard-first', 'data-focus-guard': !0, tabIndex: u ? -1 : 0, style: GC, }), x ? e.createElement('div', { key: 'guard-nearest', 'data-focus-guard': !0, tabIndex: u ? -1 : 1, style: GC, }) : null, ], !u && e.createElement(E, { id: P, sideCar: nI, observed: o, disabled: u, persistentFocus: m, crossFrame: h, autoFocus: f, whiteList: y, shards: z, onActivation: A, onDeactivation: R, returnFocus: D, focusOptions: C, }), e.createElement( k, me({ ref: W }, M, { className: w, onBlur: L, onFocus: N }), d, ), U && e.createElement('div', { 'data-focus-guard': !0, tabIndex: u ? -1 : 0, style: GC, }), ); }); (iI.propTypes = {}), (iI.defaultProps = { children: void 0, disabled: !1, returnFocus: !1, focusOptions: void 0, noFocusGuards: !1, autoFocus: !0, persistentFocus: !1, crossFrame: !0, hasPositiveIndices: void 0, allowTextSelection: void 0, group: void 0, className: void 0, whiteList: void 0, shards: void 0, as: 'div', lockProps: {}, onActivation: void 0, onDeactivation: void 0, }); const oI = iI; function rI(e, t) { return ( (rI = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function (e, t) { return (e.__proto__ = t), e; }), rI(e, t) ); } const lI = function (t, n) { return function (a) { var i, o = []; function r() { (i = t( (e) { return e.props; }), )), n(i); } var l = (function (t) { var n, l; function s() { return t.apply(this, arguments) || this; } (l = t), ((n = s).prototype = Object.create(l.prototype)), (n.prototype.constructor = n), rI(n, l), (s.peek = function () { return i; }); var c = s.prototype; return ( (c.componentDidMount = function () { o.push(this), r(); }), (c.componentDidUpdate = function () { r(); }), (c.componentWillUnmount = function () { var e = o.indexOf(this); o.splice(e, 1), r(); }), (c.render = function () { return e.createElement(a, this.props); }), s ); })(e.PureComponent); return ( (function (e, t, n) { t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (e[t] = n); })( l, 'displayName', 'SideEffect(' + (function (e) { return e.displayName || || 'Component'; })(a) + ')', ), l ); }; }; var sI = function (e) { for (var t = Array(e.length), n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t[n] = e[n]; return t; }, cI = function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; }, dI = function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e; }, uI = function (e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ? : e.parentNode; }, pI = function (e) { return e === document || (e && e.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE); }, mI = function (e, t) { return ( !e || pI(e) || (!(function (e) { if (e.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return !1; var t = window.getComputedStyle(e, null); return ( !(!t || !t.getPropertyValue) && ('none' === t.getPropertyValue('display') || 'hidden' === t.getPropertyValue('visibility')) ); })(e) && t(uI(e))) ); }, hI = function (e, t) { var n = e.get(t); if (void 0 !== n) return n; var a = mI(t, hI.bind(void 0, e)); return e.set(t, a), a; }, fI = function (e, t) { var n = e.get(t); if (void 0 !== n) return n; var a = (function (e, t) { return !(e && !pI(e)) || (!!xI(e) && t(uI(e))); })(t, fI.bind(void 0, e)); return e.set(t, a), a; }, gI = function (e) { return e.dataset; }, wI = function (e) { return 'INPUT' === e.tagName; }, yI = function (e) { return wI(e) && 'radio' === e.type; }, xI = function (e) { var t = e.getAttribute('data-no-autofocus'); return ![!0, 'true', ''].includes(t); }, bI = function (e) { var t; return Boolean( e && (null === (t = gI(e)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.focusGuard), ); }, zI = function (e) { return !bI(e); }, vI = function (e) { return Boolean(e); }, kI = function (e, t) { var n = e.tabIndex - t.tabIndex, a = e.index - t.index; if (n) { if (!e.tabIndex) return 1; if (!t.tabIndex) return -1; } return n || a; }, jI = function (e, t, n) { return sI(e) .map(function (e, t) { return { node: e, index: t, tabIndex: n && -1 === e.tabIndex ? (e.dataset || {}).focusGuard ? 0 : -1 : e.tabIndex, }; }) .filter(function (e) { return !t || e.tabIndex >= 0; }) .sort(kI); }, SI = [ 'button:enabled', 'select:enabled', 'textarea:enabled', 'input:enabled', 'a[href]', 'area[href]', 'summary', 'iframe', 'object', 'embed', 'audio[controls]', 'video[controls]', '[tabindex]', '[contenteditable]', '[autofocus]', ].join(','), EI = ''.concat(SI, ', [data-focus-guard]'), _I = function (e, t) { return sI((e.shadowRoot || e).children).reduce(function (e, n) { return e.concat(n.matches(t ? EI : SI) ? [n] : [], _I(n)); }, []); }, CI = function (e, t) { return e.reduce(function (e, n) { var a, i = _I(n, t), o = (a = []).concat.apply( a, (e) { return (function (e, t) { var n; return e instanceof HTMLIFrameElement && (null === (n = e.contentDocument) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.body) ? CI([e.contentDocument.body], t) : [e]; })(e, t); }), ); return e.concat( o, n.parentNode ? sI(n.parentNode.querySelectorAll(SI)).filter(function (e) { return e === n; }) : [], ); }, []); }, II = function (e, t) { return sI(e) .filter(function (e) { return hI(t, e); }) .filter(function (e) { return (function (e) { return !( (wI(e) || (function (e) { return 'BUTTON' === e.tagName; })(e)) && ('hidden' === e.type || e.disabled) ); })(e); }); }, TI = function (e, t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = new Map()), sI(e).filter(function (e) { return fI(t, e); }) ); }, PI = function (e, t, n) { return jI(II(CI(e, n), t), !0, n); }, AI = function (e, t) { return jI(II(CI(e), t), !1); }, RI = function (e, t) { return II( (function (e) { var t = e.querySelectorAll( '['.concat('data-autofocus-inside', ']'), ); return sI(t) .map(function (e) { return CI([e]); }) .reduce(function (e, t) { return e.concat(t); }, []); })(e), t, ); }, DI = function (e, t) { return e.shadowRoot ? DI(e.shadowRoot, t) : !( void 0 === Object.getPrototypeOf(e).contains || !Object.getPrototypeOf(e), t) ) || sI(e.children).some(function (e) { var n; if (e instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { var a = null === (n = e.contentDocument) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.body; return !!a && DI(a, t); } return DI(e, t); }); }, NI = function (e) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = document), e && e.activeElement)) { var t = e.activeElement; return t.shadowRoot ? NI(t.shadowRoot) : t instanceof HTMLIFrameElement && (function (e) { try { return e(); } catch (t) { return; } })(function () { return t.contentWindow.document; }) ? NI(t.contentWindow.document) : t; } }, LI = function (e) { return e.parentNode ? LI(e.parentNode) : e; }, OI = function (e) { return cI(e) .filter(Boolean) .reduce(function (e, t) { var n = t.getAttribute(VC); return ( e.push.apply( e, n ? (function (e) { for ( var t = new Set(), n = e.length, a = 0; a < n; a += 1 ) for (var i = a + 1; i < n; i += 1) { var o = e[a].compareDocumentPosition( e[i], ); (o & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) > 0 && t.add(i), (o & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) > 0 && t.add(a); } return e.filter(function (e, n) { return !t.has(n); }); })( sI( LI(t).querySelectorAll( '[' .concat(VC, '="') .concat(n, '"]:not([') .concat(FC, '="disabled"])'), ), ), ) : [t], ), e ); }, []); }, MI = function (e, t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = NI(dI(e).ownerDocument)), !(!t || (t.dataset && t.dataset.focusGuard)) && OI(e).some(function (e) { return ( DI(e, t) || (function (e, t) { return Boolean( sI(e.querySelectorAll('iframe')).some(function (e) { return (function (e, t) { return e === t; })(e, t); }), ); })(e, t) ); }) ); }, BI = function (e, t) { return yI(e) && ? (function (e, t) { return ( t .filter(yI) .filter(function (t) { return ===; }) .filter(function (e) { return e.checked; })[0] || e ); })(e, t) : e; }, UI = function (e) { return e[0] && e.length > 1 ? BI(e[0], e) : e[0]; }, WI = function (e, t) { return e.length > 1 ? e.indexOf(BI(e[t], e)) : t; }, VI = 'NEW_FOCUS', FI = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = e.length, o = e[0], r = e[i - 1], l = bI(n); if (!(n && e.indexOf(n) >= 0)) { var s = void 0 !== n ? t.indexOf(n) : -1, c = a ? t.indexOf(a) : s, d = a ? e.indexOf(a) : -1, u = s - c, p = t.indexOf(o), m = t.indexOf(r), h = (function (e) { var t = new Set(); return ( e.forEach(function (n) { return t.add(BI(n, e)); }), e.filter(function (e) { return t.has(e); }) ); })(t), f = (void 0 !== n ? h.indexOf(n) : -1) - (a ? h.indexOf(a) : s), g = WI(e, 0), w = WI(e, i - 1); return -1 === s || -1 === d ? VI : !u && d >= 0 ? d : s <= p && l && Math.abs(u) > 1 ? w : s >= m && l && Math.abs(u) > 1 ? g : u && Math.abs(f) > 1 ? d : s <= p ? w : s > m ? g : u ? Math.abs(u) > 1 ? d : (i + d + u) % i : void 0; } }, HI = function (e, t, n) { var a, i = (e) { return e.node; }), o = TI( i.filter( ((a = n), function (e) { var t, n = null === (t = gI(e)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.autofocus; return ( e.autofocus || (void 0 !== n && 'false' !== n) || a.indexOf(e) >= 0 ); }), ), ); return o && o.length ? UI(o) : UI(TI(t)); }, GI = function (e, t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = []), t.push(e), e.parentNode && GI( || e.parentNode, t), t ); }, ZI = function (e, t) { for (var n = GI(e), a = GI(t), i = 0; i < n.length; i += 1) { var o = n[i]; if (a.indexOf(o) >= 0) return o; } return !1; }, $I = function (e, t, n) { var a = cI(e), i = cI(t), o = a[0], r = !1; return ( i.filter(Boolean).forEach(function (e) { (r = ZI(r || e, e) || r), n.filter(Boolean).forEach(function (e) { var t = ZI(o, e); t && (r = !r || DI(t, r) ? t : ZI(t, r)); }); }), r ); }, XI = function (e, t) { var n = NI(cI(e).length > 0 ? document : dI(e).ownerDocument), a = OI(e).filter(zI), i = $I(n || e, e, a), o = new Map(), r = AI(a, o), l = PI(a, o).filter(function (e) { var t = e.node; return zI(t); }); if (l[0] || (l = r)[0]) { var s = AI([i], o).map(function (e) { return e.node; }), c = (function (e, t) { var n = new Map(); return ( t.forEach(function (e) { return n.set(e.node, e); }), e .map(function (e) { return n.get(e); }) .filter(vI) ); })(s, l), d = (e) { return e.node; }), u = FI(d, s, n, t); if (u === VI) { var p = HI( r, d, (function (e, t) { return e.reduce(function (e, n) { return e.concat(RI(n, t)); }, []); })(a, o), ); return p ? { node: p } : void console.warn( 'focus-lock: cannot find any node to move focus into', ); } return void 0 === u ? u : c[u]; } }, KI = 0, qI = !1, YI = function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = {}); var a, i, o = XI(e, t); if (!qI && o) { if (KI > 2) return ( console.error( 'FocusLock: focus-fighting detected. Only one focus management system could be active. See', ), (qI = !0), void setTimeout(function () { qI = !1; }, 1) ); KI++, (a = o.node), (i = n.focusOptions), 'focus' in a && a.focus(i), 'contentWindow' in a && a.contentWindow && a.contentWindow.focus(), KI--; } }; function QI(e) { setTimeout(e, 1); } var JI = function () { return ( (document && document.activeElement === document.body) || (function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = document); var t = NI(e); return ( !!t && sI( e.querySelectorAll('['.concat('data-no-focus-lock', ']')), ).some(function (e) { return DI(e, t); }) ); })() ); }, eT = null, tT = null, nT = null, aT = !1, iT = function () { return !0; }; function oT(e, t, n, a) { var i = null, o = e; do { var r = a[o]; if (r.guard) r.node.dataset.focusAutoGuard && (i = r); else { if (!r.lockItem) break; if (o !== e) return; i = null; } } while ((o += n) !== t); i && (i.node.tabIndex = 0); } var rT = function (e) { return e && 'current' in e ? e.current : e; }, lT = function e(t, n, a) { return ( n && (( === t && (!n.activeElement || a.contains(n.activeElement))) || (n.parentNode && e(t, n.parentNode, a))) ); }, sT = function () { var e, t = !1; if (eT) { var n = eT, a = n.observed, i = n.persistentFocus, o = n.autoFocus, r = n.shards, l = n.crossFrame, s = n.focusOptions, c = a || (nT && nT.portaledElement), d = document && document.activeElement; if (c) { var u = [c].concat(; if ( ((d && !(function (e) { return (eT.whiteList || iT)(e); })(d)) || ((i || (l ? Boolean(aT) : 'meanwhile' === aT) || !JI() || (!tT && o)) && (c && !( MI(u) || (d && (function (e, t) { return t.some(function (t) { return lT(e, t, t); }); })(d, u)) || ((e = d), nT && nT.portaledElement === e) ) && (document && !tT && d && !o ? (d.blur && d.blur(), document.body.focus()) : ((t = YI(u, tT, { focusOptions: s })), (nT = {}))), (aT = !1), (tT = document && document.activeElement))), document) ) { var p = document && document.activeElement, m = (function (e) { var t = OI(e).filter(zI), n = $I(e, e, t), a = new Map(), i = PI([n], a, !0), o = PI(t, a) .filter(function (e) { var t = e.node; return zI(t); }) .map(function (e) { return e.node; }); return (e) { var t = e.node; return { node: t, index: e.index, lockItem: o.indexOf(t) >= 0, guard: bI(t), }; }); })(u), h = m .map(function (e) { return e.node; }) .indexOf(p); h > -1 && (m .filter(function (e) { var t = e.guard, n = e.node; return t && n.dataset.focusAutoGuard; }) .forEach(function (e) { return e.node.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); }), oT(h, m.length, 1, m), oT(h, -1, -1, m)); } } } return t; }, cT = function (e) { sT() && e && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()); }, dT = function () { return QI(sT); }, uT = function (e) { var t =, n = e.currentTarget; n.contains(t) || (nT = { observerNode: n, portaledElement: t }); }, pT = function () { (aT = 'just'), QI(function () { aT = 'meanwhile'; }); }; JC.assignSyncMedium(uT), eI.assignMedium(dT), tI.assignMedium(function (e) { return e({ moveFocusInside: YI, focusInside: MI }); }); const mT = lI( function (e) { return e.filter(function (e) { return !e.disabled; }); }, function (e) { var t = e.slice(-1)[0]; t && !eT && (document.addEventListener('focusin', cT), document.addEventListener('focusout', dT), window.addEventListener('blur', pT)); var n = eT, a = n && t && ===; (eT = t), n && !a && (n.onDeactivation(), e.filter(function (e) { return ===; }).length || n.returnFocus(!t)), t ? ((tT = null), (a && n.observed === t.observed) || t.onActivation(), sT(), QI(sT)) : (document.removeEventListener('focusin', cT), document.removeEventListener('focusout', dT), window.removeEventListener('blur', pT), (tT = null)); }, )(function () { return null; }); var hT = e.forwardRef(function (t, n) { return e.createElement(oI, me({ sideCar: mT, ref: n }, t)); }), fT = oI.propTypes || {}; fT.sideCar, (function (e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var n, a, i = {}, o = Object.keys(e); for (a = 0; a < o.length; a++) (n = o[a]), t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (i[n] = e[n]); })(fT, ['sideCar']); hT.propTypes = {}; const gT = hT; function wT(e) { return ( null != e && 'object' == typeof e && 'nodeType' in e && e.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ); } var yT = e => e.hasAttribute('tabindex'); function xT(e) { return !(!e.parentElement || !xT(e.parentElement)) || e.hidden; } function bT(e) { if ( !(function (e) { var t; return ( !!wT(e) && e instanceof (null != (t = e.ownerDocument.defaultView) ? t : window) .HTMLElement ); })(e) || xT(e) || (function (e) { return ( !0 === Boolean(e.getAttribute('disabled')) || !0 === Boolean(e.getAttribute('aria-disabled')) ); })(e) ) return !1; const { localName: t } = e; if (['input', 'select', 'textarea', 'button'].indexOf(t) >= 0) return !0; const n = { a: () => e.hasAttribute('href'), audio: () => e.hasAttribute('controls'), video: () => e.hasAttribute('controls'), }; return t in n ? n[t]() : !!(function (e) { const t = e.getAttribute('contenteditable'); return 'false' !== t && null != t; })(e) || yT(e); } var zT, vT = [ 'input:not(:disabled):not([disabled])', 'select:not(:disabled):not([disabled])', 'textarea:not(:disabled):not([disabled])', 'embed', 'iframe', 'object', 'a[href]', 'area[href]', 'button:not(:disabled):not([disabled])', '[tabindex]', 'audio[controls]', 'video[controls]', '*[tabindex]:not([aria-disabled])', '*[contenteditable]', ].join(), kT = e => e.offsetWidth > 0 && e.offsetHeight > 0; function jT(e) { const t = Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(vT)); return t.unshift(e), t.filter(e => bT(e) && kT(e)); } var ST = null != (zT = gT.default) ? zT : gT, ET = t => { const { initialFocusRef: n, finalFocusRef: a, contentRef: i, restoreFocus: o, children: r, isDisabled: l, autoFocus: s, persistentFocus: c, lockFocusAcrossFrames: d, } = t, u = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { if (null == n ? void 0 : n.current) n.current.focus(); else if (null == i ? void 0 : i.current) { 0 === jT(i.current).length && requestAnimationFrame(() => { var e; null == (e = i.current) || e.focus(); }); } }, [n, i]), p = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { var e; null == (e = null == a ? void 0 : a.current) || e.focus(); }, [a]), m = o && !a; return (0, We.jsx)(ST, { crossFrame: d, persistentFocus: c, autoFocus: s, disabled: l, onActivation: u, onDeactivation: p, returnFocus: m, children: r, }); }; ET.displayName = 'FocusLock'; var _T = 'right-scroll-bar-position', CT = 'width-before-scroll-bar', IT = QC(), TT = function () {}, PT = e.forwardRef(function (t, n) { var a = e.useRef(null), i = e.useState({ onScrollCapture: TT, onWheelCapture: TT, onTouchMoveCapture: TT, }), o = i[0], r = i[1], l = t.forwardProps, s = t.children, c = t.className, d = t.removeScrollBar, u = t.enabled, p = t.shards, m = t.sideCar, h = t.noIsolation, f = t.inert, g = t.allowPinchZoom, w =, y = void 0 === w ? 'div' : w, x = t.gapMode, b = XC(t, [ 'forwardProps', 'children', 'className', 'removeScrollBar', 'enabled', 'shards', 'sideCar', 'noIsolation', 'inert', 'allowPinchZoom', 'as', 'gapMode', ]), z = m, v = HC([a, n]), k = $C($C({}, b), o); return e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, u && e.createElement(z, { sideCar: IT, removeScrollBar: d, shards: p, noIsolation: h, inert: f, setCallbacks: r, allowPinchZoom: !!g, lockRef: a, gapMode: x, }), l ? e.cloneElement(e.Children.only(s), $C($C({}, k), { ref: v })) : e.createElement(y, $C({}, k, { className: c, ref: v }), s), ); }); (PT.defaultProps = { enabled: !0, removeScrollBar: !0, inert: !1 }), (PT.classNames = { fullWidth: CT, zeroRight: _T }); var AT, RT = function (t) { var n = t.sideCar, a = XC(t, ['sideCar']); if (!n) throw new Error( 'Sidecar: please provide `sideCar` property to import the right car', ); var i =; if (!i) throw new Error('Sidecar medium not found'); return e.createElement(i, $C({}, a)); }; RT.isSideCarExport = !0; function DT() { if (!document) return null; var e = document.createElement('style'); e.type = 'text/css'; var t = AT ||; return t && e.setAttribute('nonce', t), e; } var NT = function () { var e = 0, t = null; return { add: function (n) { var a; 0 == e && (t = DT()) && (!(function (e, t) { e.styleSheet ? (e.styleSheet.cssText = t) : e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)); })(t, n), (a = t), ( document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ).appendChild(a)), e++; }, remove: function () { !--e && t && (t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), (t = null)); }, }; }, LT = function () { var t = (function () { var t = NT(); return function (n, a) { e.useEffect( function () { return ( t.add(n), function () { t.remove(); } ); }, [n && a], ); }; })(); return function (e) { var n = e.styles, a = e.dynamic; return t(n, a), null; }; }, OT = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, gap: 0 }, MT = function (e) { return parseInt(e || '', 10) || 0; }, BT = function (e) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = 'margin'), 'undefined' === typeof window)) return OT; var t = (function (e) { var t = window.getComputedStyle(document.body), n = t['padding' === e ? 'paddingLeft' : 'marginLeft'], a = t['padding' === e ? 'paddingTop' : 'marginTop'], i = t['padding' === e ? 'paddingRight' : 'marginRight']; return [MT(n), MT(a), MT(i)]; })(e), n = document.documentElement.clientWidth, a = window.innerWidth; return { left: t[0], top: t[1], right: t[2], gap: Math.max(0, a - n + t[2] - t[0]), }; }, UT = LT(), WT = function (e, t, n, a) { var i = e.left, o =, r = e.right, l =; return ( void 0 === n && (n = 'margin'), '\n .' .concat('with-scroll-bars-hidden', ' {\n overflow: hidden ') .concat(a, ';\n padding-right: ') .concat(l, 'px ') .concat(a, ';\n }\n body {\n overflow: hidden ') .concat(a, ';\n overscroll-behavior: contain;\n ') .concat( [ t && 'position: relative '.concat(a, ';'), 'margin' === n && '\n padding-left: ' .concat(i, 'px;\n padding-top: ') .concat(o, 'px;\n padding-right: ') .concat( r, 'px;\n margin-left:0;\n margin-top:0;\n margin-right: ', ) .concat(l, 'px ') .concat(a, ';\n '), 'padding' === n && 'padding-right: '.concat(l, 'px ').concat(a, ';'), ] .filter(Boolean) .join(''), '\n }\n \n .', ) .concat(_T, ' {\n right: ') .concat(l, 'px ') .concat(a, ';\n }\n \n .') .concat(CT, ' {\n margin-right: ') .concat(l, 'px ') .concat(a, ';\n }\n \n .') .concat(_T, ' .') .concat(_T, ' {\n right: 0 ') .concat(a, ';\n }\n \n .') .concat(CT, ' .') .concat(CT, ' {\n margin-right: 0 ') .concat(a, ';\n }\n \n body {\n ') .concat('--removed-body-scroll-bar-size', ': ') .concat(l, 'px;\n }\n') ); }, VT = function (t) { var n = t.noRelative, a = t.noImportant, i = t.gapMode, o = void 0 === i ? 'margin' : i, r = e.useMemo( function () { return BT(o); }, [o], ); return e.createElement(UT, { styles: WT(r, !n, o, a ? '' : '!important') }); }, FT = !1; if ('undefined' !== typeof window) try { var HT = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function () { return (FT = !0), !0; }, }); window.addEventListener('test', HT, HT), window.removeEventListener('test', HT, HT); } catch (IA) { FT = !1; } var GT = !!FT && { passive: !1 }, ZT = function (e, t) { var n = window.getComputedStyle(e); return ( 'hidden' !== n[t] && !( n.overflowY === n.overflowX && !(function (e) { return 'TEXTAREA' === e.tagName; })(e) && 'visible' === n[t] ) ); }, $T = function (e, t) { var n = t.ownerDocument, a = t; do { if ( ('undefined' !== typeof ShadowRoot && a instanceof ShadowRoot && (a =, XT(e, a)) ) { var i = KT(e, a); if (i[1] > i[2]) return !0; } a = a.parentNode; } while (a && a !== n.body); return !1; }, XT = function (e, t) { return 'v' === e ? (function (e) { return ZT(e, 'overflowY'); })(t) : (function (e) { return ZT(e, 'overflowX'); })(t); }, KT = function (e, t) { return 'v' === e ? (function (e) { return [e.scrollTop, e.scrollHeight, e.clientHeight]; })(t) : (function (e) { return [e.scrollLeft, e.scrollWidth, e.clientWidth]; })(t); }, qT = function (e) { return 'changedTouches' in e ? [e.changedTouches[0].clientX, e.changedTouches[0].clientY] : [0, 0]; }, YT = function (e) { return [e.deltaX, e.deltaY]; }, QT = function (e) { return e && 'current' in e ? e.current : e; }, JT = function (e) { return '\n .block-interactivity-' .concat(e, ' {pointer-events: none;}\n .allow-interactivity-') .concat(e, ' {pointer-events: all;}\n'); }, eP = 0, tP = []; function nP(e) { for (var t = null; null !== e; ) e instanceof ShadowRoot && ((t =, (e =, (e = e.parentNode); return t; } const aP = ((iP = function (t) { var n = e.useRef([]), a = e.useRef([0, 0]), i = e.useRef(), o = e.useState(eP++)[0], r = e.useState(LT)[0], l = e.useRef(t); e.useEffect( function () { l.current = t; }, [t], ), e.useEffect( function () { if (t.inert) { document.body.classList.add( 'block-interactivity-'.concat(o), ); var e = (function (e, t, n) { if (n || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) (!a && i in t) || (a || (a = t, 0, i, )), (a[i] = t[i])); return e.concat(a ||; })( [t.lockRef.current], (t.shards || []).map(QT), !0, ).filter(Boolean); return ( e.forEach(function (e) { return e.classList.add( 'allow-interactivity-'.concat(o), ); }), function () { document.body.classList.remove( 'block-interactivity-'.concat(o), ), e.forEach(function (e) { return e.classList.remove( 'allow-interactivity-'.concat(o), ); }); } ); } }, [t.inert, t.lockRef.current, t.shards], ); var s = e.useCallback(function (e, t) { if ('touches' in e && 2 === e.touches.length) return !l.current.allowPinchZoom; var n, o = qT(e), r = a.current, s = 'deltaX' in e ? e.deltaX : r[0] - o[0], c = 'deltaY' in e ? e.deltaY : r[1] - o[1], d =, u = Math.abs(s) > Math.abs(c) ? 'h' : 'v'; if ('touches' in e && 'h' === u && 'range' === d.type) return !1; var p = $T(u, d); if (!p) return !0; if ( (p ? (n = u) : ((n = 'v' === u ? 'h' : 'v'), (p = $T(u, d))), !p) ) return !1; if ( (!i.current && 'changedTouches' in e && (s || c) && (i.current = n), !n) ) return !0; var m = i.current || n; return (function (e, t, n, a, i) { var o = (function (e, t) { return 'h' === e && 'rtl' === t ? -1 : 1; })(e, window.getComputedStyle(t).direction), r = o * a, l =, s = t.contains(l), c = !1, d = r > 0, u = 0, p = 0; do { var m = KT(e, l), h = m[0], f = m[1] - m[2] - o * h; (h || f) && XT(e, l) && ((u += f), (p += h)), (l = l instanceof ShadowRoot ? : l.parentNode); } while ((!s && l !== document.body) || (s && (t.contains(l) || t === l))); return ( ((d && ((i && Math.abs(u) < 1) || (!i && r > u))) || (!d && ((i && Math.abs(p) < 1) || (!i && -r > p)))) && (c = !0), c ); })(m, t, e, 'h' === m ? s : c, !0); }, []), c = e.useCallback(function (e) { var t = e; if (tP.length && tP[tP.length - 1] === r) { var a = 'deltaY' in t ? YT(t) : qT(t), i = n.current.filter(function (e) { return ( === t.type && ( === || === e.shadowParent) && (function (e, t) { return e[0] === t[0] && e[1] === t[1]; })(, a) ); })[0]; if (i && i.should) t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(); else if (!i) { var o = (l.current.shards || []) .map(QT) .filter(Boolean) .filter(function (e) { return e.contains(; }); (o.length > 0 ? s(t, o[0]) : !l.current.noIsolation) && t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(); } } }, []), d = e.useCallback(function (e, t, a, i) { var o = { name: e, delta: t, target: a, should: i, shadowParent: nP(a), }; n.current.push(o), setTimeout(function () { n.current = n.current.filter(function (e) { return e !== o; }); }, 1); }, []), u = e.useCallback(function (e) { (a.current = qT(e)), (i.current = void 0); }, []), p = e.useCallback(function (e) { d(e.type, YT(e),, s(e, t.lockRef.current)); }, []), m = e.useCallback(function (e) { d(e.type, qT(e),, s(e, t.lockRef.current)); }, []); e.useEffect(function () { return ( tP.push(r), t.setCallbacks({ onScrollCapture: p, onWheelCapture: p, onTouchMoveCapture: m, }), document.addEventListener('wheel', c, GT), document.addEventListener('touchmove', c, GT), document.addEventListener('touchstart', u, GT), function () { (tP = tP.filter(function (e) { return e !== r; })), document.removeEventListener('wheel', c, GT), document.removeEventListener('touchmove', c, GT), document.removeEventListener('touchstart', u, GT); } ); }, []); var h = t.removeScrollBar, f = t.inert; return e.createElement( e.Fragment, null, f ? e.createElement(r, { styles: JT(o) }) : null, h ? e.createElement(VT, { gapMode: t.gapMode }) : null, ); }), IT.useMedium(iP), RT); var iP, oP = e.forwardRef(function (t, n) { return e.createElement(PT, $C({}, t, { ref: n, sideCar: aP })); }); oP.classNames = PT.classNames; const rP = oP; function lP(t) { const { autoFocus: n, trapFocus: a, dialogRef: i, initialFocusRef: o, blockScrollOnMount: r, allowPinchZoom: l, finalFocusRef: s, returnFocusOnClose: c, preserveScrollBarGap: d, lockFocusAcrossFrames: u, isOpen: p, } = SC(), [m, h] = Yc(); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { !m && h && setTimeout(h); }, [m, h]); const f = pC(i, p); return (0, We.jsx)(ET, { autoFocus: n, isDisabled: !a, initialFocusRef: o, finalFocusRef: s, restoreFocus: c, contentRef: i, lockFocusAcrossFrames: u, children: (0, We.jsx)(rP, { removeScrollBar: !d, allowPinchZoom: l, enabled: 1 === f && r, forwardProps: !0, children: t.children, }), }); } var sP = yw((e, t) => { const { className: n, children: a, containerProps: i, motionProps: o, ...r } = e, { getDialogProps: l, getDialogContainerProps: s } = SC(), c = l(r, t), d = s(i), u = Qe('chakra-modal__content', n), p = kC(), m = { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', position: 'relative', width: '100%', outline: 0, ...p.dialog, }, h = { display: 'flex', width: '100vw', height: '$100vh', position: 'fixed', left: 0, top: 0, ...p.dialogContainer, }, { motionPreset: f } = SC(); return (0, We.jsx)(lP, { children: (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ...d, className: 'chakra-modal__content-container', tabIndex: -1, __css: h, children: (0, We.jsx)(WC, { preset: f, motionProps: o, className: u, ...c, __css: m, children: a, }), }), }); }); sP.displayName = 'ModalContent'; var cP = yw((e, t) => { const { onClick: n, className: a, ...i } = e, { onClose: o } = SC(), r = Qe('chakra-modal__close-btn', a), l = kC(); return (0, We.jsx)(Uw, { ref: t, __css: l.closeButton, className: r, onClick: it(n, e => { e.stopPropagation(), o(); }), ...i, }); }); cP.displayName = 'ModalCloseButton'; var dP = yw((t, n) => { const { className: a, ...i } = t, { bodyId: o, setBodyMounted: r } = SC(); (0, e.useEffect)(() => (r(!0), () => r(!1)), [r]); const l = Qe('chakra-modal__body', a), s = kC(); return (0, We.jsx)(fw.div, { ref: n, className: l, id: o, ...i, __css: s.body, }); }); dP.displayName = 'ModalBody'; const uP = e => { let { isOpen: t, onClose: n, title: a, subtitle: i, accordionData: o, price: r, priceInfo: l, link: s, linkName: c, } = e; const d = Q_().sanitize(i); return (0, We.jsxs)(EC, { isOpen: t, onClose: n, size: 'xl', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(PC, {}), (0, We.jsxs)(sP, { borderRadius: '0', width: { base: '95%', md: '1200px' }, maxWidth: { base: '95%', md: '95%' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(cP, {}), (0, We.jsxs)(dP, { padding: { base: '60px 10px 20px', md: '77px 30px 60px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: { base: 'center', md: 'left', lg: 'center', }, fontSize: { base: '30px', lg: '34px' }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: { base: '1.2', lg: '1.4' }, padding: { base: '0 15px', md: '0' }, marginBottom: { base: '10px', lg: '15px', }, children: a, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { padding: { base: '0 15px', md: '0' }, fontSize: { base: '15px', lg: '18px' }, textAlign: { base: 'center', md: 'left', lg: 'center', }, maxWidth: '810px', margin: { base: '0 auto 15px', lg: '0 auto 50px', }, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: d }, }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: { lg: 'flex' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { justifyContent: { base: 'center', md: 'flex-start', }, order: '2', alignSelf: 'start', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: '15px', border: '2px solid #171717', marginBottom: '20px', width: { base: '100%', md: '300px', lg: '372px', }, marginLeft: { base: '0', lg: '70px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { flex: '1', textAlign: 'left', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '30px', lg: '34px', }, lineHeight: '1.4', fontWeight: '600', children: r, }), }), l && (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '11px', lg: '12px', }, color: '#515151', children: l, }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', fontWeight: '700', transition: '.2s', _hover: { color: '#DD1C4A', svg: { fill: '#DD1C4A', }, }, href: s, marginTop: '15px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', paddingRight: '10px', fontSize: '14px', children: c, }), (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '7', height: '10', viewBox: '0 0 9 14', fill: '#171717', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M0 13.6H2.70588L8.4 6.98565L2.70588 0.400024H0L5.69412 6.98565L0 13.6Z', }), }), ], }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(e_, { allowToggle: !0, allowMultiple: !0, flexGrow: '1', children:, t, n) => (0, We.jsxs)( t_, { marginBottom: t === n.length - 1 ? '0' : '5px', borderBottom: 'none', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(n_, { padding: '5px 15px', background: '#eeeeee', color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: '46px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( _y, { as: 'span', display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', xl: 'row', }, alignItems: { base: 'flex-start', xl: 'baseline', }, lineHeight: 'normal', children: [ e.title, e.subtitle && (0, We.jsx)( _y, { as: 'span', fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: { base: '0', xl: '10px', }, children: e.subtitle, }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( a_, {}, ), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(p_, { padding: { base: '15px 15px 0', lg: t === n.length - 1 ? '15px 0 0 25px' : '15px 0 10px 25px', }, children: (e, a, i) => (0, We.jsx)( xy, { children: (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { paddingBottom: t === n.length - 1 && a === i.length - 1 ? '0' : '14px', alignItems: 'flex-start', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( xy, { width: '20px', flexShrink: '0', marginRight: '15px', height: 'auto', children: (0, We.jsx)( xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', height: '22px', alignItems: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)( _E, { color: '#1AAC7A', fontSize: '15px', }, ), }, ), }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '15px', dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: Q_().sanitize( e, ), }, }, ), ], }, ), }, a, ), ), }), ], }, t, ), ), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }); }, pP = { title: 'Crossborder', subtitle: 'Czas na ekspansj\u0119 mi\u0119dzynarodow\u0105 Twojego sklepu? Sprawd\u017a jak mo\u017ce Ci w tym pom\xf3c us\u0142uga Crossborder.', accordionData: [ { title: 'Opieka wdro\u017cenia', items: [ '<b>Konfiguracja sklepu</b> zgodna z zakresem wybranego pakietu', '<b>Opieka nad ca\u0142o\u015bci\u0105 procesu</b>', 'Wsparcie <b>w wyborze odpowiednich rozwi\u0105za\u0144 pod k\u0105tem rynku docelowego</b>', '<b>T\u0142umaczenie</b> Twojego sklepu na <b>dany j\u0119zyk</b>', ], }, { title: 'Szkolenia', subtitle: 'wprowadzaj\u0105ce do IdoSell', items: [ 'Dost\u0119p do <b>nagra\u0144 szkoleniowych z instrukcj\u0105 obs\u0142ugi panelu oraz kluczowych integracji</b>', '<b>Sesja Q&A</b>', ], }, { title: 'Konfiguracja', subtitle: 'kluczowych funkcjonalno\u015bci na rynki zagraniczne', items: [ 'Konfiguracja <b>p\u0142atno\u015bci</b> na wybrane rynki zagraniczne', 'Konfiguracja <b>dostaw</b> na wybrane rynki zagraniczne', 'Konfiguracja <b>magazyn\xf3w</b>', 'Dost\u0119p do <b>automatycznego t\u0142umaczenia 10 milion\xf3w darmowych znak\xf3w</b>', '<b>Dostosowanie sklepu pod k\u0105tem wizualnym do sklepu macierzystego</b>', '<b>Dost\u0119p do listy rozwi\u0105za\u0144, kt\xf3re najlepiej sprawdz\u0105 si\u0119 dla danego rynku</b>', ], }, { title: 'Kompleksowe t\u0142umaczenie', items: [ 'Szablonu sklepu', 'Oferty towar\xf3w', 'Wiadomo\u015bci transakcyjnych', 'Strony CMS', 'Wpis\xf3w blogowych i aktualno\u015bci', 'Stref rekomendacji', 'Podstawowych ustawie\u0144 SEO', ], }, { title: 'Import danych', items: [ 'Import <b>oferty towar\xf3w</b>', 'Import <b>bazy klient\xf3w</b>', 'Import <b>przekierowa\u0144 adres\xf3w towar\xf3w</b> (pod k\u0105tem SEO)', ], }, ], price: '2 950 z\u0142', priceInfo: '/netto + cena pakietu wdro\u017ceniowego', link: '', linkName: 'Sprawd\u017a abonamenty', }; function mP(t) { const n = (0, e.useRef)(null), [a, i] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [o, r] = (0, e.useState)(!1), [l, s] = (0, e.useState)(!1); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { const e = () => { if (n.current) { const e = n.current.getBoundingClientRect(), t = <= window.innerHeight - 400 && e.bottom >= 400; r(t); } const e = window.innerHeight + window.scrollY >= document.body.offsetHeight - 0; s(e); }; return ( window.addEventListener('scroll', e), e(), () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', e) ); }, []); const c = () => i(!0), d = { ...pP, isOpen: a, onClose: () => i(!1) }; return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Zbuduj profesjonalny sklep z IdoSell', subTitle: 'Nasi Specjali\u015bci przeprowadz\u0105 Ci\u0119 przez proces tworzenia sklepu lub migracji, korzystaj\u0105c ze sprawdzonych rozwi\u0105za\u0144 IdoSell.', image: { url: '', alt: 'U\u015bmiechni\u0119ci ludzie patrz\u0105cy na ekran monitora', }, buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { mt: { base: '55px', md: '40px', lg: '45px' }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { id: 'additional_info', children: (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { mb: '75px', padding: { base: '0 15px', md: '0' }, flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: { base: 'center', md: 'space-between', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Sy, { id: 'pakiety', width: { base: '100%', md: '44%', xl: '42%', }, direction: 'column', position: 'relative', border: '2px solid transparent', padding: { md: '15px 0', lg: '0' }, children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', height: { base: '120px', lg: '215px', xl: '266px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { maxH: '100%', m: 'auto', src: '', }, ), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { above: 'lg', children: (0, We.jsx)( Lj, { maxH: '100%', m: 'auto', src: '', }, ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: { base: '16px', lg: '26px', }, textAlign: 'center', lineHeight: { base: 'normal', lg: '34px', }, mt: { base: '20px', lg: '35px,', }, children: 'Pakiety wdro\u017ceniowe', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: { base: '15px', lg: '18px', }, lineHeight: { base: '1.6', lg: 'normal', }, children: 'Wybierz najkorzystniejszy pakiet, kontaktuj\u0105c si\u0119 z naszym Opiekunem handlowym', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: '15px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignSelf: 'center', w: { base: '100%', md: 'auto' }, position: 'relative', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { above: 'xl', children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { xmlns: '', width: '46', height: '45', viewBox: '0 0 46 45', fill: 'none', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M25.8699 19.6924V0H20.1301V19.6924H0V25.3076H20.1301V45H25.8699V25.3076H46V19.6924H25.8699Z', fill: '#171717', }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'xl', children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { zIndex: 2, px: 2, children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { xmlns: '', width: '22', height: '22', viewBox: '0 0 22 22', fill: 'none', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { d: 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dostosowuj\u0105c sw\xf3j sklep', }), ], }), }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { ref: n, children: (0, We.jsx)(nC, {}) }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '0 15px', children: (0, We.jsx)(dj, { buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, { title: 'Um\xf3w si\u0119 na spotkanie', href: '', variant: 'outline', }, ], padding: '50px 0', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { id: 'bottom_links', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '80px', marginTop: '45px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', fontWeight: '600', textAlign: 'center', color: '#1AAC7A', position: 'relative', paddingBottom: '15px', marginBottom: '25px', _after: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', bottom: '0', left: '50%', transform: 'translateX(-50%)', width: '66px', height: '4px', backgroundColor: '#171717', }, children: 'Zobacz wi\u0119cej', }), (0, We.jsxs)(Cy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', fontWeight: '700', transition: '.2s', _hover: { color: '#DD1C4A', svg: { fill: 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'18px', maxWidth: { base: '233px', sm: 'none' }, children: 'Regulamin prac wdro\u017ceniowych IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { flexShrink: 0, children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { xmlns: '', width: '10', height: '13', viewBox: '0 0 10 14', fill: 'none', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M0.799805 13.9998H3.50569L9.19981 7.38543L3.50569 0.799805H0.799805L6.49392 7.38543L0.799805 13.9998Z', fill: '#171717', }), }), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { id: 'crossborder', position: 'fixed', bottom: '0', left: '50%', transform: 'translateX(-50%) translateY('.concat( o && !l ? 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Zbieraj dane klient\xf3w i analizuj efektywno\u015b\u0107 kampanii dzi\u0119ki \u0142atwym w obs\u0142udze narz\u0119dziom.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: ' to wszechstronne rozwi\u0105zanie dla e-commerce - ju\u017c ponad 6000 integracji, u\u017cywanych w 27 krajach.', }), ], }), price: { value: 'od 49,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 2, title: 'Share Basket', description: 'Share Basket to narz\u0119dzie, kt\xf3re umo\u017cliwia \u0142atwe udost\u0119pnianie koszyka zakupowego za pomoc\u0105 wygenerowanego linku bez konieczno\u015bci logowania.', app_type: [gP.Online], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w Share Basket', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Share Basket - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 1', }, { url: '', alt: 'Share Basket - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Share Basket - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 3', }, ], longDescription: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'Udost\u0119pniaj sw\xf3j koszyk jednym klikni\u0119ciem!', }), ' ', 'Nowe narz\u0119dzie w IdoSell pozwoli Twoim klientom \u0142atwo udost\u0119pnia\u0107 zawarto\u015b\u0107 koszyka zakupowego za pomoc\u0105 linku. Wystawczy zapisa\u0107 koszyk, skopiowa\u0107 link i mo\u017cna wr\xf3ci\u0107 do niego w dowolnym momencie na r\xf3\u017cnych urz\u0105dzeniach \u2013 bez logowania. Dzi\u0119ki temu klienci mog\u0105 \u0142atwo udost\u0119pni\u0107 koszyk znajomym lub rodzinie, \u017ceby wsp\xf3lnie finalizowa\u0107 zakupy.', ], }), }), price: { value: 'od 69,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 3, title: 'Hodafy', description: 'Hodafy - platforma dla sprzedawc\xf3w Allegro oferuj\u0105ca pe\u0142ne statystyki rentowno\u015bci i kontrol\u0119 koszt\xf3w dla Twoich ofert oraz optymalizacj\u0119 sprzeda\u017cy.', app_type: [gP.Online], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w Hodafy', }, longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Hodafy to zaawansowana platforma dla sprzedawc\xf3w Allegro, kt\xf3ra pomaga kontrolowa\u0107 sprzeda\u017c, analizowa\u0107 koszty i maksymalizowa\u0107 zyski. Dzi\u0119ki integracji z IdoSell Twoje aukcje b\u0119d\u0105 automatycznie synchronizowane, co pozwoli oszcz\u0119dzi\u0107 czas i skoncentrowa\u0107 si\u0119 na rozwoju biznesu.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Integracja z panelem IdoSell umo\u017cliwia automatyczne pobieranie cen hurtowych oraz natychmiastowy dost\u0119p do wynik\xf3w sprzeda\u017cy.', }), ], }), images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Hodafy - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 1', }, { url: '', alt: 'Hodafy - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Hodafy - zdj\u0119cie pogl\u0105dowe 3', }, ], price: { value: '49,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 4, title: 'Generator Opis\xf3w z ChatGPT', description: 'Generuj opisy produkt\xf3w i opisy menu za pomoc\u0105 sztucznej inteligencji.', app_type: [gP.Online], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w Generator Opis\xf3w z ChatGPT', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie generator opis\xf3w z chatGPT', }, ], longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Aplikacja pozwala na masowe generowanie i optymalizacj\u0119 tre\u015bci dla produkt\xf3w i menu przy u\u017cyciu sztucznej inteligencji (ChatGPT). U\u017cytkownik sam definiuje polecenia, dzi\u0119ki czemu mo\u017cliwo\u015bci s\u0105 niemal nieograniczone \u2013 od tworzenia opis\xf3w produkt\xf3w, przez optymalizacj\u0119 SEO, po popraw\u0119 b\u0142\u0119d\xf3w i edycj\u0119 tre\u015bci z zachowaniem uk\u0142adu HTML.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Aplikacja dzia\u0142a na wybranych lub wszystkich towarach i menu, a jej obs\u0142uga nie wymaga umiej\u0119tno\u015bci technicznych.', }), ], }), price: { value: '299,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 5, title: 'TrustMate', description: 'Wy\u017csza konwersja dzi\u0119ki d\u0142ugim opiniom. Z TrustMate zbierzesz opinie nawet 10x d\u0142u\u017csze i bardziej szczeg\xf3\u0142owe ni\u017c standardowe!', app_type: [gP.Online], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w TrustMate', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Trustmate', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Trustmate 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Trustmate 3', }, ], price: { value: 'Za darmo', adding: 'netto/mc' }, longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Dzi\u0119ki unikalnemu systemowi podpowiedzi, TrustMate pozwala pozyskiwa\u0107 a\u017c 10 razy d\u0142u\u017csze i bardziej szczeg\xf3\u0142owe opinie, wzbogacone o s\u0142owa kluczowe i zdj\u0119cia, kt\xf3re podnosz\u0105 Twoj\u0105 pozycj\u0119 w Google. Integracja z Google Shopping i widoczne gwiazdki w wynikach wyszukiwania generuj\u0105 do 40% wi\u0119cej ruchu.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Mechanizm mediacji zmniejsza liczb\u0119 negatywnych recenzji nawet o 60%, a automatyczne t\u0142umaczenia u\u0142atwiaj\u0105 prezentacj\u0119 opinii na nowych rynkach. Wystarczy kilka prostych krok\xf3w, by TrustMate zacz\u0119\u0142o dzia\u0142a\u0107 na rzecz Twojej sprzeda\u017cy i widoczno\u015bci!', }), ], }), type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 6, title: 'Clickscanner', description: 'Nie p\u0142a\u0107 za wyklikiwanie reklam w Google i Facebook przez niezainteresowanych klikaczy, konkurencj\u0119 lub boty.', app_type: [gP.Online], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w Clickscanner', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Clickscanner 1', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Clickscanner 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Clickscanner 3', }, ], longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Nie tra\u0107 bud\u017cetu na wyklikiwanie reklam przez boty, konkurencj\u0119 lub niezainteresowanych u\u017cytkownik\xf3w. Dzi\u0119ki technologii Clickscanner wykrywa i blokuje:', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Klikni\u0119cia od bot\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Wyklikiwanie przez konkurencj\u0119', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Kliki z egzotycznych lokalizacji', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Ta\u015bmowe klikanie z tych samych urz\u0105dze\u0144', }), (0, We.jsx)(SE, { children: 'Ruch od u\u017cytkownik\xf3w bez intencji zakupowej', }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Dzi\u0119ki Clickscanner Twoje reklamy dotr\u0105 do realnych klient\xf3w, co poprawi konwersj\u0119 i wyniki sprzeda\u017cy. Aplikacja integruje si\u0119 z Google Ads i Facebookiem, dzia\u0142a na ka\u017cdej platformie sklepowej, a jej instalacja jest szybka i prosta.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Chro\u0144 swoje kampanie i maksymalizuj efekty reklamowe dzi\u0119ki Clickscanner \u2013 bez d\u0142ugoterminowych zobowi\u0105za\u0144!', }), ], }), price: { value: 'od 300,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji ', }, { id: 7, title: 'IdoSell POS', description: 'IdoSell POS to system kasowy dla sklep\xf3w, kt\xf3ry automatycznie przesy\u0142a dane sprzeda\u017cy do panelu IdoSell, dzia\u0142a offline i obs\u0142uguje wiele stanowisk.', app_type: [gP.Windows], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w IdoSell POS', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell POS 1', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell POS 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell POS 3', }, ], price: { value: 'od 59,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'IdoSell POS automatycznie synchronizuje stany magazynowe i dane sprzeda\u017cowe z panelem administracyjnym IdoSell, umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105c prowadzenie sp\xf3jnej sprzeda\u017cy omnichannel.', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'System dzia\u0142a na Windows i obejmuje aplikacje Server, Setup i Klient. Dzi\u0119ki pracy offline i obs\u0142udze wielu stanowisk kasowych, sprawdzi si\u0119 w ka\u017cdej plac\xf3wce. IdoSell POS wsp\xf3\u0142pracuje z drukarkami fiskalnymi, czytnikami kod\xf3w, szufladami kasowymi i terminalami p\u0142atniczymi, a najlepsze do\u015bwiadczenie zapewnia terminal z ekranem dotykowym.', }), ], }), type: 'Aplikacja offline', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji', }, { id: 8, title: 'IdoSell Downloader', description: 'IdoSell Downloader to aplikacja, kt\xf3ra umo\u017cliwia importowanie i aktualizowanie ofert od r\xf3\u017cnych dostawc\xf3w, \u0142\u0105cz\u0105c Tw\xf3j sklep z hurtowni\u0105.', app_type: [gP.Windows], image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie g\u0142\xf3wne w IdoSell Downloader', }, images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell Downloader 1', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell Downloader 2', }, { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie IdoSell Downloader 3', }, ], longDescription: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'span', fontWeight: '700', children: 'IdoSell Downloader', }), ' ', 'to narz\u0119dzie, kt\xf3re automatyzuje import i aktualizacj\u0119 oferty produktowej w sklepach internetowych. Umo\u017cliwia szybkie pobieranie danych od dostawc\xf3w (XML, CSV) i integracj\u0119 ich ze sklepem, eliminuj\u0105c potrzeb\u0119 r\u0119cznego wprowadzania informacji.', ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Dzi\u0119ki obs\u0142udze wielu dostawc\xf3w, aplikacja pozwala na bie\u017c\u0105co aktualizowa\u0107 stany magazynowe, ceny i dost\u0119pno\u015b\u0107 produkt\xf3w, zapewniaj\u0105c sp\xf3jno\u015b\u0107 danych. To idealne rozwi\u0105zanie dla sklep\xf3w wsp\xf3\u0142pracuj\u0105cych z hurtowniami, kt\xf3re chc\u0105 oszcz\u0119dzi\u0107 czas i zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 efektywno\u015b\u0107 zarz\u0105dzania asortymentem.', }), ], }), price: { value: 'od 99,00 z\u0142', adding: 'netto/mc' }, type: 'Aplikacja online', license: 'Licencja dotyczy wielu instalacji aplikacji ', }, ]; function zP(t) { var n, a; const { isOpen: i, onOpen: o, onClose: r, } = (function () { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; const { onClose: n, onOpen: a, isOpen: i, id: o } = t, r = yP(a), l = yP(n), [s, c] = (0, e.useState)(t.defaultIsOpen || !1), [d, u] = (function (e, t) { const n = void 0 !== e; return [n, n && 'undefined' !== typeof e ? e : t]; })(i, s), p = hP(o, 'disclosure'), m = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { d || c(!1), null == l || l(); }, [d, l]), h = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { d || c(!0), null == r || r(); }, [d, r]), f = (0, e.useCallback)(() => { (u ? m : h)(); }, [u, h, m]); return { isOpen: !!u, onOpen: h, onClose: m, onToggle: f, isControlled: d, getButtonProps: function () { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return { ...e, 'aria-expanded': u, 'aria-controls': p, onClick: qn(e.onClick, f), }; }, getDisclosureProps: function () { return { ...(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}), hidden: !u, id: p, }; }, }; })(), [l, s] = (0, e.useState)(null), [c, d] = (0, e.useState)('Dla sprzedawc\xf3w'), [u, p] = (0, e.useState)(!1), m = u ? bP : bP.slice(0, 8); (0, e.useEffect)(() => { '#developers' === window.location.hash && d('Dla deweloper\xf3w'); }, []); const h = e => { switch (e) { case 'windows': return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '17', height: '16', viewBox: '0 0 17 16', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('g', { clipPath: 'url(#clip0_10746_26312)', children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M6.47307 2.25856L1.71875 3.20714V7.59572L6.47304 7.51571L6.47307 2.25856ZM15.2823 8.63214L7.56092 8.49998V13.9578L15.2823 15.5V8.63214ZM6.47307 8.48359L1.71878 8.40286V12.7907L6.47307 13.74V8.48359ZM15.2823 0.5L7.56092 2.04071V7.49856L15.2823 7.36713V0.5Z', fill: '#1C1B22', }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { marginLeft: '8px', children: 'Windows' }), ], }); case 'mac': return (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)('svg', { width: '17', height: '16', viewBox: '0 0 17 16', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)('g', { children: (0, We.jsx)('path', { d: 'M8 0C5.239 0 3 2.239 3 5C3 7.761 5.239 10 8 10C10.761 10 13 7.761 13 5C13 2.239 10.761 0 8 0ZM3.5 12C1.57 12 0 13.57 0 15.5H16C16 13.57 14.43 12 12.5 12H3.5Z', fill: '#1C1B22', }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { marginLeft: '8px', children: 'MacOS' }), ], }); case 'online': return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Aplikacja online' }), }); case 'all': return (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Dzia\u0142a na ka\u017cdym systemie operacyjnym (Windows, MacOS, Linux), oszcz\u0119dzaj\u0105c czas i pieni\u0105dze, szczeg\xf3lnie w przypadku du\u017cych sklep\xf3w internetowych.', }), }); default: return (0, We.jsx)(_y, { children: 'Nieznany system' }); } }; return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'IdoSell Apps - aplikacje dla sklep\xf3w', subTitle: 'IdoSell Apps to nowoczesna platforma, \nkt\xf3ra oferuje narz\u0119dzia i aplikacje wspieraj\u0105ce efektywne zarz\u0105dzanie sklepem internetowym, automatyzacj\u0119 proces\xf3w \noraz integracj\u0119 z zewn\u0119trznymi rozwi\u0105zaniami.', image: xP, badgeLabel: 'NOWO\u015a\u0106', paddingDesktop: '75px 0', gap: '0', ratio: '3/4', buttons: [ { title: 'Lista dost\u0119pnych aplikacji', href: '#apps_container', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsxs)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(MS, { title: 'Jak dzia\u0142a IdoSell Apps?', image: { url: '', alt: 'Infografika ze statystykami idosell', }, layout_order: 'image_right', padding: '2rem 0 3rem 0', paddingBottom: { base: '0' }, bgColor: 'grey', mt: 10, children: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('p', { children: 'Jedn\u0105 z wa\u017cniejszych przewag IdoSell Apps nad konkurencyjnymi platformami jest mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zastosowania elastycznego modelu rozlicze\u0144 za aplikacje.\xa0', }), (0, We.jsx)('p', { children: 'Dost\u0119p do IdoSell Apps dla merchant\xf3w jest bezp\u0142atny, natomiast koszty s\u0105 naliczane osobno za ka\u017cd\u0105 uruchomion\u0105 aplikacj\u0119, na zasadzie subskrypcji miesi\u0119cznej.\xa0Cena aplikacji jest ustalana przez jej dewelopera, co umo\u017cliwia zr\xf3\u017cnicowane oferty dostosowane do potrzeb sklep\xf3w internetowych. Dodatkowo, mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 darmowego testowania aplikacji, minimalizuje ryzyko zwi\u0105zane z inwestycjami w nowe narz\u0119dzia.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { py: { base: '0', md: '0' }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '50px', position: 'relative', id: 'tabs_section', children: (0, We.jsx)(E_, { styles: 'centeredWithSpace', tabsContent: [ { tabName: 'Dla sprzedawc\xf3w', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { above: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Ry, { below: 'md', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { flex: '1', padding: '30ox', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', mb: '30px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki IdoSell Apps masz dost\u0119p do aplikacji, kt\xf3re usprawniaj\u0105 dzia\u0142anie sklepu internetowego. Najwa\u017cniejsze korzy\u015bci IdoSell Apps to:', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', color: '#171717', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: '', fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Personalizacja funkcji sklepu', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki integracji aplikacji z panelem IdoSell zyskujesz mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 dostosowania sklepu do w\u0142asnych potrzeb.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Dost\u0119p do rosn\u0105cej liczby aplikacji', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'IdoSell Apps oferuje dost\u0119p aplikacji, kt\xf3re wspieraj\u0105 merchant\xf3w na ka\u017cdym etapie dzia\u0142alno\u015bci.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Szybka instalacja', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Instalowanie nowych aplikacji jest \u0142atwe i intuicyjne, co pozwala na b\u0142yskawiczne wdro\u017cenie nowych funkcji.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Bezp\u0142atne testowanie', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Przed zakupem mo\u017cesz przetestowa\u0107 aplikacj\u0119, co minimalizuje ryzyko nietrafionej inwestycji.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Integracja z zewn\u0119trznymi narz\u0119dziami', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'IdoSell Apps u\u0142atwia po\u0142\u0105czenie z zewn\u0119trznymi systemami sprzeda\u017cowymi, marketingowymi czy ksi\u0119gowymi.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Regularne aktualizacje aplikacji', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Aplikacje dost\u0119pne w IdoSell Apps s\u0105 stale aktualizowane, co zapewnia zgodno\u015b\u0107 z dynamicznie zmieniaj\u0105cym si\u0119 rynkiem.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(dj, { title: 'Odkryj mo\u017cliwo\u015bci IdoSell', subtitle: 'Poznaj nasz panel, odkryj nasz\u0105 technologi\u0119, otw\xf3rz lub migruj sklep i zacznij sprzedawa\u0107 wi\u0119cej.', buttons: [ { title: 'Zam\xf3w sklep', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, { tabName: 'Dla deweloper\xf3w', content: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { background: '#1AAC7A', padding: '50px 30px', display: 'flex', gap: '30px', alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: '100%', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', color: 'white', textAlign: 'center', children: [ 'Chcesz pisa\u0107 aplikacje', ' ', (0, We.jsx)( xy, { display: 'inline', color: '#171717', children: 'dla 8 tys. sklep\xf3w IdoSell', }, ), ' ', 'i zarabia\u0107 z nami?', ], }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '#171717', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Jeste\u015b deweloperem, chcesz pisa\u0107 aplikacje i na tym zarabia\u0107? Odkryj IdoSell Apps \u2013platform\u0119 z aplikacjami dla sklep\xf3w internetowych, kt\xf3ra umo\u017cliwia zewn\u0119trznym deweloperom korzystanie z otwartego API i tworzenie aplikacji integruj\u0105cych si\u0119 z IdoSell.', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: '100%', display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: { base: '1fr', md: 'repeat(4, 1fr);', }, gap: '20px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { color: '#fff', fontSize: '54px', lineHeight: '69px', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: '600', display: 'flex', gap: '5px', alignItems: 'flex-end', children: [ '16', (0, We.jsx)( xy, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'mld z\u0142', }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( xy, { textAlign: 'center', color: '#171717', children: 'sumaryczna warto\u015b\u0107 transakcji rocznie (GMV)', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { color: '#fff', fontSize: '54px', lineHeight: '69px', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: '600', display: 'flex', gap: '5px', alignItems: 'flex-end', children: [ '~8', (0, We.jsx)( xy, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'tys.', }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( xy, { textAlign: 'center', color: '#171717', children: 'aktywnych sklep\xf3w internetowych', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { color: '#fff', fontSize: '54px', lineHeight: '69px', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: '600', display: 'flex', gap: '5px', alignItems: 'flex-end', children: [ '60', (0, We.jsx)( xy, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'mln', }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( xy, { textAlign: 'center', color: '#171717', children: 'transkacji rocznie', }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { color: '#fff', fontSize: '54px', lineHeight: '69px', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: '600', display: 'flex', gap: '5px', alignItems: 'flex-end', children: [ '24', ' ', (0, We.jsx)( xy, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'lata', }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsx)( xy, { textAlign: 'center', color: '#171717', children: 'do\u015bwiadczenia w bran\u017cy e-commerce', }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: { base: '0px', md: '50px', }, marginTop: { base: '20px', md: '0px', }, display: 'flex', flexDir: { base: 'column', md: 'row', }, gap: { base: '20px', md: '30px' }, alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, padding: '30ox', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', color: '#171717', children: 'Funkcjonalno\u015bci dla deweloper\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Dost\u0119p do otwartego API', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Umo\u017cliwia tworzenie aplikacji i integracji z platform\u0105 IdoSell.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Panel deweloperski', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Intuicyjny interfejs u\u0142atwia zarz\u0105dzanie aplikacjami.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Dokumentacja API i wsparcie techniczne', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dost\u0119p do szczeg\xf3\u0142owej dokumentacji API oraz profesjonalnego wsparcia technicznego.', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Cy, { textDecoration: 'underline', _hover: { textDecoration: 'none', }, target: '_blank', href: '', children: 'Dokumentacja IdoSell API', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Automatyczne rozliczenia', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Rozliczeniem subskrypcji zajmuje si\u0119 IdoSell, co oznacza, \u017ce deweloperzy nie musz\u0105 si\u0119 o to martwi\u0107.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, display: 'flex', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { padding: { base: '0px', md: '50px', }, display: 'flex', gap: { base: '20px', md: '30px' }, alignItems: 'center', flexDir: { base: 'column-reverse', lg: 'row', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: '', }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { width: { base: '100%', lg: '50%', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', mb: '15px', children: 'Najwa\u017cniejsze korzy\u015bci dla deweloper\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '15px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Ponad 8 tysi\u0119cy sklep\xf3w', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'IdoSell Apps to ogromna szansa na dotarcie do szerokiego grona sprzedawc\xf3w, kt\xf3rzy poszukuj\u0105 innowacyjnych rozwi\u0105za\u0144.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Atrakcyjny model wsp\xf3\u0142pracy', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki korzystnym warunkom komercyjnym, deweloperzy mog\u0105 zarabia\u0107 na sprzeda\u017cy swoich aplikacji, jednocze\u015bnie rozwijaj\u0105c swoj\u0105 dzia\u0142alno\u015b\u0107.', }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(BE, { sectionTitle: 'Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami', sectionSubtitle: 'Masz pomys\u0142 na aplikacje i chcesz dowiedzie\u0107 si\u0119 jak rozpocz\u0105\u0107 wsp\xf3\u0142prac\u0119? Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami.', region: 'eu1', portalId: '26134891', formId: 'a2dfc841-6974-44aa-947d-651e8fcbe6b1', }), ], }), imgUrl: '', }, ], activeTab: c, onTabChange: e => { d(e); }, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { position: 'relative', id: 'apps_container', py: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, _before: { base: { content: '""', position: 'absolute', height: '100%', top: '0px', width: '100vw', marginLeft: '50%', left: '-50vw', zIndex: -2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', }, }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '10px', textAlign: 'center', alignItems: 'center', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '48px', fontWeight: '600', children: 'Aplikacje dost\u0119pne w IdoSell Apps', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', fontWeight: '400', children: 'Sprawd\u017a co przygotowali deweloperzy dla Twojego sklepu', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: { base: 'repeat(2, 1fr)', md: 'repeat(4, 1fr)', }, padding: { base: '35px 0px 35px', md: '50px 15px', }, gap: { base: '20px', md: '30px' }, children: => { var t; return (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: { base: '16px', md: '25px', }, _hover: { boxShadow: '0px 12px 25px 0px #00000033', cursor: 'pointer', }, onClick: () => (e => { console.log(l), s(e), o(); })(e), role: 'group', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { marginBottom: '16px', children: (0, We.jsx)( xy, { padding: '8px', boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px 0px #00000026', width: '80px', height: '80px', _groupHover: { transform: 'translateY(-10px)', }, transition: 'transform 0.2s ease-in-out', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: null === e || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e .image .url, alt: null === e || void 0 === e || null === (t = e.image) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.alt, }), }, ), }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { marginBottom: { base: '30px', md: '0', }, height: { base: '143px', md: '183px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: { base: '14px', md: '21px', }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '1.4', marginBottom: '10px', children: e.title, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: '19px', children: e.description, }, ), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', gap: '10px', justifyContent: 'space-between', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: { base: 'column', md: 'row', }, alignItems: 'center', gap: { base: '0', md: '10px', }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: '#171717', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: { base: '16px', md: '18px', }, lineHeight: { base: '24px', md: '27px', }, children: e .price .value, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { color: '#171717', fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '19px', width: { base: '100%', md: 'auto', }, children: e .price .adding, }, ), ], }), }), ], }), ], },, ); }), }), bP.length > 8 && (0, We.jsx)(lC, { onClick: () => p(!u), fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '21px', textAlign: 'center', textDecoration: 'underline', background: 'none', width: '100%', _hover: { background: 'none', textDecoration: 'none', }, marginTop: '0', children: u ? 'Poka\u017c mniej' : 'Poka\u017c wi\u0119cej', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(MS, { title: 'Dlaczego IdoSell Apps wyprzedza konkurencj\u0119?', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie marketplace', }, layout_order: 'image_left', padding: '3rem 0 3rem 0', bgColor: 'grey', mt: 10, children: (0, We.jsxs)(We.Fragment, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)('p', { children: 'Jedn\u0105 z wa\u017cniejszych przewag IdoSell Apps nad konkurencyjnymi platformami jest mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 zastosowania elastycznego modelu rozlicze\u0144 za aplikacje.\xa0', }), (0, We.jsx)('p', { children: 'Dost\u0119p do IdoSell Apps dla merchant\xf3w jest bezp\u0142atny, natomiast koszty s\u0105 naliczane osobno za ka\u017cd\u0105 uruchomion\u0105 aplikacj\u0119, na zasadzie subskrypcji miesi\u0119cznej.\xa0Cena aplikacji jest ustalana przez jej dewelopera, co umo\u017cliwia zr\xf3\u017cnicowane oferty dostosowane do potrzeb sklep\xf3w internetowych. Dodatkowo, mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 darmowego testowania aplikacji, minimalizuje ryzyko zwi\u0105zane z inwestycjami w nowe narz\u0119dzia.', }), ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), (0, We.jsxs)(EC, { isOpen: i, onClose: r, size: '4xl', isCentered: !0, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(PC, {}), (0, We.jsxs)(sP, { padding: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(cP, {}), (0, We.jsx)(dP, { padding: 0, children: (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { padding: '8px', boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px 0px #00000026', width: '80px', height: '80px', marginBottom: '38px', children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.image.url, alt: null === l || void 0 === l || null === (n = l.image) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.alt, }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: { base: '1fr', md: '2fr 1fr', }, gap: '45px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '28px', md: '34px', }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '1.4', marginBottom: '10px', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.title, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '14px', md: '16px', }, fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: '1.4', marginBottom: '45px', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.description, }), (0, We.jsx)(Dy, { gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(3, 1fr)', marginBottom: '45px', height: '150px', gap: '10px', children: (null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.images) && e => (0, We.jsx)( 'img', { src: e.url, alt: e.alt, }, e.url, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: 'column', gap: '20px', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.33', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.longDescription, }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { padding: '20px', border: '4px solid rgba(238, 238, 238, 1)', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: { base: '18px', md: '26px', }, fontWeight: '600', lineHeight: '1.4', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l .price .value, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: { base: '14px', md: '16px', }, fontWeight: '300', lineHeight: '1.4', marginBottom: '20px', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l .price .adding, }, ), (0, We.jsx)( Cy, { href: '', target: '_blank', display: 'block', background: '#171717', color: 'white', padding: '10px 20px', marginBottom: '20px', textAlign: 'center', _hover: { textDecoration: 'none', color: 'white', }, children: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej', }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { marginBottom: '20px', flexDir: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '1.3', fontWeight: '700', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Rodzaj aplikacji', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '1.3', children: null !== l && void 0 !== l && null !== (a = l.app_type) && void 0 !== a && a.length ? e => (0, We.jsx)( xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', children: h( e, ), }, e, ), ) : (0, We.jsx)( _y, { children: 'Brak dost\u0119pnych typ\xf3w', }, ), }, ), ], }, ), (0, We.jsxs)( Sy, { marginBottom: '20px', flexDir: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '1.3', fontWeight: '700', marginBottom: '5px', children: 'Rodzaj licencji', }, ), (0, We.jsx)( _y, { fontSize: '12px', lineHeight: '1.3', children: null === l || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.license, }, ), ], }, ), ], }, ), }), ], }), ], }), }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }); } const vP = e => { let { title: t, image: n, href: a } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: a, title: t, target: '_blank', _hover: { textDecoration: 'none' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(xy, { bg: '#eee', p: 3, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', aspectRatio: '1', border: '1px solid #eee', _hover: { bg: 'white', border: '1px solid #eee' }, children: (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: n, alt: t, objectFit: 'contain' }), }), }); }, kP = e => { let { title: t, subtitle: n, tickList: a, buttons: i, tiles: o } = e; return (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: { base: 'column', md: 'row' }, gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { maxW: { md: '370px' }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { as: 'h2', fontSize: '34px', fontWeight: 'bold', mb: '10px', width: '100%', color: '#1AAC7A', children: t, }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', color: '#171717', mb: '20px', children: n, }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { mb: '50px', children:, t) => (0, We.jsxs)( xy, { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'start', justifyContent: 'start', mb: '10px', gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(xy, { w: '20px', height: '25px', children: (0, We.jsx)('svg', { style: { marginTop: '5px' }, width: '20', height: '21', viewBox: '0 0 20 21', fill: 'none', xmlns: '', children: (0, We.jsx)( 'path', { fillRule: 'evenodd', clipRule: 'evenodd', d: 'M11.058 13.8929L11.0655 13.9004L8.94418 16.0217L3.68945 10.767L5.81077 8.64565L8.9367 11.7716L16.5083 4.19995L18.6296 6.32127L11.058 13.8929Z', fill: '#171717', }, ), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', children: e.title, }), ], }, t, ), ), }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { children:, t) => (0, We.jsx)(Ak, { children: (0, We.jsx)(Tz, { style: e.variant, target: '_blank', href: e.href, children: e.title, }), }), ), }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { flex: '1', p: 5, children: (0, We.jsxs)(bE, { columns: { base: 2, sm: 3, md: 4 }, spacing: 5, children: [, t) => (0, We.jsx)( vP, { title: e.title, image: e.image, href: e.href, }, t, ), ), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { bg: 'white', border: '2px dashed gray', p: 3, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', aspectRatio: '1', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'ikona plus', objectFit: 'contain', mb: '10px', }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { mt: 2, fontSize: 'sm', color: 'gray.600', fontWeight: '600', children: 'Wkr\xf3tce', }), ], }), ], }), }), ], }), }); }; function jP(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Sprzeda\u017c wielokana\u0142owa i Multistore w\xa0IdoSell', subTitle: 'Dotrzyj do klient\xf3w tam, gdzie kupuj\u0105 najch\u0119tniej! Marketplace\u2019y, sklepy stacjonarne, por\xf3wnywarki cenowe i cross-border \u2013 sprzeda\u017c wielokana\u0142owa to wi\u0119kszy zasi\u0119g i wi\u0119cej mo\u017cliwo\u015bci.', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona multichannel', }, buttons: [ { title: 'Um\xf3w spotkanie', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDir: { base: 'column', lg: 'row' }, gap: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { src: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie sekcji z tickami', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { p: '30px', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '34px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', color: '#1AAC7A', mb: '30px', children: 'Wiele sklep\xf3w i wygodna obs\u0142uga zam\xf3wie\u0144 z jednego panelu IdoSell', }), (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '30px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', color: '#171717', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: '\u0141atwa obs\u0142uga zam\xf3wie\u0144 z r\xf3\u017cnych kana\u0142\xf3w', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Zam\xf3wienia z r\xf3\u017cnych sklep\xf3w znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w jednej, wsp\xf3lnej kolejce. Widzisz od razu wszystkie zdarzenia (nowe zam\xf3wienia, rejestracje klient\xf3w, reklamacje)', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'green.500', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '600', mb: '5px', children: 'Zarz\u0105dzanie magazynami dla wszystkich sklep\xf3w jednocze\u015bnie', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki wbudowanemu systemowi WMS mo\u017cesz wygodnie zarz\u0105dza\u0107 magazynami dla wszystkich sklep\xf3w jednocze\u015bnie', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Multistore - wiele sklep\xf3w w jednym panelu', subtitle: 'Zarz\u0105dzaj wieloma sklepami z jednego panelu IdoSell. Dzi\u0119ki wbudowanej opcji Multistore mo\u017cesz prosto i wygodnie zarz\u0105dza\u0107 wieloma sklepami, kt\xf3re obs\u0142uguj\u0105 r\xf3\u017cne waluty i j\u0119zyki.', tiles: [ { title: 'Sp\xf3jny proces realizacji zam\xf3wie\u0144', content: 'Jeden proces dla realizacji i zarz\u0105dzania zam\xf3wieniami upro\u015bci ich obs\u0142ug\u0119 oraz skr\xf3ci czas realizacji.', }, { title: 'Sprzeda\u017c w wielu miejscach', content: 'Multichannel, czyli sprzeda\u017c wielokana\u0142owa to dzi\u015b konieczno\u015b\u0107 w e-commerce. W Multistore od IdoSell mo\u017cesz mie\u0107 wiele punkt\xf3w odbior\xf3w i zarz\u0105dza\u0107 nimi z jednego miejsca.', }, { title: 'Kontrola sprzeda\u017cy ponad stan', content: 'Sprzeda\u017c w jednym sklepie oznacza natychmiastow\u0105 aktualizacj\u0119 informacji w pozosta\u0142ych sklepach. Dzi\u0119ki temu kontrolujesz stany magazynowe i nie sprzedasz produktu, kt\xf3rego nie posiadasz.', }, { title: 'Wy\u015bwietlanie towar\xf3w w r\xf3\u017cnych sklepach', content: 'Wygodnie i w prosty spos\xf3b mo\u017cesz wskaza\u0107, w kt\xf3rym sklepie lub sklepach wy\u015bwietla si\u0119 dany produkt (mo\u017cesz to robi\u0107 tak\u017ce zbiorowo za pomoc\u0105 Grupowej Edycji Produkt\xf3w)', }, { title: '\u0141atwe zarz\u0105dzanie cenami', content: 'Decydujesz w kt\xf3rych kana\u0142ach sprzedajesz towar w jakiej cenie. Masz mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 ustawiania r\xf3\u017cnych cen dla r\xf3\u017cnych sklep\xf3w', }, { title: 'Wsp\xf3lna baza produkt\xf3w', content: 'Baza produkt\xf3w jest wsp\xf3lna, dzi\u0119ki czemu \u0142atwo dostosujesz ofert\u0119. Ka\u017cdy tw\xf3j produkt w kilka sekund mo\u017ce pojawi\u0107 w ofercie dowolnego innego sklepu w panelu.', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { pt: 5, children: (0, We.jsx)(OE, { alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', background: '#1AAC7A', title: 'Sprzeda\u017c stacjonarna i online w jednym miejscu', subtitle: 'Po\u0142\u0105cz sw\xf3j sklep internetowy i stacjonarny w jednym nowoczesnym systemie POS. Zarz\u0105dzaj zam\xf3wieniami z r\xf3\u017cnych kana\u0142\xf3w i zwi\u0119ksz sprzeda\u017c bez wysi\u0142ku.', ctaButton: { label: 'Wypr\xf3buj POS', href: '#' }, image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Pani z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', }, imageResponsive: { base: { alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Pani z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', url: '', }, md: { alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Pani z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', url: '', }, }, tickItem: [ { title: 'Pe\u0142na integracja i sp\xf3jno\u015b\u0107 cen w sprzeda\u017cy online i offline', }, { title: 'Zaawansowane narz\u0119dzia do obs\u0142ugi klienta i synchronizacja magazyn\xf3w', }, { title: 'Sp\xf3jne promocje, oferty specjalne i towary gratisowe', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsx)(kP, { title: 'Sprzedawaj tam, gdzie s\u0105 Twoi klienci', subtitle: 'Dotrzyj do nowych klient\xf3w dzi\u0119ki integracji z marketplace\u2019ami i por\xf3wnywarkami cenowymi zar\xf3wno w Polsce, jak i zagranic\u0105', tickList: [ { title: 'Automatyczna aktualizacja cen i stan\xf3w magazynowych', }, { title: 'Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 dostosowania oferty pod ka\u017cdy kana\u0142', }, { title: 'Integracja z systemami logistycznymi i p\u0142atno\u015bciami', }, ], buttons: [ { title: 'Sprzedawaj na marketplace\u2019ach', href: '', variant: 'default', }, ], tiles: [ { title: 'Allegro', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Amazon', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Ebay', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Empik', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Ceneo', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Emag', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Erli', image: '', href: '#', }, { title: 'Nethansa', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Morele', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'CDISCOUNT', image: '', href: '', }, { title: 'Spartoo', image: '', href: '', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'right', title: 'Sprzedawaj bez granic z\xa0IdoSell', subtitle: 'Wejd\u017a na nowe rynki dzi\u0119ki nowoczesnym rozwi\u0105zaniom od IdoSell. Zyskaj klient\xf3w i otw\xf3rz sklep zagraniczny z dowoln\u0105 walut\u0105 i lokalnymi metodami p\u0142atno\u015bci', ctaButton: { title: 'Otw\xf3rz sklep zagraniczny', href: '#', variant: 'default', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '20px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', color: '#171717', marginBottom: '35px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'T\u0142umaczenie sklepu na ponad 30 j\u0119zyk\xf3w', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'Lokalne metody p\u0142atno\u015bci i wysy\u0142ki Integracje z marketplace\u2019ami i por\xf3wnywarkami', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'Sklep internetowy, kt\xf3ry spe\u0142nia wymogi prawne UE', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'SEO \u2013 ustaw osobne zestawy s\u0142\xf3w kluczowych dla ka\u017cdego j\u0119zyka', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'Integracje z marketplace\u2019ami i por\xf3wnywarkami', }), ], }), ], }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), }), ], }); } function SP(e) { return (0, We.jsxs)(fz, { theme: wy, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(zS, { $whiteColor: !0 }), (0, We.jsx)(Qz, { title: 'Spe\u0142niaj oczekiwania klient\xf3w. Usprawnij zwroty i reklamacje', subTitle: 'Zadbaj o najlepsze do\u015bwiadczenie pozakupowe dzi\u0119ki profesjonalnej obs\u0142udze zwrot\xf3w i reklamacji w Twoim sklepie internetowym.', image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie wyr\xf3\u017cniaj\u0105ce w hero - strona zwrot\xf3w', }, }), (0, We.jsx)('div', { className: 'homepage containerIdosellPages', children: (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { my: { base: 16, md: 20, xl: 24 }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: { base: 20, md: 24 }, children: [ (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Zyskaj lojalnych klient\xf3w.\xa0 Daj im swobod\u0119 zwrot\xf3w na\xa0ich warunkach', subtitle: 'Spraw, by zwroty by\u0142y proste zar\xf3wno dla Ciebie, jak i dla Twoich klient\xf3w.', tiles: [ { title: 'Oszcz\u0119dzaj czas', content: 'Automatyzuj procesy zwi\u0105zane ze zwrotami i zmniejsz liczb\u0119 zapyta\u0144 od klient\xf3w.\xa0Dzi\u0119ki temu oszcz\u0119dzisz czas i\xa0zasoby.', }, { title: 'Obni\u017caj koszty', content: 'Zwroty obs\u0142ugiwane s\u0105 wygodnie przez klienta z poziomu jego konta, Dzi\u0119ki temu zminimalizujesz wydatki zwi\u0105zane z obs\u0142ug\u0105 zwrot\xf3w.', }, { title: 'Zatrzymaj klient\xf3w', content: 'Udost\u0119pnij wygodne i elastyczne opcje zwrotu, kt\xf3re zbuduj\u0105 lojalno\u015b\u0107 klient\xf3w.', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(xy, { pt: 5, children: (0, We.jsx)(OE, { alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', background: '#1AAC7A', type: 'tick', title: 'Zwroty, kt\xf3re dzia\u0142aj\u0105 na Twoj\u0105 korzy\u015b\u0107', subtitle: 'Czy wiesz, \u017ce 80% kupuj\u0105cych online nie wr\xf3ci do e-sklepu po z\u0142ych do\u015bwiadczeniach zwi\u0105zanych ze zwrotami? Z kreatorem zwrot\xf3w w IdoSell zapewnisz szybkie i bezproblemowe zwroty, kt\xf3re zwi\u0119kszaj\u0105 zaufanie i lojalno\u015b\u0107 kupuj\u0105cych.', ctaButton: { label: 'Poznaj kreator zwrot\xf3w w IdoSell', href: '', type: 'link', }, image: { url: '', alt: 'Zdj\u0119cie Pani z za\u0142o\u017conymi r\u0119kami', }, tickItem: [ { title: 'Mniej pyta\u0144 od klient\xf3w \u2013 klienci mog\u0105 samodzielnie inicjowa\u0107 zwroty', }, { title: 'Pe\u0142na kontrola \u2013 przejrzysty system zarz\u0105dzania zwrotami w jednym miejscu', }, { title: 'Zgodno\u015b\u0107 z przepisami \u2013 bezpieczny i wygodny proces dla Ciebie i klient\xf3w', }, ], }), }), (0, We.jsxs)(Sy, { gap: 6, flexWrap: { base: 'wrap', lg: 'nowrap' }, children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { bg: '#E3E3E3', px: { base: '20px', lg: '50px' }, py: { base: '35px', lg: '74px' }, flex: '1', minW: { base: '100%', lg: '50%' }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { maxW: '170px', height: '66px', mb: '20px', src: '', }), (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h3', fontSize: { base: '24px', lg: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '36px', lg: '48px', }, mb: '20px', color: '#171717', children: 'Szybkie zwroty w IdoSell Broker', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '15px', lg: '16px' }, mb: '20px', color: '#171717', children: 'Us\u0142uga szybkie zwroty z InPost Paczkomaty umo\u017cliwia klientom samodzielne wygenerowanie formularza zwrotu oraz kodu nadania paczki, kt\xf3r\u0105 mog\u0105 wys\u0142a\u0107 z dowolnego Paczkomatu.\xa0\xa0Jako sprzedawca mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107, czy pokryjesz koszt zwrotu, czy odliczysz go od reklamacji lub zwrotu.\xa0', }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', bg: 'black', color: 'white', padding: '12px 45px', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Poznaj Idosell Broker', }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { bg: '#E3E3E3', px: { base: '20px', lg: '50px' }, py: { base: '35px', lg: '74px' }, flex: '1', minW: { base: '100%', lg: '50%' }, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(Lj, { maxW: '260px', height: '66px', mb: '20px', src: '', }), (0, We.jsx)(Qv, { as: 'h3', fontSize: { base: '24px', lg: '34px' }, lineHeight: { base: '36px', lg: '48px', }, mb: '20px', color: '#171717', children: 'Przesy\u0142ki zwrotne na\xa0umowach w\u0142asnych', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: { base: '15px', lg: '16px' }, mb: { base: '20px', lg: 'auto' }, color: '#171717', children: 'Oferuj przesy\u0142ki zwrotne na terenie ca\u0142ej UE. Szybko i wygodnie generuj etykiety zwrotne, kt\xf3re mo\u017cesz przekaza\u0107 bezpo\u015brednio po zakupie lub na \u017c\u0105danie.\xa0 UPS\u202f(przesy\u0142ki na terenie UE i krajowe)\xa0 Inpost Kurier\u202f(tylko przesy\u0142ki krajowe)\xa0 DHL Express\u202f(przesy\u0142ki na terenie UE)\xa0', }), (0, We.jsx)(Cy, { href: '', bg: 'black', color: 'white', padding: '12px 45px', textAlign: 'center', children: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Dk, { image: { url: '', }, boxSide: 'right', title: 'Zwroty Smile \u2013 proste i wygodne dla Ciebie i Twoich klient\xf3w ', ctaButton: { title: 'Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej', href: '#', variant: 'default', }, children: (0, We.jsx)(We.Fragment, { children: (0, We.jsxs)(kE, { spacing: '20px', fontSize: '18px', lineHeight: '27px', color: '#171717', marginBottom: '35px', children: [ (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', children: 'Mniej zapyta\u0144 do obs\u0142ugi klienta', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'Dzi\u0119ki Smile klienci mog\u0105 nada\u0107 zwrot w kilka sekund \u2013 bez drukowania etykiety i zb\u0119dnych formalno\u015bci.', }), ], }), ], }), (0, We.jsxs)(SE, { display: 'flex', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(EE, { as: _E, color: 'black', mr: '30px', mt: '5px', }), (0, We.jsxs)(xy, { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', children: [ (0, We.jsx)(_y, { fontSize: '21px', lineHeight: '31.5px', fontWeight: '600', color: '#171717', children: 'Wi\u0119ksza lojalno\u015b\u0107 kupuj\u0105cych', }), (0, We.jsx)(_y, { color: '', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '1.5', fontWeight: '400', mb: '5px', children: 'U\u0142atw swoim klientom proces zwrotu i spraw, by wracali na kolejne zakupy z u\u015bmiechem.', }), ], }), ], }), ], }), }), }), (0, We.jsx)(hk, { title: 'Szybkie i proste reklamacje w sklepie internetowym', subtitle: 'Zautomatyzuj proces reklamacji w swoim sklepie. Modu\u0142 Reklamacji IdoSell pozwala na szybkie rozpatrywanie zg\u0142osze\u0144 na podstawie zdj\u0119\u0107 i opis\xf3w usterki przes\u0142anych przez klient\xf3w. Zadbaj o to, by ka\u017cda reklamacja by\u0142a rozpatrywana szybko i profesjonalnie. Zyskaj zadowolonych i lojalnych klient\xf3w.', tiles: [ { title: 'Profesjonalna obs\u0142uga klienta', content: 'Na ka\u017cdym etapie reklamacji klient otrzymuje automatyczne powiadomienia o stanie zg\u0142oszenia, co zwi\u0119ksza jego zadowolenie i zaufanie do Twojego sklepu.', }, { title: 'Efektywne zarz\u0105dzanie reklamacjami', content: 'Szybko wyszukuj i przegl\u0105daj histori\u0119 reklamacji, analizuj cz\u0119stotliwo\u015b\u0107 zg\u0142osze\u0144 i najcz\u0119\u015bciej reklamowane produkty.', }, { title: 'Automatyczne korekty i faktury', content: 'Po zaakceptowaniu reklamacji system automatycznie generuje i wysy\u0142a faktur\u0119 koryguj\u0105c\u0105, oszcz\u0119dzaj\u0105c czas i eliminuj\u0105c b\u0142\u0119dy.', }, ], }), (0, We.jsx)(Kk, {}), ], }), }), ], }); } class EP extends e.Component { render() { return (0, We.jsx)(vy, {}); } } const _P = c(EP, e, i, { dashStyleAttributes: !0 }), CP = c(EP, e, i, { dashStyleAttributes: !1, shadow: !1 }); customElements.define('r2wc-composer-page', _P), customElements.define('r2wc-composer-page-shadow', CP); 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