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Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">‪Jon Kolbert‬</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. 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The appropriate syndication correction was that of "radio syndication." I have made the correction manually, but wanted to warn you so you can take proper steps in the future. Best wishes. --Saxonjf 03:59, 28 January 2006 (UTC) :Ahh, thank you for correcting that, I wasn't using a bot though, I just do them quickly. Anyway, I saw all the talk about ESPN and assumed television syndication I imagine. Thanks for fixing it :D - [[User:Cohesion|cohesion]]&lt;span style="color:#cc0033;">&amp;#9733;&lt;/span> [[User_talk:Cohesion|talk]] 05:38, 28 January 2006 (UTC) == [[Mark Twain Village]] == I see you have added some information to this article, but still without any references. (See my [[Talk:Mark Twain Village|discussion from a month ago]].) If you have any reliable references for the information in the article, ''please'' add them. Without references, adding information to an article makes it worse, not better; and when the information is explanations rather than stated facts, it looks like [[WP:original research|original research]] and so not acceptable at all. I have not attempted to edit the article, because if I removed unsourced statements, the entire text would go. It needs somebody who does know about it to give some references. --[[User:ColinFine|ColinFine]] 20:09, 7 May 2007 (UTC) == Orphaned non-free media (File:MetroNashvilleParks.jpg) == [[File:Ambox warning blue.svg|25px|link=]] Thanks for uploading '''[[:File:MetroNashvilleParks.jpg]]'''. The media description page currently specifies that it is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a [[WP:FU|claim of fair use]]. However, it is currently [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Orphanage|orphaned]], meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the media was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. [[WP:BOLD|You may add it back]] if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that media for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see [[Wikipedia:Non-free content#Policy|our policy for non-free media]]). If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'file' pages you have edited by clicking on the "[[Special:Contributions/{{PAGENAME}}|my contributions]]" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "File" from the dropdown box. Note that all non-free media not used in any '''articles''' will be deleted after seven days, as described on [[wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion#Files|criteria for speedy deletion]]. Thank you.&lt;!-- Template:Orphaned --> [[User:Melesse|Melesse]] ([[User talk:Melesse|talk]]) 09:13, 10 February 2011 (UTC) {{WikiProject Conservatism invite|Signature=&amp;ndash; [[user:Lionelt|Lionel]] &lt;sup>([[user talk:Lionelt|talk]])&lt;/sup> 09:31, 12 July 2011 (UTC)}} {| style="border: 4px solid blue; padding: 3px; width: 80%; min-width: 700px; background: light blue; line-height: 16px; font-size: 95%;" align=center | colspan="2" | [[Image:Edmund_Burke2_c.jpg|right|80px]] &lt;big>'''Welcome to [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|WikiProject Conservatism]]!'''&lt;/big> We are a growing community of editors dedicated to identifying, categorizing, and improving articles related to [[conservatism]]. Here's how you can get involved: * Many important discussions take place on the project's [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism|main discussion page]]; it is highly recommended that you [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|action=watch}} watchlist it]. * Check the [[Special:RecentChangesLinked/Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|Recent changes]] for vandalism and violations of the [[WP:NPOV|neutral point of view policy]]. * Add the project banner {{tl|WikiProject Conservatism}} to [[conservatism]]-related articles, and [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Conservatism/Help#Assessment|assess]] them as well. * Join fellow members in editing our project-wide [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/Collab|article collaboration]] (the current one is {{Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/Collab/Current}}). * Cleanup some of the articles [ listed for cleanup]. * Check out the [[WP:WikiProject Conservatism/to do|to do list]] and complete some of the tasks. If you have any questions, feel free to [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism|ask on the talk page]], and we will be happy to help you. And once again - Welcome! &lt;br /> - &amp;ndash; [[user:Lionelt|Lionel]] &lt;sup>([[user talk:Lionelt|talk]])&lt;/sup> 08:55, 28 August 2011 (UTC) |} == The Right Stuff: September 2011 == &lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:15px 30px;">&lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:7px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/September 2011]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%; color:#333;">September 2011&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;div style="padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;"> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%; "> &lt;!-- STORY #1 --> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">FROM THE EDITOR&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">An Historic Milestone&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;"> &lt;small>By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br>&lt;/small> Welcome to the inaugural issue of ''The Right Stuff'', the newsletter of [[WP:RIGHT|WikiProject Conservatism]]. The Project has developed at a breakneck speed since it was created on February 12, 2011 with the edit summary, "Let's roll!" With over 50 members the need for a project newsletter is enormous. With over 3000 articles to watch, an active talk page and numerous critical discussions spread over various noticeboards, it has become increasingly difficult to manage the information overload. The goal of ''The Right Stuff'' is to help you keep up with the changing landscape. ''The Right Stuff'' is a newsletter consisting of original reporting. Writers will use a [[byline]] to "sign" their contributions. Just as with ''[[WP:Wikipedia Signpost/About|The Signpost]]'', "guidelines such as '[[WP:OWN|no ownership of articles]]', and particularly '[[WP:OR|no original research]]', will not necessarily apply." WikiProject Conservatism has a bright future ahead: this newsletter will allow us tell the story. All that's left to say is: "Let's roll!" &lt;/div> &lt;/div> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;!-- STORY #2 --> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">PROJECT NEWS&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">New Style Guide Unveiled&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;"> &lt;small>By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br>&lt;/small> A new style guide to help standardize editing was rolled out. It focuses on concepts, people and organizations from a conservatism perspective. The guide features detailed article layouts for several types of articles. You can help improve it [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/Style guide|here]]. The Project's Article Collaboration currently has two nominations, but they don't appear to be generating much interest. You can get involved with the Collaboration [[WP:RIGHT/C|here]]. I am pleased to report that we have two new members: [[user:Rjensen|Rjensen]] and [[user:Soonersfan168|Soonersfan168]]. Rjensen is a professional historian and has access to [[JSTOR]]. Soonersfan168 says he is a "young conservative who desires to improve Wikipedia!" Unfortunately we will be seeing less of [[user:Geofferybard|Geofferybard]], as he has announced his semi-retirement. We wish him well. Be sure to stop by their talk pages and drop off some [[WP:Wikilove|Wikilove]]. &lt;/div> &lt;/div> &lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> ----- &lt;!-- STORY #3 --> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;padding-top:10px; ">[[File:Richard Nixon.jpg|130px|right|border]]ARTICLE REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">3,000th Article Tagged&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;"> &lt;small>By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br>&lt;/small> On August 3rd [[Peter Oborne]], a British journalist, became the Project's 3,000th tagged article. It is a tribute to the membership that we have come this far this quickly. The latest Featured Article is [[Richard Nixon]]. Our congratulations to [[user:Wehwalt|Wehwalt]] for a job well done. The article with the most page views was [[Rick Perry]] with 887,389 views, not surprising considering he announced he was running for president on August 11th. Follwing Perry were [[Michele Bachmann]] and [[Tea Party movement]]. The Project was ranked 75th based on total edits, which is up from 105th in July. The article with the most edits was [[Republican Party (United States) presidential primaries, 2012]] with 374 edits. An RFC regarding candidate inclusion criteria generated much interest on the talk page. &lt;/div> &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; color:#444; width:100%;" | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|Project]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[P:RIGHT|Portal]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/About us|Join]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Archives|Archives]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Subscriptions|Subscribe]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;br/> &lt;!-- EdwardsBot 0182 --> == ''The Right Stuff:'' October 2011 == &lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:15px 30px;">&lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:7px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/September 2011]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%; color:#333;">October 2011&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;div style="padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;"> &lt;!-- LEFT PANEL --> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%; "> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">INTERVIEW&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">An Interview with Dank&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> [[File:US-O12 insignia.svg|right|75px]] ''The Right Stuff'' caught up with [[user:Dank|Dank]], the recently elected Lead Coordinator of [[WP:MILHIST|WikiProject Military History]]. MILHIST is considered by many to be one of the most successful projects in the English Wikipedia. '''Q: Tell us a little about yourself.'''&lt;br> '''A''': I'm Dan, a Wikipedian since 2007, from North Carolina. I started out with an interest in history, robotics, style guidelines, and copyediting. These days, I'm the lead coordinator for the Military History Project and a reviewer of Featured Article Candidates. I've been an administrator and maintained [[WP:Update]], a summary of policy changes, since 2008. '''Q: What is your experience with WikiProjects?'''&lt;br> '''A''': I guess I'm most familiar with [[WP:MILHIST]] and [[WP:SHIPS]], and I'm trying to get up to speed at [[WP:AVIATION]]. I've probably talked with members of most of the wikiprojects at one time or another. '''Q: What makes a WikiProject successful?'''&lt;br> '''A''': A lot of occasional contributors who think of the project as fun rather than work, a fair number of people willing to write or review articles, a small core of like-minded people who are dedicated to building and maintaining the project, and access to at least a few people who are familiar with reviewing standards and with Wikipedia policies and guidelines. '''Q: Do you have any tips for increasing membership?'''&lt;br> '''A''': Aim for a consistent, helpful and professional image. Let people know what the project is doing and what they could be doing, but don't push. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- RIGHT PANEL --> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;br>&lt;br>&lt;br>&lt;br> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> If you've got a core group interested in building a wikiproject, it helps if they do more listening than talking at first ... find out what people are trying to do, and offer them help with whatever it is. Some wikiprojects build membership by helping people get articles through the review processes. &lt;/div> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">[[File:UK Pro-life demonstrators.jpg|right|180px]] DISCUSSION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Abortion Case Plods Along&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> The arbitration request submitted by [[user:Steven Zhang|Steven Zhang]] moved into its second month. The case, which evaluates user conduct, arose from contentious discussions regarding the naming of the [[Pro-life]] and [[Pro-choice]] articles, and a related issue pertaining to the inclusion of "death" in the lede of [[Abortion]]. A number of members are involved. On the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion/Evidence|Evidence]] page [[user:ArtifexMayhem|ArtifexMahem]] posted a table indicating that [[user:DMSBel|DMSBel]] made the most edits to the Abortion article. DMSBel has announced their semi-retirement. Fact finding regarding individual editor behavior has begun in earnest on the[[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion/Workshop|Workshop]] page. &lt;p> Last month it was [[Wikipedia:Village_pump_(proposals)/Archive_76#Dispute_resolution_noticeboard_-_Stage_2|decided]] that due to the success of the new [[WP:DRN|Dispute Resolution Noticeboard]] the [[WP:CNB|Content Noticeboard]] would be shut down. [[WP:WQA|Wikiquette Assistance]] will remain active. The DRN is primarily intended to resolve content disputes. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- BOTTOM PANEL --> &lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">PROJECT NEWS&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Article Incubator Launched&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> Was your article deleted in spite of your best efforts to save it? You should consider having a copy [[WP:REFUND|restored]] to the [[WP:RIGHT/I|Incubator]] where project members can help improve it. Upon meeting content criteria, articles are graduated to mainspace. The Incubator is also ideal for collaborating on new article drafts. [[wp:WikiProject Conservatism/Incubator/Star Parker|Star Parker]] is the first addition to the incubator. The article was deleted per WP:POLITICIAN. [[file:Wiki-commons.png|95px|right]]&lt;p> WikiProject Conservatism is expanding. We now have a [[commons:commons:WikiProject Conservatism|satellite on Commons]]. Any help in categorizing images or in getting the fledgling project off the ground is appreciated.&lt;p> We have a few new members who joined the project in September. Please give a hearty welcome to [[user:Conservative Philosopher|Conservative Philosopher]], [[user:Screwball23|Screwball23]] and [[user:Regushee|Regushee]] by showing them some [[WP:Wikilove|Wikilove]]. Screwball23 has been on WikiPedia for five years and has made major improvements to [[Linda McMahon]]. Regushee is not one for idle chit chat: an amazing 93% of their edits are in article space. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; color:#444; width:100%;" | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|Project]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[P:RIGHT|Portal]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/About us|Join]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Archives|Archives]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Subscriptions|Subscribe]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;br/> &lt;!-- EdwardsBot 0194 --> == ''The Right Stuff:'' November 2011 == &lt;!-- for {{subst:x}} use {{subst:subst1}}x}} see [] -->&lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:15px 30px;">&lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:7px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/November 2011]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%; color:#333;">{{#time:F Y|{{#titleparts:{{WP:TRS Current}}| | -1}} + 1 months}}&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;div style="padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;"> &lt;!-- LEFT PANEL --> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">PROJECT NEWS&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">WikiProject Conservatism faces the ultimate test&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%; "> On October 7, WikiProject Conservatism was [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|nominated for deletion]] by member [[user:Binksternet|Binksternet]]. He based his rationale on what he described as an undefinable scope, stating that the project is "at its root undesirable". Of the 40 participants in the discussion, some agreed that the scope was problematic; however, they felt it did not justify deletion of the project. A number of participants suggested moving the project to "WikiProject American conservatism". The overwhelming sentiment was expressed by [[user:Guerillero|Guerillero]] who wrote: "A project is a group of people. This particular group does great work in their topic area[,] why prevent them from doing this[?]" In the end there was negligible opposition to the project and the result of the discussion was "Keep". The proceedings of the deletion discussion were picked up by ''[[Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2011-10-17/News and notes|The Signpost]]'', calling the unfolding drama "the first MfD of its kind". ''The Signpost'' observed that attempting to delete an active project was unprecedented. The story itself became a source of controversy which played out at the [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2011-10-17/News and notes#Wikiproject Conservatism MfD|Discuss This Story]] section, and also at the {{Plainlink|url=;action=historysubmit&amp;diff=456469755&amp;oldid=456159509|name=author's talk page}}. Two days after the project was nominated, the [[P:RIGHT|Conservatism Portal]] was also [[Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Conservatism|nominated for deletion]] as "too US-biased". There was no support for deletion amongst the 10 participants, with one suggestion to rename the portal. [[File:BurkeReflections.jpg|right|50px]] In other news, a [[s:Portal:Conservatism|new portal]] focusing on conservatism has been created at WikiSource. Wikisource is an online library of free content publications with 254,051 accessible texts. One highlight of the portal's content is ''[[s:Reflections on the Revolution in France|Reflections on the Revolution in France]]'' by [[Edmund Burke]]. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- RIGHT PANEL --> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> October saw a 6.4% increase in new members, bringing the total membership to 58. Seven of the eight new members joined after October 12; the deletion discussions may have played a role in the membership spike. [[User:Mwhite148|Mwhite148]] is a member of the [[Conservative Party (UK)|UK Conservative Party]]. Stating that he is not a conservative, [[user:Kleinzach|Kleinzach]] noted his "lifetime interest in British, European and international politics." Let's all make an effort to welcome the new members with an outpouring of [[wp:Wikilove|Wikilove]]. ''Click {{Plain link|{{fullurl:WP:WikiProject Conservatism|action=watch}}|here}} to keep up to date on all the happenings at WikiProject Conservatism.'' &lt;/div> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> [[File:TeaPartyByFreedomFan.JPG|right|110px]] DISCUSSION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Timeline of conservatism is moved&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> Timeline of conservatism, a Top-importance list, was [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Timeline of conservatism|nominated for deletion]] on October 3. The nominator stated that since conservatism in an "ambiguous concept", the timeline suffers from original research. There were a number of "Delete", as well as "Keep" votes. The closing administrator reasoned that consensus dictated that the list be renamed. The current title is [[Timeline of modern American conservatism]]. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- BOTTOM PANEL --> &lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> &lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; color:#444; width:100%;" | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|Project]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[P:RIGHT|Portal]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/About us|Join]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Archives|Archives]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Subscriptions|Subscribe]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;br/> &lt;!-- EdwardsBot 0205 --> == ''The Right Stuff:'' January 2012 == &lt;!-- for {{subst:x}} use {{subst:subst1}}x}} see [] -->&lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:15px 30px;">&lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:7px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/January 2012]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%; color:#333;">January 2012&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;div style="padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;"> &lt;!-- TOP PANEL --> &lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">ARTICLE REPORT&lt;br />[[File:The Conservatism Portal-screenshot 02-07-12.jpg|200px|right]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Wikipedia's Newest Featured Portal: Conservatism&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> On January 21, [[The Conservatism Portal]] was promoted to [[WP:Featured Portal|Featured Portal (FP)]] due largely to the contributions of Lionelt. This is the first Featured content produced by WikiProject Conservatism. The road to Featured class was rocky. An earlier nomination for FP failed, and in October the portal was "Kept" after being nominated for deletion. Member [[user:Eisfbnore|Eisfbnore]] significantly contributed to the successful [[WP:Good Article|Good Article]] nomination of Norwegian journalist and newspaper editor [[Nils Vogt (journalist)|Nils Vogt]] in December. Eisfbnore also created the article. In January another Project article was promoted to [[WP:Featured Article|Featured Article]]. [[Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias]], a president of Brazil, attained Featured class with significant effort by [[user:Lecen|Lecen]]. The [[WP:RIGHT/I|Article Incubator]] saw its first graduation in November. A collaboration spearheaded by [[user:Mzk1|Mzk1]] and [[user:Trackerseal|Trackerseal]] successfully developed [[Star Parker]] to pass the notability guideline. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> ----- &lt;!-- LEFT PANEL --> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%; "> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">PROJECT NEWS&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Project Scope Debated&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> Another [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism#Scope (Part II): Endorsements|discussion]] addressing the project scope began in December. Nine alternatives were presented in the contentious, sometimes heated discussion. Support was divided between keeping the exitsing scope, or adopting a scope with more specificity. Some opponents of the specific scope were concerned that it was too limiting and would adversely affect project size. About twenty editors participated in the discussion. Inclusion of the article [[Ku Klux Klan]] (KKK) was [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/Archive 5#Ku Klux Klan|debated]]. Supporters for inclusion cited sources describing the KKK as "conservative." The article was excluded with more than 10 editors participating. [[File:Me2011.jpg|left|80px]] Project membership continues to grow. There are currently 73 members. Member [[user:Goldblooded|Goldblooded]] ''(pictured)'' volunteers for the [[Conservative Party (UK)|UK Conservative Party]] and [[User:JohnChrysostom|JohnChrysostom]] is a [[Christian Democrat]]. [[user:North8000|North8000]] is interested in libertarianism. We won't tell [[WP:Libertarianism|WikiProject Libertarianism]] he's [[slumming]]. Let's stop by their talkpages and share some [[WP:Wikilove|Wikilove]]. ''Click {{Plain link|{{fullurl:WP:WikiProject Conservatism|action=watch}}|here}} to keep up to date on all the happenings at WikiProject Conservatism.'' &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- RIGHT PANEL --> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; ">DISCUSSION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:190%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Why is Everyone Talking About Rick Santorum?&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 85%;"> By [[user:Lionelt|Lionelt]]&lt;br>&lt;br> [[File:Rick Santorum by Gage Skidmore.jpg|80px|left]] Articles about the GOP presidential candidate and staunch traditional marriage supporter have seen an explosion of discussion. On January 8 an RFC was opened [[Talk:Campaign for "santorum" neologism#RfC|(here)]] to determine if Dan Savage's website link should be included in [[Campaign for "santorum" neologism]]. The next day the [[Rick Santorum]] article itself was the subject of an RFC [[talk:Rick Santorum#BLP and inclusion/exclusion of the neologism|(here)]] to determine if including the Savage neologism was a violation of the [[WP:BLP|BLP policy]]. Soon after a third was opened [[Talk:Santorum controversy regarding homosexuality#Proposed merger of Campaign for "santorum" neologism into Santorum controversy regarding homosexuality|(here)]] at [[Santorum controversy regarding homosexuality]]. This RFC proposes merging the [[Campaign for "santorum" neologism|neologism article]] into the [[Santorum controversy regarding homosexuality|controversy article]]. The Abortion case [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Abortion/Proposed decision|closed]] in November after 15 weeks of contentious arbitration. The remedies include semi-protection of all abortion articles (numbering 1,500), sanctions for some editors including members of this Project, and a provision for a discussion to determine the names of what are colloquially known as the [[pro-life]] and [[pro-choice]] articles. The Committee endorsed the "1 revert rule" for abortion articles. &lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;/div> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%; border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; color:#444; width:100%;" | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|Project]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[P:RIGHT|Portal]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/About us|Join]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Archives|Archives]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News#Subscriptions|Subscribe]] | width="14%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;br/> &lt;!-- EdwardsBot 0228 --> == Upcoming Wikimedia events in Missouri and Kansas! == You're invited to 3 exciting events Wikipedians are planning in your region this June—a [[Wikipedia:Meetup/NARA 5|tour and meetup at the National Archives in Kansas City]], and Wiknics in [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Wichita|Wichita]] and [[Wikipedia:Meetup/St. Louis|St. Louis]]: {|style="border: 3px solid #6881b9; margin: 0.5em; padding: 0.5em; border-radius: 8px;" cellpadding="5" width=80% ! colspan=2 | |- | valign=top| ;[[Wikipedia:Meetup/NARA 5|Kansas City]] :''Saturday, June 16, starting at 9 a.m.'' — [ National Archives in Kansas City] * This full-day event will include a tour of the facility; presentations from National Archives Wikipedian-in-Residence, [[User:Dominic|Dominic McDevitt-Parks]], and Exhibit Specialist, Dee Harris; and time in the research room to work on projects. The focus of the projects will be scanning, writing articles, transcribing, or categorizing images on Commons. &lt;br/>&lt;br/> Wikipedians from St. Louis and elsewhere in the region are encouraged to make a day-trip of it and come to Kansas City for this special opportunity!&lt;br/>&lt;br/> ---- |[[File:US-NARA-Seal.svg|center|150px]] |- | rowspan=2 valign=top | And two local editions of the [[Wikipedia:Wiknic|Great American Wiknic]], the "picnic anyone can edit." Come meet (and geek out with, if you want) your local Wikipedians in a laid-back atmosphere: ; [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Wichita|Wichita]] : ''Saturday, June 23, starting at 1 p.m. — [ Central Riverside Park]'' *Join the 1st annual Wichita Wiknic: The Sunflower State blooms Free Knowledge! ; [[Wikipedia:Meetup/St. Louis|St. Louis]] : ''Saturday, June 23, starting at 11 a.m. — [,+Mo. Forest Park Visitors' Center]'' *Join the 2nd annual St Louis Wiknic: The Gateway to the West is now The Gateway to the Wiki! |[[File:Wiknic logo.svg|center|200px]] |} &lt;small> Message delivered by [[User:Dominic|Dominic]]·[[User talk:Dominic|t]] 20:14, 24 May 2012 (UTC) &lt;/small> ==Disambiguation link notification for August 27== Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited [[Rey Cross]], you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page [[Penrith]] ([[tools:~dispenser/cgi-bin/|check to confirm]]&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp;[[tools:~dispenser/cgi-bin/|fix with Dab solver]]). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. &lt;small>Read the [[User:DPL bot/Dablink notification FAQ|FAQ]]{{*}} Join us at the [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links|DPL WikiProject]].&lt;/small> It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these [[User:DPL bot|opt-out instructions]]. Thanks, [[User:DPL bot|DPL bot]] ([[User talk:DPL bot|talk]]) 11:26, 27 August 2012 (UTC) == wb == {{wb|}} --[[User:Joe Decker|j⚛e decker]][[User talk:Joe Decker|&lt;sup>&lt;small>&lt;i>talk&lt;/i>&lt;/small>&lt;/sup>]] 16:37, 27 August 2012 (UTC) ==Come to the First Topeka Meetup, January 15!== [[File:Wikipedia Day 2013 Topeka.png|thumb]] Come celebrate Wikipedia Day with other Kansas Wikipedians sponsored by [[meta:Wikimedia_United_States_Chapters_Council#WALRUS_committee| Wikimedians Active in Local Regions in the United States]] (WALRUS) and hosted by the Topeka and Shawnee Public Library. Come chat, hang out and enjoy good company while find out more about Wikipedia in our regional community! RSVP at [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Topeka/Wikipedia_Day]]. If you can't come, but still want to find out about events in the greater Topeka region (which may include KC, Manhattan, Lawrence, Salina, or other places where volunteers are interested) sign up for future notifications at [[Wikipedia:Meetup/Topeka/Invite list]]. Hope to see you there [[User:Sadads|Sadads]] ([[User talk:Sadads|talk]]) 20:19, 18 December 2012 (UTC) == [[:Area Code 629]] == Hello {{BASEPAGENAME}}, It seems to me that an article you worked on, [[:Area Code 629]], may be copied from It's entirely possible that I made a mistake, but I wanted to let you know because Wikipedia is strict about [[Wikipedia:Copy-paste|copying from other sites]]. It's important that you [{{urlencode:Area Code 629}}&amp;action=edit edit the article] and rewrite it in your own words, unless you're absolutely certain nothing in it is copied. If you're not sure how to fix the problem or have any questions, there are people at [[WP:help desk|the help desk]] who are happy to assist you. Thank you for helping build a free encyclopedia! [[User:MadmanBot|MadmanBot]] ([[User talk:MadmanBot|talk]]) 22:52, 24 October 2013 (UTC) ==Disambiguation link notification for August 15== Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited [[Old Bridge (Heidelberg)]], you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page [[German]]. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. &lt;small>Read the [[User:DPL bot/Dablink notification FAQ|FAQ]]{{*}} Join us at the [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links|DPL WikiProject]].&lt;/small> It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these [[User:DPL bot|opt-out instructions]]. Thanks, [[User:DPL bot|DPL bot]] ([[User talk:DPL bot|talk]]) 09:39, 15 August 2015 (UTC) == [[WP:ACE2015|ArbCom elections are now open!]] == {{Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2015/MassMessage}} [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 13:00, 23 November 2015 (UTC) &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Mdann52@enwiki using the list at;oldid=691991546 --> == Europe 10,000 Challenge invite == Hi. The [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Europe/The 10,000 Challenge]] has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland [[Wikipedia:The 10,000 Challenge]]. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like Germany, Italy, the Benelux countries, Iberian Peninsula, Romania, Slovenia etc, much like [[Wikipedia:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic)]]. For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. If you would like to see masses of articles being improved for Europe and your specialist country like [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon]], sign up today and once the challenge starts a contest can be organized. This is a way we can target every country of Europe, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant and also sign under any country sub challenge on the page that you might contribute to! Thank you. --[[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 21:09, 7 November 2016 (UTC) &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Ser Amantio di Nicolao@enwiki using the list at;oldid=748363836 --> == Wikipedia:WikiProject United States/The 50,000 Challenge == {{Template:50k Invite}}--[[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 02:37, 8 November 2016 (UTC) &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Ser Amantio di Nicolao@enwiki using the list at;oldid=748412585 --> == [[WP:ACE2016|ArbCom Elections 2016]]: Voting now open! == {{Ivmbox|Hello, Saxonjf. Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2016|2016 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2016/Candidates|the candidates' statements]] and submit your choices on '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/399|the voting page]]'''. [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) |Scale of justice 2.svg|imagesize=40px}} &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Mdann52 bot@enwiki using the list at;oldid=750547185 --> ==NRHP stuff== Hi, I noticed your new [[Estes Kefauver Federal Building and United States Courthouse]] article about a recently-listed National Register property, which is great, then I found my way also to your older article [[Jefferson Davis State Historic Site]] about another National Register site. At the latter, I added a NRHP nomination document reference from 1973 and a limited claim to the lede. Perhaps I over-qualified the claim and it could be more broadly stated, as I see further down in the article that there is claim that the monument is the tallest in the world of its type. Certainly a world-wide claim is worth stating in the lede. :) I note your interest in history and perhaps generally in history of Tennessee and Kentucky. You'd be very welcome as a member of [[wp:NRHP|WikiProject NRHP]], in which I am active, and/or to post at [[wt:NRHP]]. TN and KY are quite a bit less-developed than other states, in terms of NRHP coverage, which can be seen graphically at [[wp:NRHPprogress]]. Any which way, thanks for your contributions, and keep up the good work! cheers, --[[User:doncram|&lt;span style="color:maroon;">do&lt;/span>]][[User talk:Doncram|&lt;span style="color:green;">ncr&lt;/span>]][[Special:Contributions/doncram|&lt;span style="color:maroon;">am&lt;/span>]] 23:33, 9 December 2016 (UTC) == The Daily Wire == I removed them because people aren't categorized by their works; however, I've created [[:Category:The Daily Wire people]], and added them there. [[User:Trivialist|Trivialist]] ([[User talk:Trivialist|talk]]) 23:26, 17 October 2017 (UTC) == [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/The World Contest|Women in Red World Contest]] == Hi. We're into the last five days of the [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/The World Contest|Women in Red World Contest]]. There's a new bonus prize of $200 worth of books of your choice to win for creating the most new women biographies between 0:00 on the 26th and 23:59 on 30th November. If you've been contributing to the contest, thank you for your support, we've produced over 2000 articles. If you haven't contributed yet, we would appreciate you taking the time to add entries to our articles achievements list by the end of the month. Thank you, and if participating, good luck with the finale! &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Ser Amantio di Nicolao@enwiki using the list at;oldid=812113507 --> == ArbCom 2017 election voter message == {{Ivmbox|Hello, Saxonjf. Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2017|2017 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2017/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/400|voting page]]'''. [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) |Scale of justice 2.svg|imagesize=40px}} &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Xaosflux@enwiki using the list at;oldid=813407029 --> == A page you started (Libido (1965 film)) has been reviewed! == Thanks for creating [[Libido (1965 film)]], Saxonjf! Wikipedia editor [[User:Boleyn|Boleyn]] just reviewed your page, and wrote this note for you: &lt;blockquote>Imdb is a banned source at [[WP:RELIABLESOURCES]].&lt;/blockquote> To reply, leave a comment on Boleyn's [[User talk:Boleyn|talk page]]. &lt;small>Learn more about [[Wikipedia:New Pages Feed/Help|page curation]].&lt;/small> [[User:Boleyn|Boleyn]] ([[User talk:Boleyn|talk]]) 20:12, 15 April 2018 (UTC) == ''The Right Stuff'' June 2018 == &lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:5px 5px;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:6px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/June 2018]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%;">June 2018&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- LEFT-HAND SIDE --> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> FROM THE EDITOR&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">The Right Stuff Returns&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} Fellow members, I'm pleased to announce the return of the newsletter of [[WP:WikiProject Conservatism|WikiProject Conservatism]]. And considering the recent [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2018-04-26/From_the_editors|downsizing at ''The Signpost'']] the timing could not be better. ''The Right Stuff'' will help keep you apprised of what's happening in conservatism at Wikipedia and in the world. ''The Right Stuff'' welcomes submissions including position pieces, instructional articles, or short essays addressing important conservatism-related issues. Post submissions [[Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Conservatism/News|here]]. Add the [[WT:RYT|Project Discussion]] page to your watchlist for the latest updates at WikiProject Conservatism {{Clickable button 2|Watch|url={{fullurl:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject_Conservatisam|action=watch}}|style=line-height: 1.5em; padding: 0 1em 0 1em}} [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> ARBITRATION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Russian Agents Editing at American Politics?&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} After a ''series of unfortunate events'' largely self-created, bureaucrat and admin {{u|Andrevan}} was the subject of an [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests#Advanced_permissions_of_Andrevan|Arbitration case]] for conduct unbecoming. Prior to the case getting underway Andrevan resigned as bureaucrat and admin. A widely discussed incident was when he suggested that some editors he described as "pro-Trump" were paid Russian agents. This resulted in a number of editors from varied quarters denouncing the allegations and voicing support for veteran editors including {{u|Winkelvi}} and the notorious {{u|MONGO}}. Editors who faced Enforcement action include {{u|SPECIFICO}} (no action), {{u|Factchecker atyourservice}} (three month topic ban ARBAPDS), {{u|Netoholic}} (no action) and {{u|Anythingyouwant}} (indef topic ban ARBAPDS). [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> &lt;/div>&lt;!-- RIGHT-HAND SIDE --> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> IN THE MEDIA&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Breitbart Versus Wikipedia&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} ''[[Breitbart News]]'', in response to Facebook's decision to use Wikipedia as a source to fight fake news, has declared war on our beloved pedia. The [ article in ''Haaretz''] describes the Facebook arrangement as Wikipedia's "greatest test in years" as well as a "massive threat" to the encyclopedia that anyone can edit. ''Breitbart's'' targeting of Wikipedia has resulted in an "epic battle" with respect to editing at the Breitbart article. The article has also recently experienced a dramatic increase in traffic with 50,000 visitors according to ''Haaretz''. There is no love lost between ''Breitbart'' and Wikipedia where editors at the [[Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Noticeboard|Reliable Sources Noticeboard]] have criticized the news websites unreliability and have compared it to ''The Daily Mail''. [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> DISCUSSION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Liberty and Trump and Avi, Oh my!&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} &lt;div id="mp-tfa-img" style="float: left; margin: 0.5em 0.9em 0.4em 0em;">{{main page image|President_Trump_speaking_at_Liberty_University_commencement.jpg|width=220|''President Donald Trump Speaks at Liberty University Commencement Ceremony''|title=Liberty is one of the largest Christian universities in the world and the largest private non-profit university in the United States. Described as a "bastion of the Christian right" in American politics, the university plays a prominent role in Republican politics. President Donald J. Trump gave his first college commencement speech as sitting president at Liberty University.}}&lt;!-- copied from;oldid=844931767--> &lt;/div>There are several [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Conservatism/Article_alerts|open discussions]] at the Project: {{Block indent|left=0.2|1=&lt;nowiki /> * There is an RFC regarding [[Liberty University]] and its relationship to President Trump; see [[Talk:Liberty_University#rfctag|discussion]] * Activist and commentator [[Avi Yemini]] is listed at AFD; see [[Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Avi_Yemini_(2nd_nomination)|discussion]] }}Recently closed discussions include [[Anti-abortion movements]] which was [[Talk:Anti-abortion_movements#reqmovetag|not renamed]], and an [[Talk:Trump–Russia_dossier#RFC_on_stating_no_public_evidence_of_collusion|RFC]] at [[Trump–Russia dossier]]. [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> &lt;/div>&lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; width:100%;" | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|WPConservatism]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism|Discuss a story]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/Subscribe|Unsubscribe]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;small>Delivered: 11:12, 12 June 2018 (UTC)&lt;/small> &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Lionelt@enwiki using the list at;oldid=845519790 --> == ''The Right Stuff:'' July 2018 == &lt;!-- HEADER --> &lt;div style="background-color:#FFFACD;"> &lt;!--:#FFFACD #FFF--> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:5px 5px;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Wedding Text, Linotext, Old English Text MT, serif; font-size:58px; line-height:69px; padding-bottom:6px;">[[File:The right stuff.png|center|270px|alt=The Right Stuff|link=Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/July 2018]]&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:100%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;">&lt;span style="white-space:nowrap; line-height:120%; font-size:155%;">July 2018&lt;br />&lt;/span>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;!-- LEFT-HAND SIDE --> &lt;div style="float:left; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> DISCUSSION REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">WikiProject Conservatism Comes Under Fire&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} WikiProject Conservatism was a [[Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/IncidentArchive985#Vote_stacking_concern|topic of discussion]] at the Administrators' Noticeboard/Incident (AN/I). Objective3000 started a thread where he expressed concern regarding the number of RFC notices posted on the Discussion page suggesting that such notices "could result in swaying consensus by selective notification." Several editors participated in the relatively abbreviated six hour discussion. The assertion that the project is a "club for conservatives" was countered by editors listing examples of users who "profess no political persuasion." It was also noted that notification of WikiProjects regarding ongoing discussions is explicitly permitted by the [[WP:Canvassing]] guideline. At one point the discussion segued to feedback about ''The Right Stuff.'' Member SPECIFICO wrote: "One thing I enjoy about the Conservatism Project is the handy newsletter that members receive on our talk pages." Atsme praised the newsletter as "first-class entertainment...BIGLY...first-class...nothing even comes's amazing." Some good-natured sarcasm was offered with Objective3000 observing, "Well, they got the color right" and MrX's followup, "Wow. Yellow is the new red." Admin Oshwah closed the thread with the result "definitely not an issue for ANI" and directing editors to the project Discussion page for any further discussion. ''Editor's note: originally the design and color of The Right Stuff was chosen to mimic an old, paper newspaper.'' Add the [[WT:RYT|Project Discussion]] page to your watchlist for the "latest RFCs" at WikiProject Conservatism {{Clickable button 2|Watch|url={{fullurl:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject_Conservatisam|action=watch}}|style=line-height: 1.5em; padding: 0 1em 0 1em}} [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> ----- &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> ARTICLES REPORT&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Margaret Thatcher Makes History Again&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} [[Margaret Thatcher]] is the first article promoted at the new [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Conservatism/Assessment/A-Team|WikiProject Conservatism A-Class review]]. Congratulations to {{u|Neveselbert}}. A-Class is a quality rating which is ranked higher than GA (Good article) but the criteria are not as rigorous as FA (Featued article). WikiProject Conservatism is one of only two WikiProjects offering A-Class review, the other being WikiProject Military History. Nominate your article [[Wikipedia:WikiProject_Conservatism/Assessment/A-Team|here]]. [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> &lt;/div>&lt;!-- RIGHT-HAND SIDE --> &lt;div style="float:right; width:49%;"> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:90%; background-color:transparent; border:none; color:#666; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding-top:10px; "> RECENT RESEARCH&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size:170%; background-color:transparent; border:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; ">Research About AN/I&lt;br />&lt;/div> &lt;div style="font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; font-size: 90%;"> By {{u|Lionelt}} ''Reprinted in part from the [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2018-04-26/In_focus|April 26, 2018 issue]] of The Signpost; written by {{u|Zarasophos}}'' &lt;div style="float:right;margin-left:10px">{{Graph:Chart|width=70|height=70|type=pie|legend=Satisfaction with AN/I|x=Satisfied,Not satisfied|y1=27,73|showValues=}}&lt;/div> Out of over one hundred questioned editors, only twenty-seven (27%) are happy with the way reports of conflicts between editors are handled on the Administrators' Incident Noticeboard (AN/I), according to a [[Wikipedia:Community_health_initiative_on_English_Wikipedia/Research_about_Administrators%27_Noticeboard_Incidents|recent survey]] . The survey also found that dissatisfaction has varied reasons including "defensive cliques" and biased administrators as well as fear of a "[[Wikipedia:BOOMERANG|boomerang effect]]" due to a lacking rule for scope on AN/I reports. The survey also included an [[Wikipedia:Community_health_initiative_on_English_Wikipedia/Research_about_Administrators%27_Noticeboard_Incidents/Quantitative_data_analysis|analysis of available quantitative data about AN/I]]. Some notable takeaways: * 53% avoided making a report due to fearing it would not be handled appropriately * "Otherwise 'popular' users often avoid heavy sanctions for issues that would get new editors banned." * "Discussions need to be clerked to keep them from raising more problems than they solve." In the wake of Zarasophos' article editors discussed the AN/I survey at [[Wikipedia_talk:Wikipedia_Signpost/2018-04-26/In_focus|''The Signpost'']] and [[Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Archive298#AN_/_ANI_boards_under_criticism|also at AN/I]]. Ironically a portion of the AN/I thread was hatted due to "off-topic sniping." To follow-up the problems identified by the research project the Wikimedia Foundation Anti-Harassment Tools team and Support and Safety team initiated a discussion. You can express your thoughts and ideas [[Wikipedia_talk:Community_health_initiative_on_English_Wikipedia/Improved_tools_and_workflows_to_report_harassment|here]]. [[WT:WikiProject Conservatism|(Discuss this story)]]&lt;/div> &lt;/div>&lt;div style="clear:both; width:100%;"> &lt;!-- FOOTER --> &lt;div style="border-bottom:3px double #999; border-top:3px double #bbb; padding:3px;"> {| style="background:none; clear:both; text-align:center; font-size:90%; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif; width:100%;" | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism|WPConservatism]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Newsroom]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism|Discuss a story]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/Subscribe|Unsubscribe]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/News/Archives|Archives]] | width="10%" style="padding-top:3px;" | [[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Conservatism/News|Suggestions]] |}&lt;/div>&lt;/div>&lt;/div> &lt;small>Delivered: 09:27, 9 July 2018 (UTC)&lt;/small> &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Lionelt@enwiki using the list at;oldid=846049468 --> == [[Gilbert Mansion]] == Hi. I noticed that you added some useful information to the [[Gilbert Mansion]]--thanks for that. A while back I created many articles on the [[National Register of Historic Places listings in Davidson County, Tennessee]]. It would be very useful if you could re-read them and perhaps expand them. As you know, everything on Wikipedia is a collaborative work in progress, so anything helps. Thanks![[User:Zigzig20s|Zigzig20s]] ([[User talk:Zigzig20s|talk]]) 13:33, 23 July 2018 (UTC) :I've added a bit more. I tried to look for Leon Gilbert's obituary but couldn't find it on Not sure if you can find out when he died. It looks like he was the chairman of [ Nashville Electric Power], a [;pg=PA369&amp;lpg=PA369&amp;dq=%22leon+gilbert%22+nashville&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=1zmd75K12j&amp;sig=0CHHI03UeiNL3gFY9LloqrEXEdA&amp;hl=en&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjPxYa-tbXcAhXUasAKHVs7Bf0Q6AEISjAJ#v=onepage&amp;q=%22leon%20gilbert%22%20nashville&amp;f=false state legislator], and the owner of what later became [ Beaman Park]. As a member of the [[Tennessee House of Representatives]], he would be sufficiently notable to have his own article on Wikipedia. Please ping me if you can find one. Thanks![[User:Zigzig20s|Zigzig20s]] ([[User talk:Zigzig20s|talk]]) 14:32, 23 July 2018 (UTC) {{Talkback|Mlaffs|Created article for WYFN}} == ArbCom 2018 election voter message == {{Ivmbox|Hello, Saxonjf. Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2018|2018 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2018/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/710|voting page]]'''. [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) |Scale of justice 2.svg|imagesize=40px}} &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Cyberpower678@enwiki using the list at;oldid=866998363 --> == Ways to improve Jonah Heston == Thanks for creating [[Jonah Heston]]. A [[Wikipedia:New pages patrol/Reviewers|New Page Patroller]] [[User:Meatsgains|Meatsgains]] just tagged [[Jonah Heston|the page]] as having some issues to fix, and wrote this note for you: &lt;blockquote>Consider providing reliable sources to strengthen the page's verifiability.&lt;/blockquote> The tags can be removed by you or another editor once the issues they mention are addressed. If you have questions, you can reply over here and [[Template:Reply to|ping]] [[User:Meatsgains|me]]. Or, for broader editing help, you can talk to the volunteers at the [[WP:TEAHOUSE|Teahouse]]. &lt;small>Delivered via the [[Wikipedia:Page Curation/Help|Page Curation]] tool, on behalf of the reviewer.&lt;/small> &lt;!-- Template:Taggednote-NPF --> [[User:Meatsgains|&lt;span style="font-family:Broadway; color:#00008B; text-shadow:gray 0.2em 0.2em 0.4em;">Meatsgains&lt;/span>]]&lt;sup>([[User talk:Meatsgains|&lt;b style="color:#5F9EA0">talk&lt;/b>]])&lt;/sup> 02:53, 3 December 2018 (UTC) ==[[:File:Jonah Heston, Mystery Science Theater 3000.jpg]]== [[File:Information.svg|left|25px|alt=]]Hi, I'm RonBot, a script that checks new non-free file uploads. I have found that the subject image that you recently uploaded was more than 5% in excess of the Non-free content guideline size of 100,000 pixels. I have tagged the image for a standard reduction, which (for jpg/gif/png/svg files) normally happens within a day. Please check the reduced image, and make sure that the image is not excessively corrupted. Other files will be added to [[:Category:Wikipedia non-free file size reduction requests for manual processing]]. There is a full seven-day period before the original oversized image will be hidden; during that time you might want to consider editing the original image yourself (perhaps an initial crop to allow a smaller reduction or none at all). A formula for calculation the desired size can be found at [[WP:Image resolution]], along with instructions on how to tag the image in the rare cases that it requires an oversized image (typically about 0.2% of non-free uploads are tagged as necessarily oversized). Please contact the [[User talk:Ronhjones|bot owner]] if you have any questions, or you can ask them at [[Wikipedia talk:Non-free content]]. See [[User:RonBot]] for info on how to not get these messages. [[User:RonBot|RonBot]] ([[User talk:RonBot|talk]]) 18:06, 3 December 2018 (UTC) ==[[:File:Jonah Heston, Mystery Science Theater 3000.jpg]]== [[File:Information.svg|left|25px|alt=]]Hi, I'm RonBot, a script that checks new non-free file uploads. I have found that the subject image that you recently uploaded was more than 5% in excess of the Non-free content guideline size of 100,000 pixels. I have tagged the image for a standard reduction, which (for jpg/gif/png/svg files) normally happens within a day. Please check the reduced image, and make sure that the image is not excessively corrupted. Other files will be added to [[:Category:Wikipedia non-free file size reduction requests for manual processing]]. There is a full seven-day period before the original oversized image will be hidden; during that time you might want to consider editing the original image yourself (perhaps an initial crop to allow a smaller reduction or none at all). A formula for calculation the desired size can be found at [[WP:Image resolution]], along with instructions on how to tag the image in the rare cases that it requires an oversized image (typically about 0.2% of non-free uploads are tagged as necessarily oversized). Please contact the [[User talk:Ronhjones|bot owner]] if you have any questions, or you can ask them at [[Wikipedia talk:Non-free content]]. See [[User:RonBot]] for info on how to not get these messages. [[User:RonBot|RonBot]] ([[User talk:RonBot|talk]]) 18:00, 4 December 2018 (UTC) == ArbCom 2019 election voter message == &lt;table class="messagebox " style="border: 1px solid #AAA; background: ivory; padding: 0.5em; width: 100%;"> &lt;tr>&lt;td style="vertical-align:middle; padding-left:1px; padding-right:0.5em;">[[File:Scale of justice 2.svg|40px]]&lt;/td>&lt;td>Hello! Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2019|2019 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23:59 on {{#time:l, j F Y|{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2019|end}}-1 day}}. All '''[[Wikipedia:Arbitration_Committee_Elections_December_2019#Election_timeline|eligible users]]''' are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2019 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2019/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2019|poll}}|voting page]]'''. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{tlx|NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. [[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 00:04, 19 November 2019 (UTC) &lt;/td>&lt;/tr> &lt;/table> &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Cyberpower678@enwiki using the list at;oldid=926750232 --> ==[[:Category:The Daily Wire]] has been nominated for deletion== &lt;div class="floatleft" style="margin-bottom:0">[[File:Ambox warning orange.svg|48px|alt=|link=]]&lt;/div>'''[[:Category:The Daily Wire]]''', which you created, has been nominated for deletion. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the [[Wikipedia:Categorization|categorization]] guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at '''[[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2020 March 27#Category:The Daily Wire|the category's entry]]''' on the [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion|categories for discussion]] page.&lt;!-- Template:Cfd-notify--> Thank you. ―[[User:Koavf|Justin (&lt;span style="color:grey">ko'''a'''vf&lt;/span>)]]&lt;span style="color:red">❤[[User talk:Koavf|T]]☮[[Special:Contributions/Koavf|C]]☺[[Special:Emailuser/Koavf|M]]☯&lt;/span> 08:12, 27 March 2020 (UTC) == Nomination of [[:Robowar (film)]] for deletion == &lt;div class="floatleft" style="margin-bottom:0">[[File:Ambox warning orange.svg|48px|alt=|link=]]&lt;/div>A discussion is taking place as to whether the article '''[[:Robowar (film)]]''' is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to [[Wikipedia:List of policies and guidelines|Wikipedia's policies and guidelines]] or whether it should be [[Wikipedia:Deletion policy|deleted]]. The article will be discussed at [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Robowar (film)]] until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines. Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.&lt;!-- Template:afd notice --> [[User:Donaldd23|Donaldd23]] ([[User talk:Donaldd23|talk]]) 23:11, 13 September 2020 (UTC) == [[Draft:Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building|Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building]] moved to draftspace == Thanks for your contributions to [[Draft:Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building|Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building]]. Unfortunately, I do not think it is ready for publishing at this time because '''it needs more sources to establish notability'''. I have converted your article to a draft which you can improve, undisturbed for a while. Please see more information at [[Help:Unreviewed new page]]. When the article is ready for publication, please click on the "Submit your draft for review!" button at the top of the page OR move the page back. [[User:Significa liberdade|Significa liberdade &lt;small>(she/her)&lt;/small>]] ([[User talk:Significa liberdade|talk]]) 05:14, 1 January 2024 (UTC) ==Concern regarding [[Draft:Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building]]== [[File:Information.svg|25px|alt=Information icon]] Hello, Saxonjf. This is a bot-delivered message letting you know that [[Draft:Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building]], a page you created, has not been edited in at least 5 months. Drafts that have not been edited for six months [[WP:G13|may be deleted]], so if you wish to retain the page, please [[Special:EditPage/Draft:Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building|edit it]] again&amp;#32;or [[WP:USERFY|request]] that it be moved to your userspace. If the page has already been deleted, you can [[Wikipedia:Requests for undeletion/G13|request it be undeleted]] so you can continue working on it. Thank you for your submission to Wikipedia. [[User:FireflyBot|FireflyBot]] ([[User talk:FireflyBot|talk]]) 06:06, 2 June 2024 (UTC) == Robowar expansion == Hi Saxonjf. I've recently tried to expand the article on [[Robowar (film)]]. As you are one of the biggest contributors to the article who is still active, I was wondering if you'd be able to clarify any of the content that remains on it (page number from some citations, make sure latest [[WP:BOLD|bold]] edits are okay]]. I look forward to working with you on the article if you so wish to continue work on it! [[User:Andrzejbanas|Andrzejbanas]] ([[User talk:Andrzejbanas|talk]]) 16:21, 29 August 2024 (UTC) ==Orphaned non-free image File:English language poster of movie Robowar 1988.jpg== [[File:Ambox warning blue.svg|35px|text-top|left|⚠|link=]] Thanks for uploading '''[[:File:English language poster of movie Robowar 1988.jpg]]'''. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a [[Wikipedia:Non-free content|claim of fair use]]. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see [[Wikipedia:Non-free content#Policy|our policy for non-free media]]). Note that any non-free images not used in any '''articles''' will be deleted after seven days, as described in [[wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion#F5|section F5 of the criteria for speedy deletion]]. Thank you.&lt;!-- Template:Di-orphaned fair use-notice --> --[[User:B-bot|B-bot]] ([[User talk:B-bot|talk]]) 02:10, 1 September 2024 (UTC) == ArbCom 2024 Elections voter message == &lt;div class="ivmbox " style="margin-bottom: 1em; border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; background-color: #fdf2d5; padding: 0.5em; display: flex; align-items: center; "> &lt;div class="ivmbox-image noresize" style="padding-left:1px; padding-right:0.5em;">[[File:Scale of justice 2.svg|40px]]&lt;/div> &lt;div class="ivmbox-text"> Hello! Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2024|2024 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on {{#time:l, j F Y|{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2024|end}}-1 day}}. All '''[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024#Election timeline|eligible users]]''' are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2024 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2024|poll}}|voting page]]'''. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{tlx|NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. &lt;small>[[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 00:09, 19 November 2024 (UTC)&lt;/small> &lt;/div> &lt;/div> &lt;!-- Message sent by User:Cyberpower678@enwiki using the list at;oldid=1258243333 --> </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/User:AnomieBOT/RandomPage" title="User:AnomieBOT/RandomPage">User:AnomieBOT/RandomPage</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:AnomieBOT/RandomPage&amp;action=edit" title="User:AnomieBOT/RandomPage">view source</a>) (protected)</li><li><a 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