POY Fellows - Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce

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w-1 group f-c "> <div class="cell"> <p>The Chamber awards these scholarships to exceptional young professionals pursuing graduate studies who demonstrate outstanding leadership.</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="poy-fellows-archives_hash" class="tile w-1 bloco f-c multiple-articles-content"> <div class="tile w-1 row row-1 f-c rowPadNoTHalf"> <div class="tile w-1 group f-c "> <div class="tabs-component"> <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="javascript:;">2024</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2023</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2022</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2021</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2020</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2019</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2018</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2017</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2016</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2015</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2014</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2013</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2012</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">2011</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabs-container"> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2024"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply honored and grateful to receive the Person of the Year Fellowship from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. As a firm believer that technology is integral to shaping our future, this scholarship empowers me to pursue my MBA at MIT Sloan, where I aim to learn and then drive technological advancement in Brazil. I am excited to contribute to building a brighter, more interconnected future between Brazil and the United States.' data-letter=""> <h3>Gabriela Nakano</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Business Administration (MBA)</h4> <p><strong>MIT Sloan School of Management</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='To me, Brazil is one of the most creatively potent countries in the world, and I hope to spend my time forging connections that will empower our entrepreneurs to lead technological transformations in the region. As a Person of the Year Fellow, I aim to leverage the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s platform to bring the American innovation ecosystem closer to high-potential Brazilian founders, accelerating product-market fit and facilitating investment rounds for early-stage start-ups.' data-letter=""> <h3>Leonardo Vieira de Oliveira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Business Administration (MBA)</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Graduate School of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply honored to have been selected by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for the 2024 Person of the Year Fellowship Program. As a legal scholar, this recognition motivates me to continue producing high-impact research that fosters positive economic and social change in Brazilian society. Aware of my responsibilities as a POY Fellow, I am committed to bridging the dialogue between Brazilian and American academia in fields such as corporate law, human rights law, and public policy. Additionally, I am dedicated to using this opportunity to advance research efforts on significant social and economic issues discussed in judicial and legislative arenas, both nationally and internationally.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lucas Víspico Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='The bottleneck in infrastructure, low-quality education, and low competitiveness of Brazilian and Latin American countries in the international market are challenges I am passionate about addressing. These issues will be the focus of my studies in the MPP program at Harvard University. I am honored to be a Person of the Year Fellow and a member of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. I am certain that connecting with a network of leaders and businesses focused on enhancing the Brazil-US relationship will be crucial in achieving my goal of a prosperous Brazilian economy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Marcelo Fernandes Bernardino</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master’s in Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2023"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I firmly believe that improving education is not only crucial for building a more equitable country, but it is also a moral obligation. We cannot accept that so many young people are living on the fringes of society, with their opportunities and dreams denied. This belief has been the guiding principle of my career and has led me to Stanford. My goal is to acquire the necessary tools to work in policy design and implementation, to ensure that all Brazilians, regardless of race, gender, or class, have the opportunity to achieve their full potentials. I am deeply honored to have been awarded the Person of the Year Fellowship, and I recognize the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce network as an invaluable asset that can help me achieve my future goals.' data-letter=""> <h3>Ana Luiza Prado de Almeida</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Among the many aspects that I admire about the American mindset, there is one that stands out: the culture of retribution. As a 2023 Person of the Year Fellow, I hope to leverage its community to foment this spirit in Brazil, reducing the employability – and, thus, productivity – gap that is part of the country. The opportunity to pursue an MBA at Harvard is a privilege, especially coming from an unequal country such as Brazil, and I’m committed to use it to empower the Brazilian educational ecosystem.' data-letter=""> <h3>Ana Vitória França</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA / MPA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I’m passionate about innovation and how it can advance financial inclusion. The POY Fellowship enables me to pursue an MBA at MIT Sloan, where I will gain access to the latest technology advancements. My aim is to harness these innovations to address challenges within Brazil, fostering economic prosperity. I am excited and honored to have the support from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce network as I navigate this journey. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Brenda A. Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>MIT</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I believe technology is the greatest leverage to accelerate human advancement. I’m deeply grateful to be part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community, and I hope to strengthen the bond between Brazil and Silicon Valley by creating a high-impact technology venture present in both countries after graduating from my MBA at Stanford University. I strive to show Brazilians that state-of-the-art frameworks and knowledge are not to be of exclusive access to a few, and that they possess raw talent capable of building some of the most innovative companies in the world.' data-letter=""> <h3>Bruno Akira Koba Sato</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be among such a qualified group of young academics and professionals that are already changing Brazil&#039;s face here and abroad. I am very grateful for this opportunity to be in one of the best universities in the world learning with some of the best minds in my field of study and practice. This experience will certainly play a crucial role in my future endeavors in public service. I am really happy to be part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community as a POY Fellow and look forward to being able to contribute more with Brazil through my interactions with this network!' data-letter=""> <h3>Fabio Maia Ostermann</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I envision a Brazil that is growing consistently, equitably, and sustainably. My ambition is to contribute to this vision by enacting development policies that engage the private sector and guide Brazil toward such growth. This is the focus of my studies in the MBA program at MIT and the MPA program at Harvard University. I am honored to be a 2024 POY Fellow and Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce member. I am confident that engaging with a network of leaders and businesses dedicated to strengthening the Brazil-US relationship will be instrumental in realizing my aspiration for a thriving Brazilian economy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Isabela Nogueira Reis</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA / MPA</h4> <p><strong>MIT Sloan School of Management | Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Math has been the backbone of our advancing technology-driven world, encompassing both its advantages and inequalities. My greatest interest and passion lie in exploring how math and math education can take us in a different direction to build a more equitable and just world. Now, as a master&#039;s student in International Educational Policies at Stanford University, I am delving into the intersection of math and social change. My aspiration is to leverage this knowledge at the policy level to support Brazil, the country to which I owe my passions and achievements. This endeavor is not accomplished singlehandedly; I could not navigate this path without a robust community of supporters, now including the prestigious Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, of which I am profoundly grateful to be a part.' data-letter=""> <h3>Maria Luiza Rocha Bueno</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='My vision is to enable young Brazilians to freely choose their educational and professional journeys. My years of experience in developing and implementing social initiatives, particularly focusing on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), have been enhanced by my master&#039;s studies in Education at Stanford University. Being selected as a Person of the Year Fellow by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is not only a profound honor, but also a testament to my belief in the transformative power of education and employment programs. This acknowledgement has further strengthened my commitment to driving sustained social and economic change, aiming for a brighter future where every young person in Brazil can achieve his/her dreams.' data-letter=""> <h3>Maria Thereza Rios Hortencio</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master’s in International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a teacher with experience in both kindergarten and elementary education, I recognize the critical need to value classroom educators&#039; practices in academic discourse. As a POY Fellow with a Master of Arts in Instructional Technology and Media from Teachers College at Columbia University, I hope to integrate technology with education, positioning teachers as knowledge creators. I aim to lead research and professional development initiatives in Brazil in connection with top American universities, enhancing the influence of teachers on public policy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Mariana Lederman Edelstein</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in Instructional Technology and Media</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being selected as a Person of the Year Fellow by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is an immense honor and a testament to the dedication and impact of my work. As an advocate for social entrepreneurship in marginalized communities in Brazil and a defender of digital rights, this recognition strengthens my determination to continue pushing boundaries and promoting positive change. I see this honor as a platform to amplify my efforts in bridging the gap between Brazil and the United States, fostering dialogue, and promoting collaboration in areas such as technology, social entrepreneurship, and human rights. I am committed to leveraging this opportunity to drive significant progress, both locally and internationally, and to inspire others to join me in building a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable future.' data-letter=""> <h3>Mariane Correa de Paula</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a journalist, my purpose is to help people make sense of the amazing and puzzling world that surrounds us. As a POY Fellow and master&#039;s degree candidate at Columbia University, I have to hold myself to high standards of excellence. Both institutions play important roles in their fields and have trusted me to hold their names besides mine and for that, I feel honored and also really aware of the responsibility I have. I hope I get to be one of the voices of my generation of journalists who contribute to making this profession so fundamental for democracies more diverse and trustworthy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Natália Belizario Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Science - Journalism </h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Having had access to high-quality education, I have a first-hand insight into its transformative potential. I aim to leverage the latest technology advancements to lower costs and increase the reach of prime educational solutions for non-privileged individuals in Brazil. My ultimate goal is to see that access evolve into a more innovative (thus more prosperous) society. I&#039;m thrilled to be part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community. As a POY Fellow, I aim to fulfill its mission by straightening the connections between the USA and Brazil along my entrepreneurial journey. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Pablo Paixao</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Business Administration (MBA)</h4> <p><strong>The University of Chicago Booth School of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am a deep believer in the power of technology to bring positive and lasting change to society. Through my MS and MBA studies at Harvard University, I hope to harness cutting-edge knowledge and build key connections to drive educational innovation in Brazil. I aim to boost Brazil&#039;s socioeconomic progress, enhance its global presence, and strengthen its partnership with the United States, fostering international collaboration and development.' data-letter=""> <h3>Rafael Hoffmann Fallgatter</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MS/MBA in Engineering</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Technology is the key to uplift Latin America&#039;s population into prosperous societies. I have seen this through Turbo, the startup that I founded and sold to Rappi, and that employs thousands of pickers and drivers. As a serial entrepreneur, I intend to build companies that will make Brazil a protagonist in the global tech stage, for instance as an AI powerhouse. I am humbled and honored to be a POY fellow and a member of the BACC. I hope to strengthen this community and Brazil-US relations, especially in the technology and venture capital sectors, bridging the gap between Latin America and Silicon Valley.' data-letter=""> <h3>Ramon Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2022"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='There isn’t another way to keep the Amazon Forest standing without raising local voices; there aren’t international discussions about Brazil that don’t pass through the Amazon. Giving voice and opportunity to the Amazonians must be part of an agenda that aims to promote long-term sustainable development, which is crucial for Brazil and the US. It’s a great honor to receive the POY Fellowship and support building dialogues on the just transition and productive inclusion in a world where environmental assets are increasingly important. As the first Amazônida to be selected to the POY Fellowship, I am committed to not be the last. Our generation is the last one who can save the Amazon. To me, this is a call to action. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Ana Claudia Cunha Costa</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply honored to be part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community, as I share the Chamber’s vision that commerce can elevate peoples’ lives. The Person of the Year Fellowship Program allows me to pursue my MBA at Stanford University, which provides me with tools and resources to help others in the near future. I endeavor to launch a high-impact venture to assist people in finding their vocation. With that, I hope to contribute to a happier and more productive society.' data-letter=""> <h3>André Hamra</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Technology has the power to change the world for the better. As a 2022 Person of the Year Fellow, I hope to work with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce to bridge the gap between Brazil and Silicon Valley. The technology industry presents a unique opportunity to catalyze progress and reduce inequalities in Brazil. I hope to accelerate this exchange by building a more innovative and business-friendly environment in Brazil and engaging the world in Brazil’s wealth of resources and brainpower.' data-letter=""> <h3>Bruno Rigonatti Mendes</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I do not doubt there is a path forward for a more inclusive, advanced, and fairer Brazil. As an advocate and a social innovator for social justice for the past years - and for the many to come - I have dedicated my work and studies to help pave the way. Before starting my Master of Public Administration at Harvard, I had been working with teachers and public officials on (re)structuring educational programs to close the gap between policy goals and what happens inside classrooms, striving to guarantee a more community-centered government and a far-reaching educational process. At Harvard, I am studying poverty reduction policies, systemic reforms, and politics. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Caio Martins Poli</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to be named a Person of the Year Fellow by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This fellowship provides me the opportunity to pursue my MBA at Stanford and connect with a group of incredibly talented individuals. I am inspired by the work of my former fellows to enhance Brazil-U.S. relations and am committed to contributing to a brighter future. I am grateful for this chance to be a part of such a dedicated and dynamic community.' data-letter=""> <h3>Geanluca Lorenzon</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Having worked as a public manager in different states of Brazil, I have learned that we can truly change Brazil&#039;s reality through good public policies that are able to tackle complex socio-economic problems. I am now pursuing my Master’s in public administration at Columbia University and looking forward to applying this knowledge to build better policies back in Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>Izabel Campos Ferreira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am passionate about empowering Brazilians to pursue their dreams by supporting them as they develop the skills necessary for social mobility. The Person of the Year (POY) Fellowship enables me to pursue my Education Master&#039;s in Human Development and Education at Harvard, where I will gain the tools and expertise necessary to multiply the impact of efforts in which I am involved. In the past, I have successfully supported hundreds of Brazilians in gaining admission to top colleges in the United States. As a former athlete myself, moving forward, I am eager to expand my reach by also supporting the development of Brazilian student-athletes. I am committed to using this fellowship to continue creating positive transformations for our people and country. I am honored to join the esteemed network of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, and to be given this opportunity.' data-letter=""> <h3>Juliana Mayumi Yoshikawa Kagami</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in Education</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='The world’s demand for food will increase by 80% in the next few decades while, at the same time, its population will have to honor its commitment to reduce its emissions and work together to adapt to the impacts of climate change. As two of the greatest nations in the international agricultural market and powerhouses in clean energy and environmental potential, we carry the responsibility of fostering sustainable food production and innovation, leading other countries to a greener hunger-free world. I aspire to be a bridge between those two worlds, and with the resources from the POY fellowship and the support of the BACC community, I believe we can leverage this impact to a whole new level.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lucas Montoro Groke</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>The University of Chicago</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Working as a reporter for seven years, I have built my career on shedding light on human rights issues and the importance of science and education. Now, I want to advance my studies by focusing on documentaries and long-form narratives – a powerful way of informing society by combining compelling storytelling and accurate fact-gathering. Accomplishing my mission would not be possible without the support of great institutions like the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. I am grateful and committed to sharing more stories about social justice, equity, and the impact of politics on the lives of the Brazilian and American people. This is the direction in which I will always point my camera.' data-letter=""> <h3>Mayara Teixeira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Documentary Master of Science Program in Journalism</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Studying at Harvard is a unique opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and skills, and I am eager to bring what I learn back to Brazil to lead meaningful transformations in our society. Growing opportunities is crucial for the development of our country, and I am particularly passionate about increasing access to education for children from low-income backgrounds - like myself, so they can have the same opportunities I have had. Being a Person of the Year Fellow provides me with an excellent platform to share this responsibility, network with like-minded individuals, and gather inspiration and resources to work towards my goal of creating a better future for Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>Michael Cerqueira de Oliveira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Access to education is one of the main obstacles in growing Latin America’s productivity and ensuring the income of its citizens increases. 95% of students graduate high school in Brazil without a proper knowledge of math. I strive to create technology solutions that tackle this problem and increase workforce productivity through education, helping the Latin American community to which I owe my character and achievements.' data-letter=""> <h3>Pedro Siciliano Peixoto</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Start MBA/MPA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Throughout my professional trajectory working in the nonprofit sector, I became passionate about people - they are at the heart of every change we see; without them, no structural transformation can effectively last. My purpose is to reduce inequalities in Brazil by improving diversity and inclusion in leadership positions in the government so that we have better and more representative policies. The Person of the Year Fellowship will allow me to pursue this dream while improving my academic and professional toolbox at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. I am honored to join the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s network and ready to translate knowledge acquired at Columbia into real changes in the world.' data-letter=""> <h3>Rafaella Moreira Lopes</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='There is an increasing need to bridge the skills gaps, and new efforts are necessary if we want to build a country with quality education and decent work opportunities for everyone. My career goal is to use data-based evidence to educate the Brazilian population so that they can be employed with dignity and live a good life for a longer time. As a 2022 POY, I am looking forward to working in partnership with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and creating a network of stakeholders that also want to solve this problem. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Renata Barão Leal</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in International Education Policy Analysis (IEPA)</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='My life purpose is to help any child, regardless of social origin or any other characteristic, have many opportunities to dream and achieve their dreams, especially in Brazil. I have been learning intensively during the Master’s in Public Administration and International Development (MPA/ID) at Harvard to be highly prepared to assume leadership positions in governments and organizations that support the public sector so that I can contribute to make Brazil a more prosperous and fair country, that allows everyone to develop and reach their full potential. In order to reach this goal, strengthening the collaboration between Brazil and the United States is key - because of that, it is a honor to be part of the Person of the Year Fellowship, offered by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce.' data-letter=""> <h3>Vinicius Gonzalez Bueno</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's of Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2021"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am incredibly honored to receive the POY Fellowship offered by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, and deeply grateful for the chance to be part of this enriching network. It will be instrumental in my goal of assisting Brazilians through their applications for LL.M. programs in the United States, helping them understand the process and tell their best stories, valuing their achievements. This will increase not only the number of Brazilians accepted to top American universities, but the diversity of this group. Through this work, more Brazilians will be able to develop their full potential and contribute with diversity and excellence in American law schools, benefiting both countries. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Adriana Lacombe Coiro</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am immensely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The intensive learning that I am going through as an MIT Sloan Fellows MBA, and as a cross-registrant Harvard Business School student is empowering me with the skills required to act as a principled, innovative leader for the years to come. I accept the nomination with great honor and confidence that I will contribute to forging closer ties between the business communities of Brazil and the United States.' data-letter=""> <h3>Arthur Rodrigues Lima</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in Data, Economics and Development Policy</h4> <p><strong>MIT</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I deeply believe in the power of education as a vector to reduce socioeconomic inequalities. That is one of the reasons that led me to study International Comparative Education at Stanford University. I feel incredibly honored to receive the POY Fellowship offered by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This fellowship will support me in contributing to the development of school leaders, knowing their high impact on the school environment, on teacher practice, and on student learning.' data-letter=""> <h3>Bruna Barbosa Pecim</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master's in Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='My expectations as being a POY Fellow, are to gather knowledge to transform Belo Horizonte into an increasingly better place in fulfilling my role as a citizen. I&#039;m from the world, I&#039;m from Minas Gerais.' data-letter=""> <h3>Gabriel Sousa Marques de Azevedo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to have been selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship. Joining this community will be a great improvement in my career, providing me fundamental support and network. During the Global Competitiveness and Leadership Program at Georgetown University, I expect to improve my leadership skills and make progress in my project to increase Brazilian economic competitiveness. There are lots of changes we need to make in our country in order to bring back economic growth and prosperity, such as a tax reform and commercial opening. Brazil needs to be a good place to invest and prosper, and my objective is to help our country to become this place. Thanks to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, the POY Scholarship will be crucial to achieve my objectives. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Giuseppe Ricardo Meneghetti Riesgo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely honored to be selected by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce to receive the 2021 Person of the Year Fellowship. I am aware of the responsibility to be placed in such distinguished ranks as those of the past fellows, all of whom have worked closely to enhance mutual trust and cooperation between Brazil and the United States. I am confident that Harvard Law School will provide me with a unique training ground in terms of sharpening lawyering skills and strengthening public thinker credentials, fundamental abilities to help build resilient bilateral relations, and to improve American-Brazilian business relations over the long term.' data-letter=""> <h3>Jean Ribeiro de Pontes</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='The extraordinary climate challenge the world faces will require strong partnerships between global hubs of innovation in the United States, and countries like Brazil, rich in biodiversity and carbon-sink potential. I am motivated by the belief that in Brazil, this is not only imperative for the preservation of our planet, but that this is an opportunity to explore Brazil’s green-economy potential; one that also gives us the occasion to support transformation in areas like public security, inequality, and health. As such, I am honored to be named a POY fellow by the BACC and to represent this title by building bridges between the United States and Brazil in climate and science-based innovation, financing and policy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Julia Marisa Sekula</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to be selected as one of the Person of the Year Fellows. I am very grateful for the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce supporting my dream of doing my Master&#039;s at Stanford’s School of Education. As a person devoted to changing my country through public education, Stanford’s commitment to excellence in leadership and public policy resonates with me and I look forward to amplifying my impact once I come back to Brazil. My previous experiences reaffirm my commitment to improving Brazilian education and advancing sound public policy. I want to advance my studies and pursue higher leadership positions in order to contribute to the design and implementation of policies that will ensure every Brazilian youth has access to the best possible education regardless of class, race, or gender. Being connected to the incredible network of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is fundamental to building the foundation of my goals.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lara Oliveira Vilela</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master’s in International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It&#039;s a great honor to be selected for the POY Fellowship. Being part of a group that has the potential to lead the world&#039;s transformation is incredible. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the reality that healthcare is not a local issue, but a global concern. I gathered work experience with the pandemic both on the front line, working as a physician, and behind the scenes, creating and implementing protocols for the cruise industry. It is clear to me that healthcare problems demand experienced leaders and the support of strong and visionary institutions like the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The degree of Master of Public Health I am pursuing in Columbia University will complete a path that started at medical school at UFMG, in Brazil, followed by specialization in Australia and an MBA from the University of Southern California. The aim of this journey has always been to transform the healthcare industry in Brazil and the USA, making it safer, more inclusive, and economically feasible. I am deeply thankful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for the support through this course.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lauana Rodrigues Pereira Herbert</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Public Health</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a journalist, I serve as a watchdog to authorities’ planning and implementation of public policies. Since 2010, I have followed profound changes in Brazil and wrote on relevant economic and corruption topics and Human Rights matters. Journalism is vital in holding authorities accountable, but the news media business model is in crisis. To perform great journalism and preserve the future of newsrooms in Brazil, one must be willing to enhance quantitative, leadership, and management skills. I have been studying to become a better reporter and editor and apply everything I learned at Harvard Kennedy School in projects around the country. It is an honor to be part of BACC&#039;s POY network. I hope to use this award to cause a positive impact on my country. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Luciano Pinheiro de Pádua</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Mid-Career Master of Public Administration Program</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I have worked for more than 10 years as an investigative journalist and learned the power of having access to public information and records to write impactful stories. I came to the US to study how to obtain and analyze data to keep my investigative work. The United States has a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that is more than 50 years old. Our Brazilian transparency act, known as Lei de Acesso à Informação, was only enacted in 2011. We have a lot to share and also learn from their experience.' data-letter=""> <h3>Luiz Fernando Toledo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Science in Data Journalism</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Journalism School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Receiving the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Scholarship is a great honor. Being at Georgetown University alongside so many incredible leaders will transform the way I conduct my political work in Belo Horizonte as a councilwoman. During the Competitiveness and Global Leadership course I intend to understand how other countries are dealing with school dropout and truancy in the post-pandemic period and how it is possible to formulate a public policy to combat and prevent this very serious problem for our society. Without the support of the Brazilian-American Chamber this would not have been possible.' data-letter=""> <h3>Marcela de Lacerda Trópia</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='The friendship between Brazil and the United States is one of the oldest and most important bilateral relations in contemporary international affairs. I’m honored by the responsibility of strengthening strategic bridges towards a better future for our countries, our region, and the world. Sustainable development, digital transformation, racial and gender equality, climate change, biodiversity, and food security: the challenges and opportunities ahead demand unprecedented critical thinking and expertise, and I hope I’m able to make a small contribution to that already fantastic network.' data-letter=""> <h3>Pedro Francisco Moura Vormittag</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of International Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to receive the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Scholarship, to be part of such an amazing network is a great opportunity for my career. During the Global Competitiveness Program (GCL) at Georgetown University, my objective is to become a future agent of change in my own country, by developing a project capable of positively impacting Brazil, and also integrate a relevant network in order to promote competitiveness, progress, and development in the Latin American region. I am very thankful for the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and hope to develop a long term and meaningful relationship with such a great institution. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Rafael Rota Dal Molin</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I believe in a future where a growing population has access to nutritious food whose production replenishes the land. Achieving this depends on leaders who can challenge the status quo while respecting the experiences of those who have come before us. This is what I live by and the reason why I came to Harvard Business School. Accomplishing this vision would not be possible without the support of networks and scholarships such as the POY Fellowship. For that, I’m beyond grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and am excited to collaborate with this group towards a more sustainable agriculture both in Brazil and the US.' data-letter=""> <h3>Rafaella Mazza</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a reporter, I traveled through much of the Brazilian territory covering the predatory relationship that we have established with the country&#039;s biomes, especially with the Amazon and Cerrado, in the name of an outdated idea of economic development, which for some decades has not matched the state-of-the-art in science. The climate emergency is now and a new model, based on sustainability and respect for indigenous peoples, is already a reality. In Brazil, many reporters and, consequently, the public opinion, are still held hostage by political discourses from legislators and sectors of the industry that seek to justify the destruction of nature and the violation of fundamental rights as inevitable effects, which is simply not true. In contrast, in the United States, where the number of journalists trained in science coverage is proportionately greater and where there is a journalistic tradition focused on accountability, many of these denialist traps have been more readily identified and tackled. Journalism is an essential service to democracy and I strongly believe in equipping reporters and editors with a greater understanding of how science works and why it can be trusted, which will allow our contribution to happen at a level of excellence. Brazil deserves no less than that.' data-letter=""> <h3>Thiago Medaglia</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in History of Science</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel incredibly blessed and honored to be awarded the Person of the Year Fellowship. As a First-generation student, the opportunity to study social entrepreneurship at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California has been the wildest dream in every generation in my family. Receiving a scholarship to enter university has forever changed my life and I am eternally grateful. As an effort to pay it forward, I created a non-profit organization nine years ago that believes in the potential of our youth and provides proper training in how to best utilize opportunities for their success. After obtaining my Masters&#039;s degree, my goal is to continue working to provide access to quality education and job opportunities for low-income, small-town students. I am certain that being a part of this network of professionals from Brazil and the United States can enhance this impact. Thank you for bringing me on this team!' data-letter=""> <h3>Wellington Santos Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship </h4> <p><strong>University of Southern California</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='We, Brazilians, and Americans, are the heirs of Western civilization. Greek Philosophy, Roman Law, and Christian Morals found fertile lands in the Americas in its two hemispheres, represented by Brazil and the USA. Freedom of thought, creed, and economics made those elements grow and generated fruits. I believe that business and commerce are a great force for generating wealth, prosperity, and maintaining freedom in societies. I want to fulfill my life purpose together with BACC, working at the intersection of technology, business strategy, and international relations. I hope to connect entrepreneurs from Brazil and the USA, promoting economic and cultural exchanges inside and outside the Americas. In this way, I hope to fulfill my journey as an apostle of Freedom. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Yuri Gomes de Abreu</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA and International Studies</h4> <p><strong>University of Pennsylvania</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2020"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am delighted to join the Person of the Year Fellowship community of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This award is definitely providing me the next step to bolster my personal and professional career. At Teachers College - Columbia University, I am researching alternative learning methods to promote a more significant and humanistic whole-education approach for teachers and youth around the globe. Providing them with the capacity to emancipate and empower themselves, we will build a more prosperous and sustainable economy for our citizens, especially the most vulnerable members of our communities. In the near future, I aspire to share these novel global trends in our Brazilian schools and expand them through public policies so that, in turn, we can also be part of the current worldwide education breakthrough.' data-letter=""> <h3>Alan Carvalho Oliveira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in Instructional Technology & Media</h4> <p><strong>Teachers College, Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am an enthusiast about the collaboration between the public and private sectors to deliver better public services to the population. My objective is to contribute for more viable and successful public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Brazil. During my dual degree – MBA at Wharton and MPA at Harvard Kennedy School, I am refining my Finance and problem-solving skills, and understanding how governments can structure better infrastructure projects. It is an honor to become part of the POY network! This opportunity will put me in contact with brilliant minds, giving me hope and ideas on how Brazil can become a good destination for foreign investments. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Ana Ramos</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I´m honored to receive the Person of The Year Fellowship and be part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community. Over my life, I have strived to positively impact Brazil through my career in financial services, my entrepreneurial endeavors, and my social projects. Such a desire to advance Brazil brought me to the dual-degree program between Stanford GSB´s MBA and Harvard Kennedy School´s MPA, where I´m working on mastering both technical and interpersonal skills. It´s wonderful to find support along the way and connect with people that share the same desire to give back to Brazil. For my future, I´ll continue to work for a more dynamic private sector that affords economic prosperity and a more robust public sector that gives opportunities to everyone with good governance. Brazil has everything it´s needed to be a leading nation over the next decade. We have the duty to make it happen, and I´m confident that the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce community will play a significant role in doing so. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Bruno Bueno</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration (MPA)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to be awarded the Person of the Year Fellowship. As a PhD student in education policy at Teachers College (Columbia University), I have confirmed something my previous work experience at international organizations, NGOs and the government already taught me: successful education policies throughout the world were often crafted by an alliance of policymakers, education professionals, researchers and business leaders. I am thrilled with the opportunity of engaging with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce network to collectively come up with discussions and projects that will contribute to improving education in Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>Danilo Fernandes Lima da Silva</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Ph.D. in Education Policy </h4> <p><strong>Teachers College, Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I see journalism as one of the most important instruments of democracy. Information is what enables people, companies, and governments to make choices and act as citizens. I have been breathing journalism for the last decade with a proposal to impact Brazil positively. I am daily involved in paramount debates as women&#039;s rights, emerging countries&#039; development, and society&#039;s protection from fake news. In the coverage of economics and business, I am always learning about financial markets and financial inclusion. The Master of Arts in Economics and Business Concentration from the Journalism School at Columbia University will allow me to go deeper into these themes, gaining the best skills for my career. Joining the Person of the Year Fellowship community of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is a pivotal way to contribute to Brazilian society, contact brilliant minds, and be involved in meaningful projects for the country. I am honored to be part of this distinguished group.' data-letter=""> <h3>Flávia Furlan Nunes</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in Business and Economics Concentration</h4> <p><strong>Journalism School, Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly honored to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship program. I decided to pursue a Master in Public Policy because I want to contribute to a more equal society and the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce network will undoubtedly enrich my experience abroad and my professional career back to Brazil. In my trajectory, I have seen the pernicious effects of inequality in education throughout Brazil, the weakness of democracy on small municipalities and how these relate to a national political crisis. I believe that education is the most powerful tool to change our society, but that it is important to understand the role that political and economic development play in the delivery of educational policies. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Isabella Assumpção Rozzino</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I&#039;m honored and extremely grateful for being recognized by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce as Person of the Year Fellow, a community of future leaders that will tirelessly devote their time, hard work, and intelligence to improve our country and the relationship with the United States. As a dual MBA/MPP student at the University of Chicago, I aim to help our public leaders develop more evidence-based policies and entrepreneurs to increase their social and environmental impact balancing profit and purpose. I am really excited to have the wisdom from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce team to support me through this challenging path and I am looking forward to starting this journey with my new fellows.' data-letter=""> <h3>Leandro Grespan</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Dual Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>University of Chicago</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='&quot;I am the result of an amazing educational project that has been part of my life since I was a little girl. Because of that, I believe educational methodologies have a pivotal role in shaping individuals&#039; values, ideas, and actions and I feel the need to contribute to that field as a way to give back. As a master&#039;s student in the International Education Development Program, at Teachers College, Columbia University, I have been able to make connections between Brazilian and American innovative education initiatives in the areas of environmental education and social justice. I look forward to strengthening this work with the support of the POY network, aiming at promoting spaces for diverse voices and profiles to thrive.&quot;' data-letter=""> <h3>Mariana Casellato</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in International Education Development </h4> <p><strong>Teachers College, Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to be selected as a recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Fellowship. Such opportunity not only allows me to join a network of brilliant people whose goal is to work for a better country, but also helps me turn my dream of pursuing a Master of International Affairs degree at Columbia University into reality. Before being admitted to Columbia University, I have worked on the management of U.S. Government-funded educational and cultural programs in Brazil, in partnership with the Embassy of the United States of America in Brasília. As a POY fellow, I hope to use the educational experience acquired at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs to work on the design and implementation of efficient public policies on human mobility in Brazil. The United States has been a historical partner to Brazil and other South American countries on the protection of migrants and refugees, and I hope my work can contribute to enhance cooperation efforts between both countries in this field.' data-letter=""> <h3>Sami Manes Adissi Sternberg</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of International Affairs (MIA)</h4> <p><strong>School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University </strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored and extremely grateful to be one of the recipients of The Person of the Year Fellowship Program. I am equally delighted for the opportunity to participate and contribute to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. At Harvard (Kennedy School of Government), I expanded my knowledge about Democracy, acquired new skills and mastery in designing and implementing public policy. I intend to continue dedicating my life to the public sector challenges: to transform the politics we have into the politics we need. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Thiago Mello Peixoto da Silveira</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Mid-Career Master in Public Administration </h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University </strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2019"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to receive the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. That support will be essential to pursue my goals as a Stanford graduate student in the Learning, Design and Technology Program. Throughout this year, I aim to explore innovative approaches for the application of digital technologies to enhance students and teachers&#039; learning, understanding how successful and evidence-based experience developed in the USA can adapted to the Brazilian context and then positively impact our Public Education. I am truly grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for their support in that path.' data-letter=""> <h3>Adelmo Antonio S. Eloy</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Two passions of mine are entrepreneurship and public policy. In Brazil, when I took classes on both of these topics, I noticed that the tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of public policy were rarely used to evaluate the outcomes of socially geared entrepreneurship, even though they might be applicable. I applied to Harvard with the aim of learning more about all of these topics, and to understand how to use the tools of policy and development to help private sector business initiatives with a social bend to be as impactful as possible. My experience in the United States has already offered me a lot, and much beyond exceptional classes. The people I have met at HKS and in Boston, through their diverse set of backgrounds and experiences, teach me something new every day, and their work and ideas will be references for the work that I want to do in Brazil. The Person of the Year Award has been fundamental in this enriching experience in my life, which I feel will be essential to the work I hope to do back home. And I could not be more grateful.' data-letter=""> <h3>Beatriz Figueiredo Velho</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Administration in International Development</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='One of the main learnings of my Masters in Public Administration in International Development at Harvard Kennedy School is that we should use empirical evidence to back our decisions. This is especially relevant in development, as a technically correct decision can help improve the lives of millions of people. I believe that, in Brazil, there is still a lot of room for social businesses to be backed by empirical evidence. For this reason, I am very grateful for the Person of the Year Scholarship, as it will help me further develop my career in social entrepreneurship. I will use the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce network and support to develop my ideas, while enhancing the partnerships between Brazil and the United States. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Beatriz Vasconcellos de Araújo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Administration in International Development</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply thankful and honored to be selected for the Person of the Year fellowship program. Being part of such an extraordinary group not only inspires me but also reminds me to always drive my journey towards a meaningful and substantial path. During my MBA studies at Kellogg, I plan to leverage my background in the business world by learning how to influence strategy and major decisions in organizations while enhancing my leadership skills. My long-term aspiration is to lead the transition of traditional fuels into renewable energy sources, and I aspire to be a protagonist in driving innovation and growth to the energy sector. It is a true privilege to be supported by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce in this endeavor to grow and excel as a catalyst leader in order to help people build a better society. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Daniel Nalin</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I believe climate change is currently the most pressing global challenge we face, and I have been deeply committed to raise awareness to this issue through environmental education, advocacy and project implementation. I decided to study energy and environment at Columbia University to explore practical solutions on how to decarbonize the energy sector and democratize access to vulnerable populations. I see the Person of the Year Fellowship as an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between Brazil and the US in the transition to a global low carbon economy. It is an honor to have been awarded by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, which demonstrates their innovative vision to mainstream sustainability in the commerce and trade discussions. I am confident the BACC network of outstanding leaders will be a source of inspiration to my work and a catalyst for my future endeavors.' data-letter=""> <h3>Eduarda Zoghbi</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MPA</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='To be able to attend the prestigious LL.M. Program of the University of Pennsylvania has being an incredible experience. I have the opportunity to learn from globally renowned law professors, engage in cutting-edge discussions promoted by different organizations such as the Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition, and attend courses offered by other prominent schools within the University, including Annenberg School for Communication and School of Arts &amp; Sciences. As an attorney specialized in competition and regulatory law, the comprehensive sophistication of my legal education provided by the LL.M. will certainly help with my aspirations to collaborate for the creation of regulatory tools and legal framework that can foster the economic growth of countries such as Brazil. I am deeply honored and grateful for being selected by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for the Fellowship Program and very excited to be part of such vibrant institution. I hope to create long-lasting and inspiring bonds with my Fellows and BACC members. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Isabella Neves Giorgi</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>University of Pennsylvania Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='There are few times when you know that something you will be part of will change your life. Participating in the Competitive Global Leadership Program is one of those times. Learning to lead, scale my project and add more value to Latin America will be the result of my time in Washington. I look forward to being part of the GCLP alumni, thanks to the Ling Institute and the Person of the Year Award by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, I have the opportunity of a lifetime and access to the knowledge of many!' data-letter=""> <h3>Ítalo Souza Cunha</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship offered by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. More than financial support, this award means being part of a community of hard-working, driven people who come from diverse backgrounds, share impressive accomplishments and are passionate about fostering Brazil’s economic development. As an environmental lawyer, I firmly believe that state regulation plays a critical role in reducing transaction costs and ensuring social gains from trade. At Stanford Law School, I expect to acquire rigorous, cross-disciplinary training in environmental, energy and resource law that enables me to make meaningful contributions to the design of the Brazilian regulatory framework.' data-letter=""> <h3>Julia Macedo de Lamare</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I believe that institutional improvement in Brazil, closely connected to the long dreamt economic and social development, can be achieved through a new culture of empowering a technically qualified class of politicians - a movement in which I want to take part and for which I have been preparing myself by pursuing a robust academic and professional training, exercising continuous leadership in various settings and building an intercontinental network. During my LL.M. at Columbia University I intend to explore both the Law School and the School of International and Public Affairs in order to find solutions to increase efficiency in the public sector and foster international collaboration. As these values are also treasured by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and the Person of the Year Fellowship community, I am truly honored to join such a special, vibrant and change-oriented batch.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lucas Brandão Borges Caiado</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am a graduate student in Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California at Marshall School of Business. Make the world a place a little bit better and help people always was a premise for me. The idea to learn tools to build a bridge between the base of the pyramid and the impact of business is what the most excite me. Historically, social impact projects have been known to pay little attention to what people really want, what motivates them, and what challenges they are really facing. After finishing my master&#039;s degree, I hope to continue my dynamic work at social impact, especially in Brazil, building value bridges between the bottom of the pyramid and professionals and companies that wish to improve the world and make it less unequal. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Luciana Oliveira Paulino</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Science focused in Social Entrepreneurship</h4> <p><strong>University of Southern California</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='A spark has to be kindled in the right environment for it to spread into a fire. It is with gratitude towards the IFL, the Ling Institute and the Person of the Year Fellowship that I partake on Georgetown&#039;s Global Competitiveness Leadership Program. It is invigorating when people see potential in you and want to invest in your future. That is also the potential I see in the Brazilian people. People all over the country are undergoing a massive paradigm shift towards the individual and free enterprise. Times like these are fertile for the values of Life, Property and Liberty to take root. Undergoing the GCL Program and being part of the POY Network will amplify my impact once I return to my home country to act on and to live that change.' data-letter=""> <h3>Luiz Guilherme Priolli Fonseca e Carvalho</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Global Competitiveness Leadership Program</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and be part of a network that is committed to have a positive impact in the world. This award will play a significant role in pursuing my MBA degree at Harvard Business School, where I intend to improve my skill set to create an impact through investments in purpose-driven companies in Brazil. The degree will also help me in my longtime dream to develop a new generation of leaders in Brazil to assume important roles in the public and private sectors and who are aware of our problems and differences as a nation, coming up with new solutions and promoting change.' data-letter=""> <h3>Miguel Furian Campos</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to have been selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship program. As an enthusiast of Brazil’s potential in the international setting, I am delighted to pursue my LL.M. at Columbia University while being a part of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce cohort. Throughout the year, I expect to be alongside brilliant minds from different backgrounds but who share the same pivotal purpose: the business development and economic growth of our countries. I am confident that Columbia Law School will provide me with the legal and leadership tools essential to pursue efficient social-economic impact strategies. Thus, I look forward to taking advantage of this program as an opportunity to rethink Business Law and Affairs inclusively, embracing all stakeholders of our global economy.' data-letter=""> <h3>Zora Motta Fayal de Lyra</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Law School</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2018"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very grateful for being selected for the Person of the Year fellowship program. It is a great opportunity to be part of a group of people committed to having a positive impact in Brazil in their own respective areas. I strongly believe in the power of connecting purpose-driven people who bring different perspectives to solving relevant problems. I have worked to enhance and expand the Lemann Fellowship Talent program and am now investing in my own education in the Master of Public Administration at Harvard University. Coming from a sciences background, I believe in combining analytical thinking with implementation. I believe that our best talents should be allocated to solving our most relevant problems, and that government is a critical place to focus. Here, I expect to learn more in order to apply this knowledge and skills to helping change Brazil. I am very grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for supporting me to continue pursuing that purpose.' data-letter=""> <h3>Anna Laura Schmidt</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='&quot;It is an immense honor to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This fellowship will help fund my MBA studies at Harvard Business School, where I intend on working closely with startups in developing economies. After working in McKinsey as a strategy consultant and then as a General Manager in an Asian startup, I became very passionate about entrepreneurship. At HBS, I also intend on launching my own startup, focused on helping people make more rational and data-backed purchasing decisions. In the future, my objective is to become a thought partner for entrepreneurs, helping them expand ideas and grow their businesses.&quot;' data-letter=""> <h3>Daniela Llobet</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. Pursuing the MBA and MPA dual degree at both MIT Sloan and Harvard Kennedy School is a highly important stepping stone towards my goal of further developing evidence-based philanthropy and quality early childhood education in Brazil. I am extremely grateful for the support and for being a part of such an unique network.' data-letter=""> <h3>Elisa de Rooij Mansur</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA and MPA</h4> <p><strong>MIT Sloan and Harvard Kennedy School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being a part of such exceptional group is an honor. I am very thankful to be selected as one of the Person of the Year fellows of this year. The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is playing a major roll in my future, by supporting me to achieve the dream of obtaining a Master&#039;s Degree at the Graduate School of Journalism of Columbia University. I have been working as a TV reporter covering human rights violations and social conflicts in Latin America, but with this experience I will be able to expand the horizons of my work to the whole globe. The encounter with reporters from so many different countries made this semester extraordinary. Having seasoned journalists, some of the best in the world, as professors was inspiring. With my background covering themes such as immigration, violence, modern slavery and the devastation of the Amazon, I intend to cover social conflicts in Africa and the Middle East. The knowledge I am acquiring will be fundamental for this new step of my career. I hope to keep focusing my reporting on the protection of human dignity. And the Person of Year Fellowship is supporting me in this goal. I will be forever thankful. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Estevan Muniz</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts program in the Politics and Global Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely honored for being selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This fellowship will play a significant role in pursuing my LL.M. degree at Stanford University, my longtime dream. During the program I intend to deepen my studies on international investment law and anticorruption regulations. Studying at Stanford would broaden my knowledge, helping me to understand the economics, business and international policies behind transactions, as well as allowing me to present solutions based upon comparative legal principles and proceedings in the upcoming international transactions I will be involved in. Furthermore, as the founder of the biggest civic education NGO in Brazil, and as a U.S. State Department and Obama Foundation fellow, I plan to use Stanford’s prominent faculty and resources to develop my leadership skills in order to be prepared for the academic and professional challenges that I plan to face in the near future.' data-letter=""> <h3>Felipe Neves</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4> LL.M. degree</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to have been selected for the Person of the Year award by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always known that I would like to work with education. After spending the past four years teaching in Brazil’s public schools, I have seen that something radical should be done in order to give our youth a chance to succeed in an increasingly globalized world. I decided I wanted to be a part of that change and so I applied for a Master in Education at Teachers College – Columbia University, which I was fortunate enough to be accepted. In so little time in the United States, I have already seen how much Brazilian teachers can both learn from and contribute with American ones. In here, I have seen professors focused on cutting-edge teaching techniques, which were never taught to me in my home university that would definitely help my peers to better teach our students. Since in Brazil the teaching career is not very prestigious, most people that become teachers are usually extremely passionate about teaching, very creative to teach with limited resources and profoundly worried about their students’ performance. I would love to help the Chamber in making this exchange become possible.' data-letter=""> <h3>Fernanda Albuquerque de Araujo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Masters of Education</h4> <p><strong>Teachers College, Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a convicted optimist, my journey has taught me that in order to solve society&#039;s urgent challenges there is no better option than uniting the brightest and most committed minds to exchange and act together towards a common aspiring goal. In addition, I truly believe that leadership networks can leverage their potential while interchanging internationally and learning from different leaders with diverse backgrounds, expertise and visions. As a Person of the Year Fellow, I hope to fulfill my privileged educational experience at Columbia School of International and Public Affairs by promoting collaboration between Brazil and US in the fields of social policy and innovation in the public sector. It is a great honor to be part of the outstanding leadership network of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, and surely a catalyst for a career focused on Brazil&#039;s development.' data-letter=""> <h3>Guilherme Barros</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being selected for the Person of the Year Award by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is not only an honor, but also a great incentive in pursuing my career goals. Pursuing my Masters in International Affairs at Columbia University was always a dream that now thanks to the BACC is becoming real. Here I can explore and improve my knowledge in International Relations to complement my background in Business and Finance, especially regarding to the US-Brazil relations. My focus is in Financial Markets in both countries, and how I can help and work to improve the relationship regarding trading and finance between US and Brazil. I believe both countries can benefit from this relationship, as long as efforts from different players take place. As part of the BACC community, I hope to make connections and gather more knowledge to achieve my goal, as well as share the knowledge I&#039;m getting from my studies at Columbia University. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Isadora Seixas</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in International Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='&quot;I believe that data and technology can fundamentally change the way government operates and delivers public services. At Harvard, I hope to learn how to leverage disruptive technologies to make the Brazilian government more efficient, transparent and just. More than ever we need public leaders who understand the relationship between technology, data and public interest, as well as are able to design, build and engage with digital technologies while ensuring civic participation, protection of individual liberties and public accountability. In this sense, I am extremely grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. More than financial support, the Person of the Year Fellowship is an exceptional network of inspiring, outstanding individuals who will not only help me become a better public leader, but also continuously promote mutual prosperity within the Brazilian-American community.&quot;' data-letter=""> <h3>João Paulo Alcántara</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Administration in International Development</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel deeply honored for being selected to the Person of the Year Fellowship Program. It is a privilege to be part of a group committed to having a positive impact on Brazil. Studying for the Master of Arts in Politics and Global Affairs at Columbia Journalism School, the most prestigious school of journalism in the world, I intend to strengthen my skills to work as an independent journalist, covering social and politic issues that matter. Facing a globalized world where conflicts, inequality, and fake news thrive, we have all seen how difficult it is to assure the quality of information. I want to dedicate my life to this mission. The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s support is an invaluable contribution to this goal, and I feel immensely grateful for this opportunity.' data-letter=""> <h3>Letícia Duarte</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master of Arts in Politics and Global Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored and grateful for receiving the Person of the Year Fellowship. Studying at the Stanford Graduate School of Education is a unique opportunity to pursue my dream of delivering an excellent education for all Brazilians and being connected with the Person of the Year amazing network of bright and committed professionals is undoubtedly fundamental to build the foundations to achieve this goal. During my time in the United States, I expect to learn from the internationally renowned scholars in education and leverage their expertise to tackle the challenges in Brazilian public education. I intend to use my Master in International Comparative Education to connect the knowledge from the academy with policy-making in Brazil, pursuing evidence-inspired policies that will improve teaching for all our children. It is a privilege to be supported by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce in that endeavor.' data-letter=""> <h3>Lucas Fernandes Hoogerbrugge</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='One of the most understated findings in economics is that investing in your own education brings a higher rate of return than any asset in the financial markets. For that reason, I am incredibly thankful for being awarded the Person of the Year Fellowship through the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. As a PhD student in economics at Harvard coming from a low-income neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, I know the value and importance of education. With this fellowship, I get one step closer of fulfilling my dream of being a professor. The United States and Brazil have a lot to learn from each other and I am very proud of bridging that knowledge gap in the field of economics. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Paulo Costa</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Economics</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='&quot;I am grateful and honored for being awarded the Person of the Year Fellowship in 2018. Being at the Harvard Kennedy School allows me to be in touch with cutting edge policy practices, exceptional faculty and outstanding classmates. At HKS I have been learning a lot not only from the core and elective courses but also from my classmates and from external activities that happen daily in and around campus. Having access to vising fellows, invited speakers and faculty enhances networking and learning opportunities and bring a new perspective to my graduate studies. In the future, I want to mobilize all this knowledge and networks to promote evidence-based public policies and to become a role model that will ultimately contribute to change my compatriots’ perspective about government and politics. I want to lead government officials in developing policies which are evidence-based and aimed towards society´s most pressing priorities such as education and economic development.&quot; ' data-letter=""> <h3>Thiago Lamelo</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Recent years have been interesting times for journalists in Brazil. As a reporter covering politics in Brasília, I often come across many of the inherent challenges of developing democracies, such as corruption, patrimonialism and lack of transparency. My decision to come to Harvard Kennedy School was with the sense of developing a deeper critical understanding of public institutions around the world and being able to translate this to my audience in Brazil. Another reason for my choice was the possibility of cross-registration to courses in MIT, where I have the chance to delve into the technical part of my career, finding more efficient ways to deliver news to a rapidly transforming public. I am sincerely grateful for Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Award which - along with Instituto Ling Jornalista de Visão Award – not only provided a fundamental financial support to my professional endeavor, but also enhanced my values about educational fellowship. ' data-letter=""> <h3>Victor Cezar Boyadjian</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master in Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2017"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I believe that we can only excel as professionals and scholars by pursuing cutting-edge knowledge and investigating contemporary issues that challenge different societies. Keeping our minds open to answers that we must chase outside our comfort zones enables us to provide better solutions to the problems our community faces. This exchange of ideas is the greatest legacy that the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce bequeaths to this and the next generations of both countries. The Person of the Year Fellowship, more than a scholarship, is a long-term project for a society built on education and mutual generosity. I am deeply honored to have been chosen to become a part of this enterprise.' data-letter=""> <h3>BRUNO BODART</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being recipient of the Person of the Year Award is not only an incredible honor, but also the culmination of my decade-long effort to strengthen ties between the peoples of Brazil and the United States. Having benefited from two U.S. State Department scholarships, including the Youth Ambassadors, and worked as a Program Officer for the Fulbright Commission in Brazil, I have learned that effective diplomacy can exist outside the realm of politics: when individuals engage in cross-cultural dialogue directly with one another. During my Master&#039;s in International Comparative Education at Stanford University, my hope is to investigate ways to create more inclusive internationalization initiatives in Brazil, so I can continue to create opportunities for such dialogue through education policy. I am immensely grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for enabling me to continue pursuing that goal.' data-letter=""> <h3>BRUNO CARLESSO BETAT</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am thrilled for being selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This scholarship, together with my MBA at Stanford will help me to follow my dream of changing the reality of early-stage companies, increasing their chances to reach maturity through mentorship and a seed investment. During 15-years experience as entrepreneur, I could only succeed because I was helped by more experienced mentors and now it is time to give back all the help that I had. Thanks BACC for supporting my dream! ' data-letter=""> <h3>BRUNO YOSHIMURA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Graduate School Of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Born in a small underprivileged town from Brazil’s Northeast, I left my parents’ home at age 10 to have access to better education. Very young, I learned that to reach higher, I must deal with change and take risks. Looking back, I also see that I would not have gotten here without the support of many people who helped me on this journey. And for such a reason, I feel truly honored to be able to count on the support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce through the Person of the Year Fellowship. This award represents not only a crucial financial support to complete my MBA at the University of Chicago Booth, but also the opportunity to learn about innovative business models in the US that could be further launched in Brazil. Once I get my MBA degree, I want to launch a for-profit startup with a social mission, most likely in the digital health sector, thus helping millions of Brazilians living in remote areas have access to quality healthcare. I’m confident that being a Person of the Year Fellow will definitely help me achieve my goal.' data-letter=""> <h3>DEYLLISON CINTRA DE MELO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Booth School Of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely grateful for being awarded with the Person of the Year Fellowship. Being a master student at Stanford is a crucial step in my path to create meaningful changes for the education system in Brazil. For the past few years I have worked at a Center for Public Policies developing scientific research for education and I believe that a master’s program in the US presents an interdisciplinary and diverse approach for thinking about education. I aim to redefine boundaries and expand my understanding of innovative solutions. As a part of the BACC community, I hope to build connections and strengthen bridges between the scientific knowledge developed by both countries. ' data-letter=""> <h3>GABRIELA GALL ROSA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In International Comparative Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely honored and humbled for being selected to be part of the Person of the Year Fellowship Program, joining a network of extraordinary people committed to improving Brazil-US relations and contributing to building more developed, inclusive, and prosperous nations. As a joint Master in Public Policy and MBA candidate at Harvard University, I am focused on how governments and the private sector can work together to create shared prosperity, and how social enterprises can be financially sustainable and create lasting scalable social impact. Taking twenty of my colleagues to Brazil and sharing with them the innovations in the public sector and the thriving social enterprise ecosystem was a remarkable experience that highlighted how much we can learn from knowledge exchange between US and Brazil. Co-founding with international partners a startup to provide refugees and vulnerable people from host communities opportunities for income generation and skills development, by outsourcing digital work from companies worldwide, demonstrated the great potential of global solutions to local challenges. I am looking forward to continuing to explore how people, companies, and nations can work together to create a more peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous world. ' data-letter=""> <h3>LAURA OLLER</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA/MPP</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel deeply honored to be one of the students awarded with the 2017 Person of the Year Fellowship. It means not only an important financial help for my year at Columbia University, but also a great opportunity to network with a community of like-minded people from different areas who want to make an impact in Brazil. As a student of the Master of Arts in Politics and Global Affairs at the most prestigious school of journalism, I will have the chance to learn more about new trends of the industry, the impacts of the digital revolution, acquire new skills, and go deeper in Latin American politics and Latam-US relations. After finishing my degree, my goal is to keep on using the international media space to tell important stories from Brazil and the region to the world and thereby help promote change and accountability. I hope to contribute to build a more innovative and stronger press in Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>LUCIANI CORREA DE CARVALHO GOMES</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MA In Politics And Global Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very honored and thankful for being selected for the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Fellowship Program. It is a privilege to be part of a group truly committed to invest time and generate positive impacts for Brazil in so many different areas. I am passionate about implementing policies to improve our education system and coming to the School of International and Public Affairs in Columbia is an amazing opportunity to learn about policy design and evaluation and to develop important skills so, in the future, I can help implement impactful policies and bring better results for the Brazilian public education. ' data-letter=""> <h3>MARCIA SANZOVO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='For my generation this is undoubtedly the best moment to advance in studies of public policies. Brazil is going through the greatest political crisis since re-democratization, this can mean a giant potential for redirect the country to new economic/political/social advances. What I could not imagine would be that this moment would combine so perfectly with the USA political context, also facing a moment of redefinition of the political, economic, and social orientations. That being said, my expectation about my studies here in the USA is to not only to empower my professional and intellectual background, but also take advantage of these contexts to effectively contribute in transforming the economic sphere in Brazil (and in the US, if possible). I am very grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and to Instituto Ling for all the support and encouragement I have been receiving to realize my ambitions.' data-letter=""> <h3>OLIVIA MIRANDA CARNEIRO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harris School Of Public Policy</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is an absolute honor to be contemplated with the Person of the Year Fellowship. I am very grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for electing me part of this group of young leaders who are working to make a difference in the world. I&#039;ve been working in the 3rd Sector in Brazil for the last 7 years and as a candidate for Master in International and Educational Development degree at Columbia University, I expect to achieve an broaden vision to continue helping in the development of public education in my country. As board member of a Brazilian NGO that teaches English in vulnerable communities, I can see how empowering it is to develop productive relations between Brazil and United States, and I hope I can continue to be a bridge between people that want to see more opportunity equality in the world. ' data-letter=""> <h3>SARAH MORAIS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In International Education Development</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a journalist, I mastered in covering crisis, both national and international. In June 2013, I had the opportunity to work with Edward Snowden&#039;s leaked papers, and that became a turning point in my career. Those reports opened the doors to a Masters at Columbia University, the most prestigious Journalism School in the world. My greatest aim is to create new formats to journalistic programs on television as well as the Internet that could find more creative ways to tell stories and captivate the public. In Brazil, digital media is the main source of information. It’s a country where 95% of the population watch TV regularly and 74% watch it in a daily basis. It is an indissoluble role of the journalist to endure the task of making the population more conscious and prepared to understand their country and to develop a critical view. It is well known that a well-informed public is more aware of their rights and conscious. I want to expand the reach of information in multiple platforms in the future. To be one of the recipients of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Fellowship will help me to achieve this goals. I hope to fulfill the expectations and bring benefits to the Brazilian society. ' data-letter=""> <h3>TIAGO ORNAGHI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MA In Politics And Global Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia School Of Journalism</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2016"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='As a first generation college student and the first person to ever travel abroad to pursue an education in my family, I feel humbled to receive such honor and represent my fellow Brazilians in this wonderful program. Having had diplomatic experiences as a Youth Ambassador of Brazil through the U.S. Department of State, I have learned not only to appreciate the important synergies between Brazil and the U.S., but also actively build mutual understanding among peoples from both nations. I want to use my Harvard education to continue to empower children and youth to become global citizens, and help my native country of Brazil to create an equitable educational system; one that can fulfill our democratic promise of equality of opportunity for all children despite their lack of social connections, financial stability and health insurance. I am whole-heartedly invested in this project and I thank the Chamber for believing in my potential to catalyze this change. ' data-letter=""> <h3>ALLAN MICHEL JALES COUTINHO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Education - International Education Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Graduate School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It has been an unparalleled privilege to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship. Being a POY fellow means much more than receiving financial support to pursue my lifetime dream of studying in Columbia Law School as an LL.M candidate. It means to be surrounded by distinguished people who, albeit coming from different backgrounds, share the same goal: to change the current Brazilian landscape by fostering business in its broader sense. The Person of the Year Award and the Fellowship Program aim to achieve this objective through improving the relationship between Brazil and the United States, and that is exactly what I am already developing in Columbia and plan to keep advancing once back to Brazil. As a disputes resolution lawyer, my quest is to promote more effective methods to resolve disputes, encouraging business and cooperating for the economic development of our country. Thanks for the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce I am now learning, at Columbia Law School, the best means to achieve my purpose.' data-letter=""> <h3>AMANDA NUNES SAMPAIO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I would like to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, as well as Fundação Lemann, for awarding me the Person of the Year Fellowship. Beyond the honor that the fellowship represents, this award will provide me fundamental support on completing my Master’s program at Harvard University, a major milestone in my professional and personal developments. Going forward, I will dedicate my efforts to helping improve the Brazilian energy sector and, consequently, supporting the country’s development, a vision that I now consider to be shared with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, together with our joint commitment to strengthen the relationship between Brazil and the US.' data-letter=""> <h3>ANDRE MOCARZEL DE MAYNART RAMOS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MPP-Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Kennedy School Of Government</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being selected for the Person of the Year Awards Fellowship has contributed significantly for my higher education, allowing me to work with the most prestigious minds in development studies at the MPA in Development Practice at Columbia University. I am much obliged to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this high-level network of fellows concerned with building a better world. After my degree, I wish to give back what is being invested in me as hard work and commitment to improve our society. I am interested in applying best practices in public policies for education and entrepreneurship to contribute to Brazil’s progress, and make the country a successful model to be followed by the developing world. ' data-letter=""> <h3>FERNANDA BORGES NOGUEIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MPA-Master Of Public Administration In Development Practice</h4> <p><strong>SIPA-Columbia School Of International And Public Affairs</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly honored to be one of the 2016 Person of the Year Fellowship recipients. The support from BACC to fulfill my studies at Columbia University does not come only in the form of a crucial financial aid. It also puts me in contact with a valuable network of peers of like-minded people whom I share values and the intent of having an impact in Brazil and in US-Brazil relations. Being a fellow is a reminder of the great responsibility it is to aim for social and economic change in Brazil and for that I am truly grateful.' data-letter=""> <h3>GABRIEL MOURA QUEIROZ</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MIA-Master Of International And Public Affairs</h4> <p><strong>SIPA-Columbia School Of International And Public Affairs</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I want to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for granting me the POY fellowship. I truly admire the efforts to foster ties between Brazil and the United States, as it´s a win-win relationship that has potential to ultimately improve the lives of millions of people in Brazil. I believe it´s a responsibility of all Brazilian MBAs to improve the conditions of our country, thus this is a cause that I´m extremely committed to and that I plan to significantly invest my time with. On a social level, I´ve brought 60 international HBS classmates to Brazil, so they could see for themselves how entrepreneurial our people are and how many opportunities there are in our country. On a professional level, I´ve been using the funds provided by this fellowship to test and launch business models that could be further rolled-out to Brazil. Regardless where I´ll be in the future, I´ll definitely be actively engaged in this absolutely amazing community, which I´m proud to be part of. ' data-letter=""> <h3>GUSTAVO CHAVES VAZ</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I&#039;m truly honored and humbled to be a part of the Person of The Year Fellowship Program. This group represents for me not only the award itself - essencial for the completion of this Joint Degree MBA/MA in Education program in Stanford - but mostly the intangible network of support, inspiration and thrust among other fellows and members of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This immersion in the American culture, combined with the Education and Management knowledge are being mind-opening and helping me to think of new businesses with more depth and diversity. The journey of impact has already started and I reinforce here my gratitude and commitment to use these learnings to develop business with ethics, dedication and with the purpose of Brazilian&#039;s development. ' data-letter=""> <h3>ISADORA DE FREITAS LEITE KIMURA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA/MA In Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It was a great honor and extremely inspirational to be selected to receive the Pearson of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The support of this incredible community has renewed my energy towards my dream of improving the efficiency, transparency, and productivity of the Brazilian Public Sector. By mastering the best business tools and discussing ideas with the brightest minds in the field at Stanford University, I will have the opportunity to test and develop innovative solutions that can be translated into better public policies for the entire Brazilian population later on in my career. And by exchanging these ideas with the broader and talented POY Fellowship community, I will be able to both expand the impact of my ideas and support the dreams of my peers that, together with mine, will improve the lives of millions of Brazilian citizens.' data-letter=""> <h3>JOÃO AVELINO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very honored and thankful to be one of the 2016 Person of the Year Fellows. I am an LL.M. candidate at Harvard Law School, where I study the intersection of development policy, human rights and international law. With the support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, I have been able to explore new approaches to law, which I hope to apply towards public interest objectives in Brazil. I know that being part of the BACC community will definitely contribute to this aim, and I look forward to continuously interacting with other Person of the Year Fellows.' data-letter=""> <h3>JULIA CORTES DA CUNHA CRUZ</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Law School, USA</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely grateful to be a 2016 Person of the Year Fellows – it is a great honor to join such a talented and inspiring group of people, who are bound by a common goal of fostering change in Brazil. As an arbitration lawyer, I have always been an enthusiast of methods that could streamline Brazil’s dispute resolution system and reduce our massive litigation culture, such as arbitration, negotiation, and mediation. Thanks to the support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, I am an LL.M. Candidate at Harvard Law School, where I have the incredible opportunity to study those subjects with some of the most important professors in the field. After graduation, I plan to spread this conflict-resolution approach in Brazil, continuing to work to increase awareness about such dispute resolution methods and to enhance their effectiveness in the country. I am sure that being one of the Person of the Year Fellows will help me achieving this goal.' data-letter=""> <h3>LAURA GOUVÊA DE FRANÇA PEREIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel honored to have been chosen as a Person of the Year Fellow along with such accomplished people. With POY, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is bringing together professionals and academics who share a commitment to making an impact in Brazil. More importantly it is giving us the tools to accomplish this goal. I feel proud and humbled to be part of this group, and I thank BACC for its generosity. The POY Fellowship has strengthened my commitment to deliver my best work while pursuing my masters in investigative journalism at Columbia University. My plan is to use the skills I’m learning here to help promote accountability and positive social change in Brazil. ' data-letter=""> <h3>LUIZA DIAS LOPES DE VASCONCELLOS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Science In Journalism</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Journalism School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel honored to have been chosen as a Person of the Year Fellow along with such accomplished people. With POY, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is bringing together professionals and academics who share a commitment to making an impact in Brazil. More importantly it is giving us the tools to accomplish this goal. I feel proud and humbled to be part of this group, and I thank BACC for its generosity. The POY Fellowship has strengthened my commitment to deliver my best work while pursuing my masters in investigative journalism at Columbia University. My plan is to use the skills I’m learning here to help promote accountability and positive social change in Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>MANUELA ANDREONI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Science In Journalism</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Journalism School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is an honor and a privilege to be awarded with the Person of the Year Fellowship. With the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s support, I&#039;ll have an invaluable opportunity to grow in my career as a journalist and aspiring entrepreneur. Being a research scholar at the BricLab at Columbia University, I&#039;ll have access to leading experts from a variety of fields to have a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in Brazil right now, especially in terms of public policy. By the end of my time in New York City, hopefully I&#039;ll be able to give back to my country what I&#039;ll be learning. And I&#039;ll be forever thankful to the POY committee for that.' data-letter=""> <h3>PEDRO BURGOS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>CGEG-BRICLab</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply tankful and honored for being selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. It is a pleasure to be part of this community with incredible people who are working to make a difference in the world and to strength the relationship between Brazil and the United States. As a candidate for Master in International Education and Development degree at Columbia University, I chose the concentration on International Policy and Planning to fully comprehend the intricate economic, political and social relations which affect the education policies in different countries. Particularly, I want to focus my studies on teachers training policies, by comparing distinct education systems models worldwide, and analyzing the role of governments in advancing education reforms. With an expanded knowledge on this field, my goal is to be able to deliver more insightful policy proposals and qualified diagnostics, based on solid theory and evidences, to Brazilian education, either by achieving strategic responsibilities in the government, or by developing projects in NGOs. ' data-letter=""> <h3>TALITA NASCIMENTO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>International And Comparative Education Program</h4> <p><strong>Columbia Teachers College</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2015"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very honored and gratified to receive the Person of The Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The recognition and support of this unique community encourages me to dream bigger in pursuit of my goal to make a relevant positive impact on the Brazilian Education Sector. I have already started this lifelong journey by co-founding B8 Educational Projects, a Brazilian NGO that gives opportunities to talented students to stand out in global Science Education competition, by giving support to the public sector at the Sao Paulo State Department of Education and by exploring the opportunities in the private sector as a former management consultant and at working for an EdTech company in the Silicon Valley. As a joint-degree MBA/MA in Education student at Stanford, I will continue to develop my leadership skills, hone my industry expertise and strengthen my connections with the community to achieve this goal faster and further. ' data-letter=""> <h3>ALLISON MASSAO HIRATA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA / MA In Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly overjoyed to join the highly distinctive group of recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship. Nevertheless, the joy comes hand in hand with a strong sense of responsibility towards Brazil and its brilliant people. I will employ the knowledge and skills acquired at Stanford to actively influence the Brazilian way of doing business, promoting more professionalism, performance and ethical behavior. There is a long journey ahead, but the hardship is certainly mitigated by the support of partners such as the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. Let’s get to work! ' data-letter=""> <h3>AMADEUS ORLEANS DE PAULA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be awarded with the Person of the Year Fellowship and be part of an inspiring group of fellows committed with the development of cooperation ties between Brazil and the US. My career goal is contributing for a better public educational system in my country. As a Master of Public Administration candidate at Columbia School of International of Public Affairs, I will be able to focus my studies on good experiences in school management to be spread in large scale. With the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s support, I expect to strengthen the exchange of innovation expertise and academic knowledge between Brazilian and American public institutions.' data-letter=""> <h3>AURÉLIO NASCIMENTO DE AMARAL</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia School Of International Of Public Affairs</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It was a great surprise to become one of the 2015 Person of the Year fellows. I am truly honored to be part of such unique group, along with brilliant young professionals. This fellowship will connect me with a community engaged with the growth of our nation through education. As a student of a Master of Arts in Entrepreneurial Journalism at the City University of New York, I plan to learn from those who are ahead on digital thinking and have found solutions for the crisis in the news industry. After completing my degree, I aim to contribute with the press freedom and democracy in Brazil, helping news organizations build a sustainable future, and passing my knowledge ahead. I hope I can repay the trust the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and Instituto Ling have placed on me.' data-letter=""> <h3>BARBARA MARCOLINI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Arts In Entrepreneurial Journalism</h4> <p><strong>City University Of New York</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I’m truly honored to receive the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce “Person of the Year” fellowship. More than a privilege, it is a strong responsibility that I intend to carry respectfully. As a MBA candidate at Harvard Business School, I’ll have the opportunity to supplement my background with a high standard curriculum, returning to Brazil with more potential to help improving our reality. With a career focused on the financial market, I’ve learned that are different and possible alternatives to unify profitability with great social and environmental impacts. Here at Harvard, I will benefit from the advanced stage at which the USA is in terms of sustainability, and I couldn’t think of a better place to find people engaged with our country&#039;s relationship with the USA than in the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. So, once again, I’m truly thankful for being part of this long-lasting community.' data-letter=""> <h3>CAMILA RIBEIRO KATAGUIRI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I had the chance to meet some of the Person of the Year Fellows and feel very excited to become part of this group of youngsters who are so dedicated to social good in Brazil. I&#039;m sure we will develop long-standing partnerships to achieve more impact in our future plans. And I can&#039;t wait to take part in the events organized by the Brazillian-American Chamber of Commerce. I hope my engagement and commitment to improving the relations between Brazil and the United States will be fruitful, because I&#039;m sure this is the way for both countries to succeed economically, socially and even culturally. I will work hard to achieve this goal because it is part of my agenda but also because this is the least I could do to thank the support BACC is giving me in my pursuit in Columbia University, where I&#039;m doing a Master in Public Administration. The MPA will allow me to open new possibilities for my career as an economics reporter focused on education and public policy. I might continue the work in one of the most prestigious economics publications in Brazil, which is Exame magazine, where I can help influence the way business people see the role of the government in Brazil. But I can also change completely my career plans and start working in government organizations or consulting firms focused on the public sector. I don&#039;t know what the future will bring, but I&#039;m sure BACC will have been extremely important for it.' data-letter=""> <h3>DANIEL BARROS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel truly honored for having being chosen as a Person Of the Year Fellowship recipient. I am a Master in Public Administration candidate at the University of Pennsylvania because I think Brazil needs new ways to face old and apparently unsolvable problems. As a political journalist based in Brasilia, I am certain that living in the United States’ first capital and studying in one ofthe most traditional American universities will help me to find solutions for Brazil and, in some way, work to build a freer, fairer and stronger country. I thank BACC and Instituto Ling for that opportunity.' data-letter=""> <h3>GABRIEL CASTRO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>University Of Pennsylvania</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship, among such a group of incredibly talented people. A country such as Brazil needs a well-educated mass of young, talented people, with the right mindset to create a more evolved society. What it also needs in order to continue its path as a democracy is strong, resilient media. Going to the USA to study towards a Master’s degree in journalism is no coincidence. It is one of the world&#039;s strongest and most enduring democracies, with some of the world&#039;s leading media institutions. The USA provides plenty of examples that could be studied and applied in some shape or form in Brazil, not just in media. Likewise, positive relations with Brazil should also be very important to foster understanding. My hope is that the education and contact with other fellows will enable me to serve as an instrument for change in my country.' data-letter=""> <h3>IGOR CARRASCO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Multimedia Jornalism</h4> <p><strong>New York University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It’s a great honor for me to be selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and be part of a community of incredible people with great accomplishments and who are looking for make a difference and positive impact in the world. As a candidate for the MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management, I intend to focus my studies in public education, specifically in school and district management, and understand best practices in USA that can be applied in Brazilian reality. Before coming to MIT, I spent almost 2 years working for the Lemann Foundation with Education management and impact investing projects, many of them developed in partnership with American organizations. I am thankful for this opportunity and I will work very hard to contribute to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce mission.' data-letter=""> <h3>JULIANA GREGORY CAVALCANTE</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>MIT Sloan School Of Management</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored for being chosen as one of the recipients of the Person of the Year fellowship. Completing my graduate studies in the USA, both in Business Administration and in Education, will certainly prepare me for developing and investing in innovations for primary education in Brazil. Stanford is the perfect institution to learn the skills I need to expand my impact on that area, not only because of its unique business courses and renowned education technology researchers, but also because of its entrepreneurial community and innovative schools and companies associated with the university. I thank the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce for supporting me on this path. I am extremely happy to see an institution successfully strengthening the relationship and knowledge exchange between Brazil and USA – I know that the education market can benefit from that exchange, and I hope I will collaborate with the development of that market once I finish my studies. ' data-letter=""> <h3>LIVIA PALOMO VIDAL</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being selected to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Person of the Year Fellowship is a great honor and privilege. This Fellowship will definitely turbo-charge my motivation to pursue my career aspirations, for two main reasons. First, it will give me the opportunity to meet an amazing peer-group and inspiring leaders who share my values and commitments. Secondly, through the generous financial support, it will enable me to pursue my academic studies more confidently. As an MBA Candidate at Stanford Graduate School of Business, I want to deepen my knowledge on how to build efficient public organizations and effective public policies. I also wish to understand how to foster economic development through industries with heavy public sector interface, namely education and healthcare. After my MBA, I hope to bring that knowledge to the Brazilian Northeast Region, thus contributing decisively to the development of Brazil’s poorest region.' data-letter=""> <h3>RAFAEL CUNHA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very thankful and honored to be one of the recipients of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Fellowship. I believe that this type of network of high impact individuals will create the changes our country needs to address the several challenges that our society faces. Helping young persons to pursue their studies in the top universities of the U.S. is one the best ways to deliver such impact. In my case, I believe that the lessons that I’ve learned at Columbia programs Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of International Affairs (MIA) will be fundamental for my career goal of helping to transform the Brazilian government in one that induces long-term social-economic growth.' data-letter=""> <h3>RAFAEL DE SIMONE MARTINES</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>MBA And Master Of International Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I consider it a huge honor to be part of such distinguished community as a POY Fellow. Apart from helping me to attend Stanford with an important financial aid, BACC’s scholarship will provide me access to the inner circle of young leaders connected to top American universities. As the first Brazilian attending Stanford Law School’s academic Master program (SPILS) in five years and as the youngest among 12 scholars admitted to SPILS this year, I am truly committed to develop a cutting-edge empirical research on interlocking directorates and antitrust regulation in Brazil, with the goal of entering the JSD program. While at Stanford I shall also engage in human rights projects, fostering personal interests identified during my graduation at the University of São Paulo and better qualifying myself to promote sensible and long-lasting social changes.' data-letter=""> <h3>THIAGO NASCIMENTO DOS REIS</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2014"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel really honored to have been selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This award represents not only a crucial financial support. It allows me to be part of a distinguished community of dedicated professionals from different areas. As an LL.M. student at Harvard Law School, I have been taking part in an extremely enriching environment – not only academically but also personally. The contact with foreign classmates and the faculty are impressive. There were people from all over the world, incredibly prepared and interesting. During the program, I will be able to deepen my studies on the Brazilian legal and institutional framework on infrastructure and poverty alleviation. Also, I aim to focus on how to foster synergies between the public and the private sectors in Brazil, especially at the local government level. My goal is to work on these issues in Brazil and in other developing countries.' data-letter=""> <h3>ANDREA ROMUALDO LAVOURINHA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Laws</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am deeply honored for being one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship. Joining this community will be a powerful tool to develop my career in an inspiring way, by building a strong network of people engaged in the development of Brazil and the improvement of the relationship between my country and the US. As a Master of International Affairs candidate at Columbia University, I have been taking advantage of being part of an enriching and stimulating academic and cultural environment, where I am deepening my knowledge about economic and political development, public policies, human rights, and international affairs. After finishing my degree, I am sure that I will be able to tailor my work towards social transformation in Brazil.' data-letter=""> <h3>CAROLINA MORAIS ARAÚJO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of International Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very thankful and honored for being chosen to the Person of the Year Scholarship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. Continuing my studies in the US is very important to my path to establish a career committed to my society. Commitment to public service requires equilibrium between praxis, leadership and academics, and University of California at Berkeley is an institution that would help me to develop those skills. After these two years, I am convinced that my action will be more creative and harmonious to become a better instrument to the development of my community.' data-letter=""> <h3>DIOGO PROSDOCIMI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>University Of California, Berkeley</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored and thankful to be one of the recipients of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Fellowship. Personally, to be accepted at Stanford University was already a great dream. The MBA is the bridge I need to achieve my career and life purpose: to work at the intersection of Entrepreneurship, Investments and Technology, helping to build companies and institutions that will develop and modernize my country. A strong Brazilian-American partnership is essential for our mutual growth and understanding. I am extremely happy that the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce shares my vision and I deeply appreciate the trust that has been placed in me to carry it forward. This fellowship reminds my peers and me that we are not alone in carrying the burdens of a hard fought path, when it comes to pursuing noble goals .' data-letter=""> <h3>EDUARDO SILVA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Graduate School Of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I would like to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for the support towards my PhD candidacy through the Person of The Year fellowship. My research focuses on Development Economics, in particular the cognitive and economic effects of water scarcity in Northeast Brazil, and Political Economy, in particular corruption and public management. I am also a founding partner of MGov Brasil, a public management startup which draws upon mobile solutions for rigorous policy evaluation, monitoring and civic engagement, which has been recognized by MIT Technology Review as Brazil&#039;s social innovation of 2014. Through my research and MGov, I hope I can provide an increasing contribution towards policies and social impact initiatives better designed to serve their strategic objectives. ' data-letter=""> <h3>GUILHERME FINKELFARB LICHAND</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>PhD In Political Economy And Government</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored and thankful for being a recipient of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce “Person of the Year” fellowship. As a candidate for the joint degree in MBA and Ma in Education at Stanford, I intend to return to Brazil to play a leading role in transforming the Brazilian public school system. Before coming to Stanford, I focused my professional career on helping the education departments of Amazonas and Goiás states to develop and implement major education reform plans. In the 2013 National Index of Education Quality recently published by the Ministry of Education, Goias figured as the best network of High Schools in Brazil, soaring from the 16th position (out of 27) in 2009. BACC’s contribution will make my career goals much easier to attain. This fellowship alleviates financial pressure and helps me turn down higher-paying jobs that would steer me away from my dream of improving public education.' data-letter=""> <h3>JOICE TOYOTA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Joint Degree MBA/MA In Education</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Graduate School Of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel pleased and honored for having received this award from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The Person of the Year program is important to support the studies of Brazilians studying abroad, and it will certainly help me on the Master in Public Policy program at Harvard. Furthermore, being part of such an interesting network is integral for my future goals of generating positive impact through public sector. Finally, it is especially significant the purpose of the Program which aims to invest in people who will strengthen the relations between USA and Brazil. At an age of multiple powers and conflicts, the strategic connection between these two countries might play a central role on the world&#039;s next decades.' data-letter=""> <h3>JOSÉ FREDERICO LYRA NETTO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be among those selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship. As a candidate for a joint Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Public Policy (MPP) degree at Harvard University, I am seeking to understand how policy affects business and fosters economic development. I am passionate about returning to Brazil after graduating and working at the intersection of business and government. I am very grateful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for this award and hope to actively contribute to its mission of furthering ties between the business communities of Brazil and the United States.' data-letter=""> <h3>LARISSA DE LIMA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Business Administration And Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be awarded with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Fellowship. As an LL.M. candidate at University of California Berkeley School of Law, I am grateful to become a member of this community. With the Chamber’s support, I will focus my studies on the legal foundations of social entrepreneurship, venture capital and financial regulation on new payment system and banking technologies. I hope to experience all the unique academic opportunities here and convert this enriching environment into results in my future job at Itaú Unibanco and at the non-profit Alumni for UFMG Law School (Amigos da Vetusta). I am thankful for this amazing opportunity, and also proud to be part of the Chamber’s efforts to enhance trade, investment and academic exchange opportunities between Brazil and the United States. ' data-letter=""> <h3>LUCAS MENDES DE FREITAS TEIXEIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Laws</h4> <p><strong>University Of California At Berkeley</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='My professional aspiration is to contribute significantly to the implementation of social policies that mitigate destitution and other inequalities in Brazil. In pursuit of this objective, I worked in the Federal Government for the last five years, eventually deciding to deepen my knowledge by obtaining a master’s degree. With the Chamber’s support, I started the Master in Public Policy Program at University of California, Berkeley. There, I will be able to deepen my knowledge about effective government actions and decisions. I am honored to be a recipient of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce &quot;Person of the Year&quot; fellowship and certain that the impact of the application of all that knowledge will bring benefits to the Brazilian society through improvements in the Brazilian Public Administration.' data-letter=""> <h3>MARCELO CABRAL MILANELLO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>University Of California, Berkeley</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Earning the Person of the Year Fellowship is a double prize. First, it is an honor to be part of such group, composed by so many bright young professionals. Also, this generous support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce will be crucial during my Master of Science in Journalism in Media Strategy and Leadership at Northwestern University. Because of this scholarship, I will be able to dedicate entirely to my studies. During this program, I expect to sophisticate my journalistic skills in order to qualify as a leader in the Digital Age media. Upon returning to Brazil, my dream is to contribute to journalism in Latin America, creating ways of making it more suitable to the demands of the 21st century’s hyper connected consumers. The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is part of this dream now. ' data-letter=""> <h3>PATRICIA GOMES</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Science In Journalism In Media Strategy And Leadership</h4> <p><strong>Northwestern University (Chicago)</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Receiving the Person of the Year Fellowship from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce is both a huge honor and an incredible opportunity. With the generous help of BACC, I am doing a Master in Public Policy (MPP) at Harvard’s Kennedy School – a life-changing experience both personally and professionally. Having covered international politics for 7 years for O Estado de S. Paulo, I came to Harvard to sharpen my analytical skills and deepen my understanding of how the economic emergence of countries like Brazil translate into political power in the global arena. With its impressive faculty and international student body, the Kennedy School is the perfect place to learn and grow. After graduation, I want to contribute to the public debate on the place of Brazil and other emerging countries’ in the rapidly changing landscape of international affairs.' data-letter=""> <h3>ROBERTO SIMON</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel extremely honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship this year. The award is helping me to pursue a long-standing goal, a master&#039;s degree at Columbia University, in New York. After twelve years of formative work as a professional journalist in Brazil, I feel that I am now ready to pursue my academic ambitions - in the past, I had observed and tried to make sense of politics as a reporter, but now, with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s support, I can try to do it as a researcher. Columbia&#039;s significant resources and the department’s emphasis on close interaction among graduate students and between students and faculty provides an environment extremely favorable to discussions and exchange of ideas. That is why I really appreciate the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s kindness, and I am truly thankful for the fellowship.' data-letter=""> <h3>RODRIGO BRANCATELLI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Arts In Political Sciences - Latin American Studies</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being chosen as a recipient of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce &quot;Person of the Year&quot; Fellowship is a huge honor and a privilege. The MBA degree at Chicago Booth will help me become an inspirational leader and a world-class professional. Being able to positively impact and transform businesses in Brazil and the United States, I hope to one day inspire others to pursue their dreams and ambitions, believing in their own potential to accomplish great things. Paying it forward, as a Fellow I will continue the incredible virtuous cycle initiated by Instituto Ling and BACC.' data-letter=""> <h3>THIAGO DE TOLEDO KODIC</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>The University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly grateful and honored to be selected to the Person of The Year Fellowship. Given the deep rooted social and economic challenges faced in Brazil, the support to Brazilians focused on improving our society is fundamental. As the founder of a social business that serves large corporations in Brazil, and former investor in the education and healthcare sectors, I am confident that my experience at Columbia will be enhanced by this fellowship and collaborate to my return to Brazil as a social entrepreneur in education.' data-letter=""> <h3>THIAGO RACHED PEREIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Arts In International Education Development</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2013"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It’s a pleasure to have been selected by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for this prestigious award. By investing in the education of young professionals from Brazil, the Chamber demonstrates its commitment to education as a catalyst for change in Brazil more broadly, which is the topic that brings me to Harvard University this year. I expect that immersing myself in issues of education quality and equity in an American institution of such caliber will be an intense and rewarding experience. While pursuing a master’s degree in International Education Policy, I plan to investigate the most effective strategies to improve the quality of public education in developing countries – Brazil in particular. My intention is to become an active contributor to bridging the achievement gap affecting disadvantaged students in my country and beyond.' data-letter=""> <h3>ANITA GURGEL</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In International Education Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very honored for being selected for the Person of the Year Fellowship by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. More than a recognition from such a prestigious institution, this grant is a significant assistance in the pursue of my LL.M. degree at Georgetown University. By working as a corporate lawyer in some of the Brazilian top tier law firms, I was in a privileged position to understand the strategic importance of tightening the American and Brazilian economic bonds. I am glad to see that institutions of such caliber are also investing in the future relationships of these two great economies. Once I receive my LL.M. degree, I plan to work at an American law firm for at least one year as a corporate lawyer. I intend pursue this experience either as a foreign associate or as a permanent lawyer, depending on the available offers. Once again I thank Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, not only for the sponsorship but also for its important role in strengthening U.S.-Brazil relations. ' data-letter=""> <h3>CARLO SIVIERI DE ASSIS ROCHA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Georgetown University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I feel honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship, and I would like to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce deeply for this special support. As a current student of the Joint Degree Program, Master in Business Administration (MBA) &amp; Master in Public Policy (MPP), at Harvard University, I have been learning a lot from the rich academic and cultural experience. After graduating, I plan to go back to Brazil and work hard with my newly acquired skills on Brazilian challenges like infrastructure, public management and education - big issues of our times. ' data-letter=""> <h3>CLÁUDIA S. SUSSEKIND</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Joint Degree Program, Master In Business Administration (MBA) & Master In Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to have been awarded the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s 2013 Person of the Year Fellowship. I am entering my second semester at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, and so far it has been an invaluable experience which has allowed me to meet and study with amazing people. I am presently concentrating in economic and political development and my plan after obtaining my master’s degree is to go back to Brazil and work to help improve public policies there, especially education policy, an area that particularly interests me. I am deeply thankful to the Brazilian-American Chamber for helping give me the opportunity to build the knowledge I will need to work for a better Brazil. ' data-letter=""> <h3>DANILO CARVALHO MOURA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In International And Public Affairs</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University, School Of International And Public Affairs (SIPA)</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very thankful for the Person of the Year fellowship. It will contribute to my second year as a student at Harvard University, in the MPP/MBA joint-degree program. My first year was a wonderful experience. I had the chance to meet great people from different parts of the world, discuss and learn interesting topics and travel to places I had never been. Living and studying abroad has been very important for my professional and personal development, it challenges you and changes you in many ways. I am very happy I made this choice and incredibly excited for my second year to start. Before the MPP/MBA program, I worked with non-profits and public organizations in Brazil to improve management practices and to promote state and local reforms. In 2012, I also joined young Brazilian entrepreneurs to found a new political party called &quot;Partido NOVO&quot;. Some of my main areas of interest are at the intersection of government and the private sector, such as health care, infrastructure and education. I also love to discuss and learn how technology can contribute to our mega-cities (urban life), to democracy and to a better and updated form of government. After the program at Harvard, my goal is to return to Brazil and continue working for the development of public and political leadership, towards social change and improved quality of life for all Brazilians. ' data-letter=""> <h3>FLÁVIA NASSER GOULART</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Joint Degree Program, Master In Business Administration (MBA) & Master In Public Policy (MPP)</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored and thankful for being a recipient of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce “Person of the Year” fellowship. As a Master in Public Administration candidate at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, I will be able to further develop my studies in how to foster the potential of the new technologies to promote more transparent, democratic, participative and efficient public policies. I am eager to convert this enriching and diverse educational environment and incomparable research sources into concrete and applicable policy advancements to the development of Brazil. ' data-letter=""> <h3>GUILHERME ALBERTO ALMEIDA DE ALMEIDA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University, School Of International And Public Affairs (SIPA)</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great privilege to be honored with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce POY Fellowship. With the Chamber’s support, I will focus my studies on the legal foundations of international dispute resolution — namely, investment law and international commercial arbitration —, as well as litigation within capital markets. The experience at Yale Law School will be enriching not only from an academic point of view, but also from the broader perspective of a global cultural experience. I am thankful for this wonderful opportunity, and also proud to partake in the Chamber’s efforts to further trade and investment between the business communities of Brazil and the United States. ' data-letter=""> <h3>GUILHERME RECENA COSTA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>LLM</h4> <p><strong>Yale University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am extremely honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship and be among such a remarkable group of young leaders. I am extremely grateful for the trust and support of the Chamber in the pursuit of my dreams. I am excited to join Harvard Kennedy School as a candidate for a master degree in Public Administration and International Development. I believe the knowledge and experience that I will acquire will help me better contribute to the development of my country. Not only the university’s environment and faculty are impressive, but I am also truly inspired and touched by my classmates’ histories, passion, brightness and commitment to make a world a better place. While at Harvard, I hope to deepen my understanding of policies that foster private sector growth, entrepreneurship and financial inclusion at the bottom of the pyramid.' data-letter=""> <h3>KARINA BABA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Public Administration And International Development</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='When I got the call from Instituto Ling telling me that I was one of the students contemplated with the Person of The Year Fellowship I could not believe it. Too many good news for only one year. First, I was accepted by Northwestern University to pursue a Master in Media Strategy and Leadership; then, I won the Person of The Year Fellowship. Now I&#039;m in Chicago to broaden and enrich my knowledge about journalism, marketing and leadership. I will also have the opportunity to interact with people from different places and cultures during my classes. I&#039;m really grateful for being granted with this fellowship because it allows me to stay totally dedicated to my studies for one whole year. After that immersion I believe I will be a more complete journalist and I will come back to Brazil full of new ideas for this area. ' data-letter=""> <h3>RAQUEL SALGADO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Media Strategy And Leadership (Jornalista De Visão)</h4> <p><strong>Northwestern</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Being a Person of the Year Fellow is something I could never imagine when I first scratched my plans about having an MBA degree in the United States years ago. With the support of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce I am now making this dream come true. Even more, I am part of a community of young talented Brazilians who are willing to make a difference. I always thought the MBA experience would be transformative. As a Fellow, inspired by my outstanding colleagues, I am sure it will be even more. I want to work with Corporate Restructuring and Turnaround Management after my MBA, supporting companies around the globe to overcome their hurdles and get back on track. By doing this I believe I&#039;ll contribute to a better business environment, eventually preserving local economies from the risk of collapse. ' data-letter=""> <h3>SUSSUMO EGUTI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Tuck School Of Business At Dartmouth</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Academic success is not only about writing papers, creating knowledge and developing theories – it is ultimately about the ability one has to create positive and relevant impact using such knowledge. More important than the academic background I have gained so far in my graduate studies at Harvard, I am now confident that academic reasoning can be a powerful aligns to move Brazilian and American societies further, especially during these challenging times. I am deeply honored for having received – for the second year in a row – the Person of the Year Award by The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. The chance of being part of such distinguished community will definitely help me to create real and lasting impact for the benefit of my country – Brazil, and its most similar nation in historical and economic perspectives – the United States.' data-letter=""> <h3>TOMÁS LOPES TEIXEIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2012"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote=' I am one of the recipients of the Person of the Year Fellowship Program. I really appreciate The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce&#039;s support and kindness. This scholarship will allow me to devote a greater amount of time to my studies. Currently, I am in the Comparative Media Studies Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CMS-MIT). After a rewarding career in the merging of media and technology, I am eager to learn how to help revolutionize and reconnect teaching and research in the fields of cultural and media studies in my native country of Brazil with wider Anglophone scholarship.' data-letter=""> <h3>ALEXANDRE ALBERT GONÇALVES</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Comparative Media Studies</h4> <p><strong>Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is a great honor to be awarded the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 Person of the Year Fellowship. Receiving this level of recognition at such an early stage of my career is really inspiring and I am grateful for the opportunity of becoming a member of this community. Pursuing a degree in a distinguished US institution is a long cherished plan. Now, already a few weeks into New York University’s LL.M. program, I became even more conscious of how this academic and cultural experience shall be unique in a variety of meaningful ways and will, indeed, represent an important step towards my career goal of becoming the General Counsel of a truly global organization.' data-letter=""> <h3>CAMILA DE PAULA BARBOSA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Laws</h4> <p><strong>New York University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am very honored to have been selected as a recipient of this scholarship and I thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for such a generous support. As a dual degree candidate at Columbia&#039;s School of International and Public Affairs in New York City and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, I plan on absorbing public and private investment skills from the perspectives of these different leading economies and hopefully contributing to the development of new investment strategies in the Brazilian society.' data-letter=""> <h3>CLARA CEZAR DE ANDRADE</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored to be one of the recipients of the Person of the Year fellowship. This very generous support is helping me to fulfill a lifelong dream of attending MIT. By awarding me, you gave me additional inspiration to better focus on the most important aspect of school: learning. I hope to build a strong bridge between United States and Brazil, the MBA will shape my “how” to achieve my dream.' data-letter=""> <h3>DAFNE GUISARD</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>MIT Sloan School Of Management</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I couldn’t be more grateful for being selected for the Fellowship Person of the Year. I am sincerely contented and more importantly, promise to uphold my commitment to “pay it forward”. I’ve dreamed of this path not because I aim for status or wealth, but because I believe this experience is the bridge I need to achieve what I consider my career and life purpose; I’m truly committed to helping improve Education in Brazil and I know that living and studying in a country that has proven itself to be the world benchmark in management practices will greatly enhance my ability to have an impact.' data-letter=""> <h3>ERICA AMELIA BUTOW</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>University Of California At Berkeley</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I would like to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for providing me with the opportunity to reach for my dreams. The MBA program has opened my eyes to a world of opportunities, and provided me access to the invaluable knowledge base formed from successes and failures of companies from all around the globe, in such a way that I can apply that knowledge in the Brazilian economy in the hope of helping my country continue in its growth path.' data-letter=""> <h3>EVANDRO PATRICIO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am truly thankful to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for honoring me with the Person of the Year Scholarship. The support of the Brazilian-American Chamber will be allow me to carry on with my plans. It is of particular importance for me to be offered this privilege, as it reflects recognition from an institution that shares the view of the strategic importance of strengthening the ties between my country and the world’s largest economy, increasingly crucial in the current context of the world economy. I hope to live up to that recognition. Thank you very much!' data-letter=""> <h3>GUSTAVO AKKERMAN</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Laws</h4> <p><strong>Stanford Law School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Beyond the honor that the Person of the Year fellowship represents, this award has helped me to pursue a long-standing goal: a master&#039;s degree at the University of Chicago. The Person of the Year fellowship ensures that all costs will be covered, and allows for any additional expenses with assistive technology that I may need due to my disability -- I have been totally blind since birth. I thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for seeing achievements and potential in my deserving of such an award' data-letter=""> <h3>LUCAS DE ABREU MAIA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Arts Program In The Social Sciences</h4> <p><strong>The University Of Chicago</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am attending the Master of Business Administration this Fall at Columbia Business School. Born in a humble family in Barra Bonita, interior of Sao Paulo, I have achieved a successful career on the financial market. Now, to help me achieve my long-term goals, I am investing my efforts on the MBA at Columbia: I want to have a global career, leading the international expansion of Brazilian banks and helping to build a solid foundation for our growth, with emphasis in ethics and responsibility. I thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for helping me fund my studies and giving me the opportunity to continue pursuing my goals.' data-letter=""> <h3>LUCAS TOMILHEIRO SANCASSANI</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='It is an honor to have been awarded a scholarship from the Person of the Year Fellowship Program. I would like to thank everyone involved and reaffirm my commitment to the US-Brazil relations. Prior to business school, I had the opportunity to work in the financial industry in New York while maintaining a Brazilian client base. This unique context allowed me to foster business relationships in both countries. I believe my MBA degree from Columbia Business School will allow me to both expand my local network and develop the skills required for a successful transition into a new career. I look forward to a lasting relationship with the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce' data-letter=""> <h3>PAULA D. CASTILHO</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I would like to thank the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Instituto Ling, for awarding me an scholarship through the Person of the Year Fellowship Program. My goal in pursuing an MBA in Stanford University is to develop and introduce management technology accessible to different sorts of farmers, in different places. I believe that, if successful, I can contribute for a decline in prices levels and volatility of food and fuel in Brazil, which is one of the largest American trading partners, specially in agricultural products. I feel honored that the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce shares my vision and I deeply appreciate the trust that has been placed in me to carry it forward.' data-letter=""> <h3>PEDRO ROCHA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Stanford University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Continuing my education in the US will be a vital stepping-stone to becoming an agent of societal transformation towards equality in my country and the broader Latin American region. This fellowship reminds my peers and me that we are not alone in carrying the burdens of a hard fought path, when it comes to pursuing dreams. Thank you the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce for setting such rich grounds for us' data-letter=""> <h3>SAMANTA MARIA NATENZON</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am honored for receiving the “Person of the Year” Fellowship from the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. This fellowship will allow myself to develop professionally through a unique learning experience with my professors and peers, with their different professional and academic experiences and different views and opinions. I truly believe Brazil has had few unique opportunities to definitively develop during its history. We cannot afford to let the chance we now face slip through our fingers. As my country emerges, I hope to emerge also as a future leader to make contributions to help Brazil’s transition into a developed country in my own lifetime. Thank you for granting me this fellowship, which will help me pursue those objectives.' data-letter=""> <h3>TOMÁS LOPES TEIXEIRA</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master In Public Policy</h4> <p><strong>Harvard University</strong></p> </a> </div> <div class="tab-content hide-tab" data-year="2011"> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='Personally, to be accepted at Harvard University has always been a great dream. With the financial support from fellowships and awards such as the Person of the Year, today I see the journey until here absolutely worthwhile and smile for having this dream come true.' data-letter=""> <h3>ALEX ANTON</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Master Of Business Administration</h4> <p><strong>Harvard Business School</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='The opportunity to live, study and learn more in a city like New York is unique. Besides the strong academic record of the University, the diverse backgrounds of the students create a very rich atmosphere to learn and develop new skills, understanding the differences among nations but also finding common ground to work with.' data-letter=""> <h3>PAULO UEBEL</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Masters In Public Administration</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University</strong></p> </a> <a data-fancybox href="#fancybox-data" class="item-poy" data-quote='I am completing my second year of my Masters here at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, after completing the first half of my Masters at Columbia University in New York City. I believe this organization will give me an excellent opportunity to get an overview of the different industries in Brazil, and exposure to various clients.' data-letter=""> <h3>TATIANA CABRAL-SCHNURR</h3> <div class="poy-fellow-picture" data-image-url="" style="background: url('')no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover;"></div> <h4>Masters In International Affairs/International Management</h4> <p><strong>Columbia University/Fundação Getúlio Vargas</strong></p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="fancybox-container"> <div id="fancybox-data"> <div id="fancybox-flex"> <div id="fancybox-flex-left"> <div id="fancybox-photo"></div> </div> <div id="fancybox-flex-right"> <h3 id="fancybox-name"></h3> <h4 id="fancybox-position"></h4> <p id="fancybox-institution">texto</p> <p id="fancybox-quote">texto</p> <a id="fancybox-letter" href="#" target="_blank">Letter</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- <section id="share-this" class="tile w-1 bloco f-c 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