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At StoryCorps, she remembers how she overcame the challenges she faced at work. </span> </div> </div> <!-- end of column span-16 last --> <!-- audio player --> <div class="column span-16 last" style="margin-bottom:10px;"> <div class="piece-info" id="audio_version_play_selector"> <div id="audio-version-selector"> <div id="tab_player_401320" class="audio-version selected-audio-version" style="float:left"> <a id="showlink-audio_version_401320" onClick="show_audio('player_401320');">Piece Audio</a> </div> </div> <div id="audio-player-container"> <div class="html-prx-player" id="player_401320" style=''> <div class="instance"></div> <div class="interface"> <div class="deck"> <div class="readout"> <dl> <dt>Playing</dt> <dd><a href="" target="blank">StoryCorps: Larry Kushner and Eileen Kushner</a></dd> <dt>From</dt> <dd><a href="" target="blank">StoryCorps</a></dd> </dl> </div> <div class="controls"> <div class="progress"> <span class="time"></span> <div class="selector"> <button type="button" name="track" title="full" disabled>Track</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="buffer">Buffer</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="seek">Seek</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="playhead">Playhead</button> </div> <span class="duration"></span> </div> <div class="playback"> <button type="button" name="track" title="previous">Previous</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="play">Play</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="pause">Pause</button> <button type="button" name="track" title="next">Next</button> </div> <div class="volume"> <button type="button" name="volume" title="mute">Mute</button> <button type="button" name="volume" title="unmute">Unmute</button> <div class="selector"> <button type="button" name="volume" title="bar">Volume selector</button> <button type="button" name="volume" title="handle">Volume level indicator</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="playlist" style="display: none;"> <ul class="setup"> <li data-audio_file_id="1212304" data-derivative="broadcast.mp3" data-domain="" data-duration="158" data-expires="1733034798" data-piece_id="187433" data-token="12e81e6f0c8576d8b54b9287fb78436d" data-type="audio_file" data-use="prxplayer" title="StoryCorps Kushner"></li> </ul> </div> <div class="summary"> <p> <img alt="Kushnernpr_small" src="" version="small" width="92" /> <p>For as long as she can remember, Eileen Kushner has had a difficult time reading and doing simple math. Growing up in Detroit the 1950s, she recalls her teachers calling her “stupid” and “lazy,” but no one knew she had a processing disorder until she was tested and diagnosed by a psychiatrist when she was in her mid-30s. “It was like a door in my brain would drop and it wouldn’t allow me to process any of the information.”</p> <p>After graduating high school, Eileen married Larry Kushner and over time they had three daughters. Eileen hoped that staying out of the workforce would help her hide her learning difficulties, but surviving on the money Larry earned as a bank teller was hard. There were days when their family didn’t have enough food in the refrigerator, so Eileen began to look for a job.</p> <p>She worked briefly as a secretary but was fired because her notes were riddled with misspellings, and then Larry suggested that she apply for a job at the McDonald’s next to the bank where he worked. Eileen was overjoyed when she got the job and started by making French fries and milkshakes and cleaning the floors. She secretly hoped she would not be promoted because she knew that would mean working at the cash register.</p> <p>In the 1960s, McDonald’s cashiers manually calculated the cost of an order, and Eileen was afraid that a promotion would lead others to discover her secret -- she wasn’t able to add. But she did so well with her first responsibilities that a promotion to the register soon followed. For Eileen, it was a tragic moment, and she told Larry she was going to quit. That’s when he came up with a solution.</p> <p>Larry brought home different denominations of bills from the bank, and Eileen brought home Big Mac boxes, French fry containers, and cups, and they began playing McDonald’s at their kitchen counter. Larry would pretend to be the customer and Eileen would practice adding up his order. They did this every day until Eileen felt comfortable enough to accept her promotion.</p> <p>Eileen moved her way up at McDonald’s eventually becoming a manager and then attending Hamburger University. Together Eileen and Larry have owned five separate McDonald’s restaurants (currently, they own one). Now in their 70s, she credits Larry with their success while he believes that it was her dogged perseverance and hard work that got them to where they are today.</p> <p>They came to StoryCorps to remember their earlier struggles.</p> <p><em>Originally aired September 16, 2016 on NPR’s Morning Edition.</em></p> </p> </div> <div class="footer"> <p>StoryCorps: Larry Kushner and Eileen Kushner | 02:38</p> <button name="share">Share</button> <a href="" target="_blank" class="privacy">Privacy</a> <a href="//" class="logo"></a> </div> <div class="share"> <button name="dismiss">×</button> <h2>Share this piece:</h2> <ul> <script> var addthis_share = { url: "", title: "StoryCorps: Larry Kushner and Eileen Kushner on PRX"} </script> <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <li class='share-this-link'><a class='addthis_button_twitter' addthis:url='' addthis:title='StoryCorps: Larry Kushner and Eileen Kushner'>Twitter</a></li> <li class='share-this-link'><a class='addthis_button_facebook' addthis:url='' addthis:title='StoryCorps: Larry Kushner and Eileen Kushner'>Facebook</a></li> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- AddThis Button END --> </ul> <h2>Embed on your website:</h2> <textarea id='embed-187433-full' class='piece-embed' readonly='readonly'><script id='prx-p187433-embed' src=''></script> </textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="column span-16 last"> --> <!-- --> <!-- </div> --> <div class="piece-description" style="clear:left;"> <a name="description"></a> <h3>Piece Description</h3> <p><p>For as long as she can remember, Eileen Kushner has had a difficult time reading and doing simple math. Growing up in Detroit the 1950s, she recalls her teachers calling her “stupid” and “lazy,” but no one knew she had a processing disorder until she was tested and diagnosed by a psychiatrist when she was in her mid-30s. “It was like a door in my brain would drop and it wouldn’t allow me to process any of the information.”</p> <p>After graduating high school, Eileen married Larry Kushner and over time they had three daughters. Eileen hoped that staying out of the workforce would help her hide her learning difficulties, but surviving on the money Larry earned as a bank teller was hard. There were days when their family didn’t have enough food in the refrigerator, so Eileen began to look for a job.</p> <p>She worked briefly as a secretary but was fired because her notes were riddled with misspellings, and then Larry suggested that she apply for a job at the McDonald’s next to the bank where he worked. Eileen was overjoyed when she got the job and started by making French fries and milkshakes and cleaning the floors. She secretly hoped she would not be promoted because she knew that would mean working at the cash register.</p> <p>In the 1960s, McDonald’s cashiers manually calculated the cost of an order, and Eileen was afraid that a promotion would lead others to discover her secret -- she wasn’t able to add. But she did so well with her first responsibilities that a promotion to the register soon followed. For Eileen, it was a tragic moment, and she told Larry she was going to quit. That’s when he came up with a solution.</p> <p>Larry brought home different denominations of bills from the bank, and Eileen brought home Big Mac boxes, French fry containers, and cups, and they began playing McDonald’s at their kitchen counter. Larry would pretend to be the customer and Eileen would practice adding up his order. They did this every day until Eileen felt comfortable enough to accept her promotion.</p> <p>Eileen moved her way up at McDonald’s eventually becoming a manager and then attending Hamburger University. Together Eileen and Larry have owned five separate McDonald’s restaurants (currently, they own one). Now in their 70s, she credits Larry with their success while he believes that it was her dogged perseverance and hard work that got them to where they are today.</p> <p>They came to StoryCorps to remember their earlier struggles.</p> <p><em>Originally aired September 16, 2016 on NPR’s Morning Edition.</em></p></p> </div> <div id="pieceRecentComments"> <a name='comments'></a> </div> <div> <h3>Broadcast History</h3> <p>NPR's Morning Edition 9/16/16</p> </div> <div> <div id="piece-transcripts"> <h3>Transcript</h3> <div> <p>Eileen Kushner (EK) and Larry Kushner (LK)</p> <p>EK: Raising the kids, we had no extra spending money.</p> <p>LK: Sometimes, for food, it got pretty tough. And I said, “How about going to talk to Carl at the McDonald’s? Maybe he could hire you.”</p> <p>EK: And I said, “Carl, I’d like to make french fries and make your shakes for you. I’ll be the best employee.” And he said, “You’re hired.” I remember coming home, Larry, and I was so excited, dancing around, “I got a job.”</p> <p>LK: In those days, there were no computers. If a customer wanted a hamburger, fry, and a Coke, you manually had to add it up.</p> <p>EK: Exactly. I had done such a good job and I was starting to feel really good about myself. Until one day Carl leaded [sic] me over to a counter and said, “Eileen, this is your next responsibility.” And in my mind, I knew that I wasn’t able to add. I thought I was going to die.</p> <p>I went home that night, crying... <br /><a href="/pieces/187433/transcripts/401320">Read the full transcript</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <h3>Intro and Outro</h3> <strong>INTRO:</strong> <p>Time now for StoryCorps… everyday people talking about their lives...</p> <p>Today, memories of living with an undiagnosed learning disability.</p> <p>[[TEASE 0:14]]</p> <p>EK: In school, they just called me stupid, dumb, lazy. But when there was something that I need to do, it was like a door in my brain would drop and it wouldn’t allow me to process any of the information.</p> <p>That’s Eileen Kushner [eye-LEAN CUSH-nur]. Growing up in Detroit during the 1950s... she always had trouble with reading and simple math…</p> <p>She married her husband, Larry, right out of high school… had three kids… and hoped that as a stay-at-home mom, she could hide her learning problems... <br /> <br />But things didn’t work out that way.</p> <strong>OUTRO:</strong> <p>Eileen and Larry Kushner at StoryCorps in Chicago… </p> <p>They went on to OWN five McDonald’s over the course of their career. </p> <p>Their interview will be archived at the Library of Congress… and featured on the StoryCorps podcast.</p> </div> <h3>Musical Works</h3> <table class="musical-works-listing"> <thead> <th>Title</th> <th>Artist</th> <th>Album</th> <th>Label</th> <th>Year</th> <th style="text-align:center;">Length</th> <!-- <th style="text-align:center;">Find on Amazon</th> --> </thead> <tr class="odd"> <td class="title">Multitudes</td> <td class="artist">Gillicuddy</td> <td class="album">...Plays Guitar Again.</td> <td class="label">CC-BY-NC</td> <td class="year">2013</td> <td class="running-time">:30</td> <!-- <td class="buy-now"><a type="amzn" search="Multitudes Gillicuddy" category="mp3 downloads">find now</a></td> --> </tr> </table> <div> <h3>Additional Credits</h3> <div><p>Major support for StoryCorps comes from Subaru, automotive partner of the National Park Service Centennial. Subaru encourages people to explore America's Treasures and discover a National Park adventure at Find your Park dot com. Love. It's What Makes a Subaru, a Subaru. And, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, proud supporter of Story Corps, featuring cancer patients sharing their stories of challenge, hope and inspiration. More stories are at Cancer Center dot com slash stories.</p></div> </div> <h3>Related Website</h3> <div><a href=""><p></p></a></div> </div> <div class="column span-6 last sidebar" style="float:right;"> <div class="sidebar-content piece-page"> <h2><a href="/users/new">Sign up for PRX</a></h2> <h2>Log in</h3> <div class='labeled-form splash-page' > <h2><a href="/sessions/new">Login</a></h2> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar-content"> <h3>Production Information</h3> <ul class="other-information"> <li> Added to PRX ~8 years ago </li> <li>Produced: Sep 16, 2016</li> <li>Producers: Series Produced by Emily Martinez with John White </li> </ul> <h3>Piece Statistics</h3> <ul> <li class="piece-rating"><div>Average rating:</div><div class='jquery-stars-box' id='piece_187433-rating-box' style='width:200px'><input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /> <input name="piece_187433-rating" class="star {half:true}" type="radio" disabled="disabled" /></div><br/></li> </ul> <div class="piece-action-box"> <h3>Actions</h3> <ul> <li class="launch-popup"> <a href="#" onclick="'/pieces/187433-storycorps-larry-kushner-and-eileen-kushner/floating_piece','_blank','width=610,height=295,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=1');; 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