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<td> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1706172310.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. RAMACHANDRA C G </a><br /> Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering Presidency University, Bengaluru </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/D-IRAJ-1705733675.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">D r . H e m a n t k u m a r P . B u l s a r a </a><br /> A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r ( M a n a g e m e n t ) Former Head - Applied Mathematics & Humanities Department ( S V N IT )( N I T - S u r a t ) </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1706170978.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Rudrarup Gupta </a><br /> Sustainable Cosmos Ambassador, Global Change Maker & SDG Expert, Green ThinkerZ Society, United Nations </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/L-IRAJ-1650082496.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">L S Rawat </a><br /> Joint Registrar, Mewar University, Rajasthan, India Academic Counselor, IGNOU, New Delhi Recipient of President of India’s Meritorious Service Medal </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1650082582.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. B.S. SHANKAR </a><br /> Professor & Head, Civil Engineering Dept, ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY, Bangalore </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1650082626.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Asma Saqib </a><br /> Assistant professor Biochemistry Maharani’s Science College for Women Bangalore, India PhD: Bangalore University, Bangalore, India </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/MADHUSUDHAN-IRAJ-1654140848.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">MADHUSUDHAN REDDY SUREDDY, </a><br /> 14 years of IT experience and extensive experience working with the clients GE Capital Americas, American Red Cross, CVS Caremark, FannieMae and Santander Bank and in the business domains BFSI (Banking, Financial </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1650082688.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. DHINESH BALASUBRAMANIAN </a><br /> Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,Tamil Nadu. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.S.Sathish-IRAJ-1650082719.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr.S.Sathish </a><br /> Associate Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Hindustan University, Padur, Chennai </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/RAHMATULLAH-IRAJ-1650082748.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">RAHMATULLAH PASHTOON </a><br /> BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT MANAGER, DAI GLOBAL LLC – USAID – AVC - L, KABUL, AFGHANISTAN </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Chintan-IRAJ-1650082763.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Chintan A Patel </a><br /> Assistant Professor Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Gandhinagar Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1650082795.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. S. AZHAGU MADHAVAN </a><br /> Researcher Dept of Zoology and Biotechnology A. V. V. M. Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur Dt, Tamil Nadu, India. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/ASHWANI-IRAJ-1650082850.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">ASHWANI KUMAR </a><br /> Assistant Professor, Metagenomics and Secretomics Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, School of Biological Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar, M.P. INDIA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Prof-IRAJ-1650082876.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Prof Madya Dr. Abdul Kareem </a><br /> Senior consultant, Associate Professor Graded with professor salary & emoluments Taylor’s University Editor: Webmed Central Editor: Research Buletin-USM </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1650082966.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Benu Prasad Sitaula </a><br /> Principal, Nepal Dayananda Vedic Misson Global Academy </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1659355786.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. JERINA BEE </a><br /> Assistant Professor in Thanthai Hans Roever College of Arts and Science, Department of Management Studies, Perambalur, India. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1674469683.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. P. Kumar Babu </a><br /> PRINCIPAL & PROFESSOR – MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SREE VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NELLORE </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Professor-IRAJ-1686379524.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Professor S.C. Srivastava </a><br /> Secretary General, National Labour Law Association, New Delhi </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/WASIM-IRAJ-1690200422.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">WASIM FATHIMA SHAH </a><br /> TECHNICAL SCRUM MASTER </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Muawya-IRAJ-1697195835.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Muawya Ahmed Hussein </a><br /> Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance Dhofar University, College of Commerce and Business Administration P.O. Box 2509, Salalah - 211, Sultanate of Oman </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/OLORUNTOYIN-IRAJ-1697195869.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">OLORUNTOYIN Sefiu Taiwo </a><br /> National Open University of Nigeria </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Sachin-IRAJ-1697195896.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Sachin Shrestha </a><br /> Associate Professor | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Nepal Engineering College </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Ganesh-IRAJ-1697195913.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Ganesh Adhikari </a><br /> Associate professor Nepal Engineering College </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Bharat-IRAJ-1697195932.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Bharat Raj Wagle </a><br /> Assistant Professor School of Business, Pokhara University, Nepal </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1697195949.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Subash Ghimire </a><br /> Associate Professor and Founder Head of Department Department of Geomatics Engineering, School of Engineering Kathmandu University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr,-IRAJ-1697195969.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr, Tan Shing Chiang </a><br /> Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, MMU MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY, Malaysia </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Ashim-IRAJ-1697195983.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Ashim Kumar Saha </a><br /> BSS & MSS, Department of Sociology, Dhaka University. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Azizollah-IRAJ-1697195999.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Azizollah Arbabisarjou </a><br /> Associate Professor, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Ahmed-IRAJ-1707129988.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Ahmed Saqr </a><br /> Assistant Professor, Irrigation and Hydraulics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Amirhossein-IRAJ-1707193743.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Amirhossein Pirmoradi </a><br /> Instructor, Power Research Institute/ National Gas Company/ South Pars Company Power Distribution/ Agricultural Research Center/ Regional Water Company </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/DR.-IRAJ-1708942905.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Rohan Singh </a><br /> Associate Professor, Chandigarh University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Joseph-IRAJ-1716273578.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Joseph Aaron Tsapa </a><br /> Vice President,MUFG Bank Ltd. </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/POOVENDRAN-IRAJ-1719466099.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Poovendran Alagarsundaram </a><br /> Humetis Technologies Inc, Kingston, NJ, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/HARIKUMAR-IRAJ-1720518729.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">HARIKUMAR NAGARAJAN </a><br /> IT Architect Specialist / Senior Software EngineerGlobal Data Mart Inc (GDM) South plain field, New Jersey </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/RAMA-IRAJ-1720519372.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Rama Krishna Mani Kanta Yalla </a><br /> Amazon Web Services, North Carolina, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/VENKATA-IRAJ-1720522724.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">VENKATA SURYA BHAVANA HARISH </a><br /> Sr Data Platform Engineer Under Armour, Remote USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/DURGA-IRAJ-1720998891.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">DURGA PRAVEEN DEEVI </a><br /> O2 Technologies Inc., USA. Sr. QA Engineer </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Thirusubramanian-IRAJ-1721114362.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Thirusubramanian Ganesan </a><br /> Cognizant Technology Solutions, Texas, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/SUSHMA-IRAJ-1721114599.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Naga Sushma Allur </a><br /> Astute Solutions LLC., USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Hengyi-IRAJ-1721114658.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Hengyi Zang </a><br /> Universitario Tecnológico Universitam </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/AKHIL-IRAJ-1721295170.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Akhil Raj Gaius Yallamelli </a><br /> Amazon Web Services Inc, Seattle, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/RAJ-IRAJ-1721295291.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">RAJ KUMAR GUDIVAKA </a><br /> Senior RPA Developer,ETeam </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/KOTESWARARAO-IRAJ-1721295425.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">KOTESWARARAO DONDAPATI </a><br /> Everest Technologies, Ohio, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/SRI-IRAJ-1721303577.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">SRI HARSHA GRANDHI </a><br /> Analog & Mixed Signal Design Engineer in IO Design Team, Intel, Folsom, California </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/KARTHIKEYAN-IRAJ-1721799076.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">KARTHIKEYAN PARTHASARATHY </a><br /> LTIMindtree, Tampa, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/MOHAN-IRAJ-1721799129.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">MOHAN REDDY SAREDDY </a><br /> Orasys LLC,Texas, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Naresh-IRAJ-1721815405.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Naresh Kumar Reddy Panga </a><br /> Virtusa Corporation, New York, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/DINESH-IRAJ-1721887307.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">DINESH KUMAR REDDY BASANI </a><br /> CGI,British Columbia, Canada </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/RAJESWARAN-IRAJ-1722058663.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">RAJESWARAN AYYADURAI </a><br /> IL Health & Beauty Natural Oils Co Inc, California, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/RAJYA-IRAJ-1722058807.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">RAJYA LAKSHMI GUDIVAKA </a><br /> Wipro, Andhra Pradesh, India </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Kalyan-IRAJ-1722487620.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Kalyan Gattupalli </a><br /> Yash Tek inc, Ontario, Canada </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/HIMABINDU-IRAJ-1723006872.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">HIMABINDU CHETLAPALLI </a><br /> Canada Inc, Ontario, Canada </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/SURENDAR-IRAJ-1723096496.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">SURENDAR RAMA SITARAMAN </a><br /> Staff Engineer, SAMSUNG AUSTIN R&D CENTER(SARC), San Jose, California, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Mr.-IRAJ-1723096633.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Mr. Sreekar Peddi </a><br /> Tek Leaders, Texas, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1723200055.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Subhash Desai </a><br /> Former Professor Emeritus & DIRECTOR, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Sabarmati University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1723543793.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Wissem Ben Chikha </a><br /> Member of the Pedagogical Coordination Committee for standardizing the academic content for all courses in the first, second, third, and fourth semesters in the field of Interior Architecture; Space Design at the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Sidi Bouzid </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Aman-IRAJ-1724915215.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Aman Maldar </a><br /> University of Massachusetts, Lowell </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1726832873.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Yu-Chen Hu </a><br /> professor AT Department of Computer Science, Tunghai University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Prof-IRAJ-1726832906.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Prof (Dr.) Tosendra Dwivedi </a><br /> Professor of Applied psychology Alliance University ,Bangaluru,India </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1726832922.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Subhaschandra Gulabrai Desai </a><br /> Former Professor Emeritus & DIRECTOR, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Sabarmati University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1726899250.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Anurag Rana </a><br /> Associate Professor, AI/ML Shoolini University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Vasanthi-IRAJ-1727159511.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Vasanthi Govindaraj </a><br /> Sr. Tech Lead / Data Engineer National General Ins , Dallas, TX </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1727783498.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Ravi Sankar AV </a><br /> Professor & Head Dept. of Management & Dept of Humanities MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.S.Ayyappan-IRAJ-1727936619.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr.S.Ayyappan </a><br /> Professor -School of Management -HRBR Campus, CMR university Bangalore </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1727947821.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. RANITA BASU </a><br /> Area chair-Psychology , Associate Professor, and Program Director, Woxsen University </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Kiruthika-IRAJ-1729855822.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Kiruthika Balakrishnan </a><br /> Professions at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine Rockford, Illinois, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Dr.-IRAJ-1732682661.png" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Dr. Smita Mahajan </a><br /> Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, India </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Narang-IRAJ-1733141550.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Narang Dixita Sohanlal </a><br /> Google - Senior Software Engineer </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Bhavya-IRAJ-1733142869.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Bhavya Kadiyal </a><br /> Parkland Health,Texas, USA </div> </div> <div id="advisory"> <div><img src="mentors/Prof.-IRAJ-1734929620.jpeg" class="advisory_pic" /></div> <div class="cont_adv"> <a href="#" class="adv_name">Prof. Dr. Dileep Kumar M. </a><br /> Vice Chancellor & Professor Hensard University No. 1, Nanaye Dickson Road, Toru Orua, Sagbama L.G.A., Bayelsa State, Nigeria. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!--end of row1 part--> <!--start of row2 part--> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="clear_both"></div> <h1>CONFERENCE INFORMATION</h1> <div class="destination-box"> <!--<a href="#"><div class="destination-box-link">Preparatory Programs ></div></a> <a href="#"><div 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