Videokatalog - Lecture2Go

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'liferay-portlet-dynamic-data-mapping-custom-fields': { condition: { trigger: 'liferay-document-library', }, path: 'custom_fields.js', requires: ['liferay-portlet-dynamic-data-mapping'], }, }, root: MODULE_PATH + '/js/legacy/', }, }, }); })(); } catch(error) {console.error(error);}try {var MODULE_MAIN='frontend-editor-alloyeditor-web@5.0.54/index';var MODULE_PATH='/o/frontend-editor-alloyeditor-web';/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (c) 2000 Liferay, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later OR LicenseRef-Liferay-DXP-EULA-2.0.0-2023-06 */ (function () { AUI().applyConfig({ groups: { alloyeditor: { base: MODULE_PATH + '/js/legacy/', combine: Liferay.AUI.getCombine(), filter: Liferay.AUI.getFilterConfig(), modules: { 'liferay-alloy-editor': { path: 'alloyeditor.js', requires: [ 'aui-component', 'liferay-portlet-base', 'timers', ], }, 'liferay-alloy-editor-source': { path: 'alloyeditor_source.js', requires: [ 'aui-debounce', 'liferay-fullscreen-source-editor', 'liferay-source-editor', 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'liferay-calendar-interval-selector-scheduler-event-link': { path: 'interval_selector_scheduler_event_link.js', requires: ['aui-base', 'liferay-portlet-base'], }, 'liferay-calendar-list': { path: 'calendar_list.js', requires: [ 'aui-template-deprecated', 'liferay-scheduler', ], }, 'liferay-calendar-message-util': { path: 'message_util.js', requires: ['liferay-util-window'], }, 'liferay-calendar-recurrence-converter': { path: 'recurrence_converter.js', requires: [], }, 'liferay-calendar-recurrence-dialog': { path: 'recurrence.js', requires: [ 'aui-base', 'liferay-calendar-recurrence-util', ], }, 'liferay-calendar-recurrence-util': { path: 'recurrence_util.js', requires: ['aui-base', 'liferay-util-window'], }, 'liferay-calendar-reminders': { path: 'calendar_reminders.js', requires: ['aui-base'], }, 'liferay-calendar-remote-services': { path: 'remote_services.js', requires: [ 'aui-base', 'aui-component', 'liferay-calendar-util', 'liferay-portlet-base', ], }, 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AUI().use('autocomplete-list', 'aui-base', 'aui-io-request', 'autocomplete-filters', 'autocomplete-highlighters', function(A) { //URL for call serverResource method var findVideosURL ='#_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalMobileSearch_findVideosURL').get('text'); //findVideos name //call serverResource method with ajax which give in response. //create autocomplete object for findVideos input box var inputField = '#_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalMobileSearch_findVideos'; autoCompleteList = new A.AutoCompleteList({ inputNode: inputField, queryDelimiter: '_', // used for caption search resultTextLocator: function (result) { if (typeof(result.text) == 'undefined') { // use word from tagcloud search return result.word; } else { // use caption text // temporary concatanate to make caption text and video name both searchable to allow a more precise search return result.text + "###" +; } }, render: 'true', resultHighlighter: function(query, results){ // replace default 'subWordMatch' highlighter with custom highlighter var finalResults = []; return, function (result) { if (result.raw.type == "header") { // do no highlight header texts return result.text; } // default subword highlighting return A.Highlight.all(result.text, query.split(" ")); }); }, resultFilters: ['subWordMatch', function (query, result) { var resultsArray = []; var resultsMedia = []; var resultsCaptions = []; // set headers of categories resultsCaptions.push({display: 'Untertitel', highlighted : 'Untertitel', raw: {text : 'Untertitel', type: 'header', url: ''}, text: 'Untertitel'}); for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (typeof(result[i].raw.text) != 'undefined') { // captions var item = result[i]; // only add results which have at least one search word in the caption text, otherwise we would find all captions of a video var queryWords = query.trim().split(" "); // split to retrieve the caption text only var textArray = result[i].text.split("###"); for (queryWord of queryWords) { if (textArray[0].toLowerCase().includes(queryWord.toLowerCase())) { resultsCaptions.push(item); break; } } } else { // all other results from tagcloud resultsMedia.push(result[i]); } } if (resultsMedia.length > 0) { resultsArray = resultsArray.concat(resultsMedia); } // exclude header, start with 1 if (resultsCaptions.length > 1) { if (resultsMedia.length < (resultLimit-1)) { // only show captions, if we have space left for caption results, otherwise the caption header would be shown resultsArray = resultsArray.concat(resultsCaptions); } } return resultsArray; }], resultFormatter: function (query, results) { return, function (result) { if(result.raw.type == "header"){ return '<div class="autocomplete-header">'+result.highlighted+'</div>'; } else { if (typeof(result.raw.text) != 'undefined') { // caption // translate time from seconds to HH:MM:SS var date = new Date(0); date.setMilliseconds(result.raw.startTime); var startTime = date.toISOString().substring(11, 19); // split to handle the caption text and video name separately var textArray = result.highlighted.split("###"); highlightedCaptiontext = textArray[0]; highlightedVideoName = textArray[1]; var text = highlightedCaptiontext + "<div class='video-of-caption'>(" + highlightedVideoName + " - <span class='starttime-of-caption'>" + startTime + "</span>)</div>"; return text; } else { return result.highlighted; } } }); }, source: function(query, callback) { var searchURL = Liferay.Util.PortletURL.createPortletURL(findVideosURL); searchURL.searchParams.append("_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalMobileSearch_searchText",'value')); searchURL.searchParams.append("_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalMobileSearch_resultLimit", resultLimit);, { dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', sync: false, on: { success:function(){ callback(this.get('responseData')); } } }); }, typeAhead: true, maxResults: resultLimit, minQueryLength: 3 }); //submit selected search word autoCompleteList.on('select', function(event) { if(event.result.raw.type !== 'header'){ if (typeof(event.result.raw.text) != 'undefined') { // caption window.location.href = '/l2go/-/get/v/' + event.result.raw.videoId + '/' + event.result.raw.startTime + '_'; } else { var searchWord=event.result.text; $(inputField).val(searchWord); window.location.href = '/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1/?_OpenAccessVideos_findVideos=' + encodeURIComponent(searchWord); } }else{ // do nothing when clicking on header item.preventDefault(); item.stopPropagation(); } } ); autoCompleteList.get('boundingBox').setStyle('zIndex', 100);'#_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalMobileSearch_submitForm').on('submit', function(event) { var searchWord=$(inputField).val(); window.location.href = '/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/?_OpenAccessVideos_findVideos=' + encodeURIComponent(searchWord); event.stopPropagation(); }); // add combobox role to search inputs, otherwise the use of aria-expanded is not valid $('.autocompleteSearch form .yui3-aclist-input').attr('role', 'combobox'); 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function (result) { if (typeof(result.text) == 'undefined') { // use word from tagcloud search return result.word; } else { // use caption text // temporary concatanate to make caption text and video name both searchable to allow a more precise search return result.text + "###" +; } }, render: 'true', resultHighlighter: function(query, results){ // replace default 'subWordMatch' highlighter with custom highlighter var finalResults = []; return, function (result) { if (result.raw.type == "header") { // do no highlight header texts return result.text; } // default subword highlighting return A.Highlight.all(result.text, query.split(" ")); }); }, resultFilters: ['subWordMatch', function (query, result) { var resultsArray = []; var resultsMedia = []; var resultsCaptions = []; // set headers of categories resultsCaptions.push({display: 'Untertitel', highlighted : 'Untertitel', raw: {text : 'Untertitel', type: 'header', url: ''}, text: 'Untertitel'}); for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (typeof(result[i].raw.text) != 'undefined') { // captions var item = result[i]; // only add results which have at least one search word in the caption text, otherwise we would find all captions of a video var queryWords = query.trim().split(" "); // split to retrieve the caption text only var textArray = result[i].text.split("###"); for (queryWord of queryWords) { if (textArray[0].toLowerCase().includes(queryWord.toLowerCase())) { resultsCaptions.push(item); break; } } } else { // all other results from tagcloud resultsMedia.push(result[i]); } } if (resultsMedia.length > 0) { resultsArray = resultsArray.concat(resultsMedia); } // exclude header, start with 1 if (resultsCaptions.length > 1) { if (resultsMedia.length < (resultLimit-1)) { // only show captions, if we have space left for caption results, otherwise the caption header would be shown resultsArray = resultsArray.concat(resultsCaptions); } } return resultsArray; }], resultFormatter: function (query, results) { return, 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100);'#_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalDesktopSearch_submitForm').on('submit', function(event) { var searchWord=$(inputField).val(); window.location.href = '/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/?_OpenAccessVideos_findVideos=' + encodeURIComponent(searchWord); event.stopPropagation(); }); // add combobox role to search inputs, otherwise the use of aria-expanded is not valid $('.autocompleteSearch form .yui3-aclist-input').attr('role', 'combobox'); }); //---prepare auto complete results end //load focus on desctop search $("#desktopSearch, #search").on("click", function(){ setTimeout( function() { $("#_AutocompleteSearch_INSTANCE_GlobalDesktopSearch_findVideos").focus(); }, 100 ); }); }); </script> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portlet-boundary portlet-boundary_Popup_ portlet-static portlet-static-end portlet-barebone " id="p_p_id_Popup_"> <span id="p_Popup"></span> <section class="portlet" id="portlet_Popup"> <div class="portlet-content"> <div 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table table-autofit table-head-bordered table-heading-nowrap table-hover table-list table-striped"> <tbody> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_1" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt71014" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Mach mit beim Girls‘ Day der MIN-Fakultät"/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: MIN-Fakultät'>MIN-Fakultät</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: SoSe 25'>SoSe 25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: Mach mit beim Girls‘ Day der MIN-Fakultät'>Mach mit beim Girls‘ Day der MIN-Fakultät</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17975/0/0/0/0/0/'>MIN Kommunikation</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/19681/0/0/0/0/0/'>MIN Gleichstellung</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_2" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt7584" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" > <!-- multiple videos in lecture series --> <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="badge mr-3">6</div> <img class="video-image-big layered-paper darker" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Trialogischer Austausch - Konsequenzen der Bedrohung" /> <span class="tri"></span> <span class="overlay"></span> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-12"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Öffentliche Vorlesungen'>Öffentliche Vorlesungen</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie'>Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: UKE'>UKE</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 24/25'>WiSe 24/25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update dot-height-40"> <a href="" aria-label='Titel der Serie: Welt in der Krise: Eine Herausforderung für die Seele'>Welt in der Krise: Eine Herausforderung für die Seele</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/13892/0/0/0/0/0/'>Gwen Schulz</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/13893/0/0/0/0/0/'>Prof. Dr. Thomas Bock</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17886/0/0/0/0/0/'>Marion Ryan</a> et al. </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <div class='videolist'> <button id="b7584" title="Videoliste schließen" aria-label="Videoliste schließen" > <span class="lfr-icon-menu-text"> <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> <span>Öffnen</span> </span> </button> <div class="sublist-container"> <ul id="p7584" class="hideOnLoad"> <!-- show video list for dummy lecture series (i.e. from search) --> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_3" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt70999" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - MIBAS Admissions Info Session 20 February 2025"/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Sozialökonomie'>Sozialökonomie</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: SoSe 25'>SoSe 25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: MIBAS Admissions Info Session 20 February 2025'>MIBAS Admissions Info Session 20 February 2025</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/19678/0/0/0/0/0/'>Rachel Rau</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_4" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt7489" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" > <!-- multiple videos in lecture series --> <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="badge mr-3">5</div> <img class="video-image-big layered-paper darker" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Mit KI zur Hausarbeit III – Überarbeitungsphase mit DeepL Write" /> <span class="tri"></span> <span class="overlay"></span> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-12"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Studienangebote'>Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Studienangebote</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 23/24'>WiSe 23/24</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update dot-height-40"> <a href="" aria-label='Titel der Serie: Hands-on – generative KI-Tools'>Hands-on – generative KI-Tools</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/16070/0/0/0/0/0/'>Mareike Bartels</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/14228/0/0/0/0/0/'>Julia Pawlowski</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <div class='videolist'> <button id="b7489" title="Videoliste schließen" aria-label="Videoliste schließen" > <span class="lfr-icon-menu-text"> <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> <span>Öffnen</span> </span> </button> <div class="sublist-container"> <ul id="p7489" class="hideOnLoad"> <!-- show video list for dummy lecture series (i.e. from search) --> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_5" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt70982" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Brototyp: Porenanalyse in Brot mittels Computer Vision in einer kosteneffizienten Fotobox ("/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Informatik'>Informatik</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 24/25'>WiSe 24/25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: Brototyp: Porenanalyse in Brot mittels Computer Vision in einer kosteneffizienten Fotobox ('>Brototyp: Porenanalyse in Brot mittels Computer Vision in einer kosteneffizienten Fotobox (</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/18399/0/0/0/0/0/'>Anton Semjonov</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/19107/0/0/0/0/0/'>Marvin Mielchen</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_6" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt70971" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Der Grundkurs Methoden - Forschungskooperationen für (zivil-)gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen"/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Sozialwissenschaften'>Sozialwissenschaften</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 24/25'>WiSe 24/25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: Der Grundkurs Methoden - Forschungskooperationen für (zivil-)gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen'>Der Grundkurs Methoden - Forschungskooperationen für (zivil-)gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17126/0/0/0/0/0/'>Alice Watanabe</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/19402/0/0/0/0/0/'>Junis Sander</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_7" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt70970" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Das Campus meets Community-Lab (CC-Lab) - ko-kreativ forschen an der WISO-Fakultät"/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Fachbereichsübergreifend'>Fachbereichsübergreifend</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 24/25'>WiSe 24/25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: Das Campus meets Community-Lab (CC-Lab) - ko-kreativ forschen an der WISO-Fakultät'>Das Campus meets Community-Lab (CC-Lab) - ko-kreativ forschen an der WISO-Fakultät</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17126/0/0/0/0/0/'>Alice Watanabe</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/19402/0/0/0/0/0/'>Junis Sander</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_8" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt70969" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" onClick="window.location=''" > <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <img class="video-image" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Our Container Lab. Mission 1: Palm Leaf Profilers"/> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ (UWA)'>Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ (UWA)</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href="" aria-label='Semester: WiSe 24/25'>WiSe 24/25</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update"> <a href="" aria-label='Video Titel: Our Container Lab. Mission 1: Palm Leaf Profilers'>Our Container Lab. Mission 1: Palm Leaf Profilers</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/18174/0/0/0/0/0/'>Kasten Helmholz</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/10748/0/0/0/0/0/'>Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/16554/0/0/0/0/0/'>Dr. Marina Creydt</a> </div> </div> <!-- videotile end--> </div> <!-- sublist for videos --> <!-- sublist for videos end--> </td> </tr> <tr aria-label="" class=" video-box " data-qa-id="row" id="_OpenAccessVideos_videoListSearchResultsSearchContainer_9" tabindex=""> <td class=" lfr-entry-action-column" colspan="1"> <div id="vt7337" data-vl="" class="row videotile load-video-sublist" > <!-- multiple videos in lecture series --> <div class="video-image-wrapper col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="badge mr-3">5</div> <img class="video-image-big layered-paper darker" src="" alt="Miniaturansicht - Über die Brüchigkeit und Stärke des Menschen – „Schachnovelle“ von Stefan Zweig" /> <span class="tri"></span> <span class="overlay"></span> </div> <div class="video-content-wrapper col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-12"> <div class="video-content"> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Institut für Psychotherapie'>Institut für Psychotherapie</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: UKE allgemein'>UKE allgemein</a> </div> <div class="video-label"> <a href='' aria-label='Einrichtung: Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen'>Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen</a> </div> </div> <h2 class="video-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update dot-height-40"> <a href="" aria-label='Titel der Serie: SEELENLESE:N - Im Grenzgebiet von Literatur und Psychiatrie'>SEELENLESE:N - Im Grenzgebiet von Literatur und Psychiatrie</a> </h2> <div class="allcreators"> <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/13893/0/0/0/0/0/'>Prof. Dr. Thomas Bock</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17271/0/0/0/0/0/'>Dr. Torsten Flögel</a>, <a href='/web/vod/l2go/-/get/0/0/0/17904/0/0/0/0/0/'>Verena Kammerer</a> et al. </div> 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4529, 7221, 7237, 7197, 7235, 7354, 7131, 7238, 7218, 6935, 7190, 7383, 7384, 7159, 6254, 6737, 7162, 7381, 7136, 7151, 7150, 7081, 7093, 7156, 7142, 7009, 7113, 7008, 7007, 7112, 5582, 7107, 7088, 7110, 7096, 7076, 6999, 7108, 7079, 7114, 6922, 6919, 7111, 7105, 6995, 5143, 6987, 5828, 6779, 6978, 6977, 6884, 6707, 6840, 6802, 6801, 6762, 6761, 6880, 6837, 6888, 6687, 6911, 6969, 6708, 6734, 6838, 6577, 6894, 6861, 6974, 6955, 6243, 6938, 6937, 6883, 6210, 4631, 6691, 3694, 6944, 6859, 6767, 6798, 6765, 6766, 6905, 5229, 6728, 6729, 6710, 6692, 6973, 6682, 6663, 6680, 6481, 6479, 6773, 6480, 6482, 6677, 6676, 6456, 6652, 6436, 6542, 6432, 6437, 6340, 6942, 6588, 6669, 6685, 6464, 6670, 6674, 5271, 6490, 6485, 6442, 5115, 6662, 6584, 6426, 6624, 6590, 6610, 7103, 6472, 6550, 5206, 5546, 5714, 6402, 6325, 6221, 6975, 6030, 6028, 6213, 5824, 5994, 6135, 6056, 6029, 6303, 6305, 5975, 5527, 6165, 6302, 6068, 6291, 6059, 6138, 5853, 6073, 6311, 6241, 5791, 6147, 6054, 5826, 6044, 6292, 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4157, 4142, 4143, 4144, 3977, 4132, 4140, 4146, 4137, 4133, 4085, 4106, 4105, 4103, 4152, 4099, 4069, 4072, 4073, 4071, 4070, 4074, 4078, 4065, 3959, 4005, 4019, 4023, 4036, 4024, 4025, 4067, 4041, 4076, 4061, 4063, 4048, 4060, 4059, 4057, 4027, 3740, 4054, 4044, 4046, 4030, 4037, 4045, 4035, 4001, 4013, 4009, 3999, 4006, 3997, 3965, 3948, 3957, 3956, 3967, 4007, 3966, 3892, 3986, 3993, 3975, 3961, 3996, 3989, 3988, 3987, 3828, 3964, 3985, 3983, 3980, 3981, 3982, 3974, 3976, 3979, 3973, 3969, 3945, 3942, 3944, 3887, 3929, 3928, 3898, 3901, 3926, 3895, 3884, 3941, 3920, 3889, 3937, 3883, 3907, 3902, 3924, 3891, 3900, 3917, 3885, 3913, 3877, 4051, 3910, 4675, 3905, 3904, 3842, 3864, 3896, 3894, 4666, 3888, 3826, 3735, 3872, 3855, 3821, 3833, 3742, 3829, 3851, 3850, 3685, 3814, 3858, 3832, 3857, 3841, 3847, 3846, 3845, 3844, 3843, 3861, 3838, 3781, 3786, 3834, 3815, 7358, 3825, 3820, 3817, 3818, 3811, 3816, 3807, 3808, 3806, 3803, 3744, 3795, 3770, 3796, 3775, 3769, 3774, 3697, 3778, 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10505, 10504, 66, 25, 38, 41, 42, 32, 23, 51, 76, 53, 16, 17, 27, 72, 59, 9, 26, 34, 46, 48, 19, 58, 55, 21, 63, 39, 14, 44, 10, 74, 60, 64, 70, 68, 12, 28, 33, 35, 1, 4, 3, 8, 6, 5, 2, 7, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 66689, 22520, 22521]"; //jquery $( function() { // links within the video divs should not trigger parent event $('div[id^="vt"] a').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //toggle functionality for video sublist $('div[id^="vt"]').click(function() { var pId = "p"; var bId = "b"; $("#"+pId).toggle(); $("#"+bId + " i").toggleClass("icon-chevron-down"); updateParamsOnToggle(bId); }); $('button[id^="b"]').click(function() { var pId = "p"; var bId = "b"; $("#"+pId).toggle(); $("#"+bId + " i").toggleClass("icon-chevron-down"); updateParamsOnToggle(bId); }); // add keyboard accessibility for video sublists $(".sublist-container").on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 27) //escape key { // close video sublist $(this).find("ul").first().hide(); var bId = $(this).parent().find("button").attr('id'); $("#"+bId + " i").toggleClass("icon-chevron-down"); updateParamsOnToggle(bId); } }); // set the correct title and aria label for opening or closing function updateParamsOnToggle(bId){ if ($("#"+bId + " i").hasClass("icon-chevron-down")) { $("#"+bId).attr("title",'Videoliste schließen'); $("#"+bId).attr("aria-label",'Videoliste schließen'); $("#"+bId+" .lfr-icon-menu-text span").text("Verbergen"); } else { $("#"+bId).attr("title",'Videoliste öffnen'); $("#"+bId).attr("aria-label",'Videoliste öffnen'); $("#"+bId+" .lfr-icon-menu-text span").text("Öffnen"); } } // add accessibility to the filter toggles (liferay ui tag does not natively support this) $(".panel-header").each(function() { // set keyboard control $(this).attr("tabindex","0"); // set aria label setCorrectAriaForFilter($(this)); }); // update aria when state changes $(".panel-header").click(function() { setCorrectAriaForFilter($(this)); }); // the outer panel-container has the id null, because there seems to be a bug with the correct usage of the id parameter for the taglib, we still use it... $("#null").attr('role', 'region').attr('aria-label', 'Filter').removeAttr('aria-multiselectable'); $("#filters-container").attr('role', 'listbox'); $("#filters-container .panel").attr('role', 'listitem'); // table is not used as table but is only dimensional, mark the role as presentation to remove the semantic meaning $(".catalogue-container table").attr('role', 'presentation'); function setCorrectAriaForFilter($element) { var title = $element.find(".panel-title").text().trim(); var showFilterAriaLabel = 'Zeige Filter' + ": " + title; var hideFilterAriaLabel = 'Schliesse Filter' + ": " + title; if ($element.attr("aria-label") == showFilterAriaLabel) { $element.attr("aria-label",hideFilterAriaLabel); $element.attr("aria-expanded", "true"); } else { $element.attr("aria-label",showFilterAriaLabel); $element.attr("aria-expanded", "false"); } } $("#filters-container .panel .panel-body").on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 27) //escape key { // close dropdown $(this).parent().removeClass("show").addClass("collapsed"); setCorrectAriaForFilter($(this).parent().parent().find('.panel-header').first()); } }); //turn off autocomplete $(document).on('focus', ':input', function() { $(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); }); // show the remaining terms $('#loadMoreTerms').click(function () { $('ul.terms > li').show(); $('#loadMoreTerms').hide(); }); if (false) { loadParentInstitutionsList(); } else { $("#filter-parentInstitution .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadParentInstitutionsListDone==false){ loadParentInstitutionsListDone=true; loadParentInstitutionsList(); } }); } if (false) { loadInstitutionsList(); } else { $("#filter-institution .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadInstitutionsListDone==false){ loadInstitutionsListDone=true; loadInstitutionsList(); } }); } if (false) { loadCreatorList(); } else { $("#filter-creator .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadCreatorListDone==false){ loadCreatorListDone=true; loadCreatorList(); } }); } if (false) { loadTagList(); } else { $("#filter-tag .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadTagListDone==false){ loadTagListDone=true; loadTagList(); } }); } if (false) { loadLanguagesList(); } else { $("#filter-language .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadLanguagesListDone==false){ loadLanguagesListDone=true; loadLanguagesList(); } }); } if (false) { loadMediaTypesList(); } else { $("#filter-mediatype .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadMediaTypesListDone==false){ loadMediaTypesListDone=true; loadMediaTypesList(); } }); } if (false) { loadLicensesList(); } else { $("#filter-license .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadLicensesListDone==false){ loadLicensesListDone=true; loadLicensesList(); } }); } if (false) { loadCategoriesList(); } else { $("#filter-category .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadCategoriesListDone==false){ loadCategoriesListDone=true; loadCategoriesList(); } }); } if (false) { loadTermsList(); } else { $("#filter-term .panel-header").on("click keypress", function(e) { if(loadTermsListDone==false){ loadTermsListDone=true; loadTermsList(); } }); } // decode the search query to plain text (via an in cache div) highlightSearchWord(); // click handler for loading video sublist $('div[id^="vt"]').click(function() { loadVideoSublist(; }); $('button[id^="b"]').click(function() { loadVideoSublist(; }); }); function highlightSearchWord() { var searchQuery = $('<div/>').html('').text(); var markOptions = { "separateWordSearch": false }; if (searchQuery) { $(".videotile").mark(searchQuery, markOptions); } } var loadParentInstitutionsListDone = false; function loadParentInstitutionsList(){ const hasParentInstitutionFiltered = "false"; const parentInstitutionId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorParentInstitution'); if ($("#loading-spinner-parentInstitution").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-parentInstitution"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasParentInstitutionFiltered": hasParentInstitutionFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_parentInstitutionId": parentInstitutionId, "_OpenAccessVideos_lectureSeriesIds": lectureSeriesIds, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let parentInstitutionURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { parentInstitutionURL = parentInstitutionURL + 0; } else { parentInstitutionURL = parentInstitutionURL + subResult.institutionId; } $('#parentInstitution-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(parentInstitutionURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="institution">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-parentInstitution').remove(); updateClickHandlers(); loadParentInstitutionsListDone = true; }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadParentInstitutionsListDone=false; } }); } var loadInstitutionsListDone = false; function loadInstitutionsList(){ const hasParentInstitutionFiltered = "false"; const parentInstitutionId = "0"; const hasInstitutionFiltered = "false"; const institutionId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorInstitution'); if ($("#loading-spinner-institution").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-institution"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasParentInstitutionFiltered": hasParentInstitutionFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_parentInstitutionId": parentInstitutionId, "_OpenAccessVideos_hasInstitutionFiltered": hasInstitutionFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_institutionId": institutionId, "_OpenAccessVideos_lectureSeriesIds": lectureSeriesIds, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let institutionURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { institutionURL = institutionURL + 0; } else { institutionURL = institutionURL + subResult.institutionId; } $('#institution-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(institutionURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="institution">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-institution').remove(); updateClickHandlers(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadInstitutionsListDone=false; } }); } var loadCreatorListDone = false; function loadCreatorList(){ const hasCreatorFiltered = "false"; const creatorId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelector'); if ($("#loading-spinner-creators").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-creators" class="loading-spinner"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasCreatorFiltered": hasCreatorFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_creatorId": creatorId, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { creatorList = new Map(Object.entries(result)); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(result)) { if (value.length > 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<a class="select-character" ' + 'data-character="'+ key +'" data-entity="creator">' + key + '</a>'); $('#creator-list').append('<div class="alphabet-list" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="creator"><ul class="colored-bullets" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="creator"></ul></div>'); $('.alphabet-list[data-character="' + key +'"][data-entity="creator"]') .append('<a href="#" class="load-more-link all-characters" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="creator" onclick="return false">Mehr</a>'); } else { firstCharacterSelector.append('<span>' + key + '</span>'); } } firstCharacterSelector .append('<a class="select-character selected" data-character="*" data-entity="creator">Alle</a>'); }); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'creator'); updateClickHandlers(); $('#loading-spinner-creators').remove(); $("#firstCharacterSelector").attr("tabindex","0"); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadCreatorListDone=false; } }); } var loadLanguagesListDone = false; function loadLanguagesList(){ const hasLanguageFiltered = "false"; const language = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorLanguages'); if ($("#loading-spinner-languages").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div class="loading-spinner" id="loading-spinner-languages"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasLanguageFiltered": hasLanguageFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_language": language, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(language => { let languageURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { languageURL = languageURL + 0; } else { languageURL = languageURL + language.locale; } $('#language-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(languageURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="language">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }); $('#loading-spinner-languages').remove(); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'language'); updateClickHandlers(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadLanguagesListDone=false; } }); } var loadMediaTypesListDone = false; function loadMediaTypesList(){ const hasMediaTypeFiltered = "false"; const mediaTypeId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorMediaType'); if ($("#loading-spinner-mediaType").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-mediaType"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasMediaTypeFiltered": hasMediaTypeFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_mediaTypeId": mediaTypeId, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let mediaTypeURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { mediaTypeURL = mediaTypeURL + 0; } else { mediaTypeURL = mediaTypeURL + subResult.mediaTypeId; } $('#mediaType-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(mediaTypeURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="mediaType">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + subResult.mediaTypeName + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-mediaType').remove(); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'mediaType'); updateClickHandlers(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadMediaTypesListDone=false; } }); } var loadLicensesListDone = false; function loadLicensesList(){ const hasLicenseFiltered = "false"; const licenseId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorLicense'); if ($("#loading-spinner-license").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-license"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasLicenseFiltered": hasLicenseFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_licenseId": licenseId, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let licenseURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { licenseURL = licenseURL + 0; } else { licenseURL = licenseURL + subResult.licenseId; } $('#licenses-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(licenseURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="license">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + subResult.fullName + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-license').remove(); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'license'); updateClickHandlers(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadLicensesListDone=false; } }); } var loadCategoriesListDone = false; function loadCategoriesList(){ const hasCategoryFiltered = "false"; const categoryId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorCategory'); if ($("#loading-spinner-category").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-category"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasCategoryFiltered": hasCategoryFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_categoryId": categoryId, "_OpenAccessVideos_lectureSeriesIds": lectureSeriesIds, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let categoryURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { categoryURL = categoryURL + 0; } else { categoryURL = categoryURL + subResult.categoryId; } $('#category-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(categoryURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="category">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-category').remove(); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'category'); updateClickHandlers(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadCategoriesListDone=false; } }); } var loadTermsListDone = false; function loadTermsList(){ const hasTermFiltered = "false"; const termId = "0"; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorTerm'); if ($("#loading-spinner-term").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-term"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasTermFiltered": hasTermFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_termId": termId, "_OpenAccessVideos_lectureSeriesIds": lectureSeriesIds, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { var numberOfTerms = 0; data.forEach(result => { result.forEach(subResult => { let termURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { termURL = termURL + 0; } else { termURL = termURL + subResult.termId; } numberOfTerms += 1; $('#term-list').append( '<li class="videoIds">' + '<a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(termURL)+'" class="row" data-entity="term">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">' + (subResult.termName == '' ? 'Ohne Semester-Zugehörigkeit' : subResult.termName) + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>' + '<span ></span>' + '</a>' + '</li>' ); }) }); $('#loading-spinner-term').remove(); updateClickHandlers(); // only show the last terms var maxTerms = 4; if(numberOfTerms > maxTerms) { $("ul.terms > li").slice(maxTerms).hide(); } else { $("#loadMoreTerms").hide(); } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadTermsListDone=false; } }); } var loadTagListDone = false; function loadTagList(){ const hasTagFiltered = "false"; const tag = ""; const firstCharacterSelector = $('#firstCharacterSelectorTags'); if ($("#loading-spinner-tags").length == 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<div id="loading-spinner-tags"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_hasTagFiltered": hasTagFiltered, "_OpenAccessVideos_tag": tag, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { data.forEach(result => { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(result)) { if (value.length > 0) { firstCharacterSelector.append('<a class="select-character" ' + 'data-character="'+ key +'" data-entity="tag">' + key + '</a>'); $('#tag-list').append('<div class="alphabet-list" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="tag"><ul class="colored-bullets" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="tag"></ul></div>'); value.forEach(tag => { let tagURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { tagURL = tagURL; } else { url = new URL(tagURL); url.searchParams.append('_OpenAccessVideos_tag', tag); tagURL = url.href; } $('.colored-bullets[data-entity="tag"][data-character="'+key+'"') .append('<li class="videoIds"><a href="'+tagURL+'" class="row">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">'+ tag + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>\n' + '<span ></span>' + '</a></li>'); }); $('.alphabet-list[data-character="' + key +'"][data-entity="tag"]') .append('<a href="#" class="load-more-link all-characters" data-character="'+key+'" ' + 'data-entity="tag">Mehr</a>'); } else { firstCharacterSelector.append('<span>' + key + '</span>'); } } firstCharacterSelector .append('<a class="select-character selected" data-character="*" data-entity="tag">Alle</a>'); }); toggleEntriesForCharacter('*', 'tag'); updateClickHandlers(); $('#loading-spinner-tags').remove(); $("#firstCharacterSelectorTags").attr("tabindex","0"); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { loadTagListDone=false; } }); } function updateClickHandlers() { $('.load-more-link').click(function (event) { expandEntries(,; }); $('.select-character').click(function(event) { selectCharacter(event); }); $('.select-character').keypress(function(event) { selectCharacter(event); }); } function selectCharacter(event){ const target =; $('[data-entity="' + target.dataset.entity + '"]').removeClass('selected'); target.classList.add('selected'); const character = target.dataset.character.toString(); const entity = target.dataset.entity.toString(); toggleEntriesForCharacter(character, entity); } function loadVideoSublist(lectureSeriesId) { if (lectureSeriesId > 0) { const sublistDom = $('.sublist-container ul#p' + lectureSeriesId); const sublistDomLength = sublistDom.children('li:not(.show-all)').length; const videoIds = $('div#vt' + lectureSeriesId)[0].dataset.vl; if (sublistDomLength === 0) { if ($('#loading-spinner-sublist' + lectureSeriesId).length == 0) { // only process once sublistDom.append('<div class="loading-spinner" id="loading-spinner-sublist' + lectureSeriesId + '"><span class="l2go-icon-spinner"></span></div>'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "", dataType: 'json', async: true, data: { "_OpenAccessVideos_objectId": lectureSeriesId, "_OpenAccessVideos_videoIds": videoIds }, success: function(data) { $('#loading-spinner-sublist' + lectureSeriesId).remove(); data.forEach(sublist => { sublist.forEach(video => { sublistDom.append('<li class="videotile small" ' + 'onClick="window.location=\'' + video.url + '\'">' + '<div class="col-md-3 video-image-wrapper">' + '<img class="video-image" src="' + video.imageMedium + '" alt="Miniaturansicht - ' + video.title + '"/>' + '</div><div class="metainfo-small col-md-9 ">' + '<div class="video-label">' + video.simpleDate + '</div>' + '<h4 class="video-title"><a href="' + video.url + '" Video Titel: ' + video.title + '">' + video.title + '</a></h4>' + '<div class="allcreators">' + video.linkedCreators + '</div></div></li>'); }) }); highlightSearchWord(); }, error: error => { console.error(error); } }); } } } } function appendCreator(creator, character) { let creatorName =; let creatorURL = ''; if ("false" === "true") { creatorURL = creatorURL + 0; } else { creatorURL = creatorURL +; } $('.colored-bullets[data-entity="creator"][data-character="'+character+'"') .append('<li class="videoIds"><a href="'+getFriendlyUrl(creatorURL)+'" class="row">' + '<div class="filter-menu-link">'+ creatorName + '</div>' + '<div class="autofit-col-expand"></div>\n' + '<span ></span>' + '</a></li>'); } function toggleEntriesForCharacter(character, entity) { const maxEntries = 4; let hasMoreEntries = false; let hiddenEntries; // load async for creator for performance reasons if (entity === "creator") { currentEntriesForCharacter = 0; $('.colored-bullets[data-entity="creator"] li').remove(); if (character === '*') { hasMoreEntries = loadMoreCreatorEntries(4); } else { creatorList.get(character).forEach(creator => { appendCreator(creator, character); }); } } if (character === '*') { $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"]').show(); $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"] > ul > li').slice(maxEntries).hide(); hiddenEntries = $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"] > ul > li:hidden'); } else { $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"]').hide(); $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"][data-character="' + character + '"]').show(); const listEntries = $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"][data-character="' + character + '"] > ul > li'); listEntries.slice(0, maxEntries).show(); listEntries.slice(maxEntries).hide(); hiddenEntries = $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"][data-character="' + character + '"] > ul > li:hidden'); } $('a.load-more-link[data-entity="' + entity + '"]').hide(); if (hiddenEntries.length > maxEntries || hasMoreEntries) { $('.load-more-link[data-entity="' + entity + '"][data-character="' + character + '"]').show(); } } // show the remaining list entries in batches of 50 function expandEntries(character, entity) { let hiddenEntries = $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"] > ul > li:hidden'); if (character === '*') { let hasMoreEntries = hiddenEntries.length > 50; if (entity === "creator") { hasMoreEntries = loadMoreCreatorEntries(50); } if (hasMoreEntries) { for (let i=0; i<50; i++) { hiddenEntries.eq(i).show(); } } else {; $('.load-more-link[data-entity="' + entity + '"]').hide(); } } else { hiddenEntries = $('div.alphabet-list[data-entity="' + entity + '"][data-character="' + character + '"] > ul > li:hidden'); if (hiddenEntries.length <= 50) {; $('.load-more-link[data-character="' + character + '"][data-entity="' + entity + '"]').hide(); } else { for (let i=0; i<50; i++) { hiddenEntries.eq(i).show(); } } } } function loadMoreCreatorEntries(numberOfEntriesToAppend) { let hasMoreEntries = false; let appendedEntries = 0; let entriesToSkip = currentEntriesForCharacter; for (const [key, value] of creatorList) { if(value.length <= entriesToSkip) { entriesToSkip = entriesToSkip - value.length; } else if(appendedEntries === numberOfEntriesToAppend) { hasMoreEntries = true; break; 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function onPanelHide(event) { if (event.panel.getAttribute('id') === 'filter-licenseContent') { var task = {}; task['filter-license'] = true; storeTask(task); } } function onPanelShow(event) { if (event.panel.getAttribute('id') === 'filter-licenseContent') { var task = {}; task['filter-license'] = false; storeTask(task); } } function onStartNavigate() { Liferay.detach('liferay.collapse.hide', onPanelHide); Liferay.detach('', onPanelShow); Liferay.detach('startNavigate', onStartNavigate); } Liferay.on('liferay.collapse.hide', onPanelHide); Liferay.on('', onPanelShow); Liferay.on('startNavigate', onStartNavigate); })(); (function() { var $ = AUI.$;var _ = AUI._; var storeTask = A.debounce(Liferay.Store, 100); function onPanelHide(event) { if (event.panel.getAttribute('id') === 'filter-languageContent') { var task = {}; task['filter-language'] = true; storeTask(task); } } function onPanelShow(event) { if (event.panel.getAttribute('id') === 'filter-languageContent') { var task = {}; task['filter-language'] = false; 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