The NFL Ops Team | NFL Football Operations
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<h3><span>NFL Operations</span></h3> </div> <div class="subnav-container"> <div class="wrapper-dropdown"> <button id="subnav-dropdown">Explore This Section</button> <ul class="dropdown"> <li><a class="active" href="/inside-football-ops/nfl-operations/the-nfl-ops-team/" title="The NFL Ops Team"><span>NFL Ops Team</span></a></li> <li><a class="" href="/inside-football-ops/nfl-operations/nfl-ops-honoring-the-game/" title="NFL Ops: Honoring the Game"><span>Honoring the Game</span></a></li> <li><a class="" href="/inside-football-ops/nfl-operations/integrity-of-the-game/" title="Integrity of the Game"><span>Integrity of the Game </span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <a href="/learn-the-game/nfl-basics/rookies-guide/nfl-video-rulebook/" class="button"><span><b>View Video Rulebook</b></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="content-block article-half team"> <div class="content"> <h5>Led by Executive Vice President Troy Vincent Sr., the Football Operations team works to honor the game’s rich traditions and position the sport for long-term success.</h5> <p> </p> <h3 class="meet">Meet the Team</h3> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5738/troy-vincent.jpg?width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Troy Vincent Sr.</h3> <p>Executive Vice President, Football Operations</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Troy Vincent Sr., Executive Vice President of Football Operations, informs the business of the NFL through the unique lens of his previous roles as a player, a player’s union president, and the Senior Vice President of Player Engagement. He employs the highest standards to enhance and preserve football and its value to society.</p> <p>His transformational leadership approach promotes professional development of staff, players, coaches and officials by applying a vision of clarity, consistency and credibility to all aspects of football operations. Vincent holds a broad range of responsibilities for the business of football, including game analytics, accountability, integrity of the game, development and growth, along with policies and procedures relating to NFL games that includes protecting players from unnecessary risk.</p> <p>“It’s a great blessing to have moved from serving our fans as a player to now serving them through the operations of the game. Football transcends race, age, gender and other elements of society and creates community by bringing people together across our great nation,” says Vincent. “The future of football is bright because the integration of technology, technique, and rule adjustments are making our game progressively better.”</p> <p>Vincent long has been a promoter of the character and leadership values that football contributes to society. He is the only player in history to have received the NFL Walter Payton Man of the Year award, NFL Players Association Byron Whizzer White Award, Sporting News #1 Good Guy, and NFL Athletes in Action Bart Starr Award. Vincent is considered a national leader as an advocate against domestic violence and sexual assault.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5739/dawn-aponte.jpg?rxy=0.5607476635514018,0.4618181818181818&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Dawn Aponte</h3> <p>Chief Football Administrative Officer</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Dawn Aponte, Chief Football Administrative Officer, brings a wealth of football experience at the team and league level to the NFL. Aponte is responsible for driving Football Operations initiatives, facilitating communication and management of the day-to-day operations, and assisting in building relationships with club owners, presidents and executives.</p> <p>Aponte was most recently an executive with RSE Ventures, an international sports, entertainment and tech firm co-founded by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross and club vice-chairman Matt Higgins.</p> <p>Prior to RSE, she spent seven seasons with the Miami Dolphins, last serving as executive vice president of football administration. Aponte joined the Dolphins after one year as vice president of football administration with the Cleveland Browns. Before that, she spent three years as the vice president of labor finance with the NFL Management Council. Aponte started her career in football with the New York Jets, where she spent more than 15 years in various capacities, most recently as the club’s senior director of football administration.</p> <p>Throughout her 25 years in football, Aponte has developed expertise in matters relating to contract negotiations, salary cap management, labor and CBA issues, and day-to-day management of the football business and administration operations.</p> <p>Aponte serves on USA Football’s Board of Directors where she helps guide the sport’s national governing body in leading the game’s development for youth, high school and other amateur football players.</p> <p>Aponte earned a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Delaware and passed the C.P.A. exam shortly thereafter. She went on to receive a master’s degree in Finance and Management from Wagner College, then continued on to earn a Juris Doctorate from New York Law School. Aponte is a member of the New York State Bar.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5741/perry-fewell.jpg?rxy=0.4924924924924925,0.3824561403508772&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Perry Fewell</h3> <p>Senior Vice President, Officiating Communications and Administration</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Perry Fewell joins the NFL Football Operations department as the SVP of Officiating Communications and Administration. Fewell oversees the day-to-day operations of the Officiating Department, including outreach to the league’s head coaches and general managers, compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the NFL and the NFL Referees Association, and serves as a liaison to the NCAA on officiating-related matters.</p> <p>Fewell has 35 years of coaching experience, including 22 in the NFL with the Jacksonville Jaguars (twice), St. Louis Rams, Chicago Bears, Buffalo Bills, New York Giants, Washington Football Team and Carolina Panthers. Fewell was the defensive coordinator for the Giants for the team’s 21-17 victory over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI.</p> <p>Prior to the NFL, Fewell spent 13 years coaching at the college level, where he coached at Vanderbilt University, two stints at Army, Kent State and the University of North Carolina.</p> <p>Fewell lettered from 1980-83 as a defensive back at Lenoir-Rhyne University (N.C.) and he was inducted into the school's Hall of Fame in 2011. He also lettered in football and track at South Point High School in Belmont, N.C., and was inducted into the Belmont Sports Hall of Fame in 2001. Fewell was inducted into the Gaston County (N.C.) Hall of Fame in June 2012.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5742/kim-fields.jpg?rxy=0.5015015015015015,0.45964912280701753&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Kimberly Fields</h3> <p>Senior Vice President, Football Business Strategy</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>As Senior Vice President of Football Operations, Kimberly Fields brings a strong background of strategic planning, sports partnerships, and business and legal operations to the NFL. Fields oversees Football Development, Football Business Strategy/Business Operations, Total Wellness and Football Operations Policy & Education.<br /><br />Over the past two years, Fields has played a key role in leading and developing assets across the NFL for partners and new business opportunities.<br /><br />Before joining the NFL, Fields spent five seasons as the Director of Civic and Business Affairs for the Minnesota Vikings where she developed civic, business and ownership initiatives for all departments within the Vikings’ organization and helped lead several special projects. Fields also helped grow the Vikings’ corporate social responsibility plans through program development and player cause marketing with Adrian Peterson, Jared Allen and EJ Henderson.</p> <p>Prior to joining the Vikings organization in 2007, Fields spent six years at NFL headquarters, where she served as the Manager of Events in Business Development and also worked to enhance opportunities for local women- and minority-owned businesses to participate in the production of the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl.<br /><br />Earlier in her career, Fields worked with 16 NFL teams, providing teams and players with assistance in all aspects of continuing education, degree completion, graduate school preparation, life skills programs and personal development.<br /><br />Fields earned a juris doctorate from William Mitchell College of Law and is licensed to practice in Minnesota and Washington D.C. Fields also received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in systems engineering at the University of Virginia, where she also competed in track and field.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5745/tracy-perlman.jpg?rxy=0.4984984984984985,0.43508771929824563&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Tracy Perlman</h3> <p>Senior Vice President, Player Operations </p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Tracy Perlman, Senior Vice President of Player Operations, began her career with the NFL the day after she graduated from Hofstra University in 1992. </p> <p>Perlman leads the marketing and communications of all programs, benefits and resources available across the football community. These efforts positively impact relationships and enhance goodwill for the NFL and its 32 member clubs with coaches, prospects, current players and Legends.</p> <p>Perlman builds relationships with, and establishes connections between, current players and NFL Legends. She works with players to enhance their images and drive their initiatives by sharing their off-field stories. Her team develops partnerships with incoming NFL rookies to welcome them to the NFL family.</p> <p><span>Her team created</span> the<b data-stringify-type="bold"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NFL Legends Podcast</a></b><span>, an unscripted podcast where players and Legends have honest, candid conversations about the challenges and benefits of life off the field and after their football career.</span></p> <p>Perlman serves as the contact for players on league-wide initiatives, including “My Cause, My Cleats,” and she has developed events for players at NFL events and assists players and Legends in building their own brands. </p> <p>In 2013, in partnership with Player Engagement and the Commissioner’s office, she created the NFL Legends Community. The Legends Community celebrates, embraces and connects all former players with each other, their former teams and the NFL. The NFL Legends Community, the league’s central resource for former players, provides opportunities for Legends to engage with each other year-round — in person and through social media — through team events, educational programs and professional development, total wellness and networking opportunities. Perlman oversees the 24 Legends directors and coordinators who work as peer-to-peer advisors for the more than 10,000 former players who have registered with the NFL Legends Community. </p> <p>Before joining Football Operations, Perlman was NFL Vice President of Entertainment and Marketing. In that role, Perlman organized and promoted the Super Bowl halftime show, one of the most-watched events, each year. Her crowning achievement was booking U2 and overseeing their iconic performance at halftime of Super Bowl XXXVI — the first Super Bowl to be played after the September 11 attacks. She also oversaw the creation of the NFL Kickoff Concert event, booked players on Dancing with the Stars, collaborated with the makers of the movies “Draft Day” and “The Blind Side,” and launched “Lombardi” the play.</p> <p>In 2014, Perlman was named as one of Billboard’s Power 100, and, in 2012, was named one of Sports Business Journal’s Game Changers.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5754/jade-burroughs.jpg?rxy=0.5165165165165165,0.43508771929824563&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Jade Burroughs </h3> <p>Chief of Staff, Football Operations </p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Jade Burroughs, Chief of Staff, Football Operations, directs the activities and staff of the Executive Vice President of Football Operations. She ensures the implementation of objectives, strategies, relationship management and operating plans for the department.</p> <p>Burroughs’ career at the league office began during the 2017 season when she served as the Senior Director of Football Business Operations and Strategy.</p> <p>Burroughs joined the NFL from Van Wagner Sports and Entertainment where she served as Director of Business Development for its productions division. At VWSE, she established new high-profile accounts in college and professional sports.</p> <p>Burroughs previously spent five years with the Big Ten Conference in the branding department, where she managed the day-to-day aspects and execution of the conference’s marketing initiatives, restructured and redesigned the brand style guide, and helped build the conference’s presence on the east coast with the opening of the Big Ten NYC office in 2014.</p> <p>A 2006 graduate of Lehigh University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, Burroughs began her career as a sponsorship coordinator with The Gazelle Group after interning with the Philadelphia Eagles. Active in her native hometown of Palmyra, N.J., Burroughs assists as a youth mentor with the Triboro Track Club.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5744/arthur-mcafee.jpg?rxy=0.4984984984984985,0.4070175438596491&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Arthur McAfee</h3> <p>Football Policy & Governance Education Strategist</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Arthur McAfee the Football Policy & Governance Education Strategist. Arthur serves the executive staff by working across departments on priority league-wide initiatives in the areas of policy, third-party relationship management, educational activations, public policy, and governmental affairs on issues impacting Football Operations.</p> <p>Arthur previously served as Senior Vice President of Player Engagement and brings years of executive experience in the economics of sports, labor and employment, negotiations, organizing, strategic planning, policymaking, and business development to NFL Football Operations.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/jiffjv1s/headshot.jpg?rxy=0.48505326075020005,0.36292362475261447&width=627&height=410&v=1dabdac6e853860&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Mark Butterworth</h3> <p>Vice President, Replay Training and Development</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Mark Butterworth, Vice President of Replay Training and Development, brings 25 years of NFL experience to his new role. He is responsible for the training and development of 17 Replay Officials and 17 Replay Assistants, as well as managing Art McNally GameDay Central (AMGC) in New York during game windows.</p> <p>Butterworth began his NFL career in 1999 as a Replay Communicator, advancing to Replay Assistant in 2014 and then to Replay Official in 2017. His postseason assignments include three Wild Card games, one Divisional Playoff game, two Conference Championship games, and officiating Super Bowl LVII in six seasons of eligibility. He also served as an alternate for the 2023 AFC Championship Game and for Super Bowls LV and LVI.</p> <p>Before joining the league office, Butterworth accumulated extensive experience in various management and leadership roles. He worked 14 years at the Pro Football Hall of Fame, 11 years as the Executive Director at a non-profit foundation, five years as the COO at CommQuest Services, and two years at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School.</p> <p>Butterworth holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Walsh University and an MBA in Management from Malone University.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5746/akil-coad.jpg?width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Akil Coad </h3> <p>Vice President, Football Operations and Compliance</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Akil Coad, Vice President, Football Operations and Compliance, is responsible for enforcing uniform and equipment rules and on-field policy. He serves on the Footwear Committee, working closely with licensees to improve the quality of footwear for NFL players. Coad has represented Football Operations by overseeing game operations for Pro Bowl and as a team liaison for the Super Bowl and the International Series in London. </p> <p>Coad is entering his 20th NFL season and his 16th season with the NFL League office in New York City. He began his NFL career in 2001 as an Operations Assistant with the New York Jets. After four years with the Jets, Coad joined Football Operations as Manager of Football Administration and spent four seasons with NFL Europe.</p> <p>He earned a bachelor’s degree in sports management at West Virginia University.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5747/april-donnelly.jpg?rxy=0.45045045045045046,0.43859649122807015&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>April Donnelly </h3> <p>Vice President, Player Communications and Marketing</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>April Donnelly leads the development and execution of the communications strategy for players, Legends and the football community for Football Operations. She oversees the digital websites and social channels for Football Operations, the NFL Legends Community and Play Football, driving engagement and education about the game for fans and players. In 2019, she helped launch the Players Community portal and app as a tool for all players and Legends to connect with the resources, benefits, and programs they have earned.</p> <p>Donnelly’s team is responsible for delivering onsite experiences to players and Legends at events, including Super Bowl, Pro Bowl, Draft, and Combine. This includes development of programming and management of the Legends Lounge at events where hundreds of Legends gather and reconnect.</p> <p>Previously, Donnelly led Player Procurement and Services where she was responsible for securing appearances for the league and its partners. She also worked in the Entertainment Marketing department and helped coordinate musical guests and performances for league events.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/z0apk4ia/223521-1.jpeg?rxy=0.4840528270327854,0.300209438112563&width=627&height=410&v=1dab1e677390170&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Ramon George</h3> <p>Vice President, Officiating Training and Development</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Ramon George, Vice President of Officiating Training and Development, oversees the training and development of all game officials. He is responsible for creating a platform for recruiting new officials and implementing programs for game officials transitioning into the NFL.</p> <p>Having played football and having served as on-field game official, Ramon also spent 28 years as a corporate executive in the banking industry. He officiated in 117 NFL regular season games, three wild card games, one divisional game and two conference championships in his eight seasons as a game official. George was an alternate for Super Bowls LIV and LVII.</p> <p>Prior to joining the league office, George served as director and secretary on the board of directors for the National Football League Referees Association.</p> <p>George attended Lenoir Rhyne University where he played football while earning his bachelor’s degree in business.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/pame01oy/headshot-color.jpg?rxy=0.4848602899550394,0.4231696324999378&width=627&height=410&v=1dab1e677272720&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Stephanie Kwok</h3> <p>Vice President, Head of Flag Football</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>As Head of Flag Football, Stephanie Kwok supports the league and its 32 clubs in growing the game of flag football in the U.S. and globally, including increasing player participation and engaging new fans and partners.</p> <p>Stephanie brings more than a decade of personal and professional experience in flag football to her role. An avid player in leagues throughout the New York City area, Stephanie co-founded Pickup Football, a flag football company that ran tournaments for adults in the tri-state area prior to the COVID pandemic. </p> <p>Before joining the NFL, Stephanie was a partner at Reforge, one of the leading career development platforms and marketplaces for tech professionals. Stephanie taught marketing best practices, launched new initiatives, including a Marketing Leadership course, and developed emerging talent.</p> <p>Stephanie previously spent six years at FanDuel, last serving as Vice President of Strategy and Operations, where she was responsible for identifying new growth initiatives, leading cross-functional priorities, and driving operational excellence. Stephanie also oversaw customer marketing, product marketing, VIP, and customer service teams.</p> <p>Before that, she spent two years at Madison Square Garden leading marketing campaigns for the New York Knicks, Rangers, and Liberty. Stephanie also worked in management consulting at Parthenon-EY, with Special Olympics International, and with the United States Tennis Association.</p> <p>Stephanie earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Political Science from Stanford University, where she was co-captain of the varsity squash team and a member of the national championship women’s club rugby team. A New York native, Stephanie is deeply involved in local charities, serving on the Board of Directors for Henry Street Settlement and as co-founder of the Hell’s Kitchen Community Cupboard.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5749/rob-morrissey.jpg?rxy=0.4984984984984985,0.45614035087719296&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Rob Morrissey </h3> <p>Vice President, Player Engagement</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Rob Morrissey, Vice President of Player Engagement, is responsible for the overall development, planning, and administration for the department’s programmatic priorities.</p> <p>Prior to joining the NFL as a manager of Player Engagement in 2005, Morrissey worked for several years in higher education at Dartmouth College. His experience advising student-athletes serves Player Engagement in implementing efficient and effective ways to assist active NFL players with completing their undergraduate education or graduate degrees.</p> <p>Morrissey is a graduate of Vassar College and earned his master’s degree in sports management from the University of Massachusetts–Amherst. </p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5750/nyaka-nilampti.jpg?rxy=0.5255255255255256,0.44912280701754387&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Nyaka NiiLampti</h3> <p>Vice President, Wellness and Clinical Services</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Nyaka NiiLampti, Ph.D., is the Vice President of Wellness and Clinical Services. She is responsible for implementing and expanding the Total Wellness platform and ensuring a holistic approach to the care of players and members of the NFL family.</p> <p>The Total Wellness platform includes overall wellness, family safety, healthy lifestyle development and transition support through clinical resources, education and awareness efforts, peer-to-peer connections, research, and an overall proactive approach. Dr. NiiLampti is charged with developing, managing and promoting all aspects of Total Wellness along with internal and external stakeholders, active players and Legends, NFL club and league staff, player support systems, governing bodies and the broader community. </p> <p>Dr. NiiLampti is a licensed psychologist with 20 years of clinical experience, and has worked extensively with organizations, sports teams, individuals and families in a variety of settings, including community mental health, college counseling centers, and private practice. She most recently served as the Director of Player Wellness for the NFL Players Association, where she focused on providing resources and educating players on all aspects of wellness and served as an advocate for players by ensuring their rights are protected under the NFL drug policies.</p> <p>Before joining the NFLPA, Dr. NiiLampti was a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Psychology at Queens University of Charlotte, where she taught undergraduate courses in multiple areas and served as the Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA.</p> <p>During that time, she also provided comprehensive services in private practice, focused primarily on athlete well-being and performance related concerns as well as serving as a treating clinician for the NFL and as an approved clinician for the NBA/NBPA.</p> <p>Her research focused on multiculturalism and mental health, particularly as those concepts relate to issues of resiliency and success, and she provided local and national trainings, workshops and lectures on a variety of topics, including aspects of cultural diversity and identity, athletes and mental health, and student-athlete transition. </p> <p>A former track and field college student-athlete, Nyaka has a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, master’s degree with a concentration in sports psychology from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and doctorate in clinical psychology from Temple University.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5751/roman-oben.jpg?rxy=0.5045045045045045,0.4&width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Roman Oben</h3> <p>Vice President, Football Development </p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Roman Oben, Vice President of Football Development, drives the league’s youth football strategy and develops new platforms to encourage participation in tackle and flag football. He has also helped reshape the way the collegiate student-athlete is educated on preparing for the NFL on and off the field. </p> <p>Oben’s 12-year NFL career began with the New York Giants in 1996. Oben started more than 90% of games throughout his career and in 2002, he helped the Tampa Bay Buccaneers win their first Super Bowl (XXXVII). His career included stints with the Giants, Cleveland Browns, Buccaneers and San Diego Chargers. Oben finished his playing career after the 2007 season.</p> <p>After retiring, Oben held several business development roles and had an extensive media career, including as a recurring guest on MSNBC shows discussing sports and their societal impact. </p> <p>Oben has been a leader and advocate for sports enrichment, receiving countless awards for community service both as an NFL player and off the field.</p> <p>Oben earned a master’s degree in public administration at Farleigh Dickinson University in May 2001 while playing with the Browns. He played college football and earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Louisville. He was inducted into Louisville’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2009.</p> <p>Born in Cameroon, West Africa, Oben moved to the United States when he was four years old and grew up in Washington, D.C. As a teenager, he worked concessions at NFL games at RFK Stadium.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/emhjabim/reynolds_mitch.jpg?rxy=0.49803245205376506,0.40004195110118285&width=627&height=410&v=1db0481328d3990&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Mitch Reynolds</h3> <p>Vice President, Game Operations</p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Mitch Reynolds, Vice President of Game Operations, plays a pivotal role in overseeing all aspects of Game Operations both domestically and internationally. This includes managing strategic and long-range planning, ensuring the smooth and efficient operations of NFL games and other league-wide events and initiatives and upholding the integrity of the game by ensuring competitive equity across the League.</p> <p>Prior to joining the NFL, Reynolds spent 13 years with the Kansas City Chiefs, last serving as Senior Director of Team Operations, where he coordinated all team travel logistics, day-to-day operations, and facility management. During his time in Kansas City, Reynolds served as the club’s main point of contact for all football operations at four of the club’s Super Bowls (LIV, LV, LVII, LVIII), as well as all three of the club’s International Series Games – London (2015), Mexico City (2019), Frankfurt (2023).</p> <p>Reynolds has been named the NFL’s Travel Director of the Year twice in his career (2013, 2017), an award voted on by his NFL colleagues. He also led efforts in organizing the NFL’s annual travel meetings from 2019-2024.</p> <p>A native of Elma, New York, Reynolds first entered the league with the Buffalo Bills, serving in various roles, including internships within Player Development, Player Personnel, Video, and Equipment.</p> <p>A 2010 graduate of the State University of New York at Cortland, Reynolds earned a degree in Sport Management. He later went on to earn a master’s degree in Sports Administration from Canisius College in 2012. He and his wife, Diana, have three children – Maya, Jack, and Aria.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper left"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/5752/jon-runyan.jpg?width=627&height=410&v=1d7c1ed6795cf00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f9f9f9" stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>Jon Runyan</h3> <p>Vice President, Policy and Rules Administration </p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>Jon Runyan, Vice President of Policy and Rules Administration, oversees club and game-related initiatives related to players. He serves as Commissioner Roger Goodell’s designee for on-field discipline and supervises the uniform and protective equipment inspection program. His approach to decreasing on-field violations emphasizes communication, consistent application of the rules and player education. Runyan works closely with groups across the league, including the <a href="">Competition Committee</a>, Player Safety Advisory Panel, head coaches and team equipment managers. Runyan has served in this role since 2016.</p> <p>Runyan earned a scholarship to the University of Michigan, becoming the first person in his family to attend college. He was drafted by the Houston Oilers in 1996 and went on to have a successful NFL career with the Oilers/Tennessee Titans, Philadelphia Eagles and San Diego Chargers, including making the Pro Bowl in 2002. He was the last active player to play for the Houston Oilers.</p> <p>After retiring from the NFL in 2010, Runyan served New Jersey’s Third Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2011 to 2015.</p> <p>A member of the Philadelphia Eagles Hall of Fame, Runyan is involved in many charities and organizations that benefit the South Jersey/Philadelphia area, including the New Jersey Special Olympics, American Red Cross, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, USO, Armed Forces Freedom Ride and Habitat for Humanity. He also served on the board of the Alzheimer’s Association of Delaware Valley.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> <div class="bio-wrapper right"> <div class="intro"> <div class="bio-photo-box"> <div class="bio-photo" style="background: transparent url(/media/6094/ap19189721688215.jpg?width=627&height=410&v=1d896ba3d106e00&quality=85) no-repeat scroll center center; background-size: cover;"> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" class="mask" viewBox="0 0 720 623"> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,623.53829 180,623.53829 0,311.769145 0,623.53829 720,623.53829 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> <polygon points="720,311.769145 540,0 180,0 0,311.769145 0,0 720,0 720,311.769145" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="#f2f2f2" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </div> </div> <h3>George Stewart</h3> <p>Vice President, Officiating Training and Development </p> </div> <!-- END INTRO --> <div class="full"> <p>George Stewart, Vice President of Officiating Training and Development, oversees the officiating pipeline and diversity efforts, assisting the senior vice president with managing the training program for current and prospective game officials, and providing specialized officiating guidance based on a unique coaching perspective.</p> <p>Stewart has 38 years of coaching experience, including 32 seasons in the NFL with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, San Francisco 49ers, Atlanta Falcons, Minnesota Vikings and the Los Angeles Chargers.</p> <p>Prior to the NFL, Stewart spent six years at the college level, where he coached at Arkansas, Minnesota and Notre Dame. In 1988, he won a national championship while coaching the Notre Dame linebackers and was the special teams coordinator.</p> <p>Stewart, who lettered from 1978-80 at Arkansas, was a member of the all-decade team of the ‘70s, and was inducted into the school’s hall of fame in 2021.</p> </div> <!-- END FULL --> <a class="button-bio" href="#" data-text-swap="Close" data-text-original="View Bio">View Bio</a> </div> <!-- END BIO-WRAPPER --> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> </div> <!-- END content-block --> <div class="content-block related-content"><div class="content"> <div class="related-content-container clear"> <h2 class="header">Related Content</h2> <a class="related-content" href="/inside-football-ops/nfl-operations/integrity-of-the-game/"> <div class="image-container kenburns"> <img class="related-image scale" width="352" height="235" src="" alt="Integrity of the Game"> </div> <div class="title-container ops"> <h3 class="title">Integrity of the Game</h3> <p>Ensuring a consistent and fair game that is decided on the field, by the players.</p> </div> </a> <!-- END RELATED-CONTENT --> <a class="related-content" href="/inside-football-ops/nfl-operations/nfl-ops-honoring-the-game/"> <div class="image-container kenburns"> <img class="related-image scale" width="352" height="235" src="" alt="NFL Ops: Honoring the Game"> </div> <div class="title-container ops"> <h3 class="title">NFL Ops: Honoring the Game</h3> <p>It's our responsibility to strengthen the sport.</p> </div> </a> <!-- END RELATED-CONTENT --> <a class="related-content" href="/inside-football-ops/players-legends/nfl-legends-community/"> <div class="image-container kenburns"> <img class="related-image scale" width="352" height="235" src=",0.2972972972972973&width=352&height=235&v=1d68c2960d30c00&quality=85" alt="NFL Legends Community"> </div> <div class="title-container ops"> <h3 class="title">NFL Legends Community</h3> <p>Strengthening the NFL brotherhood.</p> </div> </a> <!-- END RELATED-CONTENT --> </div> <!-- END RELATED-CONTENT-CONTAINER --> </div></div> <div class="content-block pagetop ops"> <div class="content"> <h3><a id="pagetop">Back to Top</a></h3> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="content"> <a href="/"> <img class="logo" src="/images/logo_nflops-lightbg300@2x.png" alt="NFL Football Operations Logo" style="width: 300px;"> </a> <ul class="footer-links"> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/#gameday--homepage-block">Gameday</a></li> <li><a href="/#learn-the-game-homepage-block">Learn the Game</a></li> <li><a href="/#officiating--homepage-block">Officiating</a></li> <li><a href="/#journey-to-the-nfl-homepage-block">Journey to the NFL</a></li> <li><a href="/#the-rules-homepage-block">The Rules</a></li> <li><a href="/#inside-football-ops-homepage-block">Inside Football Ops</a></li> <li><a href="/updates/">Updates</a></li> <li><a href="/search/">Search</a></li> </ul> <p class="intro-description"> NFL Football Operations’ mission is to establish a culture of clarity, consistency and credibility in all aspects of the greatest game. 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