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Every time this field changes, the status changes to NEW to make it easy to see which new bugs have appeared on a person's list.</dd></dl> <p><span id="blocks"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Blocks</dt> <dd> This bug must be resolved before the bugs listed in this field can be resolved.</dd></dl> <p><span id="bug_id"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Bug ID</dt> <dd> The numeric id of a bug, unique within this entire installation of Bugzilla.</dd></dl> <p><span id="cc"></span> </p> <dl><dt> CC</dt> <dd> Users who may not have a direct role to play on this bug, but who are interested in its progress.</dd></dl> <p><span id="delta_ts"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Changed</dt> <dd> When this bug was last updated.</dd></dl> <p><span id="classification"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Classification</dt> <dd> Bugs are categorised into Classifications, Products and Components. classifications is the top-level categorization.</dd></dl> <p><span id="comment"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Comment</dt> <dd> Bugs have comments added to them by Bugzilla users. You can search for some text in those comments.</dd></dl> <p><span id="comment_tag"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Comment Tag</dt> <dd> Comments can have arbitrary tags added to them to help with filtering as well as mark comments as spam or abusive. </dd></dl> <p><span id="component"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Component</dt> <dd> Components are second-level categories; each belongs to a particular Product. Select a Product to narrow down this list.</dd></dl> <p><span id="creation_ts"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Creation date</dt> <dd> When the bug was filed.</dd></dl> <p><span id="dependson"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Depends on</dt> <dd> The bugs listed here must be resolved before this bug can be resolved.</dd></dl> <p><span id="duplicates"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Duplicates</dt> <dd> List of bugs that have been marked a duplicate of the bug currently being viewed.</dd></dl> <p><span id="keywords"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Keywords</dt> <dd> Keywords are a controlled vocabulary for characterizing bugs across Products and Components. Examples of this field are <code>regression</code>, <code>sec-high</code>, and <code>topcrash</code>. Bugzilla administrators manage <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">the list of keywords</a>. If you believe you need a new keyword, <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">please contact the administrators to discuss</a>. </dd></dl> <p><span id="bug_mentor"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Mentors</dt> <dd> Mentors are users who have offered to help the bug owner with such tasks as setting up a development environment, finding relevant information to fixing the bug, how to submit a patch for review, and finally how to get the fix committed.</dd></dl> <p><span id="needinfo"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Needinfo</dt> <dd> More information has been requested from specific individuals, or anyone, to move the bug forward to completion.</dd></dl> <p><span id="op_sys"></span> </p> <dl><dt> OS</dt> <dd> This is the operating system against which the bug was reported.</dd></dl> <p><span id="rep_platform"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Platform</dt> <dd> This is the hardware platform against which the bug was reported (ARM, ARM64, x86, x86_64, etc).</dd></dl> <p><span id="priority"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Priority</dt></dl> <table class="wikitable"> <tr> <th> Priority </th> <th> Description </th></tr> <tr> <td> <b>--</b> </td> <td> No decision </td></tr> <tr> <td> <b>P1</b> </td> <td> Fix in the current release cycle </td></tr> <tr> <td> <b>P2</b> </td> <td> Fix in the next release cycle or the following (nightly + 1 or nightly + 2) </td></tr> <tr> <td> <b>P3</b> </td> <td> Backlog </td></tr> <tr> <td> <b>P4</b> </td> <td> Do not use. This priority is for the Web Platform Test bot. </td></tr> <tr> <td> <b>P5</b> </td> <td> Will not fix, but will accept a patch </td></tr></table> <dl><dd> This field describes the importance and order in which a bug should be fixed compared to other bugs. This field is utilized by the programmers/engineers/release managers/managers to prioritize the work to be done. See the Firefox <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">triage documentation</a> and <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">priority definitions</a>, or for the main Bugzilla project, <a href="/Bugzilla:Priority_System" title="Bugzilla:Priority System">Bugzilla:Priority_System</a>.</dd></dl> <p><span id="product"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Product</dt> <dd> Bugs are categorised into Products and Components. Select a Classification to narrow down this list.</dd></dl> <p><span id="qa_contact"></span> </p> <dl><dt> QA Contact</dt> <dd> The person responsible for confirming this bug if it is unconfirmed, and for verifying the fix once the bug has been resolved.</dd></dl> <p><span id="rank"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Rank</dt> <dd> Used by some groups to provide finer-grained ordering for working on bugs than afforded by the Priority field. Use of this field is restricted to the `rank-setters` group.</dd></dl> <p><span id="regressed_by"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Regressed by</dt> <dd> This bug has been introduced by the bugs listed here.</dd></dl> <p><span id="regresses"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Regressions</dt> <dd> This bug has introduced the bugs listed here.</dd></dl> <p><span id="reporter"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Reporter</dt> <dd> The person who filed this bug.</dd></dl> <p><span id="see_also"></span> </p> <dl><dt> See Also</dt> <dd> This allows you to refer to bugs in other bug tracker installations. You can enter a URL to a bug in the 'Add Bug URLs' field to note that that bug is related to this one. You can enter multiple URLs at once by separating them with a comma. You should normally use this field to refer to bugs in other bug tracker installations, or bugs which are related to, but not known to be duplicates of the bug. Bugs which are regressions should be listed in the Regressed by field (above)</dd></dl> <p><span id="bug_severity"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Severity</dt> <dd> This field describes the impact of a bug. This field is utilized by the programmers/engineers/release managers/managers to determine the severity of issues and used as input for the priority of the bug. It should not be set by people filing bugs. See the Firefox <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">triage documentation</a> and <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">severity documentation</a>.</dd></dl> <table class="wikitable"> <tr> <th> Severity </th> <th> Description </th></tr> <tr> <td><b>--</b> </td> <td>Default value for new bugs; bug triagers for components (ie engineers and other core project folks) are expected to update the bug's severity from this value. To avoid them missing new bugs for triage, do not alter this default when filing bugs. </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>S1</b> </td> <td>(Catastrophic) Blocks development/testing, may impact more than 25% of users, causes data loss, likely dot release driver, and no workaround available </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>S2</b> </td> <td>(Serious) Major functionality/product severely impaired or a high impact issue and a satisfactory workaround does not exist </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>S3</b> </td> <td>(Normal) Blocks non-critical functionality or a work around exists </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>S4</b> </td> <td>(Small/Trivial) minor significance, cosmetic issues, low or no impact to users </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>N/A</b> </td> <td>(Not Applicable) The above definitions do not apply to this bug; this value is reserved for bugs of type Task or Enhancement </td></tr></table> <p><span id="short_desc"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Summary</dt> <dd> The bug summary is a short sentence which succinctly describes what the bug is about.</dd></dl> <p><span id="target_milestone"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Target Milestone</dt> <dd> For Firefox-related bugs, when a change set (patch) lands in Mozilla-Central, the <a href="/Sheriffing" title="Sheriffing">sheriffs</a> will set this field to the corresponding release value for the current Nightly.</dd> <dd> Release status and tracking flags are used to mark intentions for when a fix or other patch should land. </dd> <dd> If you need to track a bug against a set of milestones other than upcoming versions of Firefox, please tell the Bugzilla team, you may want a custom status flag. </dd></dl> <p><span id="triage_owner"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Triage Owner</dt> <dd> User that is responsible <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">for triaging bugs in a specific component</a>.</dd></dl> <p><span id="bug_type"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Type</dt> <dd> This field describes the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">type of a bug</a>.</dd></dl> <table class="wikitable"> <tr> <th> Type </th> <th> Description </th></tr> <tr> <td><b>defect</b> </td> <td>regression, crash, hang, security vulnerability and any other general issue. </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>enhancement</b> </td> <td>new feature, improvement in UI, performance, etc. and any other request for user-facing changes and enhancements in the product; not engineering changes </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>task</b> </td> <td>refactoring, removal, replacement, enabling or disabling of functionality and any other engineering task </td></tr></table> <p><span id="bug_file_loc"></span> </p> <dl><dt> URL</dt> <dd> Bugs can have a URL associated with them - for example, a pointer to a web site where the problem is seen.</dd></dl> <p><span id="version"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Version</dt> <dd> The version field defines the version of the software the bug was found in.</dd></dl> <p><span id="votes"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Votes</dt> <dd> Some bugs can be voted for, and you can limit your search to bugs with more than a certain number of votes. Votes are not used by Mozilla developers to set priorities.</dd></dl> <p><span id="status_whiteboard"></span> </p> <dl><dt> Whiteboard</dt> <dd> Each bug has a free-form single line text entry box for adding tags and status information</dd></dl> <!-- NewPP limit report Cached time: 20241126085251 Cache expiry: 86400 Dynamic content: false [SMW] In鈥恡ext annotation parser time: 0 seconds CPU time usage: 0.052 seconds Real time usage: 0.193 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 982/1000000 Preprocessor generated node count: 1055/1000000 Post鈥恊xpand include size: 1966/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 636/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 3/40 Expensive parser function count: 0/100 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 158.264 1 - -total 93.07% 147.301 35 - Template:Anchor --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key wiki:pcache:idhash:249936-0!*!0!*!en!*!* and timestamp 20241126085251 and revision id 1250790 --> </div> <div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>" </div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> <div class="visualClear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="mw-navigation"> <h2>Navigation menu</h2> <div id="mw-head"> <div id="p-personal" role="navigation" class="" aria-labelledby="p-personal-label"> <h3 id="p-personal-label">Personal tools</h3> <ul> <li id="pt-login"><a href="/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=BMO%2FUserGuide%2FBugFields" title="You are encouraged to log in; however, it is not mandatory [o]" accesskey="o">Log in</a></li><li id="pt-createaccount"><a href="/Special:RequestAccount" title="You are encouraged to create an account and log in; however, it is not mandatory">Request account</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="left-navigation"> <div id="p-namespaces" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs" aria-labelledby="p-namespaces-label"> <h3 id="p-namespaces-label">Namespaces</h3> <ul> <li id="ca-nstab-main" class="selected"><span><a href="/BMO/UserGuide/BugFields" title="View the content page [c]" accesskey="c">Page</a></span></li> <li id="ca-talk" class="new"><span><a href="/index.php?title=Talk:BMO/UserGuide/BugFields&action=edit&redlink=1" title="Discussion about the content page [t]" accesskey="t" rel="discussion">Discussion</a></span></li> </ul> </div> <div id="p-variants" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu emptyPortlet" aria-labelledby="p-variants-label"> <h3 id="p-variants-label"> <span>Variants</span><a href="#"></a> </h3> <div class="menu"> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="right-navigation"> <div id="p-views" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs" aria-labelledby="p-views-label"> <h3 id="p-views-label">Views</h3> <ul> <li id="ca-view" class="selected"><span><a href="/BMO/UserGuide/BugFields" >Read</a></span></li> <li id="ca-viewsource"><span><a href="/index.php?title=BMO/UserGuide/BugFields&action=edit" title="This page is protected. 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