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target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 20, 2022</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052022.html" target="_blank">BAE Systems Recognizes Mini-Circuits among 2022 Top Suppliers</a><br/> Mini-Circuits was proud to be awarded silver medal supplier status at 2022 Supplier Symposium. <a href="../about/NPR_052022.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 5, 2022</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050522.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Awarded Best RF Supplier Distinction by SPDEI France</a><br/> SPDEI, an association of electronic component distributors in France has recognized Mini-Circuits as Best RF Supplier in its 2022 award selection <a href="../about/NPR_050522.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_121721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Customer Support with New Springfield, Mo. Office</a><br/> New location will scale customer service operations to support growing customer base and bring more job opportunities to the southwest Missouri region. <a href="../about/NPR_121721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 9, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120921.html" target="_blank">NSF Awards Partnerships for Innovation Funding to Support Development of LTCC Reflectionless Filters to 40 GHz and Beyond</a><br/> New collaboration to combine NRAO’s expertise in reflectionless filter design with Mini-Circuits’ industry-leading design and manufacturing capability for LTCC components. <a href="../about/NPR_120921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 29, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072921.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Proudly Sponsors 5G, Wi-Fi and IoT Track at EDICON 2021</a><br/> The event on Wednesday, August 4 will feature a full day of programming focused on the latest thought leadership and research in some of the industry’s fastest growing application areas. Registration for this event is free! <a href="../about/NPR_072921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 19, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071921.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Launches Power Amplifier Line for RF & Microwave Energy</a><br/> High-quality, cost-effective, turnkey solutions for industrial RF energy applications will span most ISM bands under 6 GHz with power levels from 10W to 25 kW. The initial offering includes three unique amplifiers and a signal generator / controller module allowing precise control with industry-leading ease of use. <a href="../about/NPR_071921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 25, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052521.html" target="_blank">Join Mini-Circuits at IMS 2021</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to join the industry at the 2021 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), on-site in Atlanta, Ga. at booth 1921, June 8-9 and online June 20-25. <a href="../about/NPR_052521.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 18, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_051821.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Proudly Sponsors the Brooklyn Cyclones for 2021 Season</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones New York – Penn League baseball team for the 18th consecutive season as part of our ongoing commitment to community involvement. <a href="../about/NPR_051821.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_051721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Digi-Key Announce Distribution Agreement</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce a new distribution agreement with leading global electronics distributor, Digi-Key. The agreement marks a major expansion of Mini-Circuits’ existing network of corporate shipping hubs and authorized distributors. <a href="../about/NPR_051721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands EU Presence, Opens Netherlands Office at Novio Tech Campus</a><br/> Nijmegen location to expand corporate service presence for European customers and serve as hub for business development in RF energy market. <a href="../about/NPR_031721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 24, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_122420.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Awarded Patent for Low-Cost mmWave Integrated LTCC Packaging Technology</a><br/> The new packaging technology, which supports both wire bonding and flip-chip assembly methods, gives chipmakers and system designers an option to build millimeter-wave systems at production volume without compromising on electrical performance or cost. <a href="../about/NPR_122420.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 6, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110620.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Opens New Warehouse and Shipping Hub in Penang</a><br/> Expansion of Malaysia facility will allow Mini-Circuits to offer many customers shorter lead times and lower freight costs. <a href="../about/NPR_110620.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 19, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081920.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits, Modelithics Offer Free Full 3D Models for Ansys® HFSS™</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has partnered with modelling and simulation leader, Modelithics to offer FREE full 3D models for Ansys HFSS for over 40 of Mini-Circuits' most popular LTCC filters. <a href="../about/NPR_081920.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 7, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080620.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Distribution Agreement with Mouser to 206 Countries</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce an expansion of its distribution partnership with Mouser Electronics, Inc., making Mouser an authorized distributor of Mini-Circuits' product line in 206 countries. <a href="../about/NPR_080620.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 31, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_073120.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Silver Sponsor of IMS 2020</a><br/> The 2020 conference will be held as a virtual event for the first time in its history and promises a full week of technical presentations on the latest research advances from the field, and an expansive virtual exhibition with state-of-the-art products from hundreds of leading suppliers. <a href="../about/NPR_073120.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 27, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072720.html" target="_blank">New and Improved Mini-Circuits Microwave Calculator App </a><br/> The latest version of Mini-Circuits' Microwave Calculator app now includes 31 RF/microwave calculations commonly used by engineers in the lab and in the field. New functions include frequency to wavelength conversion, voltage divider circuit analysis, Ohm's Law circuit analysis and more! The app also features a fully redesigned user interface for improved navigability and user experience. <a href="../about/NPR_072720.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 09, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040920.html" target="_blank">Modelithics and Mini-Circuits Expanded their Partnership by Developing New High-Accuracy Simulation for Several Packaged Mini-Circuits Amplifiers</a><br/> Modelithics now offers over 68 models, representing over 130 individual Mini-Circuits components, that include amplifiers, filters and splitters, among others. <a href="../about/NPR_040920.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 27, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032720.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Receives 10th Consecutive 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS</a><br/> Raytheon has again recognized Mini-Circuits for outstanding service and partnership in exceeding customer requirements. <a href="../about/NPR_032720.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 09, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030920.html" target="_blank">Mouser Electronics First Authorized Online Distributor to Stock Mini-Circuits Products</a><br/> Mini-Circuits announces a new distribution agreement with leading semiconductor and electronic component distributor, Mouser Electronics, Inc. The agreement makes Mouser the first authorized distributor of the Mini-Circuits product line in the U.S. Official Release > <a href="../about/NPR_030920.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 18, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021820.html" target="_blank">Join Mini-Circuits at SATELLITE 2020</a><br/> Mini-Circuits to showcase its latest lineup of products for satellite applications at booth 1534, March 10-12, 2020 in Washington, DC. <a href="../about/NPR_021820.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 12, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021220.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Blog Offers New Access to Corporate Knowledge and Insights</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has announced the launch of its new corporate blog, offering a variety of valuable content including technical resources for engineers, executive thought leadership and company news. <a href="../about/NPR_021220.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120519.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Recognized Among Top 100 Suppliers at Keysight Conference</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has been recognized by Keysight Technologies as one of its top 100 suppliers at Keysight Supplier Conference in Penang, Malaysia. <a href="../about/NPR_120519.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 26, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_112619.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Opens Regional Sales Office to Serve Japan, South Korea</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has opened a regional sales office in Yokohama, Japan to expand service to customers in Japan and South Korea. <a href="../about/NPR_112619.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 7, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110719.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Vayyar Offer Development Kits for 4D Millimeter Wave Imaging</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its collaboration with Vayyar, the global leader in 4D radar imaging, to offer a new development kit enabling researchers to explore and rapidly develop 4D millimeter wave imaging and sensing applications. <a href="../about/NPR_110719.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110119.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Presents Live Webinar: DOCSIS 4.0 – The Move to 1800 MHz</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will host a live webinar on Wednesday, November 20 on the expanded spectrum DOCSIS® (ESD) standard for CATV networks. <a href="../about/NPR_110119.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 23, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_102319.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Amplifier Design Capability, Welcomes Rhode Island-Based Design Group</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its amplifier design capabilities with the addition of a new design engineering group dedicated to developing high-power amplifiers up to and beyond 1 kW through 8 GHz. <a href="../about/NPR_102319.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 14, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101419.html" target="_blank">Over 800 Mini-Circuits Components Now Available in X-Microwave Drop-In Format</a><br/> Expanded offering of Mini-Circuits products on X-Microwave's modular drop-in format gives designers even more options to accelerate design cycles with the innovative X-MWsystem<sup>&reg;</sup>. <a href="../about/NPR_101419.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 16, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091819.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Modelithics Partner to Provide New, Free Simulation Models for Reflectionless Filters, Splitters and LTCC Transformers</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its partnership with Modelithics, Inc. to offer high-accuracy simulation models for packaged reflectionless filters, power splitter/combiners and LTCC transformers for free download. <a href="../about/NPR_091819.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 10, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091019.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at European Microwave Week 2019</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will join the international RF/microwave community as an exhibitor at European Microwave Week (EuMW) Sept. 29 – Oct. 4, 2019 in Paris. Visit us at <strong> booth #2240 </strong> to see a showcase our latest high-frequency product releases.<a href="../about/NPR_091019.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 26, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082619.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits to Sponsor First-Ever EDI CON Online</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) Online September 10 – 12, 2019. This free, virtual conference will offer relevant, real-time training for high frequency and high speed design engineers without having to leave the office. <a href="../about/NPR_082619.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080119.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Seeks Veteran Talent at Service Academy Career Conference</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will be attending the Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) August 8th – 9th, 2019 in San Diego, seeking U.S. military veterans and academy graduates to take on key roles in building the future of the organization. <a href="../about/NPR_080119.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_0705a19.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Enters 19th Consecutive Year as Brooklyn Cyclones Sponsor</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones Class A short season affiliate of the New York Mets. The team plays at MCU Park, where a large Mini-Circuits sign can be seen in the outfield for the 2019 season. <a href="../about/NPR_0705a19.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_070519.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Earns 2018 Supplier Performance Award from General Atomics</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is recognized as a top-performing supplier to General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) with a 2018 Supplier Performance Award, presented to just 71 out of 1,191 GA-ASI suppliers. <a href="../about/NPR_070519.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 14, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061419.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Receives 2019 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has once again earned a 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from longtime customer Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) Integrated Defense Systems (IDS). <a href="../about/NPR_061419.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 20, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032019.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Gold Sponsor of EDI CON China 2019</strong></a> Visit Mini-Circuits' exhibit at booth #501 at the 2019 Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, China, April 1-3. Get VIP passes with code MINICI19VIP at registration! <a href="" target="_blank"> Learn more and register ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 19, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031919.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2019</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 20th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront, Cocoa Beach, FL, April 8-9. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020119.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Names Spectrum Sales as Representative in NY, Northern NJ and Southern CT</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to welcome <a href="" target="_blank">Spectrum Sales</a> to our trusted team of authorized sales representatives. Spectrum Sales will provide superior service and technical support to Mini-Circuits customers in New York, northern New Jersey and southern Connecticut. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 27, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_122718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Partners with Virginia Diodes to Introduce Waveguide Bandpass Filters</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce our partnership with Virginia Diodes to introduce a new line of waveguide bandpass filters supporting millimeter wave applications up to 86 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 3, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120318.html" target="_blank"><strong>Collins Aerospace Awards Mini-Circuits Platinum Premier Supplier Status</strong></a> Collins Aerospace (NYSE: UTX) has recognized Mini-Circuits as a Platinum Premier supplier for the 2018 year end evaluation period. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 02, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_100218.html" target="_blank"><strong>Join Mini-Circuits at Cable-Tec Expo® 2018 </strong></a> Mini-Circuits is exhibiting its full line of products for CATV/Broadband applications at Booth #2134 at the SCTE•ISBE Cable-Tec Expo 2018, held at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, October 22-25, 2018. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more and register ></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 19, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Founding</strong></a> Today in 1968, Harvey Kaylie incorporated Mini-Circuits in the kitchen of his Brooklyn apartment. 50 years later, the company has become a global leader and premiere name in the RF/microwave industry. We thank all our customers, team members, industry partners, and friends for being part of our history.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 29, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Silver Sponsor of EDI CON 2018</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to be a Silver Sponsor of the 2018 Electronic Design and Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, October 17-18, 2018. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more and register ></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 17, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits and Vayyar Team up to Offer Educational Project Kits for RF Engineers</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce a new partnership with 3D imaging sensor company, Vayyar Imaging, to offer project kits for students and university programs with a focus on electromagnetic theory and RF/microwave engineering. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 05, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_070518.html" target="_blank"><strong>Summer Savings on Class-A 100W Amplifiers, 50 to 250 MHz</strong></a> Take advantage of promotional pricing on power amplifier model ZHL-100W-251+ with savings of over 40% while supplies last. The amplifier provides 100W output power at saturation with 46 dB gain and &plusmn;0.7 dB flatness from 50 to 250 MHz, ideal for FM, VHF, and aircraft communication systems. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 25, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062518.html" target="_blank"><strong> New Coaxial Amplifiers Feature Multi-Octave Bandwidths Spanning 600 to 4200 MHz </strong></a> Mini-Circuits has introduced three new broadband connectorized amplifiers with multi-octave bandwidths as wide as 600 MHz to 4200 MHz, supporting a wide range of applications, including the recently opened telecom Band 71 (617 to 698 MHz). The new amplifiers feature high gain with excellent flatness, medium to high output power, and very high IP3. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 19, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting</strong></a> Join Mini-Circuits at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 10 – 12, 2018 in Boston, MA. Visit us at Booth #34 and check out our latest products up to 65 GHz and new university project kits! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 6, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060618.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Mourns the Passing of Founder, Harvey Kaylie </strong></a>RF/microwave industry pioneer and Mini-Circuits Founder and CEO, Harvey Kaylie passed away peacefully on the morning of May 30th, 2018. His memory will inspire all whose lives he enriched to carry forward his passion, his values, and his vision for the future of the company and the greater good in the world. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 17, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Product Line Coverage up to 65 GHz</strong></a>To give you more options and more capabilities for high-frequency applications, Mini-Circuits continues to expand our product line into the millimeter wave bands with a growing variety of RF products now extending up to 65 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 2, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040218.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Names Pipe-Thompson Technologies as Representative in Eastern Canada</strong></a>Mini-Circuits is pleased to welcome <a href="" target="_blank">Pipe-Thompson Technologies</a> to our trusted team of authorized sales representatives. Pipe-Thompson will provide superior service and technical support to Mini-Circuits customers in Eastern Canada. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 28, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032818.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Sponsor IEEE Long Island RF/Microwave Symposium &amp; Exhibits</strong></a>Mini-Circuits will be exhibiting at the <a href="" target="_blank">IEEE Long Island RF/Microwave Symposium</a> on April 5th in Hauppage, NY. The event is free for attendees who register in advance. Come see us at Table #22!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 22, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032218.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Sponsor Brooklyn Cyclones for 2018 Season</strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones New York – Penn League baseball team for the 18th consecutive season as part of our ongoing commitment to community involvement.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 7, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Rockwell Collins Names Mini-Circuits as Top Supplier for 2018</strong></a>Rockwell Collins has recognized Mini-Circuits as its 2018 President's Award winner and as 2018 Supplier of the Year for Electronic Components.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 5, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030518.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at SATELLITE 2018</strong></a>Join Mini-Circuits at the largest satellite technology event of the year, March 12 – 15, 2018 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Visit us at Booth 1335 and check out our latest products and technologies for SatCom applications!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 7, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080717.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Components Now Available in Modular Drop-In Format from X-Microwave</strong></a>Partnership between Mini-Circuits and X-Microwave gives designers new capability to accelerate design cycles from concept to prototype to production stage with free online simulation tools and modular, drop-in building blocks for a wide selection of Mini-Circuits parts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 9, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050917.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS </strong></a>Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (NYSE: RTN) has presented Mini-Circuits with its 4-Star Supplier Award for the seventh consecutive year. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 24, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_042417.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Product Line Coverage with New Series of 50 GHz Precision Attenuators </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is committed to meeting our customers’ needs as the evolution of wireless standards continues to push application requirements to higher frequencies. Our new BW-V series of precision fixed attenuators expands the coverage of our product line up to 50 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 18, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041817.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Extends Same-Day Shipping Cutoff to 3:00 PM ET </strong></a>As part of our ongoing commitment to support customers with fast delivery, Mini-Circuits has extended our cutoff time for same-day shipment from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 07, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040717.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Achieves AS9100 Recertification to Revision D Standard </strong></a>Following an extensive recertification audit of our Quality Management System, Mini-Circuits' AS9100 certification has been upgraded to Revision D of the standard. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 06, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030617.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Mini-Circuits Website Design Enhances Usability, Accessibility, and Convenience </strong></a>The fourth major redesign of since it launched in 1995 provides customers and visitors with a new level of usability, accessibility, and convenience. The site upgrade is part of Mini-Circuits' ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 12, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011217.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Reflectionless High Pass Filters Provide Passbands to 30 GHz in 2x2mm QFN Packages </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' revolutionary XHF2-series of reflectionless high pass filters eliminates signal reflections and enables dramatic improvements in system performance. Covering a variety of passbands up to 30 GHz, these new, patented designs are perfect for pairing with sensitive devices such as mixers, multipliers, high-gain amplifiers and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dec. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Extra-Long Life Absorptive Electromechanical SP4T Switches, +12VDC, DC to 18 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular line of absorptive electromechanical switches, controlled by a +12VDC with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 90 dB isolation, and extra-long switch life up to 10 million cycles.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dec. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Achieves Total Defect Rate Less than 3 DPPM for 3Q 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to announce that we have achieved a defect rate of less than 3 DPPM over millions of units shipped in the third quarter of 2016.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nov. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_111116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of LTCC Bandpass Filters </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has expanded our selection of low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) bandpass filters with 4 new models in tiny 1206 packages with high reliability and excellent repeatability. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nov. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_111016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized 2-Way 0&deg; Splitter/Combiner Handles up to 35W, 500 to 10500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' ZN2PD2-14W+ SMA connectorized 2-way 0&deg; splitter/combiner provides power handling up to 35W as a splitter (1W as a combiner) for a wide range of applications from 500 to 10500 MHz.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount Voltage Variable Attenuator Provides >30 dB Attenuation Range from 2000 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' RVA-6000+ surface mount voltage variable attenuator provides a control voltage range from 0 to 12V with attenuation from 4 up to 37 dB with minimal phase deviation over its full attenuation range. It supports a wide range of applications from 2 to 6 GHz with 20 dB typical return loss and no external matching network required.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Rugged 100W Power Amplifier Module, 700 to 2700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' ZHL-100W-272+ high-power amplifier module provides 48 dB gain with 1.7 dB flatness across its entire operating bandwidth, +50 dBm IP3, and 89 dB reverse isolation. The amplifier features extensive built-in safety features and is ideal for a wide variety of high power test applications including EMI, reliability testing, RF stress testing and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101216.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Surface Mount Bias Tee Expands Frequency Coverage from 10 MHz to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' TCBT-123+ surface mount bias tee expands the coverage of our bias tee line, providing a frequency range from 10 MHz to 12 GHz in a single, tiny device. This model is perfect for a wide range of biasing applications including biasing of amplifiers, active antennas and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Coaxial Precision Attenuators from DC to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has expanded our BW-K series of 40 GHz precision fixed attenuators with four new models to give you a wider selection of attenuation values. The series now offers attenuation values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 20 dB, all with 2W power handling, excellent VSWR, and outstanding attenuation flatness.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_100516.html" target="_blank"><strong>4-Channel USB/Ethernet Programmable Attenuator, 0 to 95 dB, 1 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' New RC4DAT-6G-95 USB/Ethernet controlled programmable attenuator provides four channels in one compact device with synchronized or independent control from a single interface. This model provides added capability and convenience for a wide range of multi-channel test applications such MIMO testing, handover system evaluation and more!</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td>Sep. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091316.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LHA-1H+ high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier delivers +41 dBm IP3, +22.5 dBm P1dB, and 2.1 dB noise figure for a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz. This model comes in in a 3x3mm MCLP package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091216.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Performance 75O Surface-Mount Diplexers for DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new DPLB-series of 75O surface-mount diplexers provides very low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and good return loss over the DC to 1220 MHz range with various channel splits for different bandwidth requirements. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Visit Mini-Circuits� Exhibit at European Microwave Week 2016 in London </strong></a>October 4th � 6th, 2016 at ExCel, London, UK Come see our exhibit at stand 56! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090816.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Directivity MMIC Amplifier Supports 0.5 to 2.5 GHz in 5x6mm MCLP Package </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� VNA-28B+ MMIC amplifier provides 16-23 dB directivity, 23 dB gain, and 3.0 dB noise figure. The amplifier comes housed in a 5 x 6mm MCLP package with internal DC blocking at the input and output and no external biasing required. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 2-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner for DOCSIS 3.1� Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TCP-2-152-75X+ 2-way 0� splitter/combiner provides 0.8 dB insertion loss, 28 dB isolation, 0.25 dB amplitude unbalance, and 1.5� phase unbalance from 5 to 1500 MHz, supporting bandwidth requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091316.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LHA-1H+ high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier delivers +41 dBm IP3, +22.5 dBm P1dB, and 2.1 dB noise figure for a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz. This model comes in in a 3x3mm MCLP package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091216.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Performance 75O Surface-Mount Diplexers for DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new DPLB-series of 75O surface-mount diplexers provides very low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and good return loss over the DC to 1220 MHz range with various channel splits for different bandwidth requirements. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Visit Mini-Circuits� Exhibit at European Microwave Week 2016 in London </strong></a>October 4th � 6th, 2016 at ExCel, London, UK Come see our exhibit at stand 56! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090816.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Directivity MMIC Amplifier Supports 0.5 to 2.5 GHz in 5x6mm MCLP Package </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� VNA-28B+ MMIC amplifier provides 16-23 dB directivity, 23 dB gain, and 3.0 dB noise figure. The amplifier comes housed in a 5 x 6mm MCLP package with internal DC blocking at the input and output and no external biasing required. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 2-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner for DOCSIS 3.1� Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TCP-2-152-75X+ 2-way 0� splitter/combiner provides 0.8 dB insertion loss, 28 dB isolation, 0.25 dB amplitude unbalance, and 1.5� phase unbalance from 5 to 1500 MHz, supporting bandwidth requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. </td> </tr> --> <tr> <td>Aug. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Free Webinar: Specifying Flexible Building Blocks for Automated Production Test Systems </strong></a>Wednesday, September 7th, 11:00 AM EST on Presented by Lee Whiting, Applications Manager, Mini-Circuits.</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td>Aug. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/RS232/SPI Programmable Attenuator Covers 10 to 13000 MHz, 0 � 90 dB </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new RUDAT-13G-90 USB/RS232/SPI controlled programmable attenuator extends the coverage of our popular RUDAT/RCDAT programmable attenuator series up to 13 GHz with precise attenuation control from 0 to 90 dB in 0.5 dB steps </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Precision Fixed Attenuator Dice Usable to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� YAT-D+ series of a fixed value, absorptive MMIC attenuator dice includes models with attenuation values from 0 to 30 dB with outstanding flatness and low VSWR from DC to 26.5 GHz. Application note AN-70-019 presents a simple technique to achieve excellent performance all the way up to 40 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 1.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-101+ ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier covers applications from 0.05 to 1.5 GHz with 15.2 dB gain, +26 dBm P1dB, and +45 dBm OIP3. This model operates on a single 9V supply and comes in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/RS232/SPI Programmable Attenuator Covers 10 to 13000 MHz, 0 � 90 dB </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new RUDAT-13G-90 USB/RS232/SPI controlled programmable attenuator extends the coverage of our popular RUDAT/RCDAT programmable attenuator series up to 13 GHz with precise attenuation control from 0 to 90 dB in 0.5 dB steps </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Precision Fixed Attenuator Dice Usable to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� YAT-D+ series of a fixed value, absorptive MMIC attenuator dice includes models with attenuation values from 0 to 30 dB with outstanding flatness and low VSWR from DC to 26.5 GHz. Application note AN-70-019 presents a simple technique to achieve excellent performance all the way up to 40 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 1.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-101+ ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier covers applications from 0.05 to 1.5 GHz with 15.2 dB gain, +26 dBm P1dB, and +45 dBm OIP3. This model operates on a single 9V supply and comes in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> --> <tr> <td>Aug. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to Sponsor the University of South Florida's WAMI Center for the 19th Consecutive Year </strong></a>Annual needs-based donation of components and hardware supports student projects and faculty research. Mini-Circuits is deeply committed to supporting academic institutions in cultivating the next generation of intellectual talent in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering.</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td>Jul. 27, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Technical Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has published a new technical article in Microwave Product Digest describing how our VAEQ-1220-75+ 75O voltage variable equalizer can be used to compensate for frequency-dependent cable loss and amplifier gain variations in CATV systems.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes Block Diagrams Illustrating Popular Models in Common System Architectures </strong></a>Explore the new �Block Diagrams� page in the Applications section of our website to see recommended Mini-Circuits components in common system architectures from phased array transceivers to QAM modulators and many more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071916.html" target="_blank"><strong>10W Connectorized 8-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN8PD1-63W+ 8-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 10W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1.5 dB insertion loss, and 24 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071816.html" target="_blank"><strong>30W Connectorized 4-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 250 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN4PD1-63HP+ 4-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 30W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1 dB insertion loss, and 22 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Popular MMIC Wideband Low Noise Bypass Amplifier Adapted for +3V Supply </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TSS-53LNB3+ low noise bypass amplifier covers applications from 0.5 to 5 GHz with �0.7 dB gain flatness over the 700 to 2100 MHz band. An internal switching feature bypasses the LNA in the presence of high-power signals, protecting the amplifier and extending usable dynamic range. This new model is designed for systems where +3V supply is available </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071416.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB/Ethernet Controlled High-Sensitivity RMS Power Sensor, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6LRMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071316.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O Surface-Mount Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Upstream Path </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TC1-1T-75X+ 75O surface-mount transformer covers the 5 to 120 MHz bandwidth with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 28 dB return loss, 0.2 dB amplitude unbalance and 2� phase unbalance in a tiny core-and-wire form factor featuring Mini-Circuits� TopHat� feature for faster, more accurate pick-and-place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071216.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O High-Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Bandwidth Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PGA-122-75+ 75O MMIC amplifier provides +43 dBm and +54 dBm IP2 for applications from 40 to 1500 MHz, supporting requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. An additional application circuit has also been developed to extend performance down to the 5 to 200 MHz band. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Wideband MMIC Balun Covers 2000 to 7000 MHz in 3 x 3mm QFN </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MTX2-73+ MMIC balun transformer provides an impedance ratio of 2:1 with 0.6 dB insertion loss and power handling up to +34 dBm (2.5W). Fabricated using GaAs IPD process technology, the unit comes housed in a tiny, 12 pad 3 x 3 x 0.8mm QFN package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range Dual Matched MMIC Amplifier, 50 to 3000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PHA-22H+ dual matched MMIC amplifier achieves +81 dBm IP2 and +44 dBm IP3 in push-pull configuration, making this model ideal for suppressing unwanted second harmonics and for use in ultra-high dynamic range amplifiers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 20, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized SPDT Solid State Absorptive RF Switch, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZFSWA2R-63DR+ connectorized SPDT solid state absorptive RF switch covers a wide range of applications from 500 to 6000 MHz with 35ns switching time, 65 dB isolation and 1.4 dB insertion loss. It features an integrated CMOS driver and operates on a single 3-5V supply with 5�A control current. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Directivity from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� MNA-5A+ MMIC amplifier provides directivity up to 22 dB and operates on a single +2.8V to +5.0V supply. The amplifier integrates the entire matching network and majority of the bias circuit in a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes Block Diagrams Illustrating Popular Models in Common System Architectures </strong></a>Explore the new �Block Diagrams� page in the Applications section of our website to see recommended Mini-Circuits components in common system architectures from phased array transceivers to QAM modulators and many more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071916.html" target="_blank"><strong>10W Connectorized 8-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN8PD1-63W+ 8-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 10W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1.5 dB insertion loss, and 24 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071816.html" target="_blank"><strong>30W Connectorized 4-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 250 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN4PD1-63HP+ 4-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 30W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1 dB insertion loss, and 22 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Popular MMIC Wideband Low Noise Bypass Amplifier Adapted for +3V Supply </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TSS-53LNB3+ low noise bypass amplifier covers applications from 0.5 to 5 GHz with �0.7 dB gain flatness over the 700 to 2100 MHz band. An internal switching feature bypasses the LNA in the presence of high-power signals, protecting the amplifier and extending usable dynamic range. This new model is designed for systems where +3V supply is available </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071416.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB/Ethernet Controlled High-Sensitivity RMS Power Sensor, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6LRMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071316.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O Surface-Mount Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Upstream Path </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TC1-1T-75X+ 75O surface-mount transformer covers the 5 to 120 MHz bandwidth with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 28 dB return loss, 0.2 dB amplitude unbalance and 2� phase unbalance in a tiny core-and-wire form factor featuring Mini-Circuits� TopHat� feature for faster, more accurate pick-and-place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071216.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O High-Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Bandwidth Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PGA-122-75+ 75O MMIC amplifier provides +43 dBm and +54 dBm IP2 for applications from 40 to 1500 MHz, supporting requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. An additional application circuit has also been developed to extend performance down to the 5 to 200 MHz band. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Wideband MMIC Balun Covers 2000 to 7000 MHz in 3 x 3mm QFN </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MTX2-73+ MMIC balun transformer provides an impedance ratio of 2:1 with 0.6 dB insertion loss and power handling up to +34 dBm (2.5W). Fabricated using GaAs IPD process technology, the unit comes housed in a tiny, 12 pad 3 x 3 x 0.8mm QFN package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range Dual Matched MMIC Amplifier, 50 to 3000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PHA-22H+ dual matched MMIC amplifier achieves +81 dBm IP2 and +44 dBm IP3 in push-pull configuration, making this model ideal for suppressing unwanted second harmonics and for use in ultra-high dynamic range amplifiers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 20, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized SPDT Solid State Absorptive RF Switch, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZFSWA2R-63DR+ connectorized SPDT solid state absorptive RF switch covers a wide range of applications from 500 to 6000 MHz with 35ns switching time, 65 dB isolation and 1.4 dB insertion loss. It features an integrated CMOS driver and operates on a single 3-5V supply with 5�A control current. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Directivity from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� MNA-5A+ MMIC amplifier provides directivity up to 22 dB and operates on a single +2.8V to +5.0V supply. The amplifier integrates the entire matching network and majority of the bias circuit in a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS </strong></a>Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (NYSE: RTN) has presented Mini-Circuits with its 4-Star Supplier Award for the sixth consecutive year. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Tiny 2-Way 0� MMIC Splitter/Combiners Cover 0.5 to 9.5 GHz in 5x5mm Packages </strong></a>To meet your needs for even more applications, Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular EP-series of ultra-wideband MMIC splitter/combiners, extending frequency coverage down to 0.5 GHz with industry-leading combinations of bandwidth and device size. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Offering of Ceramic Resonator Band Pass Filters </strong></a>To meet your needs, Mini-Circuits� has introduced three new models to our popular line of surface-mount ceramic-resonator-based band pass filters, all with low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and excellent selectivity.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Ultra-Thin Splitter/Combiners with SMP Connectors </strong></a>To support your needs, Mini-Circuits has introduced three new coaxial splitter/combiners in ultra-thin packages (0.3�) with SMP snap-on connectors, ideal for dense system layouts. Our new models include 2-way, 4-way, and 12-way designs, all with high power handling, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low unbalance. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Tiny 2-Way 0� MMIC Splitter/Combiners Cover 0.5 to 9.5 GHz in 5x5mm Packages </strong></a>To meet your needs for even more applications, Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular EP-series of ultra-wideband MMIC splitter/combiners, extending frequency coverage down to 0.5 GHz with industry-leading combinations of bandwidth and device size. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Offering of Ceramic Resonator Band Pass Filters </strong></a>To meet your needs, Mini-Circuits� has introduced three new models to our popular line of surface-mount ceramic-resonator-based band pass filters, all with low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and excellent selectivity.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Ultra-Thin Splitter/Combiners with SMP Connectors </strong></a>To support your needs, Mini-Circuits has introduced three new coaxial splitter/combiners in ultra-thin packages (0.3�) with SMP snap-on connectors, ideal for dense system layouts. Our new models include 2-way, 4-way, and 12-way designs, all with high power handling, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low unbalance. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Technical Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a> New technical article in Microwave Product Digest presents application circuits enabling 75O high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier, PGA-122-75+ to be used in CATV upstream and downstream bandwidths. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_042116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount Bi-Directional Coupler Provides 200W Power Handling from 225 to 450 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MBDA-30-451HP stripline-based bi-directional coupler achieves very-high power handling in a miniature, surface-mount printed wiring laminate measuring 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.051�. This model provides 30 dB coupling, 1.5 dB mainline loss, 30 dB return loss, and 28 dB directivity. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/Ethernet Controlled Programmable Attenuators Cover 1 to 8000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� has expanded our offering of programmable attenuators with two new models extending frequency coverage up to 8 GHz. Model RCDAT-8000-60 provides 0 to 60 dB attenuation range, and model RCDAT-8000-90 provides 0 to 90 dB attenuation range. Both models offer 0.25 dB step size, fast attenuation switching (800ns), and excellent accuracy. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041816.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB Controlled High-Sensitivity Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PWR-6LGHS USB-controlled power sensor provides high-sensitivity power measurement of CW signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with wide dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 11th � 13th. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 29, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial 5W Amplifier Provides High Gain and High Dynamic Range from 5 to 500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-5W-1+ connectorized high-power amplifier achieves 5W saturated output power, 40 dB gain with �1.7 dB gain flatness, +37 dBm P1dB and +49 dBm IP3, ideal for VHF/UHF systems, lab use and more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 28, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial Low-Noise Amplifier Provides High IP3 and Flat Gain from 1200 to 1700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-1217MLN+ connectorized low noise amplifier covers applications from 1200 to 1700 MHz with 1.5 dB noise figure, +36 dBm IP3, and 29 dB gain with �1.0 dB flatness over its full frequency range. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Amplifier Provides Flat Gain from 0.01 to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LVA-123+ ultra-wideband MMIC amplifier supports applications from 0.01 to 12 GHz with �0.6 dB gain flatness from 0.05 to 6 GHz and excellent input/output return loss in a tiny 3x3 MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount High Pass Filter Provides Passband from 5 to 400 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� SXHP-5+ surface-mount, high pass filter provides a passband from 5 to 400 MHz with 0.5 dB passband insertion loss, 29.71 dB stopband rejection, and 2W power handling in a miniature, shielded package. </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_042116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount Bi-Directional Coupler Provides 200W Power Handling from 225 to 450 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MBDA-30-451HP stripline-based bi-directional coupler achieves very-high power handling in a miniature, surface-mount printed wiring laminate measuring 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.051�. This model provides 30 dB coupling, 1.5 dB mainline loss, 30 dB return loss, and 28 dB directivity. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/Ethernet Controlled Programmable Attenuators Cover 1 to 8000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� has expanded our offering of programmable attenuators with two new models extending frequency coverage up to 8 GHz. Model RCDAT-8000-60 provides 0 to 60 dB attenuation range, and model RCDAT-8000-90 provides 0 to 90 dB attenuation range. Both models offer 0.25 dB step size, fast attenuation switching (800ns), and excellent accuracy. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041816.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB Controlled High-Sensitivity Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PWR-6LGHS USB-controlled power sensor provides high-sensitivity power measurement of CW signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with wide dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 11th � 13th. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 29, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial 5W Amplifier Provides High Gain and High Dynamic Range from 5 to 500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-5W-1+ connectorized high-power amplifier achieves 5W saturated output power, 40 dB gain with �1.7 dB gain flatness, +37 dBm P1dB and +49 dBm IP3, ideal for VHF/UHF systems, lab use and more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 28, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial Low-Noise Amplifier Provides High IP3 and Flat Gain from 1200 to 1700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-1217MLN+ connectorized low noise amplifier covers applications from 1200 to 1700 MHz with 1.5 dB noise figure, +36 dBm IP3, and 29 dB gain with �1.0 dB flatness over its full frequency range. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Amplifier Provides Flat Gain from 0.01 to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LVA-123+ ultra-wideband MMIC amplifier supports applications from 0.01 to 12 GHz with �0.6 dB gain flatness from 0.05 to 6 GHz and excellent input/output return loss in a tiny 3x3 MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount High Pass Filter Provides Passband from 5 to 400 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� SXHP-5+ surface-mount, high pass filter provides a passband from 5 to 400 MHz with 0.5 dB passband insertion loss, 29.71 dB stopband rejection, and 2W power handling in a miniature, shielded package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ceramic Resonator Diplexer Splits 1176 MHz and 1590 MHz Channels for Differential GPS </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CDPL-1710A+ surface-mount, ceramic resonator-based diplexer provides out-of-channel rejection up to 50 dB, and 0.8 dB passband insertion loss, and RF input power handling up to 1W, making it ideal for duplexing signals in differential GPS and aeronautical radio navigation applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Low-Noise, High-IP3 MMIC Amplifier Die Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PSA-0012-D+ MMIC amplifier die covers a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz with 2.4 dB noise figure and +35 dBm IP3. Unpackaged dice allow integration directly into customer modules and may be ordered in gel-paks of 10, 50, and 100 KGD, as well as partial wafers or full wafers. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ceramic Resonator Diplexer Splits 1176 MHz and 1590 MHz Channels for Differential GPS </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CDPL-1710A+ surface-mount, ceramic resonator-based diplexer provides out-of-channel rejection up to 50 dB, and 0.8 dB passband insertion loss, and RF input power handling up to 1W, making it ideal for duplexing signals in differential GPS and aeronautical radio navigation applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Low-Noise, High-IP3 MMIC Amplifier Die Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PSA-0012-D+ MMIC amplifier die covers a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz with 2.4 dB noise figure and +35 dBm IP3. Unpackaged dice allow integration directly into customer modules and may be ordered in gel-paks of 10, 50, and 100 KGD, as well as partial wafers or full wafers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Free Webinar: RF and Microwave Filters </strong></a>Wednesday, March 23rd, 11:00 AM EST on Presented by Dr. Bob Froelich, Besser Associates and proudly sponsored by Mini-Circuits. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a>new technical article in Microwave Product Digest describing a heat sink design to increase power handling in surface mount components. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031016.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Active Directivity from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz </strong></a>Covering applications from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz, Mini-Circuits� new MNA-7A+ MMIC amplifier provides high directivity ranging from 18 to 33 dB. This model operates on a +2.8V to 5.0V supply and integrates the entire matching network and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 04, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Hand-Flex� Interconnect Cable Features Right-Angle SMP Snap-On Connectors </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new 086-8SMPR+ Hand-Flex interconnect cable simplifies connections of coaxial assemblies in tight spaces with right-angle SMP-F blind mate snap-on connectors, hand-formable construction, 24 dB return loss and 0.8 dB insertion loss for applications from DC to 18 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-1H+ MMIC amplifier delivers ultra-high dynamic range with OIP3 of +40.4 dBm, P1dB of +22 dBm, and 2.2 dB noise figure in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031016.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Active Directivity from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz </strong></a>Covering applications from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz, Mini-Circuits� new MNA-7A+ MMIC amplifier provides high directivity ranging from 18 to 33 dB. This model operates on a +2.8V to 5.0V supply and integrates the entire matching network and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 04, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Hand-Flex� Interconnect Cable Features Right-Angle SMP Snap-On Connectors </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new 086-8SMPR+ Hand-Flex interconnect cable simplifies connections of coaxial assemblies in tight spaces with right-angle SMP-F blind mate snap-on connectors, hand-formable construction, 24 dB return loss and 0.8 dB insertion loss for applications from DC to 18 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-1H+ MMIC amplifier delivers ultra-high dynamic range with OIP3 of +40.4 dBm, P1dB of +22 dBm, and 2.2 dB noise figure in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at SATELLITE 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits will exhibit our selection of products supporting SatCom applications at the SATELLITE 2016 conference, held at the Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, MD, March 7-10, 2016. Get free exhibit hall access, and come see use at Booth #123! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Band Pass Cavity and Slabline Resonator Filters Provide Narrow Bandwidth with High Selectivity </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new ZVBP-series of connectorized cavity and slabline resonator filters provides narrow passbands with excellent selectivity and very high stop band rejection for applications requiring sharp bandwidth definition and stringent blocking of interfering signals. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Mixer Covers Applications from 5 to 21.5 GHz! </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MDB-24H+ ultra-wideband double-balanced MMIC mixer supports wideband systems and multiple narrowband applications in a single device. It operates on +15 dBm LO power and achieves low conversion loss and high isolation in a tiny 4 x 4mm MCLP package. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Band Pass Cavity and Slabline Resonator Filters Provide Narrow Bandwidth with High Selectivity </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new ZVBP-series of connectorized cavity and slabline resonator filters provides narrow passbands with excellent selectivity and very high stop band rejection for applications requiring sharp bandwidth definition and stringent blocking of interfering signals. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Mixer Covers Applications from 5 to 21.5 GHz! </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MDB-24H+ ultra-wideband double-balanced MMIC mixer supports wideband systems and multiple narrowband applications in a single device. It operates on +15 dBm LO power and achieves low conversion loss and high isolation in a tiny 4 x 4mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Two New MMIC Amplifiers Provide High Directivity and Wide Frequency Range! </strong></a>Covering applications from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz and 0.5 to 4.5 GHz, respectively, new models MNA-4A+ and MNA-4W+ both provide high directivity ranging from 19 to 32 dB and integrate the entire matching network, and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 01, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Compact Modular Test Systems Built Your Way � Specify Your Configuration Online! </strong></a>To give you more flexibility for your test setup, Mini-Circuits has expanded our popular line of modular test systems. The new RCM-series of compact modular test systems offers three customizable hardware windows in a lightweight, half-rack sized chassis. Specify your configuration online for a fast quote and very fast turnaround! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 27, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012716.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Frequency Doubler Generates Output Signals from 4 to 14 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CY2-143+ MMIC frequency doubler converts input signals from 2 to 7 GHz into output signals from 4 to 14 GHz with low conversion loss and excellent harmonic suppression in a tiny 4 x 4 x 1mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 3-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits SYPS-3-152-75+ 3-way 0� splitter/combiner covers 75O applications from 5 to 1500 MHz with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 24 dB isolation, 0.4 dB amplitude unbalance, and 2� phase unbalance. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Compact Modular Test Systems Built Your Way � Specify Your Configuration Online! </strong></a>To give you more flexibility for your test setup, Mini-Circuits has expanded our popular line of modular test systems. The new RCM-series of compact modular test systems offers three customizable hardware windows in a lightweight, half-rack sized chassis. Specify your configuration online for a fast quote and very fast turnaround! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 27, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012716.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Frequency Doubler Generates Output Signals from 4 to 14 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CY2-143+ MMIC frequency doubler converts input signals from 2 to 7 GHz into output signals from 4 to 14 GHz with low conversion loss and excellent harmonic suppression in a tiny 4 x 4 x 1mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 3-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits SYPS-3-152-75+ 3-way 0� splitter/combiner covers 75O applications from 5 to 1500 MHz with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 24 dB isolation, 0.4 dB amplitude unbalance, and 2� phase unbalance. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011316.html" target="_blank"><strong>X4 Broadband Multiplier Delivers Output Signals from 800 to 1100 MHz </strong></a>RKK-4-112+ frequency multiplier converts input signals from 200 to 275 MHz into output signals from 800 to 1100 MHz with 22.5 dB conversion loss and high rejection of adjacent harmonics. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Pocket-sized USB/Ethernet Controlled True RMS Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6RMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -35 to +20 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New 50O Negative Slope Equalizer Supports Applications from 1200 MHz to 1800 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new REQ-75-182+ surface-mount negative slope equalizer allows precise gain slope compensation for 50O systems from 1200 to 1800 MHz, making it especially suitable for L-band applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount 75O Balanced-to-Balanced Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TRS2-1T-75+ surface mount 75O transformer provides a 2:1 impedance ratio with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 20 dB return loss, and power handling up to 0.25W for applications from 5 to 1200 MHz including PCS/DCS, CATV, and DOCSIS 3.1 systems. </td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Pocket-sized USB/Ethernet Controlled True RMS Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6RMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -35 to +20 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New 50O Negative Slope Equalizer Supports Applications from 1200 MHz to 1800 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new REQ-75-182+ surface-mount negative slope equalizer allows precise gain slope compensation for 50O systems from 1200 to 1800 MHz, making it especially suitable for L-band applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount 75O Balanced-to-Balanced Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TRS2-1T-75+ surface mount 75O transformer provides a 2:1 impedance ratio with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 20 dB return loss, and power handling up to 0.25W for applications from 5 to 1200 MHz including PCS/DCS, CATV, and DOCSIS 3.1 systems. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 06, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of MMIC Amplifier Dice with Six New Models </strong></a>Mini-Circuits continues to grow our selection of MMIC amplifier dice with six new models to meet your needs. MMIC dice are available off the shelf in gel-paks of 10, 50 and 100 KGD and in partial and full wafers by request from authorized Mini-Circuits sales representatives. </td> </tr> --> </tbody></table></section> </div> <div class="news_evens_two"> <section class="news_reward_img"> <img align="center" src="../images/Awards_slideshow.gif" alt="Yoni2 Model Search" title="Yoni2 Model Search" /> </section> <section class="news_evens_table"> <table><tbody> <tr> <td>March 27, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032720.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Receives 10th Consecutive 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS</a><br/> Raytheon has again recognized Mini-Circuits for outstanding service and partnership in exceeding customer requirements. <a href="../about/NPR_032720.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 14, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061419.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Receives 2019 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has once again earned a 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from longtime customer Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) Integrated Defense Systems (IDS). <a href="../about/NPR_061419.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 3, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120318.html" target="_blank"><strong>Collins Aerospace Awards Mini-Circuits Platinum Premier Supplier Status</strong></a> Collins Aerospace (NYSE: UTX) has recognized Mini-Circuits as a Platinum Premier supplier for the 2018 year end evaluation period. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 7, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Rockwell Collins Names Mini-Circuits as Top Supplier for 2018</strong></a>Rockwell Collins has recognized Mini-Circuits as its 2018 President's Award winner and as 2018 Supplier of the Year for Electronic Components.</td> </tr> <tr><td>February 2018</td> <td>Rohde & Schwarz Top Supplier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 9, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050917.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS </strong></a>Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (NYSE: RTN) has presented Mini-Circuits with its 4-Star Supplier Award for the seventh consecutive year. </td> </tr> <tr><td>February 2017</td> <td>Rohde & Schwarz Top Supplier</td> </tr> <tr><td>December 2016</td> <td>Modelithics - Vendor Partner Award - Sponsoring MVP Partnership with Modelitics for year 2016</td> </tr> <tr><td>December 2016</td> <td>Anritsu, Japan - In recognition of Superior Performance and Technical Capabilities, Anritsu certifies that Mini-Circuits has been selected as an Anritsu Global Preferred Supplier</td> </tr> <tr><td>December 2016</td> <td>Rockwell Collins, Nov 2016, Mini-Circuits Platinum Premier</td> </tr> <tr><td>June 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS </strong></a>Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (NYSE: RTN) has presented Mini-Circuits with its 4-Star Supplier Award for the sixth consecutive year.</td> </tr> <tr><td>May 2016</td> <td>Rockwell Collins, May 2016, Mini-Circuits Platinum Premier.</td> </tr> <!-- <tr><td>June 18, 2015</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061815.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon IDS </strong></a>Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (NYSE: RTN) has presented Mini-Circuits with its 4-Star Supplier Award for the fifth consecutive year.</td> </tr> <tr><td>August 07, 2014</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080714.html" target="_blank"><strong>Microwaves & RF Recognizes Mini-Circuits for Excellence in Custom Solutions </strong></a>Mini-Circuits named runner-up for Best Custom Solutions in the Microwaves & RF 2014 Best of Industry Awards.</td> </tr> <tr><td> June 18, 2014</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061814.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives 2013 4-Star Supplier Excellence Award from Raytheon </strong></a> Raytheon has honored Mini-Circuits for outstanding quality and on-time delivery for the fifth consecutive year.</td> </tr><tr><td>May 7, 2012</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050712.html" target="_blank"><strong> Mini-Circuits Wins Rockwell Collins RF and Crystals Supplier of the Year and Top 10 Green Supplier Awards </strong></a> Rockwell Collins has named Mini-Circuits as a winner of its prestigious Supplier of the Year awards for 2012&#8212;the 6th time in the last 7 years&#8212;and further identified Mini-Circuits as one of its Top 10 Green Suppliers!</td> </tr><tr><td>Sept. 28, 2011</td> <td><a href="../about/Agilent_Award.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Receives Outstanding Support &amp; Business Partnership Award from Agilent </strong></a> Agilent executives recognized Mini-Circuits as a top-performing Preferred Supplier for the 2010 and 2011 financial years...</td> </tr><tr><td> Aug 17, 2011</td> <td><a href="../about/Elite_Supplier.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Wins Elite Supplier Award from Harris </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has delivered hundreds of thousands of components to Harris Corporation in 2011, with 100% quality and 100% on-time delivery...</td> </tr><tr><td> July 11, 2011 </td> <td><a href="../about/Remec_2010Award.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Wins Preferred Supplier of the Year Award from Remec Broadband Wireless </strong></a><br/> Remec Broadband Wireless, a worldwide leader in 6-40 GHz satellite and point-to-point communications systems, has named Mini-Circuits a Preferred Supplier of the Year for calendar year 2010...</td> </tr><tr><td> April 6, 2011 </td> <td><a href="../about/RockwellCollins_2011Award.html" target="_blank"><strong> Mini-Circuits Receives Rockwell Collins 2011 RF Crystals Co-Supplier of the Year Award </strong></a><br/> Mini-Circuits, of Brooklyn, N.Y., was presented with the 2011 RF Crystals Co-Supplier of the Year Award by Clay Jones, Chairman, President and CEO, during the Rockwell Collins Annual Supplier Conference...</td> </tr> --> </tbody></table></section> </div> <div class="news_evens_three"> <section class="news_evens_table"><table><tbody> <tr> <td>March 19, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031919.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2019</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 20th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront, Cocoa Beach, FL, April 8-9. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 25, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062518.html" target="_blank"><strong> New Coaxial Amplifiers Feature Multi-Octave Bandwidths Spanning 600 to 4200 MHz </strong></a> Mini-Circuits has introduced three new broadband connectorized amplifiers with multi-octave bandwidths as wide as 600 MHz to 4200 MHz, supporting a wide range of applications, including the recently opened telecom Band 71 (617 to 698 MHz). The new amplifiers feature high gain with excellent flatness, medium to high output power, and very high IP3. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 24, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_042417.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Product Line Coverage with New Series of 50 GHz Precision Attenuators </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is committed to meeting our customers’ needs as the evolution of wireless standards continues to push application requirements to higher frequencies. Our new BW-V series of precision fixed attenuators expands the coverage of our product line up to 50 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 12, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011217.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Reflectionless High Pass Filters Provide Passbands to 30 GHz in 2x2mm QFN Packages </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' revolutionary XHF2-series of reflectionless high pass filters eliminates signal reflections and enables dramatic improvements in system performance. Covering a variety of passbands up to 30 GHz, these new, patented designs are perfect for pairing with sensitive devices such as mixers, multipliers, high-gain amplifiers and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dec. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Extra-Long Life Absorptive Electromechanical SP4T Switches, +12VDC, DC to 18 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular line of absorptive electromechanical switches, controlled by a +12VDC with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 90 dB isolation, and extra-long switch life up to 10 million cycles.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nov. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_111116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of LTCC Bandpass Filters </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has expanded our selection of low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) bandpass filters with 4 new models in tiny 1206 packages with high reliability and excellent repeatability. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nov. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_111016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized 2-Way 0&deg; Splitter/Combiner Handles up to 35W, 500 to 10500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' ZN2PD2-14W+ SMA connectorized 2-way 0&deg; splitter/combiner provides power handling up to 35W as a splitter (1W as a combiner) for a wide range of applications from 500 to 10500 MHz.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount Voltage Variable Attenuator Provides >30 dB Attenuation Range from 2000 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' RVA-6000+ surface mount voltage variable attenuator provides a control voltage range from 0 to 12V with attenuation from 4 up to 37 dB with minimal phase deviation over its full attenuation range. It supports a wide range of applications from 2 to 6 GHz with 20 dB typical return loss and no external matching network required.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Rugged 100W Power Amplifier Module, 700 to 2700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' ZHL-100W-272+ high-power amplifier module provides 48 dB gain with 1.7 dB flatness across its entire operating bandwidth, +50 dBm IP3, and 89 dB reverse isolation. The amplifier features extensive built-in safety features and is ideal for a wide variety of high power test applications including EMI, reliability testing, RF stress testing and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101216.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Surface Mount Bias Tee Expands Frequency Coverage from 10 MHz to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' TCBT-123+ surface mount bias tee expands the coverage of our bias tee line, providing a frequency range from 10 MHz to 12 GHz in a single, tiny device. This model is perfect for a wide range of biasing applications including biasing of amplifiers, active antennas and more!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Coaxial Precision Attenuators from DC to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has expanded our BW-K series of 40 GHz precision fixed attenuators with four new models to give you a wider selection of attenuation values. The series now offers attenuation values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 20 dB, all with 2W power handling, excellent VSWR, and outstanding attenuation flatness.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Oct. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_100516.html" target="_blank"><strong>4-Channel USB/Ethernet Programmable Attenuator, 0 to 95 dB, 1 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits' New RC4DAT-6G-95 USB/Ethernet controlled programmable attenuator provides four channels in one compact device with synchronized or independent control from a single interface. This model provides added capability and convenience for a wide range of multi-channel test applications such MIMO testing, handover system evaluation and more!</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td>Sep. 13, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_091316.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LHA-1H+ high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier delivers +41 dBm IP3, +22.5 dBm P1dB, and 2.1 dB noise figure for a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz. This model comes in in a 3x3mm MCLP package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091216.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Performance 75O Surface-Mount Diplexers for DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new DPLB-series of 75O surface-mount diplexers provides very low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and good return loss over the DC to 1220 MHz range with various channel splits for different bandwidth requirements. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090816.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Directivity MMIC Amplifier Supports 0.5 to 2.5 GHz in 5x6mm MCLP Package </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� VNA-28B+ MMIC amplifier provides 16-23 dB directivity, 23 dB gain, and 3.0 dB noise figure. The amplifier comes housed in a 5 x 6mm MCLP package with internal DC blocking at the input and output and no external biasing required. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 2-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner for DOCSIS 3.1� Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TCP-2-152-75X+ 2-way 0� splitter/combiner provides 0.8 dB insertion loss, 28 dB isolation, 0.25 dB amplitude unbalance, and 1.5� phase unbalance from 5 to 1500 MHz, supporting bandwidth requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/RS232/SPI Programmable Attenuator Covers 10 to 13000 MHz, 0 � 90 dB </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new RUDAT-13G-90 USB/RS232/SPI controlled programmable attenuator extends the coverage of our popular RUDAT/RCDAT programmable attenuator series up to 13 GHz with precise attenuation control from 0 to 90 dB in 0.5 dB steps </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Precision Fixed Attenuator Dice Usable to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� YAT-D+ series of a fixed value, absorptive MMIC attenuator dice includes models with attenuation values from 0 to 30 dB with outstanding flatness and low VSWR from DC to 26.5 GHz. Application note AN-70-019 presents a simple technique to achieve excellent performance all the way up to 40 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 1.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-101+ ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier covers applications from 0.05 to 1.5 GHz with 15.2 dB gain, +26 dBm P1dB, and +45 dBm OIP3. This model operates on a single 9V supply and comes in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071916.html" target="_blank"><strong>10W Connectorized 8-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN8PD1-63W+ 8-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 10W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1.5 dB insertion loss, and 24 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071816.html" target="_blank"><strong>30W Connectorized 4-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 250 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN4PD1-63HP+ 4-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 30W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1 dB insertion loss, and 22 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Popular MMIC Wideband Low Noise Bypass Amplifier Adapted for +3V Supply </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TSS-53LNB3+ low noise bypass amplifier covers applications from 0.5 to 5 GHz with �0.7 dB gain flatness over the 700 to 2100 MHz band. An internal switching feature bypasses the LNA in the presence of high-power signals, protecting the amplifier and extending usable dynamic range. This new model is designed for systems where +3V supply is available </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071416.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB/Ethernet Controlled High-Sensitivity RMS Power Sensor, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6LRMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071316.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O Surface-Mount Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Upstream Path </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TC1-1T-75X+ 75O surface-mount transformer covers the 5 to 120 MHz bandwidth with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 28 dB return loss, 0.2 dB amplitude unbalance and 2� phase unbalance in a tiny core-and-wire form factor featuring Mini-Circuits� TopHat� feature for faster, more accurate pick-and-place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071216.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O High-Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Bandwidth Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PGA-122-75+ 75O MMIC amplifier provides +43 dBm and +54 dBm IP2 for applications from 40 to 1500 MHz, supporting requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. An additional application circuit has also been developed to extend performance down to the 5 to 200 MHz band. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Wideband MMIC Balun Covers 2000 to 7000 MHz in 3 x 3mm QFN </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MTX2-73+ MMIC balun transformer provides an impedance ratio of 2:1 with 0.6 dB insertion loss and power handling up to +34 dBm (2.5W). Fabricated using GaAs IPD process technology, the unit comes housed in a tiny, 12 pad 3 x 3 x 0.8mm QFN package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range Dual Matched MMIC Amplifier, 50 to 3000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PHA-22H+ dual matched MMIC amplifier achieves +81 dBm IP2 and +44 dBm IP3 in push-pull configuration, making this model ideal for suppressing unwanted second harmonics and for use in ultra-high dynamic range amplifiers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 20, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized SPDT Solid State Absorptive RF Switch, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZFSWA2R-63DR+ connectorized SPDT solid state absorptive RF switch covers a wide range of applications from 500 to 6000 MHz with 35ns switching time, 65 dB isolation and 1.4 dB insertion loss. It features an integrated CMOS driver and operates on a single 3-5V supply with 5�A control current. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Directivity from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� MNA-5A+ MMIC amplifier provides directivity up to 22 dB and operates on a single +2.8V to +5.0V supply. The amplifier integrates the entire matching network and majority of the bias circuit in a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Tiny 2-Way 0� MMIC Splitter/Combiners Cover 0.5 to 9.5 GHz in 5x5mm Packages </strong></a>To meet your needs for even more applications, Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular EP-series of ultra-wideband MMIC splitter/combiners, extending frequency coverage down to 0.5 GHz with industry-leading combinations of bandwidth and device size. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Offering of Ceramic Resonator Band Pass Filters </strong></a>To meet your needs, Mini-Circuits� has introduced three new models to our popular line of surface-mount ceramic-resonator-based band pass filters, all with low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and excellent selectivity.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Ultra-Thin Splitter/Combiners with SMP Connectors </strong></a>To support your needs, Mini-Circuits has introduced three new coaxial splitter/combiners in ultra-thin packages (0.3�) with SMP snap-on connectors, ideal for dense system layouts. Our new models include 2-way, 4-way, and 12-way designs, all with high power handling, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low unbalance. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_042116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount Bi-Directional Coupler Provides 200W Power Handling from 225 to 450 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MBDA-30-451HP stripline-based bi-directional coupler achieves very-high power handling in a miniature, surface-mount printed wiring laminate measuring 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.051�. This model provides 30 dB coupling, 1.5 dB mainline loss, 30 dB return loss, and 28 dB directivity. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/Ethernet Controlled Programmable Attenuators Cover 1 to 8000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� has expanded our offering of programmable attenuators with two new models extending frequency coverage up to 8 GHz. Model RCDAT-8000-60 provides 0 to 60 dB attenuation range, and model RCDAT-8000-90 provides 0 to 90 dB attenuation range. Both models offer 0.25 dB step size, fast attenuation switching (800ns), and excellent accuracy. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041816.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB Controlled High-Sensitivity Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PWR-6LGHS USB-controlled power sensor provides high-sensitivity power measurement of CW signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with wide dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 11th � 13th. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 29, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial 5W Amplifier Provides High Gain and High Dynamic Range from 5 to 500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-5W-1+ connectorized high-power amplifier achieves 5W saturated output power, 40 dB gain with �1.7 dB gain flatness, +37 dBm P1dB and +49 dBm IP3, ideal for VHF/UHF systems, lab use and more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 28, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial Low-Noise Amplifier Provides High IP3 and Flat Gain from 1200 to 1700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-1217MLN+ connectorized low noise amplifier covers applications from 1200 to 1700 MHz with 1.5 dB noise figure, +36 dBm IP3, and 29 dB gain with �1.0 dB flatness over its full frequency range. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Amplifier Provides Flat Gain from 0.01 to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LVA-123+ ultra-wideband MMIC amplifier supports applications from 0.01 to 12 GHz with �0.6 dB gain flatness from 0.05 to 6 GHz and excellent input/output return loss in a tiny 3x3 MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount High Pass Filter Provides Passband from 5 to 400 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� SXHP-5+ surface-mount, high pass filter provides a passband from 5 to 400 MHz with 0.5 dB passband insertion loss, 29.71 dB stopband rejection, and 2W power handling in a miniature, shielded package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ceramic Resonator Diplexer Splits 1176 MHz and 1590 MHz Channels for Differential GPS </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CDPL-1710A+ surface-mount, ceramic resonator-based diplexer provides out-of-channel rejection up to 50 dB, and 0.8 dB passband insertion loss, and RF input power handling up to 1W, making it ideal for duplexing signals in differential GPS and aeronautical radio navigation applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Low-Noise, High-IP3 MMIC Amplifier Die Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PSA-0012-D+ MMIC amplifier die covers a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz with 2.4 dB noise figure and +35 dBm IP3. Unpackaged dice allow integration directly into customer modules and may be ordered in gel-paks of 10, 50, and 100 KGD, as well as partial wafers or full wafers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031016.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Active Directivity from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz </strong></a>Covering applications from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz, Mini-Circuits� new MNA-7A+ MMIC amplifier provides high directivity ranging from 18 to 33 dB. This model operates on a +2.8V to 5.0V supply and integrates the entire matching network and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 04, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Hand-Flex� Interconnect Cable Features Right-Angle SMP Snap-On Connectors </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new 086-8SMPR+ Hand-Flex interconnect cable simplifies connections of coaxial assemblies in tight spaces with right-angle SMP-F blind mate snap-on connectors, hand-formable construction, 24 dB return loss and 0.8 dB insertion loss for applications from DC to 18 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-1H+ MMIC amplifier delivers ultra-high dynamic range with OIP3 of +40.4 dBm, P1dB of +22 dBm, and 2.2 dB noise figure in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Band Pass Cavity and Slabline Resonator Filters Provide Narrow Bandwidth with High Selectivity </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new ZVBP-series of connectorized cavity and slabline resonator filters provides narrow passbands with excellent selectivity and very high stop band rejection for applications requiring sharp bandwidth definition and stringent blocking of interfering signals. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Mixer Covers Applications from 5 to 21.5 GHz! </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MDB-24H+ ultra-wideband double-balanced MMIC mixer supports wideband systems and multiple narrowband applications in a single device. It operates on +15 dBm LO power and achieves low conversion loss and high isolation in a tiny 4 x 4mm MCLP package. </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_091316.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LHA-1H+ high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier delivers +41 dBm IP3, +22.5 dBm P1dB, and 2.1 dB noise figure for a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz. This model comes in in a 3x3mm MCLP package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091216.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Performance 75O Surface-Mount Diplexers for DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new DPLB-series of 75O surface-mount diplexers provides very low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and good return loss over the DC to 1220 MHz range with various channel splits for different bandwidth requirements. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090816.html" target="_blank"><strong>High Directivity MMIC Amplifier Supports 0.5 to 2.5 GHz in 5x6mm MCLP Package </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� VNA-28B+ MMIC amplifier provides 16-23 dB directivity, 23 dB gain, and 3.0 dB noise figure. The amplifier comes housed in a 5 x 6mm MCLP package with internal DC blocking at the input and output and no external biasing required. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sep. 07, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_090716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 2-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner for DOCSIS 3.1� Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TCP-2-152-75X+ 2-way 0� splitter/combiner provides 0.8 dB insertion loss, 28 dB isolation, 0.25 dB amplitude unbalance, and 1.5� phase unbalance from 5 to 1500 MHz, supporting bandwidth requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/RS232/SPI Programmable Attenuator Covers 10 to 13000 MHz, 0 � 90 dB </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new RUDAT-13G-90 USB/RS232/SPI controlled programmable attenuator extends the coverage of our popular RUDAT/RCDAT programmable attenuator series up to 13 GHz with precise attenuation control from 0 to 90 dB in 0.5 dB steps </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 17, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Precision Fixed Attenuator Dice Usable to 40 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� YAT-D+ series of a fixed value, absorptive MMIC attenuator dice includes models with attenuation values from 0 to 30 dB with outstanding flatness and low VSWR from DC to 26.5 GHz. Application note AN-70-019 presents a simple technique to achieve excellent performance all the way up to 40 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier, 0.05 to 1.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-101+ ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier covers applications from 0.05 to 1.5 GHz with 15.2 dB gain, +26 dBm P1dB, and +45 dBm OIP3. This model operates on a single 9V supply and comes in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071916.html" target="_blank"><strong>10W Connectorized 8-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN8PD1-63W+ 8-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 10W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1.5 dB insertion loss, and 24 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071816.html" target="_blank"><strong>30W Connectorized 4-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner, 250 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZN4PD1-63HP+ 4-Way 0� splitter/combiner supports a wide range of applications requiring wideband coverage and high power capability. It provides 30W RF input power handling as a splitter, 1 dB insertion loss, and 22 dB isolation in a rugged, connectorized package with SMA connectors. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Popular MMIC Wideband Low Noise Bypass Amplifier Adapted for +3V Supply </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TSS-53LNB3+ low noise bypass amplifier covers applications from 0.5 to 5 GHz with �0.7 dB gain flatness over the 700 to 2100 MHz band. An internal switching feature bypasses the LNA in the presence of high-power signals, protecting the amplifier and extending usable dynamic range. This new model is designed for systems where +3V supply is available </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 14, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071416.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB/Ethernet Controlled High-Sensitivity RMS Power Sensor, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6LRMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071316.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O Surface-Mount Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Upstream Path </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TC1-1T-75X+ 75O surface-mount transformer covers the 5 to 120 MHz bandwidth with 0.2 dB insertion loss, 28 dB return loss, 0.2 dB amplitude unbalance and 2� phase unbalance in a tiny core-and-wire form factor featuring Mini-Circuits� TopHat� feature for faster, more accurate pick-and-place. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 12, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071216.html" target="_blank"><strong>75O High-Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Bandwidth Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PGA-122-75+ 75O MMIC amplifier provides +43 dBm and +54 dBm IP2 for applications from 40 to 1500 MHz, supporting requirements for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. An additional application circuit has also been developed to extend performance down to the 5 to 200 MHz band. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Wideband MMIC Balun Covers 2000 to 7000 MHz in 3 x 3mm QFN </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MTX2-73+ MMIC balun transformer provides an impedance ratio of 2:1 with 0.6 dB insertion loss and power handling up to +34 dBm (2.5W). Fabricated using GaAs IPD process technology, the unit comes housed in a tiny, 12 pad 3 x 3 x 0.8mm QFN package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range Dual Matched MMIC Amplifier, 50 to 3000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PHA-22H+ dual matched MMIC amplifier achieves +81 dBm IP2 and +44 dBm IP3 in push-pull configuration, making this model ideal for suppressing unwanted second harmonics and for use in ultra-high dynamic range amplifiers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 20, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062016.html" target="_blank"><strong>Connectorized SPDT Solid State Absorptive RF Switch, 500 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZFSWA2R-63DR+ connectorized SPDT solid state absorptive RF switch covers a wide range of applications from 500 to 6000 MHz with 35ns switching time, 65 dB isolation and 1.4 dB insertion loss. It features an integrated CMOS driver and operates on a single 3-5V supply with 5�A control current. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Directivity from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� MNA-5A+ MMIC amplifier provides directivity up to 22 dB and operates on a single +2.8V to +5.0V supply. The amplifier integrates the entire matching network and majority of the bias circuit in a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jun. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Tiny 2-Way 0� MMIC Splitter/Combiners Cover 0.5 to 9.5 GHz in 5x5mm Packages </strong></a>To meet your needs for even more applications, Mini-Circuits has added two new models to our popular EP-series of ultra-wideband MMIC splitter/combiners, extending frequency coverage down to 0.5 GHz with industry-leading combinations of bandwidth and device size. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Offering of Ceramic Resonator Band Pass Filters </strong></a>To meet your needs, Mini-Circuits� has introduced three new models to our popular line of surface-mount ceramic-resonator-based band pass filters, all with low passband insertion loss, high stopband rejection, and excellent selectivity.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May. 24, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052416.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of Ultra-Thin Splitter/Combiners with SMP Connectors </strong></a>To support your needs, Mini-Circuits has introduced three new coaxial splitter/combiners in ultra-thin packages (0.3�) with SMP snap-on connectors, ideal for dense system layouts. Our new models include 2-way, 4-way, and 12-way designs, all with high power handling, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low unbalance. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_042116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount Bi-Directional Coupler Provides 200W Power Handling from 225 to 450 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MBDA-30-451HP stripline-based bi-directional coupler achieves very-high power handling in a miniature, surface-mount printed wiring laminate measuring 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.051�. This model provides 30 dB coupling, 1.5 dB mainline loss, 30 dB return loss, and 28 dB directivity. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041916.html" target="_blank"><strong>New USB/Ethernet Controlled Programmable Attenuators Cover 1 to 8000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� has expanded our offering of programmable attenuators with two new models extending frequency coverage up to 8 GHz. Model RCDAT-8000-60 provides 0 to 60 dB attenuation range, and model RCDAT-8000-90 provides 0 to 90 dB attenuation range. Both models offer 0.25 dB step size, fast attenuation switching (800ns), and excellent accuracy. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041816.html" target="_blank"><strong>USB Controlled High-Sensitivity Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz, -45 to +10 dBm </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PWR-6LGHS USB-controlled power sensor provides high-sensitivity power measurement of CW signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with wide dynamic range from -45 to +10 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Apr. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of WAMICON 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 11th � 13th. Look for our exhibit at booth #5! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 29, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial 5W Amplifier Provides High Gain and High Dynamic Range from 5 to 500 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-5W-1+ connectorized high-power amplifier achieves 5W saturated output power, 40 dB gain with �1.7 dB gain flatness, +37 dBm P1dB and +49 dBm IP3, ideal for VHF/UHF systems, lab use and more. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 28, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Coaxial Low-Noise Amplifier Provides High IP3 and Flat Gain from 1200 to 1700 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� ZHL-1217MLN+ connectorized low noise amplifier covers applications from 1200 to 1700 MHz with 1.5 dB noise figure, +36 dBm IP3, and 29 dB gain with �1.0 dB flatness over its full frequency range. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Amplifier Provides Flat Gain from 0.01 to 12 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new LVA-123+ ultra-wideband MMIC amplifier supports applications from 0.01 to 12 GHz with �0.6 dB gain flatness from 0.05 to 6 GHz and excellent input/output return loss in a tiny 3x3 MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 22, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount High Pass Filter Provides Passband from 5 to 400 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� SXHP-5+ surface-mount, high pass filter provides a passband from 5 to 400 MHz with 0.5 dB passband insertion loss, 29.71 dB stopband rejection, and 2W power handling in a miniature, shielded package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ceramic Resonator Diplexer Splits 1176 MHz and 1590 MHz Channels for Differential GPS </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CDPL-1710A+ surface-mount, ceramic resonator-based diplexer provides out-of-channel rejection up to 50 dB, and 0.8 dB passband insertion loss, and RF input power handling up to 1W, making it ideal for duplexing signals in differential GPS and aeronautical radio navigation applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 18, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Low-Noise, High-IP3 MMIC Amplifier Die Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PSA-0012-D+ MMIC amplifier die covers a wide range of applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz with 2.4 dB noise figure and +35 dBm IP3. Unpackaged dice allow integration directly into customer modules and may be ordered in gel-paks of 10, 50, and 100 KGD, as well as partial wafers or full wafers. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 10, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031016.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Amplifier Provides High Active Directivity from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz </strong></a>Covering applications from 1.5 to 6.0 GHz, Mini-Circuits� new MNA-7A+ MMIC amplifier provides high directivity ranging from 18 to 33 dB. This model operates on a +2.8V to 5.0V supply and integrates the entire matching network and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 04, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030416.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Hand-Flex� Interconnect Cable Features Right-Angle SMP Snap-On Connectors </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new 086-8SMPR+ Hand-Flex interconnect cable simplifies connections of coaxial assemblies in tight spaces with right-angle SMP-F blind mate snap-on connectors, hand-formable construction, 24 dB return loss and 0.8 dB insertion loss for applications from DC to 18 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-High Dynamic Range MMIC Amplifier Supports Applications from 0.05 to 6 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new PHA-1H+ MMIC amplifier delivers ultra-high dynamic range with OIP3 of +40.4 dBm, P1dB of +22 dBm, and 2.2 dB noise figure in a tiny SOT-89 package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 09, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Band Pass Cavity and Slabline Resonator Filters Provide Narrow Bandwidth with High Selectivity </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new ZVBP-series of connectorized cavity and slabline resonator filters provides narrow passbands with excellent selectivity and very high stop band rejection for applications requiring sharp bandwidth definition and stringent blocking of interfering signals. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Ultra-Wideband MMIC Mixer Covers Applications from 5 to 21.5 GHz! </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new MDB-24H+ ultra-wideband double-balanced MMIC mixer supports wideband systems and multiple narrowband applications in a single device. It operates on +15 dBm LO power and achieves low conversion loss and high isolation in a tiny 4 x 4mm MCLP package. </td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 02, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Two New MMIC Amplifiers Provide High Directivity and Wide Frequency Range! </strong></a>Covering applications from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz and 0.5 to 4.5 GHz, respectively, new models MNA-4A+ and MNA-4W+ both provide high directivity ranging from 19 to 32 dB and integrate the entire matching network, and most of the bias circuit inside a tiny 3 x 3mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 27, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_012716.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Frequency Doubler Generates Output Signals from 4 to 14 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CY2-143+ MMIC frequency doubler converts input signals from 2 to 7 GHz into output signals from 4 to 14 GHz with low conversion loss and excellent harmonic suppression in a tiny 4 x 4 x 1mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 3-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits SYPS-3-152-75+ 3-way 0� splitter/combiner covers 75O applications from 5 to 1500 MHz with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 24 dB isolation, 0.4 dB amplitude unbalance, and 2� phase unbalance. </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_012716.html" target="_blank"><strong>New MMIC Frequency Doubler Generates Output Signals from 4 to 14 GHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new CY2-143+ MMIC frequency doubler converts input signals from 2 to 7 GHz into output signals from 4 to 14 GHz with low conversion loss and excellent harmonic suppression in a tiny 4 x 4 x 1mm MCLP package. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 21, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_012116.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface Mount 75O 3-Way 0� Splitter/Combiner Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Systems </strong></a>Mini-Circuits SYPS-3-152-75+ 3-way 0� splitter/combiner covers 75O applications from 5 to 1500 MHz with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 24 dB isolation, 0.4 dB amplitude unbalance, and 2� phase unbalance. </td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 13, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011316.html" target="_blank"><strong>X4 Broadband Multiplier Delivers Output Signals from 800 to 1100 MHz </strong></a>RKK-4-112+ frequency multiplier converts input signals from 200 to 275 MHz into output signals from 800 to 1100 MHz with 22.5 dB conversion loss and high rejection of adjacent harmonics. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 12, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_011216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Pocket-sized USB/Ethernet Controlled True RMS Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6RMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -35 to +20 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New 50O Negative Slope Equalizer Supports Applications from 1200 MHz to 1800 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new REQ-75-182+ surface-mount negative slope equalizer allows precise gain slope compensation for 50O systems from 1200 to 1800 MHz, making it especially suitable for L-band applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount 75O Balanced-to-Balanced Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TRS2-1T-75+ surface mount 75O transformer provides a 2:1 impedance ratio with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 20 dB return loss, and power handling up to 0.25W for applications from 5 to 1200 MHz including PCS/DCS, CATV, and DOCSIS 3.1 systems. </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_011216.html" target="_blank"><strong>Pocket-sized USB/Ethernet Controlled True RMS Power Sensors, 50 to 6000 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� PWR-6RMS-RC power sensor provides true RMS detection, allowing highly accurate measurements of CW, modulated, and multi-tone signals over frequencies from 50 to 6000 MHz with dynamic range from -35 to +20 dBm. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 11, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_011116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New 50O Negative Slope Equalizer Supports Applications from 1200 MHz to 1800 MHz </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� new REQ-75-182+ surface-mount negative slope equalizer allows precise gain slope compensation for 50O systems from 1200 to 1800 MHz, making it especially suitable for L-band applications. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 08, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010816.html" target="_blank"><strong>Surface-Mount 75O Balanced-to-Balanced Transformer Supports DOCSIS� 3.1 Requirements </strong></a>Mini-Circuits� TRS2-1T-75+ surface mount 75O transformer provides a 2:1 impedance ratio with 1.0 dB insertion loss, 20 dB return loss, and power handling up to 0.25W for applications from 5 to 1200 MHz including PCS/DCS, CATV, and DOCSIS 3.1 systems. </td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>Jan. 06, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_010616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Selection of MMIC Amplifier Dice with Six New Models </strong></a>Mini-Circuits continues to grow our selection of MMIC amplifier dice with six new models to meet your needs. MMIC dice are available off the shelf in gel-paks of 10, 50 and 100 KGD and in partial and full wafers by request from authorized Mini-Circuits sales representatives. </td> </tr> --> </tbody></table></section> </div> <div class="news_evens_four"> <section class="news_evens_table"><table><tbody> <tr> <td>June 27, 2022</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_062722.html" target="_blank">Raytheon Technologies Recognizes Mini-Circuits with Premier Supplier Award</a><br/> Raytheon Technologies has recognized Mini-Circuits with a Premier Award for performance in 2021 and overall excellence in Business Management / Customer Service and Collaboration. <a href="../about/NPR_062722.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 20, 2022</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052022.html" target="_blank">BAE Systems Recognizes Mini-Circuits among 2022 Top Suppliers</a><br/> Mini-Circuits was proud to be awarded silver medal supplier status at 2022 Supplier Symposium. <a href="../about/NPR_052022.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 5, 2022</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050522.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Awarded Best RF Supplier Distinction by SPDEI France</a><br/> SPDEI, an association of electronic component distributors in France has recognized Mini-Circuits as Best RF Supplier in its 2022 award selection <a href="../about/NPR_050522.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_121721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Customer Support with New Springfield, Mo. Office</a><br/> New location will scale customer service operations to support growing customer base and bring more job opportunities to the southwest Missouri region. <a href="../about/NPR_121721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 9, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120921.html" target="_blank">NSF Awards Partnerships for Innovation Funding to Support Development of LTCC Reflectionless Filters to 40 GHz and Beyond</a><br/> New collaboration to combine NRAO’s expertise in reflectionless filter design with Mini-Circuits’ industry-leading design and manufacturing capability for LTCC components. <a href="../about/NPR_120921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 29, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072921.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Proudly Sponsors 5G, Wi-Fi and IoT Track at EDICON 2021</a><br/> The event on Wednesday, August 4 will feature a full day of programming focused on the latest thought leadership and research in some of the industry’s fastest growing application areas. Registration for this event is free! <a href="../about/NPR_072921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 19, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071921.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Launches Power Amplifier Line for RF & Microwave Energy</a><br/> High-quality, cost-effective, turnkey solutions for industrial RF energy applications will span most ISM bands under 6 GHz with power levels from 10W to 25 kW. The initial offering includes three unique amplifiers and a signal generator / controller module allowing precise control with industry-leading ease of use. <a href="../about/NPR_071921.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 25, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_052521.html" target="_blank">Join Mini-Circuits at IMS 2021</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to join the industry at the 2021 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), on-site in Atlanta, Ga. at booth 1921, June 8-9 and online June 20-25. <a href="../about/NPR_052521.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 18, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_051821.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Proudly Sponsors the Brooklyn Cyclones for 2021 Season</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones New York – Penn League baseball team for the 18th consecutive season as part of our ongoing commitment to community involvement. <a href="../about/NPR_051821.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_051721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Digi-Key Announce Distribution Agreement</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce a new distribution agreement with leading global electronics distributor, Digi-Key. The agreement marks a major expansion of Mini-Circuits’ existing network of corporate shipping hubs and authorized distributors. <a href="../about/NPR_051721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 17, 2021</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031721.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands EU Presence, Opens Netherlands Office at Novio Tech Campus</a><br/> Nijmegen location to expand corporate service presence for European customers and serve as hub for business development in RF energy market. <a href="../about/NPR_031721.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 24, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_122420.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Awarded Patent for Low-Cost mmWave Integrated LTCC Packaging Technology</a><br/> The new packaging technology, which supports both wire bonding and flip-chip assembly methods, gives chipmakers and system designers an option to build millimeter-wave systems at production volume without compromising on electrical performance or cost. <a href="../about/NPR_122420.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 6, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110620.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Opens New Warehouse and Shipping Hub in Penang</a><br/> Expansion of Malaysia facility will allow Mini-Circuits to offer many customers shorter lead times and lower freight costs. <a href="../about/NPR_110620.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 19, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_081920.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits, Modelithics Offer Free Full 3D Models for Ansys® HFSS™</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has partnered with modelling and simulation leader, Modelithics to offer FREE full 3D models for Ansys HFSS for over 40 of Mini-Circuits' most popular LTCC filters. <a href="../about/NPR_081920.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 7, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080620.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Distribution Agreement with Mouser to 206 Countries</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce an expansion of its distribution partnership with Mouser Electronics, Inc., making Mouser an authorized distributor of Mini-Circuits' product line in 206 countries. <a href="../about/NPR_080620.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 31, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_073120.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Silver Sponsor of IMS 2020</a><br/> The 2020 conference will be held as a virtual event for the first time in its history and promises a full week of technical presentations on the latest research advances from the field, and an expansive virtual exhibition with state-of-the-art products from hundreds of leading suppliers. <a href="../about/NPR_073120.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 27, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072720.html" target="_blank">New and Improved Mini-Circuits Microwave Calculator App </a><br/> The latest version of Mini-Circuits' Microwave Calculator app now includes 31 RF/microwave calculations commonly used by engineers in the lab and in the field. New functions include frequency to wavelength conversion, voltage divider circuit analysis, Ohm's Law circuit analysis and more! The app also features a fully redesigned user interface for improved navigability and user experience. <a href="../about/NPR_072720.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 09, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040920.html" target="_blank">Modelithics and Mini-Circuits Expanded their Partnership by Developing New High-Accuracy Simulation for Several Packaged Mini-Circuits Amplifiers</a><br/> Modelithics now offers over 68 models, representing over 130 individual Mini-Circuits components, that include amplifiers, filters and splitters, among others. <a href="../about/NPR_040920.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 18, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021820.html" target="_blank">Join Mini-Circuits at SATELLITE 2020</a><br/> Mini-Circuits to showcase its latest lineup of products for satellite applications at booth 1534, March 10-12, 2020 in Washington, DC. <a href="../about/NPR_021820.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 12, 2020</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021220.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Blog Offers New Access to Corporate Knowledge and Insights</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has announced the launch of its new corporate blog, offering a variety of valuable content including technical resources for engineers, executive thought leadership and company news. <a href="../about/NPR_021220.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120519.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Recognized Among Top 100 Suppliers at Keysight Conference</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has been recognized by Keysight Technologies as one of its top 100 suppliers at Keysight Supplier Conference in Penang, Malaysia. <a href="../about/NPR_120519.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 26, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_112619.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Opens Regional Sales Office to Serve Japan, South Korea</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has opened a regional sales office in Yokohama, Japan to expand service to customers in Japan and South Korea. <a href="../about/NPR_112619.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 7, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110719.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Vayyar Offer Development Kits for 4D Millimeter Wave Imaging</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its collaboration with Vayyar, the global leader in 4D radar imaging, to offer a new development kit enabling researchers to explore and rapidly develop 4D millimeter wave imaging and sensing applications. <a href="../about/NPR_110719.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>November 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_110119.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Presents Live Webinar: DOCSIS 4.0 – The Move to 1800 MHz</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will host a live webinar on Wednesday, November 20 on the expanded spectrum DOCSIS® (ESD) standard for CATV networks. <a href="../about/NPR_110119.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 23, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_102319.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Expands Amplifier Design Capability, Welcomes Rhode Island-Based Design Group</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its amplifier design capabilities with the addition of a new design engineering group dedicated to developing high-power amplifiers up to and beyond 1 kW through 8 GHz. <a href="../about/NPR_102319.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 14, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_101419.html" target="_blank">Over 800 Mini-Circuits Components Now Available in X-Microwave Drop-In Format</a><br/> Expanded offering of Mini-Circuits products on X-Microwave's modular drop-in format gives designers even more options to accelerate design cycles with the innovative X-MWsystem<sup>&reg;</sup>. <a href="../about/NPR_101419.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 16, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091819.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits and Modelithics Partner to Provide New, Free Simulation Models for Reflectionless Filters, Splitters and LTCC Transformers</a><br/> Mini-Circuits has expanded its partnership with Modelithics, Inc. to offer high-accuracy simulation models for packaged reflectionless filters, power splitter/combiners and LTCC transformers for free download. <a href="../about/NPR_091819.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 10, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091019.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at European Microwave Week 2019</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will join the international RF/microwave community as an exhibitor at European Microwave Week (EuMW) Sept. 29 – Oct. 4, 2019 in Paris. Visit us at <strong> booth #2240 </strong> to see a showcase our latest high-frequency product releases.<a href="../about/NPR_091019.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 26, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082619.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits to Sponsor First-Ever EDI CON Online</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) Online September 10 – 12, 2019. This free, virtual conference will offer relevant, real-time training for high frequency and high speed design engineers without having to leave the office. <a href="../about/NPR_082619.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080119.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Seeks Veteran Talent at Service Academy Career Conference</a><br/> Mini-Circuits will be attending the Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) August 8th – 9th, 2019 in San Diego, seeking U.S. military veterans and academy graduates to take on key roles in building the future of the organization. <a href="../about/NPR_080119.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_0705a19.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Enters 19th Consecutive Year as Brooklyn Cyclones Sponsor</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones Class A short season affiliate of the New York Mets. The team plays at MCU Park, where a large Mini-Circuits sign can be seen in the outfield for the 2019 season. <a href="../about/NPR_0705a19.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 5, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_070519.html" target="_blank">Mini-Circuits Earns 2018 Supplier Performance Award from General Atomics</a><br/> Mini-Circuits is recognized as a top-performing supplier to General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) with a 2018 Supplier Performance Award, presented to just 71 out of 1,191 GA-ASI suppliers. <a href="../about/NPR_070519.html" target="_blank"> Official Release ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 20, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032019.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Gold Sponsor of EDI CON China 2019</strong></a> Visit Mini-Circuits' exhibit at booth #501 at the 2019 Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, China, April 1-3. Get VIP passes with code MINICI19VIP at registration! <a href="" target="_blank"> Learn more and register ›</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>February 1, 2019</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_020119.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Names Spectrum Sales as Representative in NY, Northern NJ and Southern CT</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to welcome <a href="" target="_blank">Spectrum Sales</a> to our trusted team of authorized sales representatives. Spectrum Sales will provide superior service and technical support to Mini-Circuits customers in New York, northern New Jersey and southern Connecticut. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>December 27, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_122718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Partners with Virginia Diodes to Introduce Waveguide Bandpass Filters</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce our partnership with Virginia Diodes to introduce a new line of waveguide bandpass filters supporting millimeter wave applications up to 86 GHz. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>October 02, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_100218.html" target="_blank"><strong>Join Mini-Circuits at Cable-Tec Expo® 2018 </strong></a> Mini-Circuits is exhibiting its full line of products for CATV/Broadband applications at Booth #2134 at the SCTE•ISBE Cable-Tec Expo 2018, held at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, October 22-25, 2018. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more and register ></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>September 19, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_091918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Founding</strong></a> Today in 1968, Harvey Kaylie incorporated Mini-Circuits in the kitchen of his Brooklyn apartment. 50 years later, the company has become a global leader and premiere name in the RF/microwave industry. We thank all our customers, team members, industry partners, and friends for being part of our history.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 29, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to be a Silver Sponsor of EDI CON 2018</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to be a Silver Sponsor of the 2018 Electronic Design and Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, October 17-18, 2018. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more and register ></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 17, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_071718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits and Vayyar Team up to Offer Educational Project Kits for RF Engineers</strong></a> Mini-Circuits is pleased to announce a new partnership with 3D imaging sensor company, Vayyar Imaging, to offer project kits for students and university programs with a focus on electromagnetic theory and RF/microwave engineering. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 05, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_070518.html" target="_blank"><strong>Summer Savings on Class-A 100W Amplifiers, 50 to 250 MHz</strong></a> Take advantage of promotional pricing on power amplifier model ZHL-100W-251+ with savings of over 40% while supplies last. The amplifier provides 100W output power at saturation with 46 dB gain and &plusmn;0.7 dB flatness from 50 to 250 MHz, ideal for FM, VHF, and aircraft communication systems. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 19, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_061918.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting</strong></a> Join Mini-Circuits at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 10 – 12, 2018 in Boston, MA. Visit us at Booth #34 and check out our latest products up to 65 GHz and new university project kits! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>June 6, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_060618.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Mourns the Passing of Founder, Harvey Kaylie </strong></a>RF/microwave industry pioneer and Mini-Circuits Founder and CEO, Harvey Kaylie passed away peacefully on the morning of May 30th, 2018. His memory will inspire all whose lives he enriched to carry forward his passion, his values, and his vision for the future of the company and the greater good in the world. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 17, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041718.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Expands Product Line Coverage up to 65 GHz</strong></a>To give you more options and more capabilities for high-frequency applications, Mini-Circuits continues to expand our product line into the millimeter wave bands with a growing variety of RF products now extending up to 65 GHz! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 2, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040218.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Names Pipe-Thompson Technologies as Representative in Eastern Canada</strong></a>Mini-Circuits is pleased to welcome <a href="" target="_blank">Pipe-Thompson Technologies</a> to our trusted team of authorized sales representatives. Pipe-Thompson will provide superior service and technical support to Mini-Circuits customers in Eastern Canada. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 28, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032818.html" target="_blank"><strong> Mini-Circuits to Sponsor IEEE Long Island RF/Microwave Symposium &amp; Exhibits</strong></a>Mini-Circuits will be exhibiting at the <a href="" target="_blank">IEEE Long Island RF/Microwave Symposium </a> on April 5th in Hauppage, NY. The event is free for attendees who register in advance. Come see us at Table #22!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 22, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_032218.html" target="_blank"><strong> Mini-Circuits to Sponsor Brooklyn Cyclones for 2018 Season</strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to sponsor the Brooklyn Cyclones New York – Penn League baseball team for the 18th consecutive season as part of our ongoing commitment to community involvement.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 5, 2018</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030518.html" target="_blank"><strong> Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at SATELLITE 2018</strong></a>Join Mini-Circuits at the largest satellite technology event of the year, March 12 – 15, 2018 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Visit us at Booth 1335 and check out our latest products and technologies for SatCom applications!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>August 7, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_080717.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Components Now Available in Modular Drop-In Format from X-Microwave </strong></a>Partnership between Mini-Circuits and X-Microwave gives designers new capability to accelerate design cycles from concept to prototype to production stage with free online simulation tools and modular, drop-in building blocks for a wide selection of Mini-Circuits parts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 18, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_041817.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Extends Same-Day Shipping Cutoff to 3:00 PM ET </strong></a>As part of our ongoing commitment to support customers with fast delivery, Mini-Circuits has extended our cutoff time for same-day shipment from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 07, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_040717.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Achieves AS9100 Recertification to Revision D Standard </strong></a>Following an extensive recertification audit of our Quality Management System, Mini-Circuits' AS9100 certification has been upgraded to Revision D of the standard.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>March 06, 2017</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_030617.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Mini-Circuits Website Design Enhances Usability, Accessibility, and Convenience </strong></a>The fourth major redesign of since it launched in 1995 provides customers and visitors with a new level of usability, accessibility, and convenience. The site upgrade is part of Mini-Circuits' ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction.</td> <tr> <td>Dec. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_120516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Achieves Total Defect Rate Less than 3 DPPM for 3Q 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits is proud to announce that we have achieved a defect rate of less than 3 DPPM over millions of units shipped in the third quarter of 2016.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aug. 25, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_082516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Free Webinar: Specifying Flexible Building Blocks for Automated Production Test Systems </strong></a>Wednesday, September 7th, 11:00 AM EST on Presented by Lee Whiting, Applications Manager, Mini-Circuits.</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td>Aug. 15, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_081516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to Sponsor the University of South Florida�s WAMI Center for the 19th Consecutive Year </strong></a>Annual needs-based donation of components and hardware supports student projects and faculty research. Mini-Circuits is deeply committed to supporting academic institutions in cultivating the next generation of intellectual talent in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering.</td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_081516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits is Proud to Sponsor the University of South Florida�s WAMI Center for the 19th Consecutive Year </strong></a>Annual needs-based donation of components and hardware supports student projects and faculty research. Mini-Circuits is deeply committed to supporting academic institutions in cultivating the next generation of intellectual talent in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering.</td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 27, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_072716.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Technical Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a>Mini-Circuits has published a new technical article in Microwave Product Digest describing how our VAEQ-1220-75+ 75O voltage variable equalizer can be used to compensate for frequency-dependent cable loss and amplifier gain variations in CATV systems.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jul. 25, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_072516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes Block Diagrams Illustrating Popular Models in Common System Architectures </strong></a>Explore the new �Block Diagrams� page in the Applications section of our website to see recommended Mini-Circuits components in common system architectures from phased array transceivers to QAM modulators and many more. </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_072516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes Block Diagrams Illustrating Popular Models in Common System Architectures </strong></a>Explore the new �Block Diagrams� page in the Applications section of our website to see recommended Mini-Circuits components in common system architectures from phased array transceivers to QAM modulators and many more. </td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>May. 05, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_050516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Technical Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a> New technical article in Microwave Product Digest presents application circuits enabling 75O high-dynamic-range MMIC amplifier, PGA-122-75+ to be used in CATV upstream and downstream bandwidths. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 16, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031616.html" target="_blank"><strong>Free Webinar: RF and Microwave Filters </strong></a>Wednesday, March 23rd, 11:00 AM EST on Presented by Dr. Bob Froelich, Besser Associates and proudly sponsored by Mini-Circuits. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mar. 15, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_031516.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits Publishes New Article in Microwave Product Digest </strong></a>new technical article in Microwave Product Digest describing a heat sink design to increase power handling in surface mount components. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 19, 2016</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_021916.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits to Exhibit at SATELLITE 2016 </strong></a>Mini-Circuits will exhibit our selection of products supporting SatCom applications at the SATELLITE 2016 conference, held at the Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, MD, March 7-10, 2016. Get free exhibit hall access, and come see use at Booth #123! </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Feb. 01, 2016</td> <<<<<<< HEAD <td><a href="../about/NPR_020116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Compact Modular Test Systems Built Your Way � Specify Your Configuration Online! </strong></a>To give you more flexibility for your test setup, Mini-Circuits has expanded our popular line of modular test systems. The new RCM-series of compact modular test systems offers three customizable hardware windows in a lightweight, half-rack sized chassis. Specify your configuration online for a fast quote and very fast turnaround! </td> ======= <td><a href="../about/NPR_020116.html" target="_blank"><strong>New Compact Modular Test Systems Built Your Way � Specify Your Configuration Online! </strong></a>To give you more flexibility for your test setup, Mini-Circuits has expanded our popular line of modular test systems. The new RCM-series of compact modular test systems offers three customizable hardware windows in a lightweight, half-rack sized chassis. Specify your configuration online for a fast quote and very fast turnaround! </td> >>>>>>> master </tr> <tr> <td>Dec 28, 2015</td> <td><a href="../about/NPR_122815.html" target="_blank"><strong>Mini-Circuits President, Ted Heil Interviewed by Microwave Product Digest </strong></a>Microwave Product Digest recently interviewed Mini-Circuits President, Ted Heil on market conditions and applications to watch for the RF and Microwave industry in 2016. </td> </tr> --> </tbody></table></section> </div> <div class="news_evens_five"> <section class="news_evens_table news_tradeshow "><table><tbody> <tr> <td>Upcoming Events</td> <td>Booth #</td> <td> Location</td> <td>Dates</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank">EDICON Online</a></td> <td>N/A</td> <td><a href="" target="_blank"></a></td> <td>September 10-12, 2019</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank">European Microwave Exhibition (MWEU)</a></td> <td>2240</td> <td>Paris, France</td> <td>September 29 - October 3, 2019</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank">IEEE COMCAS</a></td> <td>1, 2, 3</td> <td>Tel Aviv, Israel</td> <td>November 4 -6, 2019</td> </tr> </tbody></table></section> </div> </section> </article></section></section> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("#news_evens_1").click(); 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