Bible and Mishneh Torah for All - Jews and Gentiles / Mechon Mamre
<!DOCTYPE HTML > <html lang="EN"> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content= "text/html; charset=utf-8"> <!--Copyright Mechon Mamre, 12 Hayyim Vital, Jerusalem--> <title>Bible and Mishneh Torah for All - Jews and Gentiles / Mechon Mamre</title> <link href=" Libre" rel="stylesheet"> <link href=" Sans" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mtr.css?38d5666e26" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mtr.js?5bbbf7f40c"></script> <link rel="icon" href="images/logo32.png"> </head> <body> <noscript> <p>This site requires Javascript in order to function properly.</p> <p class='h'>讗转专 讝讛 讚讜专砖 Javascript 讻讚讬 诇转驻拽讚 讻专讗讜讬.</p> </noscript> <script>toptable()</script> <p>In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God<br> --Genesis 21,33</p> <p><span class='h'>讘专讜讱 讚讬讬谉 讛讗诪转</span> -- Blessed is the True Judge</p> <p>With great sadness, we share the news of the <a href= 'shelomo.htm'>passing of our friend and teacher Shelomo ben Avraham</a>, the originator and principal contributor of Mechon Mamre. His kindness and deep knowledge of Rambam's Mishneh Torah inspired many students to follow in his path. He is sorely missed.</p> <h1 align="center">Mechon Mamre</h1> <p>Here you will find the Hebrew Bible (Tana"kh) and the RaMBaM's Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah): Together these give God's full guidance for both Jews and Gentiles in all times and places detailing what God expects us to do and not do. Through the study and observance of these two guides to Torah (God's instructions) we can all live richly rewarding lives and avoid painful errors. Both our online and offline Bible and Mishneh Torah texts have been carefully prepared, and they are as accurate as found in the very finest printed editions. (Additional materials are also provided, but they are not the heart of this site.)</p> <p><b>Note</b> about <a href='layout.htm'>the site format</a>: you can change font size, text width, and background color by clicking on the <img src='/img/icons/font-size.png'></img> menu at the top of any page. </p> <p><b>Online</b> resources for learning Torah:</p> <ul> <li>The Complete Hebrew Bible (Tanach) in five editions in <a href="i/t/t0.htm">Hebrew</a> (including one with <a href= "c/ct/c0.htm">cantillation marks</a>), <a href= "e/et/et0.htm">English</a> (JPS 1917), <a href= "p/pt/pt0.htm">parallel Hebrew and English</a> (voweled Hebrew and JPS English), and <a href="f/ft/ft0.htm">parallel Hebrew and French</a> (voweled Hebrew and Rabbinat French). The Torah in Aramaic (Targum Onqelos on the Five Books of Moses) <a href="i/t/u/u0.htm">with vowels</a> or <a href= "i/t/k/q/q0.htm">without vowels</a> as well as a <a href= "i/t/u/u0.htm">parallel Hebrew and Aramaic Torah</a> by weekly readings (parashiyot). <a href="c/ct/cp/cp0.htm">Tiqqun Qore'im</a> with letter only text of the Torah and Megillat Esther with vowels and cantillation marks appearing when the mouse is over words and disappearing when the mouse moves off of them.</li> <li>The RaMBaM's Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah) in editions in <a href="i/0.htm">Hebrew without vowels</a> and <a href="i/0n.htm">Hebrew with vowels</a>, and the beginning of it in <a href="e/index.htm">English</a> as well as in <a href="p/index.htm">parallel Hebrew and English</a></li> <li>Four major authoritative <a href="b/b0.htm">sources of the Oral Law</a> (Mishnah, Tosefta, Yerushalmi, and Bavli)</li> <li>An encyclopedia in English of <a href= "jewfaq/index.htm">Torah basics</a> (Torah 101)</li> <li>Search engines to find what you need in these resources in <a href="searchfh.htm">Hebrew</a> and in <a href= "search.htm">English</a>; you can easily enter Hebrew with <a href="searchgh.htm">vowels</a> or even <a href= "c/ct/c_search.htm">cantillation marks</a> for searching either our site or the whole Web with Google using our javascript "keyboards" and your mouse</li> <li> A <a href='zemanim.htm' target='_'><i>zemanim</i> calculator</a> of "halakhic times", for most cities on the planet. </li> <li>An excellent online edition of <a href='' target='_'>Moreh Hanevukhim</a> -- "The Guide for the Perplexed", in Hebrew with explanations</li> </ul> <p><b>Offline</b> resources for learning Torah:</p> <ul> <li>Our <a href="mtrpromo.htm">MTR</a> DOS-based program for the PC including Mishneh Torah, Bible, Targum Onqelos, Mishnah, Tosefta, Yerushalmi, and Bavli in Hebrew with its own search engine with Hebrew interface (or optional English interface)</li> <li>Our individual HTML Bibles in ZIP files in either <a href= "dlct.htm">Hebrew with cantillation marks</a>, <a href= "dlt.htm">Hebrew with vowels only</a>, <a href="dlx.htm">Hebrew without vowels - masoretic spelling</a>, <a href= "dlk.htm">Hebrew without vowels - full spelling</a>, or verse-by-verse parallel <a href="dlpt.htm">Hebrew and English</a>, or <a href="dlet.htm">English only</a></li> <li>Our HTML Mishneh Torah alone in a ZIP in <a href= "dli.htm">Hebrew</a> or our Mishneh Torah with links to a complete included Hebrew Bible in a larger ZIP in <a href= "dlit.htm">Hebrew</a></li> <li>Our HTML version of the four major authoritative sources of the Oral Law (Mishnah, Tosefta, Yerushalmi, and Bavli) in a single ZIP in <a href="dlb.htm">Hebrew</a></li> <li>Our Bibles and Mishneh Torah for the <a href= "ppcmtr.htm">Pocket PC</a></li> <li>Our Bibles in either <a href="pdbtnk.htm">Hebrew</a> or <a href="pdbjps.htm">English</a> and Mishneh Torah in <a href= "pdbmtr.htm">Hebrew</a> for the Palm Pilot</li> <li>Our Torah 101 encyclopedia of basic information about Torah observance, Jewish practices, holidays, people, and beliefs in a single ZIP in <a href="dl101.htm">English</a></li> </ul> <p><b>Other language</b> resources based on our text:</p> <ul> <li><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Hebrew-Spanish Bible</A></li> <li><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Hebrew-Portuguese Bible</A></li> <li><A HREF="../../f/ft/ft0.htm">Hebrew-French Bible</A></li> </ul> </p> <p><b>Please note:</b> we do not have, nor do we plan to have, a printed version of the materials on this site!</p> <p>We are developing additional online and offline resources for learning Torah. Although all material on our site is copyrighted freeware, we do hope you will make a <a href= "donation.htm" title= "Make a Donation to Support Our Site">donation</a>, if you can.</p> <p>Since most of the content of this site is available in ZIPs, we ask that you not use a robot to download this whole site: it is not only unnecessary, but costs us needless outlays for the added load on our server, makes the server slower for others who are online, and it would take years to read the whole site even for speed readers.</p> <p> We try to answer all real mail within a day or two. The hundreds of letters we get each month have helped us improve the site greatly, and we thank you for your on-going help: God bless you all!</p> <p>Please note that <b>we speak and write only Hebrew and English</b>. Email which contains attached programs is rejected by our server; if you send spam (including proselytizing), you will be blocked. We can also be reached by regular mail at Mechon Mamre, 12 Hayyim Vital St., Jerusalem, ISRAEL 95470 </p> <script>copy('8 March 2023')</script> </body> </html>