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lang="EN">Campus Progress: Current Projects</span></a></h2><p><span lang="EN">Current projects&nbsp;are either currently under environmental review, approved and in final design, or under construction:</span></p><layout-columns columns="3"><div slot="column1"><h3 class="text-align-center heading--auxiliary">Davis Campus</h3><ul class="list--arrow"><li><a href="#Agricultural%20Innovation%20Center%20(AIC)%20Project"><span>Agricultural I</span>nnovation Center (AIC)</a></li><li><a href="#ARS%20Reserach%20Unit"><span>Agricultural Research Services (ARS) Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research Unit</span></a></li><li><a href="#Athletic%20Practice%20Field">Athletic Practice Field Project</a></li><li><a href="#Baseball%20Lights">Baseball and Soccer Fields Lighting</a></li><li><a href="#Campus%20Demolition%20Group%203">Campus Demolition Program Group 3</a></li><li><a href="#Campus%20Demo%204/5">Campus Demolition Program Group 4</a></li><li><a href="#Campus%20Demolition">Campus Demolition Program Phase I</a></li><li><a href="#Chem%20Addition">Chemistry Addition and 1st Floor Renovation</a></li><li><a href="#Chemistry%20Alterations%201">Chemistry Alterations 1</a></li><li><a href="#Chemistry%20Annex">Chemistry Annex Seismic 2</a></li><li><a href="#CNPRC%20Central%20Plant">CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements</a></li><li><a href="#Lifespan%20Health">CNPRC Lifespan Health Center Project</a></li><li><a href="#Core%202"><span lang="EN">Core 2 Greenhouse Project</span></a></li><li><a href="#Electrical%20Switchstation%20S3">Electrical Improvements: Electrical Switchstation S3&nbsp;</a></li><li><a href="#Emerson%20Hall%20Replacement"><span lang="EN">Emerson Hall Redevelopment</span></a></li><li><a href="#ESDC">Engineering Student Design Center at Bainer Hall</a></li><li><a href="#Equine%20Performance%20and%20Rehabilitation%20Center">Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center</a></li><li><a href="#FPS%20Greenhouse">Foundation Plant Services Greenhouses</a></li><li><a href="#Hutchison%20Quad">Hot Water Quad Loop and Hutchison</a></li><li><a href="#Hot%20Water%20Phase%202">Hot Water Phase 2 - Sprocket District</a></li><li><a href="#Hutch%20SR%20113">Hutchinson Drive - SR 113 Interchange Improvement Project</a></li><li><a href="#LEHR"><span>LEHR Superfund Site Soil and Solid Waste Remedy</span></a></li><li><a href="#6%20Seismic%20Improvements">The Mann Laboratory, Jungerman Hall, Sprocket Building, Voorhies Hall, Young Hall, and Social Sciences and Humanities Building Seismic Improvements Project</a></li><li><a href="#Nishikawa%20Putah%20Creek%20Realignment%20Project">Nishikawa Putah Creek Realignment Project</a></li><li><a href="#Orchard%20Park">Orchard Park Graduate Student Housing and Family Student Housing Project</a></li><li><a href="#Orchard%20Sewer">Orchard Park Sewer Main Project</a></li><li><a href="#Russell%20Lights">Russell Field Sports Lighting</a></li><li><a href="#Solano%20Park%20Demo">Solano Park Demolition Project</a></li><li><a href="#Solano%20WTP">Solano Water Treatment Plant</a></li><li><a href="#Student%20Athlete%20Performance%20Center">Student Athlete Performance Center at Aggie Stadium</a></li><li><a href="#South%20Campus%20Storage%20Buildings">South Campus Storage Buildings</a></li><li><a href="#Segundo%20Infill%20Student%20Housing"><span lang="EN">Segundo Infill Student Housing Project</span></a></li><li><a href="#TLC%20New"><span lang="EN">Teaching and Learning Complex Classroom Building Project</span></a></li><li><a href="#Davis%20Easement%20I80">Temporary Easement for the&nbsp;Interstate 80 &amp; Richards Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project</a></li><li><a href="#Tercero%20Dining%20Commons%202"><span lang="EN">Tercero Dining Commons 2</span></a></li><li><a href="#Thermal%20Energy%20Storage%20Project"><span lang="EN-US">Thermal Energy Storage Project</span></a></li><li><a href="#Davis%20Campus%20Clinic">UC Davis Health - Davis Campus Clinic</a></li><li><a href="#USDA">USDA Sustainable Agriculture Water Systems Research Unit - Phase II</a></li><li><a href="#Vet%20Med%20Center%20Vision"><span lang="EN">Veterinary Medicine Center Vision Project</span></a></li><li><a href="#West%20Village%20Connectivity">West Village Housing Expansion Connectivity Improvements</a></li><li><a href="#Bee">West Village Open Space Improvements and 2018 LRDP Amendment to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee</a></li></ul></div><div slot="column2"><h3 class="text-align-center heading--auxiliary">Sacramento Campus</h3><ul class="list--arrow"><li><a href="#Aggie%20Square%20Phase%201">Aggie Square Phase I</a></li><li><a href="#ACC%20Expansion%20with%20Eye%20Center"><span>Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center</span></a></li><li><a href="#ACC%20Net%20V2">Ambulatory Care Center Net V2 Upgrade</a></li><li><a href="#California%20Hospital%20Tower">California Hospital Tower</a></li><li><a href="#CUP%20Expansion%20Project">Central Utility Plant Expansion Project</a></li><li><a href="#C%20Street%20Reno"><span>C Street Cannery Infusion and Interventional Psychiatry Renovation</span></a></li><li><a href="#Folsom%20MOB">Folsom Center for Health and Medical Office Building</a></li><li><a href="#Radiology%20Suite"><span>Main Hospital Interventional Radiology Suite Upgrade</span></a></li><li><a href="#Med%20OR">Medical Campus Operating Room (OR) Integration Modernization Project</a></li><li><a href="#PS4">Parking Structure 4</a></li><li><a href="#PS5">Parking Structure 5</a></li><li><a href="#Parking%20Structure%207">Parking Structure 7</a></li><li><a href="#SASC">Sacramento Ambulatory Surgery Center</a> (48X)</li><li><a href="#Davis%20Tower%20Pharm">Sacramento Hospital Davis Tower Pharmacy Remodel</a></li><li><a href="#Sac%20Hopital%20Seismic%20Demo"><span lang="EN">Sacramento Hospital Seismic Demolition and Office Replacement</span></a></li><li><a href="#SESP%20CT"><span>SESP CT Scanner Installation and Space Reconfiguration</span></a></li><li><a href="#SESP%2024%20Beds"><span>SESP First Floor Observation Beds Renovation</span></a></li></ul></div><div slot="column3"><h3 class="heading--auxiliary"><em><strong>Off-Campus Locations</strong></em></h3><ul class="list--arrow"><li><a href="#South%20Coast%20Engagement%20Center">UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center</a></li></ul></div></layout-columns><p><em><span lang="EN">Project summaries, review and approval timelines, and links to published environmental documents are presented below. Future dates presented below are subject to revision.</span></em></p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Thermal Energy Storage Project">Thermal Energy Storage Project</a></h3><p><span lang="EN-GB">The Thermal Energy Storage Project would include installation&nbsp;of solar thermal panels, industrial equipment, utility connections, and modification of an existing concrete agricultural water reservoir, as&nbsp;</span><span>shown in the site plan in Figure 3-3 and described in further detail below. Thermal energy storage involves storing excess energy, typically surplus energy from renewable sources, or waste heat – to be used later for heating, cooling, or power generation.&nbsp;Materials, including liquids such as water, can store thermal energy. Specifically, the Thermal Energy Storage Project would use solar panels to capture solar energy and transmit the energy into the water contained within the repurposed agricultural reservoir, where it would be stored to be used during non-sunshine hours. This project will be integrated with the local distribution grid and through the UC Davis grid.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (Pending)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Thermal Energy Storage Project Addendum November 2024 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Thermal Energy Storage Project CEQA Findings (PDF)</a></li><li>Thermal Energy Storage Project Notice of Determination (Pending)&nbsp;</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Radiology Suite"></a><span>Main Hospital Interventional Radiology Suite Upgrade</span></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to decommission three existing radiology scanners located in Rooms 1623, 1625, and 1627 on the 1st floor of the Main Hospital. The project will replace the equipment with new imaging units and renovate the exam rooms. As part of the renovation, approximately 5,000 gross square feet of patient exam rooms and a portion of the staff corridors will be updated with new electrical systems, network cables, lighting and interior finishes.</p><p>This project will renovate existing interior space with no expansion of existing use. This project qualifies as categorically exempt under Exemption Class 1 of the Guidelines for the Implementation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).</p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Campus Demo 4/5">Campus Demolition Program Group 4</a></h3><p><span>The Project proposes the demolition of seven aging and deteriorating buildings in the central campus, located in the Haring Hall courtyard (Group 4). The structures would be demolished and removed, and the sites would be stabilized. Group 4 includes demolition of 20,325 sf of building space. All structures in Group 4 are currently vacant and not in use. There are no immediate plans for redevelopment of this area. The Haring Hall courtyard may be used as a staging area for other campus projects, such as the Hot Water Phase 2 Project. Upon completion of demolition and debris removal, the site would be finish graded to ensure positive drainage and proper slope to drains. Finish grade would be flush with adjacent grades, and mulch would be applied to the sites. The structures in Group 4 include Vet Med Animal Lab B, Lab Animal Building C and C2A, Animal Building, Vet Med Animal Lab D, Vet Med Beach Lab, Vet Med Lab Animal A and Vet Med Central Services Trailer. The Addendum below also discusses Group 5 and TB 126, which will be approved at a later date.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (October 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Campus Demolition Project Group 4/5 Addendum October 2024 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Campus Demolition Project Group 4/5 CEQA Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Campus Demolition Project Group 4 Notice of Determination (PDF)&nbsp;</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Bee">Amendment to the 2018 LRDP to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee and the West Village Open Space Improvements Project</a></h3><p><span>UC Davis proposes to amend the 2018 LRDP to address potential impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee (</span><em><span>Bombus crotchii</span></em><span>), which was designated as a candidate for listing as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) by the California Fish and Game Commission in September, 2022. In addition, UC Davis proposes the West Village Open Space Improvements Project that would construct a new open space and agriculture buffer around the West Village Student Housing Neighborhood at UC Davis. The Project will create an agricultural buffer and open space areas vegetated with approximately 15 acres new native plantings and storm water basins on the northern, eastern and southern edges of the West Village Neighborhood.</span></p><p><span>Please refer to the </span><a href=""><span>2018 LRDP Amendment and </span>West Village Open Space Project Website</a><a href> </a>for more information.&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span>Notice of Intent and </span>IS/MND available for Public Review - August 9, 2024</a></li><li>Public Review Comment Period - August 9 - September 9, 2024</li><li><a href="">Final IS/MND, Response to Comments and Findings</a> - November 1, 2024</li><li><span>University Review &amp; Decision – Tentative UC Davis Approval in November 2024</span></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="South Coast Engagement Center">UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center Project</a></h3><p><span>UC Davis assists the&nbsp;University of California (University), Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) on their CEQA compliance for various projects throughout the State.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span>UC ANR South Coast Research and Extension Center (South Coast REC) is proposing to construct a new Engagement Center at the southeast corner of the South Coast REC to support existing programming. The construction of a new Engagement Center would also include a new access point at Modjeska and Still Night and internal roadway improvements to facilitate ingress/egress to the proposed development and through the South Coast REC.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span>Please refer to the </span><a href="">UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center Project Website</a> for more information.&nbsp;</p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Segundo Infill Student Housing">Segundo Infill Student Housing Project</a></h3><p><span>The Segundo Infill Project proposes to construct and operate an approximately 116,000 gross-square-foot residential hall that would provide 206 rooms within the Segundo Neighborhood of the UC Davis central campus. The project site would be on the existing Parking Lots 16 and 22. The program intends to house 60% as double-occupancy and 40% as triple occupancy for a total of 494 beds. The units are designed to support tripling to accommodate fluctuations in enrollment and student demand. The project includes infrastructure improvement for utilities, bike parking, pathways, and outdoor student spaces. The project will be served by the Segundo Dining Commons and other student serving amenities available in the neighborhood. The project is anticipated to be completed by November 2027.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (July 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Segundo Infill Student Housing Addendum June 2024 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Segundo Infill Student Housing CEQA Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Segundo Infill Student Housing Notice of Determination (PDF)&nbsp;</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Med OR"></a><span>Medical Campus Operating Room (OR) Integration Modernization Project</span></h3><p>UC Davis Health’s proposed Medical Campus OR Integration Modernization project renovates and provides upgrades to 83,000-gross-square-feet of existing space in the Surgery and Emergency Services Pavilion (SESP) that would include: (1) replacing end-of-life operating room equipment in 24 rooms; (2) renovating the pre-operative and post-operative spaces and waiting room that are critical to the operations of the unit; (3) providing technology upgrades to improve network infrastructure and wireless capability; and (4) improving critical infrastructure and electrical upgrades. No exterior work is proposed.</p><p><br>This project will renovate existing interior space with no expansion of existing use. This project qualifies as categorically exempt under Exemption Class 1 of the Guidelines for the Implementation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).</p><p><a href="">Notice of Exemption - May 17, 2024</a></p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center">Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center (EPRC) Project</a></h3><p><span>The EPRC Project would be an advanced hub for maintaining the health and fitness of performance and recreational horses. This new facility will consist of two new rehabilitation facilities, offering various services to serve patients of the VMTC and CEH, as well as private clients. The rehab facilities include an approximately 3,000 square foot treadmill pavilion to cover advanced equipment including an equine underwater treadmill, drying bay, and a vibration therapy plate and an approximately 2,000 square foot canopy for an open-air equiciser, a corral with horse walking equipment.&nbsp;A 1,250-square-foot open teaching pavilion is also proposed, which will allow for a formal space for classes and demonstrations. The project will also include some site improvements to the parking lot and the development of horse trailer driveway and parking. These facilities will provide the necessary support to develop an advanced training veterinary residency program in Equine Sports Medicine at UC Davis. Developing the EPRC is currently a top priority for the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine with the goal to institute a preventive approach to maintain equine health and performance.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (June 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">EPRC Addendum March 27, 2023 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">EPRC CEQA Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">EPRC Notice of Determination (PDF)&nbsp;</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Baseball Lights">Baseball and Soccer Fields Lighting</a></h3><p><span>The Baseball and Soccer Fields Lighting Project will install new permanent sports field lighting at the Dobbins Baseball Stadium and the Aggie Soccer Field. Dobbins Baseball Stadium will install eight new LED field lights approximately 100 feet in height, associated utility improvements, a new video scoreboard, and a replacement sound amplification system mounted on the new field lighting poles. Aggie Soccer Field will install four new LED field lights approximately 80 feet in height, associated utility improvements, and a permanent noise amplification system. The Dobbins Baseball Stadium and the Aggie Soccer Field are located adjacent to each other within the UC Davis Campus. These improvements will provide greater flexibility of use at both sports fields and allow for use of the Dobbins Baseball Stadium by a minor league baseball team. </span>The project is anticipated to complete construction by May 2025.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Review (March 2024)</li><li>University Approval - Real Estate Agreement (May 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Dobbins Baseball Stadium and Aggie Soccer Field Improvements Addendum March 2024 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Dobbins Baseball Stadium and Aggie Soccer Field Improvements CEQA Findings &nbsp;(PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Dobbins Baseball Stadium and Aggie Soccer Field Improvements - Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Real Estate Agreement - Oakland Ballers Baseball Club License Agreement Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Real Estate Agreement - Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Russell Lights">Russell Field Sport Lighting</a></h3><p><span>The Russell Field Sport Lighting Project will install lighting around the Russell Field located at the north edge of Campus along Russell Boulevard. The project will construct 10 new LED sport field lights around the </span>perimeter of Russell Field, spaced approximately every 200 feet. The lights will be mounted on poles that will be 90 to 100 feet feet tall. The LED field lights would be shielded and directed downward toward the field to cutoff light spill on adjacent land uses in the City of Davis. In addition, the project will create a new bike parking area on the southwest corner of Russell Field near Parking Lot 15, and install utility (electrical and irrigation) upgrades within Russell Field. The project is anticipated to complete construction by September 2024.</p><p><a class="btn--primary view-all" href="/russell-field-lighting-update">Learn more about this project</a></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (anticipated April 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Russell Field Sports Lighting Addendum February 2024 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Russell Field Sports Lighting CEQA Findings &nbsp;(PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="SESP 24 Beds"></a><span>Surgery and Emergency Service Pavilion (SESP) First Floor Observation Beds Renovation</span></h3><p>This project will renovate the cashier and admission offices within the SESP to create space for 24 new observational beds. The project will renovate approximately 8,500 sf of existing space. The retail pharmacy, admitting and financial clearance spaces will be renovated to install 24 observation beds, which include upgrades to utility systems and interior finishes and installation of equipment, doors, and associated glazing. The cashier and admission offices will be relocated to newly constructed interior spaces within the existing hospital.</p><p><br>This project will renovate existing interior space with no expansion of existing use. This project qualifies as categorically exempt under Exemption Class 1 of the Guidelines for the Implementation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).</p><p><a href="">Notice of Exemption - April 4, 2024</a></p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="SESP CT"></a><span>Surgery and Emergency Service Pavilion (SESP) CT Scanner Installation and Space Reconfiguration</span></h3><p>This project decommissions an existing Siemens CT scanner unit serving Room 1P742 in the Surgery and Emergency Services Pavilion and replaces with a new GE scanner. This project will also reconfigure existing departmental space to create a new Room 1P745 with space for a 3rd GE scanner to accommodate growing clinical needs. The current unit is beyond its useful rate life and at risk for malfunction.</p><p><br>This project will renovate existing interior space with no expansion of existing use. This project qualifies as categorically exempt under Exemption Class 1 of the Guidelines for the Implementation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).</p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Electrical Switchstation S3">Electrical Improvements: Electrical Switchstation S3 Project</a></h3><p><span>UC Davis proposes to construct the Electrical S3 Switch Station, a project that is intended to improve the resiliency, reliability and safety for the Core Campus and Mondavi District medium voltage electrical distribution system. The project would construct a new 4,300 SF switch station (named S3) and associated infrastructure of duct banks and electrical feeders would provide full redundancy to the core campus and the Mondavi district. The scope of work includes construction of double-ended switchgear, which would be installed west of the Mondavi Center. New medium voltage (12 KV) bulk feeders are to be installed from the main substation in existing and new duct banks to the new on-campus S3 Switch Station. Approximately 5,000 linear feet of existing duct bank will be utilized and approximately 2,700 linear feet of new duct bank installed along with associated trenching and road repairs, new bulk feeders to be installed in a new concrete-encased duct bank along Crocker Lane and north to Hutchison Drive.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (November 2023)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span>Electrical Switchstation S3 Switch Station</span> Notice of Exemption (PDF)&nbsp;</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Agricultural Innovation Center (AIC) Project">Agricultural Innovation Center (AIC) Project</a></h3><p><span>The AIC Project will be a multidisciplinary teaching and research facility for innovative agricultural research programs that are not currently co-located in other College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences facilities. The Project would include the construction and operation of a new approximately 34,400 gross square foot (GSF) two-story academic and research building on an approximately 19,000 SF footprint to the southwest of Extension Center Drive and northwest of Hutchison Drive. The AIC building would support a recently added major, Agriculture and Environmental Technology, as well as student success programs, such as the Wonderful Scholars Program. &nbsp;The building would include various types of laboratory space, general and computer classroom/meeting space, and support and office space to facilitate teaching and research programs. The project will also include transportation improvments to Hutchison Drive, Extension Center Driver, parking lot 30, and the bicycle and pedestrian network surrounding the site. &nbsp;In order to prepare the site for the development of the AIC building, removal of the existing 37-year-old 4023 GSF modular building will be necessary.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (February 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">AIC Addendum November 2023 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">AIC CEQA Findings &nbsp;(PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">AIC Notice of Determination (PDF)&nbsp;</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="LEHR">Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research (LEHR) Superfund Site Soil and Solid Waste Remedy</a></h3><p>The University is bound under a Federal Administrative Order on Consent (Remedial Design/Remedial Action Consent Decree, Case No. 18-1536, September 2016) to complete specific clean-up and land management activities at the LEHR site. The LEHR site includes roughly 25 acres and is located south of the main UC Davis campus in Solano County. The proposed LEHR Remediation project will comply with US Environmental Protection Agency requirements to reduce or eliminate the risks posed by chemical and radiological constituents to the surrounding soils, and groundwater. The scope of work includes excavation of contaminated soils, demolition of 10 structures, installation of a multi-layer capping system, construction of multiple retention basins, swales, and ditches, and installation of a long-term groundwater monitoring and maintenance systems.&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval - <em>Pending</em></li></ul><p><em>As a non-discretionary action, the Project is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).</em></p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Parking Structure 7">Parking Structure 7 Project</a></h3><p><span>The UC Davis Health Parking Structure 7 (PS7) project includes a parking structure located on an existing greenfield and partially on an existing surface parking lot, east of the M.I.N.D. Institute at the Sacramento Campus.&nbsp; The PS7 Project would construct an approximately 380,590 gsf parking structure that is a tiered structure with 4 stories on the eastern side of the building facing to the residential homes and 5 stories tall on the western side of the building facing campus. This is inclusive of a roof top parking level. PS7 would provide approximately 1,259 parking stalls and would primarily serve employees. The existing surface parking lot #25 would be redesigned and restriped.&nbsp;PS7 has been designed to create a cohesive structure that incorporates the campus’s needs while addressing the neighborhood’s concerns, including the use of screen walls and louvers that provide privacy and light screening to the adjacent residents and additional landscape.&nbsp;Vehicle and pedestrian access to PS7 would be from the west at 50th Street. The entrance to PS7 would include a driveway, additional surface parking and two seating plazas with benches and vegetation. A campus shuttle stop would be provided on 50th Street.&nbsp;The Long Range Development Plan designates a portion of the project site as </span><em><span>Parking Structure; </span></em><span>therefore this project proposes a land use amendment to increase the size of the </span><em><span>Parking Structure</span></em><span> land use designation to accommodate parking needs on campus.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (September 2023)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Parking Structure 7 Addendum August 2023 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Parking Structure 7 CEQA Findings - Land Use Amendment (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Parking Structure 7 CEQA Findings - Parking Structure 7&nbsp;(PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Land Use Amendment Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Parking Structure 7 Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li></ul><p><strong>Community Outreach Efforts:</strong></p><p>UC Davis Health has been hosting a series of community meetings to discuss PS7 and receive feedback from the surrounding community. Visit the <a href="">Community Outreach</a> webpage for more information.&nbsp;</p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Hot Water Phase 2">Hot Water Phase 2 Conversion - Sprocket District and TES Recovery</a></h3><p><span>UC Davis is planning the next phase replace the old and inefficient campus steam distribution system with a new energy-efficient hot water system for heating. This phase&nbsp;consists of four major components to&nbsp;</span>support the conversion to hot water heating<span>: (1) new underground hot water supply and return pipelines, (2) mechanical upgrades within buildings to support the conversion to hot water heating, (3) demolition of former wastewater treatment plant facilities, and (4) construction of a new Thermal Energy Storage (TES) plant that includes a new TES tank, pumphouse, and electrical substation.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review&nbsp; - Summer 2023</li><li>University approval of Distribution and Building Conversion elements -&nbsp;September 2024</li><li>University approval of Thermal Energy Storage Tank - <em>anticipated November 2024</em></li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Hot Water Phase 2 Conversion Addendum September 2023 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Hot Water Phase 2 Conversion Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Hot Water Sprocket District Distribution and Building Conversion Notice of Determination&nbsp;(PDF)</a></li><li><em>Hot Water Phase 2 Thermal Energy Storage Tank Notice of Determination- pending</em></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="C Street Reno">C Street Cannery Infusion and Interventional Psychiatry Renovation</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes the C Street Cannery Infusion and Interventional Psychiatry Renovation project. The project will renovate interior space at the C Street Cannery Business Park to create space for UC Davis Health outpatient infusion services and the Interventional Psychiatry department. This project will renovate approximately 21,000 square feet of interior space to construct an infusion space, a pharmacy compounding space, administrative space and an interventional psychiatry space. The medical offices at the C Street Cannery Business Park are leased facilities in the City of Sacramento and is not part of a Campus LRDP.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval - August 31, 2023</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Notice of Exemption (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Nishikawa Putah Creek Realignment Project">Nishikawa Putah Creek Realignment Project</a></h3><p>Solano County Water Agency (SCWA) proposes to complete channel restoration involving recontouring and realignment along a 0.5-mile section of Putah Creek, upstream of the Pedrick Road Bridge near Davis, California in Yolo and Solano counties. The Project is part of a series of restoration activities intended to restore Putah Creek to a more natural condition that is self-maintaining and supports native plant and animal species. The Project will construct a narrow design channel in a more central, meandering form to create 0.5-mile of nearly continuous salmon spawning habitat across a gravel-rich floodplain. The project design includes grading of 11 acres to floodplain elevation and construction of 15 riffles and several rock vanes. &nbsp;The University’s approval in association with the Project is limited to the granting of a temporary access license to allow for access to Putah Creek adjacent to University-owned property and to provide a staging area for construction of the Project.</p><p>UC Davis will act as a responsible agency pursuant to the CEQA guidelines.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval - July 7, 2023</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Nishikawa Putah Creek Realignment Project&nbsp;Responsible Agency Findings</a></li><li><a href="">Nishikawa Putah Creek Realignment Project&nbsp;Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="CUP Expansion Project">Central Utility Plant Expansion Project</a></h3><p>The University of California–Davis (UC Davis) proposes to expand the Central Utility Plant (CUP) at the UC Davis Sacramento Campus (Campus). The CUP Expansion Project involves demolishing a portion of the Facility Support Services Building (FSSB) and construction of the new CUP annex building. The project also involves construction of a new 40 megavolt amperes (MVA) electrical yard and new feed from the SMUD East City Substation, changes to Parking Structure 6 access, and a minor land use amendment to the 2020 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) Update.</p><p>The CUP Expansion will also address code-required upgrades and utility requirements for the Hospital and other future projects. These upgrades include fire protection upgrades to the bracing of the fire sprinkler system. Additionally, new water and sewer storage tanks are required for CUP operations to be maintained in the event of a significant water and sewage outage. The current footprint of the CUP is not sufficient to accommodate the needed storage improvements to meet these code requirements. The proposed expansion would provide the necessary space and install the required tanks.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Distribute Notice of Preparation – May 23, 2023</li><li>Publication of Draft EIR – Late Summer/Early Fall 2023</li><li>Public Review of Draft EIR – September 21 to November 6, 2023</li><li>Public Hearing on Draft EIR – October 4, 2023 at 5:30pm</li><li>Final EIR Publication - Winter 2023</li><li>University Review &amp; Decision – November 2024</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Notice of Availability</a></li><li><a href="">Notice of Preparation</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a href="">UC&nbsp;Davis&nbsp;Sacramento Campus Central Utility Plant Expansion Final EIR Findings</a></li><li><a href="" data-entity-uuid="eb37c5f5-8293-4ef3-b15a-ffbcac72fd76" data-entity-type="file">UC&nbsp;Davis&nbsp;Sacramento Campus Central Utility Plant Expansion Final EIR Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li><li><a href="">CUP Expansion - Construction, Operation and SMUD&nbsp;Project Findings</a></li><li><a href="">CUP Expansion - Construction, Operation and SMUD&nbsp;Project Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li><li>CUP Expansion Project Website Link:<strong> </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>&nbsp;</strong></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Solano WTP">Solano Water Treatment Plant</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes the Solano Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) project, which would construct a new fresh water treatment plant along Hopkins Road to utilize UC Davis’ existing water allocation from Putah Creek. The project includes an approximately 4-acre fresh water treatment plant, new administrative offices and operations center, upgrades to the existing Putah Creek pump station, approximately 5,000 linear feet of fresh water and treated water pipelines, site stormwater drainage, adjacent landscaping, road connections, sanitary sewer connections, lighting and safety elements.</p><p><br>The proposed water treatment plant footprint is within the designated 2018 LRDP Academic &amp; Administrative land use. As part of this project, a minor land use amendment of 4 acres will be requested to re-designate the land use as Campus Utilities, which is the appropriate land use for the Water Treatment Plant facilities. Some Project elements, such as installation of new underground piping, will cross through other land use designations, which is allowable for utility infrastructure under the 2018 LRDP.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Approval of Land Use Amendment - <em>January 2024</em></li><li>University Approval - <em>January 2024</em></li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Solano Water Treatment Plant Addendum March 2023 (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Solano Water Treatment Plant CEQA Findings - Land Use Amendment (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Solano Water Treatment Plant CEQA Findings - Water Treatment Plant (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Notice of Determination - Solano Water Treatment Plant and Land Use Amendment #1 (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Davis Easement I80">Temporary Easement for the Interstate 80/Richards Boulevard Interchange Improvement Project</a></h3><p><span>The City is Davis is asking UC Davis for a temporary construction easement to allow for the construction of their Interstate 80 &amp; Richards Boulevard Interchange Improvement Project. The easement would allow the City access to approximately 5,200 square feet of land at 1441 and 1333 Research Drive, Davis, CA 95616 for 24 months. The project proposes to reconstruct the west bound ramps at the Interstate 80 (I-80)/Richards Boulevard interchange in the City of Davis by converting from a cloverleaf to a tight diamond configuration, construct a grade-separated bicycle and pedestrian path along the west side of Richards Boulevard, and make other related improvement to relieve existing congestion at the interchange to accommodate increased traffic demand generated by approved and/or proposed development in the project area and to reduce conflicts between bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicles. &nbsp;</span></p><p><span>UC Davis will act as a responsible agency pursuant to the CEQA guidelines.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (March 2023)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/DV_Richards%20Easement%20RA%20Findings.pdf" data-entity-uuid="01002b9e-1fb1-4b15-ae0d-c9c79c69f87d" data-entity-type="file">Temporary Easement for the Interstate 80/Richards Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project Responsible Agency Findings</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/DV_Temp%20Easement%20Richards_RA%20NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="8e5e96f1-0cbe-406c-a39c-2078658db72d" data-entity-type="file">Temporary Easement for the Interstate 80/Richards Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="South Campus Storage Buildings">South Campus Storage Buildings</a></h3><p>UC Davis plans to construct two buildings to provide storage space for the Center for Health and Environment and the Wildlife Health Center. The Center for Health and Environment storage building will provide cage preparation and storage in approximately 1,400 square feet. The Wildlife Health Center storage building is approximately 800 square feet and includes a restroom. Due to the utilitarian use of the buildings, there is minimal infrastructure and site work included in the project. These two structures will replace 10 buildings being demolished at the LEHR site. The total square feet of the structures being removed will be approximately 12,000 gsf.</p><p>As a small structure and building replacement project, this project is categorically exempt from CEQA.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (August 2022)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="FPS Greenhouse">Foundation Plant Services (FPS) Greenhouses</a></h3><p>In August 2022, the University approved the first 14,000 square foot greenhouse with site improvements, including domestic water, industrial water, fertilizer water, storm drain and sanitary sewer connections; fire lane and new hydrant; site concrete, lighting, safety items, and path of travel improvements. Construction was complete in early 2024.</p><p>The University is now proposing to build the second greenhouse. The second greenhouse is proposed to built in 2024 and be a screenhouse instead of a greenhouse. The proposed screenhouse will be approximately the same size and in the same location as the previously reviewed second greenhouse. <span>The proposed screenhouse will be 11,700 square feet and built with polycarbonate vestibules and thrip-screened exterior. Gravel walkways will be installed around the screenhouse.&nbsp;</span>Utility connections &nbsp;previously built during the construction of the first greenhouse.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (1st Greenhouse) - August 12, 2022</li><li>University Approval (2nd Greenhouse) - May 2024</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Foundation Plant Services Greenhouses Project Addendum (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Foundation Plant Services Greenhouses Project Findings (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">Foundation Plant Services Greenhouses Project Addendum Notice of Determination (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="">FPS Screenhouse Findings (PDF)</a></li><li>FPS Screenhouse NOD (<em>pending</em>)</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Chemistry Alterations 1">Chemistry Alterations 1</a></h3><p><span>The Chemistry Alterations 1 project is a component of the larger Chemistry Addition and Renovation Vision program. The project renovates approximately 5,500 gross square feet of the Chemistry Building to accommodate a new receiving and store room for Supply Change Management, consolidates and relocates the existing Machine Shop, and creates a new hallway to Chemistry that aligns with the exterior doors in Chemistry Annex. The project also finishes the two-story atrium shelled space from the Chemistry Annex Seismic project.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review - May 2022</li><li>University Approval - June 2022</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/BainerChem_Addendum_final_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="fe693eea-3b4a-4321-8cfd-82afcb3f49f8" data-entity-type="file">Addendum February 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Bainer.Chem_Elmts_ChemAlterations1_Addendum_Findings_June2022.pdf" data-entity-uuid="a34c5d42-49d0-4a55-be0f-015e3ceed96e" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Alterations 1 Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Chem_Alt1_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="bd6d2186-7c7a-4848-b017-06e00b48b14e" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Alterations NOD</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Solano Park Demo">Solano Park Demolition Project</a></h3><p><span>Solano Park is a housing development, built in 1962 that consists of 26 two-and three-story multi-unit apartment buildings, a community center, and ancillary buildings for mail, laundry, storage, and maintenance. The Project would involve demolition of the UC Davis Solano Park Student Housing Development, including the removal of all existing buildings, removal or modification of surface and subsurface infrastructure, and the establishment of a management plan for the site after the demolition activities. Future development of the site is not currently proposed.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Distribute Notice of Preparation – June&nbsp;10, 2022</li><li>Scoping Meeting – June 27, 2022</li><li>Publication of Draft SEIR – December&nbsp;21, 2022</li><li>Public Review of Draft SEIR – December 21, 2022&nbsp;to February 10, 2023</li><li>Public Hearing on Draft SEIR – January 18, 2023&nbsp;at 4:30pm</li><li>Final SEIR Publication - May 2023</li><li>University Review &amp; Decision – October 2023</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span>UC Davis Solano Park Demolition Project Final Subsequent EIR</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span>UC Davis Solano Park Demolition Project Final Subsequent EIR with Appendix</span></a></li><li><a href="" data-entity-uuid="5d426072-fe01-47de-9335-fef68a740f91" data-entity-type="file"><span>UC Davis Solano Park Demolition Project Final Subsequent EIR Findings</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span>UC Davis Solano Park Demolition Project Final Subsequent EIR Notice of Determination (NOD)</span></a></li><li>Solano Park Demolition Website Link: <a href=" "><span></span></a><span>&nbsp;</span></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Folsom MOB">Medical Office Building at the UC Davis Folsom Center for Health</a></h3><p><span>The UC Davis Folsom Center for Health is a proposed development of approximately 400,000 square feet of building space for wellness and healthcare services, which will be built out in multiple phases between 2022 and 2040. The project site is approximately 34 acres at the southwest corner of the Interstate 50 and Bidwell Road. The project is anticipated to include a 110,000-square foot medical office building, a 114,000-square foot ambulatory surgery center, an 80,000-square foot hotel with approximately 100 rooms, an 86,000-square foot micro-hospital which includes an emergency department with up to 30 beds, a central utility plant, and approximately 1,357parking stalls when the site is fully developed. The first phase of construction is planned to be the Medical Office Building, surface parking and utility connections.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Preparation - December 1, 2021</li><li>Public Scoping Session - Tuesday, December 14, 2021</li><li>Draft EIR Publication - March 30, 2022</li><li>Public Hearing - April 14, 2022</li><li>Final EIR Publication - July 6, 2022</li><li>UC Regents Approval -&nbsp; UC Regents July 2022 Meeting</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li>Please see the UC Davis Folsom Center for Health Website Link: <a href=""></a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Campus Demolition Group 3">Campus Demolition Program Group 3</a></h3><p>The Project addresses aging and deteriorating buildings through the demolition of 10 structures no longer in use&nbsp;<span>in the Reproductive Biology and Airport areas of the west campus</span>. The Project consists of the demolition and removal of <span>HE1 Garage, HC1, Reproductive Biology Trailers South (TRS) and North (TRN), HE1 (Suber’s House), TB 007, TB 159,TB 160, Poultry Houses N and G,</span> and stabilization of each site. All structures are currently vacant and not in use. There are no immediate plans for redevelopment of each site. The building demolitions would be completed in 2023, with demolition of each site anticipated to take less than one month and the total period of project activity occurring over approximately six months.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval - May 5, 2022</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="" data-entity-uuid="6eaf6265-47e8-4dd9-b03b-715102de31da" data-entity-type="file">Building Demolition May 2022 Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="" data-entity-uuid="546daa15-2b28-4773-acd7-ab8072ad6634" data-entity-type="file">Building Demolition Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">Building Demolition Program Group 3 Notice of Determination</a><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD_Demolotion%20Program%20Phase%201_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7c7921f1-c0a9-4984-a907-0e35d7e56ce5" data-entity-type="file"> </a>(PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="SASC">Sacramento Ambulatory Surgery Center (48X)</a></h3><p>UC Davis Health plans to consolidate ambulatory surgeries into a new Sacramento Ambulatory Surgery Center (SASC) facility at the Sacramento Campus. The SASC Project would include the construction and operation of the SASC, 48th Street utility improvements, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements on the adjacent roadways. The SASC would be a freestanding ambulatory surgery facility located north of Y Street, between 48th and 49th Streets. The SASC will be four stories and approximately 270,000 gross square feet (gsf) of building space. SASC will contain outpatient operating rooms and patient recovery rooms, space for clinical, administration, education and office, and public space and service yard. A service area and loading dock would be located at the east side of the SASC and would connect to 49th Street. Construction would begin in November 2022 and is anticipated to be complete by March 2025. The SASC would be operational by mid-2025. The SASC will be within the Ambulatory Care land use category of the 2020 LRDP Update, on what is currently a surface parking lot (Parking Lot 18). <span>In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, an Addendum to the 2020 LRDP Update SEIR was been prepared for the SASC Project. </span>This Addendum describes the SASC Project and evaluates how the SASC Project is covered by the 2020 LRDP Update SEIR.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline for the 2020 LRDP Update SEIR:</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Preparation - Released February 2020</li><li>Public Scoping Session - held on February 26, 2020</li><li>Draft Supplemental EIR - Released August 2020 for 45-day comment period</li><li>Public Hearing - held on September 3, 2020</li><li>Final Supplemental EIR - Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in November 2020</li><li>Subsequent Approval of the SASC Project - Approved by University of California Board of Regent's (May 2022)</li><li>Subsequent Approval of the 48X Construction Trailer Relocation (May 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">SASC Addendum, May 2022</a> (PDF) (32 MB)</li><li><a href="">SASC Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/SASC%20Scope%20Augmentation%20CEQA%20Findings.pdf" data-entity-uuid="04144ad3-0854-40b0-87ba-f12082653a99" data-entity-type="file">SASC Scope Augmentation Findings (Feb 2023)</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">SASC Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">48X Construction Trailer Relocation Findings (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="PS5">Parking Structure 5 - Sacramento Campus</a></h3><p><span>The UC Davis Health Parking Structure 5 (PS5) project includes a parking structure at the southwest corner of 48th Street and V Street on the northwest corner of existing Parking Lot 4 at the Sacramento Campus.&nbsp; The project includes a six-level parking structure with approximately 957 parking stalls along with offices for parking and security personnel and a conference room on the ground floor. The project provides necessary utility improvements and site modifications to support the new structure, including pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access.&nbsp; PS5 would function as contractor parking during the construction of the California Hospital Tower from 2024 to 2030.&nbsp; In 2030, PS5 would be converted to patient and staff parking once tower construction is complete. The Long Range Development Plan designates the project site as </span><em><span>Parking Structure</span></em><span>. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, an EIR was been prepared for the California Hospital Tower Project, which PS5 is a project component. The California Hospital Tower Project Environmental Impact Report evaluates the entire aggregation of potential environmental impacts of the California Hospital Tower project and provides environmental impact analysis for distinct components of the project, including the PS5 component.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Preparation - Released February 2021</li><li>Public Scoping Session - held on March 17, 2021</li><li>Draft EIR - Released July 2021 for 45-day comment period</li><li>Public Hearing - held on August 10, 2021</li><li>Final EIR - Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in November 2021</li><li>University Approval - April 18, 2022</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">PS5 Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">PS5 Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">PS5 Design Augmentation Findings (February 2023)</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">PS5 Design Augmentation&nbsp;Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li>California Hospital Tower EIR Website Link: <a href=""></a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="California Hospital Tower">California Hospital Tower - Sacramento Campus</a></h3><p><span>The proposed California Hospital Tower project is located west of 45th Street and north of X Street, at the east end of the existing UC Davis Medical Center, adjacent to the surgery and Emergency Services Pavilion. The California Hospital Tower will be approximately 890,000 gsf, with a 5-story leg extending off the main 14-story tower. The tower would provide up to 332 licensed beds, surgery space, procedure rooms, public space, and support space and will include two new helipads. The tower would reach 237 feet at the roofline, and the elevator over-ride would reach approximately 267 feet. The California Hospital Tower Project Environmental Impact Report evaluates the entire aggregation of potential environmental impacts of the California Hospital Tower project and provides environmental impact analysis for distinct components of the project, including the tower component.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Preparation - Released February 2021</li><li>Public Scoping Session - held on March 17, 2021</li><li>Draft EIR - Released July 2021 for 45-day comment period</li><li>Public Hearing - held on August 10, 2021</li><li>Final EIR - Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in November 2021</li><li>Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's California Hospital Tower Component of the California Hospital Tower Project in January 2022</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">California Hospital Tower Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="">California Hospital Tower Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li>California Hospital Tower EIR Website Link: <a href=""></a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Aggie Square Phase 1">Aggie Square Phase 1 - Sacramento Campus</a></h3><p><span>The Aggie Square Phase 1 project is a new mixed-use innovation district to be located on the UC Davis Sacramento campus. The project will be constructed in several phases. </span>The site for the Aggie Square Phase I project is a roughly 9.55-acre parcel owned by the University and currently utilized as a surface parking lot and fleet maintenance building. Aggie Square Phase I consists <span>of the following components: Two state-of-the-art laboratory facilities (Science &amp; Technology Buildings East &amp; West); A facility containing co-working space, an incubator/accelerator, classrooms and other learning spaces (Lifelong Learning Building); </span>Residential building and community-serving space; <span>Public plazas and other outdoor common areas; and a parking garage serving the Phase 1 project.</span></p><p>Aggie Square Phase 1 was analyzed and reviewed in Volume 2 of the Sacramento Campus 2020 Long Range Development Plan Update Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, which can accessed here: <a href="">2020 LRDP Update Environmental Review.</a></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Preparation - Released February 2020</li><li>Public Scoping Session - held on February 26, 2020</li><li>Draft Supplemental EIR - Released August 2020 for 45-day comment period</li><li>Public Hearing - held on September 3, 2020</li><li>Final Supplemental EIR - Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in November 2020</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Aggie Square Phase 1A Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li><li><a href="">Aggie Square Phase 1 Mixed Use Residential and Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education Project Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li><li><a href="">Aggie Square Phase 1 Science and Technology East and Lifelong Learning Tenant Improvements Notice of Determination (NOD)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="6 Seismic Improvements">The Mann Laboratory, Jungerman Hall, Sprocket Building, Voorhies Hall, Young Hall, and</a><br><a class="ck-anchor" id="6 Seismic Improvements">Social Sciences and Humanities Building Seismic Improvements Project</a></h3><p>The project will correct structural deficiencies that have been identified in Mann Laboratory, Jungerman Hall, Sprocket Building, Voorhies Hall, Young Hall, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Building based on structural analysis in accordance with the UC Seismic Safety Policy. The seismic improvements for each building will address building-specific deficiencies, including reinforcing shear walls, foundations, tie beams and roofs. Deferred maintenance and code-triggered improvements will also be implemented, which will also be building-specific and include improvements to electrical systems, safety systems, plumbing, entry<br>doors, lighting, painting, exterior paths of travel and landscaping.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in May 2021</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/AB94%20Buildings%20Seismic%20Improvements_NOE_Signed_1.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2a09fd58-ab74-4b16-8bea-67fb649ec24e" data-entity-type="file">Notice of Exemption (NOE) - The Mann Laboratory, Jungerman Hall, Sprocket Building, Voorhies Hall, Young Hall, and Social Sciences and Humanities Building Seismic Improvements Project</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Davis Tower Pharm">Sacramento Hospital Davis Tower Pharmacy Remodel</a></h3><p><span>The Davis Tower 0711 &amp; 0762 Pharmacy Remodel project proposes to renovate 7,400 square feet of space on the lower level of the Main Hospital Davis Tower building located on the Sacramento campus. The renovation will make the pharmacy area compliant with current pharmacy regulations, improve efficiency of pharmaceutical operations, and improve pharmacology services to patients who are being treated at UC Davis Health. The project scope includes phased demolition of the entire pharmacy space, upgrades to mechanical, plumbing, electrical, data communication system and ADA upgrades to supporting spaces.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (May 2021)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Davis%20Tower%200711_0762%20Pharmacy%20Remodel_NOE_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="05b98bdb-24fc-42b5-b360-e215c4349d0d" data-entity-type="file">Notice of Exemption</a> (NOE)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Campus Demolition">Campus Demolition Program Phase I</a></h3><p>The Project addresses aging and deteriorating buildings through demolition of seven buildings and one trailer. The first phase consists of the demolition and removal of Poultry House Q and R, Hopkin’s Cold Storage, Animal Husbandry Feed Lab, Head House 2 and 3, and Trailer J-11 and stabilization of each site. The second phase includes the demolition and removal of TB 2 &amp; 3 and the stabilization of the site. All structures are currently vacant and not in use. There are no immediate plans for redevelopment of each site. The building demolitions would be completed in 2021, with demolition of each site anticipated to take less than one month and the total period of project activity occurring over approximately six months.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (March 2021)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD%20Bldg%20Demo%20Addendum_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="6eaf6265-47e8-4dd9-b03b-715102de31da" data-entity-type="file">Building Demolition February 15, 2021 Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD%20Bldg%20Demo%20Findings_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="546daa15-2b28-4773-acd7-ab8072ad6634" data-entity-type="file">Building Demolition Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD_Demolotion%20Program%20Phase%201_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7c7921f1-c0a9-4984-a907-0e35d7e56ce5" data-entity-type="file">Building Demolition Program Phase I Notice of Determination </a>(PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="USDA">USDA Sustainable Agriculture Water Systems Research Unit - Phase II</a></h3><p><span>The USDA Agricultural Research Services (USDA ARS) Office of National Programs has directed the Area Director of the Pacific West to establish a new research unit for “Management Strategies to Sustainably Intensify the Agroecosystems in California.” The goal of program is to conduct research on sustainable agricultural production systems that reduce economic risks and increase farm profitability; improve soil quality and productivity; and reduce the effects of short-term droughts. Specifically, the mission of the new research unit is to make greater use of existing and alternative water sources, both for irrigation and for recharging depleted aquifers.</span></p><p><span>The USDA has a ground lease of approximately 1 acre on the west campus, and has already installed one approximately 4,000-sf single-story pre-engineered building and surface parking on the site. The current Project proposes the second phase of the project, involving the installation of a second approximately 4,000-sf single-story pre-engineered building to provide space for the research activities, along with a parking lot with 5 vehicle spaces. The Project building would include three laboratories, one cold storage room, one controlled temperature room, and one autoclave sterilization room to support collaborative studies of agricultural eco-system productivity and sustainability. The Project would be built, operated, and maintained by the USDA ARS under the terms of their ground lease with the University.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (February 2021)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/USDA%20SAWSRU%20PH%202%20Addendum_02.23.21.pdf" data-entity-uuid="4ce47279-9cc1-4ad2-9f7a-3205c903cb26" data-entity-type="file">USDA SAWSRU Phase II Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/USDA%20SAWSRU%20PH%202_Findings_02.23.21.pdf" data-entity-uuid="6cd20efa-14de-4fdc-b253-e0adbaaf91dd" data-entity-type="file">USDA SAWSRU Phase II Findings</a><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Final_Orchard_Park_Findings.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2fcab932-04c4-4275-a1eb-390565b5c9a5" data-entity-type="file"> </a>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD_USDA%20ARS%20Phase%202_June2021.pdf" data-entity-uuid="dac4367e-14dc-4b21-a62d-5a2642d6d61d" data-entity-type="file">Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Orchard Park">Orchard Park Graduate Student Housing and Family Housing Project</a></h3><p><span>The Orchard Park Graduate Student Housing and Family Housing project will replace the former family housing at the subject site on the UC Davis campus. The proposed project consists of approximately 622,000 gross square feet (gsf) of student apartment buildings plus 21,000 gsf of community centers and support facilities to serve the residents. The buildings will provide approximately 1,549 beds within approximately 613 student apartment units including bedrooms, kitchens/dining rooms, bathrooms, and living rooms.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Approved by the University of California Board of Regent's in July 2020</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Final_Orchard_Park_Addendum_3.pdf" data-entity-uuid="9c90b7bb-a4ee-4292-a156-083090fb014a" data-entity-type="file">Orchard Park Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Final_Orchard_Park_Findings_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="38b219ac-bed6-46df-a44d-43c8f158e7a7" data-entity-type="file">Orchard Park Findings</a><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Final_Orchard_Park_Findings.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2fcab932-04c4-4275-a1eb-390565b5c9a5" data-entity-type="file"> </a>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UC%20Davis%20Orchard%20Park%20Graduate%20Housing_NOD_July2020_1.pdf" data-entity-uuid="d84a0c4a-0e59-400a-8d7a-1885687e4dac" data-entity-type="file">Orchard Park NOD (PDF)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="ACC Net V2">Ambulatory Care Center Net V2 Upgrade (Sacramento Campus)</a></h3><div><span>The Ambulatory Care Center Net V2 Upgrade project installs new fiber optic cabling in order to support the Net V2 network modernization program for the Sacramento Campus. The improvements will make way for increased data capacity and network speed, improved wireless communications, and allow for a more secure and reliable network. The project will install fiber optic cabling to the building's data room utilizing existing infrastructure, upgrades all IT backbone feeds to existing data closets, upgrades electrical service, and upgrades for independent cooling for each data closet.</span></div><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approval (February 2021)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOE_ACC%20Net%20V2%20Upgrade%20signed.pdf" data-entity-uuid="a62a15ad-cdc5-40b6-bf90-c302208f9799" data-entity-type="file">Notice of Exemption</a> (NOE)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Hutch SR 113">Hutchinson Drive - SR 113 Interchange Improvements Project</a></h3><div><span>The Hutchinson Drive SR113 Interchange Improvements project provides transportation improvements to support the West Village Housing Expansion, delivering mitigation measure requirements associated with the 2018 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The project will improve bicycle and pedestrian safety at the Hutchison Drive—State Route 113 interchange and accommodate the additional vehicle traffic associated with the West Village expansion. &nbsp;The interchange is owned and operated by Caltrans therefore the project improvements and development procedures include Caltrans review. The Hutchison Drive and State Route 113 interchange project delivers new ramps, traffic signals and improves bicycle and pedestrian facilities.</span></div><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University Approved (October 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/SR%20113-Hutchison%20CEQA%20Addendum_8-4-20.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2e13e41c-37a2-470e-97b0-a638838678d8" data-entity-type="file">Hutchinson Drive - SR113 Interchange Improvements Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/SR_113-Hutchison_CEQA_Findings_7-6-20_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="8167a657-6954-4dcd-8858-177401c56c94" data-entity-type="file">Hutchinson Drive - SR113 Interchange Improvements Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD%20SR_113-Hutchison%20Oct2020%20MattD%20signed.pdf" data-entity-uuid="c4265f7a-96fa-434c-8d60-91acbcaac52f" data-entity-type="file">Hutchinson Drive - SR113 Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="ESDC">Engineering Student Design Center at Bainer Hall</a></h3><div>&nbsp;</div><div><p><span>The Engineering and Student Design Center (ESDC) project will renovate existing space and add new construction to the northeast corner of Bainer Hall. The project renovates approximately 10,760 square feet of the existing building and constructs an expansion of approximately 11,850 square feet for a total of 22,610 gross square feet. The ESDC project will expand space for engineering instruction and fabrication, including a welding area, woodworking equipment, exhaust systems, and instructional spaces. The project will include demolition, hazardous materials removal, infrastructure/utilities, landscaping, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, renovations to an existing ADA accessible ramp, and an outdoor student project plaza of approximately 2,500 square feet.</span></p></div><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University approved (July 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/BainerHallChemComplex_Addendum_final_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="3ec6f484-f7ce-4141-82df-68c4ed3f90e7" data-entity-type="file">Bainer Hall and Chemistry Complex Addition and Renovation Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Bainer-Chem_ESDC_Findings_6.30.20_final_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="8f48c8a8-a6e4-4f50-8824-d8a33fff3f29" data-entity-type="file">Engineering Student Design Center at Bainer Hall Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/ESDC%20Bainer_NOD%20final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7be4bd2e-7c5a-49b1-ae75-e07002e7b9c5" data-entity-type="file">Engineering Student Design Center at Bainer Hall Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="PS4">Parking Structure 4 (Sacramento Campus)</a></h3><p><span>The Parking Structure 4 project includes the construction and operation of a new parking structure (PS4) at the northeast corner of 48th Street and X Street. PS4 would provide approximately 1,221 stalls. The parking structure footprint would be approximately 75,000 square feet (sf) with approximately 43 feet to Level Five and approximately 62 feet to the top of the elevator tower. PS4 would be less than 45 feet high within 100 feet of the property line and up to 62 feet high beyond 100 feet from the property line. PS4 has been designed to create a cohesive structure that incorporates the campus’s needs while addressing the neighborhood’s concerns, including the use of screen walls and louvers that provide screening function and large wayfinding identity elements, landscaping used as screening and shade, and a simple, clean aesthetic. Locating the entrance and exit on the south side of the structure ensures there is no access from V Street and provides better sound mitigation by keeping vehicle noise to the south, away from the neighborhood to the north. The north side of PS4 would include a pedestrian-oriented trail with amenities such as benches and shade within the existing 40-foot landscape buffer, the construction of which would pay special attention to the character of the paving and tactile grain, furthering the “natural” experience for neighbors and pedestrians.</span></p><p><span>Site improvements include removal of the roundabout at the X Street and 48th Street intersection and reconfiguring that intersection, installation of a new traffic signal at the X Street and 48th Street intersection, reconfiguration of parking lot 18, utility improvements, roadway and landscaping improvements, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The project would also include an amendment to the 2010 LRDP for land use changes associated with PS4.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (July 2020)</li><li>University approved (September 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDH_PS4_Addendum_May_2020.pdf" data-entity-uuid="3c1bff0c-2249-4f01-b419-479e6116d67d" data-entity-type="file">Parking Structure 4 Addendum </a>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDH_PS4_Findings_May_2020.pdf" data-entity-uuid="466355c9-ae0f-4e2e-a074-1d6429c34c1c" data-entity-type="file">Parking Structure 4 Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/SacramentoCampus_PS4_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="e872067c-5f47-4486-93e3-3846dc61bf2d" data-entity-type="file">Parking Structure 4 Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Student Athlete Performance Center">Student Athlete Performance Center at Aggie Stadium</a></h3><p>The Student Athlete Performance Center includes construction and operation of a new approximately 49,000 gross square foot (GSF) multipurpose building that includes a sports medicine (rehabilitation) suite, sports performance (training) center, academic classrooms and auditoriums, offices and shared support space. The Performance Center would provide an inclusive athletic training and performance center with equipment and resources to support the health and well-being of student-athletes. The Student Athlete Performance Center Building would include a permanent UC Davis Health sports medicine and physical therapy clinic (approximately 9,000 GSF). The clinic would include exam and treatment rooms, x-ray, offices and work stations, a physical therapy and rehabilitation clinic, and shared support space such as reception and break rooms. The clinic would operate Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and would primarily serve students and staff at UC Davis, but would also be open to the public. In addition to the new Performance Center building, the Project would include the renovation of approximately 14,000 GSF of space in the existing Bob Foster Team Center, on the northeastern corner of Aggie Stadium. Renovations would be made to upgrade the existing football, lacrosse, and field hockey lockers and finishes, including new carpet and paint.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (January 2020)</li><li>University approved (June 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_Performance_Center_Addendum_final%201.24.20.pdf" data-entity-uuid="687a3cbe-d28b-4736-8767-0049725e800e" data-entity-type="file">Student Athlete Performance Center Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_Performance_Center_Findings_final_1.24.20.pdf" data-entity-uuid="cbafe8cd-ffeb-4e9d-9ac9-91f17b36434c" data-entity-type="file">Student Athlete Performance Center Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/SAPC_NOD%20signed.pdf" data-entity-uuid="dadc1869-eee7-47c3-85ee-c172bb894248" data-entity-type="file">Student Athlete Performance Center Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="ACC Expansion with Eye Center"><span>Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center</span></a></h3><p><span>The Eye Center project would expand the Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) to facilitate UC Davis Health’s strategy to consolidate and improve the operational efficiency of hospital-based outpatient services on the UC Davis Health Sacramento Campus. The proposed project would construct an approximately 58,000-gross-square foot (gsf) four-story addition on the north side of the existing three-story ACC. The project would also renovate 17,500 &nbsp;gsf of existing clinic space located on the first floor of the ACC to facilitate improved circulation between the proposed expansion space and existing ACC space. The median in Y Street would be removed and Y Street would be realigned. An amendment to the 2010 LRDP is proposed increasing ambulatory care land use designation by approximately 15,000 sf and the major open space designation would decrease by the same square footage.&nbsp;</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University of California Board of Regent's to consider the Project at their November 2019 Meeting</li><li>Approved by the University of California Board of Regents (November 2019)</li><li>University of California approved Eye Center Project Augmentation (January 2022)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDH_EyeCenter_Addendum_Sep2019.pdf" data-entity-uuid="58236a14-8cd4-42ad-a5f8-af2a32489c11" data-entity-type="file">Addendum September 2019 </a>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDH_EyeCenter_Addendum_Findings_Sep2019.pdf" data-entity-uuid="5dc62810-ba98-47ec-9bda-96e2df273616" data-entity-type="file"><span>Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center Findings</span></a><em><span> </span></em>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/2009112060_Ambulatory%20Care%20Center_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="c96762ef-8684-47b6-b5aa-0ef4e9242eb8" data-entity-type="file">Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDH_ACC_EC_Exp_Addendum_Findings_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="d24699cd-8b56-4c03-bced-54882be474ab" data-entity-type="file">Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center Project Augmentation Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD_UCDH_EyeCenterAugmentation_Jan2022_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="e935c769-1ba5-446c-87cd-0f50d9a9e4d0" data-entity-type="file">Ambulatory Care Center Expansion with Eye Center Project Augmentation Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="CNPRC Central Plant">CNPRC Central Plan and Energy Improvements</a></h3><p><span>The CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements project will replace the inefficient heating and cooling equipment with a new energy-efficient system. The project includes constructing a new central heating and cooling plant in a modular building (approx. 3,000 SF) on the south side of the district within an existing parking lot. A new solar/thermal panel field (approx. 300 collectors covering 12,000 SF) will be installed and heat collected by the solar collectors will be piped underground to the new central plant. A new underground heating hot water distribution system will be installed to pipe the output of the solar thermal system and peaking hot water boilers to the buildings served. This improvement will provide limited additional capacity for near term growth within CNPRC.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (September 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CNPRC%20Central%20Plant%20Addendum_9.30.19_1.pdf" data-entity-uuid="5d20c847-d5d6-450d-89c9-1a40b2c1eafe" data-entity-type="file">Addendum September 30, 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CNPRC%20Central%20Plant_Findings_9.30.19.docx" data-entity-uuid="a344b687-53cb-4b6d-9ba4-e834846aaf26" data-entity-type="file">CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CentralEnergyPlant_NOD_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="cf7a1123-bdfd-429e-a1c4-459c49405f64" data-entity-type="file">CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><p><strong>2024 Augmentation:&nbsp;</strong></p><p><span>In December 2024, the University proposed an amendment to the Project.&nbsp;The revised project replaces aging and near end-of-life autoclaves and glasswashers in three buildings and installs supporting utilities for the new autoclaves. The added work also integrates electric steam generators as part of the autoclave design.&nbsp; These additional scope elements further reduce district heating and cooling annual operating costs.</span></p><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements 2024 Augmentation Findings (PDF)</a></li><li>CNPRC Central Plant and Energy Improvements 2024 Augmentation Notice of Determination (Pending)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Orchard Sewer">Orchard Park Sewer Main Project</a></h3><p><span>The Orchard Road Sewer Main Project will implement Orchard Park Redevelopment (OPR) Project Mitigation Measures 3.17-1. With the proposed sewer line (12” diameter) replacing the existing sewer line (8” diameter) that would be provided by OPR Mitigation Measure 3.17-1, adequate capacity would be available within the wastewater collection system serving the Orchard Park site to accommodate increased flows associated with the additional student housing.. The project implements Orchard Park Student Housing Mitigation Measure 3.17-1: Upsize Sewer Line within Orchard Road. The length of replacement is approximately 1,200 linear feet. Construction involves saw cutting approximately 2,600 linear feet of asphalt roadway, excavation/backfill, sheeting and shoring to place the new pipe, trenching for new pipe placement, lateral/sewer main reconnections, repaving to replace the asphalt roadway. The old 8-inch sewer line will be abandoned in-place. The west end will be stubbed at the Orchard redevelopment site while the east end will be connected to 12-inch diameter line in the east side of La Rue Road.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (Approved January 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_OrchardRoadSewerMain_Findings.FINAL__1.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2c963b36-c6f3-4f7a-93a4-292603292118" data-entity-type="file">Orchard Park Sewer Main Findings</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="ARS Reserach Unit">ARS Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research Unit</a></h3><p><span>The Agricultural Research Services (ARS) Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research Unit facility project delivers a 3,826 square foot facility and associated utilities on Hopkins Road adjacent to Bee Biology Road. &nbsp;The facility will include the following:&nbsp; Four private offices, a computer analytics room, and a conference room to support collaborative studies of agricultural eco-system productivity and sustainability. The project includes a ground lease agreement with Agricultural Research Services for approximately 1 acre of land on the UC Davis campus.</span></p><p><span>Agricultural Research Services (ARS) collaborates with various UC Davis programs including Land, Air, and Water, Viticulture and Enology, Agricultural and Resource Economics. At least nine UC Davis faculty positions have been identified to complement USDA-ARS scientists in the new unit. The new program combines discipline research in Hydrology, Agricultural Engineering/Soil Science, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, remote sensing technology, and Computational Informatics.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (September 2019)</li><li>University approval (May 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UC%20Davis_USDA%20ARS%20Addendum_Final_9.3.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="ec1a94c1-e20e-4d30-9db4-b606627d0391" data-entity-type="file">Addendum September 3, 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD%20Watershed%20Research%20Unit_Findings_final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2a6ff25d-fb3d-490c-8dd7-7b9552a46a6f" data-entity-type="file">ARS Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research Unit Facility and Lease Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UC%20Davis_ARS_NOD%20Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="5e1c7059-4176-4277-95b2-9e2de893cd70" data-entity-type="file">Sustainable Agriculture Water Systems Research Unit Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="West Village Connectivity">West Village Housing Expansion Connectivity Improvements</a></h3><p><span>The West Village Housing Expansion – Connectivity Improvements project implement the traffic mitigation measures identified in the 2018 LRDP Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The required improvements include widening bicycle and pedestrian paths, installing safer highway ramps and roadways, and improving the reliability of the domestic water system to provide redundancy for fire water which will be included in the West Village Housing Expansion Connectivity project. Additionally, the connectivity project improves pedestrian and bike connections from The Green to central campus via improvements to bike and pedestrian pathways along Russell Boulevard, bike paths and roads within West Village, State Route 113 pedestrian bridge to Orchard Park Circle, and constructs a traffic circle at the intersection of Orchard Park Road and Orchard Park Drive. The project improvements will enhance safety and connectivity between The Green at West Village neighborhood and central campus.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (September 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_WestVillageConnectivityImprvts_Findings.9.4.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="39a7d5c7-13d1-4f06-a3ac-ebaef0f62e85" data-entity-type="file">West Village Improvement Findings</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h2><a class="ck-anchor" id="Lifespan Health">CNPRC Lifespan Health Center Project</a></h2><p><span>UC Davis proposes to construct two new buildings (3,360 sf each) to provide new animal research and housing space consistent with current animal care regulations at the CNPRC complex in West Campus. The new office space and animal housing and research space would be configured next to each other to support improved animal care, better research, and less stress on the animals by preventing the need to move animals longer distances between housing enclosures and research space. The Project could accommodate a potential increase in up to 14 staff in the increased office space. The new facilities would be accessed from Primate Drive, from the intersection of County Road 98 and Hutchison Drive. Approximately 10 new parking spaces would be constructed.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (August 2019)</li><li>University approval (January 2020)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CNPRC%20Addendum_8.1.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="0a2d3cef-3130-4f88-8a3c-0e033a1b3920" data-entity-type="file">Addendum August 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CNPRC%20Lifespan_Findings_8.1.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="3169fe52-7119-42a7-bda6-bbfd244c8a9d" data-entity-type="file">CNPRC Lifespan Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_CNPRC%20Addendum_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="de36f6a4-8816-48e2-b164-f9fcb8524c7b" data-entity-type="file">CNPRC Lifespan Health Center Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Davis Campus Clinic">UC Davis Health - Davis Campus Clinic</a></h3><p><span>The UC Davis Health – Davis Clinic project proposes an approximately 4,000 square foot modular building on the Parking Lot 40 site on the Central Campus. The project plans to provide general outpatient medical services, predominantly for University faculty and staff. Operation of the project would require 6-10 employees and would accommodate 15-30 patients/visitors cycling through the clinic every hour. The site has been previously developed and is currently a surface parking lot. In order to provide space and access for the modular building, the parking lot would be reconfigured. The number of parking spaces would be reduced from 170 to 103 (including two ADA spaces). Access to the facility would be provided via the existing parking lot entrance along Hutchison Drive, northwest of the project site, and via Dairy Road on the southwest of the project site.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (July 2019)</li><li>University approval (August 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/TempMedClinic_Addendum_7.11.pdf" data-entity-uuid="9a8b6ff8-416e-4d16-9263-017dbc74978e" data-entity-type="file">Addendum July 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD%20Temp%20Med%20Clinic_Findings_final_7.11_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7b0a983f-6727-40e7-ac34-4bdda5f99856" data-entity-type="file">Davis Campus Clinic Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/2017012008_UC%20Davis%20Health%20Davis%20Clinic%20Final%20NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7ee99904-4dfd-4c1c-8243-49c9f99f7817" data-entity-type="file">UC Davis Health - Davis Clinic Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Chemistry Annex"></a>Chemistry Annex Seismic 2</h3><p><span>The Chemistry Annex Seismic Work 2 Project completes the seismic corrective work needed in the Chemistry Annex that was started as part of the Chemistry Seismic and Life Safety Corrections project, which improves the seismic performance to Level III (“Good”) from its current rating of Level VI. The project is entirely interior and reinforces 43 columns with fiber reinforced polymer in the basement and throughout the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors. Also included in the project is the construction of 8 vertical foundation ties, a shear wall and new grade beams/footings beneath the floor slab in the basement. The project also includes accessibility improvements in five restrooms as well as the replacement of fume hoods and emergency showers disturbed by seismic work.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (July 2019)</li><li>University Approval (February 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/BainerChem_Addendum_final_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="fe693eea-3b4a-4321-8cfd-82afcb3f49f8" data-entity-type="file">Addendum February 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Bainer.Chem_Addendum_Findings_Element2_Annex_Siesmic_Work_2_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="9181873e-fa9b-43c2-aca7-0ea5c8c52a27" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Annex Seismic 2 Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/2017012008_Chem_Annex_Seismic_2_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="c4bfdb67-dbdf-453b-be41-a58ce0f86c2f" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Annex Seismic Work 2 Notice of Exemption</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Hutchison Quad"></a>Hot Water Quad Loop and Hutchison</h3><p><span>UC Davis plans to replace the old and inefficient campus steam distribution system with a new energy-efficient hot water system for heating. Two new distribution heat exchangers will be installed: one located within the fenced Central Plant, east of the old cogeneration building and the other next to the Enology Building in the parking lot on the southwest side of the building. Installation of new underground piping from the Central Plant to the North Quad area will connect the hot water system to 2.8 million square feet of campus buildings along its path. Approximately four miles of underground supply and return piping will be installed, consisting of approximately three miles of main lines and approximately one mile of lateral lines that would run along Tercero Hall Circle, Bioletti Way, Hutchison Drive, California Avenue, Peter J Shields Avenue, North Quad Avenue, and East Quad Avenue. The new hot water supply and return pipelines will follow the existing steam pipe routes, to the extent possible.</span></p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (March 2019)</li><li>University approved (June 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_Hutchison%20Addendum_final_pdf.pdf" data-entity-uuid="5dcd965c-d313-47ae-b3a9-98b911c3dea9" data-entity-type="file">Addendum March 2019 </a>(PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_Hutchison_Addendum%20Findings_final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="ec414fea-51a2-4270-87b8-cd10c7235bc7" data-entity-type="file">Hutchison Quad Hot Water Conversion Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UC%20Davis%20Hutchison%20Addendum%20NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="47bfc19a-2b41-4f59-abd3-c8d34a706478" data-entity-type="file">Hutchison Quad Hot Water Conversion Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Chem Addition"></a>Chemistry Addition and 1st Floor Renovation</h3><p>The Chemistry Addition and 1st Floor Renovation project renovates approximately 7,200 assignable square feet (11,341 GSF) on the first floor of the Chemistry Building and adds approximately assignable 29,700 square feet (32,353 GSF) on the west side of the building. The renovation converts existing space into research laboratories, laboratory support spaces, research offices, and administrative offices in the northeast corner of the first floor. The renovation also increases electrical and exhaust system capacities, completes structural improvements within the building, and repairs the roof at the new exhaust plenum and fans on the north wing of the building. The addition constructs approximately 32,300 sf of new laboratory, collaboration, and office space at the western face of the existing structure.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University of California Board of Regent's to consider the Project at their July 2019 Meeting</li><li>University of California Board of Regents approved the Project (July, 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/BainerChem_Addendum_final_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="fe693eea-3b4a-4321-8cfd-82afcb3f49f8" data-entity-type="file">Addendum February 2019</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Bainer.Chem_Elmts_4_5_Addendum_Findings_6.13.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="db5eaa19-f779-46f8-9681-ecfb2f2e6e42" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Addition Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Chemistry%20Addition%20and%20First%20Floor%20Renovation_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="f93ea6d1-2d61-4590-a1ee-cb680b817e1f" data-entity-type="file">Chemistry Addition and 1st Floor Renovation Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Athletic Practice Field"></a>Athletic Practice Field</h3><p>UC Davis plans to develop a full-size natural turf football field, including in-ground goal posts, four concrete filming pads, a water bottle filling station, and a scoreboard and play clock. The field will accommodate existing recreation needs at UC Davis by providing new space for athletic practice; no official games will take place on the field and no lighting will be provided. Access to the site will include the development of a new 10-foot-wide paved walkway. The approximately 2.7-acre project site is located near the west entrance of UC Davis’ central campus, between Hutchison Drive and La Rue Road, immediately north of the Aggie Stadium. Across Hutchison Drive to the north is the UC Davis Rec Pool, to the west is the Bowley Plant Science Teaching Facility, and the Dairy Outdoor Recreation Complex is to the east just beyond La Rue Road.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>University review (February 2019)</li><li>University approved (February 2019)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_APF%20Addendum_final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="f372b2d1-2cdb-4800-b3cc-2cfbc95c9cb5" data-entity-type="file">Athletic Practice Field Addendum</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Athletic%20Practice%20Field_Addendum%20Findings_final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="e466a1ea-fbf2-47d4-83dd-4aa34bfb6cfc" data-entity-type="file">Athletic Practice Field Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Athletic%20Practice%20Field%20_NOD_Stamped.pdf" data-entity-uuid="935553f6-7cca-4987-85f0-357087c4279b" data-entity-type="file">Athletic Practice Field Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="TLC New">Teaching and Learning Complex Classroom Building projects</a></h3><p>The Davis campus proposes to construct the Teaching and Learning Complex (TLC) Classroom Building to provide a new facility on the central campus for general assignment classrooms and faculty and staff office space. The project would redevelop a site along Hutchison Drive currently occupied by Surge IV, a collection of single-story modular structures installed in 1972. The proposed project would deliver an approximately 100,000 gross square foot (65,200 assignable square foot), four-story facility to include approximately 2,000 instructional seats, space for student study and collaboration, an innovative Laboratory of Teaching, a Laboratory of Learning, and administrative and faculty office space.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Approved at the November 2018 Regents meeting</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCD_TLC_IS_Checklist_10.31.18_final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="2b79b40e-1baa-4ca8-bd7a-81dfca8516f2" data-entity-type="file">TLC Initial Study Checklist</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Findings_TLC_Final.pdf" data-entity-uuid="584ae776-ff4a-449d-9947-a864fa94b318" data-entity-type="file">TLC Findings</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/D_Teaching%20and%20Learning_NOD_SCH_181116.pdf" data-entity-uuid="b2e5b5ff-bf5f-44ee-9ced-b6ee5f1b385b" data-entity-type="file">TLC Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Core 2">Core 2 Greenhouse Expansion Project</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to to construct additional teaching and research greenhouses on approximately 5 acres at the CORE 2 site north of Hutchison Drive and east of State Route 113 on the central campus at UC Davis.&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Draft Tiered Initial Study released for public review (11/3/17)</li><li>Public Review Period (11/3/17 to 12/4/17)</li><li>Final Initial Study (expected December 2017)</li><li>University review and approval (expected December 2017)</li><li>University Review for Second Greenhouse (March 2024)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Core%202%20Greenhouse%20Expansion%20IS%20ND.pdf" data-entity-uuid="55269f61-d052-48b8-a051-4e3d4a22d3d8" data-entity-type="file">Core 2 Greenhouse Expansion Initial Study/Negative Declaration</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Core%202%20NOD%20Stamped.pdf" data-entity-uuid="36b3c8be-bd22-4084-8c30-e4dff6b3cd3f" data-entity-type="file">Core 2 Greenhouse Expansion Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Emerson Hall Replacement">Emerson Hall Replacement</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to demolish Emerson Hall, which is a part of the existing Cuarto Residence Hall Area, and construct a replacement 180,000 square-foot residence hall area. The existing three-story 118,000 square foot building was constructed in 1967 and houses 500 students. The new facility would consist of three separate buildings around a central courtyard consisting of two four-story buildings and a single five-story building.&nbsp; The new buildings would provide improved energy efficiency and an upgraded design for improved livability and student enjoyment, along with addressing current building deficiencies. The Project would increase the housing on the site by 300 beds to provide 800 beds. The residential buildings would also provide space for lounge and study areas, a community kitchen, laundry facilities, bicycle parking, and other support space.&nbsp; The proposed demolition is anticipated to begin in 2019. Student residents would move to the new building at the beginning of the Fall 2022 academic year.&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline</strong></h4><ul><li>Tiered Initial Study Published (1/22/18)</li><li>30-Day Comment Period on Tiered Initial Study (1/22/18 to 2/20/18)</li><li>Final Initial Study (February 27, 2017)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Emerson%20Hall%20Final%20IS-ND%20web.pdf" data-entity-uuid="245f8d67-3823-4784-a951-2bdf63a8fe4c" data-entity-type="file">Emerson Hall Final Initial Study and Negative Declaration</a> 2/27/2018 (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD%20Emerson%20Hall%20Replacement.pdf" data-entity-uuid="536894a0-cd4c-46e3-bb7f-11e88bffdaba" data-entity-type="file">Emerson Hall Replacement Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Sac Hopital Seismic Demo">Sacramento Hospital Seismic Demolition and Office Replacement</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to complete a series of construction projects that will comprise the Hospital Seismic Demolition and Office Replacement Project for improved seismic safety and replacement office space at the UC Davis Sacramento Medical Center.&nbsp; The proposed project includes multiple components consisting of construction of the North Addition 130,000 square foot office building, demolition of the 235,000 square foot North/South Hospital Wing, and demolition of the 20,000 square foot Housestaff building.&nbsp; In total, the project would reduce building area by approximately 125,000 square feet.</p><p>The North Addition office building would provide replacement office space for staff currently working in the North/South Wing of the hospital.&nbsp; The proposed building would be a six-story building located along the northern edge of the medical center between V Street and the Main Hospital Complex just north of the East Wing and the Davis Tower.&nbsp; Between V Street and the proposed North Addition building, a landscaped area of approximately 40 feet would be installed.</p><p>The North/South Hospital Wing would be demolished as part of the proposed project in order to remove seismically deficient facilities.&nbsp; With removal of the North/South Wing of the hospital, the remaining western edge of the hospital would have no exterior wall and a new façade on the western face of the hospital would be constructed to provide a finished exterior to the remaining building.&nbsp; Upon removal of the North/South Hospital Wing, the site would be landscaped to create a plaza area. The Housestaff building was constructed in 1916 and currently provides administrative support and faculty offices.&nbsp; The two-story building has a seismic safety rating of very poor and would be demolished as part of the project.&nbsp;&nbsp; The construction and demolition periods are expected to take place from 2016 through 2022 with construction access provided from Stockton Boulevard via Colonial Way and no construction access allowed on V Street.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Tiered Initial Study released for public review (7/8/15)</li><li>Initial Study Public Review Period (7/8/15 to 8/12/15)</li><li>Draft EIR released for public review (8/27/15)</li><li>Draft EIR Public Review Period (8/27/15 to 10/12/15)</li><li>Public Hearing on Draft EIR (9/21/15). &nbsp;See Notice of Completion for details.</li><li>Final EIR Completed (10/27/15)</li><li>University of California Board of Regent's to Consider Certification of Final EIR and Design Approval of North Addition Office Building (11/17/15)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/IS%20Hospital%20Seismic%20Demolition%20and%20Redevelopment_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="a402e3c4-78a5-4f1c-b4a3-462fc769bd84" data-entity-type="file">Tiered Initial Study</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Hospital%20Seismic%20Demolition%20and%20Office%20Replacement%20Draft%20EIR_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="cb8afc0a-da7e-457d-b33b-3bd3af96dd7b" data-entity-type="file">Draft Environmental Impact Report</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Appendix%201.0%20NOP_IS_Comments_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="e4d5521d-9244-4e55-8e34-36b0a1dc15d1" data-entity-type="file">Draft EIR Appendix 1: &nbsp;Scoping Comments and Initial Study</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Appendix%204.2%20AQ%20%2B%20GHG%20Calculations_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="41a04a57-7c12-49de-9170-12755d7887a4" data-entity-type="file">Draft EIR Appendix 2: &nbsp;Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas CalEEMod Output Files&nbsp;</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Hospital%20Seismic%20NOC%20Packet%20reduced_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="627bbd1d-827c-40d1-9375-886832d7b352" data-entity-type="file">Notice of Completion</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/FEIR%20UC%20Davis%20Sacrmento%20Hospital%20Seismic_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="b43a6a09-d6d5-4309-88cd-03fdb4322448" data-entity-type="file">Final EIR</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Findings%20for%20North%20Addition_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="088a4b89-0a29-4852-9d03-c3551cc3c793" data-entity-type="file">North Addition Office Building CEQA Findings</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/UCDHS_North%20Addition_NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="00eec1a9-8bd4-4985-88e7-b12d95564882" data-entity-type="file">North Addition Office Building Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/HousestaffDemo_Findings_12.2.2020%20FINAL.pdf" data-entity-uuid="78d68847-79c3-4737-8689-d1e4f57e8848" data-entity-type="file">Housestaff Building Demolition CEQA Findings</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD%20Housestaff%20FINAL.pdf" data-entity-uuid="402aac88-1920-4d37-ad78-46b0b4e6d967" data-entity-type="file">Housestaff Building Demolition Notice of Determination - Approved 12/4/2020</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/2015-01-20_Housestaff%20Facility%20DPR%20523_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7e6dc445-ba2a-4c34-8304-7f4991f7a257" data-entity-type="file">Historic Report for Housestaff Building</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/2015-01-20_North-South%20Wing%20DPR%20523_0.pdf" data-entity-uuid="fc793f3e-d0c8-4006-a112-4441e7518aff" data-entity-type="file">Historic Report for North/South Hospital Wing</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Tercero Dining Commons 2">Tercero Dining Commons 2</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to construct a new 30,000 square foot dining commons capable of seating 500 people, which would serve the Tercero Residence Hall Area within the core campus at UC Davis south of Hutchison Drive and west of Bioletti Way. The Project would include full commercial kitchen capability to provide a number of food platforms, retail, grab-n-go and convenience options for students and those members of the UC Davis community that work in the core campus. The Project would include a loading dock for deliveries, outdoor seating opportunities, bicycle parking, site improvements and upgrades of the campus Hot Water and Chilled Water system required to support the new facility.</p><p>The Project site currently contains 20 temporary buildings totaling approximately 32,300 square feet to be demolished as part of implementing the project. Use of a majority of the one-story temporary buildings was phased out over the past two to three years.&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline</strong></h4><ul><li>Draft Tiered Initial Study published for public review (11/4/2016)</li><li>Public Review Period (11/04/2016 to 12/05/2016)</li><li>Completion of Initial Study and Negative Declaration (5/22/17)</li><li>Anticipated Approval (Summer 2017)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online</strong></h4><ul><li>Notice of Intent and Public Notice (11/4/2016)</li><li><a href=" Dining Commons 2/Tercero Dining Commons 2 IS ND.pdf">Draft Tiered Initial Study (11/4/2016)</a></li><li><a href=" Dining Commons 2/Tercero Dining 2_Final Neg Dec.pdf">Final Initial Study (5/22/17)</a></li></ul><hr><h3><a class="ck-anchor" id="Vet Med Center Vision">Veterinary Medicine Center Vision Project</a></h3><p>UC Davis proposes to renovate and expand facilities in the Veterinary Medicine complex within the central campus at UC Davis.</p><h4><strong>Environmental Review Timeline:</strong></h4><ul><li>Draft Tiered Initial Study released for public review (5/19/17)</li><li>Public Review Period (5/19/17&nbsp;to 6/19/17)</li><li>Final Initial Study (expected Summer 2017)</li><li>University review and approval (expected Summer 2017)</li></ul><h4><strong>Documents Available Online:</strong></h4><ul><li><a href="">Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration&nbsp;(11/2017)</a><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/CEQA%20Document_Vet%20Med_Final%20IS.MND_10.11.17.pdf" data-entity-uuid="d7cfdb9a-5a2c-440a-9ad5-5893778c11ea" data-entity-type="file"> </a>(PDF)</li><li>VMC Primary Electrical Feeders Findings</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/VMC%20Electrical%20Feeders%20NOD.pdf" data-entity-uuid="b754c1ee-6d3e-4fb3-b986-c761b7426999" data-entity-type="file">VMC Primary Electrical Feeders Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Vet%20Med_Project%20Element%203_EPC_Findings_1.9.19.pdf" data-entity-uuid="6242f6c1-c549-4967-89af-5ae8787b22dc" data-entity-type="file">VMC Equine Performance Center Findings</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Vet%20Med_2018%20MMRPs_Final_01.09.19_Attachment%201.pdf" data-entity-uuid="9bcb9758-4074-4cae-93f8-88ff39306a00" data-entity-type="file">VMC Equine Performance Center MMRP</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Vet%20Med_Project%20Element%202_All%20Sp%20Imaging_Findings.pdf" data-entity-uuid="af8fca52-8eb9-45ba-ad2b-10ff2b6eaf5c" data-entity-type="file">VMC All Species Imaging Center Findings</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/Vet%20Med_Project%20Element%202_All%20Sp%20Imaging_MMRP.pdf" data-entity-uuid="7d072597-27c5-4bb3-8add-81cee78cbcfd" data-entity-type="file">VMC All Species Imaging Center MMRP</a></li><li><a href="/sites/g/files/dgvnsk2921/files/inline-files/NOD_Vet%20Med_All%20Species%20Imaging_Oct2020.pdf" data-entity-uuid="6bd551c9-c0ae-41ea-9b84-f9a4f442d521" data-entity-type="file">VMC All Species Imaging Center Notice of Determination</a> (PDF)</li></ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <aside class="l-sidebar-second"> <div class="region region-sidebar-second"> <nav aria-labelledby="block-sub-main-menu-menu" id="block-sub-main-menu" class="sub-nav panel o-box"> <h2 class="sub-nav__title visually-hidden" id="block-sub-main-menu-menu">Sub Main Menu</h2> <ul class="sub-nav__menu menu" suggestion="subnav"> <li class="menu-item"> <a href="">Current Projects</a> </li> <li class="menu-item"> <a href="/russell-field-lighting-update" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/241">Russell Field Lighting Update</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </aside> </section> </div> <div class="l-container"> </div> </main> <footer class="l-footer footer dark-background"> <div 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