Trip Modifications - General Transit Feed Specification
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SLO: Service-level objective </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#tripmodifications" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> TripModifications </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#linkage-to-tripupdates" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Linkage to TripUpdates </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#modification" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> Modification </span> </a> </li> <li class="md-nav__item"> <a href="#replacementstop" class="md-nav__link"> <span class="md-ellipsis"> ReplacementStop </span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md-content" data-md-component="content"> <article class="md-content__inner md-typeset"> <h1 id="trip-modifications">Trip Modifications<a class="headerlink" href="#trip-modifications" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h1> <p>A <code>TripModifications</code> message identifies a list of similar <code>trip_ids</code> from the (CSV) GTFS which are all affected by particular modifications, such as a detour.</p> <p><br><br><strong>Caution:</strong> this entity is still <strong>experimental</strong>, and subject to change. It may be formally adopted in the future.</p> <h2 id="slo-service-level-objective">SLO: Service-level objective<a class="headerlink" href="#slo-service-level-objective" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <p>The frequency of data updates is expected to be approximately hourly (~24 times/day). Ingestion time may depend on the total number of affected trips. Consumers are expected to ingest a single TripModification within 5 minutes, and a feed with hundreds of detours within 20 minutes.</p> <h2 id="tripmodifications">TripModifications<a class="headerlink" href="#tripmodifications" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <p>The <code>TripModifications</code> is in effect on all of the listed service_dates, until it is removed from the feed. On any given service date, a trip MUST NOT be assigned to more than one <code>TripModifications</code> object.</p> <p>There MAY be multiple <code>TripModifications</code> for a given stop pattern. It may be desirable to split the trips into multiple modifications e.g. if the <code>propagated_modification_delay</code> changes significantly, over the course of the detour.</p> <p>The trips created through GTFS-TripModifications modify and replace each specified <code>trip_id</code>, and don't create a copy or additional run. Modifications are applied on the schedule information, like if a static GTFS (CSV) was modified. </p> <p>The scheduled stop times of each replacement trip are created from those of the affected trip, by performing the changes listed in modifications. <code>stop_sequence</code> for all stop times are replaced by a new value of 1 to n, starting with 1 on the first stop_time and increasing by 1 for each stop in the trip. A <code>TripUpdate</code> message must be provided to publish real-time arrival/departure times for the replacement trip.</p> <h2 id="linkage-to-tripupdates">Linkage to TripUpdates<a class="headerlink" href="#linkage-to-tripupdates" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <ul> <li>A TripUpdate SHOULD be provided using a <code>ModifiedTripSelector</code> inside the TripUpdate's <code>TripDescriptor</code>. <ul> <li>When the TripUpdate refers to the replacement trip, the consumer should behave as if the static GTFS would have been modified with the TripModifications (e.g. <code>arrival_time</code>, <code>departure_time</code>, <code>stop_sequence</code>, <code>stop_id</code> on replacement stops).</li> <li>When providing a <code>ModifiedTripSelector</code>, the <code>trip_id</code>, <code>route_id</code>, <code>direction_id</code>, <code>start_time</code>, <code>start_date</code> fields of the <code>TripDescriptor</code> MUST be left empty, to avoid confusion by consumers that aren't looking for the <code>ModifiedTripSelector</code> value. </li> <li>TripUpdate feeds providing updates with <code>ModifiedTripSelector</code> SHOULD also include a TripUpdate targeting clients that don't support TripModifications. In other words, there should be two TripUpdates: one for clients with modified trips (with <code>TripModifications</code>) and one for clients with the originial unmodified GTFS (without <code>TripModifications</code>).</li> <li>Providing a TripUpdate with a <code>ModifiedTripSelector</code> is the only way to create predictions at replacement stops.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If no such TripUpdate is found, TripUpdates for the original <code>trip_id</code> will apply to the modified trip. <ul> <li>In this case, the static GTFS information used should be from the static GTFS before any TripModifications applied. </li> <li>Real time information can be available to the common stops between the previous trip and the new modified trip; however, no ETA would be available at the replacement stops.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2 id="modification">Modification<a class="headerlink" href="#modification" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <p>A <code>Modification</code> message describes changes to each affected trip starting at <code>start_stop_selector</code>. There can be zero, one, or more than one stop time(s) replaced by a <code>Modification</code>. The spans of the modifications MUST not overlap. Spans may not be contiguous; in this case the two modifications MUST be merged into one. These stop times are replaced with a new stop time for each replacement stop described by <code>replacement_stops</code>.</p> <p>The sequence of <code>replacement_stops</code> may be of arbitrary length. For example, 3 stops could be replaced by 2, 4, or 0 stops as the situation may require.</p> <p><img alt="" src="/../assets/trip-modification.png" /></p> <p><em>An example showing the effect of a modification on a particular trip. This modification may also be applied to several other trips.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="/../assets/propagated-delay.png" /></p> <p><em>Propagated detour delays affect all stops following the end of a modification. If a trip has multiple modifications, the delays are accumulated.</em></p> <h2 id="replacementstop">ReplacementStop<a class="headerlink" href="#replacementstop" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <p>Each <code>ReplacementStop</code> message defines a stop that will now be visited by the trip, and optionally specifies the estimated travel time to the stop. The <code>ReplacementStop</code> message is used to construct the scheduled <code>stop_time</code> for the stop.</p> <p>When <code>travel_time_to_stop</code> is specified, the <code>arrival_time</code> is calculated from a reference stop in the original trip, plus the offset in <code>travel_time_to_stop</code>. Otherwise, the <code>arrival_time</code> can be be interpolated based on the total duration of the modification in the original trip.</p> <p>The <code>departure_time</code> always equals the <code>arrival_time</code>.</p> <p>The optional fields of <a href="../../../schedule/reference/#stop_timestxt"><code>stop_times.txt</code></a> in the (CSV) GTFS specification are all set to their default values.</p> <p><img alt="" src="/../assets/first-stop-reference.png" /></p> <p><em>If a modification affects the first stop of the trip, that stop also serves as the reference stop of the modification.</em></p> </article> </div> <script>var tabs=__md_get("__tabs");if(Array.isArray(tabs))e:for(var set of document.querySelectorAll(".tabbed-set")){var labels=set.querySelector(".tabbed-labels");for(var tab of tabs)for(var label of labels.getElementsByTagName("label"))if(label.innerText.trim()===tab){var input=document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);input.checked=!0;continue e}}</script> <script>var 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565.65 V 89.08 c 0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1 h -13.56 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 13.52 h -8.27 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 12.67 c 0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1 h 8.27 v 20.66 c 0,6.93 1.56,11.56 4.91,14.57 3.13,2.81 7.86,4.18 14.64,4.18 2.17,0 4.55,-0.14 7.15,-0.42 0.51,-0.05 0.89,-0.48 0.89,-0.99 v -11.95 c 0,-0.27 -0.11,-0.54 -0.31,-0.72 -0.2,-0.19 -0.47,-0.29 -0.74,-0.27 -4.86,0.25 -8.41,0.32 -9.95,-1.14 -0.71,-0.67 -1.04,-1.7 -1.04,-3.25 v -20.66 h 11.04 c 0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1 V 103.6 c 0.01,-0.55 -0.44,-1 -0.99,-1 z" id="path20" style="fill:#ffffff" /> <path class="st0" d="M 676.43,81.87 H 646.9 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 72.39 c 0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1 h 29.53 c 10.15,0 19.49,-3.82 26.31,-10.76 6.77,-6.89 10.5,-16.28 10.5,-26.44 0,-10.16 -3.73,-19.55 -10.5,-26.44 -6.82,-6.93 -16.16,-10.75 -26.31,-10.75 z m 20.93,37.19 c 0,12.77 -8.61,21.69 -20.93,21.69 H 662.42 V 97.37 h 14.01 c 12.32,0 20.93,8.92 20.93,21.69 z" id="path22" style="fill:#ffffff" /> <path class="st0" d="M 775.16,102.6 H 761.6 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 3.7 c -4.15,-4.03 -9.8,-6.15 -16.46,-6.15 -7.15,0 -13.87,2.9 -18.91,8.17 -5.08,5.31 -7.88,12.45 -7.88,20.1 0,7.65 2.8,14.79 7.88,20.11 5.04,5.27 11.76,8.17 18.91,8.17 6.66,0 12.3,-2.12 16.46,-6.15 v 3.7 c 0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1 h 13.56 c 0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1 V 103.6 c 0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1 z m -14.56,26.83 c 0,8.07 -5.72,13.71 -13.9,13.71 -8.12,0 -13.79,-5.64 -13.79,-13.71 0,-8.07 5.67,-13.71 13.79,-13.71 8.19,0 13.9,5.63 13.9,13.71 z" id="path24" style="fill:#ffffff" /> <path class="st0" d="M 818.36,102.6 H 807.32 V 89.08 c 0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1 h -13.56 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 13.52 h -8.27 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 12.67 c 0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1 h 8.27 v 20.66 c 0,6.93 1.56,11.56 4.91,14.57 3.13,2.81 7.86,4.18 14.64,4.18 2.17,0 4.55,-0.14 7.15,-0.42 0.51,-0.05 0.89,-0.48 0.89,-0.99 v -11.95 c 0,-0.27 -0.11,-0.54 -0.31,-0.72 -0.2,-0.19 -0.47,-0.29 -0.74,-0.27 -4.85,0.25 -8.41,0.32 -9.95,-1.14 -0.71,-0.67 -1.04,-1.7 -1.04,-3.25 v -20.66 h 11.04 c 0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1 V 103.6 c 0.01,-0.55 -0.44,-1 -0.99,-1 z" id="path26" style="fill:#ffffff" /> <path class="st0" d="m 880.73,102.6 h -13.56 c -0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1 v 3.7 c -4.15,-4.03 -9.8,-6.15 -16.46,-6.15 -7.15,0 -13.87,2.9 -18.91,8.17 -5.08,5.31 -7.88,12.45 -7.88,20.1 0,7.65 2.8,14.79 7.88,20.11 5.04,5.27 11.76,8.17 18.91,8.17 6.66,0 12.31,-2.12 16.46,-6.15 v 3.7 c 0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1 h 13.56 c 0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1 V 103.6 c -0.01,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1 z m -14.56,26.83 c 0,8.07 -5.72,13.71 -13.9,13.71 -8.12,0 -13.79,-5.64 -13.79,-13.71 0,-8.07 5.67,-13.71 13.79,-13.71 8.18,0 13.9,5.63 13.9,13.71 z" id="path28" style="fill:#ffffff" /> <path class="st0" d="m 637.94,102.65 h -14.4 c -0.49,0 -0.92,0.31 -1.08,0.77 l -11.13,33.32 -13.05,-33.37 c -0.17,-0.44 -0.59,-0.72 -1.06,-0.72 h -14.71 c -0.38,0 -0.74,0.19 -0.95,0.51 -0.21,0.32 -0.25,0.72 -0.1,1.07 l 21.83,50.99 c -2.51,6.69 -6.12,9.31 -12.78,9.31 -0.05,0 -0.1,0 -0.14,0 -0.3,0 -0.59,0.12 -0.8,0.33 -0.22,0.21 -0.33,0.5 -0.33,0.8 v 12.36 c 0,0.61 0.48,1.11 1.08,1.14 0.63,0.03 1.25,0.05 1.87,0.05 6.25,0 11.45,-1.62 15.85,-4.92 4.83,-3.63 8.57,-9.21 11.43,-17.07 L 639,104.17 c 0.13,-0.35 0.08,-0.74 -0.13,-1.04 -0.21,-0.3 -0.56,-0.48 -0.93,-0.48 z" id="path30" style="fill:#ffffff" /> </g> <path class="st0" d="m 215.93,168.67 -9.88,-9.88 -3.3,3.3 5.03,5.03 h -22.43 c -0.93,-2.53 -2.93,-4.55 -5.45,-5.51 V 35.56 c 0,-2.16 -1.75,-3.91 -3.91,-3.91 h -27.18 c -1.8,0 -3.49,0.95 -4.42,2.49 L 108.64,90.65 72.71,34.12 C 71.77,32.59 70.09,31.65 68.3,31.65 H 49.2 C 48.24,29.13 46.23,27.13 43.7,26.2 V 0 h -6.4 v 26.2 c -2.56,0.94 -4.6,2.98 -5.54,5.54 H 8.83 l 5.03,-5.03 -3.3,-3.3 -9.88,9.88 C 0.24,33.73 0,34.32 0,34.94 c 0,0.62 0.25,1.21 0.68,1.65 l 9.88,9.88 3.3,-3.3 -5.03,-5.03 h 22.91 c 0.93,2.54 2.93,4.56 5.46,5.52 V 169.7 c 0,2.16 1.75,3.91 3.91,3.91 h 28.82 c 2.16,0 3.91,-1.75 3.91,-3.91 v -68.08 l 30.47,46.42 c 0.92,1.41 2.5,2.29 4.23,2.35 0.04,0 0.08,0 0.12,0 1.75,0 3.37,-0.89 4.34,-2.39 l 30.1,-46.99 0.35,67.38 c 0,2.87 2.32,5.21 5.18,5.21 h 19.26 c 0.96,2.52 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