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I was excited to network and connect with other students across many disciplines with a common interest in optics. The Society allowed me to develop my communication skills, from presenting at a conference to hands-on demonstrations with elementary school kids and rural high school students. I realized how much I enjoyed sharing my love for science and hopefully inspiring others to continue to be curious. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such intelligent and motivated peers and mentors.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_chicago_anne-sophie_mancha_image_1392x1392.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Anne-Sophie Mancha" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Anne-Sophie</h4> <h4>Mancha</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Koichi" data-last-name="Shimoda" data-position="University of Tokyo" data-body="The citation on the C.E.K. Mees medal, &ldquo;Optics transcends all boundaries&mdash;interdisciplinary and international alike,&rdquo; has been my favorite motto for investigation and education of optical physics&mdash;in particular of quantum coherence in lasers and laser spectroscopy. Quite a few members have been my intimate collaborators and friends in optics, whom I miss so much."> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Koichi Shimoda" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> Quite a few members have been my intimate collaborators and friends in optics. </h6> <div> <b>Koichi Shimoda</b> <p>University of Tokyo</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Jason" data-last-name="Eichenholz" data-position="Luminar Technologies" data-body="I have always been drawn towards entrepreneurship and the commercialization of photonics technology. Becoming a Fellow was one of the highest professional honors in my career, something I never expected would be possible given my chosen non-academic career path. It is encouraging to see the society recognizing contributions from those of us in industry with the distinction of fellow.
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Jason Eichenholz" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Jason</h4> <h4>Eichenholz</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Jennifer E." data-last-name="Hastie" data-position="University of Strathclyde" data-body="Being part of this community enables members to broaden their view of the state-of-the-art in optics and photonics and provides opportunities for external participation and development of career networks. I have been a member since the early stages of my research career, and I have particularly benefitted from attending and contributing to events, making links with a broad range of international colleagues along the way. A recent highlight was the opportunity to serve as a lecturer on the Siegman International Summer School on Lasers at the University of Rochester in 2019, which was a highly rewarding experience."> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Jennifer E. Hastie" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> Being part of this community enables members to broaden their view of the state-of-the-art in optics and photonics. </h6> <div> <b>Jennifer E. Hastie</b> <p>University of Strathclyde</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Christine" data-last-name="Hendon" data-position="Columbia University" data-body="Optics is driving innovations in medical imaging, particularly in cardiology. As an active member of the Society, I engage with biomedical optics professionals worldwide to explore innovations in medical imaging. Additionally, serving on the Board of Meetings and Biomedical Optics Congress Committee allows me to expand my network and ensure our meetings are designed to teach and mentor the next generation of biomedical optics leaders. It is a passion of mine to encourage and support our students
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Christine Hendon" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Christine</h4> <h4>Hendon</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Araceli" data-last-name="Venegas-Gomez" data-position="QURECA Ltd." data-body="Being part of this community has been decisive in how my career has progressed in recent years and given me the opportunity to meet great people from all over the world sharing a common passion. The Society has always been there, supporting in various ways, from grants to networking. Winning the Milton and Rosalind Chang Pivoting Fellowship in 2019 allowed me to materialize my ideas and change my career in an unprecedented way. Now I have my own company to support individuals and businesses to be part of the quantum revolution.
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Araceli Venegas-Gomez" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Araceli</h4> <h4>Venegas-Gomez</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_satoshi_kawata_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Satoshi" data-last-name="Kawata" data-position="Osaka University" data-body="<p>When I was a student in Japan, I did not have the opportunity to present my research results at overseas conferences. I learned everything through Optica magazines and journals about topics, trends, and people&rsquo;s activities in optics worldwide. Optica was my only connection to the world of optics. Since becoming a professor, I have attended conferences in the U.S., where I have a network of friends from across the world. I was elected to the Optica Board of Directors and will serve as President in 2022!</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_satoshi_kawata_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Satoshi Kawata" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Satoshi</h4> <h4>Kawata</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Christopher" data-last-name="Dorman" data-position="Coherent Inc." data-body="The Photonics Industry is growing and maturing. Key to the success of photonics is the collaborations between Academics and Businesses. The Society is fundamental in connecting the photonics community, spawning networks and clusters of scientists and businesses. It underpins the success of the optical field and is critical to its future trajectory.
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Christopher Dorman" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Christopher</h4> <h4>Dorman</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_connie_chang_hasnain_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Connie" data-last-name="Chang-Hasnain" data-position="University of California, Berkeley" data-body="<p>I have been active with Optica and the optics and photonics community since I was a graduate student when I presented my first conference paper at the 1984 Annual Meeting. I found a community that I could call home in that life-changing experience. I have met many of my seniors who generously mentored and guided me. Unbeknownst to them, they started a &ldquo;paying forward&rdquo; motion, which I have been fortunate to take part in. I pledged to devote my energy and enthusiasm to the community, to foster the growth of junior scientists and students, and to promote our field as optical technologies further improve the quality of life around the world.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_connie_chang_hasnain_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Connie Chang-Hasnain" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Connie</h4> <h4>Chang-Hasnain</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_gisel_bennett_image_696x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Gisele" data-last-name="Bennett" data-position="MEPSS LLC" data-body="<p>Being part of the Optica community means affiliation with an organization you can be proud of for the support it provides to its members, the relentless advocacy for the advancement of optics and photonics, and the innovative programs for the next generation and early career professionals. The pride I have for Optica comes from being part of a community that values quality, mentorship, science, inclusivity, and diversity in all areas.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_gisel_bennett_image_696x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Gisele Bennett" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Gisele</h4> <h4>Bennett</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Elaine" data-last-name="Lalanne" data-position="Fibertek, Inc." data-body="<p>Being a member of the optics and photonics community provides tools for my success, growth, and development in my technical career. I can keep abreast of current topics, developments, and advances in my field, as well as expand my social and professional network. This community has allowed me to share my knowledge and expertise by providing opportunities for me to present my work at conferences. I have served in various committees, which permits me to contribute and impact the community. In addition, I love that I can meet people not in my area of expertise and thus be able to widen my network.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-50"> <div class="col-md-12 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h4 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> I love that I can meet people not in my area of expertise . . . and widen my network. </h4> <div> <b>Elaine Lalanne</b> <p>Fibertek, Inc.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row no-gutters h-50"> <div class="col-md-12"> <img class="card-img h-100 img-shift-up-md-200" src="" alt="Elaine Lalanne" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_takashige_omatsu-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Takashige" data-last-name="Omatsu" data-position="Chiba University" data-body="<p>Optics and photonics always enable us to simply and directly visualize complicated phenomena and advanced technologies, for instance, optical imaging based on microscopes. I have been learning fundamental sciences, such as quantum physics, solid-state physics, and even topology, from optics and photonics. Optics and photonics always give exciting physical insights to me, and they have also offered me many exotic experiences leading to new research opportunities, new friends, and new communities. I love optics and photonics very much.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_takashige_omatsu-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Takashige Omatsu" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Takashige</h4> <h4>Omatsu</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Kristen" data-last-name="Hagan" data-position="Duke University" data-body="<p>When my college professor derived the speed of light from Maxwell&rsquo;s Equations, I was captivated by optics and pursued a PhD in the field. The Society&rsquo;s journals have been instrumental in expanding my knowledge of optics throughout my PhD studies and often reignite that initial excitement that I first experienced years ago. I have connected with communities (e.g., ophthalmic adaptive optics) which have been invaluable to my research on novel imaging systems. This community has encouraged me to participate in outreach events and leadership and diversity training, broadening my perspective as an optics student who spends most hours in a windowless lab. I have witnessed its impact on fostering relationships between optics students and faculty at Duke by facilitating research talks that lead to new collaborations and ideas. I do not doubt that this Society will continue to be a major part of my career for the foreseeable future.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Kristen Hagan" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Kristen</h4> <h4>Hagan</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Wilhelm" data-last-name="Kaenders" data-position="TOPTICA Photonics AG/Inc." data-body="<p>The journals and meetings are my key to an impressive bunch of globally connected intellectuals who are pursuing a field of technology based on the ever-increasing understanding of the science of light. To me, the Society is a highly productive work environment combined with a shared passion for science and discovery to understand and utilize photons to the extreme level: from the single-particle to field strengths close to what started the universe to the ultimate precision that quantum theory allows. But it is also a buzzing business opportunity at the interface of invention to innovation that helped to shape my career.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-50"> <div class="col-md-12 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h4 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> The Society . . . is a buzzing business opportunity at the interface of invention to innovation. </h4> <div> <b>Wilhelm Kaenders</b> <p>TOPTICA Photonics AG/Inc.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row no-gutters h-50"> <div class="col-md-12"> <img class="card-img h-100 img-shift-up-md-200" src="" alt="Wilhelm Kaenders" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Ling-An" data-last-name="Wu" data-position="Chinese Academy of Sciences" data-body="<p>My first meeting, the Fifth Rochester Conference in 1983, was a truly eye-opening experience, when as a raw second-year PhD student, I first heard the bizarre term, quantum squeezing. Little did I imagine that that would eventually be my thesis topic. After becoming a member, I quickly enjoyed my free Physics Today, which I still enjoy today together with Optics &amp; Photonics News. Then in 2012, it was as an adviser to our student chapter that I began to undertake all sorts of outreach programs for ages from kindergarten to retirees and have been honored with the 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Recognition. Although a retired senior member, I still intend to pursue optics actively!</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Ling-An Wu" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Ling-An</h4> <h4>Wu</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Pedro" data-last-name="Vallejo Ramirez" data-position="University of Oxford" data-body="<p>The Society provided key opportunities for me, in the form of conferences, summer schools, and US congressional visits, to network with both academic and industrial researchers in optics and photonics, as well as fellow students from all over the globe. These experiences inspired me to pursue my research in optical imaging methods for biomedical applications, first through a PhD and currently through a post-doc. I am keen to continue participating actively in programs to encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds, specifically Latin America and the Caribbean, to pursue careers in optics and photonics.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Pedro Vallejo Ramirez" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Pedro</h4> <h4>Vallejo Ramirez</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Ed" data-last-name="Whittaker" data-position="Stevens Institute of Technology" data-body="<p>I joined as a graduate student in the late 1970s, and it has been my intellectual home ever since. The Society is truly a community of creative scientists and engineers. It is always a thrill to interact with that community, whether by publishing in their excellent peer-reviewed journals, attending and presenting at their scientific meetings or interacting with the editorial team at Optics Letters. I always feel at home at any of our meetings or other activities, and most importantly, I continue to learn about the science of optics every day.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Ed Whittaker" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> I joined as a graduate student in the late 1970s, and it has been my intellectual home ever since. </h6> <div> <b>Ed Whittaker</b> <p>Stevens Institute of Technology</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_ulrike_fuchs_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Ulrike" data-last-name="Fuchs" data-position="asphericon" data-body="<p>For me, being part of the community means participating in a lively exchange with peers from industry and academia, actively contributing myself and always learning something new. I love the conversations during the coffee breaks at the conferences as much as listening to the presentations.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_ulrike_fuchs_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Ulrike Fuchs" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Ulrike</h4> <h4>Fuchs</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Elsa" data-last-name="Garmire" data-position="Dartmouth College" data-body="<p>Photonics and optics have been my field since 1961. I have been a member since 1963, fellow since 1979, President in 1993, Honorary Member since 2019. Extensive committee work provided visibility and useful management skills. Without this, I would not have been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, nor been selected as the first woman dean of engineering in a top-ranked school.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Elsa Garmire" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Elsa</h4> <h4>Garmire</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Lidia" data-last-name="Galdino" data-position="University College London" data-body="<p>Through its international leadership in the scientific field of optics and photonics, the Society generates, advances, and disseminates knowledge within our community. Foremost, it celebrates and supports the community through a series of programs and initiatives focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion. Its commitment to professional development, global representation, and growth opportunities to all of us make it a unique community that is continually working to build a culture where all members thrive!</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Lidia Galdino" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Lidia</h4> <h4>Galdino</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Abbie" data-last-name="Watnik" data-position="US Naval Research Laboratory" data-body="<p>This community is my professional home&mdash;a place to network and connect with individuals in my technical field across the globe, through in-person conferences as well as the latest research in written journal publications.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Abbie Watnik" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Abbie</h4> <h4>Watnik</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Alan" data-last-name="Willner" data-position="University of Southern California" data-body="<p>It brings me a deep sense of community, meaning, satisfaction, and purpose. It connects me to the people in my field across the world and between past luminaries and future generations. It embodies the pursuit of excellence and impact on society at large and our community of individuals in specific.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Alan Willner" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Alan</h4> <h4>Willner</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Alexandra" data-last-name="Boltasseva" data-position="Purdue University" data-body="<p>Alone, it is hard to make a difference. I believe making the world a better place requires deeply interconnected efforts both in fundamental science discoveries and disruptive practical technologies. That is what staying connected with the photonics community means to me. To interact with beautiful minds is the most rewarding part of my work.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Alexandra Boltasseva" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> To interact with beautiful minds is the most rewarding part of my work. </h6> <div> <b>Alexandra Boltasseva</b> <p>Purdue University</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Allister I." data-last-name="Ferguson" data-position="University of Strathclyde" data-body="<p>I have been a member since I was a research student in the mid-1970s. My relationship has evolved and developed but has always been about bringing people together through journals, conferences, and meetings. It has enabled me to meet new people, establish friendships, and develop collaborations across the globe. It has provided a forum for me to tell people about my work and learn from others. The Society has an increasingly important role in bringing scientific insight to some of the current challenges faced by society.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Allister I. Ferguson" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> The Society has an increasingly important role in bringing scientific insight to current challenges faced by society. </h6> <div> <b>Allister I. Ferguson</b> <p>University of Strathclyde</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Anjul" data-last-name="Loiacono" data-position="ColdQuanta" data-body="<p>This community is a home away from home. Always, I have felt welcome, included, and valued. The Society has been the community that I could consistently rely on to have the right programs and events throughout my academic and professional career. They listen to their members and advocate for the Optics and Photonics community.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Anjul Loiacono" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Anjul</h4> <h4>Loiacono</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_chicago_audrey_bowden_image_1392x1392-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Audrey" data-last-name="Bowden" data-position="Vanderbilt University" data-body="<p>People in the community are passionate about their work not just because it&rsquo;s interesting but because they do work that matters to improve the lives of people around us. I love being part of a community of intelligent and compassionate people who put their total energy into turning awesome ideas that advance the frontier of human knowledge and yield meaningful and remarkable products. It is also neat to see how the language of optics can transcend so many dimensions of differences and help unite people with differing backgrounds, ideologies, and appearances.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_chicago_audrey_bowden_image_1392x1392-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Audrey Bowden" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Audrey</h4> <h4>Bowden</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_bettina_heise-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Bettina" data-last-name="Heise" data-position="Johannes Kepler University of Linz" data-body="<p>For me being a member of a worldwide scientific community means we can freely exchange expertise and knowledge. The field of optics and photonics is an interesting research field with many futures and prospering ideas such as imaging, an interdisciplinary field connecting optics, photonics, and mathematics. Through optics and photonics, we can study applications of advanced imaging technology in the technical material field and medical surroundings and the wonderful light phenomena in nature and daily life.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_bettina_heise-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Bettina Heise" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Bettina</h4> <h4>Heise</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Brandon" data-last-name="Buscaino" data-position="Infinera Corp." data-body="<p>This Society has had a tremendous impact on both my professional and personal life. During my PhD program, I traveled to conferences and networking events thanks to support from the Foundation. But more than that, my student chapter was my home away from home&mdash;where I could brainstorm research ideas, plan technical seminars, or simply connect with friends. None of this would have been possible without support from the rest of the community, whether from tenured professors, industry affiliates, or other students. To me, this is a true community, where each member goes out of their way to help others and give back.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Brandon Buscaino" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Brandon</h4> <h4>Buscaino</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Brandon" data-last-name="Collings" data-position="Lumentum Holdings" data-body="<p>Given that the optical community is somewhat modest in scale relative to other technology segments, having a strong and organized community strongly enables this community&rsquo;s ability to thrive, adapt, and succeed in a global and perpetual sense. Having been a part of this community and personally benefited from such a presence, I am excited about being a part of that community looking to continue to foster that broader success and enable future members to enjoy a productive career in our exciting field.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Brandon Collings" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Brandon</h4> <h4>Collings</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Daigo" data-last-name="Oue" data-position="Imperial College London" data-body="<p>One of the most exciting things in optics is that we can have various connections with other research fields such as mathematics, biology, and chemistry and thus deepen our understanding of science and widen our perspective. Being part of the community, the biggest optics society in the world, provides many opportunities to interact with people with various backgrounds with the same language of optics. That is the best way to learn new concepts with fun.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Daigo Oue" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> The community . . . provides many opportunities to interact with people . . . with the same language of optics. </h6> <div> <b>Daigo Oue</b> <p>Imperial College London</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Elizabeth A." data-last-name="Rogan" data-position="Optica" data-body="<p>Every day I&#39;m inspired by the ingenuity of minds across our community. Optics and photonics continue to help solve some of the most significant challenges facing our world: affordable energy, climate change, health and well-being, and more. As the CEO of Optica, it&#39;s an honor to support those who enable such solutions.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Elizabeth A. Rogan" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Elizabeth A.</h4> <h4>Rogan</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Fatemeh" data-last-name="Ghaedi Vanani" data-position="The College of Optics and Photonics" data-body="<p>I strongly believe that individual success highly depends on a community of persons working together. For more than a century, this Society has been the world&rsquo;s leading optics and photonics community, pushing the edges of science and industry through publications, events, and services addressing the ongoing need for shared knowledge and innovation. Being part of this worldwide optics family helps every scientist contribute to shaping our world&rsquo;s future. Being a member is the best way of being heard and receiving feedback from your peers all around the world and making your life shine through connection and communication.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Fatemeh</h4> <h4>Ghaedi Vanani</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/fei_liu_faces.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Fei" data-last-name="Liu" data-position="Xidian University" data-body="<p>The first time I heard about the Society was from a friend in 2012. I was surprised by her generosity and care for students, over the whole world. Then I started applying to the student chapter with some friends and have continued to be a member until now. I became a teacher from a student almost ten years later, but I&rsquo;m still a member and our student chapter advisor. Being part of this community has changed my opinion of academics: it can be advanced, open, and selfless. Optics and photonics is my life-long career.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/fei_liu_faces.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Fei Liu" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Fei</h4> <h4>Liu</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="George" data-last-name="Dwapanyin" data-position="University of Saint Andrews" data-body="<p>For me, being part of this community is like being part of a large nuclear family. I have met with, interacted with, and received much invaluable guidance from many distinguished individuals fronting the current and future trends in the optics community. I am where I am today because of this association. Many doors have been opened for someone from a rural town in a developing country. The Society is nurturing tomorrow&rsquo;s leaders today, and that&rsquo;s why I see it as family. We&rsquo;re all one.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="George Dwapanyin" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>George</h4> <h4>Dwapanyin</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Gregory" data-last-name="Eskridge" data-position="KLA Corp." data-body="<p>I am thankful to be a part of this community. One of my fondest memories is walking the floor at OFC 2011 as a brand-new engineer, in awe at the incredible products on display and running into school colleagues. Since then, my career has taken me places I could have never expected, and I still get that same awe from new technology. From casually reading about cutting-edge research in Optics &amp; Photonics News magazine to frantically searching through Journal of Lightwave Technology articles for help with an experiment at work, I&rsquo;ve found the Society has acted as a valuable technical resource. However, more importantly, I know that the community will be there for me when I need it.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Gregory Eskridge" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Gregory</h4> <h4>Eskridge</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Herbert" data-last-name="Winful" data-position="University of Michigan" data-body="<p>I have been a member since my undergraduate days. Over the years, it has become a community where I connect with optics friends and colleagues at the annual meeting and other conferences year after year. The many high-impact journals are an invaluable resource for my research, both for disseminating my results and keeping up with important developments in the field. The Society has allowed me to give back through serving on committees, organizing meetings, and chairing technical groups. I have also been able to conduct outreach to pre-college kids using their optics kits.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Herbert Winful" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Herbert</h4> <h4>Winful</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Hui" data-last-name="Wang" data-position="Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics" data-body="<p>The Society is a valuable collaborator of CIOMP. I have been deeply impressed by the professionalism and friendliness of its members. Liz Rogan, CEO, took part in the Rose of Science activity chaired by me this year, marking the achievements of women science workers everywhere. Although I do not have a science background, all the members I have had the privilege of getting to know have been patient and helpful and made me feel part of a truly a big family.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Hui Wang" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Hui</h4> <h4>Wang</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Ian" data-last-name="Walmsley" data-position="Imperial College London" data-body="<p>Optica has been a professional home for me for my entire career. I&rsquo;ve benefitted from the networks it has enabled, the connections it has helped foster and, of course, its brilliant technical provisions&mdash;both publications and conferences. It&rsquo;s important to me that Optica is a mission- and value-driven organization that seeks to make a difference: both for its members and wider society. I value being able to contribute delivering to that vision, along with the fantastic people that are part of the Society, as members, volunteers, and professional staff&mdash;that community is central to its success.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Ian Walmsley" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Ian</h4> <h4>Walmsley</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="James C." data-last-name="Wyant" data-position="University of Arizona" data-body="<p>I have always considered myself lucky to have joined during my first year of graduate school in 1966, primarily to receive their journal Applied Optics, and I soon realized there were many advantages to being involved. The Society has given me numerous opportunities to network with others in my field and has provided me with valuable resources for ongoing learning and career advancement. Additionally, it has been fun to watch it grow over the last 55 years, and some of my fondest memories are the many student chapters I visited during my time as president in 2010. Those visits convinced me the field of optics would continue to thrive in the future.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="James C. Wyant" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>James C.</h4> <h4>Wyant</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_janet_fender-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Janet S." data-last-name="Fender" data-position="Langley Air Force Base" data-body="<p>Belonging to this community is an immersion into an incredibly diverse world of professionals, all fascinating people who creatively use their knowledge and skills to advance the field of optics and photonics. The kinship and cooperative spirit quite naturally facilitate collaborative partnerships and lifelong friendships with people who have vastly different experiences and expertise, bound together by a common interest in optics. Being part of the community, we reap the rewards of an enormous expansion of learning opportunities, intellectual growth, and enriched personal relationships.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_janet_fender-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Janet S. Fender" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Janet S.</h4> <h4>Fender</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Joe" data-last-name="Goodman" data-position="Stanford University" data-body="<p>This Society has provided a high-quality publication and meeting outlet for my research, as well as a valuable opportunity for networking at meetings.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Joe Goodman" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Joe</h4> <h4>Goodman</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="John" data-last-name="Pendry" data-position="Imperial College London" data-body="<p>In my research, I have moved fields several times. Originally based on surface science, my interests moved to optics when I wrote a controversial paper proposing a &ldquo;perfect lens.&rdquo; I found the optics community open to and indeed welcoming of ideas from an outsider. This led to experimental confirmation of my proposal, which is now widely accepted.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="John Pendry" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>John</h4> <h4>Pendry</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_joseph_izatt_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Joseph" data-last-name="Izatt" data-position="Michael J. Fitzpatrick Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Duke University." data-body="<p>Optica has been my principal professional home for most of my career. For me as an academic and founder/consultant to optical imaging companies, Optica&rsquo;s publications and meetings have been critical venues for my career&rsquo;s most important developments and interactions. My involvement has resulted in many of my closest professional associations and friendships. This community stands uniquely as the premier global forum for optics and photonics, and I am honored to be a part of this important legacy.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_joseph_izatt_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Joseph Izatt" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Joseph</h4> <h4>Izatt</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_willhelm_kaenders-2_image_696x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Kae" data-last-name="Nemoto" data-position="National Institute for Informatics" data-body="<p>The society has a long history of supporting the international optics and photonics community including those associated with quantum technologies. This has been achieved through their broad activities which I really appreciate. It brings scientists, engineers and researchers together from diverse areas and allows us all to mix and exchange ideas in a friendly and dynamic environment. For me personally it has provided a home where my research naturally fits and a community to work with. Many new collaborations have been fostered by it. Its conferences have not only allowed me to present my latest work at them, but also to hear ground breaking results from others and learn completely new and unfamiliar areas.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_willhelm_kaenders-2_image_696x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Kae Nemoto" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Kae</h4> <h4>Nemoto</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_lester_lee_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Lester A." data-last-name="Lee, Sr." data-position="Lester A. Lee Associates" data-body="<p>This Society has allowed Lester A. Lee Associates access to cover their meetings and conferences to record photos and videos of scientists of African ancestry presenting and presiding over various sections of technology. Lester A. Lee Associates independently produces a documentary about the past, present, and future efforts of people of African descent in photonics, lasers, electro-optics, and telecommunications as we move into the 21st century. It is mandatory that our communities, wherever we live in the diaspora, can process digital information and unleash its power to create new knowledge and intelligence.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_lester_lee_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Lester A. Lee, Sr." /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Lester A.</h4> <h4>Lee, Sr.</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Liangcai" data-last-name="Cao" data-position="Tsinghua University" data-body="<p>I joined as a student member in 2003 when I was a PhD student. I read the journal papers every week and attended meetings every year. I also served as a reviewer for journals such as Optica, Optics Letters, and Applied Optics. I served as general chair for the topical meeting of digital holography and three-dimensional imaging in 2020. In this community, I work with international colleagues and scholars with similar research interests. Amazingly, I get so many resources to improve and promote my research and teaching. It is wonderful to have so many life-long friends from nations around the world.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Liangcai Cao" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Liangcai</h4> <h4>Cao</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_ling_fu_image_672x672-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Ling" data-last-name="Fu" data-position="Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics" data-body="<p>My involvement began with my first publication in Optics Letters when I was a student. It has been my honor to contribute and serve in many roles, be active as a Fellow member, participate in conferences, and publish in the journals. I truly appreciate the academic, innovative, respective, and inclusive culture and this community of mentors, peers, and friends. I look forward to a bright future and being part of creating this future.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_ling_fu_image_672x672-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Ling Fu" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Ling</h4> <h4>Fu</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Michael" data-last-name="Raymer" data-position="University of Oregon" data-body="<p>I am a quantum physicist, and I love optics. My interest in light and optics started in high school when I discovered some of the writings of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. I couldn&rsquo;t see then how light can act as both particles and as waves. I still can&rsquo;t! But now I know how to harness the quantum behavior of light to carry out useful tasks, such as building lasers, improving telescopes, and even building quantum computers. Advancing science is a group activity, and one of my greatest pleasures is interacting with the community in research, service, and social events.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Michael Raymer" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Michael</h4> <h4>Raymer</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Miles" data-last-name="Padgett" data-position="University of Glasgow" data-body="<p>The highlight is the support they provide for early career researchers through, for example, financial support of the student chapters and the IONS student-led conference series. Of course, The Society offers support more widely through the journals they run and their early adoption of the &ldquo;open access&rdquo; publishing model, and finally its leadership of the conference agenda.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Miles Padgett" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Miles</h4> <h4>Padgett</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Ming-Jun" data-last-name="Li" data-position="Corning Inc." data-body="<p>As an optical scientist working in the optical fiber communications industry, this is the most important professional organization. To me, it is like a big family: it has helped me develop my professional networks, provided information and resources for expanding my technical fields and career development, and provided opportunities to serve the optical community and develop my technical leadership skills. Participating in activities is critical to keeping me informed about the latest knowledge and advances globally. The Society offers conferences, seminars, and lectures along with other opportunities for learning, which are important for expanding my technical skills.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Ming-Jun Li" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Ming-Jun</h4> <h4>Li</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Monika" data-last-name="Ritsch-Marte" data-position="Medical University of Innsbruck" data-body="<p>For me, science has always been like a light in the dark. Since early childhood, I have felt a strong urge to understand. Being taught physics in the universal language of mathematics was a revelation, and my particular fascination with light and color brought me into the field of Optics. To me, the Society represents an ideal means to share enlightening insights with colleagues at exciting conferences, but also a way to pass knowledge on to the next generation of young minds eager to learn how to become a professional in Optics.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Monika Ritsch-Marte" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Monika</h4> <h4>Ritsch-Marte</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Nadezhda M." data-last-name="Bulgakova" data-position="Czech Academy of Sciences" data-body="<p>Being a member of the community, I became closely connected with the brightest scientists in optics-related fields who are working for making our world better, bringing innovative technologies to various scientific and technological fields from astronomy to energy harvesting and bio-medicine. I can participate in organizing conferences such as CLEO, working with colleagues to select the most breakthrough discoveries and innovations for invited talks. Supporting students developing careers in optics, thus promoting their future, is also important for me as an experienced scientist who passed through not so easy periods in scientific life.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Nadezhda M. Bulgakova" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Nadezhda M.</h4> <h4>Bulgakova</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Peter" data-last-name="Knight" data-position="Imperial College London" data-body="<p>Optics is transforming the world, generating new insights, and making discoveries that are changing the way we live (fibre optics enabling the internet, lasers transforming manufacturing, and so much more). With its international links and ability to bridge the worlds of research and industry, the Society is my scientific natural home, and its inclusiveness has brought lasting friendship. This community has been my source of trusted peer-reviewed information for much of my working life. Our conferences have highlighted exciting new areas of science and brought us inspirational speakers, and our journals have pioneered online open access, democratizing science for all. It&rsquo;s the go-to place for all of us in optics.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Peter Knight" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Peter</h4> <h4>Knight</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_pingli_han_image_672x672-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Pingli" data-last-name="Han" data-position="Xidian University" data-body="<p>Being a member opened new doors in my life, both academically and daily. The Society guided my academic research with abundant knowledge and up-to-date publications. Through its network, I got the chance to meet many like-minded friends engaged in optics and photonics. Many of us have become lifelong friends and colleagues.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_beijing_pingli_han_image_672x672-1.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Pingli Han" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Pingli</h4> <h4>Han</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Piotr" data-last-name="Wegrzyn" data-position="University of Warsaw" data-body="<p>No one can successfully send a rocket to the moon on their own. Such challenges require collaboration, team playing, or simply speaking&mdash;a supportive community. Being part of the optics and photonics community, which is working on frontiers of research, motivates me to work on ambitious problems and investigate possible solutions. The community provides me with a framework that allows me to grow professionally and personally and look for the best, not the easiest, solution.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Piotr Wegrzyn" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Piotr</h4> <h4>Wegrzyn</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Richard" data-last-name="Zeltner" data-position="Menlo Systems GmbH" data-body="<p>For me, being part of the community means being both a servant and being served, being someone who is both contributing to and receiving from the community. On the one hand, I can benefit from the great programs and events, learning from the rich experiences of many outstanding members. On the other hand, I can contribute by engaging in the organization of events, by serving as a journal reviewer, or simply by sharing my own experiences with other early-career professionals or students within the community.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Richard Zeltner" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Richard</h4> <h4>Zeltner</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_setsuko_ishii-1_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Setsuko" data-last-name="Ishii" data-position="HoloCenter" data-body="<p>I create artworks by using holography as a medium, not only in gallery spaces but also in architectural decoration and outdoor environmental spaces. Holography is an important field of Optics, and many optical scientists research the field around holography. I am interested in what&rsquo;s going on with the latest technology about holography. I need to know the latest developments to realize my ideas about experimental art attempts. I study lots of information from this community.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_setsuko_ishii-1_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Setsuko Ishii" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Setsuko</h4> <h4>Ishii</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_sile_nic_chormaic-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Sile" data-last-name="Nic Chormaic" data-position="Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology" data-body="<p>As an experimental physicist, a professor, and a woman, living in a country where academia is dominated by a mono-ethnic group of men, the Society provides me with a global network of colleagues and friends where diversity can be celebrated instead of being hidden.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_tokyo_sile_nic_chormaic-2_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Sile Nic Chormaic" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Sile</h4> <h4>Nic Chormaic</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Susan" data-last-name="Houde-Walter" data-position="LaserMaxDefense Power of Light Corp." data-body="<p>Optica provides a connection to best in the field of optics through meetings, publications, and volunteer work.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Susan Houde-Walter" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Susan</h4> <h4>Houde-Walter</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Susana" data-last-name="Marcos" data-position="University of Rochester" data-body="<p>Optics and photonics are at the cross-road of disciplines in science. For me, working on visual optics and vision science, optics and photonics are enabling technologies to investigate the eye, the most amazing optical instrument known today. Optics and photonics have been the centerpiece of my career development, a meeting place, inspiration from the past and light for the future. The optics and photonics community means to me creativity, imagination, imaging, energy, excellence, multdisciplinarity, leadership, innovation, connection, achievement, and vision.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Susana Marcos" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> Optics and photonics have been the centerpiece of my career development. </h6> <div> <b>Susana Marcos</b> <p>University of Rochester</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_tatjana_pladere_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="Tatjana" data-last-name="Pladere" data-position="University of Latvia" data-body="<p>Being part of the community means staying connected with professionals in optics and photonics from all across the world, which is invaluable to me as a researcher. New ideas and diverse perspectives shape and accelerate research. Moreover, meeting like-minded people passionate about improving people&rsquo;s quality of life by fostering science and innovation is a fantastic source of inspiration. It is a great honor for me to be part of the inclusive community which provides numerous opportunities to grow both professionally and personally.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_munich_tatjana_pladere_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="Tatjana Pladere" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Tatjana</h4> <h4>Pladere</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item masonry-item-lg"> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state card-wide" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Thomas" data-last-name="Searles" data-position="University of Illinois Chicago" data-body="<p>I joined as an undergraduate at Morehouse College almost 20 years ago. And since then, in each stage of my academic career, the Society has contributed a significant space to support, communicate, and publish the work that I was pursuing. Notably, my first reviewer assignment, my first work as a corresponding author, my first session as Chair at a conference, and my student first paper were all facilitated by this community.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <div class="row no-gutters h-100"> <div class="col-md-6 h-100"> <img class="card-img h-100 " src="" alt="Thomas Searles" /> </div> <div class="col-md-6 card-body d-flex flex-column justify-content-between"> <i class="mdi mdi-format-quote-open h2 text-secondary" aria-hidden="true"></i> <h6 class="flex-grow-1 py-1"> In each stage of my academic career, the Society has contributed a significant space to support. </h6> <div> <b>Thomas Searles</b> <p>University of Illinois Chicago</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Viviana" data-last-name="Claveria" data-position="Georgia Institute of Technology" data-body="<p>Science, learning, networking, fun, outreach activities, excellence: these summarize what being part of this community means to me. I am grateful for the opportunities the Society has given me.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Viviana Claveria" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Viviana</h4> <h4>Claveria</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_bill_phillips-1_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" data-first-name="William" data-last-name="Phillips" data-position="National Institute of Standards and Technology" data-body="<p>Science is done in the company of others, both through direct collaboration and by learning what other scientists do, through publications and talks. The Society has been important in all these respects throughout my career. Their journals bring me the work of others and allow me to transmit my work. Their meetings allow a formal exchange of ideas and enable personal and informal connections with scientists in my field. I am particularly pleased with its international character because my scientific ties worldwide have been crucial.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="$web/optica/media/optica/history/faces/jpgs/optica_washington_bill_phillips-1_image_672x672.jpg?ext=.jpg" alt="William Phillips" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>William</h4> <h4>Phillips</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Xuan" data-last-name="Liu" data-position="New Jersey Institute of Technology" data-body="<p>Being part of the community is essential for my research. I have been a member for more than a decade. I authored many papers published in the journals, participated in conferences, and served as a reviewer for manuscripts and conference abstracts. The Society provides a fantastic platform to showcase the research of my lab. It also feeds me with the coolest research by my peers and the latest products from industry. More importantly, it connects me with the most creative individuals passionate for the research of optics and photonics.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Xuan Liu" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Xuan</h4> <h4>Liu</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="masonry-item "> <div class="card card-tile bg-black with-hover-state " data-toggle="modal" data-target="#cardModal" data-src="" data-first-name="Yoshi" data-last-name="Okawachi" data-position="Columbia University" data-body="<p>The Society has been like a family. It&rsquo;s a place where I have developed strong relationships and have grown professionally. The inclusiveness allows for connecting members in various stages of their careers, even providing a link between students and well-established scientists. Ever since the student chapter days, I have had opportunities to work with exceptional people from all over the world, a place to share research, ideas, experiences, and a place to learn.</p>
"> <div class="card-tile-item"> <img class="card-img h-100" src="" alt="Yoshi Okawachi" /> <div class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-2 show-on-hover"> <h4>Yoshi</h4> <h4>Okawachi</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="cardModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog card-modal modal-dialog-centered" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body p-0"> <div class="container h-100"> <div class="row d-flex align-items-stretch h-lg-100"> <!-- Image--> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 p-sm-0 pr-0 pl-0 h-100"><img class="w-100" id="cardModalImage" src="" alt=""></div> <!-- Body--> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6 flex-column p-3 align-items-start bg-black"> <!-- Name, Close Row--> <div class="d-flex"> <!-- Names--> <div class="flex-grow-1"> <h4 id="cardModalFirstName"></h4> <h4 id="cardModalLastName"></h4> </div> <!-- Close Button--> <div class="flex-shrink-1 pl-1"> <button class="close text-white" type="button" 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d="M53.8,179.95c2.59,8.06,4.52,14.26,5.1,16.78h0c.51-2.48,2.65-8.59,5.46-16.78h4l-7.42,20.39h-4.27l-7.08-20.39h4.21Z" /> <path d="M86.73,195.73c-.01,1.54.08,3.08.28,4.61h-3.76c-.21-.83-.32-1.68-.32-2.54-.72,1.32-2.3,3-6.19,3-4.83,0-6.89-3.15-6.89-6.26,0-4.57,3.61-6.67,9.65-6.67h3.37v-1.64c0-1.73-.56-3.77-4.15-3.77-3.2,0-3.77,1.55-4.12,3.12h-3.79c.28-3,2.12-6.15,8-6.13,5.08,0,7.88,2.07,7.88,6.75l.04,9.53ZM82.94,190.53h-3.1c-3.94,0-5.94,1.1-5.94,3.8,0,2,1.35,3.48,3.77,3.48,4.65,0,5.27-3.15,5.27-6.65v-.63Z" /> <path d="M92.62,185.09c0-1.77,0-3.58-.05-5.14h3.82c.1.58.16,2.59.16,3.2.79-1.66,2.45-3.68,6.32-3.68s6.8,2.42,6.8,7.78v13.09h-3.93v-12.6c0-2.93-1.12-4.93-4.11-4.93-3.57,0-5.08,2.62-5.08,6.62v10.91h-3.93v-15.25Z" /> <path d="M131.87,194.03c-.84,3.49-3.22,6.79-8.58,6.79-5.75,0-9.19-4.11-9.19-10.56,0-5.81,3.35-10.79,9.45-10.79s8.08,4.33,8.32,6.9h-3.93c-.31-2.21-2.27-3.81-4.5-3.67-3.41,0-5.34,2.93-5.34,7.43s1.9,7.48,5.23,7.48c2.43,0,3.83-1.32,4.6-3.58h3.94Z" /> <path 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d="M235.94,197.96v10.36h-3.91v-28.41h3.82c.1,1.02.14,2.05.13,3.08,1.3-2.35,3.84-3.74,6.52-3.56,4.69,0,8.14,3.93,8.14,10.15,0,7.27-3.93,11.2-8.87,11.2-3.3.04-4.98-1.28-5.83-2.82ZM246.57,189.78c0-4.21-1.88-7-5.21-7-4,0-5.59,2.56-5.59,7.35s1.3,7.44,5.33,7.44c3.54-.01,5.43-2.94,5.43-7.79h.04Z" /> <path d="M252.49,179.95h3.45v-5.92h3.93v5.92h4.4v3.14h-4.4v11.58c0,1.9.48,2.83,2.29,,1.13-.04,1.69-.15v2.88c-1.04.3-2.12.43-3.2.38-3.33,0-4.71-1.74-4.71-5.16v-12.36h-3.45v-3.14Z" /> <path d="M267.88,170.97h3.93v4.52h-3.93v-4.52ZM267.88,179.97h3.93v20.39h-3.93v-20.39Z" /> <path d="M294.05,194.03c-.84,3.49-3.21,6.79-8.57,6.79-5.76,0-9.2-4.11-9.2-10.56,0-5.81,3.35-10.79,9.45-10.79s8.08,4.33,8.32,6.9h-3.88c-.32-2.21-2.28-3.81-4.51-3.67-3.41,0-5.34,2.93-5.34,7.43s1.9,7.48,5.23,7.48c2.43,0,3.83-1.32,4.6-3.58h3.9Z" /> <path d="M300.66,194.45c.56,2.11,2.14,3.35,4.78,3.35,2.82,0,3.92-1.19,3.92-2.92s-.93-2.61-4.63-3.51c-6-1.46-7.18-3.29-7.18-6.08s2.12-5.82,7.54-5.82,7.58,3.11,7.83,5.93h-3.79c-.27-1.21-1.17-3-4.21-3-2.67,0-3.47,1.27-3.47,2.52,0,1.43.8,2.13,4.45,3,6.31,1.49,7.49,3.61,7.49,6.63,0,3.53-2.78,6.23-8.08,6.23s-8-2.73-8.55-6.37l3.9.04Z" /> <path d="M343.32,195.73c-.01,1.54.08,3.08.28,4.61h-3.76c-.21-.83-.32-1.68-.32-2.54-.72,1.32-2.3,3-6.19,3-4.83,0-6.89-3.15-6.89-6.26,0-4.57,3.61-6.67,9.65-6.67h3.37v-1.64c0-1.73-.56-3.77-4.15-3.77-3.2,0-3.77,1.55-4.12,3.12h-3.79c.28-3,2.12-6.15,8-6.13,5.08,0,7.88,2.07,7.88,6.75l.04,9.53ZM339.48,190.53h-3.1c-3.94,0-5.94,1.1-5.94,3.8,0,2,1.35,3.48,3.77,3.48,4.65,0,5.27-3.15,5.27-6.65v-.63Z" /> <path d="M349.21,185.09v-5.14h3.82c.09.58.15,2.59.15,3.2.79-1.66,2.45-3.68,6.32-3.68s6.8,2.42,6.8,7.78v13.09h-3.93v-12.6c0-2.93-1.12-4.93-4.11-4.93-3.57,0-5.08,2.62-5.08,6.62v10.91h-3.93l-.04-15.25Z" /> <path d="M389.36,170.97v29.37h-3.78c-.11-.91-.18-1.82-.19-2.74-1,2-3,3.22-6.3,3.22-5.22,0-8.46-4.23-8.46-10.47s3.48-10.88,9.15-10.88c3.48,0,5.08,1.37,5.61,2.47v-11l3.97.03ZM374.75,190.23c0,4.74,2.18,7.31,5.3,7.31,4.6,0,5.53-3.47,5.53-7.64s-.86-7.15-5.28-7.15c-3.47,0-5.55,2.75-5.55,7.48Z" /> <path d="M405.94,172.52h10.7c5.51,0,9.27,3.08,9.27,8.19,0,5.54-4,8.4-9.47,8.4h-6.39v11.23h-4.11v-27.82ZM410.09,185.68h6.09c3.62,0,5.54-1.71,5.54-4.87s-2.27-4.87-5.39-4.87h-6.24v9.74Z" /> <path d="M434.03,170.97v11.87c1.28-2.22,3.7-3.52,6.26-3.37,3.38,0,6.86,1.88,6.86,7.84v13h-3.91v-12.36c0-3.31-1.37-5.14-4.22-5.14-3.56,0-5,2.41-5,6.45v11.08h-3.93v-29.37h3.94Z" /> <path d="M470.82,190.11c0,5.93-3.44,10.71-9.71,10.71-5.94,0-9.5-4.52-9.5-10.64s3.53-10.71,9.73-10.71c5.73,0,9.48,4.24,9.48,10.64ZM455.64,190.11c0,4.36,2.13,7.44,5.61,7.44s5.53-2.94,5.53-7.43-2-7.46-5.61-7.46-5.53,2.9-5.53,7.49v-.04Z" /> <path d="M472.7,179.95h3.46v-5.92h3.93v5.92h4.4v3.14h-4.4v11.58c0,1.9.48,2.83,2.29,,1.13-.04,1.69-.15v2.88c-1.04.3-2.12.43-3.2.38-3.33,0-4.71-1.74-4.71-5.16v-12.36h-3.46v-3.14Z" /> <path d="M505.78,190.11c0,5.93-3.43,10.71-9.71,10.71-5.93,0-9.5-4.52-9.5-10.64s3.53-10.71,9.74-10.71c5.73,0,9.47,4.24,9.47,10.64ZM490.61,190.11c0,4.36,2.13,7.44,5.61,7.44s5.53-2.94,5.53-7.43-2-7.46-5.61-7.46-5.53,2.9-5.53,7.49v-.04Z" /> <path d="M510.23,185.09v-5.14h3.82c.1.58.16,2.59.16,3.2.79-1.66,2.45-3.68,6.32-3.68s6.8,2.42,6.8,7.78v13.09h-3.93v-12.6c0-2.93-1.12-4.93-4.11-4.93-3.57,0-5.08,2.62-5.08,6.62v10.91h-3.93l-.05-15.25Z" /> <path d="M533.08,170.97h3.93v4.52h-3.93v-4.52ZM533.08,179.97h3.93v20.39h-3.93v-20.39Z" /> <path d="M559.25,194.03c-.84,3.49-3.21,6.79-8.57,6.79-5.76,0-9.19-4.11-9.19-10.56,0-5.81,3.34-10.79,9.45-10.79s8.08,4.33,8.31,6.9h-3.88c-.32-2.21-2.28-3.81-4.51-3.67-3.41,0-5.34,2.93-5.34,7.43s1.9,7.48,5.23,7.48c2.43,0,3.83-1.32,4.6-3.58h3.9Z" /> <path 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