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focusable=false aria-hidden=true><defs><symbol viewbox="0 0 24 24" id=icon-search-24><path d="M3 10a7 7 0 1 1 14 0 7 7 0 0 1-14 0Zm19.703 11.29-5.67-5.67-.008-.003A8.954 8.954 0 0 0 19 10a9 9 0 0 0-9-9 9 9 0 0 0-9 9 9 9 0 0 0 9 9 8.958 8.958 0 0 0 5.66-2.007l5.663 5.717c.19.187.445.292.71.29a1 1 0 0 0 .67-1.71Z"></path></symbol></defs><use href=#icon-search-24></use></svg><!--F/--></button></div><input type=hidden name=origin value=2></div><div class=sr-line><div class=expressive-line><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div></div></form><div aria-live=polite role=dialog class=sr-popup-ada></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class=expr-line-header><div class=expressive-line><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div></div><div id=T2_article class=page-grid-container><div class="all_content page-grid redTheme"><header class=T2_header><div class=readTime>13 min article</div><h1 class=article_title>Cookies, web beacons, and similar technology ("Cookie Notice")</h1></header><div id=catalogue class=catalogue><div class=catalogue_wrap><div class=catalogue_title>On this page</div><ul><li><a href=#section1>1. Information regarding the technologies we use</a></li><li><a href=#section2>2. Which service providers do we cooperate with?</a></li><li><a href=#section3>3. Your Choices</a></li><li><a href=#section4>4. Do Not Track</a></li></ul></div></div><div class=article_body><div class=article_sum><p>Our Cookie Notice details all relevant information regarding the use of cookies, web beacons and similar technologies in connection to eBay's websites, applications, services, products and tools (collectively "Services") and your choices in this regard.</p> </div><div class=article_main_container><div itemscope itemtype=><div itemprop=articleBody><div class=article_main><p class="inline-alert">This Cookie Notice was updated on <strong>February 23, 2022</strong>.</p> <div class="policy-highlight-warning"> <h3>Your options at a glance:</h3> <p><strong>Users in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), Switzerland and the UK</strong><br /> You can visit our <a href="" target="_blank">dedicated settings page<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> to determine whether you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies by our third-party partners for advertising and content personalization, measurement and analytics purposes. <strong>Withdrawing consent</strong>: You can also <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="withdrawConsentAll(1)">withdraw your consent</a> at any time with effect for the future.</p> <span class="form_tax" id="withdraw_consent_result_1" style="display: none;"> <span class="info_form_icon"> </span> <span id="withdraw_consent_result_text_1"></span> </span> <script type="text/javascript" id="withdraw_consent_script"> function hideWithdrawConsentResult(id) { document.getElementById('withdraw_consent_result_' + id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('withdraw_consent_result_text_' + id).innerHTML = ''; } function showWithdrawConsentResult(text, id) { document.getElementById('withdraw_consent_result_' + id).style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('withdraw_consent_result_text_' + id).innerHTML = text; } function withdrawConsentAll(id) { hideWithdrawConsentResult(id); fetch('/gdpr/ac/getToken', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ page: 'gdpr' }), }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { fetch(`/gdpr/submitGDPRData?srt=${encodeURIComponent(data.token)}`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ noconsent: true }), }) .then((response) => { if (response.status === 200) { showWithdrawConsentResult('Consent was successfully withdrawn.', id); } else { showWithdrawConsentResult('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id); } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); showWithdrawConsentResult('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id); }); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); showWithdrawConsentResult('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id); }); } </script> <p><strong>All other users </strong><br /> You can visit our <a href="" target="_blank">advertising preferences page<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> (AdChoice) to adjust the settings for the usage of your eBay activity for customized advertising purposes.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="#choices">your choices</a>.</p> </div> <p>This Cookie Notice shall be read in conjunction with our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>, and is applicable regardless of how you access and make use of our Services, including access via mobile devices and apps.</p> <h2 id="section1">1. Information regarding the technologies we use</h2> <p>When you use our Services, we and authorized third-party providers make use of cookies and similar technologies (which we will refer to collectively as "cookies"). We make use of two main types of cookies: those which will not be saved on your device or which will only be saved on your device for as long as your browser is active (called session cookies); and those which will be saved on your device for a longer period (called persistent cookies). We take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to our cookies.</p> <p>The cookies used in connection with the Services have various functions:</p> <ul> <li>They may be (technically) necessary for the provision of our Services</li> <li>They help us to technically enhance our Services (e.g. monitoring of error messages and loading times)</li> <li>They help us to recognize you so we can improve your user experience (e.g. by saving the font size and data entered into webforms)</li> <li>They enable us to show you more relevant ads</li> </ul> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">Learn more</h3> <div class="hide"> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">1.1 What are cookies, web beacons and similar technologies?</h3> <div class="hide"> <p><strong>1.1.1 Cookies</strong><br /> Cookies are small text files which are placed in the memory of your browser or device when you make use of our Services, in particular when you visit our websites or when you open a message. Cookies allow for a recognition of a specific device or browser. There are different types of cookies:</p> <ul> <li>Session cookies expire at the end of your session (e.g. when closing your browser window) and only allow tracking your activities during this session</li> <li>Persistent cookies remain stored on your device between sessions and allow, for example, to track your settings or activities on several websites</li> <li>First-party cookies are set by the provider whose online service you are using (i.e. eBay)</li> <li>Third-party cookies are set by a provider other than the provider whose online service you are using (e.g. Adobe)</li> </ul> <p><strong>1.1.2 Web beacons</strong><br /> Web beacons (also known as pixel tags or clear GIFs) are small graphic images that are used in connection with the provision of our Services and which typically work in conjunction with cookies to track the use of an online service by its users. For example, when we send you emails, web beacons allow us to track if you opened the emails and clicked links to measure campaign performance and improve features.</p> <p><strong>1.1.3 Software Developer Kits</strong><br /> Software Developer Kits ("SDKs") are a collection of software development tools in one installable package, which allow third-party developers to integrate with our mobile application for specific purposes (e.g. authentication). Some of the SDKs that eBay uses involve transferring data to your device.</p> <p><strong>1.1.4 Similar technologies</strong><br /> Similar technologies include local shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies and other web application software methods, all of which store information in your browser or device to track your activity. Additionally, there are other technologies that function without local storage in your end device and instead make, for example, use of browser functions. In this context, a "fingerprint" of your system is created that serves as a unique identifier.</p> <p>These technologies may function across all your browsers and in some cases are not fully managed by your browser, but may need to be managed directly from your installed applications or your device.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">1.2 Why do we use these technologies?</h3> <div class="hide"> <p>Some of our Services can only be offered using cookies. In general, these technologies enable us to track your user behavior and identify you – even across devices. Please refer to our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260#section4">User Privacy Notice</a> for more information about the personal data that we collect, including via cookies, and how we process this data.</p> <p>The cookies used in connection with our Services serve the following functions:</p> <p><strong>1.2.1 First-party cookies</strong></p> <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><strong> Operationally necessary cookies</strong><br /> We use cookies that are necessary for the operation of our Services. This includes technologies that allow you access to our sites, services, applications, and tools, which are required to monitor the functioning of the site, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security, or that allow you to make use of our functions such as shopping carts or saved search.<br /> <br /> Because these cookies are necessary to deliver our Services to you, you cannot refuse them.</li> <li><strong> Analytics cookies</strong><br /> We use cookies to assess the performance of our Services.<br /> <br /> See section 3 for information on how you can change your cookies settings.</li> </ul> <p><strong>1.2.2 Third-party cookies</strong></p> <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><strong> Advertising cookies</strong><br /> Third-party advertising providers use cookies to deliver ads tailored to your interests. This includes using technologies to determine how relevant the advertisements are for you, which ads have already been shown to you, how often they have been shown, when and where they have been shown and if you have reacted by carrying out an activity – such as clicking on an ad.<br /> <br /> Users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK can adjust their settings in our <a href="" target="_blank">Advertising and related preferences<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> page. See section 3.2.1 for more details.<br /> <br /> All other users can adjust their settings following the processes called out in section 3.2.2 below.</li> <li><strong> Social media cookies</strong><br /> See section 2 below.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h2 id="section2">2. Which service providers do we cooperate with?</h2> <p>Some of our partners use cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies to deliver content tailored to your interests, including ads, on and off our properties. This includes using technologies to determine how relevant the ads are for you, which ads have already been shown to you, how often they have been shown, when and where they have been shown and if you have reacted by carrying out an activity – such as clicking on an ad or purchasing an item. For this purpose, data may be combined with data already collected regarding your interests.</p> <p>Service providers that we cooperate with include Meta and Google.</p> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">Learn more</h3> <div class="hide"> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">2.1 Meta</h3> <div class="hide"> <p>We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional personal data about you, through Meta Pixel and by sending data directly to Meta via our servers. "Meta" designates Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., Block J, Serpentine Avenue, Dublin 4, Ireland, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK, and Meta Platforms Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, for all other users.</p> <p>These data transmissions enable us to display personalized advertisements for you on Meta's platforms, to measure their effectiveness and to report on them. The specific processing purposes and an explanation of the related data privacy responsibilities are described in the <a href="" target="_blank">Meta Business Tools Terms<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> ("Meta Terms").</p> <p>The following applies only to users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK: To the extent that we are solely responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Meta Terms (i.e. when Meta provides comparison, measurement and analysis services to us), Meta exclusively acts on our behalf on the basis of an applicable processing agreement (so called <a href="" target="_blank">Data Processing Terms<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> in addition to the <a href="" target="_blank">Meta European Data Transfer Addendum<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>). However, if we and Meta assume joint control for the collection and transmission of your personal data to Meta (i.e. specifically for the processing of data about your usage of our services for the purpose of targeting our advertisements, the improvement and the measurement of the effectiveness of our advertisements), Meta will subsequently process the data as an independent controller and assumes exclusive responsibility.</p> <p>We have entered into a <a href="" target="_blank">Joint Control agreement<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> with Meta in order to determine the mutual responsibilities for the fulfillment of data privacy obligations with regards to the joint processing. Pursuant to this agreement, it is Meta's responsibility to safeguard the rights of the data subjects with regards to the personal data stored by Meta under the mutual agreement. It is our obligation to provide the above information to the data subjects. The <a href="" target="_blank">Meta Privacy Policy<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> contains additional information about Meta's processing of personal data, including the legal basis on which Meta operates and the options for data subjects to exercise their rights against Meta. For example, you may opt out of use of the Meta Pixel by logging into your Meta account and changing your privacy or advertising as per Meta's opt-out instructions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">2.2 Google</h3> <div class="hide"> <p>We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional personal data about you, to Google. "Google" designates Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and UK, and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, for all other users.</p> <p>These data transmissions enable us to display personalized advertisements for you on and off our properties via the advertising products and the marketing platforms of Google (Google advertising products, such as Google Ad Manager, Google Ads), and to measure their effectiveness, to select and provide content, to provide reports about such content and to gain insights into target groups and product developments. You can find additional information in the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Privacy Policy<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and an explanation of the data privacy obligations in the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Ads Data Protection Terms: Service Information<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <p><a id="Google Analytics" name="Google Analytics"></a><strong>2.2.1 Google Analytics</strong><br /> We use Google Analytics, an analysis tool of Google to continuously improve our Services. The use includes the Universal Analytics operating mode. This makes it possible to assign data, sessions and interactions across multiple devices to a pseudonymous user ID and thus analyze a user's activities across multiple devices. Google Analytics uses cookies that are stored on your device and that enable us to analyze your use of our Services. The data collected by the cookies regarding the use of our Services (including your IP address) are usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there (see additional information on masked IP addresses below in this section).</p> <p>On our behalf, Google processes this data to evaluate the use of our Services, to compile reports on usage activities and to provide us with further services associated with the use of our Services. Your IP address transmitted in the context of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data from Google.</p> <p>The data collected via Google Analytics is automatically deleted after 14 months. Data whose retention period has been reached is automatically deleted once a month.</p> <p>You can prevent the collection of data through the Google Analytics cookie by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. If you deactivate cookies, you may not be able to use all functions of our Services to their full extent, however. In addition, you can prevent the collection of data related to your use of the Services (including your IP address) via the Google Analytics cookie and the processing of this data by Google by installing the following <a href="" target="_blank">browser plugin<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <p>Further information about Google Analytics can be found in the <a href="" target="_blank">terms of use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and in the <a href="" target="_blank">privacy policy<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> of Google.</p> <p>We would like to point out that on our website, your IP address has been masked before sharing with Google Analytics. This means that, before your IP address is transmitted to Google's servers in the USA, it is sent to a Google server in the EEA, where it is shortened so that it cannot be traced to a specific person. Only after the IP address has been made anonymous is the shortened IP address sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there.</p> <p><strong>2.2.2 Google Signals</strong><br /> We also use Google Signals in connection with the provision of our Services. This is an extension function of Google Analytics that enables cross-device tracking. This means that if your Internet-enabled devices are linked to your Google Account, Google can generate reports on usage patterns (especially cross-device traffic) even if you switch devices. If you have activated the setting "personalized ads" in your Google account, Google will process data for this purpose. We do not process personal data in this respect, we only receive statistics based on Google Signals.</p> <p>You can deactivate the use of Google Signals at any time by downloading and installing the browser plugin in order to opt-out of Google Analytics (see above under <a href="#Google Analytics">Google Analytics</a>). This will prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the Services (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google. In addition, you can disable the "personalized advertising" setting in your Google Account. Details can be found in <a href="" target="_blank">Google's Help section about ads<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <p><strong>2.2.3 Google reCAPTCHA: Prevention of automated access</strong><br /> We make use of Google reCAPTCHA ("reCAPTCHA") within the provision of our Services. reCAPTCHA is used to check and prevent interactions through automated access, for example through so-called bots (computer programs that perform tasks automatically and independently). reCAPTCHA is used in particular to check whether data input in connection with our Services (e.g. in a contact form) is carried out by a human or by an automated program. For this purpose, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of the user on the basis of various characteristics. This analysis automatically begins as soon as the user connects with the online service, e.g. visits the website. For the purposes of this analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various pieces of information (e.g. IP address, duration of the user's visit to the online service or the user's mouse movements). The data collected during the analysis is forwarded to Google. The analyses by reCAPTCHA are carried out entirely in the background.</p> <p>You can find details on <a href="" target="_blank">Google's page about reCAPTCHA<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and in <a href="" target="_blank">Google's Privacy Notice<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h2 id="section3"><a id="choices" name="choices"></a>3. Your Choices</h2> <p>Your choice options for the use of cookies relating to our Services will depend on the purposes for which we use these technologies.</p> <p>With regard to the use of advertising-related or personalization-related technologies, you have the following options:</p> <div class="policy-highlight-warning"> <p><strong>Users in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), Switzerland and the UK</strong><br /> You can visit our <a href="" target="_blank">dedicated settings page<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> to determine whether you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies by our third-party partners for advertising and content personalization, measurement and analytics purposes. <strong>Withdrawing consent</strong>: You can also <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="withdrawConsentAll(2)">withdraw your consent</a> at any time with effect for the future.</p> <span class="form_tax" id="withdraw_consent_result_2" style="display: none;"> <span class="info_form_icon"> </span> <span id="withdraw_consent_result_text_2"></span> </span> <p><strong>All other users </strong><br /> You can visit our <a href="" target="_blank">advertising preferences page<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> (AdChoice) to adjust the settings for the usage of your eBay activity for customized advertising purposes.</p> </div> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">Learn more</h3> <div class="hide"> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">3.1 Technologies which are necessary for the provision of our Services or performance-related</h3> <div class="hide"> <p>If you wish to deactivate the use of any cookies – including cookies that are necessary for the provision of our Services or performance-related, you may do so by using the settings in your browser or device, if this is supported by your browser or device. The settings must be made separately for each browser you use. You can manage your browser-based cookies by adjusting your device browser settings (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank">Chrome<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Edge<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Firefox<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Internet Explorer<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, or <a href="" target="_blank">Safari<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>).</p> <p>Please note that you may not be able to use certain eBay services when you deactivate cookies (e.g. the "add item to cart" function). You may also need to enter your password more frequently during your browser sessions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h3 class="title">3.2 Technologies which are used for advertising and content personalization, measurement and analytics purposes</h3> <div class="hide"> <p><strong>3.2.1 Users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK</strong><br /> You can <a href="" target="_blank">specifically control<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> whether our third-party partners may use cookies to show you personalized ads. This will only be done with your consent, which you can <a href="#choices">withdraw</a> at any time.</p> <p>If you choose not to allow our third-party partners to use your personal data for ad targeting purposes, this does not mean that no advertisements will be shown to you. It simply means that these advertisements will not be personalized for you by our third-party partners by means of cookies.</p> <p><strong>3.2.2 All other users</strong><br /> You can determine under <a href="" target="_blank">AdChoice – eBay Advertising Preferences<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, whether you agree to the use of advertising based on your eBay activity. You can also reach the AdChoice preferences directly via a link in the corresponding advertisement or in the footer of our website. Please visit our Help page for additional information regarding the <a href="/help/account/adchoice/adchoice?id=4648">AdChoice Program</a>.</p> <p>You can also deactivate the use of any third-party cookies – e.g. by online ad networks – within our Services by using the settings in your browser or the settings in your device, if this is supported by your browser or device.</p> <p>Further, you can find additional information on advertising-related third-party cookies and similar technologies and how to prevent their use on the following websites:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> (available in English only)</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> (available in English only)</li> </ul> <p>If you delete all cookies on your device, any opt-out cookies that have already been set will also be deleted, so that you will have to declare again any opt-outs that have already been declared.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h2 id="section4">4. Do Not Track</h2> <p>California law requires us to let you know how we respond to web browser Do Not Track (DNT) signals. Because there currently isn't an industry or legal standard for recognizing or honoring DNT signals, we don't respond to them at this time. 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Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id);\n }\n })\n .catch((err) => {\n console.error(err);\n showWithdrawConsentResult('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id);\n });\n })\n .catch((err) => {\n console.error(err);\n showWithdrawConsentResult('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.', id);\n });\n }\n\u003C/script>\n\n<p><strong>All other users \u003C/strong><br />\nYou can visit our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">advertising preferences page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> (AdChoice) to adjust the settings for the usage of your eBay activity for customized advertising purposes.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"#choices\">your choices\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n \n\n<p>This Cookie Notice shall be read in conjunction with our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>, and is applicable regardless of how you access and make use of our Services, including access via mobile devices and apps.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">1. Information regarding the technologies we use\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you use our Services, we and authorized third-party providers make use of cookies and similar technologies (which we will refer to collectively as "cookies"). We make use of two main types of cookies: those which will not be saved on your device or which will only be saved on your device for as long as your browser is active (called session cookies); and those which will be saved on your device for a longer period (called persistent cookies). We take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to our cookies.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The cookies used in connection with the Services have various functions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>They may be (technically) necessary for the provision of our Services\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They help us to technically enhance our Services (e.g. monitoring of error messages and loading times)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They help us to recognize you so we can improve your user experience (e.g. by saving the font size and data entered into webforms)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They enable us to show you more relevant ads\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Learn more\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">1.1 What are cookies, web beacons and similar technologies?\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>1.1.1 Cookies\u003C/strong><br />\nCookies are small text files which are placed in the memory of your browser or device when you make use of our Services, in particular when you visit our websites or when you open a message. Cookies allow for a recognition of a specific device or browser. There are different types of cookies:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Session cookies expire at the end of your session (e.g. when closing your browser window) and only allow tracking your activities during this session\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Persistent cookies remain stored on your device between sessions and allow, for example, to track your settings or activities on several websites\u003C/li>\n\t<li>First-party cookies are set by the provider whose online service you are using (i.e. eBay)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Third-party cookies are set by a provider other than the provider whose online service you are using (e.g. Adobe)\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>1.1.2 Web beacons\u003C/strong><br />\nWeb beacons (also known as pixel tags or clear GIFs) are small graphic images that are used in connection with the provision of our Services and which typically work in conjunction with cookies to track the use of an online service by its users. For example, when we send you emails, web beacons allow us to track if you opened the emails and clicked links to measure campaign performance and improve features.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>1.1.3 Software Developer Kits\u003C/strong><br />\nSoftware Developer Kits ("SDKs") are a collection of software development tools in one installable package, which allow third-party developers to integrate with our mobile application for specific purposes (e.g. authentication). Some of the SDKs that eBay uses involve transferring data to your device.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>1.1.4 Similar technologies\u003C/strong><br />\nSimilar technologies include local shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies and other web application software methods, all of which store information in your browser or device to track your activity. Additionally, there are other technologies that function without local storage in your end device and instead make, for example, use of browser functions. In this context, a "fingerprint" of your system is created that serves as a unique identifier.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>These technologies may function across all your browsers and in some cases are not fully managed by your browser, but may need to be managed directly from your installed applications or your device.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">1.2 Why do we use these technologies?\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Some of our Services can only be offered using cookies. In general, these technologies enable us to track your user behavior and identify you – even across devices. Please refer to our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260#section4\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a> for more information about the personal data that we collect, including via cookies, and how we process this data.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The cookies used in connection with our Services serve the following functions:\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>1.2.1 First-party cookies\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul style=\"list-style: none;\">\n\t<li><strong> Operationally necessary cookies\u003C/strong><br />\n\tWe use cookies that are necessary for the operation of our Services. This includes technologies that allow you access to our sites, services, applications, and tools, which are required to monitor the functioning of the site, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security, or that allow you to make use of our functions such as shopping carts or saved search.<br />\n\t<br />\n\tBecause these cookies are necessary to deliver our Services to you, you cannot refuse them.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong> Analytics cookies\u003C/strong><br />\n\tWe use cookies to assess the performance of our Services.<br />\n\t<br />\n\tSee section 3 for information on how you can change your cookies settings.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>1.2.2 Third-party cookies\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul style=\"list-style: none;\">\n\t<li><strong> Advertising cookies\u003C/strong><br />\n\tThird-party advertising providers use cookies to deliver ads tailored to your interests. This includes using technologies to determine how relevant the advertisements are for you, which ads have already been shown to you, how often they have been shown, when and where they have been shown and if you have reacted by carrying out an activity – such as clicking on an ad.<br />\n\t<br />\n\tUsers in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK can adjust their settings in our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Advertising and related preferences<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> page. See section 3.2.1 for more details.<br />\n\t<br />\n\tAll other users can adjust their settings following the processes called out in section 3.2.2 below.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong> Social media cookies\u003C/strong><br />\n\tSee section 2 below.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">2. Which service providers do we cooperate with?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Some of our partners use cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies to deliver content tailored to your interests, including ads, on and off our properties. This includes using technologies to determine how relevant the ads are for you, which ads have already been shown to you, how often they have been shown, when and where they have been shown and if you have reacted by carrying out an activity – such as clicking on an ad or purchasing an item. For this purpose, data may be combined with data already collected regarding your interests.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Service providers that we cooperate with include Meta and Google.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Learn more\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">2.1 Meta\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional personal data about you, through Meta Pixel and by sending data directly to Meta via our servers. "Meta" designates Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., Block J, Serpentine Avenue, Dublin 4, Ireland, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK, and Meta Platforms Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, for all other users.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>These data transmissions enable us to display personalized advertisements for you on Meta's platforms, to measure their effectiveness and to report on them. The specific processing purposes and an explanation of the related data privacy responsibilities are described in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Meta Business Tools Terms<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> ("Meta Terms").\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The following applies only to users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK: To the extent that we are solely responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Meta Terms (i.e. when Meta provides comparison, measurement and analysis services to us), Meta exclusively acts on our behalf on the basis of an applicable processing agreement (so called <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Data Processing Terms<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> in addition to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Meta European Data Transfer Addendum<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>). However, if we and Meta assume joint control for the collection and transmission of your personal data to Meta (i.e. specifically for the processing of data about your usage of our services for the purpose of targeting our advertisements, the improvement and the measurement of the effectiveness of our advertisements), Meta will subsequently process the data as an independent controller and assumes exclusive responsibility.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We have entered into a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Joint Control agreement<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> with Meta in order to determine the mutual responsibilities for the fulfillment of data privacy obligations with regards to the joint processing. Pursuant to this agreement, it is Meta's responsibility to safeguard the rights of the data subjects with regards to the personal data stored by Meta under the mutual agreement. It is our obligation to provide the above information to the data subjects. The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Meta Privacy Policy<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> contains additional information about Meta's processing of personal data, including the legal basis on which Meta operates and the options for data subjects to exercise their rights against Meta. For example, you may opt out of use of the Meta Pixel by logging into your Meta account and changing your privacy or advertising as per Meta's opt-out instructions.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">2.2 Google\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional personal data about you, to Google. "Google" designates Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and UK, and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, for all other users.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>These data transmissions enable us to display personalized advertisements for you on and off our properties via the advertising products and the marketing platforms of Google (Google advertising products, such as Google Ad Manager, Google Ads), and to measure their effectiveness, to select and provide content, to provide reports about such content and to gain insights into target groups and product developments. You can find additional information in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Privacy Policy<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and an explanation of the data privacy obligations in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google Ads Data Protection Terms: Service Information<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a id=\"Google Analytics\" name=\"Google Analytics\">\u003C/a><strong>2.2.1 Google Analytics\u003C/strong><br />\nWe use Google Analytics, an analysis tool of Google to continuously improve our Services. The use includes the Universal Analytics operating mode. This makes it possible to assign data, sessions and interactions across multiple devices to a pseudonymous user ID and thus analyze a user's activities across multiple devices. Google Analytics uses cookies that are stored on your device and that enable us to analyze your use of our Services. The data collected by the cookies regarding the use of our Services (including your IP address) are usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there (see additional information on masked IP addresses below in this section).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>On our behalf, Google processes this data to evaluate the use of our Services, to compile reports on usage activities and to provide us with further services associated with the use of our Services. Your IP address transmitted in the context of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data from Google.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The data collected via Google Analytics is automatically deleted after 14 months. Data whose retention period has been reached is automatically deleted once a month.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can prevent the collection of data through the Google Analytics cookie by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. If you deactivate cookies, you may not be able to use all functions of our Services to their full extent, however. In addition, you can prevent the collection of data related to your use of the Services (including your IP address) via the Google Analytics cookie and the processing of this data by Google by installing the following <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">browser plugin<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Further information about Google Analytics can be found in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">terms of use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> of Google.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We would like to point out that on our website, your IP address has been masked before sharing with Google Analytics. This means that, before your IP address is transmitted to Google's servers in the USA, it is sent to a Google server in the EEA, where it is shortened so that it cannot be traced to a specific person. Only after the IP address has been made anonymous is the shortened IP address sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>2.2.2 Google Signals\u003C/strong><br />\nWe also use Google Signals in connection with the provision of our Services. This is an extension function of Google Analytics that enables cross-device tracking. This means that if your Internet-enabled devices are linked to your Google Account, Google can generate reports on usage patterns (especially cross-device traffic) even if you switch devices. If you have activated the setting "personalized ads" in your Google account, Google will process data for this purpose. We do not process personal data in this respect, we only receive statistics based on Google Signals.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can deactivate the use of Google Signals at any time by downloading and installing the browser plugin in order to opt-out of Google Analytics (see above under <a href=\"#Google Analytics\">Google Analytics\u003C/a>). This will prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the Services (including your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google. In addition, you can disable the "personalized advertising" setting in your Google Account. Details can be found in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google's Help section about ads<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>2.2.3 Google reCAPTCHA: Prevention of automated access\u003C/strong><br />\nWe make use of Google reCAPTCHA ("reCAPTCHA") within the provision of our Services. reCAPTCHA is used to check and prevent interactions through automated access, for example through so-called bots (computer programs that perform tasks automatically and independently). reCAPTCHA is used in particular to check whether data input in connection with our Services (e.g. in a contact form) is carried out by a human or by an automated program. For this purpose, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of the user on the basis of various characteristics. This analysis automatically begins as soon as the user connects with the online service, e.g. visits the website. For the purposes of this analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various pieces of information (e.g. IP address, duration of the user's visit to the online service or the user's mouse movements). The data collected during the analysis is forwarded to Google. The analyses by reCAPTCHA are carried out entirely in the background.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find details on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google's page about reCAPTCHA<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google's Privacy Notice<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a id=\"choices\" name=\"choices\">\u003C/a>3. Your Choices\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Your choice options for the use of cookies relating to our Services will depend on the purposes for which we use these technologies.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>With regard to the use of advertising-related or personalization-related technologies, you have the following options:\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Users in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), Switzerland and the UK\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can visit our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dedicated settings page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to determine whether you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies by our third-party partners for advertising and content personalization, measurement and analytics purposes. <strong>Withdrawing consent\u003C/strong>: You can also <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"withdrawConsentAll(2)\">withdraw your consent\u003C/a> at any time with effect for the future.\u003C/p>\n<span class=\"form_tax\" id=\"withdraw_consent_result_2\" style=\"display: none;\"> <span class=\"info_form_icon\"> \u003C/span> <span id=\"withdraw_consent_result_text_2\">\u003C/span> \u003C/span>\n\n<p><strong>All other users \u003C/strong><br />\nYou can visit our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">advertising preferences page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> (AdChoice) to adjust the settings for the usage of your eBay activity for customized advertising purposes.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Learn more\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">3.1 Technologies which are necessary for the provision of our Services or performance-related\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you wish to deactivate the use of any cookies – including cookies that are necessary for the provision of our Services or performance-related, you may do so by using the settings in your browser or device, if this is supported by your browser or device. The settings must be made separately for each browser you use. You can manage your browser-based cookies by adjusting your device browser settings (e.g. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Chrome<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Edge<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firefox<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Internet Explorer<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, or <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Safari<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Please note that you may not be able to use certain eBay services when you deactivate cookies (e.g. the "add item to cart" function). You may also need to enter your password more frequently during your browser sessions.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">3.2 Technologies which are used for advertising and content personalization, measurement and analytics purposes\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>3.2.1 Users in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">specifically control<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> whether our third-party partners may use cookies to show you personalized ads. This will only be done with your consent, which you can <a href=\"#choices\">withdraw\u003C/a> at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you choose not to allow our third-party partners to use your personal data for ad targeting purposes, this does not mean that no advertisements will be shown to you. It simply means that these advertisements will not be personalized for you by our third-party partners by means of cookies.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>3.2.2 All other users\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can determine under <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">AdChoice – eBay Advertising Preferences<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, whether you agree to the use of advertising based on your eBay activity. You can also reach the AdChoice preferences directly via a link in the corresponding advertisement or in the footer of our website. Please visit our Help page for additional information regarding the <a href=\"/help/account/adchoice/adchoice?id=4648\">AdChoice Program\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also deactivate the use of any third-party cookies – e.g. by online ad networks – within our Services by using the settings in your browser or the settings in your device, if this is supported by your browser or device.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Further, you can find additional information on advertising-related third-party cookies and similar technologies and how to prevent their use on the following websites:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> (available in English only)\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> (available in English only)\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you delete all cookies on your device, any opt-out cookies that have already been set will also be deleted, so that you will have to declare again any opt-outs that have already been declared.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">4. Do Not Track\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>California law requires us to let you know how we respond to web browser Do Not Track (DNT) signals. Because there currently isn't an industry or legal standard for recognizing or honoring DNT signals, we don't respond to them at this time. We await the result of work by the privacy community and industry to determine when such a response is appropriate and what form it should take.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1314","articleDescription":"<p>Our Cookie Notice details all relevant information regarding the use of cookies, web beacons and similar technologies in connection to eBay's websites, applications, services, products and tools (collectively "Services") and your choices in this regard.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Cookies, web beacons, and similar technology (\"Cookie Notice\")","metaDescription":"Learn how eBay uses cookies and web beacons","intentDescription":"Cookies, web beacons, and similar technology (\"Cookie Notice\")","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4220","title":"Technical issues","description":"From time to time, you may experience some technical issues with our site. If that happens, there are some things you can check.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Technical issues"],"fullPath":"/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220"},{"topicId":"4260","title":"User Privacy Notice","description":"<p>In our User Privacy Notice we have compiled all essential information about our handling of your personal data and your corresponding rights.<br />\n \u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">This User Privacy Notice is effective from <strong>April 8, 2024\u003C/strong>. View the previous User Privacy Notice.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"15 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behavior policies","User privacy notice (privacy policy)"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260"},{"topicId":"4259","title":"User Agreement","description":"<p class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">This User Agreement is effective upon acceptance for new users, and from July 26, 2024 for existing users. The previous amendment to this User Agreement was effective for all users on October 28, 2023.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"10 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behavior policies","User agreement"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259"},{"topicId":"4265","title":"Community content policy","description":"<p>Sharing content with other eBay members - either via discussion boards, product reviews, collections or groups - is a great way to help build the eBay community, and is something we encourage all our users to do.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behavior policies","Community content policy"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behavior-policies/community-content-policy?id=4265"}],"tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behavior policies","Cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies"],"anchors":[{"id":"section1","desc":"1. Information regarding the technologies we use"},{"id":"section2","desc":"2. Which service providers do we cooperate with?"},{"id":"section3","desc":"3. Your Choices"},{"id":"section4","desc":"4. Do Not Track"}]},"ebayHomeUrl":"","breadcrumbUrl":"/help/policies","back":{"back_l1_url":"/help/policies","back_l2_url":"/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies"},"item_picker_req":{"siteId":0,"segmentId":19997,"topicId":"4267","itemPerPage":12,"af":2,"vTopicId":"4267"},"login":false,"isMobile":false,"device":"desktop","disablePayTwoArticles":false,"enableSearchSnippet":true,"displayAppealCaseIP":true,"platformEnum":0,"blockGuestChat":false,"chatSkipSignIn":false,"llmData":null,"multiAccountLoginCheck":null,"isHHV2":true,"tokenResult":{"show_item_picker":false,"show_super_item_picker":false,"show_tokens":false,"show_super_ip_exp":false}},"btnTxt":"Opt out"},{"f":1}],["s0-0-53-3-57",3,{"contextId":"9af2d756-db8d-4e63-8e0e-e1d19cc335cb%3A19513ca9267","csrf_token":"01000a00000050edca967e5c40f1925b094b49cfb3fee7c5793f153c180274a94ae8658762f2086e58076db24120085de03678bd96c07b6823e43e240e5abb3b418fb328baf53cad6bf1e6cf18614ea751ddac37ff8875"},{"f":1}],["s0-0-80",4,{"topicId":"4267","sessionId":856708488031,"surveyObj":{"flag":false,"pageCountSurveyFlag":false,"pageOneSurveyFlag":true,"uiTriggerType":["ConvHelpClosed"],"pageOneSurveyIdleTime":15,"enableSurveySriHash":false,"surveySriHash":"sha256-ll+aG7/YR/AnWXI+9XKZVeIKyz8Bk2R/7RyMCw0v1WU= sha384-ATDnKafzD/la5noCEZir6xccWcyYB376Dsv0ii/C+bqU7N3TEDGOKSMz/p5FVa0J sha512-t222u1L01uO6OF5jGfKn8OScTqpNqUG9/83NvL00Uc6TMF1cARLKkBkj+saxfwveqAjqBlfbf7Hz6nD9A5Fw1A== sha256-fcRzkhqgq1r0+0CebAoq3iSjsv9PTOykdYvtx4Mn6kk= sha384-wcTUb6mBCA92wTYiGqYGykj9981STeRjEPhk+ffkv+aV+XtZwI72lydU/KDQXcVA sha512-ZN2ESk8PPpBuYPBNaeF2ie/T7hTR1mmSnmIHFqPLiLyZls7/1X7MO/ApnjMWFnkuwqe/ChafAlQ3FUeg77s1Sg==","surveyTopicId":"4267","enableEBayCDN":true,"hostLocation":"","chSurveyFlag":false,"attributes":{"seseLanguage":"en","ocsSessionId":856708488031,"seseSiteId":0,"seseGbhSiteId":201,"seseCSEG":19997,"seseTopicId":"4267","surveyTriggerType":null,"mobileFlag":"false","surveySeseL2":"","surveyPageName":"ArticleView"}}},{"f":1}]],"t":["/ocsnode$25.02.05_RELEASE/src/ui-modules/common/cs-header/index.marko","/@ebay/ebayui-core$15.0.1/dist/components/ebay-breadcrumbs/index.marko","/ocsnode$25.02.05_RELEASE/src/ui-modules/common/cusr-serv-article-v2/index.marko","/ocsnode$25.02.05_RELEASE/src/ui-modules/common/cusr-serv-feedback-inline-v2/index.marko","/ocsnode$25.02.05_RELEASE/src/ui-modules/common/survey-common/index.marko"]},"$$":[{"l":["w",1,2,"item",0,"renderBody"],"r":{"type":"NOOP"}},{"l":["w",1,2,"item",1,"renderBody"],"r":{"type":"NOOP"}},{"l":["w",1,2,"item",2,"renderBody"],"r":{"type":"NOOP"}},{"l":["w",3,2,"article"],"r":["w",2,2,"data","article"]}]})</script></body></html><!-- RcmdId ArticleView,RlogId t6lfuilacdlkr%3D9jetmjbb%60jhs.0%3Fc%601%3E0%3A%3D3*4c%3Feq-19513ca920e-0x1503 --><!-- SiteId: 0, Environment: production, AppName: ocsnode, PageId: 2493094 --><script type="text/javascript">(function(scope){var CosHeaders={"X_EBAY_C_TRACKING":"guid=13ca92231950acf31e6546c1fffaa261,pageid=2493094,cobrandId=0","X_EBAY_C_ENDUSERCTX":"clientId=urn%3Aebay-marketplace-consumerid%3Acd81f13b-f9a6-4393-9f9e-233bbb10f370,userAgentAccept=*%2F*,userAgentAcceptEncoding=identity,userAgent=Mozilla%2F4.0%20(compatible%3B%20MSIE%207.0%3B%20Windows%20NT%206.0%3B%20SLCC1%3B%20.NET%20CLR%202.0.50727%3B%20.NET%20CLR%203.0.04506%3B%20.NET%20CLR%203.5.21022%3B%20.NET%20CLR%201.0.3705%3B%20.NET%20CLR%201.1.4322),uri=%2Fhelp%2Fpolicies%2Fmember-behaviour-policies%2Febay-cookie-notice,,xff=,isPiggybacked=false,expectSecureURL=true,physicalLocation=country%3DHK%2Czip%3D0,contextualLocation=country%3DUS,origClientId=urn%3Aebay-marketplace-consumerid%3Acd81f13b-f9a6-4393-9f9e-233bbb10f370"};scope.cosHeadersInfo={getCosHeaders:function(){return CosHeaders;},getTrackingHeaders:function(){return CosHeaders.X_EBAY_C_TRACKING;},getEndUserContext:function(){return CosHeaders.X_EBAY_C_ENDUSERCTX;}};})(window)</script>