William R. Kerr - Faculty & Research - Harvard Business School
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<div class="profile-page-header inherit-bg"> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container h1-responsive-nav vrule9"> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row"> <div class="span8"> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"><img src="" class="fluid" style="border: 3px solid black;" alt="William R. Kerr" width="200" height="200"><div class="shim5 mobile-visible"></div> </div> <div class="profile-section-top-left"> <h1 class="alpha">William R. Kerr</h1> <div class="shim20 desktop-visible"></div> <h2 class="eta-uc bold2 subtitle desktop-visible">Dimitri V. D'Arbeloff - MBA Class of 1955 Professor of Business Administration<br>Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research</h2> <div class="shim5 desktop-hidden"></div> <h2 class="kappa-uc bold2 subtitle desktop-hidden">Dimitri V. D'Arbeloff - MBA Class of 1955 Professor of Business Administration<br>Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research</h2> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden"> <div class="shim22"></div> <div class="briefbio"> <div class="contents" xml:space="preserve"><p>William Kerr is the D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Bill is Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research, co-director of Harvard’s <a href=""><em>Managing the Future of Work</em></a> initiative, and faculty chair of the <em>Launching New Ventures</em> program. Bill is a recipient of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation’s Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship and Harvard's Distinction in Teaching award. His recent book is <a href=""><em>The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</em></a>.</p> </div> <div class="toggle-bio"> <div style="padding-top: 20px;margin-bottom:0px;"><a role="button" aria-label="Read more about William R. Kerr" class="toggle-button kappa-uc moreless" href="#"><span class="icon-expand" style="padding-right:5px"></span>Read more</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="fullbio" style="display:none;"><p>William Kerr is the D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Bill is Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research, co-director of Harvard’s <em>Managing the Future of Work</em> initiative, and faculty chair of the <em>Launching New Ventures</em> program. Bill served as Unit Head of the Entrepreneurial Management unit from 2020-2023. Bill is a recipient of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation’s Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship and Harvard's Distinction in Teaching award.</p> <p>The <a href=""><em>Managing the Future of Work</em></a> project considers the unprecedented set of challenges and opportunities presented to businesses, including rapid technological revolutions, shifting global product and labor markets, aging workforces, and growing skills gaps. These forces change the ways that businesses compete with each other and engage workers. This multi-faculty project identifies how companies, schools, workers and the public sector can come together to manage the challenging transitions ahead as the nature of work is radically transformed. The initiative produces leading research on these themes and disseminates to broader audiences through platforms like the <a href="">MFW podcast series</a>.</p> <p>Bill’s recent book is <a href=""><em>The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</em></a>. It explores the global race for talent and how countries and businesses compete for high-skilled migrants. The book reveals how immigration has transformed U.S. innovation, reshaped the economy through the rise of talent clusters and superstar firms, and influenced society at large in positive and adverse ways. The book argues that America, and the world, can get more out of global talent flows with sensible reforms.</p> <p>Bill’s broader research centers on how companies and economies explore new opportunities and generate growth. He considers the leadership and resources necessary to identify, launch and sustain dynamic and enduring organizations. He works with companies worldwide on the development of new ventures and transformations for profitable growth. He also advises governments about investments in the innovative capacities of their nations.</p> <p>Bill and his family live in Lexington, MA. They enjoy outdoor sports and CrossFit, are active members of their local church, and maintain close ties to his wife's home country of Finland. Bill grew up in Alabama and remains a passionate college football fan.</p> <br /> <div class="toggle-bio"> <div style="padding-top: 20px;"><a class="toggle-button kappa-uc moreless" href="#"><span class="icon-collapse" style="padding-right:5px"></span>Less</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="shim20"></div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="nu">Entrepreneurial Management</div> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="mu-uc"><a href="tel:+1(617) 496-7021" class="black">+1 (617) 496-7021</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="span1"> </div> <div class="span3 tablet-span12 vrule-offset"> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden profile-section-top-right"> <div class="shim10"></div><img src="" class="fluid" style="border: 3px solid black;" alt="William R. Kerr" width="200" height="200"><div class="shim5 mobile-visible"></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Unit</div> <div><a href="/faculty/units/em/Pages/default.aspx">Entrepreneurial Management</a></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Contact Information</div> <div>(617) 496-7021</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-visible"> <div class="row tablet-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12"> <div class="page-tabs-container"> <table class="page-tabs nav-tabs table-overflow tabs-hero" style="margin-bottom:-1px;"> <tr> <td><a href="?facId=337265&click=byline&view=featured-work" data-tab="featured-work" class="mu-uc current">Featured Work</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=337265&click=byline&view=publications" data-tab="publications" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Publications</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=337265&click=byline&view=research-summary" data-tab="research-summary" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Research Summary</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=337265&click=byline&view=teaching" data-tab="teaching" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Teaching</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=337265&click=byline&view=awards" data-tab="awards" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Awards & Honors</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container vrule9"> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12 body h3-kappa" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="cap tablet-cap mobile-cap"></div> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden"> <div id="featured-work" class="tabcontent current" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/41vkXz63lwL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200__6bfa0ae3-8c9c-4e5c-b355-d8c79d027002.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><p>The global race for talent is on, with countries and businesses competing for the best and brightest. Foreign talent has transformed U.S. science and engineering, reshaped the economy, and influenced society at large. But America is bogged down in thorny debates on immigration policy, and the world around the United States is rapidly catching up, especially China and India. The future is quite uncertain, and the global talent puzzle deserves close examination. This book combines insights and lessons from business practice, government policy, and individual decision-making to give voice to data and ideas that should drive the next wave of policy and business practice.<br /><br /><a href="">Amazon Page</a><br /><br /><a href="">Extended Book Page</a></p></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/A517D94B8413FFCBBD8BD20E13AD9475_45839f0f-5056-4c82-958c-2593aaf1e0e6.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Managing the Future of Work</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><div>The nature of work is changing. As companies grapple with forces—such as rapid technological change, shifting global product and labor markets, evolving regulatory regimes, outsourcing, and the fast emergence of the gig economy—they must overcome challenges and tap opportunities to attract, retain, and improve the productivity of their human assets. And they must do so in partnership with policymakers, educators, and nonprofits as well as in collaboration with other companies. Harvard Business School’s Project on Managing the Future of Work pursues research that business and policy leaders can put into action to navigate this complex landscape.<br /><br /> <p><a href="">MFW Overview</a></p> <p><a href="">MFW Podcast</a></p> <br /><strong>Recent Case Materials:<br /></strong><a href="">Agile Consumer Product Innovation with Alibaba's Tmall Innovation Center<br /></a><a href="" target="_blank">AppHarvest: Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy Through Agriculture<br /></a><a href="">AT&T: Managing Technological Change<br /></a><a href="">AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow</a><br /><a href="">Autonomous Vehicles: The Rubber Hits the Road...but When?<br /></a><a href="">CareerWise Colorado<br /></a><a href="">Catalant's Operating System for the Future of Work</a><br /><a href="">CEWD: Closing the Skills Gap<br /></a><a href="" target="_blank">Chime Solutions</a></div> <a href="">The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)</a><br /> <div><a href="">Google: To TVC or Not to TVC?<br /></a><a href="">Hot Chicken Takeover<br /></a><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;">MobSquad</span></a><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;"><br /></span></a><a href="">Osaro: Picking the Best Path<br /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (A): Agile</a><a href=""><br style="color: #000000;" /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (B): Innovation</a><a href=""><br style="color: #000000;" /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (C): Culture<br /></a><a href="">Vodafone: Managing Advanced Technologies and Artifical Intelligence <br /></a></div> <div><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;">Unilever's Response to the Future of Work<br /></span></a><a href="">Universal Basic Income, Job Guarantees, or None of the Above?<br /></a><a href="">Walmart’s Workforce of the Future<br /></a><a href="">Western Governors University: 10x Vision<br /></a><br /><strong>Recent Primers:<br /></strong><a href="">Care Economy in the U.S.</a><br /><a href="">China Commerce 2020</a><br /><a href="">Demographic Changes for the Future of Work in Japan</a><br /><a href="">The Gig Economy: Leasing Skills to Pay the Bills</a><br /><a href="">Managing Talent Pipelines in the Future of Work</a><strong><br /></strong><a href="">Modern Automation (A): Artificial Intelligence</a><br /><a href="">Modern Automation (B): Robotics</a><br /><a href="">The New Generation of Retail<br /></a>Note on Digital Commerce and Delivery<br /><a href="">Note on the Future of Commerce<br /></a><a href="">Note on the Future of Work</a><br /><a href="">Talent Management in the Future of Work<br /></a><br /><a href=""><br /></a></div></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Entrepreneurship Readings</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li><a href="">Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Launching Global Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Leading Breakthrough Innovation in Established Companies</a></li> <li><a href="">Financing New Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Convertible Notes in Seed Financings</a></li> <li><a href="">Pitching Business Opportunities</a></li> <li>Further cases are listed under <a href="">Publications tab</a></li> </ul></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Media</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li>Find selected recent media <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></li> <li>Find sample media appearances <a href="">here</a></li> </ul></div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="fullBio"><p>William Kerr is the D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Bill is Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research, co-director of Harvard’s <em>Managing the Future of Work</em> initiative, and faculty chair of the <em>Launching New Ventures</em> program. Bill served as Unit Head of the Entrepreneurial Management unit from 2020-2023. Bill is a recipient of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation’s Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship and Harvard's Distinction in Teaching award.</p> <p>The <a href=""><em>Managing the Future of Work</em></a> project considers the unprecedented set of challenges and opportunities presented to businesses, including rapid technological revolutions, shifting global product and labor markets, aging workforces, and growing skills gaps. These forces change the ways that businesses compete with each other and engage workers. This multi-faculty project identifies how companies, schools, workers and the public sector can come together to manage the challenging transitions ahead as the nature of work is radically transformed. The initiative produces leading research on these themes and disseminates to broader audiences through platforms like the <a href="">MFW podcast series</a>.</p> <p>Bill’s recent book is <a href=""><em>The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</em></a>. It explores the global race for talent and how countries and businesses compete for high-skilled migrants. The book reveals how immigration has transformed U.S. innovation, reshaped the economy through the rise of talent clusters and superstar firms, and influenced society at large in positive and adverse ways. The book argues that America, and the world, can get more out of global talent flows with sensible reforms.</p> <p>Bill’s broader research centers on how companies and economies explore new opportunities and generate growth. He considers the leadership and resources necessary to identify, launch and sustain dynamic and enduring organizations. He works with companies worldwide on the development of new ventures and transformations for profitable growth. He also advises governments about investments in the innovative capacities of their nations.</p> <p>Bill and his family live in Lexington, MA. They enjoy outdoor sports and CrossFit, are active members of their local church, and maintain close ties to his wife's home country of Finland. Bill grew up in Alabama and remains a passionate college football fan.</p> <br /></div> <dl class="accordian profile-tabs"> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Featured Work</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/41vkXz63lwL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200__6bfa0ae3-8c9c-4e5c-b355-d8c79d027002.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><p>The global race for talent is on, with countries and businesses competing for the best and brightest. Foreign talent has transformed U.S. science and engineering, reshaped the economy, and influenced society at large. But America is bogged down in thorny debates on immigration policy, and the world around the United States is rapidly catching up, especially China and India. The future is quite uncertain, and the global talent puzzle deserves close examination. This book combines insights and lessons from business practice, government policy, and individual decision-making to give voice to data and ideas that should drive the next wave of policy and business practice.<br /><br /><a href="">Amazon Page</a><br /><br /><a href="">Extended Book Page</a></p></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="thumbnail" style="float:left; position: relative;"><img src=" Files/A517D94B8413FFCBBD8BD20E13AD9475_45839f0f-5056-4c82-958c-2593aaf1e0e6.jpg" class="fluid" width="130px" style="margin-bottom: 18px; margin-right: 1em;" alt=""></div> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Managing the Future of Work</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><div>The nature of work is changing. As companies grapple with forces—such as rapid technological change, shifting global product and labor markets, evolving regulatory regimes, outsourcing, and the fast emergence of the gig economy—they must overcome challenges and tap opportunities to attract, retain, and improve the productivity of their human assets. And they must do so in partnership with policymakers, educators, and nonprofits as well as in collaboration with other companies. Harvard Business School’s Project on Managing the Future of Work pursues research that business and policy leaders can put into action to navigate this complex landscape.<br /><br /> <p><a href="">MFW Overview</a></p> <p><a href="">MFW Podcast</a></p> <br /><strong>Recent Case Materials:<br /></strong><a href="">Agile Consumer Product Innovation with Alibaba's Tmall Innovation Center<br /></a><a href="" target="_blank">AppHarvest: Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy Through Agriculture<br /></a><a href="">AT&T: Managing Technological Change<br /></a><a href="">AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow</a><br /><a href="">Autonomous Vehicles: The Rubber Hits the Road...but When?<br /></a><a href="">CareerWise Colorado<br /></a><a href="">Catalant's Operating System for the Future of Work</a><br /><a href="">CEWD: Closing the Skills Gap<br /></a><a href="" target="_blank">Chime Solutions</a></div> <a href="">The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)</a><br /> <div><a href="">Google: To TVC or Not to TVC?<br /></a><a href="">Hot Chicken Takeover<br /></a><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;">MobSquad</span></a><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;"><br /></span></a><a href="">Osaro: Picking the Best Path<br /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (A): Agile</a><a href=""><br style="color: #000000;" /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (B): Innovation</a><a href=""><br style="color: #000000;" /></a><a href="">Transformation at ING (C): Culture<br /></a><a href="">Vodafone: Managing Advanced Technologies and Artifical Intelligence <br /></a></div> <div><a href=""><span style="color: #000000;">Unilever's Response to the Future of Work<br /></span></a><a href="">Universal Basic Income, Job Guarantees, or None of the Above?<br /></a><a href="">Walmart’s Workforce of the Future<br /></a><a href="">Western Governors University: 10x Vision<br /></a><br /><strong>Recent Primers:<br /></strong><a href="">Care Economy in the U.S.</a><br /><a href="">China Commerce 2020</a><br /><a href="">Demographic Changes for the Future of Work in Japan</a><br /><a href="">The Gig Economy: Leasing Skills to Pay the Bills</a><br /><a href="">Managing Talent Pipelines in the Future of Work</a><strong><br /></strong><a href="">Modern Automation (A): Artificial Intelligence</a><br /><a href="">Modern Automation (B): Robotics</a><br /><a href="">The New Generation of Retail<br /></a>Note on Digital Commerce and Delivery<br /><a href="">Note on the Future of Commerce<br /></a><a href="">Note on the Future of Work</a><br /><a href="">Talent Management in the Future of Work<br /></a><br /><a href=""><br /></a></div></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Entrepreneurship Readings</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li><a href="">Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Launching Global Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Leading Breakthrough Innovation in Established Companies</a></li> <li><a href="">Financing New Ventures</a></li> <li><a href="">Convertible Notes in Seed Financings</a></li> <li><a href="">Pitching Business Opportunities</a></li> <li>Further cases are listed under <a href="">Publications tab</a></li> </ul></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Media</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li>Find selected recent media <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></li> <li>Find sample media appearances <a href="">here</a></li> </ul></div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Books</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Kerr, William R. <I><A HREF="">The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</A></I>. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books, 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Hanson, Gordon H., William R. Kerr and Sarah Turner, eds. <I><A HREF="">High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences</A></I>. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2018. <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Working Papers</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>D’Amico, Leonardo, Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, William Kerr, and Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto. <A HREF="">"Why Has Construction Productivity Stagnated? The Role of Land-Use Regulation."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 25-027, November 2024. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chodavadia, Saheel, Sari Pekkala Kerr, William R. Kerr, and Louis Maiden. <A HREF="">"Immigrant Entrepreneurship: New Estimates and a Research Agenda."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-068, April 2024. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and Kendall Smith. <A HREF="">"Age at Immigrant Arrival and Career Mobility: Evidence from Vietnamese Refugee Migration and the Amerasian Homecoming Act."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-044, January 2024. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Colaiacovo, Innessa, Margaret Dalton, Sari Pekkala Kerr, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"The Transformation of Self Employment."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-051, January 2022. <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Journal Articles</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Bai, John (Jianqui), William R. Kerr, Chi Wan, and Alptug Yorulmaz. <A HREF="">"Everyone Steps Back? The Widespread Retraction of Crowd-Funding Support for Minority Creators When Migration Fear Is High."</A> <I>Research Policy</I> 54, no. 1 (January 2025). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Centralization and Organization Reproduction: Ethnic Innovation in R&D Centers and Satellite Locations."</A> <I>Organization Science</I> (forthcoming). (Pre-published online October 24, 2023.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Das, Abhiman, Ejaz Ghani, Arti Grover, William Kerr, and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF=" GQFinance.pdf">"JUE Insight: Infrastructure and Finance: Evidence from India's GQ Highway Network."</A> Art. 103593. <I>Journal of Urban Economics</I> 142 (July 2024). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Heikkinen, Kalle, William R. Kerr, Mika Malin, Panu Routila, and Eemil Rupponen. <A HREF="">"When Scenario Planning Fails."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review Digital Articles</I> (April 21, 2023). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF=" JME22_Mortgage.pdf">"House Prices, Home Equity and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. Census Micro Data."</A> <I>Journal of Monetary Economics</I> 130 (September 2022): 103–119. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Fuller, Joseph B., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"The Great Resignation Didn't Start with the Pandemic."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (March 23, 2022). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nair, Leena, Nick Dalton, Patrick Hull, and William Kerr. <A HREF="">"Use Purpose to Transform Your Workplace."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 100, no. 2 (March–April 2022): 52–55. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Heikkinen, Kalle, William R. Kerr, Mika Malin, and Panu Routila. <A HREF="">"4 Imperatives for Managing in a Hybrid World."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review Digital Articles</I> (June 28, 2021). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chattergoon, Brad, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Winner Takes All? Tech Clusters, Population Centers, and the Spatial Transformation of U.S. Invention."</A> Art. 104418. <I>Research Policy</I> 51, no. 2 (March 2022). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" Job is it Anyway.pdf">"Whose Job Is It Anyway? Co-Ethnic Hiring in New U.S. Ventures."</A> <I>Journal of Human Capital</I> 15, no. 1 (Spring 2021): 86–127. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Martin Mandorff. <A HREF=" KM Networks Full.pdf">"Social Networks, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship."</A> <I>Journal of Human Resources</I> 58, no. 1 (January 2023): 183–220. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Frederic Robert-Nicoud. <A HREF="">"Tech Clusters."</A> <I>Journal of Economic Perspectives</I> 34, no. 3 (Summer 2020): 50–76. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Immigrant Entrepreneurship in America: Evidence from the Survey of Business Owners 2007 & 2012."</A> Art. 103918. <I>Research Policy</I> 49, no. 3 (April 2020). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and Margaret Dalton. <A HREF="">"Risk Attitudes and Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs and Venture Team Members."</A> <I>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</I> 116, no. 36 (September 3, 2019): 17712–17716. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"The Plight of the Graying Tech Worker."</A> <I>MIT Sloan Management Review</I> 60, no. 4 (Summer 2019): 12–13. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"America, Don't Throw Global Talent Away."</A> <I>Nature</I> 563, no. 5572 (November 22, 2018): 445. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Navigating Talent Hot Spots."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 96, no. 5 (September–October 2018): 80–86. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Akcigit, Ufuk, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Growth Through Heterogeneous Innovations."</A> <I>Journal of Political Economy</I> 126, no. 4 (August 2018): 1374–1443. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Acemoglu, Daron, Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, Nicholas Bloom, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Innovation, Reallocation and Growth."</A> <I>American Economic Review</I> 108, no. 11 (November 2018): 3450–3491. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Entrepreneurship in Larger Companies." Chap. 27 in <I><A HREF="">The Entrepreneur's Roadmap: From Concept to IPO</A></I>, edited by Tim Dempsey and Bonnie Hyun, 161–164. Chicago, IL: Caxton Business & Legal, Inc., 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF=" strategy, public policy_Kerr17.pdf">"Private Strategy, Public Policy."</A> <I>Science</I> 356, no. 6339 (May 19, 2017): 695. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, Arti Grover Goswami, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" WBER17.pdf">"Highways and Spatial Location within Cities: Evidence from India."</A> <I>World Bank Economic Review</I> 30, Suppl. 1 (March 2017): S97–S108. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, Çağlar Özden, and Christopher Parsons. <A HREF="">"High-Skilled Migration and Agglomeration."</A> <I>Annual Review of Economics</I> 9 (2017): 201–234. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF=" WBER18_Ricardian.pdf">"Heterogeneous Technology Diffusion and Ricardian Trade Patterns."</A> <I>World Bank Economic Review</I> 32, no. 1 (February 2018): 163–182. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Harnessing the Best of Globalization."</A> <I>MIT Sloan Management Review</I> 58, no. 1 (Fall 2016): 59–67. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Acemoglu, Daron, Ufuk Akcigit, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Innovation Network."</A> <I>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</I> 113, no. 41 (October 11, 2016). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, Çağlar Özden, and Christopher Parsons. <A HREF="">"Global Talent Flows."</A> <I>Journal of Economic Perspectives</I> 30, no. 4 (Fall 2016): 83–106. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Immigrants Play a Disproportionate Role in American Entrepreneurship."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (October 3, 2016). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Aghion, Philippe, Ufuk Akcigit, Julia Cagé, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" all_Taxation, Corruption, and Growth.pdf">"Taxation, Corruption, and Growth."</A> Special Issue on The Economics of Entrepreneurship. <I>European Economic Review</I> 86 (July 2016): 24–51. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Acemoglu, Daron, Ufuk Akcigit, Douglas Hanley, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Transition to Clean Technology."</A> Special Issue on Climate Change and the Economy. <I>Journal of Political Economy</I> 124, no. 2 (February 2016): 52–104. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" EJ16_GlobalCollaborativePatents.pdf">"Global Collaborative Patents."</A> <I>Economic Journal</I> 128, no. 612 (July 2018): F235–F272. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, Arti Grover Goswami, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" EJ16.compressed.pdf">"Highway to Success: The Impact of the Golden Quadrilateral Project for the Location and Performance of Indian Manufacturing."</A> <I>Economic Journal</I> 126, no. 591 (March 2016): 317–357. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"How Local Context Shapes Digital Business Abroad."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (June 24, 2015). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Scott Duke Kominers. <A HREF="">"Agglomerative Forces and Cluster Shapes."</A> <I>Review of Economics and Statistics</I> 97, no. 4 (October 2015): 877–899. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Glaeser, Edward L., Sari Pekkala Kerr, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" and Urban Growth May 2015.pdf">"Entrepreneurship and Urban Growth: An Empirical Assessment with Historical Mines."</A> <I>Review of Economics and Statistics</I> 97, no. 2 (May 2015): 498–520. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and William F. Lincoln. <A HREF="">"Skilled Immigration and the Employment Structures of U.S. Firms."</A> <I>Journal of Labor Economics</I> 33, no. S1 (July 2015): S147–S186. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Ramana Nanda, and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf. <A HREF="">"Entrepreneurship as Experimentation."</A> <I>Journal of Economic Perspectives</I> 28, no. 3 (Summer 2014): 25–48. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF=" JME14-Inequality.pdf">"Income Inequality and Social Preferences for Redistribution and Compensation Differentials."</A> <I>Journal of Monetary Economics</I> 66 (September 2014): 62–78. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Stephen D. O'Connell. <A HREF="'Connell JDE14b.pdf">"Political Reservations and Women's Entrepreneurship in India."</A> <I>Journal of Development Economics</I> 108 (May 2014): 138–153. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., William F. Lincoln, and Prachi Mishra. <A HREF=" AEJ14_Lobby.pdf">"The Dynamics of Firm Lobbying."</A> <I>American Economic Journal: Economic Policy</I> 6, no. 4 (November 2014): 343–379. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Stephen O'Connell. <A HREF=" RS14_IndiaSpatial.pdf">"Spatial Determinants of Entrepreneurship in India."</A> Special Issue on Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context. <I>Regional Studies</I> 48, no. 6 (2014): 1071–1089. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Christopher Stanton. <A HREF="">"Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India."</A> <I>Management Science</I> 60, no. 7 (July 2014): 1677–1697. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Labor Regulations and European Venture Capital."</A> <I>Journal of Economics & Management Strategy</I> 23, no. 4 (Winter 2014): 776–810. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Josh Lerner, and Antoinette Schoar. <A HREF=" RFS14.pdf">"The Consequences of Entrepreneurial Finance: Evidence from Angel Financings."</A> <I>Review of Financial Studies</I> 27, no. 1 (January 2014): 20–55. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Stephen O'Connell. <A HREF="">"Local Industrial Structures and Female Entrepreneurship in India."</A> <I>Journal of Economic Geography</I> 13, no. 6 (November 2013): 929–964. (Winner of the FPD Academy Award for Best World Bank Research in Finance and Private Sector Development.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" AER13_STEM.pdf">"Immigration and Employer Transitions for STEM Workers."</A> <I>American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings</I> 103, no. 3 (May 2013): 193–197. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Foley, C. Fritz, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Ethnic Innovation and U.S. Multinational Firm Activity."</A> <I>Management Science</I> 59, no. 7 (July 2013): 1529–1544. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Falck, Oliver, Christina Guenther, Stephan Heblich, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"From Russia with Love: The Impact of Relocated Firms on Incumbent Survival."</A> <I>Journal of Economic Geography</I> 13, no. 3 (May 2013): 419–449. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" FEP11_ImmSurvey.pdf">"Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey."</A> <I>Finnish Economic Papers</I> 24, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 1–32. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and William F. Lincoln. <A HREF=" JOLE10_H1B.pdf">"The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention."</A> <I>Journal of Labor Economics</I> 28, no. 3 (July 2010): 473–508. (Winner of H. Gregg Lewis Prize for Best Paper in <i>Journal of Labor Economics</i> 2010-2011.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Glaeser, Edward L., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"The Secret to Job Growth: Think Small."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 88, nos. 7-8 (July–August 2010): 26. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ellison, Glenn, Edward Glaeser, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"What Causes Industry Agglomeration? Evidence from Coagglomeration Patterns."</A> <I>American Economic Review</I> 100, no. 3 (June 2010): 1195–1213. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Venture Financing and Entrepreneurial Success."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (May 12, 2010). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF=" JEEA10_EntrySize.pdf">"Banking Deregulations, Financing Constraints and Firm Entry Size."</A> <I>Journal of the European Economic Association</I> 8, nos. 2-3 (April–May 2010): 582–593. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Breakthrough Inventions and Migrating Clusters of Innovation."</A> <I>Journal of Urban Economics</I> 67, no. 1 (January 2010): 46–60. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Glaeser, Edward L., William R. Kerr, and Giacomo A.M. Ponzetto. <A HREF=" JUE10_Clusters.pdf">"Clusters of Entrepreneurship."</A> <I>Journal of Urban Economics</I> 67, no. 1 (January 2010): 150–168. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"Democratizing Entry: Banking Deregulations, Financing Constraints, and Entrepreneurship."</A> <I>Journal of Financial Economics</I> 94, no. 1 (October 2009): 124–149. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Glaeser, Edward L., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Local Industrial Conditions and Entrepreneurship: How Much of the Spatial Distribution Can We Explain?"</A> <I>Journal of Economics & Management Strategy</I> 18, no. 3 (Fall 2009): 623–663. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Ethnic Scientific Communities and International Technology Diffusion."</A> <I>Review of Economics and Statistics</I> 90, no. 3 (August 2008): 518–537. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Shihe Fu. <A HREF="">"The Survey of Industrial R&D—Patent Database Link Project."</A> <I>Journal of Technology Transfer</I> 33, no. 2 (April 2008): 173–186. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Acs, Zoltan J., Edward L. Glaeser, Robert E. Litan, Lee Fleming, Stephan J. Goetz, William R. Kerr, Steven Klepper, Stuart S. Rosenthal, Olav Sorenson, and William C. Strange. <A HREF=" and Urban Success_Kauffman_foundation.pdf">"Entrepreneurship and Urban Success: Toward a Policy Consensus."</A> <I>Kauffman Foundation Research Report</I> (January 2008). <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Autor, David H., William R. Kerr, and Adriana D. Kugler. <A HREF="">"Does Employment Protection Reduce Productivity? Evidence from U.S. States."</A> <I>Economic Journal</I> 117, no. 521 (June 2007): 189–217. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Robert G. King. <A HREF="">"Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model."</A> <I>Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly</I> 82, no. 2 (1996): 47–75. <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Book Chapters</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Kerr, William R., and Sari Pekkala Kerr. <A HREF="">"Immigration Policy Levers for U.S. Innovation and Startups."</A> In <I><A HREF="">Innovation and Public Policy</A></I>, edited by Austan D. Goolsbee and Benjamin F. Jones. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"The Gift of Global Talent: Innovation Policy and the Economy."</A> Chap. 1 in <I>Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 20</I>, edited by Josh Lerner and Scott Stern, 1–37. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" Networking and Collaboration Survey Evidence from CIC.pdf">"Immigrant Networking and Collaboration: Survey Evidence from CIC."</A> In <I><A HREF="">The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in U.S. Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship</A></I>, edited by Ina Ganguli, Shulamit Kahn, and Megan MacGarvie. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and Tina Xu. <A HREF="">"Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs: A Review of Recent Literature."</A> <I>Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship</I> 14, no. 3 (July 2018): 279–356. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Horton, John, William R. Kerr, and Christopher Stanton. <A HREF="">"Digital Labor Markets and Global Talent Flows."</A> Chap. 3 in <I><A HREF="">High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences</A></I>, edited by Gordon H. Hanson, William R. Kerr, and Sarah Turner, 71–108. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Sari Pekkala Kerr. <A HREF="">"Immigrant Entrepreneurship."</A> Chap. 5 in <I><A HREF="">Measuring Entrepreneurial Businesses: Current Knowledge and Challenges</A></I>. Vol. 75, edited by John Haltiwanger, Erik Hurst, Javier Miranda, and Antoinette Schoar. Studies in Income and Wealth (NBER). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"Financing Innovation."</A> <I>Annual Review of Financial Economics</I> 7 (2015): 445–462. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Innovation and Business Growth."</A> In <I>Designing the Future: Economic, Societal and Political Dimensions of Innovation</I>, edited by Austrian Council for Research and Training Development, 137–156. Vienna, Austria: Echomedia Buchverlag, 2015. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Duranton, Gilles, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"The Logic of Agglomeration."</A> In <I><A HREF="">The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography</A></I>, edited by Gordon Clark, Maryann Feldman, Meric Gertler, and Dariusz Wojcik, 347–365. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"U.S. High-Skilled Immigration, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Approaches and Evidence."</A> Chap. 6 in <I><A HREF="">The International Mobility of Talent and Innovation: New Evidence and Policy Implications</A></I>, edited by Carsten Fink and Ernest Miguelez, 193–221. Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Development. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Acemoglu, Daron, Ufuk Akcigit, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Networks and the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Exploration."</A> In <I><A HREF="">NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2015, Vol. 30</A></I>, edited by Martin Eichenbaum and Jonathan Parker, 273–335. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Carlino, Gerald, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Agglomeration and Innovation."</A> Chap. 6 in <I><A HREF="">Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics</A></I>. Volume 5, edited by Gilles Duranton, J. Vernon Henderson, and William C. Strange, 349–404. Elsevier, 2015. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"International Migration and U.S. Innovation: Insights from the U.S. Experience."</A> In <I><A HREF="">Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies</A></I>, edited by Anna Triandafyllidou, 82–87. Routledge, 2015. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and William F. Lincoln. <A HREF="">"Firms and the Economics of Skilled Immigration."</A> In <I><A HREF="">Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 15</A></I>, edited by William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern, 115–152. University of Chicago Press, 2015. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chatterji, Aaron, Edward Glaeser, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" IPE14_Clusters.pdf">"Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation."</A> In <I><A HREF="">Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 14</A></I>, edited by Josh Lerner and Scott Stern, 129–166. University of Chicago Press, 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Stephen O'Connell. <A HREF="">"Promoting Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Job Creation."</A> In <I><A HREF="">Reshaping Tomorrow: Is South Asia Ready for the Big Leap?</A></I> edited by Ejaz Ghani, 168–201. Oxford University Press, 2011. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Foreword." <I><A HREF="">Entrepreneurial and Business Elites of China: The Chinese Returnees Who Have Shaped Modern China</A></I>, edited by Wenxian Zhang, Huiyao Wang, and Ilan Alon, 13–15. Bingley, England: Emerald Group Publishing, 2011. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"Financing Constraints and Entrepreneurship."</A> Chap. 8 in <I><A HREF="">Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship</A></I>, edited by David Audretsch, Oliver Falck, and Stephan Heblich, 88–103. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011. (NBER WP 15498, HBS WP 10-013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Glaeser, Edward L., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"What Makes a City Entrepreneurial?"</A> In <I>Rappaport Institute/Taubman Center Policy Brief</I>. John F. Kennedy School of Government, 2010. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "<a href="">The Agglomeration of U.S. Ethnic Inventors</a>." In <i>Agglomeration Economics</i>, edited by Edward Glaeser, 237–276. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2010. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Breakthrough Inventions and the Growth of Innovation Clusters." In <I><A HREF="">The Innovation for Development Report 2010-2011</A></I>, edited by Augusto Lopez-Claros, 103–107. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. "Labor Market Regulations and European Restructuring: Evidence from Private Equity Investments." In <I><A HREF="">Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance</A></I>, by Ant Bozkaya, 151–189. Université libre de Bruxelles, 2007. (Reprinted in <i><a href="">Entrepreneurial Finance: Financing Young, Innovative Ventures</a></i>, (Saarbrüken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009), 140-176.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. "Labor Market Regulations and European Venture Capital Investment." In <I>European Productivity Conference Scientific Proceedings</I>, edited by Pekka Malmberg, 165–172. Helsinki, Finland: Paintek Oy, 2007. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. "The Rationales and Performance of Public Venturing: Survey Evidence from Belgium and Finland." In <I><A HREF="">Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance</A></I>, by Ant Bozkaya, 95–139. Université libre de Bruxelles, 2007. (Reprinted in <i><a href="">Entrepreneurial Finance: Financing of Young, Innovative Ventures</a></i> (Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009), 95-139.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"U.S. Ethnic Scientists and Entrepreneurs."</A> In <I>Cleveland Federal Reserve Board Commentary</I>, 1–4. Progressive Management, 2007. <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Cases and Teaching Materials</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Stanton, Christopher, William R. Kerr, Allison Ciechanover, and Matt Higgins. <A HREF="">"Autonomous Vehicles in 2022."</A> Harvard Business School Case 823-091, January 2023. (Revised November 2024.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and James Palano. <A HREF="">"Influencer-led brand building: Hairitage and the McKnights."</A> Harvard Business School Case 825-066, August 2024. (Revised December 2024.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bernstein, Shai, William R. Kerr, Christopher Stanton, Raymond Kluender, and Mel Martin. <A HREF="">"Chime Solutions."</A> Harvard Business School Case 824-133, February 2024. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and Paige Boehmcke. <A HREF="">"Swanson Health: Becoming a Super Seller."</A> Harvard Business School Case 824-093, November 2023. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Will Fintechs and Central Banks Play in Emtech's Sandbox?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 824-096, November 2023. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nagle, Frank, George A. Riedel, William R. Kerr, and David Lane. <A HREF="">"SolarWinds Confronts SUNBURST (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 723-368, October 2022. (Revised September 2023.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nagle, Frank, George A. Riedel, William R. Kerr, and David Lane. <A HREF="">"SolarWinds Confronts SUNBURST (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 723-357, October 2022. (Revised September 2023.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Shapiro, Jesse M., Natalia Rigol, Benjamin N. Roth, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Independent Governance of Meta’s Social Spaces: The Oversight Board."</A> Harvard Business School Case 823-111, March 2023. (Revised April 2023.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Sinozich, Martin A., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Clay Ridge Capital."</A> Harvard Business School Case 823-089, January 2023. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Fuller, Joseph B., William R. Kerr, and Ria Mazumdar. <A HREF="">"The Labor Market as COVID Recedes: A Great Resignation or a Great Realization?"</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 822-113, March 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Becker, Anke, Raymond Kluender, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"ELCA's Series A."</A> Harvard Business School Case 823-079, January 2023. (Revised November 2024.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nagle, Frank, George A. Riedel, William R. Kerr, and David Lane. <A HREF="">"Note on Cyberattacks and Regulatory Regimes."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 723-392, October 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel Isenberg, and Ria Mazumdar. "Can Goodr Fight Food Insecurity at Scale?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 823-045, September 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel Isenberg, and Bailey McAfee. "Can Papaya Global Keep Scaling Fast?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 823-029, September 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Can Goodr Fight Food Insecurity at Scale?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 822-143, June 2022. (Revised October 2022.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Shipley, N. Louis, William R. Kerr, and Paige Boehmcke. "Katie Couric Media: Landing the First Client." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 822-138, June 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, and William Kerr. <A HREF="">"RacingThePlanet’s 20-Year Marathon."</A> Harvard Business School Case 822-125, May 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bernstein, Shai, William R. Kerr, Jim Matheson, Christopher Stanton, and Ria Mazumdar. "Chime Solutions." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 822-135, May 2022. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Can Papaya Global Keep Scaling Fast?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 222-072, March 2022. (Revised September 2022.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, Paige Boehmcke, and Will Ensor. <A HREF="">"Digital Commerce and Delivery: Preparing Food and Retail Value Chains for a 50-50 World."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 822-108, June 2022. (Revised October 2022.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Shipley, N. Louis, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"Katie Couric Media: Landing the First Client."</A> Harvard Business School Case 822-011, September 2021. (Revised March 2022.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bussgang, Jeffrey J., Zoë B. Cullen, William R. Kerr, Benjamin N. Roth, and Michael Norris. <A HREF="">"A Close Shave at Squire."</A> Harvard Business School Case 821-073, July 2021. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Joseph B. Fuller, Manjari Raman, and Bailey McAfee. <A HREF="">"Note on the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 821-063, January 2021. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and James Palano. <A HREF="">"Agile Consumer Product Innovation with Alibaba's Tmall Innovation Center."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-087, June 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Stanton, Christopher, William R. Kerr, James Palano, and Kendall Smith. "Catalant's Operating System for the Future of Work." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-105, June 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Stanton, Christopher, William R. Kerr, James Palano, and Kendall Smith. <A HREF="">"Catalant's Operating System for the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-093, February 2020. (Revised August 2020.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and Nathaniel Schwalb. <A HREF="">"China Commerce 2020."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 820-014, February 2020. (Revised June 2020.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Stanton, Christopher, Shikhar Ghosh, William R. Kerr, Sarah Gulick, and James Palano. <A HREF="">" Scaling a Distributed Organization (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-101, February 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Choudhury, Prithwiraj, William R. Kerr, and Susie L. Ma. <A HREF="">"MobSquad."</A> Harvard Business School Case 821-010, July 2020. (Revised September 2020.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and James Palano. <A HREF="">"The New Generation of Retail."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 821-036, November 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Sarah Gulick. <A HREF="">"Supercell (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-102, February 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Gorick Ng. <A HREF="">"Talent Management and the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-084, February 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Bailey McAfee. "Unilever's Response to the Future of Work." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 821-042, November 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Emilie Billaud, and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej. <A HREF="">"Unilever's Response to the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-104, April 2020. (Revised October 2020.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Daniel Isenberg. "Alvogen: Scaling Entrepreneurship." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-020, July 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Carl Kreitzberg. "AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-018, July 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Joseph B. Fuller, and Carl Kreitzberg. <A HREF="">"AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-017, July 2019. (Revised May 2020.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Fuller, Joseph B., William R. Kerr, Manjari Raman, and Carl Kreitzberg. <A HREF="">"Care Economy in the U.S. (Primer)."</A> Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-027, September 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ted Smalley Bowen. "CEWD: Closing the Skills Gap." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-133, June 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, Joseph Fuller, Manjari Raman, and Donald Maruyama. "Geographic Inequality Primer." Harvard Business School Background Note 819-142, May 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Fuller, Joseph, William R. Kerr, and Carl Kreitzberg. <A HREF="">"The Gig Economy: Leasing Skills to Pay the Bills."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 819-146, May 2019. (Revised February 2022.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Joseph B. Fuller, Manjari Raman, and Donald Maruyama. "The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-066, January 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 820-704, October 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Carl Kreitzberg. <A HREF="">"Google: To TVC or Not to TVC?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-048, September 2019. (Revised December 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Carl Kreitzberg. "Google: To TVC or Not to TVC?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-049, October 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Manjari Raman, and Olivia Hull. <A HREF="">"Hot Chicken Takeover."</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-078, February 2019. (Revised May 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Manjari Raman, and Olivia Hull. "Hot Chicken Takeover." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-021, September 2019. (Revised October 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Hot Chicken Takeover."</A> Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 820-703, October 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Joseph B. Fuller, Manjari Raman, and Carl Kreitzberg. <A HREF="">"Managing Talent Pipelines in the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 819-131, May 2019. (Revised April 2021.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Carl Kreitzberg. "Managing the Future of Work." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-028, October 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and James Palano. <A HREF="">"Modern Automation (B): Robotics."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 820-069, October 2019. (Revised March 2021.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel O'Connor, and Nathaniel Schwalb. <A HREF="">"Note on the Future of Commerce."</A> Harvard Business School Technical Note 819-017, June 2019. (Revised October 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and James Palano. "Osaro: Picking the Best Path." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-015, July 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., James Palano, and Bastiane Huang. <A HREF="">"Osaro: Picking the Best Path."</A> Harvard Business School Case 820-012, July 2019. (Revised November 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Jordan Bach-Lombardo. "Transformation at ING (A), (B), & (C)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-136, May 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Transformation at ING (A), (B), & (C)."</A> Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 820-702, October 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Jordan Bach-Lombardo. "Universal Basic Income, Job Guarantees, or None of the Above?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-127, May 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Vodafone: Managing Advanced Technologies and Artificial Intelligence."</A> Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 820-701, September 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Jordan Bach-Lombardo. <A HREF="">"Walmart's Workforce of the Future."</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-042, May 2019. (Revised July 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Jordan Bach-Lombardo. "Walmart's Workforce of the Future." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-126, May 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Susie L. Ma. <A HREF="">"Western Governors University: 10x Vision."</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-093, April 2019. (Revised June 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Coelin P. Scibetta. "Western Governors University: 10x Vision." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 820-042, September 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Alvogen: Scaling Entrepreneurship."</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-038, August 2018. (Revised February 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Gross, Daniel P., and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century."</A> Harvard Business School Case 718-486, January 2018. (Revised May 2018.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Gross, Daniel P., and William R. Kerr. "AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 718-518, May 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, Allison Ciechanover, Jeff Huizinga, and James Palano. <A HREF="">"Autonomous Vehicles: The Rubber Hits the Road...but When?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-088, January 2018. (Revised March 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, and James Palano. "Autonomous Vehicles: The Rubber Hits the Road…but When?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 819-040, December 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, Michael Norris, and Manjari Raman. <A HREF="">"CEWD: Closing the Skills Gap."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-081, February 2018. (Revised May 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Fuller, Joseph, William Kerr, Manjari Raman, and Donald Maruyama. <A HREF="">"The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-089, February 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Allison Ciechanover, and Jeff Huizinga. <A HREF="">"Managing the Future of Work."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-128, May 2018. (Revised October 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Gamze Yucaoglu. <A HREF="">"MISHA: Modernizing the World of Shisha."</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-019, August 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and James Palano. <A HREF="">"Modern Automation (A): Artificial Intelligence."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 819-084, December 2018. (Revised March 2021.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Gamze Yucaoglu. <A HREF="">"Peak Games: Hiring Priorities in Times of Rapid Growth (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-083, January 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Gamze Yucaoglu. <A HREF="">"Peak Games: Hiring Priorities in Times of Rapid Growth (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 818-084, January 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Federica Gabrieli, and Emer Moloney. <A HREF="">"Transformation at ING (A): Agile."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-077, January 2018. (Revised May 2018.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Federica Gabrieli, and Emer Moloney. <A HREF="">"Transformation at ING (B): Innovation."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 818-078, January 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Transformation at ING (C): Culture."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 818-121, May 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Reilly Kiernan, and Jordan Bach-Lombardo. <A HREF="">"Universal Basic Income, Job Guarantees, or None of the Above?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 819-035, November 2018. (Revised June 2019.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Emer Moloney. <A HREF="">"Vodafone: Managing Advanced Technologies and Artificial Intelligence."</A> Harvard Business School Case 318-109, February 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and James Palano. "Vodafone: Managing Advanced Technologies and Artificial Intelligence." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 319-033, August 2018. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Sari Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"CIC: Catalyzing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 817-126, March 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "CIC: Catalyzing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (A) & (B)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 817-143, May 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Sari Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"CIC: Catalyzing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 817-127, April 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Mark Roberge, and Paul A. Gompers. <A HREF="">"The Entrepreneurial Manager, Module I: Defining and Developing the Business Model."</A> Harvard Business School Module Note 817-108, February 2017. (Revised December 2018.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"NetDragon."</A> Harvard Business School Case 818-042, October 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Benjamin F. Jones, and Alexis Brownell. "Supercell." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 817-055, March 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Danielle Li, Mathis Wagner, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"TalentCorp Malaysia and the Returning Expert Programme."</A> Harvard Business School Case 817-092, January 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "TalentCorp Malaysia and the Returning Expert Programme." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 817-147, June 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "Transformation at Eli Lilly & Co. (A), (B), & (C)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 818-034, August 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Transformation at Eli Lilly & Co. (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 817-136, June 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Transformation at Eli Lilly & Co. (C)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 817-137, June 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "Yemeksepeti: Growing and Expanding the Business Model through Data." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 818-076, December 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Gamze Yucaoglu, and Eren Kuzucu. <A HREF="">"Yemeksepeti: Growing and Expanding the Business Model through Data."</A> Harvard Business School Case 817-095, February 2017. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, and William Kerr. <A HREF="">"Alvogen."</A> Harvard Business School Case 816-064, February 2016. (Revised February 2017.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Isenberg, Daniel, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. "Alvogen." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 817-057, October 2016. (Revised February 2017.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Reaching Beyond Your Organization: Empowering Innovation."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 817-044, December 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, and Kathryn S. Roloff. <A HREF="">"Residency Select or J3Personica?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 816-088, March 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "Residency Select or J3Personica?" Harvard Business School Teaching Note 816-101, May 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Benjamin F. Jones, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Supercell."</A> Harvard Business School Case 817-052, October 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Transformation at Eli Lilly & Co. (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 817-070, November 2016. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Entrepreneurship Reading: Launching Global Ventures."</A> Core Curriculum Readings Series. Harvard Business Publishing 5277, 2015. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Jim Sharpe, and James Weber. <A HREF="">"Winnan Metal: Fulfilling the Dream."</A> Harvard Business School Case 815-104, February 2015. (Revised February 2017.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William, and Penelope Rossano. " Growing a Filipino E-Commerce Company." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 814-122, June 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Farre-Mensa, Joan, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Entrepreneurial Finance Lab: Scaling an Innovative Start-up Financing Venture."</A> Harvard Business School Case 814-073, January 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Ramana Nanda, and James McQuade. <A HREF="">"Entrepreneurship Reading: Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures."</A> Core Curriculum Readings Series. Harvard Business Publishing 8072, 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Penelope Rossano. "FanMode: Launching a Global Sports Venture." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 814-124, June 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Penelope Rossano. "Homestrings, Inc.: Diaspora-Based Financing and the Crowd Funding of Development." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 815-043, July 2014. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Pomeranz, Dina, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF="">"IDinsight: Informing Decisions for Global Development."</A> Harvard Business School Case 814-103, March 2014. (Revised June 2016.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Henry Motte-Munoz. <A HREF="">" Growing a Filipino E-Commerce Company."</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-188, June 2013. (Revised August 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Blink Booking (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-158, February 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Desi Shack: Location Choice in the Big Apple."</A> Harvard Business School Case 814-012, August 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Entrepreneurial Finance in Finland? (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-166, March 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"EverTrue: Mobile Technology Development (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-122, January 2013. (Revised February 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"EverTrue: Mobile Technology Development (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 813-123, January 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "EverTrue: Mobile Technology Development (TN) (A) and (B)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-151, February 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghosh, Shikhar, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"FanMode: Launching a Global Sports Venture."</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-190, June 2013. (Revised February 2014.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Home Essentials: Building a Global Service Business with Local Operations (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-154, February 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Homestrings, Inc.: Diaspora-Based Financing and the Crowd Funding of Development."</A> Harvard Business School Case 814-031, September 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. "INNOVA-MEX's Bid for ENKONTROL (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-087, January 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "<A HREF="">Launching Global Ventures: Business Models .</A>" Harvard Business School Module Note 813-161, March 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "<A HREF="">Launching Global Ventures: Location Choices .</A>" Harvard Business School Module Note 813-160, March 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and David Lane. "ReSource Pro (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-137, January 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Start-Up Chile: April 2012 (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 813-167, March 2013. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Magnus Thor Torfason, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Blink Booking."</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-121, December 2012. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nanda, Ramana, William R. Kerr, and Robert F. White. <A HREF="">"Convertible Notes in Seed Financings."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 813-017, September 2012. (Revised September 2016.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Ramana Nanda, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Entrepreneurial Finance in Finland?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-068, September 2012. (Revised March 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., and William R. Kerr. "Home Essentials: Building a Global Service Business with Local Operations (CW)." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 813-702, December 2012. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"micro Home Solutions: A Social Housing Initiative in India."</A> Harvard Business School Case 813-092, September 2012. (Revised February 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nanda, Ramana, and William R. Kerr. "PunchTab, Inc." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 812-141, June 2012. (Revised March 2015.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"PunchTab, Inc. Investor Presentation Deck."</A> Harvard Business School Case 812-172, June 2012. (Revised June 2012.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, Dina D. Pomeranz, Gustavo A. Herrero, and Cintra Scott. <A HREF="">"Start-Up Chile: April 2012."</A> Harvard Business School Case 812-158, May 2012. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"Financing New Ventures."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 811-093, March 2011. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, and David Lane. <A HREF="">"Home Essentials: Building a Global Service Business with Local Operations."</A> Harvard Business School Case 811-078, June 2011. (Revised January 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nanda, Ramana, William R. Kerr, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. <A HREF="">"INNOVA-MEX's Bid for ENKONTROL."</A> Harvard Business School Case 812-008, October 2011. (Revised August 2012.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, and Ryan Johnson. <A HREF="">"Internet Securities, Inc.: Path to Sustainability."</A> Harvard Business School Case 811-098, April 2011. (Revised June 2011.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Internet Securities, Inc.: Path to Sustainability (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 811-109, June 2011. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Location Choice for New Ventures: Choices within Cities."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 812-036, November 2011. (Revised February 2012.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Ramana Nanda. <A HREF="">"Location Choice for New Ventures: Cities."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 811-106, May 2011. (Revised March 2013.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. <A HREF="">"Pitching Business Opportunities."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 811-086, March 2011. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Nanda, Ramana, William R. Kerr, and Lauren Barley. <A HREF="">"PunchTab, Inc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 812-033, October 2011. (Revised August 2017.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Applegate, Lynda M., William R. Kerr, Elisabeth Koll, and David Lane. <A HREF="">"ReSource Pro."</A> Harvard Business School Case 812-031, December 2011. (Revised May 2014.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "TA Energy (Turkey): A Bundle of International Partnerships (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 809-131, March 2009. (Revised June 2011.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Cherrypicks."</A> Harvard Business School Case 807-106, March 2007. (Revised March 2009.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "Cherrypicks (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 808-065, September 2007. (Revised March 2009.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., Daniel J. Isenberg, and Ant Bozkaya. <A HREF="">"TA Energy (Turkey): A Bundle of International Partnerships."</A> Harvard Business School Case 807-175, June 2007. (Revised June 2011.) (This case replaces "Bundling the Contracts: TA-Energy", Harvard Business School Case 807-075, by Kerr and Bozkaya.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Daniel J. Isenberg. <A HREF="">"Take Advantage of Your Diaspora Network."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 808-029, August 2007. (Revised July 2008.) (Featured in a 2008 <i>Harvard Business Review</i> write-up.) <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Other Publications and Materials</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Kerr, William R., and Michael C. Clemens. <A HREF="">"Modernizing the U.S. Exchange Visitor Skills List."</A> Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Brief, 24-8, Peterson Institute for International Economics, September 2024. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"Global Talent and U.S. Immigration Policy."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-107, April 2020. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Porter, Michael E., Jan Rivkin, Mihir Desai, Katherine M. Gehl, William R. Kerr, and Manjari Raman. <A HREF="">"A Recovery Squandered: The State of U.S. Competitiveness 2019."</A> Report, U.S. Competitiveness Project, Harvard Business School, December 2019. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF=" WP08_EthMatch.pdf">"The Ethnic Composition of U.S. Inventors."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-006, May 2007. (Permanent working paper describing ethnic-name patenting data, revised December 2008.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ghani, Ejaz, Arti Grover Goswami, and William R. Kerr. <A HREF=" WP17992_IndiaUrban.pdf">"Is India's Manufacturing Sector Moving Away from Cities?"</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-090, April 2012. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. "The Higher Order Moments of Establishment Employments." United States, Bureau of the Census Technical Paper , U.S. Bureau of the Census, January 2007. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ellison, Glenn, Edward Glaeser, and William R. Kerr. "The Impact of the SIC-NAICS Conversion on Industrial Organization Metrics: Evidence Building from Establishment Data." United States, Bureau of the Census Technical Paper , U.S. Bureau of the Census, January 2006. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R., and Shihe Fu. "The RAD-Patent-LRD Mapping Project." United States, Bureau of the Census Technical Paper , U.S. Bureau of the Census, January 2006. (Summary version published in <i>The Journal of Technology Transfer</i>.) <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF="">"The Role of Immigrant Scientists and Entrepreneurs in International Technology Transfer."</A> Diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2005. <a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kerr, William R. <A HREF=" on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model.pdf">"Limits on Interest Rate Rules in Macroeconomic Models Governed by Price Stickiness and Rational Expectations."</A> Thesis, University of Virginia, 1996. <a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Research Summary</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Working papers</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><p>Released working papers are provided under the "Publications" tab</p></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Examples of current projects</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li>Entrepreneurship, innovation and growth</li> <li>Transformations for profitable growth</li> <li>Corporate innovation and venturing</li> <li>High-skilled immigration and the structure of US firms</li> <li>Agglomeration forces and cluster structure</li> <li>Global on-line labor markets </li> </ul></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Research pages</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><ul> <li><a href="">Google</a></li> <li><a href="">SSRN</a></li> <li><a href="">Ideas</a></li> <li><a href="">NBER</a></li> </ul></div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Teaching</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Launching New Ventures—Jump-Starting Innovation for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners (Executive Education)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">Starting up a new venture amid rapid change is fraught with challenges. Whether you are starting a new business, launching a new business line, or building an entrepreneurial culture within a small-to-midsize company, this program provides a new perspective and core skills that you can immediately put to use. Topics include—identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial opportunities; turning a viable opportunity into a focused strategy and well-defined business initiative; developing an effective business plan; creating "pitches" to sell the idea to investors, customers, partners, and key employees; attracting the top talent and vital resources required to turn a vision into reality; building the organization and capabilities needed to launch and nurture early-stage ventures; evolving the strategy, organization, and leadership model as the business grows; and recognizing and managing risk, while creating and measuring value. LNV shows you how to build a successful business by turning disruptive innovation into a competitive advantage. (<a href=""></a>)</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Awards & Honors</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">2020 Swedish Schumpeter Lecture at the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2019 Axiom Business Book Award Silver Medal in the International Business/Globalization category for <i>The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</i> (Stanford University Press, 2018)</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Included in the 2019 Thinkers50 On the Radar list—a list of "emerging thinkers with the potential to make lasting contributions to management theory and practice."</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2013 Ewing Marion Kauffman Prize Medal for Distinguished Research in Entrepreneurship, awarded annually to one scholar under age 40 whose research has made a significant contribution to the literature in entrepreneurship.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2012 FPD Academy Award for Best World Bank Research in Finance and Private Sector Development.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 2010-2011 H. Gregg Lewis Prize from the <i>Journal of Labor Economics</i> for his paper with William F. Lincoln “The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Innovation” (July 2010).</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Additional Information</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="">LinkedIn</a></li> <li><a href="">Managing the Future of Work</a></li> <li><a href="#pagepopup906">Disclosure of potential conflict of interests</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Profile Files/Kerr_William_CV_bfd0a234-a1e4-497a-a776-c089d1ae8a32.pdf">CV</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Areas of Interest</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=corporate entrepreneurship">corporate entrepreneurship</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=entrepreneurship">entrepreneurship</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=globalization">globalization</a></li> <li><a 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<li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=industry evolution">industry evolution</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=industry structure">industry structure</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=information technology">information technology</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=intellectual property">intellectual property</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=international entrepreneurial finance">international entrepreneurial finance</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=international entrepreneurship">international entrepreneurship</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=invention">invention</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=managing growth">managing growth</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=managing innovation">managing innovation</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=partnerships">partnerships</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=patents">patents</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=strategy">strategy</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=technological change">technological change</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=technological innovation">technological innovation</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=technology strategy">technology strategy</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=venture capital">venture capital</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=venture creation/development">venture creation/development</a></li> <div style="margin-top: 30px;"><strong>Industries</strong></div> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=communications">communications</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=computer">computer</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=consulting">consulting</a></li> <li><a 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add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>10 May 2022</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Being Your Own Boss Can Pay Off, but Not Always with Big Pay</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>04 Apr 2022</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Tech Hubs: How Software Brought Talent and Prosperity to New Cities</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>23 Mar 2022</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">The Great Resignation Didn’t Start with the Pandemic</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>28 Jun 2021</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Four Imperatives for Managing in a Hybrid World</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="more " style=""><span class="widget-popup" style="margin-right:4px;height:11px;margin-top:2px;" aria-hidden="true">→</span><a href="#newsPopupHtml" class="widget-popup">More News for William R. Kerr</a></div> <div class="html "> <div id="newsPopupHtml" style="display:none;"> <div class="color-framework grid-framework type-framework component-framework pattern-framework responsive-framework"> <div class="white-bg" style="padding:40px;"> <h2 class="kappa">William R. Kerr In the News</h2> <div class="shim20"></div> <p class="nu">21 Jul 2022<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">The ‘Great Resignation’ Started Long Ago</a></p> <p class="nu">10 May 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Being Your Own Boss Can Pay Off, but Not Always with Big Pay</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Apr 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Tech Hubs: How Software Brought Talent and Prosperity to New Cities</a></p> <p class="nu">23 Mar 2022<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The Great Resignation Didn’t Start with the Pandemic</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Jun 2021<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Four Imperatives for Managing in a Hybrid World</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Dec 2020<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">Most Popular HBS Podcasts in 2020</a></p> <p class="nu">06 Jul 2020<br><a href="">The UK Says It Loves Immigrants. Will Immigrants Believe It?</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Jun 2020<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Visa Restrictions Will Worsen The Post-Covid Recession</a></p> <p class="nu">20 May 2020<br>WSP<br><a href="">How Will COVID-19 Change Demand for Office Space?</a></p> <p class="nu">12 May 2020<br>Cold Call<br><a href="">Autonomous Vehicles are Ready to Disrupt Society, Business, and You</a></p> <p class="nu">11 May 2020<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Covid-19 Dispatch: Karen Mills</a></p> <p class="nu">11 May 2020<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Immigration Policies Threaten American Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Apr 2020<br>Atlantic<br><a href="">The Pandemic Will Change American Retail Forever</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Apr 2020<br>Washington Post<br><a href="">Trump uses the pandemic to push far-right agenda</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Apr 2020<br>Washington Post<br><a href="">Trump to suspend immigration to U.S. for 60 days, citing coronavirus crisis and jobs shortage, but will allow some workers</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Mar 2020<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Data-centric business: Inside the artificial intelligence factory</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Feb 2020<br>HBS Alumni Bulletin<br><a href="">Q&A: William Kerr and Joseph Fuller</a></p> <p class="nu">13 Feb 2020<br>Forbes<br><a href="">How Partisanship Is Destroying America’s Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Jan 2020<br>VoxEU<br><a href="">The origins of tech clusters</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Jan 2020<br>NPR<br><a href="">Canada Wins, U.S. Loses In Global Fight For High-Tech Workers</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Dec 2019<br>Financial Times<br><a href="">America’s competitiveness problem</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Dec 2019<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">A Geeky Fix From Harvard Business School for Political Gridlock</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Dec 2019<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">U.S. Competitiveness Report: Business Leaders Pessimistic, Political Gridlock Biggest Obstacle to Strengthening America’s Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">11 Dec 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">How AI shifts enterprise decision-making into self-driving mode</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Dec 2019<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Why Immigrants Make Great Entrepreneurs</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Dec 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Prudential’s long position on skills: fostering careers while embracing automation</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Factories without walls: How Autodesk is redesigning the work of architecture, construction, and manufacturing</a></p> <p class="nu">14 Nov 2019<br>Economist<br><a href="">How migration makes the world brainier</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Oct 2019<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">How a Company’s Aging Workforce Retrained Itself for the Cloud</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Sep 2019<br><a href="">How Startup Founders Are Psychologically Different From Everyone Else</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Aug 2019<br>WGBH News<br><a href="">New US Trademark Rules Raise Concerns About Immigration Enforcement</a></p> <p class="nu">12 Aug 2019<br>Possible<br><a href="">World in Motion</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Jul 2019<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">U.S. Targeting of Chinese Scientists Fuels a Brain Drain</a></p> <p class="nu">07 Jul 2019<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Walmart's Workforce of the Future</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Jul 2019<br>American Public Media: Marketplace<br><a href="">How immigrant entrepreneurs get their start in the U.S. economy</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Jun 2019<br>Bloomberg Radio<br><a href="">Broadcast from Harvard Business School</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Apr 2019<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">Current H-1B Visa Policies Darken IT Talent Outlook</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Mar 2019<br>Quartz<br><a href="">In five charts: Almost all US employers still consider H-1B talent a lifeline</a></p> <p class="nu">05 Mar 2019<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">Trump doomed their American dreams — leaving businesses in the lurch</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Feb 2019<br>Stanford Social Innovation Review<br><a href="">Global Migration and Offshore Outsourcing</a></p> <p class="nu">14 Feb 2019<br>CNBC<br><a href="">The $4.8 trillion immigration issue that is being overlooked by Washington</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Feb 2019<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">Trump's war on immigration is sacrificing his best weapon against China</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Feb 2019<br>Voice of America<br><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Jan 2019<br>Chief Executive<br><a href="">An Economy of Talent: Harvard’s Bill Kerr On ‘Talent Immigrants’</a></p> <p class="nu">13 Jan 2019<br>TechCrunch<br><a href="">Why Silicon Valley needs more visas</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Dec 2018<br>NPR<br><a href="">Indicators Of The Year: Immigration</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Dec 2018<br>Harvard Magazine<br><a href="">The Innovation Engine</a></p> <p class="nu">11 Dec 2018<br>C-Span<br><a href="">William Kerr on Potential Changes to the H1-B Visa Program</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Nov 2018<br>GeekWire<br><a href="">In ‘The Gift of Global Talent,’ William Kerr argues it’s time to open up, not close, our borders</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2018<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Retraining road-trip: New skills for older workers</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2018<br>Nature<br><a href="">America, don’t throw global talent away</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Nov 2018<br>Inc.<br><a href="">Google Reportedly Is Doubling Its Footprint in New York City. Here's What That Means for Your Business</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Nov 2018<br>Inc.<br><a href="">Want to Leverage Global Talent for Your Business? Read This</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Oct 2018<br>LSE Business Review<br><a href="">Global talent fosters innovation and collaborative patents</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Oct 2018<br>VoxEU<br><a href="">High-skilled immigration and the growing concentration of US innovation</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Research Shows Immigrants Help Businesses Grow. Here’s Why.</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Oct 2018<br>Cold Call<br><a href="">Vodafone’s Innovative Approach to Advanced Technologies</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Oct 2018<br>Mercury News<br><a href="">H-1B lottery change would help Google, Facebook, Apple and hurt outsourcers</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Oct 2018<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">America’s Need for Skilled Immigrants Isn’t Going Away</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Oct 2018<br>CityLab<br><a href="">Why Global Talent Clusters Around Cities</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Oct 2018<br>Forbes<br><a href="">What Will Trump Do Next With Chinese Student Visas?</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Oct 2018<br>Science<br><a href="">A scholar examines the rewards and shortcomings of skilled immigration in the United States</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</a></p> <p class="nu">05 Oct 2018<br>Bloomberg TV: Markets<br><a href="">Why the Global Race for Talent Is in High Gear</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Oct 2018<br>Quartz<br><a href="">A Harvard professor’s suggestions for fixing the broken H-1B visa system</a></p> <p class="nu">02 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">How Companies Can Tap Into Talent Clusters</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Oct 2018<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Is the US Losing its Ability to Attract Highly-Skilled Migrant Workers?</a></p> <p class="nu">29 Sep 2018<br>Hill<br><a href="">As Washington ignores high-skill immigration debate, US suffers</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Sep 2018<br>Poets & Quants<br><a href="">HBS Prof Pens Book On Talent Pipeline & The Threats It Faces</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Aug 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Navigating Talent Hot Spots</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Aug 2018<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Study: Immigrants Form 25% of New U.S. Businesses, With Big Regional Variations</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Jul 2018<br><a href="">High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences</a></p> <p class="nu">23 Jul 2018<br>Business Because<br><a href="">Future Of Work: Artificial Intelligence, Leadership & Why Business Education Must Adapt</a></p> <p class="nu">08 Jun 2018<br>Quartz<br><a href="">The homecoming of H-1B rejects is turning India into a new land of opportunity</a></p> <p class="nu">04 May 2017<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The H-1B Visa Debate, Explained</a></p> <p class="nu">08 Mar 2017<br>Mint<br><a href="">H1B visa squeeze threatens US tech leadership</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Oct 2016<br>Huffington Post<br><a href="">Immigration To Canada Should Be Massively Boosted, Liberals Told</a></p> <p class="nu">03 Oct 2016<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Immigrants Play a Disproportionate Role in American Entrepreneurship</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Aug 2016<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">One Quarter of Entrepreneurs in the United States Are Immigrants</a></p> <p class="nu">02 Mar 2016<br>WalletHub<br><a href="">2016’s Hardest Working Cities in America</a></p> <p class="nu">07 Dec 2015<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Why Immigrant Workers Cluster in Particular Industries</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Oct 2015<br>World Economic Forum<br><a href="">Social networks, ethnicity and entrepreneurship</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Sep 2015<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">‘Koreans are 34 times more likely to than other immigrants to operate dry cleaners’</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Sep 2015<br>HBS Alumni Bulletin<br><a href="">Faculty Q&A: The Working World</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Sep 2015<br>Fortune<br><a href="">Here's why Germany is welcoming migrants with open arms</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Jun 2015<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">How Local Context Shapes Digital Business Abroad</a></p> <p class="nu">03 Feb 2015<br>Fortune<br><a href="">What's missing in America's immigration debate</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Dec 2014<br>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette<br><a href="">H-1B work visa full of uncertainties for immigrants</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Jan 2014<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">High-Tech Immigrant Workers Don’t Cost US Jobs</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Aug 2013<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Built for Global Competition from the Start</a></p> <p class="nu">29 Jan 2013<br>Reuters<br><a href="">Analysis: Immigration reform could boost U.S. economic growth</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Jul 2012<br>New York Times<br><a href="">Answers to Your Questions on Skilled Immigration</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Dec 2011<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">How Immigrant Entrepreneurs Turbocharge U.S. Trade</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Nov 2011<br>Forbes<br><a href="">What Impact Would H-1B Visa Reform Have on a Company's Ability to Create Jobs and Innovate?</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Nov 2011<br>Economist<br><a href="">Migration and business: Weaving the world together</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Aug 2011<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Immigrant Innovators: Job Stealers or Job Creators?</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Jan 2011<br>Economist<br><a href="">Tribes still matter</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Aug 2010<br>Economic Times (Bombay)<br><a href="">H-1B visas result in more patents for the US: Panel</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Jul 2010<br>Economic Times (Bombay)<br><a href="">Indians immigrants boosting technological innovation in US</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Jun 2010<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The VC Shakeout</a></p> <p class="nu">12 May 2010<br>HBR Blogs<br><a href="">Venture Financing and Entrepreneurial Success</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Apr 2010<br>Economist<br><a href="">The hub nation</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Jan 2010<br><a href="">Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowships in Entrepreneurship Research</a></p> <p class="nu"><br>Telegraph<br><a href="">McDonald's supersizes its wages as US struggles with a self-inflicted labour crisis</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="html "> <div><a href="" 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This is recommended but not currently required of faculty members at Harvard Business School.</p> <p>During the past three years, I have worked with the following organizations in advisory, board of directors, consulting, or executive training roles outside of Harvard activities:</p> <p>ACCIO; Alvotech; Bertelsmann; Boston iLab; Coca-Cola; Eaton; Economic Innovation Group; Entrepreneurs Organization; Emerson Group; Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Fazer; Future of Commerce Initiative; General Mills; HiredScore; J3P Health; Key Bank; Keystone Strategy; KONE; MobSquad; National Bureau of Economic Research; Red Giraffe; Spok’n; Stryker; Suomen Pankki; Tietoevry; UKG; Walmart; Walmex; World Bank.</p> <p>Most of my external work is conducted through Capturing Advantage LLC.</p> </Parsed> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="sidebar-list" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <h3 class="kappa-uc" 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<div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>04 Apr 2022</li> <li class="ash">HBS Working Knowledge</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Tech Hubs: How Software Brought Talent and Prosperity to New Cities</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>23 Mar 2022</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">The Great Resignation Didn’t Start with the Pandemic</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>28 Jun 2021</li> <li class="ash">Harvard Business Review</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Four Imperatives for Managing in a Hybrid World</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="more " style=""><span class="widget-popup" style="margin-right:4px;height:11px;margin-top:2px;" aria-hidden="true">→</span><a href="#newsPopupHtml" class="widget-popup">More News for William R. Kerr</a></div> <div class="html "> <div id="newsPopupHtml" style="display:none;"> <div class="color-framework grid-framework type-framework component-framework pattern-framework responsive-framework"> <div class="white-bg" style="padding:40px;"> <h2 class="kappa">William R. Kerr In the News</h2> <div class="shim20"></div> <p class="nu">21 Jul 2022<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">The ‘Great Resignation’ Started Long Ago</a></p> <p class="nu">10 May 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Being Your Own Boss Can Pay Off, but Not Always with Big Pay</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Apr 2022<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Tech Hubs: How Software Brought Talent and Prosperity to New Cities</a></p> <p class="nu">23 Mar 2022<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The Great Resignation Didn’t Start with the Pandemic</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Jun 2021<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Four Imperatives for Managing in a Hybrid World</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Dec 2020<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">Most Popular HBS Podcasts in 2020</a></p> <p class="nu">06 Jul 2020<br><a href="">The UK Says It Loves Immigrants. Will Immigrants Believe It?</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Jun 2020<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Visa Restrictions Will Worsen The Post-Covid Recession</a></p> <p class="nu">20 May 2020<br>WSP<br><a href="">How Will COVID-19 Change Demand for Office Space?</a></p> <p class="nu">12 May 2020<br>Cold Call<br><a href="">Autonomous Vehicles are Ready to Disrupt Society, Business, and You</a></p> <p class="nu">11 May 2020<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Covid-19 Dispatch: Karen Mills</a></p> <p class="nu">11 May 2020<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Immigration Policies Threaten American Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Apr 2020<br>Atlantic<br><a href="">The Pandemic Will Change American Retail Forever</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Apr 2020<br>Washington Post<br><a href="">Trump uses the pandemic to push far-right agenda</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Apr 2020<br>Washington Post<br><a href="">Trump to suspend immigration to U.S. for 60 days, citing coronavirus crisis and jobs shortage, but will allow some workers</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Mar 2020<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Data-centric business: Inside the artificial intelligence factory</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Feb 2020<br>HBS Alumni Bulletin<br><a href="">Q&A: William Kerr and Joseph Fuller</a></p> <p class="nu">13 Feb 2020<br>Forbes<br><a href="">How Partisanship Is Destroying America’s Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Jan 2020<br>VoxEU<br><a href="">The origins of tech clusters</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Jan 2020<br>NPR<br><a href="">Canada Wins, U.S. Loses In Global Fight For High-Tech Workers</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Dec 2019<br>Financial Times<br><a href="">America’s competitiveness problem</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Dec 2019<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">A Geeky Fix From Harvard Business School for Political Gridlock</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Dec 2019<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">U.S. Competitiveness Report: Business Leaders Pessimistic, Political Gridlock Biggest Obstacle to Strengthening America’s Competitiveness</a></p> <p class="nu">11 Dec 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">How AI shifts enterprise decision-making into self-driving mode</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Dec 2019<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Why Immigrants Make Great Entrepreneurs</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Dec 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Prudential’s long position on skills: fostering careers while embracing automation</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2019<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Factories without walls: How Autodesk is redesigning the work of architecture, construction, and manufacturing</a></p> <p class="nu">14 Nov 2019<br>Economist<br><a href="">How migration makes the world brainier</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Oct 2019<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">How a Company’s Aging Workforce Retrained Itself for the Cloud</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Sep 2019<br><a href="">How Startup Founders Are Psychologically Different From Everyone Else</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Aug 2019<br>WGBH News<br><a href="">New US Trademark Rules Raise Concerns About Immigration Enforcement</a></p> <p class="nu">12 Aug 2019<br>Possible<br><a href="">World in Motion</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Jul 2019<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">U.S. Targeting of Chinese Scientists Fuels a Brain Drain</a></p> <p class="nu">07 Jul 2019<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Walmart's Workforce of the Future</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Jul 2019<br>American Public Media: Marketplace<br><a href="">How immigrant entrepreneurs get their start in the U.S. economy</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Jun 2019<br>Bloomberg Radio<br><a href="">Broadcast from Harvard Business School</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Apr 2019<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">Current H-1B Visa Policies Darken IT Talent Outlook</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Mar 2019<br>Quartz<br><a href="">In five charts: Almost all US employers still consider H-1B talent a lifeline</a></p> <p class="nu">05 Mar 2019<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">Trump doomed their American dreams — leaving businesses in the lurch</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Feb 2019<br>Stanford Social Innovation Review<br><a href="">Global Migration and Offshore Outsourcing</a></p> <p class="nu">14 Feb 2019<br>CNBC<br><a href="">The $4.8 trillion immigration issue that is being overlooked by Washington</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Feb 2019<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">Trump's war on immigration is sacrificing his best weapon against China</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Feb 2019<br>Voice of America<br><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Jan 2019<br>Chief Executive<br><a href="">An Economy of Talent: Harvard’s Bill Kerr On ‘Talent Immigrants’</a></p> <p class="nu">13 Jan 2019<br>TechCrunch<br><a href="">Why Silicon Valley needs more visas</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Dec 2018<br>NPR<br><a href="">Indicators Of The Year: Immigration</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Dec 2018<br>Harvard Magazine<br><a href="">The Innovation Engine</a></p> <p class="nu">11 Dec 2018<br>C-Span<br><a href="">William Kerr on Potential Changes to the H1-B Visa Program</a></p> <p class="nu">28 Nov 2018<br>GeekWire<br><a href="">In ‘The Gift of Global Talent,’ William Kerr argues it’s time to open up, not close, our borders</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2018<br>Managing the Future of Work<br><a href="">Retraining road-trip: New skills for older workers</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Nov 2018<br>Nature<br><a href="">America, don’t throw global talent away</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Nov 2018<br>Inc.<br><a href="">Google Reportedly Is Doubling Its Footprint in New York City. Here's What That Means for Your Business</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Nov 2018<br>Inc.<br><a href="">Want to Leverage Global Talent for Your Business? Read This</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Oct 2018<br>LSE Business Review<br><a href="">Global talent fosters innovation and collaborative patents</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Oct 2018<br>VoxEU<br><a href="">High-skilled immigration and the growing concentration of US innovation</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Research Shows Immigrants Help Businesses Grow. Here’s Why.</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Oct 2018<br>Cold Call<br><a href="">Vodafone’s Innovative Approach to Advanced Technologies</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Oct 2018<br>Mercury News<br><a href="">H-1B lottery change would help Google, Facebook, Apple and hurt outsourcers</a></p> <p class="nu">24 Oct 2018<br>Bloomberg<br><a href="">America’s Need for Skilled Immigrants Isn’t Going Away</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Oct 2018<br>CityLab<br><a href="">Why Global Talent Clusters Around Cities</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Oct 2018<br>Forbes<br><a href="">What Will Trump Do Next With Chinese Student Visas?</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Oct 2018<br>Science<br><a href="">A scholar examines the rewards and shortcomings of skilled immigration in the United States</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business School<br><a href="">The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society</a></p> <p class="nu">05 Oct 2018<br>Bloomberg TV: Markets<br><a href="">Why the Global Race for Talent Is in High Gear</a></p> <p class="nu">04 Oct 2018<br>Quartz<br><a href="">A Harvard professor’s suggestions for fixing the broken H-1B visa system</a></p> <p class="nu">02 Oct 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">How Companies Can Tap Into Talent Clusters</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Oct 2018<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Is the US Losing its Ability to Attract Highly-Skilled Migrant Workers?</a></p> <p class="nu">29 Sep 2018<br>Hill<br><a href="">As Washington ignores high-skill immigration debate, US suffers</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Sep 2018<br>Poets & Quants<br><a href="">HBS Prof Pens Book On Talent Pipeline & The Threats It Faces</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Aug 2018<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Navigating Talent Hot Spots</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Aug 2018<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Study: Immigrants Form 25% of New U.S. Businesses, With Big Regional Variations</a></p> <p class="nu">27 Jul 2018<br><a href="">High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences</a></p> <p class="nu">23 Jul 2018<br>Business Because<br><a href="">Future Of Work: Artificial Intelligence, Leadership & Why Business Education Must Adapt</a></p> <p class="nu">08 Jun 2018<br>Quartz<br><a href="">The homecoming of H-1B rejects is turning India into a new land of opportunity</a></p> <p class="nu">04 May 2017<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The H-1B Visa Debate, Explained</a></p> <p class="nu">08 Mar 2017<br>Mint<br><a href="">H1B visa squeeze threatens US tech leadership</a></p> <p class="nu">19 Oct 2016<br>Huffington Post<br><a href="">Immigration To Canada Should Be Massively Boosted, Liberals Told</a></p> <p class="nu">03 Oct 2016<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">Immigrants Play a Disproportionate Role in American Entrepreneurship</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Aug 2016<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">One Quarter of Entrepreneurs in the United States Are Immigrants</a></p> <p class="nu">02 Mar 2016<br>WalletHub<br><a href="">2016’s Hardest Working Cities in America</a></p> <p class="nu">07 Dec 2015<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Why Immigrant Workers Cluster in Particular Industries</a></p> <p class="nu">31 Oct 2015<br>World Economic Forum<br><a href="">Social networks, ethnicity and entrepreneurship</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Sep 2015<br>Business Insider<br><a href="">‘Koreans are 34 times more likely to than other immigrants to operate dry cleaners’</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Sep 2015<br>HBS Alumni Bulletin<br><a href="">Faculty Q&A: The Working World</a></p> <p class="nu">09 Sep 2015<br>Fortune<br><a href="">Here's why Germany is welcoming migrants with open arms</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Jun 2015<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">How Local Context Shapes Digital Business Abroad</a></p> <p class="nu">03 Feb 2015<br>Fortune<br><a href="">What's missing in America's immigration debate</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Dec 2014<br>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette<br><a href="">H-1B work visa full of uncertainties for immigrants</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Jan 2014<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">High-Tech Immigrant Workers Don’t Cost US Jobs</a></p> <p class="nu">26 Aug 2013<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Built for Global Competition from the Start</a></p> <p class="nu">29 Jan 2013<br>Reuters<br><a href="">Analysis: Immigration reform could boost U.S. economic growth</a></p> <p class="nu">25 Jul 2012<br>New York Times<br><a href="">Answers to Your Questions on Skilled Immigration</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Dec 2011<br>Wall Street Journal<br><a href="">How Immigrant Entrepreneurs Turbocharge U.S. Trade</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Nov 2011<br>Forbes<br><a href="">What Impact Would H-1B Visa Reform Have on a Company's Ability to Create Jobs and Innovate?</a></p> <p class="nu">17 Nov 2011<br>Economist<br><a href="">Migration and business: Weaving the world together</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Aug 2011<br>HBS Working Knowledge<br><a href="">Immigrant Innovators: Job Stealers or Job Creators?</a></p> <p class="nu">20 Jan 2011<br>Economist<br><a href="">Tribes still matter</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Aug 2010<br>Economic Times (Bombay)<br><a href="">H-1B visas result in more patents for the US: Panel</a></p> <p class="nu">16 Jul 2010<br>Economic Times (Bombay)<br><a href="">Indians immigrants boosting technological innovation in US</a></p> <p class="nu">30 Jun 2010<br>Harvard Business Review<br><a href="">The VC Shakeout</a></p> <p class="nu">12 May 2010<br>HBR Blogs<br><a href="">Venture Financing and Entrepreneurial Success</a></p> <p class="nu">22 Apr 2010<br>Economist<br><a href="">The hub nation</a></p> <p class="nu">01 Jan 2010<br><a href="">Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowships in Entrepreneurship Research</a></p> <p class="nu"><br>Telegraph<br><a href="">McDonald's supersizes its wages as US struggles with a self-inflicted labour crisis</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <div 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