ActKey: Web-based Interactive Identification Keys
<html> <head> <TITLE>ActKey: Web-based Interactive Identification Keys</TITLE> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="ActKey, interactive keys, interactive identification keys, flora, botany, plants, China, Chinese, plants of China, DELTA Intkey, Navikey"> <STYLE TYPE="TEXT/CSS"> <!-- A:link { text-decoration:none; } A:active { text-decoration:none; } A:visited { text-decoration:none; } A:hover { color:#330CCC; text-decoration:underline; background-color:##ffffff; } --> </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#000000" LINK="#008000" VLINK="#000080" BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <center> <H2>Flora of China</H2> </center> <center> <table border="0" class="toolbar"> <tr> <td>| <A HREF="">News</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Introduction</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Treatments</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Checklist</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Images</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Editorial Centers</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Guidelines</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Questions?</A> | </td> <td><A HREF="">Home</A> | </td> </tr> </table> </center> <hr /> <p> <h2>Interactive identification keys:</h2> <img src=ActKey_logo.jpg alt="ActKey" border=0 align=right> <p> Web-based interactive identification keys to large genera of the flora of China are available in <a href="../delta/www/ident.htm">DELTA Intkey</a> and <a href="../NaviKey/NaviKey.html">NaviKey</a> formats. Additional keys are also available in <a href="">ActKey</a> format</b>. <p>The latest version of a web browser is recommended for best results. Entering one or more state(s) for any character(s) in the left frame narrows down the list of potential identifications in the right frame. <ul> <li><a href="">Flora of China: DELTA Intkey</a> (large genera) <li><a href="">Flora of China: NaviKey</a> (large genera) </ul> <p> For more information, please see the following papers: <ul> <li>Brach, A. R. & H. Song. 2005. <a href="../PDF/misc/ActKey_Taxon_54_1041-1046_2005.pdf">ActKey: a Web-based interactive identification key program. Taxon 54(4): 1041-1046</a>. <li>Kuoh, Chang-Sheng & Hong Song. 2005. <a href="../PDF/misc/ActKey_Taiwan_grasses_leaf_anatomy_Taiwania_50_261-271_2005.pdf">Interactive key to Taiwan grasses using characters of leaf anatomy - the ActKey approach. Taiwania 50: 261-271</a>. </ul> <p> <i>Support was provided by various annual grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Starr Foundation, and the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.</i> <p> </body> </html>