Timeline - FAQ - Plurk

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They make it easy for you to identify different types of plurks visually. So you can easily express you <span class="qualifier q_says">says</span> what, <span class="qualifier q_thinks">thinks</span> something, <span class="qualifier q_hates">hates</span> what or <span class="qualifier q_loves">loves</span> who.</p> </section> <section> <a name="whats-freestyle-plurking"></a> <h4>What's freestyle plurking?</h4> <p>Freestyle is a way of plurking without qualifiers. We don't want to limit your creativity so you can plurk as you please if you choose not to use the color coded qualifiers. These are great for our seniors or more expressive users.</p> </section> <section> <a name="why-there-are-some-replying-numbers-are-red"></a> <h4>Why there are some replying numbers are red?</h4> <p>This is one feature of Plurk! The red numbers mean you have new replies but still don't read them. You can check these unread plurks by clicking "view unread plurks".</p> </section> <section> <a name="whats-the-use-of-mute"></a> <h4>What's the use of "mute"?</h4> <p>You can click the button the horn-like button "mute" if you don't want the new notification of the plurks keeping showing. The notifications will not show again after you mute the plurks.</p> </section> <section> <a name="what-is-replurk"></a> <h4>What is "replurk"?</h4> <p>There is a sharing mark below public plurks. You can share plurks with your friend and followers by clicking it. If you see plurks and like them, share them with the world!</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-can-i-share-this-plurk-with-others"></a> <h4>How can I share this plurk with others?</h4> <p>You can click the lower right corner and will see "link copy". You can share this link after copying it.</p> </section> <section> <a name="whats-a-private-plurk"></a> <h4>What's a private plurk?</h4> <p>You can set the plurks you posted only specific people to read it. These plurks won't be public. If you only want to chat with your friends or specific people, you can post private plurks.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-post-a-private-plurk"></a> <h4>How do I post a private plurk?</h4> <p>You can make a plurk private so that it's only viewable to a certain friends or cliques. You can set it by clicking the yellow lock on the website or the setting below the edited text on the app.</p> </section> <section> <a name="can-i-prevent-private-plurks-from-non-friends"></a> <h4>Can I prevent private plurks from non-friends?</h4> <p>Sure. You can set it in the “Settings”→ “Timeline”.</p> </section> <section> <a name="can-i-set-my-timeline-private"></a> <h4>Can I set my timeline private?</h4> <p>Your timelie can be private and only your friends can read your plurks. You can set it in the “Settings”→ “Timeline".</p> </section> <section> <a name="there-are-many-plurks-including-some-small-photos-or-gits-between-words-what-are-these"></a> <h4>There are many plurks including some small photos or gits between words. What are these?</h4> <p>They are emoticons! Besides the original plurk emoticons, you can also save or set your own emoticons on Plurk. You can add them to your plurk by clicking the yellow smiling face below your texts.</p> </section> <section> <a name="what-are-plurk-special-emoticons"></a> <h4>What are Plurk special emoticons?</h4> <p>There are some special plurk emoticons like dices, vuvuzela or paper-rock-scissors. These special emoticons will change by probabilities. You can click the emoticons and find them in the part of dice emoticons.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-save-emoticons"></a> <h4>How do I save emoticons?</h4> <p>You can click emoticons and save them. Or you can click the icon "Emoticons" → "Settings" to upload your own emoticons. <br> <br>Notice: you need to verify your email address first before you set the emoticons.</p> </section> <section> <a name="i-want-to-save-new-emoticons-but-it-shows-the-number-of-my-emoticons-is-full-how-many-emoticons-can-i-have-on-plurk"></a> <h4>I want to save new emoticons, but it shows the number of my emoticons is full. How many emoticons can I have on Plurk?</h4> <p>You can save up to 60 emoticons. But if you have plurk coins, you can save up to 800 emoticons.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-delete-or-set-the-emoticons-ive-already-saved"></a> <h4>How do i delete or set the emoticons I've already saved?</h4> <p>You can click the yellow smiling face of the emoticons on the website, and then click the setting button on the upper right corner. You can delete or set your emoticons here. <br>If you want to set them on the Plurk app. You can find it on the personal page.</p> </section> <section> <a name="can-i-find-my-past-plurks"></a> <h4>Can I find my past plurks?</h4> <p>Of course, you can use "Time Machine" to find them. “Time Machine” is on the menu on the upper right corner of the website, or on the searching page on the Plurk app. You can choose a timing to find your past plurks.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-turn-texts-into-a-link"></a> <h4>How do I turn texts into a link?</h4> <p>The secret formula is http://yourlink (text). For example, try to copy and paste the following text to your plurk box: (This site is awesome)</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-type-underline-strikethrough-bold-or-italic-texts"></a> <h4>How do I type underline, strikethrough, bold or italic texts?</h4> <p>Try these! <br>__underline__, --strikethrough--, **bold**, *italic*</p> </section> <section> <a name="there-is-a-purple-qualifier-named-whisper-whats-it"></a> <h4>There is a purple qualifier named "whisper". What's it?</h4> <p>"Whisper is the function of anonymous plurks. If you choose "whisper", your plurk will become an anonymous plurk. You can play games like guessing who I am, or share some secrets in anonymous plurks. You can even say some bad words about your boss! <br> <br>Notice: Even though the anonymous plurks are quite interesting, please don't use them to blackmail others or spread fake news. It's still restricted in the Plurk regulations and laws.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-can-i-post-an-anonymous-plurk"></a> <h4>How can I post an anonymous plurk?</h4> <p>You must have 5 friends if you want to post anonymous plurks. Meanwhile, your email address has to be verified. New users must wait 30 days before posting anonymous plurks.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-many-anonymous-plurks-can-i-post-a-day"></a> <h4>How many anonymous plurks can I post a day?</h4> <p>Though the anonymous plurks are funny, but we don't want to see too many anonymous plurks on the timeline. You can post at the most five anonymous plurks a day (ten if you have plurk coins)</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-lock-anonymous-plurks-on-my-timeline"></a> <h4>How do I lock anonymous plurks on my timeline?</h4> <p>You can set to block anonymous plurkls in the “Settings”→ “Timeline”.</p> </section> <section> <a name="can-i-post-explicit-contents-on-plurk-what-is-the-adults-only-label"></a> <h4>Can I post explicit contents on Plurk? What is the “Adults Only” label?</h4> <p><a href="" class="tip-image pictureservices right"><img src=""></a>Users can share any information on Plurk. And you can add “Adults Only” label when you share the explicit information. It will help other minors and the users who don’t want see explicit information. <br>More details in <a href="/content-policy">Plurk Content Policy</a>.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-do-i-add-adults-only-label"></a> <h4>How do I add “Adults Only” label?</h4> <p>You can find “a lock” below the text and see the private text setting after clicking it. Checking the “Adults Only” box, the Plurk will be added “Adults Only” label. <br>Notice: you will not see the “Adults Only” box If you are under 18, or choose not to see explicit information on your Plurk.</p> </section> <section> <a name="can-i-edit-the-adults-only-label"></a> <h4>Can I edit the “Adults Only” label?</h4> <p>If you forgot to add the "Adults Only" label after posting plurks, you can re-open the privacy setting and add it by edit plurk. <br>on the contrary, you also can remove the "Adults Only" label after posting plurks.</p> </section> <section> <a name="how-should-i-do-if-i-dont-want-to-see-the-adults-only-content"></a> <h4>How should I do if I don't want to see the “Adults Only” content?</h4> <p>If you don’t want to see explicit information on your timeline, you can set it in the "Settings" → "Timeline".</p> </section> <section> <a name="whats-timeline-display-range-and-how-to-use-it"></a> <h4>What's "Timeline display range" and how to use it?</h4> <p>"Timeline display range" allows you to restrict the viewable range of your plurks while others visit your timeline. For example, you can have a setting that hide your plurks before 2020 while others visit your timeline. <br> <br>Plurks hidden by this setting won’t become private, authorized users can still access through permalink. <br> <br>To enable this, please use our web and navigate to "Privacy settings".</p> </section> </article> </div> </div> <footer class="clearfix"> <div id="footer"> <ul> <li class="copyright clearfix">&copy; 2008-<span id="footer-year"><script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script><span> Plurk</li> </li> <li><a href="/aboutUs">About</a></li> <li><a href="/brandInfo">Brand Assets</a></li> <li><a href="/terms">Terms</a></li> <li><a href="/privacy">Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="/content-policy">Content Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/help">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> <div id="languge_selector"> <i class="pif-earth"></i> <i style="display:inline-block"> <form action="/changeLanguage" method="post" name="lang_form"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="from_page" id="lang_from_page" /> <select name="language" onchange="document.getElementById('lang_from_page').value = window.location.href; document.lang_form.submit()"> <option value="en" selected="selected">English</option> <option value="zh_Hant" >中文 (繁體)</option> <option value="zh_Hant_HK" >中文 (香港)</option> <option value="zh_Hans_CN" >中文 (简体)</option> <option value="ja" >日本語</option> <option value="fil" >Filipino</option> <option value="id" >Bahasa Indonesia</option> <option value="ms" >Bahasa Melayu</option> <option value="ru" >Pусский</option> <option value="pt_BR" >Português (Brasil)</option> <option value="hu" >Magyar</option> <option value="fr" >Français</option> <option value="es" >Español</option> <option value="de" >Deutsch</option> <option value="cs" >Čeština</option> <option value="ar" >العربية</option> <option value="ca" >Català</option> <option value="da" >Dansk</option> <option value="el" >Ελληνικά</option> <option value="fa" >فارسی</option> <option value="fi" >Suomi</option> <option value="ga" >Gaeilge</option> <option value="hi" >Hindi</option> <option value="he" >עברית</option> <option value="hr" >Hrvatski</option> <option value="it" >Italiano</option> <option value="nb" >Norsk bokmål</option> <option value="nl" >Nederlands</option> <option value="ko" >한국어</option> <option value="pl" >Polski</option> <option value="ro" >Română</option> <option value="sk" >Slovenský</option> <option value="sv" >Svenska</option> <option value="tr" >Türkçe</option> <option value="uk" >українська</option> <option value="be" >беларуская</option> <option value="th" >ไทย</option> </select> </form> </i> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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