Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections | Pakistan -

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encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" style="width: 100%;"></iframe> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class="">Pakistan voted on Wednesday for the country&rsquo;s second consecutive democratic transfer of power.<br></p><p>Polling began at 8AM across the country's 85,307 polling stations and continued until 6PM despite calls by several major parties, including PML-N, PPP and PTI, to extend the polling time by an hour.</p><p>The parties had complained of &ldquo;a slow voting process&rdquo; and thus sought more time to facilitate voters &mdash; a request that was dismissed by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).</p><p>The election campaign was marred by violence with three candidates killed in targetted attacks and culminated with a suicide blast outside a polling station in Quetta which claimed at least 29 lives.</p><p>However, undeterred, several of Pakistan&rsquo;s nearly 106 million registered voters stepped out to cast their ballot, including women in areas where they previously stood disenfranchised due to various issues.</p><p>Doors of polling stations were closed as the clock struck 6PM. However, voters present inside were being allowed to cast their votes.<br></p><p>As many as 12,570 candidates contested for a total of 849 seats of national and provincial assemblies in the country's 11th General Election.</p><p>Counting has now begun at the polling stations where the process has been completed.&nbsp;</p><p>Geo News started transmitting results from 7PM onwards as per the ECP's code of conduct.<br></p><h1><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Preliminary, Unofficial Results&nbsp;</span></h1><p class="">Unofficial and unconfirmed results from different constituencies started pouring in as the clock struck 07:00 PM, an hour after the polling process came to an end across the country.</p><p><a href="" style="font-family: Flama-Bold, serif; font-weight: 600;">Real-time preliminary results&nbsp;</a><br></p><p class=""><b>NA-224:</b> PPP's Zulfiqar Bachani emerged victorious in NA-224 Tando Allahyar election after he attained 80,230 votes. GDA's Mohammad Mohsin stood runner-up with 51,536 votes.<b><br></b></p><p><b>NA-52:</b> PTI's Khurram Shehzad Nawaz won election in NA-52 Islamabad-1 by bagging 64,690 votes. He was trailed by PML-N candidate Tariq Fazl Chaudhry, who secured 34,072 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-124:</b> PML-N's Hamza Shehbaz won election in NA-124 Lahore-2 by bagging 139,443 votes. He was followed by PTI candidate Nauman Qaisar, who secured 69,251 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-119:</b> PTI's Rahat Amanullah won NA-119 Sheikhupura-1 polls securing 126,025 votes. He was trailed by PML-N's Rana Afzaal Hussain, who attained 103,572 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-171:</b> PML-N's Riaz Hussain Pirzada won election in NA-171 Bahawalpur-2 with 59,500 votes. He was followed by PTI's Naeemuddin Waraich, who secured 53,109 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-150:</b> Independent candidate Syed Fakhar Imam won polls in NA-150 Khanewal-1 by securing 82,595 votes. PTI's Mohammad Raza Hayat Hiraj stood runner-up with 71,034 votes.<b><br></b></p><p><b>NA-194:</b> PTI's Nasrullah Dareshak won NA-194 Rajanpur-2 election by securing 75,209 votes. Dareshak was followed by independent Hafeezur Rehman Khan Dareshak, who attained 60,311 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-71:</b> PTI's Mohammad Ilyas Chaudhry has won the polls in NA-71 Gujrat-4 bagging 87,181 votes. PML-N's Chaudhry Abid Raza Kotla stood runner-up with 79,946 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-190:</b> PTI's Zulfikar Ali Khosa has emerged victorious in NA-190 Dera Ghazi Khan-2 polls by securing 62,936 votes. Khosa was followed by independent candidate Amjad Farooq Khosa, who bagged 56,310.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-12:</b> PTI's Nawaz Khan has won the election in NA-12 Battagram by bagging 21,200 votes. Khan was followed by MMA's Mohammad yousuf, who attained 16,789 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-137:</b> PML-N's Saad Wasim Akhtar won the polls in NA-137 Kasur-1 by securing 38,077 votes. Akhtar was followed by PTI candidate Sardar Asif Ahmed Ali, who could only secure 11,359 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-17:</b> PTI's Umer Ayub Khan won election in NA-17 Haripur after he attained 166,786 votes. PML-N's Babar Nawaz Khan stood runner-up in the polls with 149,292 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-16:</b> PTI's Ali Khan Jadoon has emerged victorious from NA-16 Abbottabad-2 by securing 91,770 votes. Jadoon was followed by PML-N candidate Malik Mohammad Awan, who bagged 57,995 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-155:</b> PTI's Amir Dogar has won the election in NA-155 Multan-2 by attaining 88,567 votes, unofficial and unconfirmed results from all polling stations suggested. PML-N candidate Sheikh Mohammad Tariq Rasheed stood runner-up with 71,457 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-5:</b> PTI's Sahibzada Sibghatullah wins NA-5 Upper Dir polls by bagging 49,299 votes, according to unofficial and unconfirmed results from all polling stations. PPP's Najmuddin Khan stood runner-up with 28,736 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-193:</b> PTI's Jaffer Khan Leghari has won the polls in NA-193 Rajanpur-1 with 87,915 votes, unofficial and unconfirmed results from all polling stations suggested. Leghari was followed by PML-N's Sardar Sher Ali Khan Gurchani, who could secure 55,409 votes.<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-156:</b> PTI's Shah Mehmood Qureshi wins polls in NA-156 Multan-3 by securing 93,500 votes, unofficial and unconfirmed results from all polling station suggested. PML-N's Amir Saeed Ansari stood runner-up with 74,624 votes to his credit.<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-131:</b> PTI chairman Imran Khan leads the polls in NA-131 Lahore with 8,033 votes. Khan is trailed by PML-N heavyweight Khawaja Saad Rafique, who has so far attained 7,644 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-54</b>: PTI&rsquo;s Asad Umar leads with 26,443 in NA-54 Islamabad-3, while PML-N&rsquo;s Najam Aqeel Khan follows behind with 11,188 votes.<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-124:</b> PML-N's Hamza Shehbaz leads NA-124 Lahore-2 polls with 14,336 votes. The son of former Punjab CM is followed by PTI's Nauman Qaisar, who has so far bagged 8,277 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-95:</b> PTI chairman Imran Khan leads polls in NA-95 Mianwali with 29,228 votes, followed by PML-N's Obaidullah Shadikhel, who has so far bagged 6,008 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-228:</b> PPP's Naveed Qamar leads NA-228 Tando Mohammad Khan polls with 15,850 votes, trailed by GDA's Mir Ali Nawaz Talpur, who has so far attained 6,190.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-4:</b> PTI's Murad Saeed leads the polls in NA-4 Swat-3 with 434 votes. Saeed is followed by ANP's Salim Khan, who has so far secured 198 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-110:</b> PTI's Raja Riaz leads NA-110 Faisalabad-10 polls with 6,984 votes. Riaz is trailed by PML-N's Mohammad Afzal Khan, who has so far attained 6,124 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-15:</b> PML-N's Murtaza Javed Abbasi leads the polls in NA-15 Abbottabad with 14,855 votes. Abbasi is followed by PTI's Ali Asghar Khan, who has so far bagged 12,500 votes.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>NA-78:</b> PML-N's Ahsan Iqbal leads the polls in NA-78 Narowal-2 with 30,998 votes. Iqbal is followed by Abrarul Haq, who has so far secured 13,755 votes.</p><p><b>NA-158:</b> PPP's Yousuf Raza Gilani leads the polls in NA-158 Multan-5 with 5,200 votes. Gilani is trailed by PTI's Mohammad Ibrahim, who has so far attained 3,996 votes.</p><p><b>NA-114:</b> Independent candidate Ali Shah Iftikhar leads NA-114 Jhang-1 polls with 4,695 votes, followed by PPP's Faisal Saleh Hayat, who has so far bagged 3,038 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-244</b>: PTI&rsquo;s Ali Zaidi leads with 280 votes in NA-244 Karachi, while PML-N&rsquo;s Miftah Ismail trails behind with 116 votes.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-213</b>: PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari leads with 2,022 votes in NA-213 Sujawal, while GDA candidate Sardar Sher Rind follows with 1,043 votes.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-189</b>: PTI&rsquo;S Sheraz Mahmood leads with 4,830 votes in NA-189 DG Khan polls. Independent candidate Mir Badshah is second in the race so far, with 2,476 votes.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-35</b>: MMA candidate Akram Khan Durrani leads polls in NA-35 Bannu with 3,836 votes, while PTI chairman Imran Khan follows by 3,285 votes.&nbsp;</p><p class=""><b>NA-246</b>: PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto leads with 1,155 votes in NA-246 Karachi, he is followed by PTI candidate Shakoor Shad with 765 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-67:</b> PML-N's Raja Matloob Mehdi leads the polls in NA-67 Jhelum-2 with 1056 votes. Mehdi is followed by Fawad Chaudhry, who has so far attained 457 votes.<br></p><p class=""><b>NA-200:</b> PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari leads NA-200 Larkana polls with 420 votes. Bilawal is followed by MMA's Rashid Soomro, who has so far managed to gain 128 votes.</p><p class=""><b>NA-248</b>: PPP's Abdul Qadir Patel leads polls in NA-248 Karachi West with 61 votes, followed by PTI's Sardar Aziz, who has so far secured 50 votes.</p><p><b>NA-125:</b> PML-N's Waheed Alam leads the polls in NA-125 Lahore with 2313 votes. Alam is followed by PTI's Yasmin Rashid who has so far bagged 673 votes.</p><p><b>NA-128:</b> PML-N's Rohail Asghar leads in NA-128 election with 88 votes, followed by PTI's Aijaz Ahmed with 41 votes.</p><p><b>NA-115:</b> PTI's Ghulam Bibi Bhirwana leads NA-115 Jhang-2 polls with 71 votes. Bhirwana is followed by independent candidate Mohammad Ahmed, who has so far secured 50 votes.</p><p><b>NA-96: </b>PTI's Amjad Ali Khan leads the polls in NA-96 Mianwali with 1177 votes, followed by PML-N's Mohammad Humair Hayat Khan, who has so far bagged 342 votes.</p><p><b>NA-206:</b> PPP's Khursheed Shah leads with 627 votes NA-206 SUKKUR-1, followed by PTI's Tahir Hussain with 40 votes.</p><p><b>NA-208: </b>PPP's Nafisa Shah leads with 438 votes in NA-208 Khairpur-1. GDA's Ghaus Ali Shah follows Shah with 67 votes.</p><p> </p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-family: Flama-Bold, serif; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 600;">Election Day Live Updates Conclude&nbsp;</span><br></p><p class=""><b>18:30 PM - PEMRA takes notice of news channels' airing of results</b></p><p class="">The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has taken notice of the airing of results by several news channels.&nbsp;</p><p class="">PEMRA said in a statement that airing of results before 7:00PM is against its code of conduct.&nbsp;</p><p class="">The electronic media regulator said it will be taking action against the news channels that violated the ECP rules.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>18:02 PM: </b>Geo News has received several results which we will begin broadcasting at 7:00 PM.</p><p>Results can be viewed <a href="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">here</a></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p><b>18:00 PM - Polling time concludes</b><br></p><p class="">As the clock struck 6PM, gates of all polling stations across the country were closed.</p><p class="">Only those present inside polling stations are being allowed to cast their votes.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>17:50 PM - ECP sends notice to Imran Khan</b><br></p><p class="">The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has sent a notice to PTI chief Imran Khan over his controversial vote casting.</p><p class="">Imran has been summoned on July 30 for violating ECP's code of conduct as he cast his vote in front of the media and not in secrecy.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>17:30 PM - Last 30 minutes before polls close in Pakistan</b></p><p class="">After 30 minutes, no one will be allowed to enter polling stations. Those already present in the stations will, however, be allowed to cast their votes.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>17:20 PM - PTI, PML-N workers clash outside Rawalpindi polling station</b></p><p class="">PTI and PML-N workers clashed outside Government Postgraduate College in Rawalpindi's Satellite Town.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>17:05 PM - ECP refuses to extend polling time</b><br></p><p class="">The Election Commission of Pakistan has decided against extending polling time.</p><p class="">"Polling time was already extended by one hour," ECP said.&nbsp;</p><p class="">It added that all voters present in the polling station at 6pm will be allowed to cast their votes but people won't be allowed to enter queues.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:51 PM - PTI reacts to PML-N's demand to extend polling deadline</b></p><p class="">PTI leader Senator Faisal Javed Khan says the party has no issue if polling deadline extended.&nbsp;</p><p class="">Khan claims PML-N is flustered and its voters will still not come out to vote even if the deadline is extended.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:50 PM - AML chief Sheikh Rasheed pleads for deadline extension</b></p><p class="">Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed pleads CEC to extend polling time by an hour, blaming the 'slow voting process'.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:45 PM - PPP also seeks hour's extension in polling</b></p><p class="">PPP leader Farhatullah Babar has also sought from ECP an hour's extension in the polling deadline</p><p class="">The PPP leader also blamed the 'slow voting process' for their demand.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:40 PM - PML-N seeks hour's extension in polling deadline</b></p><p class="">PML-N leader Mushahid Hussain Sayed, in a press conference, seeks an hour's extension in the polling deadline.&nbsp;</p><p class="">He also called for the CEC to direct ECP staff in polling stations across the country to expedite the polling process after reports of a slow voting process.&nbsp;</p><p class="">The PML-N leader also asked the CEC to ensure no voter is denied a right to cast the ballot and thus allow all those present in line to vote to be able to case the ballot.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:35 PM - PML-N to hold 'emergency' press conference shortly</b></p><p class="">PML-N leaders will be holding what has been described as an 'emregency' press conference shortly.&nbsp;</p><p class="">They are expected to list complaints received from across the country and seek an extension in the polling deadline.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:30 PM - No women vote in Toba Tek Singh's Devi Das Pura village</b></p><p class="">Of the 860 registered women voters in&nbsp;Toba Tek Singh's Devi Das Pura village, not a single woman cast her vote.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>16:15 PM - CEC chairs high-level meeting on poll time extension</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">CEC Justice (retd) Sardar Raza Khan. Photo: File&nbsp;</figcaption></figure></div><p class="">CEC Justice (retd) Sardar Raza Khan is chairing a high-level meeting to decide on extending the polling time, according to sources.&nbsp;</p><p class="">The CEC has asked the provincial election commissioners of their opinion.&nbsp;</p><p class="">Moreover, ECP receives 560 complaints from across the country.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p class=""><b>16:10 PM - Balochistan governor casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Balochistan Governor Mohammad Khan Achakzai casts vote in hometown of Gulistan.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>15:40 PM - Four injured as political workers clash in Chaman</b><br></p><p class="">Four people have been injured in Mahmoodabad area of Chaman after workers of two political parties clashed.&nbsp;</p><p class="">Police said workers&nbsp;of PkMAP and an independent candidate clashed after levelling allegations of rigging against each other.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>15:35 PM - ANP chief Asfandyar Wali Khan casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt="" class=""></figure></div><p class="">Awami National Party chief Asfandyar Wali Khan has cast his vote in Charsadda's NA-24 constituency.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>15:30 PM - Five injured in Ghotki clash&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Five people injured after workers of two political parties clash in Ghotki's PS-21 constituency, according to the police.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>15:25 PM - Police thrash voter in Lahore's NA-132 constituency&nbsp;</b></p><p>DIG Operations Lahore takes notice of Geo News&rsquo; report showing police beating up a voter in Lahore.</p><p>Geo News had shown police beating up a voter, Naimat, in NA-132 Lahore&rsquo;s Shahzada village. DIG Operations has ordered an inquiry into the incident and the policeman involved in the incident has been suspended.</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_8" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_8", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""></p><p></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p><b>15:20 PM - Former president Asif Ali Zardari casts vote in Nawabshah</b><br></p><p class="">Former president and PPP supremo Asif Zardari casts vote in NA-213, Nawabshah. Zardari is contesting from the constituency as well.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class="">Former president refuses to talk to media, quips, "Why do you want to get me disqualified"?</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>15:10 PM - COAS Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, wife cast vote in Rawalpindi&nbsp;</b></p><p>Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and his wife cast their votes in Rawalpindi.&nbsp;</p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div class="embed_external_url tweetPost" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"><twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" data-tweet-id="1022060897760698368"></twitterwidget></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p>In a message, the army chief said we are a&nbsp;target of inimical forces working against Pakistan. &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve come a long way in our comprehensive national effort to fail them&rdquo;.</p><p>He added that we are united and steadfast to defeat them and urged people to &ldquo;please come out and vote undeterred.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>15:05 PM - Caretaker PM Justice (retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk casts vote&nbsp;</b><br></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class="">Caretaker PM Justice (retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk casts vote in Swat's NA-3, PK-5 constituency.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b>15:00 PM - Nawaz Sharif's mother casts her vote&nbsp;</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class="">Shamim Sharif, the mother of Nawaz and Shehbaz Sharif, has cast her vote in NA-124, Lahore. She was allowed to enter the polling station in her vehicle.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>14:52 PM - Voter records video of vote casting in NA-135&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">A voter made a video from a mobile phone while casting his vote inside a polling station in NA-135, Lahore.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>14:50 PM - Women come out to vote in North Waziristan</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Photo: Rasool Dawar/</figcaption></figure></div><p class="">For the first time in North Waziristan, women are coming out to vote. Till now, there have been no untoward incidents, according to DC Tribal District North Waziristan Muhammad Ayaz Khan.<b><br></b></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>14:40 PM - ECP receives 450 complaints so far&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">The ECP has stated that it has received 450 complaints from across the country so far.&nbsp;</p><p><b>14:30 PM - PML-N seeks hour's extension in polling time</b><br></p><p class="">The PML-N has written to the ECP seeking an extension in polling time for one hour owing to 'long queues outside polling stations'.&nbsp;</p><p class="">The ECP said it has not received the PML-N request yet and will make a decision once it receives it.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>14:20 PM - PkMAP chief alleges rigging in Chaman</b><br></p><p class="">Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party chief Mahmood Khan Achakzai tells Geo News his party's polling agents kicked out of a polling station in Chaman.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class="">Achakzai demands chief election commissioner to take notice and warns not to accept results if matters continue like this.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>14:10 PM - Nawaz, Shehbaz's mother reaches polling station in&nbsp;</b><b>NA-124</b></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_7" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_7", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class="">Shamim Sharif, the mother of former premier Nawaz Sharif and PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif, has arrived at the Islamia College Railway Road to cast her vote in the NA-124 constituency.<br></p><p class="">A number of Sharif family members are accompanying Begum Sharif.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:55 PM - Cricket team captain Sarfraz Ahmed casts vote in Karachi</b><br></p><p>Cricket team captain Sarfraz Ahmed casts vote in Karachi's Buffer Zone locality, urges people to come out and vote.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:50 PM - Former PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi casts vote in Murree</b></p><p>Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi casts vote in hometown constituency of NA-57, Murree.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:40 PM - PML-N leader Awais Leghari casts vote in DG Khan&nbsp;<br></b></p><p>PML-N leader and former power minister Awais Leghari casts vote in DG Khan's NA-191 constituency.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:20 PM - Voters greet, thank military personnel outside polling stations</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class=""> </p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:15 PM - Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class="">Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani casts vote in Naukundi, Balochistan<b><br></b></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>13:10 PM - Former COAS Gen (r) Raheel Sharif casts vote in Lahore&nbsp;</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p class="">Former chief of army staff General (retd) Raheel Sharif casts his vote in Lahore, his hometown.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>13:00 PM - PTI and PML-N workers clash in Hazro, Attock</b></p><p class="">Workers of the PTI and PML-N clash in Hazro Tehsil of Attock. Police called in to control the situation.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>12:55 PM - Veteran politician Javed Hashmi casts vote in Multan&nbsp;<br></b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Veteran political leader Javed Hashmi casts his vote in Multan. Photo: Geo News</figcaption></figure></div><p class="">Former leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Makhdoom Javed Hashmi cast his vote in Multan.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>12:50 PM - Imran Khan casts vote in violation of rules&nbsp;</b></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_6" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_6", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class="">Media reports state that PTI chief Imran Khan cast his vote in violation of ECP rules.&nbsp;<br></p><p class="">TV footage shows Imran stamping the ballot paper in full public view at the presiding officer's table instead of inside the polling booth in secret.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class="">The ECP is yet to issue an official response on the matter.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>12:45 PM - Members of two political parties clash in Multan&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Workers of two political parties clash in Multan's NA-155 constituency.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>12:30 PM - PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto casts vote, condemns attacks</b><br></p><p class="">PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari cast his vote in NA-200 Larkana. Addressing the media, he condemned the terrorist attack in Quetta earlier today as well as incidents of violence reported in Larkana and Sanghar areas of Sindh.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><span style="font-weight: bold;">12:23 PM - ECP takes notice of political leaders' media talks</span><br></p><p>The Election Commission of Pakistan takes notice of live media talks by PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif and party leader Khawaja Asif .&nbsp;</p><p>The electoral body observes that live media talk by politicians was a violation of the code of ethics. ECP also instructed all channels to refrain from airing media talks of politicians in order to avoid legal action.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p class=""><b></b></p><p class=""><b>12:22 PM - At least 29 martyred in Quetta attack</b></p><p class="">At least 29 were martyred and 35 others injured in what is suspected to be a suicide attack in Quetta, a spokesperson of the Civil Hospital confirmed.&nbsp;</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>12:11 PM - President Mamnoon Hussain casts vote</b></p><p class="">President Mamnoon Hussain casts his vote along with the first lady in Karachi.&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;</b></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>12:02 PM - Polling stopped temporarily in NA-123 Lahore</b></p><p>Polling was temporarily stopped after a&nbsp;clash between PTI and PML-N workers in NA-123 Lahore.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:51 AM - ECP takes notice of Imran Khan's speech&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">The Election Commission of Pakistan takes notice of PTI chief Imran Khan's speech. Electoral body says Imran's speech is a violation of the election code of conduct.&nbsp;</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:41 AM - Death toll in Quetta incident climbs to 25</b></p><p class="">At least 25 persons were martyred and 30 others injured in the suspected suicide attack in Quetta's Eastern Bypass area.&nbsp;</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_5" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_5", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""></p><p></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:38 AM - PTI chairman Imran Khan casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan cast his vote in NA-53, the constituency from where he is also contesting polls.&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable medium-insert-images-wide"><b style=""></b><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="" data-gramm_id="e7d3582f-8127-d885-ec17-98dc884091af" data-gramm="true" spellcheck="false" data-gramm_editor="true">Imran Khan, chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), arrives at a polling station during the general election in Islamabad, Pakistan, July 25, 2018. Photo: Reuters</figcaption><grammarly-btn><div class="_1BN1N Kzi1t BD-0J _7_mnr _2DJZN" style="z-index: 2; transform: translate(662px, 424px);"><div class="_1HjH7"><div title="Protected by Grammarly" class="_3qe6h">&nbsp;</div></div></div></grammarly-btn></figure></div><p class=""><b></b></p><p class="">The politician urged Pakistanis to vote regardless of who they were supporting. "I don't ask you to cast your votes for PTI, just cast get out of your houses and do your duty to the country," he said.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p></p><p class=""><b>11:32 AM - Chief Justice Saqib Nisar casts vote&nbsp;<br></b></p><p class="">Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar casts his vote in NA-130 constituency.&nbsp;</p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar pictured as he cast his vote in NA-130 constituency. Photo: Geo News screen grab&nbsp;&nbsp;</figcaption></figure></div><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:20 AM - 22 martyred in suspected suicide attack in Quetta&nbsp;<br></b></p><p class="">At least 22 people were martyed and 30 others injured in a suspected suicide attack near Quetta's Eastern Bypass, according to sources in the hospital. Sources further added that the deceased persons include three policemen and two minors.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class="">A police spokesperson said that the assailant wanted to enter a polling station in the vicinity. "The attacker detonated the bomb after FC personnel stopped them from entering the polling station," the police spokesperson said.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:20 AM - Death toll in Quetta explosion climbs to 18&nbsp;</b></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds embed_gallery_cont" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div class="embed_gallery2" id="563"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class="">The death toll in a suspected suicide attack near Quetta's Eastern Bypass left at least 18 martyed and ten others injured, according to sources in the hospital. The sources further added that the martyed persons include a police officer and two minors.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:12 AM - Shehbaz Sharif's daughter-in-law casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif's daughter-in-law and Salman Shehbaz's wife, Zainab casts her vote in Lahore.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p></p><p class=""><b>11:10 AM - AML chief Sheikh Rasheed speaks to media</b></p><p class="">Speaking to media in Rawalpindi, Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad expressed his confidence at securing a victory in the polls. "God willing, we will give the victory speech in the evening," he said.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>11:03 AM - Seven&nbsp;martyed&nbsp;in explosion near Eastern Bypass in Quetta</b></p><p class="">At least seven people were martyed and more than 15 others injured in an explosion near the Eastern Bypass in Quetta, sources in a local hospital informed <i>Geo News</i>. The sources further added that the incident occurred in an under construction complex near a police mobile.&nbsp;</p><p class="">A state of emergency was declared in Sandeman Provincial Hospital in Quetta following the incident.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable medium-insert-images-right50"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Security officers gather at the site of a blast outside a polling station in Quetta. Photo: Reuters</figcaption></figure></div><p class="">According to Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Quetta Abdul Razzaq Cheema the injured persons were shifted to the Civil Hospital in Quetta.&nbsp;</p><p class="">The Chaman border-crossing, closed on Tuesday, will remain closed today as a security measure in the city.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:56 AM - Women cast votes in Chakwal after 40 years&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Women come out of their homes after 40 years to cast votes in Union Council Dhoolar in Chakwal's Talagang district.</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:48 AM - Three wounded in Larkana explosion</b></p><p class="">At least three people were injured after an explosion was reported outside a polling station in Larkana's NA-200 constituency, near Shah Muhammad School.&nbsp;DIG Akbar Riaz told <i>Geo News</i> the cracker blast targeted a PPP camp, adding that despite the attack polling continued.</p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="" data-gramm_id="6930b896-6199-7c82-e79e-272777f4818a" data-gramm="true" spellcheck="false" data-gramm_editor="true">At least three people were injured after an explosion was reported outside a polling station in Larkana's NA-200 constituency, near Shah Muhammad School. Photo: Geo News screen grab&nbsp;</figcaption><grammarly-btn><div class="_1BN1N Kzi1t BD-0J _7_mnr _1v-Lt _3MyEI _2DJZN" style="z-index: 2; transform: translate(662px, 410px);"><div class="_1HjH7"><div title="Found 1 error in text" class="_3qe6h">1</div></div></div></grammarly-btn></figure></div><p class=""><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"></span></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:37 AM - Fake polling agents arrested in Balochistan</b></p><p class="">Three fake polling agents have been arrested in PB-22 Qillah Abdullah.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:27 AM - ECP's SMS service stops functioning</b></p><p class="">The SMS service of Election Commission of Pakistan has stopped working. Voters have complained that they are not receiving a response from 8300 upon sending their NIC numbers to the SMS service.<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:24 AM -</b>&nbsp;<b>Sindh Governor Muhammad Zubair casts vote</b></p><p class="">Speaking to media after casting his vote in Karachi&rsquo;s NA-247 constituency, Sindh Governor Muhammad Zubair said people had realized the importance of casting their vote. &ldquo;Change can only be brought through voting,&rdquo; he said.&nbsp;<b><br></b></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>10:11 AM -</b>&nbsp;<b>Jibran Nasir urges people to vote</b></p><p class="">Speaking to <i>Geo News</i>, independent candidate Jibran Nasir said people should come out of their homes and cast votes. "Everyone should use their right to vote," he said. Nasir praised the security measures&nbsp;but pointed out that security should have been deployed on the roads as well.&nbsp;</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_3" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_3", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class="">The candidate said he had notified the administration of an attack on his voting camps.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p class=""><b>10:10 AM - Former defence minister Khurram Dastgir casts vote</b></p><p class="">Former defence minister Khurram Dastgir casts vote in NA-81&nbsp;Gujranwala.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:59 AM -&nbsp;Former PM Shahid Abbasi casts vote in NA-56</b></p><p class="">Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi casts vote in the NA-56 constituency.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:56 AM - PTI worker shot dead in clash with ANP&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">A <a href=""><i>PTI worker is shot dead </i></a>after ANP and PTI workers clash in Swabi's PK-47 constituency. At least two persons &mdash; wounded in the incident &mdash; were shifted to the hospital, District Police Officer Syed Khalid Hamdani said.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p class=""><b>9:49 AM - ECP rejects PSP's request to extend polling time in NA-254</b></p><p class="">Election Commission of Pakistan rejects Pak Sarzameen Party's request to extend polling time in NA-254 constituency.&nbsp;<br></p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:40 AM -&nbsp;Sindh interim CM Fazlur Rehman casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><p class="">Sindh caretaker CM Fazlur Rehman casts his vote in Karachi's NA-247 constituency.</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p class=""><b>9:33 AM - Suspicious person tries to enter polling station in NA-246</b></p><p class="">A suspicious person tries to enter Lyari Bihar Colony polling station in NA-246. SP Iftikhar Lodhi informed <i>Geo News </i>that the inebriated suspect was claiming to be a police officer himself. "The suspicious person has been taken to Chakewara Police Station," he told the media. The police officer further said the polling process was stopped at the polling station for 20 minutes.</p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""></p><p></p><p class=""><b>9:26 AM -</b>&nbsp;<b>Independent candidate Jibran Nasir casts vote</b></p><p class="">Independent candidate Jibran Nasir casts his vote in Karachi&rsquo;s NA-247 constituency.<br></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="" data-gramm_id="90c7c7ca-c904-c2e2-34ca-b6c9b17f9ac7" data-gramm="true" spellcheck="false" data-gramm_editor="true">Independent candidate Jibran Nasir casts his vote in Karachi&rsquo;s NA-247 constituency. Photo: Geo News screen grab&nbsp;</figcaption><grammarly-btn><div class="_1BN1N Kzi1t _1v-Lt _3MyEI _2DJZN" style="z-index: 2; transform: translate(640px, 395px);"><div class="_1HjH7"><div title="Found 1 error in text" class="_3qe6h">1</div></div></div></grammarly-btn></figure></div><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:22 AM -</b>&nbsp;<b>PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi casts vote</b></p><p class="">PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi spoke to the media after casting his vote in Multan. The politician said that the political climate that developed by last night suggests that PTI will clean sweep all six seats from Multan. "The pattern I have seen so far, the camps, the deployed army, and the discipline, it all looks on point," he observed, adding that the Election Commission 'has acted responsibly.'&nbsp;</p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi speaking to the media after casting his vote in Multan. Photo: Geo News screen grab&nbsp;</figcaption></figure></div><p class="">The PTI leader further noted that the police and management have not been biased toward anyone. Qureshi also said stated that India does not want stability in Pakistan, stressing that it is the nation's responsibility to cast votes.<br></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p class=""><b>9:11 AM&nbsp;- Farooq Sattar casts vote</b></p><p class="">MQM-P&nbsp;leader Farooq Sattar casts his vote in Karachi. Speaking to the media, Sattar said the next five years are going to be "the most important years" for his party. He also termed today as the "most important day in the history of Pakistan's elections". MQM-P leader said voters should be facilitated in casting their votes. "Time is short and there are 2,000-3,000 voters registered at some polling stations," he said.<br></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">MQM-P leader Farooq Sattar casts vote in Karachi. Photo: Geo News screen grab&nbsp;</figcaption></figure></div><p> </p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><b>9:09 AM -</b>&nbsp;PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif's daughter-in-law and Salman Shehbaz's wife, Zainab could not cast her vote in Lahore early Wednesday. According to sources, her name was not present in the serial list. Shebaz and Salman cast their votes in Government Junior Model School, Model Town. Salman Shehbaz's wife returned without casting her vote.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>9:06 AM -&nbsp;</b>For the first time in the history of Upper Dir, <a href=""><i>women come out to cast their votes</i></a>. Crowds of women present at the polling stations in constituencies NA-5 and PK-12.</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_4" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_4", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""></p><p></p><p></p><p class=""><b></b></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:05 AM -&nbsp;</b>Election commission of Pakistan says media accreditation required to enter polling stations. Electoral body says cameras are allowed inside polling stations, however, phones are strictly prohibited.&nbsp;</p><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p class=""><b>9:00 AM - PTI leader Dr Yasmin Rashid casts her vote in NA-125</b></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Dr Yasmin Rashid casts vote in NA-125 Lahore &mdash; where she's contesting from. Photo: Hafsah/Geo News</figcaption></figure></div><p class=""></p><hr class="editorHr"><p></p><p><b>8:52 AM -</b>&nbsp;PPP leader Khurshid Ahmed Shah casts vote in NA-207's Islamia College polling station No 29.<br></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><b>8:44 AM -</b>&nbsp;Voting delayed at polling station No 173 in NA-59 constituency.<br></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><b>8:35 AM - Voting fails to begin in NA-252</b></p><p class="">Voting fails to begin at Surjani polling station No 69 in NA-252.<br></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><span style="font-weight: bold;">8:34 AM -&nbsp;</span><b>Bakhtawar, Aseefa cast vote in Nawabshah</b></p><p class="">Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari and sister Aseefa Bhutto Zardari cast their vote in Nawabshah.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="">Photo: Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari Instagram&nbsp;</figcaption></figure></div><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><b>8:33 AM -&nbsp;</b><span style="color: inherit; font-family: Flama-Bold, serif; font-size: 14px;">&nbsp;</span><b>Voting fails to begin at polling station 22 in PS-24 Sukkur</b></p><p class="">Voting fails to begin at polling station 22 in PS-24 Sukkur constituency. A large crowd of voters gathered outside the polling station. The polling process will commence shortly after the compilation of voting lists.&nbsp;<br></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">8:25 AM</span> -&nbsp;<b>JUI-F leader Fazal-ur-Rehman casts vote&nbsp;</b></p><p>JUI-F leader Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman casts his vote in NA238, Higher Secondary School Abdul Khel polling station. Speaking to the media after casting his vote, he said voting is a responsibility and it is important to use the right to vote. He urged the public to sincerely decide on their votes. The JUI-F leader said, "We are perturbed over one of the country's leadership being put behind bars." He also said that the situation is now different and he believes that change will come.</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_2" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_2", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">8:10 AM</span> <b>-&nbsp;PTI leader Asad Umar casts vote </b></p><p>PTI leader Asad Umar casts vote in NA-54 Islamabad at polling stations 162.&nbsp;<br></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div class="embed_external_url tweetPost" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"><twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-1" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" data-tweet-id="1021974984850399232"></twitterwidget></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p class=""><b class="">8:07 AM</b> <b>-&nbsp;PML-N president &nbsp;Sharif casts vote </b></p><p class="">PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif casts vote in Lahore, urges citizens to use their constitutional right. Shehbaz asks masses to vote for PML-N. Speaking to the media outside a polling station in Model Town, the PML-N president vowed that if given a chance his party will change Pakistan's destiny, end unemployment, improve education/health, and build the Diamer-Bhasha dam.<br></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable" style=""><figure contenteditable="false" style=""><img src="" alt=""></figure></div><p> </p><p></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p><b>8:00 AM</b> - Polling begins across Pakistan.<br></p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed "> <hr style="width: 100%;"><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><p>For&nbsp;a smooth polling process, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has deployed staff of around 1.6 million people at polling stations across the country.<br></p><div class="medium-insert-images ui-sortable medium-insert-images-right50"><figure contenteditable="false"><img src="" alt="" class=""><figcaption contenteditable="true" class="" data-gramm_id="4a4935e3-3ab9-b073-ff0d-aae996380b88" data-gramm="true" spellcheck="false" data-gramm_editor="true">A Rangers official&nbsp;stands&nbsp;guard as ECP staff receive election materials in Karachi on Tuesday. Photo: Reuters</figcaption><grammarly-btn><div class="_1BN1N Kzi1t BD-0J _7_mnr _3MyEI _2SRUV MoE_1 _2DJZN" style="z-index: 2; transform: translate(317px, 228px);"><div class="_1HjH7"><div title="Found 1 error in text" class="_3qe6h">&nbsp;</div></div></div></grammarly-btn></figure></div><p>Guarding the ECP staff and voters will be 449,465 policemen and over 370,000 military personnel.&nbsp;</p><p>In a special message on Tuesday, Chief Election Commissioner Justice (retd) Sardar Raza Khan urged voters to come out of their homes and fulfil their national duty of casting the ballot.<br></p><p class="">A public holiday has been declared across the country on Wednesday in order to facilitate the voting process.</p><p class="">Pakistan's National Assembly comprises a total of 342 members, of which 272 will be directly elected&nbsp;today whereas the rest &mdash; 60 seats reserved for women and 10 for religious minorities &mdash; are selected later through proportional representation among parties with more than five per cent of the vote.&nbsp;</p><p class="">A party can only form the government if it manages to clinch 172 seats in total.&nbsp;</p><h2>ECP reveals method to do away with fake votes</h2><p>The national electoral body said late Tuesday night it had formulated a method to do away with fake votes from the process by allowing tender votes to be cast instead.</p><div class="medium-insert-embeds medium-insert-embeds-right50" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div class="embed_external_url embedRelatedStory" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="relatedPostImage" src=""><h4>ECP announces method to do away with fake votes</h4><p>If a voter brings to attention a fake vote, the ECP noted that they will be asked to cast a tender vote in its place</p></a><a class="iconArea" href="" target="_blank"><img class="relatedPostImage" src=""></a></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p>If a voter brings to attention a fake vote, the ECP noted that they will be asked to cast a tender vote in its place. The team at the polling station will verify the person who highlighted the fake vote and that it will count the tender votes separately.</p><p>In order for this to work, the name of any voter, who brings to light a fake vote, will be added to the tender list so that all of the fake votes can be identified.</p><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds embed_gallery_cont" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div class="embed_gallery1" id="561"></div> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><h2>Election material delivered amid tight security&nbsp;</h2><p class="">Election material, including ballot boxes, seals, polling booths, ink, ballot papers, and other necessary items, was delivered to polling stations across the country amid tight security on Tuesday.<br></p><p>The returning officers, who were handed the election material by the ECP earlier this week, delivered it to the presiding officers at the polling stations under the supervision of police and the army.</p><p class="">Electioneering officially ended across the country late Monday night as per the ECP's rules.</p> <p class="">The midnight deadline brought to an end a hectic and deadly period of campaigning which saw scores of small-and-large-scale political rallies as well as terrorist attacks on election candidates and gatherings.&nbsp;</p><h2>Constituencies where polls have been postponed</h2><p>Polls have been postponed on NA-103 (Faisalabad) NA-60 (Rawalpindi), PP-103 (Faisalabad), PK-99 (Dera Ismail Khan), PB-35 (Mastung), PP-87 (Mainwali), PK-78 (Peshawar) and PS-87 (Malir).</p><p>Further details <a href="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">here.&nbsp;</a></p><h2>ECP installs result management system&nbsp;</h2><p class="">The Election Commission of Pakistan has installed a result management system ahead of General Elections 2018. The ECP said it has successfully tested the service twice.&nbsp;</p><p class="">Moreover, the authority has also prepared a mobile application for users. The presiding officer who will dispatch results successfully will receive Rs1,000 as a reward.</p><p class="">Further details <a href="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">here</a>.</p><h2>Head of CW Observers Group urges Pakistanis to vote&nbsp;</h2><p>Former President of Nigeria and head of Commonwealth Observers Group, General (Retd) Abdulsalami Abubakar has appealed to all Pakistani registered voters to come out of their homes, businesses and workstations and cast their votes for the candidates of their choice.</p><p>&ldquo;Come out and vote for your candidates, whether its rain or sunshine,&rdquo; Abubakar said during an interview with <span style="font-style: italic;">Geo News</span> in the capital.&nbsp;</p><p class="">Further details <a href="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">here</a>.</p><h2>NADRA issues CNICs to 650,000 citizens&nbsp;</h2><p>The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has issued CNICs to 650,000 citizens in five days, which will enable them to cast their votes.&nbsp;</p><p>According to a NADRA spokesperson, about 300,000 CNICs are ready to be delivered, the Radio Pakistan reported. NADRA offices remained open till at 9pm on Tuesday to carry out the task.</p><p class="">Further details <a href="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">here&nbsp;</a><br></p><h2>Celebrities urge Pakistanis to vote&nbsp;</h2><p></p><div class="medium-insert-embeds hlsurl" contenteditable="false"> <figure><div class="medium-insert-embed"> <div id="my-video" class="video_embed_hls post_embed_video_center"> <video id="my_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-16-9" src="/web/20180726013757im_/" style="min-width: 320px; min-height: 350px;"></video> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var adTag1 = '[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]'; window.hola_player({ player: "#my_video_1", controls: true, auto_play: false, //title: 'Workers celebrate as PTI leads NA seat projections', watermark: { image: '', position: 'top-left', fadeTime: 5000, }, sources: [{ src: '', }], poster: '', ads: { manual: true, nonLinearWidth: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetWidth), /*parseInt(640),*/ nonLinearHeight: parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName('video_embed_hls')[0].offsetHeight), /*parseInt(480),*/ }, settings: { quality: true, }, }, function(player){ var played_ad = {}; var ads_counter = 0; player.on('timeupdate', function(){ var cur = player.currentTime(); var chapter = Math.floor(cur/30); if ((!played_ad[chapter]) && (parseInt(ads_counter) < 6)) { if(ads_counter ==0){ //console.log('ads_counter0='+ads_counter); player.ima.playAd(adTag1); } ads_counter++; played_ad[chapter] = true; } }); }); })(); </script> </div> </figure><div class="medium-insert-embeds-overlay"></div> </div><p></p><h2>The world watches</h2><p class="">In a statement late Tuesday, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Thomas Drew, sent "best wishes" to the citizens as the country heads to polling stations in just a few hours. He stressed that it is "a big day".</p><p>"Best wishes to the millions of Pakistani men and women who will be exercising their democratic right - casting their vote to shape the prosperous and secure future this country deserves," <a href="">Drew wrote on Twitter</a>.</p><p class="">The United States' State Department is continuing to monitor the situation in Pakistan on Election Day, <a href="">a spokesperson said</a> Tuesday night, adding that hundreds of thousands of Pakistani citizens will be casting their votes in the general election.</p><p>Washington offers its support and encouragement to all Pakistani people in exercising their democratic right to cast their votes in a peaceful manner, the spokesperson stressed.</p><p>The US supports free and fair elections throughout the world, including in Pakistan, they explained.</p><p class=""><i>COVER IMAGE: Electoral workers load election materials into a vehicle after collecting them from a distribution point ahead of general election in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, July 24, 2018. REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood</i><br></p></body></html> </div> </div> <div class="loaderP"> <img class="loader" src=""> </div> </div> </section> <div class="loader-geonews hide"> <div class="loader-inner"> <div class="logo-content"></div> </div> </div> <script async="" src="//"></script> <script> var jTimer = setInterval(function () { if(typeof $ !== "undefined"){ /*var url = window.location.href, settings = { "async": true, "crossDomain": true, "url": "" + url, "method": "GET", "headers": { "cache-control": "no-cache", } }; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { $('.fbShareCount').html(response['share']['share_count']); });*/ clearTimeout(jTimer); $(function(){ var seturl = function (url, title) { history.pushState({}, title, url); }; $("body").on("click", ".gotopage", function (e) { //call first load request e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var requestedUrl = $(this).attr("data-href"); $(".loader-geonews").removeClass("hide"); $("#leftOverlay").trigger("click"); 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