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[1290]", "Ashland Public Library [1316]", "Athol Public Library [1503]", "Attleboro Public Library [611]", "Auburn Public Library [628]", "Avon Public Library [1874]", "Ayer Library [1284]", "Barnstable, Osterville Village Library [1560]", "Barnstable, Centerville Public Library [1706]", "Barnstable, Cotuit Library [989]", "Barnstable, Hyannis Public Library Association [750]", "Barnstable, Sturgis Library [569]", "Barnstable, Whelden Memorial Library [1217]", "Barnstable, Marstons Mills Public Library [1386]", "Barre, Woods Memorial Library [1528]", "Becket Athenaeum, Inc. [1029]", "Bedford Free Public Library [1218]", "Belchertown, Clapp Memorial Library [1005]", "Bellingham Public Library [1112]", "Belmont Public Library [841]", "Berkley Public Library [1120]", "Berlin Public Library [948]", "Bernardston, Cushman Library [640]", "Beverly Public Library [1834]", "Billerica Public Library [1048]", "Blackstone Public Library [1605]", "Blandford, Porter Memorial Library [1072]", "Bolton Public Library [1917]", "Boston Public Library [1312]", "Bourne, Jonathan Bourne Public Library [782]", "Boxborough, Sargent Memorial Library [1542]", "Boxford Town Library [884]", "Boylston Public Library [520]", "Braintree, Thayer Public Library [1189]", "Brewster Ladies Library [930]", "Bridgewater Public Library [935]", "Brimfield Public Library [1493]", "Brockton Public Library [1089]", "Brookfield, Merrick Public Library [1639]", "Brookline Public Library [1365]", "Buckland Public Library [1818]", "Burlington Public Library [728]", "Cambridge Public Library [565]", "Canton Public Library [615]", "Carlisle, Gleason Public Library [984]", "Carver Public Library [744]", "Charlemont, Tyler Memorial Library [1927]", "Charlton Public Library [825]", "Chatham, South Chatham Public Library [1409]", "Chatham, Eldredge Public Library [1846]", "Chelmsford Public Library [1845]", "Chelsea Public Library [1179]", "Cheshire Public Library [994]", "Chester, Hamilton Memorial Library [1749]", "Chesterfield Public Library [898]", "Chicopee Public Library [929]", "Chilmark Free Public Library [809]", "Clarksburg Town Library [830]", "Clinton, Bigelow Free Public Library [1853]", "Cohasset, Paul Pratt Memorial Library [505]", "Colrain, Griswold Memorial Library [1261]", "Concord Free Public Library [1624]", "Conway, Field Memorial Library [1243]", "Cummington, Bryant Free Library [720]", "Dalton Free Public Library [643]", "Danvers, Peabody Institute Library [983]", "Dartmouth Public Libraries [1078]", "Dedham Public Library [950]", "Deerfield, Tilton Library [1204]", "Dennis Public Library [1094]", "Dennis, West Dennis Free Public Library [1467]", "Dennis, Jacob Sears Memorial Library [1087]", "Dennis, South Dennis Public Library [1287]", "Dennis Memorial Library Association [1606]", "Dighton Public Library [1823]", "Douglas, Simon Fairfield Public Library [923]", "Dover Town Library [1053]", "Dracut, Moses Greeley Parker Memorial Library [621]", "Dudley, Pearle L. Crawford Memorial Library [686]", "Dunstable Free Public Library [829]", "Duxbury Free Library [517]", "East Bridgewater Public Library [1517]", "East Brookfield Public Library [716]", "East Longmeadow Public Library [1890]", "Eastham Public Library [1211]", "Easthampton Public Library [1170]", "Easton, Ames Free Library of Easton, Inc. [840]", "Edgartown Free Public Library [1588]", "Egremont Free Library [616]", "Erving Public Library [774]", "Essex, T.O.H.P. Burnham Free Library [1502]", "Everett, Parlin Memorial Library [1142]", "Fairhaven, Millicent Library [1400]", "Fall River Public Library [1582]", "Falmouth, West Falmouth Library, Inc. [1296]", "Falmouth, Woods Hole Public Library [837]", "Falmouth Public Library [1535]", "Fitchburg Public Library [660]", "Florida Public Library [1405]", "Foxborough, Boyden Library [702]", "Framingham Public Library [1305]", "Franklin Public Library [781]", "Freetown, James White Memorial Library [577]", "Gardner, Levi Heywood Memorial Library [1227]", "Georgetown Peabody Library [949]", "Gill, Slate Memorial Library [1539]", "Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library [1415]", "Goshen Free Public Library [1407]", "Gosnold, Cuttyhunk Public Library [1716]", "Grafton Public Library [1753]", "Granby Free Public Library [1277]", "Granville Public Library [1738]", "Great Barrington, Mason Library [1514]", "Greenfield Public Library [855]", "Groton Public Library [1805]", "Groveland, Langley Adams Library [915]", "Hadley Public Library [1629]", "Halifax, Holmes Public Library [1278]", "Hamilton-Wenham Public Library [1334]", "Hampden Free Public Library [1642]", "Hancock, Taylor Memorial Library [1000]", "Hanover, John Curtis Free Library [511]", "Hanson Public Library [1743]", "Hardwick, Paige Memorial Library [1262]", "Hardwick, Gilbertville Public Library [626]", "Harvard Public Library [1075]", "Harwich Port Library Association [1750]", "Harwich, Chase Library Association, Inc. [995]", "Harwich, Brooks Free Library [822]", "Hatfield Public Library [967]", "Haverhill Public Library [1757]", "Heath Free Public Library [1427]", "Hingham Public Library [1507]", "Hinsdale Public Library [973]", "Holbrook Public Library [1884]", "Holden, Gale Free Library [1352]", "Holland Public Library [1855]", "Holliston Public Library [1055]", "Holyoke Public Library [1460]", "Hopedale, Bancroft Memorial Library [1872]", "Hopkinton Public Library [1595]", "Hubbardston Public Library [595]", "Hudson Public Library [1548]", "Hull Public Library [1657]", "Huntington Public Library [655]", "Ipswich Public Library [1129]", "Kingston Public Library [1680]", "Lakeville Free Public Library [1063]", "Lancaster, Thayer Memorial Library [701]", "Lanesborough Public Library [1149]", "Lawrence Public Library [1899]", "Lee Library Association [711]", "Leicester Public Library [1801]", "Lenox Library [1185]", "Leominster Public Library [1471]", "Leverett Library [1431]", "Lexington, Cary Memorial Library [1203]", "Leyden, Robertson Memorial Library [1157]", "Lincoln Public Library [1783]", "Littleton, Reuben Hoar Library [1270]", "Longmeadow, Richard Salter Storrs Library [1178]", "Lowell, Samuel S. Pollard Memorial Library [1565]", "Ludlow, Hubbard Memorial Library [697]", "Lunenburg Public Library [1141]", "Lynn Public Library [1160]", "Lynnfield Public Library [1854]", "Malden Public Library [699]", "Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library [1579]", "Mansfield Public Library [713]", "Marblehead, Abbot Public Library [1469]", "Marion, Elizabeth Taber Library [1434]", "Marlborough Public Library [1736]", "Marshfield, Ventress Memorial Library [1780]", "Mashpee Public Library [528]", "Mattapoisett Free Public Library [613]", "Maynard Public Library [1781]", "Medfield Memorial Public Library [1058]", "Medford, Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library [851]", "Medway Public Library [1114]", "Melrose Public Library [844]", "Mendon, Taft Public Library [1474]", "Merrimac Public Library [682]", "Methuen, Nevins Memorial Library [1796]", "Middleborough Public Library [1379]", "Middlefield Public Library [1156]", "Middleton, Flint Public Library [1725]", "Milford Town Library [564]", "Millbury Public Library [941]", "Millis Public Library [773]", "Millville Free Public Library [1369]", "Milton Public Library [535]", "Monroe Public Library [1324]", "Monson Free Library and Reading Room Association [1361]", "Montague, Carnegie Public Library [1693]", "Monterey Library [797]", "Montgomery, Grace Hall Memorial Library [646]", "Mount Washington, Mt Washington Library [1767]", "Nahant Public Library [587]", "Nantucket Atheneum [1525]", "Natick , Bacon Free Library [639]", "Natick, Morse Institute Library [1159]", "Needham Free Public Library [1656]", "New Bedford Free Public Library [1077]", "New Braintree, Leroy Pollard Memorial Library [1061]", "New Marlborough Town Library [1813]", "New Salem Public Library [684]", "Newbury Town Library [1099]", "Newburyport Public Library [521]", "Newton Free Library [1336]", "Norfolk Public Library [866]", "North Adams Public Library [1456]", "North Andover, Stevens Memorial Library [1279]", "North Attleborough, Richards Memorial Library [992]", "North Brookfield, Haston Free Public Library [1031]", "North Reading, Flint Memorial Library [1073]", "Northampton, Lilly Library [1430]", "Northampton, Forbes Library [1913]", "Northborough Free Library [717]", "Northbridge, Whitinsville Social Library [888]", "Northfield, Field Library [804]", "Northfield, Dickinson Memorial Library [1125]", "Norton Public Library [766]", "Norwell Public Library [1367]", "Norwood, Morrill Memorial Library [1700]", "Oak Bluffs Public Library [1450]", "Oakham, Fobes Memorial Library [1272]", "Orange, Wheeler Memorial Library [1116]", "Orleans, Snow Library [827]", "Otis Library, INC. [1790]", "Oxford Free Public Library [1550]", "Palmer Public Library [642]", "Paxton, Richards Memorial Library [1169]", "Peabody Institute Library [956]", "Pelham Library [1663]", "Pembroke Public Library [1479]", "Pepperell, Lawrence Library [1802]", "Peru Library [1873]", "Petersham Memorial Library [1214]", "Phillipston, Phillips Free Public Library [856]", "Pittsfield, Berkshire Athenaeum [1568]", "Plainfield, Shaw Memorial Library [706]", "Plainville Public Library [1883]", "Plymouth Public Library [1366]", "Plympton Public Library [745]", "Princeton Public Library [1385]", "Provincetown Public Library [689]", "Quincy, Thomas Crane Public Library [1817]", "Randolph, Turner Free Library [518]", "Raynham Public Library [861]", "Reading Public Library [1066]", "Rehoboth, Blanding Free Public Library [1317]", "Revere Public Library [1342]", "Richmond Free Public Library [760]", "Rochester, Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library [1587]", "Rockland Memorial Library [1190]", "Rockport Public Library [603]", "Rowe Town Library [1645]", "Rowley Public Library [1447]", "Royalston, Phinehas S. Newton Library [925]", "Russell Public Library [1344]", "Rutland Free Public Library [1766]", "Salem Public Library [877]", "Salisbury Public Library [1300]", "Sandisfield Free Public Library [580]", "Sandwich Free Public Library [536]", "Saugus Public Library [1401]", "Savoy Hollow Library [1675]", "Scituate Town Library [1095]", "Seekonk Public Library [778]", "Sharon Public Library [1894]", "Sheffield, Bushnell-Sage Library [768]", "Shelburne, Arms Library [1064]", "Shelburne Free Public Library [530]", "Sherborn Library [1332]", "Shirley, Hazen Memorial Library [1583]", "Shrewsbury Free Public Library [538]", "Shutesbury, M. N. Spear Memorial Library [1723]", "Somerset Public Library [1755]", "Somerville Public Library [1826]", "South Hadley Public Library [1117]", "Southampton, Edwards Public Library [1838]", "Southborough Library [1704]", "Southbridge, Jacob Edwards Library [1067]", "Southwick Public Library [1329]", "Spencer, Richard Sugden Public Library [959]", "Springfield City Library [1586]", "Sterling, Conant Public Library [1035]", "Stockbridge Library Association [960]", "Stoneham Public Library [1137]", "Stoughton Public Library [638]", "Stow, Randall Library [1306]", "Sturbridge, Joshua Hyde Public Library [883]", "Sudbury, Goodnow Library [793]", "Sunderland Public Library [573]", "Sutton Free Public Library [1577]", "Swampscott Public Library [533]", "Swansea Free Public Library [1686]", "Taunton Public Library [556]", "Templeton, Boynton Public Library [1684]", "Tewksbury Public Library [933]", "Tisbury, Vineyard Haven Public Library [681]", "Tolland Public Library [1037]", "Topsfield Town Library [1598]", "Townsend Public Library [1310]", "Truro Public Library [1198]", "Tyngsborough Public Library [1002]", "Tyringham Free Public Library [1544]", "Upton Town Library [964]", "Uxbridge Free Public Library [909]", "Wakefield, Lucius Beebe Memorial Library [608]", "Wales Public Library [1359]", "Walpole Public Library [958]", "Waltham Public Library [1145]", "Ware, Young Men's Library Association [780]", "Wareham Free Library [791]", "Warren, West Warren Library Association [1603]", "Warren Public Library [1824]", "Warwick Free Public Library [663]", "Watertown Free Public Library [850]", "Wayland Free Public Library [1653]", "Webster, Gladys E. Kelly Public Library [704]", "Wellesley Free Library [828]", "Wellfleet Public Library [813]", "Wendell Free Library [1575]", "West Boylston, Beaman Memorial Public Library [1301]", "West Bridgewater Public Library [1438]", "West Brookfield, Merriam-Gilbert Public Library [999]", "West Newbury, G. A. R. Memorial Library [1882]", "West Springfield Public Library [1898]", "West Stockbridge Public Library [560]", "West Tisbury Free Public Library [940]", "Westborough Public Library [1100]", "Westfield Athenaeum [1056]", "Westford, J. V. Fletcher Library [1271]", "Westhampton Public Library [547]", "Westminster, Forbush Memorial Library [1827]", "Weston Public Library [1641]", "Westport Free Public Library [1390]", "Westwood Public Library [723]", "Weymouth Public Libraries [1558]", "Whately, S. White Dickinson Memorial Library [707]", "Whitman Public Library [635]", "Wilbraham Public Library [1304]", "Williamsburg, Meekins Library [943]", "Williamstown, David and Joyce Milne Public Library [1611]", "Wilmington Memorial Library [589]", "Winchendon, Beals Memorial Library [1687]", "Winchester Public Library [1321]", "Windsor Free Public Library [772]", "Winthrop Public Library [1807]", "Woburn Public Library [1765]", "Worcester Public Library [1016]", "Worthington Library [669]", "Wrentham, Fiske Public Library [761]", "Yarmouth Town Libraries [1668]" ], academics: [ "American International College, James J. Shea Sr. Memorial Library [1240]", "Amherst College, Robert Frost Library [1276]", "Anna Maria College, Mondor-Eagen Library [1266]", "Assumption University, Emmanuel d'Alzon Library [1554]", "Babson College, Horn Library [578]", "Bard College at Simon's Rock , Alumni Library [767]", "Bay Path University, Hatch Library [1604]", "Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology, Lufkin Library [568]", "Bentley University [1440]", "Berklee College of Music, Stan Getz Library [2016]", "Berkshire Community College, Jonathan Edwards Library [1200]", "Boston Architectural College [2407]", "Boston Baptist College, Fred Tatro Research Library [691]", "Boston College, O'Neill Library [1762]", "Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis [1773]", "Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Hanns Sachs Library and Archives [2090]", "Boston University Libraries [2513]", "Boston University Medical Campus, Alumni Medical Library [2540]", "Boston University School of Theology, Theology Library [1250]", "Brandeis University, Library [1338]", "Bridgewater State University, The Clement C. Maxwell Library [1896]", "Bristol Community College, Library Learning Commons [1201]", "Bunker Hill Community College, Library and Learning Commons [1206]", "Cambridge College, Online Library [2703]", "Cape Cod Community College, Wilkens Library [1752]", "Clark University, Robert H. Goddard Library [1236]", "Clark University, Jeanne X. Kasperson Research Library [2561]", "College of the Holy Cross, Dinand Library [1158]", "Conway School of Landscape Design, Library of the Conway School [2748]", "Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, Webster Veterinary Library [1253]", "Curry College, Levin Library [1480]", "Dean College, E. Ross Anderson Library [1088]", "Eastern Nazarene College, Nease Library [1695]", "Elms College, Alumnae Library [1903]", "Emerson College, Iwasaki Library [1754]", "Emmanuel College, Cardinal Cushing Library [1928]", "Endicott College, Diane M. Halle Library [1878]", "Fisher College [1906]", "Fitchburg State University, Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library [1529]", "Fletcher School, Tufts University, Edwin Ginn Library [605]", "Framingham State University, Henry Whittemore Library [895]", "Gordon College, Jenks Library [531]", "Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Goddard Library [1435]", "Greenfield Community College, Nahman-Watson Library [1776]", "Hampshire College, Harold F. Johnson Library Center [1036]", "Harvard Divinity School [2755]", "Hebrew College, The Rae and Joseph Gann Library [1720]", "Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology , Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Resource Center [2666]", "Holyoke Community College, Library/Donahue Building [1522]", "Labour\u00c3\u00a9 College of Healthcare, Helen Stubblefield Law Library [687]", "Lasell University, Brennan Library [1614]", "Lesley University, Sherrill Library [1892]", "Longy School of Music of Bard College, Bakalar Music Library [818]", "Massachusetts Bay Community College, Perkins Library [1556]", "Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Morton R. Godine Library [1347]", "Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Eugene L. Freel Library [1627]", "Massachusetts Maritime Academy, ABS Information Commons [1166]", "Massachusetts School of Law, Information Resource Center [1787]", "Massasoit Community College [567]", "MCPHS University, Henrietta DeBenedictis Library [1771]", "Merrimack College, McQuade Library [860]", "MGH Institute of Health Professions, Bellack Library [2708]", "Middlesex Community College - Bedford Campus [1384]", "Middlesex Community College - Lowell Campus, Library [942]", "Montserrat College of Art, Paul M. Scott Library [1889]", "Mount Holyoke College, Williston Library [1402]", "Mount Wachusett Community College, LaChance Library and Academic Support Center [1165]", "New England College of Optometry [1083]", "New England Conservatory of Music, Blumenthal Family Library [908]", "New England Law - Boston, Law Library [1712]", "Nichols College, Conant Library [1244]", "North Shore Community College [1007]", "Northeast Maritime Institute, Joshua Slocum Library [2732]", "Northeastern University, Snell Library [1309]", "Northeastern University School of Law [2114]", "Northern Essex Community College, Bentley Library [1297]", "Olin College of Engineering, Olin College Library [2313]", "Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary [1428]", "Quincy College, Anselmo Library [1521]", "Quinsigamond Community College, George I. Alden Library [951]", "Regis College [1412]", "Roxbury Community College [1774]", "Salem State University, Frederick E. Berry Library [1871]", "Sattler College [2800]", "School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Tufts University, W. Van Alan Clark, Jr. Library [1634]", "Simmons University [583]", "Smith College, Libraries [1840]", "Springfield College, Harold C. Smith Learning Commons [677]", "Springfield Technical Community College [1836]", "Stonehill College, MacPhaidin Library [1729]", "Suffolk University, Mildred F. Sawyer Library [1451]", "Suffolk University Law School, Moakley Law Library [2292]", "The Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Albert Alphin Library [2349]", "The Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, Louis Lasagna Library of Drug Development Science & Policy [2762]", "Tufts University, Tisch Library [1513]", "Tufts University , Hirsh Health Sciences Library [1772]", "University of Massachusetts - Boston, Joseph P. Healey Library [831]", "University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth , Law School Library [1652]", "University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth, Claire T. Carney Library [732]", "University of Massachusetts - Lowell, South Campus , O'Leary Library [1756]", "University of Massachusetts at Amherst, UMass Amherst Libraries [903]", "University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library [598]", "Urban College of Boston, Learning Resource Center [874]", "Wellesley College, Margaret Clapp Library [2136]", "Wentworth Institute of Technology, Douglas D. Schumann Library & Learning Commons [675]", "Western New England University, D'Amour Library [1180]", "Western New England University School of Law [2283]", "Westfield State University, Ely Library [963]", "Wheaton College, Madeleine Clark Wallace Library [1426]", "William James College [581]", "Williams College, Libraries [599]", "Worcester Polytechnic Institute , George C. Gordon Library [1288]", "Worcester State University [1545]" ], schools: [ " Gill Elementary School [2694]", " Annie L. Sargent Elementary School [1711]", " Boston Latin School, Harry V. Keefe Library [1609]", " George R. Austin Intermediate School [2531]", "1Lt. Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School, William Downey Library [2091]", "1st. Sergeant Kevin A. Dupont Memorial Middle School [1648]", "Abbot Elementary School [2178]", "Abington Middle High School [1245]", "Acton-Boxborough Regional High School [620]", "Agawam High School, Creighton Abrams Library Media Technology Center [2077]", "Agawam Junior High School [1986]", "Albert Edgar Angier Elementary School, Barbara Feldstein Library [2055]", "Albert S. Woodward Memorial School [2438]", "Alcott Elementary School, Library Media Center [2731]", "Alden Elementary School [2737]", "Alfred G. Zanetti Montessori Magnet School, Library [1685]", "Alfred M. Glickman Elementary School [2355]", "Algonquin Regional High School [1792]", "Alice B. Beal Elementary School [1205]", "Ambrose Elementary School [2584]", "Amesbury High School, Roland H. Woodwell Library Media Center [1740]", "Amherst Regional High School [1381]", "Amherst Regional Middle School [970]", "Amos A. Lawrence School [1555]", "Amvet Boulevard Elementary School, Library Media Center [2727]", "Andover High School [1294]", "Andrew Peabody Elementary School [623]", "Annie E. Fales Elementary School, Library Media Center [753]", "Apponequet Regional High School, Instructional Materials Center [1350]", "Archbishop Williams High School [596]", "Arlington Catholic High School, The Monsignor Linnehan Library [2338]", "Arlington High School, Media Center [1769]", "Arthur D. Healey School [2315]", "Arthur J. Epstein Hillel School [2844]", "Arthur T. Talmadge Elementary School [2611]", "Arthur W. Coolidge Middle School [1538]", "Ashland High School [800]", "Ashland Middle School [2568]", "Assabet Valley Regional Technical Vocational High School, Learning Commons [737]", "Athol High School, Armstrong-Boynton Media Center [1879]", "Atkinson Elementary School [2021]", "Atlantic Middle School, Media Center [1265]", "Attleboro High School, Library Media Center [763]", "Auburn High School, Ronald E. Prouty Media Center [1257]", "Austin Preparatory School, Father Arthur F. Smith Library and Media Center [2034]", "Avery Elementary School, Library Media Center [2477]", "Avon Middle High School [1858]", "B.M.C. Durfee High School, Ambrose F. Keeley Library [1248]", "Bancroft Elementary School, Media Center [1788]", "Bancroft School, Garfield and Prouty Libraries [1127]", "Barbieri Elementary School [2833]", "Barnstable High School, Harvard H. Broadbent Library [1378]", "Barnstable Intermediate School [2633]", "Barnstable United Elementary School [2605]", "Barnstable West Barnstable Elementary School [2776]", "Bates Elementary School [634]", "Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Library Media Center [1047]", "Beaver Country Day School, Research & Design Center [1097]", "Bedford High School, Instructional Technology & Library Media [1901]", "Beebe School, Schoefield Library [2678]", "Belchertown High School [1616]", "Belmont Day School, Erskine Library [664]", "Belmont Hill School, William H. Byrnes Library [1339]", "Benjamin G. Brown Elementary School [2198]", "Bennett-Hemenway Elementary School [1437]", "Berkshire School, Geier Library [1833]", "Bernardston Elementary School [2876]", "Beverly High School [1226]", "Beverly Middle School , Library Media Center [1970]", "Bigelow Middle School [1926]", "Billerica Memorial High School, William H. Flaherty Jr. Library Learning Commons [1330]", "Birch Meadow Elementary School [1139]", "Birchland Park Middle School, Multicultural Media and Innovation Center [786]", "Bishop Stang High School, Roseanne Barker Library and Media Center [1345]", "Blackstone School [2905]", "Blanchard Memorial School, Webster Blanchard Library [2082]", "Blessed Sacrament School [2564]", "Blue Hills Regional Technical High School, Thomas F. Mellett Memorial Library [1333]", "Blueberry Hill School, Alexander N. Kassanos Library [905]", "Boston Arts Academy, Virtual Learning Commons [1785]", "Boston College High School, Corcoran Library [636]", "Boston Day & Evening Academy [2894]", "Boston Green Academy [2739]", "Boston International Newcomers Academy [2757]", "Boston Latin Academy, Hapgood Library [1230]", "Bourne High School, Kempton J. Coady Library [1429]", "Bourne Intermediate School, Library Media Center [2904]", "Bourne Middle School, Media Center & Research Skills [2203]", "Bournedale Elementary School [2881]", "Boutwell Early Childhood Center [2791]", "Bowen Elementary School, Library [2094]", "Bowman Elementary School [532]", "Boyden School [911]", "Braintree High School, Media Center [776]", "Bridge Elementary School [1902]", "Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School, Library Media Center [2011]", "Brighton High School, Dominic J. Bruno Library [708]", "Brightwood Elementary School [1547]", "Brimmer and May School, Anne C. Reenstierna Library Learning Commons [1830]", "Bristol County Agricultural High School, Library / Media Center [2668]", "Broad Meadows Middle School [671]", "Broadmeadow Elementary School, Library [2261]", "Brockton High School, Instructional Resource Center [1368]", "Brookline High School, Sylivia Burack Library [1370]", "Brooks Elementary School [2386]", "Brooks School, Henry Luce III Library [1020]", "Brookwood School, Eleanor M. DiCroce Library [961]", "Brophy Elementary School [2785]", "Brown Elementary School [1421]", "Buckingham Browne & Nichols Lower School [2825]", "Buckingham Browne & Nichols Middle School, Library Learning Commons [2676]", "Buckingham Browne & Nichols Upper School, Charles & Elizabeth Almy Library [561]", "Buckland-Shelburne Elementary School [1107]", "Burlington High School, Joan F. Miles Library [2209]", "Burncoat High School [900]", "Burncoat Middle School, Steven J. Katz Memorial Library and Media Center [2658]", "Burr Elementary School [2086]", "C. M. Callahan Elementary School, Andrea Sullivan Library [1931]", "C.A. Farley Elementary School, James E. Boyd Memorial Library [693]", "C.H. McCann Technical School, Westall Media Center [824]", "C.J. Prescott Elementary School, McGuire Library [566]", "Cabot Elementary School [2147]", "Calvin Coolidge Elementary School, Media Center [2690]", "Cambridge Montessori School [2645]", "Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Pearl K. Wise Library [1416]", "Cambridge Street Upper School, Library & Technology Center [2788]", "Cambridgeport School, Library & Technology Center [892]", "Cameron Middle School [2207]", "Canton High School, Joseph E. Joyce Library [1742]", "Cape Cod Academy, John B. Tew Memorial Library & Florence Ungerman Memorial Library [820]", "Cape Cod Regional Technical High School [2276]", "Carlisle Public School, Ruth C. Wilkins Library [1280]", "Carroll School, Amy Steere Library [1001]", "Carver Middle High School, Ramsay Library [1886]", "Center Elementary School [1510]", "Center School [2738]", "Central Catholic High School, Cardinal Cushing Library & Media Center [2069]", "Central Elementary School [2543]", "Central Middle School, Media Center [712]", "Charles C. Cashman Elementary School [954]", "Charles E. Brown Middle School [876]", "Charles River School [2717]", "Charlestown High School [1870]", "Charlotte A. Dunning Elementary School [2841]", "Chatham Elementary School [2720]", "Chelmsford High School, Learning Commons [1207]", "Chelsea High School, Library Media Center [1744]", "Chickering Elementary School [2196]", "Chicopee Comprehensive High School, Stanley J. Ziemba Library [893]", "Chicopee High School [882]", "Claypit Hill Elementary School [2120]", "Clifford M. Granger Elementary School, Media Center [955]", "Clinton High School [1411]", "Codman Academy Charter Public School [2563]", "Cohasset Middle High School, William Ripley Jr. Library [1221]", "Col. Moses Parker Middle School [1498]", "Cold Spring Elementary School, Library Learning Commons [668]", "Collicot and Cunningham Elementary Schools, Collicot-Cunningham Library [2909]", "Collins Middle School, Mary A. Manning Learning Commons [1468]", "Colrain Central School [920]", "Commonwealth School [2425]", "Community Academy of Science and Health [637]", "Community Elementary School [2728]", "Concord Academy, J. Josephine Tucker Library [1259]", "Concord Middle School, Peabody Library/Sanborn Library [2101]", "Concord-Carlisle Regional High School, Learning Commons [1011]", "Conway Grammar School, Dacey Library [758]", "Cottage Street Elementary School, John Wernick Library [1511]", "Country Elementary School [1709]", "Countryside Elementary School , Rita Cushing Library [2146]", "Crocker Elementary School [2915]", "Crocker Farm Elementary School [632]", "Cunniff Elemenary School, Ellen Heyman Cone Memorial Library [1122]", "Cushing Academy, Fisher-Watkins Library [1442]", "Cyrus E. Dallin Elementary School [1728]", "Cyrus Peirce Middle/Nantucket High School, Suzanne T. Gardner Library Media Center [2343]", "Dale Street Elementary School, Library Media Center [2137]", "Dana Hall School, Helen Temple Cooke Library [1154]", "Daniel B. Brunton Elementary School [927]", "Danvers High School [2022]", "Dartmouth High School, Library Media Center [1518]", "Dartmouth Middle School , Library Media Center [2328]", "David A. Ellis Elementary School, Ellis School Library [2867]", "David J. Quinn Middle School, Library Learning Commons [2723]", "David Mindess Elementary School [2741]", "David Prouty High School, Library Media Center [1374]", "Dearborn STEM Academy [2811]", "Dedham Country Day School [1809]", "Dedham High School [688]", "Dedham Middle School, June M. Doe Library [1676]", "Deerfield Academy, Frank L. and Helen Childs Boyden Library [1193]", "Deerfield Elementary School, Bette Schmitt Library [2779]", "Dennett Elementary School, Library Media Center & Computer Lab [724]", "Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate School, Library [1975]", "Dennis-Yarmouth Middle School, Library Media Center [1967]", "Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School [1856]", "Derby Academy, Terry Library [1483]", "Dighton Middle School [2008]", "Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School, The William M. McHenry Memorial Library [2317]", "Discovery School at Four Corners [2863]", "Doherty Memorial High School [1626]", "Doherty Middle School, Library & Digital Learning Commons [918]", "Dorothy L. Beckwith Middle School [2712]", "Douglas High School [2376]", "Douglas MacArthur Elementary School, Library [1848]", "Dover-Sherborn High School [1682]", "Dover-Sherborn Middle School, Andrews Library [1241]", "Downey Elementary School [1126]", "Dr. Albert D. Holland High School of Technology [1561]", "Dr. Albert F. Argenziano School at Lincoln Park [2610]", "Dr. Arthur F. Sullivan Middle School [2149]", "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. K-8 School [2899]", "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School, Library & Technology Center [543]", "Dr. S. G. Hajjar Elementary School [1041]", "Dr. William H. Ohrenberger School [2786]", "Dr. William W. Henderson Inclusion School, Upper School Library [2893]", "Dracut High School, Learning Commons [2036]", "Duxbury Middle/High School, Library Media Center [526]", "E. W. Thurston Middle School [1599]", "Eagle Hill School, Norma B. Shields Library [2195]", "Eaglebrook School, The James S. Copley Library [1444]", "Earl D. Taft Early Learning Center [2822]", "East Bridgewater Junior Senior High School, Anne Kenneally Hynes Library [2542]", "East Elementary School, The Dorothy Galo Library [2621]", "East Elementary School [648]", "East Falmouth Elementary School [1947]", "East Longmeadow High School, The Robert J. Jarvis Memorial Library [912]", "East Meadow School, Library [1111]", "East Somerville Community School, Joseph F. Kiley Memorial Library [2111]", "East Street Elementary School [1397]", "Eastham Elementary School, Nickerson Library [2552]", "Easthampton High School, Alice Whitney Alvord Library [683]", "Easton Middle School [2916]", "Edgartown Elementary School [1859]", "Edith C. Baker School, Tom Cavanagh Library [576]", "Edward Bellamy Middle School, Governor Robinson Memorial Library [1470]", "Edward J. Hopkins Elementary School [1857]", "Edward P. Boland Elementary School [2775]", "Elias Brookings Elementary School, Library Media Center [2394]", "Ellison Parks Early Ed School [2896]", "Elmwood Elementary School [890]", "Ephraim Curtis Middle School, Library Media Center [548]", "Erving Elementary School [2218]", "Escuela Amigos School/Biblioteca De La Escuela Amigos y , Library And Technology Center/El Centro De Tecnologia [2688]", "Essex Elementary School, Nancy H. Wood Library Media Center [2213]", "Eugene Wright Academy of Science and Technology & Browne Middle School, Williams Middle School Complex Library [2322]", "Everett High School [1118]", "Excel High School, Reid Library & Media Center [1022]", "Ezra H. Baker Innovation School, Library Media Center [1110]", "F. A. Cleveland Elementary School, Paula C. Clifford Library [1432]", "F. Lyman Winship Elementary School [2667]", "Fall Brook Elementary School [1247]", "Falls Elementary School [2758]", "Falmouth Academy, The Bruce and Patrice Buxton Library [1025]", "Falmouth High School [1860]", "Fannie E. Proctor Elementary School, Louis P. Anastas Library Media Center [727]", "Fay School [1012]", "Fayerweather Street School [2855]", "Federal Furnace Elementary School, Library Learning Commons [1238]", "Federal Street Elementary School [2862]", "Fenway High School [2753]", "Ferryway School [2813]", "Field Elementary School [1144]", "Fiske Elementary School [834]", "Fitchburg High School, Library Media Center [667]", "Fletcher Maynard Academy [2246]", "Floral Street Elementary School, Media Center [1232]", "Florence Sawyer School, Library Media Center [1375]", "Florida Ruffin Ridley School, Jerry Kaplan Library [1348]", "Forest Avenue Elementary School [733]", "Forestdale Elementary School, Stephen H. Fieldstein Library [2500]", "Fort River Elementary School [2174]", "Fowler Middle School [2390]", "Fox Hill Elementary School, Learning Commons [2597]", "Foxborough High School [1079]", "Framingham High School [928]", "Frances Drake Elementary School, Library Media Center [2819]", "Francis J. Burke Memorial Elementary School, Library Media Center [2845]", "Francis T. Bresnahan Elementary School [2809]", "Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School, Parker School Library [1003]", "Francis Wyman Elementary School, Learning Commons [2135]", "Frank Ashley Day Middle School [1741]", "Frank H. Freedman Elementary School [757]", "Frank Zervas Elementary School, Carr Library [2145]", "Franklin County Technical School, Library Media Center [810]", "Franklin Elementary School [2020]", "Franklin Elementary School, Ray J. Lund Library [2144]", "Franklin High School [1224]", "Fred Miller Elementary School [2047]", "Frederick Harris Elementary School [2661]", "Freeman-Kennedy School [2515]", "Freetown Elementary School [2279]", "Friends Academy, The Dorothy B. Plumb Library [1215]", "Frontier Regional High School, John T. Frigard Library Media Center [1735]", "Fuller Meadow Elementary School [2812]", "Fuller Middle School, Library Media Center [735]", "Galvin Middle School, Edna-May Paulson Learning Commons [2736]", "Gardner Elementary School [2843]", "Gardner Pilot Academy [2870]", "General John Nixon Elementary School [2040]", "George F. Willett Early Childhood Center [2434]", "George P. King Elementary School [2804]", "George R. Martin Elementary School [2593]", "Georgetown Middle High School, John Perley Library [1163]", "German Gerena Community School [1964]", "Gibbs School [2834]", "Glenbrook Middle School [2764]", "Glenwood Elementary School, Kelliher Library Media Center [2560]", "Gloucester High School, Elliot T. Parker Library Learning Commons [2188]", "Glover Elementary School, Glover Library [2907]", "Glover School [1596]", "Grace Farrar Cole Elementary School [2685]", "Grafton High School [1281]", "Graham & Parks Alternative School, The Ann Bolger Library [1113]", "Great Oak Elementary School [1414]", "Greater Commonwealth Virtual School [2837]", "Greater Egleston High School [2810]", "Greater Lawrence Technical School, Walter J. Markham Library [742]", "Greater Lowell Technical High School, Library Media Center [1501]", "Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, Library Media Center [2530]", "Green Meadow Elementary School [2392]", "Greenfield High School [1133]", "Greenlodge Elementary School, Elizabeth Cummings Library Media Center [2478]", "Groton School, McCormick Library [1612]", "Groton-Dunstable Regional High School [1739]", "Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School [1852]", "H. Olive Day School, Thomas Delmonaro Media Center [2514]", "Haggerty School, Library and Technology Center [549]", "Halifax Elementary School [2066]", "Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, Patricia A. Alger Library Media Center [1770]", "Hampshire Regional High School [1798]", "Hanover High School [1044]", "Hanscom Primary & Middle School, Hanscom Schools Library [1404]", "Happy Hollow Elementary School [805]", "Harmony Grove Elementary School [2817]", "Harrington Elementary School [592]", "Harris Brook Elementary School, Library [1893]", "Harry Lee Cole Elementary School, Bernard F. Creeden Media Center [2224]", "Harvard-Kent School [2828]", "Harwich Elementary School, Walter R. Nagle Library Media Center [846]", "Hastings Elementary School, Library Media Center [670]", "Haverhill High School, Manuel L. Epstein Library Media Center [2035]", "Hawthorne Brook Middle School, Library Media Center [562]", "Heath School [721]", "Hedge Elementary School [607]", "Heights Elementary School [1584]", "Hemenway Elementary School [2773]", "Henry E. Warren Elementary School, Diane T. Rund Memorial Library [2742]", "Henry Grew School [2897]", "Henry Whittemore Elementary School, Library [845]", "Higginson/Lewis K-8 School [2895]", "High Plain Elementary School [2306]", "High Rock Middle School [2617]", "High School of Commerce [1570]", "Highlands Elementary School [2023]", "Hildreth Elementary School, Richard M. Ingmanson Library [2751]", "Hillcrest Elementary School [2746]", "Hingham High School [1349]", "Hingham Middle School, Library Media Center [944]", "Hiram Dorman Elementary School, Library Media Center [966]", "Holbrook Middle High School [2065]", "Holmes Innovation School [2890]", "Holten-Richmond Middle School, Dr. Betty G. Allen Library [2468]", "Hoosac Valley Elementary School [2874]", "Hopedale Junior/Senior High School, Media Center [694]", "Hopedale Memorial Elementary School, Andrea M. Hallion Media Center [1625]", "Hopkins Academy , Library Media Center [1320]", "Hopkinton High School [1387]", "Hopkinton Middle School, Library Media Center [2205]", "Horace Mann Elementary School [2143]", "Horace Mann Laboratory School [998]", "Hosmer Elementary School [1353]", "Howe-Manning Elementary School, Ira S. Singer Media Center [2657]", "Huckleberry Hill Elementary School, Media Center [1143]", "Hudson High School , Susan Menanson Memorial Library [1477]", "Hull High School, Kelly Ann Resnick Memorial Library [1831]", "Hunnewell Elementary School [2351]", "Hyannis West Elementary School [2272]", "Indian Brook Elementary School, Library Learning Commons [1646]", "Indian Orchard Elementary School [981]", "Inly School [2669]", "International School of Boston/Lycee International de Boston [2816]", "Ipswich Middle High School, Library Media Center [1461]", "Israel Loring Elementary School, Gail Keene Library [2244]", "Ivan G. Smith Elementary School [870]", "J. Harding Armstrong Elementary School, Library [1635]", "J. Warren Killam Elementary School, Library Media Center [996]", "Jabish Brook Middle School [2474]", "James Clark Elementary School, Library Media Center [1524]", "James F. Condon School [2898]", "James Fitzgerald Elementary School , Library Media Center [570]", "James L. Mulcahey Elementary School [1981]", "James M. Quinn Elementary School, Library Media Center [2744]", "James Russell Lowell Elementary School [659]", "James W. Hennigan School [2865]", "John A. Bishop Elementary School [2133]", "John A. Crisafulli Elementary School [2334]", "John D. Hardy Elementary School [2346]", "John D. McGovern Elementary School, Library Media Center [2846]", "John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science, O'Bryant Library [504]", "John D. Philbrick Elementary School [2883]", "John D. Runkle Elementary School, Martin Sleeper Library [1132]", "John Eliot Elementary School [2262]", "John F. Kennedy Elementary School [1080]", "John F. Kennedy Elementary School [2109]", "John F. Kennedy Middle School, Estelle B. Hite Library [1618]", "John F. Kennedy Middle School [743]", "John F. Kennedy Middle School , G. Lorne MacArthur Library [1808]", "John Glenn Middle School [1481]", "John J. Ahern Middle School, Media Center [2599]", "John J. McGlynn Sr. Middle School [2193]", "John M. Tobin Montessori Elementary School, Library & Technology Center [1109]", "John P. Oldham Elementary School [1810]", "John Q.A. Brackett Elementary School [1497]", "John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School [976]", "John W. McDevitt Middle School [2411]", "John Ward Elementary School, Library [2049]", "John Winthrop Elementary School [2901]", "Johnny Appleseed Elementary School [1148]", "Jonas Clarke Middle School [1727]", "Joseph C. Solmonese Elementary School, Mary Brown Library [2793]", "Joseph E. Fiske Elementary School [2347]", "Joseph Estabrook Elementary School [937]", "Joseph L. Mulready Elementary School [657]", "Joseph Lee K-8 [2868]", "Joshua Eaton Elementary School [1085]", "Josiah Haynes Elementary School [993]", "Katherine Lee Bates Elementary School, Bates Library Media Center [2640]", "Kennedy-Longfellow School, John J. Curry Library Media Center [1331]", "Kenneth C. Coombs Elementary School [2698]", "Kensington International School [2770]", "King Open School [2366]", "King Philip Middle School, Library Media Center [588]", "Kingston Intermediate School [2170]", "Kittredge Elementary School [2019]", "Landmark School, Eric Alexander Memorial Library [2345]", "Lawrence Academy, McDonald Library [2441]", "Lawrence Family Development Charter School [2799]", "Lawrence G. Nourse Elementary School, K. Gerald Smith Library [2792]", "Lawrence High School, Campus Library [808]", "Lee Elementary School [2089]", "Leicester Elementary School [2848]", "Lenox Memorial Middle & High School, Roland M. Miller Library [1655]", "Leominster High School and Center for Technical Education, Library Media Center [806]", "Lesley Ellis School [2759]", "Lester J. Gates Middle School, Gates Library Collection [1877]", "Leverett Elementary School [2157]", "Lexington High School [594]", "Lilja Elementary School [1410]", "Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School [2381]", "Lincoln Elementary School [1963]", "Lincoln Elementary School [2583]", "Lincoln School [539]", "Lincoln Street Elementary School [1303]", "Lincoln-Eliot Elementary School [2142]", "Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School [1425]", "Linden STEAM Academy [2452]", "Littleton High School, Library Media Center [1021]", "Lloyd G. Blanchard Middle School, Learning Commons [1968]", "Loker Elementary School, Library Media Center [1184]", "Longmeadow High School [1715]", "Lowell Community Charter Public School, Library/Media Center [2333]", "Lowell High School, Peter S. Stamas Library Media Center [839]", "Lt. Job Lane Elementary School, Robert E. Hentz Library [1071]", "Lucretia and Joseph Brown Elementary School [2725]", "Lunenburg Middle-High School, Library Media Center [1191]", "Lunenburg Primary School [2852]", "Luther Conant Elementary School [1748]", "Lynch Elementary School [2582]", "Lynn Classical High School [2015]", "Lynn English High School, Obrien Library Media Center [1939]", "Lynn Vocational Technical Institute, Jane Inglis Memorial Learning Commons [2308]", "Lynnfield Middle School [1923]", "M Norcross Stratton Elementary School [788]", "Madeline Dugger Andrews Middle School, Pauline Walker Library [2194]", "Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, Library Media Center [1515]", "Maj. Howard W. Beal School, Media Center [2684]", "Malden Catholic High School, The Joseph J. O'Donnell '62 and Family Learning Commons [2340]", "Malden High School, Phaneuf Library [2449]", "Manchester Memorial Elementary School [2013]", "Manomet Elementary School [1335]", "Mansfield High School [1466]", "Mapleshade Elementary School [2908]", "Marathon Elementary School, Media Center [2802]", "Marblehead High School [1499]", "Marblehead Veterans Middle School [1082]", "Margaret A. Neary Elementary School [2046]", "Margarita Mu\u00c3\u00b1iz Academy [2902]", "Marguerite E. Peaslee Elementary School [748]", "Marguerite E. Small Elementary School, Library Media Center [1979]", "Maria Hastings Elementary School [2547]", "Maria L. Baldwin Elementary School [2365]", "Maria Weston Chapman Middle School, Library Media Center [2424]", "Marie Philip School at The Learning Center For The Deaf School, Learning Center For Deaf Children Library [2418]", "Mario Umana Academy [2851]", "Marion E. Zeh Elementary School, Daniel J. Concoran Jr. Library Media Center [1260]", "Marlborough High School, Library Media Center [1108]", "Marshall Middle School [932]", "Marshall Simonds Middle School, Connors Library & Learning Commons [2225]", "Marshfield High School, James P. Romeo Library Media Center [714]", "Martha Jones Elementary School [593]", "Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School [1167]", "Martha's Vineyard Regional High School, The Gregory T. Scotten Library [1867]", "Mary A. Dryden Veterans Memorial School, Jim Trelease Library [1399]", "Mary E. Curley School, Curley Library [2869]", "Mary E. Stapleton Elementary School, Carol J. Getchell Library [2840]", "Mary Lyon Pilot High School [2691]", "Mary M. Lynch Elementary School [2771]", "Mary M. Walsh Elementary School [2647]", "Mary O. Pottenger Elementary School, Margaret O' Malley Media Center [1876]", "Masconomet Regional High School, Library Media Center [1601]", "Masconomet Regional Middle School, Dr. Joseph M. Carroll Media Center [2290]", "Mashpee Middle High School, Janice M. Mills Library Learning Commons [1534]", "Mason-Rice Elementary School [1681]", "Mather Elementary School [2252]", "Mattahunt Elementary School [2856]", "Maurice J. Tobin K-8 School [2889]", "Maynard High School [1256]", "McCall Middle School [816]", "McCarthy Middle School [1209]", "McCarthy-Towne/Merriam Elementary School, Parker Damon Library [1274]", "McKay Elementary School [2860]", "Medfield High School, Library Media Center [1172]", "Medford High School - Medford Vocational Technical High School, Michelina Pietrangelo Memorial Library [2054]", "Melrose High School, Resource Center [879]", "Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School, Victoria McLaughlin Library [924]", "Memorial Elementary School [872]", "Memorial Elementary School, Learning Commons [2589]", "Memorial School, Library Media Center [2222]", "Memorial Spaulding Elementary School [2141]", "Methuen High School, Media Center [798]", "Michael Driscoll School, Amy Neale Library [1791]", "Michael E. Capuano Early Childhood Center [2389]", "Michael E. Smith Middle School [2674]", "Middleborough High School, Learning Commons [1849]", "Middlesex School, Warburg Library [1628]", "Mildred Avenue K-8 School [2382]", "Mildred H. Aitken Elementary School [2592]", "Milford High School [1046]", "Mill Pond School, Ella Washington Griffin Library Media Center [2302]", "Millbury Memorial Junior Senior High School [1915]", "Millis Middle/High School [939]", "Milton Academy, Cox Library [695]", "Milton Bradley Elementary School [991]", "Milton High School, Dr. Mary Gass O'Neill Library [1973]", "Minnechaug Regional High School, Information & Research Commons [843]", "Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School [1351]", "Miriam F. McCarthy Elementary School, McCarthy Library [2826]", "Miss Hall's School, Humes Euston Hall Library [854]", "Missituk Elementary School [2385]", "Mohawk Trail Regional Middle High School, Resource Center [1237]", "Monomoy Regional High School, Library Media Center [2734]", "Monomoy Regional Middle School, Elizabeth Reynard Library [1976]", "Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School, The Dr. Clarence P. Quimby Library [2353]", "Monument Mountain Regional High School [1567]", "Morris H. Seigal Clark Avenue Middle School [2319]", "Morse Pond School, Library Learning Commons [2063]", "Morse School, Library & Technology Center [1033]", "Mount Everett Regional School [1533]", "Mount Greylock Regional School, Bruce R. Carlson Library [1920]", "Mountain View School [2842]", "Muddy Brook Regional Elementary School [2521]", "Mullen-Hall Elementary School, Library Media Center [1941]", "Murdock Middle High School, The Richard J. Robinson Memorial Library [1552]", "Nabnasset Elementary School [2271]", "Nantucket Elementary School, Eleanor C. Jones Library [972]", "Nantucket Intermediate School [2794]", "Narragansett Regional Middle/High School, Richard McNamara Library Media Center [2000]", "Nashoba Brooks School, Denault Library [2387]", "Nashoba Regional High School, Media Center [555]", "Nashoba Valley Technical High School [2506]", "Nathan Hale School, George Cox Memorial Library [2854]", "Nathaniel Morton Elementary School [1443]", "Natick High School [606]", "Nativity Preparatory School [2910]", "Nauset Regional High School, Library Learning Commons [651]", "Nauset Regional Middle School [1632]", "Needham High School [2068]", "New Bedford High School, Library Media Center [1924]", "New England Innovation Academy [2835]", "New Mission High School [2888]", "Newbury Elementary School [1990]", "Newburyport High School, Institution for Savings Library Media Center [1847]", "Newman Elementary School [2264]", "Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart [1124]", "Newton Elementary School [2861]", "Newton North High School, Library Learning Commons [1991]", "Newton South High School, Margaret W. Erskine Library [1419]", "Nipmuc Regional High School, Media Center [2374]", "Nissitissit Middle School, Library Media Center [2301]", "Noble and Greenough School, Putnam Library [1059]", "Norman E. Day School, Library Media Center [2058]", "North Andover High School [790]", "North Andover Middle School, Library Media Center [2004]", "North Attleboro Middle School, Library Media Center [2057]", "North Attleborough High School, Library Media Center [880]", "North Falmouth Elementary School, Library/Technology Center [907]", "North High School, Dr. Deirdre L. Loughlin Library [1724]", "North Intermediate School [513]", "North Middlesex Regional High School, James McCormick Library [1613]", "North Quincy High School, Media Center [1562]", "North Reading High School, Francis X. O'Donoghue Library [658]", "North Reading Middle School [2430]", "Northampton High School, The Ronald J. Darby Library [1323]", "Northbridge Elementary School [2370]", "Northeast Elementary School, Library [1630]", "Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School, Library Media Center [1315]", "Northfield Elementary School [2875]", "Northfield Mount Hermon School, Schauffler-Rockey Memorial Library [871]", "Northwest Elementary School, Mary R. Crowley Media Center [2336]", "Norton High School [1694]", "Norwell High School, Dr. Anthony N. Bahros Media Center [1004]", "Norwell Middle School [1943]", "Norwood High School [2634]", "Oak Bluffs School , Library Media Center [2289]", "Oak Hill Middle School [764]", "Oak Middle School [2453]", "Oakdale Elementary School, Gail Bradbury O'Connell Children's Library Media Center [2480]", "Oakmont Regional High School, David A. Nims Library [1032]", "Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School, Library Media Center [2297]", "Old Hammondtown School [2765]", "Old Rochester Regional High School, Library Commons [2369]", "Old Rochester Regional Junior High School, Library Learning Commons [2202]", "Oliver Ames High School, Library Media Center [1779]", "Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot School, Edna V. Bynoe Library [2380]", "Orleans Elementary School, Lester P. Albee Library [2701]", "Ottoson Middle School [1212]", "Our Lady of the Assumption School, Sr. Martha M. Pooler Library [2575]", "Oxford High School, Veronica M. Hamel Library [680]", "P. Brent Trottier Middle School [1308]", "Palmer River Elementary School [2726]", "Park Avenue Elementary School, Kolak Library [2879]", "Paul A. Dever Elementary School [2866]", "Paul F. Doyon Memorial School [1146]", "Paul Hanlon Elementary School [1363]", "Paul P. Gates Elementary School & C. T. Douglas Elementary School, Boardwalk Campus Library [2864]", "Pauline Agassiz Shaw Elementary School [2827]", "Peabody Veterans Memorial High School [1355]", "Peirce Elementary School [522]", "Peirce Elementary School, Library Media Center [2140]", "Pembroke High School , Marie L. Strothers Library [2443]", "Pentucket Regional Middle High School [1885]", "Peter Noyes Elementary School [2010]", "Phelps Elementary School [2872]", "Phillips Academy, Oliver Wendell Holmes Library [1789]", "Pierce Middle School [2672]", "Pierce School [612]", "Pine Glen Elementary School, Learning Commons [2598]", "Pine Grove Elementary School [1984]", "Pine Hill Elementary School [2126]", "Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School, Learning Commons [2752]", "Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School, Herman Robert Ladenheim Library [2533]", "Pioneer Valley Regional School [730]", "Plymouth Community Intermediate School, Library Learning Commons [2836]", "Plymouth North High School, Learning Commons [868]", "Plymouth River Elementary School [752]", "Plymouth South High School, William Gault, Jr. Memorial Learning Commons [1677]", "Plymouth South Middle School, Media Center [1956]", "Point Webster Middle School [2404]", "Pollard Middle School, Library Media Center [1197]", "Potter Road Elementary School, Matthews Library [2832]", "Priest Street School [2820]", "Proctor Elementary School, Miller Media Center [2414]", "Provincetown Schools, Elmer Silva Library [787]", "Pvt. Albert E. Thomson Elementary School, Nancy Jukins Resource Center [1337]", "Quabbin Regional Middle/High School, Quabbin Media Center [1102]", "Quashnet Elementary School [2291]", "Quincy High School, Bradford Library [1622]", "Rafael Hern\u00c3\u00a1ndez Dual Language K-8 School [2903]", "Ralph Wheelock School [2221]", "Randolph High School, Library Media Center [2185]", "Raymond J. Grey Junior High School, Clifford A. Card Library [501]", "Reading Memorial High School, Patrick A. Schettini Jr. Memorial Library [630]", "Rebecca M. Johnson Elementary School, Langston Hughes Library [2545]", "Reingold Elementary School [2857]", "Revere High School, Ugo E. Evangelista [2623]", "Richard J. Murphy K-8 School [2502]", "Rindge Avenue Upper School, Peabody/RAUC Library [2797]", "Rita Edwards Miller Elementary School, Kenneth H. Morgan Jr. Media Center [2314]", "Riverdale Elementary School, John P. Raffa Library Media Center [2479]", "Riverside Elementary School [962]", "Robert E. Melican Middle School [1875]", "Robert H. Adams Middle School [2182]", "Roberta G. Doering Middle School [2497]", "Roberts Elementary School, James & Adalouise Sherwood Memorial Library [2384]", "Robinson Park Elementary School, Library Media Center [1391]", "Rochester Memorial School , Library Media Center [2363]", "Rockland High/Rogers Middle School [1341]", "Rockport Elementary School, Marion Bruce Library [1844]", "Roderick Elementary School, Raymond Library [1093]", "Rodney J. Hardy Elementary School [2242]", "Roger Clap Elementary School [2853]", "Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy [2235]", "Roosevelt Avenue Elementary School, Library Media Center [2681]", "Rupert A. Nock Middle/Edward G. Molin Upper Elementary School, Library Media Center [534]", "Ruth Batson Academy [2917]", "Saint John's High School, The John C. and Marie E. McCarthy Library Media Center [1719]", "Saint Sebastian's School, Library & Technology [2471]", "Salem High School [515]", "Salemwood School [2321]", "Salisbury Elementary School, Library Media [2151]", "Sam Placentino Elementary School, James O'Connell Media Center [2138]", "Samoset Middle School, Library Media Center [2603]", "Samuel Bowles Elementary School [2798]", "Sanborn Elementary School [1134]", "Sanderson Academy [1662]", "Sandwich Middle High School, Learning Commons [1491]", "Sarah Greenwood School [2829]", "Sarah W. Gibbons Middle School , Library Media Center [1101]", "Saugus Middle High School, Learning Commons [1837]", "Schofield Elementary School, Library Media Center [2342]", "Scituate High School, The Harbor Learning Commons [563]", "Seekonk High School, Library Media Center [1912]", "Sgt. Jordan Shay Lower Elementary School [2911]", "Shady Hill School [2067]", "Sharon High School [1394]", "Sharon Middle School [978]", "Shawsheen Valley Technical High School, Library & Technology Department [1086]", "Sheffield Elementary School [2680]", "Shepherd Hill Regional High School, John F. Canavan Library [508]", "Sherwood Middle School, Media Center [2440]", "Shore Country Day School, Library Resource Center [2312]", "Shrewsbury High School, Media Center [1492]", "Shrewsbury Montessori School, Alice B. Canty Library [2718]", "Shutesbury Elementary School, Learning Commons [2627]", "Silver Lake Regional High School, Library [1690]", "Silver Lake Regional Middle School, Library Media Center [1531]", "Sippican School, Etta-Hix Allen Library Media Center [2454]", "Sizer School [2849]", "Sky View Middle School, Media Center [2783]", "Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School [1610]", "Somerset Berkley Regional High School [1908]", "Somerville High School, Library [953]", "South Elementary School [1496]", "South Elementary School , Library Media Center [554]", "South Elementary School [1445]", "South Hadley High School, Lyman Memorial Library [629]", "South High Community School [849]", "South Shore Vocational Technical High School [2269]", "South Street Early Learning Center [2914]", "South-West Middle School [1182]", "Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School, James J. Adams Library [2005]", "Southwick Regional School, Alexander H. Prew Library Media Center [572]", "Spofford Pond School [692]", "Sprague Elementary School, Ellen Cunniff Library [2318]", "Spring Street Elementary School, Media Center [1013]", "Springfield Central High School [771]", "Springfield Conservatory of the Arts [2818]", "Springfield High School of Science and Technology [1311]", "St. John's Preparatory School, A. E. Studzinski Library [524]", "St. Mark's School [624]", "Stacy Middle School-Milford Public Schools, Library Media Center [1028]", "Station Avenue Elementary School, Happy Hollow Library [1707]", "Steward Elementary School [2415]", "Stoneham High School [1478]", "Stony Brook Elementary School [2807]", "Stony Brook School [2373]", "Stoughton High School, Learning Commons [1673]", "Sturgis Charter Public School [2660]", "Summer Street School, Library Media Center [619]", "Sumner Avenue Elementary School, Library Media Center [1904]", "Sunderland Elementary School [1174]", "Sunita L. Williams Elementary School, Jerry Wasserman Library [2815]", "Sutton Middle High School [729]", "Swampscott Middle School, Library Media Center [726]", "Swift River Elementary School [1006]", "Taconic High School [525]", "Tahanto Regional Middle High School [1225]", "Tantasqua Regional High School, The Wilson Library Media Center [1307]", "Taunton High School, Gladys H. McIssac Memorial Library [917]", "Teaticket Elementary School [1959]", "TechBoston Academy [2782]", "Tenacre Country Day School, Jason J. Rendell Library [2877]", "Tewksbury Memorial High School, Larrabee Library [1068]", "Thayer Academy, Southworth Library [1508]", "The Bement School, Clagett McLennan Library [2461]", "The Bromfield School, The Margaret Bromfield Blanchard Library [1357]", "The Cambridge School of Weston [1869]", "The Chestnut Hill School, Library & Technology [2777]", "The English High School [529]", "The Fenn School, Hammett Ory Library [894]", "The Fessenden School, Wheeler Library [2307]", "The Forestdale Elementary School [1850]", "The Governor's Academy, Carl A. Pescosolido Library [832]", "The Josiah Quincy Elementary School [2859]", "The MacDuffie School [1962]", "The Meadowbrook School of Weston, Howland Library [1019]", "The Park School [1289]", "The Patrick Lyndon Pilot School [2850]", "The Pike School [627]", "The Rashi School [2648]", "The Rising Tide Charter Public School [2204]", "The Rivers School, The MacDowell Library [1263]", "The Roxbury Latin School, The Mary Rousmaniere Gordon Library [1698]", "The Winsor School, The Virginia Wing Library [1231]", "Thomas A. Blake Middle School, Library Media Center [1092]", "Thomas A. Edison K8 School [2900]", "Thomas Balch Elementary School [2085]", "Thomas Ditson Elementary School [784]", "Thomas M. Balliet Elementary School, Library Media Center [2211]", "Thomas R. Plympton Elementary School, Library [836]", "Thompson Elementary School, Bill Shea Memorial Library [2132]", "Thoreau Elementary School [2821]", "Tilton Elementary School [2760]", "Tisbury School [1925]", "Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School, Barbara A. Renzoni Library [1932]", "Triton Regional High School, Library Commons [685]", "Tucker Elementary School [2906]", "Turkey Hill Elementary School, Library Commons [2217]", "Undermountain Elementary School, Paul W. Langer Library [1233]", "Underwood Elementary School [2180]", "UP Academy Dorchester [2831]", "Up Academy Holland [2808]", "Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School, The Edgar E. Caron Library [1649]", "Uxbridge High School, Library Media Center [812]", "Vassal Lane Upper School, Learning Commons [2766]", "Venerini Academy [801]", "Village School, Learning Commons [2433]", "Vinson-Owen Elementary School [2577]", "W.E.B. Du Bois Regional Middle School [2450]", "Wachusett Regional High School, Library Media Center [1458]", "Wahconah Regional High School, Learning Commons [1593]", "Wakefield Memorial High School, Governor John A. Volpe Learning Commons [1636]", "Walpole High School, Library Media Center [653]", "Walpole Middle School, Media Center [1842]", "Walsh Middle School, Barbara M. Welch Memorial Library [1488]", "Walter J. Paton School, Media Center [1188]", "Walter S. Parker Middle School, Library Learning Commons [1362]", "Waltham Dual Language Elementary School [2781]", "Waltham High School [1814]", "Wareham High School, Library & Media Center [946]", "Warner Elementary School [1523]", "Warren Community Elementary School [2912]", "Watertown High School [1835]", "Watertown Middle School [1377]", "Wayland High School, Library Media Center [1782]", "Wayland Middle School, Library Media Center [1327]", "Wellan Montessori School, Donna Franca Franzaroli Library and Resource Ctr. [2882]", "Wellesley High School, Wilbury A. Crockett Library [649]", "Wellesley Middle School, Alice L. Phillips Library Media Center [1631]", "West Boylston Middle High School [1564]", "West Brookfield Elementary School [2913]", "West Elementary School, Media Center [1969]", "West Intermediate School [1806]", "West Middle School, Library & Digital Learning [2172]", "West Somerville Neighborhood School [2106]", "West Springfield High School [1985]", "West Springfield Middle School, Library Media Center [1235]", "West Tisbury Elementary School, Library Media Center [579]", "West Villages Elementary School [2630]", "Westborough High School, Dr. Edward E. Kelleher Library Media Center [1018]", "Westfield Intermediate School, Joseph J. O'Connor Library [2092]", "Westfield Middle School , Dr. Thomas J. Abernathy Library Media Center [647]", "Westford Academy, Wright Library [815]", "Weston Middle School [749]", "Westport Middle High School, Media Center [512]", "Westwood High School [1195]", "Weymouth High School, Robert D. West Library Media Center [1891]", "Whately Elementary School [2093]", "White Street Elementary School, Library Media Center [1485]", "Whitin Intermediate School, Raymond W. Emmott Memorial Library [2806]", "Whitman-Hanson Regional High School [1734]", "Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Gill Memorial Library [1340]", "Wildwood Early Childhood Center [2790]", "Wildwood Elementary School [1216]", "Willard Elementary School [2230]", "William Diamond Middle School, Eugene F. Sullivan Library [666]", "William E. Norris School, Richard E. Dragon Library [1608]", "William E. Sheehan Elementary School, The Sheehan Library [803]", "William F. Stanley Elementary School, Nolan Library Media Center [2356]", "William Gould Vinal Elementary School [2687]", "William H. Galvin Middle School, Nancy J. Mulry Media Center [1115]", "William H. Lincoln School, Barbara Shea Library [1763]", "William L. Foster Elementary School [1398]", "William Mitchell Elementary School, Natalene J. Tavalone Media Center [2155]", "William Monroe Trotter School [2891]", "William N. DeBerry Elementary School, Ruth Harris Southall Library [1328]", "William P. Connery Elementary School, The Connery Library [2558]", "William Russell Elementary School [2880]", "Williams Elementary School [2139]", "Williams Middle School [875]", "Williamstown Elementary School [1895]", "Willis E. Thorpe Elementary School [1283]", "Williston Northampton School, The Robert Parker Clapp Memorial Library [1905]", "Wilmington High School [1285]", "Wilmington Middle School, Library Media Center [2104]", "Wilson Middle School, Gwendolyn K. Airasian Library Media Center [1090]", "Winchester High School, Learning Commons [1208]", "Winter Hill Community Innovation School [2105]", "Winthrop Elementary School [1714]", "Woburn Memorial High School, Harlow Library [1446]", "Woburn Street Elementary School [1909]", "Wood End Elementary School [2505]", "Wood Hill Middle School, The Hub: Digital Learning Commons [2305]", "Woodland School [848]", "Woodville Elementary School [2823]", "Worcester Academy, Mildred H. McEvoy Library [2078]", "Worcester Technical High School [1793]", "Xaverian Brothers High School, Ruth Kennedy Library and Research Center [2189]" ], specials: [ "American Antiquarian Society [934]", "American Institute for Economic Research, E.C. Harwood Library [1239]", "Austen Fox Riggs Center, Austen Fox Riggs Library [1153]", "Baystate Medical Center, Health Sciences Library [1914]", "Berkshire Medical Center, Health Science Library [945]", "Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Agoos Medical Library & Information Commons [1455]", "Beverly Hospital, Medical Library [979]", "Boston Athenaeum [1665]", "Boston Children's Hospital, Hospital Library [544]", "Brigham and Women's Hospital, Brigham Education Institute Knowledge Center [2339]", "Brigham and Women's Hospital Bretholtz Center for Patients and Families, Kessler Health Education Library [2121]", "Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas, LLP, Bulkley Richardson Law Library [2702]", "Cambridge Hospital, Bor Medical Library [1643]", "Cape Ann Museum [1476]", "Cape Cod Hospital, Frazier-Grant Medical Library [1042]", "CDM Smith InfoCenter [833]", "CHA Everett Hospital, Medical Library [2352]", "City of Boston Office of the City Clerk, Archives and Records [1710]", "Clark Art Institute [1202]", "Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts Archives [1251]", "Congregational, Library & Archives [2427]", "Dedham Historical Society and Museum [2566]", "Department of Veterans Affairs, CWM Library [1051]", "Digital Commonwealth [2763]", "Digital Public Library of America, Internet Library [2733]", "DOC - Bridgewater State Hospital [1302]", "DOC - North Central Correctional Institution [600]", "DOC - Old Colony Correctional Center [739]", "Dyer Memorial Library & Archives [2710]", "Emerson Hospital , Medical Library & Lund Community Health Library [817]", "Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Reading Lilbrary & The Barbara Elleman Research Library (BERL) [2429]", "Essex County Correctional Facility [527]", "Fox Hill Village Homeowners Corporation, Fox Hill Village Library [2625]", "Gradient Information Resources Center [1679]", "Hancock Shaker Village Inc., The Amy Bess and Lawrence K. Miller Library [1027]", "Harvard Musical Association [2391]", "Heywood Hospital, Dr. Joseph S. Forte Library & Resource Center [1519]", "Historic Deerfield Inc., Historic Deerfield Library [2083]", "Historic Newton, Newton History Museum Library [2260]", "Instrumentation Laboratory Company [2122]", "John Snow, Inc., JSI/WEI Library [982]", "Lawrence History Center-Immigrant City Archives [1516]", "Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Bettencourt Medical Library [722]", "Locke Lord LLP [2239]", "Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History, Springfield History Library and Archives [1223]", "M.C.I. Cedar Junction [1196]", "M.C.I. Shirley Medium Security [1540]", "Marine Biological Laboratory / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MBL WHOI Library [1661]", "Massachusetts Attorney General's Office, The Francis X. Bellotti Law Library [2323]", "Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners [514]", "Massachusetts Correctional Institution - Norfolk [1651]", "Massachusetts Eye and Ear , Howe Library [1989]", "Massachusetts General Hospital, Maxwell & Eleanor Blum Patient and Family Learning Center [1671]", "Massachusetts General Hospital, Treadwell Library [891]", "Massachusetts Historical Society [975]", "Massachusetts Horticultural Society [2197]", "Massachusetts Library System, MLS [2664]", "Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory, Medical Library [1761]", "Massachusetts State Treatment Center (DOC), Massachusetts State Treatment Center Library [795]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Brockton Law Library [1504]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Middlesex Law Library [1388]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Barnstable Law Library [1264]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Berkshire Law Library [1526]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Bristol Law Library [869]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Essex Law Library [1319]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Fall River Law Library [1040]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Franklin Law Library [1557]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Hampden Law Library [775]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Hampshire Law Library [705]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Lawrence Law Library [916]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Lowell Law Library [1620]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Norfolk Law Library [1448]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Plymouth Law Library [679]", "Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, Worcester Law Library [1916]", "Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Library of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority [2229]", "MCI-Framingham, MCI Framingham Library [1043]", "McLean Hospital Mental Health Sciences Library, Mental Health Sciences Library [2236]", "Melrose Wakefield Healthcare, Fahey Health Sciences Library [814]", "Mitre Corporation, Information Services [785]", "Museum of Fine Arts, William Morris Hunt Memorial Library [902]", "Nantucket Historical Association, Research Library [1408]", "National Archives and Records Administration, John F. Kennedy Library [738]", "National Rural Transit Assistance Program, Resource Library [2784]", "Needham History Center & Museum, Needham History Center Archives [2304]", "New England Baptist Hospital, Woodard Health Sciences Library [725]", "New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, Tower Hill Library [2364]", "New England Historic Genealogical Society [571]", "Norfolk County Sheriff's Office [2368]", "Norman Rockwell Museum, Reference Center [1591]", "North Andover Historical Society, Archives [574]", "Old Sturbridge Village Research Library [2267]", "Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library [885]", "Perkins School for the Blind, Perkins Library [2059]", "Perkins School for the Blind, Samuel P. Hayes Research Library [2186]", "Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association [2045]", "Salem Athenaeum [2001]", "Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives [1751]", "Sherin and Lodgen, LLP [2516]", "Signature Healthcare Brockton Hospital, Health Sciences Library [777]", "Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger, Inc. [2507]", "Social Law Library [2257]", "Southcoast Hospitals Group , St. Luke's Hospital Medical Library [1199]", "Souza-Baronowski Correctional Center Library [1076]", "Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod, Medical Library [519]", "St. Joseph's Abbey [2489]", "State Library of Massachusetts [625]", "Suffolk County Sheriff's Department , Suffolk County House of Corrections Library [862]", "Temple Shir Tikva [2088]", "The Annisquam Village Library [2767]", "Union of Concerned Scientists, Research Support [2761]", "USS Constitution Museum, Samuel Eliot Morison Memorial Library [2483]", "V.A. Boston Healthcare System [1372]", "Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Library & Information Sciences [2707]", "Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Volpe Technical Library and Information Center [1192]", "WGBH Educational Foundation, WGBH Media Library and Archives [1069]", "Worcester Art Museum [751]", "Worcester Historical Museum, H. Waite Hurlburt Reading Room [2124]", "Worcester Talking Book [2787]", "Yarmouth Port Library [2622]" ] /* publics: [ "Thomas Crane Public Library, Quincy [mlin_s_thomas]", "Medford Public Library [med]", "Somerville Public Library [som]"], academics: ["Simmons College Beatley Library","Pine Manor Library","Elms College Library"] */ }; $.typeahead({ input: ".js-typeahead", minLength: 1, order: "asc", group: true, maxItemPerGroup: 4, hint: true, // Enable offset if you want the matching to start at first character // offset: true, dropdownFilter: "All Types", template: "{{display}}", href: function (item) { // Example: Aquinnah Public Library [mlin_s_gayhead] var re = /\[(.*)\]$/i; var record_id= re.exec(item.display); return ""+record_id[1] }, emptyTemplate: "no result for {{query}}", source: { public: { data: data.publics }, academic: { data: data.academics }, school: { data: data.schools }, special: { data: data.specials } }, callback: { onClickAfter: function (node, a, item, event) { event.preventDefault; // slugified: locid=abington-public-library-mlin-s-abingpl // unslugified: loc_id=Abington Public Library [mlin_s_abingpl] $(location).attr('href',item.href); }, }, debug: false }); </script> <!-- pjk not sure why we need this ending div tag, but it fixes the problem of getting the right gutter stuff in place --> </div> </div></div></div><div class="rightColumn col4"> <div class="furtherInfo"><div class="headerBar"><h3>Library Directory Support</h3></div><div class="content"><div class="content"> <div class="infoContact"> <h4 style="margin-bottom: .5em;"><a href="/admin/ldap/">Update Your Library Record</a></h4> <p>Libraries, you can update your own directory information. 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