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</script> <div class="postpagination"> <ul> <li class="prevPost"><a href="" rel="prev"><span>Previous</span>Lauryn Hill Hits the Stage – One Week After Baby!</a></li> <li class="nextPost"><a href="" rel="next"><span>Next</span>Jason Momoa: No <em>Conan the Barbarian</em> for My Kids</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- .postpagination --> <div class="blogComments"> <div class="commentsHdr"> <span class="comments">Comments</span> <span class="commentCount">(149)</span> <span class="addComments"> <a href="#commentHdr">+ Add a comment </a></span> </div><!-- .commentsHdr --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434631"> <p>Wow, Denise Richards is the closest living person I’ve seen to a Barbie doll. Not my favorite type, but she does look beautiful and is aging very well without obvious signs of plastic surgery. Congrats to her on her new baby.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Mira</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434631" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434635"> <p>This isn’t the nicest and it’s a beautiful baby but is it really a good idea for this woman to have another child? Her children never seem to like the camera yet are often used as props, proof of happy family life, and her choice in men is pretty suspect. Why parade the baby before the cameras? Why not just give herself a year of quiet time to settle in as the mother of an infant? Why is she famous again?</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Emmy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434635" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434638"> <p>That is one gorgeous family…I mean really…they look the picture of happiness. And that last picture of Denise and Eloise…I mean honestly–that is absolutely adorable…I give Denise all the props in the world for the environment and childhood she’s created for those girls…</p> <p>Beautiful family…</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Megan</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434638" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434639"> <p>beautiful baby girl!! I have always liked Denise. I think she gets a bad rap…and as for her taste in men…everyone makes a mistake or two when it comes to choosing a mate. But..she did get her beautiful oldest daughters out of her marriage to Charlie so I am sure she has no regrets. I would have liked her and Richie to have stayed together honestly.</p> <p> And..whomever said something about taking a year of quiet time…give me a break…nobody in Hollywood does that..and the photographers around LaLa Land wouldn’t allow it anyway…so she chooses to do a photo shoot instead…which I think is the best move. </p> <p>Congrats to the happy family!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Kelly</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434639" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434647"> <p>Her daughters always look so happy when with their mom. I think she does an amazing job parenting them! What a sweet & beautiful family.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Halo</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434647" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434651"> <p>beautiful family! it is nice that they are experiencing such joy despite all of the chaos that they’ve been through the past year.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Cee</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434651" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434654"> <p>Awww, what a beautiful baby girl. All the best to Denise and the girls <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Margaux</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434654" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434657"> <p>Denise could have been out of the public eye for a long time now since the last time she had a big part in anything is years ago. She loves the spotlight and uses her kida to stay in it. This baby is only a few weeks old and this is already the 2nd time she has released photos….</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Anna</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434657" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434662"> <p>She has the cutest daughters.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Kitty</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434662" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434664"> <p>I agree with Kelly and Anna.</p> <p>emmy- I was in an abusive relationship 8 years ago left him and two weeks later met my husband. Because I was in one bad relationship that ended long ago that makes someone a bad parent? As far as I can tell Charlie was her only bad relationship. </p> <p>Kelly- I agree who seriously waits a year in hollywood to show off their baby? There are a few I guess but most grace the covers of people or some other magazine by 4 months old. And even if they wanted to they’d have to leave the baby home all the time.</p> <p>I also agree with Anna, I haven’t seen or heard of her in forever as far as working in movies or television. If it were me I’d take the girls out of Hollywood and raise them out of the public eye. But I do hear Denise is a wonderful mom and has her dad living with her and he’s a great grandfather to the girls, real hands on.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - elisabeth</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434664" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434679"> <p>Beautiful family!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Annie</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434679" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434681"> <p>Sam and Lola are starting to look more alike as they get older. And baby Eloise is soooo cute!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Stef</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434681" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434682"> <p>PLEASE DONT FEED INTO EMMY!!!!!! Some people SCREAM for attention…. SMDH….. This is a GORGEOUS Family!!!! Congrats!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Fab</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434682" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434699"> <p>Gorgeous! I like Denise so much.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Allison</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434699" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434702"> <p>OMG the baby is soo adorable. Denise is soo pretty too. Happy for you guys.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Haley</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434702" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434711"> <p>Aww cute! So cool that she adopted. When I first looked at this picture I thought “woah pink overload!” But I LOVE how little Eloise is looking up at her mommy, ahh-dorable.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - ForeverMoore</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434711" title=""></a> August 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434738"> <p>Beautiful baby! A lot of people say, and I may have even said at one point, that Sam and Lola are always looking grumpy when their photo is taken, but I notice that whenever it’s just them and their mum they look so sweet and happy. I’m sure Denise is a fantastic mother <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> Welcome baby Eloise!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sophia</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434738" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434739"> <p>Denise’s girls are so beautiful <img src="" alt=":-)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - NickyAngel</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434739" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434753"> <p>Cute pics!! Denise is so pretty, and her girls are super adorable! Perfect combo of Denise and Charlie. Its good Denise extended her family the way she wanted to. Its better to live life feeling fulfilled than feeling empty.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - mommytoane</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434753" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434773"> <p>They all look so happy!</p> <p>To all of the people saying she hasn’t been in anything in a long time, she has been in a tv series for a while now. “Blue Mountain State” she was actually just up in Canada filming the new season!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Melissa</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434773" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434776"> <p>Very cute family. I think it is wonderful that she gave a home to a baby needing one. I do not think she would take on a life long responsiblitly of a child just to get some exposure.</p> <p> I can understand her girls not usually smiling in paparazzi photos. My girls would be the same way if a bunch of strangers were crowding around them, noisily snapping their pictures.</p> <p> Congrats to Denise and her family.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - meme</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434776" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434784"> <p>Beautiful! That’s a lot of pink!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Shannon</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434784" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434797"> <p>What a precious baby.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - christa</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434797" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434799"> <p>Beautiful Photo!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Dawn</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434799" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434800"> <p>What a bunch of beautiful girls, God bless them. And who does NOT show off their babies? Of course we do, they are babies, and brag on proud mama!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - JenLaw</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434800" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434813"> <p>Hopefully she stops calling the paps all the time when the girls are older! She seems like a loving mom otherwise</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Anon</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434813" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434816"> <p>Wait a year to show off your baby. Who does that. Hollywood or no Hollywood, we all show off our babies as soon as we have them. Taking thier pictures and sending them out. It is just that not all of us are famous and therefore our kids are not in the paper but we still show them off way before they are a year. I showed mine off when they were not even one day much less a year.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Renee</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434816" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434822"> <p>Gorgeous group of girls! She seemed like a great mom on her show, lucky kids:)</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - jessicad</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434822" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434830"> <p>Denise Richards looks very much like a Barbie in these particular photos but imo fake and plastic with too much makeup and photoshopping!! Sorry this is not my fav. photo of her but it is my fav of the girls bc it’s rare to see them all happy and smiling!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - JMO</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434830" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434831"> <p>Love Denise!!! Baby Eloise is too cute!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Vicky</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434831" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434843"> <p>What a beautiful family. I love all that pink! </p> <p>I have always thought that Denise has really gotten a bad rap over the years. I believe she left Charlie while she was still pregnant with their second daughter. He must have done something horrible to make his pregnant wife leave. Well after all his bad behavior this past year, which I am sure is just the tip of the iceberg, I am not surprised. She has never thrown him under the bus and has taken the high road. </p> <p>That baby will be very loved!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Heather</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434843" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434856"> <p>Give props for someone willing to do the right thing. There are so many children without homes so, if she has the means, and enough love, why not add to her family. </p> <p>I have never thought of Denise as using her kids as “props”. She shelters them the best she can. I think she has done a wonderful job. I didn’t used to think much of her and still don’t think she is a great actress but I do think she really loves and cares about her kids…</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - p</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434856" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434857"> <p>Beautiful baby, but still can’t believe any bone head judge would give this woman another child to raise… she’s already said she’s had her around Charlie and that there is questionable judgement… She has no choice but to let him see his daughters, but really, is she going to let him be her adopted daughter’s father figure???</p> <p>I just wish she would fade away into the background…</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Meems</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434857" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434859"> <p>LOVE IT! The pictures are beautiful and they look so happy, and DESERVE to be! Congrats Denise!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Lori</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434859" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434865"> <p>Most important of all…..FIRST time I’ve seen Sam and Lola smile in a photo. Maybe feeling “needed” to help their Mommy has been a wonderful thing for them. They’re both old enough now to be a help to Denise.</p> <p>She was born to be a Mother and appears to be a fine one to her girls.</p> <p>This new little girl, Eloise, looks SO MUCH like Denise. Does it state if her eggs were used to conceive little Eloise ?</p> <p>These are GREAT pictures. I pray the family stays this happy. Maybe we should just leave them alone for a while if that is what they’d like. If not, let them show off their new baby all they want. </p> <p>She sure does appear to make all three girls….Mommy, Sami and Lola very happy. CONGRATS !!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - LISA</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434865" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434867"> <p>There are so many trashy, selfish and bad parents in this country. I can’t understand why anyone would even question why a financially stable, loving woman wants to raise another child.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Tammy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434867" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434869"> <p>The baby is beautiful and they are very color coordinated!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - LoveCrazyBeautifulLife</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434869" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434870"> <p>We have loved Denise since Starship Troopers. She is a lover! She loves dogs in need, and anyone who does that can’t be all bad. We think she is gorgeous, intelligent, funny and protective of those she loves in a good way. I am not a fan of her language when she is relaxed—hope she has addressed that now that the kids are older!</p> <p> I like that she doesn’t “make” Sam and Lola “smile for the cameras”, they have every right to be themselves and not “on” just because their mother is a celebrity. But look how delighted and happy they are with their new baby sister!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sharon</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434870" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434875"> <p>Precious family, beautiful baby!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Diana</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434875" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434883"> <p>Dearest DELUSIONAL Emmy, </p> <p>How do you figure “Her children never seem to like the camera” when they are clearly SMILING in the photo???? Explain that one if you can, which I highly doubt you will be able to.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Unspoken</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434883" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434884"> <p>I find the haters comments pretty amusing, you obviously know very little about Miss Denise Richards. She is a big advocate for animal rights and volunteers regularly with the Best Friends organization. Denise is in the news fairly often, but its typically because of her ex-husband Charlie Sheen and his antics. </p> <p>She had a reality show not too long ago and I was disappointed when it wasn’t renewed. She is a loving mother and a outstanding daughter. She is one of the few stars who conducts herself with class; an example of this would be the way she speaks about Charlie when she is questioned, most women would trash him publicly. </p> <p>Denise is a great person and I think you all are shallow and jealous.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - jen</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434884" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434888"> <p>This is a beautiful, happy family.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Susan Lewis</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434888" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434891"> <p>omg what a cutie!!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - niman</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434891" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434894"> <p>Denise and her beautiful kids have an awesome life! I love this family.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Jenner</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434894" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434895"> <p>Very beautiful family. What is with the claw hand Denise?</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sher</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434895" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434896"> <p>She is a class act from the word go…never speaking ill of the father of her two girls, adopting this little girl and giving all three of them all the love. Way to go!! Love you girl…</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Carol</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434896" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434901"> <p>Tammy, money doesn’t make a good parent, just in case you don’t know…</p> <p>And Jen, shows usually are not renewed because no one cared enough to watch them…</p> <p>I think this child should have went to a stable family, or parent… Not psycho woman.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Meems</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434901" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434902"> <p>Eloise is the cutest baby ever. Denise Richards is obviously a great mother to all 3 kids. All three daughters are beautiful, like Mom.</p> <p>Too bad, Denise can’t raise Charlie Sheen’s kids with Brooke Mueller. They are both good for nothing, loser parents.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Jill Scott</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434902" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434903"> <p>She is doing what she thinks is best for her family and by Hollywood’s standards – doing a darn good job of raising her daughters herself without all the help while flitting here and there….this is one beautiful family – she has come a long way and you can see how well taken care of those little girls are – just look at the smiles on their faces and in other pictures you see them in…those girls are loved, well cared for and are enjoying being a ‘child’..not like so many other children of celebrates (Katie Holmes take heed here)….</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - pamela</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434903" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434907"> <p>The beautiful Miss Eloise! I have been dying to see this baby!!!</p> <p>I absolutely love Denise Richards. Denise has had to endure looking like the bad guy for too many years. Densie is a true humanitarian. She loves animals and people. She has such a heart!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Karen</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434907" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434908"> <p>beautiful baby… looks a lot like her sister Lola…</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - cb</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434908" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434909"> <p>I remember watching her reality show a couple of times. She seemed pretty neurotic and self-absorbed. I remember how disgusted I was when her dogs poo”d all over the house and kitchen. I hope she will be way cleaner with a newborn around. </p> <p>Why a single mother with no husband needs to adopt a baby, is a mystery to me. I don’t know her personally, but she gives she impression that she is dying for media attention. I hope she has good intentions and not just publicity on her mind. I wish her luck though!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - jay hopkins</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434909" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434911"> <p>Girls are VERY cute, but shame they didn’t get more of Denise’s looks. They look a lot more like fugly Charlie.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - gottabelieve</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434911" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434912"> <p>Meems, what are you talking about? Just because the Charlie has met the baby doesn’t mean Denise is allowing him to be the baby’s “father figure!” Goodness, where did you get that? Maybe he simply met Eloise when she was picking up Sam and Lola? I don’t know the circumstances under which he met the new baby but it’s a huge leap to say that he’s her “father figure.”</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Tee</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434912" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434915"> <p>Just darling!!!! Congratulations Denise. May God bless your family in every way.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - sally sue</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434915" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434919"> <p>She has said Charlie has been around the baby, has held the baby, and will know the baby… Again, her judgement is very off.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Meems</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434919" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434925"> <p>I think it’s terrible that these celebrities are allowed to adopt babies just because they have the money to pay for them when there are good honest hard working MARRIED couples out there who are more than capable of offering a baby a warm, loving, stable home but just don’t have the insane amounts of cash it costs to adopt a baby, especially a newborn. Not to mention…normal people wouldn’t be able to adopt without two parents in the household. Pathetic. And why would she bring an innocent life into that circus? The person that approved this adoption should be invesigated. Ugh.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - DW</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434925" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434928"> <p>Meems, Where did you hear that Charlie has been that active in the new baby’s life? You clearly read to much gossip magazines because she is far from a psycho.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Jillian</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434928" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434929"> <p>All Denise said was that Charlie MET her…..None of the gibberish you are spewing, Meems. Keep making crap up.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Jillian</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434929" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434933"> <p>I know what I read, and crack up all you want to… I’m allowed my opinion… As for gossip magazines, what do you think People is???</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Meems</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434933" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434940"> <p>what lunatic approved this adoption? And why is it news? She said “I love being a mom” so why doesn’t she just BE one to the two kids she already had/has? With those genes and that history, her biological daughters don’t have much promise (it would help if they were attractive; and they have dorky names and a lifetime of second-hand smoke). That poor adopted baby, not much hope for her (19th century name and, er, facing bigotry and being marginalized; and her mother is a mannequin).</p> <p>What kind of person think her adoption is a reason to go on television? If it’s about “being a mom,” then do it, don’t sell it. It’s all sooooo icky icky icky. Yeah, if Charlie held the baby his smoke breath went all over her. Lovely. And Denise probably smells like peroxide, beeswax (lipstick) and face cream scent. There is nothing authentic here.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - moira</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434940" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434942"> <p>Ah…duh! Of course she looks happy. She’s posing for pictures, because she loves the spotlight. What do you expect her to smile and look nice and happy when she’s faking it for the camera???</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - bobbie</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434942" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434944"> <p>She gave a child in need a home and love. That’s what’s important here.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Kat</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434944" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434954"> <p>at least she finally has one pretty little girl…those other two little girls look to much like Charlie Sheen to be pretty..not meaning to sound like a hater but it is true!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Donna Ward</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434954" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434956"> <p>“She gave a child in need a home and love.”</p> <p>Kat, do you know ANYTHING about adoption? Eloise was absolutely not a charity case, a “child in need,” etc. She was a healthy infant adopted in the US, who would have been adopted regardless of whether or not Denise decided to adopt. There are a surplus of people in the US trying to adopt a healthy infant and not enough healthy infants available. </p> <p> If anything, I would say Eloise’s birth mother was the one being charitable, by providing a child to someone who wanted one!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - dsfg</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434956" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434958"> <p>“I think it’s terrible that these celebrities are allowed to adopt babies just because they have the money to pay for them when there are good honest hard working MARRIED couples out there . . . ”</p> <p>DW, private adoptions are very common in the US, where the birth parents choose the adoptive parents. It’s not neccesarily an agency favoring the rich and famous over others. If a birth parent chooses a single female celebrity to be the mother of her child over a non-famous married couple, there’s not much you or I can do about it.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - dsfg</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434958" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434961"> <p>Meems, do you know Denise personally? You certainly talk about her like you do . . .</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - dsfg</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434961" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434967"> <p>Cute kids…hope Denise’s “reality” show is put on ice…that “show” was a travesty…apparently Ms. Richards has enough money to feed, clothe & shelter her lucky thumb-suckers…just hope Charlie Sheen stays far away from Eloise, if not his biological girls. “Surrender the Pink” indeed!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Juliana</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434967" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434979"> <p>The headlining photo is a little odd…the kids look like props almost. Denise is the only one focused on the camera. Maoira you don’t have to have a husband to be a good parent.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Indira</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434979" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-434994"> <p>denise looks absolutly beautiful! her make up and hair are perfection. can anyone tell me why it looks like a brush was not even run through her daughters hair?</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - ilene</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434994" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-434998"> <p>absolutely beautiful!!! I hear so much jealousy in the words of some of these commernts. Denise is a drop dead knockout of a woman & as far as her girls never looking happy while out & about, how do you think your little kids would feel if every time you went out with your mom a stranger was hopping out in front of you snapping pictures? I know my daughters would hate it. Congratulations to the beautiful family she has made for herself!! She should celebrate everyday!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Mel</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-434998" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435000"> <p>As a now adult who was adopted, I have a real problem with this. There are so many woman in this country who cannot conceive and adoption is their only option. Denise Richards has two children, is able to conceive, and just decided to obtain another child, kinda like Madonna and Angelina. They get priority because they have money, while others wait years upon years, sometimes never getting a child. Seriously, people, there is something wrong with this picture! If you were never adopted, or a woman who couldn’t conceive, you probably can’t understand this. But these Hollywood woman need to STOP collecting children for media attention. Sure, they may love the kids, but not like a mother who has been waiting many years for that one child they could never have. This is an abuse of the system.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - For the child</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435000" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435017"> <p>Beautiful family you have. Just don’t give up on men, ok? There must be a nice one out there just for you and the girls.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Betty</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435017" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435019"> <p>Ima canadain and always fasinated by stars ,het its their job to get attention however this is a very special woman who even as a single mom who should be dating and finding someone she finds the space in her heart and in her family to give another child a very good life.I see in her kids faces that even if theres a small portion of disfunction this is a mother who takes after her own mother and loves her kids very very much like gene simmons and sharon osburne wild yet look at the kids there all normal three of my favorite ladies and now after seeing denise shes a one in my book.i hope she realizes these three girls are going to be with her through their lives . love it ….</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - kim</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435019" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435020"> <p>Lucky little girl! <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - CS</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435020" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435021"> <p>she does not work,how she will support that baby?oh wait Charlie will.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - hernandez</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435021" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435025"> <p>I must say I think Denise is a great mum. Her girls look like little girls and not baby hookers and by Hollyweird standards she really keeps them out of the limelight.</p> <p>Congrats on the beautiful new baby Denise!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Crow</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435025" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435026"> <p>Easy on the botox Denise!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - chell</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435026" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435035"> <p>That baby is adorable. Congrats to Denise….!!! Anyne with negative comments go elsewhere….this is about a beautiful baby.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Jeanine</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435035" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435041"> <p>Oh Emmy, go to bed. </p> <p>Cute kids!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Lizard</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435041" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435044"> <p>Beautiful girls, but is it me or does Denise’s hands look way too big? must be the camera because she really is a gorgeous woman.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - R.C</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435044" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435045"> <p>Denise–You have such a beautiful family. You are proof that you don’t need a man in your life to raise great kids(although I do hope you meet a great man soon–you deserve it!!You have handled yourself with great dignity and grace throughout your career and Charlie’s crud. Eloise is soo beautiful and I congratulate you and kudos to her birth mother for not opting for abortion–but adoption!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - kay</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435045" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435046"> <p>Is it me or does Denise’s hands look huge? She is a gorgeous woman but wow her hands look awful</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - R.C</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435046" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435049"> <p>Doesn’t anyone else find it unusual that the average couple who wants to adopt go through years and years of waiting and are never guaranteed an infant, yet a celebrity seems to be able to make a phone call and be able to adopt an infant whenever they want. I guess the more money you have, the easier it is to buy what you want. In her case I am sure it was Charlie’s money that bought her what she wanted.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Amy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435049" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435054"> <p>I agree with Kelly and Anna,and Elisabeth. Denise seems so down to earth and grounded, I seems to all be due to her parents, from what I saw on her show. Her mother passed away and her dad was living with her. I am not sure if he still is. He seems so sweet and is very supportive of his girls. You cannot fake what they have has a family like that. What a close and tight family. She just happens to be a celebrity with a little money. She was an actress before Charlie. We do not know what goes on behind closed doors and who believes everything that is printed in a celebrity magazine.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Abucki</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435054" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435058"> <p>1) there is nothing wrong with a single mother(or father) to adopt a child. what century are you living in?<br/> 2) could there be any more pink in those pictures? Let me guess, if it had been a boy, everything would have been blue. gaah!<br/> 3) most american children look like props in pictures, they are being trained be camera ready any moment. I’ve seen it happen. so much for “natural”…seems to be a cultural specialty.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - guest</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435058" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435063"> <p>I love reading about Denise Richards and seeing her daughters and I have seen how much her father means to her. She is obviously a loving persom.<br/> Just becuase you show your kids off to the media doesn’t mean you are out to get attentino,it means you are proud of your kids.<br/> I also love to read about Angelina Jolies kids and I think Katie Holmes little girl is a doll/<br/> It brightens my day to see them grow up and I am grateful they allow me to.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Barbara Harrison</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435063" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435064"> <p>I love reading about Denise Richards and I love watching her girls grow up. It’s not about media attention, it’s about being proud of them.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Barbara Harrison</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435064" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435065"> <p>this is sick.<br/> why didnt she just get another dog?</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - andy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435065" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435072"> <p>Congrads the baby is a beautiful precious gift from GOD. The other girls looks so happy, like wow we have a real baby doll,</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Anne</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435072" title=""></a> August 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435074"> <p>What a beautiful baby, however, this proofs as long as you have money. It does not matter what environment you live in they will allow you to adopte. please dont’ use this baby for publicity. Denise Richards is not a good acttress or she would be offered potential oscar roles. to use a baby to stay in the spot light is pathelic. it’s bad enough she had two little girls when she knew she was in a very very very (per her, abusive) relationship. She can play the victim all she wants, but she is just as to blame as CS. how pathelic to use a child to stay in the spot light then to write a book claiming her love story of her marriage. After all the nasty accusations she did! Oh Plesae, how terrible people are willing to overlook two little girls will pay the price because of her selfish decisions.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - slim</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435074" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435079"> <p>Cute baby girl! Much happiness to you and your little family! You certainly deserve it! <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Angel</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435079" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435080"> <p>Too cute! Much Joy and happiness to you and your little family! <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> </p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Angel</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435080" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435085"> <p>why shouldn’t she have another child? Her past choices in men sucked but she’s always been an unquestionable mom and has raised her two girls rather well</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - kazumi</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435085" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435088"> <p>great picture! beautiful girls and baby! Denise is gorgous!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - lala</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435088" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435090"> <p>Yes because celebrities can just ‘buy’ babies – how ridiculous you all sound. She gave a baby a loving home and well done to her for that.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - anna</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435090" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435101"> <p>Um???? She’s famous for acting since the mid 80′s. – I say good for her – Promotion adoption is fantastic – thousands of babies need homes – Good for Denise to offer hers to one – This little girl is going to be loved and well looked after – Lucky and beautiful.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Amena</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435101" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435102"> <p>WHY AND HOW did she get famous other then Charlie sheen’s ex??</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - kareey</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435102" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435111"> <p>Baby Eloise is darling. Denise’s two girls with Charlie Sheen have grown so much. The older one, Sam, she’s the spitting image of her father. Lola looks like Denise’s mother. I noticed that both older girls have a little gap between their two front teeth. That’s</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Dina</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435111" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435114"> <p>pep just leave her alone ok she is a grate mum ok</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Anonymous</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435114" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435115"> <p>For those saying Denise never spoke bad of Charlie or threw him under the bus….google all her accusations towards Charlie during their divorce & custody battle. When Denise found out Charlie was engaged to Brooke she threw all kinds of allegations at Charlie. I am NOT defending Charlie but there is is no use sugarcoating the truth in regards to Denise. </p> <p>She is a beautiful woman & I wish her nothing but the best. I even watched her reality show a few times. She seems self absorbed IMHO. I felt bad for her Dad because she seemed to use him quite a bit while he was grieving & quite vulnerable after losing his wife of many years. </p> <p>This is the FIRST time I recall seeing Sami & Lola smile. They always look so sad & unhappy to me. </p> <p>Hopefully for Denise & her 3 girls they will have a great life & I wish them well.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - camaki</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435115" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435117"> <p>Who waits a year to show off their baby anywhere! Hollywood or not all new Mom’s are eager to show them off.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Nancy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435117" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435119"> <p>Amy, she said that she waited at least 2 years so what exactly is your point? How did her being a celebrity help her? I would think it’s actually a detriment, especially with someone like Denise who does seek out the publicity.</p> <p>dsfg, I agree. This baby probably would have gotten adopted regardless of whether Denise was around. Healthy Caucasian baby girls are the most likely to get adopted and since her birth mother went through an agency, she had several profiles to choose from. I support adoption and hope to adopt one day, but this was definitely not some charity case baby who would have suffered in a group home if it weren’t for Denise.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sarah K.</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435119" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435124"> <p>For the Child, the purpose of adoption is to find a good home for a child, NOT to provide children to the infertile.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - dsfg</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435124" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435141"> <p>And she needed/deserved another child more than the average, stable, infertile couple on any adoption agency’s waiting lists because WHY?!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Eva Chasida</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435141" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435143"> <p>wow that Sami is such a Charlie Sheen look aloke thank God for Surgerie , the other one is ok lets see what eloise looks alike and hope she cant handle 3</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Lily</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435143" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435144"> <p>I must be missing something…. I don’t understand the negative comments about her and her ability to be a mom. I think she is lovely and I don’t see her in the lime light on a regular basis … I don’t know… maybe she is actually at home taking care of her children ??? </p> <p>Good Luck to her and what a lucky little girl to be adopted into such a beautiful family !!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - ponygirl19</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435144" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435145"> <p>Single parents:<br/> The world at stunning risk!</p> <p>I am not impressed about seeing single parents adopting children: Whether rich or poor it is inappropriate for single mother or father to adopt children: Also it is inappropriate for gays and lesbians to adopt children; because they grieve God: God created male and female for good reason: That is to multiply and fill the earth with people who would praise God with thanksgiving: Glorifying God is the purpose that God created male and female:</p> <p> Unfortunately, human beings choose to become subculture: It is not uplifting God’s glory at all! God deserves to be glorified by His creation on earth all of it! See the birds of the air; they ever glorify God! They sing at precise time: They fill the earth: But human beings ever resist against God the creator of all! The world is at a chaos!! Man has wrong choice!! It’s not God’s way! </p> <p>Therefore, God will judge the modern world once again for grieving the mighty God!! No matter how you overlook the issue: God will judge the modern world as He did with the ancient world!!</p> <p> You actually ignore God with evil intent: Children today have no respect for parents: They abuse every domestic matter because they have no root/ground to nature-nurture: No father or mother to nurture them upright! For example: Gays and Lesbians adopting children: Who is the father and mother? What they teach them? Single parents: Where is the father or mother? Children get lost from early age: Can you blame them? Who to blame? God/human beings? Why human beings fight against God? How dare? It is your own destruction: Choice matters with subsequent consequences:</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Rev. Athanasius-John Nkomo</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435145" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435156"> <p>Nice family. Good for you Denise!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Dee</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435156" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435157"> <p>I would like to make a general comment. Broken homes affect children in a very negative way, we all know that. It seems like these celebrities get married just to have children. Than the next thing you know the marriage is history and another child is from a broken home. I think there should be more thought for the child. My heart goes out to these poor children. I know it is not just celebrities that do this. But their children have the added burden of being in the public eye. Every child deserves a mom and a dad who stay together and put the health of their marriage as priority number one. I know there are rare circumstances where divorce is the only answer. What about the vow to stay together for better or worst. It’s not fair to the children to divorce just because you are not “madly in love” anymore. Come on people!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Linda Smith</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435157" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435158"> <p>I don’t think she is aging well..she is way too thin! She tops my list as favorite people but I don’t think she looks good at all!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Halie</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435158" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435174"> <p>I love reading these ridiculous judgemental commment from people who obviously are jealous and don’t have a life. Why do you read a celebrity magazine to just make rude and nasy comments about someone you only know from what you see and read?</p> <p>As a citizen of this country, Denise has the right to adopt a baby and be a single mother. I don’t know her, but what I have seen and read, she looks to be a mother who is not only present in her daughters lives, but also a good one at that!</p> <p>Congrats Denise on your beautiful new baby and keep up the good work raising your girls! Best of luck!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - MZ</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435174" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435180"> <p>Rev. Athanasius-John Nkomo, the fact that you would rather see a child be an orphan with no family than give that child to a loving home disturbs me on so many levels. Statistically, gay and lesbian couples adopt more disabled and minority children than your perfect heterosexual couples. But, you would rather those kids stay in the system until they’re 18 and then get tossed out onto the street with no family. How Christian of you.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sarah K.</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435180" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435199"> <p>The same people complaining about Ms. Richards adopting would throw a fit if she had gone the AI or surrogate route. I can hear it now, “How could she go to all thbat trouble of having another baby when she could adopt a needy child?!?!?” Then bitching about preferential treatment when she states she waited over two years, like most prospective parents. </p> <p>Make up your minds, are there so many children in the country that need help or are the single rich women snapping up all those elusive unwanted children? Can’t have it both ways. Stop looking for stuff to bitch about and say congratulations.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - meghan</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435199" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435206"> <p>I do wonder how she was able to adopt a healthy newborn so fast.. she says the process took two years but there are infertile couples (with NO children) who wait several years. She already has two daughters and I do wonder if this was done fairly. I think she should state the name of the adoption attorney she used (and the agency) because obviously they work quickly.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Kris</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435206" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435210"> <p>Love it Megan!!! I think she is Brave, I don’t know if I could raise 3 children on my own. Yes Congrats are in order!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - kj</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435210" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435225"> <p>Kris, it might be the agency or it might just be that the birth mother liked her profile. In some agencies, the birth parents look through the profiles of the potential parents and choose the one they want. 2 years is a long enough period for me to doubt that she got any preferential treatment.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sarah K.</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435225" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435240"> <p>I read another article where Denise stated that the process took years. I think it has to do with the agency and is situational, though I’m aware that there seem to be more people interested in adopting than there are children available in this country. </p> <p>I loved the episode of her reality show in which her dad made her give away a pair of shoes each time she cursed – sort of like putting a dollar in the cursing jar. </p> <p>I don’t think it’s fair to say that her little girls aren’t pretty. They are children, and as everyone else should be taught, they should be taught that their inner beauty and character is far more important than their physical appearance. The world needs smart people, not just Barbie dolls.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - K</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435240" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435291"> <p>Congrats Denise!<br/> You have beautiful girls!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Competitive_Gymnast</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435291" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435309"> <p>Look at those sweet girls! What a beautiful family.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Terri</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435309" title=""></a> August 3rd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435357"> <p>Wow. Rev. John Really? What about children out here being raised by their single parent due to the other parent dying? Can’t control that. Can a woman help if a man leaves her and the child? No. Can Gay people make their kid gay? No. This is ridiculous. As long as a person can take care of a kid, love it and raise it right should be all that matters. I was raised by my single mother and my father walked out on both of us and I turned out just fine and was loved/raised better than some children out here who had 2 parents. I believe in the Lord but you know what you can go take your judge mental religious self and shove it. People like you make me SICK. Go Denise, you did good!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Samantha</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435357" title=""></a> August 4th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435369"> <p>The poor daughter on the right……looks just like Charlie….. poor thing!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Mandy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435369" title=""></a> August 4th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435370"> <p>Great pic, Her family is beautiful!! As far as what’s she done lately, he is currently in a re-occuring role on the cable show Blue Mountain State, and has been for the last season or two. She seems to get pretty w/age through the first pic she seems a bit forced.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - jes</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435370" title=""></a> August 4th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435373"> <p>I hate to throw water on this adulation society – and before I do, I admit this is a beautiful family. The water I’m about to throw is this: WHO AND WHERE IS THE FATHER? If Eloise was adopted – great; I assume she was. But there is no man in the family and contrary to popular or politically correct opinions, daughters need fathers. So I hope Denise finds a good man who will love her daughters and will help her raise them. </p> <p>And to those who wonder how she got a “healthy white baby” so quickly: One word answers that qauetion — she’s a celebrity. Just as a few years ago, people aquestioned how Micky Mantle and Larry Hagman, who were suffering from liver cancer, got a new liver so quickly — it’s the same thing: Celebrity. And it shouldn’t really matter if the baby is white, black, brown, yellow, blue or whatever – but be honest and admit it’s what she wanted and, because of her celebrity, she got.</p> <p> I admire Angelina and Brad — they’re not married (though they should be) but they are together, it’s definitely a family unit and there are children of many races in that family. Zahara is treated no differently than Vivienne; Knox is treated no differently than Pax, etc.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Rosemary</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435373" title=""></a> August 4th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435721"> <p>Denise’s new daughter is so cute. Glad to see a family that has had their share of bumps in life look so happy!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Michelle</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435721" title=""></a> August 5th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-435771"> <p>Always wish her the best… an her girls to as well.. God Bless.. ^_^</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Rainbowstar</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435771" title=""></a> August 6th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-435890"> <p>I don’t think I would release photos like this, but when it’s announced that “Denise Richards Adopts Baby Girl”, people automatically want to see a photo, and she’s just satisfying the public interest in her new addition.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Abby</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-435890" title=""></a> August 7th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-436018"> <p>I find this upsetting…good for her that she got a child. But, there are thousands of couples, if not single moms and dads that can’t adopt as fast as she could…couples / individuals who have been on the waiting list for years and years. Yet, she snaps her fingers and there we go, another adorable tv opportunity added to her brood. Doesn’t seem all that fair. But, congrats to her. I wonder if you take away her celeb status and money and break her case / living situation down as a ‘normal’ person if she’d be able to adopt that quickly.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - ally</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436018" title=""></a> August 7th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-436077"> <p>Denise lost her mother a few years ago. Babies have a special magic of making things better. No matter how many people dislike her, she and her baby are in a very “happy place”.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Silly Silly</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436077" title=""></a> August 8th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-436123"> <p>EMMA or emmy seem to be on MUCH BABY NEW BLOGS STORIES,TODAY.AND ALWAYS<br/> LIKE SHE COMMENT HATEFUL ON THE NEW TIA AND TAMARA MOWRY KID,WHAT A HATER</p> <p>and i feel as we same age! aging nicely yes early forties,late 30s is not old just OLDER-MORE MATURE LADY.<br/> and i lov her.<br/> not really consider her quite um,well FAMOUS BUT WHO HAD CHARLIE SHEEN<br/> Very beautiful girls,so cute! and i know she play in EMPIRE starring<br/> the very talented,JOHN LEGUIZAMO,along with the white actor last name<br/> SAARSGARD such a great real to life movie,she i think was cute in that<br/> and congratz,as i think this will be her last at 39 or 40-.41.</p> <p>love the pix</p> <p>from heather-marie rothstein,<br/> bellaslaw.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - HEATHER-MARIE ROTHSTEIN,PARALEGAL,LAW STUDENT.</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436123" title=""></a> August 8th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-436143"> <p>Congratulations Denise!!!! It is awesome for me to see you expanding your family, I have always respected your motherhood as I always see you doing great things with your children!!!! I see many comments about<br/> your choice in men but in life we make our mistakes and if in fact they are mistakes they then are lessons, Everyone will have an opinion about<br/> what they see or hear but we all live with our own choices!!!! Keep<br/> up the awesome work with your children after all they are all that count!!! It is beautiful to see your love shining in their eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Maggie</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436143" title=""></a> August 8th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-436339"> <p>If you knew anything about this story you would know that Denise started the process years ago. She did not ‘snap her fingers’ and get a child. She did not adopt quickly. But don’t let the facts get in the way of bashing single mothers.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - meghan</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436339" title=""></a> August 8th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-436429"> <p>KAREEY and everyone else, Denise has been an actress for a very long time. She was one of the original Bond girls..James Bond movies. She has also been in other movies and I believe a model. So she has been acting as long or longer than Charlie.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - observer</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436429" title=""></a> August 9th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-436432"> <p>Just wanted to also say, for a Rev. the one that posted on this article sure wash harsh on with his judgements for being a bible pusher who are not supposed to do that!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - observer</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436432" title=""></a> August 9th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-436438"> <p>Why when I make a post they NEVER are posted?</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - observer</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436438" title=""></a> August 9th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-436659"> <p>I am concerned for the child and her other two, I have never thought of Denise as a stable person!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Lori</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-436659" title=""></a> August 10th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-437776"> <p>If she happens to read this, I hope she realizes that many of you are nuts.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Shannon</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-437776" title=""></a> August 16th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-437999"> <p>I have always liked Denise. I think she was a victim of Charlies viscous<br/> mouth. She is a beautiful caring mom and I wish her the best with Eloise. AND – the girls are finally smiling!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Sharon</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-437999" title=""></a> August 17th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-438263"> <p>HEATHER-MARIE ROTHSTEIN – would you mind stating the law firm you work for? Just so I can know to never, ever retain their services. Seriously, you’re going to broadcast that you’re a law student, yet not bother to do a spell check, not worry about grammar, state things as fact without doing any research (which, fyi, research is what paralegals do). As someone who is not in the legal profession, let me assist you with some basic, 101 lessons.</p> <p>1. “and i feel as we same age” – makes you sound like an uneducated moron.<br/> 2. “very talented,JOHN LEGUIZAMO,along with the white actor last name SAARSGARD” – makes you sound like a racist.<br/> 3. “EMMA or emmy seem to be on…” – why bother responding to someone, when right of the bat you lose credibility, by not even checking what their name is? </p> <p>All things considered, I think you should stop wasting time and money with your student loans and just pick up an application at McDonalds or WalMart…but maybe run your resume by one of those “lawyers” you work with, first.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Dawn Miller</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-438263" title=""></a> August 18th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-438350"> <p>LOL, Dawn Miller! As a lawyer myself, I was thinking the exact same thing… Wow.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Beezy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-438350" title=""></a> August 18th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-438705"> <p>In fairness to Ms. Rothstein, I don’t think English is her first language.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Grammy3x</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-438705" title=""></a> August 19th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-438880"> <p>wow you people are rude. cant you just be happy for her? Its not her fault her ex is an idiot. im sure most of yours are to and were not throwing stones at you.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Ashley</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-438880" title=""></a> August 20th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-439005"> <p>I agree with Jen and Kat, dsfg and a few others. As for Emmy, moira and meems, you sound like complete morons. JUST MY OPINION.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Abcdefg</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-439005" title=""></a> August 20th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-440462"> <p>Seems like a very nice family, despite the antics of daddy. She is not in rehab. Life looks good for them.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - joy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-440462" title=""></a> August 28th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-440534"> <p>They are a cute little family, I have been out of the celebrity loop. DId she adopt because there was never a daddy included in this statement.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - mg1978</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-440534" title=""></a> August 28th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-441870"> <p>She ADOPTED the baby here in the U.S. Did everyone miss that whe she did it? Congrats to her! I love that she adopted here, it seems like people forget that there are children here who need a family. <3</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Amy</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-441870" title=""></a> September 1st, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-442147"> <p>Some people just need to shut up in stop HATING on her she is a great mom and I think she has a pretty little family. It goes to show how some of you are jealous of her dont hate her cause she is beautiful and famous!!!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - vickie</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-442147" title=""></a> September 2nd, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment alt" id="comment-444830"> <p>well at least there will be one cute kid in the family! Sorry but those 2 older girls are totally unattractive!</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Heather</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-444830" title=""></a> September 15th, 2011 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> <div class="userComment" id="comment-483447"> <p>It is one thing to criticize Denise’s looks because she’s an adult, but an entirely another cruel thing to criticize two defenseless, innocent, beautiful little girls and say they aren’t attractive. I think all three daughters are adorable. There seems to be a few vindictive people on here. So, Denise was able to adopt an infant that’s great. The ones that could not adopt or were turned down that is certainly not Denise or her children’s faults. The US has an over abundance of adoptable children, they just aren’t infants. I know two couples personally who are kind, loving, and who are not rich or famous. After a long initial 2 to 4 year wait, each couple adopted an infant, then just two or years later, they each adopted two more.</p> <p class="comment"> <span class="name"> - Ami</span> on <span class="date commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-483447" title=""></a> March 15th, 2012 </span> </p> </div><!-- .userComment --> </div><!-- .blogEntry--> <div class="blogEntry ad"> <div class="adwrapper"> <p class="label">Advertisement</p> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> adFactory.setParam('pos', 1); adFactory.getAd(300, 250).write(); //var ad = adFactory.getMultiAd(new Array('300x250','580x240')); // ad.setPosition(1); </script> </div> </div><!-- --> <a name="commentHdr"></a> <div class="blogComments add" id="commentHdr"> <div class="commentsHdr"> <span class="comments">Add A Comment</span> </div> <p class="post"> reserves the right to remove comments at their discretion.</p> <form action="" method="post" id="commentform"> <label for="author">Name <small> 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