Joomla Spam Protection. Anti-Spam for JComments, VirtueMart, K2, comments, registrations, contacts.

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</script> <section class="main-grid container--full-width main-grid--hero"> <div class="main-grid__col-1"> <h1 class="h1 h1--mobile-small mb-16">Joomla Anti-Spam plugin</h1> <p class="sub-text mb-36 tablet-mb-28">Control and manage anti-spam. 100% spam protection.</p> <div class="grid--6"> <form class="form grid__col-4/6" action="/register" id="reg" method="post" data-dc-component="registration"> <input class="reset" type="hidden" value="joomla15" name="platform"> <input id="year" class="reset" type="hidden" value="" name="year" data-dc-registration-ref="year"> <input type="hidden" name="form_gen_time" value="1732720786" /> <div class="form__row"> <input id="email" class="form__input" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required autofocus data-dc-registration-ref="email"> <label for="email" class="form__label">Email</label> </div> <div class="form__row"> <input id="site" class="form__input" type="text" name="site" placeholder="Website" required data-dc-registration-ref="website"> <label for="site" class="form__label">Website</label> </div> <div class="form__row"> <div class="checkbox text--left"> <input class="checkbox__input" type="checkbox" name="privacy" id="privacy" required oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('You have to agree with Privacy policy before get account.')" oninput="setCustomValidity('')" /> <label for="privacy" id="privacy-label" class="checkbox__label"><i>I agree with the <a class="text--grey-7 link--hover-inherit underline" href="/publicoffer#privacy" target="_blank">Privacy policy</a></i></label> </div> </div> <button type="submit" class="button button--submit button--side-space-l mt-16 tablet-mt-32">Create account</button> <p class="mt-16 form__text">Already have an account? Feel free to <a href="/help/install-joomla3" style="color:white;text-decoration:underline;">download and install the plugin</a></p> </form> </div> </div> <div class="main-grid__col-2 hide-tablet"> <picture class="main-grid__col-2 hide-tablet"> <img class="lazyload" srcset="../../webpack/img/main/screen-2.png 2x, ../../webpack/img/main/screen-3.png 3x" alt='Spam protection for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and any other websites'> </picture> </div> </section> <main class="main"> <div class="section section--bg-grey pt-72 pb-72 tablet-pt-32 tablet-pb-32"> <div class="container--full-width"> <h2 class="h2 mb-42 tablet-mb-24 text--center">Anti-Spam features. CleanTalk protects your website from spam bots and spam in.</h2> <ul class="list--4-columns list--2-columns-mobile button-text mt-auto tablet-mt-0"> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-message-circle"></use> </svg></span>Comments </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-user"></use> </svg></span>Registrations </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-mail"></use> </svg></span>Contact emails </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-shopping-cart"></use> </svg></span>Orders </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-calendar"></use> </svg></span>Bookings </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-subscribe"></use> </svg></span>Subscriptions </li> <li><span class="icon--bg-white size-60 size-tablet-50 text--brand mr-16"> <svg class="icon size-28"> <use xlink:href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-grid"></use> </svg></span>In widgets </li> </ul> <div class='list--2-columns list--1-column-mobile list--no-avoid mt-42'> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Comments spam protection</p> <ul class='list--arrowed'> <li>Stops spam bots at VirtueMart.</li> <li>Stops spam bots at JComments 2.3, 3.0, K2.</li> <li>Stops spam bots contact emails on Joomla feedback from, Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact, Sobipro, RS Form, Breezing forms, Easybook Reloaded.</li> <li>Spam protection for any Joomla forms (with enabled anti-spam option "Enable anti-spam test for any contact forms").</li> </ul> </div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Spam bots registrations filter</p> <div class='text'> Filters spam bots on registrations forms Joomla and any other registrations plugins.聽 </div> </div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Protection against contact forms spam</p> <div class='text'> Plugin is tested and ready to protect against spam emails via Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact, Sobipro, RS Form, Breezing forms, Easybook Reloaded.and any themes/custom contact forms.聽 </div> </div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>VirtueMart spam filter</p> <div class='text'> Anti-Spam by CleanTalk filters spam registrations, orders and spam reviews for VirtueMart. </div> </div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Real-Time Email Validation</p> <div class='text'> <p class='mb-16'>Whenever a form is submitted on your website, the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin instantly verifies the email address by checking its validity in the cloud. This crucial step blocks bots and spammers from registering, thus enhancing your site's security and elevating the integrity of your user database.</p <p>Advantages of real-time email validation:</p> <ul class='list--arrowed'> <li>Spam Reduction: Minimizes spam-related registrations and unwanted comments.</li> <li>Stronger Security: Safeguards your website against potential abuses and cyber threats.</li> <li>Optimized User Experience: Detects and aids in correcting input mistakes immediately, ensuring smoother user interactions.</li> </ul> </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Anti-Spam plugin info</p> <div class='text'> CleanTalk is an anti-spam protection聽4 in 1 for Joomla聽that protects login, comments, contact and VirtueMart forms all at once. You dont need to install separate anti-spam plugins for each form. This allows your web site to work faster and save resources. After installation聽you will forget about spam, CleanTalk plugin will do all the work. You wont have to deal with spam, CleanTalk will do this for you automatically. <br><br> We have developed antispam for Joomla that would provide聽maximum protection from spam bots聽and you can provide for your visitors聽a simple and convenient form of comments/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 99.998% of spam bots. <br><br> Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and get: </div> <ul class='list--arrowed'> <li>Up to 99.998% protection against spam bots.</li> <li>Time and resources saving.</li> <li>More registrations/comments/visitors.</li> <li>Protect several websites at once at different CMS.</li> <li>Easy to install and use.</li> <li>Traffic acquisition and user loyalty.</li> <li>24/7 technical support.</li> <li>Clear statistics.</li> <li>No captcha (reCaptcha), puzzles, etc.</li> <li>Free mobile app to control anti-spam function at your website.</li> </ul></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="section pt-72 pb-72 tablet-pt-32 tablet-pb-32"> <div class="container--full-width"> <div class='list--2-columns list--1-column-mobile list--no-avoid mt-42'> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Low false/positive rate</p> <div class='text'> This plugin uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spam bots with lower false/positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.聽 </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Spam attacks log</p> <div class='text'> Service CleanTalk (this plugin is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the 'Log of spam attacks' and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false/positive filtering.聽 </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Spam FireWall</p> <div class='text'> CleanTalk has got an advanced option 'Spam FireWall', this option allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to web site. It prevents loading of pages of the web site by spam bots, so your web server doesn't need perform all scripts on these pages. Also it prevents scanning of pages of the web site spam bots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly can reduce the load on your web server. Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spam bots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots, CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and it checks all other requests on the web site in the moment before submit comments/registers and etc.聽 </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>How Spam FireWall works?</p> <ul class='list--arrowed'> <li>The visitor enters to your web site.</li> <li>HTTP request data is checked of the nearly 5,8 million of certain IP spam bots.</li> <li>If it is an active spam bot, it gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then it gets a site page. This is completely transparent to the visitors.</li> </ul> <div class='text'> All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering. </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>Spam FireWall DDos Protection</p> <div class='text'> Spam FireWall can mitigate HTTP/HTTPS DDoS attacks. When an intruder makes GET requests to attack your website. Spam FireWall blocks all requests from bad IP addresses. Your website givies infringer a special page with description of DDoS rejection instead of the website pages. Therefore Spam FireWall can help to reduce of CPU usage on your server.聽 </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>XML-RPC brute force protection</p> <div class='text'> Spam FireWall can mitigate XML-RPS brute force attacks. It blocks XML-RPS attacks from bad IP addresses. That helps to prevent bruteforce attacks by a Remote Procedure Call.聽 </div></div> <div class='box--bg-white'> <p class='title-2 mb-16'>No spam comments, no spam registrations, no spam contact emails, no spam trackbacks. CAPTCHA less anti-spam for Joomla</p> <div class='text'> Spam is one of the most irritating factors. Spam become every year more and conventional anti-spam can no longer handle all the spam bots. CleanTalk prevents spam and automatically blocks it. You'll be surprised of effective protection against spam. </div></div></div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="section section--bg-grey pt-72 pb-16 tablet-pt-32"> <div class="container--full-width"> <div class="grid--2 pt-16 pb 16"> <div class='box--bg-white'> <h5 class="title-2 mb-16">CleanTalk is a Joomla! sponsor</h5> <img src="/images/joomlasponsor.webp" width="300" height="90" alt="Joomla Sponsor"> </div> <div class="box--bg-white"> <h5 class="title-2 mb-16">CleanTalk is a Joomla! partner</h5> <img src="/images/joomla-logo-300.webp" width="300" height="63" alt="Joomla Partner"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section--bg-transparent-white cookie__container flex" data-dc-component="cookies" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="button--reset flex flex--a-center cookie__toggle cursor--pointer mr-4 ml-auto" data-dc-cookies-ref="toggle"> <svg class="icon size-16 mr-8 ml-8 cookie__arrow"> <use href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-triangle-small"></use> </svg> <svg class="icon text--brand size-24 cookie__icon"> <use href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-cookies"></use> </svg> <span class="visually-hidden">Trigger cookie opening</span> </button> <div class="container--full-width cookie__hidden" data-dc-cookies-ref="container"> <div class="flex flex--a-center flex--column-mobile"> <div class="flex flex--column mr-32 tablet-pr-0 tablet-pb-24"> <p class="text--brand sub-text bold mb-12"> <svg class="icon size-24 mr-12"> <use href="/webpack/dist/sprite.svg#icon-cookies"></use> </svg> <span>Our site uses cookies</span> </p> <p class="text-2">We use cookies to provide our services and analyze site usage in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 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