CINXE.COM - it's the eye of the panda, it's the thrill of the bite

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PEN-drah-gun.&nbsp; We thank you in advance for your compliance. </p> <p> <u><b>The History</b></u> </p> <p> Pandagon was originally founded on November 26, 2001 by Jesse Taylor as his personal website.&nbsp; Realizing a short eight months later that he spent most of his time commenting on <a href="" title="Eschaton">Eschaton</a> rather than writing anything he considered even remotely interesting, the site was reborn as a political website on July 26, 2002.&nbsp; </p> <p> The matching dates are merely a coincidence, unless you think it&#8217;s cool, in which case it was entirely intentional. </p> <p> The site continued on a meteoric rise until Jesse realized that he needed a coblogger, someone to share the dizzying highs and fearsome lows of the roller coaster that was Pandagon.&nbsp; (By reading this, you agree to exempt Pandagon and all Pandagon-related industries from responsibility for injury, emotional or physical trauma, death and dismemberment.) That someone was <a href="" title="Ezra Klein">Ezra Klein</a>. </p> <p> Unfortunately, in the vein of all great partnerships, the riches which inevitably flow from such a titanic pairing created the rift which eventually drove them apart.&nbsp; After a drug-fueled confrontation<sup>1</sup>, Ezra soon went to write for <a href="" title="some alt weekly">some alt weekly</a> or whatever. </p> <p> Nearly adrift, aimless through the blogging river of life, Jesse went on an extensive search<sup>2</sup> for a new coblogger and found one in Mousewords&#8217; Amanda Marcotte.&nbsp; Eventually, the fact that Amanda was a feminist and therefore a man-hating succubus<sup>3</sup> pushed Jesse away from the site and towards a campaign job. </p> <p> That left Amanda as the editor of the site, and she brought in <a href="">Pam Spaulding</a> as a regular contributor.&nbsp; Since they&#8217;re women, there are no drugs or fighting involved despite the site&#8217;s success, just lots of handholding over cups of coffee and watching of Lifetime movies of the week under heavy afghans.&nbsp; </p> <p> At least, that&#8217;s how we assume things go. </p> <p> ----- </p> <p> <i><sup>1.) Nutter Butters and Lemonade Capri Suns.&nbsp; Damn, they were young then.</sup> </p> <p> <sup>2.) He looked for &#8220;Best New Blogger&#8221; at the Koufax Awards and e-mailed them.&nbsp; You think we have a fucking HR department?</sup> </p> <p> <sup>3.) With optional hypno-vagina, available through our Amazon affiliate.</sup></i> </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Admin</a> at 06:05 AM &#8226; <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">About Jesse</a></h2> <div class="category"> &#8226; <a href="">Site Related</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p>Jesse Taylor is the founder and editor of </p> <p> He served as then-Congressman Ted Strickland&#8217;s (D, OH-6) Online Communications Director for his successful gubernatorial campaign against former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell from October 2005 until November 2006.&nbsp; He served in the same position on the Governor-Elect&#8217;s transition team, and then became the Governor&#8217;s Office&#8217;s first-ever Online Communications Director.&nbsp; His duties included overseeing the standardization of all cabinet-level websites, a project whose progress you can follow at <a href="" title="Redesign.Ohio.Gov">Redesign.Ohio.Gov</a>.&nbsp; He also served as an internet consultant for Jerry Springer&#8217;s political group, Make Ohio Blue, and radio show, Springer on the Radio as well as briefly serving as Communications Director for Ohio Young Democrats. </p> <p> He is also a member of the University of Michigan Law School&#8217;s Class of 2011, which, when combined with his attending Pennsylvania&#8217;s Swarthmore College and having grown up in Ohio, makes him pretty sure that he&#8217;s lived in more swing states than you. </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Admin</a> at 05:56 AM &#8226; <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">About Pam</a></h2> <div class="category"> &#8226; <a href="">Site Related</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p><img src="" hspace="10" align="left">Durham, NC-based Pam Spaulding is the editor and publisher of Pam&#8217;s House Blend (<a href="" title=""></a>), honored as &#8220;Best LGBT Blog&#8221; in the 2005 and 2006 Weblog Awards. </p> <p> A regular contributor to the progressive blog, Pam has also guest posted/contributed to Americablog, Firedoglake, The Rude Pundit,, The Bilerico Project, Glenn Greenwald&#8217;s Unclaimed Territory on Salon, Firedoglake, and written for The Independent Weekly. </p> <p> With roots in North Carolina and New York City, Pam considers herself to have &#8220;dual citizenship&#8221; status as a Southerner and a Yankee&#8212;and brings that perspective and voice to Pandagon. She blogs on current political events, LGBT women&#8217;s rights, the influence of the far Right, and race relations. <a href="" title="more bio">Read more here</a>. </p> <p>Here are some endorsements of Pam&#8217;s work: </p> <p> The <b>Christian Civic League of Maine</b>&#8216;s Mike Hein calls Pam&#8217;s House Blend: <br/> <i>&#8220;a leading source of radical homosexual propaganda, anti-Christian bigotry, and radical transgender advocacy.&#8221;</i> He is &#8221;<i>praying that Pam Spaulding will &#8220;turn away from her wicked and sinful promotion of homosexual behavior</i>.&#8221; (CCLM&#8217;s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">web site</a>, 10/15/07)<br><br>Ex-gay &#8220;Christian&#8221; activist <b>James Hartline</b> on Pam: </p> <p> &#8221;<i>I have been mocked over and over again by ungodly and unprincipled anti-christian lesbians</i>.&#8221; <br/> (from &#8220;Six Years In Sodom: From The Journal Of James Hartline,&#8221; <a href="" target="_blank"> 9/4/2006</a>, written from the &#8220;homosexual stronghold&#8221; of Hillcrest in San Diego).<br><br> </p> <p> <b>Peter LaBarbera</b> of Americans for Truth Against Homosexuality heartily endorses the Blend, calling Pam: <br/> <i>A &#8220;vicious anti-Christian lesbian activist.&#8221;</i><br>(Concerned Women for America&#8217;s <a href="" target="_blank">radio show</a> [9:15], 1/25/07) </p> <p> <i>&#8220;A nutty lesbian blogger.&#8221;</i><br>(MassResistance <a href="" target="_blank">radio show</a> [16:25], 2/3/07) </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Admin</a> at 05:52 AM &#8226; <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <h2 class="title"><a href="">About Amanda</a></h2> <div class="category"> &#8226; <a href="">Site Related</a> </div> <div class="entry"> <p><img src="" hspace="10" align="left">Amanda Marcotte is the briefly infamous former blogger for the John Edwards campaign, a podcaster and columnist for RH Reality Check, and the author of the book &#8220;It&#8217;s A Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide To Politically Inhospitable Environments&#8221;.&nbsp; She&#8217;s regularly invited to speak in public about new media and feminism, having done presentations for NOW, WAM!, Netroots Nation, and Campus Progress, amongst others.&nbsp; She grew up in the mountains of West Texas amongst the tribe of Redneckia, and has lived in Austin, TX since 1995 as part of the newer tribe of Librul Texana, a people who value local beers and optimism in the face of certain defeat.&nbsp; She lives with her boyfriend and two feline assistants.&nbsp; </p> <p></p> </div> <div class="posted"> Posted by <a href="">Admin</a> at 05:40 AM &#8226; <a href="">Permalink</a> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Pandagon_300 --> <script type="text/javascript"> if( postIndex == 0 ) { GA_googleFillSlot("Pandagon_300"); if(postIndex < POST_OFFSET) {postIndex++;} else { postIndex = 0; } } </script> <p> </div> <div class="paginate"> <span class="pagecount">Page 1 of 1 pages</span> </div> </div> <br class="spacer"/> </div> </div> <br class="spacer"/> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-4601490-1"; urchinTracker(); </script> </body> </html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 19:42:51 Jan 28, 2011 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 01:55:31 Feb 17, 2025. 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