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"" : "0") + i[e]) } else "ywma1" == m && n(".article_bot")[0] && (m = "ywma2"); _ntes_sendInfo("jc", _ntes_src_addr + t.replace("{id}", m)) } function f(n, t, e) { for (var i = { a: 1, area: 1 }, a = n, r = null; n.tagName && n != C;) { if (i[l(n)]) { r = n; break } n = n.parentNode } if (r) for (; n && n != t && !(e = n.getAttribute("jcid"));) n = n.parentNode; for (; !e && !(e = a.getAttribute("_jcid"));) if (a = a.parentNode, !a || !a.tagName || a == C) return; e && || n, e) } function l(n) { return n.tagName.toLowerCase() } function _(n, t, e) { "iframe" != l(n) && t(n, e) } function d(n) { return (n.innerHTML.match(/jcid=".*?"/g) || []).join("") } function h(n, t) { var e, i; v(n).bind("mouseover touchstart", function () { var a = d(n), r = n.innerHTML.replace(/<.*?>/g, "").length; !n.children.length || a == e && r == i || (t(), e = d(n), i = r) }) } function p(n, t) { var e = n[0], i = n.level; return e && i && b(e, i, t), e } function b(t, e, i) { if (n.util.isArray(t)) n.each(t, function (n, t) { b(t, e, i) }); else if ("object" == typeof t) if (t.i) t.k = o(t.i.substr(0, e + 1), i) + t.i.substr(e + 1); else for (var a in t) b(t[a], e, i) } var v = n; n.zepto && (v = function () { var t, e = [], i = e[0], a = e[1] || document.body, r = "string" == typeof i && ">" == i.substr(0, 1); r && (t =, = "__cmon__", e[0] = "#__cmon__" + i); var o = n.apply(this, e); return r && (t ? = t : a.removeAttribute("id")), o }); var m, g, w = "_nacc=siteclick&_npurl=" + escape(document.URL), y = 0, A = !1, j = [], C = document.body, $ = window.performance && window.performance.timing ? window.performance.timing.connectStart : + new Date, k = [function (t, e, i) { t += r(i.start || 1), i.bind ? n(e).bind("click", function (n) {, t) }) : c(t, e, i.all) }, function (n, t, e) { var i, a = e.start || 1, o = e.query || "a"; /(.*?)\|(.*)/.test(o) ? (i = RegExp.$1, o = RegExp.$2, v(i, t).each(function (t, i) { a = e.start || 1, v(o, i).each(function (t, i) { c(n + r(a++), i, e.all) }) })) : v(o, t).each(function (t, i) { c(n + r(a++), i, e.all) }) }, function (t, e, a) { for (var o = 1, s = a.level || 1, u = [e], f = 0; f < s; f++) { var _ = []; n.each(u, function (t, e) { var a = 0; "a" == l(e) || /ntes-nav-select/.test(e.className) || n.each(e.children, function (n, t) { i(t) && (_.push(t), a++) }), a || _.push(e) }), u = _ } n.each(u, function (n, e) { c(t + r(o++), e, a.all) }) }, function (n, t, e) { var i = v(">form", t); i[0] && i.bind("submit", function () {, n + "1") }) }, function (n, t, e) { var i = v(e.h, t), a = v(e.b, t); if (i && a) { var o = e.step || 10, s = 2; c(n + "1", t), i.each(function (t, e) { c(n + r(s + t * o), e) }), a.each(function (t, e) { c(n + r(s + t * o + 1), e) }) } }, function (t, e, a) { var o = a.union || "", s = {}; if (/^[\s\d,]+$/.test(o)) { var u = 0; n.each(o.split(/\s*,\s*/), function (n, t) { if (t = parseInt(t)) for (var e = 0; e < t; e++) s[u++] = n }) } var f = 2; c(t + "1", e); var l = parseInt(a.step) || 10, _ = v(a.h, e); if (_ && d) { n.each(_, function (n, e) { c(t + r(n * l + f), e) }); var d = v(a.b, e); n.each(d, function (e, a) { var o = e * l + f + 1, u = a.children; if (0 == u.length) u = [a]; else for (; 1 == u.length;) u = u[0].children; var _ = 0; n.each(u, function (n, e) { i(e) && ("undefined" != typeof s[n] && (_ = s[n]), c(t + r( o + _), e), _++) }) }) } }]; t.prototype = { init: function (t, i) { t && 5 == t.length && (m = t), g || (g = location.href.indexOf("_aCM") > -1 || Math .random() < (i || .1), g && (n("body").bind("click", function (n) { f(, C) }), n(function () { function t() { r && (a("/ntes_u?" + r + "&_nct=" + e() + "&_mcn=" + y + o), r = 0) } var i = n(window), r = w + "&_nch={id}", o = "", c = "&_msl=" + e(); i.bind("load", function () { o = "&_msl=" + e() }), a("/ntes_u?" + r + c), i.bind("beforeunload", t); var s = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); !/compatible/.test(s) && /firefox/.test(s) && i.bind("unload", t) }), this.retain && this.area(C, this.retain))) }, area: function (n, t, e) { for (var i in t) { var a = !1, r = t[i]; r.level = e || 0, /(.*?)=$/.test(i) && (i = RegExp.$1, a = !0), this.procA(n, i, r, a) } }, procA: function (n, t, e, i) { var a = this, r = e.level + 1; if (i) return void h(n, function () { a.procA(n, t, e) }); var o = function (n, t) { a.area(n, t, r) }, c = 0, s = 0, u = 0; /(.*?)!$/.test(t) && (t = RegExp.$1, s = 1), /(.*?)\*$/.test(t) ? (t = RegExp.$1, c = 1) : /(.*?)\+$/.test(t) && (t = RegExp.$1, u = 1); var f, l = t ? v(t, n) : [n], d = 0, b = l.length; for (f = 0; f < b; f++) { var m = l[f]; if (!s || ! { var g = c ? e[0] : e[d]; if (u && 1 == e.length && (g = p(e, d)), g && m) if (g.i) for (var w = g.s || 1, y = 0; y < w; y++) g.j = y,[f + y], g); else _(m, o, g); d++ } } }, zone: function (n, t) { var e = o(t.k || t.i, t.j), i = k[t.f || 0], a = t.p || {}; n && i && (a.dyn ? h(n, function () { i(e, n, a) }) : _(n, function (n) { i(e, n, a) })) }, batch: function (n) { g ? this.area(C, n) : this.retain = n } }, window._aCM = new t }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto), function () { _aCM.init(window._aCMID || "ywa01"), setTimeout(function () { _aCM.batch({ ".s_main_nav": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "111" }] }] }], ".s_sb_news": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "211" }] }] }], ".s_sb_ent": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "311" }] }] }], ".s_sb_sports": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "411" }] }] }], ".s_sb_money": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "511" }] }] }], ".s_sb_photo": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "611" }] }] }], ".s_sb_video": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "711" }] }] }], ".s_sb_lady": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "811" }] }] }], ".s_sb_mobile": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "911" }] }] }], ".s_sb_tech": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "A11" }] }] }], ".s_sb_digi": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "B11" }] }] }], ".s_sb_edu": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "C11" }] }] }], ".s_sb_exclusive": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "D11" }] }] }], ".s_sb_caipiao": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "E11" }] }] }], "#login_panel": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "F11", f: 1 }] }] }], ".u_topbar": [{ ">.u_llogo": [{ "": [{ i: "G11", p: { dyn: 1, all: 1 } }] }], ">.u_rlogo": [{ "": [{ i: "G21", f: 1 }] }] }], ".icon_setting": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "H11" }] }] }], ".u_topad": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "I11" }] }] }], ".bar_wrap": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "J11", f: 2, p: { level: 4, dyn: 1, all: 1 } }] }] }], ".contents-tablist": [{ "": [{ "": [{ i: "K11", f: 1, p: { query: ".contents-tablist-wrap|.headslide,.swipe-content,.content-list section,.u_p_items>.item_cell,.rank-list a,.match_scroll_wrap a", dyn: 1 } }] }] }], ".float": [{ ">a": [{ "": [{ i: "L11" }] }] }] }) }, 1e3) }(); }) </script> </body> </html>