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These formats should be adhered to for the in-text citations and the reference lists. Please check our <span class="Link__wrapper Renderer__entry--InLine"><a aria-label="help center" href="" target="_blank" data-event="customLink-link-a_helpCenter" class="Link Link--linkType Link--maincolor Link--small"><span>help center</span></a></span> to find the correct style for the journal to which you're submitting.</p><ul><li><p>All citations of published works in the text, figures, or tables must be in the reference list and vice-versa.</p></li><li><p>The names of the first six authors followed by et al. and the DOI (when available) should be provided.</p></li><li><p>Given names of authors should be abbreviated to initials (e.g. Smith, J., Lewis, C.S., etc.).</p></li><li><p>The reference list should only include articles that are published or accepted.</p></li><li><p>Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications should be cited within the text only, for article types that allow such inclusions. Where additional details are available, these will be included as footnotes.</p></li><li><p>For accepted but unpublished works use 'in press' instead of page numbers.</p></li><li><p>Data sets that have been deposited to an online repository should be included in the reference list. Include the version and unique identifier when available.</p></li><li><p>Personal communications should be documented by a letter of permission.</p></li><li><p>Website URLs should be included as footnotes.</p></li><li><p>Any inclusion of verbatim text must be contained in quotation marks and should clearly reference the original source.</p></li><li><p>Preprints can be cited provided that a DOI or archive URL is available, and the citation clearly mentions that the contribution is a preprint. If a peer-reviewed journal publication for the same preprint exists, the official journal publication is the preferred source. See the preprints section for each reference style below for more information.</p></li></ul><div id="harvard-reference-style" class="Heading Heading--h2 Renderer__entry--Block"><h2>Harvard reference style (author-date)</h2> <!----></div><p>Reference examples for Frontiers’ journals using the Harvard referencing system can be found below. For examples of other sources, and for general questions regarding the Harvard reference style, please refer to the <span class="Link__wrapper Renderer__entry--InLine"><a aria-label="Chicago Manual of Style" href="" target="_blank" data-event="customLink-link-a_chicagoManualOfStyle" class="Link Link--linkType Link--maincolor Link--small"><span>Chicago Manual of Style</span></a></span>.</p><ul><li><p>References should include the full last name and first name initials of the first six authors, followed by et al. and the year of publication in brackets.</p></li><li><p>Alphabetical order is followed for the reference list.</p></li></ul><div class="Table Renderer__entry--Block"><div class="Table__overlay"></div> <div class="Table__wrapperWithTitle"><div class="Table__title"><span>Reference guidelines - Harvard</span> <button aria-label="Toggle fullscreen view" data-event="table-btn_fullScreen-toggleView" class="Table__icon Table__icon--fullScreen"></button></div> <div class="Table__wrapper"><table><thead><tr><th> Source </th><th> Reference list entry </th><th> In-text citation </th></tr></thead> <tbody><tr><td><div>Article in a print journal</div></td><td><div>Sondheimer, N., and Lindquist, S. (2000). Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol. Cell. 5, 163-172.</div></td><td><div>(Sondheimer and Lindquist, 2000)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Article in an online journal </div></td><td><div>Tahimic, C.G.T., Wang, Y., Bikle, D.D. (2013). Anabolic effects of IGF-1 signaling on the skeleton. Front. Endocrinol. 4:6. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00006</div></td><td><div>(Tahimic et al., 2013)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Article or chapter in a book</div></td><td><div>Sorenson, P. W., and Caprio, J. C. (1998). “Chemoreception,” in The Physiology of Fishes, ed. D. H. Evans (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), 375-405.</div></td><td><div>(Sorenson and Caprio, 1998)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Book</div></td><td><div>Cowan, W. M., Jessell, T. M., and Zipursky, S. L. (1997). Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. New York: Oxford University Press.</div></td><td><div>(Cowan et al., 1997)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Abstract</div></td><td><div>Hendricks, J., Applebaum, R., and Kunkel, S. (2010). A world apart? Bridging the gap between theory and applied social gerontology. Gerontologist 50, 284-293. Abstract retrieved from Abstracts in Social Gerontology database. (Accession No. 50360869)</div></td><td><div>(Hendricks et al., 2010)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Website</div></td><td><div>World Health Organization. (2018). E. coli. [Accessed March 15, 2018].</div></td><td><div>(World Health Organisation, 2018)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Patent</div></td><td><div>Marshall, S. P. (2000). Method and apparatus for eye tracking and monitoring pupil dilation to evaluate cognitive activity. U.S. Patent No 6,090,051. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.</div></td><td><div>(Marshall, 2000)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Data</div></td><td><div>Perdiguero P, Venturas M, Cervera MT, Gil L, Collada C. Data from: Massive sequencing of Ulms minor's transcriptome provides new molecular tools for a genus under the constant threat of Dutch elm disease. Dryad Digital Repository. (2015)</div></td><td><div>(Perdiguero et al., 2015)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Theses and dissertations</div></td><td><div>Smith, J. (2008) Post-structuralist discourse relative to phenomological pursuits in the deconstructivist arena. [dissertation/master's thesis]. [Chicago (IL)]: University of Chicago</div></td><td><div>(Smith, 2008)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Preprint</div></td><td><div>Smith, J. (2008). Title of the document. Preprint repository name [Preprint]. Available at: https://persistent-url (Accessed March 15, 2018).</div></td><td><div>(Smith, 2008)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>One author</div></td><td><div>Hesse-Biber, S. (2010). Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Practice. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(6), 455-468.</div></td><td><div>(Hesse-Biber, 2010)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Two authors</div></td><td><div>Duvail, S., Hamerlynck, O. (2007) The Rufiji River flood: plague or blessing?. Int. J. Biometeorol. 52, 33–42.</div></td><td><div>(Duvail and Hamerlynck, 2007)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>More than two authors</div></td><td><div>Leemhuis C, Thonfeld F, Näschen K, Steinbach S, Muro J, Strauch A, López A, Daconto G, Games I, Diekkrüger B. (2017) Sustainability in the Food-Water-Ecosystem Nexus: The Role of Land Use and Land Cover Change for Water Resources and Ecosystems in the Kilombero Wetland, Tanzania. Sustainability. 9(9):1513.</div></td><td><div>(Leemhuis et al., 2017)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Same author(s); same year</div></td><td><div>Huang, X-G. (2016a). Electromagnetic fields and anomalous transports in heavy-ion collisions—a pedagogical review. Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 076302. doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/79/7/076302 Huang, X-G. (2016b). Simulating Chiral Magnetic and Separation Effects with Spin-Orbit Coupled Atomic Gases. Scientific Reports. 6:20601. doi: 10.1038/srep20601</div></td><td><div>(Huang, 2016a, 2016b)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Same author(s); different years</div></td><td><div>Sedrakian, A. (2007). The physics of dense hadronic matter and compact stars. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 58(1):168-246. doi: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2006.02.002 Sedrakian, A. (2016). Axion cooling of neutron stars. Phys. Rev. D 93:065044. doi. 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.065044</div></td><td><div>(Sedrakian, 2007, 2016)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Same first author; different author list</div></td><td><div>Quimque, M. T., Notarte, K. I., Letada, A., Fernandez, R. A., and Pilapil, D. Y. 4th., Pueblos, K.R., Agbay, J.C., Dahse, H.M., Wenzel-Storjohann, A., Tasdemir, D., Khan, A., Wei, D.Q., Gose Macabeo, A.P. (2021a). Potential Cancer- and Alzheimer’s Disease-Targeting Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors fromUvaria alba: Insights from In Vitro and Consensus Virtual Screening. ACS Omega. 6, 8403–8417. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c00137 Quimque, M. T. J., Notarte, K. I. R., Fernandez, R. A. T.,Mendoza,M. A. O., Liman, R. A. D., Lim, J. A. K., et al. (2021b). Virtual screening-driven drug discovery of SARSCoV2 enzyme inhibitors targeting viral attachment, replication, post-translational modification and host immunity evasion infection mechanisms. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 39, 4316–4333. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1776639</div></td><td><div>(Quimque et al., 2021a; Quimque et al., 2021b)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Different authors; same surname</div></td><td><div>Khan, S. M., Khan, M., Alouffi, A., Almutairi, M. M., Numan, M., Ullah, S., et al. (2023). Phylogenetic position of Haemaphysalis kashmirensis and Haemaphysalis cornupunctata, with Notes on Rickettsia spp. Genes. 14, 360. doi: 10.3390/genes14020360 Khan, Z., Shehla, S., Alouffi, A., Kashif Obaid, M., Zeb Khan, A., Almutairi, M. M., et al. (2022). Molecular survey and genetic characterization of Anaplasma marginale in ticks collected from livestock hosts in Pakistan. Animals. 12, 1708. doi: 10.3390/ani12131708</div></td><td><div>(Khan Z. et al., 2022; Khan S. M. et al., 2023)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Publishing in a Humanities and Social Sciences journal</div></td><td><div>Farrell, H. (2012). The Consequences of the Internet for Politics. Annual Review Political Science. 15, 35-52.</div></td><td><div>(Farrell, 2012, p. 40)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Personal communications</div></td><td><div> </div></td><td><div>“We thank L. Li (personal communication, December, 2018) for noting this ambiguity.”</div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div> <!----> <div class="Table__spacer"></div></div><h3>Vancouver reference style (numbered)</h3><p>Reference examples for Frontiers’ journals using the Vancouver referencing system can be found below. For more examples of citing other documents and general questions regarding the Vancouver reference style, please refer to <span class="Link__wrapper Renderer__entry--InLine"><a aria-label="Citing Medicine" href="" target="_blank" data-event="customLink-link-a_citingMedicine" class="Link Link--linkType Link--maincolor Link--small"><span>Citing Medicine</span></a></span>.</p><ul><li><p>In-text citations in the Vancouver reference style should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and identified by Arabic numerals in parenthesis.</p></li><li><p>Use square brackets for physics and mathematics articles.</p></li><li><p>The abbreviation ‘Ref’ should not be used, e.g.: [e.g., (1)] should NOT read [e.g. Ref. (1)].</p></li><li><p>Style for comparing a citation should follow the number format, e.g. [cf. (1)]. The same applies when using ‘see’, e.g. [see (46)].</p></li><li><p>References should be numbered and listed chronologically, according to the order they appear in the text.</p></li></ul><div class="Table Renderer__entry--Block"><div class="Table__overlay"></div> <div class="Table__wrapperWithTitle"><div class="Table__title"><span>Reference guidelines - Vancouver</span> <button aria-label="Toggle fullscreen view" data-event="table-btn_fullScreen-toggleView" class="Table__icon Table__icon--fullScreen"></button></div> <div class="Table__wrapper"><table><thead><tr><th> Source </th><th> Reference list entry </th><th> In-text citation </th></tr></thead> <tbody><tr><td><div>Article in a print journal</div></td><td><div>1. Sondheimer N, Lindquist S. Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol Cell. (2000) 5:163-172. </div></td><td><div>(1)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Article in an online journal </div></td><td><div>2. Tahimic CGT, Wang Y, Bikle DD. Anabolic effects of IGF-1 signaling on the skeleton. Front Endocrinol. (2013) 4:6. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00006</div></td><td><div>(2)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Article or chapter in a book</div></td><td><div>3. Sorenson PW, Caprio JC. "Chemoreception". In: Evans DH, editor. The Physiology of Fishes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (1998). p. 375-405.</div></td><td><div>(3)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Book</div></td><td><div>4. Cowan WM, Jessell TM, Zipursky SL. Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. New York: Oxford University Press. (1997). p. 345.</div></td><td><div>(4)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Abstract</div></td><td><div>5. Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza's computational effort statistic for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, editor. Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3–5; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer. (2002). p. 182–91.</div></td><td><div>(5)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Website</div></td><td><div>6. World Health Organization. E. coli. (2018).[Accessed March 15, 2018].</div></td><td><div>(6)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Patent</div></td><td><div>7. Pagedas AC, inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible Endoscopic Grasping and Cutting Device and Positioning Tool Assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. (2002).</div></td><td><div>(7)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Data</div></td><td><div>8. Perdiguero P, Venturas M, Cervera MT, Gil L, Collada C. Data from: Massive sequencing of Ulms minor's transcriptome provides new molecular tools for a genus under the constant threat of Dutch elm disease. Dryad Digital Repository. (2015).</div></td><td><div>(8)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Theses and dissertations</div></td><td><div>9. Smith J. (2008) Post-structuralist discourse relative to phenomenological pursuits in the deconstructivist arena [dissertation/master's thesis]. Chicago (IL): University of Chicago. (2008).</div></td><td><div>(9)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Preprint</div></td><td><div>10. Kingma DP, Ba J. Adam: A method for stochastic optimization. arXiv [preprint]. (2014). Available at: (Accessed June 20, 2014).</div></td><td><div>(10)</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Unpublished reference</div></td><td><div> </div></td><td><div>“We thank L. Li (personal communication, December, 2018) for noting this ambiguity.”</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Named citation – One author</div></td><td><div>20. Hesse-Biber S. Qualitative Approaches to Mixed Methods Practice. Qualitative Inquiry. (2010) 16(6): 455-468. doi: 10.1177/1077800410364611</div></td><td><div>“Hesse-Biber (20) found…”</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Named citation – Two authors</div></td><td><div>43. Duvail S, Hamerlynck O. The Rufiji River flood: plague or blessing?. Int J Biometeorol. (2007) 52:33–42. doi: 10.1007/s00484-007-0105-8</div></td><td><div>“… as stated by Duvail and Hamerlynck (43).”</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Named citation – Multiple authors</div></td><td><div>44. Leemhuis C, Thonfeld F, Näschen K, Steinbach S, Muro J, Strauch A, et al. Sustainability in the Food-Water-Ecosystem Nexus: The Role of Land Use and Land Cover Change for Water Resources and Ecosystems in the Kilombero Wetland, Tanzania. Sustainability. (2017) 9(9):1513. doi: 10.3390/su9091513</div></td><td><div>“In research conducted by Leemhuis et al. (44)...”</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Multiple citations</div></td><td><div>8. Yuan S, Yao X, Yang H, Zhang Y, Liu H, Sun J, et al. Research note: genetic diversity of duck circoviruses circulating in partial areas of Guangdong province, southern China. Poult Sci. (2022) 101:102032. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102032 … 29. Liu H, Li LX, Sun WC, Shi N, Sun XT, Jin NY, et al. Molecular survey of duck circovirus infection in poultry in southern and southwestern China during 2018 and 2019. BMC Vet Res. (2020) 16:80. doi: 10.1186/s12917-020-02301-x 30. Zhang X, Jiang S, Wu J, Zhao Q, Sun Y, Kong Y, et al. An investigation of duck circovirus and co-infection in Cherry Valley ducks in Shandong Province, China. Vet Microbiol. (2009) 133:252–6. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.07.005</div></td><td><div>“… reported in these regions (8, 29, 30), are…”</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>Publishing in physics or mathematics</div></td><td><div>1. Lee YT, Vardi A, Tordjman M. A hybrid self-aligned MIS-MESFET architecture for improved diamond-based transistors. Appl Phys Lett (2020) 117:202101. doi:10.1063/5.0023662</div></td><td><div>“…including transistors [1]…”</div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div> <!----> <div class="Table__spacer"></div></div><h3><strong>Citation of retracted articles</strong> </h3><p>Authors are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the references they cite, including verifying whether any article they intend to cite has been retracted. Citing retracted articles can undermine the credibility of your manuscript and should only occur where it is essential for the context of your discussion. </p><h4><strong>Guidelines for citing retracted articles:</strong> </h4><ol><li><p><strong>Verification:</strong> Authors are responsible for checking the status of all cited works before submission. Lists of retracted articles can often be found in databases such as PubMed and the Retraction Watch database. 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Try using colors that provide maximum contrast.</p><p>WC3 recommends the following contrast ratio levels:</p><ul><li><p>Level AA, contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1</p></li><li><p>Level AAA, contrast ratio of at least 7:1</p></li></ul><figure class="FrontiersImage ImageComponent Renderer__entry--Block"><picture class="FrontiersImage"><source srcset="" media="" type="image/webp"> <img src="" alt="" loading="eager" class="is-inside-mask"></picture> <!----></figure><p>You can verify the contrast ratio of your palette with these online ratio checkers:</p><ul><li><p><span class="Link__wrapper Renderer__entry--InLine"><a aria-label="WebAIM" href="" target="_blank" data-event="customLink-link-a_webAim" class="Link Link--linkType Link--maincolor Link--small"><span>WebAIM</span></a></span></p></li><li><p><span class="Link__wrapper Renderer__entry--InLine"><a aria-label="Color Safe" href="" target="_blank" data-event="customLink-link-a_colorSafe" class="Link Link--linkType Link--maincolor Link--small"><span>Color Safe</span></a></span></p></li></ul><p><strong>Avoid using red or green indicators</strong><br><strong></strong>More than 99% of color-blind people have a red-green color vision deficiency.</p><p><strong>Avoid using only color to communicate information</strong><br><strong></strong>Elements with complex information like charts and graphs can be hard to read when only color is used to distinguish the data. 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