{"title":"A Comparison of Single Point Incremental Forming Formability between Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel","authors":"K. Rattanachan","volume":96,"journal":"International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering","pagesStart":2042,"pagesEnd":2046,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10000052","abstract":"<p>In sheet metal forming process, raw material<br \/>\r\nmechanical properties are important parameters. This paper is to<br \/>\r\ncompare the wall’s incline angle or formability of SS 400 steel and<br \/>\r\nSUS 304 stainless steel in single point incremental forming. The two<br \/>\r\nmaterials are ferrous base alloyed, which have the different unit cell,<br \/>\r\nmechanical property and chemical composition. They were forming<br \/>\r\ninto cone shape specimens having 100 mm diameter with different<br \/>\r\nwall’s incline angle: 90o, 75o and 60o. The investigation was<br \/>\r\ncontinued until the specimens formed surface facture. The<br \/>\r\nexperimental result showed that the smaller the wall incline angle<br \/>\r\nhigher the formability with the both materials. The formability limit<br \/>\r\nof the ferrous base alloy was approx. 60o wall’s incline angle. By<br \/>\r\nnature, SS 400 has higher formability than SUS 304. This result can<br \/>\r\nbe used as the initial data in designing the single point incremental<br \/>\r\nforming parts.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] P. Hausild, Ph. Pilvin and M. Landa: the 17th European Conference on\r\nFracture, 2-5 September 2008, Brno, Czech Republic. p 1312-1319\r\n[2] J. J. Park and Y. H. Kim: Journal of Materials Processing Technology,\r\nVol. 140 (2003), p 447-453\r\n[3] L. Fratini, G. Ambrogio, R. Di Lorenzo, L. Filice, F. Micari: 2004\r\n[4] G. Ambrogio, L. Filice, F. Micari: Journal of Materials Processing\r\nTechnology, Vol. 177 (2006), p 413-416\r\n[5] F. CapeceMinutolo, M. Durante, A. Formisano, A. Langella: Journal of\r\nMaterials Processing Technology, Vol. 194 (2007), p 145-150\r\n[6] Information on http\r\n[7] L. Filice, L. Fratini, F. Micari: Annals of CIRP Vol. 51\/1\/2002\r\n[8] S. F. Golovashchenko, A. Krause: Journal of Materials Engineering and\r\nPerformance. Volume 14(4) August 2005, p 503-507\r\n[9] G. Hussain, L. Gao, Z.Y. Zhang, Int J AdvManufTechnol (2007),\r\nSpringer-Verlag London Limited.\r\n[10] M. Ham and J. Jeswiet: Annals of the CIRP Vol. 56\/1\/2007\r\n[11] M.B. Silva, M. Skjoedt, P.A.F. Martins, N. Bay: Article in press,\r\nInternational Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture.\r\n[12] G. Hussain, L. Gao, N.U. Dar: Journal of Materials Processing\r\nTechnology, Vol. 186 (2007), p 45-53\r\n[13] G. Hussain, L. Gao: International Journal of Machine Tools &\r\nManufacture, Vol. 47 (2007), p 419-435\r\n[14] G. Hussain, L. Gao, N. Hayat, L. Qijian: International Journal of\r\nMachine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 47 (2007), p 2177-2181\r\n[15] G. Hussain, N.U. Dar, L. Gao, M.H. Chen: Journal of Materials\r\nProcessing Technology, Vol. 187-188 (2007), p 94-98","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 96, 2014"}