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When there鈥檚 a lot to do, Windows can help make the everyday easier.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="Help me choose my device" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph "> <span>Help me choose</span> </a> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </section> <section data-vg="viewAllRedesign-filter-filterBy" id="viewAllRedesign-filter-filterBy" class="wdg-pad-thin nonmwf-m-banner "> <div data-grid="container"> <div class="filterBy"> <div data-grid="col-12" class="fb-heading-show-all "> <div data-grid="col-4" class="x-type-left"> <h2 class="c-heading f-lean">Filter</h2> </div> </div> <div data-grid="col-12"> <span class=" x-screen-reader" role="alert" id="filterNarrate" aria-live="polite" tabindex="-1"></span> <form id="selectors" aria-label="Filter"> <fieldset data-grid="col-1-5" data-category="primaryactivities"> <legend class="c-subheading-2 dropdown-desktop x-hidden-focus" data-bi-type="text" data-bi-bhvr="EXPAND" data-cleartext="Filters have been cleared">Primarily used for <span class='primaryspanclass'>(Select up to 2)</span></legend> </fieldset> <fieldset data-grid="col-1-5" data-category="brand"> <legend class="c-subheading-2 dropdown-desktop x-hidden-focus" data-bi-type="text" data-bi-bhvr="EXPAND">Brands</legend> </fieldset> <fieldset data-grid="col-1-5" data-category="feature"> <legend class="c-subheading-2 dropdown-desktop x-hidden-focus" data-bi-type="text" data-bi-bhvr="EXPAND">Features</legend> </fieldset> <fieldset data-grid="col-1-5" data-category="Category"> <legend class="c-subheading-2 dropdown-desktop x-hidden-focus" data-bi-type="text" data-bi-bhvr="EXPAND">PC type/class</legend> </fieldset> <fieldset data-grid="col-1-5" data-category="price"> <legend class="c-subheading-2 dropdown-desktop x-hidden-focus" data-bi-type="text" data-bi-bhvr="EXPAND">Price</legend> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div data-grid="container" > <div data-grid="col-12" class="padding-top-48 m-area-heading x-type-left" id="videoinlineID"> <p class="c-paragraph-2">Learn the basics of how a PC works so you can make the right choice for your next device.</p> <div class="c-group "> <p class="c-paragraph-2">Watch videos about:</p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="c-hyperlink c-glyph glyph-play" target="_self" data-js-dialog-show="default-lightbox" aria-label="Processor (CPU) informational video" data-poster="" data-videosrc="" data-video-description="Knowing how to choose the right CPU when shopping for a computer" data-video-title="Why CPU is important" data-videoname="Processor (CPU)" data-videottml="" data-videotxt=""> <span>Processor (CPU)</span> </a> <span class="concade-cls" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">|</span> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="c-hyperlink c-glyph glyph-play" target="_self" data-js-dialog-show="default-lightbox" aria-label="Storage (SSD vs HDD) informational video" data-poster="" data-videosrc="" data-video-description="Knowing how to choose storage when shopping for a computer" data-video-title="Why storage is important" data-videoname="Storage (SSD vs HDD)" data-videottml="" data-videotxt=""> <span>Storage (SSD vs HDD)</span> </a> <span class="concade-cls" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">|</span> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="c-hyperlink c-glyph glyph-play" target="_self" data-js-dialog-show="default-lightbox" aria-label="Memory (RAM) informational video" data-poster="" data-videosrc="" data-video-description="Knowing how to choose memory when shopping for a computer" data-video-title="Why memory is important" data-videoname="Memory (RAM)" data-videottml="" data-videotxt=""> <span>Memory (RAM)</span> </a> <span class="concade-cls" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">|</span> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="c-hyperlink c-glyph glyph-play" target="_self" data-js-dialog-show="default-lightbox" aria-label="Graphics (dGPU) informational video" data-poster="" data-videosrc="" data-video-description="Knowing how to choose graphics when shopping for a computer" data-video-title="Why graphics is important" data-videoname="Graphics (dGPU)" data-videottml="" data-videotxt=""> <span>Graphics (dGPU)</span> </a> <span class="concade-cls" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">|</span> <a href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="c-hyperlink c-glyph glyph-play" target="_self" data-js-dialog-show="default-lightbox" aria-label="Neural processing unit (NPU) informational video" data-poster="" data-videosrc="" data-video-description="Knowing how to choose the right NPU when shopping for a computer" data-video-title="Why NPU is important" data-videoname="Neural processing unit (NPU)" data-videottml="" data-videotxt=""> <span>Neural processing unit (NPU)</span> </a> <span class="concade-cls" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">|</span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-vg="SmallFeature" data-grid="container" id="new_buy_business_panelId" style="background:url();"> <div class="m-feature custom-small-feature bground-games rounded-corners-10" data-grid="col-12"> <div data-grid="col-3" class="show-in-lower"> <div class="img_style"> <picture class="c-image"> <source data-srcset="" media="(min-width:0px)" srcset=""> <img class="lazyloaded " alt="A man using the touchscreen on his computer" src="" data-src=""> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="content comppanel" data-grid="col-9"> <h2 class="c-heading-4 padding-top-24">Looking to buy devices for your business?</h2> <p class="c-paragraph-3">Windows 11 Pro offers enhanced features and security designed for your business needs.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="View business devices" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph first-btn blue-button"> <span>View business devices</span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Explore Windows 11 Pro" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph second-btn c-call-to-action c-glyph"> <span>Explore Windows 11 Pro</span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-grid="col-3" class="show-in-higher"> <div class="img_style"> <picture class="c-image"> <source data-srcset="" media="(min-width:0px)" srcset=""> <img class="lazyloaded " alt="A man using the touchscreen on his computer" src="" data-src=""> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section data-vg="viewAllRedesign-results-categories" id="viewAllRedesign-results-categories" class="wdg-pad-medium "> <div data-grid="container"> <div class="" data-grid="col-12"> <div id="featuredBanner" class="m-banner x-type-left" data-grid="col-12"> <h2 class="c-heading f-lean all-pcs-heading">2-in-1s</h2> <h2 class="c-heading f-lean recommended-pcs-heading hide">Recommended for you</h2> <div id="DefaultCopyId" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Browse, filter, and compare to find the right Windows 11 PC for you. Or we can help you choose. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="NonUsecaseCopyId" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Based on your filter selections, these are the PCs that match. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="NoResultsCopyId" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Based on your filter selections, we couldn't find any PCs that match. Try removing some filters or we can <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Answer a few questions and we can help you find a PC' href=''>help you find a PC</a>.</p></div> <div id="family" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether gaming, browsing, planning a trip, or paying bills, these multi-use PCs have what your family needs. They feature mid-range processors, touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, and secure sign-in for multiple profiles with Windows Hello<sup>2</sup>. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right family computer for your home. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring integrated and discrete graphics cards and mid-range processors, these PCs are great for the casual gamer. Be sure to check the games you plan to play for compatibility. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right gaming computer for you. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for the advanced gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right gaming PC for you. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Great for handling everyday tasks like emailing and browsing the internet, these basic PCs come with what you need and nothing you don't. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With more RAM and more storage, these PCs can run multiple programs to help you multitask with ease. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Stream everything from live sports to your favorite movies with high-quality PCs built for entertainment. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs are built for maximum productivity. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right work computer for working from home or the office. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether attending class in person, taking a course online, or just streaming movies at home, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs have an extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, and are a great option for any student. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right computer for school and home. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for advanced gaming and photo and video editing. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_multitasking" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With more RAM and more storage, these PCs can run multiple programs to help you multitask with ease. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_family" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether gaming, browsing, planning a trip, or paying bills, these multi-use PCs have what your family needs, and feature mid-range processors, touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, and easy secure sign-in for multiple profiles with Windows Hello<sup>2</sup>. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_creating" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup> and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_entertainment" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Stream everything from live sports to your favorite movies with high-quality PCs built for entertainment. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>See system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring integrated and discrete graphics cards and mid-range processors, these PCs are great for the casual gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for the advanced gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs are built for maximum productivity. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether attending class in person, taking a course online, or just streaming movies at home, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs have an extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, and are a great option for any student. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="justtheessentials_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for editing photos and video. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_family" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether gaming, browsing, planning a trip, or paying bills, these multi-use PCs have what your family needs to multitask with ease. Enjoy lots of storage, mid-range processors, and secure sign-in for multiple profiles with Windows Hello<sup>2</sup>. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_creating" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_entertainment" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Stream everything from live sports to your favorite movies with high-quality PCs built for entertainment. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>See system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring integrated and discrete graphics cards and mid-range processors, these PCs are great for the casual gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for the advanced gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs are built for maximum productivity. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether attending class in person, taking a course online, or just streaming movies at home, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs have an extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, and are a great option for any student. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="multitasking_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for editing photos and video. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_family" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Stream everything from live sports to your favorite movies with high-quality PCs built for the whole family. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_creating" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these high-quality PCs are great for creating and entertaining. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring integrated and discrete graphics cards and mid-range processors, these PCs are great for casual gaming or streaming the latest entertainment. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for advanced gaming and entertainment. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs are built for maximum productivity and entertainment. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether attending class in person, taking a course online, or just streaming movies at home, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs have an extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, and are a great option for any student. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="entertainment_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are perfect for streaming your favorite movies and shows, or editing photo and video. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_creating" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users and families alike. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether gaming, browsing, planning a trip, or paying bills, these multi-use PCs are great for casual gamers and families alike. Enjoy your choice of mid-range processor, touchscreen<sup>1</sup>, and secure sign-in for multiple profiles with Windows Hello<sup>2</sup>. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for advanced gamers and families alike. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring mid-range processors, touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, and secure sign-in for multiple profiles with Windows Hello<sup>2</sup>, these multi-use PCs are great for the home or office. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring mid-range processors, touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, and extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, these multi-use PCs are great for home or school. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="family_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for families and creative users alike. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users and gamers alike. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for creative users and advanced gamers alike. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating_work" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are built for maximum productivity and creativity. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for creative users at work or at home. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="creating_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring quad to 4K displays, optional touchscreens<sup>1</sup>, digital pens<sup>1</sup>, and dGPUs, these PCs are great for photo and video editing and other creative use. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="work_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, and your choice of mid-range processors, these PCs are great for work and casual gaming alike. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run and games you plan to play for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="work_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these productivity powerhouses are great for work and advanced gaming. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="work_school" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>With long battery life<sup>7</sup>, Windows Hello<sup>2</sup> secure login, and mid-range processors, these multi-use PCs are great for work or school. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="work_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these productivity powerhouses are great for editing photos and video. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Not sure if you need Windows 11 Home or Pro on your new PC? Check the differences <a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Compare Windows 11 Home and Pro' href=''>here</a>. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="school_casualgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether attending class in person, taking a course online, or just gaming with friends, these touchscreen<sup>1</sup> PCs have an extra long battery life<sup>7</sup>, and are a great option for any student. Be sure to check the games you plan to play for compatibility. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="school_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Whether hitting the books or perfecting your game, these PCs鈥攆eaturing dGPUs and high-end processors鈥攁re a great option for students and gamers alike. Filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="school_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs, high-end processors, and long battery life<sup>7</sup>, these PCs are perfect for students and creative users alike. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="casualgaming_advancedgaming" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for the advanced gamer. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="casualgaming_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for editing photos and video, or for casual gaming. Be sure to check the programs you plan to run for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="advancedgaming_photovideoediting" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Featuring dGPUs and high-end processors, these PCs are great for advanced gaming and photo and video editing. Be sure to check your games for compatibility, and filter by budget, features, or brand to find the right fit. To take advantage of all the features in Windows 11, some accessories, like a webcam, may need to be purchased separately (<a target='' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See system requirements' href=''>see system requirements</a>). Yellow badges indicate a match to your use case selections. Gray badges indicate other uses that these PCs can be used for. Find the right one for you: compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below each device. Check each device to make sure you find one that meets your specific needs.</p></div> <div id="features_ngaiexperiences" class="paragraph-update hide"><p class='c-paragraph f-lean'>Based on your filter selections, these are the PCs that match. The fastest, most intelligent PCs ever. Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs come with turbocharged power, AI-powered tools to assist with productivity and creativity, and advanced security. To find the right one for you, compare up to 3 Windows devices by selecting the Compare checkbox below the associated View details or Pre-order buttons. 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Compare now."></h3> <p class='c-group'><a target='_blank' id='compare-button' class='mscom-link c-call-to-action wdg-f-blue-button' data-href='' href='' tabindex='0' aria-disabled='false' role='button' aria-label='Compare the selected devices'>Compare</a> <a id='clear-selections' class='mscom-link c-call-to-action c-glyph' href='javascript:void(0)' tabindex='0' aria-disabled='false' aria-label='Clear all selected devices'>Clear selections</a></p> </div> </section> <a id="focus-jump" href="javascript:void(0)" aria-label="Moving to close button">&nbsp;</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div data-grid="container"> <section data-vg="HighlightFeature" data-grid="col-12" class="m-highlight-feature " id="lfcsHighlightfeature"> <div> <h2 class="c-heading-2">Need help deciding?</h2> <p class="c-paragraph-2">We鈥檒l help you select the best Windows PC for your unique needs.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href="" target="" aria-label="Take our quiz to find your device" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph c-button"> <span>Take our quiz</span> </a> </div> </div> <picture class="c-image"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:1400px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:1084px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:540px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:0)"> <img srcset="" src="" alt="Woman handling a plant looking at her laptop" /> </picture> </section> </div> <div id="numberListId" class="number bg-color-num rounded-corners numberlistpanel fy23-font-number" data-vg="NumberList"> <div id=""> <div data-grid="container" class="numberlist-structurelist nonumber" data-os="win10"> <div data-grid="col-4" class="numberlistbanner"> <div class="content"> <h2 class="c-heading-2 f-lean">Looking for more?</h2> <p class="c-paragraph-1 fy23-font-weight">Get help with your transition to Windows&nbsp;11, and make the most of your Windows experience.</p> </div> <div id="gradient-image-numglyphs"> <picture class="c-image"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1400px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1084px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:540px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:0)"> <img srcset="" src="" alt="Laptop folded open running Windows 11 with bloom and pinned apps on the screen"> </picture> </div> </div> <div data-grid="col-1"></div> <div data-grid="col-7" class="numberlist"> <div class="m-structured-list structure-container"> <div class="c-structured-list"> <span class="numbers"></span> <div class="structure-item"> <h3 class="c-heading-3">Upgrade to Windows&nbsp;11</h3> <p class="c-paragraph-1 fy23-font-weight">Ready to make the switch? See if your PC is eligible by selecting the Start button, then go to <text style='font-weight:bold;'> Settings</text><text style='font-weight:bold;'> > Update & Security </text><text style='font-weight:bold;'> > Windows Update</text>.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href="" target="_self" aria-label="See system requirements" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph"> <span>See system requirements</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-structured-list structure-container"> <div class="c-structured-list"> <span class="numbers"></span> <div class="structure-item"> <h3 class="c-heading-3">Get Microsoft news and updates</h3> <p class="c-paragraph-1 fy23-font-weight">Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news, feature updates, how-to tips, deals and more for Windows and other Microsoft products.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href=";SRU=1SWDNWVSTY&amp;CRU=2SWDNWVS" target="_blank" aria-label="Subscribe now to get Windows updates" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph"> <span>Subscribe now</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-structured-list structure-container"> <div class="c-structured-list"> <span class="numbers"></span> <div class="structure-item"> <h3 class="c-heading-3">Become an insider</h3> <p class="c-paragraph-1 fy23-font-weight">Register with the Windows Insider Program and start engaging with engineers to help shape the future of Windows.</p> <div class="c-group"> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Windows Insider" class="c-call-to-action c-glyph"> <span>Learn more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div id="gradient-mobile"> <picture class="c-image"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1400px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1084px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:540px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width:0)"> <img srcset="" src="" alt="Laptop folded open running Windows 11 with bloom and pinned apps on the screen"> </picture> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><section data-vg="Footnotes" aria-label="Footnotes: Disclaimers" id="mwf-common-prefooter" class="article-section-footnotes disclaimer pt-3 pb-3 theme-dark"> <div data-grid="container"> <div data-grid="col-12"> <ul> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> Screens simulated. Features and app availability may vary by region. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 1 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="1"> <span class="supFn">1</span> </a> Touch capable tablet or PC required. Pen accessory may be sold separately. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 2 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="2"> <span class="supFn">2</span> </a> Requires specialized hardware, including fingerprint reader, illuminated IT sensor or other biometric sensors and capable devices. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 3 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="3"> <span class="supFn">3</span> </a> Review ratings are pulled in from 3rd party retailers and shown in aggregate from the data available for each PC. To view the most up to date review data for each PC including individual reviews, visit the retail sites listed for each PC. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 4 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="4"> <span class="supFn">4</span> </a> All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please check with each retailer for exact offers. Products may not be available in all markets. Displayed prices are current lowest prices offered by stated retailers and are subject to change. Prices are not offered by Microsoft unless stated. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 5 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="5"> <span class="supFn">5</span> </a> Windows 11 in S mode works exclusively with apps from the Microsoft Store within Windows. Some accessories and apps compatible with Windows 11 may not work (including some antivirus and accessibility apps) and performance may vary, even after switching out of S mode. If you switch out of S mode, you can't switch back. Learn more at <a target='_blank' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Frequently asked questions on Windows in S mode' href=''></a>. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 6 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="6"> <span class="supFn">6</span> </a> During the device support period provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Internet access required. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 7 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="7"> <span class="supFn">7</span> </a> Listed battery life for each computer is provided by manufacturers or retailers unless otherwise stated. Please check individual specifications on retailer or manufacturer site for full battery life details. Battery life varies with settings, usage, and other factors. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 8 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="8"> <span class="supFn">8</span> </a> LTE and 5G availability varies by market, and data speeds are reliant on your wireless provider's network; check with your provider for details. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 9 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="9"> <span class="supFn">9</span> </a> Mobile Plans application requires specialized hardware, including cellular modem and SIM card or eSIM. Please check with PC manufacturer for details. SIM card may be sold separately. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 10 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="10"> <span class="supFn">10</span> </a> Internet access and data plan required. Plans are not available in all countries or regions. Roaming fees may apply. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 11 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="11"> <span class="supFn">11</span> </a> Surface battery life varies significantly based on usage, network and feature configuration, signal strength, settings, and other factors. See <a target='_blank' class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='Surface battery testing and estimated performance support information' href=''>Surface battery testing and estimated performance - Microsoft Support</a> for details. </li> <li class="c-caption-2 x-hidden-focus"> <a aria-label="Return to footnote 12 referrer" href="javascript:void(0)" class="c-hyperlink supLink" id="12"> <span class="supFn">12</span> </a> On some devices, some Copilot+ PC experiences require free updates continuing to roll out through early 2025. Timing varies by device and region. See <a class='mscom-link c-hyperlink c-glyph' aria-label='See' target='_self' href=''></a>. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <div id="social-network"> <div data-grid="container"> <div data-vg="Socialshare" data-grid="col-12"> <div data-grid="col-6"> <div class="m-social f-horizontal f-share social-follow" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <h3>Follow Microsoft Windows</h3> <ul> <li class="social-linked-icon Facebook"> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" aria-label="Follow Microsoft Windows on Facebook" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Facebook icon"> <span role="tooltip" class="social-icon-tooltip" style="overflow-x: visible;">Follow Microsoft Windows on Facebook</span> </a> </li> <li class="social-linked-icon Twitter"> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" aria-label="Follow Microsoft Windows on X (formerly Twitter)" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="X icon (formally twitter icon)"> <span role="tooltip" class="social-icon-tooltip" style="overflow-x: visible;">Follow Microsoft Windows on X (formerly 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