Help Center - The Arizona Republic
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Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm</p> <p class="pt10 m0">Saturday: 7:00am - 11:00am</p> <p class="pt10 m0">Sunday: 7:00am - 11:00am</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w100 mb10 a-blue a-hov-line a-hov-blue index-container"> <h2 class="as-start ls-1 mt20 text-black-3 font-unify-semibold">Most common questions</h2> <h3 class="pt20 non-subscriber-only ">Not a Subscriber?</h3> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 non-subscriber-only "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Is there any way to access your content if I’m not a subscriber?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Non-subscribers will have access to limited content. Our online site's home page, section fronts and advertising products will remain accessible to anyone, even without a subscription. Some content is designated for subscribers only. We will continue to sell single copy print editions of the newspaper at retail outlets.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 non-subscriber-only "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What subscription options for news and information are offered?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Check out the best The Arizona Republic subscription offerings at <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 non-subscriber-only "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Can I get home delivery?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Print delivery is available within the newspaper distribution area only. Based on your location, delivery of your newspaper may come through the U.S Postal Service and arrive at the same time as your postal service.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <h3 class="pt20 ">Products & Benefits</h3> <h4 class="font-unify-regular pt5 ">Your subscription includes:</h4> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 non-subscriber-only "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Mobile App Access</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Stay on the pulse with our apps. The <a href=''></a> app includes breaking news alerts, personalized news feeds with “My Topics,” offline reading and immersive VR experiences. The e-Newspaper, or Premium Edition, app allows you to access the latest print edition on any device, anytime. Visit your app store to download and get started.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">24/7 access to <a href=''></a></h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Always get more of the story, breaking news and unlimited access to videos, photo galleries, databases of public documents, and more available on your desktop, mobile devices, and our mobile app. <ul><li>Download our app through your apple or google play store to personalize your news alerts, swipe and scroll through stories faster, and bookmark them to save and read later.</li></ul></li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">The eNewspaper</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>An exact digital replica of the printed edition, is available early morning. The eNewspaper allows you to turn pages, save and download articles, solve puzzles, listen to articles read aloud, and more! Access the eNewspaper at <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Universal access to all eNewspapers throughout the USA TODAY network</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>To access other newspapers in cities across the country, once inside your eNewspaper, simply click on the icon titled Universal on the right-side navigation bar.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Bonus magazines on various topics of interest available in your eNewspaper</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Each edition explores different subjects such as travel, food, technology, and much more</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Newsletters tailored to specific topics our readers want more of</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Newsletters can be sent right to your inbox! Sign up for one (or all of them) today at <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">USA TODAY podcasts</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Get a fresh mix and perspective on the conversation of the day, putting your ears right in the center of it. Listen today at <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Ability to share your digital access with a friend or family member for no additional cost</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>They, too, can get 24/7 access to <a href=''></a>. Go to <a href=''></a> and start sharing now.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">PRINT SUBSCRIBERS EXCLUSIVE</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Subscribers receiving the printed edition get Ad-free access to our USA TODAY Crossword puzzle! You can enjoy daily games by visiting or through the USA TODAY Crossword app available on your iPhone or Android device.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">To take advantage of the benefits above, you need to activate your subscription online</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul > <li>To ACTIVATE your subscription: <ol><li>Visit <a href=''></a></li><li>Enter the email address associated with your subscription and choose a password.</li></ol></li> <li>Once activated, you can check out the eNewspaper, a digital replica of the print edition, and download articles, print out puzzles and games, browse past editions, and turn on audio storytelling.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <h3 class="pt20 ">Subscription Account</h3> <h4 class="font-unify-regular pt5 ">Billing and Payments Questions:</h4> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What is EZ Pay?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Our EZ Pay automatic payment program offers the convenience and security of renewing your subscription by automatic deductions from a credit card. Existing subscribers can sign up for EZ Pay by visiting <a href=''></a> or calling Customer Service. </li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How do I update my credit card or payment information?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Subscribers can update their payment method online by visiting <a href=''></a> or by calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below). </li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Can I make a one-time payment online?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Yes, you can do so by visiting <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Why has my subscription rate increased?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>If you are a new subscriber and started your subscription with a promotional rate, your subscription rate does increase after the promotional period has ended. If you are a seasoned subscriber and your rate has increased, we sent you notification about this change, but should you have questions about it, please contact Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below).</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What are the additional fees on my subscription statement?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>For information regarding what you are being charged, please visit <a href=''></a> or call Customer Service.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What are Premium Editions?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Premium Editions are an additional section of your newspaper with 12 to 20 full color pages of in-depth coverage of the topics that matter most to our subscribers. Premium Editions are published to provide additional information and value. For more information about Premium Editions please visit <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Can I get a refund for my subscription?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Payments are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for the unused portion of a subscription that has been cancelled before the end of a billing cycle. We reserve the right, however, to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit in one instance, we are under no obligation to issue the same refund or credit in the future.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <h4 class="font-unify-regular pt5 ">Delivery Questions:</h4> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What if I don’t receive my paper?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Sometimes there are unexpected delays due to production problems or adverse weather conditions. We continually strive for excellence and regret any time we let you down. If you did not receive your newspaper, please report a delivery issue by visiting <a href=''></a>, chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below, or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below). As part of your subscription, you can view your newspaper online at <a href=''></a>. The eNewspaper allows you to turn pages, save and download articles, solve puzzles, listen to articles read aloud, and more.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How do I pause my newspaper delivery for vacation?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>As a subscriber, you can schedule temporary holds by visiting <a href=''></a>, chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below, or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below). A temporary hold can be set up for up to 30 days through our automated system. The digital portion of your subscription will continue so you will have full access to <a href=''></a> at anytime from anywhere to stay on top of the news that matters most.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How can I change my delivery address?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>You can update your delivery address by visiting <a href=''></a>, chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below).</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Why is my newspaper now being delivered by the US Postal Service?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>In some areas we’ve had ongoing challenges with our newspaper delivery caused by a variety of economic factors. In these instances, we have partnered with the local United States Postal Service. If you receive your print edition via the US Postal Service, your print edition will be delivered with your daily mail service. However, when there is no postal delivery, such as federally recognized holidays, your newspaper will be delivered the next day there is postal delivery available.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <h4 class="font-unify-regular pt5 ">Online Questions:</h4> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How do I activate my subscription?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li><ol><li>Visit <a href=''></a></li><li>Enter the email address associated with your subscription and choose a password.</li></ol> Once activated, you can check out the eNewspaper, a digital replica of the print edition, and download articles, print out puzzles and games, browse past editions, and turn on audio storytelling.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What should I do if I’m having trouble signing in to my account?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>If you purchased your subscription online, you set an email address and password when you completed your purchase. If you no longer remember the password, try clicking on the “Forgot password” link on the sign in page to trigger an email with a link to reset your password.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">What should I do if I no longer have access to the email address associated with my account?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>If you no longer have access to the email address you used when you set up the account, please call Customer Service or chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below, or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below).</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How can I unsubscribe from newsletters?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Visit <a href=''></a> and deselect the newsletters you wish to no longer receive.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How can I unsubscribe from emails?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>When you receive an email from us, scroll to the bottom of the email and click unsubscribe. Complete the required steps. Please allow 2-3 weeks for our systems to update your request.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How do I access content in the app after I download it?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Sign in to your account in the app to unlock your unlimited access.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How do I link a subscription purchased through an app store?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>If you purchased a subscription through an app store you will need to link your app purchase in order to have full access to our desktop and mobile website, in addition to our app. If you do not link your subscription, you will not be able to access unlimited stories, subscriber-only content, and the eNewspaper on our desktop and mobile website and eNewspaper app. <ol><li>To link your subscription, please follow the directions below: <ul><li>iOS</li></ul></li><li>Open our app that you purchased a subscription for,</li><li>Click on the settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the screen,</li><li>Click "Create Account" and follow the instructions to make a profile. <ul><li>Android</li></ul></li><li>Open our app that you purchased a subscription for,</li><li>Click on the settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the screen, </li><li>Click "Create Account" and follow the instructions to make a profile. </li><li>Once you have created your account, please use these credentials to sign in on our desktop or mobile website for full access to your subscriber benefits. </li></ol></li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <h4 class="font-unify-regular pt5 ">Disclosures:</h4> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Where can I find the Terms & Conditions of my subscription?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>You can easily find the terms and conditions for your subscription by visiting <a href=''></a>.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">How can I cancel my subscription?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-332-6733. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.</li> </ul> </div> </iron-collapse-button> </div> <div class="pr5 bb-light-gray-2 "> <iron-collapse-button> <h5 slot="collapse-trigger" class="w100 pt20 pb20 pr15 question-text">Can I get a refund for my subscription?</h5> <div slot="collapse-content" class="pr10 text-black-3 font-unify-regular"> <p></p> <ul class="has-one-item" > <li>Payments are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for the unused portion of a subscription that has been cancelled before the end of a billing cycle. We reserve the right, however, to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. 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