uProfile October 2024 - Erica Quessenberry

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A designer, developer, speaker, writer and champion for all things diversity, equity and inclusion, Erica finds great value in getting involved with Community initiatives, as well as broadening her horizon's by heading to Umbraco events all over the world, which should come as no surprise for this seasoned traveller.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> <div class="dc-block-list"> <div class="dc-columns no-outline " id="fBzmB"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #fBzmB { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --block-link-color: #162335; } </style> <div class="column-block"> <div class="dc-block-list"> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="RHgOe"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #RHgOe { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><ul> <li><strong>Name:</strong> Erica Quessenberry;<strong> </strong>I sometimes refer to myself as Eqberry; and my friends and family call me E.</li> <li><strong>Pronouns:</strong> She/her</li> <li><strong>Company name:</strong> Studio Red Designs</li> <li><strong>Role: </strong>UX/UI designer and frontend developer</li> <li><strong>Country/region:</strong> Washington State, USA</li> <li><strong>Working with Umbraco for:</strong> Nearly 15 years!</li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column-block"> <div class="dc-block-list"> <div class="dc-image-block " id="XjPVU"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #XjPVU { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img src="/media/mnwdzmm1/headshot.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38a28b440&amp;format=webp" alt="Profile Picture of Erica Quessenberry. A smiling woman with long strawberry blond hair, wearing a grey sweater. She is seated in a brightly lit environment leaning against a window." class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="OapFY"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #OapFY { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2><strong>Erica’s first foray into the Umbraco Community</strong></h2> <p>In thinking back through my journey in the Umbraco community, I’m really left with thoughts on how far this community has come in the last 15 years. There’s this feeling that we’ve grown, learned, adapted, and changed together.<br><br>My first big dip into the community was attending Codegarden with my then boss in 2012. That’s the year they killed v5 in the keynote. Talk about awkward. There were probably around 300 attendees, of which maybe five were women. I was so full of nerves I threw up the first day and maybe talked to a grand total of four people the entire week. Maybe that’s TMI, but large groups, especially when you’re a minority, are intimidating as hell, no matter how friendly, and I think we need reminders of that sometimes. <br><br>Despite my rocky start, I kept coming back and was eventually able to carve a niche for myself, and dare I say, maybe even wield some influence over the trajectory of the community? 2012 me would never have thought I had that in me. It just goes to show you never know what will happen if you open yourself up to something new.<br><br>A turning point for me was in 2016 when I spoke at uWestFest (the original Umbraco US Festival) about the ROI of gender diversity in tech and was asked to bring it to Codegarden. From the women attending CG that year, I was thanked for taking on the elephant in the room. And from the men, well, mixed responses. It was those negative responses that lit the fire under me and gave me purpose within the community. I wanted those that came in after me to have a better experience and find their place faster than I was able to. Afterall, this is all of our community and it is what we make it.<strong><br></strong></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="fFBht"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #fFBht { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/mqgffkwc/cg16-talk.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e389e51b90&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/mqgffkwc/cg16-talk.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e389e51b90&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/mqgffkwc/cg16-talk.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e389e51b90&amp;format=webp" alt="Erica Quessenberry, on stage, delivering a talk at Codegarden 2016, on Building an inclusive community: the ROI of gender diversity in tech." class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="YqrjC"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #YqrjC { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>CG16: Building an inclusive community: the ROI of gender diversity in tech</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="tLhGR"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #tLhGR { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2>Hard work and perseverance created great opportunities!</h2> <p>Since my awkward entry into the community in 2012, I have gone on to found <a href="">Skrift Magazine</a> with my lovely friends and colleagues Janae Cram and Kyle Weems, I’m on the <a href="">Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) community team</a>, and I’m a member of the new <a href="">Umbraco US Foundation</a>. Just this month we resurrected the community-led US Festival; it was a labor of love and turned out amazing! I have also been speaking quite a lot this year at various conferences, including Spark, Codegarden, the US Festival, and the upcoming UK Festival, and attended CODECABIN for the first time! It’s been a busy year!</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="cfHTO"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #cfHTO { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/mxnbrjvv/umbraco_usfestival.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38a462750&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/mxnbrjvv/umbraco_usfestival.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a462750&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/mxnbrjvv/umbraco_usfestival.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a462750&amp;format=webp" alt="A group of Umbraco Community people celebrating a successful US Festival on stage, throwing yellow and blue streamers." class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="pFpgk"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #pFpgk { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>The US Foundation team. Photo by Matt Nikkila</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="wJbzQ"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #wJbzQ { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2>It's all about the people!</h2> <p>For me, it’s the friendships I’ve made over the years that have kept me coming back to the Umbraco Community. There are some amazing people in this community and I am a better person for knowing and learning from them.</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="IOnAx"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #IOnAx { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2><strong>Would I recommend getting involved with the Umbraco Community?</strong></h2> <p>Yes, yes and yea again! I think anyone using the Umbraco CMS will get more out of it when they’re also a part of the community. And despite how much I’m involved in now, I am very introverted and not a joiner by nature. Everyone has their unique journey, but for me 1) I took a chance on this community by continuing to show up even if it was as a wallflower, 2) studied and then emulated my best friend (who is on the total other end of the spectrum as an extrovert) on how to strike up conversations with strangers, and 3) said yes to every opportunity that came my way. Want to start a magazine? You betcha. Want to speak at Codegarden? I’ve got just the topic. Want to start a festival in the US? Sign me up. Putting yourself out there is no easy thing, but though it was hard, I’ve found it highly rewarding and have been able to build my career because of it. Oh, and I made so many wonderful friends along the way!</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="oAnmv"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #oAnmv { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/4dedwaht/friends.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38aacff70&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/4dedwaht/friends.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38aacff70&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/4dedwaht/friends.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38aacff70&amp;format=webp" alt="A photo collage of Erica Quessenberry with various people from the Umbraco Community, friendships with people from around the world" class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="qmneQ"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #qmneQ { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>Erica pictured with so many different Umbraco friends, from all over the world.</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="pplQj"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #pplQj { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2>Community-Work-Life Balance</h2> <p>Skrift is an ongoing passion project, so the work there is never done. I am continually reaching out to people to see if they’d like to write and share their knowledge, what they are working on, their struggles and triumphs, and their perspectives on development and life experiences. We believe the more we share with and get to know each other, the stronger, more empathetic, and more open we’ll be as a community, which not only helps us grow personally, but professionally as well. If you’d like to write, please don’t hesitate to <a href="">reach out</a>!<br><br>In the DEI group, we are gearing up for next year’s agenda and what we are calling “diversity releases” — an initiative where we aim to amplify the diverse voices and perspectives within the community. Each quarter will have a topic related to diversity, equity, and inclusion and we’re encouraging community members to share their stories, experiences, and ideas across a range of formats — blog posts, articles (write for Skrift!), podcasts (be a guest on Candid Contributions!), YouTube videos, etc around that quarter’s topic. We want to celebrate all the ways we’re different, so I hope people are willing to join us on this endeavor by sharing their stories and experiences. You can read more about the initiative in our <a href="">announcement</a>. <br><br>Work-wise, lately I’ve been moving quite a few sites to Umbraco Cloud. All of the sites share some amount of content so instead of recreating that on each site, it’s being stored in NetSuite and pushed to each site as needed, while their individual marketing pages and branding lives in Umbraco.</p> <p>It’s always been my goal to move outside the US again (I lived in Scotland for a couple years). I’ve been indecisive about where I want to go, so until I decide and can make that happen, I will continue to travel the world, experience new cultures, meet new people, hike new terrain, and seek to understand new perspectives all while looking for the next place I want to live.</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="WDxue"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #WDxue { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/a2df25lx/travel.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38a08a920&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/a2df25lx/travel.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a08a920&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/a2df25lx/travel.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a08a920&amp;format=webp" alt="A photo collage of Erica Quessenberry visiting various locations around the world, during her travels. She is pictured in front of the Pyramids in Egypt, at the summit of Pen Y Fan in Wales UK, in front of Pont du Gard in France, sipping a fruity cocktail at the beach in Antigua" class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="pjLVe"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #pjLVe { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>The Pyramids in Giza, Egypt; hiking Pen y Fan in Wales; Pont du Gard, France; Antigua for my birthday</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="CDIrl"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #CDIrl { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2>A few things you might not know about me...</h2> <p>I love to quilt. It’s something I picked up not long after I got into the world of web design as an offline creative outlet. There’s just something satisfying about picking out fabric, coming up with a design that suits it, and putting it all together. It’s definitely a labor of love. In 2015 I took a bunch of old Umbraco t-shirts and made a quilt for one of the bingo prizes. I’ve been told it’s somewhere around HQ still, but I haven’t seen it in years. While I am still super proud of it, looking back at photos, I can see how much my skills have grown.</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="wasdu"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #wasdu { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/cdghiu40/quilts.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38acc6e50&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/cdghiu40/quilts.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38acc6e50&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/cdghiu40/quilts.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38acc6e50&amp;format=webp" alt="Images of various quilting projects made by Erica Quessenberry, using multicoloured and patterned pieces of fabric, including a red and white Christmas themed quilt and a special quilt made from Umbraco branded tshirts." class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="KOIhr"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #KOIhr { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>Clockwise from the top left: The Umbraco t-shirt quilt, the last quilt Erica made — a wedding gift for her bestie, her latest quilt in progress (she draws out potential quilting patterns on her iPad), the Christmas quilt that took her 6 years or so to make.</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="VVefv"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #VVefv { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p>I LOVE to travel and my bucket list is mostly just filled with all the places I want to travel to. I’ve always had the goal of getting to all 7 continents. Antarctica was going to be in early 2021, but we all know how that turned out. And now I’m reading about how the uptick in tourism there is harming the environment, so mixed feelings on still going some day and my bucket list might go unfulfilled. BUT, while they might not be new continents, I did add three new pins to my map this year including Antigua 🇦🇬 in the Caribbean, which was some place I’ve always wanted to go for a birthday adventure (hurricane season be damned!).</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="xZVbY"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #xZVbY { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/igqdyq4p/world-map.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38a87c430&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/igqdyq4p/world-map.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a87c430&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/igqdyq4p/world-map.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a87c430&amp;format=webp" alt="A world map, the land in white and the sea in black, with pins marking all the countries Erica has visited." class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="zdEMv"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #zdEMv { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p dir="ltr"><em>My pin map! Definitely so many more places to explore</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="oUMFU"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #oUMFU { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p>My hidden talent is convincing people that tofu is actually amazing and plant-based eating is super good. I threw a fully vegan brunch when my bestie got married this year for 10 of her non-vegan, out of town friends. I didn’t advertise it as vegan, and I don’t think any of them realized it until my bestie said something after. Those mini frittatas y'all just devoured? Tofu. Those muffins and cakes? No dairy, no eggs. And it’s all still so delicious and satisfying. I’ve been vegan for well over a decade and it’s taught me to be a better, more creative and sustainable cook and I love to show people that vegan food can be and is amazing when done well (though I will admit it’s not always done well).</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-image-block " id="VaqMA"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #VaqMA { --block-background-color: transparent; } </style> <div class="dc-image-wrapper"> <img srcset="/media/qelg0hcj/brunch.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=680&amp;v=1db29e38a685550&amp;format=webp 662w, /media/qelg0hcj/brunch.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a685550&amp;format=webp 1360w" sizes="(max-width: 698px) 662px, 1360px" src="/media/qelg0hcj/brunch.jpg?rmode=pad&amp;width=1360&amp;v=1db29e38a685550&amp;format=webp" alt="A delicious spread of vegan food, prepared by Erica" class="dc-image" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="tvHWV"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #tvHWV { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p><em>The vegan brunch spread</em></p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="hpzLV"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #hpzLV { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><h2>Stay in touch!</h2> <p>I have a love/hate relationship with social media and try to abstain from it as much as possible. But you can find me on <a href="">LinkedIn</a> and I do post occasionally on <a href="">Instagram</a>. I have a whole bunch of reels in my head that I want to make, but likely never will because they take me too long! 😆</p></div> </div> <div class="dc-text-block justify-center " id="sCGMs"> <style nonce="i5uvGhDFxfv7aUuN/Bpy1DqCxNgGMEaCopLDPzfsw&#x2B;M="> #sCGMs { --block-background-color: transparent; --block-text-color: #162335; --link-color: var(--color-blue); } </style> <div class="dc-text-block__content"><p> </p> <hr> <p><strong>Is there someone you'd like to nominate for a uProfile?</strong></p> <p>Do you know someone who deserves a spotlight on their Umbraco journey? To nominate a friend, peer, or colleague, reach out to Lucy Brailsford in the DevRel Team at <a href=""></a> and explain why!</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="blog-sidebar"> <div class="sidebar-card"> <ul class="list-unstyled sidebar-list"> <li><strong>Published:</strong> October 31, 2024</li> <li><strong>Read time:</strong> 8 min. read</li> <li><strong>Category:</strong> <a href="/blog/category/community/">Community</a></li> <li> <ul class="tag-list"> <li><a href="../?tag=community">community</a></li> <li><a href="../?tag=uProfile">uProfile</a></li> </ul> </li> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative related-story"> <div class="hero-overlay"></div> <img src="/media/l11pxjl0/janae-profile.jpg" class="hero-image" loading="lazy" /> <div class="related-blog-content"> <header class="flex flex-wrap space-between align-center mb-md"> <h3 class="mr-md">Related story</h3> <div class="avatar"> <p> <strong>Written by</strong>: Janae Cram </p> </div> </header> <a href="/blog/uprofile-september-2024-janae-cram/" class="text-underline"><h4>uProfile September 2024 - Janae Cram</h4></a> <div><p>In this post we hear from Janae Cram, a seasoned Tech Lead at ProWorks Corporation in the US, with 16 years of experience working with Umbraco. From her early days as a junior front-end developer to her current role in technical leadership, Janae has become a prolific Community contributor and a recognizable, friendly face at many an event. Ready to connect people, share stories, and impart experience and knowledge to help others, forging friendships along the way.</p></div> </div> </section> </main> <footer> <div class="footer-inner"> <div class="footer-header"> <svg xmlns="" class="logo" viewBox="0 0 40 40"> <path fill="var(--logo-fill, var(--color-blue))" d="M0,20C0,8.9,9,0,20,0s20,9,20,20s-9,20-20,20C8.9,40,0,31,0,20L0,20z M19.6,26.8c-1.6,0-3.1-0.1-4.6-0.4 c-1.1-0.2-2.1-1-2.5-2c-0.5-1-0.7-2.6-0.7-4.8c0-1.1,0.1-2.3,0.2-3.4c0.1-1.1,0.3-2,0.4-2.7l0.1-0.7c0,0,0,0,0-0.1 c0-0.2-0.1-0.4-0.3-0.4l-2.6-0.4H9.6c-0.2,0-0.4,0.1-0.4,0.3c0,0.2-0.1,0.3-0.1,0.7c-0.1,0.8-0.3,1.5-0.4,2.6 c-0.2,1.2-0.3,2.4-0.3,3.5c-0.1,0.8-0.1,1.6,0,2.5c0.1,2.2,0.4,3.9,1.1,5.2c0.7,1.3,1.9,2.2,3.5,2.8c1.6,0.6,3.9,0.9,6.9,0.8h0.4 c2.9,0,5.2-0.3,6.9-0.8c1.6-0.6,2.8-1.5,3.5-2.8c0.7-1.3,1.1-3.1,1.1-5.2c0.1-0.8,0.1-1.6,0-2.5c0-1.2-0.1-2.4-0.3-3.5 c-0.1-1.1-0.3-1.8-0.4-2.6c-0.1-0.4-0.1-0.5-0.1-0.7c0-0.2-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.3h-0.1l-2.6,0.4c-0.2,0-0.3,0.2-0.3,0.4c0,0,0,0,0,0.1 l0.1,0.7c0.1,0.7,0.3,1.6,0.4,2.7c0.1,1.1,0.2,2.3,0.2,3.4c0,2.2-0.2,3.8-0.7,4.8c-0.5,1-1.4,1.8-2.5,2c-1.5,0.3-3.1,0.5-4.6,0.4 L19.6,26.8z" /> </svg> <h1 class="footer-header__text"> <span>The CMS that fits you.</span> <span>Not the other way around.</span> </h1> </div> <div class="footer-links"> <div class="footer-links__column"> <h2 class="footer-links__column-title">About Umbraco</h2> <ul class="footer-links__column-links"> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/about-us/" target="_self">About us</a></li> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/work-at-umbraco/" target="_self">Work at Umbraco</a></li> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/terms-and-conditions/" target="_self">Terms and conditions</a></li> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/trust-center/privacy-and-umbraco/privacy-statement/" target="_self">Privacy policy</a></li> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/contact-us/" target="_self">Contact us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-links__column"> <h2 class="footer-links__column-title">Other resources</h2> <ul class="footer-links__column-links"> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="/blog/" target="_self">Our blog</a></li> <li class="footer-links__column-links--item"><a href="" target="_self">Developers &amp; 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