YouTube Culture & Trends - Data and Cultural Analysis for You

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Stories</h1> <p class="lb-font-body lb-font-color-grey-5 lb-margin-bottom-m">Explore YouTube stories and facts about the trends happening around the world.</p> <div class="ytt-js-load-more-lists"> <ul class="ytt-cards__list"> <li data-index="0" class="ytt-card ytt-card-0 ytt-card--claim_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/world-cup-stickers/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow ytt-card__text">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-card__text">Videos related to World Cup with &#34;album&#34; or variations of &#34;stickers&#34; in the title have been viewed over 375 million times this year.</h1> </a> </li> <li data-index="1" class="ytt-card ytt-card-1 ytt-card--graphic_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/super-mario-global-viewership/" > <div class="ytt-card__inner-wrapper"> <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <div class="ytt-grid__right"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="ytt-grid__left"> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-top-s">U.S. and Japan combine for over 40% of Super Mario views</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg width="25" height="14" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" tabindex="-1"><path class="ytt-card__arrow-icon" d="M17.23 0l-1.7 1.699 4.072 4.079H0v2.404h19.602l-4.071 4.08 1.699 1.69 6.98-6.972z" fill="#161616" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="2" class="ytt-card ytt-card-2 ytt-card--graphic_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/super-mario-games-most-viewed/" > <div class="ytt-card__inner-wrapper"> <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <div class="ytt-grid__right"> <img src="" alt="A table showing the ten-most-viewed games in the Super Mario series. The #1 position is occupied by Super Mario Bros."> </div> <div class="ytt-grid__left"> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-top-s">Super Mario Bros. is the most-viewed &#34;Super Mario&#34; game</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg width="25" height="14" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" tabindex="-1"><path class="ytt-card__arrow-icon" d="M17.23 0l-1.7 1.699 4.072 4.079H0v2.404h19.602l-4.071 4.08 1.699 1.69 6.98-6.972z" fill="#161616" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="3" class="ytt-card ytt-card-3 ytt-card--stories"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer nofollow" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Culture and Trends Report</p> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700">Culture and Trends Report 2024: Fandom</h1> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg xmlns="" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#161616" class="ytt-card__arrow-icon"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 19H5V5h7V3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-7h-2v7zM14 3v2h3.59l-9.83 9.83 1.41 1.41L19 6.41V10h2V3h-7z"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="4" class="ytt-card ytt-card-4 ytt-card--stat_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/gen-z-personal-relevance-primacy-ipsos/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-xs lb-font-color-youtube-red">65%</h1> <p class="lb-font-body lb-font-color-grey-4">According to an Ipsos survey, 65% of Gen Z agree that content that’s personally relevant to them is more important than the content that lots of other people talk about.</p> </a> </li> <li data-index="5" class="ytt-card ytt-card-5 ytt-card--claim_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/met-gala-trending/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow ytt-card__text">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-card__text">In 2021, 35 unique videos related to Met Gala appeared on the Trending Tab across more than 70 countries.</h1> </a> </li> <li data-index="6" class="ytt-card ytt-card-6 ytt-card--graphic_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/super-mario-uploads/" > <div class="ytt-card__inner-wrapper"> <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <div class="ytt-grid__right"> <img src="" alt="A bar graph showing annual uploads from 2005 through 2022 of videos related to Super Mario series peaking with 2022 uploads."> </div> <div class="ytt-grid__left"> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-top-s">2022 was Super Mario series&#39; most-uploaded year ever</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg width="25" height="14" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" tabindex="-1"><path class="ytt-card__arrow-icon" d="M17.23 0l-1.7 1.699 4.072 4.079H0v2.404h19.602l-4.071 4.08 1.699 1.69 6.98-6.972z" fill="#161616" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="7" class="ytt-card ytt-card-7 ytt-card--stat_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/gen-z-creators-only-interest-ipsos/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-xs lb-font-color-youtube-red">60%</h1> <p class="lb-font-body lb-font-color-grey-4">According to an Ipsos survey, 60% of people agree that they discovered creators making content about a topic that they didn&#39;t know people other than themselves cared about.</p> </a> </li> <li data-index="8" class="ytt-card ytt-card-8 ytt-card--claim_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/upcycling-2021/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow ytt-card__text">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-card__text">There were over 65 million views of videos with &#34;upcycling&#34; in the title during 2021.</h1> </a> </li> <li data-index="9" class="ytt-card ytt-card-9 ytt-card--stories"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/retrogaming-community-1000x-growth/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data Visualization</p> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700">Retrogaming: the community keeping classic games alive</h1> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg width="25" height="14" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" tabindex="-1"><path class="ytt-card__arrow-icon" d="M17.23 0l-1.7 1.699 4.072 4.079H0v2.404h19.602l-4.071 4.08 1.699 1.69 6.98-6.972z" fill="#161616" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="10" class="ytt-card ytt-card-10 ytt-card--stories"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/super-mario-100billion-views/" > <div class="ytt-card__inner-wrapper"> <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Explainer</p> <div class="ytt-grid__left ytt-card__content--flush"> <div class="ytt-flush-container"></div> </div> <div class="ytt-grid__right"> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-s">100 Billion Views: A Closer Look at &#34;Mario&#34;</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"> <svg width="25" height="14" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" tabindex="-1"><path class="ytt-card__arrow-icon" d="M17.23 0l-1.7 1.699 4.072 4.079H0v2.404h19.602l-4.071 4.08 1.699 1.69 6.98-6.972z" fill="#161616" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> </div> </a> </li> <li data-index="11" class="ytt-card ytt-card-11 ytt-card--stat_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/gen-z-minecraft-ipsos/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-headline-1 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-xs lb-font-color-youtube-red">41%</h1> <p class="lb-font-body lb-font-color-grey-4">According to an Ipsos survey, 41% of people have watched Minecraft videos online.</p> </a> </li> <li data-index="12" class="ytt-card ytt-card-12 ytt-card--claim_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/wrestling-all-time-high/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow ytt-card__text">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-card__text">In March 2022, daily views of videos related to professional wrestling reached an all-time high.</h1> </a> </li> <li data-index="13" class="ytt-card ytt-card-13 ytt-card--claim_fact"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="/trends/articles/asmr-in-2021/" > <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow ytt-card__text">Data</p> <h1 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-card__text">There were more than 65 billion views of videos related to ASMR in 2021.</h1> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ytt-discover__section-cta lb-margin-top-s"> <a href="#ytt-cards__list-0" class="lb-button ytt-js-load-more-btn" lb-auto-init="LBAutoScroll" lb-options="{'duration': 750, 'y': {'offset': -64}}"> Load more </a> </div> </section> </main> <aside class="ytt-aside"> </aside> <div class="ytt-news-contact ytt-news-contact--light"> <div class="ytt-news-contact__inner"> <div> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-news-contact__title"> <a href="/trends/news/"> In the News </a> </h2> <div class="ytt-card"> <a class="ytt-card__link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer nofollow"> <p class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-margin-bottom-s ytt-card__eyebrow">ABC News</p> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700">YouTube and TikTok can be tools in your self-care kit — if you know how to use them</h2> <div class="lb-margin-top-s ytt-card__arrow"><svg xmlns="" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#161616" class="ytt-card__arrow-icon"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 19H5V5h7V3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-7h-2v7zM14 3v2h3.59l-9.83 9.83 1.41 1.41L19 6.41V10h2V3h-7z"/></svg></div> </a> </div> </div> <div> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-700 ytt-news-contact__title"> <a href="/trends/contact/"> Contact </a> </h2> <p class="lb-font-body lb-font-color-grey-5"> Ready for your next story? 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"stories": true, "title": "Like \u0026 Describe #1 - The Rise of the VTubers", "type": "Podcast"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "technoblade-never-dies-video", "stories": true, "title": "How \"Technoblade Never Dies\" became an iconic catch phrase", "type": "Video"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 57% of Gen Z agree that they like it when brands participate in memes.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-brands-memes", "stat": "57%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"claim": "Between 2017 and 2019, viewership on videos with \"thrift with,\" \"thrifting in\" or \"how to thrift\" in the title increased by 10X.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "10x-increase-in-thrifting", "type": "claim_fact"}, {"claim": "In 2019, creators uploaded more than 50,000 videos with \"Day in the Life\" in the title.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "creators-uploaded-2019", "type": "claim_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"claim": "MrBeast\u2019s kickoff video and videos tagged #teamtrees have accumulated more than 150 million views.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "mr-beast-team-trees-big-stat", "type": "claim_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-launch-creators", "title": "The Channels with the Most Elden Ring launch views", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "Table showing top 5 most-uploaded classes during Elden Ring launch. 1) Samurai, 2) Hero, 3) Wretch, 4) Astrologer, 5) Warrior", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-classes-launch", "title": "The 5 most-uploaded classes during Elden Ring\u2019s launch", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "community-spotlight-speedrunning", "stories": true, "title": "Community Spotlight: Speedrunning", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 85% of Gen Z have posted video content online.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-posting-online-ipsos", "stat": "85%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"claim": "Views of videos related to mukbang were more than three times higher in 2019 than the year before.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "mukbang-views-2019", "type": "claim_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "Table showing Top 5 most-uploaded bosses during Elden Ring\u0027s launch: 1: Margit, 2: Malenia, 3: Godrick, 4: Starscourge Radahn, 5: Draconic Tree Sentinel", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-bosses", "title": "The 5 most-uploaded bosses during Elden Ring\u2019s launch", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 64% of Gen Z agree that they use YouTube because it helps them find people who are fans of a person or topic they are interested in.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-fan-interest-ipsos", "stat": "64%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"claim": " Over the past five years, uploads of videos with \u201csolo travel\u201d in the title have steadily increased, with 2019 seeing the highest upload rate yet.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "solo-female-travel-peaks", "type": "claim_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "international-cat-day-2022", "stories": true, "title": "The Year In Cats, So Far...", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-launch-story", "stories": true, "title": "Elden Ring was one of the largest game launches in YouTube history", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 76% of Gen Z agree that YouTube has the most content that lets them deeply explore topics they are interested in.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-topics-ipsos", "stat": "76%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"claim": " Jennelle Eliana uploaded the most-viewed video in 2019 with \"vanlife\" in the title.", "claim_fact": true, "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "jannelle-eliana-most-viewed-vanlife", "type": "claim_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "Pie chart showing proportions of uploads of Elden Ring videos by format: VOD - 71.3%, Live Streams - 26%, Shorts - 2.7%", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-launch-formats", "title": "Elden Ring launch content spanned all formats", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "Table showing the five most-viewed launch videos: Elden Ring is Rage Game of 2022, CoryxKenshin: 6.2 million; Elden Ring - MAX LEVEL 713 VS Bosses Gameplay, AshesWolf: 5.7 million; Get overpowered at the very start, Boomstick Gaming: 5.3 million; Elden Ring from the NPC\u0027s perspective, Joel Haver - 5 million; Best Game in the last five years", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-most-viewed-launch-videos", "title": "The most-viewed launch videos were a diverse set", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"external_link": "\u0026utm_medium=Web", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "culture-and-trends-2022", "stories": true, "title": "YouTube Culture \u0026 Trends Report 2022", "type": "Culture and Trends Report"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 60% of Gen Z have used YouTube to find more content about a show or movie that they just watched.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-movie-show-ipsos", "stat": "60%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "Chart showing launch views for the following games: Elden Ring: 3.4 billion, GTA V: 2.4 billion, Red Dead Redemption 2: 1.9 billion, Super Mario Odyssey: 820 million, Skyrim: 630 million", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "elden-ring-launch-chart", "title": "Elden Ring has one YouTube\u2019s all-time largest game launches", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 82% of Gen Z have used YouTube to watch content in order to feel nostalgic.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-nostalgia-ipsos", "stat": "82%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"external_link": "", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-launcher", "stories": true, "title": "An Epic Journey Through Minecraft on YouTube", "type": "Data Visualization"}, {"is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "eoy-2021-methodology-assets", "stories": true, "title": "2021 YouTube Top 10: Methodologies and Assets", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 83% of Gen Z have used YouTube to watch soothing content that helps them relax.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-relax-ipsos", "stat": "83%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "yoga-community-annual-views", "title": "The yoga community continues to grow", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "egoland-daily-views", "title": "Egoland videos topped 275 million views in January", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"external_link": "", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "eoy-lists-2021", "stories": true, "title": "YouTube Top 10", "type": "Listicle"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 53% of Gen Z agree that online horror content appeals to them.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-horror-content", "stat": "53%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "egoland-rust-january-views", "title": "2021 was Rust\u2019s most-viewed January on YouTube", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 59% of Gen Z agree that they use short form video apps to discover things that they then watch longer versions of.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-short-form-interest-ipsos", "stat": "59%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Identity on YT", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-1t-global", "stories": true, "title": "The Borderless Joy of Minecraft YouTube", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "Identity on YT", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-1t-cultural-expression", "stories": true, "title": "Celebrating Culture and Identity in Minecraft", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 75% of people agree that they use YouTube because it serves them with content that\u2019s personally relevant to them.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-personal-relevance-ipsos", "stat": "75%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "egoland-rust-views", "title": "Egoland drives interest in Rust on YouTube", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "egoland-uploads", "title": "Over 15,000 \u201cEgoland\u201d videos have been uploaded since January 3rd", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-one-trillion-pioneers", "stories": true, "title": "Pioneering Women of Early Minecraft YouTube", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 55% of Gen Z agree that they watch content that no one they know personally is interested in.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-no-one-else-ipsos", "stat": "55%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "word cloud showing a variety of words that appear in videos that use the words \"yoga for\" in the title", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "yoga-for-word-cloud", "title": "What the yoga community makes yoga videos for", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 64% of Gen Z agree that they like to put on videos that keep them company while they do other things.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-company-ipsos", "stat": "64%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"external_link": "\u0026utm_medium=homepage\u0026utm_campaign=trends-report-2021", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "trends-report-2021-summer", "stories": true, "title": "Culture and Trends Report 2021", "type": "Culture and Trends Report"}, {"external_link": "", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "aesthetics-data-viz", "stories": true, "title": "The Rise of Aesthetics", "type": "Data Visualization"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 61% of Gen Z agree that, they would describe themselves as a really big or super fan of someone or something.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-superfan-ipsos", "stat": "61%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "handcams-viewership", "title": "Views of handcam videos rise with popular mobile games viewership", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "-rebecca-black-friday", "title": "\"Friday\" still spikes in viewership every Friday", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "YouTube search results page with \"1,000,000,000,000\" superimposed over thumbnails", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-1t-future-of-minecraft", "stories": true, "title": "The Future of Minecraft on YouTube", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 69% of Gen Z agree that, they often find themselves returning to creators or content that feels comforting to them.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-comfort-creators-ipsos", "stat": "69%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "garena-free-fire-global-viewership", "title": "Where are people watching Free Fire videos?", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 48% of Gen Z have watched videos with stories that feature urban legends, creepypasta, mythical creatures, or other supernatural phenomena.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-creepypastai-ipsos", "stat": "48%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Identity on YT", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "minecraft-1t-chillin-vibin", "stories": true, "title": "The Cozy Corner of Minecraft YouTube", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "Collage of images from Minecraft", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "the-dream-smp-modern-epic", "stories": true, "title": "The Dream SMP -- An Epic for the Modern Era", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 66% of Gen Z have used a filter, feature, or effect on a video app", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-filter", "stat": "66%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "chart showing monthly views for Garena Free Fire from January 2017 to October 2020, where it peaks", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "garena-free-fire-llifetime-views", "title": "Views of Free Fire videos hit all-time high", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "among-us-monthly-viewership", "title": "\"Among Us\" videos topped 4 billion views in September", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Thumbnail showing LoFi Girl", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "lofi-girl", "stories": true, "title": "Lofi Girl -- The Making of an Icon", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 63% of Gen Z followed one or more meme accounts.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-meme-accounts", "stat": "63%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "among-us-animation", "title": "Animation emerges as strong category of \"Among Us\" content", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 85% of Gen Z have left a comment on a video online.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-comments", "stat": "85%", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"external_link": "", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "with-me-data-viz", "stories": true, "title": "With Me: How Solo Activities Brought The World Closer", "type": "Data Visualization"}, {"external_link": "", "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "watching-the-pandemic", "stories": true, "title": "Watching the Pandemic", "type": "Data Visualization"}, {"description": "According to an Ipsos survey, 94% of Gen Z have watched new music videos.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "gen-z-music-videos", "stat": "94", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "among-us-global-viewership", "title": "Where 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community, peaking in 2019, the last full year for which there is data.", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "true-crime-community-views-over-time", "title": "The growth of true crime since 2015", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "Videos related to professional wrestling topped 100 million daily views in March 2022.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "pro-wrestling-100-million", "stat": "100M", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "yoga-community", "stories": true, "title": "Community Spotlight: Yoga", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "rust-and-egoland", "stories": true, "title": "Egoland: the gaming community assembles", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "Annual views of videos with \"thrift flip,\" \"thrift haul,\" \"thrifting,\" or \"thrift with me\" in the title increased more than 2x from 2020 to 2021.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "thrift-flip-2021", "stat": "2X", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "pie chart showing 60% female and 40% male viewership of True Crime community videos", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "true-crime-female-viewers", "title": "Over 60% of true crime community views come from female viewers", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "spc-most-uploaded-since-2012", "title": "Top 5 Most Uploaded SCPs since 2012", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "image of two hands holding a mobile phone with a video game on the screen", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "on-the-rise-handcam-videos", "stories": true, "title": "On The Rise: Handcam Videos", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "In 2020, there were more than 85M views of videos with \"30 day\" in the title from creators in the yoga community.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "yoga-30-day-stat", "stat": "\u003e 85M", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "scp-top-5-countries-2020", "title": "Top 5 countries for SCP Foundation video viewership", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "In 2020, there were over 1 billion views of videos related to Pok\u00e9mon Trading Cards.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "pokemon-cards-1-billion-views", "stat": "\u003e 1B", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "2020-youtube-gaming-stats", "stories": true, "title": "The Year in YouTube Gaming", "type": "Infographic"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "2020-youtube-music-stats", "stories": true, "title": "The Year in YouTube Music", "type": "Infographic"}, {"description": "BTS (\ubc29\ud0c4\uc18c\ub144\ub2e8) \u0027Dynamite\u0027 Official MV earned 101.1 million views in its first 24 hours, setting a new record for biggest music video debut.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "bts-24-hour-record", "stat": "101.1M", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "spc-google-search-interest", "title": "Global Search Interest in SCP Foundation Peaks In May", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "spc-all-time-high", "title": "SCP Foundation views hit all time high in August", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "a thumbnail showing abstract images resembling a laptop, a television, and a phone", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "garena-free-fire-five-fast-facts", "stories": true, "title": "Five Fast Facts: Garena Free Fire", "type": "Explainer"}, {"description": "In 2019, viewers watched over 99 million watch hours of videos related to guided meditation.", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "99m-views-guided-meditation", "stat": "\u003e99M", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "spc-1billionviews", "title": "SCP Foundation videos topped 1 billion views in 2019", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"description": "1.54 million concurrent viewers tuned in to watch the Premiere of BTS (\ubc29\ud0c4\uc18c\ub144\ub2e8) \u0027ON\u0027 Official MV, setting a new record for biggest YouTube Premiere.", 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"graphic_fact"}, {"description": "In 2019, there were more than 1 billion views of videos from channels that describe themselves as \u201cvirtual YouTubers.\u201d", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": false, "slug": "1b-virtual-youtubers", "stat": "\u003e1B", "stat_fact": true, "type": "stat_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "what-it-means-to-stayhome-on-youtube", "stories": true, "title": "YouTube During COVID-19", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-content-on-youtube-explainer", "stories": true, "title": "The Growth of Racial Justice Content, in 7 Charts", "type": "Explainer"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-juneteenth", "title": "Viewership of Juneteenth videos hit record high in 2020", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-how-to-be-an-ally", "title": "Creators began to discuss allyship as protests erupted", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Video thumbnail image shows creator holding a loaf of bread below text reading \"Binging With Babish Sourdough\"", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-sourdough-tutorials", "stories": true, "title": "The Explainer: Sourdough Videos", "type": "Explainer"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-being-black-in", "title": "Creators used \u201cBeing Black In\u201d videos to speak out on racial injustice", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Video thumbnail Image of teacher smiling next to text that reads \"Distance Learning\"", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-distance-learning", "stories": true, "title": "The Explainer: Distance Learning Videos", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "Video thumbnail image shows woman doing exercise under title that reads \"15 minute abs.\"", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-workout-at-home", "stories": true, "title": "The Explainer: Workout At Home", "type": "Explainer"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-black-lives-matter", "title": "Black Lives Matter viewership in the wake of George Floyd\u2019s death", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "racial-justice-george-floyd", "title": "Views of George Floyd videos skyrocket following his death", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Video thumbnail image shows a creator holding a home-made face mask next to text reading \"How to make a medical face mask\"", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-face-mask-sewing-tutorials", "stories": true, "title": "The Explainer: Face Mask Sewing Tutorials", "type": "Explainer"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "nsync-fans-celebrate-the-start-of-may", "title": "*NSYNC fans celebrate the start of May", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "Video thumbnail of side-by-side images of a creator with the text, \"Quarantine Life,\" spanning both images.", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-day-in-the-life", "stories": true, "title": "Explainer: Day In The Life In Quarantine", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "cafe-vlogs-explainer-maddy-buxton", "stories": 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"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": true, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "youtube-rewind-2019", "stories": true, "title": "The Year in Video", "type": "Explainer"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "fitness-community-in-depth", "stories": true, "title": "Community Spotlight: Fitness", "type": "Explainer"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "stay-home-face-mask-videos", "title": "Increase in views of face mask sewing tutorials", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "chart of daily views of videos with \"day in the life\" in the title", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "day-in-the-life-uploads", "title": "Uploads of Day in the Life videos rise as people stay home", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "team-trees-plants-20-million-trees", "stories": true, "title": "The Explainer: #TeamTrees", "type": "Explainer"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "A chart of monthly views of \"cafe vlog\" videos showing a sharp increase in the second half of 2019.", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "views-cafe-vlogs-2019", "title": "Views of \"cafe vlogs\" up sharply in 2019", "type": "graphic_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "graph of daily views of famous BBC Dad video, showing a sharp increase, peaking on March 3, 2020", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "bbc-dad-work-from-home", "title": "People look to BBC Dad as the world begins to work from home", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "311-day-2020", "title": "Guess Which \u201890s Rock Vets See a Spike 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"graphic_fact"}]}, {"items": [{"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "fitness-uploads-chart", "title": "Uploads of Fitness Community Videos Continue to Rise", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "sustainable-hauls-trend", "title": "Views of \"Sustainable Hauls\" Videos Trend Upwards", "type": "graphic_fact"}, {"graphic_fact": true, "image_alt": "", "image_url": "", "is_external_link": false, "is_image_url": true, "slug": "asmr-views-all-time-high", "title": "Views of ASMR Videos Reached an All-Time High in 2019", "type": "graphic_fact"}]}]; </script> <script src="/trends/static/compiled/index.min.js?cache=4a3d3d0" nonce="GvI5l3RfW8lQyGNfhpeJag"></script> <noscript> <aside class="ytt-no-js"> This site requires JavaScript. 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