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Fraser,</b> A. Bernardes, A. Newborough, D. del Alamo, E. Grenier-Boley, F. Pozzi, G. Di Giovanni, J. Corso, J. Vollaire, J. Ferreira Somoza, J. Martin Ruiz, J. Rodriguez, P. Thonet, S. Freeman, S. Rothe, S. Pittet, S. Albright, S. Stegemann <br> European Organization for Nuclear Research<li>M. Perez Ornedo <br> Universidad de Sevilla<li>P. Valentin <br> European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)</ul><tr class=doi-abstract><th>Abstract<td>Following the successful completion of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, since 2021 the Proton Synchrotron (PS) Booster has served the LHC injector chain with protons at an increased kinetic energy of 2 GeV. An upgrade of the ISOLDE (Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice) facility has long been considered to produce radioactive ion beams with a higher energy proton driver beam. A Consolidation and Improvements programme is presently underway to maintain ISOLDE鈥檚 position as a world-leading ISOL facility in the decades to come, with activities planned during the upcoming Long Shutdown 3 (LS3) (2026 - 28) and beyond. This contribution details a study to upgrade the beam line from the PS Booster to ISOLDE to operate between 1.4 and 2 GeV, and to increase the power of the proton driver in the future, assuming the replacement of the two beam dumps behind the facility鈥檚 production targets.<tr class=doi-paper><th>Paper<td>download: <a data-href=pdf/THPR28.pdf download href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`pdf/THPR28.pdf`)>THPR28.pdf</a><tr class=doi-cite><th>Cite<td><a data-href=reference/thpr28-bibtex/index.html href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`reference/thpr28-bibtex/index.html`)>BibTeX</a>, <a data-href=reference/thpr28-latex/index.html href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`reference/thpr28-latex/index.html`)>LaTeX</a>, <a data-href=reference/thpr28-word/index.html href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`reference/thpr28-word/index.html`)>Text/Word</a>, <a data-href=reference/thpr28-ris/index.html href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`reference/thpr28-ris/index.html`)>RIS</a>, <a data-href=reference/thpr28-endnote/index.html href=javascript:void(0); onclick=openUrl(`reference/thpr28-endnote/index.html`)>EndNote</a><tr class=doi-conference><th>Conference<td>15th International Particle Accelerator Conference<tr class=doi-series><th>Series<td><tr class=doi-location><th>Location<td>Nashville, TN<tr class=doi-date><th>Date<td>19-24 May 2024<tr class=doi-publisher><th>Publisher<td>JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland<tr class=doi-editorial-board><th>Editorial Board<td>Fulvia Pilat - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Wolfram Fischer - Brookhaven National Laboratory Robert Saethre - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Petr Anisimov - Los Alamos National Laboratory Ivan Andrian - Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.<tr class=doi-isbn><th>Online ISBN<td>978-3-95450-247-9<tr class=doi-issn><th>Online ISSN<td>2673-5490<tr class=doi-received><th>Received<td>13 May 2024<tr class=doi-received><th>Revised<td>19 May 2024<tr class=doi-accepted><th>Accepted<td>19 May 2024<tr class=doi-issued><th>Issued<td>01 July 2024<tr class=doi-doi><th>DOI<td>10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-THPR28<tr class=doi-pages><th>Pages<td>3552-3555<tr class=doi-copyright><th>Copyright<td><i> Published by JACoW Publishing under the terms of the <a href=> Creative Commons Attribution 4.0</a> license. 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