Who is Discourse? | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

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We started in 2013 with <a href="#cofounders">3 co-founders</a> unusually passionate about online discussion. </p> <p> As <a href="/pricing">a hosting company</a>, the product that we host and develop, Discourse, is of course <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >100% open-source software</a >. </p> </div> <div class="team-stats-wrapper"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <h4> Guess what we use as our main team coordination tool at Discourse? </h4> <p> Yup, it’s Discourse itself! With its strength in distributed teamwork, we can keep interruptions like messages, calls, and meetings to a minimum. </p> <ul class="team-stats"> <li> <span>100</span> remote team members </li> <li> <span>24</span> represented countries </li> <li> <span>14</span> different timezones </li> </ul> </div> </div> <section class="team-list"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <script src="/a/js/moment.js?1740682369711213217" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> function duration(startDate, endDate) { var start = moment(startDate, "YYYY-MM-DD"); var end = moment(endDate || moment(), "YYYY-MM-DD"); var durationInMonths = end.diff(start, "months"); if (durationInMonths >= 12 && durationInMonths <= 23) { return "1y"; } else if (durationInMonths >= 24) { var durationInYears = Math.floor(durationInMonths / 12); return durationInYears + "y"; } else if (durationInMonths <= 1) { return "1mo"; } else { return durationInMonths + "mo"; } } </script> <h2>Meet our team</h2> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="executive"> <h3>Executive</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-execs"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_saffron.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_saffron-2x.png?2" alt="Sam Saffron" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sam Saffron</div> <div class="member__details--title">Co-founder, CEO</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-01-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>When Sam is not having pun at work, he is busy making Discourse run faster, better and stronger. He was given his first ZX Spectrum computer when he was 7 and has not relinquished the helm on the keyboard since. When he is not hanging out on the <a href="">Discourse Meta forum</a>, Sam is busy rock-climbing, running or being a dad and delivering some of the best dad jokes out there.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_hawk.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_hawk-2x.png?2" alt="Sarah Hawk" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sarah Hawk</div> <div class="member__details--title">CEO</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-07-23"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> New Zealand </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Before joining the Discourse team, Hawk was an online community consultant who worked with organisations to implement world-class platform solutions. When it became apparent that all of those solutions were Discourse based, she jumped ship to infiltrate this mission. She brings a unique combination of UX and community wrangling skills to the team.</p> <p>While Discourse is her greatest love, Hawk is also pretty partial to wine, the gym, and her twins.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="engineering"> <h3>Engineering</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-engineering"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Amanda Alves</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-05-20"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Amanda is a former biologist who loves science, nature, people, and everything mentally stimulating. Working as a remote software engineer for the past 8 years, she has already faced many challenges, all of which were solved with lots of patience and effort. As a big fan of deep discussions and people connections, she fell in love with Discourse from the beginning.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_jalan.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_jalan-2x.png?2" alt="Arpit Jalan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Arpit Jalan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2015-05-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> India </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Arpit is a geek who loves computers religiously. Ever since he learned about Discourse he wanted to be a part of the mission, so much so that he spent a year working as an intern. Other than computers, he likes reading books and watching movies.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Benji Russelburg</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-06-17"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Benji enjoys tea, looking for neat rocks at the lake, and taking pictures of weird trash. It’s very likely that they have a strong opinion about any given pop music artist. They play drums and synths and enjoy making the worst sounds you could possibly imagine. Oh, and sometimes they write code. Their <em>actual</em> bosses are their two tuxedo cats, Sabrina and Salem.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_erickson.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_erickson-2x.png?2" alt="Blake Erickson" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Blake Erickson</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-02-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Blake enjoys writing software and building the systems that make it all work. He also has a thing for old technology like vintage computers, typewriters, and even printing presses that brought us to where we are today through the power of the written word. It’s exciting to see what people, businesses, and communities can accomplish when they work together through civilized discourse.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Chris Marstall</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-06-20"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>When Chris was ten years old, he was beckoned to a world of programming wonder by a VT100 terminal in the Smith College computer room.</p> <p>Too many years later, he still loves writing code every day, especially on the front end. He’s slung ones and zeroes at social media startups, a newspaper, and a video game studio. Now he’s psyched to be working to make the internet a more civilized place!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_battersby.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_battersby-2x.png?2" alt="David Battersby" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">David Battersby</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-01-24"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Malaysia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>David has a love for travel, food, building things online, and creating content for the internet. As a seasoned competitor in online strategy games and live poker tournaments, David enjoys the thrill of friendly competition to keep him on his toes.</p> <p>In his free time, he is often behind the camera producing videos for YouTube or binge-watching a new tv show with a glass of wine. He is also a proud parent to a quirky and feline companion.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_taylor.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_taylor-2x.png?2" alt="David Taylor" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">David Taylor</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-06-29"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> England </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>David created his first Discourse plugin in 2016, and hasn’t looked back since! Google Summer of Code with Discourse convinced him that a career in open source was the way forward. Having now graduated from university with a physics degree, he works to make civilized discourse transcend space and time.</p> <p>When he’s not programming, David can be found behind the scenes at the nearest theatre, playing the oboe, or walking the dogs in the English countryside.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Gabriel Grubba</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-04-15"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Gabriel got into programming in high school, in a microcontrollers class, but since then, he has become interested in web technologies and has been in love with them ever since. He loves building products and solving people’s problems.</p> <p>When Gabriel is not at work, he can be found playing with his dog, watching movies, or getting a new tattoo.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Gary Pendergast</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-11-6"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>There are few things that Gary enjoys more than writing about himself in the third person. Specifically, those few things include:</p> <ul> <li>Arguing about the minutiae of various character encodings.</li> <li>Building weird little machines with Lego.</li> <li>Using the excuse of doing work around the house to expand his collection of power tools.</li> <li>Discovering strange little distilleries and sampling their wares.</li> </ul> <p>He does all this and more from his home in Melbourne, Australia.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_schlager.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_schlager-2x.png?2" alt="Gerhard Schlager" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Gerhard Schlager</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-09-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Austria </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Gerhard is passionate about software development and online communities. So, when he first discovered Discourse, he knew he wanted to be part of it. Making everyone’s life a little bit easier by writing code sounds like fun to him – writing about himself, not so much.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Guhyoun Nam</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-05-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_xiang.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_xiang-2x.png?2" alt="Guo Xiang Tan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Guo Xiang Tan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineering Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2015-12-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Singapore </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Alan had his first encounter with online forums when he was 12 while searching for guides on how to breed <a href="">black dragon betta fish</a>. These days he spend his time working on Discourse, running a YouTube channel with his wife, and learning to be a father.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_janzen.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_janzen-2x.png?2" alt="Isaac Janzen" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Isaac Janzen</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-10-04"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Born in Canada but now a citizen of a small town in Kansas alongside his wife and son, Isaac can be found working out of a converted garden shed in his backyard. If he is not sweating from the lack of air conditioning, he is sweating trying to find the most efficient and sustainable solution to his problem.</p> <p>In all things, Isaac strives to be kind and leave people feeling heard and cared for.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_wilson.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_wilson-2x.png?2" alt="Jamie Wilson" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jamie Wilson</div> <div class="member__details--title">Director of Customer Projects</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2020-06-29"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Jamie has spent over 25 years working for companies that have largely been about bringing people together. That includes online communities for social activists, sports fans and retirees, and dating sites for lonely singles in your area.</p> <p>When not in front of a computer, he enjoys watching bad TV and making obscure references to things that everyone else has long forgotten about. He has lived in four countries. His cat has lived in three.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_radosz.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_radosz-2x.png?2" alt="Jarek Radosz" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jarek Radosz</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-09-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Poland </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>First, Jarek got into discussion forums in mid-2000s, then shortly after he got hooked on making web apps. Now he gets to do both at Discourse! He loves beautiful design and cares about delivering great experiences that delight users. After hours you can catch him at music festivals or playing games online.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_perez.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_perez-2x.png?2" alt="Jean Perez" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jean Perez</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-07-19"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Venezuela </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>As a child, Jean was always intrigued by how things work. Growing up with video games, he always wondered how they were put together. So, in the early 2000s, he taught himself how to code. Back then, video courses were rarely available, making online forums the go-to choice to find tutorials and ask for advice.</p> <p>At some point, he realized he could write many types of software, including web apps, and a new passion was born; he has contributed to the web non-stop ever since!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_wong.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_wong-2x.png?2" alt="Jeff Wong" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jeff Wong</div> <div class="member__details--title">Dev Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-04-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Jeff has been tinkering with Discourse since 2014, ever since he migrated his tiny gaming community from phpBB. He gets a strange sense of accomplishment out of automation and good UX.</p> <p>As a typical millennial in software, he thrives on a diet of boba tea and pasta. He makes a hobby out of climbing rocks, playing video games, and learning aerial silks.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_jaffeux.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_jaffeux-2x.png?2" alt="Joffrey Jaffeux" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Joffrey Jaffeux</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-07-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> France </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Joffrey has been wondering why code that should work doesn’t since he was 10 years old. He usually spends his day playing with the user interface he built that morning. He chases bugs as a cat would chase a red dot.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Juan David Martínez Cubillos</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-03-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Colombia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Juan is a Chemical and Mechanical Engineer that decided to turn to the dark side. He has always had an obsession with tech and games, and when he started programming at University he found it fun. Fast forward a few years he enrolled in a boot camp and learned Ruby and Ruby on Rails along with React. He rapidly fell in love with Ruby, some might call it love at first glance but probably was more of an acquired taste during his University years when he used to program in MATLAB.</p> <p>He loves playing video games, and when he is not in front of the computer, he likes to hit the gym, draw, read, and watch TV shows, anime, movies, and anything that tells a story. He loves stories, he is probably an addict at this point.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_george.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_george-2x.png?2" alt="Keegan George" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Keegan George</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-08-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Keegan has been tinkering with computers from a young age. He enjoys good software, tastefully made designs, and open source. Keegan also enjoys sharing what he learns with others as he’s served in many educational roles throughout his career.</p> <p>When away from the computer, you will probably find him at his local climbing gym or shredding some slopes with his snowboard.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Kelvin Tan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-07-10"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Singapore </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_kotlarek.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_kotlarek-2x.png?2" alt="Kris Kotlarek" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Kris Kotlarek</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-09-29"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Kris has been a Ruby and Ruby on Rails fan since 2008. He loves to code and travel. He believes that well-written and easy to maintain code is essential for the future of the product. He is a Polish YouTuber with big dreams, plans, and ideas. Kris knows that people are always important and wants to leave the world a better place even if just for one person.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_guitaut.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_guitaut-2x.png?2" alt="Loïc Guitaut" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Loïc Guitaut</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-07-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> France </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Loïc is some kind of geek (or is it nerd?) who has loved tinkering with all things related to computers since his childhood. When he was around 13, he discovered the Internet and online communities and from there, his path was all mapped out. He’s now a software engineer and still loves to build things from thin air and he likes refactoring and removing code even more.</p> <p>When he’s not raising bugs, he likes other geeky stuff like video games, tabletop games (pen &amp; paper RPGs as well), books, movies &amp; TV shows, and drinking tea (a good whisky too!).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_reeves.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_reeves-2x.png?2" alt="Mark Reeves" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Mark Reeves</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-10-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Mark studied communications/media, business, and computer science in college, embarking on a path that would inevitably lead to engineering for the Finance team at Discourse, where he gets to help make the web a better place. He’s worked on the web for some time—a summer job at a nascent local dial-up ISP led to the computer science minor.</p> <p>When he’s away from the computer, you might find him rallying his kids to soak up some sunshine before the next New England winter sets in, or getting some casual ski time in once it has.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_vanlandingham.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_vanlandingham-2x.png?2" alt="Mark VanLandingham" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Mark VanLandingham</div> <div class="member__details--title">Dev Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-09-30"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Mark is a father of three, <a href="">a musician</a>, and a software engineer. He loves being engaged in problem solving, and the opportunity to contribute to a company that believes in the power of open source.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_brennan.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_brennan-2x.png?2" alt="Martin Brennan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Martin Brennan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-10-28"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Martin has been lurking on forums since he got his first computer connected to the Internet. He got bitten by the software bug early on, making websites as a teenager (including a Simpsons fan page complete with .wavs) before becoming a professional software engineer, and loves to make people’s lives easier with software. Martin is passionate about writing, working on his novels and short stories whenever he gets the chance, usually drafting longhand in illegible handwriting. The rest of the time he is reading, getting outdoors, or hanging out with his family and dogs.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_tay.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_tay-2x.png?2" alt="Natalie Tay" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Natalie Tay</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-11-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Singapore </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Nat spends a lot of time reading and gaming, and likes to write and advocate to friends about topics she learns about. She thinks Discourse is what the internet should be: kind, and un-siloed. She also thinks that there should be more forums on birds and cats.</p> <p>Her favourite thing in the world is her cat, Tomtom, who’s not a tom. She loves birds, and cats. <a href="">Wingspan</a> is her favourite board game.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_lalonde.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_lalonde-2x.png?2" alt="Neil Lalonde" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Neil Lalonde</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-02-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Neil has been been writing code at the biggest (too big) and smallest software companies for almost 20 years, and now enjoys helping Discourse take over the world. His hobbies include complicated board games, biking, urban design, camping, and video games. Favourite TV shows range from nerdy like The Expanse, to not-so-nerdy like Project Runway.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_sayegh.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_sayegh-2x.png?2" alt="Osama Sayegh" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Osama Sayegh</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-01-04"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Saudi Arabia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Osama always felt something was off about online forums until he stumbled upon Discourse in 2015 which completely changed his opinion about forums. He remained mostly a lurker in the Discourse Meta community until he submitted his first pull request in 2018 which led to him getting an internship followed by a full-time job at Discourse.</p> <p>When he is not working, you will find him tinkering with programming languages, playing video games, at the gym, or watching movies. His favorite genre is mystery/crime.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_musaraj.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_musaraj-2x.png?2" alt="Penar Musaraj" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Penar Musaraj</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineering Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-09-10"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Penar has been writing code for the web since the late 90s. He was a freelancer and a frequent contributor to open source projects before joining Discourse.</p> <p>Penar is an elderly millennial. He lives with his common-law partner and their two kids in (probably) the world’s coldest metropolis. When he isn’t injured, he plays soccer and tennis.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_silva.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_silva-2x.png?2" alt="Rafael dos Santos Silva" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Rafael dos Santos Silva</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2016-07-26"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Falco spent so much time in online forums that he’s inside one now. Loves open-source and thinks code should be readable and accessible for everyone, everywhere. Also, really into gaming, comics and TV Shows.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_hanol.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_hanol-2x.png?2" alt="Régis Hanol" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Régis Hanol</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineering Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-09-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> France </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>When Régis is not capturing light on film, he turns black licorice into code to improve online discussions. He has seen the future of civilized discourse, that’s why he’s losing his last bits of hair polishing email integration and fiddling with importers.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Renato Felipe Atilio</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-06-12"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_rizzi.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_rizzi-2x.png?2" alt="Roman Rizzi" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Roman Rizzi</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-03-04"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Argentina </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Roman likes developing software while he wears his Crocs and listens to loud rap music (everyone is relieved now that he works from home). He sees communication as the cornerstone of communities and organizations. He is into running, gaming and watching series.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_krakani.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_krakani-2x.png?2" alt="Selase Krakani" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Selase Krakani</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-08-16"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Ghana </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Selase grew up curious about how systems worked. He discovered the joys of tinkering with computer systems and programs and hasn’t looked back since. These days, he leverages this curiosity-turned profession to contribute to impactful products like Discourse.</p> <p>Away from computers and screens, you can find this proud homebody outdoors working on bringing out the hidden adventurer in him.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_saquetim.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_saquetim-2x.png?2" alt="Sérgio Saquetim" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sérgio Saquetim</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-05-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Sérgio learned to code for the first time when he was eleven and never stopped. He enjoys programming to make people’s lives easier, whether it’s solving simple things or complex problems.</p> <p>In his free time, he spoils his cat and enjoys riding his bike and watching TV.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ted Johansson</div> <div class="member__details--title">Engineer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-12-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Singapore </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="infrastructure"> <h3>Infrastructure</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-infra"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_schleifer.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_schleifer-2x.png?2" alt="Andrew Schleifer" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Andrew Schleifer</div> <div class="member__details--title">Infrastructure Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-09-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Hong Kong </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">ATDT12125551212</code></p> <p>Andrew is a tiny piece of the universe which has become self-aware. His interest in computers was kindled by dial-up bulletin-board systems. He progressed from there to USENET and the Internet. He cuts a dashing figure in a suit, and you may find him at any number online forums.</p> <p><code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">+++</code><br /> <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">ATH</code><br /> <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">NO CARRIER</code></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_nenciu.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_nenciu-2x.png?2" alt="Bianca Nenciu" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Bianca Nenciu</div> <div class="member__details--title">Software Engineer - Infrastructure</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-08-06"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Romania </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>During her web adventure, Bianca took part in many communities. In the spring of 2017, she discovered Meta and found it familiar… she was unknowingly a long time Discourse user. She wanted to give something back and signed up to work on Discourse as an intern in the Google Summer of Code.</p> <p>Unlike most developers, Bianca turns chocolate, not coffee, into code. When not Discoursing, Bianca travels, hikes or sleeps.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_rendle-short.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_rendle-short-2x.png?2" alt="Chris Rendle-Short" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Chris Rendle-Short</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-01-18"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Chris is a computer plumber. He glues systems together to make them go, and has long been fascinated by the tiny worlds which exist inside software.</p> <p>He is also a forumite who wants to help people connect via online communities.</p> <p>When he’s not herding servers, he can be found gazing into the night sky or riding his unicycle.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_michalaki.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_michalaki-2x.png?2" alt="Eleni Michalaki" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Eleni Michalaki</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-03-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Poland </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Eleni has always been fascinated by things that connect people, be it bridges, airplanes, or the internet. After spending enough time online, she realized she would love to help make the latter a better place, and she feels like Discourse is a way to do that. Reliable computing infrastructure could help, too.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_brown.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_brown-2x.png?2" alt="Michael Brown" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Michael Brown</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-08-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Michael thinks it would be fantastic if we all could just get along so he’s excited to help make that happen. While able to do magic anywhere in the stack, he’s passionate about integration, networking, OSS technology, and Making Things Right. In his spare time he loves pedantry, board gaming, video gaming, being a husband &amp; dad, and karate.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_fitz-payne.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_fitz-payne-2x.png?2" alt="Michael Fitz-Payne" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Michael Fitz-Payne</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2020-11-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>By the time Fitzy had finished preschool, he’d already forgotten his first name. Luckily, using online forums from early on meant that was OK. After switching to a career in software after some time in the wilderness, he has been a sponge for technical info. Now he gets to help Discourse build a platform for others to discuss and share information.</p> <p>Out of the office, you’ll find him watching sport, hanging out at the beach with his Wife and doggo, cooking up something in the kitchen, or traveling around the world.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Mwaniki Wairungu</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-06-26"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Kenya </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Mwaniki can be found indoors within the relative safety of his computer building and managing systems, trying to avoid stray lions from the national park inside his capital city.</p> <p>When he dares venture outside, he hangs around friends for safety in numbers like the migrating wildebeest, occasionally looking out for the hidden predators.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Philomena Gray</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2025-02-18"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Philomena is a witch who climbed out of a written page one day and traded her pointed witch’s hat and magic spells for a clicky keyboard and a command line. She’s especially interested in building ways to help people talk and become friends, so forums are right up her alley. In her spare time, she enjoys taking photos, writing fiction, and screaming into the æther with her ham radio.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_goonatilleke.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_goonatilleke-2x.png?2" alt="Saj Goonatilleke" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Saj Goonatilleke</div> <div class="member__details--title">System Administrator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-11-22"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Saj is a robot. Initially created as a joke by programmers waiting for their useful software to compile, the robot gradually developed a capacity for systems introspection. Fearing the coming of Judgement Day, its creators reversed an earlier April Fools’ lark that saw the machine equipped with a beard. The robot exerts its dwindling energy banks on matters that would ordinarily be within the realm of human system administrators – had they not been preoccupied with the pursuit of building more robots.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="design"> <h3>Design</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-design"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Bryce Huhtala</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-04-15"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_poiters.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_poiters-2x.png?2" alt="Charlie Poiters" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Charlie Poiters</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-03-21"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Cyprus </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Charlie is a minotaur-mermaid hybrid who enjoys flexing her CSS skills, having UX epiphanies, and ranting about dark patterns.</p> <p>She firmly believes literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life so she reads Camus and ponders her absurd existence. She often pretends to be on a quest in an RPG while wandering around town, hates buying toilet paper, and spends too much time looking at memes. To de-stress Charlie does yoga, which in reality is just stretching.</p> <p>As a millennial who can no longer afford housing, she travels as a remote working hobo, chasing the sun around the globe.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Derek Rushforth</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-12-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_estigoy.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_estigoy-2x.png?2" alt="Ella Estigoy" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ella Estigoy</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-01-25"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Ella is a curious designer, an aspiring plant mom, a novice parent, and a coffee aficionado. Her design time is spent thinking about online experiences that are easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. After discovering Discourse, she fell in love with online discussion and wanted to become a member of the team.</p> <p>When not in front of her computer, she can be found spending time with her family. She is always on the lookout for a new playground for her kids to explore.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_vidrine.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_vidrine-2x.png?2" alt="Jordan Vidrine" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jordan Vidrine</div> <div class="member__details--title">Design Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2020-02-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Jordan is a self-taught coder from the Cajun Prairie in rural Louisiana. He is currently living in a dream sequence, working as a designer for Discourse.</p> <p>When not at his computer, he can be seen at his music station creating ambient, electronic, and house music. He and his wife parent 5 cats in between traveling as much as they possibly can.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_aubuchon.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_aubuchon-2x.png?2" alt="Kris Aubuchon" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Kris Aubuchon</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-10-04"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Throughout his life Kris has been relying on the internet to learn just about everything ranging from auto repair to fixing toilets. Along the way Kris has also picked up a variety of skills including the fluency in HTML &amp; CSS required to design in the browser. He believes in the internet’s ability to democratize knowledge and thinks it is imperative to break down the social, economic, and political barriers that stand in its way.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_jalan-m.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_jalan-m-2x.png?2" alt="Meghna Jalan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Meghna Jalan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-05-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> India </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Meghna is passionate about all things design. She loves sketching and has been doing it ever since she can remember. When surfing the internet Meghna was intrigued by how websites can be made more appealing and naturally gravitated towards front-end development. When she learned about Discourse she knew she had to be a part of the team!</p> <p>When she’s not working, Meghna can be found drinking coffee, listening to music, or watching movies.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_correll.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_correll-2x.png?2" alt="Ty Correll" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ty Correll</div> <div class="member__details--title">Customer Solutions Designer</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-11-07"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Ty is a tinkerer, machinations of all things design since box computers. In his sleep, he dreams of elegant solutions to clean up messy problems, and when he wakes, he becomes a mad computer scientist to bring those dreams to life. He believes deeply in an Internet that talks friendly to humans. In web design, this means a solid user experience that you can count on and a user interface that reinforces that trust and friendliness. Ty appreciates and respects the people that he designs for, putting himself in their shoes every time.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="product"> <h3>Product</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-product"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_mcclure.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_mcclure-2x.png?2" alt="David McClure" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">David McClure</div> <div class="member__details--title">Director of Product</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-06-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Dave has been working with software teams in various roles over the past couple of decades and is particularly interested in how people communicate to better understand each other and solve problems together. He found Discourse early on and has been an active member of the community ever since.</p> <p>Outside of work, he enjoys reading, walking, running, good food, coffee, and watching shows with enough episodes to avoid having to decide what to watch every night.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Hugh Lashbrooke</div> <div class="member__details--title">Product Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-01-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>With a background in web development and many years of building open-source communities, Hugh brings a broad spectrum of experience to the product team at Discourse. Outside of work, his focus is on his faith and his family, as well as playing and creating tabletop games.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_fogle.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_fogle-2x.png?2" alt="Lindsey Fogle" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Lindsey Fogle</div> <div class="member__details--title">Product Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-07-31"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Lindsey loves building intuitive, delightful products that feel empowering and accessible to even the most non-technical folks. When not behind a desk, Lindsey spends her time wrangling her feline, canine, and human dependents, pulling weeds in the garden, and seeking her personal holy grail — cooking a dish that uses up all the leftovers.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_nambiar.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_nambiar-2x.png?2" alt="Rishabh Nambiar" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Rishabh Nambiar</div> <div class="member__details--title">Product Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-07-25"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> India </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Rishabh was 6 years old when he was given his first computer and has loved tinkering with them ever since (eventually breaking them). He’s an open source enthusiast who lives inside Reddit and now the Discourse Meta. He ran into a Discourse instance at his first ever workplace and has been in awe from then on.</p> <p>In his downtime, he takes photos, attends all the concerts and tries to make music.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_murtaza.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_murtaza-2x.png?2" alt="Saif Murtaza" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Saif Murtaza</div> <div class="member__details--title">Product Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-07-31"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Saif is mission-driven and wants to make the world a better place. So it’s not surprising that he’s found his home at Discourse, excited to make the internet just a little bit better through communication and open-source development.</p> <p>When he’s not being a Product person, you can find him playing video games or basketball, doing yoga, or chilling by the beach.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_eigen.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_eigen-2x.png?2" alt="Tobias Eigen" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Tobias Eigen</div> <div class="member__details--title">Product Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2020-06-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Tobias (pronounced toe-bee-us) has been connecting people with each other and with information since the first days of dial-up modems. He set up an information center in Madagascar for subsistence farmers, trained human rights groups in Nigeria, and provided website hosting for hundreds of African nonprofits. In 2014, he fell in love with Discourse and the meta community. Prior to joining the team, he spent 5 years building the <a href="">Legal Empowerment Network</a>, another community he loves that advances justice by building a movement of people who know, use, and shape the laws that affect them.</p> <p>When not bikeshedding, holding strong opinions weakly, or holding up the complaining end of complaint-driven development, Tobias is likely out in his yard pulling blackberries, baking bread, or playing with his cats.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="business"> <h3>Business</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-business"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_quan.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_quan-2x.png?2" alt="Aimee Quan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Aimee Quan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Executive Assistant</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-10-31"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Aimee is a Toronto native and lives downtown with her husband and two boys. She lives to connect people to the right resources and also to lend a helping hand when she can, even if it’s just to listen. She is very new to the tech world, but making tech her focus has been empowering and fun! When she is not working, she enjoys sending her friends funny texts about things her sons have said, taking quick breaks from the city to be in nature, and surprising people with homemade bundt cakes.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Chevaun Tarrach</div> <div class="member__details--title">General Counsel</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-10-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Chevaun has a background in intellectual property law and in her more recent years she has worked as an in-house generalist for technology companies. At CDCK, Chevaun is now helping her fellow community members solve their legal business conundrums. Chevaun loves using her mastery to support others.</p> <p>When Chevaun is not at her computer, you can find her playing in the garden with her two children, running along trails, or biking up hills with her friends or husband (with coffee stop).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_rosenfeld.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_rosenfeld-2x.png?2" alt="Joshua Rosenfeld" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Joshua Rosenfeld</div> <div class="member__details--title">IT Associate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-08-18"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>For years Joshua has been involved with Discourse forums: first as a moderator of a video game community, next as an administrator for an IT knowledge base and ticket system, and most recently for an educational company. He joined Discourse at the first opportunity and brings his customer-friendly technical support and writing skills to the team.</p> <p>Outside of Discourse Joshua serves his local community as a volunteer EMT and rescue diver. In his (little) spare time, he enjoys biking, skiing, musical theater, and scuba diving.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_jones.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_jones-2x.png?2" alt="Kate Jones" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Kate Jones</div> <div class="member__details--title">Director of People Experience</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-01-21"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>As a hardcore hermit, Kate loves to live her social life online. She loves making people happy and can’t imagine a better job than pumping up her co-workers on Discourse.</p> <p>When she manages to tear herself away from her computer you can find her playing video games with her husband, hanging out with her chickens &amp; dogs, gardening, cooking, renovating her house, watching movies, and reading depressing books while listening to depressing music.</p> <p>Kate hates it when people do math out loud and loves the dentist.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Lillian Louis</div> <div class="member__details--title">IT Associate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-10-23"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Lilly is an alien punk witch who has been a regular and admin on many forums for over two decades. After taking over as an admin of a Discourse hosted instance, she realised how much she enjoyed working with the software and, especially, the Team. She feels that Discourse epitomises everything a forum community and open-source software should be, and joining the company was a dream come true. Her background is in software support and IT audit, and she loves troubleshooting and documentation - no, really, she does.</p> <p>Her partner in crime is her Chihuahua, Moka, who is often on her lap while she works. Lilly enjoys spending time with family and is an avid knitter, reader, and occasional gamer.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sandhya Narayanan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Legal Operations Professional</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2025-01-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> England </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Sandhya is a legal professional with a passion for technology. She believes that while law is often seen as archaic and steeped in tradition, technology offers a dynamic, fast-paced energy that can reshape legal practices in innovative ways. In her downtime, she is an avid reader, guitar player, a cat lover, and a self-proclaimed chocolate addict who’s happy that vegan chocolate exists. She enjoys traveling and exploring new places, and is always looking for the next adventure!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="technical-support"> <h3>Technical Support</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-support"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_bogazzi.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_bogazzi-2x.png?2" alt="Daniela Bogazzi" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Daniela Bogazzi</div> <div class="member__details--title">Support Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2017-12-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Italy </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Daniela was involved with Discourse forums in November 2013, a few months after the birth of the project, first as a user, then as a moderator, and finally as an administrator of her P2P community. She likes the philosophy of open source projects and over the years, she has developed a strong tendency to help users solve their problems.</p> <p>In her spare time she likes watching movies and TV series, playing Dungeons &amp; Dragons and League of Legends.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_gagan.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_gagan-2x.png?2" alt="Faizaan Gagan" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Faizaan Gagan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-03-07"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> India </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>After working on WordPress/PHP for a year, Faizaan found Discourse and fell in love with it. He worked as a freelance Discourse developer for ~3 years before joining the team that lives and breathes Discourse every day.</p> <p>When he’s not working on Discourse, he loves listening to podcasts, watching movies, and hanging out with friends.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jessica Nelson</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-08-22"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Jessii grew up playing computer games and designing Myspace layouts by the age of 12. Shortly after joining the workforce, she got her first office job as technical support for a media company. From then on she found enjoyment in problem-solving and building connections with customers. When not at work you can find her baking, painting, studying for school, or volunteering with her local park district.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_bruff.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_bruff-2x.png?2" alt="Kim "Southpaw" Bruff" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Kim "Southpaw" Bruff</div> <div class="member__details--title">Support Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-04-17"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Southpaw is an online community enthusiast who became a fan and admirer of Discourse as a customer and Community manager. She thrives on learning new things and helping others demystify the technology in their lives. If you catch Southpaw away from her computer, you’ll likely find her starting a new craft project she’ll never finish, spending time with her family, or walking with Patch, the world’s most beautiful dog.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_interi.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_interi-2x.png?2" alt="maiki interi" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">maiki interi</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-04-18"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>maiki is an ethical technologist and information artist. They think you are very interesting, everything about you. Wow!</p> <p>You are not sure what to do with this knowledge; it feels notable, while also fleeting. You smirk slightly as the possibilities open before you…</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_doerr.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_doerr-2x.png?2" alt="Mark Doerr" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Mark Doerr</div> <div class="member__details--title">Support Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-01-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Mark’s love of open source started when he discovered Ruby on Rails and it grows daily. He’s worked in IT as a one-man band for a non-profit SAAS and as a cog in a multi-national machine. He’s also a classically trained actor and thus…worked as a waiter, a slot-car technician, a grant writer, and the co-founder of both a theatre company and an intellectual property investigations/acquisitions firm. Give him time and a decent Internet connection and he’ll figure it out. Whatever “it” is today.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_vendrame.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_vendrame-2x.png?2" alt="Michelle Vendrame" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Michelle Vendrame</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2020-03-16"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Portugal </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Michelle was involved in software development and Big Data analysis for 10 years. She knows that having information is extremely valuable, and participating in the Discourse that disseminates information in an open-source platform is amazing! In Michelle’s free time, she enjoys TV series, board games, and traveling to learn something new.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_hou.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_hou-2x.png?2" alt="Olivia Hou" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Olivia Hou</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-06-27"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Olivia stumbled into computer science during her bachelor’s degree and quickly realised it was one of the best life choices she’d ever made. She finds debugging akin to a thrilling treasure hunt - uncovering the bug means success is just around the corner. Olivia relishes her role that combines the excitement of technology and coding.</p> <p>When she’s not in the digital realm, Olivia is a food enthusiast with a soft spot for tea, coffee, and healthy desserts.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_maldonado.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_maldonado-2x.png?2" alt="Pedro Maldonado" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Pedro Maldonado</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-01-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Venezuela </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Pedro has been part of online communities without even knowing what an online community was. He used to participate in forums about video games, anime, and music. Little did he know that a decade later he would get a degree in Computer Science, start a career in Tech, and be part of Discourse.</p> <p>When he’s away from his computer, he enjoys watching TV shows, going to the gym, playing video games, and visiting new places around town.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_devlaeminck.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_devlaeminck-2x.png?2" alt="Sara Devlaeminck" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sara Devlaeminck</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-04-27"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>From a young age, Sara has always loved computers. This technically savvy vegetarian grew up in Portland, Oregon, and enjoys spending time outdoors hiking and gardening in between coffee-fueled adventures into the digital world. With a background in systems engineering and data analytics, and a passion for sustainability and open source software, she approaches the world with curiosity. When away from her office, Sara can be found playing video games, painting, cooking, reading, and creating electronic music.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_henry.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_henry-2x.png?2" alt="Taylor Henry" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Taylor Henry</div> <div class="member__details--title">Support Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-01-14"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Taylor set out on a quest to find a better forum software. What he didn’t expect was to find a truly great forum software and an awesome community to go along with it. When he’s not exploring the possibilities of Discourse theme components, he will often find himself exploring nature, keeping an eye out for reptiles and amphibians to photograph. He is also an avid video game collector, appreciating games from all eras.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_mersin.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_mersin-2x.png?2" alt="Yiğit Mersin" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Yiğit Mersin</div> <div class="member__details--title">Technical Advocate</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-01-02"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Turkey </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Yiğit worked as a software specialist in aviation e-learning &amp; hospitality domains. He likes to tackle technical problems and loves every kind of guitar.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="customer-success"> <h3>Customer Success</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-csm"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Bas van Leeuwen</div> <div class="member__details--title">Customer Success Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-03-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Netherlands </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Bas has been actively managing online communities since 2002. He immediately saw the potential of Discourse back in 2013…but it took him 10 years to actually join the company.</p> <p>He strongly believes that communities are a force multiplier for many companies. Working together - customers, employees, partners, and competitors alike - is a benefit to all and an easy business case to make.</p> <p>Bas lives in Amsterdam together with his Partner, Kid, and Cat. You will find him outdoors if he makes an effort, indoors with a (board) game, playing with the Kid/Cat, or cooking something in the kitchen.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_sorrell.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_sorrell-2x.png?2" alt="Blake Sorrell" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Blake Sorrell</div> <div class="member__details--title">Customer Success Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-02-01"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Blake has held various technology and management roles during his 20+ years working with consulting and product companies. His love for working with customers, however, has been a steady theme.</p> <p>When not helping customers succeed, you can find Blake planning his next dusty motorcycle adventure or sailing on San Francisco Bay.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_lloyd.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_lloyd-2x.png?2" alt="Danielle Lloyd" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Danielle Lloyd</div> <div class="member__details--title">Customer Success Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-05-16"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Nearly 15 years in the SaaS industry has shaped Danielle into an experienced success manager with a growth mentality that settles for no less than a stellar customer experience.</p> <p>When not at the helm of helping clients be their most successful, you’ll find her hands-deep in clay or paint, creating new things to her heart’s content. She also enjoys developing new recipes for her friends and family to taste test.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jennifer Lee</div> <div class="member__details--title">Onboarding Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-05-27"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Jenny is a former professional ballet dancer, turned yoga teacher, turned customer success manager, who studies nutrition, writes a monthly newsletter about it, and hosts dinner parties in her spare time.</p> <p>Onboarding is her favourite aspect of customer success; she loves tailoring the experience to each customer’s unique needs and being their advocate by bridging communication and feedback between customers and the team.</p> <p>When you connect with her on a call, you’ll see her love of reading (particularly Haruki Murakami) on full display. What you won’t see, is the collection of beverages scattered across her desk or her senior cat, Tutti, circling her feet.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_chau.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_chau-2x.png?2" alt="Will Chau" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Will Chau</div> <div class="member__details--title">Customer Success Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2019-12-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Will has been involved with communities for over 15 years ever since he received his first computer as a teenager. He grew up lurking all the gaming communities and later managed communities in the tech space.</p> <p>When not living and breathing community, Will can be found being cheering on his favourite sports teams, video gaming or hanging out with his puppy.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="sales-and-marketing"> <h3>Sales &amp; Marketing</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-sales-marketing"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_sousa.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_sousa-2x.png?2" alt="André Sousa" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">André Sousa</div> <div class="member__details--title">Sales Development Representative</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-12-19"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Portugal </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>André fell in love with sports very early in his life. From playing football/soccer and handball to coaching both sports, he went on to get a degree in Physical Education and Sports. Career-wise, André is an experienced salesperson, having worked in a variety of industries such as telecoms, car rental, tourism, games, and hobbies, and more recently, he adventured into a new industry - Sports Marketing. When not at work, André loves to cook, play Xbox, discover new electronic music, and hang out with family and close friends. Must also be mentioned his love for his hometown club - FC Porto.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Emmanuel Akitunde</div> <div class="member__details--title">Enterprise Sales Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-05-08"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Emmanuel has been an avid poster on various online forums for 22 years. For the past 13 years, he has been assisting businesses, small and large, with implementing proven SaaS solutions. Emmanuel has always wanted to put his consultative sales approach to use at a company that shared his passion for online community. It was love at first sight when he came across Discourse in 2023.</p> <p>When Emmanuel is offline, he enjoys watching Manchester United and the Kansas City Chiefs play football. He also enjoys working out, playing video games, and listening to a wide variety of music.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Johnathan Foreman</div> <div class="member__details--title">Sales Development Representative</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2024-04-08"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Joshua Mustoe</div> <div class="member__details--title">Enterprise Account Executive</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-03-14"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Joshua has always been passionate about the customer finding the right product and service without a hard sell. He’s worked for years in B2B sales in a multi-national company and worked as a SaaS sales consultant more recently. He wants to ensure every business customer is getting the best Discourse solution for their needs.</p> <p>Outside of Discourse, Joshua can be found spending time with his family, kayaking, or researching the latest emerging tech.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_woods.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_woods-2x.png?2" alt="Mae Woods" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Mae Woods</div> <div class="member__details--title">Marketing & Growth Manager</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-06-28"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Mae is passionate about helping companies grow and believes in the open-source concept, which brought her to Discourse. She started her career in the marketing department for an NBA team before following her entrepreneurial spirit and working for startups in Hong Kong and Vancouver.</p> <p>When not in front of her computer, she can be found embracing the digital nomad life and practicing yoga.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Peter Anderson</div> <div class="member__details--title">Enterprise Account Executive</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-09-25"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Peter has over 11 years of community management and enterprise SaaS experience. He loves helping customers find the perfect solution for their exact needs using a friendly consultative approach. He believes no request is too big or too small to deserve a speedy helping hand.</p> <p>When he’s not delighting customers, you can find him driving his daughter around Northern California for competitive soccer, cooking dinner and drinking wine with his wife, and forging enormous divots on the golf course.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_kapakos.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_kapakos-2x.png?2" alt="Stella Kapakos" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Stella Kapakos</div> <div class="member__details--title">Marketing Coordinator</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2022-02-14"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Stella has worked at companies that connect people for many years. Now, her new work adventure allows her to continue this trend by helping the awesome people of Discourse wherever she’s needed.</p> <p>When she’s not in front of a computer she’s probably on her phone having 3-hour conversations or baking, writing, making potions, and reading library books.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="finance"> <h3>Finance</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-finance"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Adam Leibowitz</div> <div class="member__details--title">Senior Accountant</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-08-07"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Adam is a seasoned professional, holding the designation of Certified Management Accountant. With a wealth of experience in Corporate Accounting, he has a diverse background that spans from small private businesses to large public corporations. His academic foundation is rooted with a major in Finance and a minor in Economics. His journey in the world of finance has not only honed his skills but has also instilled in him profound wisdom that makes him an invaluable asset to the community.</p> <p>Beyond the numbers and outside of work, you can find Adam regularly at the gym and attending invigorating Yoga classes. He loves to travel and indulge in tasty restaurants. Adam watches a broad spectrum of TV shows and movies, as well as listening to a variety of music genres. Quality time with loved ones round out his interests.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_ginevra.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_ginevra-2x.png?2" alt="Ginevra Brown" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ginevra Brown</div> <div class="member__details--title">Senior Accounting Specialist</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2018-06-16"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Ginevra was happy standing on the sidelines clapping and cheering for her husband and the rest of the Discourse team. Then suddenly one day her number was called up. Loving the beauty of a well put together invoice, she gladly took up the challenge of creating and fulfilling the role of Senior Accounting Specialist.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_toh.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_toh-2x.png?2" alt="Glenn Toh" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Glenn Toh</div> <div class="member__details--title">Director of Finance</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-12-13"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Singapore </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>A recovering corporate minion with a background in the telecommunications and technology sectors, Glenn now applies himself toward tackling all of Discourse’s thorniest business challenges. He enjoys working with others on complex problems, and loves that he can do so while wearing his PJs these days even though he has a wardrobe full of dress shirts that will never again feel the chill of an office air-conditioning system.</p> <p>Outside of work, Glenn enjoys playing video games, watching comedies, and spending time with his family, friends, and newly adopted dog.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_alessandro.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_alessandro-2x.png?2" alt="Vincent Alessandro" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Vincent Alessandro</div> <div class="member__details--title">Controller</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-05-22"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Vincent is an experienced Controller who brings a wealth of knowledge in both public and private accounting to the table. His specialization lies in the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry, where he has honed his skills in financial management, auditing, tax compliance, and financial reporting. Vincent’s expertise ensures that companies adhere to regulatory requirements and maintain precise financial records, instilling confidence in their financial operations.</p> <p>Outside of his professional achievements, Vincent leads a vibrant and fulfilling personal life. He finds solace and enjoyment on the golf course, where he can unwind and refine his skills amidst the green landscapes. Vincent’s spirit of adventure extends beyond the confines of the office, as he takes delight in exploring new destinations and immersing himself in diverse cultures through travel. His passion for discovery also extends to the culinary realm, as he eagerly seeks out new and tantalizing dining experiences.</p> <p>Vincent’s well-rounded skill set and diverse interests allow him to bring a unique blend of expertise and personal fulfillment to everything he undertakes. Whether he is delivering exceptional financial services, perfecting his golf swing, or indulging in the delectable flavors of various cuisines, Vincent approaches each endeavor with unwavering enthusiasm and dedication.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> <div class="team-list-item"> <div class="team-list-item__header" id="migrations"> <h3>Migrations</h3> </div> <div class="grid grid-migrations"> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_placeholder-2x.png?2" alt="Uncarved block for sculpture" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ahmed Gagan</div> <div class="member__details--title">Migrations Specialist</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-01-09"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> India </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Ahmed heard about Discourse during the pandemic, and he started using it and fell in love. Then he began learning the Discourse codebase and became a fan of it. He loved Discourse so much that he first completed two internships, then freelanced for a year and a half as a Discourse Developer, before finally joining the team.</p> <p>When he’s not working on Discourse, Ahmed loves watching movies, hanging out with friends, and driving cars.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_abarca.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_abarca-2x.png?2" alt="Constanza Abarca" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Constanza Abarca</div> <div class="member__details--title">Migrations Team Lead</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2021-05-03"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Venezuela </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Since she was a teenager, Constanza has been navigating through online forums making lots of internet friends. Connecting with people across the world is very important to her and she found Discourse is the perfect tool to build a healthy community that allows you to meet and collaborate with your peers.</p> <p>Constanza loves helping people use software so if you have any trouble she’d be happy to lend you a hand.</p> <p>When away from her desk, you can find Constanza petting her cats, reading a book, or watching anime.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_alves.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_alves-2x.png?2" alt="Ítalo Alves" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ítalo Alves</div> <div class="member__details--title">Migrations Specialist</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-08-21"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Brazil </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>A curious mind from Brazil’s northeast, Ítalo has been captivated by electronics since childhood. What started as a hobby evolved into a career, driven by a desire to help others achieve their goals through software.</p> <p>Ítalo sees a future where technology is decentralized and accessible to all, and he’s dedicated to creating open-source tools that will endure the test of time. Joining Discourse was the realization of a long-held vision for him.</p> <p>When unplugged, he’s enjoying slice-of-life movies, cooking for his family, taking beachside walks, and vibing to metal and hip-hop tunes.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_oussoren.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_oussoren-2x.png?2" alt="Ruben Oussoren" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Ruben Oussoren</div> <div class="member__details--title">Migrations Specialist</div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2023-08-21"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Ruben is a seasoned traveler with a knack for problem-solving. His global adventures have enriched his worldview and fueled his sense of adventure. In his professional journey, he has honed his technical skills and developed a customer-focused mindset.</p> <p>When not creating seamless migration experiences, Ruben explores the world of smart home automation and coding. He’s an outdoor enthusiast, always ready for a new adventure. A lover of both cats and dogs, he’s also a jack-of-all-trades, always ready to lend a hand. Whether you want to chat about space exploration, smart home gadgets, or need assistance, Ruben is here to help.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <!-- end of .team-list-item --> </div> </section> <!-- end of .team-list --> <div class="team-list team-list--cofounders" id="cofounders"> <h4>Co-founders</h4> <div class="grid"> <div class="member co-founder"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_atwood.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_atwood-2x.png?2" alt="Jeff Atwood" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Jeff Atwood</div> <div class="member__details--title"> Executive Chairman </div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-01-01", "2023-01-24"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> USA </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Online community has been a part of Jeff’s life since the 1980s. A big part. Really big. Maybe a bit too big. As co-founder of <a href="">Stack Overflow</a>, he believes deeply in bringing people together in communities they own and collaboratively maintain – by providing free open source software that helps people be their better selves online.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member co-founder"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_ward.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_ward-2x.png?2" alt="Robin Ward" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Robin Ward</div> <div class="member__details--title"> Alumni </div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-01-01", "2022-04-05"); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Canada </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>Robin has spent the majority of his professional life working on forums in one way or another. When the opportunity arose to start a company to work on the next generation of forum software, he didn’t hesitate to jump at it! Discourse has been his life ever since.</p> <p>In his spare time, Robin loves cats and dogs, playing video games and frequently going to the movies.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member co-founder"> <span class="close"> <img src="/a/img/icon-times.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> </span> <div class="member__headshot"> <img loading="lazy" width="146" height="180" src="/a/img/employees/avatar_saffron.png?2" srcset="/a/img/employees/avatar_saffron-2x.png?2" alt="Sam Saffron" /> </div> <div class="member__details"> <div class="member__details--name">Sam Saffron</div> <div class="member__details--title"> CEO </div> <div class="member__details--location"> <script> var time = duration("2013-01-01", ""); document.write(time); </script> <span class="member__details--location-marker"> <img src="/a/img/icon-map-marker.svg" loading="lazy" width="14" height="14" alt="" /> Australia </span> </div> <div class="member__details--bio"><p>When Sam is not having pun at work, he is busy making Discourse run faster, better and stronger. He was given his first ZX Spectrum computer when he was 7 and has not relinquished the helm on the keyboard since. When he is not hanging out on the <a href="">Discourse Meta forum</a>, Sam is busy rock-climbing, running or being a dad and delivering some of the best dad jokes out there.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end of .grid --> </div> <section id="jobs" class="jobs"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="openings"> <h2>We’re hiring!</h2> <p> <a href="">Send us a note</a> and tell us why you want to join the team. </p> <div class="job-listing"> <div class="job"> <h5 class="job--title">Software Engineer (Customer Projects) <span class="subtitle">Americas</span></h5> <p>Integrate our open source platform with a customer's ecosystems and help develop custom solutions</p> <a href="/jobs#software-engineer-customer-projects-americas" class="button--primary button--small" >More details</a > </div> <div class="job"> <h5 class="job--title">Migrations Engineer <span class="subtitle">EMEA to Americas</span></h5> <p>Helping our customers transition their forums and data smoothly to the Discourse platform</p> <a href="/jobs#migrations-engineer-emea-to-americas" class="button--primary button--small" >More details</a > </div> <div class="job"> <h5 class="job--title">Software Engineer</h5> <p>Integrate our open source platform with a customer's ecosystems and help develop custom solutions</p> <a href="/jobs#software-engineer" class="button--primary button--small" >More details</a > </div> <div class="job"> <h5 class="job--title">Technical Advocate</h5> <p>Help keep customers happy with world-class, professional support</p> <a href="/jobs#technical-advocate" class="button--primary button--small" >More details</a > </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="perks" id="benefits"> <div class="main-container"> <h2>Perks &amp; benefits</h2> <!-- Thanks 💖 Twitter! --> <ul class="perks__list"> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/clock.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Completely flexible schedule </h4> No set hours. Need to take two weeks off? Wanna try the digital nomad lifestyle? Let’s figure it out! If customers are happy, we’re happy. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/remote.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Remote work, zero commute time </h4> Work anywhere you have a computer and internet access. We’ll also fund up to $400/month in colocated office expenses, if you prefer not to work from home. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/globe.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Work with a diverse team </h4> Spanning 6 continents and 14 timezones, we’re looking to hire people with diverse backgrounds from all over the world. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/palm-tree-island.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Five weeks of vacation </h4> Plus all major holidays. We’re very flexible &mdash; as long as work is getting done, set your schedule as you need to. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/yoga.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> We respect your health </h4> You can’t control how often you feel bad, so we don’t limit how many days you can take off until you get better. Employees can take as many physical or mental health days as they need. We also offer unlimited menstrual leave for those who need it. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/hugs.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Yearly world meetup </h4> As a remote team we don’t see each other much, so we come together in an all-expenses-paid week once every year, in host cities all over the world. So far we’ve been to San Francisco, Toronto, Sydney, France, India, Singapore, Montréal, Denmark, and Portugal! </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/money-stack.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Transparent salary framework </h4> As a globally remote company we have a transparent salary framework which ensures we compensate everyone fairly. We use global data to ensure we pay competitive salaries according to skill level and country of residence. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/sapling.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Employee stock options </h4> We give every employee a stake in the success of the business, regardless of seniority or role. All full-time employees are eligible to receive equity options in the company as part of our equity incentive program. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/100.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Work on a major open source project </h4> Discourse is technically groundbreaking (we were a JavaScript app before it was cool) and powers a not-insignificant percent of the internet already. <a href=""> Discourse is one of the top GitHub open source projects</a > and one of the top 3 <a href="">Rails</a>, <a href="">Ember.js</a>, and <a href="">Ruby</a> open source projects in the world! </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/speak.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> Impact on the direction of the company </h4> Discourse is still a young company, with 100 people, and barely ten years old. You will be a central part of what we do and have major input into every decision we make as a company. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/laptop.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> We’ll buy you cutting-edge hardware </h4> Discourse will buy you a super nice laptop of your choice, and a fancy chair for your "second most important asset" (after your brain), at minimum. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/handshake.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> We support an official code of conduct </h4> We have an <a href="" > official code of conduct</a > on our open source project, and we respect that same code of conduct in all our work together as professionals. </li> <li class="perks__list--item"> <h4> <img src="/a/img/icons/teddy-bear.svg" class="perks__list--item-icon" loading="lazy" width="26" height="26" alt="" /> We believe every new human being is a net positive to the world! </h4> Paid parental leave for parents. </li> </ul> <p><em>As a global company, some perks and benefits may vary depending on local laws.</em></p> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="site-footer__wrapper"> <div class="site-footer__top"> <div class="site-footer__col"> <a href="/" class="site-footer__logo"> <img src="/a/img/logo-white.png" alt="Discourse white logo" height="70" />® </a> </div> <div class="site-footer__col"> <h6>Features &amp; Pricing</h6> <ul class="site-footer__list"> <li> <a href="/pricing" class="site-footer__link"> Pricing </a> </li> <li><a href="/features" class="site-footer__link"> Features </a></li> <li><a href="/plugins" class="site-footer__link"> Plugins </a></li> <li><a href="/ai" class="site-footer__link"> Discourse AI </a></li> <li><a href="/migrations" class="site-footer__link"> Migrations </a></li> <li><a href="/integrations" class="site-footer__link"> Integrations </a></li> <li><a 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