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The The American University in Cairo Calendar of Events ( all public events from all groups )"> <table class="table table-bordered" style="margin-top:5px;width:100%" role="presentation"> <tr style="margin-bottom:7px" role="row" aria-label="The The American University in Cairo Calendar of Events ( all public events from all groups )"> <td style="width:350px">The The American University in Cairo Calendar of Events (all public events from all groups)</td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Opens an ICS file in a new tab." >Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Opens an ICS file in a new tab." >iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy." >Copy Link</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <strong>Group Calendars</strong><br> <div role="region" aria-label="Group Calendars."> <ul class="list0"> <li>Starring a group calendar will add all its events to your Personal Feed (see above).</li> <li>If you are a member of the group, the feed will contain public AND members-only events.</li> <li>If you are an officer of the group, the feed will contain ALL upcoming events listed in your manage section.</li> </ul> <table class="table table-bordered" style="margin-top:5px;width:100%" role="presentation"> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Event Coordinators"> <td style="width:350px"> Event Coordinators<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Event Coordinators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Event Coordinators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Event Coordinators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Event Coordinators group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for 3alraseef"> <td style="width:350px">3alraseef<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. 3alraseef group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. 3alraseef group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. 3alraseef group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. 3alraseef group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Academic Advising Center"> <td style="width:350px">Academic Advising Center<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Academic Advising Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Academic Advising Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Academic Advising Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Academic Advising Center group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Accounting Association"> <td style="width:350px">Accounting Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Accounting Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Accounting Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Accounting Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Accounting Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for African Heritage Association"> <td style="width:350px">African Heritage Association <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. African Heritage Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. African Heritage Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. African Heritage Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. African Heritage Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AIESEC"> <td style="width:350px">AIESEC<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AIESEC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AIESEC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AIESEC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AIESEC group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Al Quds Club"> <td style="width:350px">Al Quds Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Al Quds Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Al Quds Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Al Quds Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Al Quds Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Alumni"> <td style="width:350px">Alumni<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Alumni group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Alumni group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Alumni group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Alumni group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Animal Rights Association"> <td style="width:350px">Animal Rights Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Animal Rights Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Animal Rights Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Animal Rights Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Animal Rights Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association"> <td style="width:350px">Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Anthropology Sociology Egyptology Student Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Anti Cancer Team"> <td style="width:350px">Anti Cancer Team <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Anti Cancer Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Anti Cancer Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Anti Cancer Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Anti Cancer Team group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Architecture Association"> <td style="width:350px">Architecture Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Architecture Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Architecture Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Architecture Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Architecture Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for ASME"> <td style="width:350px">ASME<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. ASME group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. ASME group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. ASME group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. ASME group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Astronomy Club"> <td style="width:350px">Astronomy Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Astronomy Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Astronomy Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Astronomy Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Astronomy Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Athletic Teams"> <td style="width:350px">Athletic Teams<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Athletic Teams group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Athletic Teams group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Athletic Teams group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Athletic Teams group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Business Network"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Business Network<br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Business Network group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Business Network group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Business Network group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Business Network group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Campus Tours"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Campus Tours<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Campus Tours group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Campus Tours group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Campus Tours group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Campus Tours group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Community"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Community<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Community group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Faculty"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Faculty<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Faculty group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Faculty group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Faculty group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Faculty group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Human Resources"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Human Resources<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Human Resources group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Human Resources group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Human Resources group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Human Resources group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Language and Intercultural Club"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Language and Intercultural Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Language and Intercultural Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Language and Intercultural Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Language and Intercultural Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Language and Intercultural Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Reads"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Reads<br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Reads group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Reads group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Reads group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Reads group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Student Recruitment"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Student Recruitment<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Student Recruitment group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Student Recruitment group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Student Recruitment group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Student Recruitment group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Students"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Students<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for AUC Trustees"> <td style="width:350px">AUC Trustees<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. AUC Trustees group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. AUC Trustees group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. AUC Trustees group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. AUC Trustees group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Avant-Garde"> <td style="width:350px">Avant-Garde<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Avant-Garde group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Avant-Garde group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Avant-Garde group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Avant-Garde group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Biology Association"> <td style="width:350px">Biology Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Biology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Biology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Biology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Biology Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Biomedical Innovators"> <td style="width:350px">Biomedical Innovators<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Biomedical Innovators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Biomedical Innovators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Biomedical Innovators group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Biomedical Innovators group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Business Association"> <td style="width:350px">Business Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Business Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Business Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Business Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Business Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Cairo International Model Arab League"> <td style="width:350px">Cairo International Model Arab League<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Cairo International Model Arab League group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Cairo International Model Arab League group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Cairo International Model Arab League group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Cairo International Model Arab League group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Cairo International Model United Nations"> <td style="width:350px">Cairo International Model United Nations<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Cairo International Model United Nations group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Cairo International Model United Nations group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Cairo International Model United Nations group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Cairo International Model United Nations group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for CEMS Club Cairo"> <td style="width:350px">CEMS Club Cairo<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. CEMS Club Cairo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. CEMS Club Cairo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. CEMS Club Cairo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. CEMS Club Cairo group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Chemistry Association"> <td style="width:350px">Chemistry Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Chemistry Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Chemistry Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Chemistry Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Chemistry Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Clubs and Conferences Committee"> <td style="width:350px">Clubs and Conferences Committee<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Clubs and Conferences Committee group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Clubs and Conferences Committee group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Clubs and Conferences Committee group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Clubs and Conferences Committee group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Computer Science and Engineering Association"> <td style="width:350px">Computer Science & Engineering Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Computer Science and Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Computer Science and Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Computer Science and Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Computer Science and Engineering Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Construction Engineering Association"> <td style="width:350px">Construction Engineering Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Construction Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Construction Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Construction Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Construction Engineering Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Data Management Engagement - POC"> <td style="width:350px">Data Management Engagement - POC<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Data Management Engagement - POC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Data Management Engagement - POC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Data Management Engagement - POC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Data Management Engagement - POC group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Developers Inc."> <td style="width:350px">Developers Inc.<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Developers Inc. group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Developers Inc. group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Developers Inc. group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Developers Inc. group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Economics Association"> <td style="width:350px">Economics Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Economics Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Economics Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Economics Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Economics Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Egyptian Folklore Group"> <td style="width:350px">Egyptian Folklore Group<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Egyptian Folklore Group group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Egyptian Folklore Group group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Egyptian Folklore Group group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Egyptian Folklore Group group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Electronics and Communications Engineering Association"> <td style="width:350px">Electronics and Communications Engineering Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Electronics and Communications Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Electronics and Communications Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Electronics and Communications Engineering Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Electronics and Communications Engineering Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Enactus"> <td style="width:350px">Enactus<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Enactus group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Enactus group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Enactus group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Enactus group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Entrepreneurs’ Society"> <td style="width:350px">Entrepreneurs' Society<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Entrepreneurs’ Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Entrepreneurs’ Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Entrepreneurs’ Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Entrepreneurs’ Society group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Film Association"> <td style="width:350px">Film Association <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Film Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Film Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Film Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Film Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Finance and Economics Club"> <td style="width:350px">Finance and Economics Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Finance and Economics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Finance and Economics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Finance and Economics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Finance and Economics Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for First Year Program ( FYP )"> <td style="width:350px">First Year Program (FYP)<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. First Year Program ( FYP ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. First Year Program ( FYP ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. First Year Program ( FYP ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. First Year Program ( FYP ) group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Football"> <td style="width:350px">Football<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Football group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Football group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Football group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Football group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Global Health Association"> <td style="width:350px">Global Health Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Global Health Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Global Health Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Global Health Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Global Health Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Google Developer Students Club ( GDSC )"> <td style="width:350px">Google Developer Students Club (GDSC)<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Google Developer Students Club ( GDSC ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Google Developer Students Club ( GDSC ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Google Developer Students Club ( GDSC ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Google Developer Students Club ( GDSC ) group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Graduate Student Association"> <td style="width:350px">Graduate Student Association <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Graduate Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Graduate Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Graduate Student Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Graduate Student Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Graduate Studies Workshops"> <td style="width:350px">Graduate Studies Workshops<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Graduate Studies Workshops group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Graduate Studies Workshops group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Graduate Studies Workshops group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Graduate Studies Workshops group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Graphic Design Association"> <td style="width:350px">Graphic Design Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Graphic Design Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Graphic Design Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Graphic Design Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Graphic Design Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Hand In Hand"> <td style="width:350px">Hand In Hand<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Hand In Hand group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Hand In Hand group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Hand In Hand group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Hand In Hand group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Help Club"> <td style="width:350px">Help Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Help Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Help Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Help Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Help Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Heya: The Women’s Initiative"> <td style="width:350px">Heya: The Women’s Initiative<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Heya: The Women’s Initiative group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Heya: The Women’s Initiative group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Heya: The Women’s Initiative group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Heya: The Women’s Initiative group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Home Page"> <td style="width:350px">Home Page<br><span class="grey-element">Student Groups</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Home Page group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Home Page group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Home Page group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Home Page group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for HUSS Faculty and Staff"> <td style="width:350px">HUSS Faculty and Staff<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. HUSS Faculty and Staff group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. HUSS Faculty and Staff group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. HUSS Faculty and Staff group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. HUSS Faculty and Staff group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) - AUC Student Branch"> <td style="width:350px">Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - AUC Student Branch<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) - AUC Student Branch group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) - AUC Student Branch group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) - AUC Student Branch group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) - AUC Student Branch group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for International Students"> <td style="width:350px">International Students<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. International Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. International Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. International Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. International Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for IRead AUC"> <td style="width:350px">IRead AUC<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. IRead AUC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. IRead AUC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. IRead AUC group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. IRead AUC group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Latin Dance Troupe"> <td style="width:350px">Latin Dance Troupe<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Latin Dance Troupe group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Latin Dance Troupe group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Latin Dance Troupe group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Latin Dance Troupe group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Live From Plaza"> <td style="width:350px">Live From Plaza<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Live From Plaza group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Live From Plaza group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Live From Plaza group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Live From Plaza group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Mashroo3 Kheir"> <td style="width:350px">Mashroo3 Kheir<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Mashroo3 Kheir group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Mashroo3 Kheir group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Mashroo3 Kheir group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Mashroo3 Kheir group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Mass Communication Association"> <td style="width:350px">Mass Communication Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Mass Communication Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Mass Communication Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Mass Communication Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Mass Communication Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association"> <td style="width:350px">Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Mayhem Frisbee club"> <td style="width:350px">Mayhem Frisbee club<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Mayhem Frisbee club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Mayhem Frisbee club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Mayhem Frisbee club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Mayhem Frisbee club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Mechanical Engineering Association ( MEA )"> <td style="width:350px">Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA)<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Mechanical Engineering Association ( MEA ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Mechanical Engineering Association ( MEA ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Mechanical Engineering Association ( MEA ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Mechanical Engineering Association ( MEA ) group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Basketball"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Basketball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Basketball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Futsal"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Futsal <br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Futsal group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Handball"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Handball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Handball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Rowing"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Rowing<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Rowing group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Squash"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Squash<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Squash group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Swimming"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Swimming<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Swimming group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Tennis"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Tennis<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Tennis group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Track and Field"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Track and Field<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Track and Field group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Men’s Volleyball"> <td style="width:350px">Men's Volleyball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Men’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Men’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Men’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Men’s Volleyball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center"> <td style="width:350px">Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Mohamed Taymour Writing and Communication Center group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Musicana"> <td style="width:350px">Musicana<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Musicana group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Musicana group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Musicana group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Musicana group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Niletesol Conference"> <td style="width:350px">Niletesol Conference <br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Niletesol Conference group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Niletesol Conference group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Niletesol Conference group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Niletesol Conference group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Office of Elections"> <td style="width:350px">Office of Elections<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Office of Elections group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Office of Elections group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Office of Elections group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Office of Elections group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Open Day Boothes"> <td style="width:350px">Open Day Boothes<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Open Day Boothes group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Open Day Boothes group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Open Day Boothes group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Open Day Boothes group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Open Source Community"> <td style="width:350px">Open Source Community <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Open Source Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Open Source Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Open Source Community group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Open Source Community group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Orientation"> <td style="width:350px">Orientation<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Orientation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Orientation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Orientation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Orientation group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Passion 4 Fashion"> <td style="width:350px">Passion 4 Fashion <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Passion 4 Fashion group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Passion 4 Fashion group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Passion 4 Fashion group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Passion 4 Fashion group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Philosophy Graduate Association"> <td style="width:350px">Philosophy Graduate Association <br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Philosophy Graduate Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Philosophy Graduate Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Philosophy Graduate Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Philosophy Graduate Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Political Science Association"> <td style="width:350px">Political Science Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Political Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Political Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Political Science Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Political Science Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Psychology Association"> <td style="width:350px">Psychology Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Psychology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Psychology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Psychology Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Psychology Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Psychology Counseling Services"> <td style="width:350px">Psychology Counseling Services<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Psychology Counseling Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Psychology Counseling Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Psychology Counseling Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Psychology Counseling Services group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Public and Community Events"> <td style="width:350px">Public and Community Events<br><span class="grey-element">Public Events</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Public and Community Events group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Public and Community Events group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Public and Community Events group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Public and Community Events group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Qaf Organisation"> <td style="width:350px">Qaf Organisation<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Qaf Organisation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Qaf Organisation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Qaf Organisation group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Qaf Organisation group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Racing Team"> <td style="width:350px">Racing Team<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Racing Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Racing Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Racing Team group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Racing Team group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Resala"> <td style="width:350px">Resala<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Resala group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Resala group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Resala group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Resala group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Resident Advisors ( RAs )"> <td style="width:350px">Resident Advisors (RAs)<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Resident Advisors ( RAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Resident Advisors ( RAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Resident Advisors ( RAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Resident Advisors ( RAs ) group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for ResLife"> <td style="width:350px">ResLife<br><span class="grey-element">Constituency</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. ResLife group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. ResLife group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. ResLife group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. ResLife group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Revival"> <td style="width:350px">Revival<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Revival group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Revival group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Revival group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Revival group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Robotics Club"> <td style="width:350px">Robotics Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Robotics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Robotics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Robotics Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Robotics Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Rugby Club"> <td style="width:350px">Rugby Club<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Rugby Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Rugby Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Rugby Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Rugby Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Sabeel"> <td style="width:350px">Sabeel<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Sabeel group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Sabeel group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Sabeel group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Sabeel group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for School of Business Students"> <td style="width:350px">School of Business Students<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. School of Business Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. School of Business Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. School of Business Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. School of Business Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for School of Continuing Education"> <td style="width:350px">School of Continuing Education<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. School of Continuing Education group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. School of Continuing Education group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. School of Continuing Education group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. School of Continuing Education group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for School of GAPP Students"> <td style="width:350px">School of GAPP Students<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. School of GAPP Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. School of GAPP Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. School of GAPP Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. School of GAPP Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for School of HUSS Students"> <td style="width:350px">School of HUSS Students<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. School of HUSS Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. School of HUSS Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. School of HUSS Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. School of HUSS Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet"> <td style="width:350px">School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. School of Sciences and Engineering Intranet group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Scouts"> <td style="width:350px">Scouts<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Scouts group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Scouts group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Scouts group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Scouts group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Serenity Society"> <td style="width:350px">Serenity Society<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Serenity Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Serenity Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Serenity Society group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Serenity Society group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Services Test"> <td style="width:350px">Services Test<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Services Test group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Services Test group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Services Test group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Services Test group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Shared Services"> <td style="width:350px">Shared Services<br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Shared Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Shared Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Shared Services group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Shared Services group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Society of Petroleum Engineers"> <td style="width:350px">Society of Petroleum Engineers<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Society of Petroleum Engineers group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Society of Petroleum Engineers group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Society of Petroleum Engineers group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Society of Petroleum Engineers group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Society of Physics Students"> <td style="width:350px">Society of Physics Students<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Society of Physics Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Society of Physics Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Society of Physics Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Society of Physics Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Sports Facilities"> <td style="width:350px">Sports Facilities <br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Sports Facilities group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Sports Facilities group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Sports Facilities group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Sports Facilities group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for SSE Students"> <td style="width:350px">SSE Students<br><span class="grey-element">Academic Entity</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. SSE Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. SSE Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. SSE Students group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. SSE Students group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Ambassadors"> <td style="width:350px">Student Ambassadors<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Ambassadors group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Ambassadors group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Ambassadors group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Ambassadors group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Court"> <td style="width:350px">Student Court<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Court group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Court group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Court group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Court group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Leadership Institute"> <td style="width:350px">Student Leadership Institute<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Leadership Institute group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Leadership Institute group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Leadership Institute group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Leadership Institute group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Senate"> <td style="width:350px">Student Senate<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Senate group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Senate group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Senate group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Senate group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Technology Assistants ( STAs )"> <td style="width:350px">Student Technology Assistants (STAs)<br><span class="grey-element">Student Program</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Technology Assistants ( STAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Technology Assistants ( STAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Technology Assistants ( STAs ) group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Technology Assistants ( STAs ) group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Student Union"> <td style="width:350px">Student Union<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Student Union group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Student Union group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Student Union group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Student Union group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Students Peer Support"> <td style="width:350px">Students Peer Support <br><span class="grey-element">Special Interests </span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Students Peer Support group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Students Peer Support group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Students Peer Support group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Students Peer Support group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for The Center for Student Well-being"> <td style="width:350px">The Center for Student Well-being<br><span class="grey-element">Department</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. The Center for Student Well-being group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. The Center for Student Well-being group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. The Center for Student Well-being group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. The Center for Student Well-being group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for The Literature Club"> <td style="width:350px">The Literature Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. The Literature Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. The Literature Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. The Literature Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. The Literature Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Theater and Film Club"> <td style="width:350px">Theater and Film Club<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Theater and Film Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Theater and Film Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Theater and Film Club group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Theater and Film Club group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Visual Arts Association"> <td style="width:350px">Visual Arts Association<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Visual Arts Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Visual Arts Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Visual Arts Association group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Visual Arts Association group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Volunteers In Action"> <td style="width:350px">Volunteers In Action<br><span class="grey-element">Student Organization</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Volunteers In Action group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Volunteers In Action group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Volunteers In Action group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Volunteers In Action group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Water Polo"> <td style="width:350px">Water Polo<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Water Polo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Water Polo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Water Polo group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Water Polo group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Basketball"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Basketball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Basketball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Basketball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Futsal"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Futsal<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Futsal group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Futsal group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Handball"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Handball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Handball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Handball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Rowing"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Rowing<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Rowing group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Rowing group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Squash"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Squash<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Squash group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Squash group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Swimming"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Swimming <br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Swimming group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Swimming group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Tennis"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Tennis<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Tennis group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Tennis group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Track and Field"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Track and Field<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Track and Field group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Track and Field group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-label="Group calendars for Women’s Volleyball"> <td style="width:350px">Women's Volleyball<br><span class="grey-element">Athletic Team</span></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/outlookIcon.gif" class="ico" alt="Outlook Icon" /> <a title="Add to Outlook" target="_blank" class="" href="webcal://" role="button" aria-label="Add to Outlook Calendar. Women’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Outlook</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/google_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Google Icon" /> <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="alert('If clicking on this link does not work, please try the alternative method below: \n1) Click on the link called Link (on the right) and copy the link as instructed\n2) Go to Google Calendar and look for Other Calendars (on the left)\n3) Click on the little arrow on the right and select Add as URL\n4) Paste the link you had copied and click on Add Calendar')" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to Google Calendar. Women’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">Google</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/ical_icon_16.png" class="ico" alt="Apple ICAL Icon" /> <a title="Add to iCal" target="_blank" class="" href="" role="button" aria-label="Add to iCal Calendar. Women’s Volleyball group. Opens an ICS file in a new tab.">iCal</a></td> <td><img src="/images/ico/link.png" class="ico" alt="Copy Link Icon" /> <a href="javascript:jPrompt('Copy this link:','', 'Copy ICS Link', function (r) {if (r) {}});" role="button" aria-label="Copy Link. Women’s Volleyball group. Opens a dialog providing link the ICS file that you can copy.">Copy Link</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div id="w_tab_intro" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none; padding:10px 15px 15px 15px" tabindex="0" aria-label="Learn More"> <img src="/images/add-stars-events.png" alt="Event calendar with a star" class="ico" style="float:left"> <div style="margin-left:130px"> <b style="font-size:1.4em">Benefits of Subscribing to Calendars</b> <br> <ul class="list0"> <li>View your events in your personal calendar (i.e. Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal, iPhone Agenda, Android, etc).</li> <li>When a group modifies an event, it is <strong>automatically updated</strong> in your personal calendar.</li> <li>Receive event reminders (right now, this can only be achieved by subscribing from your <strong>iPhone/iPad</strong>).</li> </ul> </div> <br><br><br> <b>Why should you star events in CampusGroups/Ready Campus?</b> <ul class="list0"> <li>Save time - When you star an event, it is automatically added to your personal calendar <strong>in 1 click</strong>.</li> <li>Customize your list of events - As opposed to the Group Calendar Feeds, your Favorite Events feed allows you to select the events you are interested in, and to only have these events added to your calendar.</li> <li>Know when changes happen - We notify you when an event you starred was modified or cancelled.</li> </ul> <br> <strong>There are 2 types of ICS feeds in the platform:</strong> <br>(1) Group calendar feeds: containing all public events of a group (go to the Calendar and click on Subscribe to Calendars to access these feeds) <br>(2) Your personal feed of events: containing all events that you "Starred" + All the events of the group calendars you starred <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </div> <div id="w_tab_outlook2010" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Outlook 2010"> <br /> <div class="messages information"> We recommend that you subscribe to your ICS feeds from your Outlook Desktop. Any change made to an event will be automatically and instantaneously updated on your calendar. <br /> <br /> <strong>Limitation:</strong><br /> You will not receive any event reminders unless you manually copy your events from your ICS subscription into your personal calendar. <br /><br /><strong>Solution:</strong> <br>* If you have an iPhone/iPad, also subscribe to your ICS from your Mobile <br>* If you have a Android, connect CampusGroups/Ready Campus to your Google Account and your events will automatically appear in your Google Calendar on the Web and on your phone </div> <br /> <b style="font-size:1.4em">How to subscribe to an ICS feed into your Outlook Calendar</b><br /><br /> <!-- 1) Select and copy the ICS URL below:<br /><br /> <input onClick="" class="default_input" name="ical" type="text" value="" size="60" /> --> 1) Click on the <strong>Copy Link</strong> link and copy the ICS URL. <br /> <br /> 2) In Outlook, on the <strong>Tools</strong> menu, click <strong>Account Settings</strong>.<br /> <br /> 3) On the <strong>Internet Calendars</strong> tab, click <strong>New</strong>.<br /> <br /> <img alt="Windows Account settings, Internet Calendars Dialog Image" src="/images/9738.png" /><br /> 4) Paste the URL you copied in step 3. Click <strong>Add</strong>.<br /> <br /> <img src="/images/9739.png" alt="Windows New Internet Calendar Subscription Popup Image" /><br /> <br /> 5) In the <strong>Folder Name</strong> box, type the name of the calendar as you want it to appear in Outlook, and then click <strong>OK</strong>.<br /> <br /> <img src="/images/9740.png" alt="Windows Internet Calendar Configuration Dialog Image" /><br /> <br /> 6) Click ok. You should see your new calendar on the left of your Outlook: <br /> <br /> <img src="/images/9741.png" alt="Windows All Calendar Items Top Left Snippet Screenshot" /> </div> <div id="w_tab_ical" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Apple iCalendar"> <br /> <div class="messages information"> We recommend that you subscribe to your CampusGroups/Ready Campus ICS feeds from your Apple iCal app on your Mac. Any change made to an event will be automatically and instantaneously updated on your calendar. <br /> <br /> <strong>Limitation:</strong><br /> You will not receive any event reminders unless you manually copy your events from your ICS subscription into your personal calendar. <br /><br /><strong>Solution:</strong> <br>* If you have an iPhone/iPad, also subscribe to your ICS from your Mobile <br>* If you have a Android, connect CampusGroups to your Google Account and your events will automatically appear in your Google Calendar on the Web and on your phone </div> <br /> <b style="font-size:1.4em">How to subscribe to an ICS feed from your iCal Calendar</b><br /><br /> <!-- Webcal link instructions temporary hidden 1) In iCal, click on File > New Calendar Subscription:<br><br> <img src="images/tutorial/ical/2-ical-dropdown-screenshot.jpg" alt="Tutorial image" /><br><br> 2) Paste your ICS link into the popup and click on Subscribe:<br /><br> <img src="images/tutorial/ical/3-ical-pastelink-screenshot.jpg" alt="Tutorial image" /><br><br> 3) Uncheck the Remove Alerts checkbox and set the Auto-Refresh to "5 minutes":<br /><br> <img src="images/tutorial/ical/4-ical-addcalendar-screenshot.jpg" alt="Tutorial image" /><br><br> 4) Your new CampusGroups ICS subscription should now appear on the left:<br /><br> <img src="images/tutorial/ical/5-ical-calendaradded-screenshot.jpg" alt="Tutorial image" /> --> <!-- Direct ics file temporary instructions --> <!--1) Download this .ics file of a calendar by cliking an iCal link under the "ICS Feeds" tab of this popup<br><br>--> <!--2) Open the downloaded file with iCal<br><br>--> 1) Copy the <strong> iCalLink</strong> URL under the "ICS Feeds" tab of this popup. <br /> <br /> 2) In iCal, on the <strong>Files</strong> menu, click on <strong>New Calendar Subscription</strong>.<br /> <br /> 3) Paste the URL you copied in step 1. Click <strong>Subscribe</strong>.<br /> <br /> </div> <div id="w_tab_web_outlook" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Outlook 365 Web"> <br /> <div class="messages information"> Your ICS subscriptions will appear in your account and will also appear on your mobile as long as you have connected your Mobile with your Outlook account. <br><br><strong>Limitation:</strong><br>Your ICS subscription will only be updated every 3 hours and will not allow you to receive reminders. </div> <br /> <b style="font-size:1.4em">How to subscribe to a ICS feed from Outlook Calendar:</b> <br /><br /> 1) Click on the <strong>Link</strong> link and copy the ICS URL for the calendar you wish to add. <br /> <br /> 2) Open a new tab in your browser and go to for auc and sign in with your NetID and password. <br /> <br /> 3) Click on the <strong> Calendar </strong> link in the O365 Ribbon <br /> <br /> <img src="/images/web_outlook_1.jpg" alt="Office 365 Calendar Screenshot 1" /><br /> <br /> 4) Right Click on <strong>My Calendars</strong> and select <strong>open calendar</strong> from the context menu <br /> <img src="/images/web_outlook_2.jpg" alt="Office 365 Calendar Screenshot 2" /><br /> <br /> 5) Paste the calendar URL into the <strong>Internet calendar: </strong>box and click the <strong>open</strong> button. <br /> <img src="/images/web_outlook_3.jpg" alt="Office 365 Calendar Screenshot 3" /><br /> <br /> 6) Back in the Calendar view, expand <strong> My Calendars</strong>. Right click the newly added calendar and choose <strong>Rename</strong>. Choose a name that reflects how you want to view the calendar. This change will be reflected on all your personal devices <br /> <img src="/images/web_outlook_4.jpg" alt="Office 365 Calendar Screenshot 4" /><br /> </div> <div id="w_tab_googleCalendar" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none;" tabindex="0" aria-label="Google Calendar"> <br /> <div class="messages information"> Your ICS subscriptions will appear in your Google Calendar account and will also appear on your mobile as long as you have connected your Mobile with your Google account. <br><br><strong>Limitation:</strong><br>Your ICS subscription will only be updated every 12 hours and will not allow you to receive reminders. This is a known issue which Google has not yet decided to resolve. <br><br> </div> <br /> <b style="font-size:1.4em">How to subscribe to an ICS feed from your Google Calendar:</b> <br /><br /> <strong>I] First Method</strong> <br /> <br /> 1) Click on the <strong>Google Calendar</strong> link of the group which calendar you want to export. <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_1.jpg" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 1" /><br /> <br /> 2) In the new tab, choose <strong>Yes, add this calendar</strong> <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_2.jpg" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 2" /><br /> <br /> Your Google Calendar should now be updated. But sometimes, depending of the configuration, you are not allowed to add the calendar and you see this screen: <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_3.jpg" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 3" /><br /> <br /> This is due to a conflict between Google Calendar and your browser. You can try to update your browser, or even better for this widget, use Google Chrome. Or follow the second method. <br /> <br /> <strong>II] Second Method</strong> <br /> <br /> 1) Copy the link of the "Cannot add" message, then click <strong>OK</strong>. <br /> <br /> 2) Go to Google Calendar. Click on the triangle next to Add in the "Other Calendars" section (bottom left of the screen) and select <strong>Add by URL</strong>. <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_4.png" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 4" /><br /> <br /> 3) A window will pop up asking for the URL of the calendar. Paste the link you copied on step 2 and click on <strong>Add Calendar</strong>. <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_5.png" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 5" /><br /> <br /> 4) The events of the selected group will show up on your calendar and they will get updated just as they are on the platform. <br /><br /> <i>We have noticed that after Step #3 some Users may sometimes get the following Error Message</i> <br /><br /> <img src="/images/google_calendar_6.png" alt="Google Calendar Screenshot 6" /><br /> <i>If this happens to you, just repeat instantly Steps 4 and 5 and you should be fine.</i> </div> <div id="w_tab_icalIos" class="w_content_tabs" style="display:none;" tabindex="0" aria-label="iPhone / iPad"> <br> <div class="messages information"> <strong>This is a great way to subscribe to any CampusGroups/Ready Campus ICS feeds</strong> from your iPhone/iPad, and to also get Reminders/Alerts 15mn before the event. <br><br>Once you have set up your calendar subscription: <br>1) Adding a "Star" to an event will automatically and instantaneously add this event into your mobile calendar and reminder. <br>2) Modifications to any of your events (i.e. date/time, location, etc), will be automatically replicated on your mobile calendar. <br>3) You will also be notified in the platform when changes to events occur. </div> <br /> <b style="font-size:1.4em">How to synchronize CampusGroups/Ready Campus ICS feeds with an iOS device</b> <br /><br /> 1) Open the <strong>Settings</strong> application on your device's home screen <br><br> 2) Open <strong>Mail, Contacts, Calendars</strong> <br /><br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_1.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 1" /> <br /> <br /> 3) Select <strong> Add Acount...</strong> <br /><br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_2.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 2" /> <br /> <br /> 4) Select <strong> Other </strong> <br /> <br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_3.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 3" /> <br /> <br /> 5) Select <strong>Add Subscribed Calendar</strong> <br /> <br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_4.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 4" /><br /> <br /> 6) In the <strong>Server</strong> field, enter your ICS feed URL (.ics) <br /> <br /> 7) Leave the <strong>Remove Alarms</strong> to "Off" and click <strong>Save</strong> <br /> <br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_5.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 5" /> <br /> <br /> 8) Open your <strong>Agenda App</strong> from the home screen of your device and click on <strong>Calendars</strong>. Make sure that you new ICS subscription is there and checked. You can select a color for your new subscription. <br /> <br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_6.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 6" /> <br /> <br /> 9) On your Agenda App, if you click on an event, you can see all <strong>Event Details</strong> <br /> <br /> <img src="images/tutorial/iphone/ics_8.PNG" alt="iPhone Calendar Setup Screenshot 7" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> You will receive a notification/alarm on your device 15 minutes before an event. </div> </div> </div> <!-- LL - 10/03/2017: Moved up here so ckeditor can work in popups --> <script> //YT Viewer if (typeof arrYoutubePlayerObjects != "undefined") { $("#youtubeScript").remove(); $("#www-widgetapi-script").remove(); if (window['YT'] != undefined) { window.YT.loading = 0; window.YT.loaded = 0; } var youtubeTag = document.createElement('script'); = "youtubeScript"; youtubeTag.src = ""; youtubeTag.async = false; // Get First Script Tag & Insert Vimeo Script before that. var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(youtubeTag, firstScriptTag); // Array of Players var arrYoutubePlayers = []; // Functions to work on Youtube Players function onYoutubePlayerReady(event) { var player =; $(window).blur(function() { player.pauseVideo(); }); $(window).scroll(function() { if ( !isInViewport(document.getElementById("player--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID))) { player.pauseVideo(); } }); var startTime = new Date(player.youtubeObject.startTime * 1000).toISOString(); var totalTime = new Date(player.getDuration() * 1000).toISOString(); if (player.getDuration() >= 3600) { startTime = startTime.substr(11, 8); totalTime = totalTime.substr(11, 8); } else { startTime = startTime.substr(14, 5); totalTime = totalTime.substr(14, 5); } $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " div.timer").html("<span id='player-time--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + "'>" + startTime + "</span> / " + totalTime); } function onYoutubePlayerStateChange(event) { var player =; if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "pause").attr("aria-label", "Pause"); $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-play").addClass("mdi-pause"); } if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && player.intervalFunction == null) { // HACK For Window BLUR window.focus(); // AJAX Recurring Call player.intervalFunction = setInterval(function() { postVideoViews(player.youtubeObject.cgUID, player.youtubeObject.cgUID_s, player.getCurrentTime()); }, 10000); // Timer player.intervalTimerFunction = setInterval(function() { var currentTime = new Date(player.getCurrentTime() * 1000).toISOString(); if (player.getDuration() >= 3600) { currentTime = currentTime.substr(11, 8); } else { currentTime = currentTime.substr(14, 5); } $("#player-time--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID).html(currentTime); }, 1000) } else if ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED || == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "play").attr("aria-label", "Play"); $("#player-btn--" + player.youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-pause").addClass("mdi-play"); clearInterval(player.intervalFunction); clearInterval(player.intervalTimerFunction); player.intervalFunction = null; player.intervalTimerFunction = null; postVideoViews(player.youtubeObject.cgUID, player.youtubeObject.cgUID_s, player.getCurrentTime(), ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED ? 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Returns number values: * 0 - closed captions should be be disabled (do not load closed captions) * 1 - closed captions should be loaded when video loads * If the local storage key is not defined we return 0 (as a number). */ function getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() { try { const lsKey = 'cg-video-player-cc-load-policy'; const ccLoadPolicy = localStorage.getItem(lsKey); return (ccLoadPolicy === '1') ? 1 : 0; } catch(e) { return 0; } } /* Function that toggles the video player CC load policy stored in local storage. Toggled values are (strings values): * '0' - closed captions should be be disabled (do not load closed captions) * '1' - closed captions should be loaded when video loads * If the local storage key is not defined it is treated as though the value were '0' and toggles to '1'. * */ function toggleVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() { try { const lsKey = 'cg-video-player-cc-load-policy'; const ccLoadPolicy = localStorage.getItem(lsKey); if (ccLoadPolicy === '1') { localStorage.setItem(lsKey, '0'); } else { localStorage.setItem(lsKey, '1'); } } catch(e) { return; } } /* Function that prompts the user for confirmation before toggling the video player closed caption load policy. * - If closed captions are currently turned off, the user will be prompted to confirm before turning them on (and vice versa) * - Video player CC load policy setting is stored in local storage (see above functions) * - Vimeo and YouTube video players require reload of the associated IFrames to change the setting, * if user confirms yes to reload, the page will be reloaded. */ function toggleClosedCaptionsAndReloadVideoIframes() { const turnClosedCaptionsOnOff = (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) ? 'off' : 'on'; const message = 'Turning ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + ' closed captions will reload this page, please save any outstanding changes before you choose to turn closed captions ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + '. Are you sure you want to turn closed captions ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + '?'; if (confirm(message)) { toggleVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy(); location.reload(); } else { return false; } } // Called when the script is fully loaded. function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { // Loop through players arrYoutubePlayerObjects.forEach(function (youtubeObject, index) { arrYoutubePlayers[index] = new YT.Player("player--" + youtubeObject.cgID, { height: youtubeObject.height, width: youtubeObject.width, videoId: youtubeObject.videoID, playerVars: { modestbranding: 1, rel: 0, disablekb: 1, playsinline: 1, controls: 0, start: youtubeObject.startTime, cc_load_policy: (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined') ? getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() : 0 }, events: { 'onStateChange': onYoutubePlayerStateChange, 'onReady': onYoutubePlayerReady } }); arrYoutubePlayers[index].youtubeObject = youtubeObject; arrYoutubePlayers[index].intervalFunction = null; $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.playpause").on('click', function() { youtubePlayerPlayPause(arrYoutubePlayers[index]); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.replay").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].seekTo(0); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.rewind").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].seekTo(arrYoutubePlayers[index].getCurrentTime() - 10); }); const turnClosedCaptionsOnOff = (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) ? 'off' : 'on'; $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").attr('aria-label', 'Turn ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + ' closed captions. Note, this requires a reload of the current page.'); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").on('click', function() { toggleClosedCaptionsAndReloadVideoIframes(); }); $("#player-btn--" + youtubeObject.cgID + " button.fullscreen").on('click', function() { arrYoutubePlayers[index].pauseVideo(); tb_show("", "/video_player?embed=1&uid=" + youtubeObject.cgUID + "&width=995&height=680&modal=true&TB_iframe=1", ""); }); }); arrYoutubePlayerObjects = undefined; } } //Vimeo Viewer if (typeof arrVimeoPlayerObjects != "undefined") { $("#vimeoScript").remove(); var vimeoTag = document.createElement('script'); = "vimeoScript"; vimeoTag.src = ""; vimeoTag.async = false; // Get First Script Tag & Insert Vimeo Script before that. var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(vimeoTag, firstScriptTag); // Array of Players var arrVimeoPlayers = []; // Functions to work on Vimeo Players function vimeoPlayerPlay(player) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "pause").attr("aria-label", "Pause"); $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-play").addClass("mdi-pause"); // AJAX Recurring Call player.intervalFunction = setInterval( function() { player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { postVideoViews(player.vimeoObject.cgUID, player.vimeoObject.cgUID_s, seconds); }) }, 10000) // Timer player.intervalTimerFunction = setInterval(function() { player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { var currentTime = new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString(); if (player.totalDuration >= 3600) { currentTime = currentTime.substr(11, 8); } else { currentTime = currentTime.substr(14, 5); } $("#player-time--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID).html(currentTime); }) }, 1000) } function vimeoPlayerPause(player) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "play").attr("aria-label", "Play"); $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-pause").addClass("mdi-play"); // Clear AJAX Recurring Call clearInterval(player.intervalFunction); clearInterval(player.intervalTimerFunction); player.intervalFunction = null; player.intervalTimerFunction = null; player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { postVideoViews(player.vimeoObject.cgUID, player.vimeoObject.cgUID_s, seconds); }); } function vimeoPlayerEnded(player) { // Change Buttons $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status", "play").attr("aria-label", "Play"); $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause span.mdi").removeClass("mdi-pause").addClass("mdi-play"); // Clear AJAX Recurring Call clearInterval(player.intervalFunction); clearInterval(player.intervalTimerFunction); player.intervalFunction = null; player.intervalTimerFunction = null; player.getCurrentTime().then( function(seconds) { postVideoViews(player.vimeoObject.cgUID, player.vimeoObject.cgUID_s, seconds, 'true'); }); //if (typeof refreshTrackChecklist !== "undefined") { refreshTrackChecklist(); } //else if (typeof parent.refreshTrackChecklist !== "undefined") { parent.refreshTrackChecklist(); } } function vimeoPlayerPlayPause(player) { var currentStatus = $("#player-btn--" + player.vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").attr("data-status"); if (currentStatus == "play") {; } else if (currentStatus == "pause") { player.pause(); } } // We wait until the script is fully loaded. $("#vimeoScript").on('load', function() { // Loop through players arrVimeoPlayerObjects.forEach(function (vimeoObject, index) { if (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) { // load with closed captions enabled (set texttrack to 'en') arrVimeoPlayers[index] = new Vimeo.Player("player--" + vimeoObject.cgID, { url: vimeoObject.URL , height: vimeoObject.height, width: vimeoObject.width, controls: false, texttrack: 'en' }); } else { arrVimeoPlayers[index] = new Vimeo.Player("player--" + vimeoObject.cgID, { url: vimeoObject.URL , height: vimeoObject.height, width: vimeoObject.width, controls: false }); } arrVimeoPlayers[index].vimeoObject = vimeoObject; arrVimeoPlayers[index].intervalFunction = null; if (vimeoObject.startTime != 0) { arrVimeoPlayers[index].setCurrentTime(vimeoObject.startTime); } arrVimeoPlayers[index].on('play', function() { vimeoPlayerPlay(this) } ); arrVimeoPlayers[index].on('pause', function() { vimeoPlayerPause(this) } ); arrVimeoPlayers[index].on('ended', function() { vimeoPlayerEnded(this) } ); $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.playpause").on('click', function() { vimeoPlayerPlayPause(arrVimeoPlayers[index]); }); $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.replay").on('click', function() { arrVimeoPlayers[index].setCurrentTime(0) }); $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.rewind").on('click', function() { arrVimeoPlayers[index].getCurrentTime().then(function(seconds) { arrVimeoPlayers[index].setCurrentTime(Math.max(0, seconds - 10)); }) }); const turnClosedCaptionsOnOff = (typeof getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy !== 'undefined' && getVideoPlayerCCLoadPolicy() === 1) ? 'off' : 'on'; $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").attr('aria-label', 'Turn ' + turnClosedCaptionsOnOff + ' closed captions. Note, this requires a reload of the current page.'); $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.closedcaption").on('click', function() { toggleClosedCaptionsAndReloadVideoIframes(); }); $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " button.fullscreen").on('click', function() { arrVimeoPlayers[index].pause(); tb_show("", "/video_player?embed=1&uid=" + vimeoObject.cgUID + "&width=995&height=680&modal=true&TB_iframe=1", ""); }); $(window).blur(function() { arrVimeoPlayers[index].pause(); }); $(window).scroll(function() { if ( !isInViewport(document.getElementById("player--" + vimeoObject.cgID))) { arrVimeoPlayers[index].pause(); } }); var startTime = new Date(vimeoObject.startTime * 1000).toISOString(); var totalTime = 0; arrVimeoPlayers[index].getDuration().then(function(seconds) { arrVimeoPlayers[index].totalDuration = seconds; totalTime = new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString(); if (seconds >= 3600) { startTime = startTime.substr(11, 8); totalTime = totalTime.substr(11, 8); } else { startTime = startTime.substr(14, 5); totalTime = totalTime.substr(14, 5); } $("#player-btn--" + vimeoObject.cgID + " div.timer").html("<span id='player-time--" + vimeoObject.cgID + "'>" + startTime + "</span> / " + totalTime); }); }); arrVimeoPlayerObjects = undefined; }); } </script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").tooltip(); $(".btn--loader").click(function() { loadButton($(this)); }); tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox'); // fix for the non editable input in ckeditor (ex: URL...) $(".modal").removeAttr("tabindex"); setupAjaxAccessibility(); }); </script> <!-- AX != 1 --> </div><!--/.content --> </div><!--/.content-page --> </div><!--/.inner-shell --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js"></script> <!-- THICKBOX --> <script src="/js/thickbox/thickbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/metisMenuCustom.js?v=1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/jquery.slimscroll.js"></script> <!--<link href="/static/css/scrollbar.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/scrollbar.js"></script>--> <script type="text/javascript">function $$(strId) { return document.getElementById(strId); }</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/plugins/clamp/clamp.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/menu.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/routing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">$.ajaxSetup({cache:true})</script> <!-- @TODO: This is for jPrompt. 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