US giant Alphabet CEO Pichai: China will be at forefront of AI

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If something goes wrong with AI technology in one country, it goes wrong for everyone on the internet, he explained.</p> <p>The CEO also talked about Google’s yet-to-be-released Gemini, a large language model trained on massive data sets that will be competitive with other state of the art models to answer prompts with natural language responses. Pichai said that right now the company is focused on getting the “1.0” version of Gemini out “as soon as possible,” before releasing more technically complex versions.</p> <p>“I am extraordinarily excited for innovation coming ahead,” he said. “We built the company for this moment,” according to the Bloomberg report.</p> <p>(Yuan XY)</p> </div> <div class="tags flex-row-feft"> <!-- —TAGGED: --> <a href="/search/AI%20%26%20Computing" target="_blank" >AI &amp; Computing</a > <a href="/search/Google" target="_blank" >Google</a > <a href="/search/Alphabet" target="_blank" >Alphabet</a > <a href="/search/Alphabet" target="_blank" >Alphabet</a > </div> <div class="shareList flex-row-feft"> <img src="/images/08d82def397b937d6afb4a6f9b862a8b.png" alt="linkedin" onclick="shareLinkedin()" /> <img src="/images/a0ff8165efe409e3fc922478f96afd93.png" alt="twitter" onclick="shareTwitter()" /> <img src="/images/e1163fca54550c2bd2fe0ffffd4f4fb0.png" alt="facebook" onclick="shareFaceBook()" /> <img src="/images/450cf2d3105fdd1ce67d5c3090643f07.png" alt="line" onclick="shareLine()" /> <div class="toast">Copy succeeded</div> <img src="/images/94bcdf0c33fc092bf26cdc1b10d91ea5.png" alt="link" onclick="copyfun()" /> <textarea style="position: absolute; 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