LKML: Jan Hudec: Re: filesystem transactions API
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How do you handle the case where process X<br />> > starts a transaction modifies files a, b & c, but process Y has file b<br />> > open for writing, and never lets it go? Or the file gets unlinked? <br />> <br />> Then it starts to depend on what kind of transactions you want to<br />> implement.<br />> <br />> You can say that a transaction isn't allowed when a process has one of<br />> the files opened for writing. Or you can say a transaction is<br />> equivalent to calling all of the I/O system calls at once. You can<br />> also decide if you want the reads and directory lookups performed in<br />> the transactions to become prerequisites for the transaction<br />> completing (so it's aborted if another process writes to those file<br />> regions or changes the directory structure in a way which breaks a<br />> prerequisite), or if you want those to lock the things which are read<br />> for the duration of the transaction, or even just ignore reads for<br />> transaction purposes. Or, you can say that transactions are limited<br />> to just directory structure, and not file contents (that's good enough<br />> for package management), or you can say they're limited to just file<br />> contents (that's good enough for databases and text file edits).<br />> <br />> Etc, etc, quite a lot of semantic choices.<br /><br />How do we specify which calls belong to a transaction? By some kind of<br />extra file handle?<br /><br />I'd think having global per-process transaction is not the best way.<br />So I think we should have some kind of transaction handle (probably in<br />the file handle space) and a way to say that a syscall is done within<br />a transaction. To avoid duplicating all syscalls, we could have<br />set_active_transaction() operation.<br /><br />Now I think the criteria for semantics should be serializability. That<br />would mean, that lookup paths would have to be locked IFF the lookup was<br />done within the transaction -- but you would be free to open a file<br />without transaction, then set_active_transaction and write that file.<br />That way the write would become atomic, but someone else could freely<br />rename the file from under you.<br /><br />Note: Editors currently write to a temporary file and rename over the<br />original (if they have permissions to do it), which is as good<br />transaction as they need.<br /><br />> > What about programs that are already open and running? <br />> > <br />> > It might be doable in some sense, but I can see that details are<br />> > really hard to get right. Esp without breaking existing Unix<br />> > semantics. <br />> <br />> It's even harder without kernel support! :)<br /><br />If every syscall (touching filesystem) was turned into a transaction of<br />it's own, it wouldn't break any semantics.<br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <><br />[unhandled content-type:application/pgp-signature]</pre></td><td width="32" rowspan="2" class="c" valign="top"><img src="/images/icornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom"> 聽 </td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerl.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="\" /></td><td class="c">聽</td><td class="c" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom: 0px"><img src="/images/bcornerr.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="/" /></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2"> 聽 </td><td class="lm">Last update: 2005-04-27 11:38 聽聽 [from the cache]<br />漏2003-2020 <a href=""><span itemprop="editor">Jasper Spaans</span></a>|hosted at <a href="">Digital Ocean</a> and my Meterkast|<a href="">Read the blog</a></td><td>聽</td></tr></table><script language="javascript" src="/js/styleswitcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html>