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Shoutcasters are becoming more prevalent today, so let's take a look at what they bring to the table:</span> <a class="align_right" href="/articles/the_role_of_broadcasts_and_commentary_in_elevating_esports_tournaments" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Wed, Jun 14, 2023</span> <h2><a href="/games/field_of_glory_ii" > New Game Added: Field of Glory II</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/field_of_glory_ii" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Image Alt" title="Choosing units to deploy"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/field_of_glory_ii" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Image Alt" title="Moving units on the field"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/field_of_glory_ii" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Image Alt" title="Clashing with enemy units"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">The armies are assembled so it is time for you to take command.<br/><br/>Lead your troops down the battlefield and charge into the fray.<br/><br/>Watch nations clash against each other in an epic retelling of history.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/field_of_glory_ii" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Tue, Dec 14, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/games/legion_of_defenders" > New Game Added: Legion of Defenders</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/legion_of_defenders" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Legion of Defenders gameplay" title="Gameplay of Legion of Defenders"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/legion_of_defenders" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Legion of Defenders battle" title="Battle in Legion of Defenders"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/legion_of_defenders" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Legion of Defenders upgrades" title="Upgrades in Legion of Defenders"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">Enjoy this stellar tower defense and strategy RPG hybrid that doesn’t disappoint.<br/><br/>Deploy powerful forces in order to wreak havoc on your opponents.<br/><br/>Upgrade your defenses as you progress further into the game.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/legion_of_defenders" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Tue, Nov 30, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/games/city_takeover" > New Game Added: City Takeover</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/city_takeover" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="City Takeover gameplay" title="Gameplay of City Takeover"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/city_takeover" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="City Takeover challenging level" title="Challenging level in City Takeover"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/city_takeover" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="City Takeover character customization" title="Character customization in City Takeover"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">Enjoy this simple yet creative strategy game that doesn’t cease to impress.<br/><br/>Connect different buildings together to strengthen your city and take over everything.<br/><br/>Play through hundreds of levels and enjoy the experience in the comfort of your phone.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/city_takeover" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Thu, Nov 18, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/blog/post/november_sees_the_cold_creep_in_with_infinity_kingdoms_legion_of_the_frostborne_update" > November Sees the Cold Creep in with Infinity Kingdom's Legion of the Frostborne Update</a></h2> <span class="img"> <a href="/blog/post/november_sees_the_cold_creep_in_with_infinity_kingdoms_legion_of_the_frostborne_update" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="726px"height="726px" alt="November Sees the Cold Creep in with Infinity Kingdom's Legion of the Frostborne Update" title="November Sees the Cold Creep in with Infinity Kingdom's Legion of the Frostborne Update"/> </a> </span> <span class="teaser">YOOZOO announces Infinity Kingdom 1.7 — offering Lords from different servers passage to the frozen lands of the North, where they’ll fight a war to occupy the Gnome’s Capital.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/blog/post/november_sees_the_cold_creep_in_with_infinity_kingdoms_legion_of_the_frostborne_update" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Sun, Nov 14, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/games/islands_defense" > New Game Added: Islands Defense</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/islands_defense" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Islands Defense gameplay" title="Gameplay of Islands Defense"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/islands_defense" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Islands Defense powerful defense" title="Powerful defense in Islands Defense"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/islands_defense" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Islands Defense level selection" title="Level selection in Islands Defense"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">Play this top-of-the-line tower defense game that impresses on all fronts.<br/><br/>Establish powerful defenses and use them to wreak havoc on the incoming invaders.<br/><br/>Enjoy the lively and colorful visuals that are sure to have you captivated from the moment you start playing.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/islands_defense" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Sun, Oct 31, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/games/west_game" > New Game Added: West Game</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/west_game" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="West Game sheriff" title="Sheriff in West Game"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/west_game" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="West Game gameplay" title="Gameplay of West Game"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/west_game" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="West Game mini-game" title="Mini-game in West Game"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">Play this refreshing and highly engrossing MMORTS that’s quite unlike any other out there.<br/><br/>Immerse yourself in the refreshing Wild West inspired setting that’s rarely, if ever, seen in this genre.<br/><br/>Build your own town then upgrade and fortify it as you progress through the game.</span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/west_game" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> <span class="post"> <span class="date">Tue, Aug 31, 2021</span> <h2><a href="/games/imperial_conflict" > New Game Added: Imperial Conflict</a></h2> <span class="gal"> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/imperial_conflict" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Imperial Conflict: My Empire" title="Imperial Conflict: My Empire"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/imperial_conflict" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="My Planet in Imperial Conflict" title="My Planet in Imperial Conflict"/> </a> </span> <span class="img"> <a href="/games/imperial_conflict" > <img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Imperial Conflict: Build Structures" title="Imperial Conflict: Build Structures"/> </a> </span> </span> <span class="teaser">Use your mind and imagination to win in this galactic game of conquest where you move by menus and view events by pictures and text.<br/><br/>Experience a unique kind of RTS game play in this age of awesome graphics and vibrating soundtracks where you don’t need these to enjoy the game.<br/><br/>Play an active long term game that can last for weeks, months and years to infinity and beyond… <br/></span> <a class="align_right" href="/games/imperial_conflict" > <span class="playn button_red_small">Read More</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="items_block left_block"> <h2>Articles</h2> <!-- The Block below contain all the games + banner breaks --> <span class="articles"> <span class="item"> <a href="/articles/the_role_of_broadcasts_and_commentary_in_elevating_esports_tournaments"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="The Role of Broadcasts and Commentary in Elevating Esports Tournaments " title="The Role of Broadcasts and Commentary in Elevating Esports Tournaments "> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">The Role of Broadcasts and Commentary in Elevating Esports Tournaments </span> <span class="summary">Live commentary is a constant fixture in sports broadcasts, and the same can be said about esports tournaments. Shoutcasters are becoming more prevalent today, so let's take a look at what they bring to the table:</span> <span class="align_right"><span class="button_red_small">Read</span></span> </span> </a> </span> <span class="item"> <a href="/articles/should_you_splurge_on_the_free_cash_in_rts_games"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Should You Splurge on the Free Cash in RTS Games?" title="Should You Splurge on the Free Cash in RTS Games?"> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">Should You Splurge on the Free Cash in RTS Games?</span> <span class="summary">Did you know that you should better splurge on that special currency early on?</span> <span class="align_right"><span class="button_red_small">Read</span></span> </span> </a> </span> <span class="item"> <a href="/articles/important_things_that_you_should_never_forget_when_playing_rts_games"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Important Things That You Should Never Forget When Playing RTS Games" title="Important Things That You Should Never Forget When Playing RTS Games"> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">Important Things That You Should Never Forget When Playing RTS Games</span> <span class="summary">Since there are so many things to keep track of in RTS games, players often forget some very important things and, because of this, they tend to suffer drastic consequences. In this article we'll be pointing out some crucial things that you should always keep in mind when playing RTS games.</span> <span class="align_right"><span class="button_red_small">Read</span></span> </span> </a> </span> <span class="item"> <a href="/articles/find_similar_games_at_playgameslike"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Find Similar Games at PlayGamesLike" title="Find Similar Games at PlayGamesLike"> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">Find Similar Games at PlayGamesLike</span> <span class="summary">Are you bored of the games you&rsquo;re currently playing? Well, have no fear - Our site PlayGamesLike is here to the rescue! </span> <span class="align_right"><span class="button_red_small">Read</span></span> </span> </a> </span> <span class="item"> <a href="/articles/top_military_strategy_games_you_can_play_online"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Top Military Strategy Games You Can Play Online" title="Top Military Strategy Games You Can Play Online"> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">Top Military Strategy Games You Can Play Online</span> <span class="summary">If you&rsquo;re a military enthusiast, there is no shortage of options, but finding the best ones to play is quite a chore. Here is a list of top military strategy games that we recommend.</span> <span class="align_right"><span class="button_red_small">Read</span></span> </span> </a> </span> </span> </div> <div class="items_block left_block"> <h2>Surveys</h2> <!-- The Block below contain all the games + banner breaks --> <span class="surveys"> <span class="item"> <a href="/surveys/favorite_game_from_innogames"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" alt="Favorite Game from Innogames" title="Favorite Game from Innogames"> <span class="item_dtl"> <span class="ttl">Favorite Game from Innogames</span> <span class="summary">The German games company, Innogames, is known for their knack to produce excellent strategy games. However, among all of their games, which one is your favorite?</span> <span class="align_right"> <span class="button_red_small">Vote Now</span> </span> </span> </a> </span> </span> </div> <div class="items_block left_block"> <!-- The Block below contain all the games from other lands --> <a name="other_lands"></a> <h2>Games Lands - More Games</h2> <span class="lands_block"> <a href="//" target="_blank" class="button_red_small float_right"> More Games</a> <h3>Pick a Land:</h3> <span class="land_list"> <a class="cur" href="?ref_type=site_footer&"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" alt="MMO Square" title="MMO Square"/> <label>MMO Square</label> </a> <a href="?ref_type=site_footer&"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" alt="Tough Games" title="Tough Games"/> <label>Tough Games</label> </a> <a href="?ref_type=site_footer&"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" alt="Sports Games Live" title="Sports Games Live"/> <label>Sports Games Live</label> </a> <a href="?ref_type=site_footer&"> <img loading="lazy" src="//" 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