International New York Times | Newspaper Subscriptions

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In some countries home delivery of the newspaper is provided by a local partner or franchise, rather than by the International New York Times directly. In most cases, customers in these countries will also be able to obtain free Digital Access to and the NYTimes smartphone and tablet apps. Please check with your local customer service office for more information. ** Smartphone and tablet apps are not supported on all devices. Does not include e-reader editions, Times Premier content or digital versions of The New York Times Crossword.</p> </section> </section> <footer class="clearfix"> <p id="footer-links"> <a href="/web/20150505043614/">FAQ</a> | <a href="/web/20150505043614/">Contact Us</a> | <a href="">Go to</a> | <a href="/web/20150505043614/">Privacy Policy</a> </p> <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy;2015 the International New York Times. 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