HOUSE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

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</span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">ˈhaʊ.zɪz</span>/</span></span></span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-1"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>HOME</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_01', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" 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house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">to <a class="query" href="" title="buy" rel="">buy</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="rent" rel="">rent</a> a house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">house <a class="query" href="" title="prices" rel="">prices</a></span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">She <a class="query" href="" title="lives" rel="">lives</a> in a little house in (<span class="lab dlab"><span class="region dregion">US</span></span> on) <a class="query" href="" title="Cross" rel="">Cross</a> <a class="query" href="" title="Street" rel="">Street</a>.</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/farmhouse" title="meaning of farmhouse" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">farmhouse</span> <span class="x-pos dx-pos">noun</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/roadhouse" title="meaning of roadhouse" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">roadhouse</span> </a><span class="x-lab dx-lab">mainly <span class="region" title="American English">US</span> <span class="usage" title="Words or phrases that sound old-fashioned, not modern.">old-fashioned</span></span></div></div></div> </div></div> <div class="dimg"><amp-state id="stateEntryImageID_00015719_01"><script type="application/json"> { "src": "/images/thumb/house_noun_002_18270.jpg?version=6.0.45" } </script></amp-state><amp-img class="dimg_i hp" src="/images/thumb/house_noun_002_18270.jpg?version=6.0.45" width="200.0" height="148.0" title="picture of house" alt="picture of house" [src]="stateEntryImageID_00015719_01.src" aria-describedby="entryImgID_00015719_01" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateEntryImageID_00015719_01: { src: 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singular</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">all the <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> <a class="query" href="" title="living" rel="">living</a> in a house: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">the whole house</span> <span class="eg deg">Try not to <a class="query" href="" title="wake" rel="">wake</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="whole" rel="">whole</a> house when you come in!</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_03', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" 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class="query" href="" title="fire" rel="">fire</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">It's a <a class="query" href="" title="typical" rel="">typical</a> <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a> <a class="query" href="" title="estate" rel="">estate</a> with a <a class="query" href="" title="large" rel="">large</a> house for the <a class="query" href="" title="owner" rel="">owner</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="farm" rel="">farm</a> <a class="query" href="" title="buildings" rel="">buildings</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="estate" rel="">estate</a> <a class="query" href="" title="workers" rel="">workers</a>' houses.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Would you like to come round to my house after <a class="query" href="" title="school" rel="">school</a>?</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" 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class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof iaw !== 'undefined') { iaw.que.push(function() { iaw.setExtraAdSlots(["ad_ringlinkslot"]); iaw.addPageCriteria("cdo_elvl", "A1"); }); } </script> <div id="ad_ringlinkslot"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof iaw !== 'undefined') { iaw.cmd.push(function () { iaw.display("ad_ringlinkslot"); }); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-2"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>PUBLIC BUILDING</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_04"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla 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</div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">the Sydney Opera House</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Broadcasting House</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Houses &amp; homes">Houses & homes</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="A-frame" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">A-frame</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="ADU" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">ADU</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="affordable housing" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">affordable housing</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="almshouse" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">almshouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="apartment" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">apartment</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="dosshouse" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">dosshouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="dower house" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">dower house</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="duplex" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">duplex</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="efficiency" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">efficiency</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="efficiency apartment" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">efficiency apartment</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="multifamily" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">multifamily</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Nissen hut" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Nissen hut</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="non-housing" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">non-housing</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="old people's home" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">old people's home</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="palace" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">palace</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="tollhouse" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">tollhouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="tower block" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">tower block</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="town house" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">town house</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="townhouse" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">townhouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="tract house" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">tract house</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Houses &amp; homes">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-3"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>BUSINESS</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_05"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_05', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a> that is <a class="query" href="" title="involved" rel="">involved</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="particular" rel="">particular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="area" rel="">area</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="business" rel="">business</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="publishing" rel="">publishing</a> house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="fashion" rel="">fashion</a> house</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-journal" title="meaning of house journal" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">house journal</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-organ" title="meaning of house organ" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">house organ</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/" title="meaning of house style" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">house style</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Enterprises">Enterprises</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="acquiree" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">acquiree</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="acquirer" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">acquirer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="acquiror" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">acquiror</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="agency" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">agency</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="answering service" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">answering service</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="clicks and mortar idiom" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">clicks and mortar</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="conglomerate" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">conglomerate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="enterprise" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">enterprise</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="est." class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">est.</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="estate agent" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">estate agent</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="financial technology" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">financial technology</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="fintech" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">fintech</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="non-corporate" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">non-corporate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="org" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">org</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="organizational" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">organizational</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="organizationally" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">organizationally</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="parent company" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">parent company</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="white-shoe" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">white-shoe</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wholly owned" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wholly owned</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="zombie company" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">zombie company</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Enterprises">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_1' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_1'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-4"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>RESTAURANT</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_20"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_20', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="restaurant" rel="">restaurant</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> one <a class="query" href="" title="selling" rel="">selling</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="particular" rel="">particular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="type" rel="">type</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="food" rel="">food</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Roast <a class="query" href="" title="chicken" rel="">chicken</a> is a <a class="query" href="" title="speciality" rel="">speciality</a> of the house.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="waffle" rel="">waffle</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="steak" rel="">steak</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="sushi" rel="">sushi</a> house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lab dlab"><span class="region dregion">UK</span></span> <span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="curry" rel="">curry</a> house <span class="gloss dgloss">(= a <a class="query" href="" title="South" rel="">South</a> <a class="query" href="" title="Asian" rel="">Asian</a> <a class="query" href="" title="restaurant" rel="">restaurant</a>)</span></span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/chophouse" title="meaning of chophouse" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">chophouse</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/coffee-house" title="meaning of coffee house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">coffee house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/front-of-house" title="meaning of front of house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">front of house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/steakhouse" title="meaning of steakhouse" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">steakhouse</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="5"><a href="/dictionary/english/teahouse" title="meaning of teahouse" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">teahouse</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_21"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_21', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">used before another <a class="query" href="" title="noun" rel="">noun</a> to refer to something that is always or often <a class="query" href="" title="served" rel="">served</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="particular" rel="">particular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="restaurant" rel="">restaurant</a> and is good there, such as a <a class="query" href="" title="wine" rel="">wine</a> that is <a class="query" href="" title="reasonably" rel="">reasonably</a> <a class="query" href="" title="priced" rel="">priced</a> or a <a class="query" href="" title="dish" rel="">dish</a> that is <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> good: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">house wine</span> <span class="eg deg">To <a class="query" href="" title="keep" rel="">keep</a> <a class="query" href="" title="costs" rel="">costs</a> down, <a class="query" href="" title="ask" rel="">ask</a> for "<a class="query" href="" title="vino" rel="">vino</a> de la casa", or house <a class="query" href="" title="wine" rel="">wine</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">house white</span> <span class="eg deg">I'll have a <a class="query" href="" title="glass" rel="">glass</a> of the house <a class="query" href="" title="white" rel="">white</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="please" rel="">please</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">house red</span> <span class="eg deg">We <a class="query" href="" title="split" rel="">split</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="carafe" rel="">carafe</a> of house <a class="query" href="" title="red" rel="">red</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Our house <a class="query" href="" title="cocktail" rel="">cocktail</a> is an <a class="query" href="" title="Indian" rel="">Indian</a> <a class="query" href="" title="twist" rel="">twist</a> on the <a class="query" href="" title="classic" rel="">classic</a> <a class="query" href="" title="gin" rel="">gin</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="tonic" rel="">tonic</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="pies" rel="">pies</a> are a house <a class="query" href="" title="speciality" rel="">speciality</a>.</span></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">It's a <a class="query" href="" title="warm" rel="">warm</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="friendly" rel="">friendly</a> <a class="query" href="" title="pizza" rel="">pizza</a> house in the <a class="query" href="" title="city" rel="">city</a> <a class="query" href="" title="centre" rel="">centre</a> <a class="query" href="" title="offering" rel="">offering</a> <a class="query" href="" title="Italian" rel="">Italian</a> and American <a class="query" href="" title="dishes" rel="">dishes</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">We <a class="query" href="" title="visited" rel="">visited</a> several <a class="query" href="" title="Japanese" rel="">Japanese</a> <a class="query" href="" title="steak" rel="">steak</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="sushi" rel="">sushi</a> houses.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">They <a class="query" href="" title="ate" rel="">ate</a> at a <a class="query" href="" title="local" rel="">local</a> <a class="query" href="" title="crab" rel="">crab</a> house.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Restaurants &amp; cafes">Restaurants & cafes</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="all-you-can-eat" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">all-you-can-eat</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="automat" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">automat</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bill of fare" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bill of fare</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bistro" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bistro</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="blue-plate" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">blue-plate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="degustation" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">degustation</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="diner" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">diner</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="drive-through" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">drive-through</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="du jour" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">du jour</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="eatery" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">eatery</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="plat du jour" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">plat du jour</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="prix fixe" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">prix fixe</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="raw bar" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">raw bar</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="refectory" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">refectory</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="restaurant" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">restaurant</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="tea room" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">tea room</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="teahouse" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">teahouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="transport café" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">transport café</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wait staff" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wait staff</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wine list" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wine list</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Restaurants &amp; cafes">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Providing &amp; serving meals">Providing & serving meals</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-5"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>HOSPITAL</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_22"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_22', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="hospital" rel="">hospital</a>; used <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> before another <a class="query" href="" title="noun" rel="">noun</a> to refer to <a class="query" href="" title="doctors" rel="">doctors</a> <a class="query" href="" title="working" rel="">working</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="hospital" rel="">hospital</a> who are still <a class="query" href="" title="training" rel="">training</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">house staff</span> <span class="eg deg">House <a class="query" href="" title="staff" rel="">staff</a> <a class="query" href="" title="includes" rel="">includes</a> <a class="query" href="" title="residents" rel="">residents</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="interns" rel="">interns</a>, and <a class="query" href="" title="medical" rel="">medical</a> <a class="query" href="" title="students" rel="">students</a>, who are at <a class="query" href="" title="various" rel="">various</a> <a class="query" href="" title="stages" rel="">stages</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="training" rel="">training</a> and who are <a class="query" href="" title="supervised" rel="">supervised</a> by the <a class="query" href="" title="attending" rel="">attending</a> <a class="query" href="" title="physician" rel="">physician</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">A house <a class="query" href="" title="officer" rel="">officer</a> is a <a class="query" href="" title="resident" rel="">resident</a> <a class="query" href="" title="physician" rel="">physician</a> of a <a class="query" href="" title="hospital" rel="">hospital</a> (the "house") who is <a class="query" href="" title="receiving" rel="">receiving</a> <a class="query" href="" title="further" rel="">further</a> <a class="query" href="" title="training" rel="">training</a>.</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/houseman" title="meaning of houseman" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">houseman</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-officer" title="meaning of house officer" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">house officer</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">In the <a class="query" href="" title="hospital" rel="">hospital</a> where I <a class="query" href="" title="teach" rel="">teach</a>, I sometimes <a class="query" href="" title="struggle" rel="">struggle</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="decode" rel="">decode</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="abbreviations" rel="">abbreviations</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="acronyms" rel="">acronyms</a> used by house <a class="query" href="" title="staff" rel="">staff</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="medical" rel="">medical</a> <a class="query" href="" title="students" rel="">students</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Medical places &amp; organizations">Medical places & organizations</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="A &amp; E" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">A &amp; E</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="accident and emergency" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">accident and emergency</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="aid station" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">aid station</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="biotech" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">biotech</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="birth centre" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">birth centre</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="delivery room" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">delivery room</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="general hospital" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">general hospital</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="health authority" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">health authority</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="maternity suite" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">maternity suite</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="maternity unit" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">maternity unit</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="medical centre" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">medical centre</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="memory clinic" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">memory clinic</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="multi-hospital" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">multi-hospital</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="padded cell" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">padded cell</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pharmacy" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pharmacy</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sickbay" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">sickbay</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="the NHS" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">the NHS</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="walk-in" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">walk-in</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="well man" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">well man</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="well woman" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">well woman</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Medical places &amp; organizations">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Medical treatment: doctors &amp; health workers generally">Medical treatment: doctors & health workers generally</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-6"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>MUSIC</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_06"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_06', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span> <div class="lmt-10" ></div><span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab">also</span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">house music</span>)</span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db"><a class="query" href="" title="popular" rel="">popular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="dance" rel="">dance</a> <a class="query" href="" title="music" rel="">music</a> with a <a class="query" href="" title="fast" rel="">fast</a> <a class="query" href="" title="regular" rel="">regular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="beat" rel="">beat</a>, usually <a class="query" href="" title="produced" rel="">produced</a> on <a class="query" href="" title="electronic" rel="">electronic</a> <a class="query" href="" title="equipment" rel="">equipment</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">House <a class="query" href="" title="music" rel="">music</a> first <a class="query" href="" title="appeared" rel="">appeared</a> in the late 1980s.</span></div> <div class="xref compare hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Compare</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/edm" title="meaning of EDM"><span class="x-h dx-h">EDM</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/techno" title="meaning of techno"><span class="x-h dx-h">techno</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/trance" title="meaning of trance"><span class="x-h dx-h">trance</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Pop, rock &amp; soul">Pop, rock & soul</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="agit-pop" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">agit-pop</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="anti-rock" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">anti-rock</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="backing dancer" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">backing dancer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="backing singer" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">backing singer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="backspin" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">backspin</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="emo" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">emo</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Europop" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Europop</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="floor-filler" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">floor-filler</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="frontman" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">frontman</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="frontperson" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">frontperson</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="mod" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">mod</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Motown" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Motown</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="multi-instrumentalist" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">multi-instrumentalist</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="New Age music" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">New Age music</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pop group" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pop group</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Tin Pan Alley" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Tin Pan Alley</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="top 40" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">top 40</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="top ten" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">top ten</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="trap music" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">trap music</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="trip-hop" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">trip-hop</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Pop, rock &amp; soul">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Types of music">Types of music</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_2' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_2'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-7"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>SCHOOL GROUP</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_07"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_07', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span> <span class="lab dlab"><span class="region dregion">UK</span></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">any of a <a class="query" href="" title="small" rel="">small</a> <a class="query" href="" title="number" rel="">number</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="groups" rel="">groups</a> that the <a class="query" href="" title="children" rel="">children</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="school" rel="">school</a> are put in for <a class="query" href="" title="sports" rel="">sports</a> and other competitions: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">an inter-house <a class="query" href="" title="hockey" rel="">hockey</a> <a class="query" href="" title="match" rel="">match</a></span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Students &amp; pupils">Students & pupils</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="-grader" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">-grader</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="alum" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">alum</span></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="alumna" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">alumna</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="alumnae" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">alumnae</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="alumni" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">alumni</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="alumnus" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">alumnus</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="apprentice" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">apprentice</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="frosh" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">frosh</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="graduate" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">graduate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="homeschooler" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">homeschooler</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="house officer" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">house officer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="houseman" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">houseman</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="redshirting" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">redshirting</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="salutatorian" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">salutatorian</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="scholar" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">scholar</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="school kid" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">school kid</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="school-leaver" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">school-leaver</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="theologian" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">theologian</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wrangler" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wrangler</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="year" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">year</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Students &amp; pupils">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-8"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>FAMILY</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_08"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_08', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span> <span class="lab dlab"><span class="region dregion">UK</span></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">an <a class="query" href="" title="important" rel="">important</a> <a class="query" href="" title="family" rel="">family</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="royal" rel="">royal</a> one: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The British <a class="query" href="" title="Royal" rel="">Royal</a> Family <a class="query" href="" title="belong" rel="">belong</a> to the House of Windsor.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Royalty, aristocracy &amp; titles">Royalty, aristocracy & titles</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="accede to something phrasal verb" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">accede to <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="accession" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">accession</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="agnatic" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">agnatic</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="anointed" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">anointed</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="anti-aristocratic" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">anti-aristocratic</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="ducal" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">ducal</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="duchess" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">duchess</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="duke" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">duke</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="dukedom" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">dukedom</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="earl" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">earl</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="MBE" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">MBE</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Messrs" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Messrs</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="miss" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">miss</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="mister" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">mister</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="monarch" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">monarch</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="royal prerogative" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">royal prerogative</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="royalist" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">royalist</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="royally" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">royally</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Rt. Hon." class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Rt. Hon.</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Shah" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Shah</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Royalty, aristocracy &amp; titles">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-9"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>POLITICS</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_09"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_09', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">an <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a> that makes <a class="query" href="" title="laws" rel="">laws</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="its" rel="">its</a> <a class="query" href="" title="meeting" rel="">meeting</a> <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a></div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"> </div></div><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block lmb-25"><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-9-2"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>the House</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_10"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_10', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="members" rel="">members</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a> that makes <a class="query" href="" title="laws" rel="">laws</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The House <a class="query" href="" title="began" rel="">began</a> <a class="query" href="" title="debating" rel="">debating</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="proposal" rel="">proposal</a> at 3 p.m.</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-of-commons" title="meaning of the House of Commons" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">the House of Commons</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-of-lords" title="meaning of the House of Lords" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">the House of Lords</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-of-representatives" title="meaning of the House of Representatives" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">the House of Representatives</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div></div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_11"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_11', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">S</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="group" rel="">group</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> who <a class="query" href="" title="suggest" rel="">suggest</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="subject" rel="">subject</a> for a <a class="query" href="" title="debate" rel="">debate</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="motion" rel="">motion</a> for tonight's <a class="query" href="" title="debate" rel="">debate</a> is, "This house <a class="query" href="" title="believes" rel="">believes</a> that <a class="query" href="" title="capital" rel="">capital</a> <a class="query" href="" title="punishment" rel="">punishment</a> should be <a class="query" href="" title="abolished" rel="">abolished</a>."</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic UK politics: legislation &amp; law-making">UK politics: legislation & law-making</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="abolish" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">abolish</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="abrogate" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">abrogate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="abrogation" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">abrogation</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="amendment" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">amendment</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="assemblyman" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">assemblyman</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="constitutionally" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">constitutionally</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="enact" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">enact</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="FMQs" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">FMQs</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="framer" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">framer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="gold plate" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">gold plate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Green Paper" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Green Paper</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="guillotine" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">guillotine</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="parliamentarian" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">parliamentarian</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="penal reform" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">penal reform</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="PMQs" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">PMQs</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pocket veto" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pocket veto</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="presiding officer" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">presiding officer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="promulgate" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">promulgate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="unenforced" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">unenforced</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="White Paper" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">White Paper</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic UK politics: legislation &amp; law-making">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Competitors &amp; participants in sports &amp; games">Competitors & participants in sports & games</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_3' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_3'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-10"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>PEOPLE AT THEATRE</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00015719_12"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00015719_12', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref C2">C2</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> <a class="query" href="" title="watching" rel="">watching</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="performance" rel="">performance</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="theatre" rel="">theatre</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">full house</span> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="opera" rel="">opera</a> <a class="query" href="" title="played" rel="">played</a> to a <a class="query" href="" title="full" rel="">full</a> house.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">packed house</span> <span class="eg deg">Everyone in the <a class="query" href="" title="packed" rel="">packed</a> house <a class="query" href="" title="rose" rel="">rose</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="their" rel="">their</a> <a class="query" href="" title="feet" rel="">feet</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="applauded" rel="">applauded</a>.</span></div><div class="daccord fs16"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples </header><div class="had daccord_b"><div class="daccord_lt"><a href="/thesaurus/articles/audience">an audience</a></div><div class="daccord_lb"><ul class="hul-u lmb-10 "><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/audience">audience</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">The audience went wild after every song she sang.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/viewer">viewer</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">The show attracts millions of viewers every week.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/listener">listener</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">Listeners tune in regularly for his cheery banter.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/crowd">crowd</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">Those New Yorkers can be a tough crowd to please.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/house">house</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">It's a full house tonight.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/spectator">spectator</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">The spectators cheered when the balloon went up.</span></span></li></ul><a class="had tb" href="/thesaurus/articles/audience" title="See how to use these synonyms and their opposites."> See more results » </a></div></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Theatre auditorium &amp; front-of-house">Theatre auditorium & front-of-house</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="aisle" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">aisle</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="auditorium" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">auditorium</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="balcony" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">balcony</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="booking office" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">booking office</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="box" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">box</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="box office" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">box office</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="box seat" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">box seat</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="circle" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">circle</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="foyer" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">foyer</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="front" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">front</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="front of house" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">front of house</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="full house" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">full house</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="gallery" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">gallery</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="god" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">god</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="house lights" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">house lights</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="mezzanine" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">mezzanine</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="orchestra" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">orchestra</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="out front idiom" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">out front</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stall" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stall</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Theatre auditorium &amp; front-of-house">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref grammar hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Grammar</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"> <div class="item lpb-10" data-position="1"><a href="/grammar/british-grammar/house-or-home" title="grammar for House or home?"><div class="x-h dx-h"><span class="obj dobj">House</span> or <span class="obj dobj">home</span>?</div><span class="x-pos dx-pos">We use the noun house to refer to a building:</span> … </a></div></div></div><div class="xref idioms hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Idioms</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"><div class="lcs"> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/get-on-like-a-house-on-fire" title="meaning of get on like a house on fire" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">get on like a house on fire</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/get-put-own-house-in-order" title="meaning of get/put your own house in order" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">get/put <span class="obj dobj">your</span> own house in order</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/go-all-round-the-houses" title="meaning of go (all) round the houses" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">go (all) round the houses</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/house-of-cards" title="meaning of house of cards" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">house of cards</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="5"><a href="/dictionary/english/on-the-house" title="meaning of on the house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">on the house</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on Facebook"></a> </div> <div class="pr hdib i i-x lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'twitter')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on X"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cald4-2"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">house</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">T</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio5" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/ukh/ukhot/ukhotfo024.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukh/ukhot/ukhotfo024.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio5.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">haʊz</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio6" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/u/usz/uszzz/uszzzzc071.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" 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on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref C2">C2</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">to give a <a class="query" href="" title="person" rel="">person</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="animal" rel="">animal</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="live" rel="">live</a>, or to <a class="query" href="" title="provide" rel="">provide</a> <a class="query" href="" title="space" rel="">space</a> for something: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">It will be <a class="query" href="" title="difficult" rel="">difficult</a> to house all the <a class="query" href="" title="refugees" rel="">refugees</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="museum" rel="">museum</a> houses the <a class="query" href="" title="biggest" rel="">biggest</a> <a class="query" href="" title="collection" rel="">collection</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="antique" rel="">antique</a> <a class="query" href="" title="toys" rel="">toys</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="Europe" rel="">Europe</a>.</span></div><div class="daccord fs16"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples </header><div class="had daccord_b"><div class="daccord_lt"><a href="/thesaurus/articles/to-accommodate-someone">to accommodate someone</a></div><div class="daccord_lb"><ul class="hul-u lmb-10 "><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/accommodate">accommodate</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">There aren’t enough rooms to accommodate all the students.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/give-accommodation-to">give accommodation to</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">The university gives free accommodation to nursing students.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/provide-accommodation-to">provide accommodation to</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">We only provide accommodation to first-year students.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/lodge">lodge</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">Students will be lodged with host families.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/house">house</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">The base can house up to 2,000 soldiers.</span></span></li><li class="had t-i"><a href="/thesaurus/put-someone-up">put someone up</a><span class="ti lml-5"><span class="example dexample">I can put you up for a couple of nights.</span></span></li></ul><a class="had tb" href="/thesaurus/articles/to-accommodate-someone" title="See how to use these synonyms and their opposites."> See more results » </a></div></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">The world's <a class="query" href="" title="finest" rel="">finest</a> <a class="query" href="" title="collection" rel="">collection</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="Impressionist" rel="">Impressionist</a> <a class="query" href="" title="paintings" rel="">paintings</a> is housed in the Musée d'Orsay in <a class="query" href="" title="Paris" rel="">Paris</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Military <a class="query" href="" title="bases" rel="">bases</a> were <a class="query" href="" title="protected" rel="">protected</a> by <a class="query" href="" title="captured" rel="">captured</a> <a class="query" href="" title="enemy" rel="">enemy</a> <a class="query" href="" title="soldiers" rel="">soldiers</a> who were housed there as a <a class="query" href="" title="human" rel="">human</a> <a class="query" href="" title="shield" rel="">shield</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Hostels are usually <a class="query" href="" title="provided" rel="">provided</a> as a <a class="query" href="" title="stopgap" rel="">stopgap</a> until the <a class="query" href="" title="families" rel="">families</a> can be housed in <a class="query" href="" title="permanent" rel="">permanent</a> <a class="query" href="" title="accommodation" rel="">accommodation</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">New <a class="query" href="" title="arrivals" rel="">arrivals</a> were being housed in <a class="query" href="" title="refugee" rel="">refugee</a> <a class="query" href="" title="camps" rel="">camps</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">We <a class="query" href="" title="aim" rel="">aim</a> to house <a class="query" href="" title="students" rel="">students</a> with <a class="query" href="" title="local" rel="">local</a> <a class="query" href="" title="families" rel="">families</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Accommodating people">Accommodating people</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="accommodate" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">accommodate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="billet" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">billet</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="board and lodging" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">board and lodging</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="boarding and lodging" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">boarding and lodging</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="camp" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">camp</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="deinstitutionalize" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">deinstitutionalize</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="full board" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">full board</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="institutionalize" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">institutionalize</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="modified American plan" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">modified American plan</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="non-residential" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">non-residential</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="noninstitutionalized" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">noninstitutionalized</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="placement" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">placement</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="quarter" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">quarter</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="rehouse" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">rehouse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="resettle" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">resettle</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="resettlement" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">resettlement</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="room and board" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">room and board</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="seat" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">seat</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="self-catering" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">self-catering</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sleep" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">sleep</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to house in the topic Accommodating people">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>house</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Advanced Learner&apos;s Dictionary & Thesaurus" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Advanced Learner&apos;s Dictionary & Thesaurus</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cacd" data-tab="ds-cacd" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div> <div class="di-head c_h di_h"><div class="di-title di_t"><h2 class="c_hh"><b class='tb ttn'>house</b> | American Dictionary</h2></div></div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">house</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio7" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/h/hou/house/house.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/h/hou/house/house.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio7.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">hɑʊs</span>/</span></span><div class="lmt--5" ></div> <span class="irreg-infls dinfls "><span class="inf-group dinfg "><span class="lab dlab">plural</span> <b class="inf dinf">houses</b> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">ˈhɑʊ·zəz</span>, <span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">-səz</span>/</span></span></span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-1"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="dgram">[C]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>HOME</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_01', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="building" rel="">building</a> in which <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a>, usually one <a class="query" href="" title="family" rel="">family</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="live" rel="">live</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">to <a class="query" href="" title="buy" rel="">buy</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="rent" rel="">rent</a> a house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="brick" rel="">brick</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="clapboard" rel="">clapboard</a> house</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">my/<a class="query" href="" title="your" rel="">your</a>/grandma’s house</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_02', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">A house can also be a <a class="query" href="" title="building" rel="">building</a> where <a class="query" href="" title="animals" rel="">animals</a> are <a class="query" href="" title="kept" rel="">kept</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="dog" rel="">dog</a> house</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_03', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">A house (also <span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab">also</span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">household</span>)</span>) can also be all the <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> <a class="query" href="" title="living" rel="">living</a> in a house: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Try not to <a class="query" href="" title="wake" rel="">wake</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="whole" rel="">whole</a> house when you come in!</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-2"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="dgram">[C]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>BUSINESS</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_04"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_04', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="business" rel="">business</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">a <a class="query" href="" title="publishing" rel="">publishing</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="fashion" rel="">fashion</a> house</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_05"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_05', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">A house can also be a <a class="query" href="" title="building" rel="">building</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="part" rel="">part</a> of a <a class="query" href="" title="building" rel="">building</a> which is used by an <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">the Metropolitan Opera House</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-3"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="dgram">[C]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>POLITICS</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_06"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_06', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">an <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a> that makes <a class="query" href="" title="laws" rel="">laws</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="its" rel="">its</a> <a class="query" href="" title="meeting" rel="">meeting</a> <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_07"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_07', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db"><span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">infml</span></span> The House is the US house of <a class="query" href="" title="representatives" rel="">representatives</a>.</div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_4' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_4'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-4"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">house</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="dgram">[C]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>THEATER</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008604_08"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008604_08', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="seats" rel="">seats</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="theater" rel="">theater</a>, or the <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> <a class="query" href="" title="watching" rel="">watching</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="performance" rel="">performance</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="opera" rel="">opera</a> <a class="query" href="" title="played" rel="">played</a> to a <a class="query" href="" title="full" rel="">full</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="empty" rel="">empty</a> house.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref idiom hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Idiom</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"><div class="lcs"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/on-the-house" title="meaning of on the house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">on the house</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cacd-2"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">house</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">T</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio8" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/u/usz/uszzz/uszzzzc071.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/u/usz/uszzz/uszzzzc071.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio8.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">hɑʊz</span>/</span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cacd-2-2"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00008605_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00008605_01', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">to give a <a class="query" href="" title="person" rel="">person</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="live" rel="">live</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Homeless <a class="query" href="" title="families" rel="">families</a> have been <a class="query" href="" title="housed" rel="">housed</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="motels" rel="">motels</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="building" rel="">building</a> houses the <a class="query" href="" title="library" rel="">library</a> <span class="gloss dgloss">(= gives it <a class="query" href="" title="space" rel="">space</a>)</span>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>house</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cbed" data-tab="ds-cbed" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cbed"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cbed"></div> <div class="di-head c_h di_h"><div class="di-title di_t"><h2 class="c_hh"><b class='tb ttn'>house</b> | Business English</h2></div></div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">house</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio9" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/ukh/ukhot/ukhotfo023.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukh/ukhot/ukhotfo023.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio9.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">haʊs</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio10" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/h/hou/house/house.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/h/hou/house/house.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio10.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span></span><div class="lmt--5" ></div><span class="irreg-infls dinfls "><span class="inf-group dinfg "><span class="lab dlab">plural</span> <b class="inf dinf">houses</b> <span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">ˈhaʊzɪz</span>/</span></span></span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00008426_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00008426_01', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="domain ddomain">COMMERCE</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a> that is <a class="query" href="" title="involved" rel="">involved</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="particular" rel="">particular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="type" rel="">type</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="business" rel="">business</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">a <strong class="cl"><a class="query" href="" title="fashion" rel="">fashion</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="banking" rel="">banking</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="publishing" rel="">publishing</a> house</strong></span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-2"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-2-1"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>House</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00008426_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00008426_02', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <div class="lmt-10" ></div><span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab"> <span class="usage dusage">abbreviation</span></span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">Ho</span>)</span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">used in the <a class="query" href="" title="names" rel="">names</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="office" rel="">office</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a> <a class="query" href="" title="buildings" rel="">buildings</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="conference" rel="">conference</a> <a class="query" href="" title="proceeded" rel="">proceeded</a> at the Cannon House <a class="query" href="" title="Office" rel="">Office</a> Building.</span></div> </div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-3"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00008426_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00008426_03', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="domain ddomain">COMMERCE</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="restaurant" rel="">restaurant</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="café" rel="">café</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">a <strong class="cl"><a class="query" href="" title="coffee" rel="">coffee</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="tea" rel="">tea</a> house</strong></span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_5' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_5'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-4"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-4-1"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>in house</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00008426_04"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00008426_04', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="domain ddomain">WORKPLACE</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">used to <a class="query" href="" title="describe" rel="">describe</a> <a class="query" href="" title="work" rel="">work</a> that is done by a company's <a class="query" href="" title="paid" rel="">paid</a> <a class="query" href="" title="employees" rel="">employees</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">He'll <a class="query" href="" title="keep" rel="">keep</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="work" rel="">work</a> in house, and get it done more cost-effectively than by using a sub-contractor.</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/in-house" title="meaning of in-house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">in-house</span> <span class="x-pos dx-pos">adjective</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/out-of-house" title="meaning of out of house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">out of house</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-5"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-5-1"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>on the house</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00008426_06"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00008426_06', wotd: ' house ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">used to <a class="query" href="" title="describe" rel="">describe</a> something, usually a <a class="query" href="" title="meal" rel="">meal</a> or a <a class="query" href="" title="drink" rel="">drink</a>, that is <a class="query" href="" title="free" rel="">free</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="manager" rel="">manager</a> <a class="query" href="" title="sent" rel="">sent</a> over a <a class="query" href="" title="tray" rel="">tray</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="drinks" rel="">drinks</a> on the house.</span></div> </div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"><div class="lcs"> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/accepting-house" title="meaning of accepting house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">accepting house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/brokerage" title="meaning of brokerage" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">brokerage</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/clearing-house" title="meaning of clearing house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">clearing house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/companies-house" title="meaning of Companies House" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">Companies House</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="5"><a href="/dictionary/english/discount-house" title="meaning of discount house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">discount house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="6"><a href="/dictionary/english/finance-house" title="meaning of finance house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">finance house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="7"><a href="/dictionary/english/front-of-house" title="meaning of front of house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">front of house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="8"><a href="/dictionary/english/fulfilment-house" title="meaning of fulfilment house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">fulfilment house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="9"><a href="/dictionary/english/issuing-house" title="meaning of issuing house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">issuing house</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="10"><a href="/dictionary/english/securities-house" title="meaning of securities house" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">securities house</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>house</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Business English Dictionary" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Business English Dictionary</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div> <div class="dataset dd pr lmb-20" data-type="sorted" data-id="examples" data-tab="ds-examples" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_examples"></div> <div id="dataset-example" data-tab="ds-example" role="tabpanel"> <div class="c_h"> <h2 class="c_hh">Examples <span class="tcl">of </span><span class="tb tci">house</span></h2></div> <div class="lp-10"> <div class="h2 dhw dpos-h_hw lpt-5 lpb-10"> house </div> <div class="degs had lbt lb-cm"> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> However, this is not because of the objects it houses. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818821" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818821', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Their relationship with the houses is beyond doubt, as they do not occur further away from the plan. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818822" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818822', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> A possible indication that houses were decorated comes from an oak woodcarving (190 by 16 by 4-5cms) of an anthropomorphic figure. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818823" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818823', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> As a result of the condition in which most houses are found during excavation, there is limited direct evidence for the use of internal space. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818824" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818824', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> I argue that the temporality of domestic architecture is key to understanding the social and cultural significance of houses. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818825" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818825', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> To approach these questions, one can look for evidence of what was done with houses after they were given up for habitation. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818826" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818826', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Alternatively, since there is no overlap between the houses, they could in theory be contemporaneous. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818827" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818827', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> In many of these areas the large number is likely to be the result of the repeated abandonment of houses. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818828" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818828', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The farmer nearly always reckoned with his labourers in their own houses. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818829" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818829', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> They were housed by their employers in boarding houses next to or above the shops, while the shopkeepers themselves lived elsewhere. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818830" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818830', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The first three types of spatial concentration, which we will discuss in more detail below, were the result of immigrants being housed by their employer. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818831" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818831', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> In that year there were immigrants living in one third of the houses, whereas in other years it was a quarter or less. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818832" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818832', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> We say houses are built, but can you 'build' a cave? </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818833" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818833', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Building and inhabiting houses of this kind was another kind of conspicuous consumption. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818834" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818834', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> There is little evidence that people's relationships with houses or with the dead were conceived in the same way. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5818835" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5818835', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tc-w hax"> <a href="" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb lmt-20"> See all examples of <span class="bold">house</span> </a> </div> <div class="tc-bi fs12 lpt-10 lpb-10 break"> These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="dataset dd pr lmb-20" data-type="sorted" data-id="combinations" data-tab="ds-combinations" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_combinations"></div><div class="cpexamps"> <div class="cpexamps-head c_h"><h2 class="c_hh">Collocations <span class="tcl">with</span> <span class="tb tcl">house</span></h2></div><div class="lp-10"><h2 class="tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "> house </h2> <p class="tb">These are words often used in combination with <span class="ti">house</span>.</p><p>Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.</p><div class="cpexamps-body"><div class="cpegs degs had lbt lb-cm"><div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">abandoned house</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">One needs only one <span class="em dem">abandoned</span> <span class="em dem">house</span> in a terrace for the entire terrace to end up in a difficult situation in the housing market.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <div class='hansard-source dsource_e haf hp' on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '0.9130920858529864' } })" role="button" aria-label="" tabindex="0">Hansard archive</div> <div class="hdn" [class]="stateGlobal.flyout == '0.9130920858529864' ? 'pa pt0 pba pl-5 bw hbsf fs12 tw-bw lp-20 lpt-25 lc0 lmin-300 lmt-25 lml-10 z5' : 'hdn'"> <span class="pa pl0 pt-10 c_ict lml-15 $extraClassArrow"></span> <button on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '' } })" class="pa pr0 bt pt0 lpt-5 lb0" aria-label="Close popup box"> <i class="i i-close" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button> <div class="hoh"> Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Open Parliament Licence v3.0</a> </div> </div> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="7224345" data-dataset-id="7224322" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '7224345', dataset_id: '7224322' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div><div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">adobe house</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">By 1826 he had in addition to the <span class="em dem">adobe</span> <span class="em dem">house</span>, a garden with fruit trees, considerable cattle and horses.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From <div class='wikipedia-source dsource_e haf hp' on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '0.3962231954869828' } })" role="button" aria-label="" tabindex="0">Wikipedia</div> <div class="hdn" [class]="stateGlobal.flyout == '0.3962231954869828' ? 'pa pt0 pba pl-5 bw hbsf fs12 tw-bw lp-20 lpt-25 lc0 lmin-300 lmt-25 lml-10 z5' : 'hdn'"> <span class="pa pl0 pt-10 c_ict lml-15 $extraClassArrow"></span> <button on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '' } })" class="pa pr0 bt pt0 lpt-5 lb0" aria-label="Close popup box"> <i class="i i-close" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button> <div class="hoh"> <amp-img src="/external/images/creative-commons-icon.png?version=6.0.45" width="24" height="24" class="hfl lmr-10" alt="Creatives commons icon"></amp-img> This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. </div> </div> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="6329514" data-dataset-id="6326228" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '6329514', dataset_id: '6326228' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">beach house</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">The duo flees the <span class="em dem">beach</span> <span class="em dem">house</span> pursued by the eager judge as the end screen appears.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From <div class='wikipedia-source dsource_e haf hp' on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '0.11495979184534177' } })" role="button" aria-label="" tabindex="0">Wikipedia</div> <div class="hdn" [class]="stateGlobal.flyout == '0.11495979184534177' ? 'pa pt0 pba pl-5 bw hbsf fs12 tw-bw lp-20 lpt-25 lc0 lmin-300 lmt-25 lml-10 z5' : 'hdn'"> <span class="pa pl0 pt-10 c_ict lml-15 $extraClassArrow"></span> <button on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { flyout: '' } })" class="pa pr0 bt pt0 lpt-5 lb0" aria-label="Close popup box"> <i class="i i-close" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button> <div class="hoh"> <amp-img src="/external/images/creative-commons-icon.png?version=6.0.45" width="24" height="24" class="hfl lmr-10" alt="Creatives commons icon"></amp-img> This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. </div> </div> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="6398579" data-dataset-id="6326228" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '6398579', dataset_id: '6326228' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div><div class="ex-opinion tc-bi fs12 lpt-10 lpb-10"> These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. </div><div class="tc-w hax"> <a href="" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb lmt-5">See all collocations with <span class="bold">house</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="lmt-10 hax"> <a href="/pronunciation/english/house" title="house pronunciation in English" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bh tc-w tb pr"> <span class="hdib w95">What is the pronunciation of <em>house</em>?</span> <i class="i i-angle-right iw tb pa pr0 pt0 lmt-5 lmr-20" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0">&nbsp;</div> <div class="lmt-10 hax"> <a href="/pronunciation/english/houses" title="houses pronunciation in English" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bh tc-w tb pr"> <span class="hdib w95">What is the pronunciation of <em>houses</em>?</span> <i class="i i-angle-right iw tb pa pr0 pt0 lmt-5 lmr-20" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="pr lcs bh"> <!-- translation --> <div class="cid" id="dataset_translations"></div> <div class="lc lc1 lc-m7-12 lp-20 lbb lbb0-m lbr-m lb-cn cdo-translations" id="translations"> <h2 class="h3 fs19 tn tc-w">Translations of <span class="tb">house</span></h2> <!-- market data set + localized data set --> <div class="lmb-10"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Traditional) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hant"> 家, 房屋,住宅, 住在一間房子裡的人&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Chinese (Traditional) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Simplified) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hans"> 家, 房屋,住宅, 住在一所房子里的人&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-simplified/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Chinese (Simplified) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Spanish </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="es"> casa, recinto, cobertizo&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-spanish/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house Spanish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Portuguese </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="pt"> casa, teatro, casa real&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-portuguese/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Portuguese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- other data set--> <div amp-access="1=1"> <div class="lmb-5 pr"> 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}),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in German </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'in Norwegian' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Norwegian </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-urdu', dataset_text: 'in Urdu' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Urdu </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-ukrainian', dataset_text: 'in Ukrainian' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Ukrainian </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 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on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-czech', dataset_text: 'in Czech' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Czech </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'in Indonesian' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Indonesian </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-thai', dataset_text: 'in Thai' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Thai </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-vietnamese', dataset_text: 'in Vietnamese' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Vietnamese </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'in Polish' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Polish </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-korean', dataset_text: 'in Korean' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Korean </div> <div class="hp tc-bd fs14 lp-5 lpl-10 lpr-10 lmb-5" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateDictTrans: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'in Italian' } }),accordEntryTrans.collapse,dataset_translations_down.scrollTo"> in Italian </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> <div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-marathi' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="mr"> घर, हाऊस, थेटर मध्ये जाऊन प्रयोग बघणारे लोक&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-marathi/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Marathi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-japanese' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ja"> 家, 住宅, 家(いえ)&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-japanese/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Japanese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-turkish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="tr"> ev, ev halkı, iş/faaliyet yapılan yer&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-turkish/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house Turkish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-french' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="fr"> maison [feminine], maisonnée [feminine], Chambre [feminine]&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-french/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: French translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-catalan' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ca"> casa&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-catalan/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Catalan translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-dutch' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="nl"> (woon)huis, -huis, volle bak&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-dutch/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Dutch translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-tamil' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ta"> மக்கள், பொதுவாக ஒரு குடும்பம், வாழும் ஒரு கட்டிடம்&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-tamil/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Tamil translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-hindi' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="hi"> मकान, घर, (विशेषतः थिएटर में) प्रदर्शन देखने वाले लोग&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-hindi/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Hindi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-gujarati' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="gu"> એક પરિવાર સાથે રહેતો હોય તેવી એક ઈમારત, તેવું એક મકાન, ઘર&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-gujarati/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Gujarati translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-danish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="da"> hus, -hus, teaterbygning&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-danish/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Danish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-swedish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="sv"> hus, bostad, -hus&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-swedish/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Swedish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-malaysian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ms"> rumah, panggung, keluarga&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-malaysian/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Malay translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-german' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="de"> das Haus, das Geschlecht, unterbringen&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-german/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: German translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-norwegian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="no"> hus [neuter], hjem [neuter], bolig [masculine]&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-norwegian/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Norwegian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-urdu' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ur"> مکان, تھیئٹر, تھیئٹر کا ہال&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-urdu/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Urdu translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-ukrainian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="uk"> дім, хата, будинок&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-ukrainian/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Ukrainian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-russian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ru"> дом, домочадцы, здание&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-russian/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Russian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-telugu' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="te"> వ్యక్తిని నివసించే భవనం, సాధారణంగా ఒక కుటుంబం నివసించే చోటు, ప్రదర్శనను&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-telugu/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Telugu translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-arabic' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ar"> بَيْت&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-arabic/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Arabic translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-bengali' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="bn"> বাড়ি, বাসা, কোনো বাড়িতে সাধারণত একটি পরিবার যখন থাকে&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-bengali/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Bengali translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-czech' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="cs"> dům, kurník, hostinec&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-czech/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Czech translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-indonesian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="id"> rumah, bangunan, gedung&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-indonesian/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Indonesian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-thai' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="th"> บ้าน, สถานที่, โรงภาพยนตร์&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-thai/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Thai translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-vietnamese' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="vi"> nhà ở, căn nhà, nhà&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-vietnamese/house" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="house: Vietnamese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-polish' ? 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It is hung up at parties and children hit it with sticks to break it open and release the sweets.</p> <a href="/dictionary/english/pinata#cald4-1" class="bh hao hbtn hbtn-tab tb">About this</a> </div> </div> <div class="bw hbss x lmb-25"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="hdb hao lc1"> <amp-img src="/rss/images/We-was-hungry_Liz19.02.2025_1239486071.jpg" height="180" width="300" alt="We was hungry: understanding non-standard grammar forms (1)" layout="responsive"> <noscript> <img src="/rss/images/We-was-hungry_Liz19.02.2025_1239486071.jpg" height="180" width="300" alt="We was hungry: understanding non-standard grammar forms (1)" class="lc1" /> </noscript> </amp-img> </a> <div class="hoh lp-20"> <p class="h6 lm-0 lmb-15">Blog</p> <p class="fs19 hlh1_5 lmb-15"> <a href="" class="ha" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">We was hungry: understanding non-standard grammar forms (1)</a> </p> <div class="fs14 tc-bl lmb-20"> <time datetime="2025-02-19">February 19, 2025</time> </div> <div> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bh hao hbtn hbtn-tab tb"> Read More </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bw hbss x lmb-25"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="hdb hao lc1"> <amp-img src="/rss/images/noctourism.jpg" height="180" width="300" alt="<p>noctourism" layout="responsive"> <noscript> <img src="/rss/images/noctourism.jpg" height="180" width="300" alt="<p>noctourism" class="lc1" /> </noscript> </amp-img> </a> <div class="hoh lp-20"> <p class="h6 lm-0 lmb-5">New Words</p> <div class="lmb-15 fs36 "> <a href="" class="ha" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><p>noctourism</a> </div> <div class="fs14 tc-bl lmb-20"> <time datetime="2025-02-17">February 17, 2025</time> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bh hao hbtn hbtn-tab tb"> More new words </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pf py pb0 pl0 pr0"> <div id="stickyslot_placeholder"></div> <div amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide> <div class="q250 pa pl0 pt100 lmt-25 lml-20 lmr-20 lmax100 z5" [class]="stateSidebarWordList.word != '' && stateSidebarWordList.word != null ? 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'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'german-english', dataset_text: 'German&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search German–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-german', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;German', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–German'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to German-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="German-English Dictionary">German&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_indonesian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'english-indonesian' : 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'Search English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Search Indonesian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-indonesian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Indonesian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'indonesian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Indonesian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Indonesian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Indonesian Dictionary">English&ndash;Indonesian</span> <span data-dictCode="indonesian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Indonesian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-indonesian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Indonesian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Indonesian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Indonesian-English Dictionary">Indonesian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_italian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'english-italian' : 'italian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'English&ndash;Italian' : 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'Search English&ndash;Italian' : 'Search Italian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-italian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Italian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'italian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Italian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary">English&ndash;Italian</span> <span data-dictCode="italian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'italian-english', dataset_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Italian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-italian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Italian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Italian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Italian-English Dictionary">Italian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_japanese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'english-japanese' : 'japanese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'Search English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Search Japanese&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-japanese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-japanese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Japanese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'japanese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Japanese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary">English&ndash;Japanese</span> <span data-dictCode="japanese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'japanese-english', dataset_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Japanese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-japanese', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Japanese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Japanese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Japanese-English Dictionary">Japanese&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_norwegian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'english-norwegian' : 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Norwegian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'Search English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Search Norwegian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-norwegian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Norwegian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Norwegian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'norwegian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Norwegian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Norwegian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Norwegian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Norwegian Dictionary">English&ndash;Norwegian</span> <span data-dictCode="norwegian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: 'Norwegian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Norwegian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-norwegian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Norwegian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Norwegian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Norwegian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Norwegian-English Dictionary">Norwegian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_polish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'english-polish' : 'polish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'English&ndash;Polish' : 'Polish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'Search English&ndash;Polish' : 'Search Polish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-polish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Polish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Polish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'polish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Polish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Polish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary">English&ndash;Polish</span> <span data-dictCode="polish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'polish-english', dataset_text: 'Polish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Polish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-polish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Polish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Polish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Polish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Polish-English Dictionary">Polish&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_portuguese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'english-portuguese' : 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'English&ndash;Portuguese' : 'Portuguese&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'Search English&ndash;Portuguese' : 'Search Portuguese&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-portuguese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-portuguese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Portuguese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Portuguese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'portuguese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Portuguese&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Portuguese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary">English&ndash;Portuguese</span> <span data-dictCode="portuguese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: 'Portuguese&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Portuguese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-portuguese', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Portuguese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Portuguese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Portuguese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Portuguese-English Dictionary">Portuguese&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_spanish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'english-spanish' : 'spanish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'English&ndash;Spanish' : 'Spanish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'Search English&ndash;Spanish' : 'Search Spanish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-spanish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-spanish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Spanish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Spanish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'spanish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Spanish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Spanish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Spanish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Spanish Dictionary">English&ndash;Spanish</span> <span data-dictCode="spanish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'spanish-english', dataset_text: 'Spanish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Spanish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-spanish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Spanish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Spanish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Diccionario Espa&ntilde;ol-ingl&eacute;s" tabindex="0" title="Diccionario Espa&ntilde;ol-ingl&eacute;s">Spanish&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_swedish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'english-swedish' : 'swedish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'English&ndash;Swedish' : 'Swedish&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'Search English&ndash;Swedish' : 'Search Swedish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-swedish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-swedish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Swedish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Swedish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'swedish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Swedish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Swedish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Swedish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Swedish Dictionary">English&ndash;Swedish</span> <span data-dictCode="swedish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'swedish-english', dataset_text: 'Swedish&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Swedish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-swedish', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Swedish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Swedish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Swedish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Swedish-English Dictionary">Swedish&ndash;English</span> </li> </ul> <div class="tb lmb-5">Semi-bilingual Dictionaries</div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="english-arabic" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-arabic', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Arabic', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Arabic', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary">English&ndash;Arabic</span> <span data-dictCode="english-bengali" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-bengali', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Bengali', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Bengali', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary">English&ndash;Bengali</span> <span data-dictCode="english-catalan" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-catalan', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Catalan', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Catalan', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary">English&ndash;Catalan</span> <span data-dictCode="english-czech" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-czech', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Czech', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Czech', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Czech Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Czech Dictionary">English&ndash;Czech</span> <span data-dictCode="english-danish" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-danish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Danish', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Danish', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Danish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Danish Dictionary">English&ndash;Danish</span> <span data-dictCode="english-gujarati" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-gujarati', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Gujarati', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Gujarati', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Gujarati Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Gujarati Dictionary">English&ndash;Gujarati</span> <span data-dictCode="english-hindi" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-hindi', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Hindi', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Hindi', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Hindi Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Hindi Dictionary">English&ndash;Hindi</span> <span data-dictCode="english-korean" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-korean', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Korean', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Korean', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary">English&ndash;Korean</span> <span data-dictCode="english-malaysian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-malaysian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Malay', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Malay', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Malay Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Malay Dictionary">English&ndash;Malay</span> <span data-dictCode="english-marathi" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-marathi', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Marathi', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Marathi', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Marathi Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Marathi Dictionary">English&ndash;Marathi</span> <span data-dictCode="english-russian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-russian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Russian', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Russian', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary">English&ndash;Russian</span> <span data-dictCode="english-tamil" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-tamil', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Tamil', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Tamil', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Tamil Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Tamil Dictionary">English&ndash;Tamil</span> <span data-dictCode="english-telugu" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-telugu', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Telugu', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Telugu', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Telugu Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Telugu Dictionary">English&ndash;Telugu</span> <span data-dictCode="english-thai" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-thai', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Thai', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Thai', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Thai Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Thai Dictionary">English&ndash;Thai</span> <span data-dictCode="english-turkish" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-turkish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Turkish', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Turkish', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Turkish Dictionary, &#304;ngilizce-T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e &Ccedil;eviri" tabindex="0" title="English-Turkish Dictionary, &#304;ngilizce-T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e &Ccedil;eviri">English&ndash;Turkish</span> <span data-dictCode="english-ukrainian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-ukrainian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Ukrainian', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Ukrainian', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Ukrainian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Ukrainian Dictionary">English&ndash;Ukrainian</span> <span data-dictCode="english-urdu" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-urdu', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Urdu', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Urdu', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Urdu Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Urdu Dictionary">English&ndash;Urdu</span> <span data-dictCode="english-vietnamese" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-vietnamese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Vietnamese', dataset_search: 'Search English&ndash;Vietnamese', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Vietnamese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Vietnamese Dictionary">English&ndash;Vietnamese</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="lbt lb-cm"> <span class="hdb hax lp-10 lpl-15 lpr-15 hp" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDict: { plus: ! } })"> <span class="pr hdb"> <span class="fs12 tcu">Dictionary +Plus</span> <i aria-hidden="true" class="i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2" [class]=" ? 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