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13.309 3.11433 13.3066 3.10943 13.3066C3.16302 13.5599 3.13866 13.8302 3.02174 14.0835C2.77571 14.6145 2.20332 14.8922 1.65287 14.785C1.48967 14.7534 1.31187 14.8143 1.24123 14.9653L1.02202 15.4402C0.951405 15.5912 1.02202 15.7666 1.15113 15.8713C1.17549 15.8909 18.7322 23.9848 18.7614 23.992C18.9246 24.0237 19.1024 23.9628 19.173 23.8118L19.3922 23.3368C19.4629 23.1858 19.3922 23.0105 19.2631 22.9057C18.8247 22.5574 18.6639 21.9412 18.91 21.4102C19.156 20.8792 19.7284 20.6015 20.2788 20.7087C20.442 20.7404 20.6198 20.6795 20.6905 20.5285L20.9097 20.0535C20.9803 19.9025 20.9097 19.7271 20.7806 19.6224C20.3421 19.2741 20.1814 18.6578 20.4274 18.1269C20.6734 17.5959 21.2458 17.3182 21.7963 17.4254C21.9595 17.457 22.1373 17.3962 22.2079 17.2451L22.4271 16.7702C22.4977 16.6192 22.4271 16.4438 22.298 16.3391C21.8596 15.9907 21.6988 15.3745 21.9448 14.8435C22.1909 14.3125 22.7633 14.0349 23.3137 14.142C23.4769 14.1737 23.6547 14.1128 23.7253 13.9618L23.9664 13.4357C24.0371 13.2847 23.9713 13.1068 23.8203 13.0362L21.1971 11.8257L21.1557 12.0034Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M0.235368 11.8352C0.264596 11.8498 19.217 15.6519 19.2486 15.6519C19.4143 15.6446 19.575 15.5423 19.6067 15.3816L19.709 14.8701C19.7406 14.7069 19.6335 14.551 19.4824 14.4804C18.9758 14.2417 18.6762 13.6815 18.7907 13.1066C18.9052 12.5318 19.3996 12.1299 19.9599 12.1055C20.1255 12.0982 20.2862 11.9959 20.3179 11.8352L20.3934 11.4601L20.4202 11.3212C20.4519 11.158 20.3447 11.0022 20.1937 10.9315C19.687 10.6928 19.3875 10.1326 19.502 9.5578C19.6164 8.98294 20.1109 8.58105 20.6711 8.55669C20.8367 8.54939 20.9975 8.44708 21.0292 8.28633L21.1315 7.77483C21.1631 7.61163 21.0559 7.45575 20.9049 7.38511C20.3983 7.14641 20.0987 6.58619 20.2132 6.01136C20.3277 5.43653 20.8221 5.03464 21.3823 5.01028C21.548 5.00297 21.7087 4.90067 21.7404 4.73992L21.8548 4.17239C21.8865 4.0092 21.7818 3.85088 21.6186 3.81921C21.6186 3.81921 2.57369 0 2.5542 0C2.41293 0 2.28871 0.0998646 2.25948 0.241137L2.145 0.80866C2.11333 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3.38811C5.55499 3.05929 5.8765 2.84495 6.20532 2.91071C6.53415 2.97648 6.74849 3.29799 6.68273 3.62681L6.40505 5.00787L6.09087 6.57404L5.83755 7.83574L5.38695 10.0912C5.32851 10.3811 5.07517 10.5808 4.79019 10.5808C4.75122 10.5808 4.70981 10.576 4.67087 10.5686C4.65382 10.5662 4.63677 10.5613 4.62215 10.5565C4.32012 10.4688 4.13255 10.1643 4.1959 9.85255L4.286 9.39707L4.52226 8.21818L5.48922 3.38811Z" fill="#637083"/></svg>Entertainment</a></li> <li class="rede__home__templates__icons__list__item"><a href=""><svg width="24" height="22" viewBox="0 0 24 22" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M12 16.6719C14.097 16.6719 15.7969 14.972 15.7969 12.875C15.7969 10.778 14.097 9.07812 12 9.07812C9.90304 9.07812 8.20312 10.778 8.20312 12.875C8.20312 14.972 9.90304 16.6719 12 16.6719Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M17.5452 3.26562L17.3025 2.05236C17.1715 1.39733 16.5916 0.921875 15.9236 0.921875H8.07643C7.40846 0.921875 6.82847 1.39733 6.69751 2.05236L6.45483 3.26562H17.5452Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M21.8906 4.67188C20.2395 4.67188 2.88206 4.67188 2.10938 4.67188C0.946266 4.67188 0 5.61814 0 6.78125V18.9688C0 20.1319 0.946266 21.0781 2.10938 21.0781H21.8906C23.0537 21.0781 24 20.1319 24 18.9688V6.78125C24 5.61814 23.0537 4.67188 21.8906 4.67188ZM6 9.07812H3.75C3.36169 9.07812 3.04688 8.76331 3.04688 8.375C3.04688 7.98669 3.36169 7.67188 3.75 7.67188H6C6.38831 7.67188 6.70312 7.98669 6.70312 8.375C6.70312 8.76331 6.38831 9.07812 6 9.07812ZM12 18.0781C9.13097 18.0781 6.79688 15.744 6.79688 12.875C6.79688 10.006 9.13097 7.67188 12 7.67188C14.869 7.67188 17.2031 10.006 17.2031 12.875C17.2031 15.744 14.869 18.0781 12 18.0781Z" fill="#637083"/></svg>Creative</a></li> <li class="rede__home__templates__icons__list__item"><a href=""><svg width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M0 2C0 0.89543 0.89543 0 2 0H8C9.10457 0 10 0.89543 10 2V8C10 9.10457 9.10457 10 8 10H2C0.89543 10 0 9.10457 0 8V2Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M0 14C0 12.8954 0.89543 12 2 12H8C9.10457 12 10 12.8954 10 14V20C10 21.1046 9.10457 22 8 22H2C0.89543 22 0 21.1046 0 20V14Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M12 2C12 0.89543 12.8954 0 14 0H20C21.1046 0 22 0.89543 22 2V8C22 9.10457 21.1046 10 20 10H14C12.8954 10 12 9.10457 12 8V2Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M13 12C12.4477 12 12 12.4477 12 13C12 13.5523 12.4477 14 13 14H21C21.5523 14 22 13.5523 22 13C22 12.4477 21.5523 12 21 12H13Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M17 16C16.4477 16 16 16.4477 16 17C16 17.5523 16.4477 18 17 18H21C21.5523 18 22 17.5523 22 17C22 16.4477 21.5523 16 21 16H17Z" fill="#637083"/><path d="M12 21C12 20.4477 12.4477 20 13 20H21C21.5523 20 22 20.4477 22 21C22 21.5523 21.5523 22 21 22H13C12.4477 22 12 21.5523 12 21Z" fill="#637083"/></svg>More +</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rede__home__features"> <div class="center"> <div class="rede__home__header"> <h2> Powerful Features of MotoCMS Easy Website Builder </h2> <p> Check some of our fey features to make sure that MotoCMS is the easiest website builder to use. This list will show you that building a website is possible for anyone, regardless of your skills and background knowledge. </p> </div> <div class="item__list"> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-left"> <figure> <video muted crossOrigin="anonymous" loop src="" autoplay="autoplay" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/video_1.mp4" class="lazy__load__images" > </video> </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Simple Drag & Drop Website Builder - No Code, Visual Editing </h2> <p> Simple drag and drop website builder powered MotoCMS is the easiest way to create a website without any coding skills. No matter if you are a beginner or a professional developer, you can intuitively create a functional website without touching a line of code. Simply drag and drop images, texts, blocks and make them live in a couple of clicks. </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-delay="100"> <figure> <video muted crossOrigin="anonymous" loop src="" autoplay="autoplay" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/video_2.mp4" class="lazy__load__images" > </video> </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Responsive, Mobile-Optimized Design</h2> <p> Build a responsive website that works across various screen sizes. Developed with the latest techniques, MotoCMS easy website creator allows you to make each page of your beautiful website 100% responsive. It means that it will look great on any device, be it a desktop PC, a tablet or a mobile phone. It will also help you to get a better mobile search ranking! </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-delay="200"> <figure> <video muted crossOrigin="anonymous" loop src="" autoplay="autoplay" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/video_3.mp4" class="lazy__load__images" > </video> </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Advanced eCommerce Functionality</h2> <p> Create a high-converting online store easily! You can build your business, sell products and services with advanced eCommerce features powered by MotoCMS. You will get your products' catalog with filtering and search options, including secure payment gateways, tax and shipping settings, flexible payment options and a secure checkout. </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-delay="300"> <figure> <video muted crossOrigin="anonymous" loop src="" autoplay="autoplay" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/video_4.mp4" class="lazy__load__images" > </video> </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Advanced SEO Settings and Optimization Tools</h2> <p> You can have the most beautiful website on the web which will stay unnoticed unless you apply the best SEO practices to help it rank. Simple website builder by MotoCMS has advanced SEO settings which will help you do that right. You will be supported with the appropriate functionality and a comprehensive SEO guide to building the proper URLs, meta tags, and more. </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-delay="400"> <figure> <video muted crossOrigin="anonymous" loop src="" autoplay="autoplay" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/video_5.mp4" class="lazy__load__images" > </video> </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Additional Integrations and Plugins</h2> <p> Our developers are doing their best to add new functionality to the latest releases of the admin panel on a regular basis. Those include a new Google Map Pro widget, Advanced Contact Form plugin, Instagram Post widget, new Tile Gallery, Popup widget, Appointment by Acuity Scheduling, OpenTable and Airbnb Booking Integration and more. </p> <h3>Tons of built-in widgets & tools</h3> <ul> <li>Audio & Video Players</li> <li>Contact Form</li> <li>Sliders & Galleries</li> <li>Google Maps</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Social Media</li> <li>Blog Elements</li> <li>Integration Systems</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="" class="rede__btn rede__btn__orange">Browse All MotoCMS Features</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rede__home__steps"> <div class="center"> <div class="rede__home__header"> <h2>4 Simple Steps to Create Your Site with a Website Builder</h2> <p> We have done our best to make MotoCMS a simple website builder which can be used by people of all ages and professions. You can create your dream website yourself without any help using ready-made templates and pre-made blocks of content. </p> </div> <div class="item__list"> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-delay="100"> <figure> <img src="/images/rede/_rede__home__steps__1.png" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/rede__home__steps__1.png" class="lazy__load__images" alt="Choose a Template" > </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Choose a Template</h2> <p> Let's start with the most interesting part - the design! We have more than 2500 ready-to-use website templates for all business niches. As soon as you choose something appealing to your taste, you will be able to tweak its structure, color scheme and install the theme to the existing domain. Though, if you have not yet picked the domain name and hosting provider, our customer care team will help you find the most suitable solution. </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-delay="200"> <figure> <img src="/images/rede/_rede__home__steps__2.png" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/rede__home__steps__2.png" class="lazy__load__images" alt="Customize It and Add Your Content" > </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Customize It and Add Your Content</h2> <p> Got the right template and want to know what to do next? Use easy website builder functionality and change the layout the way you want. You can change its color scheme and structure, upload your images, add your logo and create custom texts. The final result can be different from the initial template and look as if you have built a website from scratch on your own. Never stop experimenting, make your website unique and exclusive! </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-left" data-aos-delay="300"> <figure> <img src="/images/rede/_rede__home__steps__3.png" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/rede__home__steps__3.png" class="lazy__load__images" alt="Add Custom SEO and Analytics" > </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Add Custom SEO and Analytics</h2> <p> As soon as the design is ready, it's high time to take care of its search engine optimization and performance. Using our easy website builder for beginners, you will have a chance to add the necessary SEO settings to your website, following simple tips from our SEO optimization guide. It was created especially for MotoCMS clients keeping in mind their needs. Google Webmaster Tools and Analytics integrated with the admin panel will also help you better track the results. </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-aos="fade-right" data-aos-delay="400"> <figure> <img src="/images/rede/_rede__home__steps__4.png" data-imagesrc="/images/rede/rede__home__steps__4.png" class="lazy__load__images" alt="Publish and Promote It Online" > </figure> <div class="text"> <h2>Publish and Promote It Online</h2> <p> Well done! Your website is live and ready to welcome the visitors. Easy-to-use admin panel powered by easy website builder will help to promote your business online and connect it to the social networks. With a number of helpful widgets, such as Twitter Timeline, Facebook Feed, Instagram Post, or Pinterest Board, you will be able to share the latest feed right on your website. Moreover, you can add Social Buttons and share the content easily! </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="" class="rede__btn rede__btn__orange">Start Your Website for Free</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rede__home__review"> <div class="center"> <div class="rede__home__header"> <h2>MotoCMS Client Reviews</h2> <p> Check what our clients say about MotoCMS easy website builder, products and services. You can also check our reviews and ratings on some of the most popular and trusted websites, such as TrustPilot and SiteJabber. </p> </div> <div class="owl-carousel" style="opacity: 0;"> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “I've been a customer for 7 years now, and I have to say that I'm extremely happy and satisfied with the products I use which are the MotoCMS templates.” </p> <p class="author">Yoyo Bianchi</p> <p class="job">Web Designer and Programmer</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch Video Review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “I've drastically reduced the amount of time spent to complete a project.” </p> <p class="author">Tyler Rominger</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “Working with an admin panel is so easy that even our customers can do it by themselves. So what can I tell you more?” </p> <p class="author">Ricardo Canadas</p> <p class="job">Swiss Virtual</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “As a NPO we don't have that much money to spend, so MotoCMS has been a great tool for us” </p> <p class="author">Aurora De La Rosa Narvaez</p> <p class="job">Tesoros Indigenas</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “I discovered MotoCMS, tried it, checked what it was, was perfect.” </p> <p class="author">Christian Lewis</p> <p class="job">Multi-media designer</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “We have build websites for a number of companies in different industries and find MotoCMS 3 an intuitive and easy to use system.” </p> <p class="author">Carrie Arnold</p> <p class="job">Caffeine marketing</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “My clients could finally control updating their own website.” </p> <p class="author">Edward Craig</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="text"> “Full responsive website architecture technology as well combined with an industry awarded lifetime support” </p> <p class="author">Henry</p> <div class="play_video _pop_open _video_popup" data-name="pop__video" data-videosrc=""> <figure></figure> <span>Watch video review</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rede__home__reviews"> <div class="center"> <div class="rede__home__reviews__wrap"> <div class="owl-carousel" style="opacity: 0;"> <div class="item"> <div class="item_2"> <div class="logo"> <img src="/images/redesign/_home_reviews_block_logo_1.png" data-imagesrc="/images/redesign/home_reviews_block_logo_1.jpg" class="lazy__load__images" alt="review image 1" > </div> <div class="rating"> <img src="/images/redesign/_home_reviews_block_rating_1.png" data-imagesrc="/images/redesign/home_reviews_block_rating_1.jpg" class="lazy__load__images" alt="review image 2" > </div> <div class="descr"> "Excellent" <br> 9.7 out of 10 </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="item_1"> <div class="title"> Our Customers Satisfaction <br> Statistics </div> <div class="descr clearfix"> <div class="descr__item"> <span>95</span> <b>Said good</b> </div> <div class="descr__item"> <span>5</span> <b>Weren’t so <br> sure</b> </div> <div class="descr__item"> 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