A Blasted, Cratered Land: combat

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All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with conceptual cabochons and menaces with spikes of text.</span></p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> </header> <div class='tabs-outer'> <div class='tabs-cap-top cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left tabs-fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right tabs-fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='region-inner tabs-inner'> <div class='tabs section' id='crosscol' name='Cross-Column'><div class='widget PageList' data-version='1' id='PageList1'> <h2>Pages</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <ul> <li> <a href=''>Home</a> </li> <li> <a href=''>The GLOG</a> </li> <li> <a href=''>Survival Paradigm</a> </li> <li> <a href=''>Deep Space Bitches</a> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div></div> <div class='tabs no-items section' id='crosscol-overflow' name='Cross-Column 2'></div> </div> </div> <div class='tabs-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='main-outer'> <div class='main-cap-top cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left main-fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right main-fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='region-inner main-inner'> <div class='columns fauxcolumns'> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-center-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-left-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-right-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <!-- corrects IE6 width calculation --> <div class='columns-inner'> <div class='column-center-outer'> <div class='column-center-inner'> <div class='main section' id='main' name='Main'><div class='widget Blog' data-version='1' id='Blog1'> <div class='blog-posts hfeed' overflow-x='scroll'> <div class='status-msg-wrap'> <div class='status-msg-body'> Showing posts with label <b>combat</b>. <a href="">Show all posts</a> </div> <div class='status-msg-border'> <div class='status-msg-bg'> <div class='status-msg-hidden'>Showing posts with label <b>combat</b>. <a href="">Show all posts</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, September 25, 2024</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6777118448302662831' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='2193209946418997119' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='2193209946418997119'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>The Bravo (GLOG Class)</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-2193209946418997119' itemprop='description articleBody'> <p>Decades ago, the Inheritors of the Steppe Lord traded their lineage of violence for the seductive prosperity of unjust peace. The docks and markets of their mighty coastal cities swell with trade in all manner of well- and ill-gotten gains. As the memory of war fade into mythic tales of heroes past, a new generation takes up the sword to fight for honour and fame rather than safety or conquest.</p><p>These bravos trade insults and rallying cries across the daemon-forged bridges of the City at the Crossroads, hold rooftop duels on the mining shantytowns of Khanra, and delve deep into the Venyan catacombs to prove their mettle. Bored scions, social climbers, and would-be pirates rub shoulders in taverns across the Salt Road, all seeking danger seemingly denied by their age of relative peace.</p><p>No wonder they choose the adventuring life &#8212; they know not the dangers beyond the Demon Road nor the cold touch of the Witch-King&#8217;s geas, and they have never lived in the Ashen East from whence the Steppe-Lord rode. They play at lordship in their fathers&#8217; clothes, gambling away false heritage and ill-gotten fortunes on foolhardy schemes and enormous plumed hats.<br /></p><p>That said, I still wouldn&#8217;t rate my chances against their blades.<br /></p><h1 style="text-align: center;">The Bravo</h1><p>&nbsp;</p><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="" data-original-height="1150" data-original-width="1100" height="480" src="" width="459" /></a></div><br /><p></p><p><b>Backgrounds (d6):</b> 1. Sellsword, 2. Fop, 3. Highwayman, 4. Artist, 5. Vigilante, 6. Pirate<br /><b>Starting Equipment:</b> Long one-handed blade of your choice, parrying dagger, large fancy hat, cape.<br /><br /><b>Bravo 1:</b> Flourish, First Impressions<br /><b>Bravo 2:</b> Swashbuckle, Duelist's Dance<br /><b>Bravo 3:</b> Bravado<br /><b>Bravo 4: </b>Dance of Death&nbsp;</p><p><i>This class refers to Maneuvers, which are any action besides an attack or casting a spell in combat. Some of the Bravo&#8217;s abilities also provide a +Bravo bonus, which is equal to the number of levels that the character has taken in the Bravo class.</i><br /><br /><b>Flourish: </b>Whenever you fail an attack roll, a Dexterity test, or a Charisma test in combat, you may make a distracting and flamboyant Flourish to succeed anyway. If you do, take a -4 penalty to your Armor Class until the start of your next turn. Your Flourish also draws attention to you, and enemies will prioritize you over your allies if you're within range of their attacks.<br /><i>You can always choose to Flourish as an action on your turn if you want to draw attention on purpose.</i><br /><i>You may Flourish multiple times in a round, but the AC penalty from Flourishing stacks.</i><br /><i>You must narrate what your Flourish is.</i><br /><br /><b>First Impressions: </b>You gain +Bravo to Initiative rolls. You also gain +Bravo to attack rolls, Dexterity tests, and Charisma tests against people you haven't acted against yet in this scene or combat.<br /><br /><b>Swashbuckle: </b>Once per turn, on your turn, you may make a Charisma test. On a success, take an additional maneuver that turn. The maneuver cannot deal damage.<br /><i>Here's some ideas: trip, disarm, kick sand in their eyes, run away, chug a potion, sing a battle-cry, climb a rope, swap your off-hand or main weapon, reload, etc.</i><br /><br /><b>Duelist's Dance: </b>If you're wielding a one-handed weapon in your dominant hand, gain a benefit associated with whatever you're wielding in your off-hand.<br /><i>- Empty: </i>Your flourishes give you -2 AC rather than -4.<br /><i>- Parrying item:</i> Once per round, when an enemy hits you with a melee attack, you may make a Dexterity test. If you meet or beat their to-hit roll, you Parry and negate the hit. If you also meet or beat their Armor Class, you Riposte and immediately hit them with your main weapon. You cannot Riposte if you did not successfully Parry.<br /><i>- Weapon:</i> If you hit with your first attack, you may immediately make a second attack with your off-hand weapon for free. The attack does not need to target the same enemy.<br /><i>- Magical focus: </i>Whenever you cast a spell, you may channel it into a melee attack with your main weapon. The attack inflicts the spell effect on a hit, in addition to dealing its usual damage.</p><p><i>This is not an exhaustive list. Work with your GM to figure out what items such as a light source, a musical instrument, or a battle standard would do, if anything.</i><br /><i>If your character is ambidextrous, they may choose which hand is their main immediately after they roll initiative. If your character has many arms, choose one to be dominant and one item in an off-hand to benefit them this combat. They only count as empty-handed if all their off-hands are empty.</i><br /><br /><b>Bravado: </b>Whenever you Flourish, gain +Bravo temporary hit points.<br /><br /><b>Dance of Death: </b>Whenever you're hit by an attack, if your Armor Class has been lowered by Flourishing, you may make a free Maneuver or a melee attack against the target if they're within range.<br /></p><h3 style="text-align: left;">Offhand Items</h3><p><b>Buckler.</b> +1 AC, parrying (see Duelist&#8217;s Dance).<b> <br /></b></p><p><b>Torch (lit). </b>Once per turn, when you Flourish, you may attempt to set something around you alight. Make an attack roll. On a hit, that thing is set on fire (Bravo damage per round, save ends) and your torch is put out.<b> <br /></b></p><p><b>Parrying dagger. </b>1H, 1d2 slashing damage, parrying. When you successfully Parry a melee weapon, if your Riposte succeeds, you may choose to disarm your opponent instead of inflicting damage.<b> <br /></b></p><p><b>Grappling hook. </b>1H, 1d4 piercing damage within 15'. When you hit, you hook the target. While you're holding the grappling hook, your hooked target cannot leave your grappling hook's range without an opposed Strength test to dislodge it. You can pull your target closer with an opposed Strength test; this deals an additional 1d4p damage and moves them 5' on a success.</p><p><b>Dueling pistol. </b>1H, 1d4 untyped damage within 30'. Single-shot, parrying. Deals 1d3 damage to the target on a successful parry, even if you failed to Riposte. Requires a maneuver to reload; cannot parry while empty.<b> <br /></b></p><p><b>Enchanting cloth. </b>Acts as a magical focus. As a Maneuver, you can wipe the cloth along your weapon to imbue it with a magical damage type associated with the cloth's enchantment until the start of your next turn.<br />1. <i>Oilcloth.</i> A specially-treated cloth that leaves oily residue across the weapon&#8217;s edge and ignites it with a flint tied to the rag&#8217;s end. The weapon deals fire damage instead of its normal damage type.<br />2. <i>Venom-soaked cloth. </i>A simple silk handkerchief doused in a potent contact poison distilled in the Grand Menagerie of Khanra. The weapon deals poison damage instead of its normal damage type.<br />3. <i>Sparkcloth. </i>The wool of sheep that graze on the grasslands around the Copperwood possesses a unique charged property when woven into fabric. The weapon deals lightning damage instead of its normal damage type.<br />4.<i> Sharpening cloth. </i>A clever improvement on a grindstone. While its benefits last but for a moment, a moment is all a duelist needs to strike a killing blow. If the weapon deals slashing or piercing damage, it gets +2 damage.<br />5.<i> Silvercloth. </i>These kerchiefs were originally woven as glittering accessories for the vain duchesses of Eyra. While it&#8217;s fallen out of fashion in the ballrooms, it&#8217;s a potent and eye-catching tool for those Bravos who expect to encounter the strange and infernal. Treat the affected weapon as silvered.<br />6.<i> Plasmic cloth. </i>Renegade witches from the Volat mountains have brought their necromantic arts into contact with the martial traditions that conquered the Twice-Forsaken North. By spinning ectoplasm into wraithcord on modern looms, these witches have created a fabric that pierces the boundary between life and death itself (for very affordable prices). The treated weapon inflicts damage to spirits as if they were corporeal.<br /></p> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-410678285'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Tags: <a href='' rel='tag'>class</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>combat</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>GLOG</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, July 10, 2020</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6777118448302662831' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6870482697486614017' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6870482697486614017'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Mechs in the Survival Paradigm</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6870482697486614017' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" height="404" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <br /></div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://pilot.manual.era//:</b> </span></div> <br /> The Kaiju Era is roughly comparable to the smartphone era, in terms of where we are relative to its beginning. Many remember the world before, but there's no way back.<br /> <br /> The first kaiju attack occurred fifteen years ago. The Survival Paradigm became international law eighteen months later, marked by the first mass mech deployments. The military-industrial complex finished restructuring to a total war footing between mechs and kaiju shortly after. The international economy has never been stronger. Protections for workers and pilots have never been weaker.<br /> <br /> The largest mech deployment occurred five years ago. Operation: OUTER GOD slew the largest kaiju to date, in orbit at the L1 Lagrange point. Debate still swirls in academic circles on whether it could be considered a Category 6. We haven't seen another one yet. We think it's only a matter of time.<br /> <br /> The mech gig economy is not the only model of defense. However, its prevalence (backed by Pentagon contracts and the bloated mass of American taxpayer dollars spent on the final human wars) has terminally warped everyone else's strategies. They piggyback off of TacNet's satellites and early warning grid; global supply chains are all precisely tuned to build prefab small mechs in bulk; research into other solutions has been chronically underfunded in favor of "proven strategies".<br /> <br /> Some nations marshal national defense mech fleets from a new military arm. Some fully decentralize their deployments under a more egalitarian system, where pilots are provided for by state healthcare and stipends. Those stories are worth telling, but they are not the ones told here.<br /> <br /> This is the bleak corporate death-cult stranglehold of the United States of America, and you're one of the essential workers whose blood fuels its metastasis. Thank you for your service, hero. Here's your medal. Here's your debt.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <input onclick="generate_mech()" type="button" value="TacNet's Pilot of the Month!" /> </div> <br /> <div id="mech"> </div> <script> //name bits var mech_name_list = ["20% GRATUITY", "24 HOUR NON-STOP WARFARE", "410757864530 DEAD COPS", "500 TONS OF AWESOME", "A ONE A TWO A ONE TWO THREE", "A WILD MECH APPEARED", "ABOLITIONIST", "ABOMINABLE VICTORY", "ABSOLUTELY NOT", "ACCESSIBILITY FAILIURE", "ACCIDENTAL TRANSCENDENCE", "ACCIDENTS HAPPEN", "ACHILLES KNEEL", "ACROPHOBE", "ACTIVE CHILD", "ACTUALLY LAUGHING", "ADDITIONAL PYLON", "ADVANCE. PURSUE. ELIMINATE", "AFTERLIFE DISTENSION", "AGAIN WITH FEELING", "AGGRESSIVELY PASSIVE", "AGGROLOGIST", "AGONY AUNT", "AIRDROPPABLE SURPRISE", "ALARMIST CONSPIRATOR", "ALEXA WHAT SHOULD I NAME MY MECH", "ALL ALONE", "ALL I HAVE", "ALL'S FAIR", "ALL OUTTA GUM", "ALL THIS POTENTIAL WASTED", "ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL", "AMANITA MUSCARIA", "AMANITA PHALLOIDES", "AMMO IS CHEAP", "AMNIOTIC FUEL", "ORDER OF MAGNITUDE", "AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO", "ANGELBONE CARCASS", "ANGRY AND SWOLLEN", "ANTIPERSONNEL MIND", "APOCALYPSE ANNOUNCEMENT", "APOCALYPSE CANCELED", "APOTHEOSIS OF LEAD", "APPLE OF DISCORD", "APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD", "APRES MOI LE DELUGE", "ARACHNOPHOBIA", "ARTILLERY WIZARD", "ASK NOT", "ASK STUPID QUESTIONS", "ASTRAL AIRPLANE", "ATLAS", "ATTACK AT DAWN", "ATTORNEYS GENERAL", "AUTOMATIC CAUTION DOOR", "AXE GRINDER", "BACK TO THE FOREST", "BACKWARDS IN HEELS", "BAD DOG", "BADA BING BADA BOOM", "BAJA BLOODBATH", "BARELY SPACEWORTHY", "BASTARD DEITY", "BASTARD GOOSE", "BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED", "BATTLE FERRARI", "BATTLEFIELD BUFFET", "BATTLEFIELD PRANKSTER", "BAVARIAN FIRE DRILL", "BE CRIME DO GAY", "BE GAY DO CRIME", "BEARD OIL", "BEAT THE CLOCK", "BEHIND YOU", "BEST IN GREEN", "BEST OF BOTH WORLDS", "BETTER PART OF VALOR", "BIG BOY PANTS", "BIG DAMN HERO", "BIG GUN", "BIG MCLARGEHUGE", "BIGGER THEY ARE", "BINARY CRISIS", "BITCH PLEASE", "BITCHES BREW", "BLACK EYED PARTY POOPER", "BLACK IS THIS CASKET", "BLACKBOARD FINGERNAIL", "BLAME THE JOYSTICK", "BLAMING FINGER", "BLAST CENTRIFUGE", "BLAZE IT", "BLESSED ARE THE MEEK", "BLINK AND YOU'LL MISS ME", "BLOOPER REEL", "BLUES BROTHER", "BLUESKY THUNDERSTORM", "BOLTCUTTER", "BOMB BAY NEOPHYTE", "BOMBASTIC BOMBARD", "BOMBS AWAY", "BONGRIPPER", "BONUS ROUND", "BOSS RUSH", "BRAINPAIN", "BRAKING FAILURE", "BREAK A LEG", "BREAKFAST SKIPPER", "BRIDGEWALKER", "BROODMOTHER", "BUER SIR", "BULLET BALLOT", "BULLET SPELL", "BURNINATOR", "BURNING SENSATION", "BURNT TOAST", "BUSTIN THROUGH", "BUY ONE BEATDOWN GET TWO FREE", "CAFFEINE LOW", "CAKE OR DEATH", "CALCIUM SUFFICIENCY", "CALL ME ISHMAEL", "CALLIOPE INFINITE", "CALORIC DELIGHTS", "CAN OPENER", "CAN'T SEE SHIT", "CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP", "CAPTAIN OBVIOUS", "CARGO MAULER", "CARPE THEM", "CARS DELENDA EST", "CARVE THE SKY", "CASK OF AMONTILLADO", "CASSANDRA WAS RIGHT", "CAST IN DECADENCE", "CATACLYSM PORN", "CATEGORY FINE", "CAULIFLOWER", "CEASE YOUR SALAD", "CECI N'EST PAS UNE GIANT MECH", "CENTER OF GLASS", "CENTURY HAWK", "CEREMONIAL OVERSIGHT", "CHARYBDIS", "CHECKMATE", "CHEEKY REFERENCE", "CHEESE-EATING SURRENDER MONKEY", "CHEESECAKE LOVER", "CHICKEN ALFREDO", "CHOKING HAZARD", "CHONKY BOI", "CHOO CHOO", "CHRONIC VICTORY CONDITION", "CIVILIAN CASUALTY", "CLASS IS IN SESSION", "CLOSE ENCOUNTER", "CLOSER CLOSER", "CLOSING TIME", "CLOTH MOTHER", "CLUMSY BARBER", "COCKPIT BARBECUE", "COCKPIT CRAMPS", "COFFEE AND GASOLINE", "COFFEE GRINDER", "COME AT ME BRO", "COME ON EILEEN", "COMES EQUIPPED WITH MINIONS", "COMMENT BELOW", "COMMENT SECTION", "COMPETITIVE ESCHATOLOGY", "COMPLEX MARTYR", "CONSENSUALLY INFERIOR", "CONSEQUENCE OF VICTORY", "CONTENT WARNING", "CONTINUING ADVENTURES", "CONTROL ALT DELETE", "CONTROL GROUPIE", "CONTROLLED DEMOLITION", "CONTROLLING INTEREST", "COOL MECH I GUESS", "COOLER HEAD", "COUNT ME IN", "COUNTING ERROR", "COVER ME", "COWARD'S WAY", "CRANIAL TRAUMA", "CRANK IT FASTER", "CRASH TEST DUMMY", "CROMULENT FUCKCRUSTABLE", "CUDDLEMONSTER", "CULTURE MIND", "DANGLING PARTICIPLE", "DARK SOUL", "DATA EXPUNGED", "DATECRASHER", "DAUGHTER OF ARTEMIS", "DAWN COMES SWIFTLY", "DEAR ABBY", "DEATH BY CHOCOLATE", "DEATH'S MIDDLEMAN", "DEBTOR'S VISION", "DECIBEL LEVEL", "DECIMAL COMMA", "DECOMMISSIONED DERELICT", "DEEP CORE PENETRATOR", "DEEP-SIX", "DEFENESTRATOR PRIME", "DEFERRED AGGRESSION", "DENIM JEANS", "DEOXYGENATOR", "DEPOPULATOR", "DESERVE THIS", "DEVIL ON THE BASS", "DEVIL'S FIDDLE", "DEVOURING UNITY", "DIECASTER", "DINNER ROLL", "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY", "DIRT MERCHANT", "DIRTY FIRESTARTER", "DISCO WILDFIRE", "DISCOUNT RESPECTS", "DIVIDE BY ZERO", "DIVINE OMISSION", "DO NOT ENGAGE", "DO NOT GO GENTLE", "DO THAT AGAIN", "DO UNTO OTHERS", "DO YOU HEAR THE SERVOS SING", "DOCTOR BLUESHIFT", "DODGE ROLL", "DOE EYED CANNIBAL", "DOG NOT INCLUDED", "DOGBOTHERER", "DOING MY BEST", "DOUBLE DOG DARE", "DOUBLE-PLUS GOOD", "DOUBLEHEADER", "DOWN FOR COUNTING", "DOWNER ENDING", "DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT", "DRAG POPE", "DRAGONFLAYER", "DREADFATHER", "DREDGE DIVISION", "DRIFT COMPATIBLE", "DRIFT ME DADDY", "DRIVE ME CLOSER", "DROPPED HUNDREDS", "DRUPESTONE", "DUCT-TAPE AND PROMISES", "DUST TEMPLAR", "EAT SHIT AND DIE", "EAT, PRAY, SHOVE", "ECKS DEE", "EGG SCRAMBLER", "EIGHTH DEADLY SIN", "ELDRITCH KNIGHT", "ELECTRIC BOOGALOO", "ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM", "ELEVATOR PITCH", "ENCORE PERFORMANCE", "ENDANGERED SPECIES", "ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT", "ERA ENDER", "ERROR CARRIED FORWARD", "ESCALATOR YAW", "ETERNAL SINSTORM", "EVENT HORIZON", "EVENTUALITY CASCADE", "EXCESS GUMPTION", "EXCUSE ME PRINCESS", "EXECUTION INVITATION", "EXTINCTION BURST", "EXUMENICAL EXECUTION", "EYE FOR AN EYE", "EYE OF NEWT", "F IN THE CHAT", "FACE REMODELER", "FADED FORTUNE", "FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE", "FAITHLESSNESS OF MANKIND", "FALL AND MISS", "FALSE CONFIDENCE", "FAMOUS LAST WORDS", "FANCY RIVETS", "FASHIONABLY LATE", "FASTER THAN BLIGHT", "FEAR PLACEBO", "FEAR THE WEEPER", "FEATURED CREATURE", "FEEL INFERIOR", "FEMBOY LOOTERS", "FEVER DREAM", "FIFTEEN MINUTE SPECIAL", "FILTHY KILLSTEALER", "FINAL WEAPON", "FINISH LINE", "FIRE AND FORGET", "FIRE AND REMEMBER", "FIRE SALE", "FIRELIGHT DRIFTER", "FIRST AMONG EQUALS", "FIRST DAY WORST DAY", "FIRST OFFENSE", "FIST REINSTALLATION", "FIVE STAR WOULD FIGHT AGAIN", "FIXED IT", "FLIRT WITH DEATH", "FLUFFY", "FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @MECHPICS", "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE", "FOR A GOOD TIME", "FOR ME IT WAS TUESDAY", "FOR SALE: YOUR ASS, NEVER KICKED", "FORCE MAJEURE", "FORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES", "FORGET ME NOT", "FORGOTTEN BEAST", "FORT MOBILE", "FORWARD UNTO", "FOllY OF MAN", "FRAGILE EGO INSIDE", "FREE TO A GOOD HOME", "FREEZE TAG", "FRIEND WITH BENEFISTS", "FRIENDLY FIRE ISN'T", "FRIENDLY FIREBRAND", "FROM HELL'S HEART", "FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY", "FUCK OR BE FUCKED", "FUCK YOU, PAY ME", "FUCKBUFFET OF LASER DEATH", "FUCKING FIGHT ME DIPSHIT", "FUCKING WIZARD", "FULL OF MEAT", "FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY GAY SPACE COMMUNIST", "FURIOUS LISTING", "FURIOUS SCIENCE", "FURRY APOSTROPHE", "FUTILE INTERVENTION", "FUTURE PERCOCET", "FUTURE THEFT", "GAME FACE JESUS", "GARBAGE PLANET", "GARBALANCHE", "GAS LEAK", "GASOLINE GLADIATOR", "GEARCLENCH", "GENGHIS KHAN", "GHOST FACE KILLA", "GIANT ENEMY", "GIANT HAMSTER BALL", "GLITCHWARP PHANTOM", "GLUB GLUB", "GNASHING LOVE", "GO FOR IT", "GO TO SLEEP", "GOBLIN LAWYER", "GOBLIN SHARK", "GOD'S INTERVENTION", "GOD'S SCOREKEEPER", "GODBUTCHER", "GOES TO ELEVENT", "GOLDEN GUNDAM", "GOLDEN RETRIEVER", "GOOD TIMES INCOMING", "GOOGLE SEARCH MPREG GARFIELD", "GORECHILD", "GOTTA GO FAST", "GRAB EVERYTHING", "GRAND MELEE", "GRAVIDA DESTRUCTOR", "GREASY GEARS", "GREAT WHITE", "GREENGROCER'S CATASTROPHE", "GREYSCALE HERO", "GROSS INCOMPETENCE", "GROUNDHOG DAY", "GROWING BOY", "GUILLOTINE DREAMS", "GUNPOWDER THRONE", "GUT PLUG", "HAHA YEAH", "HALFWAY THERE", "HANDLESS WONDER", "HANDS OCTOPUS", "HANDS THROWN", "HANGER PANGS", "HAPPY PLACE", "HARD TO HANDLE", "HAVE AT THEE", "HAVE MERCY", "HEAD LEVELER", "HEADROLLER", "HEARTLESS METAL", "HEAVENSENDER", "HERETICAL NOTION", "HETEROGENOUS SKELETON", "HEWWO", "HEY YOU YES YOU", "HIDEOUS SQUID FACE", "HIGGS BOSON", "HIGH-TECH HIPHOP BEATS TO KICK YOUR ASS TO", "HIPPITY HOPPITY", "HISTORICALLY INACCURATE", "HOLD MY BEER", "HOLLOW KNIGHT", "HOLY CHILD", "HOLY FUCKING SHIT YALL", "HOME DEFENDER", "HOMO SAPIENS APOCALYPTICUS", "HOMOMECHXUAL", "HONEYBUNNY", "HONOR ROLL", "HORNY ON MAIN STREET", "HORSEPOWER ARMOR", "HOT MILFS IN YOUR AREA", "HOW'S MY DRIVING?", "HRT ANTIDEPRESSANTS VAPORWAVE", "HUMAN ERROR", "HUNGRY KITTY", "HYDRAULIC PRESS", "HYDROGEN MANIFESTO", "HYPE TRAIN", "I CAN HAZ BULLIT", "I CAST FIREBALL", "I HURT PEOPLE", "I-FRAMES", "ICE CREAM DANDY", "IDIOT SAYS WHAT", "IMMATURE GOLIATH", "IMMINENT CATASTROPHE", "IMMOLATION DEMON", "IMPOLITE IMPOSITION", "IMPULSE CONTROLLED", "IN LOVING MEMORY", "IN THIS HOUSE", "INCENDIARY AMMO OVER HERE", "INDUCTIVE PROOF", "INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT", "INNOVATIVE APOLOGY", "INSECURITY PROFESSIONAL", "INSERT NAME HERE", "INSIGNIFICANT DIGIT", "INSURRECTION DEFLECTION", "INTENTIONAL OVERKILL", "INTESTINAL MISTRESS", "INTIMIDATING BUT POETIC", "INTOXICATED HURRICANE", "INVOLUNTARY FLEX", "IRON PARIAH", "IRON SUPPLEMENT", "IRONIC PACIFIST", "IRONY POISONING", "IT BEGINS AGAIN", "JACKAL LANTERN", "JAM CHOPS", "JASMINE DRAGON", "JAWS OF DEFEAT", "JAZZ TENTACLES", "JEAN VALJEAN", "JESUS CHRIST COPILOT", "JESUS DIED SINNING", "JOHNNY COME LATELY", "JUNK DEFENDER", "JURY RIGGER", "JUST A LONELY BOY", "JUST IN TIME", "JUST KIDDING", "KAIJU CORPSE DANCE PARTY", "KAIJU FONDUE", "KAKISTOCRAT", "KEEP GOING", "KEGSTAND PRO", "KERFUFFLE", "KICKING NAMES TAKING ASS", "KILL EM ALL 1989", "KILL ME SOFTLY", "KILL STEALER", "KINETIC REVISIONIST", "KISS ME KILL YOU", "KITTY GOT CLAWS", "KRYPTONITE BONG", "L O N G L A D", "LACK OF RESTRAINT", "LAPSED PACIFIST", "LASER PIRATE ROBOT UNICORN", "LASER SHOW", "LASER SWORD", "LAST CIGAR", "LAUGH AT GOD", "LEAF ON THE WIND", "LEAVE ME ALONE", "LEGENDARY DEFENDER", "LEMME SMASH", "LET IT DIE", "LET THEM COME", "LEVIATHAN HARPOON", "LIBERATE THE WORLD", "LIBERTY AIN'T", "LIDLESS EYE", "LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE", "LIMITED TIME WARRANTY", "LIMITLESS CREATIVE ENERGY", "LITERALLY NUCLEAR", "LITHOBRAKER", "LITTLE DEATH", "LITTLE MISS LEVITY", "LIVE FAST DIE FASTER", "LIVE LAUGH LOVE", "LIVE, DIE, REPEAT", "LO-FI HIPHOP BEATDOWN", "LONG WAY FROM HOME", "LOOK BEHIND YOU", "LOOK UPON MY WORKS", "LOOMING FORECLOSURE", "LOST IN PLACE", "LOVE AND WAR", "LOVE CONQUERS ALL", "LOVEABLE BUTCHER", "LOVELY APOCALYPSE", "MACBETHSLAYER", "MACROBLOGGER", "MAD SCIENTIST", "MADE WITH LOVE", "MAGIC MISSILE", "MAGNIFICENT CODPIECE", "MAGNITUDE OF ORDER", "MAIN BATTLE SHARK TANK", "MAJOR MALFUNCTION", "MAKE IT BREAK IT", "MAKE ME FEEL", "MALWARE GOD", "MAXIMUM EFFORT", "MEAT POPSICLE", "MECH OF UNUSUAL SIZE", "MECH OVER MATTER", "MECH THE RIPPER", "MECH WIFE MECH LIFE", "MECH WITH NO NAME", "MECH WORRIER", "MECH, MYSELF, AND I", "MECH-SIZED DUCK", "MECHNOMANCER", "MECHS DRUGS ROCK AND ROLL", "MEGATON WIPEOUT", "MICROTRANSACTION HELL", "MIDDLE CHILD", "MIDNIGHT WITCHCRAFT", "MIGHT MAKES LEFT", "MINIMIZE CATASTROPHE", "MISERY BUTTON", "MISTAKE NOT MY CURRENT STATE OF JOSHING GENTLE PEEVISHNESS FOR THE AWESOME AND TERRIBLE MAJESTY OF THE TOWERING SEAS OF IRE THAT ARE THEMSELVES THE MERE MILQUETOAST SHALLOWS FRINGING MY VAST OCEANS OF WRATH", "MISTRESS OF PUPPETS", "MODUS OPERANDI", "MOMMY'S LITTLE ANGEL", "MONEY SHOT", "MONSTER MASH", "MONUMENT TO WAR", "MOON PATROL", "MOONHOPPER", "MOONLIGHT SONATA", "MOONWALKER", "MORALITY ABYSS", "MOREL PANIC", "MORTAL ENGINE", "MORTALLY BANKRUPT", "MOTHER'S LOVE", "MOTHERSHIP DOWN", "MOUNTAIN OF MADNESS", "MOUNTED GODHEAD", "MOVING WALKWAY", "MR ALICE", "MR ROBOTO", "MR SANDMAN", "MR. TURNIP", "MULTIOCULAR O", "MURDER ME SOFTLY", "MX NICE MECH", "MY BAD IDEA, THAT'S WHOSE", "MY OTHER CAR", "MYSTERY ANEURYSM", "MYSTERY MACHINE", "NEURAL NETWORK THERAPIST", "NEUTRON STAR BALLET", "NEVER AGAIN", "NEVER BRING A GUN TO A MECH FIGHT", "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP", "NEVER NEXT YEAR", "NEVER THIS DOOMSDAY", "NEVERMORE", "NEW DOG OLD TRICKS", "NEW IN TOWN", "NIETZSCHE'S UBERMECH", "NIGHT AT THE OPERA", "NINJA TORTOISE", "NO BOYS ALLOWED", "NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MECHS", "NO MORE VILLAINS", "NO SMOKING ZONE", "NO TOMORROW TODAY", "NO WAY OUT", "NOT A MEDIC", "NOT A MOON", "NOT DEAD YET", "NOT KIDDING", "NOT NAILED DOWN", "NOT NOW NOT NEVER", "NOT SAFE FOR WORK", "NOT YOUR DOLL", "NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS", "NOTHING EVER ENDS", "NUCLEAR HALO", "NYCTOPHOBE", "OBLIVION AWAITS", "OBLOODERATOR", "OBSIDIAN SENTINEL", "OBSOLESCENCE FANTASY", "OBVIOUS METAPHOR", "OKTOBERFEST BLOODBATH", "ONE GIANT STEP", "ONE HIT KAY OH", "ONE HUNDRED DUCK-SIZED MECHS", "ONE MORE TIME", "ONLY CHEATERS PROSPER", "ONWARD AND UPWARD", "OPEN BOOK", "OPEN VEIN NIGHT", "OPPOSITION ABJURATION", "ORDER OF MAGNITUDE", "ORDER UP", "ORGANIC FAILURE", "ORGANLEGGER", "ORION RAINBOW", "OUT OF AMMO", "OVERENGINEERED KETTLE", "OVERFLOW MISCALCULATION", "OXFORD'S COMA", "PACK YOUR BAGS", "PACKED JET", "PAIN THRESHOLD", "PARABLE OF MEAT", "PARENTAL SUPERVISION", "PARISH", "PARRY KING", "PARTICIPATORY REALISM", "PARTICLE COLLIDER", "PARTY FAVOUR", "PARTY LIKE IT'S 2999", "PASSABLY PEACEFUL", "PASSIVELY AGGRESSIVE", "PASTA OF MUPPETS", "PAVEMENTWALKER", "PAY MY LUNCH", "PEACE IN MY TIME", "PEACE MACHINE", "PEACEMONGER", "PEARLS BEFORE SWINE", "PEASHOOTER", "PENROSE TRIANGLE", "PERFECT LIKE ME", "PERFECT MISTAKE", "PERFIDIOUS BEDLAM", "PERFORMATIVE PERFORATOR", "PEW PEW PEW", "PIECE OF JUNK", "PILE O' MORPHEMES", "PILLAGE THEN BURN", "PINING FJORD", "PINK FREUD", "PISTON CHIEF", "PIZZA ENTHUSIAST", "PLACEBO MECH", "PLANET EATER", "PLASTIC DRACULA", "PLAY TO WIN", "PLEBIAN ELITE", "PLYWOOD ANGEL", "POSSUM MCROADKILL", "POWER HOUR", "POWER SWITCH", "PRACTICAL PROBLEM", "PRECISE INCISION", "PREMEDITATED SELF-DEFENCE", "PRESSURISED TERRARIUM", "PRION DREAMS", "PRISON BREAKER", "PRIVATE MESSAGE", "PROFANITY ZONE", "PROFESSIONALLY OBNOXIOUS", "PROFESSOR CONTRADICTOR", "PROOF BY CONDUCTION", "PROPHECY REBOOT", "PROSE IN MOTION", "PSYTRANCE JAWBONE", "PUBLIC HAIR", "PUMP THE BRAKES", "PUPPY GOT TEETH", "RADIATION WITCH", "RAGS TO BITCHES", "RAIN OF FROGS", "RAINY DAY", "RANDOMIZER DEITY", "RAPID APPROACH", "REAPER NUMBER FOUR", "REBUILD THIS", "RED NOTE", "REDLINE FALLOUT", "REMEMBER HER NAME", "RESET THE CLOCK", "REST WHEN DEAD", "RETURN TO SENDER", "REVERSE INJUSTICE", "REVISED DEMISE", "RIBCAGE TOOTHBRUSH", "RIDDLE OF STRENGTH", "RIGHT MAKES MIGHT", "RIP AND TEAR", "ROAD RUNNER", "ROLLING FEVER", "ROOFTOP SNIPER", "ROOTIN TOOTIN", "ROSES ARE RED", "RUBBLE RAZER", "RUCKUS AMPLIFIER", "RUNNING ON FUMES", "R脰SEW脛TER J脛GERMEISTER", "SACRIFICIAL BLAM", "SAFETY INSPECTOR", "SAME TYPE ATTACK BONUS", "SAN FRAN AVENGER", "SANCTIONED ATROCITY", "SAY MY NAME", "SAY THAT TO MY FIST", "SCABBREAKER", "SCANWITCH", "SCARIFIER", "SCARLET PATHOGEN", "SCHR脰DINGER'S RHINO", "SCREAMING STARFALL", "SCRIPFUCKER", "SCYLLA", "SECOND GEAR SLAUGHTERHOUSE", "SENATORIAL INQUIRY", "SERIOUS GOURMET", "SESQUIPEDALLY LACONIC", "SEVERAL PEOPLE ARE TYPING", "SEX DRUGS ROCK AND ROLL", "SHAKE SPEAR", "SHAME INCARNATE", "SHAVE 'EM DRY", "SHINY ROACH", "SHINY TRINKET", "SHOOT THE MOON", "SHORT ATTENTION SPAN", "SHOTGUN EXORCISM", "SHOVE IT WHERE", "SHOVE THY NEIGHBOR", "SHRUG EMOJI", "SHUT UP AND DANCE", "SIC SEMPER TYRANNOSAURUS", "SILMARIL", "SINS BY COMMISSION", "SINVINCIBLE", "SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING", "SKINBALL WIZARD", "SKINDIVER", "SKYSCRAPER SMACKDOWN", "SLEIPNIR", "SLIPPERY WHEN WET", "SLOW DANCER", "SLUGMAN DOMINATRIX", "SMALL VICIOUS DOG", "SMELLS LIKE GORGONZOLA", "SMILING EYES", "SNARKHUNTER", "SNEAK ATTACKER", "SOCIAL DESTRUCT", "SOLAR PLEXUS", "SOLIPSISM ENGINE", "SOLOMON THE LESSER", "SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED", "SOMETHING WICKED", "SORRY NOT SORRY", "SPAMCAN", "SPARTAN MITOSIS", "SPAWN POINT HERO", "SPECIAL BOY", "SPICY BEAN", "SPINAL SCREAM", "SPIRAL FRACTURE", "SPLATTERJACK", "SPLEENS AND MINDS", "SPLIT INFINITY", "SPONSORED BY AUDIBLE", "SQUEAKY WHEEL", "STABILITY OVERRATE", "STACK OVERFLOW", "STAINLESS STEEL RAT", "STAND DOWN OR ELSE", "STARING CONTEST CHAMPION", "START RUNNING NOW", "STICKINTHEMUD", "STONE AGE SEX SYMBOL", "STOP DROP AND ROLL", "STOPPING POINTER", "STRAIGHT A STUDENT", "STRATOSPHERE SUPLEX", "STRAYLIGHT RAZOR", "STRENGTH IS A VIRTUE", "STRONG INDEPENDENT ARMAGEDDON", "STRONTIUM SPATULA", "STUDENT DEBT", "SUCKER CRUNCH", "SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME", "SUGAR DADDY", "SUN TZU'S ART OF GORE", "SUNS OUT GUNS OUT", "SUPER EFFECTIVE", "SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS", "SUPERCOLLIDER", "SURREPTITIOUS REPLACEMENT", "SWEET RIDE", "SWIGGITY SWOOTY", "SWIPE RIGHT", "SYNCOPATED ALGORITHM", "SYNTAX ERROR", "TACTICAL ERROR", "TACTICAL PREACHER", "TASTE BLOOD", "TASTE OF RAIN", "TAXES", "TEA EARL GREY HOT", "TEACHABLE MOMENT", "TECHNICAL PACIFIST", "TEENAGE MUTANT GIANT ROBOT", "TEETH CHEWER", "TELL ME YOU LOVE ME", "TEMPLE ARISEN", "TEMPORAL DISPLACEMENT", "TEN TON TOMBSTONE", "TENDERIZER", "TESTING TESTING ONE TWO THREE", "THAT WHICH LIES", "THAT'S A DATE", "THAT'S A PADDLIN'", "THAT'S A PROMISE", "THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM OF EVIL", "THE BACKUP", "THE BEST DEFENCE", "THE BIGGER GUNS", "THE D WORD", "THE DEVIL'S MECH", "THE END NEARS", "THE MECH WITH NO NAME", "THE OTHER CHEEK", "THE SPANISH INQUISITION", "THE THING", "THE TIME IS NOW", "THE WHOLE OF THE LAW", "THEN PERISH", "THETA OMEGA THETA", "THINKING OUT LOUD", "THIS AIN'T IT", "THIS DARN CAT", "THIS IS NOT THE END", "THIS MECH PUNCHES UP", "THIS MECHS ACTUAL NAME IS JUST A 20 MINUTE MP3 OF MY DOG BARKING YOU CAN FIND THE FILE ON MY WEBSITE", "THIS SIDE UP", "THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK", "THRASHING DOVE", "THREE POUND GUN", "THREE-HEADED MONKEY", "THROUPLE THREAT", "TINNITUS INDUCER", "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN", "TOMORROW'S FUTURE", "TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL", "TOOK THE BAIT", "TOP SCORE", "TORQUE SLIPDRIVE", "TOTAL HEAT DEATH", "TOWERFALL", "TRANSITION MENTAL", "TRASH MAN", "TRESPASSER TERMINATOR", "TRICKSTER BEAST", "TROUBLE ON LEGS", "TRUE CRIMINAL", "TRUTH JUSTICE PANCAKES", "TRY AND MAKE ME", "TRYHARD MASTERMIND", "TSAR BOMBA", "TUNGUSKA ORACLE", "TURBO LOVER", "TURNABOUT INTRUDER", "TWITCH.TV/MECHTRICKS", "TWO ROBOTS IN A TRENCHCOAT", "TWO STEPS FORWARD", "TWO STORY DEITY", "TWO TRUCKS", "TWO WRONGS TOO FEW", "TYPE ADVANTAGE", "TYRANNOSAURUS MECHS", "UGLYMUG", "ULTIMA RATIO MOTHERFUCKERS", "UNAMBIGUOUS SARCASM", "UNAPOLOGIST", "UNBENDABLE", "UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE", "UNCONTROLLED TRIAL", "UNCOUNTED CASUALTY", "UNDER COMPENSATING", "UNFRIENDLY GREEN GIANT", "UNHOLY SWINE", "UNKINDLED ASH", "UNMERCIFUL BASTARD", "UNMODERATABLE", "UNSTABLE SEQUENCE", "UNTIL IT'S DONE", "UNTITLED MECH NAME", "UNTOUCHABLE", "UNUTTERABLE PAIN", "UPFRONT FEE", "UPGUNNED ZODIAC", "UWU WHATS THIS", "VALKYRIE RIDER", "VAMPIRE HUNTED", "VANTABLACK", "VAPORIZEWAVE", "VAST AND TRUNKLESS", "VEGAN KAIJU", "VELVET FIST", "VENGEANCE BUS", "VICE IS VIRTUE", "VICTORY SHITS", "VICTORY THROUGH ANGUISH", "VIDEO GAMES", "VIOLENCE ARE BLUE", "VIOLENCE PERPETUATION MACHINE", "VIOLENCE PERPETUATOR", "VIOLENT GESTATION", "VIOLENT MORATORIUM", "VISCERA DECOR", "VISIBLE CONFUSION", "VISIBLE HAND", "VIVACIOUS GUTPUNCHER", "VOLCANO UNPLUGGED", "VORACIOUS CHRYSANTHEMUM", "WAKE ME UP", "WANDERING FOOL", "WANNA FIGHT", "WANNA GO HOME", "WANT HOT PICS? CALL JASON. 555-432-1234", "WAR ENDS HERE", "WAR WERE DECLARED", "WARMONGER WOODPECKER", "WATCH THE SKIES", "WE ARE WATCHING", "WE MEET AGAIN", "WE SHALL OVERCOME", "WE'RE STILL FIGHTING?", "WEIRD DOG", "WHERE WE DROPPING", "WHERE'S THE BEEF", "WHO THE FUCK", "WHY CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG", "WHY NOT FIGHT WITH MECH-SIZED SWORDS INSTEAD", "WINDUP TOYBOX", "WINNER WINNER", "WIPE THE SLATE", "WITCH HAMMER", "WITCH KING", "WITNESS THE MOONLIGHT", "WIZARD OF CLAWS", "WIZARD SHIT", "WIZARD TEETH", "WORDS WORDS WORDS", "WORRY ABOUT IT", "WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT", "WRATH AMBASSADOR", "X MEET Y", "Y'ALL'D'VE'A'INT", "YEEHAW SUNDOWN", "YEETMASTER", "YELLOW BRICK DRIFTER", "YESTERYEAR COMEBACK", "YOU AND WHAT ICC", "YOU AND WHOSE ARMY?", "YOU CAN'T RUN", "YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO", "YOU DID IT NOW", "YOU WOT", "YOU'RE UGLY, YOU'RE DISGUSTING, I'M GONNA KILL YOU", "YOUR ANCESTORS DESPAIR", "YOUR NAME HERE", "ZODIAC KILLER", "xXELITESNIPER420Xx",]; //weapons var weapon_cores = ["Accelerator: 1d10 damage, range 1", "Blade: 1d10 damage, ignores 1 armor", "Blaster: 3d4 damage, ignores 1 armor", "Cannon: 2d6 damage, range 1", "Missiles: 4d4 damage", "Mortar: 1d12 damage, can only attack at range 2 (no closer)", "Saw: 2d8 damage", "Impactor: 1d12 damage", "Rifle: 2d6 damage, always attack in First Strike phase", "Rockets: 1d10 damage, range 1, explosive (hits everyone in target area, both allies and enemies)"] var weapon_mods = ["Anti-Armor: +1 die vs targets with Armor 3+.", "Blitz: +1 die against a target that hasn't been hit yet this round.", "Burst: +1 die vs targets who've taken 6+ damage this round.", "Chemical: +1 die against targets suffering an ongoing debuff.", "Combo: +1 die when fired alongside a Combo weapon on another mech. Both mechs must be in the same zone and acting in the same phase. Make both attacks simultanously.", "Energy: +1 die when plugged into a larger, stationary power source like a Power Plant or Research Lab.", "Fallback: +1 die if your mech's been Breached.", "Fine-Tuned: +1 die if you haven't taken damage yet this combat.", "Focused: +1 die vs targets that haven't moved yet this round.", "Heavy: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Chassis as part of the attack.", "Hunter: +1 die vs targets with Category > base damage dice.", "Kinetic: +1 die if you've moved closer to the target this round.", "Overcharged: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Reactor as part of the attack.", "Rapid Fire: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Engines as part of the attack.", "Reactive: +1 die if you've been hit by the target this round.", "Reliable: +1 die if the damage would be reduced to 0. Roll this die after all the rest of the damage is tallied. Doesn't stack with itself.", "Stabilized: +1 die if you burn a Move action first to aim (dont move, just expend the action).", "Tactical: +1 die against abilities that the Kaiju used this turn.", "Tracking: +1 die if the target's moved this round.", "Twin-Linked: +1 die if you've fired another weapon with the same core on your mech this round."] //abilities var abilities = { "Auxiliary Limbs: 2. Can take any number of times. Each limb set passively reduces strain damage for either attacks (arms) or movement (legs) by 2 (minimum 1).": [2, 4, 6], "Bunker Mode: 4+. By burning a Move action, you can gain (points) damage reduction for the round if you haven't moved and don't move.": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "Hazard Plating: 3+. Reduce damage from extremes of heat, pressure, pH, radiation, etc by (points). Does not reduce kinetic damage, from things (like kaiju claws) hitting your mech really hard. Fully seals mech against fluids, gasses, etc. Can double damage reduction for the round with an action.": [3], "Heavy Armor: 4+. All attacks that deal (+) or less damage don't affect your mech. Can't have (+) greater than 6 (some experimental tech might increase this).": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], "Stabilizer: 2. You can roll Chassis instead of Engines to Dodge. If you would be moved, you can strain Chassis to resist being moved.": [2], "Titan Frame: 8. Your mech is the size of a category 1 kaiju. You can always strain Chassis to reduce the number of damage dice rolled against you by 1.": [8], "Air Frame: 5. Your mech can fly. You ignore all ground-based hazards and can engage flying kaiju in melee.": [5], "Bore Drill: 5. Your mech can burrow. Whenever you move, you can choose if you're underground or on the surface. Underground characters can't target or be targeted by characters on the surface, and vice versa (area attacks that damage everything in a zone still harm you, as do attacks that can specifically target underground characters).": [5], "Grappling Array: 3. A set of high-tension cables and rocket-propelled hooks lets you grapple onto locations and targets in the same zone with a move action. If the grappled target moves, you do too. You can also use this to pull grappled targets with a strained Engines roll (large enough targets are hopeless to pull). When you take damage, you must make a strained Engines roll or choose to decouple.": [3], "Jump Jets: 2. Your mech has VTOL boosters. While you can't move laterally in the air, your jets will let you do vertical jumps up buildings or kaiju hide. You can engage flying kaiju in melee.": [2], "Lateral Thrusters: 2. When you successfully Dodge, you may move to an adjacent zone. Uses past the first strain Engines.": [2], "Reaction Boosters: 3. Your first Dodge each round can strain Engines instead of being an Engines roll.": [3], "Bioform: 3+. Grown from your cell culture strung over a kaiju-bone scaffold, the Eschaton Core is the raw beating heart of your meatpunk mecha. Restore (+) to a system of your choice at the start of each round. By taking an action to consume a large quantity of flesh, you can get a (+) bonus to one of your systems for the rest of the round.": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "Energy Shields: 1+. You have (points) damage resistance per round. Recharges at the start of the round. Doesn't apply to Strain.": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "Eschaton Manifest: (Reactor). Pick a Kaiju ability or create an ability in a similar style. You can wield that ability by straining your Reactor. On a failure, the ability still occurs, but your core powers down until your next turn. All rolls are strained until it comes back online.": [-1], "Gravity Hook: 3. You can roll Reactor instead of Engines to move. You can also move mech-size or smaller targets in the same zone as you with a strained Reactor roll.": [3], "Stealth Shroud: 4. You can disappear from the visible spectrum, making you unlikely to be targeted by the kaiju unless you're the only character within range (or it's hitting the zone you're in with an area attack). All actions while under stealth besides movement are strained, and taking damage decloaks you until the start of your next turn.": [4], "Teleport Beacons: 3+. As part of a move action, you can drop a Teleport Beacon in the zone you're moving from, or strain Reactor to teleport to any beacon you've set up. You get one beacon for taking this system and have (+) spares. Picking up a deployed beacon is free. Beacons are destroyed if they take any damage.": [3, 4, 5], "Backup Batteries: 2+. Even if your Reactor is 0, you can always treat it as if it's (points) for rolls and strain.": [2, 3, 4], "Drone Carrier: 2+. You have (points/2) drones attached to hardpoints on your mech. Each has an unmodded weapon and a single system with cost less than or equal to (+). You can use a Move action to move each of your drones instead of your mech, and an Attack action to have one of them attack. Strain for these actions can be allocated to a drone instead, though if a drone ever takes damage it's immediately destroyed.": [2, 4, 6, 8], "Heavy Reactor: 4. Reduce Reactor strain damage by 2 (minimum 1).": [4], "Modular Circuitry: 2+. At the start of your turn, you can choose a stat or a system to get a (+) bonus. You can't use any other stats or systems this turn.": [2, 3, 4, 5], "Overdrive Vents: 2. Once per round, you can strain Reactor instead of another stat.": [2], "Spinal Mount: 3+. Pick a weapon. You can strain Reactor to give it (points) extra damage. You can only have one Spinal Mounted weapon.": [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "Black Box Neural Net: 2. Advanced neural nets give you advance warning of the kaiju's next move. You can take one of your actions each round immediately after the GM announces the kaiju taking an action, before the kaiju's action is resolved.": [2], "Comptroller Matrix: 2+. You can spend an action to let an ally take a free action on your turn. They get plus (points) to one roll they make with that action.": [2, 3, 4, 5], "Deep-Scan Suite: 2. If you can spend a whole round uninterrupted in the same zone as the kaiju doing nothing but gathering data on its capabilities, you learn one of its hidden abilities, and players can now target it.": [2], "Onboard AI: 4. If you get exactly the target number on a roll, you get a critical success and can do something extra (negotiated with the GM).": [4], "Satellite Uplink: 3. You know what the exact values of the kaiju's visible abilities are.": [3], "Targeting Optics: 3. When the kaiju exposes a weak point, your attacks ignore its armor as well as category resistance.": [3], "Breach Sealant: 2. Once per combat, you can negate the effects of one Breach on your mech or a mech in the same zone.": [2], "Creature Comforts: 1. Heated seats, air-cooled cockpit, kaiju-leather control pads. No aches and pains distracting you. You can reroll one die per combat for free.": [1], "Custom Paint Job: 1. You can ruin your paint job to ablate one enemy attack. Recharges when you give it a new paint job out of combat.": [1], "\"Juice\" Injectors: 2. You can always act in First Strike if you want to, regardless of initiative. Take 1 Overflow damage if you choose to activate this in combat.": [2], "Shock Harness: 1. Reduce all Overflow damage taken by 2 (minimum 1).": [1], "Streaming Rig: 1. You can make some extra cash by livestreaming your fights. Rules forthcoming for downtime and bills and repairs and the like.": [1]} function randint(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } function get_from_list(list) { return list[randint(0, list.length - 1)]; } function get_random_weapon() { var weapon = get_from_list(weapon_mods); return weapon.replace(":"," " + get_from_list(weapon_cores) + ", "); } function shuffle(a) { for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]]; } return a; } function generate_mech() { var name = get_from_list(mech_name_list); var budget = 25; var core_points = randint (10,15); budget -= core_points; var core_stats = []; core_stats.push(1 + randint(5, 9)); core_points -= core_stats[0] - 1; core_stats.push(1 + randint(1, core_points)) core_points -= core_stats[1] - 1; core_stats.push(1 + core_points); shuffle(core_stats); var chassis = core_stats[0]; var engines = core_stats[1]; var reactor = core_stats[2]; var weapons = []; weapons.push(get_random_weapon()); budget -= 5; if (randint(0,1) == 1) { weapons.push(get_random_weapon()); budget -= 5; } var mech_abilities = {}; var ability_names = []; for (var key in abilities) { ability_names.push(key); } while (budget > 0) { var system = get_from_list(ability_names); //get a random possible cost var cost = get_from_list(abilities[system]); //handle the eschaton manifest if (cost == -1) { cost = reactor; } //if you can afford it, add it if (cost <= budget) { mech_abilities[system] = cost; budget -= cost; //but if you can't afford it, see if the minimum possible cost is affordable } else if ((abilities[system][0] <= budget) && (abilities[system][0] > 0)) { //tick down cost until it's just within budget, which can be higher than the minimum while (cost > abilities[system][0]) { cost -= 1; if (cost <= budget) { mech_abilities[system] = cost; budget -= cost; break; } } } } document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML = "://mech.callsign//:<br> |:- " + name + " -:|"; document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML += "<br><br>://<br>|:- Chassis " + chassis + " -:| |:- Engines " + engines + " -:| |:- Reactor " + reactor + " -:|"; document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML += "<br><br>://mech.weapons//:"; for (w in weapons) { document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML += "<br>|:- " + weapons[w] + " -:|"; } document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML += "<br><br>://"; for (a in mech_abilities) { document.getElementById("mech").innerHTML += "<br>|:- " + mech_abilities[a] + " -:| " + a; } } generate_mech() </script> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>&nbsp;://pilot.manual.core//:</b></span></div> <br /> The Eschaton Core is poorly-understood and difficult to scale, but easily replicable. When linked to a human cognitive experience, it provides clean (in conventional senses), easily-distributable, and controllable power. It obviously breaks conservation laws, yet is impractical as a civilian energy source for several reasons.<br /> <br /> The amount of energy a core produces correlates to hundreds of factors. It seems to respond to linked pilot emotional state, surrounding energy fluctuations, kaiju proximity, *violence* and *meaning* and perhaps even *dramatic tension* (which scientists gave up on understanding a long time ago). You can't use this to power a plane or a city. It's not exclusively for mechs, but it produces exponentially more power in one than it does anywhere else.<br /> <br /> While it's not a pollutant, it fucks up your brain. The connection's a two-way street. Prolonged exposure changes your cognition to match its use context - when all you have is a mech, every problem looks like a kaiju. Mech pilots become more combative, more self-sacrificial, more impulsive, and more heroic (according to their cultural notions of heroism). This leads them to early graves, even out of their mech.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> For a pilot in the right mindset, the core will start to produce energy that can be harnessed through a dizzying array of auxiliary systems to produce seemingly magical effects. Flight. Force fields. Damaging auras of pure energy. Summoned beasts of light and fury, multiplying the destructive power of weapons tenfold. These are linked to the pilot's own predilections and combat style, as well as the stakes of the battle. In short, it takes a pilot's will, and makes it reality. <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> Our weapons are no longer mere wonders of science and engineering. Now the human element - meaning - translates directly into their power. Cultural context and lived experience are essential to pilot outcomes, so we've sent deeply traumatized individuals into a deeply traumatizing conflict, and expect them to carry the weight of the apocalypse on their shoulders.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://pilot.manual.basics//:</b></span></div> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div> <br /> There's two types of test: a Roll and Strain. Each is a d10, usually against one of the mech's stats (Chassis, Engines, or Reactor).<br /> <br /> Rolling is just a binary success/failure. Roll equal to or less than the target number to succeed; rolling over is a failure.<br /> <br /> Straining always succeeds, but if you don't get equal to or less than the target number, you take damage. This is usually 2, and increases by 2 every time you Strain in a round, even if you don't take damage. Your first strain roll deals 2 damage if you fail, your second deals 4, third deals 6, etc.<br /> <br /> Rolls and strain aren't interchangeable. You can't swap one for the other at will, only if a system or the GM lets you.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://pilot.manual.controls//:</b></span></div> <div style="text-align: center;"> </div> <br /> On your turn, you get two actions for free. The base action types are Move, Attack, and System. You only get to do each action once.<br /> <br /> If you want to take an extra action beyond the first two, you may strain the relevant stat. You can do this any number of times, in any order. These extra actions may be additional actions of a type you've taken.<br /> <br /> When you Move, move to an adjacent zone. For an extra Move, strain Engines.<br /> <br /> When you Attack, fire one of your mech's weapons at an enemy within range. Pick an ability to target, reduce the number of damage dice you roll based on the kaiju's Category, add any from weapon mods, roll damage, then remove all the dice with values equal to or less than the kaiju's Armor. For an extra Attack, strain Chassis.<br /> <br /> System actions are based on whichever subsystem you're using. For an extra System action, strain Reactor.<br /> <br /> Other actions exist and are up to you and the GM to adjudicate. Sheltering civilians with your chassis, picking up a new mech-scale weapon, making an impassioned plea to corporate overhead for reinforcements, pulling the body of your best friend out of the shattered carcass of their mech. Each of these would count as an action. <br /> <b><br /></b> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://pilot.manual.survival//:</b></span></div> <br /> When a Kaiju attacks your mech, you get to Dodge. Roll Engines; on a success, you avoid the damage. On a failure, you take it and go down hard. Allocate the damage to a stat of your choice (all damage to the same stat). Excess damage goes directly to you, the pilot. Every point of overflow damage you take keeps you out of action for a week. Medical care can reduce that time, but isn't cheap (this is, of course, the American healthcare system we're talking about).<br /> <br /> When a stat goes to 0, roll on its Breach table. When all your stats are at 0, your mech goes from a somewhat capable battle machine to just another lump of battlefield scrap.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="636" /></a> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://</b></span></div> <br /> You've got 25 points to build a mech. 1 point&nbsp; = 1 in a core stat. All core stats start at 1 for free.<br /> <br /> You can't spend more than 15 points on core stats. You can increase them through rewards and play.<br /> A weapon is 5 points.<br /> <br /> A system has a base cost in points and might scale for each additional point you put into it.<br /> <br /> I encourage players to try to break this. If you do, congratulations, welcome to the big leagues. EXTERMINATE BERSERK is cutting a swathe towards Shanghai and we need all the warm bodies we can put in its way.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://mech.core//:</b></span></div> <br /> Chassis: A mech is only as tough as its frame. If the steel doesn't hold together, you've just got a garage of very expensive, very fragile, often explosive components. Roll Chassis for in-mech feats of strength, resisting damage, or holding together when you push your mech beyond its limits.<br /> <br /> Engines: The joints and hydraulics and actuators that make your mech go. Sometimes includes actual rocket boosters or jet engines. Roll Engines for moving quickly and dodging attacks.<br /> <br /> Reactor: Your mech's thrumming heart, cabled into your nervous system, beating in tandem with the rhythm of your thoughts. Roll Reactor for anything that needs its power, whether that's charging a system, unleashing raw energy, or sustaining a power drain from a parasitic kaiju.<br /> <br /> <b>://mech.core.breach//:</b><br /> 1. <i>Crushing Strain</i>: Strain for 3 damage instead of 2 for the rest of the battle.<br /> 2. <i>Immobilized</i>: You can't move under your own power until the end of next round. Afterwards, moving always strains Engines.<br /> 3. <i>Neural Feedback Overload</i>: Take 2 Overflow damage as the Eschaton core's context overlays itself partially onto your mind. Gain or increase the level of your the trauma Coreshock (rules forthcoming).<br /> 4. <i>Shattered Windshield</i>: All damage you take from here on out inflicts half as much damage as Overflow.<br /> 5. <i>System Shocked</i>: Your highest-point system deactivates for the rest of the battle.<br /> 6. <i>Weapon Jammed</i>: One of your weapons stops working for the rest of the battle.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="523" /></a></div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://mech.weapons//:</b></span></div> <br /> First, pick your weapon's core. This determines its base damage die size and other innate bonuses. All weapons by default can't attack targets outside of the zone the wielder's in. Weapon cores with lots of small damage dice have higher baseline damage output and will have leftover dice after Category resistances, but scale worse with Mods and will get negated by Armor more often. Weapon cores with few but powerful damage dice fare better against armor, but get rapidly nullified by high-Category threats.<br /> <br /> Remember how Kaiju resistances work: Armor ignores all damage dice with results less than or equal to the armor, and the Category reduces the number of dice you get to roll by (Category-1).<br /> <br /> <b>://mech.weapons.core//:</b> <br /> 1. <i>Accelerator</i>: 1d10 damage, range 1<br /> 2. <i>Blade</i>: 1d10 damage, ignores 1 armor<br /> 3. <i>Blaster</i>: 3d4 damage, ignores 1 armor<br /> 4. <i>Cannon</i>: 2d6 damage, range 1<br /> 5. <i>Missiles</i>: 4d4 damage<br /> 6. <i>Mortar</i>: 1d12 damage, can only attack at range 2 (no closer)<br /> 7. <i>Saw</i>: 2d8 damage<br /> 8. <i>Impactor</i>: 1d12 damage<br /> 9. <i>Rifle</i>: 2d6 damage, always attack in First Strike phase<br /> 10. <i>Rockets</i>: 1d10 damage, range 1, explosive (hits everyone in target area, both allies and enemies)<br /> <br /> Every mech pilot optimizes their weapons for certain situations that they're likely to face. Modifications set circumstances in which the weapon gets extra damage dice. Each mod will only provide 1 die, so a Missile mod will increase it from 4d4 to 5d4, while a Blade mod will increase its damage from 1d10 to 2d10.<br /> <br /> All weapons start with 1 mod. More mods can be added after you've obtained enough resources from proving yourself worthy of further investment. You can't stack the same mod twice.<br /> <br /> Some mods' conditions are easier to achieve than others, and some work better with certain weapons. This is intentional. Eventually, when fighting against category 5s that shrug off 4 damage dice before even considering any other defenses, you'll need to stack every advantage you can get.<br /> <br /> <b>://mech.weapons.modifications//:&nbsp;</b><br /> 1. <i>Anti-Armor</i>: +1 die vs targets with Armor 3+.<br /> 2. <i>Blitz</i>: +1 die against a target that hasn't been hit yet this round.<br /> 3. <i>Burst</i>: +1 die vs targets who've taken 6+ damage this round.<br /> 4. <i>Chemical</i>: +1 die against targets suffering an ongoing debuff.<br /> 5. <i>Combo</i>: +1 die when fired alongside a Combo weapon on another mech. Both mechs must be in the same zone and acting in the same phase. Make both attacks simultanously.<br /> 6. <i>Energy</i>: +1 die when plugged into a larger, stationary power source like a Power Plant or Research Lab.<br /> 7. <i>Fallback</i>: +1 die if your mech's been Breached.<br /> 8. <i>Fine-Tuned</i>: +1 die if you haven't taken damage yet this combat.<br /> 9. <i>Focused</i>: +1 die vs targets that haven't moved yet this round.<br /> 10. <i>Heavy</i>: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Chassis as part of the attack.<br /> 11. <i>Hunter</i>: +1 die vs targets with Category &gt; base damage dice.<br /> 12. <i>Kinetic</i>: +1 die if you've moved closer to the target this round.<br /> 13. <i>Overcharged</i>: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Reactor as part of the attack.<br /> 14.<i> Rapid Fire</i>: +1 die if you roll to Strain your Engines as part of the attack.<br /> 15. <i>Reactive</i>: +1 die if you've been hit by the target this round.<br /> 16. <i>Reliable</i>: +1 die if the damage would be reduced to 0. Roll this die after all the rest of the damage is tallied. Doesn't stack with itself.<br /> 17. <i>Stabilized</i>: +1 die if you burn a Move action first to aim (don't move, just expend the action).<br /> 18. <i>Tactical</i>: +1 die against abilities that the Kaiju used this turn.<br /> 19. <i>Tracking</i>: +1 die if the target's moved this round.<br /> 20. <i>Twin-Linked</i>: +1 die if you've fired another weapon with the same core on your mech this round.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: large;"><b>://</b></span></div> <br /> Each system scales by (points) or by (+). (+) is the number of points spent past the base value, (points) is the total number of points in the ability. The divisions in type are arbitrary and flavorful to make the d66 table come out nice.<br /> <br /> [1] <b>://</b><br /> 1. <i>Auxiliary Limbs</i>: 2. Can take any number of times. Each limb set passively reduces strain damage for either attacks (arms) or movement (legs) by 2 (minimum 1).<br /> 2. <i>Bunker Mode</i>: 4+. By burning a Move action, you can gain (points) damage reduction for the round if you haven't moved and don't move.<br /> 3. <i>Hazard Plating</i>: 3+. Reduce damage from extremes of heat, pressure, pH, radiation, etc by (points). Does not reduce kinetic damage, from things (like kaiju claws) hitting your mech really hard. Fully seals mech against fluids, gasses, etc. Can double damage reduction for the round with an action.<br /> 4. <i>Heavy Armor</i>: 4+. All attacks that deal (+) or less damage don't affect your mech. Can't have (+) greater than 6 (some experimental tech might increase this).<br /> 5. <i>Stabilizer</i>: 2. You can roll Chassis instead of Engines to Dodge. If you would be moved, you can strain Chassis to resist being moved.<br /> 6. <i>Titan Frame</i>: 8. Your mech is the size of a category 1 kaiju. You can always strain Chassis to reduce the number of damage dice rolled against you by 1.<br /> <br /> [2] <b>://</b><br /> 1.<i> Air Frame</i>: 5. Your mech can fly. You ignore all ground-based hazards and can engage flying kaiju in melee.<br /> 2. <i>Bore Drill</i>: 5. Your mech can burrow. Whenever you move, you can choose if you're underground or on the surface. Underground characters can't target or be targeted by characters on the surface, and vice versa (area attacks that damage everything in a zone still harm you, as do attacks that can specifically target underground characters).<br /> 3. <i>Grappling Array</i>: 3. A set of high-tension cables and rocket-propelled hooks lets you grapple onto locations and targets in the same zone with a move action. If the grappled target moves, you do too. You can also use this to pull grappled targets with a strained Engines roll (large enough targets are hopeless to pull). When you take damage, you must make a strained Engines roll or choose to decouple.<br /> 4. <i>Jump Jets</i>: 2. Your mech has VTOL boosters. While you can't move laterally in the air, your jets will let you do vertical jumps up buildings or kaiju hide. You can engage flying kaiju in melee.<br /> 5. <i>Lateral Thrusters</i>: 2. When you successfully Dodge, you may move to an adjacent zone. Uses past the first strain Engines.<br /> 6. <i>Reaction Boosters</i>: 3. Your first Dodge each round can strain Engines instead of being an Engines roll.<br /> <br /> [3] <b>://</b><br /> 1. <i>Bioform</i>: 3+. Grown from your cell culture strung over a kaiju-bone scaffold, the Eschaton Core is the raw beating heart of your meatpunk mecha. Restore (+) to a system of your choice at the start of each round. By taking an action to consume a large quantity of flesh, you can get a (+) bonus to one of your systems for the rest of the round.<br /> 2. <i>Energy Shields</i>: 1+. You have (points) damage resistance per round. Recharges at the start of the round. Doesn't apply to Strain.<br /> 3. <i>Eschaton Manifest</i>: (Points = Reactor). Pick a Kaiju ability or create an ability in a similar style. You can wield that ability by straining your Reactor. On a failure, the ability still occurs, but your core powers down until your next turn. All rolls are strained until it comes back online.<br /> 4. <i>Gravity Hook</i>: 3. You can roll Reactor instead of Engines to move. You can also move mech-size or smaller targets in the same zone as you with a strained Reactor roll.<br /> 5. <i>Stealth Shroud</i>: 4. You can disappear from the visible spectrum, making you unlikely to be targeted by the kaiju unless you're the only character within range (or it's hitting the zone you're in with an area attack). All actions while under stealth besides movement are strained, and taking damage decloaks you until the start of your next turn. <br /> 6. <i>Teleport Beacons</i>: 3+. As part of a move action, you can drop a Teleport Beacon in the zone you're moving from, or strain Reactor to teleport to any beacon you've set up. You get one beacon for taking this system and have (+) spares. Picking up a deployed beacon is free. Beacons are destroyed if they take any damage.<br /> <br /> [4] <b>://</b><br /> 1. <i>Backup Batteries</i>: 2+ Even if your Reactor is 0, you can always treat it as if it's (points) for rolls and strain.<br /> 2.<i> Drone Carrier</i>: 2+. You have (points/2) drones attached to hardpoints on your mech. Each has an unmodded weapon and a single system with cost less than or equal to (+). You can use a Move action to move each of your drones instead of your mech, and an Attack action to have one of them attack. Strain for these actions can be allocated to a drone instead, though if a drone ever takes damage it's immediately destroyed.<br /> 3. <i>Heavy Reactor</i>: 4. Reduce Reactor strain damage by 2 (minimum 1).<br /> 4. <i>Modular Circuitry</i>: 2+. At the start of your turn, you can choose a stat or a system to get a (+) bonus. You can't use any other stats or systems this turn.<br /> 5. <i>Overdrive Vents</i>: 2. Once per round, you can strain Reactor instead of another stat.<br /> 6. <i>Spinal Mount</i>: 3+. Pick a weapon. You can strain Reactor to give it (points) extra damage. You can only have one Spinal Mounted weapon.<br /> <br /> [5] <b>://</b><br /> 1. <i>Black Box Neural Net</i>: 2. Advanced neural nets give you advance warning of the kaiju's next move. You can take one of your actions each round immediately after the GM announces the kaiju taking an action, before the kaiju's action is resolved<br /> 2. <i>Comptroller Matrix</i>: 2+. You can spend an action to let an ally take a free action on your turn. They get plus (points) to one roll they make with that action.<br /> 3. <i>Deep-Scan Suite</i>: 2. If you can spend a whole round uninterrupted in the same zone as the kaiju doing nothing but gathering data on its capabilities, you learn one of its hidden abilities, and players can now target it.<br /> 4. <i>Onboard AI</i>: 4. If you get exactly the target number on a roll, you get a critical success and can do something extra (negotiated with the GM).<br /> 5. <i>Satellite Uplink</i>: 3. You know what the exact values of the kaiju's visible abilities are.<br /> 6. <i>Targeting Optics</i>: 3. When the kaiju exposes a weak point, your attacks ignore its armor as well as category resistance.<br /> <br /> [6] <b>://</b><br /> 1. <i>Breach Sealant</i>: 2. Once per combat, you can negate the effects of one Breach on your mech or a mech in the same zone.<br /> 2. <i>Creature Comforts</i>: 1. Heated seats, air-cooled cockpit, kaiju-leather control pads. No aches and pains distracting you. You can reroll one die per combat for free.<br /> 3.<i> Custom Paint Job</i>: 1. You can ruin your paint job to ablate one enemy attack. Recharges when you give it a new paint job out of combat.<br /> 4. <i>"Juice" Injectors</i>: 2. You can always act in First Strike if you want to, regardless of initiative. Take 1 Overflow damage if you choose to activate this in combat.<br /> 5. <i>Shock Harness</i>: 1. Reduce all Overflow damage taken by 2 (minimum 1).<br /> 6. <i>Streaming Rig</i>: 1. You can make some extra cash by livestreaming your fights. Rules forthcoming for downtime and bills and repairs and the like. <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 5 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-410678285'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Tags: <a href='' rel='tag'>combat</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>generator</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>mecha</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>survival paradigm</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>vehicles</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>worldbuilding</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, April 17, 2020</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6777118448302662831' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6946692218784404190' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6946692218784404190'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>GLOGhacks are my Comfort Food</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6946692218784404190' itemprop='description articleBody'> It's tumultuous times. I have lots of ongoing, half-finished, scope-creeping projects, and no structure in my day to get any of them finished to my satisfaction. It's why I haven't posted in almost a month, despite this blog being one of my darlings. So instead of going higher and farther and innovating in RPG theory and pushing the bounds what an OSR game can <i>be</i>, I'm going to write another GLOGhack. There's some new(ish) bloggers doing the envelope-pushing who are absolutely incredible, and have inspired me by proximity to put in the work on a new as-of-yet untitled game that's going to try to incorporate a bunch of the ideas that I was too new and too chickenshit to crowbar into Mimics &amp; Miscreants.<br /> <br /> As for all of my "projects", I guarantee no completion. However, the stuff in this post should be broadly compatible and slottable into GLOGgy games - even M&amp;M.<br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a href=""><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="420" /></a></div> So here are my lofty aspirational goals:<br /> <ul> <li>A new combat system that doesn't ask a lot of fiddly stuff from players or the GM - whether it's weapon ability tracking, damage die balancing, or a million different wounds. That's what's in this post. It hasn't been playtested at all, but I like the core of it and I've played with lots of the ideas within.</li> <li>Separate Meat and Grit health pools. I sing the praises of Cavegirl's Esoteric Enterprises, which introduced me to lots of the little mechanical tools I'm trying to fit in here, and this is one of the best ones. I'm taking more of an inspiration for them from video games with separate Shield and Health pools - and this is a great conceptual way to adapt them from a sci-fi setting into a fantasy one.</li> <li>Crunchy bits, like the best part of slightly overcooked bacon. I've realized there's a bit of me that loves the crunch of fitting weird options together - not to the degree where I'll pore over obscure 3.5e splats for weeks, but enough to enjoy accidentally overpowered bullshit player option combinations. I'm including hooks and bits and bobs to appease that part of my brain, along the lines of the Fighter techniques in this post.</li> <li>10 level GLOG. So here's my problem: I love the speed and concision of 4 template classes, and spreading 4 templates over 10 levels hurts my soul the same way that 5e does. But I like awarding levels as session milestones, and I don't want players to end up capping out their book-granted power that quickly. I've played with this idea before, with the idea of classless upgrades in between template levels, and I'm not quite sure where I want to go with this. But I have ideas!</li> <ul> <li>Some classes have 6 templates. Some have 4. Some have 2. Some only have 1. Mandatory multiclassing if you want to get to 10 levels. This isn't a new idea, some authors have proposed 5-template GLOG with 4-template classes for the same reason. I'm just extending it ad absurdum.</li> <li>Optionally spreading out abilities across multiple levels, when you'd gain multiple things at one level. I hate the idea of dead levels, where you don't get anything but more hit points and your saves tick down, but a lot of the classes I write end up squeezing eight or more features into 4 templates. This is pretty easy to stretch out.</li> <li>Abilities no longer tied to specific templates. This is a weird one and doesn't work for some classes, but I think it makes a lot of sense and I've played around with it in any class that has a table of options that you gain over time (like my Thieves, either the original one from Type1Ninja or my new Thieves' Guilds). We'll see if I can make it work.</li> </ul> <li>I have a complicated relationship with race/folk/ancestry/background options in tabletop games. On one hand, I love the ability to mix and match folk/calling (race/class, for those of you who can read those words and not get distracted by what they signify in meatspace). On the other... race really doesn't end up having a mechanical effect on the game, certainly not to the same degree that class does. Fortunately, the OSR has an obvious answer to this problem: race-as-class! Unfortunately, that takes away the mixing and matching that I love. There's a few ways to solve this that I'm poking at - one is including race-as-class as a multiclassing option, and yes you can take levels in it after level 1 or mix and match race-as-class options, and another is includng it as a background skill, like previous failed career, putting it on similar mechanical footing to skills. Want to carve a tunnel? You could roll engineering... or you could roll Dwarf! Available to dwarves, those raised around or by dwarves, etc.</li> <li>Failed career path table instead of Skills. I already pretty much had this, just not obviously. I love these in other games, and skills always feel like a bit of a cop-out. Overall, you'll get two rolls from your choice of the following 3 tables: a big table of generic ones, a table of folk paths, and calling-specific failed careers. It's kinda like a life path, except you can't die in the middle of it.</li> <ul> <li>Yet.</li> </ul> <li>Hireling rules. I've had these in the wings for like six months now, they aren't anything special, but with the number of hirelings I expect Fighters, Clerics, Jacks, etc. to end up with it's honestly a massive oversight that I haven't already.</li> <li>Spell experimentation, like in Esoteric Enterprises. It's really good. Works like a charm. Don't have much more to say here besides the fact that it'll give me an excuse to dig up my Ways Wizards Explode chart.</li> <li>Ability scores that are 3d6 down the line, with the option to invert them if you roll poorly, or the option to just do Esoteric Enterprises' point-buy thing where you get 3 of each value from 1 through 6 and can build your own array out of those dice, summing 3 values of your choice for each score. It just works.</li> <li>Deed levelling! Loved it when I wrote it, and while I tend to just use milestones (or run one-shots), it's a system that fits together so much better with my playstyle than gold-for-xp.</li> <li>d100 Alignments, yet another post I wrote and love and want to put in a proper doc so it can get the exposure it needs.</li> <li>A solid diverse spread of weird classes and "normal" ones. Fighter, Butcher, and Fleshcrafter all have places in this system.</li> <li>Abilities that expand diegetically, hooking into the material world of the game instead of the mechanics. See the fighter's Talismans, Scarred, and Legend-Smith for examples. You progress by doing things and getting rewarded for it in the fiction, rather than solely through abstract processes of XP accumulation and poring over item lists.</li> <li>From Mimics &amp; Miscreants, stuff that worked and I love</li> <ul> <li>My GLOG levelless spell list. It's a travesty that it hasn't caught on. I'm gonna keep using it forever.</li> <li>Modifierless. Fuck modifier tables. We use sum-to-20 in this house and never add more than 2 numbers together.</li> <li>Scores-as-saves.</li> <li>How You Know The Character To Your Left</li> </ul> </ul> Without further ado, here's my new combat rules. They aren't exactly a centerpiece - or, I'd rather they not become the centerpiece - but undeniably combat is something that I fall back on to fill time in sessions, and therefore it needs a solid procedure. Plus, it's fun.<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: x-large;"><b>Combat</b></span></div> <br /> Initiative is determined at the start of each round by everyone making a Dexterity test, or another appropriate roll for the situation. Succeed and you go before the monsters. Fail and you go after them. Players get to figure out what their characters do during these phases; actions are treated as simultaneous or whatever order the players wish.<br /> <br /> Each turn, you get to move up to 60', and attack. You can split these, do one in the middle of the other, forego movement to take other actions like reloading or pulling levers or whatever, it's not a big deal.<br /> <br /> You only get one attack per turn unless something says otherwise.<br /> <br /> Don't roll to hit. All weapons deal d6 damage and are solely differentiated by what else you can use them for.<br /> <br /> Spears and polearms are long and let you make an attack against characters who try to close to melee with you.<br /> Daggers are concealable, lightweight, and balanced for throwing.<br /> Hammers reduce enemy armor on a hit.<br /> Swords mark their wielders as members of the nobility (or as someone who killed a member of the nobility and took it off their corpse) and are hard to come by.<br /> Axes are great tools for stuff other than war, and also will fuck up a shield something fierce.<br /> Bows can hit targets at range.<br /> Staves and the like are, at the very least, better than fighting unarmed.<br /> <br /> Two-handed weapons, like a battleaxe, warhammer, or greatsword roll a d8 for damage.<br /> <br /> Dual-wielding two one-handed weapons lets you reroll 1s for damage (unless it's a 1 from missing an attack against an armored enemy), if you're in any way trained martially to do so or the weapons are small enough that you won't trip over yourself.<br /> <br /> Unarmed attacks deal roll damage with disadvantage, and don't get the reroll benefit from dual-wielding. Grab a length of pipe at least, come on.<br /> <br /> There's other stuff you can have in your off-hand that'll be more useful than a weapon. Torches or lanterns. Shields. Your spellbook or holy icon. A rope. Your friend's hand. Swapping items on your turn gives you disadvantage on using them (or otherwise mitigates their utility).<br /> <br /> <b>Health</b> <br /> Player characters have two health pools, Grit and Meat. When you take damage, it first is dealt to your Grit pool. When Grit is depleted, further damage goes to your Meat pool. Grit gates Meat; if you have even one point of Grit the damage won't spill over into Meat. Grit can be restored during short and daily rests, or by magical healing, but Meat can't - it can only be healed in town.<br /> <br /> When you drop to 0 Grit, take a Wound. A Wound is a temporary penalty to an action that lasts until you return to maximum Grit.<br /> <br /> When you drop to 0 Meat, you may either gain a Scar and an associated permanent mechanical penalty, or make a death save. Roll your Meat dice and try to match or beat the amount of damage you've taken since you last dropped to 0 Meat. If you fail, you die.<br /> <br /> <b>Defenses</b> <br /> If you're wearing armor, when monsters attack you, you may make an Armor save. Roll under your Armor value. Leather is 6, chain is 10, plate is 14. Shields give +1 armor (or, if unarmored, base AC 4). If you succeed, you take 1 damage as the attack glances off you. If you fail, they get to roll for damage. Similarly, to attack an enemy who's wearing Armor, make a d20 roll vs. the enemy's Armor Class. A failed test glances off their armor, dealing 1 damage. If you succeed, roll damage as normal.<br /> <br /> Players who have Grit, and no Armor, can roll to Dodge. Make a Dexterity test. If you succeed, the attacker rolls damage with disadvantage. If you fail, they roll with advantage.<br /> <br /> After damage is rolled, a defender can voluntarily sunder their shield or helm (if they've got one handy) to reduce an attack's damage by 1d12, but the shield or helm breaks and falls to the ground.<br /> <br /> <b>Maneuvers</b><br /> If you want to make a called shot or trip an enemy or some other maneuver, make a skill test as part of your attack. If you succeed on the test, the maneuver works as well as the attack dealing damage. If you fail, the maneuver fails, and the attack only deals 1 damage.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Retreating</b> <br /> Roll over your current Encumbrance to successfully retreat from battle. You may drop items to decrease the target number. Success means you scape into the previous area/corridor/etc, wherever's safe and nearby. Enemies get a chance to pursue you into that area; they must make a d20 roll over your retreating roll.<br /> <br /> <b>Rests</b><br /> When you start the game, begin with max Grit and max Meat.<br /> <br /> Once per day, you can eat lunch. Spend an exploration turn and a ration. Roll your Grit dice and restore that much Grit.<br /> During a daily rest, with eight uninterrupted hours of sleep and a full meal of rations, return to maximum Grit.<br /> Back in town, a week of proper downtime (i.e. no sudden movements, bar brawls, a roof over your head, 3 square meals a day) will restore you to maximum Meat.<br /> <br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size: x-large;"><b>Fighter</b></span></div> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody> <tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="470" /></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">by <a href="">Matt Dunbar</a></td><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><br /></td></tr> </tbody></table> <div style="text-align: center;"> <i>"You call combat a fail-state, and yet you keep hiring folks like me." </i></div> <br /> <b>Hit Dice: </b>d8 Grit, d8 Meat<br /> <b>Failed Career:</b> 1. City Guard, 2. Criminal, 3. Gladiator, 4. Hunter, 5. Knight, 6. Soldier<br /> <b>Starting Equipment: </b>4 random weapons or 2 weapons of choice and 1 random weapon, chainmail armor, helm or shield, scar with history.<br /> <br /> <b>Level 1:</b> Tools of the Trade, Trophies, 1 Technique<br /> <b>Level 2: </b>Threat Assessment, Scarred, +1 Technique, +1 Grit die<br /> <b>Level 3:</b> Commander, +1 Technique, +1 Meat die<br /> <b>Level 4:</b> Legend-Smith, +1 Technique, +1 Grit die, +1 Meat die<br /> <br /> <b>Techniques:</b> You've trained, and warred, and learned from the mistakes of your allies, self, and enemies. These techniques of battle have ingrained themselves into your muscle memory. See below for a d20 list (not all-inclusive). Feel free to reflavor them into whatever fits your concept - special moves, a fighting style, a property of your weapons and armor...<br /> <br /> <b>Tools of the Trade:</b> You have an additional 4*level inventory slots, exclusively for weapons, shields, and armor. You may switch weapons and held items during combat on your turn for free.<br /> <br /> <b>Trophies:</b> Whenever you personally kill an enemy, you can take a trophy from their corpse or gear. So long as you have the trophy prominently displayed to your enemies, or constantly reminding you of its presence, you have a small benefit related to their abilities. Can't be more significant than a technique, niche skill, +1 armor, or advantage on initiative rolls. Each trophy takes up an inventory slot, all must be visibly unique, and no two can have the same ability.<br /> <br /> <i>1d20 trophies, retrieved from the corpses of lesser fighters you bested in battle</i><br /> 1. A baleful-star warlock's cracked telescope<br /> 2. A berzerker's nose ring<br /> 3. A noble's glass eye<br /> 4. A skull pulled from the sludgy remnants of a gelatinous cube<br /> 5. A splinter of mimic meatwood, twisted mid-ambush<br /> 6. A vampire's cracked silver chalice, still filled with dried blood<br /> 7. An owlbearskin cape that lets you glide<br /> 8. Bag of saffron off a nobleman's chef<br /> 9. Bloodspattered page of a mage's spellbook<br /> 10. Hairball hocked up by a dying goblin<br /> 11. Hip flask full of jellied dwarven liquor<br /> 12. Locket with a picture of a mercenary's sweetheart<br /> 13. Scrap of a cultist's unholy standard<br /> 14. Scrap of a necromancer's dried, tattooed skin<br /> 15. Scrimshawed shark tooth<br /> 16. Silver piece paid to an assassin to kill you<br /> 17. The hilt of a rival's sundered rapier<br /> 18. The luminous eye of a machine from beyond the stars<br /> 19. The visor of a duke's helm<br /> 20. Vial of acid-preserved troll brain<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> <b>Threat Assessment: </b>You can ask the GM one question about the capabilities of an enemy force for every 10 uninterrupted minutes you have to observe them, or ask a question about a specific enemy when you hit them in combat.<br /> <br /> <b>Scarred: </b>Whenever you take a Scar, in addition to taking a permanent penalty, take a permanent bonus of similar weight based on the lesson you learned from the scar. When you gain this ability, you may retroactively apply it to any scars you've gained in the past.<br /> <br /> <b>Commander: </b>You have the reputation to hire a band of mercenaries on the promise of equal shares of the loot. They count as hirelings, and bring their own equipment, supplies, and weapons. One, your lieutenant, has a level in a non-casting class. You can hire up to level*d6 mercenaries at any town; their equipment and quality will depend on the town itself. If you lose their respect, or the shares can't cover their expenses... well, they're mercenaries. They go where the coin flows.<br /> <br /> <b>Legend-Smith: </b>Whenever you personally kill a powerful, renowned enemy, you can write the weapon you used to strike the killing blow into legend. When you do, it becomes a magic weapon, empowered by your mighty deed. Name it, give it an appropriately legendary epithet, and it gains a supernatural ability based on the enemy you killed and how you killed them. A bow shot halfway across a battlefield may no longer have a maximum range. An axe that decapitates an archmage may shatter curses and banish summons. A sword that kills a king may bestow the right of kingship on its wielder. A weapon does not grow in magical power the more great deeds it performs (this only works once per weapon), but its reputation may grow - and reputation is its own sort of magic, in a way. <br /> <br /> <b>d20 Techniques</b><br /> 1. <i>Ablate</i>: You may sunder your shields and helms twice, and may sunder your own weapons as if they were shields (but only once per weapon).<br /> 2. <i>Bastion</i>: Unarmored people behind you can benefit from half your Armor Class.<br /> 3. <i>Beastmaster</i>: You have a pet! It has a d3 of Grit and a d3 of Meat, deals d6 damage, one special ability (like flying, poison spit, or being large enough to ride), and you control it on your turn. If it dies, you can train another beast when you're back in town.<br /> 4. <i>Brawler</i>: While you're unarmed, you count as dual-wielding, and make an extra attack on turns where you're fighting unarmed.<br /> 5. <i>Cleave</i>: When you kill an enemy, you may immediately make another attack against another enemy within range.<br /> 6. <i>Combat Reflexes</i>: At the start of each round, instead of rolling initiative, you can choose whether to go before or after the monsters. Doesn't work in surprise rounds.<br /> 7. <i>Esoteric Armory</i>: Step up the damage die size of any weapon you wield against an intelligent enemy unfamiliar with the weapon.<br /> 8. <i>Fireblood</i>: Whenever you deal damage, you may deal additional damage by spending Grit or Meat. 1 spent point = +1 damage.<br /> 9. <i>Giantslayer</i>: You can wield weapons made for creatures larger than you. When you do so, you can never go before enemies in initiative, but you roll a d10 for damage.<br /> 10. <i>Gourmand</i>: Once per day, when you eat a full meal, restore all your Grit.<br /> 11. <i>Opportunist</i>: Once per round, you can make a free attack against an enemy that enters the range of your weapon.<br /> 12. <i>Parry &amp; Riposte</i>: When you successfully Dodge, you may attack back.<br /> 13. <i>Precise</i>: Reroll 1s for damage. If you already would reroll 1s on that damage roll, reroll 1s and 2s; if you would already reroll 1s and 2s, reroll 1s, 2s, and 3s, etc.<br /> 14. <i>Push Through</i>: Once per day, when you would take a Wound or choose to take a Scar, you may ignore it and restore 1 Grit.<br /> 15. <i>Reaver</i>: Whenever you deal maximum damage with an attack, you may inflict a Wound.<br /> 16. <i>Shieldbreaker</i>: Whenever you deal damage, 1 point of dealt damage goes directly to Meat regardless of the enemy's Grit or Armor.<br /> 17. <i>Sneak Attack</i>: When you attack an opponent who doesn't know you're there, ignore Grit and Armor. Once you've hit them with this technique, they know you're there.<br /> 18. <i>Splatterjack</i>: When you roll maximum damage on one of your damage dice, you can roll it again and add that to the result.<br /> 19. <i>Tactician</i>: You may forego an action on your turn in order to provide an ally with an action of the same type. Forego your attack to let an ally make an additional attack; move for move, etc.<br /> 20. <i>Tough as Nails</i>: Increase your Armor Class by 2. If you're unarmored, you have an Armor Class of 4. You can still Dodge when unarmored, despite having an Armor Class. <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 8 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-410678285'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Tags: <a href='' rel='tag'>class</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>combat</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>GLOG</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>rework</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>rules</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>weapons</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Tuesday, March 10, 2020</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6777118448302662831' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='5561895138679978487' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='5561895138679978487'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Giant Robots Deserve Giant Monsters</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-5561895138679978487' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div id="demo"> <span style="font-family: inherit;">I wrote the <a href="">Mechwarrior</a> class a few months ago and I'm still unreasonably proud of it. Let's give our brave pilots something to fight. Specifically, kaiju, because that's a challenge floating around the discord. So here's something I threw together in 24 hours, as well as some setting tidbits I've mercilessly ripped from Pacific Rim, Evangelion, a pinch of Worm, and a little bit of that most horrific of settings: the gig economy.</span><br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" height="400" src="" width="640" /></a></span></div> <br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-size: large;"><b>WORLD</b></span></span></div> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">It's 20XX, year 1X of the Kaiju Era. 1X years ago, LEVIATHAN HEAVEN fell to earth, levelled what is now the San Francisco Exclusion Zone, and made humanity shit its collective pants over its place in the universe to the tune of 12 million casualties. The Survival Paradigm and Eschaton technology is all that stands between human existence and a swift, brutal death at the claws of titanic biomechanical horrors from beyond.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">The kaiju kept coming. From everywhere. The depths of the sea, deep underground, materializing in rifts of ozone, falling from space, crawling out of secret labs, assembling from otherwise mundane technology, emerging from the fallout of other kaiju attacks. We couldn't stop them until we reverse-engineered Eschaton technology from their corpses and built the first mechs. </span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">The Survival Paradigm is the democratization of mech construction, pilot training, and kill-op organization. It's the only strategy that survived the first year of kaiju attacks, the collapse of the short-lived United Nations Defense Accord, and a United States bid to monopolize anti-kaiju defense efforts (nuclear weapons have been written off ever since their strike on DEVOURER RADIANT, which escalated a category 3 to a catastrophic category 5 event).</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Corporations immediately co-opted this framework, turning mech pilots into the highest-death-risk sector of the gig economy. The influx of capital for pure research and emergency crisis response developed some incredible technology: the Eschaton Core, the kinetic burster, direct neural interfaces, to mention only the ones that are in every mech on the planet. But once those designs were made free and open and public, the vultures of finance and the military industrial complex moved in.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">You can buy a prefab for the same price as a used car, customize it in a makerspace, order baseline heavy weapons off of Triple-B ( Get in the giant robot, give it a test run during the 3am curfew hours (the cops can't do anything but look the other way, you're in a mech and the one thing the govs did right was ban police access to eschatological weaponry). Then sign up for emergency response alerts, and wait for the call.</span><br /> <div class="status__content status__content--with-action" style="direction: ltr;" tabindex="0"> <div class="status__content__text status__content__text--visible" style="direction: ltr;"> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Sign into TacNet, the app that cornered the market on kaiju response command and control. find a handle some other joker isn't using already. deploy and hope your rival won't use a moment of weakness to accidentally push you into the path of the monster's jaws.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Win.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Collect your hazard pay (30% down since this time last year, because of "innovations in civilian bunker technologies"), collect your meagre kill fee (45% goes to the app), pay down your core loan, pay down your medical bills, pay your rent. Realize that you've gotta get another confirmed Category 3+ kill this month to stay in the black. Expand your fight search radius. Sigh. Kick back with a glass of cheap liquor to forget the fallen.</span><br /> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;"><tbody> <tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img border="0" height="640" src="" width="596" /></a></td></tr> <tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Dave Melvin</a></td></tr> </tbody></table> <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span></div> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-size: large;"><b>RULES</b> </span></span></div> </div> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Let's break this down. Generate a kaiju. One of the big nasties.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><button onclick="document.getElementById(&quot;outputMLB&quot;).innerHTML = dI(mapMLB)" style="font-family: inherit;">These readings... IMPOSSIBLE!</button></span> <br /> <br /> <div id="outputMLB"> </div> <script>function rD(i){return i[Math.floor(Math.random()*i.length)];}function dI(d){o=rD(d['main']);k=Object.keys(d);j=0;while(j< 40){for(i=0;i< k.length;i++){o=o.replace('['+k[i]+']',rD(d[k[i]]));}j++;}return o;} var mapMLB={"main":["DESIGNATION: [list] [list]<br>CATEGORY [category]<br><br>OBSERVED CAPABILITIES: [abilities]<br>POTENTIALLY UNKNOWN CAPABILITIES: [sublistw9L]<br><br>TARGET AREA ALERT: [target]<br><br>- - - [signoff] - - -"],"category":["1 (PROJECTED CASUALTIES: 1000+)","2 (PROJECTED CASUALTIES: 10000+)","3 (PROJECTED CASUALTIES: 100000+)","4 (PROJECTED CASUALTIES: 1000000+)","5 (PROJECTED CASUALTIES: 10000000+)"],"abilities":["[capability] / [capability] / [capability]","[capability] / [capability]","[capability]"],"capability":["[classic]","[animal]","[weird]"],"classic":["EXCEPTIONAL STRENGTH","EXCEPTIONAL TOUGHNESS","EXCEPTIONAL SPEED"],"animal":["FLIGHT","BURROWING","AMPHIBIOUS","AMBUSH PREDATION","CAMOUFLAGE","PARASITISM","ENDURANCE PREDATION","HIGHER COGNITION","SPAWN","REGENERATION","TOXIC TRAIL","MANY-HEADED","TOOL USE","ENHANCED SENSES","BERZERK MODE","[elemental] RANGED ATTACK","[elemental] MELEE ATTACK","[elemental] IMMUNITY","[elemental] AURA","[elemental] ESSENCE"],"elemental":["BLAZING","FREEZING","CORROSION","STORMING","KINETIC","RADIATION","MAGNETIC","VACUUM","GRAVITIC","EXPLOSIVE","ELECTRIC","DARKNESS","QUAKING","SONIC","LUCK","RAGE","DEATH","POISON","TAR","WEAPON"],"weird":["INFECTIOUS","INVISIBILITY","FEAR AURA","TEMPORAL LOOPS","TELEPORTATION","PILOTED","ABSORBS PROPERTIES","METAMORPHIC","AUTO-DISASSEMBLY","HIDES AS HUMAN","TELEPATHY","TELEKINESIS","DATAVORE","RAISES DEAD","MIND CONTROL","PHASING","SUMMONS","PROJECTS ILLUSIONS","TWIN","WIELDS WEAPON"],"list":["ZILLA","SAUR","BEHEMOTH","LEVIATHAN","SIMURGH","DEVOURER","VIRUS","APOC","KRAKEN","SPIDER","TERROR","GIGANT","SCREAM","RAPTOR","PREDATOR","WALKER","WYRM","CHIMERA","NEPHILIM","DJINN","SLAYER","DEMON","BERSERK","BLAZING","BROADSWORD","HAMMER","AXE","EXTERMINATE","STRIKER","REAPER","BUTCHER","NIHIL","ANGEL","WAR","EXECUTE","ARCHER","STORM","THUNDER","BLOOD","INFERNO","REACTOR","FORWARD","DELTA","ESCAPE","ULTRA","WARHEAD","BLITZ","ALPHA","OMEGA","GOD","ASCEND","ELDER","MECHANIZE","AUTONOMOUS","NEURON","MOMENT","ARTIFICE","CANNON","ENGINE","CORE","OBELISK","OUTER","ORBIT","XENO","CORONA","RADIANT","VACUUM","TERMINUS","STAR","FALLING","YUGGOTH","HEAVEN","TITAN","EUROPA","DEIMOS","CORPSE","IO","IMPACT","VECTOR","SIGMA","EXILE","KINETIC","SURGE","MOTH","COLOSSUS","BEAR","KOMODO","PHALANX","PANGOLIN","EFFECT","FUSOR","SHARK","LILITH","LICH","WYVERN","CRYPTIC","CYCLOPS","PHOENIX","GHOUL","JORMUNGANDR"],"target":["[alert]","[alert], [alert]","[alert], [alert], [alert]"],"alert":["ACTIVE WARZONE","MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREA","GEOLOGICALLY UNSTABLE","KAIJU RESEARCH INSTALLATION","ONGOING HURRICANE","HEAVILY IRRADIATED","ADDITIONAL KAIJU BATTLE IN PROGRESS","POWER PLANT","FLOODING","EVACUATION FAILED","ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE","KAIJU SPAWNING PITS","MINOR METROPOLITAN AREA","POLITICIANS DEMAND EVAC","YOU LIVE IN TARGET AREA","VITAL PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE","ESCHATON CORE FACTORY","AWFUL PUBLIC IMAGE","ACID RAIN","UNDERGROUND"],"signoff":["GOOD LUCK PILOTS","YOU HAVE YOUR ORDERS","TEACH IT PAIN","SAVE THE WORLD","BRING IT IN ALIVE","MAXIMUM COLLATERAL DAMAGE APPROVED","LAUNCH? Y/N","YOU ARE THE LAST RESORT","CANCEL THE APOCALYPSE","NO MERCY","RAPTURE PROTOCOL EXECUTE","RETURN WITH YOUR SHIELD OR ON IT","OUR FUNDING DEPENDS ON YOU","HISTORY WILL REMEMBER YOUR NAME","VENGEANCE IS NIGH","GOD SPEED HEROES","DON&#8217;T LET US DOWN","REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING","THE STAKES HAVE NEVER BEEN HIGHER","KILL THE BASTARD"],"sublistw9L":["1","2","3"]};</script> <br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>DESIGNATION</b></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Base how the kaiju appears on its designation. Many will be hybrids of meat and machine, towering eldritch abominations, giant featureless warriors with god-smiting weapons. Where they come from is up to you: excavated from deep time, summoned from the universe where everything's bigger than here, landing as the vanguard of an alien terraforming machine, mutated after a whatever-comes-after-nuclear test gone wrong. A superhero turning their powers to apocalyptic ends.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">You're mech pilots. Handle it.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>CATEGORY</b></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Each category requires exponentially more minimum firepower for a confirmed kill. 1 eschaton is the reactor output of a baseline 5-meter mech, distributed over the course of a standard combat operation. You can increase your firepower exponentially, if you are clever and well-supported. Kaiju past Category 1 will require advanced plans, exotic weaponry, powerful reactors, ablative populations, larger mechs, rockstar pilots.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Proposals to rework the category system to include levels above 5 have been deemed irrelevant by experts in titanic studies worldwide. A threat that would require such degrees to classify would ensure that no one would be left to use the revised scale.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1: 1 eschaton (ET). The size of a bus, like an overgrown crocodile. Crushes through townhouses, wields a streetlamp as a crude cudgel. Threatens a population in the thousands, like a neighborhood or fishing village.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">2: 10 ET. Building-size. It towers over houses and its roars shatter all the windows on the street. Tank rounds splinter on its skin. You're only making it stronger. Threatens a population in the tens of thousands, like a town or port district.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3: 100 ET. The size of a city block. Its tail slithers down the highway, its claws are the size of a category 1. Fighter jets crash into its eye and it blinks the debris away unfazed. Threatens a population in the hundreds of thousands, like a small city.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">4: 1000 ET. It's the tallest building in the largest city. Its footsteps flatten mid-rise towers. It doesn't even notice as it turns and demolishes the Golden Gate by accident. Threatens a population in the millions, like a large city.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">5: 10000 ET. Cloud-scraping. Affects weather systems. Wipes out towns without noticing. You can see it from space. Threatens a population in the tens of millions or greater. Could sink Great Britain or lay waste to all civilian populations on the Eastern Seaboard.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>CAPABILITIES</b></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Each round, a kaiju gets 3 actions. Use initiative that puts pilots either before or after the kaiju. These actions are more generalized than normal combat actions due to the sheer size of the monster; movement will necessarily also damage anything in the path of the kaiju. Any action that can be construed as an attack wil kill civilians, no save. Instead, roll (category)d10 for casualties in a metropolitan area that hasn't been evacuated.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Damage dealt by a kaiju's attacks to anything mech-size or greater is (category)d10, and may carry additional effects based on the kaiju's capabilities.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">A kaiju's capabilities are directly represented by its ability scores, of which it has d3 identified and up to d3 as-of-yet unseen. If you roll a duplicate, increase that score by 10. All attacks deal ability score damage, depending on which weakpoint you're aiming for. Kaiju roll under their ability score to take actions that these capabilities afford it (anything else that a giant monster can do, they can do as well). Kaiju have a number of points based on their category (1: 50, 2: 200, 3: 500, 4: 1000, 5: 5000) to distribute between their ability scores. This means that many scores will be over 20; therefore, these actions will always succeed until the kaiju has sustained enough damage to sufficiently reduce its capabilities.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">Any weapons smaller than mech-scale can deal a maximum of 1 damage, and then only on a critical hit, to kaiju of size 1 or 2. The Eschaton Core is what lets something like a mech go toe-to-toe with a kaiju. Conventional armaments, even nuclear ones, will be at best exponentially less effective. The nuclear strike on the category 3 DEVOURER RADIANT proved the obsolescence of nuclear armaments, and escalated the incident to a category 5 disaster.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;">If you fail or cannot respond: [CATEGORY] weeks of devastation may be enough for affected populations to marshal a response, at the expense of d10*10^(3+category) civilian lives per week. This may result in new pilots joining the force in cobbled-together mechs with a grudge against those who couldn't save them, or the takeover of your company by a more well-equipped force that steps in where you cannot.</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" height="304" src="" width="640" /></a></span><br /> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: inherit;"><b>TABLES</b></span></span><br /> <br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Name (2d100)</i></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1. ALPHA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">2. ANGEL</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3. APOC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">4. ARCHER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">5. ARTIFICE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">6. ASCEND</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">7. AUTONOMOUS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">8. AXE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">9. BEAR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">10. BEHEMOTH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">11. BERSERK</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">12. BLAZING</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">13. BLITZ</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">14. BLOOD</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">15. BROADSWORD</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">16. BUTCHER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">17. CANNON</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">18. CHIMERA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">19. COLOSSUS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">20. CORE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">21. CORONA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">22. CORPSE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">23. CRYPTIC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">24. CYCLOPS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">25. DEIMOS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">26. DELTA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">27. DEMON</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">28. DEVOURER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">29. DJINN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">30. EFFECT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">31. ELDER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">32. ENGINE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">33. ESCAPE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">34. EUROPA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">35. EXECUTE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">36. EXILE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">37. EXTERMINATE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">38. FALLING</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">39. FORWARD</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">40. FUSOR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">41. GHOUL</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">42. GIGANT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">43. GOD</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">44. HAMMER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">45. HEAVEN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">46. IMPACT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">47. INFERNO</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">48. IO</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">49. JORMUNGANDR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">50. KINETIC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">51. KOMODO</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">52. KRAKEN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">53. LEVIATHAN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">54. LICH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">55. LILITH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">56. MECHANIZE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">57. MOMENT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">58. MOTH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">59. NEPHILIM</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">60. NEURON</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">61. NIHIL</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">62. OBELISK</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">63. OMEGA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">64. ORBIT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">65. OUTER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">66. PANGOLIN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">67. PHALANX</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">68. PHOENIX</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">69. PREDATOR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">70. RADIANT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">71. RAPTOR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">72. REACTOR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">73. REAPER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">74. SAUR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">75. SCREAM</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">76. SHARK</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">77. SIGMA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">78. SIMURGH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">79. SLAYER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">80. SPIDER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">81. STAR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">82. STORM</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">83. STRIKER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">84. SURGE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">85. TERMINUS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">86. TERROR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">87. THUNDER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">88. TITAN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">89. ULTRA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">90. VACUUM</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">91. VECTOR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">92. VIRUS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">93. WALKER</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">94. WAR</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">95. WARHEAD</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">96. WYRM</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">97. WYVERN</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">98. XENO</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">99. YUGGOTH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">100. ZILLA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Capabilities (d6)</i></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1-2: Standard</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3-4: Monstrous</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">5-6: Weird</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Standard (d6)</i></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1-2: EXCEPTIONAL STRENGTH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3-4: EXCEPTIONAL TOUGHNESS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">5-6: EXCEPTIONAL SPEED</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Monstrous (d20)</i></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1. FLIGHT</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">2. BURROWING</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3. 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ELEMENTAL MELEE ATTACK</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">18. ELEMENTAL IMMUNITY</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">19. ELEMENTAL AURA</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">20. ELEMENTAL ESSENCE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: inherit;"><i>Elemental (d20)</i></span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">1. BLAZING</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">2. CORROSION</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">3. DARKNESS</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">4. DEATH</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">5. ELECTRIC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">6. EXPLOSIVE</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">7. FREEZING</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">8. GRAVITIC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">9. KINETIC</span><br /> <span style="font-family: inherit;">10. 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