GDPR Cookie Consent Cheatsheet - iubenda help
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Integrated with the IAB TCF and CCPA Compliance Framework.<br /><br /> Our solution allows you to display a fully customizable cookie banner/consent banner, collect cookie consent, implement prior blocking (including auto-blocking), set advertising preferences, and more.</p> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/cookie-solution">Explore</button> <ul class="list-unstyled mb-3 mt-3"> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/features#cookie-solution" class="link-underline line-highlight">Features</a></li> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/help/1177-cookie-solution-getting-started" class="link-underline line-highlight">Documentation and guides</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg"> <div class="d-flex"> <div class="mr-3"> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Terms and Conditions icon" data-lazy-src="/assets/site/products/terms_and_conditions-b2ecac04071503f53269125183052405bee78d8199cd799047bf382eaf79e6c3.svg" src="" /> <noscript> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Terms and Conditions icon" src="/assets/site/products/terms_and_conditions-b2ecac04071503f53269125183052405bee78d8199cd799047bf382eaf79e6c3.svg" /> </noscript> </div> <div > <div class="products_tags mb-3"> <div><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For websites/apps</div> </div> <h4 class="text-sm mb-1"><a href="/en/terms-and-conditions-generator">Terms and Conditions Generator</a></h4> <div class="d-block d-lg-none"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/terms-and-conditions-generator">Explore</button> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <p class="text-muted serif text-sm">Create your terms and conditions in minutes.<br /><br />Customizable from hundreds of combinations, available in 14 languages, powerful and precise — our solution is capable of handling even the most complex, individual scenarios. Optimized for e-commerce, marketplace, SaaS, apps and more.</p> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/terms-and-conditions-generator">Explore</button> <ul class="list-unstyled mb-3 mt-3"> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/features#terms-and-conditions" class="link-underline line-highlight">Features</a></li> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/help/19461-how-to-generate-terms-and-conditions" class="link-underline line-highlight">Documentation and guides</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="m-0"> <div class="p-4"> <div class="row line-between-columns"> <div class="col-lg"> <div class="d-flex"> <div class="mr-3"> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Whistleblowing Management Tool icon" data-lazy-src="/assets/site/products/whistleblowing_management_tool-ac418c64cbbf6682be183ece94551a4d57d581829315827ab215e2b4e3bd1ed6.svg" src="" /> <noscript> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Whistleblowing Management Tool icon" src="/assets/site/products/whistleblowing_management_tool-ac418c64cbbf6682be183ece94551a4d57d581829315827ab215e2b4e3bd1ed6.svg" /> </noscript> </div> <div> <div class="products_tags mb-3"> <div><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For organizations</div> </div> <h4 class="text-sm mb-1"><a href="/en/whistleblowing-management-tool">Whistleblowing Management Tool</a></h4> <div class="d-block d-lg-none"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/whistleblowing-management-tool">Explore</button> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <p class="text-muted serif text-sm">Provide an easy-to-use internal reporting channel as required by the EU Whistleblower Directive for organizations with 50+ employees. Instantly generate your forms to embed or print. <br><br> Collect and manage whistleblower reports from employees and other individuals connected to your organization while safeguarding their identities and ensuring confidentiality. Tailored for EU businesses and global organizations dedicated to ethical transparency.</p> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/whistleblowing-management-tool">Explore</button> <ul class="list-unstyled mb-3 mt-3"> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/features#whistleblower" class="link-underline line-highlight">Features</a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="" class="link-underline line-highlight">Documentation and guides</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg"> <div class="d-flex"> <div class="mr-3"> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Consent Solution icon" data-lazy-src="/assets/site/products/consent_solution-aa3b8ec9c422f9c7b1c30bf3ec445232ea3c36df666784b2add0329bf1dcc1bf.svg" src="" /> <noscript> <img width="72" height="72" alt="Consent Solution icon" src="/assets/site/products/consent_solution-aa3b8ec9c422f9c7b1c30bf3ec445232ea3c36df666784b2add0329bf1dcc1bf.svg" /> </noscript> </div> <div> <div class="products_tags mb-3"> <div class="mb-1"><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For websites/apps</div> <div><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For organizations</div> </div> <h4 class="text-sm mb-1"><a href="/en/consent-solution">Consent Database</a></h4> <div class="d-block d-lg-none"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/consent-solution">Explore</button> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <p class="text-muted serif text-sm">Collect GDPR & LGPD consent, document opt-ins and <a href="/en/help/19133#right-to-opt-out" class="link-underline text-dark">CPRA (CCPA amendment) opt-outs</a> via your web forms.<br /><br /> Our solution smoothly integrates with your consent collection forms, syncs with your legal documents and includes a user-friendly dashboard for reviewing consent records of your activities.</p> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/consent-solution">Explore</button> <ul class="list-unstyled mb-3 mt-3"> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/features#consent-solution" class="link-underline line-highlight">Features</a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="/en/help/6469-consent-solution-getting-started" class="link-underline line-highlight">Documentation and guides</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg"> <div class="d-flex"> <div class="mr-3"> <img width="72" height="72" alt="IPM icon" data-lazy-src="/images/site/products/ipm.svg" src="" /> <noscript> <img width="72" height="72" alt="IPM icon" src="/images/site/products/ipm.svg" /> </noscript> </div> <div > <div class="products_tags mb-3"> <div class="mb-1"><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For websites/apps</div> <div><i class="i-check mr-1 text-md"></i>For organizations</div> </div> <h4 class="text-sm mb-1"><a href="/en/internal-privacy-management">Register of Data Processing Activities</a></h4> <div class="d-block d-lg-none"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/internal-privacy-management">Explore</button> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> <p class="text-muted serif text-sm">Document all the data processing activity within your organization.<br /><br /> To comply with privacy laws, and particularly the GDPR, companies need to record how they store and use the data they collect from their users. Our solution allows you to easily document all the data processing activities within your organization.</p> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm text-white rarr js-redirect-button" role="link" data-url="/en/internal-privacy-management">Explore</button> <ul class="list-unstyled mb-3 mt-3"> <li class="list-inline-item mr-2"><a href="/en/features#internal-privacy-management" class="link-underline line-highlight">Features</a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="/en/help/6311-internal-privacy-management-getting-started" class="link-underline line-highlight">Documentation and guides</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="p-2 bg-faded-5-gray text-dark" style="border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"> <div class="d-block d-lg-flex align-items-center justify-content-between text-md"> <div class="col-lg"> Not sure what you need? <a href="/en/help/5463" class="rarr link-underline line-highlight line-light-blue text-secondary"> Getting started guide </a> </div> 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category-title 5135"> Legal Requirements <ul> <li class="5720"> <a href="/en/help/5720-legal-requirements-overview">Legal Requirements Overview</a> </li> <li class="524"> <a href="/en/help/524-how-to-determine-your-law-of-reference">How to Determine Your Law of Reference</a> </li> <li class="6187"> <a href="/en/help/6187-what-should-be-in-a-privacy-policy">What is a Privacy Policy and Do You Need One?</a> </li> <li class="7816"> <a href="/en/help/7816-impressum-what-is-it-and-when-is-it-needed">Impressum: What Is It and When Is It Needed</a> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 6835"> Main Legislations <ul> <li class="category-title 5234"> <strong>GDPR</strong> </li> <li class="5428"> <a href="/en/help/5428-gdpr-guide">Complete guide to the GDPR</a> </li> <li class="6738"> <a href="/en/help/6738-gdpr-offline-compliance-duties">GDPR Offline Compliance Duties</a> </li> <li class="66232"> <a href="/en/help/66232-third-party-vs-data-processor">Third party vs Data Processor</a> </li> <li class="26171"> <a href="/en/help/26171-web-agency-responsibilities-gdpr">Web agency’s responsibilities according to the GDPR</a> </li> <li class="5858"> <a href="/en/help/5858-switch-privacy-policy-options">Picking the Right Privacy Policy Options</a> </li> <li class="25229"> <a href="/en/help/25229-gdpr-treatment-of-services-that-do-not-collect-personal-data">GDPR treatment of services that do not collect personal data</a> </li> <li class="7399"> <a href="/en/help/7399-right-to-be-forgotten">How to Prove You Honored the Right to Be Forgotten</a> </li> <li class="3272"> <a href="/en/help/3272-eu-us-data-privacy-framework-certification-integration">EU-US Data Privacy Framework: How Can iubenda Help</a> </li> <li class="65844"> <a href="/en/help/65844-eu-us-trans-atlantic-data-privacy-framework">Green Light for the Data Privacy Framework: EU to US Personal Data Transfers Now Approved </a> </li> <li class="145851"> <a href="/en/help/145851-a-detailed-look-at-the-eu-ai-act">A Detailed Look at the EU AI Act</a> </li> <li class="71983"> <a href="/en/help/71983-uk-gdpr-post-brexit-updates">UK GDPR Post Brexit Updates</a> </li> <li class="73808"> <a href="/en/help/73808-uk-data-reform-bill-and-ai-regulation">UK Data Reform Bill and AI Regulation</a> </li> <li class="74228"> <a href="/en/help/74228-right-to-be-forgotten-and-iubendas-consent-solution">The Right to be Forgotten and iubenda’s Consent Database</a> </li> <li class="78656"> <a href="/en/help/78656-consent-vs-legitimate-interest">Consent vs. Legitimate interest: what’s the difference?</a> </li> <li class="separator 17455"> </li> <li class="category-title 6838"> <strong>Cookie Law / ePrivacy</strong> </li> <li class="5525"> <a href="/en/help/5525-cookies-gdpr-requirements">Cookies and the GDPR: What’s Really Required?</a> </li> <li class="64227"> <a href="/en/help/64227-what-are-trackers">What are trackers?</a> </li> <li class="6293"> <a href="/en/help/6293-cookie-consent-management-faq">Manage Cookie Consent Easily</a> </li> <li class="124203"> <a href="/en/help/124203-cookie-policy-do-you-need-one-heres-everything-you-need-to-know">Cookie Policy – Everything you need to know</a> </li> <li class="7515"> <a href="/en/help/7515-which-data-can-be-safely-stored-in-cookies-without-having-to-request-consent">Which Data Can Be Safely Stored in Cookies Without Having to Request Consent?</a> </li> <li class="24487"> <a href="/en/help/24487-cookie-walls-gdpr">Is the use of a cookie wall allowed in European Countries?</a> </li> <li class="6282"> <a href="/en/help/6282-legal-sources-third-party-cookie-names-opt-out-requirements">Legal Sources on Third-Party Cookie Names and Opt-Out Mechanisms</a> </li> <li class="31246"> <a href="/en/help/31246-italy-new-cookie-rules">Italy’s new cookie guidelines (and how to comply)</a> </li> <li class="separator 19148"> </li> <li class="category-title 19149"> <strong>US State Laws</strong> </li> <li class="111288"> <a href="/en/help/111288-us-state-privacy-laws-overview">US State Privacy Laws Overview</a> </li> <li class="19133"> <a href="/en/help/19133-ccpa-compliance-guide">Complete guide to the CCPA</a> </li> <li class="22574"> <a href="/en/help/22574-guide-to-the-ccpa-concept-of-sale">An In-depth Look at the CCPA Concept of Sale</a> </li> <li class="109571"> <a href="/en/help/109571-ccpa-toll-free-number-requirement">CCPA toll-free number requirement</a> </li> <li class="73819"> <a href="/en/help/73819-cpra-intro-to-the-ccpa-2-0-and-how-it-affects-you">CPRA: Intro to the CCPA 2.0 and how it affects you</a> </li> <li class="106345"> <a href="/en/help/106345-virginia-consumer-data-protection-act-vcdpa">Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)</a> </li> <li class="107739"> <a href="/en/help/107739-colorado-privacy-act-cpa">Colorado Privacy Act (CPA)</a> </li> <li class="107774"> <a href="/en/help/107774-utah-consumer-privacy-act-the-ucpa">Utah Consumer Privacy Act (the UCPA)</a> </li> <li class="107759"> <a href="/en/help/107759-connecticut-data-privacy-act-ctdpa">Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA)</a> </li> <li class="separator 17456"> </li> <li class="category-title 17437"> <strong>CalOPPA and COPPA</strong> </li> <li class="6841"> <a href="">COPPA and Mobile Apps</a> </li> <li class="separator 17457"> </li> <li class="category-title 26861"> <strong>LGPD</strong> </li> <li class="26706"> <a href="/en/help/26706-lgpd-guide">Complete guide to the LGPD</a> </li> <li class="104366"> <a href="/en/help/104366-brazil-new-cookie-requirements">Brazil: New Cookie Requirements</a> </li> <li class="110776"> <a href="/en/help/110776-brazil-cookie-requirement-cheatsheet">Brazil Cookie Requirement Cheatsheet</a> </li> <li class="27616"> <a href="/en/help/27616-lgpd-privacy-policy-example">LGPD Privacy Policy Example</a> </li> <li class="separator 26860"> </li> <li class="category-title 146111"> <strong>Whistleblowing</strong> </li> <li class="142962"> <a href="/en/help/142962-understanding-the-basics-of-whistleblowing">Understanding the Basics of Whistleblowing</a> </li> <li class="143589"> <a href="/en/help/143589-navigating-whistleblowing-laws-an-international-overview">Navigating Whistleblowing Laws: An International Overview</a> </li> <li class="144294"> <a href="/en/help/144294-how-to-implement-whistleblower-protections-in-your-organization">How to Implement Whistleblower Protections in Your Organization</a> </li> <li class="separator 146112"> </li> <li class="category-title 17438"> <strong>Other Legislations</strong> </li> <li class="13856"> <a href="/en/help/13856-privacy-policies-and-australian-law">Privacy Policies and Australian Law</a> </li> <li class="75419"> <a href="/en/help/75419-fadp-updates-what-you-need-to-know">FADP Updates – What You Need to Know</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5237"> Common Scenarios <ul> <li class="category-title 17443"> <strong>Blogs and Websites</strong> </li> <li class="8385"> <a href="/en/help/8385-gdpr-for-bloggers">How to Make Your Site Compliant (for Bloggers and Web Publishers)</a> </li> <li class="11028"> <a href="/en/help/11028-wordpress-gdpr-compliance">How to Comply with the GDPR on a WordPress Site</a> </li> <li class="78016"> <a href="/en/help/78016-how-to-handle-data-privacy-complaints-your-5-step-guide">How to Handle Data Privacy Complaints | Your 5-Step guide</a> </li> <li class="separator 17458"> </li> <li class="category-title 25888"> <strong>E-commerce</strong> </li> <li class="25877"> <a href="/en/help/25877-terms-conditions-ecommerce-stores">Terms and Conditions for eCommerce (and how they protect your online store)</a> </li> <li class="separator 25886"> </li> <li class="category-title 6842"> <strong>Emails and Newsletters</strong> </li> <li class="5640"> <a href="/en/help/5640-email-newsletter-compliance-guide">How to Make your Emails and Newsletter Compliant (with Form Examples)</a> </li> <li class="4315"> <a href="/en/help/4315-eprivacy-direct-email-marketing">ePrivacy and Direct Email Marketing (DEM)</a> </li> <li class="6192"> <a href="/en/help/6192-opt-in-opt-out">Opt-In vs Opt-Out: What’s the Difference?</a> </li> <li class="13638"> <a href="/en/help/13638-privacy-policy-gdpr-forms-and-consent-collection-for-mailchimp">Privacy policy, GDPR forms and consent collection for Mailchimp</a> </li> <li class="39705"> <a href="/en/help/39705-global-email-marketing-cheatsheet">Global Email Marketing Cheatsheet</a> </li> <li class="separator 17459"> </li> <li class="category-title 6840"> <strong>Apps</strong> </li> <li class="147125"> <a href="/en/help/147125-app-privacy-policy-what-you-need-to-know-examples">App Privacy Policy: What you Need to Know + Examples</a> </li> <li class="401"> <a href="/en/help/401-privacy-policy-for-ios-and-macos-apps">Privacy Policy for iOS and macOS Apps</a> </li> <li class="11552"> <a href="/en/help/11552-privacy-policy-for-android-apps">Privacy Policy for Your Android App</a> </li> <li class="38933"> <a href="/en/help/38933-google-play-new-safety-section">Google Play adds new “safety section” to make data collection more transparent</a> </li> <li class="39254"> <a href="/en/help/39254-privacy-policy-for-windows-apps">Privacy Policy for Windows Apps</a> </li> <li class="1353"> <a href="/en/help/1353-cookies-mobile-apps">Cookies and Mobile Apps</a> </li> <li class="separator 24789"> </li> <li class="category-title 24788"> <strong>Facebook Pages and Apps</strong> </li> <li class="22930"> <a href="/en/help/22930-privacy-policy-facebook-page">Privacy Policy for Facebook Pages</a> </li> <li class="13561"> <a href="/en/help/13561-privacy-policy-for-facebook-apps">Privacy Policy for Facebook Apps</a> </li> <li class="separator 17460"> </li> <li class="category-title 17442"> <strong>Children</strong> </li> <li class="5717"> <a href="/en/help/5717-legal-requirements-websites-apps-children">Legal Requirements for Websites and Apps Used by Children</a> </li> <li class="11429"> <a href="/en/help/11429-minors-and-the-gdpr">Minors and the GDPR</a> </li> <li class="separator 17461"> </li> <li class="category-title 17444"> <strong>Multi-lingual Websites and Apps</strong> </li> <li class="539"> <a href="/en/help/539-privacy-policy-different-languages">When Do You Need a Privacy Policy in Different Languages</a> </li> <li class="separator 17462"> </li> <li class="category-title 14005"> <strong>Ads and Affiliate Programs</strong> </li> <li class="12047"> <a href="/en/help/12047-privacy-policy-for-google-adsense">Privacy Policy for Google AdSense</a> </li> <li class="12079"> <a href="/en/help/12079-privacy-policy-for-google-ads-remarketing">Privacy Policy for Google Ads Remarketing</a> </li> <li class="17620"> <a href="/en/help/16041">How to Collect Consent for Google Ad Personalization</a> </li> <li class="12158"> <a href="/en/help/12158-privacy-policy-facebook-lead-ads">Privacy Policy for Facebook Lead Ads</a> </li> <li class="13990"> <a href="/en/help/13990-amazon-affiliate-program-required-privacy-policy-additions">Amazon Affiliate Program</a> </li> <li class="separator 17463"> </li> <li class="category-title 6844"> <strong>Analytics and Other Google Services</strong> </li> <li class="72017"> <a href="/en/help/72017-is-google-analytics-illegal-in-the-eu-and-uk">Is Google Analytics illegal in the EU and UK?</a> </li> <li class="72356"> <a href="/en/help/72356-google-analytics-4-all-you-need-to-know">Google Analytics 4 – all you need to know</a> </li> <li class="11994"> <a href="/en/help/11994-privacy-policy-for-google-analytics">Privacy Policy for Google Analytics</a> </li> <li class="1184"> <a href="/en/help/1184-how-to-anonymize-ip-addresses-and-avoid-the-cross-referencing-of-data-in-google-analytics">How to Anonymize IP Addresses and Avoid the Cross-Referencing of Data in Google Analytics</a> </li> <li class="7227"> <a href="/en/help/7227-google-analytics-gdpr-monitoring-behavior">Google Analytics and the GDPR: Is It Considered Monitoring Behavior?</a> </li> <li class="12379"> <a href="/en/help/12379-privacy-policy-google-analytics-advertising-remarketing">Privacy Policy for Google Analytics Advertising and Remarketing Features</a> </li> <li class="18852"> <a href="/en/help/18852-privacy-policy-google-oauth">Privacy Policy for Google OAuth</a> </li> <li class="14936"> <a href="/en/help/14936-place-of-processing-customisation-for-google-services">Place of Processing Customisation for Google Services</a> </li> <li class="142541"> <a href="/en/help/142541-google-ads-consent-mode">Google Ads Consent Mode – Everything You Need To Know</a> </li> <li class="separator 146117"> </li> <li class="category-title 146116"> <strong>Workplace</strong> </li> <li class="144878"> <a href="/en/help/144878-how-technology-helps-businesses-build-effective-whistleblowing-systems">How Technology Helps Businesses Build Effective Whistleblowing Systems</a> </li> <li class="143344"> <a href="/en/help/143344-whistleblowing-reporting-process-in-the-workplace">The A-Z of Whistleblowing Reporting Process in the Workplace</a> </li> <li class="143363"> <a href="/en/help/143363-how-organizations-should-handle-whistleblowing-reports">Managing Whistleblowing: How Organizations Should Handle Reports</a> </li> <li class="142946"> <a href="/en/help/142946-whistleblowing-education-in-the-workplace">Whistleblowing 101: A Guide to Whistleblowing Education in the Workplace</a> </li> <li class="142908"> <a href="/en/help/142908-ethics-at-work-crafting-a-supportive-whistleblowing-culture">Ethics at Work: Crafting a Supportive Whistleblowing Culture</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5222"> Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator <ul> <li class="has_child category-title 5223"> Creating Your Policy <ul> <li class="category-title 17502"> <strong>Generating</strong> </li> <li class="463"> <a href="/en/help/463-generate-privacy-policy">How to Create a Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="1175"> <a href="/en/help/1175-generate-cookie-policy">How to Generate a Cookie Policy</a> </li> <li class="25434"> <a href="/en/help/25434-cookie-lifetime">How to Display the Cookie Lifetime in Your Cookie Policy</a> </li> <li class="5853"> <a href="/en/help/5853-gdpr-protections-users">How to Apply GDPR Protections Only to EU Users or to All Users</a> </li> <li class="21474"> <a href="/en/help/21474-how-to-apply-state-specific-us-standards-within-the-generator">How to Apply State-Specific US Standards within the Generator</a> </li> <li class="separator 17511"> </li> <li class="category-title 17503"> <strong>Adding Services</strong> </li> <li class="20"> <a href="/en/help/20-services-privacy-policy">How to Add Services to Your Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="19004"> <a href="/en/help/19004-how-to-use-the-site-scanner-from-within-the-generator">Using the Site Scanner to Identify Missing Services</a> </li> <li class="386"> <a href="/en/help/386-how-to-add-a-custom-service-and-customize-to-your-needs">How to Add a Custom Service and Customize to Your Needs</a> </li> <li class="separator 17510"> </li> <li class="category-title 17504"> <strong>Adding Owner Details</strong> </li> <li class="7850"> <a href="/en/help/7850-what-is-meant-by-the-identifiying-details-of-the-data-controller">What is meant by the identifying details of the Data Controller</a> </li> <li class="3486"> <a href="/en/help/3486-the-owner-field-within-the-generator">The Owner Field Within the Generator</a> </li> <li class="separator 17509"> </li> <li class="category-title 17505"> <strong>Languages</strong> </li> <li class="137"> <a href="/en/help/137-add-language">How to Add Another Language to Your Documents</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 17500"> Editing/Updating Your Policy <ul> <li class="2739"> <a href="/en/help/2739-edit-privacy-policy">How to Edit a Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="3810"> <a href="/en/help/3810-how-to-delete-a-privacy-policy">How to Delete a Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="68865"> <a href="/en/help/68865-how-to-duplicate-an-existing-site">How to duplicate an existing site</a> </li> <li class="separator 17508"> </li> <li class="category-title 17506"> <strong>iubenda Branding</strong> </li> <li class="166"> <a href="/en/help/166-remove-iubenda-branding">How to Remove iubenda Branding</a> </li> <li class="2848"> <a href="/en/help/2848-remove-iubenda-disclaimer">Can I Remove the "iubenda hosts this page" Disclaimer</a> </li> <li class="separator 5235"> </li> <li class="category-title 17507"> <strong>Advanced Settings</strong> </li> <li class="4158"> <a href="/en/help/4158-force-update">How to Force Update & Change the “Last updated” Date Information</a> </li> <li class="4825"> <a href="/en/help/4825-customize-this-application">Customize the Way Your Website or App Is Referred To in Your Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="11072"> <a href="/en/help/11072-customize-privacy-and-cookie-policy-internal-links">Customize Privacy and Cookie Policy Internal Links</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5224"> Embedding Your Policy <ul> <li class="category-title 17512"> <strong>General</strong> </li> <li class="231"> <a href="/en/help/231-ways-to-use-iubenda-privacy-policy-on-your-site-and-app">Ways to Use iubenda’s Privacy Policy on Your Site and App</a> </li> <li class="216"> <a href="/en/help/216-privacy-policy-standard-embedding">Standard Embedding</a> </li> <li class="228"> <a href="/en/help/228-privacy-policy-direct-link">Direct Link</a> </li> <li class="78"> <a href="/en/help/78-privacy-policy-direct-text-embedding-api">Direct Text Embedding via JS or API</a> </li> <li class="5339"> <a href="/en/help/5339-behavior-of-iubenda-embedding-options-when-javascript-is-disabled">Behavior of iubenda Embedding Options When JavaScript Is Disabled</a> </li> <li class="separator 17517"> </li> <li class="category-title 17513"> <strong>Apps</strong> </li> <li class="17838"> <a href="/en/help/401">iOS and macOS</a> </li> <li class="1528"> <a href="/en/help/1528-privacy-policy-for-tvos-apps-apple-tv">tvOS (Apple TV)</a> </li> <li class="17837"> <a href="/en/help/11552">Android</a> </li> <li class="3744"> <a href="/en/help/3744-how-to-add-android-and-ios-mobile-permissions-for-device-data">How to Add Android and iOS Mobile Permissions for Device Data</a> </li> <li class="337"> <a href="/en/help/337-legal-documents-offline-viewing">Make Your Legal Documents Available for Offline Viewing</a> </li> <li class="separator 5253"> </li> <li class="category-title 17514"> <strong>Popular Platforms</strong> </li> <li class="100"> <a href="/en/help/100-how-to-add-your-privacy-policy-to-the-amazon-store">Amazon Store</a> </li> <li class="53052"> <a href="/en/help/53052-how-to-add-a-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-bigcommerce">Bigcommerce</a> </li> <li class="1419"> <a href="/en/help/1419-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-epages-website">ePages</a> </li> <li class="53619"> <a href="/en/help/53619-how-to-add-a-privacy-policy-on-ghost">Ghost</a> </li> <li class="53326"> <a href="/en/help/53326-how-to-add-a-privacy-policy-on-hubspot">HubSpot</a> </li> <li class="3798"> <a href="/en/help/3798-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-jimdo-website">Jimdo</a> </li> <li class="546"> <a href="/en/help/546-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-joomla-website">Joomla!</a> </li> <li class="567"> <a href="/en/help/567-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-magento-website">Magento</a> </li> <li class="3592"> <a href="/en/help/3592-how-to-add-matomo-clauses-to-iubendas-privacy-and-cookie-policy">Matomo (Formerly Piwik)</a> </li> <li class="1502"> <a href="/en/help/1502-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-prestashop-website">PrestaShop</a> </li> <li class="3796"> <a href="/en/help/3796-shopify-privacy-policy">Shopify</a> </li> <li class="12794"> <a href="/en/help/12794-squarespace-privacy-policy">Squarespace</a> </li> <li class="26324"> <a href="/en/help/26324-privacy-policy-ucraft">Ucraft</a> </li> <li class="18524"> <a href="/en/help/18524-privacy-policy-webflow">Webflow</a> </li> <li class="53504"> <a href="/en/help/53504-how-to-add-a-privacy-policy-on-weebly">Weebly</a> </li> <li class="23080"> <a href="/en/help/23080-privacy-policy-wix">Wix</a> </li> <li class="370"> <a href="/en/help/370-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-a-wordpress-website">WordPress</a> </li> <li class="3905"> <a href="/en/help/3905-how-to-use-iubenda-privacy-and-cookie-policy-on-wordpress-com"></a> </li> <li class="separator 19583"> </li> <li class="category-title 19584"> <strong>Advanced</strong> </li> <li class="12260"> <a href="/en/help/12260-how-to-configure-content-security-policy-to-allow-iubenda-scripts-to-execute">How to Configure your Content Security Policy for iubenda</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5832"> Troubleshooting and FAQs <ul> <li class="304"> <a href="/en/help/304-how-to-use-the-iubenda-dashboard">How to Access the iubenda Dashboard</a> </li> <li class="3803"> <a href="/en/help/3803-must-i-repeat-the-process-of-adding-services-for-every-language-in-which-i-generate-the-policy">Must I Repeat the Process of Adding Services for Every Language in Which I Generate the Policy?</a> </li> <li class="3953"> <a href="/en/help/3953-how-to-honor-and-include-a-do-not-track-clause-in-the-privacy-policy">How to Honor and Include a “Do Not Track” Clause in the Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="3025"> <a href="/en/help/3025-what-is-the-difference-between-the-privacy-and-cookies-policy-generator-and-the-cookie-solution">What Is the Difference Between the Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator and the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution?</a> </li> <li class="2824"> <a href="/en/help/2824-what-is-the-difference-between-the-integration-of-the-privacy-policy-and-the-one-of-the-cookie-solution">What’s the Difference Between the Integration of the Privacy Policy and Cookie Solution?</a> </li> <li class="438"> <a href="/en/help/438-which-countries-is-your-privacy-policy-good-for">Which Countries Is Your Privacy Policy Good For?</a> </li> <li class="407"> <a href="/en/help/407-copy-and-paste">Can I Copy and Paste the Privacy Policy's Text into My Website?</a> </li> <li class="450"> <a href="/en/help/450-is-it-ok-to-include-the-same-privacy-policy-in-other-sites-and-apps">Is it ok to include the same privacy policy in other sites and apps?</a> </li> <li class="15546"> <a href="/en/help/15546-how-to-start-the-iubenda-initializer-asynchronously">How to start the iubenda initializer asynchronously</a> </li> <li class="separator 30085"> </li> <li class="category-title 30086"> <strong>Changelog</strong> </li> <li class="30061"> <a href="/en/help/30061-pcp-legal-changelog">Legal Changelog</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5225"> Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution <ul> <li class="has_child category-title 17486"> Introduction <ul> <li class="1177"> <a href="/en/help/1177-cookie-solution-getting-started">Introduction and Getting Started</a> </li> <li class="262"> <a href="/en/help/262-how-to-identify-the-cookies-your-site-installs-in-browsers">How to Identify the Cookies Your Site Installs in Browsers</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 17482"> Cookie Banner Setup and Customization <ul> <li class="3831"> <a href="/en/help/3831-customize-cookie-banner">How to Customize the Look and Behavior of the Cookie Banner (Beginner’s Guide)</a> </li> <li class="1175"> <a href="/en/help/1175-generate-cookie-policy">How to Generate a Cookie Policy for the Cookie Banner</a> </li> <li class="1205"> <a href="/en/help/1205-how-to-configure-your-cookie-solution-advanced-guide">How to Configure Your Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution (Advanced Guide)</a> </li> <li class="separator 17615"> </li> <li class="category-title 17614"> <strong>Advertising Tracking Preferences</strong> </li> <li class="7440"> <a href="/en/help/7440-the-complete-guide-to-iubenda-cmp-and-iab-tcf-2-2">The complete guide to IAB GDPR Framework and iubenda’s Consent Management Platform</a> </li> <li class="16041"> <a href="/en/help/16041-google-tcf-consent-personalized-ads">Google and TCF 2.0: how to collect consent for personalized ads</a> </li> <li class="23271"> <a href="/en/help/23271-tcf-2-0-transition-guide">TCF 2.0 Transition Guide</a> </li> <li class="separator 17494"> </li> <li class="category-title 17488"> <strong>Languages</strong> </li> <li class="1180"> <a href="/en/help/1180-cookie-policy-and-cookie-solution-for-multilingual-websites">Cookie Policy and Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution for Multilingual Websites</a> </li> <li class="1209"> <a href="/en/help/1209-how-to-use-the-cookie-solution-in-a-multilingual-wordpress-site">How to Use the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution in a Multilingual WordPress Site</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 21259"> For US <ul> <li class="21165"> <a href="/en/help/21165-how-to-comply-with-us-state-privacy-laws-using-iubenda">How to comply with US state privacy laws using iubenda</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5226"> Installation and Prior Blocking Implementation <ul> <li class="36226"> <a href="/en/help/36226-cookie-solution-custom-website-installation-guide">Custom Website</a> </li> <li class="separator 36291"> </li> <li class="category-title 36292"> <strong>Plugins and integrations</strong> </li> <li class="56404"> <a href="/en/help/56404-how-to-add-a-cookie-solution-to-bigcommerce">BigCommerce</a> </li> <li class="56370"> <a href="/en/help/56370-how-to-add-a-cookie-solution-to-ghost">Ghost</a> </li> <li class="148057"> <a href="/en/help/148057-hubspot-cookie-banner-how-to-add-a-cookie-banner-on-hubspot-with-iubenda">HubSpot</a> </li> <li class="10777"> <a href="/en/help/10777-cookie-solution-jimdo-integration-guide">Jimdo</a> </li> <li class="1323"> <a href="/en/help/1323-cookie-solution-joomla-plugin-installation-guide">Joomla! Extension</a> </li> <li class="9591"> <a href="/en/help/9591-cookie-solution-magento-extension-installation-guide">Magento Extension</a> </li> <li class="4338"> <a href="/en/help/4338-cookie-solution-prestashop-plugin-installation-guide">PrestaShop Plugin</a> </li> <li class="10811"> <a href="/en/help/10811-cookie-solution-shopify">Shopify</a> </li> <li class="12848"> <a href="/en/help/12848-cookie-solution-squarespace-integration-guide">Squarespace</a> </li> <li class="26363"> <a href="/en/help/26363-cookie-solution-ucraft">Ucraft</a> </li> <li class="18531"> <a href="/en/help/18531-cookie-solution-webflow">Webflow</a> </li> <li class="56488"> <a href="/en/help/56488-how-to-add-a-cookie-solution-to-weebly">Weebly</a> </li> <li class="24221"> <a href="/en/help/24221-cookie-banner-wix">Wix</a> </li> <li class="1215"> <a href="/en/help/1215-cookie-solution-wordpress-plugin-installation-guide">WordPress Plugin</a> </li> <li class="separator 5374"> </li> <li class="category-title 5358"> <strong>Prior Blocking Implementation</strong> </li> <li class="3081"> <a href="/en/help/3081-prior-blocking-of-cookie-scripts">Introduction to the Prior Blocking of Cookie Scripts</a> </li> <li class="1229"> <a href="/en/help/1229-manual-tagging-blocking-cookies">Manual Tagging (with Practical Examples)</a> </li> <li class="133036"> <a href="/en/help/133036-prior-blocking-of-cookies-automatic-blocking-auto-blocking">Automatic Blocking (auto-blocking)</a> </li> <li class="1235"> <a href="/en/help/1235-google-tag-manager-blocking-cookies">Google Tag Manager</a> </li> <li class="74198"> <a href="/en/help/74198-google-consent-mode-set-up-google-tag-manager-with-iubenda">Google Consent Mode: Set up Google Tag Manager with iubenda</a> </li> <li class="27137"> <a href="/en/help/27137-google-consent-mode">Google Consent Mode</a> </li> <li class="1182"> <a href="/en/help/1182-google-adsense-ad-manager-blocking-cookies">Google AdSense and Ad Manager</a> </li> <li class="1976"> <a href="/en/help/1976-php-class-blocking-cookies">PHP Class</a> </li> <li class="22135"> <a href="/en/help/22135-cookie-solution-amp-wordpress">How to integrate iubenda Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution with Google AMP (WordPress method included)</a> </li> <li class="separator 19644"> </li> <li class="category-title 17483"> <strong>Advanced</strong> </li> <li class="18678"> <a href="/en/help/18678-cookie-solution-consents-migration">How to migrate consents from a previous provider to the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution</a> </li> <li class="46731"> <a href="/en/help/46731-how-to-retrieve-proof-of-a-cookie-preferences-for-specific-users">How to retrieve proof of cookie preferences</a> </li> <li class="3834"> <a href="/en/help/3834-cache-and-optimisation-of-the-iubenda-cookie-solution">Cache, Speed and Other Optimization of the iubenda Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution</a> </li> <li class="23633"> <a href="/en/help/23633-how-to-invoke-cookie-solution-api-methods-from-an-iframe">How to invoke Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution API methods from an iframe</a> </li> <li class="12503"> <a href="">How to Configure your Content Security Policy for iubenda</a> </li> <li class="separator 17492"> </li> <li class="category-title 17490"> <strong>Stats</strong> </li> <li class="2426"> <a href="/en/help/2426-cookie-solution-analytics-and-stats">Analytics and Stats</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 146392"> <strong>For Mobile</strong> <ul> <li class="19678"> <a href="/en/help/19678-cs-for-mobile-developers-guide">Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution for mobile | Developer’s Guide</a> </li> <li class="145991"> <a href="/en/help/145991-iubenda-sdk-integration-with-google-consent-mode-v2-for-firebase-analytics">iubenda mobile SDK – Integration with Google Consent Mode V2 for Firebase Analytics</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 5357"> Troubleshooting and FAQs <ul> <li class="3062"> <a href="/en/help/3062-how-are-calculated-the-pageviews-of-the-cookie-solution">How Are the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution Pageviews Calculated?</a> </li> <li class="3812"> <a href="/en/help/3812-where-can-i-find-my-cookie-policy-and-site-ids">Where Can I Find My Cookie Policy and Site Ids?</a> </li> <li class="2690"> <a href="/en/help/2690-can-i-integrate-the-cookie-policy-within-my-website-using-the-direct-text-embedding-and-api">Can I Integrate the Cookie Policy Within My Website Using the Direct Text Embedding and API?</a> </li> <li class="3182"> <a href="/en/help/3182-cookie-consent-amp-pages">How do I collect cookie consent on AMP pages?</a> </li> <li class="105616"> <a href="/en/help/105616-how-to-solve-common-cookie-solution-issues-with-cache-plugins-and-optimization-features">How to solve common Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution issues with cache plugins and optimization features</a> </li> <li class="151085"> <a href="/en/help/151085-why-is-data-decreasing-after-installing-google-consent-mode-v2">Why Is Data Decreasing After Installing Google Consent Mode v2?</a> </li> <li class="166100"> <a href="/en/help/166100-how-to-hide-the-iubenda-banner-on-specific-pages">How to Hide the iubenda Banner on Specific Pages</a> </li> <li class="separator 17493"> </li> <li class="category-title 17491"> <strong>Channels and Changelog</strong> </li> <li class="2158"> <a href="/en/help/2158-cookie-solution-release-channels">Delivery Channels</a> </li> <li class="1970"> <a href="/en/help/1970-cookie-solution-changelog">Changelog</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 17474"> Terms and Conditions Generator <ul> <li class="2859"> <a href="/en/help/2859-terms-and-conditions-when-are-they-needed">What Are the Terms and Conditions and When Are They Needed?</a> </li> <li class="19482"> <a href="/en/help/19482-what-should-basic-terms-and-conditions-include">What Should Basic Terms and Conditions Include?</a> </li> <li class="20504"> <a href="/en/help/20504-can-i-use-a-terms-and-conditions-template">Can I use a Terms and Conditions template?</a> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 19560"> Creating Your Document <ul> <li class="19461"> <a href="/en/help/19461-how-to-generate-terms-and-conditions">How to Generate Terms and Conditions</a> </li> <li class="19668"> <a href="/en/help/3486">The Owner Field Within the Generator</a> </li> <li class="19667"> <a href="/en/help/137">How to Add Another Language to Your Documents</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 19561"> Editing/Updating Your Document <ul> <li class="19356"> <a href="/en/help/19356-edit-terms-and-conditions">How to Edit your Terms and Conditions</a> </li> <li class="19340"> <a href="/en/help/19340-delete-terms-and-conditions">How to Delete your Terms and Conditions</a> </li> <li class="separator 19570"> </li> <li class="category-title 19571"> <strong>Advanced options</strong> </li> <li class="19673"> <a href="/en/help/4158">How to Force Update & Change the "Last updated" Date Information</a> </li> <li class="19674"> <a href="/en/help/4825">Customize the way your website or app is referred to in your documents</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 19562"> Embedding Your Document <ul> <li class="category-title 47874"> <strong>General</strong> </li> <li class="19253"> <a href="/en/help/19253-integrate-terms-and-conditions-on-your-site-and-app">How to Integrate iubenda’s Terms and Conditions on your Site and App</a> </li> <li class="19675"> <a href="/en/help/337">Make Your Legal Documents Available for Offline Viewing</a> </li> <li class="separator 47876"> </li> <li class="category-title 47875"> <strong>Popular Platforms</strong> </li> <li class="52091"> <a href="/en/help/52091-how-to-add-terms-and-condition-on-amazon">Amazon</a> </li> <li class="49324"> <a href="/en/help/49324-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-bigcommerce">Bigcommerce</a> </li> <li class="51396"> <a href="/en/help/51396-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-ghost">Ghost</a> </li> <li class="50402"> <a href="/en/help/50402-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-hubspot">HubSpot</a> </li> <li class="51558"> <a href="/en/help/51558-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-jimdo">Jimdo</a> </li> <li class="49571"> <a href="/en/help/49571-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-joomla">Joomla!</a> </li> <li class="51470"> <a href="/en/help/51470-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-magento">Magento</a> </li> <li class="49740"> <a href="/en/help/49740-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-to-prestashop">PrestaShop</a> </li> <li class="49143"> <a href="/en/help/49143-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-squarespace">Squarespace</a> </li> <li class="52812"> <a href="/en/help/52812-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-shopify">Shopify</a> </li> <li class="50101"> <a href="/en/help/50101-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-ucraft">Ucraft</a> </li> <li class="48828"> <a href="/en/help/48828-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-webflow">Webflow</a> </li> <li class="50267"> <a href="/en/help/50267-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-weebly">Weebly</a> </li> <li class="47938"> <a href="/en/help/47938-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-to-wix">Wix</a> </li> <li class="45671"> <a href="/en/help/45671-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-woocommerce-stores">WooCommerce</a> </li> <li class="47465"> <a href="/en/help/47465-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-wordpress">WordPress</a> </li> <li class="46214"> <a href="/en/help/46214-how-to-add-terms-and-conditions-on-wordpress-com"></a> </li> <li class="separator 19581"> </li> <li class="category-title 19580"> <strong>Advanced</strong> </li> <li class="19579"> <a href="/en/help/12260">How to Configure your Content Security Policy for iubenda</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 19563"> Troubleshooting and FAQs <ul> <li class="19676"> <a href="/en/help/407">Can I Copy and Paste the Text of the Legal Documents into My Website?</a> </li> <li class="separator 68080"> </li> <li class="category-title 68081"> <strong>Changelog</strong> </li> <li class="64425"> <a href="/en/help/64425-terms-and-conditions-generator-legal-changelog">Legal Changelog</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 6557"> Consent Database <ul> <li class="has_child category-title 17471"> Getting Started <ul> <li class="6469"> <a href="/en/help/6469-consent-solution-getting-started">Introduction and Methods</a> </li> <li class="7379"> <a href="/en/help/7379-how-to-sync-your-iubenda-legal-documents-with-the-consent-solution">How to Sync Your Legal Documents</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 17472"> Implementation <ul> <li class="6473"> <a href="/en/help/6473-consent-solution-js-documentation">JavaScript</a> </li> <li class="6484"> <a href="/en/help/6484-consent-solution-http-api-documentation">HTTP API</a> </li> <li class="129285"> <a href="/en/help/129285-consent-database-integration-guide-all-major-platforms">Simple integration guide</a> </li> <li class="separator 18931"> </li> <li class="category-title 18930"> <strong>Popular Platforms</strong> </li> <li class="56957"> <a href="/en/help/56957-consent-solution-for-hubspot">HubSpot</a> </li> <li class="18710"> <a href="/en/help/18710-consent-solution-joomla-chronoforms">Joomla!</a> </li> <li class="67783"> <a href="/en/help/67783-make-integromat-consent-solution-integration">Make (Integromat)</a> </li> <li class="74560"> <a href="/en/help/74560-consent-solution-for-prestashop">Prestashop</a> </li> <li class="57099"> <a href="/en/help/57099-how-to-add-consent-solution-on-shopify">Shopify</a> </li> <li class="66387"> <a href="/en/help/66387-consent-solution-for-squarespace">Squarespace</a> </li> <li class="59704"> <a href="/en/help/59704-consent-solution-for-webflow">Webflow</a> </li> <li class="56770"> <a href="/en/help/56770-consent-solution-for-wix">Wix</a> </li> <li class="66023"> <a href="/en/help/66023-zapier-consent-solution-integration">Zapier</a> </li> <li class="separator 66377"> </li> <li class="category-title 66378"> <strong>WordPress</strong> </li> <li class="21330"> <a href="/en/help/21330-consent-solution-wordpress-plugin-installation-guide">WordPress (plugin)</a> </li> <li class="13083"> <a href="/en/help/13083-consent-solution-wordpress-contact-form-7">WordPress (JavaScript method)</a> </li> <li class="62292"> <a href="/en/help/62292-consent-solution-for-elementor">Elementor (WordPress website builder)</a> </li> <li class="61862"> <a href="/en/help/61862-consent-solution-for-gravity-forms">Gravity Forms (WordPress form plugin)</a> </li> <li class="separator 19582"> </li> <li class="category-title 17473"> <strong>Advanced</strong> </li> <li class="12502"> <a href="">How to Configure your Content Security Policy for iubenda</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 18268"> Troubleshooting and FAQs <ul> <li class="18199"> <a href="/en/help/18199-consent-solution-delivery-channels">Delivery Channels</a> </li> <li class="18024"> <a href="/en/help/18024-consent-solution-changelog">Changelog</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 141348"> Whistleblowing Management Tool <ul> <li class="141269"> <a href="/en/help/141269-eu-whistleblower-directive-guide-iubenda-tool">iubenda’s Guide to the EU Whistleblower Directive and Our Dedicated Tool</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 6558"> Register of Data Processing Activities <ul> <li class="6311"> <a href="/en/help/6311-internal-privacy-management-getting-started">Guide to the Register of Data Processing Activities</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="active has_child category-title 5238"> Resources <ul> <li class="13053"> <a href="/en/help/13053-iubenda-webinars">Webinars</a> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 25910"> Videos <ul> <li class="336"> <a href="/en/help/336-videos">All Video Guides</a> </li> <li class="separator 18397"> </li> <li class="category-title 18393"> <strong>Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator</strong> </li> <li class="34840"> <a href="/en/help/34840-privacy-and-cookie-policy-generator-overview-video">Overview</a> </li> <li class="327"> <a href="/en/help/327-intro-privacy-cookie-policy-generator-video">Introduction to the Generator</a> </li> <li class="310"> <a href="/en/help/310-add-services-privacy-policy-video">Adding services/clauses to your policy</a> </li> <li class="35004"> <a href="/en/help/35004-owner-info-privacy-policy-video">Filling in the owner info</a> </li> <li class="312"> <a href="/en/help/312-manage-languages-privacy-policy-video">Managing languages</a> </li> <li class="319"> <a href="/en/help/319-edit-privacy-policy-video">Editing your policy</a> </li> <li class="31830"> <a href="/en/help/31830-remove-iubenda-branding-video">Removing iubenda branding</a> </li> <li class="317"> <a href="/en/help/317-add-privacy-policy-to-your-site-video">Embedding your policy</a> </li> <li class="31834"> <a href="/en/help/31834-integrate-iubenda-wordpress-video">Integrating iubenda with WordPress</a> </li> <li class="separator 18398"> </li> <li class="category-title 18394"> <strong>Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution</strong> </li> <li class="31759"> <a href="/en/help/31759-cookie-solution-intro-video">Introduction to the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution</a> </li> <li class="18387"> <a href="/en/help/18387-customize-cookie-banner-basic-video">How to customize the cookie banner (basic options)</a> </li> <li class="31752"> <a href="/en/help/31752-customize-cookie-banner-advanced-video">How to customize the cookie banner (advanced options)</a> </li> <li class="39065"> <a href="/en/help/39065-tcf-video">Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)</a> </li> <li class="separator 33820"> </li> <li class="category-title 33821"> <strong>Terms and Conditions Generator</strong> </li> <li class="33817"> <a href="/en/help/33817-terms-and-conditions-generator-overview-video">Overview</a> </li> <li class="separator 18399"> </li> <li class="category-title 18395"> <strong>Consent Database</strong> </li> <li class="6827"> <a href="/en/help/6827-consent-solution-intro-video">Introduction to the Consent Database</a> </li> <li class="34721"> <a href="/en/help/34721-consent-solution-manual-implementation-javascript-video">Consent Database manual implementation (JavaScript)</a> </li> <li class="18353"> <a href="/en/help/18353-consent-solution-dashboard-video">Consent dashboard in action</a> </li> <li class="separator 18400"> </li> <li class="category-title 18396"> <strong>Register of Data Processing Activities</strong> </li> <li class="6667"> <a href="/en/help/6667-internal-privacy-management-video">How to use the IPM tool</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 7679"> Templates <ul> <li class="category-title 25913"> <strong>GDPR</strong> </li> <li class="7687"> <a href="/en/help/7687-eu-representative-appointment-template">EU Representative Appointment</a> </li> <li class="7680"> <a href="/en/help/7680-data-processing-agreement-template-gdpr">Data Processing Agreement</a> </li> <li class="7689"> <a href="/en/help/7689-non-disclosure-and-confidentiality-obligation-for-employees">Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Obligation for Employees</a> </li> <li class="7910"> <a href="/en/help/7910-data-protection-impact-assessment-dpia-template">Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)</a> </li> <li class="separator 25914"> </li> <li class="category-title 22097"> <strong>CPRA & CCPA</strong> </li> <li class="22090"> <a href="/en/help/22090-us-data-processing-addendum-template">Service Provider Addendum</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="active has_child category-title 25916"> Cheat Sheets, Checklists and Tests <ul> <li class="22835"> <a href="/en/help/22835-gdpr-compliance-checklist">GDPR cheat sheet</a> </li> <li class="active 23672"> <a 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View our directory of certified partners</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="has_child category-title 17445"> About iubenda <ul> <li class="6758"> <a href="/en/help/6758-data-processing-agreement-between-iubenda-and-its-users">Data Processing Agreement iubenda <> users</a> </li> <li class="1931"> <a href="/en/help/1931-what-iubenda-tracks-and-what-it-doesnt-track">What iubenda Does and Does Not Track</a> </li> <li class="5699"> <a href="/en/help/5699-5-reasons-why-we-host-your-documents">5 Reasons Why We Host Your Documents</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="toc-wrap sticky-top"> <nav id="toc" data-toggle="toc"></nav> <div class="mb-4 text-sm text-uppercase font-weight-bold text-muted toc-label">Table of Contents</div> </div> </div> <!-- /.doc_aside --> <div class="col-lg-9 help-tpl__main"> <div class="mb-4 d-block d-lg-none"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-light px-4 btn-aside help-tpl__show-index-btn">Show index</button> </div> <h1 class="help-tpl__main-title mb-5 display-4 font-weight-semibold"data-swiftype-name="title" data-swiftype-type="string">GDPR Cookie Consent Cheatsheet</h1> <div class="entry_content entry_body_content doc_body" data-swiftype-name="body" data-swiftype-type="text" data-toc-scope > <div data-toc-activator=""></div> <p><em>Disclaimer: Please note that these tables summarise the most recent guidelines from EU national authorities. They may evolve over time, depending on future legislative texts, case-law, or guidelines published on the subject. </em><br><br>NOTE: page or paragraph numbers for each country always refer to the respective document specified underneath the table. </p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Rules for collecting cookie consent: Per-country Comparison</h2> <div class="country-table entry_body_content" id="per-country-table" data-title="Rules for collecting cookie consent: Per-country Comparison"> <form class="countries mb-4 pb-2" action="#"> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="uk" id="uk" checked=""> <label for="uk">UK</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="italy" id="italy" checked=""> <label for="italy">Italy</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="germany" id="germany" checked=""> <label for="germany">Germany</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="france" id="france" checked=""> <label for="france">France</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="spain" id="spain" checked=""> <label for="spain">Spain</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="denmark" id="denmark" checked=""> <label for="denmark">Denmark</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="greece" id="greece" checked=""> <label for="greece">Greece</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="belgium" id="belgium" checked=""> <label for="belgium">Belgium</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="ireland" id="ireland" checked=""> <label for="ireland">Ireland</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="sweden" id="sweden" checked=""> <label for="sweden">Sweden</label> </span> <span class="d-inline-flex"> <input type="checkbox" class="czechia" id="czechia" checked=""> <label for="czechia">Czech Republic</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="netherlands" id="netherlands" checked=""> <label for="netherlands">Netherlands</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="luxemburg" id="luxemburg" checked=""> <label for="luxemburg">Luxemburg</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="austria" id="austria" checked=""> <label for="austria">Austria</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="switzerland" id="switzerland" checked=""> <label for="switzerland">Switzerland</label> </span> <span> <input type="checkbox" class="edpb" id="edpb" checked=""> <label for="edpb">EDPB</label> </span> </form> <div class="text-center sticky-top"> <button class="btn d-block d-lg-inline-block text-lg button-expand"></button> </div> <div class="table-wrapper table-help-column-fixed"> <div class="table-first-col-fixed"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th class="fixed-col"> <div>Questions</div> </th> <th class="uk"> <div><span class="flag">🇬🇧</span> <span>UK</span></div> </th> <th class="italy"> <div><span class="flag">🇮🇹</span> <span>Italy</span></div> </th> <th class="germany"> <div><span class="flag">🇩🇪</span> <span>Germany</span></div> </th> <th class="france"> <div><span class="flag">🇫🇷</span> <span data-elevio-inline="624" style="font-style: normal;">France</span></div> </th> <th class="spain"> <div><span class="flag">🇪🇸</span> <span>Spain</span></div> </th> <th class="denmark"> <div><span class="flag">🇩🇰</span> <span>Denmark</span></div> </th> <th class="greece"> <div><span class="flag">🇬🇷</span> <span>Greece</span></div> </th> <th class="belgium"> <div><span class="flag">🇧🇪</span> <span>Belgium</span></div> </th> <th class="ireland"> <div><span class="flag">🇮🇪</span> <span>Ireland</span></div> </th> <th class="sweden"> <div><span class="flag">🇸🇪</span> <span>Sweden</span></div> </th> <th class="czechia"> <div><span class="flag">🇨🇿</span> <span>Czech Republic</span></div> </th> <th class="netherlands"> <div><span class="flag">🇳🇱</span> <span>Netherlands</span></div> </th> <th class="luxemburg"> <div><span class="flag">🇱🇺</span> <span>Luxemburg</span></div> </th> <th class="austria"> <div><span class="flag">🇦🇹</span> <span>Austria</span></div> </th> <th class="switzerland"> <div><span class="flag">🇨🇭</span> <span>Switzerland</span></div> </th> <th class="edpb"> <div><span class="flag">🇪🇺</span> <span data-elevio-inline="623" style="font-style: normal;">EDPB</span></div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is consent by scrolling valid?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>It's valid only if the scrolldown action is part of a more complex procedure that allows to conclude that a user has deliberately and unambiguously intended to consent to cookies.</p> <p>"Simple" scrolldown is not sufficient.</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>It’s valid only if the scrolldown action is part of a more complex procedure that allows to conclude that a user has deliberately and unambiguously intended to consent to cookies.</p> <p>“Simple” scrolldown is not sufficient.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="spain"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The cookie notice must not disappear if the user hasn't made a choice via an affirmative action.</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The cookie notice must not disappear if the user hasn’t made a choice via an affirmative action.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content=" <p> The FAQs provide that: "active user action (e.g. clicking on the consent button) is required in the case of consent." </p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide that: “active user action (e.g. clicking on the consent button) is required in the case of consent.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FADP and the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner ("FDPIC") do not mention anything against the validity of consent by scrolling so it is understood that such action would be valid.</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FADP and the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) do not mention anything against the validity of consent by scrolling so it is understood that such action would be valid.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is consent by continuing navigation valid?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span>Likely no, but not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="spain"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide that "if you "browse" a website <b>without any interaction with the cookie bar</b>, cookies <u>cannot</u> be stored in the user's browser (except technically). Consent must always be obtained first and only then can cookies be stored."</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide that “if you “browse” a website <b>without any interaction with the cookie bar</b>, cookies <u>cannot</u> be stored in the user’s browser (except technically). Consent must always be obtained first and only then can cookies be stored.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Are explicit “accept” AND “reject” buttons required to be on the cookie notice?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The ICO clearly favors an approach that clearly gives users the choice between <strong>accepting</strong> and <strong>rejecting</strong> all cookies, alongside handles to customize their choices.</p> <p>However, it must be noted that the ICO does not explicitly require "reject all" buttons. Therefore, as long as the available choices are all equally conspicuous, an alternative between "accept all" and "customize" seems to be fine, as long as by choosing the latter no consent is implied.</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The ICO clearly favors an approach that clearly gives users the choice between <strong>accepting</strong> and <strong>rejecting</strong> all cookies, alongside handles to customize their choices.</p> <p>However, it must be noted that the ICO does not explicitly require “reject all” buttons. Therefore, as long as the available choices are all equally conspicuous, an alternative between “accept all” and “customize” seems to be fine, as long as by choosing the latter no consent is implied.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>According to the Italian DPA the banner must contain:</p> <ul><li>an "Accept" command;</li> <li>an "X" or any equally unambiguous command that users may click on to close the banner and continue navigating without accepting any cookies ("Reject").</li></ul>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>According to the Italian DPA the banner must contain:</p> <ul><li>an “Accept” command;</li> <li>an “X” or any equally unambiguous command that users may click on to close the banner and continue navigating without accepting any cookies (“Reject”).</li></ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Accept and reject buttons must be equally conspicuous. Alternatively, there must be an equally easy method to <strong>refuse</strong> all cookies (e.g. by continued navigation) and the user is clearly informed of it.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Accept and reject buttons must be equally conspicuous. Alternatively, there must be an equally easy method to <strong>refuse</strong> all cookies (e.g. by continued navigation) and the user is clearly informed of it.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The AEPD guide (<a href="">page 20</a>) explicitly refers to the requirements of having "accept" and "reject" buttons as follows:</p> <ul> <li>An easily visible button or equivalent mechanism with the words "Accept cookies", "Accept", "Consent" or similar text to consent to the use of <u>all cookies</u></li> <li>A button or equivalent mechanism, similar to the previous one (if a button to accept is used, a button to reject must be used), with the words "Reject cookies", "Reject" or similar texts, to reject the use of cookies (except those that are exempt from the obligation to obtain an informed consent).</li> </ul>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The AEPD guide (<a href="">page 20</a>) explicitly refers to the requirements of having “accept” and “reject” buttons as follows:</p> <ul> <li>An easily visible button or equivalent mechanism with the words “Accept cookies”, “Accept”, “Consent” or similar text to consent to the use of <u>all cookies</u></li> <li>A button or equivalent mechanism, similar to the previous one (if a button to accept is used, a button to reject must be used), with the words “Reject cookies”, “Reject” or similar texts, to reject the use of cookies (except those that are exempt from the obligation to obtain an informed consent).</li> </ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>They must be equally conspicuous.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>They must be equally conspicuous.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Compliance Recomendation states that: The user should be able, with the same number of actions ("clicks") and from the same level, either to accept the use of trackers (those for which consent required) to either reject it, or all or every category separately.</p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Compliance Recomendation states that: The user should be able, with the same number of actions (“clicks”) and from the same level, either to accept the use of trackers (those for which consent required) to either reject it, or all or every category separately.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>If an "accept all" button is provided, an equally prominent "reject all" button must be also available.</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>If an “accept all” button is provided, an equally prominent “reject all” button must be also available.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs state that:<br>"The design and colour of the ["accept" and "reject"] buttons should be chosen in such a way that the data subject is free to decide whether or not to give consent. For example, the <b>'I agree' button should not be significantly larger or significantly more colourful than the 'I reject' button.</b> <u>If the opt-out button is less visible or identifiable, it could be overlooked by the data subject and the consent given would not be considered free.</u> At the same time, the colours of the buttons should be chosen to respect the generally accepted meaning of these colours."</p> <p>"In order to give the data subject a <b>free</b> choice, <b><u>refusing consent must be as simple as giving it</u></b>, which is achieved by placing the consent and opt-out buttons for non-technical cookies in the same layer of the cookie bar."</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b><br> See <a href="" target="_blank">Annual Report 2023.</a> This requirement is re-affirmed as follows:'The setting of the cookie bar must be made so that the granting and refusal of consent is equally easy, which, in a situation where consent is expressed by selecting the appropriate option within the cookie bar, requires both of these options to be displayed simultaneously, i.e. <b>at the same level</b> of the cookie bar.'</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs state that:<br>“The design and colour of the [“accept” and “reject”] buttons should be chosen in such a way that the data subject is free to decide whether or not to give consent. For example, the <b>‘I agree’ button should not be significantly larger or significantly more colourful than the ‘I reject’ button.</b> <u>If the opt-out button is less visible or identifiable, it could be overlooked by the data subject and the consent given would not be considered free.</u> At the same time, the colours of the buttons should be chosen to respect the generally accepted meaning of these colours.”</p> <p>“In order to give the data subject a <b>free</b> choice, <b><u>refusing consent must be as simple as giving it</u></b>, which is achieved by placing the consent and opt-out buttons for non-technical cookies in the same layer of the cookie bar.”</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b><br> See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023.</a> This requirement is re-affirmed as follows:’The setting of the cookie bar must be made so that the granting and refusal of consent is equally easy, which, in a situation where consent is expressed by selecting the appropriate option within the cookie bar, requires both of these options to be displayed simultaneously, i.e. <b>at the same level</b> of the cookie bar.’</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="The <a href="" target="blank">Dutch AP</a> specifies that:"<em>Your website visitors should be able to refuse cookies as easily as they accept them. <strong>So put the buttons for reject and accept on the same layer</strong>. This means that someone does not have to click through to refuse, if they do not have to click through to accept (all)</em>."" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p> The <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Dutch AP</a> specifies that:”<em>Your website visitors should be able to refuse cookies as easily as they accept them. <strong>So put the buttons for reject and accept on the same layer</strong>. This means that someone does not have to click through to refuse, if they do not have to click through to accept (all)</em>.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>But it's mentioned as common practice.</p>" data-popover-title="Luxemburg"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>But it’s mentioned as common practice.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Must accept and reject options be equally conspicuous (equal prominence requirement)?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> </p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> </p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> <p>See above</p> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> </p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is the prior blocking of cookies necessary where consent is required?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>When consent is required, cookies must be blocked until the user has given their consent.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>When consent is required, cookies must be blocked until the user has given their consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>A website owner that runs several SIMILAR websites may inform users about cookies and <a href="">collect consent for all of them in one go (p.29)</a> for the use of cookies on several websites that belong to you or even third parties connected to you. However this must only apply to Spanish users.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>A website owner that runs several SIMILAR websites may inform users about cookies and <a href="">collect consent for all of them in one go (p.29)</a> for the use of cookies on several websites that belong to you or even third parties connected to you. However this must only apply to Spanish users.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>No cookie except for those strictly necessary for the websites' functioning (e.g. shopping cart cookie) may be set before the user has consented.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>No cookie except for those strictly necessary for the websites’ functioning (e.g. shopping cart cookie) may be set before the user has consented.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Compliance Recommendation C3 states that: In the absence of any selection event (neither acceptance nor rejection), no unnecessary trackers should be used.</p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Compliance Recommendation C3 states that: In the absence of any selection event (neither acceptance nor rejection), no unnecessary trackers should be used.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>"Non-technical cookies can only be activated <u>after consent has been given.</u> If the data subject has <b>not</b> actively consented to the cookies (i.e. if he/she has either selected the "do not consent" option, or if he/she has closed the bar by clicking on the button provided for this purpose, or if he/she has "done nothing" - i.e. if he/she has not reacted to the cookie bar in any way), <b>it is necessary to leave the non-technical cookies <u>deactivated.</u></b>"</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>“Non-technical cookies can only be activated <u>after consent has been given.</u> If the data subject has <b>not</b> actively consented to the cookies (i.e. if he/she has either selected the “do not consent” option, or if he/she has closed the bar by clicking on the button provided for this purpose, or if he/she has “done nothing” – i.e. if he/she has not reacted to the cookie bar in any way), <b>it is necessary to leave the non-technical cookies <u>deactivated.</u></b>“</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FADP does not make reference to the prior blocking of cookies or similar trackers.</p> <p> <b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that 'when cookies are collected on a website, those that are not necessary for consulting the site should be deactivated by default.'</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FADP does not make reference to the prior blocking of cookies or similar trackers.</p> <p><b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that “when cookies are collected on a website, those that are not necessary for consulting the site should be deactivated by default.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Are full cookie walls admitted?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span>Unlikely</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>No definitive statement has been made however the ICO guidelines state that <a href="/en/help/24487">cookie walls</a> are "unlikely to be valid".</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>No definitive statement has been made however the ICO guidelines state that <a href="/en/help/24487">cookie walls</a> are “unlikely to be valid”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Unless the website owner provides an alternative possibility to access the service without accepting consent-requiring cookies (possibly against payment, not specified).</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Unless the website owner provides an alternative possibility to access the service without accepting consent-requiring cookies (possibly against payment, not specified).</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span>Possibly</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>In principle, yes, but this remains to be determined on a case–by–case bases – however, users must be clearly informed about the consequences of not accepting cookies.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>In principle, yes, but this remains to be determined on a case-by-case bases – however, users must be clearly informed about the consequences of not accepting cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookie walls are only acceptable if the user has an alternative for accessing the service without accepting cookies.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookie walls are only acceptable if the user has an alternative for accessing the service without accepting cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span>Possibly</span></p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookie walls are allowed, as long as certain criteria are met:</p><ul><li>users must be given a reasonable alternative to the processing of their personal data (e.g., a reasonable monetary fee);</li><li>any data processed after a user provides consent (as an alternative to payment) must be a necessary part of the non-monetary alternative, or else separate consent must be obtained;</li><li>if the user chooses to make monetary payment, no personal data should be processed other than as necessary to provide the service requested, unless separate consent is provided.</li></ul>"data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> <noscript> <p>Cookie walls are allowed, as long as certain criteria are met:</p><ul><li>users must be given a reasonable alternative to the processing of their personal data (e.g., a reasonable monetary fee);</li><li>any data processed after a user provides consent (as an alternative to payment) must be a necessary part of the non-monetary alternative, or else separate consent must be obtained;</li><li>if the user chooses to make monetary payment, no personal data should be processed other than as necessary to provide the service requested, unless separate consent is provided.</li></ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span>Likely no</span> </p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>These are not allowed in terms of the Information Package however they are prevalent on Swedish Websites.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>These are not allowed in terms of the Information Package however they are prevalent on Swedish Websites.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>"Recital 32 of the General Regulation implies that if the data subject has to give consent following a request made by electronic means, this request <u>must not interfere with the use of the service.</u></p> <p>Paragraph 39 of EDPB Guideline No 05/2020 states that in order for consent to be freely given, access to services and features <u><b>must not be conditional</b></u> on the <b>user's consent</b> to store information or to access information already stored on the user's end device <b>(cookie walls)</b>."</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>“Recital 32 of the General Regulation implies that if the data subject has to give consent following a request made by electronic means, this request <u>must not interfere with the use of the service.</u></p> <p>Paragraph 39 of EDPB Guideline No 05/2020 states that in order for consent to be freely given, access to services and features <u><b>must not be conditional</b></u> on the <b>user’s consent</b> to store information or to access information already stored on the user’s end device <b>(cookie walls)</b>.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>But it seems like cookie-less use of a service could be offered at a cost (<a href="">see FAQ</a>).</p>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>But it seems like cookie-less use of a service could be offered at a cost (<a href="">see FAQ</a>).</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>In the latest <a href="">DSB's FAQs (December 2023)</a>, the DSB draws a distinction between "cookie walls" and "pay walls". The DSB states that the "pay or ok" system is fundamentally acceptable if certain criteria are met.</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>In the latest <a href="">DSB’s FAQs (December 2023)</a>, the DSB draws a distinction between “cookie walls” and “pay walls”. The DSB states that the “pay or ok” system is fundamentally acceptable if certain criteria are met.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Must cookies be listed one by one?<br></td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The ICO states that simply listing numerous cookies could be confusing to the user and best practice would be to give a description of the cookies. According to the <a href="">PECR</a>, the clarity and comprehensiveness of cookies is key (see Section 6 (2)).</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The ICO states that simply listing numerous cookies could be confusing to the user and best practice would be to give a description of the cookies. According to the <a href="">PECR</a>, the clarity and comprehensiveness of cookies is key (see Section 6 (2))</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Seems unlikely.</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Seems unlikely.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>A per-purpose listing is valid and sufficient.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>A per-purpose listing is valid and sufficient.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span>Not clear</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>There have been contradictory statements issued. A recent <a href="">press release</a> states that the purpose of "each single tracker" must be specified (point 3), while the very next point (4) states that information about <strong>lifetime, controller and recipients </strong>of each tracker or <strong>category of trackers </strong>of the same purpose must be disclosed.</p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>There have been contradictory statements issued. A recent <a href="">press release</a> states that the purpose of “each single tracker” must be specified (point 3), while the very next point (4) states that information about <strong>lifetime, controller and recipients </strong>of each tracker or <strong>category of trackers </strong>of the same purpose must be disclosed.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span>Not clear</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>There have been contradictory statements issued. The DPA states expressly that "the GDPR does not require per-cookie consent", however, it also states that, while on a first level consent must only be collected on a per-purpose basis, on the second level users must be given the option to allow cookies granularly (on a per-cookie basis).</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>There have been contradictory statements issued. The DPA states expressly that “the GDPR does not require per-cookie consent”, however, it also states that, while on a first level consent must only be collected on a per-purpose basis, on the second level users must be given the option to allow cookies granularly (on a per-cookie basis).</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span>Likely no</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The guidance states "Controllers must ensure that consent is obtained for each purpose for which cookies are set. This does not mean that consent needs to be obtained individually for each cookie, but merely for the purpose for which it is being used."</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The guidance states “Controllers must ensure that consent is obtained for each purpose for which cookies are set. This does not mean that consent needs to be obtained individually for each cookie, but merely for the purpose for which it is being used.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The user must be informed of each and every type of cookies (except for necessary cookies) prior to giving consent, therefore it stands to reason that the cookies must be individually listed.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The user must be informed of each and every type of cookies (except for necessary cookies) prior to giving consent, therefore it stands to reason that the cookies must be individually listed.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide:<br> "A <b>list of individual cookies</b>, including their purpose, is certainly <b>advisable</b> in the context of the principles and obligations under the GDPR. The placement of this information should be considered in the light of the number of cookies, so that the information provided is both clear and easily accessible. The information may therefore be directly in the structured cookie bar, e.g. by clicking on 'more information', or there may be a link to a document containing information about cookies."</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b></p> <p>See <a href="" target="_blank">Annual Report 2023</a>. UOOU indicates that users must be given information about all cookies, i.e. is both first party and third party cookies and not just the first party ones. With regards to consent, the UOOU found instances where the: 'consent did not contain any information about the uploading of third-party cookies after its granting, but only contained information about the controller's cookies (i.e., first-party cookies). This consent had to be assessed as uninformed and was found to be in breach of Article 6(1) of the [GDPR], as the controller had no other basis for such processing of personal data.'</p> <p>In addition, the UOOU states: 'If information on the purpose of processing is not provided individually for each cookie, but sufficient information is provided for several specifically listed cookies at the same time (typically the division of cookies into statistical or analytical cookies) [then this is sufficient]. In this situation, however, the information must be specific enough to be applicable to each cookie and it is always necessary to insist that the controller provide a list of all cookies that are uploaded to the end-user devices.'</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide:<br> “A <b>list of individual cookies</b>, including their purpose, is certainly <b>advisable</b> in the context of the principles and obligations under the GDPR. The placement of this information should be considered in the light of the number of cookies, so that the information provided is both clear and easily accessible. The information may therefore be directly in the structured cookie bar, e.g. by clicking on ‘more information’, or there may be a link to a document containing information about cookies.”</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b></p> <p>See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023</a>. UOOU indicates that users must be given information about all cookies, i.e. is both first party and third party cookies and not just the first party ones. With regards to consent, the UOOU found instances where the: ‘consent did not contain any information about the uploading of third-party cookies after its granting, but only contained information about the controller’s cookies (i.e., first-party cookies). This consent had to be assessed as uninformed and was found to be in breach of Article 6(1) of the [GDPR], as the controller had no other basis for such processing of personal data.’</p> <p>In addition, the UOOU states: ‘If information on the purpose of processing is not provided individually for each cookie, but sufficient information is provided for several specifically listed cookies at the same time (typically the division of cookies into statistical or analytical cookies) [then this is sufficient]. In this situation, however, the information must be specific enough to be applicable to each cookie and it is always necessary to insist that the controller provide a list of all cookies that are uploaded to the end-user devices.’</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<strong>January 2024 Update</strong>: The <a href="" target="blank">Dutch AP</a> specifies:"<em>Give your website visitor information necessary to make an informed choice. This includes stating why you use cookies for each purpose before someone makes a choice.</em>"" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><strong>January 2024 Update</strong>: The <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Dutch AP</a> specifies:”<em>Give your website visitor information necessary to make an informed choice. This includes stating why you use cookies for each purpose before someone makes a choice.</em>“</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span>Likely no</span> </p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span>Likely no</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Austrian DBS Standard indicates that the lack of “granularity of consent principle” in the cookie banner would lead to an invalid consent, then it would stand to reason that cookies would need to be listed so that users have a clearer idea of what they are consenting to."</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Austrian DBS Standard indicates that the lack of “granularity of consent principle” in the cookie banner would lead to an invalid consent, then it would stand to reason that cookies would need to be listed so that users have a clearer idea of what they are consenting to.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Must purposes be listed in the first layer of the cookie notice?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span>Not mentioned, but unlikely.</span> </p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span>Best practice</span> </p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Ultimately, it appears that the Authority requires not only to list the purposes, but also to allow the users to give their consent to each of such purposes already in the first layer.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Ultimately, it appears that the Authority requires not only to list the purposes, but also to allow the users to give their consent to each of such purposes already in the first layer.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Yes they can, (although this is not an explicit requirement) <em>vide</em> <a href=""></a></p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Yes they can, (although this is not an explicit requirement) <em>vide</em> <a href=""></a></p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>In a recent decision, the DPA explicitly states that:</p> <p>the following information must be made available to users before giving consent (which may imply that it must be provided in the first layer):</p> <ul> <li>identity of controller(s)</em></li> <li><strong> purposes</strong></li> <li>how to accept/reject trackers</li> <li>consequences of accepting or rejecting trackers</li> <li>the existence of a right to withdraw consent.</li> </ul>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>In a recent decision, the DPA explicitly states that:</p> <p>the following information must be made available to users before giving consent (which may imply that it must be provided in the first layer):</p> <ul> <li>identity of controller(s)</em></li> <li><strong> purposes</strong></li> <li>how to accept/reject trackers</li> <li>consequences of accepting or rejecting trackers</li> <li>the existence of a right to withdraw consent.</li> </ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Since Swedish law does not explicitly state that a banner is required, it therefore does not specify the elements of the first layer either. What is clear is that the user is to be clearly informed beforehand about the collection and processing of cookies."</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Since Swedish law does not explicitly state that a banner is required, it therefore does not specify the elements of the first layer either. What is clear is that the user is to be clearly informed beforehand about the collection and processing of cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>They can be listed on the first or second layer since the FAQs make reference to the purposes being visible after the 'more information' button is engaged with:</p> <p>'A list of individual cookies, including their purpose, can certainly be recommended in the context of the principles and obligations arising from the general regulation. The location of this information needs to be considered with regard to the number of cookies, so that the information provided is clear and at the same time easily accessible. The information can therefore be directly in the structured cookie bar, <b>e.g. after clicking "more information" or there can be a link to a document containing information about cookies.</b>'</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>They can be listed on the first or second layer since the FAQs make reference to the purposes being visible after the ‘more information’ button is engaged with:</p> <p>‘A list of individual cookies, including their purpose, can certainly be recommended in the context of the principles and obligations arising from the general regulation. The location of this information needs to be considered with regard to the number of cookies, so that the information provided is clear and at the same time easily accessible. The information can therefore be directly in the structured cookie bar, <b>e.g. after clicking “more information” or there can be a link to a document containing information about cookies.</b>‘</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<strong>January 2024 Update</strong>: the <a href="" target="blank">Dutch AP</a> specifies that on the first layer:"<em>It must be clear <strong>who</strong> processes the personal data and for what <strong>purpose(s)</strong>.</em>" It further states that all information must be provided ina clear manner." data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><strong>January 2024 Update</strong>: the <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Dutch AP</a> specifies that on the first layer:”<em>It must be clear <strong>who</strong> processes the personal data and for what <strong>purpose(s)</strong>.</em>” It further states that all information must be provided ina clear manner.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs issued on December 2023 by the DSB indicate that "a precise description of the processing purposes" must be included.</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs issued on December 2023 by the DSB indicate that “a precise description of the processing purposes” must be included.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Must consent be granular on a per-purpose basis?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span>Per-service but not necessarily per-purpose</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>It must cover all of the purposes of processing. This can be done through global or specific consent. </p> <p><a href="">ICO states that:</a></br> <em>"Long tables or detailed lists of all the cookies operating on the site may be the type of information that your users will want to consider. Some sites might use tens or even hundreds of cookies and therefore it may also be helpful to provide a broader explanation of the way cookies operate and the categories of cookies in use. For example, a description of the types of things you use analytics cookies for on the site will be more likely to satisfy the requirements than simply listing all the cookies you use with basic references to their function.”</em> </p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>It must cover all of the purposes of processing. This can be done through global or specific consent. </p> <p><a href="">ICO states that:</a></br> <em>“Long tables or detailed lists of all the cookies operating on the site may be the type of information that your users will want to consider. Some sites might use tens or even hundreds of cookies and therefore it may also be helpful to provide a broader explanation of the way cookies operate and the categories of cookies in use. For example, a description of the types of things you use analytics cookies for on the site will be more likely to satisfy the requirements than simply listing all the cookies you use with basic references to their function.”</em> </p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>It must be granular, but the criteria of granularity are left to the provider of the service for implementation. In terms of grouping criteria the Garante refers to "functionality", "third-parties" and "cookie category".</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>It must be granular, but the criteria of granularity are left to the provider of the service for implementation. In terms of grouping criteria the Garante refers to “functionality”, “third-parties” and “cookie category”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>There are two aspects to this requirement:</p> <ul> <li>You must clearly separate cookies requiring consent from those that do not (Don’t collect consent for cookies that do not need it).</li> <li>Consent must be granular. However, it’s not clear how granular. The DPAs have simply mentioned that "it must be possible to select single processing activities singularly".</li> </ul> <p>However, so far there has been no practical implementation of a cookie-by-cookie selection, or any literature or case-law on the matter. As an extreme level of granularity may actually confuse and reduce transparency for users, it seems likely that per-purpose grouping would be sufficient in this case.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>There are two aspects to this requirement:</p> <ul> <li>You must clearly separate cookies requiring consent from those that do not (Don’t collect consent for cookies that do not need it).</li> <li>Consent must be granular. However, it’s not clear how granular. The DPAs have simply mentioned that “it must be possible to select single processing activities singularly”.</li> </ul> <p>However, so far there has been no practical implementation of a cookie-by-cookie selection, or any literature or case-law on the matter. As an extreme level of granularity may actually confuse and reduce transparency for users, it seems likely that per-purpose grouping would be sufficient in this case.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Consent to cross-website/app trackers should be renewed on every single affected website/app.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Consent to cross-website/app trackers should be renewed on every single affected website/app.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The <a href="">AEPD guide (page 22)</a> refers degree of granularity when displaying the cookie selection and states that: <ul><li>"Cookies should be <u>grouped at least by purpose</u>, so that the user can accept cookies for one or more purposes and not for one or more others (for example, the user could choose to accept analytical cookies and not behavioral advertising cookies)."</li> <li>"<u>Within each purpose</u>, and at the choice of the website publisher, cookies could also be <u>grouped according to the third party responsible for them</u> (for example, the user could choose to accept analytical cookies from a certain third party and not those from another)."</li> <li>"In relation to third-party cookies, it is sufficient to identify them by their name or by the brand with which they are identified to the public, without including the full corporate name."</li> <li><u>"The maximum degree of granularity</u> (cookie to cookie selection, even within the same purpose) <u>should be avoided</u>, as too much information makes decision making difficult."</li></ul></p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The <a href="">AEPD guide (page 22)</a> refers degree of granularity when displaying the cookie selection and states that: <ul><li>“Cookies should be <u>grouped at least by purpose</u>, so that the user can accept cookies for one or more purposes and not for one or more others (for example, the user could choose to accept analytical cookies and not behavioral advertising cookies).”</li> <li>“<u>Within each purpose</u>, and at the choice of the website publisher, cookies could also be <u>grouped according to the third party responsible for them</u> (for example, the user could choose to accept analytical cookies from a certain third party and not those from another).”</li> <li>“In relation to third-party cookies, it is sufficient to identify them by their name or by the brand with which they are identified to the public, without including the full corporate name.”</li> <li><u>“The maximum degree of granularity</u> (cookie to cookie selection, even within the same purpose) <u>should be avoided</u>, as too much information makes decision making difficult.”</li></ul></p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Users must have the option of accepting cookies purpose-by-purpose (actually, the guide says "categories of purposes"). A cookie-by-cookie approach is explicitly declared as not required.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Users must have the option of accepting cookies purpose-by-purpose (actually, the guide says “categories of purposes”). A cookie-by-cookie approach is explicitly declared as not required.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Compliance Recommendations also provide that:</p> <li>B2. It is legitimate to provide the information through several levels, as long as it is ensured that the user's consent is requested after the user has been specifically informed, at least for the tracker classes used.</li> <li>B3. Through the notification message (whether it is a pop-up window or otherwise) specific information about the purpose of each tracker must be provided to the user, and not general information on the use of trackers.</li>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Compliance Recommendations also provide that:</p> <li>B2. It is legitimate to provide the information through several levels, as long as it is ensured that the user’s consent is requested after the user has been specifically informed, at least for the tracker classes used.</li> <li>B3. Through the notification message (whether it is a pop-up window or otherwise) specific information about the purpose of each tracker must be provided to the user, and not general information on the use of trackers.</li> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>On the first level a per-purpose approach is sufficient and reasonable. On the second level, a cookie-per-cookie approach is mentioned ad viable. But it's neither expressly recommended, nor purported as mandatory.</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>On the first level a per-purpose approach is sufficient and reasonable. On the second level, a cookie-per-cookie approach is mentioned ad viable. But it’s neither expressly recommended, nor purported as mandatory.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Since the Swedish Electronic Communications Act states that the provider of a publicly available electronic communication service must, prior to obtaining consent, inform the person to whom the data relates to the type of traffic data that is processed, and the Information Package states that the information provided to the user must describe each of the purposes for cookie collection, e.g. statistics, marketing, technical, etc. and the user's consent must be specific for each purpose, and the user must consent to each specific use, then this implies that granular consent is required.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Since the Swedish Electronic Communications Act states that the provider of a publicly available electronic communication service must, prior to obtaining consent, inform the person to whom the data relates to the type of traffic data that is processed, and the Information Package states that the information provided to the user must describe each of the purposes for cookie collection, e.g. statistics, marketing, technical, etc. and the user’s consent must be specific for each purpose, and the user must consent to each specific use, then this implies that granular consent is required.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span>It should be</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide as follows:"Giving consent should not be confusing or annoying for the user, i.e. while the user can agree or disagree <b><u>with each individual cookie<u></b>, or <b>individual purpose</b> or <b>controller</b>, he/she should also have the simple possibility to refuse all at once."</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide as follows:”Giving consent should not be confusing or annoying for the user, i.e. while the user can agree or disagree <b><u>with each individual cookie</u></b>, or <b>individual purpose</b> or <b>controller</b>, he/she should also have the simple possibility to refuse all at once.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span>Not specified (but implied)</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<em>"You must properly <a href="" target="blank">inform</a> your website visitors , including about how you use cookies and for what purposes. You need separate permission for each purpose."</em>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><em>“You must properly <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">inform</a> your website visitors , including about how you use cookies and for what purposes. You need separate permission for each purpose.”</em></p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span>Not specified (but implied)</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The latest decision (March 2023) issued by the Austrian Data Protection Authority ("DSB”) highlight that the lack of the “granularity of consent principle” in the cookie banner would lead to an invalid consent. The DSB further added that “blanket consents” in a "pay or okay" system could lead "to a serious encroachment on the fundamental right to data protection."The above would imply that consent must be granular.</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The latest decision (March 2023) issued by the Austrian Data Protection Authority (“DSB”) highlight that the lack of the “granularity of consent principle” in the cookie banner would lead to an invalid consent. The DSB further added that “blanket consents” in a “pay or okay” system could lead “to a serious encroachment on the fundamental right to data protection.”The above would imply that consent must be granular.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is a <a href="/en/help/5428#records-of-consent">GDPR-aligned</a> proof of consent required?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>As per <a href="">no. 29 of CNIL's. 2020 guidelines</a>, proof of consent is required is accordance with the GDPR requirements. The consent collecting entity must also be able to handover proof of consent to other the third-parties that have relied on that consent in order to process the user's data.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>As per <a href="">no. 29 of CNIL’s. 2020 guidelines</a>, proof of consent is required is accordance with the GDPR requirements. The consent collecting entity must also be able to handover proof of consent to other the third-parties that have relied on that consent in order to process the user’s data.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p><span>Not specified (but implied)</span></p> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content=" <p> Proof of consent is addressed in the FAQs in the context of giving consent via browser settings which is deemed as not being effective since: "the data controller must be able to prove that the user has given consent to the processing (for each individual purpose)." </p> <p>No futher detailed requirements are stated. </p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Proof of consent is addressed in the FAQs in the context of giving consent via browser settings which is deemed as not being effective since: “the data controller must be able to prove that the user has given consent to the processing (for each individual purpose).”</p> <p>No futher detailed requirements are stated.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p> <span>Likely yes</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Not explicitly stated.</p>" data-popover-title="EDPB"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Not explicitly stated.</p> </noscript> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Should withdrawing consent be as simple as giving it? </td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>According to the <a href="">ICO</a> "It must also be as easy to withdraw consent as it was to give it. This means the process of withdrawing consent should be an easily accessible one-step process. If possible, individuals should be able to withdraw their consent using the same method as when they gave it."</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>According to the <a href="">ICO</a> “It must also be as easy to withdraw consent as it was to give it. This means the process of withdrawing consent should be an easily accessible one-step process. If possible, individuals should be able to withdraw their consent using the same method as when they gave it.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Ideally through a link in the website's footer.</p> <p>The Garante also suggests to provide an icon always visible during navigation that summarises the user's choices.</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Ideally through a link in the website’s footer.</p> <p>The Garante also suggests to provide an icon always visible during navigation that summarises the user’s choices.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Users must be clearly informed about how they can withdraw consent before granting it. A link/icon or any other static element allowing users to withdraw consent at a later stage should always be clearly visible and accessible on the website/app.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Users must be clearly informed about how they can withdraw consent before granting it. A link/icon or any other static element allowing users to withdraw consent at a later stage should always be clearly visible and accessible on the website/app.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The AEPD states (page 19) that it is "advisable that the information on how to manage cookies (including how to revoke consent and delete cookies) is accessible and permanently available at all times through the website, application or online service in question." This requirement also applies to the cookie policy through a Cookie Management System.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The AEPD states (page 19) that it is “advisable that the information on how to manage cookies (including how to revoke consent and delete cookies) is accessible and permanently available at all times through the website, application or online service in question.” This requirement also applies to the cookie policy through a Cookie Management System.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Compliance Recommendation C5 states that: The user must be able to withdraw their consent in the same manner and with the same ease with which he declared it.</p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Compliance Recommendation C5 states that: The user must be able to withdraw their consent in the same manner and with the same ease with which he declared it. </p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>"Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn at any time by the data subject, and withdrawal of consent must be as easy as giving it. If consent is given via a cookie bar, it cannot be accepted that withdrawal of consent can only be done e.g. by telephone. Ideally, therefore, the website should have an easily accessible button or link to withdraw consent."</p> <p>March 2024 Update: See <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023.</a> The UOOU states that: The possibility to withdraw consent, is an integral part of the conditions for granting consent, and as Article 7(3) GDPR states, "Withdrawing consent shall be as easy as giving it." An example of best practice in this context is the possibility to call up [the preferences] via a link in the footer of the website.</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>“Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn at any time by the data subject, and withdrawal of consent must be as easy as giving it. If consent is given via a cookie bar, it cannot be accepted that withdrawal of consent can only be done e.g. by telephone. Ideally, therefore, the website should have an easily accessible button or link to withdraw consent.”</p> <p>March 2024 Update: See <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023.</a> The UOOU states that: The possibility to withdraw consent, is an integral part of the conditions for granting consent, and as Article 7(3) GDPR states, “Withdrawing consent shall be as easy as giving it.” An example of best practice in this context is the possibility to call up [the preferences] via a link in the footer of the website.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="The <a href="" target="blank">Dutch AP</a> specifies that "<em>Your website visitors should be able to withdraw their consent just as easily.</em>"" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The <a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Dutch AP</a> specifies that “<em>Your website visitors should be able to withdraw their consent just as easily.</em>“</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded m1-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs issued by the DSB in December 2023 indicate that "Possibility of revocation: The cookie banner must clearly and precisely describe where and how consent can be revoked. Revocation must be as simple as giving consent".</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </р> <noscript> <p>The FAQs issued by the DSB in December 2023 indicate that “Possibility of revocation: The cookie banner must clearly and precisely describe where and how consent can be revoked. Revocation must be as simple as giving consent”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is the use of a consent banner recommended?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Most common practice for collecting consent for cookies that require it. Cookies that do not require consent must not be listed on the banner.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Most common practice for collecting consent for cookies that require it. Cookies that do not require consent must not be listed on the banner.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span>Not specifically</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>A banner is not explicitly mentioned as "required". However, a static, clearly visible icon or link to the to full cookie information is "recommended".</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>A banner is not explicitly mentioned as “required”. However, a static, clearly visible icon or link to the to full cookie information is “recommended”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>It's mentioned as one of the ways to collect consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>It’s mentioned as one of the ways to collect consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span>Not specifically</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>It's mentioned as a standard solution, but not explicitly recommended.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>It’s mentioned as a standard solution, but not explicitly recommended.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The guidance simply states that your cookie notice "may not disappear as long as the user hasn't made an active choice."</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The guidance simply states that your cookie notice “may not disappear as long as the user hasn’t made an active choice.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span>Not specifically</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="But mentioned as the most common solution." data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>But mentioned as the most common solution.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p><span>Not specifically</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="A banner is not explicitly mentioned, but Swedish law does indicate that the user is to be informed before the placing of cookies on their device." data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>A banner is not explicitly mentioned, but Swedish law does indicate that the user is to be informed before the placing of cookies on their device.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span><br> <span>if non-technical cookies are used</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>As per the latest FAQs issued by the Czech Data Protection Authority (March 2023), the UOOU reccomends the use of a "cookie bar".</p> <p>If however only technical cookies are used, then a cookie bar is not required: "but it is still necessary to comply with the information obligation towards data subjects (by placing a link with a document containing the prescribed information in a visible place on the website)."</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>As per the latest FAQs issued by the Czech Data Protection Authority (March 2023), the UOOU reccomends the use of a “cookie bar”.</p> <p>If however only technical cookies are used, then a cookie bar is not required: “but it is still necessary to comply with the information obligation towards data subjects (by placing a link with a document containing the prescribed information in a visible place on the website).”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span>Best practice</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span>Best practice</span></p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded m1-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs issued by the DSB on December 2023 indicate that if no “technically unnecessary” cookies are used on the website, no consent and therefore no cookie banner is necessary. This implies that when technically necessary cookies are used, then a cookie banner is required to obtain the users consent or otherwise to such cookies.</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </р> <noscript> <p>The FAQs issued by the DSB on December 2023 indicate that if no “technically unnecessary” cookies are used on the website, no consent and therefore no cookie banner is necessary. This implies that when technically necessary cookies are used, then a cookie banner is required to obtain the users consent or otherwise to such cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p> <b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> (ToM) makes reference to 'means of pre-settings' being used so that by default, the data controller ensures that 'only the amount of data strictly necessary for the purpose of processing is collected and used.'</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> (ToM) makes reference to “means of pre-settings” being used so that by default, the data controller ensures that “only the amount of data strictly necessary for the purpose of processing is collected and used.”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Are strictly necessary cookies exempt from the consent requirement?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>shopping cart cookies</li> <li>session cookies that are essential to comply with data protection security requirements (eg online banking services); </li> <li>load-balancing cookies</li></ul>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>shopping cart cookies</li> <li>session cookies that are essential to comply with data protection security requirements (eg online banking services); </li> <li>load-balancing cookies</li></ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p> <p>According to CNIL's updated guidelines (Sept. 2020) some examples of strictly necessary cookies are:</p> <ul> <li>trackers to remember user choices re trackers (e.g. consent cookie),</li> <li>trackers used to identify users when logging in (e.g to avoid bots logging in),</li> <li>shopping cart trackers or user-preference trackers (language, currency etc.)</li> <li>load balancing trackers</li> <li><strong>trackers allowing for a differentiated treatment of paying and non-paying users ("payment walls")</strong></li> </ul>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>– to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>– to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> <p>According to CNIL’s updated guidelines (Sept. 2020) some examples of strictly necessary cookies are:</p> <ul> <li>trackers to remember user choices re trackers (e.g. consent cookie),</li> <li>trackers used to identify users when logging in (e.g to avoid bots logging in),</li> <li>shopping cart trackers or user-preference trackers (language, currency etc.)</li> <li>load balancing trackers</li> <li><strong>trackers allowing for a differentiated treatment of paying and non-paying users (“payment walls”)</strong></li> </ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>technical cookies;</li> <li>preference and customisation cookies.</li></ul>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>technical cookies;</li> <li>preference and customisation cookies.</li></ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p><p>The Compliance Recommendations further provide under A2 that:</p> <ul> <li>Trackers exempt from the obligation to obtain consent are those which are considered technically necessary to connect to the website or to provide the internet service requested by the user himself.</li> <li>Indicative categories of trackers (cookies and related technologies) that fall under the above exception are those which are necessary:</li> <ul> <li>to identify and/or maintain content entered by the subscriber or user during a connection (session) to a website throughout of the specific link, such as "shopping cart";</li> <li>to connect the subscriber or user to services they require authentication;</li> <li>for the safety of the user;</li> <li>for carrying out the load balancing technique in one link to an internet site</li> <li>to preserve the user's choices regarding its presentation website, e.g. language selection, save search history</li> </ul> </ul>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Compliance Recommendations further provide under A2 that:</p> <ul> <li>Trackers exempt from the obligation to obtain consent are those which are considered technically necessary to connect to the website or to provide the internet service requested by the user himself.</li> <li>Indicative categories of trackers (cookies and related technologies) that fall under the above exception are those which are necessary:</li> <ul> <li>to identify and/or maintain content entered by the subscriber or user during a connection (session) to a website throughout of the specific link, such as “shopping cart”;</li> <li>to connect the subscriber or user to services they require authentication;</li> <li>for the safety of the user;</li> <li>for carrying out the load balancing technique in one link to an internet site</li> <li>to preserve the user’s choices regarding its presentation website, e.g. language selection, save search history</li> </ul> </ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>cookies used for a limited period of time (usually a session) to "remember" user input (e.g. shopping cart cookies)</li><li>authentication and login cookies (session cookies)</li><li>security</li><li>load balancing</li><li>preferences (e.g. language, search results display)</li></ul><p>Nevertheless, the users must be <strong>informed about such cookies.</strong></p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong><p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>cookies used for a limited period of time (usually a session) to “remember” user input (e.g. shopping cart cookies)</li><li>authentication and login cookies (session cookies)</li><li>security</li><li>load balancing</li><li>preferences (e.g. language, search results display)</li></ul> <p>Nevertheless, the users must be <strong>informed about such cookies.</strong></p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong><p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>Cookies whose sole purpose is for carrying out the transmission of a communication over a network</li><li>authentication and login cookies (session cookies)</li><li>load balancing</li><li>shopping cart</li><li>language or country preferences</li></ul>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong><p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> <p>Example of consent-exempted cookies:</p> <ul><li>Cookies whose sole purpose is for carrying out the transmission of a communication over a network</li><li>authentication and login cookies (session cookies)</li><li>load balancing</li><li>shopping cart</li><li>language or country preferences</li></ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Strictly necessary cookies may be placed without users' consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Strictly necessary cookies may be placed without users’ consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span>It is only technical cookies that can be placed without the users’ consent</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide:<br>"Technical cookies may only be processed <u>without consent</u> for purposes necessary for the actual operation of the website.<br><br>These stated conditions <u>also apply to other forms of data storage</u> on the technical devices of site visitors (technologies similar to cookies such as local storage objects, locally shared objects, etc.), including digital browser fingerprints (so-called fingerprinting)."</p> <p>The FAQ also makes reference to the Czech Electronic Communications Act ("ECA") on this point (please note that the ECA was not reviewed prior to answering these questions):<br>"The Electronic Communications Act provides that the use of cookies and similar technologies <u>requires the <b>prior verifiable consent</b> of website users</u>. <b>The only exception is so-called technical cookies</b>. The consent obtained therefore allows the use of non-technical cookies, but does not address the processing of personal data that occurs via cookies. The consent only allows the administrator to store cookies on the end user's device. The processing of personal data by means of cookies is subject to the legal basis of the General Regulation." (GDPR)</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b><br> See <a href="" target="_blank">Annual Report 2023</a>. The above is reaffirmed by the UOOU which states that 'operators of internet platforms [are] to obtain explicit consent from visitors to use cookies for the processing of personal data on the basis of the so-called opt-in principle. The <b>only exceptions</b> are so-called <b><u>technical cookies</u></b>, which are necessary for the proper functioning of web applications.'</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide:<br>“Technical cookies may only be processed <u>without consent</u> for purposes necessary for the actual operation of the website.<br><br>These stated conditions <u>also apply to other forms of data storage</u> on the technical devices of site visitors (technologies similar to cookies such as local storage objects, locally shared objects, etc.), including digital browser fingerprints (so-called fingerprinting).”</p> <p>The FAQ also makes reference to the Czech Electronic Communications Act (“ECA”) on this point (please note that the ECA was not reviewed prior to answering these questions):<br>“The Electronic Communications Act provides that the use of cookies and similar technologies <u>requires the <b>prior verifiable consent</b> of website users</u>. <b>The only exception is so-called technical cookies</b>. The consent obtained therefore allows the use of non-technical cookies, but does not address the processing of personal data that occurs via cookies. The consent only allows the administrator to store cookies on the end user’s device. The processing of personal data by means of cookies is subject to the legal basis of the General Regulation.” (GDPR)</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b><br> See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023</a>. The above is reaffirmed by the UOOU which states that ‘operators of internet platforms [are] to obtain explicit consent from visitors to use cookies for the processing of personal data on the basis of the so-called opt-in principle. The <b>only exceptions</b> are so-called <b><u>technical cookies</u></b>, which are necessary for the proper functioning of web applications.’</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user's consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Luxemburg"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Cookies and trackers <strong>strictly necessary:</strong></p> <ul> <li>to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network</li> <li>to deliver a service explicitly requested by the user</li> </ul> <p>do not require the user’s consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded m1-1" data-popover-content="<p>Only those technically strictly necessary for providing the service requested by the user, like session management, entries in an online form via several subpages of a website, information about the consent status (unless a unique online identifier is assigned for this).</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </р> <noscript> <p>Only those technically strictly necessary for providing the service requested by the user, like session management, entries in an online form via several subpages of a website, information about the consent status (unless a unique online identifier is assigned for this).</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p> <b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that 'The data controller must take steps as soon as the data are collected to ensure that, by default, in particular by means of pre-settings, <b>only the amount of data strictly necessary for the purpose of processing is collected and used.</b> For example, when cookies are collected on a website, those that are not necessary for consulting the site should be deactivated by default; Users who accept the use of additional cookies must also actively consent to their use.'</p><p>This above implies that only strictly necessary cookies can be placed without consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that “The data controller must take steps as soon as the data are collected to ensure that, by default, in particular by means of pre-settings, <b>only the amount of data strictly necessary for the purpose of processing is collected and used.</b> For example, when cookies are collected on a website, those that are not necessary for consulting the site should be deactivated by default; Users who accept the use of additional cookies must also actively consent to their use.”</p> <p>This above implies that only strictly necessary cookies can be placed without consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Can GDPR legal bases other than consent (e.g. legitimate interest) apply?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>According to the ICO, except for cookies falling under the "strictly necessary" exemption, consent seems to be the only viable solution. </br>For more information, see: <a href="">the official ICO's statement</a></p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>According to the ICO, except for cookies falling under the “strictly necessary” exemption, consent seems to be the only viable solution. </br>For more information, see: <a href="">the official ICO’s statement</a></p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Garante explicitly states that other legal bases pursuant to art. 6 GDPR are not applicable.</p>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Garante explicitly states that other legal bases pursuant to art. 6 GDPR are not applicable.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>A legitimate interest is an acceptable legal basis for processing activities that are strictly necessary to operate the website/app and provide the service. Examples: shopping-cart cookies.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>A legitimate interest is an acceptable legal basis for processing activities that are strictly necessary to operate the website/app and provide the service. Examples: shopping-cart cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>In any case, consent is usually the safest option.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>In any case, consent is usually the safest option.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> " data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, all other may only be placed based on consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, all other may only be placed based on consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span>Technically</span> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>the FAQs provide that:<br> "Any processing of personal data (and therefore also through cookies) must be based on one of [the 6 GDPR] legal bases. <b><u>Processing through cookies is not necessarily based on the legal basis of consent.</u></b>"</p> <p>The FAQs further provide that:"A website operator using cookies must therefore establish a legal basis for the subsequent processing of data, which in the case of cookies may be the data subject's consent, a legitimate interest or processing necessary for the performance of a contract. An example of a legitimate interest is the processing of personal data for the purposes of first-party analytics (via cookies on the website in question)."</p> <p><b>Please note</b>, that this seems to specifically apply to the subsequent processing of personal data via cookies and not for placing cookies and therefore they distinguish ePrivacy from GDPR related requirements.</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b> See <a href="" target="_blank">Annual Report 2023</a>. It would seem that only 'technical cookies which are necessary for the proper function of web applications' can be placed without consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>the FAQs provide that:<br> “Any processing of personal data (and therefore also through cookies) must be based on one of [the 6 GDPR] legal bases. <b><u>Processing through cookies is not necessarily based on the legal basis of consent.</u></b>“</p> <p>The FAQs further provide that:”A website operator using cookies must therefore establish a legal basis for the subsequent processing of data, which in the case of cookies may be the data subject’s consent, a legitimate interest or processing necessary for the performance of a contract. An example of a legitimate interest is the processing of personal data for the purposes of first-party analytics (via cookies on the website in question).”</p> <p><b>Please note</b>, that this seems to specifically apply to the subsequent processing of personal data via cookies and not for placing cookies and therefore they distinguish ePrivacy from GDPR related requirements.</p> <p><b>March 2024 Update:</b> See <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annual Report 2023</a>. It would seem that only ‘technical cookies which are necessary for the proper function of web applications’ can be placed without consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as only legal basis for other cookies: "The only possible basis for the use of tracking cookies is the unambiguous consent of the website visitor (Article 6.1(a) of the GTC)."(<a href="">FAQ</a>)</p>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as only legal basis for other cookies: “The only possible basis for the use of tracking cookies is the unambiguous consent of the website visitor (Article 6.1(a) of the GTC).”(<a href="">FAQ</a>)</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Not expressly mentioned, but it's safe to say that NO.</p>" data-popover-title="Luxemburg"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Not expressly mentioned, but it’s safe to say that NO.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="austria"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Except for strictly necessary cookies, consent is mentioned as legal basis for other cookies. No mention about other legal bases.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p><b>January 2024 Update:</b> <a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that 'Users who accept the use of additional cookies must also actively consent to their use.'</p> <p>Best practice suggested by FDPIC is to use consent for any cookies that are not strictly necessary as per ToM.</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p><b>January 2024 Update:</b><a href="">The Guide to Technical and Organisational Data Protection Measures</a> states that “Users who accept the use of additional cookies must also actively consent to their use.”</p> <p>Best practice suggested by FDPIC is to use consent for any cookies that are not strictly necessary as per ToM.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Do third parties have to be listed and identified?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>ICO guidelines state "if you use any third party cookies, you must clearly and specifically name who the third parties are and explain what they will do with the information".</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>ICO guidelines state “if you use any third party cookies, you must clearly and specifically name who the third parties are and explain what they will do with the information”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Depends on the legal basis for processing. If the basis is consent, then the third-parties should be mentioned in order for the consent to be considered "informed". In other cases, it is still the best and most common practice to identify the third-parties.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Depends on the legal basis for processing. If the basis is consent, then the third-parties should be mentioned in order for the consent to be considered “informed”. In other cases, it is still the best and most common practice to identify the third-parties.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>You need to mention all the third parties that place cookies subject to consent. Also, you have to provide a link to their respective privacy notices and company data.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>You need to mention all the third parties that place cookies subject to consent. Also, you have to provide a link to their respective privacy notices and company data.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Third-parties must be identified by their commonly known brand, however, identifying the specific legal entity is not required.</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Third-parties must be identified by their commonly known brand, however, identifying the specific legal entity is not required.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>This appears to be required whether or not the third-parties are joint <a href="/en/help/5428#definitions">data controllers or processors</a>. The use of third-party trackers, such as the Google Analytics service for statistical purposes analysis (web analytics), can only be done with the consent of its user website.</p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>This appears to be required whether or not the third-parties are joint <a href="/en/help/5428#definitions">data controllers or processors</a>. The use of third-party trackers, such as the Google Analytics service for statistical purposes analysis (web analytics), can only be done with the consent of its user website.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Authority's <a href="">FAQ</a> does not include naming third parties in their list of minimum requirements for cookie policies.</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Authority’s <a href="">FAQ</a> does not include naming third parties in their list of minimum requirements for cookie policies.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span>Not completely clear</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The guidance states that you're required to provide links to each third party’s privacy policy while simultaneously stating that you must “provide the information required under the GDPR” – which does not necessarily include listing all third-parties. However, it seems likely.</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The guidance states that you’re required to provide links to each third party’s privacy policy while simultaneously stating that you must “provide the information required under the GDPR” – which does not necessarily include listing all third-parties. However, it seems likely.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority provides that if the information is shared with any other party (third party), then such information must be informed to the user prior to consent being given.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority provides that if the information is shared with any other party (third party), then such information must be informed to the user prior to consent being given.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Not individually, category-wise is sufficient.</p>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Not individually, category-wise is sufficient.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>As long as cookies involve the processing of personal data, YES.</p>" data-popover-title="Luxemburg"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>As long as cookies involve the processing of personal data, YES.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>In terms of article <a href="">19(2)(c) FADP</a>.</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>In terms of article <a href="">19(2)(c) FADP</a>.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Is it specified how long the consent to a cookie should last?</td> <td class="uk"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>However, it must be justifiable for the stated purpose of the cookie. You must also inform users of the duration of the cookies you use.</p>" data-popover-title="UK"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>However, it must be justifiable for the stated purpose of the cookie. You must also inform users of the duration of the cookies you use.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="italy"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Users may be prompted to provide consent again only if:</p> <ul> <li>consent conditions have changed (e.g. new third-party services have been added or old ones have been taken out); or</li> <li>the website owner has no technical means to keep track of previous consent (e.g. the user has deleted the consent cookie placed on his device); or</li> <li>at least 6 months have passed since the last consent.</li> </ul>" data-popover-title="Italy"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Users may be prompted to provide consent again only if:</p> <ul> <li>consent conditions have changed (e.g. new third-party services have been added or old ones have been taken out); or</li> <li>the website owner has no technical means to keep track of previous consent (e.g. the user has deleted the consent cookie placed on his device); or</li> <li>at least 6 months have passed since the last consent.</li> </ul> </noscript> </td> <td class="germany"> <p><span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span></p> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Users' choices (both accept and reject) must be stored for a reasonable period of time (i.e. <strong>6 months</strong>) in order to avoid setting users under pressure by prompting them to give consent again and again.</p> <p>The same goes for the refusal of consent: the controller can prompt users to consent again only after 6 months.</p> <p>Analytics cookies cannot last more than 13 months. Information collected by cookies can be stored for a maximum of 25 months.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Users’ choices (both accept and reject) must be stored for a reasonable period of time (i.e. <strong>6 months</strong>) in order to avoid setting users under pressure by prompting them to give consent again and again.</p> <p>The same goes for the refusal of consent: the controller can prompt users to consent again only after 6 months.</p> <p>Analytics cookies cannot last more than 13 months. Information collected by cookies can be stored for a maximum of 25 months.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p> <span>Specified good practice</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="The <a href="">AEPD guide (page 29)</a> "considers it good practice that the validity of the consent given by a user for the use of a given cookie should not exceed <strong>24 months</strong> and that during this time the user's choice of preferences should be retained, <u>without</u> the user being asked for new consent each time he or she visits the page in question."" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Via reference to the WP29, the recommendation is to re-ask for consent no later than 24 months after it has been collected.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The guidelines suggest that technically consent "doesn't expire". However, do note that these guidelines are meant for any consent-based processing – they're not specifically tailored for cookies or trackers.</p>" data-popover-title="Denmark"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The guidelines suggest that technically consent “doesn’t expire”. However, do note that these guidelines are meant for any consent-based processing – they’re not specifically tailored for cookies or trackers.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="greece"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p><p>Compliance Recommendation B4 states that: For each tracker or category of trackers for the same purpose, the duration of operation, the identity of the controller, the recipients or the categories of r</p> <p>Furthermore, C8 states that: Regardless of acceptance or rejection of the trackers, the reappearance of the pop-up window to prompt the user again, shall occur after some time. That is, the duration of "observance" of the user's choice is the same whether the user rejects or accepts the trackers.</p></p>" data-popover-title="Greece"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Compliance Recommendation B4 states that: For each tracker or category of trackers for the same purpose, the duration of operation, the identity of the controller, the recipients or the categories of r</p> <p>Furthermore, C8 states that: Regardless of acceptance or rejection of the trackers, the reappearance of the pop-up window to prompt the user again, shall occur after some time. That is, the duration of “observance” of the user’s choice is the same whether the user rejects or accepts the trackers.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Currently what's stated is that cookies may not be stored for longer than necessary to achieve the stated purpose.</p>" data-popover-title="Belgium"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Currently what’s stated is that cookies may not be stored for longer than necessary to achieve the stated purpose.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Authority states that as best practice, consent should never be valid for more than 6 months – after 6 months users must be asked for consent again.</p>" data-popover-title="Ireland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Authority states that as best practice, consent should never be valid for more than 6 months – after 6 months users must be asked for consent again.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>This is very specific depending on the type of cookie. See Chapter 9 Section 19 of the Electronic Communications Act.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>This is very specific depending on the type of cookie. See Chapter 9 Section 19 of the Electronic Communications Act.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs are very explicit about this: <br> "Visitors to the website must also be informed about the duration of this processing of personal data. The duration of the processing of personal data must be set with regard to the principle of storage limitation (i.e. cookies must not be set for longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing)." </p> <p>"In general, 12 months may be considered a reasonable period for which consent to the use of cookies has been given. If the user has refused consent, consent should not be required again for at least 6 months from the last time the cookie bar was viewed. This period may be shorter if: <ul> <li>one or more of the processing circumstances have changed significantly,</li> <li>the operator is unable to keep track of the previous consent/dis-consent (e.g. the user has deleted cookies stored on his/her device).</li> </ul> " </p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs are very explicit about this: <br> “Visitors to the website must also be informed about the duration of this processing of personal data. The duration of the processing of personal data must be set with regard to the principle of storage limitation (i.e. cookies must not be set for longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing).” </p> <p>“In general, 12 months may be considered a reasonable period for which consent to the use of cookies has been given. If the user has refused consent, consent should not be required again for at least 6 months from the last time the cookie bar was viewed. This period may be shorter if: <ul> <li>one or more of the processing circumstances have changed significantly,</li> <li>the operator is unable to keep track of the previous consent/dis-consent (e.g. the user has deleted cookies stored on his/her device).”</li> </ul> </p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>However, as a general rule, cookies that have a lifetime of more than 6 months are considered to be excessive in terms of data retention, which in turn suggests that consent should also be limited to 6 months.</p>" data-popover-title="Netherlands"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>However, as a general rule, cookies that have a lifetime of more than 6 months are considered to be excessive in terms of data retention, which in turn suggests that consent should also be limited to 6 months.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>12 months is the suggested duration. This notably also applies to the "reject" - choice. Users may only be prompted to express their choice again before the 12 months if: <ul> <li>there has been a major change in the way personal data is processed</li> <li>the user accesses the service through a different device</li> <li>the user has deleted the cookie-preferences cookie</li> </ul> </p>" data-popover-title="Luxemburg"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>12 months is the suggested duration. This notably also applies to the “reject” – choice. Users may only be prompted to express their choice again before the 12 months if: <ul> <li>there has been a major change in the way personal data is processed</li> <li>the user accesses the service through a different device</li> <li>the user has deleted the cookie-preferences cookie</li> </ul> </p> </noscript> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span>Not specified</span></p> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span>Not specified</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p> The FADP under Articles <a href="">12(e)</a> and <a href="">25(d)</a> makes reference to the retention period of personal data however it does not specify the duration.</p> <p> The authority does not express itself on the duration of consent either. </p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FADP under Articles <a href="">12(e)</a>and <a href="">25(d)</a> makes reference to the retention period of personal data however it does not specify the duration. </p> <p>The authority does not express itself on the duration of consent either.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p> <span>No duration explicitly stated</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The EDPB <a href="">states</a> "In principle, it can be sufficient to ask for a data subject’s consent once. However, controllers do need to obtain a new and specific consent if purposes for data processing change after consent was obtained or if an additional purpose is envisaged."</p>" data-popover-title="EDPB"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The EDPB <a href="">states</a> “In principle, it can be sufficient to ask for a data subject’s consent once. However, controllers do need to obtain a new and specific consent if purposes for data processing change after consent was obtained or if an additional purpose is envisaged.”</p> </noscript> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fixed-col">Are pre-ticked boxes allowed?</td> <td class="uk"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="italy"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="germany"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Not for cookies requiring consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Germany"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Not for cookies requiring consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="france"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>Also toggle buttons (if used) must always be de-activated by default.</p>" data-popover-title="France"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>Also toggle buttons (if used) must always be de-activated by default.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="spain"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The <a href="">AEPD guide (page 22)</a> explicitly states that: "in no case are pre-checked options in favor of accepting cookies admissible in order to obtain valid consent".</p>" data-popover-title="Spain"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </td> <td class="denmark"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="greece"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="belgium"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="ireland"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="sweden"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The Information Package is very clear on what consent should not look like, and pre-ticked boxes are not tantamount to consent.</p>" data-popover-title="Sweden"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The Information Package is very clear on what consent should not look like, and pre-ticked boxes are not tantamount to consent.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="czechia"> <p> <span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>"<b>Pre-checked boxes cannot be considered as consent</b> in accordance with the General Regulation, which follows from recital 32. The Court of Justice of the EU came to the same conclusion in its decision in Planet49 GmbH (C 673/17)."</p>" data-popover-title="Czech Republic"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FAQs provide that:</p> <p>“<b>Pre-checked boxes cannot be considered as consent</b> in accordance with the General Regulation, which follows from recital 32. The Court of Justice of the EU came to the same conclusion in its decision in Planet49 GmbH (C 673/17).”</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="netherlands"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="luxemburg"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> <td class="austria"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded m1-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FAQs issued by the DSB on December 2023 indicate that "Privacy by default: The data subject must proactively decide on consent. Presets or pre-ticked boxes in the cookie banner are not permitted".</p>" data-popover-title="Austria"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </р> <noscript> <p>The FAQs issued by the DSB on December 2023 indicate that “Privacy by default: The data subject must proactively decide on consent. Presets or pre-ticked boxes in the cookie banner are not permitted”.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="switzerland"> <p> <span class="bg-primary text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">YES</span> <span class="help-popover bg-dark-gray text-dark d-inline-block px-1 rounded ml-1" data-popover-content="<p>The FADP and FDPIC do not mention anything against pre-ticked boxes being allowed so it is understood that pre-ticked boxes would be allowed.</p>" data-popover-title="Switzerland"><i class="i-help"></i></span> </p> <noscript> <p>The FADP and FDPIC do not mention anything against pre-ticked boxes being allowed so it is understood that pre-ticked boxes would be allowed.</p> </noscript> </td> <td class="edpb"> <p><span class="bg-danger text-white d-inline-block px-2 rounded">NO</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> /* form.countries */ form.countries { margin-bottom: 20px; } form.countries span { display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 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speaking.</em></p> <h3>European Data Protection Board – EDPB</h3> <p>2020: </p> <ul><li><a href="">EDPB Guidelines 05/2020 on consent under Regulation 2016/679</a> (English)</li></ul> <h3>France</h3> <p>2020: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Cookie Guidelines</a></li><li><a href="">Cookie Recommendations</a> </li></ul> <h3>Finland</h3> <p>2020: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Summarizing article</a> (English) </li><li><a href=" ">Decision by the Ombudsman</a> </li><li><a href="">Information on the Finnish Traffic and Communication Authority’s website</a></li></ul> <h3>Germany</h3> <p>2020: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Guidance from the supervisory authorities for providers of telemedia</a></li></ul> <ul><li><a href="">Guidance from the supervisory authorities for providers of telemedia</a></li></ul> <h3>Greece</h3> <p>2020: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Guidelines </a></li><li><a href="">Unofficial English translation</a></li></ul> <h3>Italy</h3> <p>2021: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Final Garante guidelines about cookies and other trackers</a><ul><li><a href="">Summary sheet</a></li><li><a href="">Infographic</a></li><li><a href="">Informative video of the italian DPA Youtube channel</a></li></ul></li></ul> <h3>Ireland</h3> <ul><li><a href="">Data Protection Commission guidelines on the use of cookies</a> </li><li><a href="">Survey on the use of cookies</a></li></ul> <h3>Spain</h3> <p>2023:</p> <ul><li><a href=" ">Guide on the use of cookies (AEPD)</a></li></ul> <h3>Austria</h3> <p>2023:</p> <ul><li><a href="">Frequently Asked Questions (DSB)</a></li></ul> <h3>UK</h3> <p>2019: </p> <ul><li><a href="">Guide to PECR: Cookies and similar technologies</a><br><br></li> <li> <a href="">PECR Summary guide</a></li></ul> <h3>Netherlands</h3> <p>2024:</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="blank" rel="noopener">Clear and misleading cookie banners</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="card my-5"> <div class="d-none d-sm-block" style="width:54px; height: 54px; background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; position: 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