Office of Undergraduate Admissions | Prospective Students
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title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <umd-lock data-type="header"> <h1 class="headline-one-san-serif"> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> Prospective Students </h1> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Ready to learn more about what it takes to #BeATerp? You're in the right place! We are here to help guide you through the University of Maryland (UMD) application and admission process.</p> </div> <a class="call-to-action-block" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">How to Apply</span> <span class="sr-only">Learn how to apply to UMD</span> </a> </umd-lock> </section> </umd-hero> <div class="authored-content"> <umd-lock data-type="header"> <umd-breadcrumb> <div> <a href="/">Home</a> <p> Prospective Students </p> </div> </umd-breadcrumb> </umd-lock> <section> <umd-landing-content> <div class="headline-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <h2 class="headline-four-san-serif"> GETTING STARTED </h2> </umd-lock> </div> <div class="rich-text-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <div class="rich-text intro"> <p>Get started on the right track, right from the beginning. Use the information on this page to understand exactly what you need to begin your journey to UMD.</p> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <layout-equal-spacing> <umd-lock> <umd-video-embed> <div> <iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> </div> </umd-video-embed> </umd-lock> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="spotlightDeadlines"> <umd-spotlight-deadlines> <img src="" alt="Student on campus" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <div> <umd-lock> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> FRESHMAN APPLICANTS </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you are a high school student or student with fewer than 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours of university-level credit beyond secondary school, then you are considered a freshman applicant. Take advantage of the following resources to learn more.</p> <p>It's never too early to start preparing for college. As you progress through your high school career, look for opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills, expand upon your non-academic interests and/or to get involved in your community. These are the types of things, along with a distinctive essay, that will help you stand out to our Admission Committee.</p> <p><strong>Freshman Profile</strong></p> <p>For the Fall 2024 freshman class, we received just over 60,000 applications for a class of 4,800. Due to UMD's test-optional policy, applicants were able to indicate whether they would submit standardized test scores for consideration in their application review. Admitted freshmen earned primarily As and Bs in a rigorous curriculum.<br /></p> </div> <div class="actions"> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Freshman Requirements & Checklist</span> <span class="sr-only">Freshman Applicant Requirements & Checklist</span> </a> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Freshman Application FAQs</span> <span class="sr-only">Freshman Application FAQs</span> </a> </div> <div class="stat-block"> <div> <h3> 60k </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Applications received for a class of 4,800 for Fall 2024.</p> </div> </div> <div> <h3> A's or B's </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Primarily earned in a rigorous curriculum.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="table-container"> <h3 class="headline-four-san-serif"> Application Deadlines </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> U.S. Students </p> <div class="list"> <div> <p> Early Action Deadline </p> <p> November 1 </p> </div> <div> <p> Regular Deadline </p> <p> January 20 </p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </div> </umd-spotlight-deadlines> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="spotlightDeadlines"> <umd-spotlight-deadlines> <img src="" alt="Student walking on campus" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <div> <umd-lock> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> TRANSFER APPLICANTS </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you are a high school graduate who, at the time of applying, have completed at least 12 semester or 18 quarter hours after high school graduation at a regionally accredited college or university, then you are considered a transfer applicant. Take advantage of the following resources to learn more.</p> <p>As a transfer student, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of UMD's <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">transfer student resources</a> which include academic planning, major and career exploration, and estimating when you’ll graduate from UMD.</p> <p><strong>Transfer Profile</strong><br /></p> <p>For the Fall 2024 transfer class, we received more than 4,800 applications for a class of 1,850. Our most successful transfer students have a B average or better and have completed an English composition course that satisfies the university’s fundamental studies academic writing requirement and a college-level math course that satisfies the university’s fundamental studies math requirement.</p> </div> <div class="actions"> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Transfer Requirements & Checklist</span> <span class="sr-only">Transfer Requirements & Checklist</span> </a> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Transfer Application FAQs</span> <span class="sr-only">Transfer Application FAQs</span> </a> </div> <div class="stat-block"> <div> <h3> 4,800 </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Applications received for a class of 1,850 for Fall 2024</p> </div> </div> <div> <h3> B average or better </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Earned by our most successful transfer students.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="table-container"> <h3 class="headline-four-san-serif"> Application Deadlines </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> U.S. Students </p> <div class="list"> <div> <p> Fall Early Action Deadline </p> <p> March 1 </p> </div> <div> <p> Spring Early Action Deadline </p> <p> August 1 </p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </div> </umd-spotlight-deadlines> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="spotlightDeadlines"> <umd-spotlight-deadlines> <img src="" alt="Student walking on campus" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <div> <umd-lock> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Freshman and transfer students are considered international applicants if they are non-U.S. citizens or non-permanent U.S. residents.</p> <p>In addition to the freshman or transfer applicant requirements, international students must also satisfy international specific requirements such as English language proficiency and non-U.S. academic credential evaluations.</p> <p>Please refer to the appropriate <a href="">application deadline</a> based on the semester you intend to enroll and whether you are applying as a freshman or transfer student.</p> </div> <div class="actions"> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">International Requirements & Checklist</span> <span class="sr-only">International Requirements & Checklist</span> </a> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Application FAQs</span> <span class="sr-only">Application FAQs</span> </a> </div> <div class="stat-block"> <div> <h3> 4,777 </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>International students across campus.</p> </div> </div> <div> <h3> 127 </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Countries represented at UMD.</p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </div> </umd-spotlight-deadlines> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="spotlightDeadlines"> <umd-spotlight-deadlines> <img src="" alt="Shady Grove Students talking" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <div> <umd-lock> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> SHADY GROVE APPLICANTS </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>UMD at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) applicants are students with approximately 60 transferable university-level credits who are interested in earning a UMD degree at the Shady Grove location.</p> <p>UMD students studying at our Shady Grove location still have all of the benefits of being a Terp while enjoying a smaller campus environment.</p> </div> <div class="actions"> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Shady Grove Requirements & Checklist</span> <span class="sr-only">Shady Grove Requirements & Checklist</span> </a> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Application FAQs</span> <span class="sr-only">Application FAQs</span> </a> </div> <div class="stat-block"> <div> <h3> 4,000 </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Nearly 4,000 students attend programs at USG each year.</p> </div> </div> <div> <h3> 11 </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>UMD majors at USG.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="table-container"> <h3 class="headline-four-san-serif"> Application Deadlines </h3> <div class="list"> <div> <p> Fall Application Deadline </p> <p> June 1 </p> </div> <div> <p> Spring Application Deadline </p> <p> November 15 </p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </div> </umd-spotlight-deadlines> </layout-equal-spacing> <div class="headline-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <h2 id="special-audiences" class="headline-two-san-serif "> SPECIAL AUDIENCES </h2> </umd-lock> </div> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="spotlightAccordion"> <umd-spotlight-accordion> <img src="" alt="Student walking on campus" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <umd-lock> <div class="text"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>We understand no two applicants are the same and not every applicant fits neatly into the category of freshmen or transfer student. That is why we will consider your specific circumstances through an application process developed just for you.<br /></p> </div> </div> <umd-accordion> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116149" type="button"> <span></span> Agriculture Forward at Maryland </button> <div id="accordion-id116149" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Agriculture Forward at Maryland</a> is an access program for students who plan to pursue a career in agriculture and natural resources. Participants in the Ag Forward program receive dual academic advising from the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) faculty members to ensure all program requirements are met. At the end of four years, students who have met all program requirements graduate with both an IAA certificate and a bachelor’s degree from their selected AGNR major.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116151" type="button"> <span></span> Concurrent Enrollment </button> <div id="accordion-id116151" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>You can enroll at the University of Maryland (UMD) even before you graduate from high school. We allow talented high school seniors to take up to two courses or seven credits during the fall, spring and summer semesters. We’re looking for students who’ve demonstrated exceptional performance and ability in a rigorous high school program.</p> <p>To apply, submit a completed application, high school transcript, an essay explaining why you’re interested in attending UMD concurrently, a letter of recommendation from your high school and a letter of permission from your parents or legal guardians. You also must live within commuting distance. In order to be considered, students must apply by the following deadlines:</p> <p><strong>Spring</strong>: January 2 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Apply Now</a></p> <p><strong>Summer</strong>: May 15</p> <p><strong>Fall</strong>: August 8 </p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116153" type="button"> <span></span> General Education Development (GED) </button> <div id="accordion-id116153" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you did not graduate from a regionally accredited high school, then you will need to submit results of the Tests of General Education Development, along with academic letters of recommendation, an essay and SAT scores with your <a href="">UMD application</a>.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116214" type="button"> <span></span> Golden ID Program </button> <div id="accordion-id116214" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you are 60 or older, a legal resident of the state of Maryland and retired, the University of Maryland has courses and services available to you. To participate in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Golden ID program</a>, you must submit a completed <a href="">UMD application</a>. If admitted to the university, you can register on a space-available basis for credit courses as a regular or special student in any session. You must pay an administrative fee for each semester registered.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116220" type="button"> <span></span> Home-Schooled Students </button> <div id="accordion-id116220" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you’ve been home-schooled, you should submit your completed <a href="">UMD application</a> and provide a transcript with the following: course descriptions, books used, methods of evaluation and grades received. You should meet the same minimum high school course requirements expected of all applicants; your SAT and/or ACT scores will be strongly considered in the review of your application.</p> <p>Please also include general information about your home-schooling program or agency and a letter of recommendation from both an academic professional and the home-schooling teacher/parent. If you’ve taken college-level courses, you should also include an official college transcript with your application.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116222" type="button"> <span></span> Non-Degree Seeking Students </button> <div id="accordion-id116222" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Transfer students interested in taking courses at UMD without pursuing a degree must apply for admission as non-degree seeking students using the <a href="">transfer application</a>.</p> <p><strong>If you have not completed a bachelor’s degree</strong>, you must submit a completed application, official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended and the application fee.</p> <p><strong>If you have already completed a bachelor's degree</strong>, transcripts are not required. However, since you may need to demonstrate that you have met prerequisites, we recommend having one available to provide.</p> <p><strong>If you wish to enroll for one semester as a visiting student and transfer the coursework back to your home institution</strong>, you must submit the transfer application, official transcripts, the application fee and a letter of permission from an academic advisor or dean at your home institution.</p> <p> </p> <p>On the application, please be sure to indicate that you are applying as a "non-degree seeking" student. You will be reviewed under the same standards for admission as degree-seeking students and we cannot guarantee that non-degree seeking applications received after the application deadline will be reviewed.</p> <p>Non-degree seeking students wishing to take a single course during a summer or winter term must complete the application available on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Extended Studies</a> website.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116274" type="button"> <span></span> Post-Baccalaureate Programs </button> <div id="accordion-id116274" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you earned a bachelor's degree and wish to apply for admission to earn another undergraduate degree or to take courses as a non-degree seeking student at UMD, you will use the transfer application in ApplyWeb. Follow the <a href="">transfer applicant requirements</a>. For more information on applying as a non-degree seeking student, please review the previous Non-Degree Seeking Student section on this page. </p> <p>Students interested in Science in the Evening or Hearing and Speech in the Evening should apply through the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Extended Studies Post-Baccalaureate Programs</a>.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116353" type="button"> <span></span> Re-enrollment </button> <div id="accordion-id116353" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Re-enrollment pertains only to students who have previously attended the University of Maryland, College Park. If you are interested in returning to the university after a period of dismissal or withdrawal, then you can complete a re-enrollment application. Students who attended on a "term only" basis or who were admitted to the university but did not attend must complete a regular application for undergraduate admission. For more information about the re-enrollment process, please visit the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Student Success Office</a> website.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116377" type="button"> <span></span> School of Music Applicants </button> <div id="accordion-id116377" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you’re interested in the School of Music, you will need to submit the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">online application supplement</a> and complete an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">audition</a> by November 1 for an early action decision or by December 1 for a regular decision. The application supplement and audition will only be used to determine your eligibility for admission into the School of Music and will not be used in the review of your eligibility for admission to UMD. For more information, please visit the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">School of Music</a> website or email their office at <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116379" type="button"> <span></span> Undocumented Students </button> <div id="accordion-id116379" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>The University of Maryland is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, including <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">undocumented students</a>. </p> </div> </div> <hr aria-hidden="true" /> <button aria-controls="accordion-id116381" type="button"> <span></span> U.S. Veterans </button> <div id="accordion-id116381" class="content-wrapper" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Thank you for your service! As a veteran, you face unique challenges navigating the admission process and we want to support you through it. At the University of Maryland, you are considered a veteran if you’re currently enlisted or have served in the U.S. armed forces or one of its reserve units. We highly encourage veterans like you to apply to Maryland, where we look forward to helping you achieve your personal and academic goals and get involved in campus life. As a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Principles of Excellence Program</a> institution, we are committed to helping you continue your education and get involved in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Veteran Student Life</a>.</p> <p><strong>Freshman</strong></p> <p>Freshman applicants are students who did not attend college out of high school and have not earned more than 12 college credits. To be considered for freshman admission, you need to submit the completed application, your high school transcript and letters of recommendation from current or former military superiors or civilian supervisors. If you’ve been out of school more than three years, you don’t need to submit SAT or ACT scores. Please review all <a href="">requirements for freshman applicants</a>. We do not need proof of military documentation until after you are offered admission to the university. To help us determine eligibility for student aid and priority registration, during the application process you will be asked to upload a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD form 214). For information regarding application fee waiver eligibility, please review our <a href="">Fee Waivers</a> page.</p> <p><strong>Transfer</strong></p> <p>Transfer applicants should have attended college after high school or while you were on active duty and earned at least 12 college credits. Credit for basic military training is awarded to qualified students based on submission of required documentation. However, the Joint Services Transcript does not count towards the 12 credits necessary to be a transfer student or the 30 credits necessary to no longer be required to submit high school information. Visit the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">basic military credit policy</a> for details. Please review all <a href="">requirements for transfer applicants</a>. We do not need proof of military documentation until after you are offered admission to the university. To help us determine eligibility for student aid and priority registration, during the application process you will be asked to upload a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD form 214). For information regarding application fee waiver eligibility, please review our <a href="">Fee Waivers</a> page.</p> </div> </div> </umd-accordion> </umd-lock> </umd-spotlight-accordion> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="ctaStripOptions"> <umd-cta-strip data-type="yellow-two-columns"> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <umd-lock> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <div class="columns"> <div data-withLink="true"> <p class="headline-three-san-serif"> VISIT UMD </p> <div class="rich"> <p>You can only learn so much about a school from a website. Even if we tell you how beautiful our campus is, or how fantastic our students and faculty are, you will not know for yourself until you experience it for yourself!</p> </div> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">PLAN YOUR VISIT</span> <span class="sr-only">View upcoming tours and information sessions on our calendar.</span> </a> </div> <div> <p class="headline-three-san-serif"> VIRTUAL TOUR </p> <div class="rich"> <p>Unable to make it to campus? Explore our beautiful campus from anywhere in the world!</p> </div> <umd-embed-youvisit> <a alt="Launch Experience" href=""> </a> </umd-embed-youvisit> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </umd-cta-strip> </layout-equal-spacing> </umd-landing-content> </section> </div> </div> </main> <div class="footer-cta"> <div> <img src="" alt="Arial image of the campus" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> </div> <umd-lock> <h2> There is a lot more to learn about UMD, so let's stay in touch! </h2> <div class="actions"> <p> <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <svg id="envelope_icon" title="envelope" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.25 6H25.35C25.6964 6 26.0206 6.08515 26.314 6.2255L16.3908 16.0987C15.5134 16.9761 14.0866 16.9761 13.2092 16.0987L3.28605 6.2255C3.5794 6.08515 3.90365 6 4.25 6ZM19.6106 15L27.3745 7.28605C27.5149 7.5794 27.6 7.90365 27.6 8.25V21.75C27.6 22.0963 27.5149 22.4206 27.3745 22.714L19.6106 15ZM2.2255 7.28605C2.08515 7.5794 2 7.90365 2 8.25V21.75C2 22.0964 2.08515 22.4207 2.2255 22.714L9.98945 15L2.2255 7.28605ZM17.4513 17.1592L18.55 16.0605L26.3139 23.7745C26.0206 23.9148 25.6963 24 25.35 24H4.24999C3.90364 24 3.57939 23.9148 3.28604 23.7745L11.05 16.0605L12.1486 17.1592C13.6105 18.6211 15.9894 18.6211 17.4513 17.1592Z" fill="black" /> </svg> <span>Join Our Mailing List</span> </a> </p> <p> <a href="/connect" rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <svg title="chat" id="chat_icon" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16 7.10178C16 3.18582 12.4111 0 8.00005 0C3.58882 0 0 3.18585 0 7.10178C0 11.0177 3.58882 14.2036 8.00005 14.2036C8.37094 14.2036 8.74312 14.1808 9.10902 14.1359C10.8081 15.2785 12.0623 15.9039 12.8397 15.9953C12.8668 15.9984 12.894 16 12.9206 16C13.1703 16 13.4015 15.8683 13.5391 15.6474C13.6929 15.4003 13.7029 15.0868 13.5659 14.8309C13.5595 14.8187 12.9596 13.6601 13.1327 12.5533C14.9579 11.2013 16 9.22541 16 7.10178ZM5.8274 8.17435C5.17284 8.17435 4.64237 7.61269 4.64237 6.9199C4.64237 6.22708 5.17284 5.66546 5.8274 5.66546C6.48183 5.66546 7.01252 6.22712 7.01252 6.9199C7.01255 7.61269 6.48186 8.17435 5.8274 8.17435ZM10.1729 8.17435C9.5182 8.17435 8.98761 7.61269 8.98761 6.9199C8.98761 6.22708 9.5182 5.66546 10.1729 5.66546C10.8273 5.66546 11.3579 6.22712 11.3579 6.9199C11.3579 7.61269 10.8273 8.17435 10.1729 8.17435Z" fill="#393939" /> </svg> <span>Connect</span> </a> </p> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <footer> <div class="info"> <umd-lock> <div class="logo-row"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/images/logo/logo-inverted.svg" alt="University of Maryland logo" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-row"> <div class="contact-wrapper"> <address> <p class="title"> Undergraduate Admissions </p> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=",+7999+Regents+Dr,+College+Park,+MD+20742/@38.9866767,-76.9416931,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89b7c6bd3e96a221:0xb2f8192dc722f6a8!8m2!3d38.9866767!4d-76.9395044!16s%2Fg%2F1tfhh95p"> Mitchell Building </a> <p> 7999 Regents Dr. </p> <p> College Park, MD 20742 </p> </address> <div class="contact"> <a href="tel:18004225867">1-800-422-5867</a> <a href=""></a> </div> <div class="social"> <a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="visit our youtube page"> <svg width="22" height="19" title="youtube" id="youtube_icon" viewBox="0 0 22 19" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.8402 0.0683573C12.9052 0.0259287 11.9405 0 11 0C10.0526 0.00152659 9.10525 0.0243174 8.1587 0.0683573L7.0543 0.124929L5.9961 0.192107L5.0061 0.264L4.103 0.339429C3.12194 0.420164 2.19886 0.868927 1.4961 1.6068C0.793338 2.34467 0.355895 3.32439 0.2607 4.37368C0.2453 4.53632 0.231 4.7025 0.2167 4.87457L0.1342 5.94707C0.0572 7.05846 0 8.27004 0 9.42857C0.00532842 10.5904 0.0500913 11.7517 0.1342 12.9101L0.2167 13.9826L0.2607 14.4835C0.355932 15.5329 0.793533 16.5128 1.49652 17.2507C2.19951 17.9886 3.12285 18.4372 4.1041 18.5177L5.0083 18.592L5.9983 18.665L7.0554 18.7322L8.1598 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