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You'll then see "Hello" in many languages. Follow the onscreen instructions to get started.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">If you're blind or have low vision, you can <a href="" class="gb-anchor">turn on VoiceOver or Zoom</a> from the Hello screen.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="The Hello screen in iOS 18." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Choose the size of text and icons on your phone</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Select your preferred size for text and icons: Default, Medium, or Large. As you slide the icon between those sizes, the text and images on this Appearance screen will change so you can preview the selected option. </p><p class="gb-paragraph">When ready, slide the icon to your preferred size and tap Continue.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="In the iPhone set up process for iOS 18, slide an icon to preview then choose your preferred text and app size." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Use Quick Start or set up manually</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">If you have another device, you can use it to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">automatically set up your new device with Quick Start</a>.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">If you don't have another device, tap Set Up Without Another Device.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">Here you can tap the blue accessibility button to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">set up Accessibility Options</a>.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="In iOS 18, you can set up your new iPhone with another device through Quick Start." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Activate your iPhone or iPad</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">You need to connect to a Wi-Fi network or a cellular network to activate and continue setting up your device. </p><p class="gb-paragraph">Tap the Wi-Fi network that you want to use or, if available, tap Continue Without Wi-Fi to use your device's cellular network. If you're setting up an iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular), you might need to insert your <a href="" class="gb-anchor">iPhone SIM card</a> or <a href="" class="gb-anchor">iPad SIM card</a> first. You might also be asked to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">activate your eSIM</a>.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">Get help if you <a href="" class="gb-anchor">can't connect to Wi-Fi</a> or <a href="" class="gb-anchor">if you can't activate your iPhone</a>.</p></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Set up for you or for a child</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Next, choose whether to set up your iPhone for you or for a child. Learn how to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">create a new Apple Account for a child under 13</a>, how to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">set up Family Sharing</a>, and how to <a href="" class="gb-anchor">use parental controls on a child's iPhone</a>.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="During the iPhone set up process in iOS 18, you can choose whether the new phone is for you or for a child in your family." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Set up Face ID or Touch ID and create a passcode</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Follow the onscreen instructions to set up <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Face ID</a> or <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Touch ID</a> to use face recognition or your fingerprint to unlock your device and make purchases.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">Next, set a six-digit passcode to help protect your data. You need a passcode to use features like Face ID, Touch ID, and <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Apple Pay</a>. If you'd like a four-digit passcode, custom passcode, or no passcode, tap Passcode Options.</p></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Restore or transfer your data and apps</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Choose how you want to restore or transfer your data from your old device to your new device. You can <a href="" class="gb-anchor">use an iCloud backup or a backup made from your computer</a>, or <a href="" class="gb-anchor">move data from an Android device</a>.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">If you don't have a backup or another device, select Don't Transfer Apps & Data.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="The Transfer Your Apps & Data options when you set up a iPhone in iOS 18." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Sign in with your Apple Account or another Apple device</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Enter the email address or phone number that you use with your Apple Account, then enter your password. Or tap "Forgot password or don't have an Apple Account?" From there, you can recover your Apple Account or password, create an Apple Account, or set it up later.</p><p class="gb-paragraph">If you use more than one Apple Account, tap Other Sign-In Options, then tap Use Multiple Accounts. </p><p class="gb-paragraph">When you sign in with your Apple Account, you might be prompted for a verification code from your previous device.</p><img class="gb-image" alt="Use your email address or phone number to sign in with your Apple Account during the iPhone set up process in iOS 18." src="" height="1314" width="640" style="max-width: min(100%,320px);"/></div> <div class="gb-group has-h2 step-layout step-numbered"><h2 class="gb-header">Turn on automatic updates and set up other features</h2><p class="gb-paragraph">Follow the onscreen instructions to allow iOS or iPadOS to update automatically and set up other features, like cellular service and a phone number or <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Apple Pay</a>: </p><ul class="list gb-list"><li class="gb-list_item"><p class="gb-paragraph">You'll be asked to set up or enable services and features, like Siri. On some devices, you'll be asked to speak a few phrases so that Siri can get to know your voice.</p></li><li class="gb-list_item"><p class="gb-paragraph">Then, follow the onscreen instructions to set up <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Screen Time</a>, which gives you insight into how much time you and your kids spend on your devices. It also lets you set time limits for daily app use.</p></li><li class="gb-list_item"><p class="gb-paragraph">Next, learn about the data you can share with Apple and choose whether to share data with app developers.</p></li><li class="gb-list_item"><p class="gb-paragraph">Finally, tap on Light or Dark to see a preview of how your iPhone adjusts. Tap Auto to have your iPhone automatically switch between both throughout the day. When ready, tap Continue to finish.</p></li></ul></div> <div id="disclaimer"> <div class="sosumi"><p class="gb-paragraph">Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. <a href="" class="gb-anchor">Contact the vendor</a> for additional information.</p></div> </div> <div class='mod-date'> <span>Published Date:</span> <time dateTime=September 27, 2024itemprop='datePublished'>September 27, 2024</time> </div> </div> </div> <div id='helpful-rating-wrapper'> <div id='helpful' class='ratings okapi-enabled'> <div> <fieldset id='question-state' class='show'> <legend class='helpful-heading'> <span id="okapi-a">Helpful?</span> </legend> <div class='helpful-btn-grp'> <button class='button button-reduced button-secondary' id='yes-button' data-ss-analytics-link-component_name='helpful' data-ss-analytics-link-component_type='helpful' data-ss-analytics-link-text='yes' data-ss-analytics-event=acs.link_click title='Solved my problem'> Yes </button> <button class='button button-reduced button-secondary' id='no-button' data-ss-analytics-link-component_name='helpful' data-ss-analytics-link-component_type='helpful' data-ss-analytics-link-text='no' data-ss-analytics-event=acs.link_click title='Not helpful'> No </button> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div id='feedback-state' class="form-element form-textbox-labelbelow hide"> <form autocomplete="off"> <input type='hidden' id='form-counter-error-message' value="Maximum character limit is 250." /> <label id='feedback-label' data-no-label="Thanks for letting us know." data-yes-label="We’re glad this article helped." ></label> <div class='form-element form-textbox-labelbelow' id='feedback'> <div class="textarea-wrapper"> <div> <div class="form-textbox form-textbox-with-counter"> <span class="form-label" id="optional_label" aria-hidden="true"></span> <textarea type="text" class="form-textbox-textarea form-counter-textarea form-text-area form-textbox-input" data-max-length='250' aria-labelledby="optional_label" aria-describedby="char_limit_counter" data-no-placeholder="How can we make this article more helpful? 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