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This website is not intended to and does not contain personalized advice or analysis specific to any reader. The material on this website is intended for consumption by a general readership. As such, persons using the MNW website are urged to consult with independent financial advisers with respect to an investment in any company profiled herein. Additionally, persons using this website expressly represent that the content in this website is not and will not be a consideration in such persons&#8217; investment decisions. Investors should verify independently information provided in the MNW website by completing their own due diligence on any company in which they are contemplating an investment and review a complete information package on that company, which should include, but not be limited to, the company&#8217;s annual reports, quarterly reports, press releases, and regulatory filings, which are available at no cost at the SEC&#8217;s website (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>) or directly from the issuer.</p> <p>Past performance of profiled securities is not indicative of future results. Companies profiled on this site may lack an active trading market for their securities and investing in securities that lack an active trading market or trade on certain media, platforms and markets are deemed highly speculative and carry a high degree of risk. Anyone investing in such companies should be able financially and prepared to bear the risk of loss and actual loss of his or her entire investment. The information on this website is not designed to be used as a basis for an investment decision. Instead, the purpose of this website is to enable issuers to establish visibility and become known or better known through our non-personalized and disinterested platform. As such, persons using the MNW website should confirm to their own satisfaction the veracity of any information prior to entering into any investment. <strong><u>The decision to buy or sell any security of a company that may be featured by MNW is done purely and entirely at the reader&#8217;s own risk.</u></strong> We are not and do not hold ourselves out to be an investment adviser or broker-dealer and we are not required to be registered as such. 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ANY PERSON WHO MAKES USE OF SUCH CONTENT EXPRESSLY ASSUMES ALL RISKS FROM USING THE CONTENT. In particular, MNW does not guarantee it reviews, and is not responsible for confirming, the accuracy of issuer documents and information submitted for inclusion on this site. The issuer and its management are primarily responsible for the accuracy of any information regarding the issuer provided on this site. The issuers are the publishers of all information provided by the issuers available on this site. INVESTORS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO CONFIRM THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THIS SITE PRIOR TO MAKING ANY INVESTMENT DECISION.</p> <h3>OTC and Microcap Risk Warnings</h3> <p>Many securities traded <a href=",small%20investors%20enter%20the%20market." target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Over-The-Counter (OTC)</a> are relatively illiquid, or “thinly traded,” which tends to increase volatility in market prices, an investment in an OTC security involves a high degree of risk. These speculative and illiquid securities are often difficult for investors to buy or sell without significantly affecting the quoted price. It should be noted that the liquidation of a position in an OTC security may not even be possible within a reasonable period of time.</p> <p>Dependable information regarding issuers of OTC securities, their prospects, or the risks associated with the business of any particular issuer or an investment in the issuer’s securities may not be available. For this reason, it may be difficult to properly value an investment in an OTC security or accurately determine the risks involved with investing in such a security. For more information about investing in microcap securities, please read the content on the SEC’s website, including the SEC’s investor publication titled “Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors” available at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <p>Issuers of OTC securities quoted on the OTC Link system are not required to provide any kind of information to investors. While many issuers register OTC securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and regularly provide reports to investors in connection with such registration, they are not required to continue such registration or regularly provide such reports because their securities are quoted on OTC Link. Securities may continue to be quoted on the OTC Link system if issuers are delinquent in their reporting obligation to the SEC or other federal or state regulatory agencies. Quotation of a security on the OTC Link system does not in itself create any ongoing filing or reporting obligations with the SEC for any issuer. In fact, issuers may not even be aware that their securities are quoted on the OTC Link system. (Also visit OTC Markets <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>)</p> <h3>Purpose of the OTC and Microcap Risk Warnings Disclaimer</h3> <p>MNW is providing with this disclaimer because MNW is publishing a portion of its content about OTC Companies, Microcap Companies and penny stocks. MNW is paid to disseminate content to the public about securities, we are required by the securities laws including Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, and Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), to specifically disclose the compensation as well as other important information. 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As a result, investors who may purchase these stocks during the campaign and hold shares of the profiled company when the campaign ends may lose most, if not all, of their investment.</strong></p> <h3>Third-Party Content</h3> <p>The MNW website may contain Third-Party Content articles and other content submitted by third parties, including articles submitted through the MNW Premium Partnership Program. All opinions, statements and representations expressed by such third parties are theirs alone and do not express or represent the views and opinions of MNW or its affiliates and owners. Content created by third parties is the sole responsibility of such third parties, and MNW does not endorse, guarantee or make representations concerning the accuracy and completeness of any third-party content. 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