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In 2024's Allard lecture, Dr. Hughes will tell the story of Virgin Galactic and how the company is opening access to 'space for all'. Following a review of the company's first year of commercial operations, Virgin Galactic's suborbital spaceflight profile and correlate environmental &amp; physiologic challenges will be detailed. Dr. Hughes will summarize how the Virgin Galactic medical team is enabling mission success via 6 primary lines of effort: the pilot medical program, the future astronaut medical program, suborbital spaceflight medical standards, cabin occupancy and safety, astronaut training, and emergency response preparedness. Additionally, Dr. Hughes will highlight how Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) from across the globe can participate in the medical evaluation of Virgin Galactic future astronauts.</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-3313" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-6314" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-5 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-14237" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-42181" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/225"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/special/duncan_hughes.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-16176" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p>Duncan Hughes</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-36240" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-5 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-93342" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-29343" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-12 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-text-46344" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Ayres de Montenegro</strong> Conference</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --><div id="qx-text-73111" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Journey to Mars:</strong> hands-on experience</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --><div id="qx-text-80802" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p style="text-align: justify;">For the Portuguese Aerospace Medicine Society annual eponymous lecture, Jo茫o Lousada (click on photo for bio) will talk about his work on the International Space Station as Flight Director, and his experience in several Mars analog missions. Jo茫o will address the main challenges and considerations of a future human mission to Mars, as well as which steps are being taken today to reach that goal.</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-66711" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-77712" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-5 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-30716" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-26717" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/224"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/special/joao lousada.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-37718" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p>Jo茫o Lousada</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-15719" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-5 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-72141" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-30143" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-12 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-text-28146" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>3<sup>rd</sup> Joint Portugal/Brazil Aerospace Medicine Societies</strong> Conference</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --><div id="qx-text-722724" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p style="text-align: justify;">This is the third time the Portuguese-speaking aerospace medicine colleagues organize a joint programme. This Conference is led by the Portugal and the Brazil Societies (SMAPor and SBMA) but other Lusophone colleagues are expected to join in the discussion of topics of shared interest. The Conference will be held in Portuguese but the slide presentations will be written in English, so even if you can't speak Portuguese you are most welcome. Check back for details of the definitive programme.</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-41791" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-41792" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-4 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-79793" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-91794" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/222"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/special/flora_rodrigues.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-11152" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Flora Rodrigues</strong><br /><span style="color: #d8a000;">CO-CHAIR</span></p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-2796" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-71838" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/220"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/local/rosirene2.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-6839" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Rosirene Gessinger</strong><br /><span style="color: #d8a000;">CO-CHAIR</span></p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-2799" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-4 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-3902" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-78904" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-12 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-text-49907" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Iberian Aerospace Medicine Societies</strong> Conference</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --><div id="qx-text-19723" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p style="text-align: justify;">The Portugal and Spain Aerospace Medicine Societies (SMAPor and SEMA) are putting together an exciting programme of special interest for AMEs and other aeromedical practitioners in diverse contexts. This Conference will be spoken in both Portuguese and Spanish, but the slide presentations will be written in English, so you are welcome to attend even if you can't speak any of those two Iberian languages. Check back for details of the definitive programme.</p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> <div id="qx-row-892710" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-302711" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-4 qx-col-md-12 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-142712" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-912713" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/223"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/local/anabela_jorge.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-582714" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Anabela Resende Jorge</strong><br /><span style="color: #d8a000;">CO-CHAIR</span></p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-702715" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-2 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <div id="qx-image-72716" class="qx-element qx-element-image " > <a class="" href="/index.php/component/quix/221"> <img class="qx-img " src="/images/committees/honour/carlos_velasco.png" /> </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-image --><div id="qx-text-42717" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p><strong>Carlos Velasco D铆az</strong><br /><span style="color: #d8a000;">CO-CHAIR</span></p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-602718" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-4 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> </div> </div> <!-- qx-section --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- //MAIN CONTENT --> </div> <!-- FOOTER --> <div class="footer-widget"> <!-- FOOT NAVIGATION --> <div class="qx"> <!-- SPOTLIGHT --> <div class="t3-spotlight t3-footnav row"> <div class=" col-md-2"> <div class="t3-module module " id="Mod166"><div class="module-inner"><div class="module-ct"> <div class="custom" > <p> <div class="qx quix"> <div class="qx-inner compatible classic"> <div id="qx-section-463554" class="qx-section qx-section--stretch" > <!-- Shape --> <div class="qx-container"> <div id="qx-row-83555" class="qx-row " > <div id="qx-column-243556" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-5 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-12 qx-col-xs-12 qx-flex qx-flex-middle qx-flex-center" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <hr id="qx-divider-174488" class="qx-element qx-element-space " /><div id="qx-text-983935" class="qx-element qx-element-text " > <p>Copyright 漏 International Conference of Aerospace Medicine<br />2024 All rights reserved. |聽Design by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Modos de Ver</a></p></div> <!-- qx-element-text --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --><div id="qx-column-793562" class="qx-column qx-col-lg-7 qx-col-md-4 qx-col-sm-2 qx-col-xs-12" > <div class="qx-col-wrap"> <div class="qx-element-wrap"> <hr id="qx-divider-363558" class="qx-element qx-element-space " /><div id="qx-button-group-603559" class="qx-element qx-element-button-group " > <a href="/index.php/terms-and-conditions-of-use" class="qx-btn qx-btn-default qx-btn-0 "> <i class="fa fa-plane"></i> Terms and conditions of use </a> <a href="/index.php/privacy-policy" class="qx-btn qx-btn-default qx-btn-1 "> <i class="fa fa-plane"></i> Privacy policy </a> <a href="/index.php/cookies-policy" class="qx-btn qx-btn-default qx-btn-2 "> <i class="fa fa-plane"></i> Cookies policy </a> </div> <!-- qx-element-button-group --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- qx-col --> </div> <!-- qx-row --> </div> </div> <!-- qx-section --> </div> </div> </p></div> </div></div></div> </div> <div class=" col-md-2"> &nbsp; </div> <div class=" col-md-2"> &nbsp; </div> <div class=" col-md-2"> &nbsp; </div> <div class=" col-md-2"> &nbsp; </div> <div class=" col-md-2"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <!-- SPOTLIGHT --> </div> <!-- //FOOT NAVIGATION --> </div> <footer id="t3-footer" class="wrap t3-footer"> <section class="t3-copyright"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 copyright "> <div class="module text-center"> <small> . </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </footer> <!-- //FOOTER --> </div> </body> </html>

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