FSE 2022 Program

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Track 1 events have a green background and track 2 events have an orange background. Events for everyone or those that are not assigned to a particular track have a light blue background. </p> --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <!-- <p class="alert customAlert-cool"> This program is tentative. </p>--> <div class="alert customAlert-warm"> The zoom links are shown in the conference portal. You will need to <a href="registration.php">register</a> to gain access to the zoom links in the portal. <!-- <br> <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning px-3 my-2 text-center">A link will appear here</a> --> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-center my-4"> <a href="" class="btn customBtn-cool btn-lg px-5 mx-auto"> Join the conference portal </a> </div> </div> <div class="col col-md-6"> <p class="alert customAlert-cool"> Your timezone appears to be <span id="timezone"></span>. Times in the schedule are shown in both Athens time and your local timezone. </p> <p class="alert customAlert-cool"> <!-- <img src="springer/springer.png" class="img-fluid w-50 d-block mx-auto mb-2">--> The papers are available online without restriction. Links to papers and pre-recorded videos appear below. There is also a <a href="">playlist of all videos</a>. </p> </div> </div> <div id="renderedProgram"> <h4>Loading...</h4> </div> <div id="scrollButtons"> <img title="current session" id="scrollSessionButton" onclick="scrollToSession();" src="images/icons/time-outline.svg"> <img onclick="window.scrollTo({top: 0,left: 0, behavior: 'smooth'})" src="images/icons/arrow-up-circle-outline.svg"> </div> <!-- Handlebars script that will render the program template based on the program.json file --> <script id="program-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> <div role="navigation"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified days-nav"> {{#each days}} <li role="presentation" class="nav-item"> <a href="#day-{{date}}" class="nav-link"> {{{formatDate date}}} </a> </li> {{/each}} </ul> </div> {{#each days}} <div class="row" id="day-{{date}}"> <div class="col-12"> <hr /> <h3 class="pageSubtitle"> {{{fullDate date}}} ({{@root/config/timezone/abbr}}) </h3> </div> </div> {{#each timeslots}} <div class="row" id="{{id}}"> <!-- tabbedSessions is set in program.js if it's narrow or has >2 parallel tracks --> {{#if tabbedSessions}} <div class="col-4 col-md-3 pr-0"> <p class="timeSlot text-center" title="{{@root/config/timezone/abbr}}: {{../date}} {{starttime}}-{{endtime}}"> <span class="text-center"> ({{@root/config/timezone/abbr}}: {{starttime}}-{{endtime}}) </span> {{localstarttime}} <br>to<br> {{localendtime}}<br> </p> <div class="trackMenu nav flex-column nav-pills align-items-end" id="ts-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}-tab" role="tablist" aria-orientation="vertical"> {{#each sessions}} <a title="{{session_title}}" class="nav-link {{#if @first}} active{{/if}}" id="session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}" role="tab" href="#session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}" aria-controls="session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}" aria-selected="{{#if @first}}true{{else}}false{{/if}}">Track {{#addOne @index}}{{/addOne}}</a> {{/each}} </div> </div> {{else}} <div class="col-4 col-md-3"> <p class="timeSlot text-center" title="{{@root/config/timezone/abbr}}: {{../date}} {{starttime}}-{{endtime}}"> <span class="text-center"> ({{@root/config/timezone/abbr}}: {{starttime}}-{{endtime}})<br> </span> {{localstarttime}} <br>to<br> {{localendtime}} </p> </div> {{/if}} <div class="pl-0 col-8 col-md-9"> <div class="{{#if tabbedSessions}}sessionList tab-content pb-3 tabbedSessions{{else}}sessionList d-flex inlineSessions pb-3{{/if}}" {{#if tabbedSessions}}id="ts-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}-tabContent"{{/if}}> {{#each sessions}} <div {{#if ../tabbedSessions}}class="session tab-pane fade {{#if @first}} show active{{/if}}" id="session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="session-{{@../../index}}-{{@../index}}-{{@index}}-tab"{{else}}class="session"{{/if}}> <h5 class="text-center"> {{session_title}} {{#if session_url}} &nbsp; <a href="{{session_url}}"><img class="sessionInfoIcon" src="images/icons/info.svg" title="Session Info"></a> {{/if}} </h5> {{#if}} <p class="trackDescr"> {{{}}} </p> {{/if}} {{#if moderator}} <p class="trackDescr"> {{moderator}} </p> {{/if}} {{#if youtubeUrl}} <a class="btn customBtn-cool m-3" target="_blank" href="{{youtubeUrl}}">YouTube</a> {{/if}} {{#if zoomUrl}} <a class="btn customBtn-cool m-3" target="_blank" href="{{zoomUrl}}">Zoom room</a> {{/if}} {{#if chatUrl}} <a class="btn customBtn-cool m-3" target="_blank" href="{{chatUrl}}">Chat</a> {{/if}} {{#each talks}} <p class="talkTitle"> {{title}} {{#if zoom}} <a class="btn customBtn-cool m-3" target="_blank" href="{{zoom}}">Zoom room</a> {{/if}} </p> <div class="authorList"> {{#each authors}} <span class="authorName">{{this}}</span> {{/each}} </div> {{#if affiliations}} <small class="trackDescr"> <span class="font-italic affiliation">{{{affiliations}}}</span> </small> {{/if}} {{#if speakers}} <p class="trackDescr">Speaker(s): {{speakers}}{{#if attendance}} ({{attendance}}){{/if}}</p> {{/if}} {{#if abstract}} <div class="talkAbstract"> <a class="toggle-closed" data-toggle="collapse" data-typ="abstract" href="#abstract-{{id}}" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="abstract-{{id}}">Show abstract</a> </div> <div id="abstract-{{id}}" class="collapse mb-2 text-justify paper-abstract"> {{~abstract~}} </div> {{/if}} {{#if hasMedia}}<span class="talkMedia">Media:</span>{{/if}} {{#if paperUrl}} <span class="talkMedia"> <a href="{{paperUrl}}" target="_blank"><img class="talkMediaIcon" src="images/icons/file.svg" title="Paper"></a> </span> {{/if}} {{#if eprint}} <span class="talkMedia"> &nbsp;<a href="{{eprint}}" target="_blank"><img class="talkMediaIcon" src="images/icons/lock-open-outline.svg" title="eprint"></a> </span> {{else}} {{#if search}} <span class="talkMedia"> &nbsp;<a href="{{search}}" target="_blank"><img class="talkMediaIcon" src="images/icons/search-outline.svg" title="Search for paper"></a> </span> {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if videoUrl}} <span class="talkMedia"> &nbsp; <a href="{{videoUrl}}" target="_blank"><img class="talkMediaIcon" src="images/icons/video.svg" title="YouTube video"></a> </span> {{/if}} {{#if slidesUrl}} <span class="talkMedia"> &nbsp; <a href="{{slidesUrl}}" target="_blank"><img class="talkMediaIcon" src="images/icons/presentation.svg" title="Slides"></a> </span> {{/if}} {{/each}} </div> {{/each}} <!-- sessions --> </div> </div> <!-- col-8 --> </div> <!-- end of timeslot row --> {{/each}} <!-- end of timeslots --> {{/each}} <!-- end of days --> </script> </main> <footer class="text-center footer"> <small> FSE 2022<br> <a href="">Copyright &copy; 2025</a> <span class="d-none d-md-inline">by the </span><span class="d-md-none">IACR</span> <span class="d-none d-md-inline">International Association for Cryptologic Research</span></a> <span class="d-none d-md-inline">&bull; </span><br class="d-md-none"> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a></span> </small> </footer> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- Handlebars --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- Personal scripts --> <script src="./js/tooltips.js"></script> <script src="./js/program2.js?v=2"></script> <script> var DateTime = luxon.DateTime; 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