Software Freedom Law Center
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Software Freedom Law Center</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="The Software Freedom Law Center provides legal representation and other law related services to protect and advance Free and Open Source Software." /> <meta name="keywords" content="software, law, open source, gnu, GNU, Open Source, Free and Open Source, Free and Open Source Software, FOSS, protect, protection, help, policy, privacy, Eben, Eben Moglen, Lawrence, Lawrence Lessig, Moglen, Lessig, Dan, Daniel Ravicher, Diane, Diane M. Peters, Peters, Open Source Development Labs, OSDL, Free Software Foundation, FSF, Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School, Berkman Center, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, law services, law, Daniel J. 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She has represented SFLC clients across the entire range of FOSS communities, including the Free Software Foundation, Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Linux Foundation, Debian, Ethereum, the Apache Software Foundation, and OpenSSL. She founded and developed SFLC’s FOSS Code of Conduct practice, assisting FOSS non-profits and unaffiliated projects to develop and administer CoC policies. She has served as the Code of Conduct mediator for the Linux kernel community, among many others.</p> <p><span class="continued"> <a href="./news/2022/aug/24/mishi-departure/">Read More...</a> </span></p> </article> <article class="entry group last"> <header> <h1><a href="./news/2020/jan/13/google-oracle-amicus/">SFLC Files Amicus Brief in Google v. Oracle</a></h1> <ul class="entry-meta"><li> <time datetime="2020-01-13" pubdate>January 13, 2020</time> </li></ul> </header> <p>On January 13th, 2020, the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) filed a brief <em>amicus curiae</em> in <em>Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc.</em> before the United States Supreme Court. In its brief, SFLC argues (1) that the Federal Circuit erred in reversing the District Court’s determination that a reasonable jury could find Google’s use of Java in Android was a fair use; (2) that the Supreme Court should ensure the Federal Circuit’s decision that APIs are copyrightable does not establish precedent; and (3) that the Federal Circuit is bound to follow the precedent of the regional courts of appeals on questions of copyright law.</p> <p>The brief is available to download as a <a href="./resources/2020/SFLC-Amicus_Google-Oracle_18-956.pdf">pdf</a>.</p> </article> </section> <section id="blog" class="group"> <header class="group"> <h1> <a href="./blog/">SFLC's Blog</a> <a href="./feeds/blog/" class="feedlink"><img src="./img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]" /></a> </h1> </header> <article class="entry group"> <header> <h1><a href="./blog/2023/oct/13/noises-off/">Noises Off</a></h1> <ul class="entry-meta"> <li> <time datetime="2023-10-13" pubdate>October 13, 2023 </time> </li> <li><span class="by">by</span> Eben Moglen</li> </ul> </header> <p>We have received inquiries about a recently-published “Joint Statement by Free Software Foundation Europe and Software Freedom Conservancy Regarding Eben Moglen and Software Freedom Law Center.”</p> <p> <span class="continued"> <a href="./blog/2023/oct/13/noises-off/">Read More...</a> </span> </p> </article> <article class="entry group last"> <header> <h1><a href="./blog/2022/jan/18/google-oracle-endera/"><em>Google v. Oracle:</em> The End of an Era</a></h1> <ul class="entry-meta"> <li> <time datetime="2022-01-18" pubdate>January 18, 2022 </time> </li> <li><span class="by">by</span> Eben Moglen</li> </ul> </header> <p>The Supreme Court’s April 3rd decision of the long-running dispute between Oracle and Google brings to a last victorious conclusion the free software movement’s legal campaign, which began more than thirty years ago. Though the Justices have only now resolved the issue of API copyright, it was among the first of the legal problems with which FSF and I dealt.</p> <p> <span class="continued"> <a href="./blog/2022/jan/18/google-oracle-endera/">Read More...</a> </span> </p> </article> </section> <footer> <p>Unless otherwise indicated, all content licensed <a href="">CC-BY-SA 3.0</a>. </p> <p><a href="./privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> <span class="dot">·</span> <a href="./about/colophon/">Colophon</a></p> </footer> </div> <div class="secondary"> <div class="mod group" id="about-box"> <header> <h1><a>ABOUT SFLC</a></h1> </header> <p>The Software Freedom Law Center provides pro-bono legal services to developers of Free, Libre, and Open Source Software.</p> <a href="./services/" class="more">More >></a> </div> <div class="mod alt"> <header> <h1><a href="./donate/">Donate</a></h1> </header> <p>SFLC is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your 100% deductible donation enables us to meet the legal needs of F/LOSS developers!</p> <div id="donate-wrap"> <span class="donate-button"><a href="./donate/">Donate to SFLC now</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="mod alt"> <header> <h1><a>Search</a></h1> </header> <div id="search-wrap"> <form method="GET" id="search" action=""> <input type="text" name="q" id="ddg-site-search" value placeholder="DuckDuckGo Site Search" /> <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="" /> <input type="submit" id="ddg-search-button" value="Go" /> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /content --> </body> </html>